June 2013 . Vol. 7, Issue 6
Have a great
SUMMER! From rivers and lakes, to treasure hunts, there’s a lot to do in this part of the world!
2013 SUPER MOM CONTEST WINNER IS RUTH EVANS! “The Bomb.com---yep that’s MY Mom!!! Who has a Mom that help raise over a 1000 kids---I do. Who has a Mom that beat the odds and whipped pancreatic cancer’s butt--I do. Who has a Mom that loves the Lord with all her heart & is not ashamed to tell you or a stranger about Him--I do. Who has a Mom that teaches her kids to love their family always and forever--I do. Who has a Mom that loves to have BIG PARTIES for no reason at all---I do. Who has a Mom that wears her bikini to the cancer center to put smiles on patient’s faces that are fighting for their lives---I do. Who has a Mom that has a strong will---I do. Who has a Mom that when she is diagnosed with cancer says that she is in a WIN/WIN situation (She dies & goes to live with Jesus or she lives & gets to share the Lord)--I do. Who has a Mom that is called Mama, Maw maw, Maw E, Granny Peaches, Aunt Ruth, Maw-n-law and Granny Ruth--I do. Who has a Mom that is the Bomb-- I DO!! I love you, Mama!!” -Tina Terry
Congratulations, Ruth! From Your Friends At (903)735-2336 Monday-Saturday 10-6 2812 Richmond Rd. Richmond Park Center Texarkana TX, 75503
Local Owners, Micah & Amanda Harp
June 2013 /contents
k / On The Cover
If You Hide It... They Will Come! Geocaching has become a part of this family’s life adventures! Find out what it’s all about -- and get started on your own “treasure hunt!”
J u n e 2 0 1 3 / Vo l . 7 , I s s u e 6
Publisher / Debbie Brower
14 I f Yo u r H i d e I t , T h e y W i l l Come
46 Uncorked
The Future of Fishing Has Arrived
50 Arkansas Women for Education
33 Thinking About a Stay-cation? 74
True Light
Now Showing in Theaters N e a r Yo u
Trinity Mud Trek
Cigars, Tinis & Tunes
Te x a s N E 3 r d W o m e n ’ s Dept. Church Retreat
Divots for Disabilities
Dear Kendra
Editor ’s Letter
Financial Focus
F i s h Ta l e s
F u r r y Ta l e s
Real Estate
61 National Walk At Work Day
Second Chances
DAR Officer Installation
Learning for Life
To u c h a T r u c k
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
Carnival Under the Stars
Benefit Concert for Runnin’ WJ Ranch
58 Erick Sandlin Art Exhibition
What options do you have for “Stay-cations” in our area? You’ll be surprised at your options!
ALT Magazine
June 2013
Editor / Miranda Johnson Associate Editor / Jaclyn Gooding Photography / Image Forward Photography, Debbie Brower, Jaclyn Gooding, Miranda Johnson, Kendal Dockery, Sylvia Jennings, Spring McKenney Sales & Marketing Manager / Charlie McMurphy Feature Writers / Jane Bouterse, Anne Fruge Contributing Writers / Christine Amos, Mike Brower, Kendra Raines, Dustin Stringer
59 Stroke Reunion at HealthSouth
Advisor / Mike Brower
If you have an event you would like to include in our Upcoming Events section, please email us at: info@alt-mag.com.
Shoes for the Soul
w w w. a l t - m a g . c o m
info@alt-mag.com 200 Heather Dr., Texarkana, TX 75501 (903) 334-9605
ALT Magazine is published the 1st business day of every month. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission of ALT Magazine is strictly prohibited. ALT Magazine is distributed free of charge. Direct mail subscriptions are available for $42.00 per year. Contributions from our readers are welcome. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material.
©2013 ALT Magazine
71 National Salvation Army Week
Calendar of Events
EDITOR’S letter
Va c a t i o n . . . A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking. ~Earl Wilson
Growing up, my family seemed to always take
it. My parents loved it, too, when I was younger, and took us
vacations each summer. Luckily we were close to the beach
camping a lot. Maybe that’s why I don’t so much love it now! I
(only about an hour away), and it became the vacation of
never did like mosquitos, rain in a tent, swimming in lake water.
choice. That was our “Stay-cation!” I absolutely love the smell
I just couldn’t see what was there! I was a big chicken! (That
of the ocean, the feel of sand on my toes, and the absolute
goes for beach water, too! Can’t see what is there either!)
serenity that comes when I am sitting with my cup of coffee,
early in the morning, watching the waves roll in. It is absolutely
say being able to get up every day and go fishing -- and we’ve
my first choice for a vacation. Orange Beach, Alabama sees
got lots of great places to go in this area! You can get lots of
my face every year. It must also be said that my family still
great tips from our article this month! And if you love bass
lives close by -- my mom and brother live only a few miles
fishing, remember that there are lots of young people yearning
away and my sister lives in Orange Beach. So going on
to learn! Give them a hand when you can! The Genoa Bass
vacation is also visiting family.
Fishing Team needs your help!
Since my mom didn’t work outside of the home, we
So what is a great Stay-cation? My husband would
Maybe you just want to go on a treasure hunt? Before
typically also spent the summers traveling to visit family.
this month, I had heard the term “geocaching” but had no idea
My great aunt Nora lived in Mississippi. She lived in a
what it was all about. Boy, was I surprised to learn how popular
small cottage, with no air conditioner. Think about it! It’s
it has become and how much fun it sounds for the entire
summertime in Mississipi! Ughh! After a few trips, my mom
family! I actually plan to try it out sometime this summer.
and dad decided to “help” her by purchasing an air conditioner
for her to use so she could be more comfortable. Aunt Nora
question. My beach/family trip will be just about all I can do.
For me, a Stay-cation this summer is out of the
decided they had purchased it for our use when we came - and A few side trips here and there, and the summer will be gone that was the only time it was turned on! She said it just froze
faster than I know what has happened! Enjoy your summer
her to death! How in the world did she sleep in that feather
with your family. Make memories together that will last.
bed all summer as hot as it gets in Mississippi without an air
Whether you stay here or go there, have fun and be safe!
May God bless you!
I must admit that I am not a good camper. Lots of my
friends absolutely love camping. In fact, my children all love 8
ALT Magazine
June 2013
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1) Official geocache sticker- each container should have to identify it. 2) One of the first geocaches the family looked for on a bridge on I-30. There is one rock the girls are looking at that is close to a white patch that was actually a piece of foam that was painted gray and glued to an ammo can to camoflauge it. (Destiny McDaniel, DayLee O’Malley and DeLana McDaniel) 3) Dawson O’Malley’s first night find. 4) You can find us anywhere, including up in trees - Tommy O’Malley. 5) Example of a microcache. It’s about the size of your pinky tip; much
ALT Magazine
June 2013
smaller than the tennis ball. 6) Destiny McDaniel at Lake Catherine. 7) The family waded through creeks hiking up a mountain at Daisy State Park. 8) Telephone pole with a small micro container hidden beneath the number plate. 9)Robert Wright (FATTROBB) Texarkana, TX, Tommy, DeAnna and DayLee O’Malley. (HogWildFamilyof6) Texarkana, AR. and Teresa and Danny Pizzalato (DJPIZZA) Shreveport,LA - on Nix Creek walking trail. We were all geocaching seperately that day not knowing the group from Shreveport until that day when we were looking for the same geocache.
If You Hide It, They Will Come www.geocaching.com by Jane Bouterse
Spring seemed so far away on that January 29, 2011, winter day. The weeks of cold had dictated the family move from the “inside” of one building to another just to stay warm. But they all needed to get “outside.” DeAnna O’Malley, a 911 dispatcher for the Miller County Sheriff’s Department, recognized the potential for a problem without a clear plan. She began to Google for “fun things to do with a family outdoors.” DeAnna realized she faced a formidable challenge. With Daylee, age 7; Dawson, 11 years old; DeLana, 14 and Destiny, age 15, plus her husband, Tommy, the chances of finding something ALL of them could do TOGETHER and ENJOY seemed “nigh on to impossible.” DeAnna, however, had made a discovery that would permanently change the lives of her entire family. “Come on…,” she urged while she loaded them into the family car. “We’re going on an adventure,” and DeAnna pulled out of their driveway. “What are you doing?” Tommy asked, as she headed down nearby Rondo Road in Miller County, AR. DeAnna had no time to reply, as she pulled the vehicle into Rondo Cemetery and stopped. The youngsters were out of the car quickly and exploring. Tommy was unusually silent for a moment. “This is where my dad is buried,” he said, followed by a rare pause, “and today is his birthday.” DeAnna was stunned. She had not known about Tommy’s dad. The two of them sat there in the quiet of the cemetery and sobbed together while Tommy was flooded with his unspoken memories. Meanwhile the girls discovered numerous headstones belonging to Confederate soldiers from Texas who were stricken with a measles epidemic at Camp Josephine McDermott, located on this site. Dawson found the army tank and cannon perfect for climbing. DeAnna composed herself and explained they had come to find a geocache (geo-Earth; cache-hiding or technology as in computers), an appropriate name. GEOCACHING.COM had been her discovery. She had read: “GEOCACHING is a free real-world outdoor treasure hunt. Players try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using a smartphone or GPS and can then share their experiences online.” DeAnna was hooked by what sounded like fun, and everyone in the family could play. According to the geocaching website: “To play the game requires three basic steps: “Browse – Search for interesting geocaches. There are 2,046,312 active geocaches and over 5 million caches worldwide.
Discover – Explore the world as you search for the “cache” using a GPS device or smartphone. Find the ‘cache,’ sign the logbook and see what others have left behind. Share – Share your experience with other treasure seekers.” After explaining the game to her family, the next two and one-half hours were spent looking for the “cache” in the Cemetery, but they never found it. The next day, DeAnna was able to click on the name of the person who had hidden the “cache,” and a phone call from that person revealed its location. When DeAnna and her family returned to Rondo Cemetery several days later, they found the “cache.” In all their seeking and searching, the kids had learned more history than they ever imagined existed in the Texarkana area, much less so near their home, and DeAnna and Tommy had grown even closer. Now the O’Malley Family, known to the geocaching world as “hogwildfamilyof6,” has geocached in 12 states: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. Most of their vacations are determined by geocaching adventures. “The most ‘caches’ we have found in one day, “ DeAnna explains, “is 136. The total amount we have found to date is 824.” Every member of the family has a geocaching name: Daylee (9 years old) is “geowildchild; Dawson (13) “Noswad Yellamo” (his name backwards); DeLana (16), “lanabell” and Destiny (17), “big sisterof5”. Tommy is “bosshog” and DeAnna uses the family’s name. Nothing this “hogwildfamilyof6” has ever done, according to DeAnna whose enthusiasm almost lifts her 5’4” frame off the ground, has been as much fun or as challenging as their adventures with geocaching. “Our kids will choose geocaching first any weekend, “ DeAnna explains. Tommy adds, “They love geocaching, period! They seem to get along better when we are geocaching. Maybe because we are all talking about the “cache” we’re fixing to find, and they don’t have time to argue. I really like to watch Bubba (Dawson) when we’re at a state park. He’s so interested in everything about the park, especially where battles have taken place. And they’ve learned a lot about nature, which helps them when they are hunting to watch for poison ivy and snakes [Dawson laughs as he recalls that during his dad’s explanation about being
June 2013
observant for snakes, he almost stepped on one], to pay attention to how you get to where you are so you won’t get lost and to come prepared: bring a compass, phone, water, snacks and first aid kit.” To date the O’Malleys have geocached (that means camped, played, picnicked and hunted) in 24 of the 52 Arkansas State Parks and 26 Arkansas counties. In fact, both Arkansas and Texas State Parks now include geocaching as a standard feature of their parks’ activities. (contact www.ArkansasStateParks or www.texasstateparks.org/ geocache.) Most of the Texas State Parks use Tommy’s favorite kind of container— ammunition boxes—to hold the treasures, but almost any kind of container can be used for a “cache.” DeAnna’s car trunk is filled with empty containers of every size. As daughter Destiny observes, “I like the actual hunting of the caches, but they are all fun because we have to think outside of the box to find them sometimes. They might be hidden in a pine cone close to a pine tree, or a golf ball close to the golf course. (She speaks from experience.) We have hidden a geocache that even looks like a miniature fire hydrant.” In fact, on March 13, 2011, the
family hid their first geocache near their home. The last time it was found was April 23, 2013. The find is registered on www. geocaching.com so that the location from which the finders have come is known. “People come from all over the world to Texarkana,” DeAnna explains. “Our city is unique to traveling geocachers because they can stay in our hotels and travel in a different state in a matter of miles. It’s a goal of geocachers to collect virtual souvenirs from as many counties, states and countries as we can. “About 100 people in Texarkana, including Holiday Inn Express, geocache. Almost every three months we take the comments to the Holiday Inn manager. One man came from Norway to visit this “cool” area—just because of geocaching.” Just how does one get set up to geocache? Geocaching.com lists these 8 basic steps: 1. Register for a free Basic Membership. 2. 3.
Visit the “Hide and Seek a Cache” page. Enter your postal code and click
“search.” 4.
Choose any geocache from the list and click on its name.
Use your GPS device to assist you in finding the hidden geocache.
Share your geocaching stories and photos online.
Write about your find in the cache logbook.
Enter the coordinates of the geocache into your GPS Device.
Sign the logbook and return the geocache to its original location.
What are the rules of geocaching? 1. If you take something from the geocache (or “cache”), leave something of equal or greater value.
Log your experience at www.geocaching.com
What do I need to go geocaching? The only necessities are a GPS device or a GPS-enabled mobile phone so that you can navigate to the cache, and a geocaching.com membership.” Geocaching is about technological challenges, but a major value is found in
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ALT Magazine
June 2013
the people, the stories and the discoveries. “You meet a lot of people,” Tommy observes. The first people he remembers are Ron and Mary Beth (RKLMBL) who have just found their 15,000th cache. When DeAnna posted the O’Malley’s first event in Texarkana, “not really knowing what to do,” these two saw it first and called her with invaluable advice, then they came to Texarkana from Hot Springs, AR, and stayed for the CITO (Cache in Trash Out) event hosted by Texarkana’s newest geocachers. [A CITO is a worldwide, volunteer effort dedicated to improving parks and other cache-friendly places.] “I was even surprised to see people come from Wichita Falls, and Avery, TX… We had more geocachers from out of town come clean up Bramble Park than we did local people.” Geocachers gather for projects, swapping stories, and socializing. “There was the time we met DJPIZZA from Shreveport on the Nix Walking Trail,” Tommy remembers. “I recognized him from posting
on the geocache website, so I knew his name and what he was doing before I was formally introduced to him. That was pretty awesome actually; to know that we have tons of people coming through Texarkana, eating at our restaurants, staying in our hotels and using our facilities for no other reason than to geocache.” Geocachers develop special bonds, so there are no strangers among them. They extend welcomes and helping hands to other geocachers regardless of locations. “Well, we even surprised our daughter with her car for her 16th birthday with geocachers. We were at the Arkansas Geocachers Association annual event and some of them drove to the houseboat where we were going to surprise her and helped us pull it off. That was pretty awesome.” Tommy’s appreciation and surprise remain evident. “Geocachers interact with lots of strangers,” DeAnna adds. “but the geocachers never lose their ‘stranger danger’ senses. They have also learned to watch out for “muggles,” those people who watch geocachers, then rob the “caches”
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ALT Magazine
June 2013
once they have been returned to their hiding places. There are lots of life lessons because of geocaching.” Unique experiences are also an important part of the geocaching environment. DeAnna smiles as she shuffles slightly, “Corny, very corny!” I had no idea I would get so wrapped up in [geocaching]. School can’t come close to teaching history the way geocaching does.” Rondo revealed that a cemetery is in many ways its own history book, so the O’Malley’s went to Texarkana’s oldest cemetery—Rose Hill for some geocaching. Their car was, they thought, safely parked as they began their search; however, just as a police officer arrived to check on them— the family’s car began a mysterious rolling. The family was stunned, but before they could rescue the vehicle it stopped about ten feet from a Confederate grave—the stop as mysterious as the start. “Are you OK?” the police officer asked. Later, a cousin went to the same cemetery, parked in the same spot, and someone hit the car—although no one was visible. So what did they learn from this adventure? Rose Hill Cemetery in Texarkana, TX, is one of the most haunted cemeteries in the United States. For Destiny and Tommy and DeAnna, cemeteries are among their favorite locations for geocaching. Daylee, Dawson and DeLana prefer climbing mountains-like climbing a tall mountain at Daisy State Park in Arkansas or in Kentucky to find the “cache” that had been hidden in the cockpit of a crashed plane. “Just knowing that that was a place that a plane crashed, and the pilot was killed because he didn’t want to kill all the people on the ground where he could have landed,” DeLana remembers, “was kind of sad, but I’m glad we are able to remember him with that geocache.” In Anchorage, AL, the geocachers had a magnificent view of a glacier while discovering the “cache.” Mountains, glaciers, fields and forests, golf courses, state parks, even on Hwy 67 on Broad Street—“caches” can be found anywhere. Sometimes they provide the seekers a real workout just to find them; other times, they are right around the corner. The treasures within the “caches” may be souvenirs of the area or toys or cases of all kinds—some empty, some stuffed. The most important part of the “cache” is actually the logbook which contains the record of the number of times the “cache” has been discovered and by whom. Over a dozen “cache types” currently exist with each one a variation of the game. “Caches” are hidden according to latitude and longitude, so the real reward of the geocache is finding it. Even O’Malley geocachers are never without their compass and GPS just in case. “There is usually a geocache within a mile of wherever you are,” DeAnna explains. In his National Bestseller LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS, Richard Louv has written: “A widening circle of researchers believes that the loss of natural habitat, or the disconnection from nature even when it
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is available, has enormous implications for human health and child development. They say the quality of exposure to nature affects our health at an almost cellular level.” (43) This disconnection affects not only children but adults as well. Geocaching is one way to address that disconnection with nature as well as each other and have fun, too. As the O’Malley Family proves, geocaching provides stimulating opportunities to be “outside” and involved with each other. “We are blessed with some really awesome children, “ DeAnna states. “Geocaching has really helped them with everything. We share lots of laughter and enjoy strong relationships. Finally, the costs are minimal—sometimes no more than $2 or the price of a tank of gas. Geocaching can be done on a vacation, over a weekend, in an afternoon or for a couple of hours. The number of participants is unlimited with a variety of ages represented, male or female. Tools required are few, and expense accounts unnecessary. Fun is guaranteed. Meet nature, discover new friends and finds, learn to think outside the box, share precious family time—all before dinner. It’s possible with geocaching.
The Arkansas Geocachers Association 2013 Annual Meeting Saturday, June 8 AGFC-Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center, Little Rock, AR CITO, Sunday, June 9, Nature Center. Cleaning the Wetlands area between the Nature Center and Clinton Library will be the project.
Greater Texarkana Area Geocachers: (https://www.facebook. com/pages/Greater-Texarkana-AreaGeocachers/198986600154772) Arkansas Geocachers Associationwww.arkgeocaching.org Read: “State Park Treasure Hunts.” May 2013. TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE MAGAZINE, page 40. Local Information: DeAnna or Tommy O’Malley—special4ds@gmail.com
Texarkana Area Geocachers’ Event: What: Lemonade, hot dogs and lots of geocaching talk. Everyone welcome To Locate: Go to www.geocaching.com 1. Find the “play” tab at the top of the page. 2. When the drop down menu appears, hit the “hide and seek a cache” link, and it will pop to another page. 3. Look for the state/province line and type AR. When the event page pulls up look for event code GC4AMMD.
For local information, contact DeAnna or Tommy O’Malley at: special4ds@gmail.com.
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ALT Magazine
June 2013
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by Jane Bouterse and Mike Brower
The future of
h a s a r r i ve d !
Fishing creates philosophers. Sportsman-writer-philosopher Patrick McManus became one at the age of 12, after only a scant six years of fishing. The discovery surprised him until he began to inventory his knowledge and attitudes and actions. One group of potential philosopher-young people at Genoa Central High School are making the same discoveries about themselves—only slightly later than McManus. ATTITUDES The inventory-taking begins with one student: Senior Ryan Satterfield. Football season had ended, and Ryan and his dad, Darrrin, were just “hanging out” by their boat while Ryan prepared some rods to go fishing—his passion. Ryan began to tell his dad about school and a kid who had gotten into a lot of trouble. He was expelled and would not have a chance to return. Ryan was visibly upset, even more than his dad realized. The next day, Ryan sent a text to his dad, “Dad, what about high school fishing? Maybe…just maybe, if that kid had been able to go fishing, he would not have had to go through that!” Darrin 22
ALT Magazine
June 2013
promised to check into it and discovered that fishing would only be possible about six months out of the year. Ryan was not happy for himself, but [already the philosopher is at work] “this is for kids coming up. Maybe it will give them the opportunity to experience what I have, and if this changes one kid’s life—then it worked!” Now Debbie Huff, Principal of Genoa Central High School, picks up the story. Ryan convinces his buddy and business partner (Poppi and Pacco’s Lawn Care) Jordan Lemley to join him. The two, obviously passionate about fishing and now equally as passionate about their goal, check with Ms. Huff about the appropriate procedure. With her support and encouragement, they schedule a meeting with Genoa Superintendent Albert Murphy, prepare a Power Point presentation advocating the establishment of the Genoa Central High School Bass Team and, just before Thanksgiving, seek a place on the Genoa School Board’s agenda. “They made quite a presentation when they spoke,” Principal Huff reports. “The Board was impressed and agreed on their support for the new Genoa High School Bass Team.” Debbie Huff’s enthusiasm is evident as she notes that a
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sport like the Bass Team gives students “another positive activity” in which to participate. There is a camaraderie that develops among fishing team members as well as a unique knowledge of the outdoors. According to the SAF (Student Angler Federation), fishing is an excellent way to promote education and teach life lessons which cannot be taught in the classroom. Since “one of the fastest growing youth related movements across the country are high school fishing clubs, the future is bright for many students often overlooked by conventional programs. An estimated 60 percent of all high school anglers do not participate in other interscholastic sports or activities, according to Mark Gintert, national youth programs director for the Student Angler Federation. [“The SAF is an arm of The Bass Federation, “the country’s largest and oldest grassroots fishing organization.”] Fishing also brings in parents who previously have not been involved in school programs. “The SAF provides a turnkey program for individual schools that includes insurance coverage, fundraising programs and education opportunities (www. facultyoffishing.com), and it has developed a series of independent high school bass fishing state championships in approximately 40 states.” “That means scholarships and expanded opportunities for our students. We’ll continue to support this program,”
they prepared to take?
Principal Huff affirms. She agrees: “The future of fishing has arrived.” Obviously, fishing produces athletes, but philosophers? Perhaps McManus was right—caring, commitment, passion, action—all evident in this bold, maybe-I-can-make-the future-better move by two high school seniors with support from a parent, a principal and a school administration.
Now, joining Ryan Satterfield and Jordan Lemley are sophomores Taylor Sells, Austin Cutchall and Dustin Grammer along with freshman, Connor Burkland. In this group, Taylor is the only female but not the only female on the 18-20 member Genoa Central High School Bass Fishing Team—the Dragons. This group is representing the Team, their attitudes and their actions. As McManus says, “I fish; therefore, I am” (apologies to Descartes). What actions are
ACTIONS “Who in here likes flatland lakes? Those are lakes filled with stumps and moss, like Millwood or Patman—“southern boy” lakes? Who likes upland lakes? Who is the alpha fisherman? What techniques do you like? Professional fisherman Mike Brower’s questions are clearly understood by the students seated in the circle. Mike is interviewing the students to help them see more clearly the integration of atttitudes and actions and note the diversity within the group. The discussion will assist them in their personal inventories. The results of his inquiries prove interesting. As fishing teams do, the members are divided into teams of two when they participate in tournaments. Mike reminds them that during the tournaments they are fishing against the fish—not each other. When the Bass Team first began shortly after the Board’s November approval, organization was essential. Two standards applied to membership: students must stay in school and keep up their grades. Team members were asked to pay a $25 membership fee to join the SAF, “one of the best bargains in all of sports. For that $25 per student fee, each club member, the club itself and any volunteer who participates in a club event are covered
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June 2013
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by liability insurance through the SAF. Students also receive a workbook, a one year subscription to FLW Outdoor’s Electronic Magazine, and the opportunity to qualify and fish in the High School Fishing World Finals!” These student athletes have been required to supply Ryan Satterfield’s not only their fishing love of fishing began equipment, but locate at an early age and boats, as well. Many of continues today. the boats available to the Genoa Bass Team belong to team parents, but some have come from supportive volunteers who do not have children on the team. Ryan and Jordan quickly discovered a good number of the team members were not accustomed to bass fishing at all, rather catfish and flat-bottomed boats. If they had equipment, it might have been huge Ambassador rigs. Therefore, in the beginning competition was not important. What was IMPORTANT was to put fish into the boat. Perhaps the biggest problem for the student anglers to deal with then and now has proved to be…patience. “I hate being out there and doing the right thing, and the fish don’t bite,” Jordan volunteers. The brisk tone of his voice speaks louder than his words. “Who likes it to be tough on tournament days?” Mike asks. Ryan quickly responds, “I think it’s good everyone else is catching fish, but I like it when it’s hard. I like thinking.” Mike smiles as Ryan admits he ultimately would like to
be a professional fisherman. He has been fishing most of his life and tries to get in a few hours of fishing at the end of every day. “Who prefers fishing from boats instead of standing on the bank?” “I like the boat ride,” Connor admits. The group smiles, and some agree. Obviously, they are comfortable with each other as friendly banter accompanies their responses to each of Mike’s questions. “When you’re getting started,” Mike’s no lecture, just advice, “you have to keep up your grades. Fishing is like playing the piano, you have to focus. Growing up, I just wanted to fish. When I got where I could, my grades improved. “When I was 10 or 12, my grandfather would take me to Millwood and leave me. He came back later in the day and picked me up. I started fishing in tournaments when I was 13. “Don’t be intimidated by bodies of water or anyone in the water, but a little bit of fear is good. Your concern is the day. Just because of rain, there is no rain delay in a tournament. Focus.” The conversation in the group grows more responsive as the discussion begins to involve fishing techniques. “When this group first started,” Darrin notes, “no one would talk. Now”….he extends his arms in a sweeping motion to include all the group. Taylor jumps in, “When I first started, I would not say a word, not even to my mom and dad. I would just look at them. Now, I speak up even though at the start, I’m nervous.”
Jordan, “When I first started, I thought I had the advantage. Don’t know why. Ryan and Darrin have really been my mentors. No one likes to fish with me. I talk too much.” The group stirs. “What is your biggest problem when you fish?” Taylor, quickly: “Setting the hook.” Connor: “Biggest challenge? Catching a fish. Accuracy. Hitting the target.” Austin: “I have a problem figuring ‘em out. Fish are crazy to me and my dad. I think and think and still can’t figure ‘em out.” Darrin: “That’s why they call it fishing.” Austin, still excited: “I caught a 7 pounder in the first tournament.” A pause. “Do you ever get a lackadaisical attitude?” he asks Mike. “I’ve always been fishing, so I make up my mind—this is what I’m going to fish with, and I stay with it. I sometimes look for fish the way I want to catch them rather than how they want to be caught.” The conversation continues, and as is the way with conversations, topics jump from rising lakes or falling lakes—which is better? “Rising, you can find everything.” Different lakes to fish like Dardanelle, Patman, Lake Dierks, or Greer’s Ferry, “land of many smallmouths.” “Who likes fishing in cold weather?” “OOOh!” Darrin remembers the trip with Ryan and Jordan when the three put in at Yarborough Landing and ran Douglas Slough. ”It was 25 degrees. I never forget my gloves, but I did that day. I just had to keep switching hands.” “Would you rather be lucky or good?” This time Mike answers his own question, “I would rather be lucky.” The diversity of the group and their camaraderie were becoming more evident. Some admitted their weaknesses as well as their strengths; some were surprised at what they
10th 17th 23rd 26th
Place Place Place Place
Top Two Teams Get Four Year College Scholarships 26
ALT Magazine
June 2013
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did or did not know, while others discovered they could laugh at themselves. All listened to Mike intently as they added to their personal inventories. Fishing is changing their atttitudes and their actions. “In the group, who is the most willing to embrace change?” Mike’s questions became more serious. Fishing as a stimulus for change, especially among teenagers? Ryan Satterfield and the SAF, whose declaration, “The future of fishing has arrived,” are the real believers in its reality. Darrin Satterfield and Debbie Huff agree. For examples, Taylor Sells has given up her participation in other sports to focus on fishing. Jordan Lemley quit one of his jobs to pick up another—fishing. “Fishing gets me away from the world,” he acknowledges. “I feel like no one can bother me. I’m an adrenaline junkie, but I turn off my phone when I fish.” “I’m able to just do my own thing,” Dustin admits. Taylor says, “Fishing keeps me out of trouble. I’m really bonding with my dad.” “I just like catching fish,” Connor adds. “I love everything about the water. Fishing gets you out there with your family and friends.” Ryan has been fishing in tournaments since he was 13 and his first tournament on Lake Dierks. Austin unhesitatingly jumps into the conversation, “Fishing is something I love doing. I’m passionate about getting out there with my dad. I’m doin’ something right for once.” As the mentor-parent, Darrin Satterfield has assisted Ryan in achieving his dream. “The world we live in is fast paced and demanding. Kids are not encouraged to get active and outside. With these kids I never hear anyone mention a video game. Fishing keeps these kids off the couch and off the streets. “We communicate a lot. The kids are learning to compete, to experience the thrill of the fight with the fish and to keep track of their points. They constantly
ALT Magazine
June 2013
compare: ‘Who is going to catch the most fish or earn the most points? We DO communicate a lot! “Right now we are working toward competing in the World Finals at Lake Dardanelle in Russellville, AR, in July. All the members can fish the first three days to try and make the top 20 for the final day. They will be competing against the best high school anglers in the world for not only bragging rights but also scholarship money! “Our real challenge is earning the money to go. These kids have done fund raisers, so we’ve raised all our money so far. They are not just a group that wants to have fun. We are so lucky because the school and community have been so supportive. [Note the Sponsors’ sidebar].” “Our team jerseys are eye catchers. When I wear my team jersey,” Jordan explains, “people are always asking me about the team.” Ryan laughs. “I had a 42 year old tell me if his high school had had this team, he would not have intentionally failed.” “I wonder if I had started fishing my freshman year, where I would be today with my people talking skills.” Jordan admits. That skill is likely to come in handy in the World Finals when interviews with the students participating will be a part of the competition. “You get interviewed when you turn your fish in. This is a huge stage. It will be different but a good experience.” “I fish; therefore I am,” McManus concludes. The Genoa Central High School Bass Team understands his conclusion. Fishing is helping them define themselves and changing their lives not just on the water but in the world. Their ATTTITUDES— passion, commitment, caring, self-worth— have encouraged them to embrace ACTIONS. They communicate, value hard work, welcome thinking and change. No doubt they, too, will soon add their trophies to the impressive display in the foyer of Genoa Central High School, but the real trophy they will carry with them—in the boat or standing on the bank--is catching fish—for a lifetime.
Genoa Central High School Bass Team “Thanks You” Please Support Our Sponsors: Auto Tech Baits And Blades Bass X Custom Baits Cool Tans Gander Mountain Get A Grip Jen’s Precision Images Jim Berry Contractors Jones Trolling Motor O’reilly’s Trophies Rdc Consulting Scoreboard Smith-Blair Wayne Goodson Whatley Sign “Good Luck, Dragons” In The World Finals “Everyone always thanks me for this team,” Darrin concludes. “This was all Ryan Satterfield. This was his dream to pass on to the other kids!” Thanks to Ryan and Jordan, “The future of fishing has arrived” at Genoa Central High School. Congratulations to the school and these first Bass Team Dragons! What an opportunity to support these young people! The World Finals will require the entire 20 member team to be in Russellville, AR, for six straight days. Accommodations and food will be required along with boats and fuel. That’s no small expense. A check designated for Genoa High School Bass Team and mailed to Genoa Central High School, c/o Principal Debbie Huff, 12472 State Highway 196, Texarkana, AR 71854 will be money well spent.
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June 2013
by Mike Brower
A Front By Any Other Name
Bass on other lakes experienced the same drawn out spawn. So what does all this mean to us as bass fishermen? Well, I think that due to the longer than normal bass spawn, the shad spawn will be later than normal and the bass will linger in the Spring pattern longer than normal, too. At the rate we are going the bass won’t hit a Summer pattern until sometime in July and then it will only be a short time until they move into a Fall pattern.
his time of year cold fronts line up solid one after another and play havoc with the spawn. Bass move up, cold front hits, bass move off‌repeat 4 or five That short summer pattern is just fine with me. I like the times. Fall pattern, almost as much as winter. Get ready for the bass to start moving around the shad as they spawn Trying to fish the spawn this year was, at best, hit and and make sure your baits have a shad pattern to them. miss. Normally the bass on Millwood and Wright Patman Shad typically spawn in about three to six feet of water, spawn at relatively the same time, but this year it was which is somewhat deeper than the bass spawn. After Millwood first and a week or so later Patman. This year the bass spawn they rest up for a couple of weeks then was also strange in that the spawn was spread out over go to work on the shad. about four to five weeks. A few bass would move up every week, but there was no big push, just a bunch of So make sure you get in on the remainder of the short small pushes. spring pattern or you will miss out on some good fishing.
ALT Magazine
June 2013
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June 2013
Sailing on Lake DeGray 32
ALT Magazine
June 2013
by Anne Fruge
Thinking about a Stay-cation? We have some great ideas for you! From rivers and lakes, to treasure hunts, there’s a lot to do in this part of the world!
With our central location in Texarkana, great fishing, hunting, and water sports destinations are just around the corner. There’s no need to spend the money on an expensive vacation to a far-off place when there are beautiful lakes, charming cities, and amazing attractions so close to home. Camp under the stars and cook out around the fire or cruise across the water and enjoy the beautiful sunset. An adventure awaits right outside your front door.
Broken Bow, Oklahoma Nestled in the foothills of the Kiamichi Mountains in southeast Oklahoma, Broken Bow is a nature-lover’s refuge with something for everyone. It is home to Broken Bow Lake which has 180 miles of shoreline and is an excellent place for intertubing, wakeboarding and reeling in small mouth bass. There are hundreds of cabins for rent near the lake with room for the whole family. Most of the cabins come stocked with kitchen supplies, games, TVs and some even boast hot tubs on beautiful porches. Broken Bow Resort Park which combines Beavers Bend State Park, Hochatown State Park, Lakeview Lodge and Cedar Creek Golf Course offers beautiful outdoor scenery and an array of activities such as canoeing, boating, bird watching, golfing, scuba diving, hunting,
the marina beckons with promises of great four-wheeling, and all types of fishing. While fishing and sunsets on the sparkling lake. visiting the resort park, visitors can choose Kayak through to set up a tent the rapids of the and camp, hook Lower Fork River, up an RV or book hike the 16 miles a room at their of the David cabins or lodge. Boren Trail or take During the day, mountain bikes on families can take an adventure. In their children to the evenings, wine the nature center, enthusiasts should splash through stop by Girls Gone the water on the Wine to sample paddle boats or go this local winery’s horseback riding. selection and shop If the children the unique gifts in aren’t worn out Kayaking at Broken Bow, Oklahoma their store. Some from all the fun couples might and sun during the want to forgo the tent and stay in town day, Broken Bow offers several local puttat the Tuscan inspired Lago Vista Bed putt and game centers. For the adult visitors, June 2013
and Breakfast, which features beautiful rooms with amazing views. Red Slough Wetlands is also found in Broken Bow. Run by the Ouachita National Forest, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, and the Natural Resource Conservation Service, Red Slough is one of the largest wetland projects of its kind and is a premier bird watching and waterfowl hunting area.
beaches and picnic areas are available at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ parks and at Daisy State Park located around the lake shore. Explore the beautiful scenery with the 45 miles of walking, nature and cycle trails that can be enjoyed through the gorgeous foothills of the Ouachita National Water sports are a popular passtime at Forest. In the summer, Lake Greeson. there are several options if families want to stay indoors. Cabin rentals are available at both private resorts on the lake. Swaha, located on the Murfreesboro side of the Murfreesboro, Arkansas lake, and Self Creek, located on the Daisy side of the lake, also offer boat and water This small southern town boasts access sports rentals. After to one of Arkansas’ hidden gems: Lake enjoying the great Greeson. The lake was formed when Narrows Dam was built on the Little Missouri outdoors, several unique adventures River. Visitors can explore the beautiful await in and around coves on the 134 miles of shoreline and ski, Murphreesboro. fish, or swim in gorgeous clear water. The Walk through the lake is stocked with pike and walleye and charming square, is also a great place to reel in striped bass, browse antique black bass, crappie, bream, catfish, white stores, discover bass and some small mouth bass. Fishing enthusiasts should also check out the flowing a piece of this country’s history waters of the Little Missouri River below the at the Ka Do Ha dam where rainbow trout fishing is a popular Indian Village, or sport. Camp sites, playgrounds, swimming
take the family to the exciting dirt track races at the nearby Diamond Park Speedway. For those who are feeling lucky, go on a hunt for treasure at Crater of Diamonds State Park, the only diamond producing site in the world open to the public. Digging for treasure might get a little warm this summer, but families can beat the heat at the Diamond Springs Water Park.
Arkadelphia, Arkansas For Tiger and Reddie fans, Arkadelphia, Arkansas, is largely known for being home to Ouachita Baptist University and Henderson State University. Not only are there sporting, musical and theatrical events offered at each campus throughout the year, just a few short miles out of town is home to Lake DeGray Resort Park, Arkansas’s only resort state park. The possibilities are endless as visitors plan vacations to the lake this summer. The crystal clear waters of the lake offer a fishing and water sports paradise! Rent a party barge or a flat-bottom boat from the park and
Spotting a Bald Eagle at DeGray Lake is not uncommon.
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day at the lake provides beautiful waters camp sites, playgrounds and swim beaches take a cruise across the 13,800 acres of the for skiing, tubing, jet skiing and leisure for public use. There are also eight primitive lake or try to reel in a prize catch. Set up boat rides as camping areas with no facilities or amenities camp at one of the well as bass and that are close to public hunting areas. Teach 113 campsites with trout fishing. After kids about the environment on the vast electricity and water walking through hiking and nature trails, go bird watching, hook ups or book the Historic or fish for largemouth bass, white and a room at the Lake Bathhouse Row in hybrid striped bass or catfish. Take the boat Degray Resort town, hop on one of out on the lake for skiing, intertubing, and Park lodge with 94 the 12 World War swimming. Kelly Creek Marina also offers rooms, spectacular II “ducks” available boat slips and campsites and Clear Springs views of the lake, at the National Campground has three newly built screened a heated outdoor Park Duck Tours shelters suitable for group camping with swimming pool, for a sightseeing access to the boat ramp. For those who playground, sand adventure on don’t choose to stay at the lake, nearby volleyball court, the lake and Hot Texarkana offers hotels, restaurants and bike rentals and Bathhouse Row beckons those who wish to Springs National attractions. Take the kids to play paintball the Shoreline enjoy a relaxing visit. Park. The Park at Legendary Shooting Sports or to race Restaurant. Want to preserves 47 hot go-carts at Texarkana Fun Park. Families stay outdoors, but springs and their watershed as well as will love the lazy river at Holiday Springs don’t own a tent? Consider renting a YURT provides hiking trails, scenic drives, camping Water Park. or Year Round Universal Recreational Tent. and picnic areas. After a day at the lake, The large, high walled facility has electricity, take the kids for an adventure at Pirate’s wood floors, screened windows and a door Lake Millwood Cove Putt Putt or that can be locked. The Yurts can sleep up a summer concert to six people. If planning a trip make sure Lake Millwood is at Magic Springs to check the park’s calendar for events a prime habitat for and Crystal and programs for families like guided lake nature enthusiasts. It Falls Water and cruises, kayak tours, snorkeling excursions, was formed when the Theme Park, the trail hikes, arts and crafts or even nocturnal state’s longest earthen largest amusement wildlife safaris! Couples may want to take dam was completed and water park advantage of the championship 18 hole across Little River. between Dallas Lake DeGray golf course with a driving Located only a few and Memphis. range, practice green and chipping area and miles east of Ashdown, The park offers lessons. Also, due to the park’s partnership Arkansas, this entertainment for with Arkansas Riding Stables, beautiful renowned fishing lake the whole family as steeds are available for guided horseback covers 29,000 acres. well as thrill rides, rides on trails by the lake’s shoreline. Most of the water kids rides and the Nearby, there are also lake cottages for rent covers flooded timber Visit Millwood Lake for fishing, kayaking, and a full service marina at the family-owned new Splash Island! providing excellent pedal boating and camping. Iron Mountain Lodge. After long days at the Tired of the water? cover for bass, catfish Hike through the lake, kids of all ages will have fun splashing and crappie. Boat beautiful grounds or visit the glass chapel in the fountains and pools at Arkadelphia lanes meander through timber marshes to at Garvan Woodland Gardens, a 210 acre Aquatic Park. For a change of pace, rent the 5000 acres of open water near the dam. lakeshore botanical garden accessible by a canoe, kayak or tube to float the Caddo For bird watching enthusiasts, over 333 both land and boat. Adults might want to River above Lake DeGray at Caddo River different species of birds have been sighted book a spa appointment at a bathhouse Camping and Canoe Rental. in the area. The US Army Corp of Engineers downtown, check out project office has materials and displays the live and simulcast about area bird watching and hunting. Hot Springs, thoroughbred racing Stay at the lake and camp at the Corps of Arkansas at Oaklawn Park or Engineers’ recreational areas or Millwood tee off at one of two State Park. At the state park visitors Hot Springs, 18 hole courses at have access to a boat marina, boat dock, Arkansas, is Hot Springs Country campsites, hiking and biking. Visitors can where an outdoor Club. Both courses also rent a fishing boat, canoe, kayak, pedal adventure land are listed on the boat or hydro bikes. For those who want meets thriving Natural State Golf the amenities of home, there are RV camp city attractions. Trail. sites and newly remodeled lakeside cabins For those wanting at Millwood Landing Golf and RV Resort. fun in the sun, The family oriented resort has tennis and Lake Hamilton Texarkana, basketball courts, an 18 hole championship beckons. The 7,460 Texas Legendary Paintball is known for its friendly golf course, fishing ponds, a swimming pool acre man-made staff! Bring your group out for an afternoon of For those wanting an and a restaurant and bar. Before planning lake was created adrenaline rush! a trip, visitors should check the events in 1932 when outdoor adventure calendar at ArkansasStateParks.com for Arkansas Power close to home, programs like meet and greet the critters, and Light Company completed Carpenter consider Wright Patman Lake, only nine homemade fishing reels, guided tours and Dam on Ouachita River to provide electricity. short miles from Texarkana. Area residents hikes and sunset cruises. On June 8, don’t It has since become one of Arkansas’s most can simply head home at the end of a funmiss the Kids Free Fishing Derby from popular recreational and residential lakes. filled day or camp at one of the park areas 8-11 a.m. on the lake. It corresponds with the It is surrounded by condos, hotels, resorts, in the beautiful piney woods managed by Arkansas Game and Fish Commission free restaurants and private homes offering a the US Army Corps of Engineers. There fishing weekend, so a license isn’t required. wide variety of rental options for visitors. A are boat ramp facilities, group pavilions, 36
ALT Magazine
June 2013
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You’re smart to face this issue now rather than wait until after you’re married to discuss it. Attitudes toward spending money, along with credit and debt problems, often lead to arguments that can strain a marriage. Order copies of both of your credit reports from one or more major credit reporting bureaus. Then, sit down and honestly discuss your past and future finances. Find out why your future spouse got into trouble with credit. Next, if there is still outstanding debt, consider going through credit counseling together. Credit counseling may help your future spouse clean up his or her credit record and get back on track financially. One nonprofit organization, Consumer Credit Counseling Services (CCCS), sponsors money management seminars that can help you plan your financial life together. CCCS can also help you negotiate with creditors and can set up a budget you both can follow to pay off outstanding debt. Look in your telephone directory for the number of a local office. Be aware, however, that CCCS is paid for by lenders. Once it starts negotiating for you, your creditors will withdraw any lines of credit you have, including overdraft protection.
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ALT Magazine
June 2013
Finally, seriously consider keeping your credit separate, at least until your spouse’s credit record improves. You don’t have to combine your credit when you marry. For instance, apply for credit by yourself instead of applying for joint credit after you’re married. You can have separate “associate” cards issued for your spouse to use. Even if your spouse has bad credit, your credit rating will remain unaffected. However, keeping separate credit can be complicated. For one thing, your spouse may resent that you control all of the credit in the household. It’s also possible that you’ll have a harder time qualifying for loans (e.g., a mortgage) alone than if your spouse’s income could also be counted. Disclaimer: LPL Financial does not provide tax or legal advice. The information contained in this report should be used for informational purposes only. The appropriate professionals should be consulted on all legal and accounting matters prior to or in conjunction with implementation of the plan. Securities Offered Through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC.
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by Anne Fruge
There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. John 1:9
very time Pam Kumpe is downtown giving out popsicles to the homeless or worshipping at Church Under the Bridge, she sees the railroad tracks and hears the lonesome whistle of the incoming train and thinks about God’s plan. When growing up in Hot Springs, Arkansas, Pam experienced childhood abuse and it silenced her for years. She lived by the railroad, and on Sunday afternoons she would climb the tree that grew by the tracks and think, “If I ran in front of the train, I wouldn’t have to live through this anymore.” But, she couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe there was more to life. “I know that God has changed my life and my story,” Pam says. “He’s never given up on me. No one, no matter what has happened, is ever out of reach for Him.” By fourth grade, Pam’s family moved to Phoenix, Arizona, and she was free from the abuse, but she was plagued by shyness, insecurities and felt silenced by the pain. However, as she sat in the pew one Sunday at her local church, she knew that God was calling her. Too scared to walk down the aisle, she waited until she was in the car and asked her mom if she had “missed Jesus.” That night, her family went back to church, and Pam gave her life to God. “From that day, I talk to God like my best friend,” Pam says. “I listen to Him. Sometimes I argue with Him. I just feel honored when He picks me.” Of course, life didn’t just magically become “easy” after letting God into her life. In fact, Pam had many hardships yet to overcome. After facing the repercussions of her childhood wounds, Pam’s best friend, Manuela Witthuhn, was murdered in California, and, soon after, Pam was diagnosed with stage four cancer. “I said, ‘Ok, God. This is more than I can handle,’” Pam says, “but He knows how 42
ALT Magazine
June 2013
strong we are. He takes our tragedies in life and uses them. When my best friend died, people started talking about how she wasn’t a Christian, and that haunted me. She became a catalyst for change in my life. I made a deal with God, and I know you aren’t supposed to do that, but I promised to share Him with anyone in my life. Now, I share Jesus and His love with anyone, any time, any where.” Because of this decision to say “yes” to God, no matter how strange or out of place she may feel, Pam’s life has morphed into a day-by-day ministry. Her openness to God’s work has opened doors that she never imagined. She married Ray Kumpe, owner of New Boston Photography, and they attend First Assembly of God in Hooks, Texas, where she taught Children’s Church for 24 years. She felt like God “gave [her] back her childhood” by allowing her to teach children, and she loved her work in the church. But, in 2008 the Bowie County Recovery Center, a drug and alcohol facility, did a book drive and she felt God calling her to give books. At first, she was reluctant to part with her favorites on the shelf, but after seeing the dusty volumes, she filled four trash bags with books, exactly one hundred, and took them to the shelter. “I thought, ‘Well, I’m glad that’s over! God called me to give books and I did, so now He can quit bugging me about it,’” Pam says. “But, on the way home, I heard a clear calling for me to teach there. I felt like He was calling me to give love to the women in the center like I did to the children at church. I was reluctant, and had already mentally blocked every time from my schedule except 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. Guess what? The center didn’t have a Sunday morning service
and was open to having someone come in. God knew all the details and He already had a plan. He just needed my ‘Yes.’” Now, Pam leads a service on Sundays for the women in the shelter where they have a time for prayer, worship and teaching. In fact a lot of the service’s regulars are starting to run the services, participating in solos and giving testimonies. In fact, Pam was called to speak in a church one Sunday and was astonished to find that her co-speaker was a woman who had graduated from the recovery center. The woman publicly thanked her church family and Pam for being a tool in her recovery, and soon after, regained custody of the daughter she had lost because of her addiction. “You don’t always see the harvest, but if one soul, one life is changed, it’s worth it all,” Pam says. “I just try to encourage them and teach them it’s not about what they’ve done. Jesus sees them for who they can be.” Inspired by her visits and the stories she has encountered of changed lives and hearts, Pam wrote and published a book, Things I Learned in Jail. In fact, Pam has always loved to write. When she was younger, Pam would journal. It helped her escape. Then, she majored in journalism in college. After her friend, Manuela, was murdered, Pam wrote and published her first story, “Friends for Life.” She never cashed the $50 check and never stopped writing. She’s the proud author of two devotional books, a children’s book, two blogs and is working on her first novel. She also wrote an inspirational column in the Texarkana Gazette for 13 years and you can currently read her work in the Bowie County Citizens Tribune. “I used to think, I want to be this famous journalist or this famous counselor,” Pam says, “and I may not be famous to the world, but I’m successful just because I do what I do for God. Anyone who shares Jesus is famous in God’s eyes.” In fact, Pam is famous in many circles. Her friends and family are
consistently amazed by the fact that people will stop and tell her their story. She works by day at Conner and Duffer, and the rest of the time, she gathers hygiene items for the homeless in Texarkana, totes clothes for the needy to LifeHouse Church, leads the service at the recovery center, helps with Day with Dads at Telford State Prison, writes, leads a bible study in Winnsboro every other Tuesday and even has a brownie ministry. One day, Pam felt called to bake brownies, though her husband looked at her in surprise since baking was not her forte. She baked and baked and burnt a few, but by the fourth day of baking, she got it right. She took her brownies to the neighbors and ran into Edna Walker who runs a ministry for families of those in prison. Now, Pam bakes dozens of brownies every Thursday to help with this ministry. “God uses you if you give him your ‘Yes,” Pam says. “At this point in my life, I’m bold, comfortable and I’m not afraid of today. All we have is today.” The stories from Pam’s ministry prove that God works in mysterious ways. Pam has been able to help many of the homeless downtown with unexpected
means. One day, she bought cards at a dollar store and wrote, “God loves you” on each of them. As she was handing them out, Pam saw a woman on a bench and stopped to give her a card. Later on, she found out from Cody Howard, pastor at Church under the Bridge in Texarkana, that the woman had visited church that Saturday and said she was suicidal. She said that she didn’t believe God could ever love or approve of her. “Cody said, ‘If anyone ever needed a card, it was her,’ and I look back on stuff like that and think it’s so cool how God works when you say, ‘Use me,’” Pam says. When Pam felt called to make Easter bags for the homeless at the church, she asked God how she would pay for all of it. But almost the entire cost was covered from unexpected donations. “Years ago, when I was DJing on the radio in New Boston, I had Chad Matthews on the show and I felt a stirring,” Pam says. “I remember when I was in my 20s, I would coast into work on fumes. I struggled as a single mom, and I felt like I could have been that homeless person. You don’t have to be struggling with drugs or alcohol to be homeless. There are plenty of people, especially today, who are struggling
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with hard economic times. Tomorrow, everything we have could be taken away. I started driving downtown, volunteered a Randy Sams, got involved at Church Under the Bridge. I’ve met some of the best Christian folks under a bridge in Texarkana. We all have things in our lives. God doesn’t judge them and neither can I.” On the church’s one year anniversary, Pam was a server of communion and was so excited to be apart of this sacred Christian tradition. “I looked around and realized that I’m seeing lives change every day,” Pam says. “There are so many stories. I just want to find a way to be a light for God. He pulled me off of the train tracks so many years ago. I think of Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you…” Pam also travels as a retreat and event motivational speaker and spreads the word to “get moving.” “Pray and ask God to use you and then move. Get in your car and go. Make a difference and give. Even if you think, well, that person is taking advantage of me, oh well, that’s up to God. Give anyway. We can give our money or our time. You could even organize a drive for toothbrushes or bug spray or blankets at your job or community group or neighborhood for those in need. We can change lives. Even Facebook can be a ministry,” Pam says. “It’s all about that eternal perspective. God can use you for things you’ve never imagined.”
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by Christine Amos
Grieving Pets...
- Don’t overdo the attention given to the pet(s) as it can lead to separation anxiety.
Many people aren’t aware that pets grieve the loss of an owner. They may also grieve the loss of another pet in the household. What do we do to help our pets through this?
3. Allow the surviving animals to work out the new dominance hierarchy themselves. - There may be scuffles and fights as the animals work out the new pecking order (dogs mostly).
What many people find hard to believe is that animals can form very firm attachments with each other. Even pets that outwardly seem to barely get along will exhibit intense stress reactions when separated. In fact, grieving pets can show many symptoms identical to those experienced by the bereaved pet owner. The surviving pet(s) may become restless, anxious and depressed. There may also be much sighing, along with sleep and eating disturbances. Often, grieving pets will search for their dead companions and crave more attention from their owners. How can an owner help the grieving pet? By following the following recommendations: 1. Keep the surviving pet(s) routines as normal as possible. 2. Try not to reinforce the behavior changes. - If the pet’s appetite is picky, don’t keep changing the food. All that does is create a more finicky pet.
4. Don’t get a new pet to help the grieving pet(s) unless the owner is ready. - Will backfire unless the owner is emotionally ready for a new pet. - People still grieving won’t have the energy for it. Should the owner let the surviving animals see and smell their dead companion? There is no evidence that doing so will help the surviving pet(s), but some people claim that it does. Usually, all it accomplishes is to make the owner feel better. Therefore, if the owner wants to have the surviving pets “say good-bye,” then it should be allowed. Your pet has more intense feelings than you are aware of. Please love them through it. If you are a surviving family member of someone that owned a pet, please take all of the above information into consideration. A pet is a lifetime comitment. Also, if you currently own a pet please think ahead for your baby. If you are the only owner to your pet, please make arrangements in the event of your passing. Otherwise you may have a family member that will not be as caring and your pet could end up homeless or in a shelter. Some this information may sound morbid, but you would do it for your children. Why not think ahead for your pets?
Christine Amos has over 30 years experience grooming pets and an owner of Georgia’s Pet Salon. She is a Certified Groomer, Master Groomer, AKC Canine Good Citizenship Evaluator, and Obedience Trainer. She is also Mom to Georgia (pictured), MoMo, and Annabelle!
ALT Magazine
June 2013
by Vincent Senatore
Father Knows Best...
n my 37 years in the wine & spirits industry, I have come to a definite conclusion regarding wine purchasing: men know what they want and spend about half the time selecting a bottle of wine or spirits. Now, before you ladies storm the store with pitch forks and axes, this is also true in many other industries (cars and electronics), as well. Obviously, women are much more prolific shoppers and are far more interested in the overall product. Men pay less attention to detail regarding wine and food and are more forgiving to a product that falls short of their expectations. Men are far more willing to acquiesce to their mates’ wishes, even if it’s not their favorite choice. I would be more than happy to consume a product that was not my favorite if it made my wife happy. In fact, for the first 18 years of our marriage, she wouldn’t drink red wines. Amazingly, she took our Beginners Wine Class and has now fallen in love with red wines. Our gourmet lives are heavenly. I’ve also realized that women are very attentive to their man’s taste. They know what we like and are willing to go to great lengths to find something special. Ladies, it is greatly appreciated! With that said, June has the only real holiday just for men; Father’s Day. I really cannot think of any other holiday that caters exclusively to men. So, let’s focus. I’ll grant you that today’s culture is changing and the idea of “He-Men,” eating Brontosaurus Steaks with Fred Flintstone is not quite as ordinary anymore. Further, it’s fairly common for a man to be a really good cook. I really like to get in the kitchen and create something tasty. But, Fathers Day brings out the laziness in me. I want to be waited on. So, how do we show “Good Ole Dad” how much we appreciate him? Beef, cigars, red wine and beer would be a really great start. I would like to suggest some fun ideas for making Father’s Day super special for your favorite man. First, how about some Mimosas on the patio served with fresh tropical fruit, a ham and cheddar omelet and a slice of sour dough toast. Then, dad might want to play some golf or spend time with the family. However, around 1 or 2 o’clock one might open a nice bottle of Chardonnay with a Mediterranean style “antipasto.” This one is really easy: chunk up some provolone, Swiss cheese, or a mild cheddar. Add a few slices of Genoa salami, pepperoni or prosciutto (Italian cured ham) with some hard-crusted bread and Dad will feel like a Prince. Add an Arturo Fuentes Corona Cigar and it will be an afternoon “Fit for a King.” This afternoon indulgence will probably keep dad really happy for a few hours (especially if he lights the cigar). At this point, there’s a really good chance that a golf match on television or a possible nap will keep dad occupied while you prepare the royal dinner. The morning feed was simple enough. The afternoon Tapas was unbelievably simple to prepare and serve. So why veer from the simplicity of the day. Let’s make Father’s Day dinner simple and fantastic. Start with a simple salad utilizing lettuce, julienned carrots, green and red peppers, thinly shaved red onion and a simple olive oil and Balsamic Vinegar dressing. Add some croutons and almond slivers for a bit more crunch. Heat up the grill -- there’s beef comin’! Cut up 46
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June 2013
the rest of the veggies from the salad and skewer them for grilling. The baked potatoes and asparagus should be close to done when you place those 2” thick Rib-Eyes on the grill. Don’t forget to bring the “Doggies” up to room temperature before grilling and give those beautiful steaks at least 10-15 min. at room temp, after grilling. While you are preparing the steaks for the grill, pull the cork (for breathing) of a nice bottle of Annabella Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. The perfect match of a grilled rib-eye and the rich tannins of a well made Napa Cab will bring Dad to his gourmet knees. Again, simple and fantastic. As the evening cools down and the outdoors are again inhabitable, coffee and a rich chocolate cake would be fun. Then finish the day with a glass of port, cognac, single malt scotch or liqueur. This fantasy meal will end with a steamed brandy snifter, 2 oz. of Grand Marnier (French triple orange liqueur), dark chocolate and a Grand Marnier infused cigar. The perfect ending to the perfect day!!! Your dad will never Fuggetaboudit!
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June 2013
Dear Kendra Dear Kendra, After 9 years of marriage, I find myself single again. My ex husband cheated on me and the divorce was very painful. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to trust someone again. How do I go about putting myself back out there? Will I ever be able to love again? Frightened Dear Frightened, Bless your sweet heart. Airhug. Although I don’t have firsthand knowledge of infidelity, I have counseled a few friends through it. I am sure your heart was broken from his betrayal but you have to remember this (and this is tres important)All men are not alike. Say it out loud-All men are not alike. Just because your ex chose to cheat doesn’t mean they will all cheat. I can definitely understand why you would be scared to put your heart back out there, though. Don’t rush yourself. It’s ok to be a bit scared right at first. Take some time. Heal your heart. Focus on yourself. Remind yourself often that all men are not alike and that love is waiting for you whenever you are ready. When you get to that point, open your heart to love and it will find you. I divorced after 17 years of marriage and I wondered if I would spend the rest of my life alone. It took me a year of finding myself before I was ready to open my heart back up to love. As soon as I did that, the perfect man waltzed right in and swept me off my feet. We will celebrate our 3 year anniversary in July. Take some time to heal, spend some time focused on you and,when you are ready, open your heart. Don’t forget-All men are NOT alike. Blessings! Kendra 48
ALT Magazine
Dear Kendra, I finally found my dream job but I’m miserable! Not because of the job, but because of a few of my coworkers. There seems to be a “mean girl” mentality here and it is driving me crazy. I’m an adult and this seems so petty and childish but I don’t know how to handle it any more. These mean girls are driving me crazy! Please help! Nice girl Dear Nice girl, Wow. I, for sure, have experience with this. Regrettably, I allowed those “mean girls” to push me out and I finally quit. Don’t do what I did! If this is your dream job then BE STRONG! Don’t allow those childish, unhappy, jealous people push you out of a job you have dreamed about! I don’t know exactly what they are doing to you, but is it important enough that you could make your boss aware of it? If that is not an option, have you tried befriending them? That is something I wish I had tried harder. I was so hurt by their backbiting and name calling that I just wanted to be away from them. I think the majority of the time their “mean girl” antics are fueled by jealousy, which is usually fueled by their ignorance of just who you are. I hate that women don’t automatically support each other, but the fact is, they don’t. If someone is prettier, or skinnier, or has more money, or their husband treats them better, etc. then they are a target for “mean girls”. All “mean girl” troops have a leader. Invite her to lunch, just one on one. Try to get to know her and let her get to know you. It could make all the difference. If you are able to befriend them, make sure you don’t fall into their mean girl ways. Be a good influence; help them evolve into adults that don’t need to treat people that way. If your attempt to befriend fails, my best advice is to ignore them. If they know they
June 2013
are getting to you, they will never stop. If you continue living your life, doing your job to the best of your ability, and never acknowledge their sad attempts to upset you-they will eventually stop. I can’t say for certain that that is a scientific fact, but it should be. J I am sorry you are going through this. I’ve dealt with “mean girls” my whole life. I tend to use the last tactic the most. (Ignoring) I finally got to the point where I refuse to waste a minute of my precious life worrying about what they think of me. So don’t miss another minute of sleep worrying about them. If they won’t be your friend then just go to work, be awesome and forget about ‘em! Blessings! Kendra Dear Kendra is not a licensed therapist. The guidance offered on ‘Dear Kendra’ is intended for informational purposes only. Use of this column to provide guidance is not intended to replace or substitute any professional, financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional, psychological or medical help, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist. Kendra is a happily married wife with three wonderful children, two perfect grandchildren and two spoiled doggies. She bases her guidance on a life packed full of experiences and a passion to help others. Besides being Dear Kendra she is also an entrepreneur and On Air Personality on KKYR 102.5. You can “Like” her on Facebook by visiting www. dearkendra.com. Submit your anonymous questions by email: dearkendra@ymail.com or by mail: ALT Magazine 200 Heather Dr Texarkana, TX 75501
Eastex Dental Academy
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June 2013
Arkansas Women for Education EVENT
Home of Pam New
ALT Magazine
June 2013
1. Carol Dalby, Debbie Haak, Shelby Brown, Pam New and Ann Douglas 2. Denise, Jimmy Hickey and Diana Lowe 3. Jeanna Rogers, Diane Green, Junie Young and Joyce Varner 4. Judy Arnold and Chayta Mills 5. Lynlee Russell, Morgan Warren and Mattie Green (scholarship recipients) 6. Pam New, Lekia Jones and Janet Green 7. Robin Stover, Becky Kesler and Gwen Adams 8. Shirley Cox and Genia Bullock
Trinity Mud Trek
Grady T. Wallace Park
Trinity Christian School sponsored the area’s first charity mud run. The family friendly, mud covered 5k course contained 10+ fun and challenging obstacles through woods, fields and mud pits. The mud run was open to the public for anyone 14 years or older. Big Jake’s BBQ was at Mud Trek serving up their wonderful beef or pork sandwiches, chips and their famous fried pies. Check out our own Sylvia Jennings, who was a participant!
June 2013
Cigars, Tinis and Tunes
Hopkins Ice House
Gift Boxes & Tins Are Perfect For
1. Jennifer Laurent and Bill Caller 2. Jennifer and Rick Futrell 3. Richard and Joy Nelson, Tammy and Scott Hallowell 4. Cindy Porter and Blake Rich 5. Jeff Brown, Lanita Colley and Caleb Pittman 6. Jennifer and Trey Laurent, Karen and Andy Albares 7. Blake Cain and Cindy Porter 8. Christina Graham and Dustin Harris 9. David Jones, Mike Covert and Nicole Elam 10. Josh and Jaclyn Thane 11. Ben and Kristen Floyd 12. Belinda Liles and Joy Nelson 13. Paul Whitt and Josh Lawrence 14. Liff Luthringer, Cindy Porter and Mike Ingram
Homemade Fudge Gift Boxes & Tins Gourmet Snacks 52
ALT Magazine
June 2013
Tame The Texas Summer...
... Keeping Texas Cool!
Being There Is Why I’m Here.
903.278.3328 Matt Shirley, Owner/Service Tech.
Specializing in Service and Installation
June 2013
Texas NE 3rd Women’s Dept Church Retreat EVENT
Northridge Country Club
1. Bertie Fuller, Beverly Rougely and Dianne Finn 2. Mary Lawson, Melinda Simon and Meiko Whitaker 3. Seated: Mother Ophelia Evans; Standing: District Missionary Janice Silmon, the twins Lucy Herrington and Mandy Martin 4. Ellean Banks, Lois Lee, Clara Ewer, Minnie Chatman
5. Jewel Brooks and Earnestine Martin 6. Barbara Lock, Diane Finn, Sheila Chatman Ross and Dorothy Murphy 7. Pearlie Chatman and Shelia Chatman Ross
8. Lakesia Evans and Bobbie Summers 9. Felicia Rundels and Nicoletta Rundels 10. Pat Hearn and Vera Brooks 11. Denise White, Kuvona Wesson, Jimmy Wesson,
Cassandra Smith and Frankie Wilson 12. Mary Pritchett, Cynthia Patterson, Vivian Shepard, Faye Fugett, Raquel Fugett, Greta Nash and Dell Greenwood 13. Marcella Canida
14. Mary Pritchett, Vivian Shepard and Dell Greenwood 15. Sister Patricia Roach and Mother Ophelia Evans 16. Meiko Whitaker, Kimisha Whitaker and Mary
ALT Magazine
June 2013
For Texarkana’s Most Pets...
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Divots for Disabilities
Texarkana Country Club
ALT Magazine
June 2013
1. Brandon Carver and Jared Carver 2. Debbie Brower and Anita Carver 3. Vicki Delaughter , FaEllen Yates and Freddie Johns 4. Dr. Bob Fry and Gordon Allen 5. Leon Sanderson, Steve DeLaughter and Dwight Sperry 6. Gina Parish, Dyamond Robinson, Sandy Varner, Anita Carver, Linda Williams and Lisa DuPree 7. H2 Dean, Thompson Mattson and Worth Mattson 8. Shelby and Allen Brown 9. David Hickerson and Robin Stover 10. Roger Sheppard, Darla Clement, Debbie Sheppard, Bobbie and Mike Guillot 11. Robin and Sue Beck, Gordon and Rhonda Allen 12. Back: James Culp, Drew Chandler, Dr. Bob Fry, Joseph Ramos Front: Audrey Chandler, Simone Culp, Nan Fry, Lisa Cruz, Judith Ramos 13. Maryann Fricks and Melinda Vammen 14. Judie Rackley, Danny Rackley, Hank Dean, Mary Wormington, back row, Julie Sanderson, Cheryl Thompson Allen and William Morriss
Erick Sandlin Art Exhibition
1. Artist – Erick Sandlin photographed with one of his
favorite paintings, “Let Down” 2. Gene and Jan Dubois
Texas A&M - Texarkana
3. Russel and Alicia Graham, and children Lia and Dolan Graham 4. Sheryl Smith, Kay Sandlin and Debby Steifer
5. Terry and Jan Hopkins 6. Nicole Mitchell and Kristen Ishihara 7. Rick and Kay Sandlin, and Erick Sandlin 1
8. Todd and Brooke Marshall 9. Charles and Jamie Friday, and Lauren Friday 10. Tiffany Vallenti, Joy Peek and Marcie Hlavinka 11. Paul Zavadil and Katie Harris
ALT Magazine
June 2013
12. Rex and Robin Murdock
Stroke Reunion
Health South
1. Todd Wallace and Ray Nelson 2. Kyle Jones, Christy Waid and Tiffannee Watson 3. Margret Schaffer, Shleby Brown and Peggy Duke 4. Lonnie and Dorothy Sievel 5.Lewis and Mearlene Montgomery 6. Billie Prichett and Sher Fomby 7. Walter and Francie Hudson 8. Nirmala Jacob O.T. , Judith Ramos P.T. and Todd Wallace 9.Maxine Piggee and Rocalyn Clayborn 10. Nirmala Jacob O.T. and Nola Harrison 11. Tom and Flora Quinn 12. Martha Butler and Thomas Marlow
12 June 2013
Shoes For the Soul On Saturday, April 20th, the Junior League of Texarkana sponsored Shoes for the Soul at Payless Shoe Source in Richmond Ranch shopping center. Over 200 deserving children in the Texarkana area received 338 pairs of shoes with the assistance of many dedicated League volunteers. Shoes for the Soul, which is held every October and April, is one of the Junior League’s community projects funded by Touch a Truck, Mistletoe Fair and our community partners, including Payless. Thank you to all of the volunteers and sponsors who helped make Shoes for the Soul a huge success!
Janet Willis, Annell Langdon, Jessica Higgs and Melissa Estes
Jacquelyn Osborne, Jennifer Laurent, Jennifer London, Christie Williams, Mandy Cater, KT Coltharp, Magan Carter, Stephanie Casteel, Faith Phillips, Alex White, Cammy Rose, Jeanna McDonald, Cammie Moody, Morgan Bennett and Treva West
Gina Parish, Jacquelyn Osborne, Jennifer Laurent
Listen to Matt Graves
4pm - 5pm, Monday - Friday
Fox Sports Radio 1400 on the Razorback Insider. Matt Graves
4 p.m. - 5 p.m. M - F
Jay Mohr
ALT Magazine
June 2013
National Walk at Work Day
DAR Officer Installation
On April 24 several of the RRFCU employees and branches The Texarkana Chapter Daughters of the American participated in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield “Walk at Work Revolution installed officers for 2013-2015 Thursday, Day�. On their lunch they took a brisk walk around the credit May 2nd, 2013 at The Arkansas State Capitol. union in support of a healthy lifestyle. Pictured are: Karen Rhodes, Sylvia Venable, Cherry Williams, and Felicia Drake.
Historian, Maxine Crow; Vice Regent, Dorothy Morgan; Regent, Rebecca Epps; Treasurer, Patty Mitchell
Red River Credit Union is participating in the Blue and You Fitness Challenge sponsored by Blue Cross and Blue Shield. In 2012 RRFCU won the top participant award for the large business category.
Past Regent, Maxine Crow, and Regent, Rebecca Epps
June 2013
Learning for Life
Boy Scout Service Center
Refreshing Sorbet
1. Texas High Sophomore John Reddell playing the National Anthem 2. Jennell Ingram - Principal, Theron Jones Early Literacy Center 3. Award for Outstanding Program - Kathy Graves for JumpStart for Youth Program 4. Linda Willis and Lizabeth Ludewig - 2012 National Distinguished Learning for Life District and 2012 Distinguished Council Awards 5. Tribute to Educators by Beverly Jack Webb - Guidance Counselor, Union CAMS 6. Guy Wilemon - Scout Executive, Caddo Area Council 7. Awards for Team Leadership, New Boston High School: Sr. Damien Haskins (Oregon State - Football Scholarship) and Sara Rothwell (9th grade) presented by Linda Willis 8. Award for Outstanding Presenter: Donna McLaughlin 9. Award for Outstanding Community Partner: Michael Greene of FCI Texarkana 10. Award for Outstanding Self Discipline: Master Mateo Lopez of Legendary Academy of Martial Arts 11. Award for Outstanding Citizenship: James Bramlett of Farmers Bank 12. Award for Outstanding Administrator: Linda Erie, principal of Pleasant Grove Middle School
for the lighter side of summer!
903.838.2653 4228 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 62
ALT Magazine
June 2013
Touch a Truck On Saturday, April 13th, the Junior League of Texarkana sponsored its 4th Annual Touch a Truck event at Central Mall. Over 200 visitors had the opportunity to learn about, sit in and climb on all types of vehicles including trucks, ATV’s and public safety equipment. The 2012-2013 New Member class incorporated a project called Kid’s in the Kitchen which taught healthy lifestyle habits to the children in attendance. The kids prepared their own tasty, nutritious snacks and participated in several interactive activities. The proceeds from Touch a Truck help the Junior League of Texarkana support its mission of improving the community through its many projects including Shoes for the Soul, Holiday from the Heart and Teacher Take Wing. Thank you to all of the volunteers and sponsors who helped make Touch a Truck a huge success!
Cherly Saul-Sehy, Amy Malone, Treva West, Jenni Heddrick and Lauren Blake
Mary Collin Marracino awards a guest a prize
Wishing You A Happy Father’s Day...
June 2013
Making life better... with concrete floors and countertops... Welcome to the business that reworks existing dull, ordinary concrete into a beautiful and lasting creation. Our service transforms existing concrete surfaces into unique, individual concepts and endless works of art. Gooding Decorative Concrete can help you create that beautiful and stylish touch to your home, commercial building, or business. Our wide selection of techniques truly are one of a kind. Decorative Concrete Floors, Porches, Driveways, Pools, Showrooms, Patios -- just to mention a few. “Trowel Down” custom slate finishes create a textured decorative finish that rivals the look of conventional slate at a fraction of the cost of the real thing, creating an elegant but useful non-slip finish! These floors have satisfied many customers who have chosen to enhance the beauty of
the pool deck, patio, walk, business entrance, even their interior floors! “Reflector Epoxy” Flooring Systems easily create colors and mottled patterning that cannot be achieved with any other flooring or staining processes but can be applied to match virtually any surrounding architecture or design. Benefits of reflector epoxy include: Unsurpassed durability compared to other flooring products. ** Easy to Marshall Gooding, Owner clean and virtually maintenance free. ** Unlimited color choices. ** Ideal for commercial, industrial and residential. In addition, Gooding Decorative Concrete offers Decorative Concrete Countertops after completing intensive training from one of the leading designers and manufaturers of concrete countertops and furniture in the industry, Buddy Rhodes, who has been creating custom countertops and concrete furniture for over 20 years. With Concrete Countertops, each project is a one of a kind, handcrafted work of art. We work closely with each client to choose a color and design that is both fitting to its surroundings as well as practical for everyday use. For a free estimate, give us a call. We’d love to talk with you!
Experience and quality show in our work! We will be happy to travel throughout the Ark-La-Tex! Call us today!
ALT Magazine
June 2013
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Check out our newest project completed at Garrison Gardens! Call us for a free quote! No hidden costs! Very durable and reliable products!
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Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
Children’s Advocacy Center
1. Lindsey Duffey, Bowie Co. DA - Jerry Rochell and Danita Abernathy Executive Director at Casa for Children 2. Danita Abernathy and Tiffany Schavers 3. Preparing Lunch for LE Appreciation 4. Bowie Co. DA Chief Investigator - Lance Hall, Bowie Co. ADA - Lauren Sutton and Bowie Co. Investigator - Sherrie Hapappas 5. Tiffany Schavers, Misty Honea and Whitney Venable 6. Leslie Daniel, Katherine Coats, Margaret and Officer James Harris of Texarkana TX PD 7. Training Coordinator - Eugene Swift with Bowie Co. Sheriff’s Office, Bowie Co. ADA - Kelley Crisp and Investigator - Todd Aultman with Bowie Co. Sheriff’s Office 8. Texarkana, AR PD: (On the left) Officer Richard and Dee Dee Patrick, (On the right) Officer William Smith and Det. Wayne Easley 9. Mike Sheppard and Margaret Harris 10. LE Appreciation Lunch held at CASA for Children 11. Bowie Co. DA - Jerry Rochelle, Miller Co. Sheriff- Ron Stovall, Texarkana, AR Chief of Police - Robert Harrison and Miller Co. Prosecuting Attorney Carlton Jones 12. Texarkana, AR PD (Front) Det. Brett Gatlin and Sgt. Todd Harnes (Back) Officer Kittie La Potts, Officer Kristi Mitchell and Sgt. Chris Rankin 13. Texas DPS - Trooper Adam Head and Whitney Venable 14. Child Protective Services: Diana Keener, Beverly Lucas and Lydia Melton
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ALT Magazine
June 2013
LEGE N D A R Y The best birthday parties in town!
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4 Playing Fields Fully Netted & Insured Gun Speed Tested Experienced Refs Shaded Picnic Area Private Parties Available June 2013 www.alt-mag.com 67
Carnival Under the Stars
Ramage Farms
ALT Magazine
June 2013
1. Brent Ramage and Caleb and Erica Ramage 2. Alan and Sharon Binning, and Renba Dobbs of Dixie Diner 3. Vince and Peggy Senatore of Vincent’s Fine Wine & Liquor 4. Mike Taylor and Judy Morgan 5. Angie Owen and Donna Howell of Silver Spoon Inc. 6. Susan Mervish and Hannah Crowell of Julie’s Deli 7. Roger Massey and Ronnie Walraven 8. Roger and Melissa Massey 9. Dr. James and Tammy Ward 10. Mike and Debbie Brower 11. David James and Michaele Murdock of Albert’s Meat Company 12. Tammy Ward and Balinda Miles 13. Donna McLaughlin and Felita Gilmore 14. Tony Paschal, Heather Russel Abston and Ken Coltharp of One Night Stand 15. Kirk Keller and Dr. Roy Deskin 16. Todd Coltharp and Doug Sloan of Wing Stop 17. In line for a taste of their favorite wings from Wing Stop 18. Shane and Robyn Kennedy and Shonda Turrentine 19. Connie Walker and Steve Nations
Apraxia Awareness Do You Know A Child Who Struggles To Speak?
www.Apraxia-KIDS.org When To Be Concerned About A Child’s Speech: Children accomplish speech improvement incrementally as they get older. Below are “red flags” at different ages.
Your Child At Age 1-2:
• Does not have first words • Has lost previously used words • Does not add new words every month • Is not beginning to use two words together in short phrases • Has few sounds • Is frustrated by inability to communicate
Your Child At Age 2-3:
• Does not have many sounds or words • Is not using 2-3 word sentences • Speech is not understood by those familiar with the child • Is frustrated by inability to communicate • Uses elaborate gesturing instead of speech
Your Child At Age 3-4:
• Is not using most sounds • Does not have many words • Is not using sentences of 4 or more words • Speech is not understood by most people
Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Overview Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a specific speech disorder that seriously interferes with a child’s ability to develop clear speech. CAS impairs a child’s ability to plan the movements of the lips, tongue, jaw etc. that are needed for speech. Children with CAS generally have a good understanding of language- they know what they want to say- but have difficulty learning or carrying out the complex movements that underlie speech. While the act of learning to speak comes effortlessly to most children, those with apraxia endure an incredible and lengthy struggle. Although not life threatening, it is life altering as families are left to cope with the emotional, physical and financial challenges of having a child diagnosed with CAS. Every child should be afforeded their best opportunity to develop speech. With early intervention and appropriate therapy, most children with apraxia will learn to communicate with their own voices. These children, as well as their families, deserve our highest respect for their effort, determination and resilience in the face of such obstacles. Educate yourself about apraxia! Visit the Apraxia-KIDS website for a wealth of information at www.Apraxia-KIDS.org
“Anytime a parent is concerned about their child’s development, they should follow their instincts and ask for a referral for speech-language evaluation.”
June 2013
Benefit Concert for Runnin’ WJ Ranch
Texarkana Convention Center
ALT Magazine
June 2013
1. Tara Clem and Taylor McKinney 2. Crystal Hofert and Jennifer Alyasiri 3. Chris Martin, Rita Martin, Jack Martin and Micah McBay 4. Allene Stark, Mary Ford, Nancy Sanderfur, Lucille Cook and Sylvia Waldrop 5. Marti and Steve Bledsoe 6. Rory Banks, Pam Troxler, Erin Robertson, Annalisa Moncreif and Falisha Folks 7. Brenda Hollans and Dana Humphries 8. Ginny and Clyde Permenter 9. Rebeca Puente and Meghan Morphis 10. Nancy Troike and Ron Mills 11. Marilyn and Kaylee Nowlin 12. Jessica Plant and Greg Cook 13. Gloria Mugno, Judy and Bill Crutchfield 14. Michael and Brooke Thomas 15. Patrick and Lauren Mayo 16. Tom and Brenda Burns 17. Lindola and Margarte Griffin 18. Charlie and Trina Bassett 19. Casey and Cullen Matthews 20. Curtis and Tina Schneekloth 21. Melanie Cockrell and Pat Nance 22. Joan Cutler, Kaylee Nowlin, Erin Robertson, Pam Troxler and Falisha Folks
National Salvation Army Week
Salvation Army Church
5/6/13 1
1. Ron Baker playing the National Anthem 2. Ron Baker and Willie Hightower (DMZ Korea 1967-68 and Vietnam 1969-70) 3-5. Attending to celebrate the “2nd Day National Salvation Army Week and Salvation Army Donut Day” 6. Korean Veterans Ch221 7. Lt. Lacy Parrish - Administrator of Salvation Army 8. Lt. Jimmy Parrish - Administrator of Salvation Army 9. Lt. Jimmy Parrish explaining the start of Salvation Army Donut Day 10. Judy Farley - member of Women’s Auxiliary and Sann Terry Corp and Community Relations Associate 11. Marcies Smith, Sann Terry, Malik Shabazz - Texarkana VA Clinic and Bess Gamble-Williams - Texarkana area Women’s Veteran Outreach
11 June 2013
The Texarkana Humane Society is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to re-homing orphaned animals, promoting the human-animal bond, preventing animal cruelty, educating children and adults about responsible pet ownership and preventing pet overpopulation. In order to reduce the number of unwanted animals and the euthanization of them at the shelter people need to spay/neuter their pets. The Texarkana Humane Society has a program to help individuals do this and urge everyone to get involved and tell your neighbor, family, and friends to be responsible and do their part in putting a stop to this problem here in our city. Have them contact us regarding our program. Call 903 8386334 and we will be glad to help you.
The Texarkana Humane Society is always needing volunteers as well as foster homes. If you would like to get involved and lend a helping hand they would love to talk with you. They are also needing the following items to help with the care of all the babies that come into foster: Puppy and kitten chow, formula for the babies, animal baby bottles, as well as monetary or debit card donations. We have a big need for individuals who have the time to bottle feed some of these babies. It is so sad when we cannot take any in because we are full and would welcome a few more bottle moms. It is a great expereince as well as very rewarding taking care of these little ones. If you can help with donations or feeding call Sherrie at 903 838-6334. Volunteers who agree to provide a foster home for our strays are provided with medical care for the animals. The Humane Society pays for all immunizations and spays or neuters the animal.
Texarkana Humane Society
Our goal is to place these animals in permanent homes with responsible, loving pet owners. All of our services are provided through private donations from our community. Donations are accepted and needed! Our animal friends appreciate you and your donations are tax deductible! (The Humane Society is all volunteers and all money goes towards the animals.) We’ve got a full house! Please come visit us! You might find the addition your family has been looking for! Do you have an animal that needs a new home? Please don’t neglect it! Call us and let us help you find a foster home. We will list your animal on our Facebook page at no charge. Let us help! For more information, contact Sherrie Thompson, President, at 903.838.6334, or go to www. texarkanahumanesociety.com. We’re also on Facebook!
Come visit us at Petsmart on the fourth Saturday of every month!
1. Scarlett is a terrier mix weighing 33 pounds. She is spayed, current on shots, heartworm negative, microchipped and full of love. She walks well on a leash, housetrained and rides well in a car. Scarlett will need a privacy fence as she has the ability to hop right over a 4ft fence. For more info call Sherrie at 903-838-6334. 2. Coco is a handsome 2 year old Shitzu mix. He has been fully vetted, neutered, heartworm negative, microchipped and weighs 23 pounds. This little guy walks well on a leash and gets along with other dogs and cats. He loves everyone. A fenced yard is required. For more info call Diana at 903-838-4965. 3. Didymus has a big name for a little dog. This cute terrier mix weighs only 9.9 pounds and is around 3 years old. He has been fully vetted, heartworm negative, and microchipped. Didy is housetrained, gets along with other dogs and would be a great addition to any family. For more info call Amber at 870653-6983. A fenced yard is required.
ALT Magazine
June 2013
4. Lola is a sweet little terrier mix that is a little over 2 years old. She is spayed, current on all shots, microchipped, heartworm negative and weighs a little less than 14 pounds. Lola gets along with other dogs and would be a great addition to any family. Fenced yard is required. For more info call Amber at 903-949-9389. 5. Orey is a handsome 10 month old Lab/retriever mix weighing 43 pounds. We rescued from him from our local shelter and he is truly a great pup. He is neutered, current on shots, heartworm negative and microchipped. He is working on his housetraining, gets along with other dogs and would be a great addition to any family. A fenced yard is required. For more info call Jerry at 870-773-3740. 6. Bentley is a handsome toy poodle weighing a little over 8 pounds. He has been neutered, all vaccinations, heartworm negative and microchipped. This little guy was rescued from our local shelter. He is housetraind, great with other dogs and
walks well on a leash. A fenced yard is required. For more info call Sherrie at 903-838-6334. 7. Luna is a blue chihuaha mix weighing in at 8.3 pounds. She was born with a birth defect but that hasn’t slowed her down. She is housetrained, current on shots, gets along great with other dogs and would be a great addition to any family. For more info call Sherrie at 903-838-6334 8. Izzy is an 11 pound Boston terrier mix that was rescued from our local shelter. She is spayed, heartworm negative, microchipped and current on all her shots. She is 2 years old. This sweet girl would be a great addition to any family. Fenced yard required. For more info call Amber at 903-949-9389. 9. Lou is a 9 pound female terrier weighing 9 pounds. She is spayed, heartworm negative, current on shots and is microchipped. This little girl gets along with cats, other dogs and is housetrained. A fenced yard is required. For more info call Diane at 903-838-4965.
1. Rambo is a male Pit Bull mix. He’s about 2 years old and ready to go home with a loving family. 2. Diva is a female Terrier mix. She is about 3 years old and thinks she’s a queen! She’s a little skittish at first but warms up to people quickly. 3. Floyd is a male Yorkie mix. He loves to play, but also loves to sleep! He’s love a family to call his own!
The mission of the Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is to be a technologically advanced, self sustaining, human and animal friendly facility that specializes in personal customer service from a team of knowledgeable, caring individuals who endeavor to achieve rapid placement of all adoptable animals. We are always in need of caring, capable volunteers to assist in with duties at the center, adoption events, fund-raising activities and more. Your tax-deductible donation will help care for and assist in the adoption of loving animals to good homes! The Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is located at 203 Harrison, Texarkana, AR, 71854. For more information, call Connie Slater at 870.773.6388, or visit www. animalcareadoptioncenter.org. We’re also on Facebook! We’re open Monday-Saturday from 10:00 - 5:00. Please note, all dogs adopted from this shelter MUST be spayed or neutered. Spays cost $89-$104, neuters are $76-$92 depending on the weight of the dog.
4. Jase is a male Chihuahua mix. He is 3 years old and ready to be loved. 5. Outlaw is a male Labrador mix. He’s about 5 months old, very loving and fun to play with. Brother of Sickem. 6. Rodney is a male Shephard mix. He loves to run and play and needs love and attention. He’s been
8. Sabrina is a female mixed breed. She is loving, playful and would make a great addition to any family. She’s been waiting since January. 9. Sharnay is a female Terrier mix. She is about 4 years old and loves to be held and spoiled. She also loves to play with other animals and people. 10. Si is a male Scottish Terrier. He’s a big, fluffy, fur ball and loves to play and be loved on.
Who else can help? Artex Animal Welfare, Inc. (mostly horses) 903.824.1990
We’ve got lots of kittens needing good homes right now!
Poodle Patch & Friends poodlepatch@yahoo.com
1. Spencer is adopted. He was so excited to meet his new mom today, Kathryn Fant. He bonded right off with her and he will have a little furry sister at his new home to play with also. Thank you Kathryn for giving this wonder ful little guy a great home.
Passion for Pooches (mostly small dogs) 903.832.8632 Texarkana Animal League 877.525.4825
How can you help the THS? The Texarkana Humane Society is always in need of dry food for puppies, dogs, cats and kittens, scoopable cat litter and litter boxes, collars, leashes, toys, beds, heartworm and flea medications, gift cards and monetary donations. These donations are all tax deductible, as the Texarkana Humane Society is a 501c3 organization. If your are interested in donating, helping with events, fostering or working fundraisers call Sherrie at (903) 838-6334.
11. Tzu Tzu is a male Shih Tzu mix. He’s about 2 years old and loves to play, jump and cuddle. 12. Sickem is a male Labrador mix. He’s about 5 months old and has a brother named Outlaw. They love to play with each other, as well as other animals and people. 13. Veronica is a female mixed breed. She is around 1 year old and a total princess. She will love you forever! 14. Wendy is a female Terrier mix. She loves to cuddle and needs a loving home.
Three Rivers Animal Rescue 903.490.4048
Texarkana Reptile and Amphibian Rescue 903.809.3761
waiting since August 2012. 7. Ebony is a female Terrier mix. She’sabout 3 years olf and weighs about 10lbs. She is ready for someone to love her.
2. Lou is still doing the HAPP Y DANC E! This is her wonderful new family and she has a Yorkie named Mick at home to play with. Thanks to the Davis family for adopting sweet Lou. Also a special thanks to her namesake Miss Lou, that saved her from the dark, deser ted road she was dumped on. Cour tesy of the Texarkana Hum ane Society
Happy Tails! June 2013
Calendar of Events
June 8 June 3 - August 3
TRAHC Arts on Main Summer Classes. Art classes taught by local, professional artists. Call TRAHC at 903-792-8681 or visit www.TRAHC.org for more info.
June 4
June 1
American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Texarkana at Front Street Festival Plaza from 10:00AM-10:00PM. The journey to end cancer starts with a single step. The American Cancer Society invites you to take that step with us by joining the global Relay For Life movement. When you walk to end cancer at a Relay event, it’s your opportunity to not only honor cancer survivors and remember loved ones lost, but also to raise awareness about what we can do to stay well from cancer and raise money for cancer research and American Cancer Society’s community programs. For more information, 903278-9680.
Fallen Soldier 5K Run/Walk sponsored by: Family and Friends of Bravo Company 1-153rd “Blackfoot.” 8:00AM at Trinity Baptist Church. ALT Magazine
June 6
HandOn Golf Tournament sponsored by Peoples State bank. Four Man Scramble at Texarkana Golf Ranch. Entry Fee: $400/Team or $100/ Participant. Super Ticket: $20/Player or $75/Team. Includes 2 mulligans, poker hand, 2 roll the dice holes, longest drive/putt opportunities. Early Bird Registration: $350/Team or $87.50/ Participant. For more information, 903798-3211 or handsontxk@aol.com
June 8
June 1
NAIFA Charity Golf Tournament at Oak Grove Golf Club. The Four States Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors Charity golf tournament benefits United Way of Greater Texarkana. Sponsorships available. 1:00PM shot gun start. For more information, 903-223-6533.
June 2013
Grand Opening Event for Goodwill Industries of Northeast Texas at 222 W. Broad St, Texarkana, TX. Hot dogs and drinks from 11:00AM-1:00PM. For more information, 430-200-2810.
Ms. Juneteenth pageant will be held at Arkansas High School. Registration is going on now. Orientation will be May 25th at Tower of Power Gospel Ministries 1500 Kline St. 10:00 a.m. Registration is $25. Contact: Venture Watson 903-280-5754 or venture. watson@yahoo.com
June 11 - August 10
TRAHC presents 25th Annual Regional Juried Exhibition. Free to the public. Call TRAHC at 903-792-8681 or visit www. TRAHC.org for more info.
June 14-16
AKC Dog Show at the Four States Fair Entertainment Center. For more information contact Carol Arnett.
June 16
Father’s Day June 21-23
Running WJ Ranch’s 6th Annual Benefit Barrel Race at the Four States Fair Grounds. For more information contact Patti Moore. 903-244-2306.
June 29
Sparks in the Park at the Four States Fair Entertainment Center.
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This home is Exquisite. One of the most Magnificent Luxury Homes in the area. The amenities in this home are superb. Game Room, Media Room, Exercise Room, in ground pool, butler’s pantry, granite countertops, marble floors in entry and formal living area, beautiful custom wood work, immaculate luxury home, sprinkler system, security system and more.
Cozy well kept home in Pleasant Grove. Three bedrooms, wood laminate floors, eat in kitchen. Relax on the back deck alongside the above ground pool. This home is so cute you won’t want to miss it.
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Situated in a picturesque tree lined PG neighborhood this 3 BR home has so much to offer! Lots of recent updates - close to shopping, dining and hospitals. Detached carport for your boat/ATV storage. 30 AMP plug also nearby. Walking through you can’t miss all the TLC this home has been shown!
Country Living at its best! This 3 BR 2 BA home sits on over 25 acres. It has large living area with cozy fireplace. Metal shop on a slab, an extra building that can be easily converted to home office, man cave or extra living space. All priced to sell! Come see for yourself.
Experience old southern charm when you enter this home located in one of the most prestigious historical Texarkana neighborhoods. This 4 bedroom, 4 bath home with huge master suite and library offers you all the room you will need! Call us today to take a look!
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Fantastic remodeled home in Spring Lake Park. Gourmet kitchen has gas range/oven with commercial style vent-a-hood, granite countertops and spacious cabinets. Vinyl plank and ceramic tile floors, large family room with WBFP. Enjoy the covered deck in the large fenced backyard.
Beautifully nestled in the back of Beaver Lake Estates this 4 BR 2.5 BA home offers fantastic outdoor space for entertaining. Relax in your in own in ground pool!
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ALT Magazine
June 2013
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Pull up to this dreamy 30 acre estate, and kiss the stress of the world goodbye! Dream house, with elegant details including peaceful water fountain, beautiful Aspen ceilings, custom upgrades on fireplaces, fine tile and woods and built-ins galore! More than enough room for everyone, outside on the spacious front and back covered porches. Relax and soak in the peaceful sounds of nature and the breathtaking views of the colorful landscape and 22 acre private lake that wraps around the home. Make memories with loved ones in the vast front and back yards, or spend some time on a project in the roomy 2,000 sq. ft. heated and cooled metal shop! When the day is done, meal prep is a breeze in the stunning gourmet kitchen. Take a seat at the beautiful granite kitchen island, or gather the whole crowd around the dining table and enjoy the view of the sun setting over the lake as you dine. Plenty of room for all in the living area and game room as you enjoy watching the big screen or enjoying a game of cards or pool! Time for a night cap at the custombuilt wet bar in the game room- a glass of wine will have you all ready to retire to the elegant master suite, where you can lounge in the sitting area by a romantic fire in the charming gas fireplace. Soak in the spa tub before turning back the sheets and dreaming of doing it all again the next day... thanks to this property, some dreams really can come true!
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