3 minute read
Clear communication essential
from June 2023
2. Forceful behavior - Especially when things are new and you are just starting out talking, healthy communication is essential for helping develop the connection. If there is someone/a couple who are not as transparent about wants or needs, don’t seem to care to listen to yours, or are pushy in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, this may be a sign that they may not be a good match for you. No one should feel pressured to meet, play, or do anything they aren’t ready to do. Sometimes people are excited and prepared to move as quickly as possible, but this behavior can be a red flag if they are not willing to listen to your needs or expect you to keep up with their pace.
Is that a red flag?

3. Crossing boundaries - Clearly communicating rules and boundaries early on helps to make sure that all parties involved are aware of boundaries. Sometimes when talking or playing, it can be easy to get “caught up in the moment”. but unfortunately, it is during this that boundaries can be inadvertently crossed. This doesn’t always happen intentionally, but if it does and comfort levels are clearly disrespected, this is a major red flag. Some examples of this could be insisting on meeting in a location you are not comfortable with, pushing for one-on-one messaging between partners instead of the group chat that you may have stated you prefer, or they try to press that there is no need for condoms (especially after you have already established that their use is nonnegotiable). Remember, for everyone to enjoy their time together, all parties need to feel comfortable and safe. No one should be outside of their comfort zone just to appease others.
4. Lack of Inclusion - Before meeting with others to play, it is important that you feel a good connection with any potential play partners (single or couples). If you feel that potential play partners either don’t seem interested in you (or your significant other, if applicable), it is important for you to address any concerns you may have. If your interactions with others leave you (or your partner) feeling excluded or like they aren’t a part of the conversation, please address this sooner than later. If it seems to continue even after attempting to communicate the issue with the others, it may be a sign that they are not a good match for you. No one should “take one for the team” in any situation.
The Swing Nation Podcast, ep. 4
4OURPLAY (4ourplayblog.com)

(https://swingershelp com/swinging -couples-to-avoid/) https://www gstherapycenter com/b log/what-is-the-one-penis-policy
Living a alternative lifestyle for us means being able to be your truest self. To be able to express yourself in all ways possible. To be able to to truly be comfortable in your own skin. To be able to fulfill all possible fantasy that your mind has ever thought of and being able to do it with your best friend/partner.
Rose Toy Rose Toy Rose

Almost three years. What attracted me to it was being able to live out suppressed sexual urges for women that my entire life I was thought was wrong and being comfortable enough to do so with my husband.

FREEING FREEING FREEING is this is the one month we’re we as a bisexual is this is the one month we’re we as a bisexual a couple can stand a little taller and express couple can stand a little taller and express couple a ourselves a little louder than usually. We fly our ourselves a little louder than usually. We fly our We pride flags all day long because we are truly all day long because we truly because proud of what our community has proud of what our community has community has accomplished where we as a bi couple can accomplished where we as a couple can can feel free to hold our heads high and scream it feel free to hold our heads high and it to from the roof tops that we are bisexual and we from the roof we are bisexual and we the bisexual are proud and that no one is going to stop us! and that no one is going to stop us! no going to
And comfortable with amazing communication we can truly look at each other and know exactly how each other is feeling with just one look.

Ye g custody case fo being in an alt lifestyle and the lack of education that others who are not in it.
Never say you don’t like something till you try it atleast twice . One experience could be completely different from another.

Our journey began from my husband catching me checking out women anytime we were out. He told me I should get a girlfriend and I told him that I didn’t want to do it alone, so we began our journey through the alt lifestyle together!