April 2014

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‫وكذلك جعلناكم �أمة و�سطا‬

‫الئحة بجميع المساجد‬ ‫والمصليات والمراكز‬ ‫االسالمية في جميع‬ ‫الواليات االسترالية‬


‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 42‬جمادي الثاني ‪ 1435‬هـ ¿ نيسان ‪ 2014‬م‬ ‫‪¿ www.alwasat.com.au ¿ info@alwasat.com.au‬‬

‫عشاء خيري للجالية‬ ‫االرترية يجمع‬ ‫حوالي مليون‬ ‫ومائتي الف دوالر‬

‫مقدم برنامج‬ ‫الشريعة والحياة‬ ‫االعالمي عثمان عثمان‬ ‫ينهي زيارته الى استراليا‬




‫اردوغ����������ان ي���خ���اط���ب ال���م���ت���ظ���اه���ري���ن ف��ي‬ ‫م����ل����ب����ورن ع���ب���ر االق�����م�����ار اإلص���ط���ن���اع���ي���ة‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫اإلعالم‬ ‫والدعوة‬ ‫شقيقان‬ ‫متالزمان‬


‫بيت الزكاة االسالمي‬ ‫يقيم حفل توزيع‬ ‫جوائز على التالمذة‬ ‫المتفوقين‬ ‫‪9‬‬

‫«أفيك»‬ ‫تشارك في‬ ‫افتتاح مسجد‬ ‫طوومبا ‪7‬‬

‫االنتقاد فقط ال يوصل الى التغيير‬ ‫فواز شوك‬

‫�أن ت�ساهم في كلمة مفيدة خير لك من �أن‬ ‫ت�سخّ ر كلماتك كلها للإنتقاد فقط‪.‬‬ ‫و�أن تبحث عن مفاتيح النجاح خير لك من �أن تلعن‬ ‫الف�شل‪.‬‬ ‫فالواقع ال يمكن تغييره باالنتقاد وال بالأمنيات بل ال‬ ‫بد من �إحداث التغيير في النف�س الب�شرية حتى تكون‬ ‫نقطة الإنطالق نحو التغيير ال�شامل‪ ،‬و�أهمه التغيير‬ ‫في طريقة التفكير وف��ي �آليات العمل وف��ي الأه��داف‪،‬‬ ‫حتى ي�ستطيع المرء �أن ي��رى الأم��ور كما هي ويعمل‬ ‫على معالجتها لينطلق منها نحو االف�ضل‪.‬‬ ‫م�شاهد كثيرة نراها في مجتمعاتنا قد اعتمدت على‬ ‫النقد ال�سلبي والعاطفة فقط‪:‬‬ ‫ فترى م�شهد ذلك المراقب ال��ذي يق�ضي وقته كله‬‫غ�ضبان �آ�سفا على الواقع ال�سيا�سي فيترك لنا انطباعه‬ ‫ال�سلبي ع��ن ال�سيا�سة و�أه�ل�ه��ا دون �أن ي�ضع ب�صمته‬ ‫االيجابية في المجتمع عبر بث الوعي بين النا�س‪.‬‬ ‫ وت ��رى م�شهد ذل��ك ال�م�ث�ق��ف ال ��ذي ينتقد الإع�ل�ام‬‫وو�سائله و�أ�ساليبه وي�سخّ ر كل كتاباته من �أجل التهجم‬ ‫على الإعالم دون �أن يفكر في كتابة كلمة واحدة يو�صل‬ ‫من خاللها المعلومة ال�صحيحة والمفيدة للمجتمع‬ ‫وتكون بديلة عن الإعالم الذي ينتقده‪.‬‬ ‫ وترى م�شهد ذلك الإمام الذي يريد �أن يحرر االق�صى‬‫والعالم كله من على منبره المتوا�ضع دون �أن ي�ضع‬ ‫ف��ي �أول��وي��ات��ه ��ض��رورة تحرير النفو�س م��ن الأم��را���ض‬ ‫الإجتماعية والأخالقية ومن الإ�ستعباد الذي ع�شع�ش‬ ‫في بع�ض النفو�س‪.‬‬ ‫لن يحدث التغيير ولن ترى البناء والتقدم بدون و�ضع‬ ‫�أ�س�س متينة و�صلبة وبدون �إيجاد �آلية لذلك‪.‬‬ ‫المنطق الطبيعي ل�ل�أم��ور يقول ان الثمار ال تقطف‬ ‫قبل زراعة اال�شجار‪.‬‬ ‫فال بد من العمل حتى تقطف التغيير‪.‬‬ ‫وقليل من العمل خير من كثير من الكالم‪.‬‬ ‫‪chawkf@alwasat.com.au‬‬

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‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 42‬جمادي الثاني ‪ 1435‬هـ ¿ نيسان ‪ 2014‬م‬

‫اردوغان يخاطب مظاهرة حاشدة في ملبورن مؤيدة‬ ‫للشعب التركي عبر األقمار اإلصطناعية‬ ‫اقامت الجالية اال�سالمية في ملبورن مظاهرة حا�شدة‬ ‫ت�أييدا لل�شعب التركي تحت �شعار‪( :‬احترام ارادة ال�شعب في‬ ‫تركيا) وذلك يوم الجمعة ‪� 18‬أبريل ‪ 2014‬في برودميدوز‪/‬‬ ‫ملبورن وقد �شارك في المظاهرة حوالي ‪� 6000‬شخ�ص‪ .‬حيث خاطب‬ ‫رئي�س الوزراء التركي رجب طيب �أردوغان المتظاهرين ب�شكل مبا�شر‬ ‫عبر �شا�شة كبيرة ولمدة ‪ 12‬دقيقة ق��دم فيها التحية للمتظاهرين‬ ‫و�شكرهم على وقفتهم مع ارادة ال�شعب التركي ومع �صناديق االقتراع‪.‬‬ ‫كما تحدث مدير مكتب المجل�س اال�سالمي ال�سيد نايل �آيكن حيث وجه‬ ‫التحية لأردوغان وتحدث عن نجاحاته وعن الدور الكبير الذي قام به‬ ‫في احداث التغير في تركيا والمنطقة‪.‬وفي الختام تحدث ال�سيد محمد‬ ‫طبيعات نائب رئي�س المجل�س اال�سالمي باللغة االنكليزية والعربية‬ ‫والتركية‪.‬‬

‫عشاء خيري للجالية االرترية يجمع‬ ‫حوالي مليون ومائتي الف دوالر‬ ‫اقامت الجمعية الإ�سالمية الأرترية حفل ع�شاء‬ ‫خيري من اجل �إقامة مركز الرابطة الإ�سالمي‬ ‫حيث ا�ستطاعت ان تجمع حوالي مليون ومائتين‬ ‫�ألف دوالر �أ�سترالي‪،‬وهو ما يعتبر نجاح كبير للجالية االرترية‬ ‫في ملبورن‪.‬‬ ‫وقد �شارك في الحفل عدد كبير من ابناء الجالية االرترية في‬ ‫ملبورن ا�ضافة الى عدد من ابناء الجالية اال�سالمية‪.‬‬ ‫وح�ضر الحفل ال�شيخ �أبوالر�شيد محمد جمعة �أحمد بخيت ‪،‬‬ ‫وال�شيخ الأردني الزائر ‪ ،‬د‪� .‬أحمد الق�ضاة‪.‬‬ ‫وق��د �ساهمت الن�ساء ب�إنجاح الع�شاء الخيري عبر التبرع‬ ‫بالحلي والمجوهرات‪.‬‬

‫وزير الصحة في والية فكتوريا يقوم بزيارة‬ ‫لمركز الخدمات العربية االجتماعية في فكتوريا‬ ‫اقام مجل�س المجتمعات االثنية لقاءا‬ ‫م��ع وزي��ر ال�صحة ف��ي والي��ة فكتوريا‬ ‫ال�سيد ديفيد ديفيز وذل��ك في مركز‬ ‫الخدمات االجتماعية العربية في فيكتوريا بح�ضور‬ ‫رئي�س المركز علي م�صطفى ومديرة المركز ليلى‬ ‫علو�ش ا�ضافة ال��ى بع�ض االع�ضاء وممثلين عن‬ ‫مجل�س المجتمعات االثنية وبع�ض ابناء الجالية وقد‬ ‫قدم الوزير ديفيز ورقة للمناق�شة بعنوان‪( :‬بناء‬ ‫ج�سور جديدة‪ :‬ا�ستراتيجيات ل�صحة ال�شيخوخة‬ ‫في المجتمعات الجديدة والنا�شئة)‪ ,‬تبحث في‬ ‫�سبل تعزيز طرق رعاية الم�سنين‪ .‬كما تحدثت علو�ش فرحبت‬

‫درع تقديري‬ ‫من صحيفة الوسط‬ ‫لإلعالمي عثمان عثمان‬ ‫ملبورن‬

‫ق��دم رئي�س تحرير �صحيفة الو�سط الزميل‬ ‫فواز �شوك درع تقديري ب�إ�سم �صحيفة الو�سط‬ ‫اال�سترالية الى الإعالمي المعروف في قناة الجزيرة ومقدم‬ ‫برنامج ال�شريعة والحياة الدكتور عثمان عثمان اثناء زيارته‬ ‫االخيرة الى ا�ستراليا‪.‬‬

‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014‬‬

‫المرجعيات السياسية في‬ ‫لبنان والتبعية للخارج!!‬

‫قد يتفهم المرء تبعية بع�ض المرجعيات ال�سيا�سية اللبنانية‬ ‫لدول �إقليمية ودولية والتزامها بال�سيا�سات الخارجية لتلك‬ ‫الدول وبمعادات وت�سويات تفر�ض عليها‪..‬‬ ‫ولكن الذي ال ي�ستطيع المرء ان يتفهمه او يقبله هو‪:‬‬ ‫ ان تكون هذه المعادالت متناق�ضة مع تطلعات جمهور او‬‫�أن�صار هذه القوى ال�سيا�سية‪.‬‬ ‫ ان يقبل الجمهور او ال�شارع ان تفر�ض عليه معادالت ال ي�ؤمن بها‪.‬‬‫ ان يتم خ��داع ال�شعب ب ��أن ه��ذه المعادالت او ال�سيا�سات هي‬‫م�صلحة وطنية بينما تكون هي بالحقيقة م�صلحة �أطراف �إقليمية‬ ‫ودولية وت�ضر بالم�صلحة الوطنية‪.‬‬

‫العربيزية‬ ‫او اللغة الهجين‬

‫هل تعرفون ما هي لغة (عربيزي) التي يطلق عليها �أي�ض ًا‬ ‫(الفرانكو �أراب) وكذلك اللغة الهجين ؟‬ ‫انها لغة تكتب بها اللغة العربية العامية بحروف اللغة‬ ‫الإنجليزية وتتخللها ارق��ام بديلة عن بع�ض الحروف‬ ‫مثل ا�ستخدام رقم ‪ 7‬بديال لحرف الحاء ورقم ‪ 3‬بديال‬ ‫لحرف العين‪ ..‬وهكذا‪.‬‬ ‫ظ�ه��رت منذ ب�ضعة ��س�ن��وات‪ ،‬ي�ستخدم البع�ض هذه‬ ‫الأبجدية للتوا�صل عبر مواقع التوا�صل االجتماعي وعبر‬ ‫ر�سائل المحمول‪.‬‬ ‫لنفتر�ض ان علماء اللغة العربية الكبار �أمثال �سيبويه‪،‬‬ ‫واب��ن منظور‪ ،‬والخليل ب��ن �أح �م��د‪ ،‬وال�ف�ي��روز �آب ��ادي‪،‬‬ ‫وغيرهم يعي�شون بيننا االن‪.‬‬ ‫فماذا تتوقعون ان يكون موقفهم من العربيزية؟؟‬

‫رئيس التحرير‪ :‬فواز شوك‬ ‫مدير التحرير‪ :‬صالح حامد‬ ‫مستشار التحرير‪ :‬قيصر طراد‬ ‫عالقات عامة‪ :‬حسن شندب‪ ،‬فيصل قاسم‬

‫بال�ضيوف في مركز الخدمات العربية الذي يقدم خدمات كثيرة‬ ‫للم�سنين‪ .‬وفي نهاية اللقاء اقيم فطور لل�ضيوف‪.‬‬

‫سيدني‪ :‬فادي الحاج‪ ،‬عبد الجبار موالي‬ ‫اداليد‪ :‬احمد زريقة‬ ‫كانبرا‪ :‬طارق الشيخ‬ ‫بريزبن‪ :‬جمال النعمان‬ ‫بيرث‪ :‬عبد الرحمن العمري‬ ‫صفحة القرن االفريقي‪ :‬ياسر محمود‬ ‫القسم االنكليزي‪:‬‬ ‫سكرتير التحرير‪:‬‬ ‫عبد المهيمن قمر الدين‬

‫‪Al Wasat newspaper‬‬ ‫‪Tel.: +61 4 3020 4076‬‬ ‫‪Postal Address:‬‬ ‫‪Po Box.: 5178, Cairnlea Vic 3023‬‬

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‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 42‬جمادي الثاني ‪ 1435‬هـ ¿ نيسان ‪ 2014‬م‬

‫اإلعالم و الدعوة شقيقان متالزمان‬ ‫الإعالم �شقيق الدعوة ورافدها‬ ‫الأول‪ .‬لذلك يحر�ص الدعاة‬ ‫وال�ع��ام�ل��ون ف��ي حقل التوجيه‬ ‫والتر�شيد والتربية‪ ،‬على ا�ستخدام �أدواته‬ ‫وتقنياته المعا�صرة التي �أتاحتها و�سائل‬ ‫تكنولوجيا المعلومات الحديثة والإف��ادة‬ ‫منها ؛ ذل��ك �أن و�صول الخطاب الدعوي‬ ‫بك ّل م�ستوياته وم�ضامينه المتن ّوعة �إلى‬ ‫�أك�ب��ر ع��دد ممكن م��ن المتلقين‪ُ ،‬ي�صبح‬ ‫�أم��ر ًا متاح ًا بف�ضل ا�ستثمار هذه الو�سائل‬ ‫والأدوات وال ُمع ّدات و المنجزات‪.‬‬ ‫و م�م��ا ال ��ش� ّ�ك ف�ي��ه �أن ه��ذه ال��و��س��ائ��ل و‬ ‫التقنيات‪ ،‬من �ش�أنها �أن تفر�ض تحديات‬ ‫ج��دي��دة على ال��دع��اة‪ ،‬ي��أت��ي ف��ي طليعتها‬ ‫الحر�ص على تقديم قيمنا و ُه ّويتنا وتعاليم‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ديننا و مبادئ ح�ضارتنا‪ ،‬في �صورة تليق‬ ‫بمكانتنا الدينية والح�ضارية والتاريخية‪.‬‬ ‫�إن �إعداد برامج العمل الإعالمي الدعوي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المتب�صر‪ ،‬الكفيل بتنوير المجتمع‬ ‫المنظم‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الإ� �س�ل�ام��ي ال�م�ت�ف� ّه��م ل � ��دوره ور��س��ال�ت��ه‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫خبرات عالية التكوين‪،‬‬ ‫و�أه��داف��ه‪ ،‬يتط ّلب‬ ‫ك�م��ا يقت�ضي ج �ه��ود ًا متوا�صلة وت�ك��ام� ً‬ ‫لا‬ ‫وتعاون ًا بين العاملين في الحقل الفكري‬ ‫واالع�ل�ام��ي وال �ت��رب��وي‪ ..‬ون �ح��ن ن��رى �أن‬ ‫المنطلقات التالية من �ش�أنها �أن ت�سهم في‬ ‫ر�سم معالم العمل الإعالمي ال��ذي نطمح‬ ‫�إليه خالل مرحلة المتغ ّيرات الح�ضارية‬ ‫التي ن�شهدها حالي ًا في هذه االنعطافة من‬ ‫واقعنا المعا�صر‪:‬‬ ‫ــ �ضرورة انطالق العمل الإعالمي من القيم‬ ‫و المفاهيم الإ�سالمية‪ ،‬فكما �أنه يجب على‬ ‫التربية بمناهجها وخططها وبرامجها‬ ‫ال�م�ت�ن� ّوع��ة �أن ت���ص��وغ ال�ق�ي��م والمفاهيم‬ ‫التربوية و الإعالمية‪ ،‬وت�ضعها في �إطارها‬ ‫ال�صحيح‪ ..‬ف�إن تربية الن�شء تربية �إ�سالمية‬ ‫تغر�س فيه القيم الإ�سالمية ال�صحيحة‬

‫بقلم أحمد منصور‬

‫ف��ي ت�شرين الأول م��ن ال�ع��ام‬ ‫‪ 1999‬ق� ��ام ق ��ائ ��د ال �ج �ي ����ش‬ ‫ال�ب��اك���س�ت��ان��ي ب��روي��ز م�شرف‬ ‫باالنقالب على رئي�س ال��وزراء الباك�ستاني‬ ‫المنتخب ن��واز �شريف‪ ،‬وح�ك��م باك�ستان‬ ‫بالحديد والنار‪ .‬ومع اتهام المعار�ضة له‬ ‫ب�أنه حاكم غير �شرعي فقد �سعى لإ�ضفاء‬ ‫�شيء من ال�شرعية ال�شكلية على انقالبه‪،‬‬ ‫فقام ب�إجراء ا�ستفتاء �شكلي في ‪ 26‬حزيران‬ ‫‪ 2001‬وع ّين نف�سه رئي�س ًا لباك�ستان‪.‬‬ ‫اعتقد م�شرف �أن الأميركان الذين دعموا‬ ‫انقالبه ��س��وف يقومون بدعمه وحمايته‬ ‫بعدما �أعلن نف�سه رئي�س ًا لباك�ستان‪ ،‬مما‬ ‫جعله يوافق على كافة مطالب الأميركان‬ ‫بانتهاك �سيادة و�أرا��ض��ي باك�ستان‪ ،‬فقام‬ ‫بال�سماح لهم لأول مرة با�ستخدام الأرا�ضي‬ ‫الباك�ستانية ل�ضرب حركة طالبان‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫ق��ام بارتكاب جرائم فظيعة �ضد ال�شعب‬ ‫الباك�ستاني‪ ،‬ومجازر من �أبرزها مجرزة‬ ‫الم�سجد الأحمر في �إ�سالم �أباد في �شهر‬ ‫تموز عام ‪ 2008‬التي راح �ضحيتها �أكثر من‬ ‫�أل��ف من المعت�صمين في الم�سجد عالوة‬ ‫على ح��رق الم�سجد وهدمه‪ ،‬وق��د اعترف‬ ‫م�ش ّرف ب�أن هذه كانت من �أكبر جرائمه‪،‬‬ ‫حيث ق��ال في ت�صريحات �صحفية بعدما‬ ‫�أجبر على اال�ستقالة في ‪� 18‬آب ‪� 2008‬إن‬ ‫�إعطاءه الأوام��ر باقتحام الم�سجد الأحمر‬

‫بقلم‪ :‬د‪ .‬إبراهيم نويري‬

‫باحث �أكاديمي ـــ الجزائر‬

‫الرا�شدة‪ ،‬و تن ّمي فيه منازع و دوافع الخير‪،‬‬ ‫وت�ؤكد ال�ضمير الإ�سالمي وتدعمه‪ُ ،‬يع ّد من‬ ‫�أبجديات الإع�لام الإ�سالمي الداعي �إلى‬ ‫تكوين الإن�سان الم�سلم الر�سالي المتكامل‬ ‫المتوازن في نمط تربيته ومعماره الفكري‬ ‫و�آفاق طموحاته النبيلة الخ ّيرة‪.‬‬ ‫ــــ �إعادة تنظير المبادئ والأ�س�س الإعالمية‬ ‫و‬ ‫م��ن منطلقات �إيمانية � �ص��اف �ي��ة‪،‬‬ ‫تطويعها للتطبيق العلمي ب � ��إرادة قوية‬ ‫وطموح غير محدود‪.‬‬ ‫ـــ اال�ستيعاب الأمثل لتقنيات و�سائل الإعالم‬ ‫الحديثة علم ًا و ممار�س ًة‪ ،‬و ال ينبغي �أن يقف‬ ‫اال�ستيعاب الج ّيد عند هذا الحد‪ ،‬بل يتع ّداه‬ ‫�إل��ى فنون الإع�لام و م�ه��ارات��ه وعلومه‬ ‫المختلفة‪.‬‬ ‫ـــ �صبغ الم�ضمون و المحتوى الإع�لام��ي‬ ‫بال�صبغة الإ�سالمية‪ .‬والتقليل قدر الإمكان‬ ‫من �أ�ساليب الوعظ المبا�شر‪ ،‬مع ح�سن‬ ‫ا��س�ت�خ��دام وت��وظ�ي��ف ال�ف�ن��ون الإع�لام�ي��ة‬ ‫الحديثة الجتذاب المتلقي‪ ،‬م�شاهد ًا كان‬ ‫�أو م�ستمع ًا �أو قارئ ًا �أو متفاع ًال بطريقته‬

‫الخا�صة‪.‬‬ ‫ ال�ت��رك�ي��ز ع�ل��ى ف �ن��ون و�أ� �س��ال �ي��ب ن�شر‬‫وتعليم اللغة العربية و�أدائها لإيجاد ح�س‬ ‫لغوي و�أدبي رفيع لدى الم�شاهد والم�ستمع‬ ‫والقارئ‪.‬‬ ‫ االهتمام الجاد بالجانب الترفيهي “‬‫الترويحي “ ال �ه��ادف‪ ،‬م��ن خ�لال برامج‬ ‫َوم �� �ش��اه��د و� �ص �ف �ح��ات ُي �ع �ن��ى ب ��إع��داده��ا‬ ‫م�ت�خ� ّ���ص���ص��ون‪ ،‬وذل� ��ك لإي� �ج ��اد ال�ب��دي��ل‬ ‫المو�ضوعي الملتزم بقيم الإ�سالم و�آفاقه‬ ‫الرحبة اللاّ محدودة‪.‬‬ ‫الموجهة‬ ‫ العناية بالبرامج والم�شاهد‬‫ّ‬ ‫للطفل والأ�� �س ��رة والمهنيين و�أ��ص�ح��اب‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫الحرف والمهارات المختلفة‪.‬‬ ‫ � �ض��رورة م��واك�ب��ة الم�ستج ّدات ف��ي ك ّل‬‫ال �م �ج��االت‪ ،‬وت�ق��دي��م ال��ر�ؤي��ة الإ��س�لام�ي��ة‬ ‫الو�سطية ال�صحيحة‪ ،‬من باب عدم ترك‬ ‫النا�س في حيرة �أو انبهار �أم��ام بع�ض ما‬ ‫ي�ستج ّد من و�سائل �أو مفاهيم �أو �سلوكيات‬ ‫في الحياة المعا�صرة‪.‬‬ ‫ الت�صدي للأفكار ال�ه� ّدام��ة ك��الإره��اب‬‫وال��ت��ط�� ّرف وال �ت �ن� ّ�ط��ع‪ ،‬وك��ذل��ك الأف��ك��ار‬ ‫الدخيلة التي تنتمي �إل��ى منظومة الغزو‬ ‫الفكري والثقافي والمفاهيمي وال�سلوكي‬ ‫والوجداني‪.‬‬ ‫• �إن الإع�ل�ام وال��دع��وة ف��ي مجتمعات‬ ‫العالم الإ�سالمي من �ش�أنهما �أن يتكامال‬ ‫ف��ي ال ��دور وال��ر��س��ال��ة وال �ه��دف‪ ،‬م��ن �أج��ل‬ ‫تح�صين قيم الإن�سان الم�سلم المعا�صر‬ ‫و�إع� ��زاز طاقته ال��روح�ي��ة وال�ف�ك��ري��ة‪ ،‬كي‬ ‫ن�ضمن ا�ستمرار ف ّعالية الدور الذي ي�ؤديه‬ ‫ف��ي مختلف م �ج��االت وم �ي��ادي��ن ال�ح�ي��اة‬ ‫المعا�صرة‪ ،‬التي باتت تتّ�سم بالمزيد من‬ ‫ال�صعوبات والأوهاق والتعقيدات‪.‬‬ ‫ولي التوفيق وال�سداد‪.‬‬ ‫واهلل ّ‬

‫في باكستان ومصر‪..‬‬ ‫مشرف‬ ‫السيسي على خطى برويز‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫في �إ��س�لام �أب��اد خ�لال �شهر تموز ‪2008‬‬ ‫ك��ان م��ن الأ��س�ب��اب الرئي�سية التي جعلته‬ ‫يفقد ال�سلطة‪ ،‬و�أن تلك العملية حولته من‬ ‫بطل �إلى �صفر في نظر ال�شعب الباك�ستاني‪،‬‬ ‫لكن قبلها وجه م�شرف الجي�ش الباك�ستاني‬ ‫لمقاتلة القبائل‪ ،‬وا�ستنزف قدرات الجي�ش‬ ‫في ح��روب �ضد �أب�ن��اء ال�شعب في مناطق‬ ‫القبائل‪ ،‬وقد �سعى م�شرف لإ�ضفاء ال�شرعية‬ ‫على نظامه غير ال�شرعي الذي لم يعترف‬ ‫ب��ه ال�شعب ط ��وال م��دة ان�ق�لاب��ه وحكمه‪،‬‬ ‫ف�أجرى انتخابات رئا�سية عام ‪ 2007‬اتهم‬ ‫ب�ت��زوي��ره��ا‪ ،‬وح�ي��ن رف�ضها ال�شعب �أعلن‬ ‫بعدها حالة الطوارئ في ‪2007 /11/ 2‬‬ ‫قبل يومين من �إعالن المحكمة الد�ستورية‬ ‫موقفها م��ن االن�ت�خ��اب��ات‪ ،‬ث��م ق��ام بتعليق‬ ‫الد�ستور ومالحقة ق�ضاة المحكمة‪.‬‬ ‫�أج�ب��ر بعد الإط��اح��ة ب��ه على ال�خ��روج من‬ ‫باك�ستان حيث ق�ضى �أرب ��ع ��س�ن��وات بين‬ ‫دبي ولندن منفي ًا مكروها من �شعبه‪ ،‬وفي‬ ‫�شهر �آذار من العام ‪ 2013‬عاد م�ش ّرف �إلى‬ ‫باك�ستان كي ير�شح نف�سه في االنتخابات‬ ‫الرئا�سية‪ ،‬لكن تمت مالحقته ق�ضائي ًا‬ ‫ف��ور و�صوله في ق�ضايا كثيرة من �أهمها‬ ‫مالحقته بتهمة الخيانة العظمى ب�سبب‬ ‫قيامه بتعطيل الد�ستور‪ ،‬عالوة على اتهامه‬ ‫باغتيال مناف�سته ال�سابقة بنازير بوتو‪،‬‬ ‫والقيادي المعار�ض في �إقليم بلو�ش�ستان‬

‫�أكبر مفتي‪ ،‬ع�لاوة على هجومه الدموي‬ ‫على الم�سجد الأحمر وقتله �أكثر من �ألف‬ ‫من المتح�صنين في الم�سجد‪ ،‬وكل ق�ضية‬ ‫م��ن ه��ذه الق�ضايا كفيلة ب ��أن ت�ق��وده �إل��ى‬ ‫حبل الم�شنقة‪ .‬وقد جاءت �إدانة المحكمة‬ ‫له في نهاية �آذار الما�ضي بتهمة «الخيانة‬ ‫العظمى» لتكون �سابقة تاريخية �أن يتهم‬ ‫قائد �سابق للجي�ش بها‪.‬‬ ‫م �� �ش � ّرف ال� ��ذي ا� �س �ت �ق��وى ع �ل��ى الجي�ش‬ ‫ال��ب��اك�����س��ت��ان��ي ب��ال �ج �ي ����ش وال�����ش��رط��ة‬ ‫واال�ستخبارات وغيرها من م�صادر القوة‬ ‫طيلة ت�سع �سنوات‪ ،‬بدا ذلي ًال ك�سير ًا وهو‬ ‫يطلب من المحكمة �أن ت�سمح له بالمغادرة‬ ‫حتى ي��زور �أم��ه المري�ضة خ��ارج باك�ستان‪،‬‬ ‫متنا�سي ًا �أنه حرم ع�شرات الآالف �أو مئات‬ ‫الآالف م��ن الباك�ستانيين م��ن �أمهاتهم‬ ‫و�آبائهم‪ ،‬والعجيب �أن من يحكم باك�ستان‬ ‫الآن ه��و ن��واز �شريف ال��ذي انقلب عليه‬ ‫م�شرف في العام ‪.1999‬‬ ‫م��ن ي��راج��ع �سيناريو ب��روي��ز م�ش ّرف منذ‬ ‫انقالبه عام ‪ 1999‬وحتى اتهامه بالخيانة‬ ‫العظمى في �آذار ‪ 2014‬يجد �أن عبد الفتاح‬ ‫ال�سي�سي ق��ائ��د االن �ق�لاب ف��ي م�صر على‬ ‫الرئي�س المنتخب محمد مر�سي يم�شي على‬ ‫خطى م�ش ّرف‪ ،‬وربما يكون الآن في الخطوة‬ ‫الثانية‪ ،‬لكن م�صيره في النهاية لن يختلف‬ ‫كثير ًا عنه‪.‬‬

‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014‬‬

‫إن تمسسكم‬ ‫حسنة تسؤهم‬ ‫لما كانت منافع ق��وم عند قوم‬ ‫م�صائب‪ ،‬يك�شف اليوم‪ ،‬كل من‬ ‫يخاف �أن ينال العرب حريتهم‬ ‫عما خفي في �صدورهم وخبيء في خائنة‬ ‫�أعينهم م��ن غ��در و�ضغينة‪ ،‬فيتبارون في‬ ‫حمالت الت�ضليل والتهييج �ضد الربيع العربي‬ ‫لتيئي�س ال�شعوب العربية وثنيها عن �إ�ستعادة‬ ‫�أم�ج��اده��ا و�إع�ل�اء ��ش��أن �أمتها و�إ�سترجاع‬ ‫دورها القيادي بين الأمم‪.‬‬ ‫فيصل قاسم‬ ‫من‬ ‫ؤالء‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ه‬ ‫معظم‬ ‫أن‬ ‫وما يحز في النف�س �‬ ‫سيدني‬ ‫ن�سيج ه��ذه الأم��ة ومكوناتها‪ ،‬وممن تنعموا‬ ‫ب�إمتيازات لي�ست من حقهم‪� ،‬سلبوها من‬ ‫�أ�صحابها في غير وجه حق‪ .‬و�أكثرهم �أ�صحاب فخامة ومعالي وف�ضيلة و�سعادة‬ ‫و�سيادة وقدا�سة‪.‬‬ ‫لم يكف ه�ؤالء الإنتهازيون تجيي�ش �أتباعهم �ضد الربيع العربي بل عملوا ما‬ ‫في و�سعهم لت�أليب بع�ض دول العالم ممن لهم ت�أثير على حكومتها �أو �شعوبها‬ ‫من خالل �إرتباطات �سيا�سية �أو دينية �أو �إديولوجية �أو تقاطع م�صالح‪.‬‬ ‫�أخ�ط��أ ه ��ؤالء في �إ�ستغبائهم ل�شعوبهم في زم��ن تكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ ‫والأيفون والف�ضائيات‪ .‬وفي زمن الجزيرة التي يتتبع �أخبارها النا�س لمهنيتها‬ ‫وم�صداقيتها‪ ،‬و�سخروا من �إع�لام �شبيحة وبلطجية الحكام الذين بات‬ ‫�صحفيوهم ومذيعوهم ببغوات ي��رددون ما يملى عليهم من �أخبار وبيانات‪،‬‬ ‫و�أم�سوا فرق زجل لمديح �أ�سيادهم و�أول�ي��اء نعمتهم ويهجون الأح��رار من‬ ‫مواطنيهم و�أمتهم‪.‬‬ ‫ناق�ضوا �أقوالهم ع�شرات المرات في ثالث �سنوات‪ .‬منهم من دافع عن‬ ‫مبارك و�إدعى �أنه حامي حماهم‪ .‬ثم قاموا عليه بعد �سقوطه وخلعه‪ .‬ثم توددوا‬ ‫�إل��ى الرئي�س المخطوف محمد مر�سي‪ ،‬فك اهلل �أ�سره‪ ،‬وهاجموا الع�سكر‬ ‫وحكمهم‪ .‬ولما �إنقلب الع�سكر على مر�سي كانوا �أول المهللين والمباركين‬ ‫لل�سي�سي‪.‬‬ ‫ومنهم من دعم ب�شار الأ�سد وهاجم الثوار قبل وبعد تحول الثورة ال�سورية‬ ‫المباركة �إل��ى �إنتفا�ضة م�سلحة‪ .‬والم�ضحك المبكي �أن ه� ��ؤالء يدعون‬ ‫الديمقراطية ويتباكون عليها‪ .‬من ح�سنات الربيع العربي �أن��ه ك�شف عن‬ ‫وجوههم القبيحة وعراهم من ورق التوت �أمام النا�س ومن يمثلون‪.‬‬ ‫ولأن ال�شعوب لي�ست غبية كما يعتقد ه ��ؤالء‪ ،‬ك��ان �أتباعهم �أول من ندد‬ ‫بهم وبمواقفهم‪ .‬وطالبوهم بالأعتذار منهم ومن كل المواطنين ال�شرفاء‬ ‫الراف�ضون للإنقالبات الع�سكرية والنظم الديكتاتورية ومن حكموا ب�إ�سم‬ ‫الق�ضية الفل�سطينية والمعركة الم�صيرية �ضد ا�سرائيل‪ ،‬م�ستغلين �شعارات‬ ‫و�أكاذيب ما �أنزل اهلل بها من �سلطان‪.‬‬ ‫�شعارات كموا فيها اف��واه ال�شعوب ومنعوها من المطالبة بحريتها وبحق‬ ‫ت��داول ال�سلطة ال توريثها‪ .‬فمن “ال �صوت يعلو فوق �صوت المعركة “‪� ،‬إلى‬ ‫الالءات الثالثة‪“ ،‬ال �إعتراف وال �صلح وال �سالم مع ا�سرائيل” مع �إحترامنا‬ ‫ل�صدق �أول من بادر �إلى �إطالقها‪ .‬ومقتنا لمن �إ�ستغلها من طغاة العرب من‬ ‫المحيط �إلى الخليج على عك�س مق�صدها‪ .‬ف�إلى‪� ،‬شعار “ال�شعب والجي�ش‬ ‫والمقاومة”‪ ،‬مرور ًا بزنقة العرب‪“ ،‬ملك ملوك �إفريقيا”‪ ،‬و”رئي�سنا �إلى الأبد‬ ‫حافظ اال�سد”‪ .‬بطل تحرير الجوالن و�سوريا من كل ناوءه من �ضباط الجي�ش‬ ‫ال�سوري وجنوده االب��رار‪ .‬فالتخل�ص من ه�ؤالء كان الجزء الأهم من حركة‬ ‫ت�شرينه “الت�صحيحية “ لإ�ستعمار �سوريا وتوريثها لأوالده وذريته من بعده‪.‬‬ ‫ول�سخرية القدر‪ ،‬قتل وريثه الأول من قبل ع�شيرته و�أقرب �أقربائه‪ .‬ونام وريثه‬ ‫الثاني يومه الأول في الحكم على حرير خريف �أو ت�شرين �أبيه‪ .‬وفي اليوم‬ ‫الثاني �أقبل الربيع العربي فنام في مجارير ق�صر المهاجرين ينتظر م�صير‬ ‫�أخيه‪.‬‬ ‫فلكل ه�ؤالء الذين ي�سو�ؤهم �إن ت�صب ال�شعوب العربية ح�سنة نقول‪� ،‬أن الربيع‬ ‫العربي في بدايته‪ .‬و�أن عجلة الزمن لن تدور �إلى الوراء مهما حاولوا و�ضع‬ ‫ع�صيهم في عجلة التغيير‪ .‬و�إن كان هناك من بقايا �شتاء وخريف فهي من‬ ‫وحولهم‪ .‬و “�إن �إعتاد الفتى خو�ض المنايا ف�أهون ما يمر به الوحول”‪.‬‬ ‫لقد �ساء كهنة الهيكل �أن يحرر الم�سيح عي�سى �أتباعه فحاربوه و�ألّبوا عليه‬ ‫الملوك والوالة‪ .‬وكذلك فعل �شيوخ القبائل ور�ؤ�ساء الع�شائر مع النبي محمد‬ ‫لتبقى العبودية لهم ولأوثانهم من دون اهلل‪.‬‬ ‫وبرغم مكرهم وعدوانهم‪ ،‬كالذين يبغونها اليوم عوج ًا‪ ،‬لم ي�ستطعوا منع‬ ‫النا�س من الدخول في دين اهلل �أفواج ًا‪ .‬وبرغم مكائد �أعداء الربيع التركي‬ ‫نزل من مع�صرات �شتائهم‪ ،‬لتنمية تركيا‪ ،‬ماء ثجاجا‪ .‬وبات �أردوغان‪ ،‬للعدل‬ ‫والحرية‪ ،‬في المنطقة‪� ،‬سراج ًا وهاج ًا‪.‬‬

‫خبرة التوابل الذهبية‬ ‫‪ 99‬نواعا من البهارات واألعشاب متوفرة في‬ ‫معظم المحالت التجارية‪...‬‬ ‫‪9/15 Nathan Drive Campbellfiled Vic 3061‬‬


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‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 42‬جمادي الثاني ‪ 1435‬هـ ¿ نيسان ‪ 2014‬م‬

‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014‬‬

‫السيد احسان الحلو يقيم مأدبة غداء على شرف فضيلة الشيخ فهمي االمام‬ ‫اقام ال�سيد اح�سان الحلو �صاحب م�ؤ�س�سة االح�سان للتقويم اال�سالمي م�أدبة غداء في مطعم المنارة على �شرف ف�ضيلة ال�شيخ فهمي‬ ‫االمام مفتي ا�ستراليا ال�سابق وخال ال�سيد اح�سان الحلو‪.‬‬ ‫ح�ضر الم�أدبة عدد من �أبناء ال�سيد اح�سان الحلو وا�شقائه وعدد من افراد العائلة واال�صدقاء‪ ،‬وقد رحب ال�سيد اح�سان الحلو بال�شيخ‬ ‫فهمي االمام وبالح�ضور من االهل واال�صدقاء و�شكرهم على تلبية الدعوة‬

‫عن اليمين ‪:‬ال�شيخ فهمي الإمام‬

‫جانب من الح�ضور‬

‫عن يمين ال�صورة ‪ :‬ال�سيد اح�سان الحلو‬

‫جانب من الح�ضور‬

‫رئيس اتحاد شباب عكار والشمال يقدم‬ ‫درع تقديري لالعالمي عثمان عثمان‬

‫قدم السيد عبد القادر ابراهيم رئيس‬ ‫اتحاد شباب عكار والشمال يف اسرتاليا‬ ‫درع تقديري لإلعالمي املعروف يف قناة‬ ‫الجزيرة ومقدم برنامج الشريعة والحياة‬ ‫الدكتور عثمان عثمان اثناء وجوده يف‬ ‫اسرتاليا‬


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‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014‬‬

‫مقدم برنامج الشريعة والحياة على قناة الجزيرة‬

‫اإلعالمي عثمان عثمان ينهي زيارته الى أستراليا‬ ‫انهى االعالمي المعروف في �شبكة الجزيرة ومقدم برنامج ال�شريعة‬ ‫والحياة الدكتور عثمان عثمان زيارته الى ا�ستراليا والتي ا�ستمرت‬ ‫حوالي اال�سبوعين و�شملت كل من مدينتي ملبورن و�سيدني‪.‬‬ ‫الدكتور عثمان عثمان من منطقة عكار �شمال لبنان حائز على دكتوراه في‬ ‫العلوم ال�سيا�سية ويعمل في قناة الجزيرة‪ ،‬يعرف من خالل برنامج ال�شريعة‬ ‫والحياة الذي كان ي�ست�ضيف فيه ال�شيخ القر�ضاوي في اغلب االحيان حيث‬ ‫يعتبر البرنامج من اكثر البرامج م�شاهدة في العالم العربي‪.‬‬ ‫�شملت زيارة الدكتور عثمان كل من ملبورن و�سيدني حيث كان له العديد من‬ ‫القاءات االجتماعية واالعالمية والعائلية‪،‬كما اقام عدد من ور�شات العمل‬ ‫تطرق فيها الى م�س�ألة االع�لام وكيفية التعامل معه و�ضرورة التدريب على‬ ‫طريقة التعامل‪.‬‬ ‫حيث اقام دروة تدريبية ق�صيرة للعاملين في اذاعة القر�آن الكريم في �سيدني‬ ‫بدعوة من مفتي ا�ستراليا الدكتور ابراهيم‬ ‫ابو محمد‪،‬كما نظم له مجل�س االئمة الفدرالي‬ ‫لقاء مع بع�ض قيادات الجالية اال�سالمية في‬ ‫ملبورن حيث اق��ام خالله ور��ش��ة عمل عن‬ ‫مو�ضوع االعالم‪.‬‬ ‫ك�م��ا � �ش��ارك ف��ي ل �ق��اء ح� ��واري ف��ي م�سجد‬ ‫نيوبورت نظمته جمعية الدعوة اال�سالمية‪.‬‬ ‫وقد قام الدكتور عثمان بزيارة العديد من‬ ‫المراكز والم�ساجد والم�ؤ�س�سات والمدار�س‬ ‫اال�سالمية في كل من ملبورن و�سيدني والتقى‬ ‫بالعديد من القيادات واالئمة‪ ،‬ا�ضافة الى‬ ‫لقاءات عديدة جمعته مع ابناء بلدته قبعيت‬ ‫وابناء عكار وال�شمال‬ ‫كما اجرت اذاعة القر�آن الكريم في �سيدني‬ ‫لقاء معه بح�ضور المفتي الدكتور ابراهيم ابو‬ ‫محمد‪.‬‬

‫من املهند�س علي م�صطفى واحلاج ديب‬

‫يف مكتب املفتي ابو حممد بح�ضور وزير الهجرة واالدعاء العام الأ�سبق النائب ملنطقة بارورا فيليب رادوك وبع�ض ال�ضيوف‬

‫من امام م�سجد وكلية التقوى‬

‫اثناء لقاء حواري يف م�سجد نيوبورن‬

‫مع بع�ض ابناء بلدة قبعيت يف ملبورن‬

‫لقاء يف اذاعة القر�آن الكرمي بح�ضور املفتي الدكتور ابو حممد‬

‫يف منزل حممد م�صباح احلويل‪/‬ملبورن‬

‫مع بع�ض ابناء بلدة قبعيت يف �سيدين‬

‫يف منزل املهند�س علي م�صطفى‪/‬ملبورن‬


‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 42‬جمادي الثاني ‪ 1435‬هـ ¿ نيسان ‪ 2014‬م‬


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‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014‬‬

‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014‬‬

‫ساهموا في تسديد ثمن المبنى المجاور لمسجد السالم‬

‫‪Islamic association of logan city‬‬

‫المنزل الذي تم �شرا�ؤه بجوار م�سجد ال�سالم التابع للجمعية اال�سالمية‬

‫م�سجد ال�سالم‬

‫يقول اهلل �سبحانه وتعالى في كتابه الكريم‪ :‬الم�شروع حتى يتم ت�سديد كامل المبلغ الم�ستحق والذي‬ ‫}�إنما يعمر م�ساجد اهلل من �آمن باهلل واليوم يجب ت�سديده في مدة محددة‪.‬‬ ‫الآخر و�أقام ال�صالة و�آتى الزكاة ولم يخ�ش �إال‬ ‫ح �ي��ث ت� ��أم ��ل ال�ج�م�ع�ي��ة ف ��ي ان ي �ف �ت��ح ال �م �ب �ن��ي خ�لال‬ ‫اهلل فع�سى �أولئك �أن يكونوا من المهتدين{‪.‬‬ ‫��ش�ه��ر رم �� �ض��ان ال �م �ب��ارك الف �� �س��اح ال �م �ج��ال ال ��ى اكبر‬ ‫تتوجه الجمعية اال�سالمية في منطقة لوغن في والية ع��دد م��ن الم�صلين م��ن اداء � �ص�لاة ال �ت��راوي��ح فيه‪.‬‬ ‫كوينزالند بال�شكر ال��ى ك��ل من �ساهم معها في �شراء لال�ستف�سار يمكنكم التوا�صل مع رئي�س الجمعية الحاج‬ ‫جمال الخالد على الرقم ‪0406914631‬‬ ‫المبنى المجاور لم�سجد ال�سالم مع قطعة االر�ض‪.‬‬ ‫وتتمنى الجمعية من ابناء الجالية اال�ستمرار في دعم كما يمكنكم التبرع عبر ح�ساب الجمعية‪.‬‬

‫‪Islamic association of logan city have‬‬ ‫‪been buying the property next door to‬‬ ‫‪transform it the an islamic comunity‬‬ ‫‪centre. It will be appreciated if you donate and‬‬ ‫‪help us help our local muslim community.‬‬ ‫‪*Account Name: Islamic Association of Logan‬‬ ‫‪City Incorporated‬‬ ‫‪ANZ Bank‬‬ ‫‪BSB: 014 279 - Account Number: 3728 54728‬‬ ‫‪Please call hajj jamal on 0406914631.‬‬

‫قيادات من شرطة كوينزالند يقومون بزيارة الى مسجد السالم‬ ‫كوينزالند‬

‫ق� � � ��ام م� �ف ��و� ��ض‬ ‫ال�شرطة في والية‬ ‫كوينزالند ال�سيد‬ ‫�إي ��ان �ستيوارت ب��زي��ارة الى‬ ‫م�سجد ال�سالم التابع لجمعية‬ ‫لوغن اال�سالمية حيث كان‬ ‫في ا�ستقباله رئي�س الجمعية‬ ‫ال�ح��اج ج�م��ال النعمان وقد‬ ‫ق��دم ال�سيد اي��ان �ستيوارت‬ ‫ه��دي��ة ت��ذك��اري��ة ال��ى الحاج‬ ‫جمال النعمان‪.‬‬ ‫ك �م��ا ق ��ام م���س��اع��د مفو�ض‬ ‫ال�شرطة في والية كوينزالند‬ ‫ال�سيد ب��ول �ستيوارت اي�ضا‬ ‫ب��زي��ارة ال��ى م�سجد ال�سالم‬ ‫ح�ي��ث اط�ل�ع��ه ال �ح��اج جمال‬ ‫النعمان على م�شروع المبنى‬ ‫ال��ج��دي��د وق � ��دم ل ��ه ه��دي��ة‬ ‫تذكارية‪.‬‬

‫الحاج جمال النعمان يقدم هدية لم�ساعد مفو�ض ال�شرطة في والية كوينزالند‬

‫مفو�ض ال�شرطة في والية كوينزالند يقدم هدية للحاج جمال النعمان‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 42‬جمادي الثاني ‪ 1435‬هـ ¿ نيسان ‪ 2014‬م‬

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‫االتحاد الفيدرالي للمجالس‬ ‫االسالمية في استراليا (افيك)‬ ‫يشارك في افتتاح مسجد‬ ‫طوومبا في والية كوينزالند‬

‫الحاج حافظ قا�سم وال�سيد قي�صر طراد وعدد �آخر من الح�ضور‬ ‫كوينزالند‬

‫��� � �ش� � ��ارك ك� � ��ل م��ن‬ ‫ال�ح��اج حافظ قا�سم‬ ‫رئ � �ي � ��� ��س االت� � �ح � ��اد‬ ‫الفيدرالي للمجال�س اال�سالمية‬ ‫ف��ي ا��س�ت��رال�ي��ا(اف�ي��ك) وال�سيد‬ ‫قي�صر ط��راد ع�ضو االت�ح��اد في‬ ‫افتتاح م�سجد طوومبا في والية‬ ‫كوينزالند‪ ،‬الى جانب العديد من‬ ‫ابناء المنطقة وفعاليات الجالية‬ ‫اال�سالمية في الوالية ا�ضافة الى‬ ‫ممثلين عن االح��زاب ال�سيا�سية‬ ‫ورج � ��ال دي���ن ون � ��واب واع �� �ض��اء‬ ‫مجال�س محلية وقادة من ال�شرطة‬ ‫المحلية‪.‬‬ ‫والقى الحاج حافظ قا�سم كلمة‬ ‫ن��وه خاللها بالم�شروع واهميته‬ ‫كما اكد دعم افيك له كما القى‬ ‫ال�سيد قي�صر ط��راد كلمة �شكر‬ ‫فيها القيمين على الم�شروع وكل‬ ‫من �ساهم في انجازه‪،‬‬ ‫ي��ذك��ر ان االت� �ح ��اد ال �ف �ي��درال��ي‬ ‫للمجال�س اال�سالمية في ا�ستراليا‬ ‫ك��ان م��ن الداعمين الرئي�سيين‬ ‫للم�شروع‪.‬‬

‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014‬‬

‫مكتب الضرائب األسترالي‪:‬‬ ‫نحث األشخاص الذين لديهم دخل من‬ ‫الخارج على اإلعالن عنه‬

‫يحث مكتب ت�� � � �ق� � � ��دم‬ ‫م � � �ب� � ��ادرة‬ ‫الضرائب م� � �ك� � �ت � ��ب‬ ‫األسترالي كل ال���ض��رائ��ب‬ ‫ا لأ�سترالي‬ ‫دافعي الضرائب ل �ل��إع �ل�ان‬ ‫الذين يمتلكون ال� �ط ��وع ��ي‬ ‫موجودات في ع� ��ن دخ ��ل‬ ‫ال�� �خ� ��ارج‪،‬‬ ‫الخارج أن يعلنوا ' ‪Project‬‬ ‫عن فوائدهم‪:DO IT ،‬‬ ‫�أع� � � � �ل � � � ��ن‬ ‫قبل بدء التحقيق ع� ��ن دخ ��ل‬ ‫العالمي في ال � � �خ� � ��ارج‬ ‫مالذات الضريبة ا ليو م ‘ ‪،‬‬ ‫ال��ف��ر���ص��ة‬ ‫الدولية‪ .‬الأخ� � �ي � ��رة‬ ‫ل� � �م � ��ن ل��م‬ ‫يعلنوا عن‬ ‫موجوداتهم‬ ‫ودخلهم خ��ارج �أ�ستراليا للعودة للنظام‬ ‫قبل كانون الأول‪/‬دي�سمبر ‪.2014‬‬ ‫“لقد حان الوقت الآن للأفراد الذين‬ ‫لديهم دخل من الخارج لترتيب �ش�ؤونهم‬ ‫وتجنب دف��ع غ��رام��ات كبيرة م��ع خطر‬ ‫المالحقة الجنائية ب�سبب التهرب من‬ ‫دف ��ع ال�ضرائب‪ ”،‬ق ��ال ذل ��ك مفو�ض‬ ‫ال�ضريبة كري�س جوردان‪.‬‬

‫الحاج حافظ قا�سم وزوجته من امام الم�سجد‬

‫«حيث �أن الحكومات حول العالم تزيد في‬ ‫م�شاركة المعلومات وت�ستخدم تكنولوجيا‬ ‫قوية لتحديد م��ن يغ�شوا ف��ي ال�ضريبة‪،‬‬ ‫بد�أ مفهوم ‘مالذ ال�ضريبة‘ بالموت‪� .‬إنها‬ ‫فقط م�س�ألة وقت قبل الإم�ساك بك»‪�« .‬إذا‬ ‫كانت لديك م�س�ؤوليات قانونية في �ضريبة‬ ‫دولية‪ ،‬قم بعمل الآن وقدم نف�سك و�سوف‬

‫االتحاد الفيدرالي للمجالس االسالمية في استراليا‬ ‫(افيك) يقدم درع تقديري لإلعالمي عثمان عثمان‬


‫ق���دم ال��دك��ت��ور عبد‬ ‫المهيمن قمر الدين‬ ‫ع � �� � �ض� ��و االت� � �ح�� ��اد‬ ‫الفيدرالي للمجال�س اال�سالمية‬ ‫في ا�ستراليا(افيك)درع تقديري‬ ‫ب�إ�سم االتحاد للإعالمي في قناة‬ ‫الجزيرة الدكتور عثمان عثمان‬ ‫اثناء زيارته للكلية اال�سالمية في‬ ‫ملبورن‪.‬‬

‫نعيدك �إل��ى النظام مع غرامة مخف�ضة‬ ‫ب�صورة كبيرة‪� .‬إذا لم تعلن عن فوائدك‪،‬‬ ‫�سيتم الك�شف عنك وتغريمك‪ »،‬قال ال�سيد‬ ‫جوردان‪.‬‬ ‫هناك �أي�ض ًا المنافع الم�ستقبلية التي‬ ‫�سوف نحققها عبر �إعادة هذه الموجودات‬ ‫وال� �م ��داخ� �ي ��ل �إل� � ��ى ن� �ظ ��ام ال �� �ض��ري �ب��ة‬ ‫الأ�سترالي‪ ”،‬قال ال�سيد جوردان‪.‬‬ ‫ب �ن��اء ع�ل��ى ‪� ،Project DO IT‬سيتم‬ ‫عموم ًا تقييم الأ�شخا�ص الذين �أعلنوا عن‬ ‫موجوداتهم في الخارج لل�سنوات الأرب��ع‬ ‫الأخيرة فقط‪ ،‬و�سيتحملون غرامة تق�صير‬ ‫يبلغ �أق�صاها ‪ %10‬فقط ور�سوم التق�صير‬ ‫في الفائدة كاملة‪ ،‬و�سوف لن يتم التحقيق‬ ‫معهم من قبل مكتب ال�ضرائب الأ�سترالي‬ ‫ول��ن يحولوا �إل��ى التحقيق الجنائي على‬ ‫قاعدة ما ك�شفوا عنه‪.‬‬ ‫ب�إمكان دافعي ال�ضرائب االت�صال بمكتب‬ ‫ال�ضرائب الأ�سترالي بدون تحديد هويتهم‬ ‫على الرقم‬ ‫‪ 13 28 61‬لمعرفة ما �إذا كانوا م�ؤهلين‬ ‫للح�صول على حوافز للإعالن الطوعي‬ ‫عن الموجودات في الخارج‪� .‬إذا كنت ال‬ ‫تتكلم الإنجليزية جيد ًا وتريد التحدث �إلى‬ ‫موظف �ضريبة‪ ،‬ات�صل بخدمة الترجمة‬ ‫الكتابية وال�شفهية (‪ )TIS‬على الرقم ‪50‬‬ ‫‪ 13 14‬للم�ساعدة في ات�صالك‪.‬‬ ‫تتوافر المزيد من المعلومات على‬ ‫‪ato.gov.au/projectdoit‬‬

‫ل�ل�ح���ص��ول ع �ل��ى م �ع �ل��وم��ات ع��ام��ة عن‬ ‫ال�ضريبة واالدخ��ار التقاعدي بلغة غير‬ ‫الإنجليزية‪ ،‬زر‬ ‫‪ato.gov.au/otherlanguages‬‬

‫أنت‬ ‫تكفلهم‬ ‫ونحن نرعاهم‬ ‫يعترب م�سروع كفالة الأيتام من امل�سروعات الأ�سا�سية‬ ‫التى تقوم هيئة الأعمال اخلريية برعايتها من خالل‬ ‫توفري الرعاية ال�ساملة لقرابة ‪ 65‬األف يتيم موزعني‬ ‫على ‪ 15‬دولة‪ ,‬حيث تقدم لهم الهيئة العون املالى‬ ‫وامل�ساعدة التعليمية والعناية ال�سحية‪ .‬ليزال هناك‬ ‫الكثري من الأيتام فى انتظار مد يد العون وامل�ساعدة‪.‬‬ ‫�خى �لكرمي �أختى �لكرمية �سارعو� �إلى كفالة يتيم‬ ‫مل�سح دمعته و�لتخفيف من م�سابه‪.‬‬

‫هيئة األعامل الخريية ‪ ...‬معكم عىل طريق الخري‬

‫‪1300 760 155‬‬



‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014

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The Canberra Islamic Centre after vandalism attack The Canberra Islamic Centre was extensively vandalised on Sunday 13 April 2014. Members of the Canberra Islamic Centre discovered the centre had been broken into by intruders for the second time in the past eight days after they arrived for evening prayers about 5.30pm. The attack took place some time bewteen 7am and 5pm on Sunday. The Police were called and along with forensic experts examined the damage. The Canberra Mulsim Community were in shock after the inside of the centre had been completely trashed. It appears it was a targeted attack by the perpetrators who had knowledge of the fact that that Sunday there were no planned activities taking place at the Centre. From the extent of damage done it would appear that there were a number of indviduals involved and their aim was to cause as much damage as possible in order to make

the Centre non functional. The perpetrators had smashed all five television screens, extensively damaged the main power board for the centre, and smashed computers, photocopiers, phones, fans and audio visual equpiment. They also punched holes in walls and smashed glass pains in doors through out the building. The kitchen was also targetted and crockery and cutlery was smashed, the deep freezer and bain marie. Flour, oil, sugar and sauce was

Al-Imdaad Foundation’s Sheikh Burhaan Mehtar reports live from the border of Turkey and Syria where 31 aid organisations from 15 different countries have come together to deliver 1000 containers of emergency aid inside ‎Syria. This joint campaign was initiated by Turkish Humanitarian NGO, IHH Insani Yardim Vakfi. Amongst the containers being distributed are flour, rice, water, milk, baby packs and the Help Syria Move Forward mobility aids donated by the Australian Muslim community. Muslim Aid Australia, Queensland’s Muslim Charitable Foundation and the Al-Imdaad Foundation are amongst the local Australian NGOs who have joined forces to help the large numbers of distressed Syrian families..


‫مركز الوفاء اإلسالمي اإلريتري‬

‫اعالن‬ ‫توضيحي عن‬ ‫هيئة مركز‬ ‫الوفاء‬ sprayed everywhere with obscenities written on the kitchen cupboards. Islamic paintings were riped off walls and damaged and bookshelves inside the Australian National Islamic Library were pushed over causing hundreds of books to be crushed and thrown all over the floors. Following the event, an ACT Policing spokeswomen said forensic officers examined the site but it was too early to speculate on who the offenders were. The severity of the attack and the extend of the damage attracted much attention by the media. There was national reporting of what had occured including daily coverage by the Canberra Times but it was also reported across all national papers and on all commercial TV channels as well as ABC and SBS. With this media coverage came an immediate outpouring of support and concern from the

entire community. The Centre also received calls from New Zealand, and Dubai as well as hundreds of local phone calls, emails and offers to donate towards the cost of damage which has been estimated to be over two hundred thousand dollars. The Ambassador of the United States of America Mr John Berry was one of the first to contact the Centre’s President Mrs Azra Khan. He visited the Centre to offer his support and to see first hand the damage done. A clean up day was organised on Wednesday 14 April which saw over a hundred people from the wider community who come to help clean up. A contingent of Ambassadors and High Commissioners from 18 foreign missions also came to condemn the targeted attack and to offer their support to members of the Canberra Islamic Centre. A media release condeming the attack was issued by the Archbishop of Canberra and Goulburn Archbishop Christopher Prowse.

Local Ngos Join International Aid Relief CCN

‫ م‬2014 ‫ هـ ¿ نيسان‬1435 ‫ ¿ جمادي الثاني‬42 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

‫لقد انطلقت مبادرة لإن�شاء مركز ا�سالمي اريتري يجمع جميع مكونات‬ ‫ جاءت‬،2013‫المجتمع االريتري بمدينة ملبورن وذلك في �شهرنوفمبر‬ ‫ حيث ا�ستجابت‬،‫هذه الدعوة المباركة لتلبي رغبات ابناء الجالية‬ ‫كافة الجمعيات الخدمية والمجتمعية بتكليف من يمثلها لتكوين هيئة‬ 7‫ وقد تم اختيار‬،‫ ع�ضوا‬25 ‫ال�شورى لمركز الوفاء اال�سالمي وعددها‬ ‫اع�ضاء من بينهم ك�إدارة تنفيذية للأ�شراف على مراحل الم�شروع‬ ‫الأولية وقد قامت الإدارة التنفيذية با�ستيفاء ال�شروط القانونية‬ ‫للمركزو�إعداد الخطوات العملية مثل ان�شاء وحدة معلومات واعداد‬ ‫مواد اعالمية بجانب االت�صال مع الحكومات المحلية (البلدية) ومع‬ .‫بع�ض ممثلي البرلمان لت�سهيل �ألإجراءات االولية للم�شروع‬ ‫في االون��ة الأخيرة طالعتنا �شبكة المعلوماتية االنترنيت و�إذاع��ة‬ ‫ القامة مركزمماثل مما تطلب تو�ضيح‬ERIS ‫ بنداءات لجمعية‬3CR -:‫االتي‬ ‫مبادرة الن�شاء مركز اريتري انطلقت بتقديم دعوات لكافة مكونات‬ ‫المجتمع االريتري والجمعيات العاملة في خدمة المجتمع االرتري‬ ‫ وب�م��ا ان م�شروع المركز اال��س�لام��ي االري �ت��ري يهدف‬.‫بملبورن‬ ‫بالدرجة االولى الى تكاتف الجهود االرترية لبناء مركزا واحد متعدد‬ ‫االغرا�ض يجمع االرترين بدون ا�سثناء وعليه كنا حري�صين ان نلتقي‬ ‫ ونحثهم بالم�شاركة واالن�ضمام الى هيئة‬ERIS ‫باالخوة في جمعية‬ ‫ كما بعثت اليهم بر�سالة مفادها ان فكرة �إن�شاء‬،‫ال�شورى للم�شروع‬ ‫مركز ا�سالمي اريتري فر�صة الى توحيد كافة المنظمات العاملة في‬ ‫الحقل االجتماعي وتجنب روح العمل الفردي وذلك من اجل اعداد‬ ‫جيل الم�ستقبل يعتمد عليه للمحافظة على قيمنا اال�سالمية وتراثنا‬ ‫العريق في ادارة الحياة المجتمعية وهي م�سو�ؤلية ملقات على عاتق‬ .‫الجميع‬ ‫ فوجود اكثرمن م�شروع في وقت‬،‫�إن مجتمعنا ال يتحمل التق�سيم �أبد ًا‬ ‫واحد ي�ؤدي بال�ضروة الى ت�شتيت الجهود مما ي�ؤثر�سلبا على مجتمعنا‬ .‫االريتري‬ ‫ان تجاوب المجتمع مع فكرة �إن�شاء مركز واحد يلملم �شمل الجالية‬ ‫كان دافعا لنا في اعداد كل من الوثائق القانونية واالت�صاالت مع‬ ‫الجهات الحكومية الر�سمية والمحلية باال�ضافة الى بع�ض ممثلي‬ .‫البرلمان المحلي والفيدرالي‬ ‫ التجاوب البناء مع النداءات‬ERIS ‫وعليه ندعو االخوة في جمعية‬ ‫المتكررة لتوحيد المجتمع االريتري لإقامة مركزا واحد ونحن على‬ ‫ا�ستعداد للتجاوب مع دعوة توحيد الجهود وتمليك هذا الم�شروع‬ .‫الخيري للمجتمع االريتري الم�سلم‬ ‫تمكنت ادارة مركزالوفاء اال�سالمي بعون اهلل تعالى من انجاز‬ ‫المرحلة االولية لإعداد الم�شروع حيث تم ا�ستيفاء الوثائق القانونية‬ ‫واالت�صاالت االولية مع الجهات الحكومية وا�صدار مطويات تو�ضح‬ ‫ علما بان الإدارة التنفيذية قد‬،‫وتبين الخطوات االولية للم�شروع‬ ‫بدات بلقاءات تنويرية تهدف الى �شرح الخطوات التي تم انجازها‬ ‫واال�ستماع الى ملحوظاتهم وقد تمت بع�ض تلك اللقاءات على ال�شكل‬ :‫التالي‬ ‫ لقاء مع كل من االعالميين والمثقفين‬.‫ لقاء مع بع�ض الأخوات �أثناء رحلة في �ضواحي المدينة‬‫لقاء مع التجمع ال�سكاني لالريترين في المنطقة ال�شمالية الغربية‬2014/04/06 ‫وذلك بتاريخ‬ ‫كما نحيطكم علما ب��ان هناك ل�ق��اءات مع التجمع االريترين في‬ ‫ والمنطقة الغربية من ملبورن ا�ضافة الى‬/ ‫المنطقة ال�شمالية‬ ‫المنطقة الجنوبية ال�شرقة الى جانب منطقة �شمال و�سط ملبورن‬ .‫في القريب العاجل‬ ‫بعد اكمال هذه اللقاءات التنويرية واال�ستماع الى ارائهم وملحظاتهم‬ ‫والتي تهم ادارة الم�شروع االخذ بها لذلك �سوف تقدم دعوة عامة‬ ‫لجميع ابناء الجالية االريترية بدافع ا�شراكهم وتمليكهم لهذا‬ ‫الم�شروع وت�صديقهم على الالئحة الداخلية ا�ضافة الى اختيار�إدارة‬ ‫ ختاما تقبلوا‬. ‫تنفيذية جديدة ت�شرف على جميع مراحل الم�شروع‬ .‫فائق ال�شكرواالحترام‬ ‫هيئة م�شروع مركزالوفاء اال�سالمي االرتري‬ 2014/04/18


‫الوسط الثقافي‬

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‫بيت الزكاة االسالمي‬ ‫يقيم حفل توزيع جوائز على الطالب المتفوقين‬

‫ الحاج محمد ال�شامي‬،‫ ال�شيخ جبارة‬،‫ ع�صام عبيد‬،‫ الطالبة ديالى حمدان التي ح�صلت على اعلى درجة‬،‫غالب يو�سف‬:‫من اليمين‬

‫اقام بيت الزكاة اال�سالمي في �سيدني حفل توزيع جوائز‬ ‫على الطالب المتفوقين في ال�شهادة الثانوية العليا وذلك‬ 450 ‫ فبراير الما�ضي بح�ضور �أك�ث��ر م��ن‬15 ‫ي��وم ال�سبت‬ .2013 ‫ طالبا م�سلما في ال�شهادة الثانوية لعام‬43 ‫�شخ�ص وقد تم تكريم‬ ‫حيث �سجلت الطالبة ديالى حمدان من مدر�سة الملك فهد الإ�سالمية‬ .)99.65( ‫�أعال عالمة‬ ‫يذكر ان بيت الزكاة كان قد اطلق مبادرة تكريم الطالب الم�سلمين‬ ‫ حيث يتم تقديم‬1998 ‫المتفوقين في �شهادة الثانوية العامة �سنة‬ ‫الجوائز للمتفوقين تقديرا لهم و اعترافا بجهودهم ومن اجل ت�شجيع‬ .‫الطالب الأخرين على العمل الجاد لتحقيق نتائج مماثلة‬ ‫عريف الحفل كان ال�سيد غيث كريم وقد ح�ضر عدد كبير من ابناء‬ ‫الجالية كما ح�ضر عدد من ال�شخ�صيات ال�سيا�سية واالجتماعية والدينية‬ ‫واالعالمية ا�ضافة الى ر�ؤ�ساء الجمعيات وممثليها واع�ضاء بيت الزكاة‬ ‫وعلى ر�أ�سهم الرئي�س الحاج محمد ال�شامي واالع�ضاء الحاج ابو ح�سن‬ ‫ال�صاج وغالب يو�سف وع�صام عبيد وكان من بين المتحدثين النائب عن‬ .‫الكمبا ال�سيد روبرت فورولو والنائب عن غرانفيل ال�سيد طوني عي�سى‬ ‫ ورئي�س بلدية بانك�ستاون‬،‫ورئي�س بلدية كانتربري ال�سيد برين روب�سون‬ ‫ رئي�س بلدية �أوبرن ال�سيد ه�شام زريقة ا�ضافة الى‬،‫ال�سيد كال ع�صفور‬ ‫ حيث �شارك الداعمون في توزيع‬،‫الدكتورة جنى كر ّيم من جامعة �سيدني‬ ‫ وقد ح�صل على جائزة رجل العام ال�سيد جهاد‬.‫الجوائز على المتفوقين‬ .‫ديب وهو مدير مدر�سة بان�شبول الثانوية للبنين‬ ‫اما جائزة امر�أة العام فقد ح�صلت عليها الحاجة فتاة خلوف تقدير ًا‬ .‫لإنجازاتها في المجال التربوي‬

A Night of Achievement On Saturday 15th of February over 450 people gathered at the Orient Function centre in Campsie to celebrate the achievements of 43 Muslim students in the 2013 Higher School Certificate (HSC). These students all achieved an outstanding ATAR of 90 and over, with the highest recorded mark of 99.65 by a student from Malek fahed Islamic School Four other students also achieved outstanding marks of 99.00 and over. In 1998, Bayt Al-Zakat (translated as the ‘House of Charity’) started the initiative to honor and commemorate Muslim high achievers in the High School Certificate by organising a yearly function. Prizes are presented to the high achievers as an appreciation and acknowledgement of their efforts, dedication and perseverance in attaining their outstanding results and to encourage other Muslim students to work hard in order to achieve similar results. The night also recognised and celebrated other members of the Australian Muslim Community for their effort and hard work in their respective spheres of occupation. Master of Ceremony was

Mr. Ghaith Krayem. A number of prominent politicians and guest speakers also were present at the celebratory function including: The Hon. Robert Furolo( MP for Lakemba), The Hon. Tony Issa(MP for Granville), Mayor of Canterbury Mr. Brain Robson, Mayor of Bankstown Mr. Khal Assfour, Mayor of Auburn Mr. Hicham Zreika. Guest speakers included Dr. Ghena Krayem (lecturer at sydney University) Two of these people included the man and woman of the Year: Mr. Jihad Dib and Hajji Fatat Khallouf of the year 2014. Mr Jihad Dib is the Principle of Punchbowl Boys High School and Hajji Fatat Khallouf run an Arabic community Saturday School. Both these award winners were congratulated for their tireless and ongoing support to the Australian Muslim community. Bayt Al-Zakat also supports other projects both internationally and nationally to help the needy, particularly orphans in Lebanon. For more information please visit our website: www.baytalzakat.com.au or email us on: info@baytalzakat.com.au or contact us on: (02)97585288

‫الحاج حافظ قا�سم ي�سلم هدايا للمتفوقين‬

HSC HIGH ACHIEVERS 2013 -Mr. Mohamad Addul Samy Atar: 90.15; Knox Grammar

School -Mr. Belal Rathborne Atar: 91.70 Chatswood High School - Miss. Nadia Asaad Atar: 92.20:Malak Fahed -Miss Nadine Tamer Atar: 92.25:Malak Fahed -Mr. Ahmed Haidar Atar: 92.50 :Malak Fahed -Miss. Suzie Agha Atar: 92.50: Al Faisal College - Miss. Hayah Shadid Atar: 93: Macarthur Girls -Mr.Omar Barbar Atar: 93.15 Chester Hill Boys High - Miss Rima Dabliz Atar: 93.30: Macarthur Girls - Miss. Mariam Hassoun Atar: 93.35:Malak Fahed - Miss Serene Alamali Atar:93.65: MalaK Fahed -Miss. Duha Nur Gide Atar: 93.95:Malak Fahed -Miss. Hiba Allam Atar: 94.50 Paramatta High School

Miss. Rayhana El- Rifai Atar: 94.95:Malak Fahed -Mr. Jameel Diad Dorrah Atar: 94.95 Moorebank High School -Miss. Fatema Fahed Atar: 95.05:Malak Fahed -Miss. Fida Rahman Atar: 95.35 -Mr. Obaydah A. Vetter Atar: 95.40:Malak Fahed -Mr Abdulrahman Albukhari Atar: 95.50 Australian .Int.Academy -Mr. Abdulrahman Lazki Atar: 95.55:Malak Fahed -Mr. Rafay Tashkeel Atar: 95.70:Malak Fahed -Miss. Nagwa Halwani Atar: 96.60 Birong Girls High -Miss Naila Mubeen Atar:96.60:Malak Fahed -Mr. Moustapha Alaasar Atar: 96.80: Malak Fahed -Miss.Nadine Sabih Atar: 97.10 Kingsgrove North High School -Miss Marwa Sidaoui Atar: 97.15:Malak Fahed -Mr. Khaled Yehyia Atar: 97.25 Al Faisal College -Mr. Akash Ahmed

Atar: 97.80:Malak Fahed -Miss Jasmine Tamer Atar: 97.90:Malak Fahed -Miss. Aminah Ayoubi Atar: 98.05 Alpha Omega School -Mr. Shahad Nomani Atar: 98.25:Malak Fahed -Mr. Abdul Karim Zreika Atar: 98.40 Al Faisal College -Miss Marwa Alameddine Atar: 98.50: Malak Fahed -Mr. Ali Darwich Atar: 98.60:Malak Fahed -Miss Layla El Bayah Atar: 98.55 Alpha Omega School -Miss. Rafiya Harun Atar: 98.80 Macarthur Girls -Miss. Aishah Virk Atar: 99.35: Malak Fahed -Miss Dialah Hamdan El Madi Atar: 99.65: Malak Fahed -Mr. Zakaria Refaie Atar: 88.45 Punchbowl Boys High School Quiet Achiever -Mr. Ahmed El – Kiki Atar: 89.95: Malak Fahed Quiet Achiever

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‫فرصة لإلستثمار الحالل‬ ‫ في أوستراليا‬٪١٠٠ ‫ربح حالل‬ ‫لإلستفسار واإلستثمار إتصل‬ ‫بالمهندس علي مصطفى على الرقم المذكور أعاله‬


¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014

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‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 42‬جمادي الثاني ‪ 1435‬هـ ¿ نيسان ‪ 2014‬م‬

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‫حلويات البلحة‪:‬‬ ‫االصالة واخلربة‬ ‫والتميز‬

‫نقدم لكم اشهى وافخر احللويات‬ ‫اللبنانية والعربية‪.‬‬ ‫زورونا لتكتشفوا‬ ‫طعم احللو‬




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2014 Interfaith Cup More than 50 students from a variety of religious and cultural backgrounds have taken part in the 2014 Interfaith Cup at Visy Park. The Interfaith Cup is in its second consecutive year and was held on Thursday 20 March. It’s a collaboration between the Carlton Football Club and the AFL Multicultural Program, that encourages open forum discussions surrounding faith and traditional practices. The schools that participated included Australian International Academy, The Some of the students who took part in the 2014 Interfaith Cup at Visy Park. King David School, Scotch (Photo: Carlton Football Club) College and Simonds College. An array of topics were discussed including Aboriginal culture, history and tradition. In particular, students The following students were involved: were given a unique insight into Marngrook, the Surname First Name (year level) Aboriginal game which is believed to have played a fundamental role in the birth of Australian Rules WARDAK Roya 7 Football. ALI Sara 7 The students then took to the oval and competed in BOYACI Adem 7 non-contact games of AFL, allowing everyone to take WARDAK Lema 7 part. FONTAINE Jamil 8 Carlton’s Fan Development and Diversity Co-ordinator PREMTIC Azra 8 Ned Murphy says the program is a great example of HARBA Samiha 8 how sport has the ability to bring people together. SHEIKH Huda 8 “The Interfaith Cup aims to promote harmony among COSKUN Dilara 8 future generations of Australians by harnessing the GHANDOUR Mohammed 8 unique potential of sport and how it can bring people EL OSMAN Jihad 8 together for a day of education and fun,” Murphy FULDAGLI Hamza 8 said. OBEID Nada (10) “We don’t evangelise or promote any one faith, but MALLOUK Rima (10) rather share the faith, tradition and practice of all those represented in the room.” The final two students were students mentors who help facilitate the faith based dialogue session between participants. Source: www.carltonfc.com.au

MELBOURNE CITY COUNCIL GRANT HELPS YOUNG AFRICANS VIA SPORT African Think Tank &Team Africa “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to unite in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.” - Nelson Mandela A grant from Melbourne City Council is helping young, disadvantaged people of African descent increase their self-worth and societal integration via sport. The MCC grant, along with help from North Melbourne Football club, the Huddle and local businesses and the work of a number of African-Australian communities Leaders, and mainstream volunteers has helped Team Africa become established and to receive professionalgrade training and coaching. The team, which has been established for the last three years, also receives encouragement and assistance from North Melbourne Football Club, the Kangaroos, where prominent African-Australian player Majak Daw assists with participation. The Australian Football League (AFL) Multicultural program recently honoured the Eritrean and African Community leader Mr. Yasseen Musa with the title of Community Ambassador of the year 2013. Team Africa includes young people from a wide range of African-Australian communities, including Zimbabwe, Congolese, Eritrea, Sth Sudanese; Sudanese, Somali, Ethiopian, South Africa, Botswana, Egypt, Kenya and many other communities. This also brings parents and supporters from many communities together. Team Africa recently competed in the annual Unity Cup and Harmony Cup with outstanding results. Both competitions seek to use sport to enhance fair play, discipline, and cultural harmony and

understanding. The Unity Cup, which has been running since 2008, has been jointly established between Essendon Football Club and the Australian Federal Police (AFP), and is now supported by Western Bulldogs, North Melbourne; Melbourne; and Hawthorn Football Clubs; The Malka Lawrence group and other local businesses with other Multicultural communities. The seventh annual Unity Cup championships and family day – which featured a ninea-side Aussie Rules competition that includes teams from local Muslim, Jewish, African, Indian, Pakistani and Indigenous communities – was held on Sunday 16 March 2014 in Melbourne to coincide with the Kensington Community Festival. Unity cup aims to create better understanding between AFP and multicultural communities, and between communities following different religions, especially Muslim, Christian and Jewish. This year, there were nine teams from Melbourne’s Muslim, Jewish and Indigenous communities including a mixed Muslim/Jewish team. The event was held at J.J. Holland Football ground at Kensington. Team Africa boys was successful in winning the competition.

Harmony Cup, which was created in 2007 by Aussie Rules International, brings together eight teams from Lebanon, Ireland, Israel, Albania and Greece, along with an indigenous team (Australia), Team Africa and Team Harmony. The competition was won by Team Lebanon (congratulations), but Team Africa achieved a fantastic second place. A first and a second place did wonders for community morale, especially since the program has been running for such a short time. Such results also increase the school acceptance and community acceptance of the African-Australian members, and encourage their own community programs. The sense of pride reduces antisocial behaviour. Altogether a wonderful result. The African Think Tank and Team Africa thank Melbourne City Council; North Melbourne Football Club, Essendon Football Club, Australian Federal Police, AFL Multicultural Program and numerous other supporters, businesses, and parents for their assistance. Our special thanks also goes to Team coaches, managers, players and Team Africa committee members for their dedication and commitment.

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Final draw revealed for biggest football tournament on Australian soil Oman and Kuwait join South Korea and hosts Australia; three Gulf countries in one group

Younis Mahmoud (who captained the Iraqi national side to victory in the 2007 AFC Asian Cup) and Takashi Fukunishi (who played in the Japanese team that won the title in 2011) bring the cup to the Sydney Opera House for the final draw of the 2015 event Photo: AFC Asian Cup

The Socceroos will clash with two-time champions the Korea Republic, Oman and Kuwait in the group stage of the AFC Asian Cup. Organisers say an estimated 40 million people across Asia watched the tournament’s final draw at the Sydney Opera House on 26 March 2014. Australia’s coach Ange Postecoglu believes his side’s Group A rivals won’t be pushovers. “Every opponent in our group needs to be respected,” he said. “The beauty of having a tough group as we do is that if you get through it you know you’re a serious contender in the knockout stages of the tournament.” Australia will face Kuwait in the opening game on 9 January 2015 at the Melbourne Rectangular Stadium. Saudi Arabia ended up in what’s being called the most ‘open’ group with no clear frontrunner. The Green Falcons face off against Group B opponents Uzbekistan, the People’s Republic of China, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. With three Gulf nations in Group C, the draw was a bit of a disappointment for United Arab Emirates coach Mahdi Ali. "I did not wish to have three [Gulf] nations in the same group to give more chances for them to qualify,” he said. That group consisting of the UAE, Bahrain and Qatar is rounded off with World Cup finalists Iran, who have won the Asian Cup three times. The AFC Asian Cup’s current reigning champions, the Samurai Blues, were drawn in Group D along with Jordan, Iraq and the as-yet unknown winner of the AFC Challenge Cup. Japan Football Association General Secretary Hara Hiromi is expecting strong competition from both Middle Eastern sides. “We have played both teams (Iraq and Jordan) in the World Cup qualifiers, and both matches were tough, so we expect these matches will also be tough,” he said. Japan, Iraq and Jordan are Asian football heavyweights, so Group D is considered one of the hardest in the tournament. The AFC Asian Cup begins on 9 January 2015 with matches in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Newcastle.

Nasya Bahfen is a senior lecturer in media at the University of New South Wales and a community ambassador for the AFC Asian Cup 2015.

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Islamic d h Fa


ol ho


Ma le


Malek Fahd Islamic School is the largest Islamic School in the country with enrolments of more than 2500 across the three campuses. In 2013 we had 134 students sitting the HSC in a variety of subjects at the Greenacre Campus and we had 45 students getting an ATAR of more than 90. The school was ranked 62nd in the State and number 1 in the Bankstown region. We have proven our results and existence time and time again in the community. Our students succeed in the HSC because of the hard work from teachers and the untiring support from parents and a lot of perseverance from our students. The highest ATAR was 99.65. We would like to congratulate Dialah Hamadan El Madi for the achievement. Since the first graduation of the first year 12 in 2000, majority of Yearr 12 students secured University entry. Our school is proud of all the post graduates as we have a number of doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineer, architects, teachers and an ongoing list of professionals who are humbly serving our Australian community. We encourage our students to do well by offering them some scholarships at Malek Fahd every year. We are pleased to announce 21 scholarships ranging from full year to one term for students who were outstanding in maths and science. These students go on to do extension 1 and 2 mathematics. The school has a very rigid teaching timetable where students are given maximum benefit of time during the day, so all the content is thoroughly covered and we have teachers available before and after school and during the school to help students with their learning. Not only has the school grown in size and number but it has also cultivated a reputation for delivering academic excellence within an Islamic atmosphere. The school motto is ‘knowledge is light, work is worship’. Since the interception of the school in 1989 with demountables and one From Right: Hafez Kassem, the School Chairman and class of year 1, the AFIC President, Amjad Mehboob:Chairman/Muslims students and teachers NSW Inc. are living by it.


Dr Ray Barrett Principal

From Right: Hafez Kassem, the School Chairman and AFIC President, Mona Kassem/Community Relations, Compliance and Welfare Support Coordinator and Her daughter

Malek Fahd Islamic School

Phone: (02) 8732 7800 • Facsimile: (02) 9642 5479 Email: admin@mfis.nsw.edu.au


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Muslims Australia Australian Federation of Islamic Councils INC.

‫االتحاد الفدرالي للمجالس اإلسالمية في استراليا‬


Schools Western Australian Schools Langford Islamic College

NSW SCHOOLS Malek Fahd Islamic School

Lot 176, Southgate Road, Langford. WA-6108 PO Box: 289. Thornlie WA-6108 Phone: +61 (08) 9458-5206 Fax: +61 (08) 9258-5661 Email: admin@afic-lic.com.au Website: www.afic-lic.com.au

405 Waterloo Road,Greenacre NSW 2190 PO Box 514, Greenacre NSW 2190 Phone: (02)9642-8766, Fax: (02)9642-5479 Email: info@mfis.nsw.edu.au Website: http://www.mfis.nsw.edu.au



Victoria School Islamic College of Melbourne

Malek Fahd Hoxtn Park Campus 210 Pacific Palms Circuit Hoxton Park New South Wales 2171 Phone: 02-8783-5190

83 Wootten Road, Tarniet VIC 3029 Phone: 03 8742 1739 Email: info@mfis.nsw.edu.au Website: http://www.mfis.nsw.edu.au/



Islamic College of South Australian Schools

Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills Campus 20 Mungerie Road Beaumont Hills, NSW 2155 Phone: 02 8814 5282 Email: beaumont.hills.dp@mfis.nsw.edu.au Website: http://www.mfis.nsw.edu.au/

22 Cedar Ave. West Croydon SA 5008 Phone: (08) 8340 7799 Email: admin@icosa.sa.edu.au




AFIC Schools (ACT) Limited Islamic School of Canberra CIT Block A&B, 33 Heysen Street, Weston ACT 2611 Phone: +61 (02) 6288 7358 Fax: +61 (02) 6287 3517 Email: iscact@bigpond.net.au Website: www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au


Queensland School Islamic College of Brisbane 45 Accacia Road, Karawatha QLD 4117 PO Box 1769 Springwood Qld. 4127 Phone: (07) 3841 3645 Fax: (07) 3841 4320

‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫الئ�����ح�����ة ب����ال����م����س����اج����د وال����م����ص���� ّل����ي����ات‬ ‫وال�����م�����راك�����ز اإلس��ل�ام����ي����ة ف�����ي اس���ت���رال���ي���ا‬

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Lakemba Mosque Lakemba/sydney

‫ الكمبا‬- ‫مسجد علي بن ابي طالب‬ Lakemba Mosque,(also known as the Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb Mosque at Lakemba,and Masjid Ali Bin Abi Taleb) is one of the largest mosques in Australia. It is located in the suburb of Lakemba, New South Wales and is used mostly by Lebanese Australians. The construction of the mosque was completed in 1977, and is owned and managed by the Lebanese Muslim Association.

Burwood (Deakin Uni) Bldng H2/3 221 Burwood. Hwy Burwood Campbellfi eld Mosque 46-48 Mason St Carlton Mosque 765 Drummond St Carlton Caulfield (Monash Uni) L 1 Uni Campus, 7 Princes Ave Clayton (Monash Uni) Building 9, 16 Beddoe Ave Coburg (IISNA) Mosque 995 Sydney Rd Coburg Coburg Fatih Mosque 31 Nicholson St Coburg Dandenong Mosque 10-12 Dalgety Rd Doncaster Mosque 72 George St Doncaster Deer Park Mosque 283-285 Station St Deer Park Emir Sultan Mosque 139 Cleeland St Dandenong Doveton Mosque 14 Photinia St Doveton Fawkner Mosque 90 Lawson St Fawkner Fitzroy Mosque 144 Fitzroy St Fitzroy Geelong Mosque 45-47 Bostock Ave. Manifold Heights Gippsland (Monash) Room 1N 105 Northways Rd, Churchill Hawthorn (Swinburne) L2 Cnr John & Burwood Rds

Heidelberg Mosque Cnr Lloyd & Elliot Sts West Heidelberg HIYC Hume Islamic Youth Centre 1-15 motto drive Coolraroo (Roxburgh Park) Huntingdale Mosque 320-324 Huntingdale Rd IISCA Islamic Information & Support Centre of Australia 19 Michael Street Brunswick Keysborough Mosque 396 Greens Rd Keysborough Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque 8 CARRINGTON DR ALBION Maidstone Mosque 36 Studley St Maidstone Lysterfi eld Mosque 1273 Wellington Rd Melb City Mosque 66-68 Jeffcott St West Melb Melb (QU) Musalla Cnr Exhibition & Lonsdale St. Melb Melb (RMIT) Musalla Bourke St Campus Melb Melb (RMIT) Musalla Level 9 Building 9 Cnr Franklin & Bowen St Melb Melb (VUT) Musalla Flinders St Campus Melb Melb University Musalla Frank Tate 189 Bldg Parkville

Mooroopna Mosque 209 McLennon St Mooroopna Mildura Mosque 49 Tenth Ave Mildura Newport Mosque 1 Walker St Newport Noble Park Mosque 18 Leonard Ave Noble Park Preston Mosque 90 Cramer St Preston Reservoir Mosque 111 Blake St Reservoir Shepparton Mosque 8 Acacia St Shepparton Royal Womens Hospital Grattan St, Basement Carlton Springvale Mosque 9A Hosken St Springvale Thomastown Mosque 124-130 Station St Sunshine Mosque 618 Ballarat Rd Sunshine

Virgin Mary Mosque Hoppers Crossing 143A Hogans Road Westall Mosque 130 Rosebank Ave Westall

SOUTH AUSTRALIA Adelaide Mosque 20 Little Gilbert St Adelaide Al Khalil Mosque Cnr Audley St & Torrens Rd Woodville

Elizabeth Mosque 139-141 Hogard Rd. Elizabeth Grove Gilles Plain Mosque 52 - 56 Wandana Ave Murray Bridge Mosque Lot 53 Old Swanport Rd Park Holme Mosque 658 Marion Rd Park Holme Renmark Mosque 230 Fourteenth St Renmark Whyalla Mosque 5 Morris Crs Whyalla

QUEENSLAND Algester Mosque Algester Mosque 48 Learoyd Rd Algester Bundeberg Mosque 76 Hansbury St Bundaberg Cairns Mosque 31 Dunn St Parramatta Park

Capalaba Mosque 26 Veronica St Capalaba Darra Mosque 215 Douglas St Oxley Darul Uloom Academy 6 Agnes St Buranda Dreamworld Musalla Dream World Coomera Eagleby Mosque 262 Fryer Rd Eagleby Gold Coast Mosque Cnr Allied Cr & Olsen Ave. Arundel Harbour Town Musalla Harbour Town Shopping Centre Gold Coast Holland Park Mosque 309 Nursery Rd Holland Park Ipswich Mosque 30 Waterworks Rd Brassaal Logan City Mosque Cnr Third Ave & Cutis St.Marsden Lutwyche Mosque 33 Fuller St Lutwyche Mackay Mosque 5 Tom Thumb Crt. Bakers Creek Mareeba Mosque Cnr Walsh & Lloyd Sts Masjid Al Farooq 1408 Beenleigh Rd Kuraby Masjid Taqwa 119 Telegraph Rd Bald Hills MSA Griffi th Musalla Nathan Multi Faith Building MSA St Lucia Musalla 323 Hawken Drv St Lucia Muslim Students Assoc George St CBD Brisbane Sunshine Coast 98a Duporth Ave ,Maroochydore Rochdale Mosque 2674 Logan Rd 8 Mile Plains Rockhampton Islamic Center Cnr Firzroy & Kent St Toowoomba Musalla USQ Is Baker St Toowoomba Townsville Mosque 183 Ross River Rd Townsville UMB United Muslims of Brisbane 21/390 Kingston Rd Slacks Creek University of Queensland Inner Ring Rd Gatton West End Mosque 12 Princhester St West End

WESTERN AUSTRALIA Al Hidaya Masjid 64 Walter Padbury Blvd. Padbury Albany Musalla 1/166 Serpentine Rd Albany Ar-Rukun Mosque 4 Atwood Way Rockingham

Beechboro Mosque 289 Beechboro Rd Beechboro Canning Mosque 273 Welshpool Rd Queens Park Crawley UWA Musalla 35 Stirling Hwy Crawley Geraldton Mosque 172 George Rd Geraldton ICWA Islamic Centre of Western Australia 238 Guildford Rd Maylands Katanning Mosque 24 Britania St Katanning Kenwick Musalla Lot 30 408 Brickley Rd Kenwick Masjid Al-Sunnah 45 Kent St Cannington Masjid Al Taqwa Lot 433 Boyare Ave Mirrabooka Maylands Mosque Maylands Shopping Centre 238 Guilford Rd Maylands Mt Lawley ECU Musalla 2 Bradford St Mt Lawley Murdoch Uni Musalla Murdoch Newman Mosque 1563 Abydos Way Newman Perth Mosque 427 William St Perth Port Hedland Mosque 34 Trumpet Way South Hedland Queens Park Musalla 243 Welshpool Rd Queens Park Rivervale Mosque 7 Malvern Rd Rivervale Thornlie Mosque 24 Clancey Way Thornlie

TASMANIA Hobart Mosque 166 Warwick St Hobart Hobart Musalla Univeristy of Tasmania. Hobart Launceston Musalla Univeristy of Tasmania. Launceston

Northern Territory Mosque Alice Springs Islamic Centre 130 Lyndavale Drive Alice Springs Darwin Mosque 53-59 Venderlin Drive Casurina

If any information has been incorrectly list or if you would like to post your local Mosque or Islamic Centre please contact us: info@alwasat.com.au



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Mosques, Musallahs &

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Islamic Centres Around Australia Prepared By Fadi Al Hajj

NEW SOUTH WALES Afghan Mosque Cnr Williams & Buck St. Broken Hill Ahl Al Sunna Wal Jamah 132 Haldon St Lakemba Al-Azhar Belmore Mosque 172b Burwood Rd Belmore Al Hijrah Mosque 45 Station St Tempe Al Sahabah Masjid 75 Bonner St Bathurst Arncliffe Mosque 3-5 Wollongong Rd Arncliffe Armidale Mosque Booloomindah Dr Armidale ASWJ-Auburn 109-111 Auburn Rd Auburn Artarmon Musallah 35 Hampden Rd Artarmon Auburn Mosque 15-19 North Pde Auburn Belmore Mosque 172B Burwood Rd Belmore

Blacktown Mosque Cnr Prince & Forth St Blacktown Musalla Cnr Patrick & Alpha St Bonnyrigg Mosque 44 Bibbys Pl Bonnyrigg Brighton Musalla 383 Bay St Brighton Le Sands Burwood Musalla Unit 3/20 George St Burwood Cabramatta Mosque 22 Water St Cabramatta Campbelltown Mosque 44-48 Westmoreland Rd. Leumeah Carringbah Musalah 28 Frosbisher Ave Carringbah Central Coast Mosque 13A Howarth St Wyong Dee Why Mosque 12 South Creek Rd Dee Why El-Eman Mosque Moppity Rd Young Erskinville Mosque 13 John St Erskinville GIYC - Global Islamic Youth Centre / GSFC 14/493 Hume Highway Casula GIYC 265 George St Liverpool Gosford Musallah 13 Greenview Rd Gosford Granville Musalla 3/25 South St Granville Green Valley Mosque 264 Wilson Rd Green Valley Granville Association Clyde St Granville Gwyneville Mosque 9 Foley St Gwyneville Illawara Mosque 6 Bethlehem St Cringila Lakemba Mosque 65-67 Wangee Rd Lakemba

Lakemba Musalla 19 Haldon St Lakemba Lakemba Musalla Islamic Institute & Centre Level 2, 132 Haldon St Lakemba Liverpool Mosque 42 Wilson St Hinchinbrook Macquarie Uni Musalla Building E3A, Gd F.Macquarie Dr, Macquarie University Mascot Musallah 1215 Botany Road Mascot Masjid Darul Imaan Cnr Princess Hwy & Eden St. Arncliff Mayfi eld Mosque 36 Silsoe St Mayfield Merrylands Jummah Miller St Merrylands Millers Point Musalla 17 Argyle Place Millers Point Nepean Mosque Cnr Luxford & Hythe St. Mt Druitt Newcastle Mosque 6 Metcalf St Wallsend North Sydney Musalla 165 Blue Point Rd Nth Sydney Omar Mosque (Auburn) 43 Harrow Rd Auburn Penshurst Mosque 445 Forest Rd Pens Prospect Musalla 420 Blacktown Rd Prospect Punchbowl Musalla 27 Matthews Rd Punchbowl Quakers Hill Musalla 2 Brocas Pl Quakers Hill Redfern Mosque 328 Cleveland St Surrey Hills RMA ASWJ Revesby 9/9-11 Mavis St Revesby Riverwood Musalla 1st floor 54 Thurlow St Rooty Hill Mosque 25-29 Woodstock Ave. Rooty Hill Rydalmere Mosque 465 Victoria Rd Rydalmere Ryde Musulla 120 Blaxland Rd Ryde Sefton Mosque 11-13 Helen St Sefton Sheikh khaled zeidan prayer centre 31/35 anzac st, greenacre Smithfi eld Mosque 30 Bourke St Smithfi eld South Hurstville Musalla 18 Culwulla St. South Hurstville

Strathfield Musalla 3 Albert St Strathfield Surry Hills Mosque 175-177 Commonwealth St Syd City Musalla L 2, 19-21 Hunter St Sydney Syd City Musalla 32 York St Sydney Tempe Mosque 45 Station Street Tempe Town Hall Musalla 167B Castlereagh St,Town Hall UNSW Musallah L 3, Sq House Kensington USYD Musalla Old Teachers’ College. Camperdown UTS Musalla L 3 Blding 1, Broadway. Ultimo UWS Musallah Building P Nepean Campus Kingswood Wagga Wagga Mosque Building 18, CSU main campus Wagga Wagga Wentworthville Musalla 23 Lower Mount St Westmead Hosp Musalla Cnr Darcy & Hawkesbury Rds Young Islamic Centre Moppity Rd Young Zetland Mosque 932 Bourke Street Zetland

VICTORIA Airport Musalla Melb Airport Int’l Dep. Lounge Tullamarine AL Taqwa Mosque 201 Sayers Rd,Truganina Albury Wodonga Centre 25 South St Ararat Mosque 58 King St Ararat AMSSA CENTRE 91-101 Boundary Road, North Melbourne ASWJ-SE ASWJ South East Melbourne 7/171 Cheltenham Road Dandenong Broadmeadows Mosque 45-55 King St. Broadmeadows Brunswick Mosque 19 Michael St Brunswick Brunswick Mosque 660 Sydney Rd Brunswick Bundoora (La Trobe Uni) Plenty Rd (Rm 216). Bundoora


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AFIC president's column

AFIC SCHOOLS The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils. AFIC is committed to provide educational facilities to all Australian Muslims that will enable Muslim children to be schooled at the highest level in an Islamic environment which would then enable them to take their rightful place in Australian society. NSW SCHOOLS Malek Fahd Islamic School Email: info@mfis.nsw.edu.au Web:www.mfis.nsw.edu.au Malek Fahd Hoxtn Park Campus Email:hoxtonparkdp@mfis.nsw.edu.au Web:www.mfis.nsw.edu.au Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills Campus Email:beaumont.hills.dp@mfis.nsw.edu.au Web:www.mfis.nsw.edu.au VICTORIA SCHOOL Islamic College Of Melbourne Email: admin@icom.vic.edu.au Web: www.mfis.nsw.edu.au QUEENSLAND SCHOOL Islamic College of Brisbane Email: admin@icb.qld.edu.au Web: www.icb.qld.edu.au WESTERN AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL Langford Islamic College Email: admin@afic-lic.com.au Website: www.afic-lic.com.au SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL Islamic College of South Australia Email:admin@icosa.sa.edu.au Website: www.icosa.sa.edu.au AFIC SCHOOL (ACT) Islamic School of Canberra Email: iscact@bigpond.net.au Website: www.islamicschoolofcanberra.act.edu.au




The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Inc - AFIC is the oldest and longest serving government recognised Halal certification service provider. AFIC’s Halal service has been established over 40 years ago as the first formally structured Halal Meat certification service in Australia. This service has progressed into provision of Halal certification services for meat and nonmeat products. Revenue generated through AFIC Halal Services is put back into the community. For details of benificiaries please refer to AFIC Annual Reports on: www.afic.com.au For further information on how to obtain Halal Accreditation for your products, please contact our Sydney office on(02) 9319 6733 or AFIC’s Melbourne office on (03) 9329 1228 Or come in for a chat: 932 Bourke Street, Zetland, Sydney, and 6668- Jeffcott Street,West Melbourne. Email: halal@afic.com.au or aficmelb@ bigpond.com Visit AFIC at www.afic.com.au


Muslims Australia – Melbourne Office 6668- Jeffcott St, West Melbourne VIC 3003 Tel:+61 3 9329 1228 E-mail:melb@afic.com.au

Hajj Hafez Kassem In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful God Willing, from now on I will address the Islamic community through Al Wasat Newspaper on a monthly basis to communicate and inform you of AFIC projects and updates. I would like to begin by saying that the AFIC Executive Committee is open to discuss any idea or suggestion that might be useful and helpful to the Islamic community. All suggestions are most welcome. From the first day we assumed power at AFIC, our primary aim was to focus on working towards developing the performance of AFIC and make its role more effective in terms of serving the community in a better way, and alhamdullilah I am pleased to announce that we have reached an advanced level in this regard. One of our biggest achievements in the education field was recently increasing the capacity of Malek Fahd Islamic School – Greenacre campus to 2100 students and restoring the state government funding to this school. In addition to that, construction works are underway for two new campuses of Malek Fahd at Hoxton Park and Beaument Hills with each school having the capacity and potential of becoming as big as the main Greenacre campus Also, our other schools are also advancing and progressing and we are receiving positive feedback from all schools and states. AFIC currently operates 8 schools throughout the country. In addition to that, AFIC continues to provide financial support to rural mosques and Islamic centres around Australia. Finally, I want to stress that your brothers and sisters in the AFIC leadership are open to cooperate with all societies, organisations and volunteers for the betterment and benefit of the Muslims community and the wider Australian community.



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AFIC HISTORY In 1963 the Australian Muslim community adopted an organisational structure for the cause of Islam in Australia. At the grass roots level local Muslims formed Islamic Societies to serve their basic needs in terms of education and prayer facilities. The building of Mosques and providing religious education became the primary objective. The Islamic Councils of each State and Territory united to form State Islamic Councils representing their respective Muslim communities at the peak State level. At the national level the State and Territory Islamic Councils formed the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Inc (AFIC), as the national umbrella organisation for Australian Muslims representing Islam and Muslims at a national and international level. AFIC has its head office in Sydney with branch offices in Melbourne. As a democratic organisation, AFIC holds Federal Council Meetings with all State and Territory affiliates quarterly and an Annual Congress with all State , Territory Councils and Societies participating. The AFIC Committee of Management is elected every three years by the Annual Congress.

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THE MEMBER ORGANISATIONS OF AFIC - The Muslims Of New South Wales - The Islamic Council Of Victoria. - The Islamic Council Of Queensland. - The Islamic Council Western Australia. - The Islamic Council South Australia. - The Islamic Council ACT. - The Islamic Council Of Tasmania. - Christmas Islands Islamic Council. - Northern Territory Islamic Council.

AFIC Publications

Our Mission The mission of AFIC is to provide service to the community in a manner that is in accordance with the teachings of Islam and within the framework of Australian law. To advocate on behalf of the Muslim community on all such matters that will affect the community’s relevance, settlement and integration within Australian society. The main role of AFIC is to represent Islam and Muslims of Australia as one “Ummah” to the government and other bodies nationally and internationally. AFIC coordinates and provides resources for activities of its State Islamic Councils and member Islamic societies.

AFIC Schools Halal Services

Muslims Australia

Muslims Australia Muslims Australia is a quarterly community based magazine published by AFIC’s Melbourne office and is distributed throughout Australia. The first edition of Muslims Australia was published in June 2007.To be a part of the voice of the community, we welcome your articles, editorial comments

Hand in hand for a brighter Australia

Muslims Australia – Head Office 932 Bourke St, Zetland NSW 2017 Tel:02 8303 2100 E-mail:admin@afic.com.au


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‫نوافذ‬ ‫ابواب‬ ‫مرايا‬

‫جودة يف العمل واسعار تناسب اجلميع‬



¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014

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Life lessons 101 By Maryam Omran (Hume Islamic Youth Centre (HIYC))

Experience is a great teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson after. But what does Islam teach us about dealing with these tests? Fortunately for us, whatever the test is, Islam has an answer for it that has been vocalized and practised by our great Prophet (p.b.u.h.) . There isn’t a single scenario that could happen to us that we are its sole inheritor. We all suffer from some sort of loss in our life- the great scholars (May Allah bestow his mercy upon them all) say life is based on loss not gain, so we should live our lives accustomed to this principle. Strength comes from living through this loss, understanding it and accepting it. Islam teaches us that all trials are good for believers. The worst setbacks will appear trivial once we understand this concept. If we lose and we are patient with Allah’s(SWT) decree our patience is rewarded. If we become better people because of it, we have gained more than what we have lost. Allah (SWT) tests us to bring us closer to him, to remind us that this life is not meant to be all fun and games. To remind us there is far better awaiting us if we are patient and steadfast. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran which similarly translates to: “And certainly we will test you with something of fear,

hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to Al-Sabireen (the patient ones) who, when afflicted with calamity, say: Truly! To Allah we belong and to him we return” Surah Al-Baqara Ayah 155-156 So, why is it when calamity befalls us we are so quick to doubt ourselves and question the test as if we could prevent it or change what Allah (SWT) has written for us? Well, one theory is that the human being is an intricate creature and as such, we are more reactive to visual situations than auditory. If we were to hear that our house has been set on fire, our hearts would start beating, our minds would go into panic, but as soon as we arrive at the house and actually see it engulfed in flames that’s when we break down and cry. It is the nature of the human spirit- we hold on to the last strings of hope, wishfully thinking perhaps it was just a dream and when we wake up in the morning it will all go back to how it was. Denial seems a less painful option than reality- but nonetheless, one we must face. What happens in the case when it is a believer that has wronged us? How do we react and what are the neccessary steps one should have in his heart and with his actions? Ibn al Qayyim ‫ رحمه اهلل‬has a philosophy with such instances: he states that if a person comes to you and makes a sincere apology upon wronging you, if you

are truly a person of humility, then you are obliged to accept that apology. Although, in practice this is a view that we should instil within us as a basic principle and moreover general approach to our fellow muslims. Of course there are situations that forgiveness is not an option and justice needs to be sought. But Islamic principles are based on circumstances and individual cases have their precedent set. In conclusion, whether it be divorce, death, betrayal or an ailment: point of view can make all the difference in the world. Hold on to your Islam with the belief that Allah (SWT) has decreed this for you as a source of benefit whether you see it or not, and the struggle that seems like a mountain on your shoulders, will shrink to the size of a small mound like that of ants nest. In Surah al Ankabut Ayah 2-3 Allah (SWT) says in the Quran which similarly translates to : “Do men think that they will be left alone saying,’We believe’, and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah (SWT) will certainly know those who are true from those who are false.” [29:2-3] Oh fellow believers, keep this in the back of your mind always and within the surface of your heart as a shield and trials will find a place in your life that seem a little less difficult to comprehend as we struggle through each day. Wassalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarkatu.

A Neglected Journey ”I have the largest crown ever seen, Though I don’t wear the pomp of a queen, My roots are strong, My limbs are long, I do no wrong, I am surrounded by all these loud birds, Yet our subtle songs are unheard, They say I am the loveliest of sights, So why is it that I am accorded no rights” Every day she cries like this. She stands with her regular stance, being pushed around by external forces. She remains stoic in her silent calls for help as she never wants to bother anyone and just hopes that for all she does for others that maybe her hard work would be recognised and her efforts reciprocated. You see she has many jobs. She has many who are reliant on her. From childhood she has been helping others, oh what a charitable being she is. She is a distributor of sorts. She supplies farmers, manufacturers and even Building companies. From childhood she was ever so helpful. She sprang to life in the most elegant of manners and just her existence was a breath of fresh air for everything and every person around her. Every year she paints a beautiful canvass under her feet. Her domain does not need to be cleaned by others, she is a queen who sets a beautiful scene. Eventually though, she was neglected. It was only everyone else who got to taste the fruits of her labours. At times she would just stand still as others would attack her crown, yet still she wanted nothing less than to help others. Her services began to become overused.

Her place was all of a sudden open to abuse, and she became sick as the fossils of her ancestors’ fumed to become for human desires nothing more than a cheap fuel. All of her facilities were being utilised by others whom she didn’t even know and it was continually being invaded by creatures. At times she would be pecked at by birds. Even her crown, which should be a cause for respect, often housed birds’ nests. Even still she was happy to help and continued to provide her essential services. One day though, she could feel her roots being tampered with and as her hairs began to detach, she knew that no one cared for her existence anymore. She was sure that this was going to be the end of her life. She was right. Everyone was so used to using her, even in her death they tried to find use. They mutilated her. They ignored her beauty, but after killing her, they never had to hear her cries again. Her home was soon bought by a businessman to do as he pleases. She never got a say as to what would happen with her life while living and in death she had never been respected enough to be allowed even the typical “Rest in Peace”. As for her body, it was carefully processed. The useable parts were determined then recycled for commercial items. Her dead body was separated just to be subject to graffiti and what the children refer to as ABC (already been chewed). She was unique in ways but she wasn’t the only one who experienced this. He was under similar circumstances. His resources weren’t used so much during

his life but once he was dead he was completely exploited. His body was also mutilated. It was transformed to a particular shape and size, desirable to his new manufacturer. It is then dipped and dyed and designed to be sold to consumers. These consumers are currently vandalising him. They tear him into pieces. They may cut him down to different shapes and sizes to please them. At times they do this just to reattach his limbs with stick substances then firmly press them against him to make sure he will be stuck permanently. Stripping him of his identity they give him a personality that they have created themselves. He is converted to diaries and forced to be subjected to a little girl’s personal problems. He is home to inappropriate images and messages. He is stuck with other people’s mistakes. If those mistakes are to be corrected he is scribbled on and crossed out. There is no respect for the dead. They were of the most noble of beings. Throughout their lives they did nothing but try to help everyone, and in death they were robbed of the peaceful ending they deserved. Instead of being able to determine their own lives, they have their whole journey dictated by other living organisms with their self-proclaimed superiority. So many have died. If everyone just listened they would hear the cries: “You need no one more than me, Let us live, Save the trees.”

Isslah Trad

(year 11, Condell Park High School)

Sareera Ladies Swimming Sareera Youth is running weekly swimming for women. Date: Every Sunday Time: 5.30-7.30pm Venue: Broadmeadows Leisure Centre Cost: $5 adults / $3 children (under 12) (boys over 4 years are not permitted).


By: Hakan Çoruh

Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-tabari wrote a commentary on the Qur’an which is a major tradition based exegesis from the classical period. His landmark work has been considered as a key source of exegesis from the classical period up to the present. In addition, he was an expert and a significant writer in a variety of Islamic disciplines such as history, jurisprudence. Al-Tabari was born in Amul, the province of Tabaristan, Persia in 224–225/838–839 during the years of Abbasid Empire. He received an early education in his native city of Amul, and he travelled far for further knowledge. He memorised the full text of the Qur’an by the age of seven. He travelled for his education throughout the Abbasid areas, from Rayy in Persia to Baghdad and then to such places as Basrah, Kufah, Cairo, and parts of Syria. Al-Tabari settled in Baghdad in 256/870, and he remained there until his death. Baghdad was the city of culture and learning. Until his arrival in Baghdad , there had been intense ideological confrontation during the first half of the third/eighth century between Mu‘tazila, the rationalist theological school, and ahl alhadith, the traditionalist movement. The latter triumphed over Mu‘tazila on account in large part of Ahmad ibn Hanbal’s (d. 241/855) efforts, and the rationalist Mu‘tazili movement lost its political power. Al-Tabari arrived in Baghdad in that time, when the Mu‘tazila had declined, and he took an anti- Mu‘tazila line in his Qur’an commentary. He was a leading authority and great scholar in his time, so much so that a separate madhhab (law school), named the Jaririyya, was established after him. Al-Tabari’s introduction of a new school of law caused numerous debates. There was an antagonism and opposition from followers of Ahmad ibn Hanbal because of Al-Tabari’s rival school of thought. Al-Tabari had not made any reference to Ibn Hanbal in his book Ikhtilaf al-fuqaha’ (The Differences among the Jurists), and later arguing that Ibn Hanbal was a scholar of Tradition, not a jurist. Here it should be noted that Al-Tabari’s school of law did not survive for a long time; it quite disappeared from Baghdad by the end of the eleventh century. He was one of the most prolific scholars and of great minds of his era. The extent of his erudition and a large number of his written works impressed his biographers. His disciples divided his total works by his years of life, concluding that he had written an average of fourteen pages a day. While he produced numerous works, many of which have not survived. He engaged with various fields of scholarship: exegesis, history, jurisprudence, recitation of the Qur’an, grammar, lexicography as well as various other disciplines. Two works are of particular significance among his collection: Ta’rikh alrusul wa-al-muluk (The History of Messengers and Kings) and Jami al-Bayan an Ta’wil Ay alQur’an (The Comprehensive Clarification of the Interpretation of the Verses of the Qur’an). (McAuliffe, Jane Dammen. Qur’anic Christians; Riddell, Peter G. “Al-Tabari.” The Qur’an: an encyclopedia). Hakan Çoruh PhD Cand., ACU. hhcoru001@myacu.edu.au


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¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014

Huntingdale Mosque On behalf of the ‘Board of Mutawalli (BOM)’ of Australia Bangladesh Islamic Council (ABIC), it’s my sheer

pleasure to inform you that Alhamdulillah BOM signed the contract for purchase the next door property 1287, North Road,Huntingdale (marked as “B” in the photo below) at the price of $750,000.00. Out of which $350,000.00 paid till today which consists of $170,000.00 ‘Karze Hasanah’; and remaining $400,000.00 to be paid by December 2014. Respected Muslim brothers and sisters, before we proceed further, I need your kind consideration on the followings: - Huntingdale Masjid is located in a very vital position. We would like to utilize this locational advantage for the benefit of common Muslims residing in Melbourne. With wider vision and proper planning, we desire to build shops and other facilities to generate

History Column

regular income, so that such income could be utilized to help other Masjids in Melbourne. - As the Muslim community is growing, demands for old homes, religious education centres for adult/ children,funeral services for low income earners are also growing. Alhamdulillah, we have organized number of free funeral services and currently owing ten burial spots at Werribee Cemetery and one at Springvale Cemetery. We plan to buy more in near future for the benefit of common Muslims. - Currently we are facing huge problem for car parking in Huntingdale. Several incidents had occurred between the neighbors and attending Mussallies on Fridays. Therefore, we need the adjacent properties for building car parks; otherwise the City Council would not permit us to do any further developments of the Masjid. As part of our Master plan, once we would acquire “C & D” (in the above

photo), then we can proceed for the major project to build shops and car parks at ground floor and Masjid on first + second floors of “ABIC & D”(in the above photo). Moreover, we intend to build small apartments in property “B & C”; with car park facility on the third floor and the roof panel. If the council permits, large underground car park also may be built in future. We now need 1000-2000 members to contribute $10-$20/month ($5/ week) at least for fiveten years; which will give us opportunity to acquire the remaining properties as shown in the photo above. We seek your cooperation. All the credits belong to Allah Subhanatwala, please make Dua for us. May Allah reward everyone. Wassaalam, Razzak A. Syed, Khadim, ABIC. ABIC A/C, BANK: CBA BSB: 063209 A/C. 10073973

ACCESS Ministries Cross Cultural Training ICV ICV was delighted to contribute to the ACCESS ministries Cross Cultural Engagement training for first-year Chaplains and Student Wellbeing Workers. The training took place on Thursday 17th April from 12:00-1:00pm at Camberwell Sister Lina Ayoubi coordinator of ICV Pastoral care presented to approximately 40 people, currently working as ACCESS ministries Chaplains or Student Wellbeing Workers in schools around Victoria ,who were eager to learn about respectful pastoral engagement with young people and families, especially when working with people from a cultural or faith group they are unfamiliar with. The presentation touched

on some key questions about Muslim community representation around Victoria: population, location, cultural groups, what cultural or relational elements that Chaplains/ Student Wellbeing Workers would do well to be aware of when offering pastoral care to a young person or family

from an Islamic background ie. modest clothing, contact between genders, Halal food, etc about rituals and festivals important to Muslims. and how Chaplains and Student Wellbeing at schools may respond on behalf of the school when there is a happy or tragic occasion such as death or

significant trauma in a family/community and how to reach out to a grieving family. The feedback from participants and Access ministries management was extremely positive: bridges and friendships were sure to stay.

Crime Stoppers Wanted Police need your help to locate this wanted person.

If you know something, say something. INDECENT ASSAULT – ST KILDA – 22 FEBRUARY 2014 Police are looking for a man who allegedly indecently assaulted a woman in St Kilda on 22 February 2014. The woman accepted a lift from the man whom she met outside a King Street venue around 5am. He then drove her to the St Kilda address near the intersection of Robertson and Wellington Street and indecently assaulted her in the car, believed to be a silver sedan. Police have released images of a man whom they believe may be able to assist them in their enquiries. He is described as Caucasian, aged in his mid to late 20s, around 183cm tall with short, straight brown hair and was wearing a black long-sleeved jacket with blue on the sleeves and shoulders and jeans.

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EbonyGRAHAM DATE OF BIRTH: 2 March 1989 HEIGHT: 166 cm BUILD: Medium EYES:Brown HAIR: Brown COMPLEXION: Fair Ebony GRAHAM was allegedly involved in drug trafficking in Footscray. A warrant for her arrest has been issued for failing to appear at the Sunshine Magistrates’ Court.

Report information confidentially online at www.crimestoppers.com.au or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

BUNYIP KNIGHTS AND DAMES One of the ongoing struggles in Australian society has been the conflict between the notion of social hierarchy and that of an egalitarian society. Under the early governors, Bligh and Macquarie, the struggle was between Emancipists (freed convicts and their families) and Bilal Cleland the Exclusives (free settlers). ilal42@bigpond.com The latter felt inherently superior to those who had been in bondage, who they insisted, should be denied civil rights. Governor Bligh did not bend to the will of the free settlers and officers of the NSW garrison. They overthrew him in the Rum Rebellion coup in 1808. My great great great grandfather, an emancipist and a constable in Van Diemen’s Land, signed the petition against the traitors. Several of the petitioners were flogged by the administration of Van Diemen’s Land, which supported the Rum Rebels and their leader, John Macarthur. Macarthur and his cronies formed the backbone of those greedy few who saw themselves as born to rule over their inferiors. They were also enthusiastic supporters of the free slave labour provided by the convict system. His son, along with political ally William Charles Wentworth, a progressive Emancipist who had turned extreme conservative by the 1850s, sought the creation of an hereditary aristocracy in the Australian colony, which would control a NSW version of the House of Lords. This major threat to the future development of a democratic constitution was eventually defeated. One of the major contributions to its defeat was a speech in 1853 by republican Daniel Deniehy. He showed that this ‘bunyip aristocracy’ would mean a feudal society for Australia: “We were not permitted to form our own Constitution, but instead we were to have one and an Upper Chamber cast upon us, built upon a model to suit the taste and propriety of certain political oligarchs, who treated the people at large as if they were cattle to be bought and sold in the market, as indeed they were in American slave states, and now in the Australian colonies, where we might find bamboozled Chinese and kidnapped Coolies.” Cheap Chinese labour, probably kidnapped to work in slave like conditions, was now favoured as a replacement for convict labour, by these pretenders to nobility. Deneihy savaged them mercilessly: “Next came the native aristocrat James MacArthur, he would he supposed, aspire to the coronet of an earl, he would call him the Earl of Camden and he suggests for his coat of arms a field vert, the heraldic term for green, and emblazoned on this field should be a rum keg of a New South Wales order of chivalry.” The rum keg was reminding the pretentious fool of his family origins, in the Rum Rebellion. The democratic spirit was already so strong in the colony that this proposal was abandoned. Not until the Order of Australia was introduced in 1975 was an Australian honours system introduced. Until then British honours were awarded to Australians The egalitarian, republican spirit remained strong throughout the 1800s. The most famous of all Australian writers, Henry Lawson, in 1887 wrote “A Song of the Republic” in which he called for a new society in Australia, distinct from the old world with its injustices, class system and monarchy, which threatened to make “a hell in a Paradise”. He contrasted the dead land of the old country with the young green “land that belongs to you”. Sons of the South, make choice between (Sons of the South, choose true), The Land of Morn and the Land of E’en, The Old Dead Tree and the Young Tree Green, The Land that belongs to the lord and the Queen, And the Land that belongs to you. Here we are in 2014 with an echo of the imperial British honours system of “knights and dames” introduced by an English immigrant Prime Minister, who apparently hankers after the ways of his aristocratic superiors in the old country. As Deniehy reminded the aristocratic pretenders of the colony in 1853: “The stately aristocracy of England was founded on the sword. The men who came over with the conquering Norman were the masters of the Saxons, and so became the aristocracy. The followers of Oliver Cromwell were the masters of the Irish, and so became their aristocracy.” He then asked upon what basis Wentworth and his cronies had conquered the local population, for that was what aristocracy signifies. We might well ask, upon what did Abbott base his new imperial honours aristocracy? Does he think he has conquered us like William the Bastard in 1066?

The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist


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sponsored by Baarini & Associates

sponsored by WS Electrical Contractors

sponsored by Dandenong Eye Clinic

sponsored by BDZ Electrics

sponsored by Balha’s Pastry

sponsored by KT Smash Repairs

sponsored by Madina Halal Foods

sponsored by Merhi & Associates Barristers & Solicitors

Albanian Australian Islamic Society

sponsored by Poultry n More

Sponsored By Ilim College

sponsored by ICCV

sponsored by Biryani House

sponsored by Airkorp Australia

sponsored by Al wasat newspaper

Laila Reception Manager

sponsored by Newport Islamic Society

sponsored by Islamic Museum of Australia

sponsored by Minaret College


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sponsored by AFIC

sponsored by Islamic College of Melbourne

sponsored by Crescent Wealth

sponsored by MCCA

For the past 7 years Human Appeal International has been hosting the Year 12 Muslim Achievement Awards. This event recognises the achievement of students who receive an ATAR over 90%. Alhamdulillah there were over 60 students who were awarded by local sponsors. Present on the night were numerous representatives from various communities and community groups. The atmosphere was very uplifting and we were inspired by the speeches, such as the one made by Dr Zachariah Matthews and Senator Mehmet Tilem. One of the highlights of the night was the video which showcased the journey of some of the first and second year recipients. The video showed how the students have progressed through the different stages of their lives, moving from high school graduates, to University graduates and then as employees in their career fields. Overall, Human Appeal is always proud of the achievements of the students and is always looking forward to making future events more successful. We pray that theses students can pave the way for future success stories that reflect the progress of the Australian Muslim youth of this country.

sponsored by Dessert Palace

sponsored by Starnet Legal Lawyers &Consultants

sponsored by Famsy

sponsored by Preston Dental Group

sponsored by TAXLINE

sponsored by ICV

sponsored by Hume Tax Service

sponsored by UMMAH Directory

sponsored by Australian International Academy

sponsored by Fajr Network

sponsored by WS Electrical Contractors

sponsored by Hamoudis


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of Brisbane

for engagement

Haj. Hafez Kassem

Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Hon. Glen Elmes

Br. Keysar Trad in his capacity as interim chair of the college praised the school ethos as an ethos that encourages learning and rewards curiosity to help our children to become “leaders, pioneers and great citizens.” Br. Keysar added: “Our school is an inclusive school, not only inclusive of Muslims from tens of cultural backgrounds, but is also open to non-Muslim pupils to come and benefit from our College’s high standard of education.” Br. Keysar thanked Allah first and foremost and then thanked AFIC for establishing the college and the Muslim community for its ongoing support, he also thanked the College Principal Dr. Mubarak Noor, the college board (Br. Hafez Kassem, Sr. Rawa El Samman, Dr. Mustapha Ally, Br. Osman Rane and Br. Amar Ali Khan) and the highly professional and accomplished teachers at the college for helping make the school the success that had made it the envy of many schools. Br. Keysar Trad also graciously acknowledged the support of Australian governments, both state and federal levels for supporting the college and added that: We want to expand on our existing levels of cooperation to take the school even further forward. (The notes of Br. Keysar Trad’s speech are on the college website: www.icb.qld.edu ). In his speech, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Hon. Glen Elmes thanked the Chairman of the college for his vision at making the ICB an inclusive school. Representing the minister for education, Stretton MP Ms. Freya Ostopovitch also praised the college for its leadership in the community and for its outstanding achievements. The evening included great nashid from the school choir and from Imams Aslam and Abu Ghazaleh and was concluded with Du’a by the College’s head of Arabic and Islamic Imam Zeeyad Rawat

Hajj Jamal Alkaled and Br. Keysar Trad with Members of the Queensland Police

School Choir (Nasheed Group)

Br. Keysar Trad



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The Islamic College

sets the standard

Islamic College of Brisbane Students

Under its interim Chairman, our very own brother Keysar Trad, Muslims Australia, AFIC’s The Islamic College of Brisbane convenes a highly successful community engagement dinner to thank all those who contributed to the development of the

college. In a coup of its kind, the highly successful evening was chaired by former federal Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Hon. Gary Hardgrave who did an impeccable job in this pioneering event. In his welcome remarks, Br. Haj. Hafez Kassem said: “As the chairman of Muslims Australia - AFIC, I am very proud to welcome you at our school, your school, the premier Muslim school and a leading private school in Queensland. “This wonderful establishment is a tribute to vision, it is a tribute to cooperation and partnership and it is a tribute to resolve and dedication. “There was nothing but a few trees here 20 years ago. Today, we have a school that has produced a number of proud Australian citizens who have gone on to pursue tertiary education and who are now contributing to Australian society in many fields, including medicine, engineering, accounting and financial services just to mention a few.” Dr. Mubarak Noor

Ms. Freya Ostopovitch MP

The Hon. Gary Hardgrave

The college board (Br. Keysar Br. Hafez Kassem, Sr. Rawa El Samman, Dr. Mustapha Ally, Br. Osman Rane and Br. Amar Ali Khan)

Year 12 students making a presentation

Dr. Noor with Br. Keysar Trad and Minister Glen Elmes

Dr. Noor with Haj. Hafez Kassem


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Seek Knowledge

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Year 12 Results OP -3

OP -3

OP -3

Areeba Alam

Fatima Moussa

Oumama H.Mohammed


To To all all Year Year 12 12 students students at at Islamic Islamic College College of of Brisbane Brisbane for for achieving achieving excellent excellent results results OP-6: Aiman Badrulhisham, Sibgha Jillani OP-7: Azizullah Cais Nassiry, Rose Richani OP-8: Esra Kartal, Iman Mesbah, Amna Rehan Qureshi OP-9: Shifaaz Akbar, Esad-Naci Erol, Saleha Sayeef OP-10: Taahirah Ali, Moustapha Selman

Admission open Prep year to year 10. Limited space available.

www.icb.qld.edu.au Islamic College of Brisbane Phone: (07) 3841 3645 45 Acacia Road, Karawatha QLD 4117 Email: admin@icb.qld.edu.au



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Oromo Fundraising Dinner

Motion by the Hon. SHAOQUETT MOSELMANE agreed to: (1)That this House notes

that: (a)following the outbreak of civil war in Lebanon in 1975 and several years after marrying and setting up home, Mr Ali Yassine and Mrs Fatma Yassine migrated and settled in Australia; (b) Mr Ali Yassine and Mrs Fatma Yassine were born in the Dunnieh region of North Lebanon, a mountainous region overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, in the towns of Izal and Bakhoun respectively; (c) Mr Ali Yassine and Mrs Fatma Yassine are well respected, raising a family of eight professionals between them who hold more than 20 university degrees and all of whom are making significant contributions to the Muslim and business communities in New South Wales; and (d) the children include: (i) Mr Talal Yassine, OAM, a prominent banker and non-executive director who holds a Masters of Laws and a Master of Business Administration, is a Professorial Fellow at the Australian National University Crawford School of Public Policy, the Managing Director of Crescent Wealth and Chairman of the Department of Foreign Affairs Council for Australian-Arab Relations, and serves on the Board of Australia Post and the Whitlam Institute; (ii) Mr Bilal Yassine, a construction manager and property expert who holds a Bachelor of Construction Management and is CEO of LandCorp Australia, has played a significant role in the development of major mosque projects around New South Wales; (iii) Mr Omar Yassine, an accountant who holds a Bachelor of Commerce


(Accounting) and several positions, works for the family development business; (iv) Ms Raja Yassine, a schoolteacher who holds a Bachelor of Teaching, has taught at several High Schools throughout New South Wales as well as at TAFE NSW; (v) Mr Hilal Yassine, a businessman and non-executive director who holds a Masters of Laws and a Master of Business Administration, is Chairman of the Crescent Institute Limited, sits on the Board of the Co-op Ltd and is the Executive Director of the Australian Arab Dialogue Foundation Limited; (vi) Dr Zil Yassine, a specialist who has a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, and a Masters of Middle Eastern Studies from Harvard University, was a board member of the Australian Medical Association; (vii) Ms Nora Yassine, a schoolteacher who holds a Bachelor of Teaching, a

Bachelor of Psychology and a Masters in Education, currently teaches at Bass Hill High School; and (viii) Mr Walid Yassine, a marketing specialist who holds a Bachelor of Commerce, is the National Marketing Manager for the Crescent Institute Limited as well as a sales representative for the world’s secondlargest book publisher, and played at national and international levels in both rugby league and rugby union. (2) That this House: (a) notes this great Australian story; (b)congratulates the Yassine family, in particular Mrs Fatma Yassine and Mr Ali Yassine, on being such exemplary role models and citizens of New South Wales; and (c) commends the Yassine family for its collective and individual achievements. Source:www.parliament.nsw.gov.au

The Crescent Institute welcomed Ahmed Fahour The Crescent Institute welcomed Ahmed Fahour, CEO of Australia post and Patron of the Islamic Museum of Australia (IMA) on the 25th of March 2014. The event took place at KPMG’s Melbourne office attracting a diverse attendance both interested in the dual topics of Australia post and its future direction as well as

social initiatives such as the Islamic museum of Australia. Talal Yassine OAM, Patron of the Crescent Institute formally introduced the guest of honour. Ahmed Fahour commenced his address by thanking the audience for attending and was delighted exclaiming “I am honoured that you have chosen to spend tonight here with me as opposed to going home after a long day at work”. Ahmed began with the Islamic Museum of Australia discussing the idea behind this initiative and what he hoped it would achieve in Australia. He emphasised that “through the area of the arts one can express something in an uncontroversial way”. He described the many challenges the four-year journey took but also the fantastic support from all parts of the community in working together and achieving the

end result of the first Islamic museum in Australia. Mr Fahour also delved into the intricate design details and efforts put into the Museum to create a hybrid Australian-Islamic feel illustrating the intertwined nature of both cultures. Mr Fahour then shifted to his current role as CEO of Australia Post. “ We have worked very hard over the past 4 years to in a sense rejuvenate an iconic Australian business which has been operating for 205 years”. Ahmed highlighted the fact that the Australia Post’s business model of delivering letters was under deep threat given the advancements of technology. Ahmed went on to describe the challenges in transforming Australia Post where the average Australian household received 1.5 letters per day compared with the hundreds of electronic messages sent daily from email, text messaging and social media posts. With the exponential growth in electronic forms of communication Australia Post cannot in the future maintain a business model for 200 years anymore and must constantly and consistently always look for development opportunities to remain competitive, innovative and productive into the future. The final segment of the evening was question time where Mr Fahour fielded a wide range of questions ranging from everyday challenges during his stint at NAB during the global financial crisis,

The Islamic Community Centre (ICC) and Oromo Learning & Guidance Centre in Australia raised more than $160,000 during a fundraising dinner on Saturday, April 5 in Tottenham. All proceeds will go towards a multipurpose centre which will be built on 8017 meter square land located in Ravenhill - 22km from Melbourne CBD. ICV executive committee member Osama Saad attended the dinner and said it was a true display of community spirit.

Al Azhar Scholarship ICV Al Azhar University is running Islamic Studies Scholarships. The program offers four Muslim students the opportunity to complete one year of study at the Muslim world’s first and most prestigious Islamic University in Cairo, Egypt. Al-Azhar University is a university in Cairo, Egypt. Founded in 970 or 972 by the Fatimids as a centre of Islamic learning, its students studied the Qur’an and Islamic law in detail, along with logic, grammar, rhetoric, and how to calculate the lunar phases of the moon. By bringing together the study of a number of subjects in the same place it was one of the first universities in the world and the only one to survive as a modern university including secular subjects in the curriculum. It is today the chief centre of Arabic literature and Islamic learning in the world. It is the oldest degree-granting university in Egypt. In 1961 additional nonreligious subjects were added to its curriculum. To register contact ICV via (03) 9328 2067 / admin@icv.org.au

Death/Janazah Announcements ICV In an attempt to encourage a connected Muslim community within Victoria ICV will now be making death/janazah announcements. If you have recently lost somebody near and dear to you - you can make a call-out for prayers or invite members of the Muslim community to the deceased’s Salat al-Janazah. Please forward your message to communications@icv.org.au. through to personal values he stands by when conducting business as well as his views about Carlton’s performance and prospects of winning the flag in the near future as a board member of the football club . The Crescent Institute would sincerely like to thank Mr Fahour for his attendance and his address to the institute. Additionally the Institute would like to thank its sponsors for their generous support. The Institute would like to thank all members and guests who attended the evening. The event would not have been possible without you and hope you had an enjoyable time. If you would to attend the next Crescent Institute event please visit www.crescentinstitute. com.au for full details.

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¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014

‫ م‬2014 ‫ هـ ¿ نيسان‬1435 ‫ ¿ جمادي الثاني‬42 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Human Appeal Raisers over $466,000

for Syria with its 3 City Fundraising Dinners Human Appeal Int. Australia Between Friday the 11th of April and Sunday the 13th; Human Appeal International Australia hosted a 3 City Fundraising Dinner for Syria. With 2 massive International Guests, the dinners were sure to be a sellout. For the dinner in Adelaide, Human Appeal International collaborated with the Islamic Information Centre of SA. Together they prepared an amazing venue—The Grand Ballroom, program, and atmosphere which took the Adelaide audience inside Syria and to live amongst its suffering victims. The night featured Quran reciting by Br Mohammed El Sayid, as well as singing by the popular nasheed artist, Yahya Hawa. The people of Adelaide managed to raise $127,000. The fundraising dinner also marked the official opening

and establishment of Human Appeal International’s third Australian office. In Sydney, the dinner took place at the Millennium room within ANZ Stadium, Sydney Olympic Park. Once again Yahya Hawa, along with our very own local talent: Essra Zahraman, touched the hearts of the audience with their awe inspiring voices; singing of the Syrians’ suffering. In total, the people of Sydney managed to raise over $235,000, the highlight of the night being a simple damaged toy— given by a Syrian refugee girl wanting it to be sold to aid her own people—bought for a staggering $10,000. The evening concluded with dinner as the audience left to their homes knowing that they participated in lifting the struggle of the Syrian victims. Finally, in Melbourne, the dinner took place at The Laila Reception Centre. It would be the last performance for international nasheed artist; Yahya Hawa, who delivered sensationally. Dr Saleh

Mubarak, who had spoken in the previous two dinners as well—provided the audience with a very inspiring and motivating speech, so much so that by the end of the night; 50 orphans had been sponsored, and over $104,000 was raised for those in Syria. Overall, more than $466,000 dollars was raised by the Muslims in Australia. The lives of many Syrian people will be changed through the generosity of donors. Human Appeal International Australia would like to thank all those who donated, those who volunteered on the nights, as well as the professional staff at the locations the dinners were had.

HAI Regional Director Mr Bashar Al-Jamal talks about HAI’s work in Syria at the Sydney Fundraising Dinner

Yahya Hawa and Essra Zahraman performing at the Melbourne Fundraising Dinner

Dr Saleh Mubarak speaking at the Melbourne Fundraising Dinner

Attendees at the Adelaide fundraising dinner listen intently to the program

Charity collection during the Adelaide Fundraising Dinner


¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014

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AUSTRALIAN ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014

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New ICV Vice-President ICV Mohamad Tabiaat has become the new ICV Vice President of the Executive Committee, after a vacancy was created when former VP Sr Maryum Chaudhry retired from the position. Br Mohamad Tabiaat was nominated and

formally elected unopposed at the Members Meeting on Sunday, April 13. ICV President Nadeem Hussain welcomed Br Mohamad to the team and said, “We look forward to working with him in serving our community.” Mohamad Tabiaat said he is delighted to join the peak council, representing Victorian Muslims. He thanked member

societies for their “confidence and trust” and vowed to “fulfil the role and responsibility of the office.” He said he looked forward to working with all members and was committed to advancing the services of the ICV. There will be a full board election (AGM) towards the end of the year.

ICV President’s Column

Crescent Wealth Roars with Bachar Houli Sponsorship Nadeem Hussain President Islamic Council of Victoria Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu Alhamdulillah it’s been another busy month for the Islamic Council of Victoria. As you may be aware, the Federal Government is proposing changes to the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA). The ICV has been preparing various submissions to oppose these changes.

Crescentwealth The growing cultural diversity of AFL football got another roar of support today with Islamic wealth manager Crescent Wealth announcing its sponsorship of Richmond Tigers defender Bachar Houli, the AFL’s first practising Muslim player. Known for his strong commitment to the Islamic faith and his role as AFL Multicultural Ambassador, Houli prays five times a day and finds time in his busy schedule to educate his team-mates and supporters on Muslim beliefs and attitudes. Born in Australia in 1988 to Lebanese parents, Houli showed a strong passion for sport at a very young age, despite there being little sport played at his Islamic schools and the disapproval of his parents, who saw it as a distraction from his studies. With his now extremely supportive family by his side, Houli has cemented his place in the line-up at

Richmond, to which he was drafted in 2010 after making his debut with the Essendon Bombers in 2006. Under the one-year sponsorship arrangement, Houli will become a Crescent Wealth Advocate, working with the Crescent Wealth team to raise awareness of multiculturalism in Australian communities through sport. Crescent Wealth managing director, Talal Yassine OAM, said: “Bachar Houli is a great role model and an ideal representative of our Community Partnerships Program dedicated to fostering prosperous communities through health and fitness. “Our sponsorship of Bachar continues Crescent’s record for promoting tolerance and diversity through sport. The partnership follows our announcement last year of a three-year sponsorship deal with then Auburn Giants, the first predominately Muslim women’s AFL team in Western Sydney which has recently announced a partnership with GWS Giants,” Mr Yassine said. Bachar Houli

said: “I’m grateful for the opportunity to be appointed a Crescent Wealth Advocate. Crescent is playing an active role seeking to foster understanding between Australian Muslims and the broader Australian community. I’m looking forward to supporting this work.” As AFL Multicultural Ambassador, Houli has been heavily involved in introducing young people from diverse communities to the game through such initiatives as The Bachar Houli Cup, an inter-Islamic schools football competition involving 25 Islamic schools across Victoria, and the Bachar Houli Academy, established to nurture aspiring young Islamic footballers. Houli was also named an inaugural winner of the Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding Award granted by the University of South Australia and the Australia Day Council in late 2012. If you would more information about Crescent Wealth please contact us 1300 926 626 or www.crescentwealth.com.au

Bendigo Bank made a decision to close the account of anti-mosque group Bendigo Bank made a decision to close the account of a protest group which is fighting plans to build the first Mosque in the Victorian city of Bendigo. Bendigo Bank informed the protest group of the account closure decision and stated that the bank only wants to do business with organisations that share its values. The bank statement mentioned that the bank values such as tolerance and inclusiveness are an important part of a strong community. It is worth mentioning here that the neighbours of the proposed Mosque project were interviewed and asked about their opinion regarding the construction of the Mosque. The vast majority said that they have no problem with that.

Racial Discrimination Act The RDA has been working well in its current form and supports multiculturalism and a harmonious community. The burden of proof bar for the existing legislation is already very difficult to reach, so any proposed watering down would be a serious problem. The current legislation has also been very useful in helping to remove hate speech in the online world. We would not like to see this removed. The proposition that people should be free to be bigots is not one which we support. There is no need to change the legislation other than to strengthen by adding religion into the protections. Freedom of speech is an important, but not absolute, right. It is limited for good reason in several areas, such as defamation, libel and sexual discrimination, as well as racial discrimination. Hate speech based on race, ethnicity or religion should be deplored and all members of society should be protected from it. For many of our community, wearing a hijab or other symbol of religious observance may make them feel like they are wearing a target for abuse. For effective freedom of religion, people should be able to practice their faith without fear, intolerance or vilification. Al Azhar University Al Azhar University is running Islamic Studies Scholarships. The program offers four Muslim students the opportunity to complete one year of study at the Muslim world’s first and most prestigious Islamic University in Cairo, Egypt. To register contact ICV via (03) 9328 2067 or the email below. Prison Chaplaincy Imam Training The Islamic Council of Victoria’s Prison Chaplaincy program trained 10 Turkish Imams from Diyanet Broadmeadows Mosque as part of building community support for Muslim prisoners across Victoria. The 10 Imams are now qualified to service 474 Muslim prisoners currently staying in the state’s 13 prisons. As always, I welcome any feedback on this article or any of the activities being undertaken by the ICV. Feel free to contact me via email at: admin@ icv.org.au



¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014

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Rally for Turkish

PM a Success!


Masjid Ibrahim WA To Donate Masjid Ibrahim: Account Name: Masjid Ibrahim BSB: 246 600. Account#: 470 553 975 Bank Name: CITIBANK Masjid Ibrahim Contacts:

An estimated 6000-plus strong Muslim crowd attended the “Rally Respecting the Will of the People in Turkey” on Friday 18th April 2014 (Good Friday) in Broadmeadows (Hume City Precinct Car park). The event hosted the live stream (delayed) address of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. A Muslim leader who has

Br. Zakaria Patel :0412 785 919 Br. Talha Patel :0421 212 440 Sheikh Burhaan Mehtar: 0452 217 866 Sheikh Shabbir Moosa: 0416 153 786 Group e-mail: masjidibrahim@iinet.net.au

Horsham Mosque VIC

• brought forth a vision and courage to reinvent modern Turkey • given inspiration, confidence, hope and opportunities to millions • In a little over a decade has transformed the country - where there is now a new epoch: before Tayyip & after Tayyip • He has revitalised the Ottoman spirit. ICV General Manager Nail Aykan was the Master of Ceremony and gave the opening welcome, saying “It is a true honour to be able to present arguably the most successful prime minister of the republic of turkey and perhaps the most important muslim leader in the world today, Recep Tayyip Erdogan”. “We gather here in Broadmeadows, where Recep Tayyip Erdogan is no stranger to many, where he presented in person on two occasions, one before becoming prime minister in Jan 2000 and once as prime minister in Dec 2005 – and by popular demand we invited him back here today. “This is a pioneering first for us. We share today not a victory of a politician or a political party but a celebration respecting the will of the people. we come together after the conclusion of elections to unite as a community and afford the elected representatives the peace to govern for all. Times have surely changed. The people wanted a change. Recep Tayyip Erdogan represents that change”. In a 12 minute speech the Turkish PM said “from as far as Australia I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support and

‫ م‬2014 ‫ هـ ¿ نيسان‬1435 ‫ ¿ جمادي الثاني‬42 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

ICV General Manager Nail Aykan

ICV Vice President Mohamad Tabiaat

prayers for our democracy and stability and for backing the will of the people and the ballot box. Right now I would have loved to be amongst you there in Melbourne to share your sincerity and excitement. In spite of the distance between us, believe me I feel that I am there amongst you in person” Further adding “to us there is no difference at all between our brothers living in Melbourne to those living in Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Today there is much pain and suffering being felt in both Syria and Egypt. We have been striving to relive the pain and suffering of almost 800,000 Syrians who have been forced to seek refuge in our country. Unfortunately as much as we provide safety and shelter for the Syrians and share the misery and plight of the Syrian and Egyptian peoples, there are some out there who are unhappy with our stance. However the bond of brotherhood amongst us has reached very high levels. Together we will all soon witness a major turning point in the progress of the will of the Muslim peoples around the world”. The ICV Vice President Mohamad Tabiaat spoke on behalf of the peak council, who spoke with so much passion and from the heart, his speech went viral on social media.

Horsham is a country town 300 km towards west from Melbourne and on the Western Highway, connecting Melbourne with Adelaide. Still $107,000 needed to complete the masjid! Donation: Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)

Account Name: Horsham Islamic Welfare Association BSB NO: 06 3514 Account No: 1042 4265 All donations are tax deductible – endorsed by ATO. For receipts please contact Dr. Mahabubur Mollah on: 0427 331 088 or at Mahabubur.Mollah@depi.vic.gov. au

Australian Islamic Centre

It is with great pleasure that we announce the start of construction works at the new Australian Islamic Centre. Please donate generously to make this dream come true soon.

Bank: commonwealth bank of Australia BSB: 063 571 Account No.: 1020 2457 Account Name: Newport Islamic Society Building Fund

Emir Sultan Mosque VIC Please donate Emir Sultan Mosque: National Australia Bank Emir Sultan Mosque Fund BOB: 083214

ACC: 858854656 May Allah (S.W.T) accept your donations in helping us build a centre for us our children and for the many generations to come.

Mosque in Perth Victoria Police new cameras to catch phone use from 700m away VICTORIA Police has started using new traffic cameras to catch drivers who use hand held devices. Police memebrs operating those cameras can zoom in and snap offending drivers from 700m away, way long before motorists can spot the camera. Mobile phone users caught by the hi-tech traffic cameras will be hit with a $433 fine and get four demerit points. Assistant Commissioner Hill said police received the cameras last year, and officers were now sufficiently trained to use them on the roads..

Ummah Projects Perth City Musallah Association is looking for donations to help purchase a 193m2 land at 163581 Hay St, Perth for $1.4 million to build a mosque. The current

musallah at London Crt and King St are not longer adequate for Jumuah prayers. Please made donations to: Perth City Musallah Inc Bank West BSB: 306 188 - Account: 002 9933

This column is proudly sponsored by AFIC

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ARABIC & ENGLISH NEWSPAPER ¿ Issue 42 ¿ Jumada Al-Thani 1435 ¿ April 2014

Bendigo Bank made a decision to close the account of anti-mosque group

The Islamic College of Brisbane sets the standard for engagement


The Canberra Islamic Centre after vandalism attack


Rally for Turkish PM a Success!



39 New ICV VicePresident



Prophet Muhammad was an Orphan.

31 Malek Fahd Islamic School THE HIGHEST ATAR WAS 99.65 18


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