Summer is Here and mowing grass becomes a necessary responsibility. Lawn mowers are a very powerful and helpful tool to maintain our property. But they are also a very dangerous tool if not used properly. Many thousands of people suffer deep cuts, loss of fingers and toes, crushed and broken bones, burns and other injuries due to improper or careless use of lawn mowers. A large amount of partial or complete amputations are caused by lawn mowers. The energy transferred by a typical lawn mower blade is equivalent to being shot in the hand with a .357 Magnum pistol. The speed of the blade can send dirt and bacteria deep into a wound, creating high risk for severe infection. A lawn mower can eject a piece of metal or wood up to 100 miles per hour. Lawn mower injuries can be prevented if you concentrate and use common sense. Keep your mower in good working order and do not remove safety devices, shields or guards on switches. Be sure the motor is off before inspecting or repairing your equipment. Never use your hands or feet to remove debris from your mower even if the engine is off. Never leave a running mower unattended. Stay away from the cowling as it can become very hot and burn unprotected flesh. Use caution by wearing substantial shoes, long pants, and close-fitting clothes. Never mow barefoot or in sandals or flip flops. Eye and hearing protection are always a smart move. Operate your mower in daylight and never while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Never give children a ride on a riding mower, even if the cutting blade if off. Riding lawn mowers are designed to be operated by only one person. Teach children to stay away from all running lawn mowers. Children should be at least 12 years old before operating a push lawn mower, and age 16 to operate a riding lawn mower and should not be operated by young people who are not physically or developmentally ready
to assume the responsibility of operating these powerful machines. Watch the terrain. Keep away from drop offs and other hazards such as water. Watch for holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, sticks or other hidden objects. Uneven terrain could overturn the machine and objects in the lawn can become projectiles. Be alert, stop mowing and turn off engine around children and pets. Do not cut wet grass as the mower can slip a lot easier on wet grass.