• Born and raised in Paris, TX
• Attended Ouachita Baptist University (OBU) 2014-2018 for undergrad where he majored in biology with minor in chemistry and played soccer for OBU. Graduated Cum Laude in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science degree.
• Attended UIW Rosenberg School of Optometry in San Antonio from 20202024, elected into Beta Sigma Kappa academic honor society and graduated Cum Laude.
• Completed two private practice externships in Greenville and Longview, TX. He has extensive experience in ocular disease management including Glaucoma, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration, and Dry Eye Disease.
• Completed internship at optometry school which included specialty rotations in pediatrics and ocular disease.
• Member of the Texas Optometric Association and American Optometric Association.
• Wife Alyssa Cade (graduated from Queen City in 2016) and Dr. Cade have a one-year-old son named Grayson. In-laws Jeff and Amanda Wiley (Jeff works for GPI, Amanda works as City Secretary at the Queen City City Hall)
• Enjoys watching and talking sports, spending time with family, and playing golf.
“Dr. Cade is excited to establish his home in Atlanta, TX, and looks forward to providing exceptional care while also building lasting relationships with his patients and the community.”
2025 - New year, new beginnings.
I am excited about what this new year brings. Here are just a few of the things I am looking forward to:
Mike asked me to marry him, again! I said YES! LOL! We attended a wedding in Las Vegas of one of his staff members a little while ago at Graceland Chapel and thought it was a blast. We joked that it would be an excellent place to renew our vows one day because it was so much fun. So that’s what we decided to do! Although we married on November 2nd, we are renewing our vows on March 2nd. (At least we kept it on the 2nd!) All our friends are invited to watch it live online on their Facebook page at 5:30pm Vegas time, which is 7:30pm our time! I can’t wait for Elvis to sing to us!
Jaclyn, our daughter, recently moved to San Antonio. I am so excited because there is an airport there, which means I can visit her more often without driving 9.5 hours to get there! Hopefully, that also means she can visit me more often-or at least meet me in the middle!
I have a small circle of wonderful girlfriends who love to go on weekend trips. If you don’t have the pleasure of having friends you can count on, no matter the situation, you are missing out. I love my tribe and love living life with them!
I have a couple of exciting things planned for later in the year. Stay tuned for the news, but I’m not quite ready for an announcement yet. You will have to keep an eye out for that!
I hope you also have a wonderful year planned. If our economy picks up, as we think it will, we will all be doing better soon.
May God bless you and yours…
Bonnie Bernardi Owner/Founder of TXK Fitness
Bonnie Bernardi is a business owner, personal fitness trainer, mother, and grandmother—the latter is quite possibly her favorite title. She truly loves helping people improve their health while celebrating life with her family.
Bonnie grew up in Winthrop, Arkansas. She was the baby of the family and spent time with her three siblings. “I was in sports all through school. I played basketball from pee-wee through my senior year of high school,” Bonnie says. Bonnie learned a lot growing up, including the time spent as a cashier in her first job at Brookshire’s Food & Pharmacy. “I quickly learned that is not what I wanted to do,” Bonnie jokingly says. Upon her high school graduation, Bonnie moved to the Texarkana area and has been here for 26 years.
Later, Bonnie gave birth to two children, and after her last child was born, she lost 110 pounds. “I was working at a dentist’s office in town, and every day, the office would close from 12 – 2pm. During this time, the dentist would go work out. Everyone in the office was fit, and after losing weight, I realized how much my self-esteem had improved. That made me want to enter the fitness industry and begin to help others reach their goals. I can’t even call this a job because I love what I do so much. It is my passion. I have been training clients since 2015 and in this facility since 2021,” Bonnie says.
Bonnie received her personal trainer certificate through training and certification with the International Sports Sciences Association. She also attended Anatomy and Physiology courses at Texarkana College to learn more about the human body. Eventually, she opened her business, TXK
Fitness, which is currently located at 3012 Richmond Road in Texarkana, Texas.
TXK Fitness is a 1:1 personal and private training facility. There are no gym memberships, and everything is tailored to Bonnie’s clients. She offers fully personalized in-person coaching with a customized workout program tailored to her client’s goals. “If a client wants to lose weight, I will train them differently than one of my guys who comes in wanting to bulk. Regardless, I am going to be there the entire time of the workout,” Bonnie explained. She also provides nutrition guidance to her clients and teaches them how food can increase or decrease their growth toward their health goals. Her Facebook page offers a proven track record of success, and she currently trains 46 clients at her facility. Gone are the days of having to remember workouts by yourself at the gym; Bonnie not only provides a full game plan but walks her clients through every step, including progress tracking.
As a solo business owner, Bonnie is not only the personal trainer but also the bookkeeper, janitor, social media manager, and so much more. “I love having my own business, but it can be stressful since it is a one-man shop. If I do not show up, there is no money coming
in. Sometimes that means I am here early mornings until late at night or even on the weekends,” Bonnie says.
Keeping Bonnie on her toes and completely motivated are her children and grandchild. Bonnie has a daughter, Lakeyn, 21, and a son, Conner, 19. Her grandson, Jagger, is two years old and is Bonnie’s pride and joy. “We do whatever he wants! He loves to play outside and go to Chucky Cheese,” Bonnie says. “I am most proud of my children. Lakeyn is a single mom and a full-time college student who stays on the President’s list every semester. Conner just graduated high school and has almost completed his associate degree. I wake up in the morning thinking of all three of my babies, and I work and do everything for them.”
Bonnie enjoys the town of Texarkana, remarking, “It’s home. I love how the community comes together and supports each other.” Bonnie supports her community through her fitness business. She donates personal training time to fundraisers for those in need and contributes to HandsOn Texarkana to raise money for senior transportation.
Over the next five years, Bonnie’s goal is to grow into a bigger facility for TXK Fitness.
Tidbits about Bonnie:
Her best encouragement is this: Never give up on something you want; continually pursue it.
Her favorite hobbies include fishing, camping, riding ATVs, and hiking outdoors. She loves spending time with her family and traveling.
Her favorite place to eat in Texarkana is Texas Roadhouse, and she loves to order a steak and house salad.
If she could have dinner with anyone, it would be President-Elect Donald Trump, and she would ask him what his plans are for the nation of Israel.
As a personal trainer, she wishes for everyone to stay active. She currently trains a 78-year-old client who began working out due to balance issues. Those issues are now gone!
Job Site Supervisor and Estimator, Eppinette Construction
Justice of the Peace, Miller County, District 3
Ethan Eppinette is a son, brother, husband, and a large part of the family business. Ethan’s parents, Jason and Kerry Eppinette, established Eppinette Construction in 2008. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, the company has served the Texarkana area for over 16 years, establishing quite the legacy for their son to experience.
Ethan began working in the business during his younger years. His parents chose to homeschool Ethan and his younger sister, allowing him to be around the family business from a young age. He would assist demolition crews, be a gopher, pick up products and carry them to job sites, and lend a helping hand wherever it was needed.
When Ethan graduated high school, he was very involved in athletics. “I had a long journey with playing golf in high school and college. My full intention was to play golf professionally. However, my freshman year at Abilene Christian University led to a knee injury that never fully recovered. I went through a stage of being bitter, upset, and unhappy with where I was. The Lord had to teach me that my plans are not His plans. It was a very hard lesson to learn,” Ethan says. “Soon after, I felt like the Lord said that was enough golf for me, and I knew the family business was an option for me to turn to. I will say this: I think there is nothing else I’d rather be doing – God has me exactly where I want to be.”
Today, Ethan serves as the company’s Job Site Supervisor and Estimator. He handles many day-to-day operations, such as scheduling crews for different job sites, ensuring product is ordered in a timely fashion, and effectively communicating with
clients. As an estimator, Ethan meets with potential new clients, composes estimates, and handles sales jobs. His advice to homeowners is to realize that the cheapest is not always the best. “I encourage homeowners to get word-of-mouth references and research your contractors,” Ethan says.
However, being a large part of the family business is not Ethan’s only significant commitment. He was recently elected the Justice of the Peace for Miller County District 3 and will take office this month. He spends a lot of time giving back to the county to make it a better place. “We definitely have a vested interest because we love Texarkana, Arkansas, and want to see it blossom. We have big dreams for the historic area that we live in. We love that part of the city!” Ethan says. “As a Justice of the Peace, I will sit on the quorum court. I will work closely with the county budget, the Sheriff’s Department, Jail, Road Department, and all other county offices and officials.”
Ethan has a heart for his family as well. “I am so proud of my parents and of my younger sister, Erin. She is becoming quite the successful hairdresser, although he still charges me for haircuts,” Ethan says. Ethan married his wife, Hannah, on January 28, 2023. They were high school sweethearts beginning in 2017 and dated for six years before they married. Together, the couple has a goal of Hannah becoming a stay-athome mother and potentially homeschooling
their children. This goal motivates Ethan to work hard and get better at his career. He wants to provide for his wife so she can be the mother she wants to be in the future.
Above all, Ethan wishes to be a good witness for Christ as he continues in life, both personally and professionally.
Tidbits about Ethan:
He enjoys playing golf, big bass fishing, hunting, and playing tennis as his hobbies. He also has begun learning the art of smoking meats.
He is currently reading Stephen King’s It, and his next read is Sweet Land of Liberty by E.W. Jackson.
Joe’s Italian Bistro in downtown Texarkana is his favorite place to eat. He orders the Ricky Special: chicken, shrimp, sweet hot cherry peppers, and pink sauce.
Ethan’s personal goals over the next five years include becoming a father as he and his wife create a family. His professional goals include taking on more of a managerial role so his dad can step back from the day-to-day operations and work on the bigger picture of the business.
He is most proud of the opportunity given to marry his wife, Hannah. They are celebrating their second wedding anniversary this month. He is also very thankful to know his parents are proud of him.
Therapist at Temple Memorial Pediatric Center
Owner/Founder of Fostering Hands OT
Chelsey Hernandez has a love for creativity, children, and the medical field. Born and raised in Texarkana, Chelsey grew up playing sports, singing, playing piano, and participating in Pleasant Grove’s marching band, including being the drum major her senior year. However, it was her parent’s occupations that inspired Chelsey in the medical field. “My parents moved from the Philippines to the United States for their physical therapy jobs. When I was able to go with them for the ‘Take your Child to Work Day,’ it sparked an interest in me for becoming a health professional,” Chelsey says. “I looked into being a nurse and a pediatrician, and it wasn’t until I attended the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) that I wanted to be an occupational therapist. I started volunteering with Community Connections, a program for kids with disabilities. This led me to the field of Pediatric Occupational Therapy.” Before graduating from the program at UCA, Chelsey spent three months at Temple Memorial Pediatric Center during a clinical rotation. “During my college time, while observing other Occupational Therapists, I fell in love with this field. I realized I could use my creativity in treatment sessions, catering each session to meet my patients’ needs. I had no idea I would return to Texarkana after graduation, but I love working at Temple,” Chelsey says.
Chelsey finished her undergraduate and graduate schooling at UCA. “During my final year of grad school, we had a capstone project to complete. I created a website called Fostering Hands of OT, which focused on occupational therapy within the foster care system. I chose this project because the foster care system is not a well-known area for occupational therapists to treat, but
it is an underserved community,” Chelsey explains. The project did not end with her schooling, Chelsey still maintains the website as well as a Facebook and Instagram page offering free worksheets, activities, and workbooks for therapists, parents, teachers and anyone looking for resources to use for children with or without disabilities.
Chelsey’s primary focus and time are at Temple, where she uses her creativity and experience to assist patients in occupational therapy. Most of Chelsey’s patients range in the two- to three-year-old range, but she does have a handful of babies and schoolaged children. “With babies, I am on the floor working in different positions, strengthening, working on grasping skills, and visual motor skills. Once they reach school age, I work with them on more fine motor skills they need for handwriting, teaching them to get dressed, feed themselves, and help them meet their sensory needs. With my older kids, we work on emotional regulation, social skills, and life skills, including house chores and job placement. It’s really cool to see the different areas of life we can treat within the pediatric world,” Chelsey says. “Here, the smallest bit of progress is a huge victory. I like to do a lot of play-based learning, allow my kids to find something they enjoy doing, and build my treatment sessions off different activities that motivate them to work hard
and learn. This allows them to trust me and challenge them further in future sessions.”
Chelsey’s future professional goals include the desire to partner with local foster organizations and provide workbooks to give to families in need. Chelsey is currently certified in ADHD and is hoping to achieve more certifications in the near future.
Chelsey met her husband, Daniel, in 2021, and they married in 2022. The couple is expecting their first child, a son, in February 2025. “Daniel is super great with kids, and I am looking forward to seeing how we will raise our kids together,” Chelsey says.
Chelsey is most proud of being where she is today as an occupational therapist and as a woman of God. She explains, “I could not have gotten this far in life without God, my family, and my husband.”
Website: https://fosteringhandsot.wixsite.com/ fosteringhands
Facebook: Fostering Hands of Occupational Therapy Instagram: @fosteringhandsot
TpT (Free Worksheets): “fosteringhandsOT” https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/store/ fosteringhandsot
She loves that Texarkana is growing and starting to offer more activities. “I love that Spring Lake Park has added inclusive playground equipment,” Chelsey says.
Her very first job in life was at Old Navy in Texarkana. Although she was pretty reserved as a teenager, the job taught her to communicate with everyone and get out of her shell.
Her favorite advice to pass onto parents whose children are in occupational therapy includes encouragement to be on the floor playing and interacting with their children. She advises them to model what they want the child to learn.
Chelsey stays motivated by her strong relationship with Christ. This allows her to relate to her husband, family, and friends. At work, the small victories with each patient motivate her to work harder and persevere.
During her free time, Chelsey loves the visual art form of calligraphy. In 2015, she began teaching herself and using it to express her creativity. Her original intent was to spread God’s word, and she continues that today while taking on custom customer pieces.
Katheryn Schmidt is a caring person, which is why she excels in her line of work. She is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and the owner of Sitters, both of which require a caring heart.
As the owner of Sitters, Katheryn has a very demanding job, but it is one she enjoys. When a family member’s elderly loved one is to the point of needing regular care or monitoring, her business provides the client with quality care. This care can be administered in the client’s home, assisted living center, or hospital. The company began in 2005 when Katheryn’s mother, Karen, saw a need here in Texarkana. Karen started the business to provide elderly care through companionship, personal care, transportation, light housekeeping, and more. They became fully trained to assist clients suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia, hospice patients, and other special needs issues. Karen retired a few years ago, and now Katheryn successfully runs the Sitters business. “I am the marketer, human resources, scheduler, and everything else. I meet with all our clients for assessments to truly understand their needs and personalities. I then schedule sitters that will work well with the client. Together, we monitor the progress of every client we serve to ensure they continue to lead healthy, meaningful, and well-rounded lives under our care,” Katheryn says.
Katheryn did not grow up with this career in mind. “I didn’t really pick this career – God chose this career for me. I went to school to be a special needs teacher. My grandparents became ill, and my mother needed to take care of them. She asked me to come run the business while she was away,” Katheryn says. She then worked in the business, and in 2019, she decided to obtain her CNA license. She worked in home health for a little over four years. “It’s been very rewarding but also very sad,” Katheryn explains. “I can
relate to the hospice situation because I had a son who passed away from Spinal Muscular Atrophy. His name was Blake, and he was one month old. It helps the grieving process for me to relate to some of the patients because, eventually, Blake always comes up. God definitely has a way of working things out.”
Katheryn truly enjoys giving back to the Texarkana community. She is more of a silent worker and giver, working furiously behind the scenes. On Mondays, she joins forces with Teresa Rivers to assemble bags, including sandwiches, for over 200 homeless people. She is actively involved with HandsOn Texarkana, an organization supporting senior citizens and disabled adults. In 2024, she donated pantry items as well as sponsoring the annual Tapas and Wine event. Finally, she partners with Mrs. Kristi Kendrick at the Beverly Center. “If an event happens in Beverly, like when the tornado hit in July 2024, we go into the neighborhood and hand out food, water, and supplies. I like to get out in the community and physically walk it and help,” Katheryn says. “Charkeitha LaDawn (Cookie Lady), LaBrenna Morgan, Kristi, and I all come together and combine our resources, but in silence. We are not looking for a shout-out.”
Katheryn enjoys life with her partner of eight years, Nick Fertitta. She also loves her stepson, Brody, who is 16. Her future goals include opening another location for Sitters and trying to work less.
In the meantime, she really enjoys Texarkana. “It is a small town, and everyone knows everyone. I was born in Jackson, Mississippi, and moved to Texarkana when I was six years
old. I love this town,” Katheryn says.
Tidbits about Katheryn:
She learned her work ethic from her father who is a surgeon and owns an extensive cattle company. Both parents instilled the value of working for everything you want in life.
Her hobbies include crafting, decorating, and organizing.
Her advice for families with loved ones in hospice is to remove your feelings and go by the patient’s wishes.
Katheryn is most proud to see the progress Sitters has made. They are celebrating their 20th year in business!
She would love to eat dinner with Reba McEntire and speak with her about her success in life.
Sitters come to you: in-home, hospital or retirement facility setting. Sitter Services Include: Bathing, dressing, grooming, feeding, exercising, toileting, positioning, assisting with self-administered medications, routine hair and skin care and transfer or ambulation
A minimum of 4 hours is required!
19 Years in
Jay Strickland grew up in the Texarkana area and proudly calls it home, not only for his family but for his businesses. “Growing up was a lot different than what it is now. You did not come home until the street light came on. I was the youngest in the neighborhood, so I always ran with the older boys. I had a great time growing up and graduated from Pleasant Grove,” Jay says. “My Dad also owned Interstate Raceway, a go-kart track. I worked out there growing up as well. I started when I was 8 years old and was a flagger, and eventually worked at the ticket booth, refueling the karts, performing tire changes and oil changes.”
Jay has always had an entrepreneurial touch. He came up working alongside his father, Rod, who was a master electrician and owned Nash Electric. Jay spent 10 years under his father’s guidance, learning the ins and outs of the business. At the same time, Jay went to school at night and earned his teaching degree. He taught school at Queen City, Hooks, and Liberty-Eylau and coached for seven years. However, teaching was not the career choice Jay would end up with. His interest was sparked in the construction world, and he began Lone Star Custom Homes. After the first year, he was able to leave teaching, and the business did well for many years. In 2017, Jay came back to his roots and started working as an electrician. He spent the first year working independently and then slowly added crew members each year. LiveWire Electrical Services was born, and now Jay and his crew focus on residential and commercial needs.
Jay enjoys the electrical field. He says, “Wiring a house is easy for me, but I love troubleshooting more. I like it when customers want to add on to a house, and it requires me to find the best way to make that dream happen. I never get bored.”
Problem-solving is what Jay does best and how he has built the residential service end of
his business. LiveWire listens intently to their customers’ challenges and finds solutions. However, they take it a step further. His company evaluates the entire home system, including a brief safety evaluation, checking fire alarms, CO2 detectors, and GFI protection. His crew consists of industry professionals, each one highly trained, background checked, drug tested, and with the right experience to complete the job.
However, Jay not only owns and runs the day-to-day business of LiveWire but is also an operating partner with Iconic Performance Center. “My partner, Rodney Whatley, and I have a softball organization. We use the building for private lessons and rent the facility for parties. I handle the paperwork end, and Rodney does more hands-on work,” Jay says.
Jay married Megan in 2017, and she joined the LiveWire business in November 2024. “She is my bright light!” Jay says. Jay is also a father to four children: his daughters Kara (16) and Katie (14) and two bonus sons Ryker (14) and Wyatt (11). The family also shares their love for their three dogs and one cat: Lucy, Bella, Blue, and Alex.
Jay’s advice for parents today is to cherish every moment with their kids. “Spend time with them and support their passions—whether it is sports, academics, cheer, dance, or band. Celebrate the good times and be there to guide them through the challenges. Communication and patience are key, especially in a blended family like ours. It’s about learning each other’s
personalities and finding balanced solutions along the way,” he explains.
As Jay looks towards the future, he hopes to have LiveWire Electric running smoothly with managers in place where he can eliminate some of the day-to-day operations and decision-making from himself. “I want to be sure to train the right people and put them in the right places to do those jobs because in 10 years, I would like to retire,” Jay says. “Personally speaking, I have four very athletic kids who want to pursue a college career in baseball or softball. I want to give them every opportunity they are willing to work for.”
music but still likes Jelly Roll, Eminem, and Zach Bryan.
If he could have dinner with anyone, he would pick Elon Musk and would ask him where he sees the energy demands and solutions are going forward.
He loves that Texarkana is a smaller community with great school and athletic programs.
Tidbits about Jay:
He is a big music head. Early years included Mötley Crüe, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, and Aerosmith. Now, he is more into country
His favorite advice for homeowners is this: A cheap electrician is always more expensive than an expensive electrician because it will cost you more in the long run. Please do your research, look at reviews of electricians you are considering hiring, and have a conversation with them.
He enjoys using the Headway app to study business and motivational books. His favorite podcast is Certain Path.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2024
Colton and Tristen met through mutual friends. Since day one, they’ve been inseparable. After two years of being best friends and very much in love, Colton popped the question!
Parents of the Bride: Jereme May, Brooke Austin
Parents of the Groom: Jason
Alsabrook, Debbie Stanford
Maid of Honor: Madison Daniel
Best Man: Robert Merz
Groomsmen: Jack Taylor, Austin Budwah
Flower Girls: Addison Kate
Ring Bearer: Luke Stanford
Pastor/Officiant: Jereme May Venue: Garrison Gardens
Wedding Coordinator: Karen Guilbert
Cake: Maddie Cakes
Caterer: Garrison Gardens
Photographer: Breanne Bradshaw
Wedding Invites: Canva
Ceremony Music: Garrison Gardens
Wedding Dress: Happily Ever After Suits: Dillard’s
“Both of our maternal grandparents passed away when our mothers were young, so we made a point to honor the loved ones who were watching from heaven. It was a special moment for our mothers and us.”
JULY 27, 2024
Connor and Faith met in an unusual, but amazing way. Though Connor was from Chicago and Faith was from Louisiana, their families happened to be on top of the same mountain in Colorado on the same day. After two years of keeping in touch, they decided to try long-distance. One year later, he chose to move to Louisiana, where she was attending nursing school. They knew after spending those days together working out, studying, going on walks, praying, and getting to know one another they wanted to be together forever. He chose to propose at sunset during a walk at their favorite park. Faith and Connor truly had a mountain top experience that turned into a life full of love and happiness.
“Decorating with my entire bridal party and family was so fun! Also, being surrounded by so many people I love and celebrating the best day ever with them.” – Faith
Parents of the Bride: Jill & Chris Hirsch
Parents of the Groom: Denise & Kalid Hassoun Maid of Honor: Olivia Hirsch
Bridesmaids: Natalie McDonald, Audrey Plummer, Anna Beth Flowers, Rachel Hirsch, Abigail Flowers, Brielle Hassoun, Mackenzie Forbes, Joie Sutherland
Best Man: Kalid Hassoun
Groomsmen: Mason Hassoun, Hunter Hassoun, Joe Betterman, Brown Hirsch, Niko Dimoulis, Kyle Kvistad, Ryan Ferral, Connor Tisdale
Flower Girl: Morgan Plummer
Pastor/Officiant: Paul Flowers
Bridal Make-up: Kimberly Bearden
DJ: Wes Spicher
Venue: Garrison Gardens
Wedding Coordinator: Ashley Saunders
Cake: Julie’s Deli
Caterer: Garrison Gardens
Photographer: Makayla Jones and Macy Wozniak
Videographer: Joe Lane, Anointed Media
Wedding Dress: Fabulous Frocks
Wedding Jewelry: Dillard’s
Tuxedos: The Black Tux
DECEMBER 16, 2023
Parents of the Bride: Randy & Julie Minter, Kim & Paul Tedford
Parents of the Groom: Ryan & Courtney Morton
Maid of Honor: Myka Craig
Bridesmaids: Avery Hayes, Claire Minter, Brynlee McClendon, Tara Reeves
Best Man: Ryan Morton
Groomsmen: Steve Tibbit, Lane Jeane, Lucas Morton, Dalton Mixon
Ushers: Wade Crank, Mack Gregory
Flower Girls: Ellory McClendon, Tilly McClendon
Ring Bearer: Charlie
Pastor/Officiant: Bro. Donnie Edwards
Grandparents of the Bride and Groom: Tommy & Brenda Morton, Terry & Sharon Purifoy, Dennis & Carla Minter, Junior Smith, Mike & Beverly Harville
Flowers: Unique Flowers & Gifts
Bridal Hair: Erika Johnson
Bridal Make-up: Madison Purifoy
Venue: Garrison Gardens
Wedding Coordinator: Karen Guilbert
Cake: Challis Pugh
Rentals: Dot’s Rentals & Sales
Photographer: Blaine Fisher - Blaine Fisher
Videographer: Brittany Gant - Britt G
Wedding Dress: Low’s Bridal Shop
Wedding Jewelry: Crocker’s Jewelers
Tuxedos: Squires Formalwear
Lane and Kallie’s love story began when they met in high school—Kallie, a junior, and Lane, a freshman. Though they were young, Kallie was the first to feel the spark, and from that moment on, the two were inseparable. They both knew early on that their bond was special and that they’d get married one day. After Kallie graduated, she stayed close to home, attending all of Lane’s high school events and waiting for the day they’d be together. When Lane graduated, he already knew what his next step would be. He bought an engagement ring a month later and began planning a surprise proposal.
On August 1, 2023, surrounded by Kallie’s family, he asked her to be his forever. Just four months later, on December 16, 2023, they exchanged vows in a beautiful wedding ceremony, celebrating their deep love and promising to continue their journey together stronger than ever.
wedding day was so special having all our family and close friends together to celebrate us. Their love and support made the day unforgettable, filling it with joy and creating memories we’ll cherish forever.”
The benefits of tax-efficient wealth management.
A tax-advantaged account offers certain tax benefits to encourage individuals to save or invest for specific purposes, such as retirement, education or healthcare. These accounts can help you lower your taxable income, defer taxes or avoid taxes altogether if used for qualified expenses.
Beyond tax efficiencies, tax-advantaged accounts also offer estate planning benefits, access to a variety of investment options, coverage for future medical and education expenses and potentially simpler tax reporting.
Retirement plans
There are several tax-advantaged account options, each with its own benefits and rules:
• 401(k) plans are employer-sponsored plans that allow employees to contribute a portion of your salary to the plan on a pre-tax basis. Your employer may also match a portion of the money you contribute. Contributions and investment gains within a 401(k) plan are tax-deferred until withdrawn.
• Traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) allow you to contribute a certain amount on a yearly basis. Contributions may be tax deductible, but like 401(k) plans, investment gains are tax-deferred until they’re withdrawn.
• Roth IRAs are individual retirement accounts that allow you contribute a certain amount each year with after-tax dollars. Roth IRAs don’t have required minimum distributions (RMDs) and
any qualified withdrawals are tax-free, including both contributions and earnings. (Tax-free and penalty-free withdrawals can be made after the age of 59½, and once the account has been open for a minimum of five years.)
Rules and benefits vary from account to account and depend on your tax situation as well as any future changes in tax laws. Tax-deferred retirement accounts allow you to put off paying taxes upfront, which means you have to pay at the point any money is withdrawn.
529 plans are specifically designed to help families save for future eligible education expenses, such as tuition, fees, books and certain living costs. These plans create a tax-advantaged account where you can save money earmarked for education expenses. You can contribute post-tax funds to this account, and when it comes time to cover qualifying educational costs, you won’t be obligated to pay federal taxes on the money withdrawn.
The two primary types of 529 plans:
• College savings plans allow you to invest in a variety of investment options, such as mutual funds, certificates of deposit (CDs) and money market funds. Over time and based on the performance of the investments you choose, the value of your account will fluctuate.
• Prepaid tuition plans give you the opportunity to prepay tuition at eligible colleges at today’s prices, helping you lock in tuition costs and avoid future price increases. Aside from tuition, withdrawals from these plans can also be used
for various qualified expenses like room and board.
Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) is another education plan option that works similarly. While the money used to fund these types of accounts isn’t tax-deductible, you’ll enjoy tax savings on any money you make on your investments.
The key difference between 529 plans and Coverdell ESAs is that a Coverdell ESA has a lower annual contribution limit per beneficiary and can be used to cover a range of qualified education expenses for both college and K-12 expenses. Coverdell’s offer a more flexible investment universe, including individual securities, like stocks and bonds.
There are two main types of tax-advantage health plans:
• Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are tax-advantaged savings accounts that allow you to save for qualified medical expenses. HSAs require you to be enrolled in a highdeductible health plan. Interest earned within an HSA is taxdeferred, allowing investments to grow without being taxed until withdrawn. However, HSA withdrawals are tax-free providing they’re used for eligible medical expenses.
• Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are employersponsored accounts that allow employees to set aside pre-tax dollars for qualified medical expenses or dependent care expenses like deductibles and copayments. Contributing to an FSA can reduce your taxable income from your gross salary before taxes are withheld. Not only can health-related tax-advantage accounts help you cover future medical expenses, but they can also be used as a long-term and diversified savings vehicle to help you plan for the future.
• Consider your long-term financial goals and aspirations.
• Evaluate your income sources, expenses and tax exposure.
• Explore with your advisor which tax-advantaged accounts may be right for you.
Sources: synchronybank.com; experian.com; investopedia. com; americanfidelity.com; hsacentral.net;
Please note, changes in tax laws may occur at any time and could have a substantial impact upon each person’s situation. While we are familiar with the tax provisions of the issues presented herein, as Financial Advisors of Raymond James, we are not qualified to render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.
Contributions to a traditional IRA may be tax-deductible depending on the taxpayer’s income, tax-filing status, and other factors. Withdrawal of pre-tax contributions and/or earnings will be subject to ordinary income tax and, if taken prior to age 59 1/2, may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty.
Unless certain criteria are met, Roth IRA owners must be 59½
or older and have held the IRA for five years before tax-free withdrawals are permitted.
401(k) plans are long-term retirement savings vehicles. Withdrawal of pre-tax contributions and/or earnings will be subject to ordinary income tax and, if taken prior to age 59 1/2, may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty.
Investors should consider, before investing, whether the investor’s or the designated beneficiary’s home state offers any tax or other benefits that are only available for investment in such state’s 529 savings plan. Such benefits include financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors.
As with other investments, there are generally fees and expenses associated with participation in a 529 plan. There is also a risk that these plans may lose money or not perform well enough to cover education costs as anticipated. Most states offer their own 529 programs, which may provide advantages and benefits exclusively for their residents. The tax implications can vary significantly from state to state.
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Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange / SIPC, and Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA / SIPC, are subsidiaries of Raymond James Financial, Inc.
Raymond James® and Raymond James Financial® are registered trademarks of Raymond James Financial, Inc.
By: Suzie Tyler
Wow! 2025!
Welcome to a new year!
The word of the year is transparency, and I want to be responsible and straightforward in all my writing this year.
I began writing a blog for ALT Magazine in May 2021. It will be four years old in 2025, and I haven’t gotten fired or run out of town on a train yet.
It’s been a fun journey, but I wanted to comply with the word of the year, be transparent, and let my readers know a little about me. I will only reveal the good stuff! Diane and Karmyn, who want to retain their inheritance, will have to share any other knowledge.
I celebrated my birthday in November. Adding another year brings new challenges! I have retired four or five times and recently took a position as a pianist at a small Baptist Church. I guess God doesn’t have a retirement program!
I had a unique love story and wanted to share it, so I began my job as a writer. In 1958, my husband and I met and fell in love, but a returned letter separated us. Understand, in the 50s, there were no cell phones, internet, or Google. Most people did not have a landline phone. Fifteen years later, we were both divorced and living 450 miles apart but found our way back to each other. Seven months later, we married.
During those seven months of dating, I received the most beautiful love letters, which recaptured my heart and were invaluable for my new project.
My background is in music and accounting. I could handle an IRS audit or Christmas Cantata but not write a book. So, I decided to educate myself. I took local and online classes, purchased writing books, and listened to other writers ask hundreds of questions. I even took classes to become a certified editor!
I learned that researching a book takes time and gained a new respect for writers. Now, when I walk into any bookstore, I don’t see books, but the time to write them.
To make a longer story shorter, I never expected ten years ago to be speaking to groups about my book behind a podium. My comfort zone was a piano bench. I was terrified at the thought of giving my testimony to a ladies’ group. My ministry was from the piano bench!
But here I am all these years later, and I’ve changed my piano bench for a podium! Maybe I should invest in a teleprompter!
Never fear the unknown. Take a leap of faith, embark on a new journey, and discover new horizons no matter your age!
Have a great New Year in 2025. Step out of your comfort zone and experience fresh adventures. Be sure to include God in your picture. After all, we won’t live forever and must think about our fate in the afterlife.
Follow SuzieTKWriter on Facebook, Twitter (aka X), Instagram, and Amazon Author Page. I ventured out and got a TikTok account. Watch out, 2025!
This year, the Texas State Legislature is requiring ALL appraisal districts in the state to start a program in which they verify residential homesteads. The legislature doesn’t give any guidance as to how it will be conducted, and of course, it will cost the taxpayers lots of money.
Here in Bowie County, the district is working on getting new homestead applications filled out by as many people as possible in the “over 65” category while people are in the office paying taxes. Next year, the district will be working on “General Homesteads.”
If you live in Texas and are near the office at 122 Plaza West, please stop by and file for a new one. Each application filed in the office
is one less that will need to be mailed. If you don’t file for a new Homestead, you risk losing the homestead for the year you didn’t refile. It takes about five minutes to do. All you do is sign the form and provide a copy of your driver’s license.
I would encourage everyone to take care of this as soon as possible, or if you receive one in the mail, please return it as quickly as possible.
Join Salty Boutique at 10:30am and help your child find a love for books and new friends!
Healthy Kids Running
Inspiring kids (ages 2-14) to believe in themselves and lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Join them at Spring Lake Park! More info at HealthyKidsRunningSeries.org.
January 10 from 6-9pm in Downtwon Texarkana!
Calling all young sharpshooters ages 8-13! It’s your time to shine at the Elks Hoop Shoot, a FREE basketball free-throw competition open to all kids in the community.
National Chocolate Cake DayJanuary 27
Arts Integration Institute for Educators
Moving through Poetry - Exploring Vocabulary and Meaning with Dance! Call 903-792-8681 for more information. Held at the Regional Arts Center.
Steak, Fish, and Karaoke Night
Join Elks #2771 from 6-11:30pm for good food and fun!
AVAILABLE NOW, Newly built gorgeous townhomes. Take your pick of a three bedroom, two full baths, one half bath unit or two bedroom, two full baths, one half bath unit. LOCATED AT 3445-3475 BROOKE PLACE TEXARKANA TX (Pleasant Grove ISD), at the end of a cul-de-sac, off Richmond Road. Each unit features stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, open floor concept, breakfast bar, laundry room, vinyl plank flooring throughout, and attached one car garage. Pets welcome 35lbs or less. Walk to Ironwood for Happy Hour and a nice dinner, or Amigo Juan’s for a Margarita! Only 5 minutes to Christus St. Michael Hospital & 12 minutes to Wadley Regional Medical Center, Only 5 minutes to Texas A&M Texarkana Campus & 8 minutes to Texarkana College.