1 minute read
from June 2023
Daily Pleasure Practice A Daily Pleasure Practice
We often relegate “pleasure” to sexual encounters - inadvertently robbing ourselves of simple and delightful pleasures that are ours for the taking.
I encourage you to consider how adding a Daily Pleasure Practice, like the one below, might enhance your commute to work, busy mornings with your children, evening walks with your dog, and, yes, even your hurried showers.
Luxuriating in the world around us enables us to expand our capacity for pleasure and integrate eroticism in all its forms. If consistently practiced, this seemingly small mindshift will revolutionize the way you see yourself, others and the world around you.
auren Elise Rogers
HSE works with individuals and partners to restore positive and consensual pproaches to sexuality and relationships She has udied the lasting effects of trauma, childbirth, parenthood, culture, and spirituality on human sexuality and believes that xual health is an inherent, essential, and beneficial mension of being human.

Slowly work through each of your senses using the prompts below.
Focus on only one sensation for each sense that brings you pleasure. S E E 01
Wherever you are right now, find one thing of beauty that brings you joy and look at it. Truly look. The key is to focus on something you enjoy - NOT something that disturbs your nervous system. What is it about this thing that is worth admiring?
T O U C H 03
Feel the world through your fingers. Touch the different textures of your clothes and consciously notice what sensations that produces. What about the ridges of the steering wheel or your bike handles? What happens when your hands grasp a warm tea cup or a glass of ice water? Place a small stone or shell in your pocket for the day and play with it secretly. What do you feel?
H E A R 02
If you can, go on a walk and focus on the rustling of the trees, the sound of the birds singing, or a stream or the ocean. If you’re on the subway, can you hear a rhythm that brings you joy? Focus on the different sounds and then let them meld together. What did you notice?
S M E L L 04
Before you take your next bite of food or sip your next beverage, inhale slowly. What do you smell? Imagine the scent moving into your body. Register the sensation. Wait until you have absorbed your body’s reaction before you eat or drink.
T A S T E 05
After you have enjoyed the scent of your food or beverage, take a bite or sip and taste it deliberately. Notice where in your body the taste registers and any emotions you might feel Eating can be a deeply sensual and emotional act - give it permission to be.