Foodnews june 2015

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FoodNews No. 39 • June 2015

Contents We love organic foods ...........1 Springer® 2000 is a key tool for salt reduction ......... 3 SalonaTM - natural sodium reduction ................................ 4 LCI launches StopSalt for bakery produdct ....................5 Sosense Miso Powder is the new salt and MSG replacement ..........................6 Research underlines popularity of naturally functional fibre .................... 7 IncaberrixTM is a real taste booster ........................ 8 Phosphates: highly functional, hard to replace ... 9 The Alsiano Food Team ...... 10

Publisher: Alsiano A/S Circulation: 850 copies Editor-in-chief: Katarina Furin Coordinator, text, layout: Dorthe Andersson FoodNews is published four times a year and distributed to customers and other interested parties. Reproduction of articles appearing in FoodNews requires prior consent of the author. Alsiano is not responsible for the content of articles written by external authors.


We love organic foods! Organic foods continue to grow worldwide and particularly in the Nordic countries. Alsiano offers a wide range of organic ingredients to help you meet the increasing demand If you want to expand your range of organic products, improve you existing organic products or move into the organic segment, Alsiano offers a broad range of certified organic ingredients. The global market for organics is still increasing. In 2013 the sale of organic foods amounted to more than 63 billion EUR corresponding to a 12% increase with European and North American consumers accounting for the largest share. In Denmark the sale of organic foods continues to rise and the retail market has announced this segment to be one of their biggest focus areas this year. Denmark is also the country where organic foods have the largest

market share worldwide and where the Danish brand for organic foods - Ø-mærket - has celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. Sweden is also riding the organic wave. Here, the sale of organic foods has increased by 38% and now has the world’s highest growth rate according to Ekoweb. Also Norway and Finland are experiencing a greater demand for organic foods from year to year. On the following page is an overview of our line of organic food ingredients. If there is a particular ingredient that you miss on the list, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your need. continues on page 2 >>

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