Buffet Mebel 2013

Page 1

be cool, be chic




be cool, be chic

Small Entities, disegnata dal designer Marco Maggioni per Mebel, non è solo una collezione per la tavola, la casa e il bar. Non è solo l’esaltazione di una tecnologia produttiva innovativa, grazie alla quale la melamina viene trattata e resa perfetta nel croma e nelle forme, vetrificata ed esaltata nella sua purezza. Small Entities è un percorso in un mondo botanico parallelo, nel quale ogni suggestione, plasmata dall’immaginazione, consegna agli occhi la meraviglia della natura e alle mani oggetti da usare e contemplare come fossero forme di vita mai scoperte. Come se la natura si fosse dimenticata di pensare ciò che Small Entities ha creato.

Small Entities, created by designer Marco Maggioni for Mebel, is much more than a tableware, home and hospitality industray collection. It is not just the result of state-of-theart pioneering manufacturing technology, thanks to which melamine has been treated and made perfect, acquiring a glass-like quality that brings to light its purity, while enhancing both color tones and shapes. Small Entities is a parallel botanic universe, in which influences, sculpted by our imagination, provide delight of nature’s marvels for our eyes and objects to be used, touched with our hands and studied as if they were a new life form that has just been discovered. The creations in the Small Entities collection are those that nature has yet to create.

Small Entities conçue par le designer Marco Maggioni pour Mebel, elle n’est pas seulement une collection pour la table, la maison et le bar. Elle n’est pas seulement l’exaltation de la technologie de production innovante, grâce à laquelle la mélamine est traitée et rendue parfaite dans la couleurs et formes, vitrifiée et exaltée dans sa pureté. Small Entities est un chemin dans un univers botanique parallel dans lequel chaque suggestion, façonnée par l’imagination, donne aux yeux la merveille de la nature et aux mains objets à utiliser et contempler comme des formes de vie jamais découvertes. Comme si la nature avait oublié de penser à ce que Small Entities a crée.

MELAMINA Tutti gli oggetti della linea Small Entities sono realizzati in purissima melamina, una resina termoindurente che, oltre ad essere un materiale pregiato e di tendenza, è atossico e food-safe. Le principali caratteristiche sono: • brillantezza e lucentezza, al pari della porcellana e della ceramica • resistenza agli urti • lavabile in lavastoviglie • non assorbe odori • non assorbe grassi Tutti i prodotti presenti in questo catalogo soddisfano le più severe disposizioni internazionali in materia di conformità alimentare.

All Small Entities products are made of pure melamine, a thermosetting resin that besides being a cool and contemporary material, is durable, no-toxic and safe.

Tous les objects de la ligne Small Entities sont realises en pure melamine qui, en plus d’etre un materiau precieux et a la mode, e non- toxique et securitaire des aliments.

Its main features include: • same brightness and shine as porcelain and pottery • shock resistance • dishwasher safe • it does not absorb smells • it does not absorb grease

Les principales caracteristiques sont: • le brillant et le luisant, comme la porcelaine et la céramique • la résistance aux chocs • lavable dans le lave-vaisselle • n’absorbe pas les odeurs • n’absorve pas les graisses

All of our products are guaranteed to meet and conform to international safety laws.

Tous les produits de ce catalogue repondent aux exigences internationales les plus strictes dans les denrees alimentaires satisfaisant.


MARCO MAGGIONI Esiste una materia prima che non si esaurirà mai: l’immaginazione. Immaginare i prodotti di domani, anticipando le aspettative di un mondo in continua evoluzione, è quella sfida che stimola la mia curiosità e creatività verso tutti quei percorsi non ancora tracciati, dove ogni progetto è un vero e proprio viaggio nel futuro delle idee. Le forme non aspirano ad una validità eterna, sono rappresentazioni dello spirito del tempo: segnali e simboli. Non esistono, quindi, soluzioni definitive, assolute. Per tale ragione ci è data la grande possibilità di ricercare, sperimentare, intraprendere nuovi percorsi; allora le idee nascono come viaggio della fantasia e la nostra più grande forza risiede proprio nella capacità di immaginazione, nel saper esplorare infiniti possibili mondi, nella consapevolezza che la velocità delle trasformazioni, in atto nella nostra società e cultura contemporanea, condizioneranno sempre più il modo di pensare e progettare. Ogni nuovo mio progetto rappresenta un percorso del pensiero che si attua in linguaggio visivo, ricerca semantica, prefigurando nuovi scenari: gli oggetti che io creo si propongono come interfaccia di una nuova esperienza percettiva, sensoriale, relazionale.

There is a raw material that will never end: the imagination. Imagining tomorrow’s products, anticipating the expectations of a changing world, is the challenge that stimulates my curiosity and creativity to all of those routes have not yet been traced, where every project is a real journey into the future of ideas. The forms do not aspire to eternal validity, are representations the spirit of the time: signs and symbols. There are, therefore, definitive solutions, absolute. For this reason we have given a great opportunity to discover, experiment, take new routes, then the ideas come as a journey of imagination and our greatest strength lies in its ability to imagination, in being able to explore the infinite possible worlds in awareness that the speed of change, taking place in our contemporary society and culture, affect more and more way of thinking and planning. Each new project represents a path of my thoughts that takes place in visual language, semantic search, prefiguring new scenarios: the objects that I create are meant to interface of a new perceptual experience, sensory, relational.

Il y une matière première qui ne meurt jamais: l’imagination. Imaginer les produits de demain, en anticipant les attentes d’une monde en mutation, c’est le défi qui stimule ma curiosité et créativité vers tous les chemins non encore établi, où chaque projet est un véritable voyage dans le futur des idées. Les formes n’aspirent pas à une validité éternelle, sont des représentations de l’esprit de l’époque: signes et symboles. Il n’y a donc de solutions définitives, absolues. Pour cette raison, nous avons une excellente occasion de recherche, d’expérimentation, de nouveaux chemins, et donc les idées naissent comme un voyage de l’imagination et notre plus grande force réside dans la capacité d’imaginer, d’être en mesure d’explorer les mondes infinis possibles, en sachant que le vitesse des transformations qui s’opèrent dans notre société et la culture contemporaine aura une influence de plus en plus importante sur la façon de penser et de planifier. Chaque nouveau projet est un voyage de ma pensée qui se déroule dans le langage visuel, recherche sémantique, annonçant de nouveaux scénarios: les objets que je crée sont proposés comme l’interface d’une nouvelle expérience perceptive, sensorielle, relationnelle.

Tavola / Table / Table

drink & fun entity 14 a/b/c entity 12 a/b entity 23 entity 11/15/18 entity 13 white

p 11 p 13 p 15 p 17 p 19 p 21

entity 13 black entity 21 entity tablemat entity 6 entity 4

p 23 p 25 p 27 p 29 p 31

Aperitivo / Appetizer / Appetizer

Degustazione / Tasting / DĂŠgustation

entity 1 entity 10 entity 9 entity 3

entity 24 degusto for two entity 16 degusto entity 20 degusto entity 16 entity 20 entity 17 entity 19 entity 22

p 35 p 37 p 39 p 41

p 45 p 47 p 49 p 51 p 53 p 55 p 57 p 59

tavola table table

drink & fun

drink & fun

Set bicchieri in materiale plastico Set glasses in plastic material Set de verres en plastique


Dimensions - drink & fun 300 cc - 80x110 mm

RE V-G 00M 119536 P S 9 GLA 801531 EAN I WH 2 MVP00 911951 S GLA 801531 EAN BLU 9 MVP00 911952 S GLA 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 2 pezzi per scatola 6 boxes multipack - 2 pcs. per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 2 pièce per coffret




entity 14 a


c b

Piatto da portata in melamina bicolore 100% Serving plate in 100% two-tones melamine Assiette service en mĂŠlamine 100% bi-color

entity 14 b

Piatto grande in melamina bicolore 100% Large plate in 100% two-tones melamine Grande assiette en mĂŠlamine 100% bi-color

entity 14 c

Piatto fondo in melamina bicolore 100% Soup plate in 100% two-tones melamine Plat creux en mĂŠlamine 100% bi-color

BLU MV57 M02 191228 4 EA1 80153 EAN



-VIO 5 9 2MV -M0 191228 4 1 EA 80153 N EA


Dimensions - entity14 a 355x282x18 mm



-VIO 6 5 2MV -M0 191229 4 1 EB 80153 N EA

RY V-G 02M 144309 M 4 9 EA1 801531 EAN

BLU MV18 M02 191229 4 EB1 80153 EAN


ED V-R 02M 133075 M 4 9 EB1 801531 EAN

Dimensions - entity14 b 332x260x18 mm VIO MV14 M02 191230 4 EC1 80153 EAN


ty1 enti

Dimensions - entity14 c

RA V-O 02M 122871 M 4 9 EA1 801531 EAN

E -GR 4 6 2MV -M0 191228 4 1 EA 80153 N EA

ED V-R 02M 133037 M 4 9 EA1 801531 EAN

A -BL 0 4 2MV -M0 191228 4 1 EA 80153 N EA

RA V-O 02M 122932 M 4 9 EB1 801531 EAN

GRE MV25 M02 191229 4 EB1 80153 EAN

BLU MV70 M02 191229 4 EC1 80153 EAN

RED MV89 M02 191333 4 EC1 80153 EAN

A -BL 2MV 22901 0 M 491 EB1 801531 EAN

RY V-G 02M 144330 M 4 9 EB1 801531 EAN

RA V-O 02M 122994 M 9 4 EC1 801531 EAN

GRE MV87 M02 191229 4 EC1 80153 EAN

A -BL 2MV 22963 0 M 91 4EC1 801531 EAN

RY V-G 02M 148024 M 9 4 EC1 801531 EAN

222x180x42 mm

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 pezzi 6 pcs. multipack Emballage multiple de 6 pièces




b a

entity 12 a

Piatto medio in melamina bicolore 100% Medium plate in 100% two-tones melamine Assiette medium en mĂŠlamine 100% bi-color

entity 12 b

Piatto dessert in melamina bicolore 100% Dessert plate in 100% two-tones melamine Assiette dessert en mĂŠlamine 100% bi-color

-VIO 2 2 2MV -M0 191222 2 1 EA 80153 N EA

BLU MV15 M02 191222 2 EA1 80153 EAN


enti a

D -RE 2MV 32573 0 M 291 EA1 801531 EAN

Dimensions - entity12 a 280x230x20 mm

RA V-O 02M 122192 M 2 9 EA1 801531 EAN

E -GR 8 0 2MV -M0 191222 2 1 EA 80153 N EA


ty1 enti

-VIO 4 8 2MV -M0 191222 2 1 EB 80153 N EA ED V-R 02M 132894 M 2 9 EB1 801531 EAN

A -BL 9 3 2MV -M0 191222 2 1 EA 80153 EAN

GRY MV62 M02 191442 2 EA1 80153 EAN

BLU MV77 M02 191222 2 EB1 80153 EAN

RA V-O 02M 122253 M 2 9 EB1 801531 EAN

RE V-G 02M 122260 M 2 9 EB1 801531 EAN

A -BL 1 9 2MV -M0 191222 2 1 EB 80153 EAN

GRY MV79 M02 191442 2 EB1 80153 EAN

Dimensions - entity12 b 210x170x20 mm

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 pezzi 6 pcs. multipack Emballage multiple de 6 pièces



entity 23

Maxi Insalatiera in melamina bicolore 100% Extra large Salad Bowl in 100% two-tones melamine Maxi Saladière en mÊlamine 100% bi-color


Dimensions - entity23 340x300x150 mm

ty enti

IO V-V 02M 125612 M 3 9 EN2 801531 EAN

U -BL 9 9 2MV -M0 191255 3 2 EN 80153 N EA


RED 9 MVM02 912562 3 EN2 801531 EAN

ORA 6 MVM02 912563 3 EN2 801531 EAN

RE V-G 02M 125643 M 3 9 EN2 801531 EAN

BLA 0 MVM02 912565 3 EN2 801531 EAN

Y -GR 5 0 2MV -M0 191256 3 2 EN 80153 N EA

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 pezzi 6 pcs. multipack Emballage multiple de 6 pièces



entity 11

Insalatiera grande in melamina bicolore 100% Large salad bowl in 100% two-tones melamine Grande saladière en mÊlamine 100% bi-color


-VIO 0 8 2MV -M0 191219 1 1 EN 80153 N EA

BLU 3 MVM02 912197 1 EN1 801531 EAN



ED V-R 02M 132559 M 1 9 EN1 801531 EAN

RA V-O 02M 121904 M 1 9 EN1 801531 EAN

E -GR 6 6 2MV -M0 191219 1 1 EN 80153 N EA

Dimensions - entity11 285x240x110 mm



-VIO 6 7 2MV -M0 191230 5 1 EN 80153 N EA

GRY 1 MVM02 912261 1 EN1 801531 EAN

BLU 8 MVM02 912303 5 EN1 801531 EAN

ED V-R 02M 133525 M 5 9 EN1 801531 EAN

RA V-O 02M 123052 M 5 9 EN1 801531 EAN

RE V-G 02M 123045 M 5 9 EN1 801531 EAN

Dimensions - entity15 230x192x90 mm

165x138x62 mm

ty18 enti

Dimensions - entity18

VIO 6 MVM02 913610 8 EN1 801531 EAN

LA V-B 02M 121997 M 1 9 EN1 801531 EAN

BLU 2 MVM02 913605 8 EN1 801531 EAN

RED 3 MVM02 913608 8 EN1 801531 EAN

A -BL 2MV 23021 0 M 591 EN1 801531 EAN

Y -GR 3 2 2MV -M0 191221 5 1 EN 80153 N EA

RA V-O 02M 136076 M 8 9 EN1 801531 EAN

GRE 9 MVM02 913606 8 EN1 801531 EAN

LA V-B 02M 136045 M 8 9 EN1 801531 EAN

GRY 3 MVM02 914812 8 EN1 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 pezzi 6 pcs. multipack Emballage multiple de 6 pièces




entity 13 WHITE

Set composto da vassoio e piccola ciotola per colazione e degustazioni, in melamina 100% Set composed by plate and bowl for breakfast and tasting, in 100% melamine Set composé par assiette et petit bol pour petit-déjeuner et degustations, en mélamine 100%


Dimensions vassoio / plate / plate 305x215x16 mm ciotola / bowl / bol 90x120x18 mm

BLA 6 MVM02 912211 3 EN1 801531 EAN RA V-O 02M 122079 M 3 9 EN1 801531 EAN BLU 3 MVM02 912209 3 EN1 801531 EAN VIO 9 MVM02 912210 3 EN1 801531 EAN RY V-G 02M 122048 M 3 9 EN1 801531 EAN RE V-G 02M 122086 M 3 9 EN1 801531 EAN D -RE 6 8 2MV -M0 191329 3 1 EN 80153 N EA

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret




entity 13 BLACK

Set composto da vassoio e piccola ciotola per sushi e degustazioni, in melamina 100% Set composed by plate and bowl for sushi and tasting, in 100% melamine Set composĂŠ par assiette et petit bol pour sushi et degustations, en mĂŠlamine 100%


Dimensions vassoio / plate / plate 305x215x16 mm ciotola / bowl / bol 90x120x18 mm

A -BL 8MV 22796 1 M 391 EN1 801531 EAN A -OR 8MV 22819 1 M 391 EN1 801531 EAN VIO 3 MVM18 912283 3 EN1 801531 EAN GRY 5 MVM18 912205 3 EN1 801531 EAN E -GR 8MV 22802 1 M 391 EN1 801531 EAN D -RE 3 9 8MV -M1 191329 3 1 EN 80153 N EA

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret



entity 21

Set posate in melamina 100% Salad server in 100% melamine Couverts a salade en melamine 100%


Dimensions 300x90 mm

HI V-W 02M 113961 M 1 9 EN2 801531 EAN

A -BL 3 9 8MV -M1 191138 1 2 EN 80153 N EA

Packaging Imballo 12 pezzi 12 pcs multipack Emballage multiple de 12 pièces




Tovaglietta in polipropilene Tablemat in polypropylene Set de table en polypropylene


Dimensions 450x300 mm

LA 6 S-B 2-M 914204 0 P TM- 801531 EAN I WH 39 MS02- 191420 P TM 80153 EAN

SUN 2 MSP02 911399 M ENT 801531 EAN O -ST 5 0 2MS -P0 191140 M T EN 80153 N EA

RA S-G 02M 114012 P M 9 ENT 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 12 pezzi 12 pcs. multipack Emballage multiple de 12 pièces



entity 6

Vassoio quadrato in melamina 100% Square tray in 100% melamine Plateau carrĂŠ en mĂŠlamine 100%


Dimensions 360x360x30 mm

LA V-B 02M 116856 M 6 9 EN0 801531 EAN A -OR 8 1 2MV -M0 191168 6 0 EN 80153 N EA BLU 2 MVM02 911683 6 EN0 801531 EAN VIO 9 MVM02 911684 6 EN0 801531 EAN

RY V-G 02M 122000 M 6 9 EN0 801531 EAN RE V-G 02M 116825 M 6 9 EN0 801531 EAN RED 1 MVM02 913248 6 EN0 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 pezzi 6 pcs multipack Emballage multiple de 6 pièces



entity 4

Posacenere in melamina 100% Ashtray in 100% melamine Cendrier en mĂŠlamine 100%


Dimensions 170x170x50 mm

A -OR 2MV 16689 0 M 491 EN0 801531 EAN BLU 2 MVM02 911670 4 EN0 801531 EAN IO V-V 19 7 02M 4-M 319116 0 N 5 E 801 N A E

E -GR 2MV 16696 0 M 491 EN0 801531 EAN ED V-R 02M 129740 M 4 9 EN0 801531 EAN LA V-B 02M 116726 M 4 9 EN0 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret


aperitivo appetizer appetizer


entity 1

Piccola ciotola per snacks in melamina 100% Small bowl for snacks in 100% melamine Petit bol pour snacks en mĂŠlamine 100%


Dimensions 140x140x110 mm

A -OR 2MV 15941 0 M 191 EN0 801531 EAN LU V-B 02M 116511 M 1 9 EN0 801531 EAN IO V-V 02M 116528 M 1 9 EN0 801531 EAN

E -GR 2MV 16504 0 M 191 EN0 801531 EAN D -RE 4 3 2MV -M0 191296 1 0 EN 80153 N EA A -BL 5 3 2MV -M0 191165 1 0 EN 80153 N EA

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret



entity 10

Set per ghiaccio o snacks composto da ciotola in melamina 100% e pinza staccabile in polipropilene Set for ice cubes and snacks composed by a bowl in 100% melamine and detachable togs in polypropylene Set pour glaçons et snacks composé par un bol en mélamine 100% et pinces détachable en polypropylène


Dimensions 132x132x199 mm

RA V-O 02M 118492 M 0 9 EN1 801531 EAN BLU 9 MVM02 911853 0 EN1 801531 EAN IO V-V 02M 118546 M 0 9 EN1 801531 EAN

GRE 2 MVM02 911852 0 EN1 801531 EAN RED 8 MVM02 913252 0 EN1 801531 EAN LA V-B 02M 118553 M 0 9 EN1 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo scatole 6 - Pezzi per scatola 1 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret



entity 9

Piccola ciotola per snacks e salse, in melamina 100% Small bowl for snacks and sauces, in 100% melamine Petit bol pour snacks et sauces, en mĂŠlamine 100%


ORA 3 MVM00 911813 9 EN0 801531 EAN

Dimensions 81x150x23 mm

U -BL 7 4 0MV -M0 191184 9 0 EN 80153 EAN RE V-G 00M 118140 M 9 9 EN0 801531 EAN

-VIO 4 5 0MV -M0 191184 9 0 3 EN 8015 EAN ED V-R 00M 132504 M 9 9 EN0 801531 EAN A -BL 1 6 0MV -M0 191184 9 0 EN 80153 N EA Y -GR 0MV 22031 0 M 991 EN0 801531 EAN I -WH 0MV 18478 0 M 991 EN0 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 6 pezzi per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 6 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 6 pièce par coffret



entity 3

Piatto quadrato per happy hour e sushi, in melamina 100% bicolore Square plate for happy hour and sushi, in 100% two tones melamine Plat carrĂŠ pour happy hour et sushi, en mĂŠlamine 100% bi-color


Dimensions 210x210x22 mm

BLA 5 MVM02 911666 3 EN0 801531 EAN A -OR 0 1 2MV -M0 191166 3 0 EN 80153 N EA LU V-B 02M 116641 M 3 9 EN0 801531 EAN IO V-V 02M 116658 M 3 9 EN0 801531 EAN

GRY 4 MVM02 912202 3 EN0 801531 EAN RE V-G 02M 116627 M 3 9 EN0 801531 EAN D -RE 6 2 2MV -M0 191297 3 0 EN 80153 N EA

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 pezzi 6 pcs. multipack Emballage multiple de 6 pièces


degustazione tasting dĂŠgustation

entity24degusto for two

entity 24 degusto for two

Set colazione e degustazione in melamina 100% Breakfast and degustation set in 100% melamine Set assiette et feuilles pour petit-déjeuner et dégustations en mélamine 100%


Dimensions 355x178x85 mm

I WH MV75 M18 191255 4 ED2 80153 EAN

RE V-G 02M 125582 M 4 9 ED2 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 10 scatole. 1 pezzo per scatola 10 boxes multipack. 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 10 coffrets. 1 pièce per coffret



entity 16 degusto

Set degustazione composto da vassoio rettangolare e 6 cucchiai bianchi, in melamina 100% Finger food set composed by rectangular tray with 6 white spoons, in 100% melamine Set dègustation composé par un plateau rectangulaire et 6 petites blanc cuillères en mélamine 100%


Dimensions vassoio / tray / plateau 320x100x23 mm cucchiaio / spoon / cuillère 41x103 mm

BLA MV77 M02 191420 6 ED1 80153 EAN

RE V-G 02M 142091 M 6 9 ED1 801531 EAN

RED MV84 M02 191420 6 ED1 80153 EAN Y -GR 0 3 2MV -M0 191153 6 1 ED 80153 N EA

A -OR 2MV 42107 0 M 691 ED1 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret



entity 20 degusto

Set per finger food composto da un vassoio rettangolare in melamina 100% e 6 bastoncini bianchi in ABS Finger food set composed by a 100% melamine rectangular tray and 6 white ABS sticks Set pour finger food composÊ par un plateau rectangulaire en mÊlamine 100% et 6 blanc bâtonnets en ABS


Dimensions 320x100x23 mm

LA V-B 02M 142114 M 0 9 ED2 801531 EAN E -GR 8 3 2MV -M0 191421 0 2 ED 80153 N EA ED V-R 02M 142121 M 0 9 ED2 801531 EAN

Y -GR 7 4 2MV -M0 191153 0 2 ED 80153 N EA A -OR 5 4 2MV -M0 191421 0 2 ED 80153 N EA

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret



entity 16

Set per finger food composto da piatto e 8 cucchiai, in melamina 100% Finger food set composed by a plate and 8 spoons, in 100% melamine Set pour mise-en-bouche composé par une assiette et 8 petites cuillères en mélamine 100%


Dimensions piatto / plate / assiette ø247x135 mm cucchiaio / spoon / cuillère 41x103 mm

RA V-O 02M 123687 M 6 9 EN1 801531 EAN

BLA 6 MVM02 912365 6 EN1 801531 EAN

ED V-R 02M 133532 M 6 9 EN1 801531 EAN

GRE 0 MVM02 912367 6 EN1 801531 EAN

BLA 2 MVM00 912954 6 EN1 801531 EAN

GRE 7 MVM00 912483 6 EN1 801531 EAN

A -OR 0MV 24912 0 M 691 EN1 801531 EAN

D -RE 0MV 34027 0 M 691 EN1 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret



entity 20

Set per finger food composto da piatto in melamina 100% e 5 bastoncini colorati in ABS Finger food set composed by a 100% melamine tray and 5 coloured sticks in ABS Set pour finger food composé par une assiette en mélamine 100% et 5 bâtonnets colorés en ABS


Dimensions 238x244x280 mm

BLA 0 MVM02 913810 0 EN2 801531 EAN ORA 5 MVM02 914201 0 EN2 801531 EAN

RE V-G 02M 140561 M 0 9 EN2 801531 EAN ED V-R 02M 140585 M 0 9 EN2 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret



entity 17

Set degustazione composto da vassoio rettangolare e 3 ciotole, in melamina 100% Finger food set composed by a rectangular tray and 3 bowls, in 100% melamine Set dĂŠgustation composĂŠ par un plateau rectangulaire et 3 bols, en mĂŠlamine 100%


Dimensions vassoio / tray / plateau 300x100x20 mm ciotola / bowl / bol 90x65x20 mm

A -BL 0 2 2MV -M0 191361 7 1 EN 80153 N EA A -OR 8 6 2MV -M0 191361 7 1 EN 80153 EAN E -GR 7 3 2MV -M0 191361 7 1 EN 80153 N EA

Y -GR 2MV 49717 0 M 791 EN1 801531 EAN D -RE 1 5 2MV -M0 191361 7 1 EN 80153 N EA

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret



entity 19

Set degustazione composto da vassoio quadrato e 2 ciotole, in melamina 100% Finger food set composed by a square tray and 2 bowls, in 100% melamine Set dégustation composé par un plateau carré et 2 bols, en mélamine 100%


Dimensions vassoio / tray / plate 150x150x15 mm ciotola / bowl / bol 75x55x25 mm

LA V-B 02M 136182 M 9 9 EN1 801531 EAN RA V-O 02M 137691 M 9 9 EN1 801531 EAN RE V-G 02M 136199 M 9 9 EN1 801531 EAN

RY V-G 02M 149724 M 9 9 EN1 801531 EAN ED V-R 02M 137677 M 9 9 EN1 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 scatole - 1 pezzo per scatola 6-boxes multipack - 1 piece per box Emballage multiple de 6 coffrets - 1 pièce par coffret



entity 22

Piatto party in melamina 100% Party plate in 100% melamine Assiette cocktail en mĂŠlamine 100%


Dimensions 250x290x20 mm

I WH 5 MVM02 911398 2 EN2 801531 EAN

LA V-B 18M 113978 M 2 9 EN2 801531 EAN

Packaging Imballo multiplo 6 pezzi 6 pcs multipack Emballage multiple de 6 pièces



e a

i e


be cool, be chic

Via Battaina 393/C - 24059 Urgnano (Bergamo) - ITALY Ph: +39 035 4188501 - Fax +39 035 4188700 - info@mebel.it

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