August 2019

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Issue 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019


2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫العدد‬




Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Art Director: Omar Alhashemi


Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika

Al Wasat Magazine ‫تصدر عن شبكة الوسط االعالمية‬ Address:

Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans VIC 3021 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076

Sydney office: 10-28 Biloela St, Villawood NSW 2163 Tel.: + 61 4 9033 0623

‫يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على‬ ‫االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية‬





Norwegian terror

The Islamic Calendar


The Islamic Months

AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬

A Journey of Leadership

Teach Your Child Resilience


The Islamic position on Abortion


‫قصة‬ ‫اعتماد‬ ‫التقويم‬ ‫الهجري‬


‫فحص مجاني في‬ ‫البيت لسرطان االمعاء‬


‫ تفاحة واحدة يوميا‬:‫دراسة‬ ‫تحميك من السرطان وأمراض القلب‬


‫اتهام مسؤول إسرائيلي بدعم مديرة‬ ‫ اعتداء جنسيا‬74 ‫مدرسة متورطة بـ‬


‫حديث الوسط‬

‫حديث الوسط‬

‫ﺍﻟﺤﺮﻳﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺪﻳﻨﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﺳﺘﺮﺍﻟﻴﺎ‬ ‫ﻭﺍﺷﻜﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺼﺎﺩﻡ ﺑﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﺍﻧﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﻓﻮﺍﺯ شوك‬

‫ال ت��زال ق�ضية ف�صل الع��ب الرغبي المعروف «�إ�سرائيل ف��والو» من منتخب‬ ‫�أ�ستراليا للرغبي ب�سبب ت�صريحاته التي اعتُبرت م�سيئة للمثليين‪ .‬ودفاعه عن‬ ‫تلك الت�صريحات على �إعتبار �أنها جاءت من الكتاب المقد�س و�أنه رجل متدين‬ ‫يمار�س حقه في التعبير عن معتقداته‪ ،‬تثير العديد من الت�سا�ؤالت عن هام�ش الحريات‬ ‫الدينية في ا�ستراليا ب�شكل عام وعن حماية حق التعبير عن المعتقدات‪ ،‬وعن �ضرورة‬ ‫�سن قوانين تمنع التمييز على �أ�سا�س الدين والمعتقد والتي قد ت�شكل حماية لحرية‬ ‫التعبير فيما يتعلق بالمعتقدات‪ ،‬وعن كيفية حل ا�شكالية الت�صادم بين الحرية الدينية‬ ‫وبين القوانين االأخرى التي تج ِّر م التمييز ب�سبب التوجه الجن�سي‪.‬‬ ‫ما يدعو �إلى التفا�ؤل هو طرح الحكومة اال�سترالية لقانون جديد يمنع التمييز على �أ�سا�س‬ ‫الدين ي�شبه القوانين الموجودة المتعلقة بالعرق وال�سن والإعاقة‪ ،‬حيث �ست�صدر م�سودة‬ ‫القانون قبل عودة �إنعقاد البرلمان في التا�سع من �سبتمبر �أيلول‪ ،‬في م�سعى لتمريره‬ ‫بحلول نهاية العام‪.‬‬ ‫ولكن ما يدعو �إلى القلق هو �إمكانية ا�صطدام هذا القانون بعقبات ومطبات كثيرة‪ ،‬ك�أنْ‬ ‫ي�صطدم مع مواد قوانين منع التمييز الأخرى‪.‬‬ ‫وال�س�ؤال الأهم هو هل �سي�ستطيع هذا القانون المقترح �أن يحمي معتقدات النا�س و�أن‬ ‫يحفظ لهم حريتهم التامة في التعبير عن هذه المعتقدات؟ �أم ان حرية التعبير �ستكون‬ ‫مقيدة خ�صو�صاً �إذا ما كانت متعلقة بق�ضية مثل ق�ضية «المثلية الجن�سية»؟!‬ ‫وهل �سي�ؤثر قانون منع التمييز على �أ�سا�س الدين على مواد قوانين منع التمييز الأخرى؟‬ ‫�أم العك�س هو ال�صحيح؟ وهل �سيكون هناك �أي �إ�ستثناءات؟ وهل �ست�ؤثر هذه الإ�ستثناءات‬ ‫�إن ح�صلت على فاعلية وقيمة القانون المقترح؟ الأيام القادمة �ستخبرنا عن ذلك‪.‬‬

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Norwegian terror Rehana Bibi - QLD

Norwegian Mosque Hero: “ God Helped Me“ These are the words of the brave 65 year old man, Muhammad Rafiq, that stopped the mosque shooter in Bærum near Oslo on the eve of Eid. The shooter had weapons and fired shots before he was stopped by Muhammad Iqbal Javed and Muhammad Rafiq. “ The offender was stronger and better built than me, but I still managed to overthrow him with the help of God,” Mr Rafiq told Norwegian media. Rafiq’s son later told media that his dad is a retiree from the Pakistan Air Force and had been fasting but felt a sudden rush of strength when faced with the attack by the 21 year old Manshaus. “My dad felt that if he didn’t stop the attacker something worse may happen.” Both Rafiq and Javed were honoured for their bravery by police commissioner Beate Gangas. “Their fast thinking prevented that that more lives were taken,’’ she said.

“Sending our uncles on Hajj” Within days hundreds of people donated more than $40,000 to send the three heroes in the mosque at the time of the attack on a pilgrimage to Makkah. The fundraiser was set up by Norwegian girl,

Elizabeth Norheim and some of her friends. “To send a Muslim on pilgrimage to Makkah is the biggest thing you can do. I started the fundraiser to show our appreciation for their efforts,” Norheim said. “You don’t have to be a Muslim to understand the importance and significance of a pilgrimage. I have been raised in a Christian family and my parents always dreamt of travelling on pilgrimage to Israel. I hope we can all; Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Atheist and Agnostics - wish to unite together and respect religious people’s wish to go on pilgrimage”, she wrote on the fundraising page.

An Act of Terrorism Norway’s al-Noor Islamic centre

AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬

shares its name with the worstaffected mosque in the New Zealand attacks. The Norwegian Police department stated that “the fact that the aggressor entered a mosque armed and from the investigation so far has been found to have expressed hostile attitudes against immigrants has led the police to investigate this attack as an attempted act of terrorism.” The Islamic Council of Norway said in a statement “the terror attack in Baerum is the result of a longlasting hate of Muslims that has been allowed to spread in Norway, without Norwegian authorities having taken this development seriously.” “It’s time Islamophobia is addressed adequately.” The morning after the attack many non-Muslim Norwegians lined up outside an Oslo mosque to show support. Some carried signs labelled

#TheyAreUs, a hashtag started in the wake of the New Zealand attacks, others said #TryggiBonn, which translates to “safe in prayer”. “Muslims should be safe in our country and we want to show that they have support from the Norwegian government and, as I see it, the whole Norwegian people,” Prime Minister Solberg said after attending an Eid Al-Adha celebration. According to official estimates about 200,000 Muslims lived in Norway in 2016, representing nearly four percent of the total population. Norway witnessed one of the worst-ever attacks by a rightwing extremist in July 2011, when Anders Behring Breivik, who said he feared a “Muslim invasion”, killed 77 people in a truck bomb blast near government offices in Oslo and a shooting spree at a Labour Party youth camp on the island of Utøya.



SPORTS CLUBS SAVING LIVES Champion golfer Craig Parry has backed the NSW Government’s Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program, supporting the installation of more devices across the State, to keep saving lives. Nearly 1,200 grants have been handed out to sporting clubs and councils across NSW since the launch of the program, to assist in the purchase of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) to respond to cardiac emergencies. “I hope they’ll never have to be used, but if they are, they will be crucial to saving lives on the golf course and other sports arenas.” Mr Parry said. Minister for Sport John Sidoti is encouraging sports clubs across the state to apply for grants for this potentially life-saving equipment. “Early access to a defibrillator can mean the difference between life and death in the event of a cardiac arrest,” Mr Sidoti said. “With more and more people of all ages participating in amateur sport, it is vital clubs and councils are equipped to respond to life-threating emergencies.”

Mr Sidoti launched the 2019/20 round of the program at Concord Golf Club which was awarded a grant to purchase four defibrillators in the last round of the program, bringing the club’s total to five. General Manager, Glenn Phillips said due to the club’s demographic, it was vital there was access to this potentially life-saving equipment from anywhere on the course. “The golf course spans 43 acres and due to the distance from the clubhouse to the furthest hole, we felt it was imperative that we install additional defibrillators,” Mr Phillips said. “We now have defibrillators installed in purpose-built huts next to tee boxes around the course, providing quick access in the event of an emergency.” The Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program is a four-year $4 million NSW Government program. For more information on the Local Sports Defibrillator Program, visit: grants/defibrillator

Reducing Racism Community Reporting Tool Brimbank is committed to an inclusive community recognising the work of all people who make their home here. The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission has developed The Community Reporting Tool. The tool is for people to report incidents of racism and discrimination quickly and anonymously. please visit: AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬



The Islamic Calendar The Islamic calendar (or Hijri calendar) is a lunar calendar. It contains 12 months that are based on the motion of the moon, and because 12 lunar months is 12 x 29.53=354.36 days, the Islamic calendar is consistently shorter (11 Days) than a solar year, and therefore it shifts with respect to the Gregorian calendar. The first day of Year One of the Islamic calendar was set as the first day of the Hijrah, the Prophet’s migration from Makkah to Madinah on July 26, 622 C.E. The western convention in designating Islamic dates is thus by the abbreviation AH, which stands for the Latin Anno Hegirae, or ‘Year of the Hijrah’.

What does the Quran say about measurement of time? [Quran - 9.36] Surely the number of months with Allah is twelve months in Allah’s ordinance since the day when He created the heavens and the earth..

[Quran - 31:29] Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and he merges Day into Night; that He has subjected the sun, and the moon (to his Law), each running its course for a term appointed; and that Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do?

[Quran - 103: 1..3] By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),- Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

How is an Islamic month determined: Each month starts when the lunar crescent is first seen after a new moon. Although new moons may be calculated quite precisely, the actual visibility of the crescent is difficult to predict. It depends on factors such as weather, the optical properties of the atmosphere, AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬

and the location of the observer. Therefore in some cases it may be difficult to give accurate information in advance about when a new month will start. Furthermore, in some areas Muslims depend on a local sighting of the moon, whereas in other

areas a universal sighting is accepted. (i.e. if a new crescent is seen anywhere in the world it is accepted for communities the world over). Both are valid Islamic practices, but they may lead to different starting days for the months.



Happy Hijri New Year


Best wishes to the Muslim community on the auspicious occasion of HIJRI New Year.

The Hon Bruce Atkinson MLC

Member of the Legislative Council of Victoria • • • • •

R19B | Level 3 | West 5 Car Park Entrance | Eastland Shopping Centre 171-175 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood 3134 Tel: 03 9877 7188 | PO BOX: 508 Ringwood VIC 3134 Email: Web:

This advertisement was funded by Parliament’s Electorate Office and Communication budget.

Global Talent program to attract the world’s best and brightest

Finding the courage to tackle racism and prejudice

Against the alarming backdrop of a surge in racist and discriminatory attacks in Victoria, Courage to Care Victoria is tackling bad behaviour one school at a

time. Alpha Cheng, whose father Curtis was shot dead by an ISIS radicalised teenager in 2017, was the keynote speaker at Courage to Care’s recent gala event. His key message for all Australians was to be ‘’upstanders” rather than bystanders against racism. ‘As Australians we must speak out against inequity. No-one, especially young people, should feel any less of themselves or be disadvantaged because of their race, religion, identity or postcode,’ said Alpha, who is a Courage to Care Ambassador. Alpha has turned his personal tragedy into a call for

Australians to unite rather than be divided by hate. Despite suffering at the hands of extremists, Alpha strongly believes societies will be better when people respect diverse cultures. ‘We cannot give into prejudice, stereotypes and scapegoating for no apparent reasons but to further an extreme ideology. This narrative seeks to divide us. Inclusion, acceptance and respect are the most important values we all need to display to create a society where we can all thrive.’ In 2017-2018, complaints of racism to the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission rose by nearly 90 per cent. In the same period, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry reported a 60 per cent increase in anti-Semitic incidents in Australia, with almost 30 per cent of these incidents occurring in Victoria. The values emphasised by Alpha, despite the tragedy affecting his family, are reflected in Courage to Care’s School Program which informs and educates Victorian secondary school students about the dangers of prejudice, racism and discrimination. It also empowers young people to challenge and speak out against such unacceptable human traits. The School Program has been positively received by both students and teachers. The Courage to Care Schools Program is taught by volunteers and this year (2019) it is anticipated that 7000 Victorian students will have engaged with the program. Since 2000 more than 135,000 students have participated. A modified version of the program will be available for Victorian students in years 5-8 by the end of the year.

Australian businesses and start-ups will have streamlined access to the best and brightest talent from around the world with the continuation of the Global Talent - Employer Sponsored program (GTES), formerly the Global Talent Scheme. Following a successful pilot last financial year, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs David Coleman has made the GTES an ongoing program. “The pilot showed the GTES has strong support from industry and highlighted the economic benefits of recruiting overseas talent directly to Australian businesses”, Mr Coleman said. “These highly-skilled overseas workers bring with them unique skills and knowledge that are transferred to Australian businesses, allowing for the creation of further jobs for Australians.” Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said making the program permanent would give the technology sector the certainty it needs to grow. “This program will provide our tech companies with the skilled workers they need to be able to do business here in Australia and grow, which will in turn contribute to our economy and create more jobs for Australians,” Minister Andrews said.

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The Islamic Months 1. Muharram 2. Safar 3. Rabi’ al-Awwal (Rabi’ 1) 4. Rabi’ al-Thani (Rabi 2) 5. Jumada al-Ula (Jumada I) 6. Jumada al-Akhirah (Jumada II) 7. Rajab 8. Sha’ban 9. Ramadan 10. Shawwal 11. Dhu al-Qa’dah 12. Dhi al-Hijjah

The Caliph Umar Invented the Islamic Calendar The dating of the Islamic calendar was introduced by the second caliph, `Umar ibn Al-Khattab, in 638 CE (16 AH) in an attempt to circumvent all the various conflicting dating systems used during his time. After consulting his companions, he set the Hijrah—the immigration of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) from Makkah to Madinah—as the most appropriate reference to the new Islamic era. The Hijrah, historically speaking, is the central event of early Islam, the turning point in Islamic history that led to the foundation of the first Muslim state. AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬

The most important dates in the Islamic calendar are: • • • • • • • • •

1 Muharram (Islamic New Year) 10 Muharram (Day of `Ashura’) 27 Rajab (Israa’ and Mi’raj) 1 Ramadan (first day of the month of fasting) The last ten days of Ramadan, which include (Laylat Al-Qadr) 1 Shawwal (`Eid Al-Fitr) 8 – 10 Dhul-Hijjah (Hajj) 9 Dhul-Hijjah (Day of `Arafah) 10 Dhul-Hijjah (`Eid Al-Adha).

• However, the dates of some of these events, such as that of Laylat Al-Qadr and the Prophet Muhammad’s journey of Israa’ and Mi`raj, have not been conclusively specified, and there has been some uncertainty about the exact date of the event. • Four of the twelve months are sacred: Rajab, Muharram, Dhul-Qi`dah, Dhul- Hijjah). • In the pre-Islamic period, raids among the Arab tribes were forbidden and hunting was halted during these

months. Islam inherited and approved this practice. • Fighting (killing) is prohibited during these sacred months except in self-defense. • Since the Islamic calendar is lunar, its year is 10 or 11 days shorter than the Gregorian year. This means that Muslim months fall in different seasons. • For example, Ramadan and Hajj can fall in the summer as well as in the winter. It takes about 33 years for the Islamic dates to rotate through the solar seasons.

Source: - -

Tania Mihailuk MP Member for Bankstown

Although the expectations, hopes and aspirations of our communities may be changing, I suspect the majority of us would still like to see government interference in our private lives and affairs kept in check and our basic rights protected. With the Israel Folau saga centre stage in NSW, the time has come for us to tackle the difficult question of religious rights in our home state. So why aren’t we? Irrespective of what your view is on the dispute itself, there is growing discontent about people’s basic rights and whether our laws adequately protect them. We might not all see the virtues of Folau’s particular ilk of Christianity, but does that mean he should not have the

When it comes to basic religious rights NSW can’t take a backseat right to preach his beliefs? Australia is a signatory to international agreements that recognise the right to ‘freedom of thought, conscience and religion’ and the right to ‘manifest religion or belief in worship, observance, practice or teaching’ both in public and in private. Having commissioned the ‘Religious Freedom Review’ the federal government has flagged the introduction of a bill by mid-August. It has also asked for an inquiry into the ‘Framework of religious exemptions in anti-discrimination legislation’ by the Australian Law Reform Commission, due in April 2020. I praise both Morrison and Albanese for agreeing to a bipartisan approach to introducing a religious freedom

bill. Those in the federal sphere have recognised the need to work constructively for action on this issue, in the age of political correctness. But federal legislation is not intended to and will not supplant state laws and a void will remain in NSW unless we act at a state level. This is an area of legislative power shared between the commonwealth and the states. Australia’s Constitution guarantees this right, guarding against federal parliament ‘establishing any religion,’ ‘imposing any religious observance’ or ‘prohibiting the free exercise of any religion.’ However, the NSW parliament is not bound by this restriction. In NSW religious protection is limited to exemptions in the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 that do not provide direct protection for religious belief, practice or expression. All other states and territories have anti-discrimination or equal opportunity legislation ensuring this important personal right. If there’s one state that’s noticeably absent from the debate about religious protection, it’s NSW. Along with South Australia, we are the only states that do not directly prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion. Data from the 2016 census reveals that NSW has the highest proportion of people of any state or territory who identify themselves as having a religion, at 65.5%, compared to 60.5% nationally. In NSW, neither major party has offered any assurances to the

millions of faithful. As the largest multifaith state, we cannot afford to wait for a Court to decide the extent of our rights or hope that the Feds will introduce adequate reforms. To do this would be irresponsible. Instead we must take charge and drive change. Religious rights is a regular topic raised with me, particularly in Bankstown, where almost 80% identify as religious. Most of these people are not only devoutly religious, but for the most part loyal Labor voters. They don’t demand that Labor support them on all socially conservative policies but they do demand that our party doesn’t turn its nose up or sneer at their sincerely held beliefs. For many, their religious convictions are part of long-standing family customs and traditions stemming from their culture, and form part of who they are. Religion is inseparable from multiculturalism. We must do more for the diverse communities of our state than just relying on token appearances by MPs at functions. So what is important to these communities? The protection of people from discrimination in all of its varied forms, but also the protection of the right to religious freedom, and the freedom to allow churches, mosques, temples, religious schools and other institutions to hire those they see fit to educate and work with their young people and members. Both major parties profess to promote this diversity but despite the intense public debate only Mark Latham has been prepared to introduce a Private Members’ Bill. We can’t let One Nation steal the issue from under the noses of the major political parties. The NSW Government along with the Opposition cannot vacate this space or be prepared to sit idle. In the next week, along with colleagues from across the political divide, I will be launching Parliamentary Friends of Religious Freedom. Together we will seek a unified approach to religious freedom and facilitate initiatives and events to promote and support religious freedom in NSW. It’s time for NSW to take the driver’s seat on this issue and introduce reforms to safeguard the freedoms that are important to so many of us.

Na#ve Arabic Speaker? NAATI is now recrui/ng na/ve speakers of Arabic to be paid casual role-players as part of interpreter cer/fica/on tests. $63.72/hour incl casual loading. Screening sessions in September 2019. Interested? Email: roleplayers@naa/

AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬





A Journey of Leadership Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Gebara Sydney

As I navigate my career, I grow more and reach higher levels of learning in leadership and development. My search for a leadership insight was to satisfy my thirst for an inner journey of learning but also to learn how to help people around me reach higher effectiveness in the society. My challenge was, therefore, to prove to myself that pursuing learning in this life is an endeavour that should be sought by everyone, especially by leaders. A key question for me is how to relate my coaching and organisational Leadership learning to my performance in my career and life.

Learning more how to pursue a leadership life will reflect the awesome development journey that I have grasped from my learning. I feel like a big chapter in my life has been refreshed: it has been an almost overwhelming experience exploring the leadership theory to Practice.

leadership techniques so I could implement them in my life and my career. I have decided to improve and develop some other features; thus, I put myself into a “phase of potential transformation”. Reflecting on my learning process will be done through five spheres: reason, desire, commitment, way and support.

Going into my learning theory, my main objective was to underpin my presentation skills and obtain some

Before exploring my learning steps through the above five spheres, let me confess that arranging these

steps about myself under these spheres is due to this journey of learning. A particular part of this journey about “learning and change” inspires me a lot and I feel I have to first learn and change myself to improve my skills so I can use it to inspire others. The first sphere is reason: the privilege of reason considers its importance as one of the main sources of knowledge for human beings and it has the task of establishing rules and creating awareness, which is the first step to change and establish goals. Consequently, my primary feedback mechanism is to reveal the positive and negative impacts of my thoughts, emotions or choices (Cashman, 2008, p. 214); thus, I started listening to the wisdom of my mind as a reflection when I was discerning my goals through the questions of the GROW model we used in our learning journey. I found this method a very powerful framework for understanding values related to goal setting (Deci & Ryan, 1980). The second sphere is desire: desire means the emotional connection between the leader and the counterpart, so what stood out for me in this case is, if I am going to grow more and reach a higher level of effectiveness in my skills, then I have to spend time to train myself on how to use my emotional intelligence and not be judgemental. Also, before helping and inspiring others to uncover the interferences, I have to canvas the landscape of my inner journey and remove the imperfections from my heart in order to shine with my goals, values and ideas. The third sphere is commitment: my valuable way of learning is to demonstrate my commitment to continuous improvement by examining my own role in the difficulties that arose generally in my life and career. The fourth sphere is the way, which

AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬

means the process or technique. To move forward, I thought everyone has a specific way that reflects their personality and it eventually inspires people to move toward the solution by using intuition, skills and learning to connect with their personalities and have a collaborative relationship with them. The fifth sphere is support. I find it fascinating that the atmosphere of trust and openness, which is cocreated between the leader and the counterpart, is the foundation upon which leadership is built. This journey leads me to say that practising leadership through coaching is a unique journey by itself, which gave me the ambition to perform at the best of my ability, focusing on my knowledge, understanding, commitment and responsibility. I believe that practising coaching is a leadership competency that provides an important correlation between theory and practice. Therefore, leaders must make time and have a proven process to obtain their immediate performance in learning using a pragmatic, straightforward methodology to coach and develop themselves and others. However, coaching is not about giving advice or providing the counterpart with a solution; rather, it empowers them to grow and guides them to find their inner selfreliance by unlocking their potential and finding their own resolutions. Leadership through coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance and growth (Whitmore, 2002, p. 2). Armed with the above tools, we can make an effort to educate ourselves, to inspire each other and to learn from our experiences. It is formidable to have such an important role to play in supporting another person and help them achieve their potential. This kind of education will produce an innovation and achievement of an effective society.



Islamic College of Melbourne

Quran Awards Night 2019

“On the 31 July, the Islamic College of Melbourne held its Annual Quran Awards Night. Alhamdulillah the Quran competition was a great success with participants ranging from

Foundation to Junior Secondary. The main aim for the Quran competition was to encourage students to recite The Holy Quran. As well as to provide students with the opportunity to compete with each other with the best

recitation of the words of Allah. Awards from each year level were given out during the ceremony, as well as prizes for all the hard effort during semester 1.”

Careers Expo 2019 “ICOM’s second careers expo was a great success. We welcomed 25 exhibitors from Victorian institutions and Tafe’s to our College. We had exhibitors from the largest Universities, organizations and institutes in Melbourne. In addition to natural medicine and design academies. Students left the Expo inspired and open to broad career opportunities.” AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬



Young Performers shine at

Eid Show Got Talent

Eid show got talent Hamoudi

Human Appeal Australia stall @ Eid show

Eid show got talent

Mariam Nagi laptop draw winner, Mohammad Shokrany HAA and Hamoudi

Omar Abdul Wahid Quran recitation Highly Commended award and Muhammad Al-Bizry, MC

Sarah Chowdhury singing Highly Commended Award

Alsu Kurlow Human Appeal Australia hosted their Eid Show Got Talent on August the 17th, 2019. There were around 30 performers this year showcasing their amazing skills and talents in singing, Quran recitation, poetry, martial arts and other performances. Every act brought something unique and showcased the wide variety of talent we have in our communities. The Eid Show Got Talent Segment allows children from within the community, to have the opportunity

to present their talents on the main stage at the event every year. The talent show is important as it allows contestants to express themselves through a community platform and lets them connect with a wider audience. Some contestants may have never had an opportunity to perform at such a major event. Most may perform at places such as their local school, but not at a large public forum such as the Eid Show, at the Bankstown Showground. The Eid Show and Human Appeal Australia are proud to host this exciting segment every year- said Hanna ElZahab AIES Team leader.

Raghda Assoum, Omar Mohammad, Syda Hossein, Narmeen Sherif, Ahmed Assoum and Hind Ibrahim HAA Volunteers AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬

Alongside hosting such an exciting segment of the event, the Human Appeal Australia stall with the help of the astounding volunteers, was one of the main attractions at the Eid show, showcasing outstanding lights and spectacular balloon display all around the stall. With heartwarming hugs and the happiness of the children, the Orphan Hamoudi the Human Appeal mascot was indeed loved by all children and community members. Omar Abdulwahed from Georges Hall and Sarah Chowdhury from Lakemba received the Highly Commended Awards. They performed a nasheed

Eid show got talent contestants, Muhammad Al-Bizry, MC and Mohammad Shokrany, HAA

and recited a Quran with so much passion and joy and stole the hearts of the audience. Six-years-old Mariam Nagi from Greenacre announced on stage as the winner of a brand new laptop. The Eid Show Got Talent has been a staple of the festival for many years now and every year we see some bright shining future stars performing on the stage and children who have a lot of talent that inspires others. On behalf of Human Appeal Australia and Sounds of Light Talent Quest Team, we extend our congratulations to all children who performed at the Eid Show Got Talent.

Syda Hossein and Omar Mohammad (Hamoudi Mascot) HAA volunteer at the Eid show got talent stall




Happy Islamic New Year

A warm Hijri New Year from Human Appeal

madan and shes and to

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Mubarak; loved ones.

Thank you for all your generous contributions. On this special day of Muharram, may Allah (swt) bless you and the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with health, wealth, and longlasting peace. Bashar On SundayAl-Jamal 1st September, we Director celebrate the Hijri New Year (1441). The day marks the hijraAustralia (migration) Human Appeal of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions from Mecca to Medina due to hardship. Nowadays, our fellow Muslims are still being forced to leave their homes and loved ones as a result of similar circumstances. Thus, we urge you to give your support to our brothers and

sisters who are struggling to rebuild their lives like the Ansar did for the Muhajireen. Last month during our Qurban Campaign, your kind donations allowed Human Appeal to commit to over 38,000 Qurbans, reach more than 1.5 million beneficiaries and distribute quality meat in 27 destinations. On this occasion I would like to also remind our community that it’s back to school time for many students across disaster-stricken areas like Yemen, Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Palestine, Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh and Somalia. This means, many children go without basic school supplies such as uniforms, stationary and lunch – things we perhaps take for granted in Australia. At HAA we are campaigning to help those needy children who cannot afford to support their education. So, let’s help them to build a better future. May Allah bless you throughout the new year. Happy Hijri New Year! We will always be with you on the road to goodness!

Bashar Al Jamal Director

Last year, through your support, Human Appeal has carried out the following projects:

450,000 people benefited from various Ramadan projects.

1.5 million people benefited from distribution of Qurban meat.

1.2 million people benefited from the Emergency Relief Campaign.

350,000 people benefited from digging water wells.

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Brimbank Council acts to support Muslim communities Brimbank Council will act to strengthen multiculturalism and address racial prejudice through a range of new initiatives supporting Brimbank’s Australian Muslim community. Brimbank Mayor Councillor Lucinda Congreve said Council knows religion is important in the lives of many in our community. “We are proud of our diversity – and of our community’s welcoming and accepting spirit. “More than 11,000 Brimbank residents identify Islam as their religion – that’s the third largest cohort in Brimbank, after Catholicism and Buddhism. “Council is absolutely committed to an inclusive community, and recognises the work and achievements of all people who make their home here, from every corner of the world and faith,” Cr Congreve said. Following consultation with Islamic and multi-faith organisations, Council will pursue a number of local initiatives, including: - hosting Conversation Forums with the Brimbank Australian Muslim Community - promoting local Mosque open days and community engagement programs

Iftar Community Dinner 2019 Dinners on 17 and 30 May 2019 at the Delahey Community Centre and Brimbank Community Civic Centre respectively. This was the third year Council held this event. It was the perfect setting to share knowledge and experiences and to build understanding and acceptance amongst people from different faiths and backgrounds.

Hosting Iftar Community Dinner

Recognising the contribution of Brimbank’s diverse community

Brimbank Council was proud to recently host the Iftar Community

In August 2018 Council unanimously carried a motion, moved by Cr

Seniors visit Holland Park Mosque and Queensland Muslim Museum By Janeth Deen Three bus loads of elderly people were brought by Anglicare to visit the Holland Park Mosque and the Queensland Muslim Museum. The lift in the mosque allowed those in wheel chairs to access the mosque and the guests were happy to sit in chairs to listen to Janeth Deen explain the history of the religion in Queensland as well as the process of preparing for prayers, the prayers themselves and the features of the Mosque. The guests were then taken to the museum and were interested in the photographs, the goods in the display case and asked questions about

items displayed. They were given a book on the history of the mosque, three MCF magazines and the war diary of Mohedeen Howsan. It was great to see the interest in the history of Muslims this group showed. The tour leader who booked the visit said this group came from Woolloongabba and asked if they could bring another group from Logan in the near future. It is a great asset to have the museum to help us show our long history of Muslims in Queensland to make the visit to the mosque more interesting.

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Daniel Allan, publicly acknowledging the exceptional contribution of Brimbank’s diverse community – including the Australian Muslim community who had been publicly denigrated and vilified. “Being one of the most culturally and religiously diverse communities in Victoria, it is important for Brimbank to be an active role model amongst other communities across the State. “As an Arab Australian Muslim, I understand how powerful, damaging and hurtful comments made and broadcast through TV, radio and social media are towards the Australian Muslim Community and

how important it is to call out these divisive, inflammatory and racist comments. “Our community’s greatest strength is our willingness to come together and we will work towards building a better future through open and frank dialogue,” Cr Allan said. Brimbank Council will also participate in the Australian Human Rights Commission National Consultation process which will seek to ask communities about their experiences of hate speech and violence; as well as taking part in the Commission’s “Racism Stops with Me” public campaign.


Engaging the community in social and mental health issues By Layth Mustapha On Friday the 16th of August, Challenging Realities hosted a forum on “Radical Addictions & Indulgent Obsessions” at SunPAC in Sunnybank, Brisbane. The aim of the forum was to engage the community in social and mental health Issues. The panel included: Dr Riyadh Rahimullah, a academic researcher, Aneesa Kathrada an occupational therapist and mental health coach and Dr Mohamed Ghilan, a neuroscientist and student of Islamic tradition including theology, jurisprudence and Quranic sciences. The program started off with an introduction by Imam Muhammad Azhari who spoke of Islamic institutions that helped those with mental health issues and didn’t isolate them like asylums did but instead incorporated them with society and nature using music, art, culture and architecture to help and heal. Dr Riyadh Rahimullah spoke about how recent acts of terrorists in Australia were linked with poor mental health and how many perpetrators were struggling with some form of mental health issues like delusion or schizophrenia before they carried out these acts. Sister Aneesa Kathrada focused on mental health in the schooling environment and how the Queensland Government has introduced methods of helping develop strong mental health in students at both primary and secondary public schools, Dr Muhammad Ghilan gave insight on a range of topics providing both Islamic and scientific point of view on mental health, including the unseen creation of Allah, the soul, western structures of society. The night concluded with an engaging Q & A session. Challenging Realities is a quarterly forum that aims to inspire Muslims to work together and advance the common good.

Be a Junior Vet

from the desk of Hurricane Stars Club The Hurricane Stars Club is excited to partner with Dr. Shibly Mustapha to share his passion for pets with children through the “Be a Junior Vet” program. We are grateful to the Logan City Council for supporting this program by choosing the “Be a Junior Vet” program to be a part of their Krank school holiday. We had an overwhelming response to the program with almost daily phone calls from parents with more than 150 children wanting to register to attend the program. We had our first session at our Hurricane Stars Club centre in Logan Central. We held two sessions with twenty children in each session, all excitedly sitting on the floor and watching the interactive presentation. Dr Shibly taught the group all they needed to know to become future vets and care for all creatures Great and Small. They learnt about a day in the life of a vet, ranging from basic pet care to emergency first aid. The children were encouraged to study hard and stay true to their dreams. It was great to see so much passion for the furry and feathered kind. We will continue to run similar programs during the next school holidays, but be quick to avoid missing out next time! Monty & Minx Vet Clinic and the Algester Vet Surgery regularly takes school based work experience students. Dr Shibly is passionate about inspiring the next generation of children to care for creation to the best of our ability. If you have questions about anything pet related, please contact the vet clinic for advice or visit the website AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬



The variety of the coral reef mimics the diverse forms of the Islamic community.

Bilal Cleland

The Power of Fear

Although many Muslims feel disillusioned at the state of the world in general and the Ummah in particular, the rulers of the great powers see what many of us cannot. They are manipulating fear amongst their people as a political Fear leads to division Control of the media is always the objective of those forces which thrive on division. Totalitarian societies just ban the media which opposes the government. In purported democratic societies police raids on journalists and media outlets not following the political line are used, as well as keeping close financial and leaking ties with media corporations which are politically friendly. The Murdoch media is notorious in the English speaking countries for its Islamophobia and its attacks on welfare recipients. Fear is a major component of the American political scene under Trump. Muslims, Hispanics, European nations which do not obey him, Chinese trade, are all portrayed as threatening. In Australia “national security,” meaning threats to our safety, is used to muzzle public servants, and to justify the vilification of leaders like Gillian Triggs former Human Rights Commissioner, who questions refugee policies. Fear of death taxes, fear of pedophile refugees, fear of the Muslim community, have all been used to shore up right wing political forces. Fear of Muslims, refugees, immigrants, Hispanics, black people, indigenous culture, “the other” whoever it might be, is turned into hatred. “The other” is blamed for increasing crime, attacks on religious values, replacing the white [or Hindu, Buddhist or Han] population, unemployment, economic recession and/or traffic problems. Islam and Muslims were for several years almost the sole target of the fear groups. The rise of Al Qaeda, 9/11, then the emergence of the ISIS terror movement from the remnants of the Iraqi Ba’ath Party, supported by the bemused and deluded from many western countries, allowed the passing of extremely restrictive anti-terror laws in many countries. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the repercussions from that, which we are still experiencing, created a tsunami of refugees from Iraq and Syria into Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Western Europe. This gave great incentive for the “white population replacement” fascists to gain support and threaten the old established democratic political parties. While the USA avoided the influx of Muslim refugees by banning them, it faced a flood of immigrants from Central America, destabilised AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬

weapon, for they themselves are afraid. Societies plagued by fears about job insecurity, challenges to traditional values, demographic shifts, waves of immigration, etc can be easily manipulated.

by decades of US intervention. That they are fellow Christians made no difference in how they are treated. Their children are even abducted by the American authorities and placed in camps. Huge roundups of illegal immigrants are being undertaken as part of the anti-Hispanic atmosphere, dividing the US population. In China we are witnessing the incarceration of millions of Uyghur Muslims, accused of supporting extremism and terror, in re-education concentration camps. The Chinese under the newly minted authoritarian government of the day, want an homogenised population following only Party approved values. Diversity is seen as a threat. India, under the extremist Hindu BJP, is implementing religious vigilantism. Hindu supremacists are lynching Muslims for cow crimes and the government is preparing to ethnically cleanse Muslim majority Kashmir. The Hindu extremists fear Islam despite its weak minority status in the country. In all these cases of mounting oppression we see signs of fear.

Why are Muslims feared? Just why they fear us is the question in the minds of millions of Muslims. We are divided with many of us ruled by corrupt leaders and/or leaders approved by the imperial powers. Our economies are weak, our educational systems shambolic. What is there to fear? The many uprisings in the long suppressed Arab world, the short-lived “Arab Spring,” gave just a flash of the future. Millions of young people, better educated than their predecessors, are aware of the world situation more keenly than ever before. Their work is not yet done. The coup in Egypt succeeded against the first elected president, but the coup in Turkey failed. The old rotten corrupt government of Malaysia was exposed and fell to an aware electorate. Imran Khan rose to office in Pakistan, presenting a new less rotten face than the past several decades of Pakistani rule. The people of Indonesia are becoming more politically aware and although the old Sukarno forces of corruption are not yet dead and buried, they are weaker than ever. In the main Western countries Muslims and ethnic minorities are emerging into elected legislatures,

challenging the hegemony of the Israeli lobby and neo-conservative economic policies. All of these signs are read by the powers which imposed their will on the Ummah in the 1800s, reaching their peak with the Peace Settlements after the First World War. That peak has been long passed and a new era is emerging.

A New Era is Emerging We Muslims do not see the picture so clearly but Raymond Baker in “One Islam, Many Muslim Worlds. Spirituality, Identity, and Resistance across Islamic Lands,” used an image which remains in my mind. He argues that the response of Islam has been like that of “a living entity.” There have been successive waves of mass resistance to these depredations and that resistance was based not upon charismatic leaders but “ the power of the faith in the lives of masses of ordinary Muslims.” The leaders who emerged were based upon the mass support that had already developed. The mainstream Islam he describes defies neat categorization and description. The illustration which seems most compelling is that of the coral reef. “ Coral does not live as an individual. It always establishes itself as a part of a complex colony of interconnected individuals that cooperate in ingenious ways to secure food for constituent elements, often vast in number. Coral also takes on a variety of splendid colours, thanks to the algae it ingests. That variety mimics the diverse forms of the Islamic community. Like such communities, coral adapts to very different oceanic environments.” It is a diverse but united Ummah which is coming to life in the human coral reef. It is a world community with the potential to change how human beings are valued and how society is viewed and developed. It has much to offer. It is our task to convey that offer and that hope to our brothers and sisters in our human family. It is that which the rulers fear. The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.



Dr Rateb Jneid President

Happy HIJRI New Year

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Teach Your Child Resilience By Jamilah Samian

I had two new experiences the past month, both involved students with special needs. One was blind, the other was born without an arm. Both had been outstanding at school and had won prestigious scholarships. Both secured places at renowned universities. Both showed remarkable resilience. Many of us do not have such impairments but might be less resilient in life, yours truly included. Resilience is the capacity to get back to your feet from painful experiences. Failure, rejection, disappointment – you and I have gone through some kind of rough moments in varying degrees. How do we make ourselves more resilient? How do we teach our children to survive trying times, build their resilience muscle, become stronger at the end of it all? There is not a single person who has never failed, never been rejected or never disappointed in some way. How you respond to such painful experiences either weaken or strengthen your resilience muscle.

For children, they need guidance. This is why, it’s not a smart thing to be overly protective with children. It’s by surviving painful experiences that our children learn they are capable of facing the tough world out there. Realize that failure, rejection and disappointment in no way reduces the person you are. All of us have a little voice in our head, an inner voice, a running commentary that evaluates what we go through. Kids have it, too. For some children, the inner voice is harsher than the rest. Take notice if your child says things like “I’m a loser”, “I am good at nothing”, “I am useless”. Tell her, “You are not your thoughts.” It is important for children to not give up

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on themselves, to keep on trying. Painful experiences, little by little, are what kids need to grow their resilience muscle over time. It’s a rough world out there. Resist the urge to rescue your child straightaway. You and I won’t be there all the time to soothe all the hurts and wipe the tears. Yes, you can listen. Yes, you can offer words of support, but do not do more than necessary. It will only reduce your child’s belief in herself. Just as an athlete grows his stamina by increasing the tasks he does bit by bit, so does a child expand his resilience by stretching himself emotionally and intellectually to overcome the obstacles in his way, without too much parental help. How do you know if you’re doing too much or too little? Offer a little support, then see how it goes. Be sensitive to your child’s response. Each child is different. Some need more, others need less. It’s a matter of trial and error. No parent does it right all the time. It is a mistake to think that childhood should be carefree.

Childhood is the time for children to learn the rudiments of survival. Resilience is a learned behavior, after all. The sooner your child grows his resilience muscle, the better. Childhood is the period when the brain develops the most. Equally important, as a parent, stay calm in difficult situations. Your child sees how your respond to tough moments. Staying calm despite your fears and anxiety sends a strong message to your child: You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to the circumstances you find yourself in. Your ability to pause and think instead of panicking will teach your child to remain tenacious in tough times. That’s a powerful lesson in resilience.

JaJamilah Samian is the author of “Leadership In Parenting“, “The Kindness Miracle”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, and “The Groovy Guide to Parenting Generation Y & Z”. Visit her website at



THE ISLAMIC POSITION ON ABORTION Australian National Imams Council In Islam, life is sacred and highly valued, and for this reason, it must be honoured and promoted. The preservation of life is one of the basic necessities and purposes (Maqasid) in the Islamic law. Therefore, abortion is considered unlawful and a major sin (HARAM) in Islam regardless of the stage of pregnancy. However, a greater degree of sin would be incurred if the pregnancy was aborted at a later stage. When the pregnancy progresses to 120 days, the soul enters the fetus and this is confirmed by the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who stated: [With regards to your creation] “Every one of you is collected in the womb of his mother for the first 40 days, and then he becomes a clot for another 40 days, and then a piece of flesh for another 40 days. Then Allah sends an angel to breathe the soul into his body.” [Bukhari & Muslim]. In this case, abortion becomes a greater degree of sin and is deemed a form of deliberate murder.

In other cases, Islam considers the permissibility of abortion in the following circumstances: 1. Abortion is permissible at any stage of pregnancy even after 120 days if the pregnancy poses any exceeding danger to the mother, this must be confirmed by a qualified and trustworthy medical report. Such threats include the life of the mother being at serious risk. 2. Abortion before 120 days of

conception is treated on a case by case basis, with the previous rules kept in mind. Such cases is the permissibility if the mothers health is in danger or if the fetus is examined to have an abnormality that is lethal or will cause severe disability. Given the above, abortion remains a major sin (Haram) which one should repent from and ask Allah for forgiveness. Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an: “And do not kill the soul whom Allah has forbidden except by right.” {Al-Isra’a - Verse 33}

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ISLAMIC CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL OF VICTORIA Helping Australian businesses export halal products to over 140 countries

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AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬

Our certificate is approved in countries that now require halal certificate if goods have halal stamps:

Canada, South Korea, China, European Union (EU), New Zealand, Russia Federation, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United States of America (USA).



East Preston Islamic College


HIJRI New Year

East Preston Islamic College 55 Tyler Street, East Preston, VIC, 3072, Australia. Ph: +61 3 9478 3323 Fx: +61 3 9470 1255 AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬






Islamic Society of South Australia

Education Entertainment Islamic Marriage Hajj Funerals Festivals Open Day Halal Certificate Counselling Services Aged care Arabic School

MASJIDS: Masjid Abu Bakr AsSaddiq Masjid Omar Bin Alkhattab Masjid Murray Bridge Masjid Whayalla

658 Marion Rd Parkholme, SA 5043 Tel: +618 8277 8725 W:

Happy HIJRI new year


HIJRI new year

‫الشيخ رياض الرفاعي‬

‫الشيخ عبد السالم عالم‬

‫امام مسجد ابو بكر الصديق‬ ‫الجمعية االسالمية في جنوب استراليا‬

Sheikh AbdulSalam Abdulghani Alim Imam of Masjid Abu Baker AlSaddiq Islamic Society of South Australia

‫ عضو مجلس األئمة الفدرالي‬‫ أمين سر مجلس األئمة في جنوب أستراليا‬‫ ممثل دار الفتوى في الجمهورية اللبنانية في‬‫والية جنوب استراليا‬ ‫ امام مسجد عمر بن الخطاب في اداليد‬-

Sheikh Riad El Rifai

Imam of Masjid Omar Bin Alkhatab South Australia

AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬




HIJRI New Year

Dental Care At Hilton

158 Sir Donald Bradman Dr, Hilton SA 5033 T: 08 8351 7722 E:

‫ وليد الخزرجي‬.‫د‬

‫مدير عيادة العناية باالسنان في هيلتون‬

Dr Waleed Alkhazrajy Director

We have dental treatment under sedation and general anaesthesia.

we have advanced filling and crown setting via CEREC technology. we are major sponsors for Human Appeal, Islamic Relief, Saudi Students club Adelaide.

AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬



From the Refugee Camps in Sudan to Senior Research fellow at The University of Melbourne in Australia Anyone worth celebrating is worth being called a celebrity, from a childhood refugee life experience journey to Australia’s top social and political personality, which marks a milestone in the memory of thousands of other refugees. Many years ago, Dr Berhan Ahmed was a refugee in Sudan, who never dreamed or imagined that he would one day be Victorian Australian of the Year and Australian of the Year finalist or a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Melbourne or even a political candidate. A self-sacrificing man, he is eager to help fellow humans around him and around the world. Dr Ahmed is happy and delighted to offer and contribute in making Melbourne the aspiring multicultural city of the world and assist our youth with challenges in employment, business entrepreneurship and education success, particularly for refugees’ children with little education to achieving their dreams. Dr.Ahmed’s concern today, is a dark cloud that hangs over many refugees in the world. The Aid Agencies and UNHCR are facing a political and a critical fundraising crisis. The agencies are almost entirely dependent on contributions from UN member nations for their funding. Although financial support from donor governments has generally increased in recent years, it has not kept pace with the rising cost of caring for existing refugees and responding to new emergencies and assisting refugees to return home when that is possible. Australia’s current crises are not different from the international refugees’ crises faced by many countries around the world. Tragically many refugees NOW are drowning in the Mediterranean Sea, while the international communities are silent; some are even sold like slaves, abused and tortured

Dr Berhan Ahmed by the criminals in Libya. Dr. Ahmed as an advocate of refugees and migrant communities won the immediate trust and respect of the Australian society, through his commitment to numerous community issues via main stream media and he has held numerous chairmanship and community roles. Community Aid Abroad (Oxfam) and Amnesty International are two of many NGOs he has worked with closely, and he has excellent relationships with political leaders on all sides of the political spectrum, as well as leading administrative decisionmakers at all levels of government, business and educational leaders. In 2005 Dr Ahmed led African Australian community leaders in forming the African Think Tank (ATT), to lobby, educate, and as a liaison peak body. He has served as its chairperson for over ten years. ATT has played a significant role in education and cultural change in public perception, with government and also assisted many refugee/ migrant communities to arrive and establish their own community, national and international humanitarian organisations. Dr. Ahmed’s achievements were recognised in 2010, when he was the first African Australian to achieve the great honour of recognition at the State level as

AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1441 ‫ ¿ محرّم‬103 ‫الوسط‬

Victorian Australian of the Year. He was the first African Australian Senate Candidate for the federal election 2004 in Victoria. Dr Ahmed is motivated by five core principles - social justice, sustainability development, Aboriginal reconciliation, building stronger and dynamic communities, and applying democracy in action. His current leadership role explores new ways of engaging African Australian participation in decision making and to eliminate the culture of cover up, and continued hostility and lack of co-operation among some community members. Dr. Ahmed believes and treats equally all people,

(AASBA) and African Australian Multicultural Employment and Youth Services (AAMEYS) to improve the business network and access to financial services. Between the two organisations, there are over 100 small businesses members working under his leadership. While working with some business leaders to establish Victorian African Chamber of Commerce (VACC) to advocate and access many opportunities the state and federal government offer. Dr. Ahmed has taken sabbatical leave to increase refugees and migrant’s participation and contribution in Australia’s 21st century economic and

main stream media and educational institutions many times. In addition, he has worked on various projects integrating the university with the local community at a grassroots level.

regardless of their religion, race, creed, origin, skin colour, gender, age, socioeconomic background, education level in order to empower and engage with other communities to create harmony and positive image of Africa and Africans in Australia. At the same time, Dr. Ahmed is working to build capacity and skills for refugees and migrant communities to participate in Australian small businesses and entrepreneurial opportunities. Thus, he created African Australian Small Business Association

business ownership. He has been on the Boards of a few organisations including AMES, Victoria Police, International Research Organisation (Stockholm), Flemington and Kensington Community Legal Centre, Southern Cross Education Institute Pty Ltd; Haven Security Solutions Pty Ltd to name a few. His expertise in business, education, especially in the area of multicultural, refugee/ migrant settlements and overseas students, has been drawn on by Federal and State governments, businesses, NGOs,

control of detail. He is totally open to criticism and input from team members, and gives and receives trust and loyalty, with a commitment to the welfare of his workers. His enormous energy sees him effectively managing an enormous workload.

The two main characteristics that make Dr. Ahmed outstanding are his complete openness and lack of any bigotry or bias, along with a comprehensive overview that examines the wider picture, and he is open to innovative and deep structural solutions. His leadership style empowers and develops his team members by devolving trust and retaining oversight while giving them considerable

Dr. Ahmed is rare example of a deeply humanitarian leader, committed to the welfare of all, whose focus is on the forest but who counts and cares for each individual tree.

‫‪25‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫فحص مجاني في البيت‬

‫لسرطان االمعاء‬ ‫يعتبر ��س��رط��ان الأم �ع��اء �أح��د‬ ‫�أنواع ال�سرطان المنت�شرة جدا‬ ‫في �أ�ستراليا‪.‬‬ ‫قد تكون معر�ضا للإ�صابة ب�سرطان الأمعاء‬ ‫بغ�ض النظر عن مكان والدتك �أو اللغة التي‬ ‫تتحدث بها‪.‬‬ ‫يمكن �أن يتطور �سرطان الأمعاء دون ظهور‬ ‫�أي��ة �أع��را���ض حتى و�إن كنت ت�شعر ب�أنك‬ ‫ب�صحة جيدة‪.‬‬ ‫�سوف تر�سل �أدوات فح�ص �سرطان الأمعاء‬ ‫�إليك بالبريد مرة كل عامين �إذا كنت في‬ ‫عمر يتراوح بين ‪� 50‬إلى ‪� 74‬سنة‪.‬‬ ‫هذا هو فح�ص الك�شف عن �سرطان الأمعاء‬

‫وهو فح�ص مجاني ومن ال�سهل القيام به‪.‬‬ ‫يقوم هذا الفح�ص بالك�شف عن العالمات‬ ‫المبكرة ل�سرطان الأمعاء وذلك قبل ظهور‬ ‫الأعرا�ض عندها تكون فر�ص نجاح العالج‬ ‫�أكبر‪.‬‬ ‫تمتع بعمر �أط��ول وا�ستمتع بوقت �أط��ول مع‬ ‫عائلتك‪ .‬قم ب�إجراء هذا الفح�ص‪� .‬إنه قد‬ ‫ينقذ حياتك‪.‬‬ ‫للتحدث مع �شخ�ص ما حول هذا المو�ضوع‬ ‫بلغتك يرجى الإت�صال بالرقم ‪13 14 50‬‬ ‫واطلب برنامج الفح�ص الوطني للك�شف‬ ‫عن �سرطان الأمعاء (‪National Bowel‬‬ ‫‪.)Cancer Screening Program‬‬

‫دراسة‪ :‬تفاحة واحدة يوميا‬ ‫تحميك من السرطان وأمراض القلب‬ ‫وجد باحثو جامعة ‪ Edith Cowan‬في �أ�ستراليا �أن تناول ما ال يقل عن ‪ 500‬ملغ‬ ‫من مركبات الفالفونويد‪ ،‬الموجودة في التفاح‪ ،‬يوميا يقلل خطر الوفاة بمر�ض‬ ‫ال�سرطان و�أمرا�ض القلب‪.‬‬ ‫وحللت الدرا�سة الوجبات الغذائية لأكثر من ‪� 53‬ألف فرد‪ ،‬وتتبعت حاالتهم مدة ‪ 23‬عاما‪.‬‬ ‫وتو�صل فريق البحث �إلى �أن تناول التفاح والبرتقال وحفنة من التوت الأزرق‪ ،‬التي تحتوي على‬ ‫مركبات الفالفونويد‪ ،‬يحافظ على �صحة الأوعية الدموية ويحد من االلتهابات‪ ،‬التي ُربطت‬ ‫ب�سوء �صحة القلب وال�سرطان‪.‬‬ ‫وبعد تحليل عادات الأكل لدى الم�شاركين‪ ،‬وجد الباحثون �أن الأ�شخا�ص الذين تناولوا نحو‬ ‫‪ 500‬ملغ من الفالفونويد في اليوم‪ ،‬كانوا �أقل عر�ضة للوفاة ب�سبب ال�سرطان �أو �أمرا�ض القلب‪.‬‬ ‫وقال الباحث الرئي�س‪ ،‬الدكتور نيكوال بوندونو‪� ،‬إن هذه النتائج مهمة لأنها ت�سلط ال�ضوء على‬ ‫�إمكانية الوقاية من ال�سرطان و�أمرا�ض القلب‪ ،‬من خالل ت�شجيع ا�ستهالك الأطعمة الغنية‬ ‫بالفالفونويد‪ ،‬باعتبارها و�سيلة جديدة لتخفيف المخاطر المتزايدة‪ ،‬مع تحفيز النا�س على‬ ‫الإقالع عن التدخين واالبتعاد عن ا�ستهالك الكحول‪.‬‬ ‫تجدر الإ�شارة �إلى �أن مركبات التفاح تحد من االلتهاب الذي يهيج الأوعية الدموية‪ ،‬ما قد‬ ‫ي�ؤدي �إلى تر�سب البالك وت�شكل الجلطات‪ .‬وفي حال �سدت الجلطة ال�شريان المتجه �إلى‬ ‫القلب‪ ،‬يمكن �أن ي�صاب الفرد بنوبة قلبية‪.‬‬ ‫و ُرب��ط االلتهاب على المدى الطويل ب�أ�ضرار الحم�ض النووي‪ ،‬والتي يمكن �أن ت ��ؤدي �إلى‬ ‫ال�سرطان‪ ،‬وفقا للمعهد الوطني لل�سرطان‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬ديلي ميل‬

‫أشهى وأفخر الحلويات اللبنانية والشرقية‬

‫صقر وأوالده‬

‫‪Al Afrah Pastry‬‬

‫‪Lebanese & Arabic sweets‬‬

‫‪749-751 Punchbowl Rd, Punchbowl NSW 2196‬‬

‫‪Tel: (02) 9708 2774 •‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 103‬محرّم ‪ 1441‬هـ ¿ آب ‪AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019‬‬

‫‪26‬‬ ‫الوسط الدعوي‬

‫أحاديث مشهورة ضعيفة السند (‪)6‬‬ ‫�إح�سان العتيبي‬ ‫تكملة ل�سل�سلة الأحاديث ال�ضعيفة‬ ‫والمو�ضوعة وهي منت�شرة بين الخطباء‬ ‫والوعاظ‪ ،‬وفي ال�صحيح ما يغني الم�سلم عن‬ ‫الأخذ بال�ضعيف‪ .‬ون�س�أل اهلل �أن ينفع بها‪:‬‬ ‫‪« -84‬البر ال يبلى والإثم ال ين�سى والديان ال ينام فكن كما‬ ‫�شئت كما تدين تدان»‪� .‬ضعيف‪« .‬الك�شف الإلهي» للطرابل�سي‬ ‫(‪« .)681‬الل�ؤل�ؤ المر�صوع» للم�شي�شي (‪.)414‬‬ ‫‪« -85‬لمعالجة ملك الموت �أ�شد من �ألف �ضربة بال�سيف»‪.‬‬ ‫�ضعيف جد ًا‪« .‬ترتيب المو�ضوعات» للذهبي (‪.)1071‬‬ ‫«المو�ضوعات» البن الجوزي (‪.)220/3‬‬ ‫‪« -86‬بادروا بالأعمال �سبع ًا‪ ،‬هل تنتظرون �إال مر�ضاً‬ ‫مف�سد ًا وهرم ًا مفند ًا �أو غنى مطغي ًا �أو فقر ًا من�سي ًا �أو موت ًا‬ ‫مجهز ًا �أو الدجال ف�شر غائب ينتظر �أو ال�ساعة وال�ساعة‬ ‫�أدهى و�أمر»‪� .‬ضعيف‪« .‬ذخيرة الحفاظ» البن طاهر‬ ‫(‪« .)2313/2‬ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)1666‬‬ ‫‪�« -87‬أجر�ؤكم عل الفتيا �أجرئكم على النار»‪� .‬ضعيف‪.‬‬ ‫«ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)1814‬‬

‫‪« -88‬اتقوا فرا�سة الم�ؤمن ف�إنه ينظر بنور اهلل»‪� .‬ضعيف‪.‬‬ ‫«تنزيه ال�شريعة» للكناني (‪« .)305/2‬المو�ضوعات»‬ ‫لل�صغاني (‪.)74‬‬ ‫‪« -89‬الدنيا دار من ال دار له ومال من ال مال له ولها يجمع‬ ‫من ال عقل له»‪� .‬ضعيف ج ّد ًا‪« .‬الأحاديث التي ال �أ�صل لها‬ ‫في الإحياء» لل�سبكي (‪« .)344‬تذكرة المو�ضوعات» للفتني‬ ‫(‪.)174‬‬ ‫‪« -90‬ال تجعلوا �آخر طعامكم ما ًء»‪ .‬ال �أ�صل له‪« .‬ال�ضعيفة»‬ ‫(‪.)2096‬‬ ‫‪�« -91‬إن للقلوب �صد�أ ك�صد�أ الحديد وجال�ؤها اال�ستغفار»‪.‬‬ ‫مو�ضوع‪».‬ذخيرة الحفاظ» (‪« .)1978/2‬ال�ضعيفة»‬ ‫(‪.)2242‬‬ ‫‪« -92‬رجعنا من الجهاد الأ�صغر �إلى الأكبر»‪ .‬ال �أ�صل له‪.‬‬ ‫«الأ�سرار المرفوعة» (‪« .)211‬تذكرة المو�ضوعات» للفتني‬ ‫(‪.)191‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫‪« -93‬من �أفطر يوما من رم�ضان في غير رخ�صة رخ�صها‬ ‫اهلل له‪ ،‬لم يق�ض عنه �صيام الدهر كله‪ ،‬و�إن �صامه»‪.‬‬

‫�ضعيف‪« .‬تنزيه ال�شريعة» (‪« .)148/2‬الترغيب والترهيب»‬ ‫(‪.)74/2‬‬ ‫‪�« -94‬إن عبد الرحمن بن عوف يدخل الجنة حبو ًا»‪.‬‬ ‫مو�ضوع‪« .‬المنار المنيف» البن القيم (‪« .)306‬الفوائد‬ ‫المجموعة» لل�شوكاني (‪.)1184‬‬ ‫‪�« -95‬أبغ�ض الحالل �إلى اهلل الطالق»‪� .‬ضعيف‪« .‬العلل‬ ‫المتناهية» البن الجوزي (‪« .)1056/2‬الذخيرة» (‪.)23/1‬‬ ‫‪« -96‬لما قدم النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم المدينة جعل‬ ‫الن�ساء وال�صبيان والوالئد يقولون ‪ :‬طلع البدر علينا وجب‬ ‫ال�شكر علينا‬ ‫�أيها المبعوث فينا من ثنيات الوداع ما دعا هلل داع جئت‬ ‫بالأمر المطاع» �ضعيف‪�« .‬أحاديث الق�صا�ص» البن تيميه‬ ‫(‪« .)17‬تذكرة المو�ضوعات» (‪.)196‬‬ ‫‪�« -97‬إياكم والح�سد ف�إن الح�سد ي�أكل الح�سنات كما ت�أكل‬ ‫النار الحطب»‪� .‬ضعيف‪« .‬التاريخ الكبير» (‪.)272/1‬‬ ‫«مخت�صر �سنن �أبي داود» للمنذري»(‪.)226/7‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬‬

‫اس���تمعوا ال���ى إذاع���ة الصوت االس�ل�امي س���يدني‬ ‫برامجها ت�شمل ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫• تالوة القر�آن الكريم ‪ -‬محا�ضرات‬ ‫�إ�سالمية‬ ‫• بث مبا�شر لخطبة الجمعة ‪� -‬أخبار‬ ‫محلية وعالمية‬ ‫• برنامج �صباحيات مع الحاج �إبراهيم‬ ‫الزعبي ِمن الثامنة والن�صف وحتى‬ ‫العا�شرة والن�صف‪.‬‬ ‫• متفرقات في الدين والحياة‬ ‫لالخت رانيا البرجاوي من العا�شرة‬ ‫والن�صف وحتى الثانية ع�شرة‪.‬‬ ‫• ثالث ن�شرات اخبارية مف�صلة‬ ‫يقدمها الدكتور �أحمد العقاد‪.‬‬ ‫• محا�ضرات باللغة االنكليزية ثالث‬ ‫مرات يوميا‪ ,‬االولى عند ال�ساعة‬

‫ال�سابعة والن�صف �صباح ًا والثانية‬ ‫عند الرابعة ع�صر ًا واالخيرة عند‬ ‫م�ساء‪.‬‬ ‫ال�ساعة الثامنة والن�صف‬ ‫ً‬ ‫• برنامج �أ�سبوعي يقدم م�ساء كل‬ ‫يوم �أربعاء عند ال�ساعة الثامنة‬ ‫والن�صف باللغة االنكليزية بعنوان‬ ‫«الن�شاط وال�صحة»‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج �آخر باللغة االنكليزية عن‬ ‫ال�صحة يقدمه الدكتور و�سام �سوبرا‬ ‫كل يوم جمعه عند ال�ساعة الرابعة‬ ‫ع�صراً‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «ماما �صفاء» للأطفال عند‬ ‫ال�ساعة الخام�سة م�ساء كل يوم‬ ‫جمعه‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «فهل من مدكر» لتعليم‬

‫�أحكام التجويد وتالوة القر�أن‬ ‫الكريم للأخ �أنور حمام والأخ ريا�ض‬ ‫قا�سم‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «�إ�شراقات فقهية» �صباح كل‬ ‫يوم �أربعاء عند ال�ساعة التا�سعة‬ ‫والربع مع ف�ضيلة ال�شيخ يحي‬ ‫ال�صافي‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «التف�سير البالغي للقر�آن‬ ‫الكريم» مع ال�شيخ �أحمد عزت‬ ‫م�ساء‬ ‫محمود عند ال�ساعة ال�ساد�سة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫كل يوم ثالثاء‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامجي «امجاد ونزهة الم�شتاق»‬ ‫مع االخ وليد المذيب‪.‬‬

‫من اليمين الحاجة رانية البرجاوي‪ ،‬الحاج ابراهيم الزعبي‪ ،‬الدكتور احمد العقاد‬ ‫�إذاعة ال�صوت الإ�سالمي من �سيدني تبث برامجها على مدار اليوم على الترددات التالية‪:‬‬

‫)‪• 87.6 FM • 173.350 MHz (Narrow Band‬‬ ‫)‪• 173.425MHz (Narrow Band‬‬

‫‪T: +61 (2) 9758 3399 F: +61 (2) 9758 3299‬‬ ‫‪E:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫بكفالتك لليتيم تسد جوعه‬ ‫وتعطيه أم ً‬ ‫ال بمستقبل مشرق‬

‫الح لَ ُه ْم خ َْيٌ”‪.‬‬ ‫قال تعاىل ‪َ ”:‬ويَ ْسأَلُونَكَ َع ِن الْ َي َتا َمى ُق ْل إِ ْص ٌ‬ ‫تكفل هيئة االعامل الخريية أكرث من ‪ 63‬الف يتيم يف ‪ 15‬دولة‪ ،‬فتقدم لهم العون املايل و املساعدة التعليمية‬ ‫والرعاية الصحية الشاملة‪ .‬مببلغ ‪ 50‬دوالرا يف الشهر ميكنك أن تكفل يتيامً فتسعد قلبه وتغري حياته لألفضل‪.‬‬

‫للتبرع يمكنكم اإلتصال على الرقم‪ 1300 760 155 :‬أو زوروا موقع الهيئة‪ :‬‬ ‫‪30/4/19 10:33 am‬‬

‫‪HAI_2019_Ramadan_Alwasat_1/8Ad.indd‬‬ ‫‪AL WASAT‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 103‬محرّم ‪21441‬هـ ¿ آب ‪103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019‬‬

‫‪27‬‬ ‫الوسط التاريخي‬

‫قصة اعتماد التقويم الهجري‬ ‫�أحمد الجنابي‬ ‫التقويم الهجري هو تقويم قمري ا�ستخدمه‬ ‫العرب قبل الإ�سالم بقرون‪ ،‬لكن �أ�سماء �أ�شهره‬ ‫وترتيبها تعددت ح�سب ما ر�أته كل قبيلة‪.‬‬ ‫وقد ت�سبب ذلك التباين بم�شاكل في توقيت الحج �إلى الكعبة‪،‬‬ ‫وهي ممار�سة كان العرب يحر�صون على القيام بها ب�شكل‬

‫ش��������رح‬ ‫لمعـــا ني‬ ‫أس���م���اء‬ ‫أش����ه����ر‬ ‫التقــويم‬ ‫الهجـــري‬

‫دوري‪ ،‬فتداعى زعما�ؤهم لتوحيد �أ�سماء الأ�شهر العربية‬ ‫وترتيبها‪.‬‬ ‫احت�ضنت مكة عام ‪ 412‬للميالد اجتماعا �ضم �سادة قبائل‬ ‫العرب لتوحيد �أ�سماء �أ�شهر التقويم‪ ،‬وعقد االجتماع في‬ ‫حياة كالب بن مرة خام�س جد للر�سول محمد �صلى اهلل‬ ‫عليه و�سلم‪..‬‬ ‫ويعتمد التقويم العربي «ال��ذي �أ�صبح فيما بعد التقويم‬ ‫الهجري الإ�سالمي» على حركة القمر‪ ،‬ولذلك ي�صنف على‬

‫المحرم‪:‬‬ ‫ّ‬

‫�أنه تقويم قمري‪.‬‬ ‫اعتمد الم�سلمون التقويم العربي ليكون تقويم ال��دول��ة‬ ‫الإ�سالمية‪ ،‬ونظرا العتماده الهجرة النبوية ال�شريفة بداية له‬ ‫فقد �سمي بالتقويم الهجري‪ .‬وقد اعتمد بعد �سنتين ون�صف‬ ‫ال�سنة من خالفة عمر بن الخطاب ر�ضي اهلل عنه‪ ،‬في ربيع‬ ‫الأول من عام ‪ 16‬للهجرة‪ ،‬وكان يوم ‪ 1‬المحرم من عام ‪17‬‬ ‫للهجرة بداية �أول �سنة هجرية بعد اعتماد التقويم الهجري‪.‬‬


‫الح َرام) وهو �أول �شهور ال�سنة الهجرية ومن الأ�شهر‬ ‫(ال ُم َح َّرم َ‬ ‫الحرم‪�ُ :‬س ِّمي المح ّرم لأن العرب قبل الإ�سالم كانوا يح ّرمون‬ ‫القتال فيه‪.‬‬

‫لأنه ِ�شعب بين رجب ورم�ضان‪ ،‬وقيل �سمي �شعبان لأن النا�س‬ ‫تتفرق فيه ويت�شعبون طلبا للماء‪ .‬وهناك ر�أي يقول �إنه ربما‬ ‫�سمي �شعبان لأن العرب كانوا يت�شعبون فيه ويفترقون للحرب‬ ‫بعد قعودهم عنها في �شهر رجب‪.‬‬

‫فيه للحرب وقيل لأن العرب كانوا يغزون فيه القبائل فيتركون‬ ‫من لقوا �صفر المتاع‪.‬‬

‫ال�صوم عند الم�سلمين‪�ُ .‬س ّمي بذلك لرمو�ض الحر‬ ‫وهو �شهر ّ‬ ‫و�شدة وقع ال�شم�س فيه وقت ت�سميته‪ ،‬حيث كانت الفترة التي‬ ‫�سمي فيها بذلك �شديدة الحر‪.‬‬

‫�سمي بذلك لأن ت�سميته جاءت في الربيع فلزمه ذلك اال�سم‪.‬‬


‫�صفر‪:‬‬ ‫�سمي �صف ًرا لأن ديار العرب كانت ت�صفر �أي تخلو من �أهلها رم�ضان‪:‬‬ ‫ربيع الأول‪:‬‬

‫ربيع الآخر‪:‬‬

‫�سمي بذلك لأنه تبع ال�شّ هر الم�س ّمى بربيع الأ ّول‬

‫جمادى الأولى‪:‬‬

‫كانت ت�سمى قبل الإ��س�لام با�سم جمادى خم�سة‪ ،‬و�سميت‬ ‫جمادى لوقوعها في ال�شتاء وقت الت�سمية حيث جمد الماء‬ ‫وهي م�ؤنثة اللفظ‪.‬‬

‫جمادى الآخرة‪:‬‬

‫�سمي َ‬ ‫بذلك لأنّه تبع ال�شّ هر الم�س ّمى بجمادى الأولى‪.‬‬


‫وهو من الأ�شهر الحرم‪� :‬سمي رج ًبا لأنه من الأ�شهر الحرم‬ ‫وكانت العرب ترجب رماحها فيه �أي تنزع الن�صل من الرمح‬ ‫وتكف النا�س عن القتال‪ .‬وقيل‪ :‬رجب �أي التوقف عن القتال‪.‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 103‬محرّم ‪ 1441‬هـ ¿ آب ‪AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019‬‬

‫وهو ال�شهر الذي يقع فيه عيد الفطر‪ ،‬و�سمي بذلك ل�شوالن‬ ‫النوق فيه ب�أذنابها �إذا حملت “�أي هزلت وجف لبنها”‪ ،‬فيقال‬ ‫وجف لبنها‪.‬‬ ‫ت�ش َّولت الإبل‪� :‬إذا هزلت ّ‬

‫ذو القعدة‪:‬‬

‫وهو من الأ�شهر الحرم‪� :‬سمي ذا القعدة لأن��ه �أول الأ�شهر‬ ‫الحرم وفيه تقعد النا�س عن الحرب‪.‬‬

‫ذو الحجة‪:‬‬

‫وفيه مو�سم الحج وعيد الأ�ضحى ومن الأ�شهر الحرم‪ ،‬وقد‬ ‫�سمي بذلك لأن العرب قبل الإ�سالم يذهبون للحج في هذا‬ ‫ال�شهر‪.‬‬ ‫ونظرا العتماد التقويم الهجري على حركة القمر‪ ،‬ف�إن ال�سنة‬ ‫الهجرية تتقدم كل عام ‪ 11‬يوما‪ ،‬لذلك ف�إن الأ�شهر الهجرية‬ ‫قد تقع في موا�سم تختلف عن الموا�سم التي �سميت بها وقت‬ ‫اعتمادها‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪:‬الجزيرة‬


‫ف��ي لفتة وف��اء وتقدير كرمت‬ ‫ال�ج��ال�ي��ة اللبنانية وال�ع��رب�ي��ة‬ ‫ال�شاعر ال��راح��ل غ�سان علم‬ ‫الدين‪ ،‬خالل فعاليات ندوة حوار الثقافات‬ ‫واالديان التي اقيمت في �سيدني يوم الثالثاء‬ ‫الما�ضي ‪ 6‬اغ�سط�س �آب ت�ق��دي��را ل��دوره‬ ‫االبداعي واالن�ساني في بناء ج�سور ال�سالم‬ ‫والتوا�صل بين الثقافات والح�ضارات من‬ ‫خالل العمل واالبداع الفكري والثقافي‪.‬‬ ‫وقد �سلم مفتي ا�ستراليا الدكتور ابراهيم‬


‫تكريم االديب الراحل‬ ‫غسان علم الدين‬

‫ابو محمد ورئي�س المركز اال�سترالي لحوار‬ ‫االدي� ��ان وال �ث �ق��اف��ات خ�ضر ��ص��ال��ح ال��درع‬ ‫التكريمي لعقيلة االدي��ب ال��راح��ل االديبة‬ ‫والكاتبة امان ال�سيد بح�ضور الوزير ال�سابق‬ ‫فيليب رودوك وال�ن��ائ��ب الفيدرالي طوني‬ ‫ب��ورك‪ ،‬ومفتي ا�ستراليا الدكتور ابراهيم‬ ‫اب��و محمد و�شخ�صيات دينية و�سيا�سية‬ ‫واعالمية من مختلف الديانات والثقافات‬ ‫والح�ضارات ‪.‬‬

‫كل عام وانتم بخري‬

‫‪Happy Hijri new year‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 103‬محرّم ‪ 1441‬هـ ¿ آب ‪AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019‬‬

‫‪29‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫إتهام مسؤول إسرائيلي بدعم مديرة‬ ‫مدرسة متورطة بـ ‪ 74‬اعتداء جنسيا‬

‫هلكَ نريون‪ ،‬و بقيتْ روما‬

‫�أو��ص��ت ال�شرطة الإ�سرائيلية بتوجيه اتهام لنائب وزي��ر ال�صحة‬ ‫لال�شتباه في محاولته دعم ق�ضية مديرة �سابقة لمدر�سة يهودية‬ ‫تهربت من ت�سلميها �إلى �أ�ستراليا حيث تواجه اتهامات باالعتداء‬

‫الجن�سي‪.‬‬ ‫و�سيقرر المدعون ما �إذا كانوا �سيقبلون بالنتائج التي تو�صلت �إليها ال�شرطة‬ ‫ويوجهون اتهاما لنائب الوزير يعقوب ليتزمان الذي نفى ارتكاب �أي مخالفة‪.‬‬ ‫ووفقا لوكالة الأنباء الفرن�سية «�أ ف ب»‪ ،‬ف�إن �أ�ستراليا ت�ضغط على �إ�سرائيل‬ ‫لت�سليمها مالكا ليفر التي ف��رت من �أ�ستراليا ع��ام ‪ 2008‬بم�ساعدة ما تعتقد‬ ‫ال�سلطات الأ�سترالية �إنها طائفة يهودية متطرفة‪ ،‬وذلك بعد ذيوع نب�أ االتهامات‪.‬‬ ‫وليفر هي المديرة ال�سابقة لمدر�سة (�أدا�س �إ�سرائيل) الدينية للفتيات اليهوديات‬ ‫في ملبورن‪ ،‬ومطلوبة لل�شرطة الأ�سترالية ب�ش�أن ‪ 74‬اتهاما باالعتداء الجن�سي‪،‬‬ ‫بما في ذلك االغت�صاب‪ ،‬على فتيات في المدر�سة‪ .‬وق�ضت محكمة �إ�سرائيلية في‬ ‫‪ 2016‬ب�أن ليفر‪ ،‬التي تنفي االتهامات‪ ،‬غير الئقة عقليا مما ال ي�سمح بت�سليمها‬ ‫ومحاكمتها‪ .‬واعتقلت مرة �أخ��رى في ‪ 2018‬بعدما �شكك تحقيق لل�شرطة في‬ ‫مزاعمها ب�ش�أن �صحتها العقلية‪ .‬وهي في ال�سجن حاليا في �إ�سرائيل انتظارا للبت‬ ‫في طلب ت�سليمها‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت ال�شرطة في بيان �إن ليتزمان‪ ،‬الذي ير�أ�س حزب التوراة اليهودي المتحد‬ ‫الم�شارك في االئتالف الحاكم بزعامة رئي�س الوزراء بنيامين نتنياهو‪� ،‬ضغط‬ ‫على الأطباء النف�سيين الذين عينتهم المحكمة لدعم مزاعم ليفر ب�ش�أن المر�ض‬ ‫العقلي‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت ال�شرطة �إنها وجدت ما يكفي من الأدلة لتبرير اتهام نائب الوزير باالحتيال‬ ‫وخيانة الأمانة والت�أثير على ال�شهود‪ .‬ولم ي ُعتقل الوزير‪.‬‬ ‫وقال ليتزمان في مقابلة عبر الفيديو على موقع «واي نت» الإلكتروني قبل �ساعات‬ ‫من �إعالن ال�شرطة‪�« :‬أجبت على كل الأ�سئلة (من ال�شرطة) و�أنفي ب�شدة كل ما‬ ‫قالته»‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪� :‬أ ف ب‬

‫د‪ .‬محمد عادل �شوك‬ ‫(الأيام ال�سورية)‬

‫«ن �ي��رون‪� ،‬أو نيرو»‬ ‫خ ��ام� �� ��س و�آخ� � ��ر‬ ‫ام�� �ب� ��راط� ��ور ف��ي‬ ‫الأم�ب��راط��وري��ة الرومانية من‬ ‫ال�ساللة اليوليوكلودية (من‬ ‫�أوغ�سط�س حتى نيرون) عا�ش‬ ‫م ��ن (‪ 27‬ق‪.‬م‪ 68 - .‬م)‪،‬‬ ‫و� �ص��ل �إل ��ى ال �ع��ر���ش لأن ��ه ك��ان‬ ‫اب��ن كلوديو�س بالتبنى‪ ،‬حكم‬ ‫الإمبراطورية من (‪.)68-54‬‬ ‫ل ّما ف�شل في الأعمال ال�سيا�سية‬ ‫وال�ع���س�ك��ري��ة‪�� ،‬س�ي�ط��رت عليه‬

‫ف��ك��رة ال� �ب ��راع ��ة ف ��ي ال �غ �ن��اء‬ ‫والتمثيل‪ ،‬و�أ�صبح يخرج �إل��ى‬ ‫ال �م��دن‪ ،‬ي�ط��وف فيها يح�صد‬ ‫ال �ج��وائ��ز ف��ي ه��ذي��ن الفنيين‬ ‫نفا ًقا وزو ًرا‪ ،‬فلم تكن لجان‬ ‫التحكيم تجر�ؤ على �أن تنتقده‪،‬‬ ‫�أو �أن تعطي ال�ج��ائ��زة الأول��ى‬ ‫لغيره‪..‬‬ ‫وف��ي �سنة ‪ 64‬م‪ ،‬راود خياله‬ ‫ف�ك��رة �أن يعيد ب�ن��اء روم��ا في‬ ‫ع �ه��ده وف��ق م��ا ي��ري��د‪ ،‬فخطر‬ ‫ب �ب��ال��ه �أن ي �ح��رق �ه��ا‪ ،‬ف �ب��د�أت‬ ‫النيران من القاعدة الخ�شبية‬ ‫لل�سيرك ال�ك�ب�ي��ر‪ ،‬وان�ت���ش��رت‬ ‫�وع��ا ك��ام� ً‬ ‫لا‪،‬‬ ‫ف��ي �أنحائها �أ��س�ب� ً‬ ‫وال�ت�ه�م��ت ع���ش��رة �أح��ي��اء من‬ ‫�أحيائها الأرب�ع��ة ع�شر‪ ،‬وهلك‬ ‫الآالف من �سكانها‪.‬‬ ‫وبينما كانت النيران تت�صاعد‬ ‫والأج���س��اد تحترق‪ ،‬وال�صراخ‬ ‫جال�سا في برج‬ ‫يعلو؛ كان نيرون ً‬ ‫مرتفع يت�سلى بمنظر الحريق‬ ‫ال� ��ذي خ �ل��ب ل �ب��ه‪ ،‬وب��ي��ده �آل��ة‬ ‫الطرب يغنى �أ�شعار هوميرو�س‬ ‫ال� �ت ��ي ي �� �ص��ف ف �ي �ه��ا ح��ري��ق‬ ‫طروادة‪.‬‬

‫اتجهت �أ��ص��اب��ع االت �ه��ام ب�أنه‬ ‫هو المت�سبب في هذا الحريق‬ ‫المتعمد‪ ،‬وتهام�س �أه��ل روم��ا‬ ‫ب ��الأق ��اوي ��ل ع �ل �ي��ه‪ ،‬وت��زاي��دت‬ ‫كراهية ال�شعب ل��ه‪ ،‬فف َّكر في‬ ‫كب�ش فداء ي�ضعه �أمام ال�شعب‪،‬‬ ‫ف�أل�صق التهمة ب�أبناء �شعبه من‬ ‫الم�سيحيين‪ ،‬من دون اليهود‪،‬‬ ‫ال��ذي��ن ك��ان��وان ت�ح��ت حماية‬ ‫«بوبيا�سبينا» �إح��دى زوجاته‪،‬‬ ‫ف�أل�صق التهمة بالم�سيحيين‪،‬‬ ‫و�� �ش ��رع ف ��ي ال �ق �ب ����ض عليهم‬ ‫وا�ضطهادهم و�سفك دمائهم؛‬ ‫ب �ت �ق��دي �م �ه��م �إل�� ��ى ال��وح��و���ش‬ ‫الكا�سرة �أو حرقهم بالنيران‪.‬‬ ‫لدرجة �أنّه جعل م�ؤهالت الوالة‬ ‫الذين كانوا يتولون الأقاليم‪،‬‬ ‫ه���ي ق �� �س��وت �ه��م ف���ي ق �ت �ل �ه��م‪،‬‬ ‫إ�شباعا لرغبة �أن�صاره في ر�ؤية‬ ‫� ً‬ ‫ال��دم��اء‪ ،‬فعا�ش من نجا منهم‬ ‫في �سراديب تحت الأر�ض وفي‬ ‫الكهوف‪ ،‬وم��ا زال��ت كنائ�سهم‬ ‫و�أم��وات �ه��م �إل ��ى الآن ي��زوره��ا‬ ‫ال�سياح‪.‬‬


‫أشهى وأفخر الحلويات الشرقية‬

‫صقر وأوالده‬



‫‪new year‬‬ ‫‪749-751 Punchbowl Rd,‬‬ ‫‪Punchbowl NSW 2196‬‬ ‫‪Tel: (02) 9708 2774‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 103‬محرّم ‪ 1441‬هـ ¿ آب ‪AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019‬‬

‫‪30‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫بريطانية كادت تفقد بصرها بعد‬ ‫إنفجار بيضة وضعتها في الميكرويف‬ ‫هل لديك إلكترونيات قديمة؟‬ ‫إذا كان لديك قابس‪ ،‬أو بطارية أو سلك‪،‬‬

‫إنها نفايات إلكترونية‪.‬‬

‫أصبحت غير مقبولة في أي صندوق نفايات‪.‬‬

‫‪MTV‬‬ ‫عاما لحادث كاد يت�سبب بفقدان ب�صرها‬ ‫تعر�ضت بريطانية تبلغ من العمر ‪ً 22‬‬ ‫و�إ�صابتها بالعمى‪ ،‬وذلك بعد اال�ستعانة بو�صفة وجدتها في الإنترنت‪.‬‬ ‫وفي التفا�صيل عثرت بيثاني رو�سر على و�صفة ل�سلق البي�ض من الإنترنت‪ ،‬وذلك‬ ‫با�ستخدام الميكرويف‪.‬‬ ‫وقامت بيثاني بمحاولة ل�سلق البي�ض با�ستخدام الميكرويف بعد و�ضعها في مياه مالحة‪ ،‬حيث‬ ‫وبح�سب الو�صفة ف�إن الماء المالح يمنع ق�شرة البي�ضة من االنفجار‪.‬‬ ‫ووفقًا للو�صفة ف�إنه يجب ت�سخين البي�ضة لمدة تتراوح ما بين ‪� 6‬إلى ‪ 8‬دقائق‪ ،‬لكن المفاج�أة‬ ‫ح�صلت عندما فتحت الفتاة باب الميكرويف لتنفجر البي�ضة‪.‬‬ ‫فقامت الفتاة ب�سرعة بالإت�صال بالإ�سعاف‪ ،‬حيث تعر�ضت لحروق في وجهها‪ ،‬كما �أنها ت�سببت‬ ‫ب�أ�ضرار لعينها اليمنى‪� ،‬إذ �أ�صبحت الر�ؤية فيها �سيئة‪.‬‬ ‫وتحدث الأطباء عن �أنهم ال ي�ضمنون ب�أن ت�ستعيد الفتاة نظرها ب�شكل جيد‪ ،‬في الوقت الذي‬ ‫و�صفت فيه الفتاة الحادث ب�أنه �أ�سوء ما ح�صل لها في حياتها‪.‬‬

‫اعثر على أقرب مكان للتخلص من‬ ‫النفايات اإللكترونية عبر‪ :‬‬

‫‪Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.‬‬

‫‪Artwork (detail):‬‬ ‫– ‪Dixon Patten Jnr‬‬ ‫‪Yorta Yorta and Gunnai‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪dixon-patten‬‬ ‫‪January 2019‬‬ ‫‪ARABIC‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 103‬محرّم ‪ 1441‬هـ ¿ آب ‪AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019‬‬


‫‪31‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫أع ِ‬ ‫َن لانَّحلةِ يتساءلون؟‬

‫�أحمد �شريف‬ ‫ف��ي خ�ضم الأخ��ب��ار العالمية‬ ‫المت�سارعة‪� ،‬أ�ستوقفني قبل‬ ‫�أي��ام‪ ،‬خب ُر (النحل ِة التركية)‬ ‫ال� �ت ��ي �أح� ��دث� ��ت ج� ��دال م ��ن ال � �ح� ��وار بين‬ ‫المخت�صين‪ ،‬ب�ش�أن النحل وعالمه في كل‬ ‫من بريطانيا وتركيا!! الق�ضية في �إيجاز‪،‬‬ ‫�أن نحلة تركية من نوع (�أو�سيميا �أوفي�ستا)‬ ‫دخلت الأرا� �ض��ي البريطانية دون ت�أ�شيرة‬ ‫دخول‪ ،‬متخفية في حقيبة عائلة بريطانية‪،‬‬ ‫�إثناء عودتها �إلى بريطانيا بعد ق�ضاء فترة‬ ‫في الأرا�ضي التركية!!!‬ ‫نت‬ ‫وعندما تم �صدفة اكت�شاف النحلة التي َب ْ‬ ‫لها (�شرنقة) في �إح��دى �صاالت المنزل‪،‬‬ ‫ق��ام �أح��د �أف��راد الأ��س��رة العائدة‪ ،‬ب�إجراء‬ ‫ب�ح��ث ف��ي (ع��ال��م ال�ن�ح��ل)‪ ،‬ليكت�شف �أن‬ ‫(النحلة) هي من النحل التركي‪ ،‬ولي�ست‬ ‫م��ن ال �ن��وع البريطاني‪ .‬على ال �ف��ور قامت‬ ‫الأ� �س��رة باالت�صال ب��دائ��رة � �ش ��ؤون النحل‬ ‫البريطانية‪ ،‬التي تدخلت ب�شكل ف��وري في‬ ‫المو�ضوع‪ ،‬و�أ�صدرت �أوام��ر ب�ضرورة �إلقاء‬ ‫القب�ض على النحلة‪ ،‬وت�سلميها �إلى الجهات‬ ‫المخت�صة‪ ،‬وفي �أ�سوء الظروف قتلها؛ نظرا‬ ‫لخطورتها على م�ستقبل النحل البريطاني!!!‬ ‫بالتالي قامت هيئة �صحة الحيوان والنبات‬ ‫البريطاني‪ ،‬برفع حالة الطوارئ الق�صوى‬ ‫في �أرجاء المنزل الم�شبوه!!!‬ ‫وعلى ال�صعيد التركي‪ ،‬تدخلت ال�صحافة‬

‫المحلية‪ ،‬فت�صدرت (النحلة المفقودة)‬ ‫ع��ن��اوي��ن ال �� �ص �ح��ف ال �ت��رك �ي��ة‪ ،‬ون �� �ش��رت‬ ‫(مان�شتات كبيرة) مثل‪( :‬ال تقتلوا النحلة‬ ‫التركية)!!! ثم انتقلت اال�ستجداءات �إلى‬ ‫التلويحات‪ ،‬با�ستخدام ال�صحافة‪ ،‬لمخاطبة‬ ‫ال��دوائ��ر المعنية بتربية النحل والموا�شي‬ ‫في بريطانيا‪ ،‬مطالبة �إياها ب�ضرورة �ضبط‬ ‫النف�س وال�ح�ف��اظ على النحلة (�أو�سيميا‬ ‫�أوفي�ستا) وحقها في الحرية والتنقل والعي�ش‬ ‫في �أمان!!!!‪ ،‬ذلك تنفيذا لحقوق الحيوانات‬ ‫وال �م��وا� �ش��ي وال �ح �� �ش��رات ال��دول �ي��ة!!! وم��ن‬ ‫�شبه الم�ؤكد‪ ،‬قد انطالقت محادثات على‬ ‫ال�صعيد الدبلوما�سي بين العا�صمتين‪ ،‬وتم‬ ‫تحرير مذكرات للتهدئة �أو التو�صية؛ بهدف‬ ‫ر�أب ال�صدع جراء ت�صرفات (نحلة) غير‬ ‫م�س�ؤولة‪ ،‬عبرت الحدود دون ح�صولها على‬ ‫ت�أ�شيرة دخول و�شيء من ذاك العجب!!!‬ ‫في ت�أمل �سريع لهذا الخبر‪ ،‬بديهي �أن تبرز‬ ‫ت�سا�ؤالت! هل الق�ضية المثارة‪ ،‬بين الطرفين‬ ‫التركي والبريطاني‪ ،‬بالفعل مح�صورة في‬ ‫دائ ��رة �شرنقة (النحلة) التركية فقط؟‬ ‫�أم �أن القدر حكم على (النحلة) �أن تكون‬ ‫(�ضحية) مماحكات ومناو�شات �سيا�سية‬ ‫بين (لندن و�أنقرة)؟ �سيما و�أن الأزم��ة قد‬ ‫تودي مع الأ�سف بحياة وم�ستقبل (النحلة)‬ ‫المهاجرة‪ ،‬التي ربما و�صلت �إلى (بريطانيا‬ ‫العظمى) في �إطار م�ساعيها لإج��راء حوار‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 103‬محرّم ‪ 1441‬هـ ¿ آب ‪AL WASAT 103 ¿ Moharram 1441 ¿ August 2019‬‬

‫ح�ضاري لعالم النحل رغم �أن��ف ال�سيا�سة‬ ‫التركية والبريطانية!!‬ ‫وه��ل �أ�صبحت (النحلة) �إره��اب�ي��ة دولية‪،‬‬ ‫بالتالي ف��إن خطرها مهدد دائ��م �أكثر من‬ ‫�أول �ئ��ك ال��ذي��ن يت�سللون ل ��واذا‪ ،‬م��ن ح��دود‬ ‫ه��ذه ال��دول��ة‪� ،‬إل��ى ح��دود تلك ال��دول��ة‪ ،‬بال‬ ‫ت�أ�شيرات‪� ،‬أو عن طريق �صفقات االتجار‬ ‫ب��ال�ب���ش��ر‪ ،‬ب��ال�ت��ال��ي ال ب��د م��ن ال�ب�ح��ث عن‬ ‫(النحلة) االرهابية بال هوادة و�إذا ما تطلب‬ ‫الأمر ت�صفيتها!!‬ ‫الت�س�آ�ؤل الأك �ب��ر‪ ،‬ه��ل ت�ستطيع بريطانيا‪،‬‬ ‫ت�أكيد خلو �أرا�ضيها من �أي ح�شرة �أو حيوان‬ ‫عابر للقارات؟ ومنذ متى كانت �آي��ات اهلل‬

‫و�إعجازاته العلمية في المخلوقات بما فيها‬ ‫الح�شرات ومنها (النحل)‪ ،‬تخ�ضع لنوامي�س‬ ‫الأر�ض‪ ،‬وفذلكات �إبن �آدم �ضد �أخيه كفعل‬ ‫(ق��اب�ي��ل م��ع ه��اب �ي��ل)‪ .‬ل�ت��أخ��ذ تلك الفعلة‬ ‫التاريخية‪ ،‬م�سميات جديدة مثل‪( :‬ت�أ�شيرات‬ ‫ال��دخ��ول) �أو (ال�شخ�ص غ�ي��ر ال�م��رغ��وب‬ ‫فيه) �أو (الخروج بال عودة) �أو (�إتفاقيات‬ ‫ال �م �� �ص��ال��ح ال �م �� �ش �ت��رك��ة) �أو (ال �ت �ع��اون‬ ‫الم�شترك) �أو (الجواز الدبلوما�سي) �أو الـ‬ ‫(‪... )VIB‬ال ��خ!!! �أال تمثل ه��ذه وغيرها‪،‬‬ ‫�إح��دى �أدوات اال�ستعمار الحديث و�أالعيبه‬ ‫على �إن�سان العالم الثالث؟؟ لماذا يكون‬ ‫(جواز �سفر) محدد ال يحتاج �إلى ت�أ�شيرات‬ ‫الدخول �إلى �أرا�ضي �أي دولة في العالم؟ في‬ ‫حين جواز بلد �آخر‪ُ ،‬يح ِّمل حام َله �أ�سئلة �أكثر‬ ‫من �أ�سئلة بني �إ�سرائيل لأنبيائهم؟‬ ‫�أخيرا‪ ،‬قال تعالى في كتابه الكريم ‪َ }:‬و َ�أ ْو َحى‬ ‫َر ُّب َك ِ�إ َلى ال َن ّْحلِ �أَنِ ا َت ِّخ ِذي ِم َن الْجِ َبالِ ُب ُيوتًا‬ ‫َو ِم َن َّ‬ ‫ون (‪ُ )68‬ث َّم ُك ِلي ِم ْن‬ ‫ال�ش َجرِ َو ِم َّما َي ْعرِ �شُ َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َا�س ُل ِكي ُ�س ُب َل َر ِّب ِك ذُ ُلال َيخْ ُر ُج‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ات‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ُك ِّل ال َّث َم َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫�شَ‬ ‫اب ُمخْ َت ِلفٌ َ�أ ْل َوا ُن ُه ِفي ِه ِ�شفَا ٌء‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ِم ْن ُب ُطو َ َ ٌ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ون{‪.‬‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ي‬ ‫م‬ ‫و‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ة‬ ‫�‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬ ‫آ‬ ‫�ك‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِلل َن ِ‬ ‫ّا�س ِ�إ َّن ِفي ذَ ِل� َ ْ ٍ َ َ ُ َ‬ ‫�صدق اهلل العظيم‪.‬‬ ‫وح �ت��ى ت���أم�ل�ات ق��ادم��ة‪ ،‬ل�ك��م م�ن��ي فائق‬ ‫االعتبار‪،،‬‬

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