Resources for Changing and Saving Lives

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A comprehensive listing of resources available to help you conduct a successful Hope for Humanity initiative

Dear Church Leader,

Perhaps you remember the story: Jasper Wayne ended up with 100 copies of a special edition of Signs of the Times, the Adventist missionary magazine, when he had ordered only 50. The year was 1903, and Wayne made his living traveling around Iowa, selling nursery stock. When Wayne picked up the first 50 copies of Signs at the post office, he handed them out to other post office patrons, promising that any donations they gave him would go to support Christian missions. He received more than $4 (a significant amount in 1903). A few days later another shipment of 50 Signs arrived at the post office. By the time he distributed all the papers, he had collected $26 for missions. In the next 12 months Wayne handed out another 400 copies of Signs and collected about $100. Thus Harvest Ingathering was born. In 1908 the General Conference recommended that every church be involved in the program. By the end of 1992 more than 500 million dollars had been collected and donated by Adventists worldwide to be used for evangelistic and humanitarian purposes. For decades Ingathering served two purposes: to fund community outreach and humanitarian ministries of the Adventist Church, and to give Adventists an opportunity to visit homes and businesses in their communities with reports of Adventist service activities— both foreign and domestic—and seek their assistance in funding them. In 2000 the program that began as Harvest Ingathering, and later was just called Ingathering, received a new name: Hope for Humanity. The focus is really unchanged after more than 100 years: to raise community awareness of our humanitarian and community-based endeavors, and to raise funds for humanitarian and social outreach projects around the world. Hope for Humanity continues the tradition of dedicated service and selfless concern for the physical as well as the spiritual wellbeing of our neighbors, whether they are around the corner in our own community or thousands of miles away in foreign lands. Resources for Changing Lives & Saving Lives is a catalogue that lists all the free materials that are available for your Hope for Humanity campaign, along with the order forms for you to use to obtain these free resources for use in your church. You’ll find materials for a campaign that focuses on service, witness, and fellowship. Our message hasn’t changed since this ministry began, so we also provide the opportunity to order materials that were produced in recent years to help you customize your involvement in this ministry to your needs and the needs of your community. Thank you for your support of Hope for Humanity. If you have any questions about these materials, or just want to discuss your church’s program, feel free to call us at 1-888-425-7760 and we’ll be happy to talk with you. On behalf of those whose lives will be blessed and changed through your efforts, thank you. May God bless you in your ministry. Yours sincerely,

The following resources have been thoughtfully developed to aid in your Hope for Humanity mission. l Video Presentations of the inspiring work being carried out by Hope for Humanity l Audio Presentations— inspirational songs, stories, and messages l Brochures with information about Hope for Humanity’s mission and its various projects l Posters to focus attention on the important work of Hope for Humanity l Bulletin Inserts to bring awareness to your congregation These resources are available to you FREE. See the back cover for ordering information.

CONTENTS 2009 Campaign Materials (English)................................... 1 2009 Campaign Materials (Spanish)................................. 2 Video and Audio ..................................................................... 3 Hope for Humanity Brochures.............................................4 Hope for Humanity Posters.................................................. 5 Hope for Humanity Bulletin Inserts....................................6 Offering Envelopes.................................................................. 7 Bible Studies............................................................................. 7 Bookmarks ............................................................................... 7 Caring & Donation Boxes ..................................................... 8 ID Cards...................................................................................... 8 Receipt Books ......................................................................... 8 Hope Kits .................................................................................. 8

Maitland DiPinto Director, Hope for Humanity Adventist believers. Changing lives. Saving lives.

How to Order ........................................... Inside Back Cover Cómo ordenar ......................................Outside Back Cover

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2009 Hope for Humanity Brochure

This year’s tri-fold brochure highlights the Hope for Humanity message of “Adventist Believers. Changing Lives. Saving Lives.” Without abandoning the spiritual messages that have characterized these brochures, this theme stresses how Hope for Humanity is a conduit that connects the resources of the developed world with the needs of the developing world in areas such as literacy, education, health, and HIV/AIDS. This brochure is appropriate for both church members and the public. (4.875” x 7.25”) Catalog Number: 220240

2009 Hope for Humanity DVD

This DVD contains the latest collection of Hope for Humanity videos. Women of Hope (12:30 minutes); Mission: Maluti (8:30 minutes); A World of Difference: Literacy Projects in India (12:00 minutes); On Their Own But Not Alone (9:30 minutes); Pittsburgh Church Plant and Community Outreach (4:30 minutes); Journey of Understanding: The Literacy Circles of Nicaragua (17:30 minutes); and Road to Hope (14:00 minutes). Catalog Number: 220248

2009 Hope for Humanity Inserts Hope for Humanity’s more than 100-year legacy identifies it closely with the Seventhday Adventist Church. These bulletin inserts are a reminder for church members about that legacy and about the difference this ministry makes both within the community and the church. They are a colorful and inspirational way to stay informed about the scope of the ministry of Hope for Humanity. (5.5” x 8.5”) Catalog Number: 220242

2009 Hope for Humanity How You Can Help Pamphlet

2009 Hope for Humanity Posters

From door-to-door canvassing, to visiting businesses in the community, to organizing a youth activity to collect funds, to challenging church members to participate, this pamphlet contains insights and ideas on how to conduct a Hope for Humanity campaign. The ideas are practical and varied so they can be adapted to any group or congregation. (5.5” x 8.5”) Catalog Number: 220250

Few things say more about who we are and what we believe than what we put on our walls. Church members and visitors alike will be drawn to these posters, which provide information about the work that Adventist believers, through Hope for Humanity, are engaged in around the world. The posters are a great way to promote and provide inspiration for your Hope for Humanity campaign. (One 17” x 17” poster and two 8.5” x 8.5” posters) Catalog Number: 220246


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Adventist BELIEVERS.



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CAMPAĂ‘A 2009 Folleto de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2009

El folleto de este aĂąo destaca el mensaje de Esperanza para la Humanidad: Creyentes Adventistas, Cambiando Vidas, Salvando Vidas. Sin abandonar el mensaje espiritual que ha caracterizado a estos folletos, destaca cĂłmo Esperanza para la Humanidad es un medio que pone en contacto los recursos del mundo desarrollado con las necesidades del mundo en desarrollo en ĂĄreas tales como alfabetizaciĂłn, educaciĂłn, salud y VIH/SIDA. Este folleto es apto tanto para miembros de iglesia como para el pĂşblico. NĂşmero de catĂĄlogo: 220241

2009 Esperanza para la Humanidad DVD

Ideal para promover lo labor de Esperanza para la Humanidad y sus programas de alfabetizaciĂłn en particular. Este DVD contiene tres videos con subtĂ­tulos y un video doblado al espaĂąol. Los videos con subtĂ­tulos en espaĂąol son: Mujeres de esperanza; MisiĂłn: Maluti; Enciende una luz en tu hermano, los cĂ­rculos de alfabetizaciĂłn en Nicaragua. Los cĂ­rculos de El Salvador, el programa de alfabetizaciĂłn en El Salvador, estĂĄ doblado al espaĂąol. NĂşmero de catĂĄlogo: 220249

Volantes de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2009

El legado de mås de 100 aùos identifica a Esperanza para la Humanidad con la Iglesia Adventista del SÊptimo Día. Estos volantes son un recordatorio para los miembros de iglesia de ese legado y del impacto positivo que este ministerio lleva a cabo tanto en la comunidad como en la iglesia. Con atractivos colores y un mensaje de inspiración, mantendrån a su congregación informada acerca de la envergadura del ministerio de Esperanza para la Humanidad. (5.5� x 8.5�) Número de catålogo: 220243

CĂłmo puedes ayudar, folleto de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2009 Dirigidos por la Providencia

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“Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de beber; fui forastero, y me recogisteis; estuve desnudo, y me cubristeis; enfermo, y me visitasteis; en la cĂĄrcel, y vinisteis a mí‌ en cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos mis hermanos mĂĄs pequeĂąos, a mĂ­ lo hicisteisâ€?. —Mateo 25:35-36, 40

Este folleto contiene información e ideas acerca de cómo llevar a cabo una campaùa de Esperanza para la Humanidad ya sea yendo de puerta en puerta, visitando los negocios de la comunidad, organizando actividades entre los jóvenes para recaudar fondos y animando a los miembros de iglesia a participar. Las ideas pråcticas para la HUMANIDAD AESPERANZAson y variadas de tal manera que se pueden adaptar a cualquier grupo o congregación. (5.5� x 8.5�) Número de catålogo: 220252 +)+/ƍ .%/0% *+/ƍ-1!ƍ .!!*ƍ-1!ƍ!(ƍ ,.+"1* +ƍ )+.ƍ !ƍ %+/ƍ,+.ƍ( ƍ$1) *% ƍ !),%!6 ƍ $+. ƍ)%/)+ƍ5ƍ/!ƍ!40%!* !ƍ ,+.ƍ0+ ƍ( ƍ!0!.*% ċƍ /,!. *6 ƍ, . ƍ( ƍ 1) *% ƍ!/ƍ1* ƍ !ƍ( /ƍ) *!. /ƍ +)+ƍ (+/ƍ 2!*0%/0 /ƍ !(ƍ h,0%)+ƍ „ ƍ((!2 *ƍ !/,!. *6 ƍ5ƍ )+.ƍ ƍ*1!/0. /ƍ +)1*% !/ƍ 5ƍ ƍ*1!/0.+ƍ)1* +ċ




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El nuevo rostro de la RecolecciĂłn.



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“MantĂŠnganse ďŹ rmes e inconmovibles, progresando siempre en la obra del SeĂąor, conscientes de que su trabajo en el SeĂąor no es en vanoâ€?. —1 Corintios 15:58, NVI

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PĂłsters de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2009

Pocas cosas dicen mås acerca de quiÊnes somos y quÊ creemos que lo que ponemos en nuestras paredes. Los miembros de iglesia y las visitas serån atraídos a estos pósters que proveen información acerca de la labor que los creyentes adventistas, a travÊs de Esperanza para la Humanidad, llevan a cabo alrededor del mundo. Los pósters son una manera muy efectiva de promover y proveer inspiración a su campaùa de Esperanza para la Humanidad. (Un póster 17� x 17 y dos pósters 8.5 x 8.5) Número de catålogo: 220245

t t t t 2008 Real Hope DVD

Ideal for promoting the Hope for Humanity campaign, this DVD contains seven videos that can be used for Sabbath School, Personal Ministries, or small class meetings. The segments range from 5 to 14 minutes in length and include: On Their Own But Not Alone, the children of Nhlengelo; To Save the People of Lesotho; Standing Together, the HIV/AIDS program of Nhlengelo; The Hands of Christ, the literacy program in Honduras; The Circles of El Salvador, the literacy program in El Salvador; A World of Difference, the literacy program in India; Road to Hope, the caregivers of Nhlengelo. Catalog Number: 220226

DVD de Esperanza Real, 2008

Un gran recurso para promover la campaña de Esperanza para la Humanidad. Este DVD contiene cinco videos con subtítulos y un video doblado al español. Los videos con subtítulos en español son: Hombro a hombro, los niños de Nhlengelo; Un mundo de diferencia, el programa de alfabetización en India y Las manos de Cristo, el programa de alfabetización en Honduras; Los círculos de El Salvador, el programa de alfabetización en El Salvador, está doblado al español. Catalog Number: 220235

REAL HOPE: 2006 Hope for Humanity DVD

This DVD contains four short programs that demonstrate the primary goals of Hope for Humanity: to share in ministry with our fellow believers around the world, to serve our communities through the compassionate ministry of Christ, and to communicate the unique Adventist message by demonstrating God’s love in a practical way. The four programs are: Nhlengelo! Standing together against HIV/AIDS in South Africa; Water for Guatemala, providing fresh clean water to an orphanage and school; Ranchi Nursing School, Hope for Humanity provides funds for a nursing school building in India; and The Road to Literacy, the learning circles of El Salvador. Catalog Number: 220212

REAL HOPE: 2007 Hope for Humanity DVD

Nhlengelo: Road to Hope, Regional Conference leaders visit an HIV/AIDS center in South Africa (14 min.); Standing Together: The Children of Nhlengelo, NAD educators learn about the impact of HIV/AIDS on the children of South Africa (10 min.); The Circles of El Salvador, literacy “Learning Circles” anchor a whole new life (13 min.); A World of Difference: Literacy Projects in India, the love of Jesus motivates these lay teachers (12 min.); The Hands of Christ: Literacy Ministry in Honduras, volunteers take seriously the compassionate ministry of Jesus Christ (11 min.); Maluti Adventist Hospital: Fighting to Save the People of Lesotho, the powerful testimony of God’s love in the face of adversity (6 min.). All the segments are ideal for small group showing. Catalog Number: 220125

STANDING TOGETHER: The Children of Nhlengelo

Paul Mawela, a retired pastor in Dwarsloop, South Africa, felt that he was performing too many funerals for young adults; almost every weekend he helped bury a young person, leaving children behind. So he decided to do something about HIV/AIDS. Come with Hope for Humanity to visit Dwarsloop and Nhlengelo; this fascinating story will touch your heart and open your mind. This video is ideal for small group showing. (9 minutes) Catalog Number: 220185

NHLENGELO: Road to Hope


REAL HOPE FOR REAL PEOPLE: Hope for Humanity, audio CD

Forty-two million people worldwide are affected with HIV/AIDS. Half of them live in southern Africa. At Nhlengelo, volunteer caregivers receive training to help adults who are isolated by their situation and too sick to care for themselves. Hope for Humanity has been supporting pastor Mawela’s work in Dwarsloop to help the “least of these.” Come with a group of African-American church leaders to visit Nhlengelo and be moved, as they were. Ideal for showing to small groups. (13 minutes) Catalog Number: 220080

Choose life! That’s the message of these short audio programs. If you are facing uncertainty, if you find yourself “stressed out” about the future, or if you are just not feeling as focused as you’d like to be, you’ll find this series of short recordings to be very helpful. In short, easy-touse segments, this program can help you refocus on the things that give your life focus, energy, and hope. Some of the topics include: Learning to relax, thinking rational thoughts, goal planning, balance in your life, the Word of God. (About an hour) Catalog Number: 220170

ESPERANZA REAL PARA GENTE REAL: CD de audio de Esperanza para la Humanidad

Escoge vivir. Ese es el tema de estos pasajes cortos. Si te encuentras en el valle de la incertidumbre, si te sientes demasiado “estresado” por el futuro, o si simplemente no te sientes tan enfocado como te gustaría estar, encontrarás estos mensajes muy útiles. Con segmentos breves y fáciles de escuchar, este programa te puede ayudar a enfocarte en aquellas cosas que dan a tu vida energía y esperanza. Algunos de los tópicos incluyen: Aprender a relajarnos, pensar razonablemente, establecer blancos, equilibrio en tu vida, la Palabra de Dios. (Aproximadamente una hora). Catalog Number: 220171


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Adventist BELIEVERS.



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BROCHURES REAL HOPE: Hope for Humanity Brochure 2008

A colorful and detailed brochure, it covers Hope for Humanity’s areas of endeavor. The brochure opens from a 9” x 3” bulletin rack format to a 9” x 6” magazine. It presents the biblical basis and philosophy of Hope for Humanity. As an Adventist Christian initiative, Hope for Humanity helps the “least of these” by teaching, caring, and comforting. The last two pages of the magazine highlight the teachings and ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Catalog Number: 220230

ESPERANZA REAL: Folleto de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2008 Este folleto de vívidos colores cubre las áreas de trabajo de Esperanza para la Humanidad. Se convierte de un folleto de 9 x 3 pulgadas de tamaño en una revista de 9 x 6 pulgadas. Presenta la base bíblica y filosófica de la labor de Esperanza para la Humanidad. Como una iniciativa Adventista, Esperanza para la Humanidad ayuda a “los menores de estos” al enseñar, atender y consolar. Las últimas dos páginas de la revista destacan las enseñanzas y el ministerio de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. Número de Catálogo: 220229

REAL HOPE: Hope for Humanity Brochure 2007



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This brochure is ideal for sharing information about the ministry of welfare of the Adventist Church as it has been implemented for more than 100 years through Hope for Humanity. This six-page, 8.5” x 11” brochure highlights the areas of endeavor of Hope for Humanity: partnering with local communities and organizations to help people learn to read and write; providing a timely response during floods, earthquakes, tornados, tsunamis, epidemics, famines, or acts of aggression; providing comfort and medical aid to lessen the scourge of HIV/AIDS. Catalog Number: 220100

ESPERANZA REAL: Folleto de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2007

Este folleto es ideal para compartir información acerca del ministerio de bondad que la Iglesia Adventista ha estado implementando durante más de 100 años a través de Esperanza para la Humanidad. Este folleto de seis páginas (8.5 x 11 pulgadas) destaca las áreas de trabajo de Esperanza para la Humanidad: aliándose con comunidades y organizaciones para ayudar a la gente a aprender a leer y escribir; proveer asistencia en casos de inundaciones, terremotos, tornados, tsunamis, epidemias, hambrunas o actos de agresión; proveyendo consuelo y asistencia médica para aminorar el azote del VIH/SIDA. Número de Catálogo: 220101

REAL HOPE: Hope for Humanity Brochure 2006

Opening with a quote from the apostle Paul, “Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort” (1 Cor. 15:58), this six-page brochure introduces the reader to three major areas of endeavor for Hope for Humanity: community services, education, and training (providing support for local literacy initiatives in developing countries); community health and urgent human need (working hand in hand with organizations, churches, and institutions in the initial response to disasters as well as in the development of long-term solutions); and confronting the international HIV/AIDS crisis (making a difference in the lives of children most impacted by HIV/AIDS). Catalog Number: 220216

ESPERANZA REAL: Folleto de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2006

Abre con una cita del apóstol Pablo: “Manténganse firmes, y nunca dejen de trabajar más y más por el Señor. Y sepan que nada de lo que hacen para Dios es inútil” (1 Cor. 15:58), este folleto de seis páginas presenta al lector las tres áreas de trabajo de Esperanza para la Humanidad: Servicios a la comunidad, educación y entrenamiento— proveyendo apoyo a iniciativas de alfabetización en países en desarrollo; salud comunitaria y respuesta a la necesidad humana—aliándose con organizaciones, iglesias e instituciones en respuesta a desastres lo mismo que en el desarrollo de soluciones a largo plazo; haciendo frente a la crisis internacional de VIH/SIDA, causando un impacto positivo en las vidas de los niños más afectados por VIH/SIDA. Número de Catálogo: 220214


Hope for Humanity 2007 Posters

Hope for Humanity 2008 Posters

Provide awareness in your church lobby or bulletin board with this set of posters designed for the 2008 Hope for Humanity campaign. This set of four posters follows the same design as the 2008 Brochure. Each poster is 11” x 17” and highlights one of the four areas of endeavor for Hope for Humanity: Educating, Caring, Comforting, and Healing. Each poster opens with a Bible quote followed by a brief description of Hope for Humanity’s work in each particular area of endeavor. Catalog Number: 220232

The themes for this set of posters are: Educating, Caring, Comforting, and Hope Realized. A colorful way to showcase the areas of endeavor of Hope for Humanity to your congregation or your community, these posters highlight the strong connection between the Christian call to service and the difference a person’s involvement can make in this world. These posters make a clear statement of Hope for Humanity’s commitment to help church members be the hands and feet of Jesus. Place these posters in your church’s lobby, bulletin boards, Sabbath School classes, or wherever you think it’s suitable. (11” x 17”) Catalog Number: 220110

Pósters de Esperanza Para La Humanidad, 2007 Pósters de Esperanza Para La Humanidad, 2008

Decora el vestíbulo o el boletinero de tu iglesia a la vez que provees información acerca de la campaña de Esperanza para la Humanidad con este juego de pósters diseñados para la campaña de 2008. Juego de cuatro pósters. Cada póster mide 11 x 17 pulgadas y destaca una de las cuatro áreas de labor de Esperanza para la Humanidad: Educar, Atender, Consolar y Sanar. Cada póster empieza con una cita bíblica seguida por una descripción breve del trabajo de Esperanza para la Humanidad en cada área de labor. Número de Catálogo: 220231

El mensaje de este juego de pósters es: Educando, Atendiendo, Confortando y Esperanza Viva. Siendo una manera colorida de mostrar las áreas de labor de Esperanza para la Humanidad a su congregación o a la comunidad, estos pósters destacan la fuerte conexión entre el llamado cristiano al servicio y el impacto que la involucración de una persona puede producir en este mundo. Estos pósters hacen una declaración firme del compromiso de Esperanza para la Humanidad de ayudar al miembro de iglesia a ser las manos y los pies de Jesús. Coloque estos pósters en el vestíbulo de su iglesia, en los boletineros, en los salones de escuela sabática o cualquier otro lugar apropiado. (11 x 17 pulgadas). Número de Catálogo: 220111


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Adventist BELIEVERS.



BULLETIN INSERTS Hope for Humanity Bulletin Inserts 2008

Keep your congregation’s attention on your Hope for Humanity campaign by distributing one of these two bulletin inserts during Sabbath School, the worship service, or a special event. Their effectiveness will be enhanced if the campaign is featured somehow during the event. With a strong Bible quote on the front, these inserts will remind your congregation of the Christian call to service and commitment. In the tradition of our pioneers, two longcherished Adventist values are featured: Caring and Healing. Catalog Number: 220228

Hope for Humanity 2006 Posters

While showcasing Hope for Humanity’s areas of endeavor, the main message of this set of posters is the Christian call to service. What the casual reader will see at a glance are four strong Bible quotes (Matt. 9:35-38; 1 Pet. 4:10; Isa. 58:6, 7; 1 Cor. 15:58). What the inquisitive reader will get is a description of Hope for Humanity’s commitment to involve church members in ministry, a ministry that translates into transformed lives due to better education, better health, better self-esteem, and a better future. (11” x 17”) Catalog Number: 220118

Volantes de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2008

Mantenga a su congregación informada acerca de su campaña de Esperanza para la Humanidad al distribuir uno de estos dos volantes durante la Escuela Sabática, el culto divino o un evento especial. Su efectividad aumentará si la campaña es parte del evento. Con una cita bíblica poderosa en la portada, estos volantes recordarán a su congregación el llamado cristiano al servicio y la dedicación. En la tradición de nuestros pioneros, se destacan dos valores muy estimados por los adventistas: Atender y sanar. Número de Catálogo: 220227

Hope for Humanity Bulletin Insert 2007

Pósters de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2006



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Al mismo tiempo que muestra las áreas de labor de Esperanza para la Humanidad, el mensaje central de este juego de pósters es el llamado cristiano al servicio. Lo que el lector casual obtendrá de un vistazo son cuatro poderosas citas bíblicas (Mateo 9:35-38; 1 Pedro 4:10; Isaías 58:6, 7; 1 Corintios 15:58). Lo que el lector inquisitivo descubrirá es una descripción de la dedicación de Esperanza para la Humanidad a involucrar a los miembros de iglesia en ministerio, un ministerio que se traduce en vidas transformadas debido a una mejor educación, una mejor salud, una mejor autoestima y un mejor futuro. (11 x 17 pulgadas) Número de Catálogo: 220117

Every year Seventh-day Adventists across America reach out to their neighbors, friends, and communities through Hope for Humanity. The message of the bulletin insert for 2007 is “Educating, Caring, Comforting.” These three themes are developed in the insert, highlighting how Adventist Christians can make a difference in our communities, in the world of need around us, in our witness and outreach, and in our congregations. This bulletin insert is a heartfelt appeal for your congregation to get involved and personally contribute to the success of our worldwide projects. Catalog Number: 220105

Volantes de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2007

Cada año, a lo largo de los Estados Unidos, los Adventistas del Séptimo Día se ponen en contacto con sus vecinos, sus amistades y su comunidad a través de Esperanza para la Humanidad. El mensaje del volante de 2007 es: Educando, atendiendo, confortando. Estos tres temas son desarrollados en el volante destacando cómo los cristianos adventistas pueden causar un impacto positivo en nuestras comunidades, en nuestro testimonio, y en nuestras congregaciones. Este volante es una apelación a su congregación para que se involucren y contribuyan personalmente al éxito de nuestros proyectos alrededor del mundo. Catalog Number: 220106

Hope for Humanity Bulletin Insert 2006

Seventh-day Adventists believe that reaching out in hope is the very work that Jesus calls Christians to do. Using 1 Corinthians 15:58 as a challenge to the reader, this bulletin insert will serve as a reminder that the Adventist legacy of caring for the whole person is expressed in the Hope for Humanity literacy projects, HIV/ AIDS initiatives, community development, and community health projects. Keep mission alive by inviting the members of your congregation to get involved in your Hope for Humanity campaign, a program that gives them an opportunity to forge meaningful partnerships for ministry with our brothers and sisters in churches around the world Catalog Number: 220215

Volante de Esperanza para la Humanidad, 2006

Los Adventistas del Séptimo Día creen que llevar esperanza a otros es la labor que Jesús nos llama a hacer como cristianos. Usando 1 Corintios 15:58 como un desafío para el lector, este volante es un recordatorio de que el legado adventista de atender a la persona en su totalidad es expresado en los proyectos de alfabetización, las iniciativas de VIH/SIDA, los proyectos de desarrollo comunitario y los proyectos de salud comunitaria. El fuego misionero se mantiene encendido al invitar a su congregación a involucrarse en su campaña de Esperanza para la Humanidad, un programa que les da la oportunidad de forjar alianzas significativas para ministrar con nuestros hermanos y hermanas en iglesias alrededor del mundo. Número de Catálogo: 220213

MISCELLANEOUS Hope for Humanity Offering Envelope

This tithe-sized envelope is ideal for placing in the church pews during your Hope for Humanity campaign to provide your congregation the opportunity to be part of this ministry. The envelope is a reminder that there is grace and blessing in the healing ministry of Christ, and that for more than a century Adventist believers have kept that core value alive through Hope for Humanity. The envelope stresses that 100% of the funds collected are used for humanitarian purposes. Catalog Number: 220145

Hope for Humanity Bible Study Guide

The theme for this Bible study guide is Real Hope: God’s Plan for Your Abundant Life. Unlike other Bible study guides based on the text-proof method, this guide outlines five core areas of our belief: The Bible is the Word of God, Jesus is the Son of God, God has a plan for your life, God cares about the quality of life, and God wants to spend time with you. Each one of the five chapters is a devotional study on the given subject, followed by Bible references. A very thoughtful way to share the Adventist Christian message with the community. (Soft cover, 5.5” x 8.5”) Catalog Number: 220135

Guía de Estudio de Esperanza para la Humanidad

El tema de esta guía de estudio es Esperanza real: El plan de Dios para ti es pleno de abundancia. A diferencia de otras guías de estudio basadas en el método de prueba de texto, esta guía se enfoca en cinco áreas claves de nuestras creencias: La Biblia es la Palabra de Dios, Jesús es el Hijo de Dios, Dios tiene un plan para tu vida, Dios se preocupa por la calidad de nuestras vidas y Dios desea pasar tiempo contigo. Cada uno de los cinco capítulos es un estudio devocional sobre uno de los temas seguido por una serie de pensamientos con referencias bíblicas. Una manera muy considerada de compartir el mensaje cristiano adventista con la comunidad. (Tapa suave, 5.5 x 8.5) Número de Catálogo: 220136

Hope for Humanity Bible Studies Postcard

Most of our post-modern population don’t like to have people knock on their doors. How can we still witness to them about the eternal truths we cherish? Use these Business Reply Cards to invite people to order the Hope for Humanity Bible Study Guides. Each card has all the information the reader needs to order the soft cover Real Hope: God’s Plan for Your Abundant Life Bible study guide. The postage is post paid. The post office will provide the vehicle for witnessing. (Card stock, about 4” x 6”, complies with post office requirements) Catalog Number: 220138

Estudios bíblicos Esperanza para la Humanidad, Tarjeta de subscripción A muchas personas no les gusta que alguien venga a tocar a su puerta ofreciéndoles alguna cosa. ¿Cómo podemos compartir las verdades eternas que tanto amamos? Utilice estas tarjetas de subscripción para invitar a las personas a ordenar los estudios bíblicos de Esperanza para la Humanidad. Cada tarjeta tiene toda la información que la persona necesita para ordenar los estudios bíblicos Esperanza Real: El plan de Dios para ti es pleno de abundancia. La tarjeta no requiere de estampilla. Número de catálogo: 220139

Hope for Humanity Bookmarks

These inspirational bookmarks are companions to the Bible study guide, Real Hope: God’s Plan for Your Abundant Life. Each bookmark matches one of the chapters of the study guide: Words of hope from God to man, God loves us enough to give His Son, God loves you enough to have a plan for your life, God cares about our quality of life, and God cares about spending time with us. Share them with your congregation as a reminder of our faith; share them with the community as a token of our care. (Full color, card stock, about 1.5” x 7”) Catalog Number: 220140


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Adventist BELIEVERS.



Marcalibros de Esperanza para la Humanidad

Estos marcalibros inspiradores acompañan a la guía de estudio bíblico Esperanza Real: El plan de Dios para ti es pleno de abundancia. Cada marcalibro hace juego con uno de los capítulos de la guía de estudio: Palabras de esperanza de Dios al hombre, Dios nos ama tanto que dio a su hijo, Dios te ama tanto que tiene un plan para ti, Dios se preocupa por la calidad de nuestra vida, Dios desea pasar tiempo con nosotros. Compártelos con tu congregación como un recordatorio de nuestra fe; compártelos con la comunidad como una muestra de afecto. (A todo color, tarjeta, aproximadamente 1.5 x 7) Número de Catálogo: 220141

Hope for Humanity Caring & Donation Boxes

Hope for Humanity Receipt Book

Designed for those situations when a donation receipt is expected, these NCR (carbonless copy paper) paper forms will allow you to fill in the donor’s information (name, address, phone, city) and the donation amount. The donor keeps the top original and you keep a copy. The form is designed in such way that a cardboard backing is placed between forms to keep them neat. The copy will allow you to do some follow up with the donor. Instructions for its use are imprinted on the back cover. (Ten receipts per book. Book size: 9” x 4”) Catalog Number: 220120

Talonario de Recibos de Esperanza para la Humanidad

Diseñado para esas ocasiones cuando se requiere un recibo por la donación, este talonario en papel autocopiante NCR, le permitirá llenar la información del donante (nombre, dirección, teléfono, ciudad) y la cantidad de la donación. El donante recibe la parte de arriba y usted guarda la copia. El talonario está diseñado de tal manera que el cartón de atrás se puede colocar entre recibos para mantenerlos limpios. La copia del recibo permite que se haga seguimiento más tarde. Diez recibos por talonario. Tamaño del talonario: 9 x 4. La cubierta del talonario tiene instrucciones para su uso. Número de Catálogo: 220121

These caring boxes are ideal for those who like to go canvassing door to door as well as for those who like to place a “piggy bank” in strategic places. Ideal for the children’s divisions, Pathfinder’s Club, and classrooms. Made out of cardboard and delivered flat, they require assembly. (Approximately 5” x 3” x 2”, each box will hold about $20 in loose change) Catalog Number: 220255

Hope for Humanity ID Card

There are some situations and locations where an official ID will be required and expected. These business card-sized ID cards provide the bearer with the authority to participate in the Hope for Humanity canvassing campaign. (Card stock. Space for name of bearer and city/state) Catalog Number: 220130

Tarjeta de Identificación de Esperanza para la Humanidad



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Hay situaciones y lugares donde se requiere y se espera una tarjeta de identificación oficial. Estas tarjetas de identificación, del tamaño de una tarjeta de presentación, proveen al portador la autoridad de participar en la campaña de donaciones de Esperanza para la Humanidad. Tarjeta con espacio para el nombre del portador y de la ciudad/estado. Número de Catálogo: 220131

Hope for Humanity Hope Kit

When a disaster strikes (earthquake, flood, tornado), sometimes the quickest and best response is to provide the victims with a tangible resource. The Hope Kit was designed to contain inspirational messages, instructions on how to get help, and hotline information, as well as a cash card. You will need to provide the cash/gift card from a local vendor (supermarket, warehouse store, or hardware store). Catalog Number: 220251

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To order additional materials, complete this form and call, fax, or mail to: Phone: 800-328-0525 Fax: 402-486-8819 Mail: Hope for Humanity 5040 Prescott Avenue Lincoln, NE 68506

l l l l l

Additional materials are FREE for use in your Hope for Humanity program. To control costs, please order only what you need and plan to use. Please order all your additional materials at one time, if possible. Make a copy of this form for your files and future use. Materials are available to assist with the outreach and fundraising aspects of your Hope for Humanity program.



Cat. No.



2009 Brochure/Real Hope

Cat. No.



2009 Bulletin Inserts


2008 Real Hope DVD


Standing Together DVD


How You Can Help Pamphlet


Nhlengelo: Road to Hope DVD


Caring & Donation Box


2006 Real Hope DVD


2009 Hope for Humanity DVD


2007 Real Hope DVD


Receipt Book


Real Hope for Real People CD


ID Card


2008 Brochure/Real Hope


Bible Studies


2008 Bulletin Inserts


Bible Study Postcard


2008 Posters


Offering Envelope


2007 Brochure




2007 Bulletin Inserts


Hope Kit


2007 Posters


2006 Brochure


2006 Bulletin insert


2006 Posters


2009 Posters


Authorized Signature


(Please print name)


Church Name


Ship to: Recipient Name Street Address

Shipping options (select one):

l Option 1: It is easiest and cheapest for us to ship by UPS to a l

City/State/Zip Contact Phone Contact Person Contact e-mail Date you want supplies to arrive


home. If no one is home, the order will generally be left at the door. Option 2: We can ship directly to the church, but UPS will not leave the order unless someone is there to sign for and receive it. Option 3: We can also ship to a church post office box.

To control costs, please order only what you need and plan to use.

The New Face of Ingathering. 12501 Old Columbia Pike • Silver Spring, MD 20904

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Para ordenar material adicional, complete este formulario y envíelo por fax, por correo, o llame a: Fax: 402-486-8819 Phone: 800-328-0525 Mail: Hope for Humanity 5040 Prescott Avenue Lincoln, NE 68506

l l l l l

El material adicional para ser usado en su programa de Esperanza para la Humanidad es GRATTIS. Para controlar gastos, favor de ordenar solamente lo que piensa usar. Favor de ordenar, de ser posible, todo el material adicional al mismo tiempo. Haga una copia de este formulario para ser utilizada en el futuro. Existe material disponible para ayudarle en su campaña de recolección para Espeanza para la Humanidad.



Cat. No.



2009 Folleto Esperanza Real

Cat. No.



2009 Volantes Esperanza Real


2008 Esperanza Real DVD


Esperanza Real CD


DVD Esperanza para la Humanidad


2008 Folleto Esperanza Real


Como puedes ayudar


2008 Volantes Esperanza Real


Caja de donativos


2008 Pósters


Libro de recibos


2007 Folleto


Tarjeta de identificación


2007 Volantes


Estudios bíblicos


2007 Pósters


Tarjeta para estudios bíblicos


2006 Folleto


Offering Envelope


2006 Volantes




2006 Poster


2009 Pósters

Firma autorizada


(Nombre en molde)


Nombre de iglesia


Enviar a: Nombre


Opciones de envio (elija una):

l Opción 1: Es más fácil y más barato enviar a una casa. Si nadie está en casa, la orden es dejada en la puerta.


l Opción 2: Podemos enviar directamente a la iglesia, pero UPS


l Opción 3: También podemos enviar el material a un P.O. Box


no dejará el envío si alguien no está para firmar. de la iglesia.

Para controlar gastos, por favor ordene solo lo que va a usar.

Persona contacto E-mail Fecha para recibir material

ESPERANZA para la HUMANIDAD El nuevo rosto de la recolección

12501 Old Columbia Pike • Silver Spring, MD 20904

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