1st Quarter 2016
ELMA MEETINGS - 7:00 PM 2nd Wednesday of Month Training and meetings are at the Elma Senior Center unless noted.
1st Quarter 2016
Tips for Operating your Furnace Safely and Efficiently
James Manley The winter season is upon us again and we rely on our furnace to keep us warm and cozy through these cold months. If you take care of your furnace, Elma Senior Center 3007 Bowen Road your furnace will take care of Elma, NY 14059 you. At the beginning of each heating season, vacuum dust from the Web: warm air registers throughout www.elmacert.org your home and keep heat furFacebook: nace registers free of obstrucElma Community Emergency tions. Response Team, Inc. Don’t store items nearby that might stop or restrict airflow. West Seneca Many gas furnaces use air from the indoors to operate. Lint, dust and pet hair carried by air, John Gullo or items stored in or around the Emergency Manager furnace can block or restrict air(716) 558-3238 flow. In order to operate safely jgullo@twsny.org and efficiently, your gas furnace must be kept free of dust and lint Meetings - 7:00 PM build-up and other obstructions 3rd Monday of the month stored near the furnace. Training and meetings are at the Never store or use flammable West Seneca School’s Ebenezer products, such as newspapers, Building flammable liquids or cleaning W. S. School Ebenezer Bldg. products near the furnace. 900 Mill Road Most forced-air furnaces have West Seneca, NY 14224 a filter that cleans the air beWatch website and Facebook for fore heating and circulating it training and meeting locations. throughout the home. Inspect your filter monthly for lint buildup during periods of furnace use. Web: Clean or replace the filter if necwww.wscert.net essary. Replacing filters often Facebook: can improve appliance efficienWest Seneca Cert cy and reduce your energy consumption.
When installing a new or cleaned filter, be sure to re-install the front panel door of the furnace properly so it fits snugly. Never operate the furnace without the front-panel door properly in place because doing so may create the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Most new forced-air furnaces have a safety (interlock) switch that prevents furnace operation when the filter compartment door/panel is not in place. Have your furnace tuned up every other year unless the manufacturer indicates otherwise. The contractor will test the efficiency, adjust the air and fuel flow, inspect the fan, and clean the unit. Check the outside vent pipes on high efficiency gas furnaces for ice or snow build-up. Blocking or restricting the airflow will cause the furnace to shut down. Driving Safety Tips at Railroad Crossings