Pharma & Healthcare News October 2015

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Pharma & Healthcare News Alsiano No. 21 • October 2015

Contents Lynside Pro GI+ becomes ibSium .....................................1 Xylitol and erythritol for direct compression .................2 New KitoZyme study completed with promising results.......................................3 MICROCEL® Microcrystalline cellulose...................................4 Egg albumen protein is an effective protein source . .......5 OleoGrape®SEED - powerful antioxidant..............................6 The Alsiano Healthcare team ........................................8

Lynside Pro GI+ becomes ibSium The all-natural long-term solution from Lesaffre Human Care to reduce abdominal pain and discomfort is currently being rebranded as ibSium. Same innovative ingredient – now stronger identity Aiming at increasing visibility and raising awareness about Lesaffre Human Care’s probiotic yeast, Lynside Pro GI+ is being rebranded. ibSium benefits from a brand new identity: new logo, new graphics, etc. Therefore, you will be presented with an enhanced offer to fulfil all your needs: a unique product with a strong identity, backed by the scientific community, combined with a complete and customisable toolbox and comprehensive support. New identity – same innovative ingredient Although Lesaffre Human Care has chosen to strengthen the brand image of this innovative product through a new identity, the ingredient itself has not changed. Therefore, ibSium is still: • A unique and patented strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae selected by Lesaffre among thousands of proprietary strains • and registered with the French National Collection of Microorganism Cultures as CNCM¬3856. • An innovative and natural ingredient which has demonstrated a significant effect relieving abdomi-

nal pain and discomfort of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) through - 2 clinical studies on a total of 600 volunteers with IBS and conducted by independent experts in Gastroenterology - 1 consumer study implemented in collaboration with prescribing physicians on more than 1160 volunteers presenting symptoms of IBS In addition, ibSium has • An important backing from the scientific community with the publication of results of the first clinical study in the journal “Digestive and Liver Disease”, and recently, the findings of a new clinical study has been accepted for publication in United European Gastroenterology Journal. • Absence of adverse side effects or habituation, allowing consideration for long-term use. • Fast-acting solution with signs of improvement felt within the first few days of consumption. (continues on page 2 >>)

Health claim for ibSium in Canada

Publisher: Alsiano A/S Circulation: 550 copies

- read more on p.2.

Editor-in-chief: Anders Hager Coordinator, text, lay-out: Dorthe Andersson Pharma & Healthcare News is published twice a year and distributed to customers and other interested parties. Reproduction of articles appearing in Pharma & Healthcare News requires prior consent of the author. Alsiano is not responsible for the content of articles written by external authors.


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