August 2015

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‫وكذلك جعلناكم �أمة و�سطا‬

‫شرح مختصر‬ ‫لمناسك الحج‬ ‫‪20‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م‬

‫‪ ¿‬‬

‫مفتي استراليا يكرم قادة‬ ‫حزب العمال االسترالي على‬ ‫مواقفهم الداعمة لفلسطين‬

‫الفساد بالعراق‬ ‫يلتهم ‪ 450‬مليار‬ ‫دوالر خالل ‪ 12‬عاما‬

‫(وقف الوالدين)‬ ‫أول وقف من نوعه في‬ ‫أستراليا بقيمة ‪ 8‬مليون دوالر‬




‫اإلعالن عن اطالق‬

‫«أوقــاف اســـتراليا»‬

‫�ضمن فعاليات �إطالقها الر�سمي نظمت”�أوقاف �أ�ستراليا"‬ ‫م�ؤتمرا علميا هو االول من نوعه في �أ�ستراليا وذلك يومي‬ ‫ال�سبت والأح��د ‪ 8‬و ‪� 9‬أغ�سط�س‪�/‬آب الجاري‪ ،‬بال�شراكة مع (ال ِ‬ ‫أمانة‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫العامة لل ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫و(المعهد‬ ‫و(البنك الإ�سالمي للتنمية)‬ ‫أوقاف بدولة الكويت)‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫وبم�شاركة ممثلي م�ؤ�س�سات الأوق��اف‬ ‫الإ�سالمي للبحوث والتدريب)‬


‫للعام الخامس‬ ‫على التوالي‬ ‫ملبورن‬ ‫أفضل مدينة‬ ‫للمعيشة‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫والمالية الإ�سالمية في تركيا‪ ،‬وماليزيا‪ ،‬و�سنغافورة‪ ،‬وبح�ضور نخبة‬ ‫من الأكاديميين والباحثين من داخل �أ�ستراليا وخارجِ ها‪ ،‬وذلك تحت‬ ‫�شعار‪( :‬دو ِر الوقف في تمكين الم�ؤ�س�سات والمجتمعات في �أ�ستراليا)‬ ‫ر�ؤية ع�صرية للعمل الخيري في ا�ستراليا‪ :‬الإدارة واال�ستثمار م�ؤ�س�سة‬ ‫الوقف نموذجا‪.‬‬


‫‪ 15‬ألفا من القوى‬ ‫العاملة لتنفيذ‬ ‫خطة موسم الحج‬ ‫في الحرمين‬ ‫الشريفين‬


‫حيث جمع الم�ؤتمر نخبة من الخبراء والمتخ�ص�صين العالميين‬ ‫والمحليين في مجال الوقف والمالية الإ�سالمية‪.‬‬ ‫كان هذا الحدث الهام والفريد من نوعه من�صة لنقا�ش جاد واجتهاد‬ ‫جماعي في �إحياء وتفعيل �سنة الوقف بمفهومها المعا�صر تمهيدا لطرح‬ ‫ت�صور م�ستقبلي لإيجاد و�سائل تمويل م�ستدامة للأجيال القادمة‪.‬‬

‫(اسرائيل)‬ ‫تسعى العتبار‬ ‫(المرابطين)‬ ‫في األقصى‬ ‫تنظيما محظورا‬


‫االكتشاف‬ ‫المبكر للسرطان‬ ‫يضاعف‬ ‫فرص النجاة‬ ‫ثالثة أضعاف‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬

‫للعام الخامس على التوالي‬


‫أفضل مدينة للمعيشة‬ ‫ت�صدرت مدينة ملبورن عا�صمة والية‬ ‫فيكتوريا الأ�سترالية مرة �أخرى ت�صنيف‬ ‫وح��دة المعلومات االقت�صادية ك�أف�ضل‬ ‫مدينة للمعي�شة في العالم‪ ،‬وذلك للعام الخام�س على‬ ‫التوالي‪ ،‬وت�أتي ملبورن في المراكز الخم�سة الأولى‬ ‫منذ انطالق الت�صنيف في العام ‪.2002‬‬ ‫ويقيم الت�صنيف ال�سنوي ال�ظ��روف المعي�شية في‬ ‫‪ 140‬دولة حول العالم في خم�س فئات هي اال�ستقرار‬ ‫والرعاية ال�صحية والثقافة والبيئة والتعليم والبنية‬ ‫التحتية‪ .‬وحافظت ملبورن على مكانتها بعالمة ‪100‬‬ ‫في الرعاية ال�صحية والتعليم والبنية التحتية من‬ ‫�ضمنها محفظة الثقافة والبيئة‪ ،‬بالإ�ضافة �إلى عالمة‬ ‫‪ 100‬في الريا�ضة التي ت�شير �إل��ى م��دى اال�ستثمار‬ ‫الحكومي الم�ستمر في هذه القطاعات‪.‬‬ ‫وتعليق ًا على الت�صنيف‪ ،‬قال دانيل �آن��دروز‪ ،‬رئي�س‬ ‫وزراء حكومة والية فيكتوريا‪“ :‬مرة �أخرى حافظت‬ ‫ملبورن على �صدارة الت�صنيف‪ ،‬ما ي�ؤكد �أننا نقدم‬ ‫ف��ي فيكتوريا الأف�ضل ف��ي ك��ل ��ش��يء‪ .‬توفر ملبورن‬ ‫�أ�سلوب معي�شة مميزا ي�ضم �أف�ضل الفعاليات الكبرى‬ ‫والريا�ضية منها و�أه��م الفنانين والعقول المبدعة‬

‫والجامعات وال�م��دار���س ورواد الأع �م��ال والأف �ك��ار‪،‬‬ ‫�إ�ضافة �إل��ى البنية التحتية المتميزة واالقت�صاد‬ ‫القوي‪”.‬‬ ‫و�أ�ضاف �آن��دروز‪“ :‬علينا �أن ن�ستثمر في الم�ستقبل‬ ‫لكي نحافظ على مكانة ملبورن‪ ،‬وقد قامت حكومة‬ ‫ال��والي��ة با�ستثمار ‪ 20‬م�ل�ي��ار دوالر �أ��س�ت��رال��ي في‬ ‫م�شروعات البنية التحتية والنقل الكبرى و‪5.4‬‬ ‫م �ل �ي��ارات دوالر �أ� �س �ت��رال��ي �إ��ض��اف�ي��ة ف��ي ال��رع��اي��ة‬ ‫ال�صحية والتعليم‪ ،‬وذلك لتوفير المزيد من فر�ص‬ ‫العمل والنمو االقت�صادي‪� .‬إن تعديلنا م�ؤخر ًا �إلى‬ ‫عالمة “فيكتوريا” �سي�ضمن �أن تبقى والية فيكتوريا‬ ‫وعا�صمتها ملبورن موقع ح�سد من العالم حين يتعلق‬ ‫الأمر باالقت�صاد والتنوع الثقافي والفعاليات العالمية‬ ‫الم�ستوى وبالطبع م�ستوى المعي�شة‪”.‬‬ ‫الجدير بالذكر �أن��ه ومنذ ت�صدرها التن�صيف في‬ ‫ال���س�ن��وات الخم�س الما�ضية‪ ،‬ارت �ف��ع ع��دد ال��زوار‬ ‫الدوليين �إلى المدينة بن�سبة ‪ %8.0‬كل عام‪ ،‬مقارنة‬ ‫مع المعدل الوطني بن�سبة ‪� %4.7‬سنوي ًا‪ .‬كما ارتفع‬ ‫�إن�ف��اق ال�سياح بن�سبة ‪ ،%8.8‬مقارنة م��ع المعدل‬ ‫الوطني ‪� %5.2‬سنوي ًا‪.‬‬

‫رئيس التحرير‪ :‬فواز شوك‬ ‫• سكرتير التحرير‪ :‬عبد المهيمن قمر الدين‬ ‫• مستشار التحرير‪ :‬قيصر طراد‬ ‫• سيدني‪ :‬فادي الحاج‪ ،‬عبد الجبار موالي‬ ‫• اداليد‪ :‬احمد زريقة • كانبرا‪ :‬طارق الشيخ‬ ‫• بريزبن‪ :‬جمال النعمان‬ ‫صفحة القرن االفريقي‪ :‬ياسر محمود‬

‫‪Al Wasat newspaper‬‬ ‫تصدر عن شبكة الوسط االعالمية‪ ‬‬ ‫‪Tel.: +61 4 3020 4076‬‬ ‫‪Address: Suite B11 The Gateway,‬‬ ‫‪Broadmeadows 3047‬‬ ‫‪• Postal Address: Po Box.: 5178, Cairnlea Vic 3023‬‬

‫يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬


‫ﺑﻔﻀﻞ ا� ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ ﺛﻢ ﻣﻦ ﺧﻼل ﺗﺒﺮﻋﺎﺗﻜﻢ اﻟﻜﺮﻳﻤﺔ اﺳﺘﻄﻌﻨﺎ اﻟﻌﺎم‬ ‫اﻟﻤﺎﺿﻲ ﻣﻦ إﻃﻌﺎم ‪ 1.7‬ﻣﻠﻴﻮن ﻣﺤﺘﺎج و ﻓﻘﻴﺮ ﺣﻮل اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ!‬

‫أﺿﺤﻴﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﻌﻴﺪ‬


‫‪Eid Mubarak‬‬

‫ﻗﺎل اﻟﻨﺒﻲ ) (‪” :‬ﻳﺎ أﻳﻬﺎ اﻟﻨﺎس إن ﻋﻠﻰ‬ ‫ﻛﻞ أﻫﻞ ﺑﻴﺖ ﻓﻲ ﻛﻞ ﻋﺎم أﺿﺤﻴﺔ“‬

‫‪ -‬رواه أﺣﻤﺪ‬

‫ﺗﺬﺑﺢ ا�ﺿﺎﺣﻲ وﺗﺸﺤﻦ وﺗﻮزع ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻤﺤﺘﺎﺟﻴﻦ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺪول اﻟﺘﺎﻟﻴﺔ‪:‬‬

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‫ﻓﻠﺴﻄﻴﻦ‬ ‫ﻟﺒﻨﺎن‬ ‫اﻟﺒﻮﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫أ�ردن‬ ‫ﻣﺼﺮ‬ ‫ﻛﻤﺒﻮدﻳﺎ‬ ‫ﻧﻴﺒﺎل‬ ‫أﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺎ‬

‫ﺳﻮرﻳﺎ‬ ‫ﻻﺟﺌﻲ ﺑﻮرﻣﺎ‬ ‫ﻛﻮﺳﻮﻓﺎ‬ ‫ﻓﻴﺠﻲ‬ ‫ﺑﻨﻐﻼدﻳﺶ‬ ‫اﻟﻬﻨﺪ‬ ‫ﺳﻴﺮﻳﻼﻧﻜﺎ‬ ‫اﻟﺴﻮدان‬

‫)و اﻟﻼﺟﺌﻴﻦ(‬

‫اﻟﻌﺮاق‬ ‫أﻓﻐﺎﻧﺴﺘﺎن‬ ‫ﻛﺸﻤﻴﺮ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﻛﺴﺘﺎن‬ ‫ﺗﻮﻧﺲ‬ ‫اﻟﺼﻮﻣﺎل‬ ‫إرﻳﺘﺮﻳﺎ‬ ‫ﺟﺰر ﺳﻠﻴﻤﺎن‬

‫ﺳﻌﺮ‬ ‫ا�ﺿﺤﻴﺔ‬



‫ﺗﻮزع ﻋﻠﻰ ‪24‬‬ ‫دوﻟﺔ!‬

‫ﻟﻠﻤﺴﺎﻫﻤﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺸﺮوع ا�ﺿﺎﺣﻲ ﻳﺮﺟﻰ ا�ﺗﺼﺎل ﻋﻠﻰ‪1300 760 155 :‬‬ ‫أو زوروا ﻣﻮﻗﻊ اﻟﻬﻴﺌﺔ ا�ﻟﻜﺘﺮوﻧﻲ‪ :‬‬ ‫‪Adelaide Office:‬‬ ‫‪1/53 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End SA 5031‬‬ ‫‪Ph: (08) 7200 2882 Fax: (08) 7131 9209‬‬

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‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬

‫تحت عنوان «دور الوقف في تمكين‬ ‫المؤسسات والمجتمعات في استراليا» تم اإلعالن عن اطالق‬

‫«أوقــاف استراليا»‬

‫أوقاف استراليا‬

‫���ض��م��ن ف��ع��ال��ي��ات �إط�لاق��ه��ا‬ ‫ال��ر���س��م��ي نظمت”�أوقاف‬ ‫�أ�ستراليا" م�ؤتمرا علميا هو‬ ‫االول من نوعه في �أ�ستراليا وذلك يومي‬ ‫ال�سبت والأح����د ‪ 8‬و ‪� 9‬أغ�سط�س‪�/‬آب‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫الجاري‪ ،‬بال�شراكة مع (ال ِ‬ ‫العامة‬ ‫أمانة‬ ‫��اف ب��دول��ة ال��ك��وي��ت) و(ال��ب��ن� ِ‬ ‫ل�ل��أوق� ِ‬ ‫�ك‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫و(المعهد الإ�سالمي‬ ‫الإ�سالمي للتنمية)‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫وبم�شاركة ممثلي‬ ‫للبحوث والتدريب)‬ ‫م�ؤ�س�سات الأوق��اف والمالية الإ�سالمية‬ ‫في تركيا‪ ،‬وماليزيا‪ ،‬و�سنغافورة‪ ،‬وبح�ضور‬ ‫نخبة من الأكاديميين والباحثين من‬

‫�أهداف الم�ؤتمر‬ ‫• �إح �ي��اء �سنة الوقف‬ ‫ون�شر ثقافته و�إب��راز دوره في توفير‬ ‫م���ص��ادر دع��م م�ستدامة وتمكين‬ ‫م �ج �ت �م �ع��ات الأق� �ل� �ي ��ات ال�م���س�ل�م��ة‬ ‫وم�ؤ�س�ساتها ب�صفة خا�صة وعموم‬ ‫المجتمع‪.‬‬ ‫• الإ�ستفادة من تجارب م�ؤ�س�سات‬ ‫وق �ف �ي��ة ع��ال�م�ي��ة رائ� ��دة م��ن خ�لال‬ ‫المقارنات المرجعية ونقل المعرفة‬ ‫والإط�ل�اع على �أف�ضل الممار�سات‬ ‫وذلك من �أجل �إنطالقة قوية مبنية‬ ‫على �أ�س�س متينة ت�سهم في �إنجاح‬ ‫التجربة الوليدة لأوقاف �أ�ستراليا‪.‬‬

‫داخ��ل �أ�ستراليا وخارجِ ها‪ ،‬وذل��ك تحت‬ ‫�شعار‪( :‬دو ِر الوقف في تمكين الم�ؤ�س�سات‬ ‫والمجتمعات في �أ�ستراليا) ر�ؤية ع�صرية‬ ‫للعمل الخيري في ا�ستراليا‪ :‬الإدارة‬ ‫واال�ستثمار م�ؤ�س�سة الوقف نموذجا‪.‬‬ ‫حيث جمع الم�ؤتمر نخبة من الخبراء‬ ‫والمتخ�ص�صين العالميين والمحليين في‬ ‫مجال الوقف والمالية الإ�سالمية‪.‬‬ ‫كان هذا الحدث الهام والفريد من نوعه‬ ‫من�صة لنقا�ش جاد واجتهاد جماعي في‬ ‫�إح��ي��اء وتفعيل �سنة الوقف بمفهومها‬ ‫المعا�صر تمهيدا لطرح ت�صور م�ستقبلي‬ ‫لإيجاد و�سائل تمويل م�ستدامة للأجيال‬ ‫القادمة‪.‬‬

‫محاور الم�ؤتمر‬ ‫�شمل ج��دول الم�ؤتمر ثالثة محاور‬ ‫رئ �ي �� �س��ة م ��ن خ �ل�ال م �ح��ا� �ض��رات‬ ‫وم��داخ�لات وجل�سات ح��واري��ة وهي‬ ‫كالأتي‪:‬‬ ‫المحور الأول‪ :‬الأبعاد المقا�صدية‪،‬‬ ‫والفقهية‪ ،‬والت�شريعية للوقف‬ ‫• التجديد في م�ؤ�س�سة الوقف فقها‬ ‫وت�شريعا و�إدارة‬ ‫• مقا�صد الوقف ومجاالته و�أبعاده‬ ‫المعا�صرة‬ ‫• الإدارة المعا�صرة لم�ؤ�س�سة الوقف‬ ‫وحوكمتها‬ ‫• اال�ستثمار المعا�صر للوقف‪ :‬ر�ؤى‬ ‫فقهية واقت�صادية‬

‫رئي�س مجل�س �إدارة �أوقاف �أ�ستراليا ال�شيخ عبد ال�سالم محمد زود‬ ‫ت���ن���اول ال��م ��ؤت��م��ر وع��ل��ى م���دى يومين‬ ‫ك��ام��ل��ي��ن �أه���م ال��م��وا���ض��ي��ع ال��ت��ي تتعلق‬ ‫بالجوانب الفقهية والقانونية والإدراية‬ ‫والإ�ستثمارية الخا�صة ب��الأوق��اف في‬

‫المحور الثاني‪ :‬م�ؤ�س�سة الوقف في‬ ‫�أ�ستراليا‪ ،‬الواقع و�آفاق الم�ستقبل‬ ‫• ا�ست�شراف �آف��اق م�ؤ�س�سة الوقف‬ ‫في ا�ستراليا‬ ‫• تطوير م�ؤ�س�سة الوقف في �أ�ستراليا‬ ‫في �ضوء تجارب العمل الخيري‬ ‫• القوانين المنظمة للم�ؤ�س�سات‬ ‫ال �خ �ي��ري��ة ف ��ي ا� �س �ت��رال �ي��ا وم ��دى‬ ‫مواءمتها لم�ؤ�س�سة الوقف‪.‬‬ ‫المحور الثالث‪ :‬تجارب رائ��دة في‬ ‫�إدارة وا�ستثمار الأوقاف‬ ‫• تجربة الوقف في �سنغفورا‬ ‫• � �ص �ن��ادي��ق الأوق� � ��اف ال �ن �ق��دي��ة ‪:‬‬ ‫التجربة الماليزية‬ ‫• تجربة البنك الإ�سالمي للتنمية‪:‬‬

‫الأ�ستاذ �سمير بن قا�ضي المدير التنفيذي لأوقاف �أ�ستراليا‬

‫�أ�ستراليا من خالل مجموعة منتقاة من‬ ‫محا�ضرات وعرو�ض وجل�سات حوارية‪.‬‬ ‫كما رك��ز الم�ؤتمر على الإ�ستفادة من‬ ‫ال��ن��ج��اح��ات ال��ت��ي حققتها م�ؤ�س�سات‬

‫تفعيل دور الوقف في خدمة الأمة‬ ‫• تجربة الأمانة العامة للأوقاف في‬ ‫دولة الكويت‬ ‫• تجربة �أوقاف تركيا‬ ‫• اال�ستثمار المعا�صر للوقف‪ :‬تجربة‬ ‫�صندوق ا�ستثمار ممتلكات الوقف‬ ‫• حلقة نقا�ش ع��ام��ة ح��ول تطوير‬ ‫الأوقاف في �أ�سترالي‪.‬‬ ‫وقد �شارك في الم�ؤتمر كل من‪:‬‬

‫• ال �� �س �ي��د م �ن �� �ص��ور خ ��ال ��د ال���ص�ق�ع�ب��ي‬

‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫والعالقات‬ ‫الدرا�سات‬ ‫مديرِ �إدار ِة‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ال �خ��ارج �ي � ِة م�م�ث��ل الأم��ان��ة العامة‬ ‫للأوقاف بدولة الكويت‬ ‫ممثل ِ‬ ‫• الدكتور دي��اب ك��رار َ‬ ‫البنك‬ ‫الإ�سالمي للتنمية‬

‫وق��ف��ي��ة ع��ال��م��ي��ة رائ�����دة ف���ي م��ن��اط��ق‬ ‫مختلفة من العالم منها المملكة العربية‬ ‫ال�سعودية‪،،‬الكويت‪ ،‬تركيا‪ ،‬ماليزيا‪،‬‬ ‫�سنغافورة‪ ،‬وم�ؤ�س�سات �أخرى‪.‬‬

‫• الدكتور عبد القادر �شا�شي ممثل‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫المعهد الإ�سالمي للبحوث والتدريب‬ ‫• ال�سيد دات ��وك ع�ن��ان ب��ن محمد‬ ‫ال �م��دي��ر ال��ع��ام ل�ل��أوق ��اف وال �ح��ج‬ ‫والزكاة بماليزيا‬ ‫• ال�سيد محمد ع��ازم عبد العزيز‬ ‫مدير �أول �أوقاف �سنغافورة‬ ‫• ال�سيد داوود غ��ازي بنلي مدير‬ ‫العالقات الخارجية لأوقاف تركيا‬ ‫• ال��دك�ت��ور محمد عبد اهلل مدير‬ ‫وم�ؤ�س�س مركز البحوث الإ�سالمية‬ ‫بجامعة جريفث‬ ‫• الأ�ستاذ طاهر م�شراوي‪� /‬ألقى‬ ‫ورق��ة عمل الدكتور العيا�شي فداد‬ ‫كبير الباحثين في البنك الإ�سالمي‬ ‫للتنمية‬

‫• الدكتورة ثمينة �أ�شرف خبيرة في‬ ‫الأوقاف ‪ /‬نيوزيالند‬ ‫• الأ� �س �ت��اذ ال�م�ي��ر ك ��والن م�ؤ�س�س‬ ‫المركز الأ�سترالي للمالية الإ�سالمية‬ ‫• الأ� �س �ت��اذ م� ��ازول �شهير محمد‬ ‫ممثل الأكادمية الأ�سالمية للبحوث‬ ‫ال�شرعية التابعة للبنك المركزي‬ ‫الماليزي‬ ‫• المحامي برو�س روبن�سون‬ ‫• المحامية �سروى عبد الرحيم‬ ‫ا�ضافة الى عدد كبير من فعاليات‬ ‫الجالية اال�سالمية في ا�ستراليا‪.‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬

‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫والعالقات‬ ‫الدرا�سات‬ ‫ال�سيد من�صور خالد ال�صقعبي مدي ِر �إدار ِة‬ ‫الخارجي ِة في الأمانة العامة للأوقاف بدولة الكويت‬

‫ال�سيد محمد عازم عبد العزيز مدير �أول �أوقاف �سنغافورة‬

‫وق��د ت�ح��دث ال�شيخ عبد ال�سالم‬ ‫محمد زود رئ�ي����س مجل�س �إدارة‬ ‫�أوق� ��اف �أ��س�ت��رال�ي��ا خ�ل�ال ال �ن��دوة‬ ‫حيث اعتبر ان الوقف هو”من �أروع‬ ‫الإ�ضافات الح�ضارية التي �أ�ضافها‬ ‫ر� �س��ول اهلل �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم‬ ‫للإن�سانية‪ ،‬ف َق ْبل الإ�سالم لم يكن‬ ‫�أح� � ٌد ي�ع��رف �شي ًئا ع��ن ه��ذا العمل‬ ‫الجليل‪ ،‬حتى �سنَّه ر�سول اهلل لهذه‬ ‫الأم� ��ة‪ ،‬وق� � َّدم الكثي َر الكثي َر عبر‬ ‫تاريخه الطويل‪،‬وكان له الدور الكبير‬ ‫في تنمية المجتمع وتطويره‪ ،‬وانت�شار‬ ‫الإ�� �س�ل�ام ودع� ��م م���ش��اري�ع��ه‪،‬ح�ت��ى‬ ‫�صارت ميزانيته ت�ضاهي ميزانية‬ ‫الدول"‪.‬‬ ‫و�شدد ال�شيخ زود على اهمية الوقف‬ ‫الإ�سالمي”لما له من طبيعة بنَّاءة‪،‬‬ ‫وم �� �س �ت � ِق � َّر ٍة و� �ش��ام �ل��ة وم�ح�ف��وظ��ة‪،‬‬ ‫الركن‬ ‫�وم �أن يكون‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ف�إنه يمكنه ال�ي� َ‬ ‫االق �ت �� �ص��ادي ال��رك �ي��ن‪ ،‬ف��ي �إ��س�ن��اد‬ ‫ودع� ��م ال�م���س�ل�م�ي��ن �أي �ن �م��ا ك��ان��وا‪،‬‬ ‫وخا�صة ال ِ‬ ‫أقليات الم�سلم ِة في الغرب‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ع�م��وم��ا‪ ،‬الأم � � ُر ال ��ذي َح� َم�ل�ن��ا على‬ ‫التفكير الجا ِّد منذ �سنوات في �إن�شاء‬ ‫�أوق� ٍ‬ ‫�اف للم�سلمين في ه��ذه البالد‪،‬‬ ‫تُم ِّكنهم من تنظيم �ش�ؤونهم‪ ،‬وتنميةِ‬ ‫�أم��وال�ه��م‪ ،‬وا�ستقرا ِر م�ؤ�س�ساتهم‪،‬‬ ‫ِوم � � ْ�ن ه �ن��ا ك��ان��ت ف �ك��رة ت��أ��س�ي����س‬ ‫(�أوقاف �أ�ستراليا)”‪.‬‬ ‫واك� ��د ال �� �ش �ي��خ زود”ان �أوق � � ُ‬ ‫�اف‬ ‫�أ��س�ت��رال�ي��ا للجميع‪ ،‬و�أن م�ستقبل‬ ‫الوقف �سيكون زاه��ر ًا �إن �شاء اهلل‬ ‫�ام ب��ه وفُهم‬ ‫تعالى‪� ،‬إذا ت��م االه�ت�م� ُ‬ ‫على حقيقته‪ ،‬و�سيكونُ راف��د ًا قوي ًا‬ ‫للجالية‪ ،‬وب��اب � ًا م��ن �أب� ��واب تنمية‬ ‫الم�صادر المالية‪ ،‬ورافد ًا من روافد‬ ‫ن�شر العلم والثقافة”‪.‬‬ ‫أو�ض َح �أن”(�أوقاف �أ�ستراليا)‪،‬‬ ‫كما � ِّ‬ ‫ُت��ق��در وت �ث� ِّ�م� ُ�ن ع �م��ل ال�م��ؤ��س���س��ات‬ ‫الإ�سالمية‪ ،‬والإجتماعية والخيرية‬ ‫التي �سبقتها �إل��ى الميدان‪ ،‬وتعتبر‬ ‫نف�سها مك ِّمال لعملها‪ ،‬وداع�م��ا له‪،‬‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫�شراكات ا�ستراتيجي ٍة‬ ‫وت�صبو �إل��ى‬ ‫ومالي ٍة مع تلك الم�ؤ�س�سات‪ ،‬تَرجع‬ ‫بالنفع على جاليتنا ومجتمعنا �إن‬ ‫�شاء اهلل تعالى”‪.‬‬ ‫كما �أك��د الأ�ستاذ �سمير بن قا�ضي‬ ‫المدير التنفيذي لأوق��اف �أ�ستراليا‬ ‫ان االوق � ��اف "تطمح �أن ت�صبح‬ ‫م ��ؤ� �س �� �س��ة م �ت �م �ي��زة ورائ� � ��دة في‬ ‫ا�ستثمار الوقف و�صرف ريعه ون�شر‬ ‫ثقافته م��ن خ�ل�ال ع�م��ل م�ؤ�س�سي‬ ‫متميز وم���س�ت��دام وب��ال���ش��راك��ة مع‬

‫الدكتور دياب كرار ممث َل ِ‬ ‫البنك الإ�سالمي للتنمية‬

‫ال�سيد داوود غازي بنلي مدير العالقات الخارجية لأوقاف تركيا‬

‫من أهداف المؤتمر‪:‬‬ ‫�إحياء �سنة الوقف ون�شر‬ ‫ثقافته و�إبراز دوره في توفير‬ ‫م�صادر دعم م�ستدامة وتمكين‬ ‫مجتمعات الأقليات الم�سلمة‬ ‫وم�ؤ�س�ساتها ب�صفة خا�صة‬ ‫وعموم المجتمع‪.‬‬ ‫الم�ؤ�س�سات والجهات ذات ال�صلة"‬ ‫م�ضيفا "�إن جهودنا خالل ال�سنوات‬ ‫القليلة المقبلة �ستتركز على البناء‬ ‫الم�ؤ�س�سي و�إي �ج��اد �أط ��ر وا�ضحة‬ ‫و�شفافة لحوكمة ر�شيدة وتطبيق‬ ‫�أف�ضل الممار�سات في تنمية �أ�صول‬ ‫وقفية ج��دي��دة وم�ستدامة و�إدارة‬ ‫وا� �س �ت �ث �م��ار وت ��وزي ��ع ري �ع �ه��ا‪ ،‬وف��ق‬ ‫ال�ضوابط ال�شرعية و�ضمن الأط��ر‬ ‫القانونية المعمول ب��ه‪ ،‬وب�شراكة‬ ‫وثيقة مع الجهات المعنية‪.‬‬ ‫ام� ��ا م ��دي ��رِ �إدار ِة ال ��درا�� �س � ِ‬ ‫�ات‬ ‫والعالقات الخارجي ِة َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ممثل الأمانة‬ ‫ال �ع��ام��ة ل�ل��أوق ��اف ب��دول��ة ال�ك��وي��ت‬ ‫ال�سيد من�صور خ��ال��د ال�صقعبي‬ ‫فقدم �شكره الوقاف ا�ستراليا وقال‬ ‫ف��ي كلمته”انطالقا م��ن الت�شريف‬ ‫الذي حظيت به دولة الكويت ممثلة‬ ‫بالأمانة العامة للأوقاف بتكليفها‬ ‫بدور”الدولة المن�سقة لجهود الدول‬ ‫الإ� �س�لام �ي��ة ف ��ي م �ج��ال الوقف”‬ ‫بموجب ق��رار م�ؤتمر وزراء �أوق��اف‬ ‫ال � ��دول الإ� �س�لام �ي��ة ال� ��ذي ان�ع�ق��د‬ ‫بالعا�صمة الإندوني�سية”جاكرتا” في‬ ‫�أكتوبر من �سنة ‪1997‬م‪ ،‬ي�سرنا في‬ ‫الأمانة العامة للأوقاف الم�ساهمة‬ ‫والم�شاركة في برنامج �إطالق �أوقاف‬ ‫�أ�ستراليا وذلك تحقيقا لهدف ن�شر‬ ‫�سنة الوقف النبوية ال�شريفة على‬ ‫م�ستوى العالم الإ�سالمي”‪ .‬وا�ضاف‬

‫قائال”�إننا لنفخر ب�إطالق م�ؤ�س�سة‬ ‫وقفية زميلة �ستمثل لنا مثاال طيبا‬ ‫على ال �ت��وازن بين حفظ الأ��ص��ال��ة‬ ‫الإ� �س�لام �ي��ة‪ ،‬والأخ� ��ذ بالمعا�صرة‬ ‫والتحديث‪ ،‬ه��ذا ف�ضال ع��ن تلبية‬ ‫ال�ضرورات الم�ستجدة والتطورات‬ ‫في العمل الوقفي‪.‬‬ ‫اما الدكتور عبد القادر �شا�شي ممثل‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫المعهد الإ�سالمي للبحوث والتدريب‬ ‫فقد تحدث ب�إ�سم ِ‬ ‫البنك الإ�سالمي‬ ‫للتنمية حيث توجه بال�شكر والتقدير‬ ‫�إلى الأمين العام لأوق��اف �أ�ستراليا‬ ‫ال���ش�ي��خ ع�ب��د ال �� �س�لام زود‪ ،‬و�إل ��ى‬ ‫مديرها التنفيذي ال�سيد �سمير بن‬ ‫قا�ضي‪ ،‬كما توجه بال�شكر والتقدير‬ ‫�إل��ى الأ� �س��ات��ذة المحا�ضرين وال��ى‬ ‫الم�شاركين في الندوة‪.‬‬ ‫واك� ��د ان”الوقف ف ��ي �شريعتنا‬ ‫م�ؤ�س�سة اجتماعية �إن�سانية‪ ،‬تعدت‬ ‫منافعه الأن �� �س��ان ال��ى المخلوقات‬ ‫الأخ � ��رى‪ ،‬وه��و يمثل واق �ع��ا عمليا‬ ‫للتفاعل الح�ضاري بين الأمم‪ .‬فقد‬ ‫نقلت الأم��م الأخ��رى �صيغة الوقف‬ ‫كنظام وم�ؤ�س�سات‪ ،‬وتم تبنيها في‬ ‫مجتمعاتهم وتطويرها واال�ستفادة‬


‫المفتي العام لأ�ستراليا الدكتور ابراهيم �أبومحمد‬

‫ال��دك �ت��ور ع�ب��د ال �ق��ادر ��ش��ا��ش��ي م�م�ث��ل ال�م�ع�ه� ِ�د الإ� �س�لام��ي‬ ‫للبحوث والتدريب‬

‫ال��دك�ت��ور محمد عبد اهلل مدير وم�ؤ�س�س مركز البحوث‬ ‫الإ�سالمية بجامعة جريفث‬

‫دات ��وك ع�ن��ان ب��ن محمد ال�م��دي��ر ال �ع��ام لل��أوق��اف وال�ح��ج‬ ‫والزكاة بماليزيا‬

‫الأ�ستاذ طاهر م�شراوي ‪� -‬أوقاف ا�ستراليا‬

‫ال�سيد المير ك��والن م�ؤ�س�س المركز الأ�سترالي للتمويل‬ ‫الإ�سالمي‬

‫المحامي برو�س روبن�سون‬

‫المحامية �سروى عبد الرحيم‬

‫منها‪ ،‬بل جعلت فكرة الوقف الأ�سا�س‬ ‫ل �ب �ن��اء ح �� �ض��ارة ع�ل�م�ي��ة ��ش��ام�خ��ة‪،‬‬ ‫وم�ؤ�س�سات مجتمعية و�إن�سانية رائدة‬ ‫في �أوروب��ا و�أمريكا‪ ،‬بل وفي �أرج��اء‬ ‫المعمورة"‪.‬‬ ‫وا�ضاف“ان ال � � ��دور ال���ري���ادي‬ ‫ال� ��ذي ق ��ام ب��ه ال��وق��ف ف��ي ت��أم�ي��ن‬ ‫االحتياجات الأ�سا�سية للأمة عبر‬ ‫ع�صور الح�ضارة الإ�سالمية دفع‬ ‫بم�ؤ�س�ستكم البنك الإ�سالمي للتنمية‬ ‫�إلى �إن�شاء �صندوق وقفي في البنك‪،‬‬ ‫للإ�سهام في تفعيل دور الوقف في‬ ‫الدول الأع�ضاء"‪.‬‬ ‫كما توجه بنداء”حار �إل��ى م��دراء‬ ‫ور�ؤ� � �س� ��اء ال �م ��ؤ� �س �� �س��ات ال��وق�ف�ي��ة‬ ‫والخيرية والثقافية في �أ�ستراليا �أن‬ ‫ي�شمروا عن �سواعد الجد‪ ،‬ويعملوا‬ ‫ل �ي�لا ون� �ه ��ارا‪ ،‬دون ك �ل��ل �أو م�ل��ل‪،‬‬ ‫ليبتكروا �أنماط ًا‪ ،‬ونماذج‪ ،‬و�أدوات‬ ‫جديدة‪ ،‬تُ�سهم في �إيجاد تطبيقات‬ ‫حديثة للوقف‪ ،‬تجتذب الواقفين‪،‬‬ ‫وت�� �ت�ل��اءم م� ��ع ظ� � ��روف ال �ع �� �ص��ر‬ ‫وال �ق��وان �ي��ن ال �� �س��ائ��دة‪ ،‬وم ��ع �أن ��واع‬ ‫الثروات الم�ستجدة في هذا الأمر"‪.‬‬

‫الأ�ستاذ م��ازول �شهير محمد ممثل الأكادمية الأ�سالمية‬ ‫للبحوث ال�شرعية التابعة للبنك المركزي الماليزي‬

‫مفتى عام القارة الأ�سترالية الدكتور‬

‫ابراهيم اب��و محمد ب��دوره اك��د ان‬ ‫م�شروع الوقف”هو خطوة جريئة‬ ‫وج�سورة ي�ستحق القائمون عليه كل‬ ‫ال�شكر والتقدير مرات ومرات"‪.‬‬ ‫كما اعتبر ان م���ش��روع ال��وق��ف في‬ ‫ا�ستراليا”ي�ضيف ب �ع��دا ج��دي��دا‬ ‫ه��و �إدراك ال ��ذات الإ��س�لام�ي��ة في‬ ‫ا��س�ت��رال�ي��ا لأه�م�ي��ة م�ساحة الفعل‬ ‫االهلى في تن�شيط وتوجيه اال�ستثمار‬ ‫في الإن�سان علما وتنمية و�أخالقا‬ ‫وح�ضارة"‪.‬‬

‫واكد الدكتور ابو محمد”ان التمويل‬ ‫الحقيقي والأه��م في هذا الم�شروع‬ ‫ه��و ال�ت�م��وي��ل الأخ�ل�اق ��ى وال��روح��ي‬ ‫والفقهي قبل الدوالر واليورو"‪.‬‬ ‫وقد تخلل الم�ؤتمر تقديم �شهادات‬ ‫تقدير لل�ضيوف الم�شاركين‪.‬‬

‫ال�شركاء الأ�ستراتيجيون‪:‬‬ ‫الأمانة العامة للأوقاف ‪/‬الكويت‬‫‪-‬البنك الإ�سالمي للتنمية‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬

‫المؤتمر السنوي لرابطة اهل السنة والجماعة‬ ‫‪ASWJ 2015 Annual Islamic Conference‬‬


‫ال�شيخ (ابو ايمن) محمد جمال عمران‬ ‫امين عام الرابطة في ا�ستراليا‬

‫ال�شيخ الدكتور محمد انور �صاحب‪.‬‬

‫ال�شيخ زهير عي�سى امام م�سجد االزهر‪/‬بلمور‬


‫عقدت رابطة اهل ال�سنة والجماعة في ا�ستراليا م�ؤتمرها‬ ‫ال�سنوي في م�سجد االزه��ر في بلمور‪�/‬سيدني على مدى‬ ‫ثالثة اي��ام ‪ 08 ،07:‬و ‪� 09‬آب ‪ 2015‬بح�ضور عدد كبير‬ ‫من ابناء الجالية اال�سالمية‪.‬وقد �شارك في الم�ؤتمر عدد من الدعاة‬ ‫والم�شايخ م��ن خ��ارج ا�ستراليا م��ن بينهم ال�شيخ ح�سن خليل من‬ ‫امريكا‪،‬ال�شيخ الدكتور محمد انور �صاحب من نيوزيالند‪ ،‬الداعية وائل‬ ‫ابراهيم من هونكونغ‪.‬‬ ‫اما من ا�ستراليا فقد ح�ضر الم�ؤتمر عدد من الدعاة والم�شايخ من‬ ‫بينهم ال�شيخ (ابو ايمن) محمد جمال عمران امين عام رابطة �أهل‬ ‫ال�سنة والجماعة في ا�ستراليا‪ ،‬ال�شيخ خالد عي�سى امين عام رابطة اهل‬ ‫ال�سنة والجماعة في �سدني‪ ،‬ال�شيخ زهير عي�سى امام م�سجد االزهر‬ ‫في بلمور‪.‬‬ ‫وقد قدم الم�شاركون في الم�ؤتمر العديد من المحا�ضرات‪.‬‬ ‫يذكر ان رابطة اهل ال�سنة والجماعة قد دابت الى تنظيم م�ؤتمرها‬ ‫ال�سنوي منذ العام ‪.2001‬‬

‫من اليمين‪ :‬ال�شيخ زهير عي�سى ام��ام م�سجد االزه��ر في بلمور‪،‬ال�شيخ‬ ‫خالد عي�سى امين عام رابطة اهل ال�سنة و الجماعة في �سيدني‪ ,‬ال�شيخ‬ ‫(ابو ايمن) محمد جمال عمران امين عام الرابطة في ا�ستراليا‬

‫من اليمين‪ :‬ال�شيخ ح�سن خليل‪ ،‬ال�شيخ الدكتور محمد انور �صاحب‪،‬‬ ‫الداعية وائل ابراهيم‬

‫تبرعك بإضحيتك‬ ‫يدخل السرور على قلوب الفقراء والمحتاجين‬ ‫ونحن على �أعتاب �شهر ذي الحجة وبحلول عيد‬ ‫الأ�ضحى المبارك �أعظم �أيام اهلل حيث يحتفل‬ ‫الم�سلمون فى م�شارق الأر���ض ومغاربها بهذا‬ ‫العيد العظيم ي�سرنا فى هيئة الأعمال الخيرية‬ ‫ان نتقدم �إليكم ب�أجمل التهانى داعين اهلل ان‬ ‫يتقبل فيه الطاعات والأعمال ال�صالحات و�أن‬ ‫يعيده علينا باليمن والبركات‪.‬‬ ‫�إن عيد الأ�ضحى المبارك هو يوم فرح و�سرور‬ ‫ولقاء ب��الأه��ل والأح �ب��اب للت�سامح وال�ت��زاور‪،‬‬ ‫ووق�ف��ة م��ع النف�س ف��ي ط��اع��ة اهلل‪ ،‬و تجديد‬ ‫الإي �م��ان وب��ث الحب و الإخ ��اء وتما�سك بين‬ ‫الم�سلمين‪.‬والأ�ضحية كذلك �شعيرة من �شعائر‬ ‫الم�سلمين تذبح �أي��ام عيد الأ�ضحى من بعد‬ ‫�صالة العيد �إل��ى �آخ��ر �أي��ام الت�شريق وينتهي‬ ‫وقتها بمغيب �شم�س يوم الثالث ع�شر من ذي‬ ‫الحجة‪ ،‬وهي �سنة النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم‬ ‫و�أ�صحابه من بعده وبها �أمر رب العالمين قال‬ ‫عز وجل } ف َ​َ�ص ِّل ِل َر ِّب َك َوان َْح ْر{ (الكوثر‪)2:‬‬ ‫وه��ي قربة يتقرب بها �إل��ى اهلل جل فى عاله‬ ‫رج��اء ثوابه ‪ .‬ق��ال عز وج��ل } َل� ْ�ن َي� َن��الَ اللهَّ َ‬ ‫ُل ُحو ُم َها َوال ِد َما�ؤ َُها َو َل ِك ْن َينَا ُل ُه ال َّت ْق َوى ِم ْن ُك ْم‬ ‫كَذَ ِل َك َ�سخَّ َر َها َل ُك ْم ِل ُت َك ِّب ُروا اللهَّ َ َع َلى َما َه َدا ُك ْم‬ ‫ين{ الحج‪ 37:‬وقد داوم عليها‬ ‫َو َب�شِّ رِ ا ْل ُم ْح ِ�س ِن َ‬ ‫النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم في المدينة؛ فكان‬ ‫ي�ضحي كل �سنة بكب�شين �أمحلين �أقرنين كما‬ ‫ثبت ذلك في ال�صحيحين‪.‬‬

‫هيئة األعمال الخيرية‬ ‫ومشروع األضاحي‬ ‫ب�ف���ض��لٍ م��ن اهلل ت�ع��ال��ى ثم‬ ‫ب �ف �� �ض��ل ���س��خ��اء ت �ب��رع��ات‬ ‫ج��ال�ي�ت�ن��ا ال �ك��ري �م��ة تمكنت‬ ‫هئية الأع �م��ال الخيرية ال�ع��ام الما�ضي‬ ‫م��ن ت��وزي��ع لحوم �أك�ث��ر م��ن �أربعين �أل��ف‬ ‫�أ�ضحية ت��م توزيعها على م��ا ي��زي��د عن‬ ‫‪ 1.7‬مليون م��ن الفقراء والمحتاجين‬ ‫في ع�شرين دولة‪ ،‬وفى هذا العام توا�صل‬ ‫هيئة الأعمال الخيرية م�شروعها الخيري‬ ‫ا�ضحية العيد تحت �شعار �أ�ضحيتك طاعة‬ ‫للرب وطعمة للعبد وهو م�شروع متميز و‬ ‫رائ��د تقوم فيه الهيئة بحملة ت ِ‬ ‫ُي�سر فيها‬ ‫للمتبرعين ف��ي ا�ستراليا و نيوزيالند‬ ‫وف�ي�ج��ي ب��ال�ت�ب��رع ب��أ��ض��اح�ي�ه��م للفقراء‬ ‫والمحتاجين‪ .‬فبمبلغ ‪ $120‬تقوم هيئة‬ ‫الأعمال الخيرية بالوكالة عن متبرعيها‬ ‫من ٍ‬ ‫وذبح الأ�ضاحي و�شحن وتوزيع‬ ‫�شراء ٍ‬ ‫للحومها على الم�ستحقين ف��ي ك��ل من‪:‬‬

‫�سوريا‪ ،‬الالجئين ال�سوريين‪ ،‬فل�سطين‪،‬‬ ‫لبنان‪ ،‬العراق‪ ،‬م�صر‪ ،‬الأردن‪ ،‬البو�سنة‪،‬‬ ‫كو�سوفا‪� ،‬أندون�سيا‪ ،‬فيجي‪ .‬كما تقوم‬ ‫الهيئة بتنفيذ م�شروع الأ�ضاحي محلي ًا‬ ‫في كل من ال�صومال‪ ،‬كمبوديا‪ ،‬ال�سودان‪،‬‬ ‫الالجئين الإرتريين‪،‬تون�س‪ ،‬باك�ستان‪،‬‬ ‫ك�شمير‪�،‬أفغان�ستان‪ ،‬بنغالدي�ش‪ ،‬الجئي‬ ‫بورما‪� ،‬سيريالنكا والهند‪.‬‬ ‫يتم تنفيد م���ش��روع الأ� �ض��اح��ي بالطرق‬ ‫التالية و ح�سب الإمكانات المتاحة في كل‬ ‫بلد‪:‬‬ ‫الأ�ضاحي المحلية‪ :‬يتم �شراء الأ�ضاحي‬ ‫ثم ذبحها وتوزيع لحومها محليا في بع�ض‬ ‫ال� ��دول‪ .‬ب�ه��ذه الطريقة يمكن للفقراء‬ ‫وال�م�ح�ت��اج�ي��ن ت �ن��اول ل �ح��وم الأ� �ض��اح��ي‬ ‫طازجة في �أيام العيد‪.‬‬ ‫الأ��ض��اح��ي المجمدة‪ :‬يتم ��ش��راء وذب��ح‬ ‫الأ�ضاحي في �أ�ستراليا‪ ،‬حيث يتم تقطيع‬

‫الأ�ضحية �إلى �ستة قطع وتغليف كل قطعة‬ ‫على ح��دة ث��م و�ضع كامل الأ�ضحية في‬ ‫�صندوق كرتوني منف�صل‪ ،‬و من ثم ت�شحن‬ ‫لحوم الأ�ضاحي في حاويات مبردة لتوزع‬ ‫على م�ستحقيها‪.‬‬ ‫الأ� �ض��اح��ي ال�م�ع�ل�ب��ة‪ :‬ي�ت��م � �ش��راء وذب��ح‬ ‫الأ�ضاحي في �أ�ستراليا ثم تعليبها و�شحنها‬ ‫لتوزّع على الفقراء والمحتاجين‪ .‬في هذه‬ ‫العملية ُيطبخ اللحم ثم ُيعلب واليحتاج‬ ‫لحفظه �إلى برادات‪ .‬بهذه الطريقة تحفظ‬ ‫اللحوم لمدة طويلة‪ ،‬وهي طريقة فعالة في‬ ‫المناطق التي التتوفر فيها و�سائل تبريد‬ ‫كمناطق تواجد الالجئين‪.‬‬ ‫هيئة الأع�م��ال الخيرية تدعوكم جميع ًا‬ ‫للم�شاركة ف��ي م�شروع الأ��ض��اح��ي لهذا‬ ‫العام‪ ،‬وم�ضاعفة الح�سنات بالجمع بين‬ ‫�إح �ي��اء ال�سنة و�إه���داء لحوم الأ�ضاحي‬ ‫لإطعام الفقراء والمحتاجين‪.‬‬

‫للم�ساهمة في م�شروع الأ�ضاحي و لمزيد‬ ‫من المعلومات يمكنكم االت�صال بهيئة‬ ‫الأعمال الخيرية على هاتف رقم‪:‬‬ ‫‪1300 760 155‬‬

‫او زي ��ارة مكاتب الهيئة على العناوين‬ ‫التالية‪:‬‬ ‫مكتب �سدني‪:‬‬

‫‪119 Haldon Street,‬‬ ‫‪Lakemba NSW 2195‬‬

‫مكتب ملبورن‪:‬‬

‫‪149 Sydney Road,‬‬ ‫‪Coburg VIC 3058‬‬

‫‪:‬مكتب �أدياليد‬

‫‪Level 1, 53 Henley Beach Road‬‬ ‫‪Mile End SA 5031‬‬

‫هيئة الأعمال الخيرية‬ ‫معكم على طريق الخير‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫إعالن‬ ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬


‫الوسط الدعوي‬ ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫وفد من ماليزيا يقوم بزيارة الى كلية التقوى االسالمية‬ ‫ملبورن‬

‫قام وفد من ماليزيا بزيارة �إلى كلية التقوى اال�سالمية‬ ‫في ملبورن وقد �ضم الوفد كل من ال�سيد داتو حعفر‬ ‫ال�صادق من الكلية اال�سترالية الدولية وال�سيد ه�شام‬ ‫الدين عبد الرحمن وقد رافق الوفد من والية كوينزالند ال�شيخ عبد‬ ‫القدو�س االزه��ري م�ؤ�س�س الكلية اال�سترالية الدولية ومن ملبورن‬ ‫رجل االعمال افتخار الدين وال�سيد محمد ح�سن وال�سيد لطيف‬ ‫الدين ا�ضافة الى ال�سيد �صالح عبد الحفيظ القادم من قطر وقد‬ ‫اجتمع الوفد مع الحاج عمر الحالق كما قاموا بجولة داخل اق�سام‬ ‫كلية التقوى اال�سالمية حيث قدمت لهم �إدارة المدر�سة �شرحا‬ ‫مف�صال عن الكلية ومراحل التطوير التي مرت بها‪.‬‬

‫معهد الفجر القرآني ومدرسة السالم في نيوبورت‬ ‫أقاما حفالت تكريم للطلبة ولألئمة‬ ‫ملبورن‬

‫�أق � � ��ام م �ع �ه��د ال �ف �ج��ر‬ ‫ال � �ق� ��ر�آن� ��ي وم��در���س��ة‬ ‫ال�سالم في نيوبورت‪/‬‬ ‫ملبورن ‪ 3‬حفالت تكريمية للطالب‬ ‫ع �ل��ى ج �م �ي��ع ال �م �� �س �ت��وي��ات �ضمن‬ ‫فعاليات ختام الف�صل االول وبداية‬ ‫الف�صل الثاني حيث تم خاللها توزيع‬ ‫هدايا و�شهدات تقدير على الطلبة‬ ‫الأوائل‪.‬‬ ‫كما �شهد حفل التكريم في م�سجد‬ ‫ب�لال بن رب��اح في نيوبورت تقديم‬ ‫ه��داي��ا لكل م��ن ال�شيخ رب�ي��ع بيتية‬ ‫وال�شيخ عبدالرحمن مل�ص بمنا�سبة‬ ‫ح���ص��ول�ه�م��ا ع �ل��ى اج� ��ازة ال��ق��ر�آن‬ ‫ال �ك��ري��م ب�ع��د ختمهما الم�صحف‬ ‫تالوة على �شيخ قراء عكار الدكتور‬ ‫خالد بركات بح�ضور عدد من االئمة‬ ‫وابناء الجالية اال�سالمية‪.‬‬

‫اثناء حفل التكريم الذي اقامه معهد الفجر‪/‬فرع م�سجد النور في ميد�ستون‬

‫اثناء تكريم الم�شايخ والطلبة في م�سجد بالل بن رباح في نيوبورت‬

‫نوافذ‬ ‫ابواب‬ ‫مرايا‬


‫إعالن‬ ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

‫الوسط االسترالي‬

¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬


)‫(وقف الوالدين‬

‫أول وقف من نوعه في أستراليا‬


First Waqf of its kind in Australia ‫أبناء المرحوم‬ ‫إسماعيل عيسى‬ ‫يوقفون بناية بأكملها بقيمة‬ ‫ مليون دوالر‬8 ‫صدقة جارية عن والديهم‬

The children of the late Ismail Issa (May Allah have mercy upon him) donate an entire building, as a Waqf (endowment), on behalf of their parents as a continuous charity. The children of the late Ismail Issa (May Allah have mercy upon him) donate an entire building, as a Waqf (endowment), in the heart of the Arab and Islamic populated suburb of Lakemba, Sydney. Not only did they donate it as it currently exists, comprising of 3 levels, rather they insisted on demolishing and reconstructing it after having acquired all the necessary approvals and permits from the council so that the new building will include 5 levels. They have engaged in this noble deed seeking reward from Allah,

the Almighty and as display of goodness towards their parents. The children, May Allah make them among the righteous, have apologized from both publishing their photos publically, and making any formal statement, this is due to their integrity and sincerity, however, they would like to communicate 3 points through “Al Wasat” newspaper. Firstly: The greatest blessing that Allah has blessed us with is Islam, It is through the noble teachings of Islam that we were motivated to do what we have done. The fundamental principle of wealth, is that it should be dedicated to the service of this religion after the individual has used what he needs from it. Secondly: We thank Awqaf Australia for giving us the

opportunity to be part of to take on this great project, we ask Allah the Almighty to accept. Thirdly: We call upon the wealthy Muslims to come forward in service of their communities and to what shall benefit them in the hereafter when they meet their lord, the almighty. lastly, we ask Allah, the Almighty to accept this blessed endowment from the Issa family, and that he replaces it for them with betterment in this life and the hereafter, and that he rewards them with the greatest of rewards. “And for that, let the competitors compete”.

‫ والأ�صل في المال بعد ق�ضاء الإن�سان‬،‫العمل‬ .‫حوائجه منه �أن ُي َ�سخِّ ُر ُه لخدمة دينه‬ ‫ ن�شكر �أوقاف �أ�ستراليا التي �أتاحت لنا‬:‫ثانيا‬ ‫ ن�س�أل‬،‫الفر�صة لإ�ستالم هذا الم�شروع العظيم‬ .‫اهلل تعالى القبول‬ ‫يقدموا‬ ِّ ‫ نهيب ب�أغنياء الم�سلمين �أن‬:‫ثالثا‬ ‫لجاليتهم و�آخرتهم ما ينفعهم غدا عند لقاء‬ .‫ربهم �سبحانه وتعالى‬ ‫ن���س��أل اهلل تعالى �أن يتقبل م��ن �آل عي�سى‬ ‫ ويجزيهم عن والديهم‬،‫ ويخلف عليهم‬،‫وقفهم‬ .‫والم�سلمين خير الجزاء‬ {‫}وفي ذلك فليتناف�س المتناف�سون‬

ABOUT AWQAF AUSTRALIA What is Awqaf? Awqaf is plural for the Arabic word Waqf, which means to withhold an asset in perpetuity (indefinitely) for a specific charitable purpose, usually in accordance with the desire of the donor. Beneficiaries can be of multiple types, such as the needy and poor, Islamic institutions (e.g. mosques, organisations), educational, social and medical facilities (hospitals, schools and universities, orphanages, wells), and advocating Islam, amongst others. Beneficiaries can also include the donor himself, his family members or any parties nominated by them for a pre-specified duration (e.g. life of the donor or his offspring).

What is Awqaf Australia? Awqaf Australia is an independent Australian Islamic institution that advocates the establishment of Islamic Endowments (Waqf). We strictly adhere to sound Islamic teachings and applicable regulatory frameworks, learn from and adapt best international practices, deploy a sound organisational model as well as efficient and effective management processes. We work closely with local Islamic organisations, individuals and stakeholders to create and manage a sustainable portfolio of assets for generations to come, and disseminate their proceedings to the target beneficiaries.

Vision: Awqaf Australia’s Vision is to become a pioneer institution in managing an extensive portfolio of Awqaf assets to benefit, fund and empower the local Muslim communities Mission: To promote Awqaf in Australia, grow its sustainable asset base and apply best practices in managing, investing and distributing its proceeds, in compliance with the Islamic teachings and applicable regulatory framework, and in close partnership with the concerned Islamic entities. Our Values: • Trust • Excellence • Integrity • Pioneering • Innovation • Partnership

‫�أوق��ف �أبناء المرحوم �إ�سماعيل‬ ‫عي�سى رح�م��ه اهلل تعالى بناية‬ ‫ب�أكملها في قلب مناطق التواجد‬ ‫ ولم‬-‫الكمبا‬- ‫الإ�سالمي والعربي في �سيدني‬ ‫يكتف الأب�ن��اء البررة بوقف البناية بو�ضعها‬ ‫الحالي حيث ت�ضم حاليا ثالثة �أدوار بل �أ�صروا‬ ‫على هدمها و�إع��ادة �إعمارها بعد ح�صولهم‬ ‫على كل الموافقات والت�صاريح الالزمة من‬ ‫البلدية لت�ضم بعد ذلك خم�سة �أدوار كل ذلك‬ .‫ابتغاء الأجر وبرا بوالديهم‬ ‫وق��د اعتذر الأب�ن��اء البررة عن ن�شر �صورهم‬ ‫وعن الإدالء ب��أي ت�صريح حر�صا منهم على‬ ‫ حيث ف�ضلوا‬،‫�سالمة ال�صدر و��ص��دق النية‬ ‫توجيه ثالثة ر�سائل من خالل جريدة الو�سط‬ : ‫�إلى �أبناء الجالية الكريمة‬ ‫ �إن �أكبر نعمة �أنعم اهلل بها علينا هي‬:‫�أوال‬ ‫�شجعنا على هذا‬ َّ ‫ والإ�سالم هو الذي‬،‫الإ�سالم‬

‫نبذة عن أوقاف أستراليا‬ .‫ مجاالت ال�صحة والتعليم والتنمية المجتمعية‬AWQAF ‫�أوق� � � � � � � ��اف �أ�� � �س� � �ت � ��رال� � �ي � ��ا‬ ‫ م�ؤ�س�سة ا�سترالية �إ�سالمية‬AUSTRALIA :‫ تعنى ب��ال��دع��وة للوقف وال�ق�ي��ام بكل ما الر�ؤية‬،‫م�ستقلة‬ ‫يتعلق ب�ش�ؤونه من �إدارة �أ�صوله و�أمواله وا�ستثمارها م�ؤ�س�سة رائدة في �إدارة مجموعة وا�سعة من الأ�صول‬ ‫و�صرف ريعها في حدود �شروط الواقف وبما يحقق الوقفية لدعم وتمويل وتمكين الجاليات الم�سلمة في‬ .‫المقا�صد ال�شرعية للوقف وذلك من �أجل الم�ساهمة �أ�ستراليا‬ .‫في التنمية االجتماعية واالقت�صادية لأ�ستراليا‬ :‫تطمح �أوقاف �أ�ستراليا �أن ت�صبح م�ؤ�س�سة متميزة المهمة‬ ‫ وتنمية �أ�صوله الم�ستدامة وتطبيق‬،‫ورائ ��دة في ا�ستثمار الوقف و�صرف ريعه ون�شر الدعوة للوقف‬ ‫ثقافته على م�ستوى مجتمعات الأقليات الإ�سالمية �أف�ضل الممار�سات في �إدارت��ه وا�ستثماره وتوزيع‬ ‫ وف��ق ال���ض��واب��ط ال�شرعية و��ض�م��ن الأط��ر‬،‫من خالل عمل م�ؤ�س�سي متميز وم�ستدام وبال�شراكة ري �ع��ه‬ ‫ وب�شراكة وثيقة مع الجهات‬،‫القانونية المعمول بها‬ .‫مع الم�ؤ�س�سات والجهات ذات ال�صلة‬ .‫تهدف �أوق��اف �أ�ستراليا لالرتقاء بالقطاع الثالث المعنية‬ ‫وتعزيز دوره في ن�شر مفهوم التكافل االجتماعي‬ :‫الذي من �ش�أنه �أن ي�ؤمن الترابط بين جميع �أفراد قيم العمل‬ ‫المجتمع و�إي �ج��اد ج��و م��ن الرحمة واالل�ف��ة بينهم •الثقة •الجودة •ال�شفافية‬ ‫وذل��ك بتلبية احتياجاتهم المجتمعية ال�سيما في •الإبداع •الريادة •التميز‬

AWQAF AUSTRALIA W: E: Call us: 1300 AWQAF A (1300 297 232)


‫إعالن‬ ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

‫بوظة احلواط وبوظة بالقشطة‬


¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬


2015 ICOM Eid Festival

The Islamic College of Melbourne held their annual Eid festival earlier this term. There was a huge turn out and turned out to be a great success. Massive thank you to all staff, who organised the event in the weeks prior and also who helped out on the actual day. Without you the festival would not have gone as smoothly as it did. We have had a lot of feedback from parents, stall holders as well as students on the organisation and improvements from previous years, all with positive comments. On behalf of all ICOM staff, we hope you and your family had a blessed Eid.

Postal Address: PO Box 8153 Tarneit VIC 3029 Ph: 8742 1739

Fax: 8742 1959



ABN: 44 127 774 298



¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Muslims Australia

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils INC.

‫االتحاد الفدرالي للمجالس اإلسالمية في استراليا‬


Schools Western Australian Schools Langford Islamic College

NSW SCHOOLS Malek Fahd Islamic School

Lot 176, Southgate Road, Langford. WA-6108 PO Box: 289. Thornlie WA-6108 Phone: +61 (08) 9458-5206 Fax: +61 (08) 9258-5661 Email: Website:

405 Waterloo Road,Greenacre NSW 2190 PO Box 514, Greenacre NSW 2190 Phone: (02)9642-8766, Fax: (02)9642-5479 Email: Website:



Victoria School Islamic College of Melbourne

Malek Fahd Hoxtn Park Campus 210 Pacific Palms Circuit Hoxton Park New South Wales 2171 Phone: 02-8783-5190

83 Wootten Road, Tarniet VIC 3029 Phone: 03 8742 1739 Email: Web:



Islamic College of South Australian Schools

Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills Campus 20 Mungerie Road Beaumont Hills, NSW 2155 Phone: 02 8814 5282 Email: Website:

22 Cedar Ave. West Croydon SA 5008 Phone: (08) 8340 7799 Email:




AFIC Schools (ACT) Limited Islamic School of Canberra CIT Block A&B, 33 Heysen Street, Weston ACT 2611 Phone: +61 (02) 6288 7358 Fax: +61 (02) 6287 3517 Email: Website:


Queensland School Islamic College of Brisbane 45 Accacia Road, Karawatha QLD 4117 PO Box 1769 Springwood Qld. 4127 Phone: (07) 3841 3645 Fax: (07) 3841 4320

‫إعالن‬ ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬



‫الوسط الدولي‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬


‫‪ 15‬ألفا من القوى العاملة‬ ‫لتنفيذ خطة موسم الحج في الحرمين الشريفين‬ ‫�أع �ل��ن ال��رئ�ي����س ال �ع��ام ل���ش��ؤون‬ ‫الم�سجد ال �ح��رام والم�سجد‬ ‫النبوي ال�شيخ د‪ .‬عبدالرحمن‬ ‫ال�سدي�س ان �ط�لاق خطة ال��رئ��ا��س��ة العامة‬ ‫ل�ش�ؤون الم�سجد الحرام والم�سجد النبوي‬ ‫لحج هذا العام ‪1436‬ه‪.‬‬ ‫وب� ّي��ن ال�شيخ ال�سدي�س �أن خطة الرئا�سة‬ ‫لمو�سم الحج لعام ‪1436‬ه �ستبد�أ في الم�سجد‬ ‫ال �ح��رام ف��ي الخام�س ع�شر م��ن �شهر ذي‬ ‫القعدة و�ست�ستمر �إلى نهاية �شهر ذي الحجة‪،‬‬ ‫وف��ي الم�سجد النبوي ب��د�أت منذ غ��رة ذي‬ ‫القعدة �إلى الخام�س ع�شر من �شهر محرم‬ ‫‪ 1437‬ه‪ ،‬ويقوم على تنفيذها في الحرمين‬ ‫ال�شريفين على مدار ال�ساعة قرابة ‪� 15‬ألف ًا‬ ‫من القوى العاملة من الموظفين والموظفات‬ ‫الر�سميين والمو�سميين والعمالة المكلفة‬ ‫بالنظافة وال�صيانة والت�شغيل‪.‬‬ ‫و�أ� �ض��اف الرئي�س ال�ع��ام ل�ش�ؤون الحرمين‬ ‫�أن الخطة ت�شتمل على خم�سة محاور‪ ،‬وهي‬ ‫المحور التوجيهي والإر�شادي والتعليمي‪ ،‬من‬ ‫خالل التهيئة والترتيب لمجموعة من العلماء‬ ‫والمدر�سين لإلقاء الدورات العلمية المكثفة‬ ‫وال��درو���س اليومية والأ�سبوعية في مختلف‬ ‫العلوم ال�شرعية واللغوية والتاريخية‪ ،‬والقيام‬ ‫بالجوانب الإر�شادية والتوجيهية لقا�صدي‬ ‫الحرمين ال�شريفين لأداء عباداتهم على‬ ‫ال��وج��ه ال���ش��رع��ي‪ ،‬وت��وف�ي��ر ه��وات��ف الإف �ت��اء‬ ‫المخ�ص�صة لإجابة ال�سائلين عن �أ�سئلتهم‬ ‫وا�ستف�ساراتهم بوا�سطة عدد من �أ�صحاب‬ ‫الف�ضيلة العلماء‪ ،‬وترجمة خطب الحرمين‬ ‫ال�شريفين بعدة لغات‪ ،‬و�أي�ضا ترجمة خطبة‬ ‫الجمعة بلغة الإ�شارة‪.‬‬ ‫كما تت�ضمن الخطة المحور الخدمي‪ ،‬ويعنى‬ ‫ب��الإ� �ش��راف ال �ت��ام ع�ل��ى ن�ظ��اف��ة الحرمين‬ ‫ال�شريفين و�ساحاتهما والمرافق التابعة لهما‪،‬‬ ‫مع ت�أمين ال�سجاد المنا�سب والفر�ش والعناية‬ ‫بنظافة وترتيبه للم�سجد النبوي‪ ،‬ورفعه من‬

‫الم�سجد الحرام خالل مو�سم الحج و�إعادته‬ ‫بعد انتهاء المو�سم‪ ،‬ت�سهي ًال لحركة �ضيوف‬ ‫الرحمن خ�لال �أدائ�ه��م للمنا�سك‪ ،‬وت�أمين‬ ‫عربات متعددة الأنواع لخدمة ذوي الحاجات‬ ‫الخا�صة وتقديمها لهم مجان ًا‪ ،‬وتوفير مياه‬ ‫زمزم المباركة وتقديمه مبرد ًا وغير مبرد‬ ‫بالحرمين ال�شريفين و�ساحاتهما‪ ،‬وتنظيم‬ ‫دخول وخروج الم�صلين من و�إلى الحرمين‬ ‫ال�شريفين‪.‬‬ ‫وكذلك ت�شتمل الخطة على المحور الفني‪،‬‬ ‫وم ��ن �أب� ��رز م��ا ي�ع�ن��ى ب��ه درا�� �س ��ة اح�ت�ي��اج‬ ‫مباني الم�سجد الحرام والم�سجد النبوي‬ ‫ومرافقهما م��ن �صيانة وت�شغيل للأعمال‬

‫الكهربائية والميكانيكية والإلكترونية لتبقى‬ ‫محتفظة ب�شكلها المعماري‪ ،‬والإ�شراف على‬ ‫تنفيذ الأع �م��ال‪ ،‬ومتابعة م��راح��ل �صناعة‬ ‫ك�سوة الكعبة الم�شرفة والعناية بثوب الكعبة‬ ‫الم�شرفة‪ ،‬ورف��ع الجزء ال�سفلي من ك�سوة‬ ‫الكعبة الم�شرفة بمقدار ثالثة �أمتار تقريب ًا‪،‬‬ ‫وتغطية الجزء المرفوع ب ��إزار من القما�ش‬ ‫القطني الأبي�ض بعر�ض مترين تقريب ًا من‬ ‫الجهات الأرب��ع‪ ،‬والعمل على توظيف تقنية‬ ‫المعلومات في خدمة الحرمين ال�شريفين‬ ‫وقا�صديهما‪.‬‬ ‫و�أ�شار د‪ .‬ال�سدي�س �إل��ى �أن الخطة تت�ضمن‬ ‫كذلك المحور الإعالمي والثقافي والتوعوي‪،‬‬

‫ومن �أهم ما يعنى به �إبراز الر�سالة الإعالمية‬ ‫والثقافية للحرمين ال�شريفين‪ ،‬بما يم ّكن‬ ‫�ضيوف الرحمن من االط�لاع على الجهود‬ ‫التي تبذلها الدولة –�أعزها اهلل– في خدمة‬ ‫الحرمين ال�شريفين وقا�صديهما‪ ،‬و�إط�لاع‬ ‫ال��ر�أي العام على المنجزات التي تحققت‬ ‫في هذا المجال من خالل م�شاركة و�سائل‬ ‫الإعالم المختلفة لتغطية فعاليات الرئا�سة‬ ‫والم�شاركة فيها‪ ،‬ولتعزيز الجانب التوعوي‪،‬‬ ‫ت��م ت��زوي��د ال���س��اح��ات ب �ع��دد م��ن ال�ل��وح��ات‬ ‫الإل �ك �ت��رون �ي��ة وغ �ي��ر الإل �ك �ت��رون �ي��ة للتوعية‬ ‫والإر���ش��اد م��وزع��ة على م��داخ��ل ال�ساحات‬ ‫والم�شايات الرئي�سية‪.‬‬

‫�أم��ا المحور الرقابي فيعنى بمراقبة �سير‬ ‫ال�ع�م��ل‪ ،‬وال �ت ��أك��د م��ن مطابقته للأنظمة‬ ‫وال �ل��وائ��ح والإج � ��راءات المعتمدة ب�صورة‬ ‫�شاملة‪ ،‬وا�ستقبال ال�ب�لاغ��ات وتمريرها‬ ‫للجهات ذات العالقة‪ ،‬ور�صد المالحظات‬ ‫وعالجها ف ��ور ًا‪� ،‬أو متابعة تطبيق الخطة‬ ‫المعتمدة وقيا�س مدى ر�ضا الم�ستفيدين من‬ ‫الخدمات المقدمه وتقويم الأداء وغيرها‪.‬‬ ‫و�أ�شار الرئي�س العام ل�ش�ؤون الحرمين �إلى �أن‬ ‫من �أبرز الم�شروعات المنفذة في الم�سجد‬ ‫الحرام التي �سيتم اال�ستفادة منها خالل‬ ‫مو�سم الحج التو�سعة ال�سعودية الثالثة‪،‬‬ ‫ح�ي��ث �ستتم اال� �س �ت �ف��ادة م��ن ك��ام��ل ال��دور‬ ‫الأر�ضي والأول والدور الأول ميزانين الأول‬ ‫مع ال�ساللم الكهربائية والم�صاعد وبن�سبة‬ ‫‪ ،%100‬وفيما يتعلق بم�شروع رف��ع الطاقة‬ ‫اال�ستيعابية للمطاف‪ ،‬ف�سيتم اال�ستفادة من‬ ‫كامل �أدوار المبنى بم�ساحة وقدرها ‪210‬‬ ‫�آالف م‪ ،2‬وب��إج�م��ال��ي ع��دد م�صلين ‪278‬‬ ‫�أل��ف م�ص ّل‪ ،‬وب�إجمالي ‪� 114‬أل��ف طائف‪،‬‬ ‫�شام ًال المطاف الموقت مع اال�ستفادة من‬ ‫ج�سر ال�ساحة ال�شرقية الموازي ل�سور ق�صر‬ ‫ال�صفا‪.‬‬ ‫كما تتم اال�ستفادة من تكييف ال��دور الأول‬ ‫في التو�سعة ال�سعودية الأولى‪ ،‬وتكييف القبو‬ ‫للمرحلة الثانية بالتو�سعة ال�سعودية الأولى‬ ‫التي تقدر م�ساحاتها بحوالي خم�سة �آالف‬ ‫م‪ ،2‬و�أي�ض ًا تكييف الدور الأر�ضي في التو�سعة‬ ‫ال�سعودية الأول��ى‪ ،‬وتكييف المرحلة الأول��ى‬ ‫من م�شروع المطاف للدور الأر�ضي والدور‬ ‫الأول ودور القبو‪ ،‬وتظليل م�سار العربات‬ ‫بج�سر �أج �ي��اد‪ ،‬وتجهيز ع��دد ‪ 600‬مروحة‬ ‫تلطيف هواء في الم�سجد الحرام و�ساحاته‪،‬‬ ‫و‪ 250‬مظلة ب�ساحات الم�سجد النبوي‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫تم تجهيز �أكثر من ‪� 20‬ألف دورة مياه و�أكثر‬ ‫من �ستة �آالف مي�ض�أة موزعة في �ساحات‬ ‫الم�سجد الحرام و�ساحات الم�سجد النبوي‪.‬‬

‫الفساد بالعراق يلتهم ‪ 450‬مليار دوالر خالل ‪ 12‬عاما‬ ‫�أك� � ��د وزي� � ��ر ال �ن �ف��ط‬ ‫ال��ع��راق��ي ع� ��ادل عبد‬ ‫المهدي‪� ،‬أن م��وازن��ات‬ ‫العراق منذ العام ‪ 2003‬وحتى العام‬ ‫ال �ج��اري بلغت ‪ 850‬م�ل�ي��ار دوالر‪،‬‬ ‫م�ؤكد ًا �أن الف�ساد �أفقد البالد ‪450‬‬ ‫مليار دوالر م��ع وج��ود ن��ات��ح محلي‬ ‫للموظفين الحكوميين بمقدار ‪،%6‬‬ ‫�أي بمقدار ‪ 20‬دقيقة عمل في اليوم‪.‬‬ ‫وق ��ال ال��وزي��ر ال �ع��راق��ي‪ ،‬ف��ي بيان‬ ‫�صحافي‪� ،‬أن‪« :‬م�ج�م��وع م��وازن��ات‬ ‫ال� �ع ��راق ب�ل�غ��ت ‪ 850‬م �ل �ي��ار دوالر‬

‫تقريب ًا‪ ،‬منذ ‪ 2003‬وليومنا ه��ذا‪..‬‬ ‫دون ذك ��ر ال� �م ��وارد الأخ� ��رى التي‬ ‫�ساهمت في رف��د الدخل الوطني‪..‬‬ ‫يجب النظر للف�ساد الذي ت�ستنبطه‬ ‫هذه الأرقام»‪.‬‬ ‫و�أ�ضاف‪« :‬الف�ساد ال�شخ�صي الذي‬ ‫يقدر البع�ض �أن��ه ي�ستهلك ‪ %3‬من‬ ‫مجموع هذه الأرق��ام‪ ..‬هذا نعني به‬ ‫ا�ستغالل الموقع لتحقيق المنافع‬ ‫ال�خ��ا��ص��ة �إن �صحت ال�ت�ق��دي��رات‪،‬‬ ‫ا�ستنزف ‪ 25.5‬مليار دوالر»‪.‬‬ ‫و�أك��د �أن‪« :‬مبالغ هائلة تعني � ّأن ما‬

‫ي�سرق بطرق االحتيال‪ ..‬ال يقل عن‬ ‫‪ 2‬مليار دوالر �سنوي ًا‪ ..‬ه��ذه كارثة‬ ‫عظيمة يجب الت�صدي لها والحد‬ ‫منها للو�صول �إلى �إيقافها»‪.‬‬ ‫وبح�سب منظمة الم�سح ال��دول��ي‬ ‫ومنظمة ال�شفافية ال��دول�ي��ة‪ ،‬ف��إن‬ ‫العراق يحتل المرتبة ال�ساد�سة �أو‬ ‫ال�سابعة قبل الأخيرة بدرجة ‪ 16‬من‬ ‫‪ 100‬في م�ؤ�شر ال�شفافية الدولية‪.‬‬ ‫وتابع الوزير العراقي‪« :‬ترهل الدولة‬ ‫وتحولها �إلى دولة رعاية اجتماعية‬ ‫رع ��اي ��ة ��ض�ع�ي�ف��ة ت �ك��ر���س ال�ك���س��ل‬

‫واالت�ك��ال�ي��ة ولي�ست دول ��ة خ��دم��ات‬ ‫عامة‪ ..‬ما ال يقل عن ن�صف مبالغ‬ ‫الموازنات المتعاقبة‪� ،‬أي حوالى ‪425‬‬ ‫مليار دوالر»‪.‬‬ ‫وقال‪« :‬العمل المنتج منها �أكثر من‬ ‫‪ %6‬بقليل‪ ،‬مح�سوبة على �أ�سا�س‬ ‫�أن الإح���ص��اءات ت�شير‪ ،‬ب ��أن العمل‬ ‫المنتج ف��ي ال��دول��ة ال ي�ت�ج��اوز ‪20‬‬ ‫دقيقة في اليوم‪� ،‬أي هناك هدر لما‬ ‫يقارب ‪ %94‬من ال�م��وازن��ات‪ ،‬وهذه‬ ‫تمثل �أكثر من ‪ 400‬مليار دوالر»‪.‬‬ ‫وذك ��ر عبد ال�م�ه��دي �أن‪« :‬م�شروع‬

‫مار�شال لأعمار �أوروب��ا بعد الحرب‬ ‫العالمية الثانية قد بلغ ‪ 15‬مليار دوالر‬ ‫للأعوام ‪ ،1951-1947‬وه��ذا مبلغ‬ ‫يعادل بالقيمة الحالية ‪ 148‬مليار‬ ‫دوالر‪� ،‬أي تقريب ًا موازنة العراق غير‬ ‫المقرة لعام ‪ 2014‬فقط»‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت تقرير �سابق للجنة المالية‬ ‫ب��ال �ب��رل �م��ان‪�« ،‬أك� � ��د �أن �أغ �ل �ب �ي��ة‬ ‫الم�شروعات التي �أق� ّرت�ه��ا حكومة‬ ‫المالكي تبين �أنها وهمية و�أغلبها‬ ‫منح لأقربائه و�أ�صدقائه‪ ،‬كما �أن‬ ‫حجم الهدر المالي الذي تم خالل‬

‫فترة حكمه بلغ ‪ 109‬مليارات دوالر»‪.‬‬ ‫و�أعلن �صندوق تنمية العراق الذي‬ ‫تم ت�شكيله في عام ‪ 2004‬بقرار من‬ ‫الأمم المتحدة‪�« ،‬أن ر�صيد ال�صندوق‬ ‫و�صل �إلى ‪ 165‬مليار دوالر في العام‬ ‫‪ ،2009‬وهذه العائدات كانت عر�ضة‬ ‫للف�ساد‪ ،‬حيث اختفى منها ‪ 17‬مليار‬ ‫دوالر ف��ي ‪ ،2003‬و‪ 40‬مليار دوالر‬ ‫�أخ��رى في ‪ ،2010‬وق ّل�صت حاالت‬ ‫الف�ساد هذه الأر�صدة �إلى ‪ 18‬مليار‬ ‫دوالر فقط عام ‪.»2012‬‬

‫(اسرائيل) تسعى العتبار (المرابطين) في األقصى تنظيما محظورا‬ ‫طالب وزي��ر الأم��ن الداخلي الإ�سرائيلي‪،‬‬ ‫غلعاد �أردان‪ ،‬وزي��ر ال��دف��اع الإ�سرائيلي‪،‬‬ ‫مو�شيه يعالون‪ ،‬ب�إعالن “المرابطين” في‬ ‫الم�سجد الأق�صى “تنظيم ًا محظور ًا”‪.‬‬ ‫وقال �أردان في ت�صريح نقلته �إذاعة الجي�ش الإ�سرائيلي‪،‬‬ ‫اليوم الإثنين‪�“ :‬إن المرابطين (مجموعة من الن�ساء‬ ‫وال ��رج ��ال‪ ،‬ت��راب��ط ف��ي الم�سجد الأق �� �ص��ى للت�صدي‬ ‫القتحامات الم�ستوطنين المتكررة) ت�شكيل يعمل بتوجيه‬

‫م��ن الحركة الإ��س�لام�ي��ة (ال�ج�ن��اح الر�سمي ل�ل�إخ��وان‬ ‫الم�سلمين في البالد)‪ ،‬التي ير�أ�سها رائد �صالح‪ ،‬بهدف‬ ‫الت�شوي�ش على الو�ضع القائم في الم�سجد الأق�صى”‪.‬‬ ‫و�أ�ضاف �أردان �أن “المرابطين يقومون بالإخالل بالنظام‬ ‫العام في المكان”‪.‬‬ ‫وتابعت الإذاع��ة القول “�إن وزير الأمن الداخلي‪ ،‬ت�س ّلم‬ ‫في الأ�سابيع الما�ضية‪ ،‬تقارير من جهاز االم��ن العام‬ ‫وال�شرطة حول ن�شاطات المرابطين”‪.‬‬

‫وك��ان ن��ائ��ب رئي�س الحركة الإ��س�لام�ي��ة‪ ،‬ال�شيخ كمال‬ ‫الخطيب‪ ،‬ح��ذّر ف��ي ت�صريح �سابق ل�ل�أن��ا��ض��ول “من‬ ‫الم�س بالم�سجد الأق�صى”‪.‬‬ ‫مخطط �إ�سرائيلي ي�ستهدف ّ‬ ‫و�أ�ضاف �أن المخطط الإ�سرائيلي يق�ضي بتق�سيم الم�سجد‬ ‫الأق�صى‪ ،‬عبر الم�س بالمرابطين‪ ،‬و�أن “هذه المخططات‬ ‫تحتاج �إلى موقف جدي‪ ،‬من قبل العالم الإ�سالمي‪ ،‬خا�صة‬ ‫في ظل محاوالت بع�ض الجهات تمرير عمليات االقتحام‬ ‫للأق�صى دون موقف”‪.‬‬

‫وي�شهد الم�سجد الأق�صى اقتحامات �شبه يومية‪ ،‬من قبل‬ ‫م�ستوطنين يهود‪ ،‬يزعمون �أن الم�سجد �أُقيم على �أنقا�ض‬ ‫“الهيكل”‪ ،‬وهو المعبد الذي بناه النبي �سليمان في‬ ‫القد�س‪ ،‬وفق معتقداتهم‪.‬‬ ‫وينفي الفل�سطينيون االدع��اءات الإ�سرائيلية‪ ،‬م�ؤكدين‬ ‫عدم وجود �أي دليل يدعمها‪.‬‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬

‫مفتي استراليا يكرم قادة حزب العمال‬ ‫االسترالي على مواقفهم الداعمة لفلسطين‬ ‫حان الوقت الستخدام بطاقة أوبال‪:‬‬

‫سيتم التخلص تدريجيا من استخدام التذاكر الورقية‬


‫اق ��ام مفتي ا�ستراليا‬ ‫ال��دك�ت��ور اب��راه�ي��م ابو‬ ‫م �ح �م��د ح �ف��ل ت�ك��ري��م‬ ‫للنائب ط��ون��ي ب ��ورك وق ��ادة حزب‬ ‫ال�ع�م��ال اال��س�ت��رال��ي على مواقفهم‬ ‫الداعمة ل فل�سطين بح�ضور �سفير‬ ‫المملكة ال�ع��رب�ي��ة ال���س�ع��ودي��ة ل��دى‬ ‫ا�ستراليا ونيوزيالندا نبيل �آل �صالح‬ ‫والقائم باعمال االردن وقطر وعدد‬ ‫من النواب وال�سيا�سيين من حزب‬ ‫ال�ع�م��ال والنا�شطين ف��ي الجالية‬ ‫الفل�سطينية والعربية في �سيدني‪.‬‬ ‫والقيت في الحفل كلمة من المفتي‬ ‫ابو محمد ا�شادت بموقف قادة حزب‬ ‫العمال اال�سترالي ومواقفهم الداعمة‬ ‫لفل�سطين‪ ،‬وباعالن الم�ؤتمر الوطني‬ ‫ل�ح��زب العمال االخ�ي��ر ع��ن م�ضيه‬ ‫ل�لاع �ت��راف ب��ال��دول��ة الفل�سطينية‬ ‫وادان ��ة بناء الم�ستوطنات و�شجب‬ ‫الممار�سات اال�سرائيلية التع�سفية‬

‫بحق الفل�سطينين‪ ،‬كما ثمن المبادرة‬ ‫التي قام بها زعيم المعار�ضة وحزب‬ ‫العمال في والية نيو�ساوث ويلز لوك‬ ‫فولي با�صدار تو�صية للبرلمانيين‬ ‫اال�ستراليين بوجوب زي��ارة ارا�ضي‬ ‫ال�سلطة الفل�سطينية لدى زيارتهم‬ ‫الكيان اال�سرائيلي‪ .‬كما ادان المفتي‬ ‫ابو محمد ب�أ�شد العبارات الجريمة‬ ‫الب�شعة ال�ت��ي �أدت �إل��ى ا�ست�شهاد‬ ‫الطفل الفل�سطيني علي دواب�شة‬ ‫حرقا و�إ�صابة عائلته بجروح بليغة‪.‬‬ ‫من جهته اكد ال�سفير ال �صالح في‬ ‫كلمته التي القاها خالل الحفل على‬ ‫المواقف الثابتة والتاريخية للمملكة‬ ‫العربية ال�سعودية في دعم الق�ضية‬ ‫الفل�سطينية ع�ل��ى ك��اف��ة ال�صعد‬ ‫والم�ستويات‪.‬‬ ‫كما تداول الح�ضور باال�ستراتيجية‬ ‫المطلوبة الي �ج��اد م��وق��ف م�ستمر‬ ‫وداع ��م لق�ضية فل�سطين على كل‬ ‫اال��ص�ع��دة معتبرين ان ال�م�ب��ادرات‬ ‫التي نفذت حتى االن هي خطوات‬

‫على طريق م�سيرة طويلة‪.‬‬ ‫ح�ضر الحفل �سفير المملكة العربية‬ ‫ال�سعودية لدى ا�ستراليا ونيوزيالندا‬ ‫نبيل �آل �صالح‪ ،‬زعيم المعار�ضة‬ ‫لوك فولي‪ ،‬الوزير ال�سابق بوب كار‪،‬‬ ‫النواب جاي�سن كلير وجهاد ديب‪،‬‬ ‫وال�ق��ائ��م ب��اع�م��ال المملكة االدن�ي��ة‬ ‫الها�شمية حمزة العمري‪ ،‬والقائم‬ ‫باعمال دولة قطر ‪ ،‬ع�ضو المجل�س‬ ‫ال�ب�ل��دي ع��ن ح��زب ال�ع�م��ال ون��ائ��ب‬ ‫الرئي�س ال�سابق لبلدية كانتربري‬ ‫خ���ض��ر � �ص��ال��ح‪ ،‬رئ �ي ����س الكني�سة‬ ‫االنغليكانية ف��ي مقاطعة كانبيرا‬ ‫جورج براوننج‪ ،‬ممثل �شبكة الدعم‬ ‫اال�سترالية الفل�سطينية المهند�س‬ ‫عي�سى ال�شاوي�ش‪ ،‬النا�شطة العمالية‬ ‫ال �م ��ؤي��دة للفل�سطينيين م��ن والي��ة‬ ‫برزبن وندي تورنر‪ ،‬امين �سر حركة‬ ‫فتح با�ستراليا عبد القادر قرانوح‬ ‫ون�شطاء من الجالية الفل�سطينية‬ ‫والعربية في �سيدني‪.‬‬

‫النائب جولين فيين تزور جمعية التعددية‬ ‫لدعم ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة‬

‫لقد قامت حكومة والية نيو �ساوث ويلز بالإعالن عن �أن الخطوة التالية في تقديم‬ ‫خدمة التذاكر الإلكترونية عالمية الم�ستوى «ام�سح و�أكمل طريقك» �ستتم في ال�سنة‬ ‫المقبلة‪ ،‬مع التخل�ص من معظم التذاكر الورقية قديمة الطراز ب�شكل تدريجي بدء ًا‬ ‫من الأول من يناير‪/‬كانون ثان من العام ‪.2016‬‬ ‫قال وزير النقل والبنية التحتية ‪« :Andrew Constance‬نظر ًا للنجاح الهائل لبطاقة ‪،Opal‬‬ ‫فقد حان الوقت لإيقاف العمل بنظامين للتذاكر‪».‬‬ ‫ق��ال ال�سيد ‪�« :Constance‬إن بطاقة ‪ Opal‬هي �إح��دى التح�سينات العظيمة على �شبكتنا‬ ‫للموا�صالت العامة‪ ،‬وقد حان الوقت المنا�سب التخاذ الخطوة المنطقية التالية المتمثلة في نظام‬ ‫مريح واحد»‪ ،‬ومنذ �أن بد�أ طرح بطاقة ‪ Opal‬في دي�سمبر‪/‬كانون �أول من عام ‪ 2012‬تم التالي‪:‬‬ ‫• �إ�صدار ‪ 3.3‬مليون بطاقة ‪Opal‬‬ ‫• القيام بـ ‪ 350‬مليون رحلة عبر جميع الو�سائل‬ ‫• تح�صيل ‪ 86‬مليون رحلة مجانية‬ ‫بدء ًا من الأول من يناير‪/‬كانون الثاني‪� ،‬سيتوقف بيع ‪ 57‬منتج ًا من التذاكر الورقية‪ .‬ينبغي على‬ ‫العمالء البدء بالتجهيز للترقية لبطاقة ‪ Opal‬الآن‪ ،‬حتى ي�صبح االنتقال �أ�سهل و�أرخ�ص‪.‬‬ ‫تعني المرحلة التالية لبطاقة ‪� Opal‬أنه �سيكون بمقدور العمالء فقط �شراء تذاكر البالغين �أو‬ ‫التذاكر المخف�ضة ذهاب ًا �أو ذهاب ًا وعود ًة للقطارات والع ّبارات و�سكك الحديد والقطار الخفيف‪،‬‬ ‫وتذاكر الحافالت ذهابا‪.‬‬ ‫�شهد العديد من التذاكر الورقية التي �سيتم التخل�ص منها تدريجي ًا انخفا�ض ًا كبير ًا في المبيعات‪:‬‬ ‫«ل �ق��د ان �ت �ق��ل ال �ع��دي��د م��ن ال�ع�م�لاء‬ ‫ال�ستعمال بطاقة ‪ Opal‬لمالءمتها‬ ‫و�سعرها الأرخ�ص‪».‬‬ ‫«انخف�ضت مبيعات تذكرة ‪MyBus‬‬ ‫‪ Travel Ten‬والتي كانت ذات �شعب ّية‬ ‫ف��ي ال�سابق ب�م�ق��دار ‪ 75‬ف��ي المائة‬ ‫خ�لال االث�ن��ي ع�شر �شهر ًا الما�ضية‬ ‫لتحول الم�سافرين ال�ستخدام بطاقة ‪».Opal‬‬ ‫وال يباع من بع�ض التذاكر الورقية مثل ‪� Off Peak Return Tram Link‬سوى �أرب��ع تذاكر‬ ‫�أ�سبوعي ًا‪ ،‬وما متو�سطه ‪ 11‬تذكرة يومي ًا‪ Light‬من �صنف ‪. Rail Day Pass‬‬ ‫لدى العمالء الآن خم�سة �أ�شهر لال�ستعداد لهذا االنتقال والت�سجيل للح�صول على بطاقة ‪.Opal‬‬ ‫�إن التخل�ص التدريجي لـ‪� Pensioner Excursion Ticket‬سيكون تغيير ًا رئي�س ًا للعديد من‬ ‫المتقاعدين وكبار ال�سن و�سطنا‪ ،‬غير �أن ال�سيد ‪ Constance‬قال ب�أنه �سيتم �إجراء حملة مكثفة‬ ‫للإبالغ عن التغييرات‪.‬‬ ‫وم�سن بالت�سجيل‪ ،‬وال زالت هناك ‪� 5‬أ�شهر‬ ‫وقال ال�سيد ‪« Constance‬لقد قام ‪� 370‬ألف متقاعد‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫متبقية الن�ضمام الآخرين لـ ‪»،Gold Opal‬‬ ‫« �إنها الت�سعيرة الرخي�صة نف�سها–و�أنت ال تحتاج �إلاّ ل�شراء بطاقة دائمة واحدة ومن ثم تكون‬ ‫جاهز ًا دائم ًا للتنقل‪».‬‬ ‫«�إن هناك الكثير مما تقدمه بطاقة ‪ Opal‬و�أنا �أحث النا�س على �أال يتركوا انتقالهم لها حتى‬ ‫اللحظة الأخيرة‪ ،‬بل �أن يح�صلوا عليها مبكر ًا حتى يتمكنوا من الح�صول على الفوائد ب�سرعة‪».‬‬ ‫بو�سع العمالء طلب بطاقة ‪ Opal‬الخا�صة بهم على مدار ال�ساعة يومي ًا على الموقع الإلكتروني‬ ‫‪�‬أو عبر االت�صال على الرقم(‪)13 OPAL‬‬ ‫‪ 25 67 13‬ليتم �إر�سال البطاقة بالبريد �إلى بيوتهم‪ .‬كما وبو�سع البالغين �أو الأطفال واليافعين‬ ‫ا�ستخدام �أحد بائعي التجزئة الألفين لبطاقة ‪ Opal‬للح�صول على البطاقة مبا�شرة‪.‬‬ ‫ لن تتوفر ن�شرة الحقائق الخا�صة بمنتجات التذاكر الورقية بدء ًا من الأول من يناير‪.‬‬‫الثالثاء‪� 4 ،‬أغ�سط�س‪�/‬آب ‪2015‬‬

‫�صادر عن وزير النقل والبنية التحتية في والية نيو �ساوث ويلز ‪ :‬اندرو كون�ستانت‬

‫قامت نائب منطقة غرانفيل جولين فيين بزيارة ودية لجمعية‬ ‫التعدد الثقافية لدعم ذوي االحتياجات الخا�صة في غرانفيل‬ ‫–�سيدني‪.‬‬ ‫وكان في ا�ستقبالها المديرة التنفيذية للجمعية ال�سيدة نان�سي والكر ونائب‬ ‫الرئي�س ال�سابق الحاج ريا�ض الدهيبي والعاملين في الجمعية ‪.‬‬ ‫وقدم الحاج ريا�ض هدية تذكارية للنائب ‪.‬‬

‫أنت‬ ‫تكفلهم‬ ‫ونحن نرعاهم‬

‫خبرة التوابل الذهبية‬ ‫‪ 99‬نواعا من البهارات واألعشاب متوفرة في‬ ‫معظم المحالت التجارية‪...‬‬ ‫‪9/15 Nathan Drive Campbellfiled Vic 3061‬‬

‫من اليمني‪:‬‬ ‫نان�سي ووكى‪،‬‬ ‫احلاج ريا�ض دهيبي‪،‬‬ ‫النائب جولني فيني‪،‬‬ ‫�سميحة مكوك‬

‫يعترب م�سروع كفالة الأيتام من امل�سروعات الأ�سا�سية‬ ‫التى تقوم هيئة الأعمال اخلريية برعايتها من خالل‬ ‫توفري الرعاية ال�ساملة لقرابة ‪ 65‬األف يتيم موزعني‬ ‫على ‪ 15‬دولة‪ ,‬حيث تقدم لهم الهيئة العون املالى‬ ‫وامل�ساعدة التعليمية والعناية ال�سحية‪ .‬ليزال هناك‬ ‫الكثري من الأيتام فى انتظار مد يد العون وامل�ساعدة‪.‬‬ ‫�خى �لكرمي �أختى �لكرمية �سارعو� �إلى كفالة يتيم‬ ‫مل�سح دمعته و�لتخفيف من م�سابه‪.‬‬

‫هيئة األعامل الخريية ‪ ...‬معكم عىل طريق الخري‬

‫‪1300 760 155‬‬


‫علوم وصحة‬ ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬

‫الجلوس لفترات طويلة يسبب مرض السكري‬ ‫رويترز‬

‫�أكدت درا�سة �أن الأ�شخا�ص‬ ‫ال��ذي��ن يجل�سون دون ح��رك��ة ل�ساعات‬ ‫يوميا ربما يكونون �أكثر عر�ضة للإ�صابة‬ ‫بمر�ض ال�سكري مقارنة بمن يتحركون‬ ‫ل �ف �ت��رات �أط � ��ول خ�ل�ال ال� �ي ��وم‪.‬وق ��دم‬ ‫الباحثون �أجهزة لقيا�س الت�سارع لنحو‬ ‫�ألفي �شخ�ص لر�صد تحركاتهم خالل‬ ‫�ساعات اال�ستيقاظ لنحو �أ�سبوع‪ .‬وبعد‬ ‫خم�سة �أعوام وبالمقارنة مع الأ�شخا�ص‬ ‫الذين يجل�سون لأق��ل من �ست �ساعات‬ ‫منذ ب��داي��ة ال��درا� �س��ة ف���إن اال�شخا�ص‬ ‫ال��ذي��ن يجل�سون دون حركة لأك�ث��ر من‬ ‫ع�شر �ساعات في اليوم زادت احتماالت‬ ‫�إ�صابتهم بمر�ض ال�سكري بواقع �أربعة‬ ‫�أمثال‪.‬وبالمقارنة مع الأ�شخا�ص الذي‬

‫يجل�سون لأق��ل من �ست �ساعات يوميا‬ ‫ك��ان الأ��ش�خ��ا���ص ال��ذي��ن يجل�سون دون‬ ‫ح��رك��ة لأك�ث��ر م��ن ع�شر �ساعات يوميا‬ ‫�أك �ث��ر ع��ر��ض��ة ل�ل�إ��ص��اب��ة ب��اخ�ت�لال في‬ ‫�سكر ال��دم ال��ذي كثيرا م��ا يتطور �إل��ى‬ ‫مر�ض ال�سكري‪.‬وقالت بيتاني ب��ارون‬ ‫جيب�س التي قادت الدرا�سة وهي باحثة‬ ‫في مجال ال�صحة والن�شاط البدني في‬ ‫جامعة بيت�سبرج “بد�أنا ن�ؤمن �أن كثرة‬ ‫الجلو�س �أمر مختلف عن عدم ممار�سة‬ ‫الريا�ضة‪”.‬وقالت في ر�سالة بالبريد‬ ‫االل�ك�ت��رون��ي “ال�شخ�ص ال ��ذي يجري‬ ‫لن�صف �ساعة يوميا ربما يجل�س دون‬ ‫حركة لمدة ‪� 15‬ساعة ف��ي العمل وفي‬ ‫و�سائل النقل وفي المنزل وهذا ال�شخ�ص‬ ‫ربما ي�صنف ب�أنه ن�شيط بدنيا لكنه كثير‬ ‫الجلو�س �أي�ضا”‪.‬وتابعت “ومن ناحية‬

‫العلمي في‬ ‫االعجاز‬ ‫والسنة والسنة‬ ‫القرآنالقرآن‬ ‫العلمي في‬ ‫االعجاز‬ ‫�أخ ��رى فربما ال يمار�س عامل نظافة‬ ‫الريا�ضة ق��ط لكنه ق��د يم�ضي معظم‬ ‫يومه وهو يتحرك بن�شاط خفيف‪ .‬هذا‬ ‫ال�شخ�ص ال يكون ن�شيطا بدنيا لكنه‬ ‫لي�س كثير الجلو�س‪.‬‬ ‫وف��ي البحث ال ��ذي ن�شر ف��ي مطبوعة‬ ‫(دي��اب�ي�ت�ي����س ك �ي��ر) اك�ت���ش�ف��ت جيب�س‬ ‫وزم�ل�ا�ؤه ��ا ��ص�ل��ة ب�ي��ن ع ��دم الن�شاط‬ ‫والإ�صابة بال�سكري بين ‪� 2027‬شخ�صا‬ ‫ت �ت��راوح �أع�م��اره��م بين ‪ 38‬و ‪ 50‬عاما‬ ‫وي�ع��ان��ون م��ن زي ��ادة ف��ي ال��وزن‪.‬و�أق��رت‬ ‫جيب�س �أن من عيوب الدرا�سة �إنها قا�ست‬ ‫الن�شاط م��رة واح��دة فقط في البداية‬ ‫مما يجعل من الم�ستحيل معرفة ما �إذا‬ ‫كانت �أنماط �ساعات الجلو�س قد تغيرت‬ ‫مع الوقت‪.‬‬

‫االكتشاف المبكر للسرطان يضاعف فرص النجاة ثالثة أضعاف‬ ‫�أظهرت �إح�صائيات حديثة �أن االكت�شاف المبكر‬ ‫لمر�ض ال�سرطان ي�ضاعف فر�ص بقاء الم�صابين‬ ‫ب��ه ع�ل��ى ق�ي��د ال�ح�ي��اة ث�لاث��ة �أ� �ض �ع��اف‪ .‬وذك��رت‬ ‫�صحيفة “ديلي ميل” البريطانية �أن هذه الأرق��ام ت�ؤكد مدى‬ ‫�أهمية �أن ينتبه الأطباء والمر�ضى للأعرا�ض قبل �أن ينت�شر‬ ‫الورم في الج�سم‪.‬‬ ‫وبح�سب تحليل لمعهد �أبحاث ال�سرطان في المملكة المتحدة‪،‬‬ ‫ف�إن ‪ %80‬من المر�ضى ممن يعانون من نوع واحد من الأنواع‬ ‫الثمانية الأكثر �شيوعا لل�سرطان يبقون على قيد الحياة لع�شر‬ ‫�سنوات على الأق��ل ف��ي ح��ال اكت�شاف المر�ض ف��ي مراحله‬ ‫المبكرة‪.‬غير �أن ه��ذه الن�سبة تنخف�ض �إل��ى ‪ %25‬بالن�سبة‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫للمر�ضى الذين يكت�شفون المر�ض في مراحل مت�أخرة عندما‬ ‫تنت�شر الأورام لتمتد �إلى العظام والمخ والرئتين �أو الأع�ضاء‬ ‫الأخرى‪.‬و�أ�ضافت ال�صحيفة �أن��ه في الأ�سبوع الما�ضي فقط‬ ‫�أظهرت الأرقام �أن م�ؤ�شرات النجاة من الوفاة بال�سرطان في‬ ‫بريطانيا تراجعت بمعدل ع�شر �سنوات مقارنة بالدول الغربية‬ ‫الأخ��رى ويرجع ذلك ب�شكل رئي�سي �إل��ى االكت�شاف المت�أخر‬ ‫للمر�ض‪.‬‬

‫إثبات من‬ ‫برمنغهام‬ ‫أن القرآن‬ ‫لم يحرف‬ ‫بقلم الدكتور عبد الدايم الكحيل ‪°‬‬


‫تم م�ؤخر ًا اكت�شاف �أقدم ن�ص من القر�آن مخطوط على جلد ماعز يعود‬ ‫تاريخه لزمن النبي الكريم‪....‬‬ ‫في كل يوم تظهر دالئل جديدة ت�ؤكد �أن القر�آن الذي بين �أيدنا اليوم هو ذاته الذي ُكتب‬ ‫في عهد النبي الكريم �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم‪ ..‬وهذا يرد على كل من يدعي �أن القر�آن فيه‬ ‫�إ�ضافات وزيادات �أتت الحق ًا �أو فيه نق�ص‪..‬‬ ‫الدليل الجديد ي�أتي من جامعة برمنغهام ‪ University of Birmingham‬في‬ ‫بريطانيا‪ ،‬حيث قام العلماء بتحليل قطعة من مخطوطة كتب عليها القر�آن بر�سم عثماني‬ ‫جميل‪ ..‬وتبين �أنها تعود لزمن الر�سول �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم‪.‬‬ ‫هذه المخطوطة النادرة موجودة في مكتبة الجامعة منذ قرن تقريب ًا ولم يدرك العلماء‬ ‫�أهميتها �إال اليوم عندما قاموا بتحليلها ويقول الباحثون في هذه الجامعة �إن هذه‬ ‫المخطوطة قد ُكتبت في عهد النبي الكريم‪.‬‬

‫الم�صدر‪ :‬وكالة ال�شرق الأو�سط‬

‫(كوكاكوال) تمول علماء يرجعون السمنة لقلة الرياضة‬ ‫ق� ��ال م��ق��ال ف ��ي �صحيفة‬ ‫نيويورك تايمز الأميركية‪،‬‬ ‫�إن �شركة كوكا ك��وال تقوم‬ ‫بتمويل العلماء الذين يلقون بالالئمة في‬ ‫ال�سمنة على عوامل �أخرى غير الحميات‬ ‫الخاطئة‪ .‬مما يلقي ال�ضوء على ال�س�ؤال‬ ‫ال��ذي يطرحه البع�ض وه��و “هل تلعب‬ ‫ال�شركات الكبرى دورا في الت�أثير على‬ ‫المعطيات العلمية وحتى التالعب‬ ‫بنتائجها لدعم م�صالحها؟”‪،‬‬ ‫وفق ما يقول البع�ض‪.‬وكتب‬ ‫�أن� ��اه� ��اد �أوك� ��ون� ��ور ي��وم‬ ‫الأح��د �أن �شركة كوكا‬ ‫ك ��وال ‪�-‬أك� �ب ��ر �شركة‬ ‫لإن�ت��اج الم�شروبات‬ ‫ال� ��� �س� �ك���ري���ة ف��ي‬ ‫ال� �ع ��ال ��م‪ -‬ت��دع��م‬ ‫حال جديدا لأزمة‬ ‫ال �� �س �م �ن��ة‪ ،‬وه��ي‬ ‫�أن��ه حتى تحافظ‬ ‫ع �ل��ى وزن �سليم‬ ‫مار�س المزيد من‬ ‫الريا�ضة واهتم �أقل‬ ‫بتقليل عدد ال�سعرات‬ ‫ال�ح��راري��ة المتناولة‪.‬‬ ‫ويقول الكاتب �إن �شركة‬ ‫كوكا كوال توفر دعما ماليا‬ ‫ولوجي�ستيا لمنظمة غير ربحية‬ ‫جديدة ا�سمها “غلوبال �إينيرجي‬ ‫ب��االن ����س نيتورك”‪ ،‬وال �ت��ي ت���روج �أن‬ ‫الأميركيين المهتمين ب�أوزانهم يهتمون‬ ‫كثيرا بما ي�أكلون وال ي��ول��ون الريا�ضة‬ ‫االهتمام الكافي‪ .‬وي�ضيف �أن ال�شركة‬ ‫ت�ع��اون��ت م��ع ع�ل�م��اء م ��ؤث��ري��ن لإي���ص��ال‬ ‫ه��ذه ال��ر��س��ال��ة ف��ي ال�م�ج�لات الطبية‬ ‫والم�ؤتمرات وال�سو�شال ميديا‪ .‬وكالم‬ ‫هذا الكاتب ي�شكل �إ�شارة �إلى ما يقوله‬

‫الكثيرون من �أن �شركات معينة تدعم‬ ‫درا�سات علمية �أو طبية �أو علماء لإي�صال‬ ‫ر�سائل يكون ظاهرها علمي‪ ،‬ولكنها‬ ‫في النهاية تخدم �أهدافها‪ ،‬وفق مقولة‬ ‫“كلمة حق يراد بها باطل”‪ .‬وفي الحالة‬ ‫ال�سالفة ف�إن الر�سالة لي�ست �أ�صال كلمة‬ ‫�إن ه��ذه‬ ‫ح� ��ق‪� ،‬إذ‬

‫الر�سالة ‪-‬التي يبدو �أن �شركة كوكا كوال‬ ‫تدعمها‪ -‬تقول للنا�س �إن ال�م�لام في‬ ‫البدانة لي�س الطعام وال�شراب ‪ -‬مثل‬ ‫الم�شروبات الغازية المثقلة بال�سكر‬ ‫وال�سعرات الحرارية ‪ -‬بل الم�شكلة في‬ ‫عدم ممار�سة الريا�ضة”‪ .‬هذه المزاعم‬

‫تتعار�ض م��ع التو�صيات الطبية �أوال‪،‬‬ ‫ومع الريا�ضيات الب�سيطة ثانيا‪ .‬ف�أوال‬ ‫على ال�صعيد الطبي هناك �شبه �إجماع‬ ‫بين الأطباء على �أن الريا�ضة وحدها‬ ‫لي�ست فعالة �أو كافية لإنقا�ص ال��وزن‪،‬‬ ‫و�أن تقليل م�أخوذ ال�سعرات الحرارية‬ ‫مثل الأغ��ذي��ة وال�م���ش��روب��ات ال�سكرية‬ ‫والدهون والحلويات وغيرها يعد عامال‬ ‫�أ�سا�سيا في �إنقا�ص ال��وزن‪� .‬أما على‬ ‫�صعيد الريا�ضيات ف��إن الم�شي‬ ‫ب�سرعة ثالثة �أميال (‪4.82‬‬ ‫كيلومترات) في ال�ساعة‬ ‫ل �م��دة ث�لاث �ي��ن دقيقة‬ ‫ل�شخ�ص وزن��ه قرابة‬ ‫�سبعين كيلوغراما‬ ‫يحرق قرابة ‪120‬‬ ‫� �س �ع��را ح ��راري ��ا‪،‬‬ ‫بينما ي��وج��د في‬ ‫ع� �ل� �ب ��ة ال� �ك ��وك ��ا‬ ‫ك � ��وال ال� ��واح� ��دة‬ ‫‪ 355‬م �ل �ي �ل �ت��را‬ ‫ق��راب��ة ‪� 140‬سعرا‬ ‫ح� ��راري� ��ا‪�.‬أي حتى‬ ‫ت �ح��رق م��ا ف��ي علبة‬ ‫كوكا ك��وال واح��دة من‬ ‫��س�ع��رات ح��راري��ة يجب‬ ‫�أن تم�شي لأكثر من ن�صف‬ ‫��س��اع��ة ‪-‬ه ��ذا ع�ل��ى ف��ر���ض �أن‬ ‫وزنك �سبعون كيلوغراما و�ستم�شي‬ ‫ب�سرعة ثالثة �أميال بال�ساعة ‪ -‬بينما‬ ‫�إذا لم ت�شربها من الأ�صل فك�أنك م�شيت‬ ‫لأك�ث��ر م��ن ن�صف �ساعة‪ ،‬م��ع الإ� �ش��ارة‬ ‫هنا �إلى �أن هذا ينطبق �أي�ضا على بقية‬ ‫الم�شروبات الغازية وال�سكرية الم�صنعة‬ ‫من قبل �شركات �أخرى ب�شكل عام‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬نيويورك تايمز‬

‫جزء من المخطوط الذي تم‬ ‫تحليله بالطريقة الإ�شعاعية‬ ‫وتبين �أن��ه يعود لزمن النبي‬ ‫ال �ك��ري��م‪ ..‬ل�ق��د كتبت ��س��ورة‬ ‫�أول ��س��ورة ط��ه بخط جميل‪:‬‬ ‫(ب ِْ�س ِم اللهَّ ِ ال َّر ْح َمنِ ال َّر ِح ِيم‬ ‫}ط��ه (‪َ )1‬م��ا �أَ ْن��زَ ْل � َن��ا َع َل ْي َك‬ ‫ا ْل ُق ْر َ�آ َن ِلتَ�شْ قَى (‪� )2‬إِلاَّ تَذْ ِك َر ًة‬ ‫ِل � َم� ْ�ن َي��خْ ���َ�ش�َ�ى (‪َ )3‬ت � ْن��زِ ي�ًل�اً‬ ‫ال�س َما َو ِات‬ ‫ِم َّم ْن خَ َلقَ ْ أ‬ ‫ال ْر َ�ض َو َّ‬ ‫ا ْل� � ُع�َل�اَ (‪ )4‬ال�� َّر ْح�� َم� ُ�ن َع� َل��ى‬ ‫ا�س َت َوى (‪َ )5‬ل ُه َما ِفي‬ ‫ا ْل َع ْر ِ�ش ْ‬ ‫الَ ْر ِ�ض َو َما‬ ‫ال�س َما َو ِات َو َما ِفي ْ أ‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫َب ْي َن ُه َما َو َم��ا ت َْح َت ال َّث َرى (‪)6‬‬ ‫َو�إِ ْن ت َْج َه ْر بِا ْل َق ْولِ َف ِ�إ َّن ُه َي ْع َل ُم‬ ‫ال�س َّر َو�أَخْ فَى (‪ )7‬اللهَّ ُ لاَ �إِ َل َه‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫الَ� ْ��س� َم��ا ُء ال ُْح ْ�سنَى‬ ‫�إِلاَّ ُه� َو َل� ُه ْ أ‬ ‫(‪َ )8‬و َه ْل �أَت َ‬ ‫و�سى‬ ‫َاك َح ِديثُ ُم َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫(‪� )9‬إِذْ َر َ�أى نَا ًرا َفقَالَ ِ أل ْه ِل ِه‬ ‫ْام ُك ُثوا �إِ ِّن��ي �آَن َْ�س ُت َن��ا ًرا َل َع ِّلي‬ ‫�آَ ِتي ُك ْم ِم ْن َها ِب َق َب ٍ�س َ �أ ْو �أَجِ ُد َع َلى‬ ‫َاها‬ ‫النَّا ِر ُه� ً�دى (‪َ )10‬ف َل َّما �أَت َ‬ ‫و�سى (‪� )11‬إِ ِّني �أَنَا‬ ‫نُو ِد َي َيا ُم َ‬ ‫َر ُّب َك فَاخْ َل ْع َن ْع َل ْي َك �إِن َ​َّك بِا ْل َوا ِد‬ ‫ا ْل � ُم � َق � َّد�� ِ�س ُط� � ًوى (‪َ )12‬و�أَ َن ��ا‬ ‫وحى{‬ ‫َا�ست َِم ْع ِل َما ُي َ‬ ‫اخْ َت ْرت َُك ف ْ‬ ‫طه‪.13-1 :‬‬

‫وي�ؤكد الباحثون �أن هذه المخطوطة هي �أقدم‬ ‫ن�ص قر�آني يتم العثور عليه حتى الآن‪.‬‬ ‫يقول البروف�سور ‪� David Thomas‬أ�ستاذ‬ ‫الالهوت في جامعة برمنغهام‪� :‬إنني من�صدم‬ ‫ومنده�ش ج��د ًا �أن نجد ج��زء ًا من مخطوطة‬ ‫للقر�آن (تت�ألف م��ن �صفحتين) كتبت قبل‬ ‫�أكثر من ‪� 1370‬سنة ميالدية على الأق��ل (‬ ‫وه��ذا يعادل ‪� 1411‬سنة هجرية)‪� .‬إن هذه‬ ‫المخطوطة ت�ؤكد �أن ال�ق��ر�آن كتب في زمن‬ ‫النبي ولي�س كما كنا نعتقد �أن��ه تم تجميعه‬ ‫والإ�ضافة عليه بعد وفاة النبي الكريم‪.‬‬ ‫لقد ا�ستخدم الخبراء معجل جامعة �أك�سفورد‬ ‫الإ� �ش �ع��اع��ي ‪Oxford Radiocarbon‬‬ ‫‪ Accelerator Unit‬وال ��ذي يحلل عمر‬ ‫المخطوطات بوا�سطة الكربون الم�شع‪ ..‬وتبين‬ ‫�أن المخطوطة ق��د كتبت ف��ي الفترة ‪-568‬‬ ‫‪ 645‬ميالدية‪ ،‬مع العلم �أن فترة نبوة النبي‬ ‫كانت من ‪ 632-610‬ميالدية‪ ..‬وه��ذا يعني‬ ‫�أن المخطوط قد كتبه �شخ�ص عا�صر النبي‬ ‫وعا�ش معه‪.‬‬ ‫ف��ي ن�ه��اي��ة ال�سنة الما�ضية (‪ )2014‬ق��ام‬ ‫العلماء بتحليل مخطوطة �أخ��رى في جامعة‬ ‫‪ Tübingen University‬ب ��أل �م��ان �ي��ا‬ ‫با�ستخدام الكربون الم�شع ‪Radiocarbon‬‬ ‫وب�ع��د تحليل جلد ال�م��اع��ز ال��ذي كتب عليه‬ ‫الن�ص القر�آني تبين �أن المخطوطة كتبت بعد‬ ‫وفاة النبي الكريم ب�سنوات قليلة (ربما زمن‬ ‫عثمان ر�ضي اهلل عنه) �أي من �سنة ‪675-649‬‬ ‫ميالدية‪� ..‬إن هذه المخطوطات ت�أتي يوم ًا بعد‬ ‫يوم لتثبت لكل من في قلبه �شك من هذا القر�آن‪� ،‬أن اهلل قد حفظه من التحريف‪..‬‬ ‫فالحمد هلل رب العالمين‪.‬‬ ‫المهند�س عبد ال��دائ��م الكحيل‪ ،‬ب��اح��ث ف��ي الإع�ج��از‬ ‫العلمي في القر�آن وال�سنة‪� ،‬صدر له �أكثر من �أربعين‬ ‫كتاباً وكتيباً‪.‬‬


¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Labor engages with arabic media to connect with community MEDIA RELEASE NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley and Opposition Whip Shaoquett Moselmane hosted an Arabic media roundtable in Lakemba to discuss a range of issues close to the heart of Sydney’s diverse Arabic community. Mr Foley and Mr Moselmane, who is the Convenor of Arabic Friends of Labor, were also joined by Member for Lakemba Jihad Dib, Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism Sophie Cotsis, Member for Prospect Hugh McDermott, Member for Cessnock Clayton Barr and Lynda Voltz MLC. Today’s roundtable acknowledged Australian Labor’s motion at the 2015 National Conference to put Australia on the path of recognising Palestine as a state. The roundtable also focused on the importance of language in aged care facilities to service the increasingly large number of elderly immigrants. Labor this year launched a Multicultural Taskforce to identify and engage with issues facing Sydney’s growing multicultural community. Quotes attributable to NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley “Labor is proud of its longstanding commitment to harmony, and grateful

to the Arabic community for their rich contribution to our state’s multicultural fabric.” “Today’s roundtable – alongside Labor’s Multicultural Taskforce – is a practical way for political leaders to speak to community members who are all too left out of the mainstream media.” “I look forward to an ongoing dialogue with the Arabic community through its media. I want to thank the media for their interest and assure them Labor continues to work for their communities.” Quotes attributable to Arabic Friends of Labor Convenor Shaoquett Moselmane “Frank and open consultation with the Arabic community is one of the priorities of Luke Foley’s Labor team.” “This dialogue will continue throughout the term, and I look forward to further constructive meetings with the community.” Luke Foley MP NSW Opposition Leader Shaoquett Moselmane MLC Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council


Labor Makes Progress on Palestine APAN Media Release The Australia Palestine Advocacy Network welcomes the motion that was passed at the ALP National Conference regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In particular, it applauds its recognition that any resolution of the conflict must be based on 1967 borders with agreed land swaps, a timeframe to end Israeli occupation and an agreement on a solution to Palestinian refugee issues. “It’s a significant step forward,” said APAN’s President George Browning. “President Obama has been saying that the borders between Israel and Palestine should be based on 1967 lines since 2011. This brings Labor much closer to the international consensus on the issue.” The Netanyahu government emphatically refuses to consider any return to its 1967 borders, insisting that Israel maintain control over all of Jerusalem, the settlement blocs and the Jordan Valley as part of any future peace agreement. APAN also welcomes the motion’s call for Israel to cease all settlement expansion in the Occupied Territories. “This is a very important development,” Browning said. “The purpose of Israel’s entire settlement enterprise is to

prevent a two-state solution by creating irreversible facts on the ground. The RuddGillard government recognised that the settlements were illegal and supported UN resolutions condemning settlement expansion – a move that has been reversed by the Abbott government. I’m encouraged that Labor is standing its ground on this issue.” Browning noted that the motion had failed to recognise Palestinian statehood but noted that it held out the possibility that Labor might do so in the future if there is no progress in the next round of the peace process. “The truth is that there is no ‘next round of the peace process’,” Browning said. “The last peace negotiations broke down more than a year ago over Israel’s refusal to honour its promise to release Palestinian prisoners or halt settlement expansion. Since then, even the Americans seem to have given up.” Overall, however, Browning says that he is happy with the motion. “In politics you rarely get all that you want. I understand that Australia’s Israel lobby has been working very hard behind the scenes to block any progress. The motion opens the door to the recognition of Palestinian statehood and that’s a positive.”

Launch Dinner SEEDS


SEEDS Health SEEDS Health is an initiative of SEEDS Australia. The aim of SEEDS Health is to provide free and accessible health services to disadvantaged communities in Africa. SEEDS Australia will achieve this in two ways

Seeds Health was officially launched by Dr B. Hass Dellal OA, Executive Director of Australian Multicultural Foundation. Dr Hass Dellal is the Patron of Seeds Health. Almost two hundred members from the community were in attendance including members of Australian National Imams Council, Victorian Board of Imams, business community, educational institutions and many Islamic organisations. Guest speakers included Br Nail Aykan General Manager of Islamic Council of Victoria, Br Dr Ahmed Hassan, Dr Ahmed Burhan, Br Baha Yehia

Coordinator Islamic Relief Melbourne, Sr Umulkhayr Dalmar Chairwomen of Ethiopian Somali Diaspora Community of Australia among other dignitaries. Sheikh Issa Mussa Chairperson of SEEDS Health thanked attendees for their support and encouraged all members of the community to get involved in this project. Please contact Abdiaziz Farah Executive Direct of SEEDS Health if you would life further information or wish to support this worthy project. Please forward all correspondences to

(1) Medical Missions: In partnership with local health services SEEDS Australia will lead teams of surgeons and other health professionals to provide free medical services in Africa. (2) Bringing African children to Australia for lifesaving medical surgery SEEDS HEALTH PRIORITY AREAS SEEDS Health has identified three areas of health priority. These are;

1.Blindness 2.Cleft 3.Obstetric Fistula Vision Free and equitable health care for disadvantaged communities in Africa Mission Our mission is to provide high quality free health care to disadvantaged communities in Africa Values: Compassion Impartial Integrity Respect Our Guiding Principle Equity in health care



¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Ending the Cycle of Minority Blame

Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove, Keysar Trad, Dr. Anas Natfaji

By Br. Keysar Trad Prominent Victorian lawyer Julian Burnside wrote: “Right now, Islamophobia is the new antisemitism, and it is dangerous.” Some Islamophobic comments published in the mainstream media by commentators who seem to have become untouchable: “A de facto world war is under way and it has everything to do with Islam. It is not thousands of lone wolfs. It is not un-Islamic conduct. It involves thousands of Muslims acting on what they believe is their religious duty to subjugate non-believers, as outlined in the Koran. And the problem is growing, not contracting.” (11 Jan 15) In another article he blames Australians of a Middle Eastern Background for the Cronulla Riots: “Cronulla, where after yet another assault thousands of people demonstrated about the years of abuse and intimidation from a disconnected, racist, violent, moronic and sexually dangerous subculture.” (13 Jan 2006). Another untouchable writer opens a 14 July 2015 blog post with: “You might get the impression that many Muslim leaders are treating our police as the real enemy in this battle against Islamist terrorism. “Whatever the truth of their motivation, such leadership is grotesquely irresponsible and another disturbing sign that Islam may be incompatible with a pluralist and secular country such as ours.” In an article dated 9 April 2015, this man completely misrepresents a

University of Melbourne Curriculum study with the following: “What an offensive corruption of our curriculum. Children are to be taught the fabled best of Islam and the imagined worst of Australia to blind us all to the real challenges Islam poses even to a country that’s peacefully integrated the many more Buddhists here.” He closes this long article with: “Only a fool could not see a problem in importing more people from a faith that sets many so apart from, and at odds to, the culture of their host country.” The same commentator excuses or attempts to rationalise the cold blooded murder by Anders Brievik of 93 Norwegians as being a result of his becoming unhappy about Muslims, he wrote on 25 July 2011: “Some are left deeply wounded and enraged by a sense of powerlessness and rejection. Which means this is more likely than anything else I’ve seen to be a clue to this explosion of murderous rage:” Australia’s most powerful shock-jock utters this selection of comments about Lebanese Australians over the course of four days towards the end of April 05: “These mongrels.” “Lebanese males in their vast numbers not only hate our country and heritage.” “They have no connection to us.” “They simply rape, pillage and plunder a nation that’s taken them in.” “What did we do as a nation to have this vermin infest our shores?” “Tell me we don’t have a national security problem in the making.” “Take the gloves off, and make life a collective hell for these bastards and their followers …” Nearly eight months later, he or his callers said on air: “Middle Eastern Grubs” “My suggestion is to invite one of the biker gangs to be present in numbers at Cronulla railway station when these Lebanese thugs arrive, it would be worth the price of admission to watch these cowards scurry back onto the

train for the return trip to their lairs … Australians old and new shouldn’t have to put up with this scum.” And the following exchange: “shock-jock: Yeah, good on you John. Caller John: Now, ah, my grandfather was an old digger and he used to say to me when we were growing up “Listen, shoot one, the rest will run!” Shock-jock: (laughs) Caller John: Right? Shock-jock: (still laughing)” Rather than standing up for the vilified minorities, both the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition come to the shock-jock’s defence after ACMA found that this shock-jock “was likely to have encouraged violence and vilification of Australians of Lebanese and Middle Eastern background.” Not to be outdone, the Abbott government promised to introduce a repeal of the racial vilification laws (a move named after one of Australia’s leading Islamophobe). The Abbott government later dropped this issue in return for more draconian security measures. Back to the Cronulla Riots, those I have quoted along with other commentators, continued to attack Middle-Eastern Youth– and the system followed suit, ME youth getting heavy-handed treatment whilst the rioters received very light treatment. An Example from 15 December 2005: “Shock-Jock 2: We Australians do not have to apologise for anything. My anger is reserved for the politicians and bureaucrats who conspired to bring in people who were guaranteed to be incompatible and have demonstrated that in every country into which they have moved. “Caller Francis: Absolutely. Look, I couldn’t agree with you more. “Shock-jock 2: Many of them have parents who were first cousins, whose parents were first cousins, because of the culture - it’s not a religious thing, it doesn’t say this in the Koran - but it’s a cultural thing for some part of the world to have parents who are very closely related. The result of this is inbreeding, the result of which is uneducationable people, and very low IQ.” Columnist Michael Brull highlighted some of the impact of Islamophobic commentary: “A man threatened to set a Muslim woman on fire. When she looked to another man for help, he called her a terrorist. “Another man entered a mosque and threatened to hit a woman with a chair. He also threw cement bags at the mosque. Another Muslim woman was physically attacked and called a “f-------terrorist”. Another Muslim woman was attacked by a large man, who told her to “go back to where you came from”. His physical assault broke her arm.” Of course there are many more attacks on Muslims, too many to list in this summary of my speech. As these attacks occur – the call is always for Muslims to dissolve to become inaudible and invisible into a white Australia Ideal. They lay all the blame for Muslim discontent on Islam and Muslims – taking no responsibility for the hostile conditions they created which have silenced and forced many members

of the Muslim community to the margins making it difficult for many Muslims to find work or a clear sense of belonging. They seem to be pushing for greater extremism than the assimilation demanded by Pauline Hanson, their commentary is profoundly antagonistic to Islam – and through that, Muslims become unassimilable or incapable of integrating into any majority Western country. Comments such as: “The killing will go on because jihad is built into the fabric of Arab Islam.”and others quoted earlier make it very clear that there is very little room for Islam in such people’s worldview. This fixation with Islam seems unquenchable Groups such as: The Q Society, Reclaim Australia, the ADL (Australian Defence League), Catch the Fire Ministries look like a neocrusade against Muslims and popular extremist columnists politicians have supported some of these groups. We now have a parliamentary enquiry into Halal certification (which the senator instigating the enquiry referred to as a “racket”). The words Halal, Sharia (the corpus of Islamic teachings), Jihad ( the exertion of effort, the greatest of which is to speak up against tyranny) are increasingly used in a pejorative way in public discourse. Minorities become easy targets when Othering goes unchecked. Othering is “The process of perceiving or portraying someone or something as fundamentally different or alien Another important tool in creating acquiescence to minority blame is “Projection”, projection is when one projects his own flaws or societal malaise onto others, you call them out for these flaws as if the flaws were not yours, but theirs. This is part of the problem – if Jihad is built into the fabric of Arab Islam, then what is built into the fabric of cultures that sees their nations going from one war to another under false or at best dubious pretexts? They project their violent expansionism by accusing Muslims of doing or trying to do or fantasising about doing the very thing that the dominant culture is doing. An example is the headline to the 8 Nov 13 blog by Australia’s most powerful columnist: “First off: our freedom restored to criticise the New Racism” The hard truths are never told, these are: 1 – The majority of asylum seekers from the Middle East or Afghanistan are here as a result of either foreign intervention through invasions or through the installation or backing of pliant dictatorial regimes. 2 – Some of our youths get involved in anti-social behaviour because they have fallen victim to the same antisocial behaviour that prevails amongst a section of mainstream youth – this

behaviour is not imported it already existed here. The gang rapes of 2000 are not imported, many women have suffered and continue to suffer from rape, violence and misogyny are also perpetrated by members of the dominant culture and have been so perpetrated for far too long. The children of the recent wave of migrants didn’t introduce drugs into Australia, drugs had been sold by gangs long before migrant youths started to get drawn into the illicit trade. Gang violence is not exclusive to a few migrant youths, gang violence existed long before migrant youths were introduced to it – the bikie shootout in 1984 on a street in the Sydney suburb of Milperra left 7 people dead. Blaming minorities is the laziest and nastiest form of deflection. It transforms the dominant culture into a bully and ironically, the bully projects his crimes onto his victim through the use of Othering and other tools which the minority has limited means to address or against which to seek redress. Little wonder that some of those who are “Othered” can start to feel like “the Other.” This minority blame deprives the host/dominant society/culture from the best fruits of all its citizens (or residents) as it denies a section of citizens opportunities to harness their potential the same way others can. On the pragmatic level, it is a crime against the very host culture by those warriors who claim to be protecting it and as long as minorities are denied the protections available to the rest of society, the chasm within society will increase, the mistrust will increase and racially motivated crimes will increase. We need to move from this minority blame for our society to move forward, there has to be a very strong bipartisan approach at the political level. This is not about political correctness nor about curbing free speech. However, fanciful blame-shifting against the most vulnerable in society is not free speech, it is bullying, it is denialism and it is a betrayal of society. After the bipartisan approach to protect the quality of life of all Australians, we need to ensure that anti-vilification laws are accessible, affordable and effective – In addition to these laws, the silent majority of the dominant culture needs to speak out. I have heard phrases such as: the Chinese, the Greeks, the Italians, the Vietnamese or the Catholics had to go through this, now it is the turn of the Muslims. They talk as if this widespread minority vilification is some sort of an initiation ritual on the way to being accepted as Australian. The reality is that vilification of each of these minorities is a shameful blight on our history as a nation, we should have learnt from the time we vilified the Afghan cameleers or the Chinese labourers that such vilification is not in the interest of Australia, but instead, our nation has a history of always projecting its problems on the latest minority to arrive at our shores and that unfortunately shows that we, the majority are not taking the most important lessons from our own history. This is an extract of the speech by Br. Keysar Trad of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia Inc. at the UWS Advancing Community Cohesion Conference held in July 2015. The full speech with complete reference can be found at:http://verbaldelights. html


‫الوسط الدعوي‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬

‫شرح مختصر لمناسك الحج‬ ‫‪2‬‬



‫‪ 8‬ذي الحجة‬

‫‪ 9‬ذي الحجة‬

‫‪ 10‬ذي الحجة‬

‫يوم التروية‬

‫يوم عرفة‬

‫المبيت بمزدلفة‪:‬‬

‫يوم الحج األكبر‬

‫التوجه �إلى منى‬ ‫والمبيت بها‪.‬‬

‫الوقوف بعرفة‬

‫بعد غروب �شم�س اليوم التا�سع من‬ ‫ذي الحجة (يوم عرفة) تنطلق‬ ‫�إلى منطقة (مزدلفة) وهي‬ ‫منطقة بين (منى) و(عرفة)‪،‬‬ ‫وت�صلي فيها المغرب والع�شاء‬ ‫جمعا وق�صرا وتبيت الليلة هناك‬ ‫حتى الفجر (وقد رخ�ص النبي‬ ‫�صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم للن�ساء‬ ‫والعجزة في التوجه �إلى رمي‬ ‫الجمرة الكبرى والإفا�ضة الى‬ ‫الم�سجد الحرام بعد ن�صف‬ ‫الليل)‪.‬‬

‫الوقوف عند الم�شعر الحرام ثم رمي الجمرة الكبرى والذبح وال‬

‫في �صباح اليوم الثامن من ذي‬ ‫الحجة (وي�سمي يوم التروية)‬ ‫تتوجه �إلى منطقة (منى) وهي‬ ‫منطقة مجاورة لمكة المكرمة‬ ‫وتق�ضي اليوم هناك وتبيت‬ ‫هناك وت�صلي ال�صلوات هناك‬ ‫في مواقيتها ق�صرا دون جمع‪.‬‬

‫ثم في �صباح اليوم التالي وهو التا�سع من‬ ‫ذي الحجة (وهو يوم عرفة) تتوجه بعد‬ ‫ال�شروق �إلى منطقة (عرفة) وهي مجاورة‬ ‫لمكة �أي�ضا ولكن بعد منطقة (مني) بعدة‬ ‫كيلو مترات‪ .‬وت�صلي الظهر والع�صر جمعا‬ ‫وق�صرا بم�سجد نمرة (وهو على حدود‬ ‫عرفة جزء منه فيها وجزء منه خارجها)‬ ‫ثم تتوجه �إلى جبل عرفة وتق�ضي اليوم‬ ‫بعرفة حتى غروب ال�شم�س في دعاء وذكر‬ ‫وابتهال �إلى اهلل تعالى‪.‬‬

‫بعد �صالة الفجر يوم العا�شر من ذي الحجة وهو يوم عيد الأ�ضحى (وي�سمى يوم ال‬ ‫قزح) بمنطقة مزدلفة فتقف هناك لذكر اهلل والدعاء ثم قبل طلوع ال�شم�س تتوجه‬ ‫عدد (‪ )7‬ح�صيات بحجم حبة الفول تقريبا‪ :‬حيث تقوم برمي الجمرة الكبرى فقط‬ ‫المكرمة)‪ ،‬ثم تقوم بذبح الهدي‪ ،‬ثم تقوم بحالقة ر�أ�سك �أو تق�صير �شعرك (والحال‬ ‫ وبذلك تكون تحللت من �إحرامك التحلل الأول (الأ�صغر) فتحل لك كل محظورا‬‫بالكعبة الم�شرفة �سبعة �أ�شواط وهو طواف الحج (وي�سمى طواف الإفا�ضة �أو طواف‬ ‫وراء مقام �إبراهيم �أو في �أي مكان من الحرم ال�شريف‪ ،‬ثم تتوجه �إلى ال�صفا فتبد�أ ا‬ ‫عند المروة‪ .‬حيث ت�صعد على ال�صفا وتدعو ثم ت�سعى ال�شوط الأول متجها الى الم‬ ‫�إلى ال�صفا‪ .‬وهكذا حتى تتم �سبعة �أ�شواط‪ .‬وبالن�سبة للرجال ف�إنهم يهرولون في الم‬ ‫ي�سن لها الهرولة‪ .‬وبعد ذلك تعود �إلى منطقة (منى) للمبيت هناك‪.‬‬

‫الوسط الدعوي‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 58‬ذو القعدة ‪ 1436‬هـ ¿ آب ‪ 2015‬م ¿ ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015‬‬



‫يبد�أ الحج بـ (الإحرام) وهو للحج مثل الو�ضوء والتكبير بالن�سبة لل�صالة وهو البدء في الحج‬ ‫ب�أن يقول‪:‬‬ ‫«لبيك اللهم حجا» ويجهر بها‪ ،‬وبمجرد التلفظ بنية الحج يكون الحاج قد بد�أ في حجه‬ ‫ويحرم عليه جميع محظورات الإحرام‪.‬‬ ‫والإحرام له مواقيت مكانية (حدود) يجب �أال يتخطاها الحاج �إال وهو محرم‪.‬‬ ‫وله �أي�ضا حدود زمنية فال يكون الإحرام بالحج �إال في �أ�شهر الحج (�شوال وذو‬ ‫القعدة وذو الحجة)‪.‬‬



‫وفور �إحرامك تبد�أ في التلبية ‪ ،‬وال تتوقف عن التلبية �إال‬ ‫بعد رمي جمرة العقبة الكبرى في يوم النحر (يوم عيد‬ ‫الأ�ضحي)‪.‬‬



‫طواف القدوم‬

‫بعد االحرام تتوجه �إلى مكة المكرمة حيث‬ ‫تق�صد الم�سجد الحرام لتطوف بالبيت‬ ‫�سبعة �أ�شواط (ط��واف القدوم)‪ .‬ثم‬ ‫تبقى في مكة �إل��ى �أن ي�أتي اليوم‬ ‫ال��ث��ام��ن م��ن ذي الحجة (ي��وم‬ ‫التروية)‪.‬‬


‫الح ِّج َي ْأ ُت َ‬ ‫وك ِرجا ً‬ ‫ال‬ ‫اس ِب َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫(و َأ ِّذ ْن في ال َّن ِ‬


‫ضامر َيأتينَ ِمن ُك ِّل َف ٍّج َعميق)‬ ‫َو َع َلى ُك ِّل‬ ‫ِ‬

‫‪This pages is sponsored by:‬‬

‫‪World Assembly of Muslim Youth‬‬

‫‪• 94 Boardwalk Blvd, Point Cook VIC 3030‬‬ ‫‪• Tel: +61418175556‬‬ ‫‪•‬‬

‫‪ 13-12 -11‬ذي الحجة‬


‫أيام التشريق‬

‫لحلق وطواف الإفا�ضة‪:‬‬

‫لنحر �أو يوم الحج الأكبر) تتوجه �إلى الم�شعر الحرام (جبل‬ ‫�إلى منطقة (منى) حيث توجد الجمرات الثالثة وت�أخذ معك‬ ‫ط (وت�سمى جمرة العقبة وهي الأخيرة والتي من جهة مكة‬ ‫القة �أف�ضل طبعا) وبالن�سبة للن�ساء تق�ص من �شعرها قدر �أنملة‬ ‫ات الإحرام �إال الن�ساء ‪ -‬ثم تتوجه �إلى البيت الحرام فتطوف‬ ‫ف الزيارة �أو طواف الحج �أو طواف الركن)‪ ،‬ثم ت�صلى ركعتين‬ ‫ال�سعي بين ال�صفا والمروة �سبعة �أ�شواط تبد�أ من ال�صفا وتنتهي‬ ‫مروة حيث ت�صعد عليها وتدعو ثم ت�سعي ال�شوط الثاني عائدا‬ ‫م�سافة بين العالمتين الخ�ضراوين في الم�سعى‪� .‬أما المر�أة فال‬

‫المبيت بمنى ورمي الجمرات الثالث‬ ‫في �أيام الت�شريق الثالث‪:‬‬ ‫اليوم الحادي ع�شر‬ ‫فور حلول �أذان الظهر (وقت الزوال) من يوم الحادي ع�شر من ذي‬ ‫الحجة (اليوم الأول من �أيام الت�شريق الثالثة وي�سمى يوم القر)‬ ‫تتوجه �إلى الجمرات �آخذا معك عدد (‪ )21‬ح�صاة فترمي الجمرة‬ ‫ال�صغرى ب�سبع ح�صيات ‪ ،‬ثم تدعو اهلل عز وجل دعاء طويال ‪ ،‬ثم‬ ‫ترمي الجمرة الو�سطى ب�سبع ح�صيات‪ ،‬ثم تدعو اهلل عز وجل دعاء‬ ‫طويال ‪ ،‬ثم ترمي الجمرة الكبرى (جمرة العقبة) ب�سبع ح�صيات‬ ‫ثم تن�صرف‪ .‬ثم تبيت اليوم في منى‪.‬‬

‫اليوم الثاني ع�شر‬

‫اليوم الثالث ع�شر‬

‫(اليوم الثاني من �أيام الت�شريق‬ ‫وي�سمى يوم النفر الأول) تفعل‬ ‫نف�س ما فعلته في اليوم الحادي‬ ‫ع�شر من ذي الحجة‪ .‬ثم تعود‬ ‫الى (منى) للمبيت بها‪ .‬وهذا‬ ‫للمت�أخر �أما المتعجل فيقوم بعد‬ ‫الرمي بالتوجه الى الم�سجد‬ ‫الحرام ليطوف طواف الوداع ثم‬ ‫يتوجه راجعاً �إلى بلده ويجعل‬ ‫الطواف �آخر عهده بالبلد‬ ‫الحرام‪.‬‬

‫�إذا لم تكن متعجال ف�إنك في اليوم‬ ‫الثالث ع�شر من ذي الحجة وهو اليوم‬ ‫الثالث من �أيام الت�شريق وي�سمى (يوم‬ ‫النفر الثاني) تفعل نف�س ما فعلته في‬ ‫اليوم الثاني ع�شر ولكن ال تبقى للمبيت‬ ‫بمنى و�إنما بعد انتهاءك من رمي‬ ‫الجمرات تتوجه �إلى البيت الحرام بمكة‬ ‫المكرمة فتطوف بالكعبة �سبعة �أ�شواط‬ ‫طواف الوداع وتجعله �آخر عهدك بالبيت‬ ‫الحرام ومكة المكرمة فال تفعل �شيئا‬ ‫بعده في مكة من بيع �أو �شراء �أو زيارات‪.‬‬

AUSTRALIAN ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Border clearance advice for Hajj pilgrims The Department of Immigration and Border Protection 25 Aug 2015 The Department of Immigration and Border Protection recognises the importance of religious events such as the Hajj and the right to travel for such events. Making the pilgrimage to Mecca is a joyous opportunity for travelling Muslim Australians. We encourage anyone travelling to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj to familiarise themselves with Australian border processes prior to travel.

Arriving at the airport All travellers should arrive no later than 2 hours prior to departure to allow enough time for check-in, border processing and any unexpected delays. After checking-in for your flight you should progress directly to border processing.

Border clearance We are committed to maintaining the security of our nation and screen all arriving and departing travellers. When you are departing, have the following ready for clearance at the border: passport completed Outgoing Passenger Card boarding pass. Before you arrive into or depart from Australia, Australian Border Force (ABF) officers may examine you and/or the items you are carrying. Officers may inspect all baggage, goods and documents that you are travelling with at the time you arrive or depart Australia. This includes electronic devices and their contents, such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops, and other storage devices. ABF officers assess travellers based on border risk and will never stop individuals based simply on race, religion, ethnicity or travel destination. In all cases, ABF officers are expected to treat travellers with dignity and


Declaring cash or foreign currency There is no limit to the amount of cash or foreign currency you can bring into or out of Australia. However, if the total value is AUD$10,000 (or the foreign currency equivalent) or more, you must declare it at the Australian border. This includes Australian dollars, foreign currency, or any combination of this, being carried on your person, in your baggage or if someone else is carrying it for you. To declare you must: answer ‘Yes’ to the relevant questions on your Outgoing Passenger Card; and complete a Cross-Border Movement - Physical Currency (CBM-PC) reporting form, available from ABF officers at international airports. Sharing money between people travelling with you to avoid reporting requirements is called ‘structuring’ and is against the law.

Know what is on your electronic devices It is an offence to bring into or take out of Australia, material that is offensive, or advocating violence in any form. This includes images or videos held on electronic devices that portray cruel and revolting acts, child pornography, and material that advocates or praises acts of terrorism. By keeping images like this on your electronic devices such as a hard drive, computer or mobile phone, even if someone has sent them to you, you may be committing an offence.

More information For more information about border clearance processes visit: Check The latest travel advice from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Smart Traveller website:


‫ مصارف لبنانية‬9 ‫ مصرف في العالم‬1000 ‫ضمن أكبر‬

‫�أعلنت الأمانة العامة التحاد الم�صارف العربية �أن البيانات التي ن�شرتها مجلة‬ 1000 ‫» ال�صادرة في �شهر تموز الما�ضي والمت�ضمنة �أكبر‬The Banker« ،)Tier1Capital( ‫م�صرف في العالم بح�سب ال�شريحة الأولى لر�أ�س المال‬ ،‫ م�صارف لبنانية‬9 ‫ منها‬،‫ م�صرف ًا عربي ًا �ضمن �أكبر �ألف م�صرف في العالم‬83 ‫دخول‬ ‫ «بنك‬،»‫ «فرن�سبنك‬،»‫ «بيبلو�س‬،»‫ «لبنان والمهجر‬،»‫ «بنك عوده‬:‫وهي بح�سب الترتيب‬ ‫ «اللبناني الفرن�سي» و«االعتماد‬،»‫ «�سو�سيتيه جنرال‬،»‫ «البحر المتو�سط‬،»‫بيروت‬ .2014 ‫ في �سنة‬507 ‫ يذكر ان بنك بيروت احتل مرتبة‬.»‫اللبناني‬

Bank of Beirut SAL: Three Awards granted to Bank of Beirut at the “Banker Middle East Industry Awards Ceremony” and Salim Sfeir recognized as “Banker for the Year 2015 in the MENA region” Bank of Beirut has been rewarded three well-deserved awards from the Banker Middle East Magazine. This further endorses its primary leading position in the local, regional and international banking circles. Bank of Beirut, the only Lebanese bank to earn this triple recognition, won a series of awards as “Best Commercial Bank in Lebanon” and “Best Transaction Bank in the Levant”. However, the “Best banker for the year 2015 in the MENA Region” award has been conferred to Dr. Salim G. Sfeir, Bank of Beirut Chairman-CEO. Dr. Salim Sfeir received the three prestigious accolades from Banker Middle East, CPI Financial’s leading banking industry magazine during a lavish ceremony held at the Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel in Dubai, which was attended by leading figures across the region’s banking and

financial services industry. Commenting on this triple recognition, Bank of Beirut Chairman, gratified by these triumphs declared, “We are proud to receive these coveted accolades and our neverending efforts are boundless.” Thanking Banker Magazine for its confidence, Dr. Sfeir stated, “These rewards will only increase our motivation to accomplish our mission by boosting our determination with the intention of realizing new heights in accomplishing superior successes in the future.” It is worth noting that the Banker Middle East awards, which are regarded as genuine recognition of financial excellence in the Middle East region, aim at rewarding those financial and banking institutions recording superior performance. source:



¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Donation Myths and Misconceptions Research undertaken by the Organ and Tissue Authority reveals a number of common myths and misconceptions that are holding Australians back from deciding about or discussing organ and tissue donation. Before making an informed decision about organ and tissue donation, it’s important that you ‘discover the facts.’To help, we’ve busted some of the most common organ and tissue donation myths, below. Myth: It’s my choice – I don’t need to discuss it with my family Fact: Your family needs to know. They will be asked to confirm your decision. They will be involved in each step of the donation process and be asked to provide vital health information – even if you have registered your decision. If you’ve decided to become a donor, you need to discuss your decision to prepare your family so that they are comfortable being part of the process. Myth: Organ and tissue donation is against my religion. Fact: Almost all religions support organ and tissue donation as an act of compassion and generosity. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism all support organ and tissue donation. Very few religions do not. Position statements from most major religions are available at Australians need to know that the organ and tissue donation process can accommodate religious and cultural end of life requirements. Some religions or cultures may need the deceased to be buried within a certain time span of their death, and all efforts will be made to accommodate this. Myth: I’m too old or not healthy enough to donate. Fact: Age is not a barrier - people in their 70s and 80s have saved the lives of others through organ and tissue donation. You don’t have to be in perfect health. People who smoke, drink or don’t have a healthy diet can still donate. There’s every chance that some of your organs and tissues may be suitable for donation. The determining factors are where and how a person dies, and the condition of their organs and tissues. Don’t rule yourself out – count yourself in! Myth: I’m not sure if I am registered and there is no way to check. Fact: You can check and update (or register) your details on the Australian Organ Donor Register at, call 1800 777 203 or visit your local Service Centre. In Australia you can donate your organs; heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and pancreas, and tissues;

heart valves and pericardium, corneal and eye tissue, bone and related musculoskeletal tissue and skin tissue. You can specify which organs and tissue you are willing to donate on the Australian Organ Donor Register. Myth: I don’t have a Medicare number so I cannot register to become a donor. Fact: You do not have to be an Australian citizen or have a Medicare number to register as an organ and tissue donor on the Australian Organ Donor Register. It is important that you discuss your donation decision with your next of kin, and that you ask and know their donation decision. Myth: My organs and tissue will be used for research. Fact: Organ donation is about helping save or improve other people’s lives. Donated tissues and organs will never be used for medical research unless explicit written permission is given by your family. Myth: Organ and tissue donation disfigures the body Fact: Organ donation is specialised surgery and does not disfigure the body. Organ and tissue retrieval is performed by highly skilled health professionals. The surgical incision made during the operation will be closed and covered as in any other operation and will not be visible beneath the person’s clothes. The donor’s body is always treated with dignity and respect. Myth: If I have registered as a donor, doctors won’t try as hard to save my life Fact: The doctor’s first priority is always to save your life. Saving your life is the absolute priority of medical staff – health staff, doctors and nurses work incredibly hard to save people’s lives. Organ and tissue donation is only considered when it’s absolutely clear that the person has died or that death is inevitable, at which time the Australian Organ Donor Register will be checked. Myth: Enough people become donors so I don’t need to think about it. Fact: Donation is a rare event – only 1% of hospital deaths allow for organ donation. More than 1,600 people are on organ transplant waiting lists at any one time. They are counting on every potential donor having decided and discussed that decision with their

WORTHY CAUSES family. One organ and tissue donor can transform and save the lives of many. Most of these rare deaths are sudden and unexpected with the patient dying in a hospital Emergency Department or Intensive Care Unit on a ventilator. To optimise every potential organ donation we need every Australian family to decide and discuss their donation decision with loved ones. Myth: I can choose who will receive my organ and tissue donations. Fact: Australia is a world leader for successful transplant outcomes. Organs are allocated to transplant recipients in a fair, equitable process that takes no account of race, religion, gender, social status, disability or age - unless age is relevant to the organ matching criteria. Waiting lists are managed by different groups according to the organ involved and the state or territory where the recipient is located. Australia has strict guidelines about the allocation of organs and tissues. The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) has developed guidelines for organ transplantation, Organ Transplantation from Deceased Donors: Consensus Statement on Eligibility Criteria and Allocation Protocols. Myth: Organ and tissue trafficking is common in Australia. Fact: Some people may have concerns about illegal organ trafficking, or have knowledge of this taking place in their home country. Treating human beings as a commodity for organ trade is illegal and will remain illegal in Australia. In Australia, State and Territory laws criminalise the removal of organs for the trade or sale of the organs, or where there is no consent for the removal of the organs. The Commonwealth’s organ trafficking laws criminalise the movement of people into, from or within Australia for the purpose of the unlawful removal of their organs. No financial incentives for organ and/or tissue donation are able to be provided in Australia. Australian laws are grounded on the ethical concern that providing financial incentives for organ donation may lead to coercion and exploitation of the poor and other vulnerable groups. DISCOVER the facts about organ and tissue donation DECIDE about becoming a donor DISCUSS your decision with the people close to you. For more information or to register your decision with the Australian Organ Donor Register visit www.

Australian Islamic Centre VIC

It is with great pleasure that we announce the start of construction works at the new Australian Islamic Centre. Please donate generously to make this dream come true soon. Bank Commonwealth Bank of Australia BSB: 063 152 Account Number: 1009 7396 Account Name:Newport Islamic Society

Masjid Ibrahim WA To Donate Masjid Ibrahim: Account Name: Masjid Ibrahim BSB: 246 600. Account#: 470 553 975 Bank Name: CITIBANK Masjid Ibrahim Contacts: Br. Zakaria Patel : 0412 785 919

Br.Talha Patel: 0421 212 440 Sheikh Burhaan Mehtar: 0452 217 866 Sheikh Shabbir Moosa: 0416 153 786 Group e-mail:

Noorul Islam Society WA Donation: Please donate for Car Park Bank Name:Bankwest BSB:306-107 ACC NO: 417941-9 Noorul Islam Society P.O.Box 794 Mirrabooka,W A 6061 Ph/Fax 08 92488559

Who is the Citizen of the Year? MEDIA RELEASE

Mayor Shane O’Brien with Rockdale Citizen of the Year Yvonne Holcroft and Rockdale’s 2015 Australia Day Ambassador Graham Ross

Nominations for Rockdale Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Sportsperson of the Year open on Tuesday 1 September. This is your opportunity to nominate someone in Rockdale City you believe deserves special recognition. Our community relies on volunteers for many community needs and Council wants to honour a citizen and young citizen who have made an extraordinary contribution to our community. Council will also present a Sportsperson of the

Year Award to recognise local sporting achievements. The awards will be presented at Council’s Australia Day celebrations on Tuesday 26 January 2016. Rockdale’s current Citizen of the Year is Yvonne Holcroft, a volunteer Girl Guide Leader who has practiced Guiding in Rockdale LGA almost all her life and has had a positive impact on thousands of local girls over the last 40 years. Nominations close Friday 23 October at 4.30pm. Nominations forms are available from Council’s Customer Service Centre, Council libraries and online at

HISTORY ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Boundless Plains


The Islamic Museum of Australia (IMA) has completed its first project documentary and photography book of an expedition, which will document the Muslim History in Australia that dates back to as early as the 18th Century to where it is now. The book and film was launched by Senator Hon Kate Lundy and Yusuf Islam (Cat Steven’s) in May 2012. Overview and Objectives of the Project The Islamic Museum of Australia will make a documentary of an expedition by four young Muslim Australians who go on a journey to discover and document the Muslim history of Australia. The documentary will include interviews with townspeople, academics, in areas of Australia, which have hosted Muslim communities and have a contribution to make to tell the story of Muslim history in Australia. The documentary aims: • To educate Australians and people in other countries about the contribution made by Muslims to Australia, • To foster a sense of closeness and acceptance to Australia for young Australian Muslims and • To inform other countries about Australia’s Muslim past and promote tolerance in the Australian community. The Islamic Museum of Australia owns the rights to the video and will air it at the Museum, events, school’s and also seek to have it aired in other countries around the globe, particularly partner countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the countries of the Arab world. The project accords with the Islamic Museum of Australia’s aim to foster community harmony and facilitate an understanding of the values and contributions of Muslims to Australian society. It will also highlight Australian historical links with the Malay Peninsula and Indonesian Archipelago. The video contains filmed footage of rock paintings as old as 20,000

years and artifacts from remote Arnhem Land, which illustrate the interaction between Indonesian fishermen and the local Aboriginals that dates back pre-European settlement. It also includes interviews with the 101 year old daughter of an Afghan cameleer and with aboriginal camel trainers who use the afghan language to train the camels and riders. Including other Afghan descendants today and covers Broome and the historical links with Malaysian Pearl Divers. Yusuf Islam song “Where in the World” features in the film. Background The Muslim population in Australia is ethnically, linguistically, and culturally diverse—a mix from over 120 countries. Muslims have been visiting Australia and contributing to Australian culture and society for hundreds of years. Muslim fishermen from Indonesia have visited Australian shores since the 18th century. They interacted with Aborigine populations, intermarried and shared culture and use Indonesian words in their language. Islam immigrants stood shoulder to shoulder with their Australian countrymen during Australia’s pioneering days. Malay pearl fishers and Afghan cameleers brought their religion to Australia in the 19thth century. The first mosque in Australia was built of mud brick at Marree, South Australia in 1861. It was followed by other mosques built by the Afghan cameleers including the onewhich still stands in Bourke, built in the 1880s, Broken Hill and Australia’s first City Mosque. Following the Second World War, the Muslim community in Australia expanded due to the post-war economic boom, which created employment opportunities and encouraged many European Muslims to migrate to Australia to seek a new life. In 1975 another wave of immigration came from Lebanon resulting from the Lebanese Civil War. Lebanese Muslims now constitute the highest profile Muslim group in Australia, and

form the core of Australia’s Arab Muslim population. Since the 1970’s Australian towns and cities with sizable Muslim populations have witnessed a change in streetscapes. Mosques and prayer rooms are now seen in public places, along with Islamic schools and halal food stores. Islamic centers have also recently developed in Australia, offering the growing Muslim community facilities such as youth centres, sports, social activities and providing cultural advice for new arrivals. The documentary, aired on TV in neighbouring countries,notably Indonesia and Malaysiawill serve as a useful means to raise awareness among these populations, of the historical links and positive contribution of Muslim to Australian development and of the diverse nature of Australian society. Much of Australia’s broader population are unaware of the positive contributions made by Muslim Australians in diverse endeavours throughout Australia. The unfavourable perception of Islam resulting from events of 11 September 2001and the 2005 Bali bombings have threatened Islam’s acceptance in modern Australian society. Achieving the Objectives The documentary was made in two parts, which covered Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, SA, NT, WA has been filmed and is now in near complete production. Over 20,000km of vast terrain covered namely: Melbourne, Snowy Mountains, Bourke NSW, Broken Hill, Mareeba, Adelaide, Marree, Port Augusta, Alice Springs, Uluru, Darwin, Arnhem Land, Broome and Sydney. The participants in the documentary project are: Moustafa Fahour – Islamic Museum of Australia Founder and Board Member, his family came to Australia from Lebanon in late 1960’s and he has had a successful banking career in Australia. He is currently the founder & director of the Islamic Museum of Australia. Ashraf Naim – General Manager, Islamic Museum of Australia. Migrated to Australia at a young age and has been educated in Australia. Peter Gould – An Australian who converted to Islam in his early 20’s and is a photographer and graphic designer. Jehad Dabab– Producer and Director and production director of comedy TV program “Salam Café”. He is also part of a rap group in Australia called the Brothahood, who have a popular following in Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as Australia.

9/15 Nathan Drive CampbellfiledVic - 3061



History Column

When Opinion Formers are Mobilised for Good Bilal Cleland There is a major lesson for the whole Australian community in the attitude to Adam Goodes. All independent authorities agreed that the recent sustained booing of Goodes, the outstanding Swans footballer, was motivated by race hatred. The only media voices raised in denial were the usual suspects, public friends of the Prime Minister, Bolt and Alan Jones. Goodes dared to stand up for the rights of the indigenous community, using his status as a sporting giant and as 2014 Australian of the Year. That was too difficult for those who believe that Aborigines should “know their place” as second class citizens. That so many famous Australians denounced the attempted humiliation of Goodes, including actors, academics, legal luminaries and eventually the AFL, meant that it rapidly became socially unacceptable to maintain the insults. Even PM Abbott was forced to take a stand, albeit a rather weak one, against the booing. The result was seen on Saturday 8 August in the AFL game at Geelong. Goodes was overwhelmingly cheered with only a few desultory and embarrassed boos from the alienated. The Muslim community has also experienced bigotry and racism directed at it, but in different circumstances. The First Gulf War, which followed the invasion of Kuwait by the Ba’athist regime of Iraq in 1990 led to a crisis for the Australian Muslim community. Attacks on Muslims and Arabs became so serious that the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, after the outbreak of hostilities in January 1991, warned Muslims to keep a low profile and suggested that Muslim women only go out when absolutely necessary. The Islamic Council of Victoria had to employ a security firm and advised all Islamic Societies to do likewise. Opinion leaders were mobilised by the Immigration Department, the Council of Churches and the trade union movement to try to prevent anti-Muslim hostility from escalating to a dangerous level. The political leadership at that time was also interested in defending community harmony. Prime Minister Hawke on January 14 1991 and then the Governor General in his Australia Day Message, issued statements against the harassment of Australian Arabs and Australian Muslims. The Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs, Gerry Hand, the Minister for Justice, Senator Tate, the Premiers of Victoria and NSW, the Federal Opposition spokesperson on Immigration, Mr Ruddock, the Chairman of the Human Rights Commission, Sir Ronald Wilson, the ACTU, the Victorian Trades Hall Council, the Council of Churches, the Equal Opportunities Commissioner, the Chairman of the Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils, the Victorian Police, the Ministry of Education in Victoria, all issued statements against the harassment of and discrimination against Arab and Muslim Australians. Most government departments dealing with the Arab and Muslim communities set up strategies to deal with racist attacks, harassment and discrimination. The Equal Opportunity Commissioner and the Human Rights Commission took the initiative in organising a media forum in Melbourne on 21 February 1991, at which members of the Muslim and Arab-Australian communities could discuss their concerns about the media stereotyping of their communities with representatives of the press, radio and television. This strong reaction to racist and religiously bigoted harassment coincided with the release of the report of a National Inquiry into Racist Violence which was presented to the Commonwealth AttorneyGeneral in March 1991. It concluded “Evidence to the Inquiry has shown that the victims of racist intimidation, harassment and violence on the basis of ethnic identity are most likely to be Asian or Arab Australians.” The response of the Australian community to this concerted effort was most heartening, but of course there were still some crocodiles in the shallows. There will probably always be these creatures about, but they need not be emboldened by poor or divisive political leadership. The Abbott led national security fear campaign, directed at “Islamic terrorists” has led to anti-mosque hysteria, halal food investigations, to Reclaim Australia rallies and the foundation of the “United Patriots. “ This has happened with nary a word from our national political leadership uttered against people with swastika tattoos parading in the streets against Muslims. This is very similar to the situation which was developing in 1990 but which was short-circuited by our Australian leaders. What a difference national political leadership, or rather its absence, makes!

The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.



¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬


Fair-Skinned Isn’t Fair By Jamilah Samian Let us be honest. Have you ever felt a tingle of discomfort if someone with a skin tone that looks markedly different from yours, were to sit next to you in a bus or train or flight? At a recent youth leadership program I helped facilitate, a young man recalled his first day at school. “I wasn’t too sure where to sit,” recounted the man. “Then my class teacher appeared, and the first thing he said was, ‘I want each of you to sit with someone who isn’t the same race or skin colour as yourself, on your left and on your right.” The young man continued his story. “I realized years later that as a little child, I wasn’t bothered by people who looked different from me. It wasn’t just me. It was true of all children. Children are non-judgemental. They treat everyone the same. Treating people differently because of their race or skin colour is something that we learned growing up. Adults teach children to do that.” At a glance, the young man’s experience seemed simple enough. Yet, here is a remarkable example of how adults who really care can shape the world, by instructing children under their tutelage, that race and skin colour are no more than skin deep. If only more adults were to start children on the right track as the young man’s teacher did. I recall vividly a neighbour’s remark on seeing my newborn daughter for the first time: “It’s good she’s fair! She will get married early!” I didn’t quite know how to respond back then, although deep inside, I was appalled at the idea of my daughter being “measured” in terms of her “fairness”. There is just too much discrimination and prejudice happening around us, sparked by the seemingly innocent element of “skin colour”. You might have experienced something similar too! If you have two

or more children attending the same school, with one child darker-skinned, you might have heard a less sensitive teacher saying, “I didn’t know these two are siblings! The two of them look so different. I mean, A is much darker than her sister!” How does one explain this inexplicable obsession with fair skin across the world? Not too long ago, I learnt from a fair European woman married to a very dark Asian man, that, in her husband’s family, being fair, like it or not, is top on the list, especially when looking for a spouse. So much so that girls were referred to as “dark, dark” or “dark” or “fair”. Woe betide those girls who fall under the “dark, dark” spectrum. Meaning, it would be real hard for them to find suitors who would give them a second look. You must be fair first and foremost, to be considered worthy of marriage. Really? How does skin colour influence our character, which should be the most important thing that matters? Despite humanity’s seeming advances of technology, much leaves to be desired with how we deal with people of differing skin tones. For example: in America, slavery officially ended more than a century ago. But the remnants of its not-so-pleasant legacy remains. Darker skinned African Americans are disadvantaged in many areas. For instance, lighter skinned African Americans found it easier to secure jobs, even if the resumes of the lighter skinned applicants and the darker skinned applicants were to be exactly the same (Harrison & Thomas, 2009). “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character,” so said Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, worldrenowned for his role to wipe out racial discrimination in America. It would seem that his dream has yet to fully see the light of day. One might argue that the as humans, it is only natural for us to seek those who are like us. It gives us a kind of

security that we are not alone; that we are among friends. We have ingrained in us a body system that finds it soothing, at a subconscious level, to be in a homogeneous environment. This argument of “natural instinct” might make sense to some. Yet, isn’t it a matter of concern that something as basic and fundamental as race and skin colour are still used as a yardstick to judge people? Point is, I am not saying that you should never spend meaningful time with your own peoples. All I’m saying is, you have much to gain if you make real effort to get acquainted with people of different races, ethnicities and colours. Diversity has much to offer. Just as men and women have unique strengths, so do people of different colours and ethnicities enrich your life. Allah says in the Quran, Surat AlHujurat [verse 13] - “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another.” It is good to remember that Bilal ibn Rabah, a black slave, was one of the most respected and trusted companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Born in Mecca, Bilal was the first muezzin (caller to prayer), chosen by the Prophet himself. Bilal was among the freed slaves who gained honour for his selfless and exemplary character. By treating Bilal ibn Rabah as such, the Prophet proved that diversity and plurality and racial equality are celebrated in Islam. Men and women of different races and skin tones enhance our lives. If we were to act unkindly and feel otherwise, that’s our loss, not theirs. Jamilah Samian is the author of “The Kindness Miracle”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, and “The Groovy Guide to Parenting Gen-Y & Z”. Visit her website Check her out at

Deputy Premier Merlino: “Sirius continues to enlighten our education system.” Sirius College has inaugurated its new campus in Dallas. The official ceremony took place with the presence of Deputy Premier and Education Minister James Merlino. Deputy Premier said “Sirius College has been a very successful school and I believe it will nurture many more successful students in the future.” Sirius College Dallas Campus was formerly known as Dallas North Primary School. Due to various reasons this government school was shut down many years ago and it has been idle since then. Last year Sirius College purchased this school and renovated its buildings thoroughly in less than 6 months so that it could be ready at the beginning of 2015 school year. The Deputy Premier & Education Minister James Merlino has inaugurated Sirius College’s 6th campus in Victoria. Maria Vamvakino, Federal Member for Calwell and Frank McGuire MP for Broadmeadows were also present at the program alongside the minister. Serdar Takimoglu, the Executive Principal of Sirius College, expressed his excitement and happiness for the opening of their new campus and thanked to those who worked very hard in its establishment process. He also mentioned about their projects for the next two years and added that their efforts are to provide the best possible educational opportunities to the future generations. Merlino: “Sirius College continues to enlighten our education system” “Sirius means the brightest star in the night sky. With this new campus, a new light has been sparked for our education. Sirius College continues to enlighten our education system.’’ said Merlino.

Deputy Premier expressed his appreciation for being part of the ceremony and also pointed out how Sirius College has improved in terms of its academic performance and student numbers since its establishment in 1997 with only 28 students.

only another investment of Sirius College; these people spend their lives to provide a better education. Their efforts are for nurturing students with ethics and social responsibility besides academic excellence. I would like to thank all founders, school leaders and teachers of Sirius College.

Vamvakinou: “These people spend their lives to provide a better education” Federal MP Maria Vamvakinou also gave a speech at the ceremony stated how proud she is with the success of Sirius College. Maria Vamvakinou, “This campus is not

Sirius College Dallas Campus has started to operate this year with only year 6 students, around 100 students. In 2 years, with the construction of new modern buildings, it is planned to cater for more than 600 students from Prep to Grade 6.

Legal Corner

AntiCitizenship Hyder Gulam

Al wasat Legal Editor This month’s Legal Corner will be looking at Anti-Citizenship. This has been making the news in many places around the world, including Australia, Canada and elsewhere, all generally common law nations, famed for their legal tolerance, adherence to the rule of law, and guarding of fundamental rights and freedoms. There are generally certain responsibilities and privileges of being an Australian citizen. The responsibilities are: A. obey the law B. defend Australia should the need arise C. serve on a jury if called to do so D. vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendum. The privileges of being an Australian citizen is the right to: • Vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendum • Apply for work in the australian public service or in the australian defence force • Seek election to parliament • Apply for an australian passport and re-enter australia freely • Receive help from an australian official while overseas • Register children born overseas as australian citizens by descent. In Australia, the Abbott Government has released the latest anti-terror bill which allows for dual Australian nationals to lose their citizenship if they have been engaged in terrorism (see previous Al Wasat article about the meaning of this term). However, this is a perversity according to many groups, including the Muslim Legal Network, as a revocation of citizenship should only occur where a person has been convicted by a court. It is a grave innovation to have public servants making these decisions without due process and these matters not being heard by courts. In my view it is likely to be unconstitutional given secret assessments being made by public servants. The rule of law requires that we see justice and people know what they are being charged of. They have a right to a fair trial, they have a presumption of innocence, they have a right to present a defence. In short, a key plank of the proposed legislation is the power to strip citizenship from dual nationals if they fight with “a listed terrorist organisation overseas”, which may be informed by a political bias, for example the African National Congress of which Nelson Mandela would have listed. Any dual citizen who is “convicted of a specific terrorism related offence” or engages in “specified terrorist related conduct” would also cease to be Australian. In Canada, there is a newly proposed legislation to cancel the citizenship of terrorists. The law would give authorities the power to cancel the Canadian citizenship of dual citizens who served in a foreign army or organization fighting against Canada, or who were charged with treason. It would target the growing number of Canadians joining terror groups and returning - potentially to conduct attacks. However, this matter is being taken further to also target the 145 Canadian citizens are serving in the IDF as “lone soldiers”, living by themselves in Israel and serving in the IDF. Certain Canadian groups have called for the Canadian law preventing citizens from leaving the country to join terror groups to be expanded to include those leaving to serve in the IDF. In concluding this short article about citizenship and ant-citizenship, it can be seen that naturalised citizens of Australia enter into a contractual agreement with the Commonwealth Government when they declare the citizenship pledge, as follows: From this time forward/(under God), I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey. As Muslims, we are indebted to keep our word and honour our covenants as a religious principle. Therefore, arguably the citizenship pledge becomes religiously binding. Australian-born citizens do not declare any such pledge, so they fall under another category, where the covenant of security is considered a customary understanding, in the sense that even though they did not physically affirm the pledge or sign a document of loyalty, it is understood that there exists between the citizen and the government a covenant of security. Finally, many eminent legal and non-legal scholars have soundly argued that the status of citizenship in a democratic society should not be treated as a tool of punishment or protection against threats to society and caution that this approach is counter-productive to attempts to address radicalization within our society. Till next time, Masalama. By SQNLDR (ret) Hj Hyder is a registered nurse (UK), a qualified lawyer, and an accredited mediator, and co-founder of the Muslim Legal Network Inc. Footnotes available upon request.

community ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Muslim community helps tackle drug-use


Refugees Affairs

The Shift Towards Tyranny Bilal Cleland

The Islamic Council of Victoria in conjunction with the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association (VAADA) ran a round-table discussion with Arabic-speaking Muslim community members and key representatives from local drug treatment services, based in the City of Hume. 22 community members attended the fruitful discussion, aimed at improving the outcomes for individuals and family members from the Arabic speaking Muslim community who are affected by harmful alcohol and other drug... (AOD) use, on Tuesday, August 18 at the ICV’s Jeffcott St office. One of the key issues raised, was the difficulties individuals and family members from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities

experience in getting support from mainstream services, including drug treatment agencies. The roundtable helped meet key decision makers from local drug treatment agencies; including ReGen, Oddyssey House, Yotuh projects, Vincent Care and Kildonian, and raised issues of direct concern and interest by hearing directly from local drug treatment representatives about the services they provide and what can be done to make these services more culturally approachable and relevant. ICV Project Officer Ramzi Elsayed chaired the meeting, along with Sheikh Moustapha Sarakibi and Ben Gresham. ICV General Manager Nail Aykan said it was important for community leaders to come forward on such issues which are often taboos within our communities.

A former security guard at the asylum seeker detention centre in Nauru told the Senate inquiry into the circumstances and conditions at the detention centre, that asylum seekers are being waterboarded. That is a form of torture used by the Americans on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. The lawyers presenting this evidence stated [Independent Australia 18 August 2015]:: The Prime Minister said such allegations were false and called for any evidence to the contrary to be produced. {the Guardian 16 August 2015] What cannot be denied is the fact that the de-humanising of prisoners or detainees must inevitably lead to abuse and torture. Kellie Tranter in “Australia’s Abu Ghraib moment” [Independent Australia 18 August 2015], discussed the findings of wellknown American psychologist Philip Zimbardo who reported on the abuse at Aby Ghraib. “According to Zimbardo, good people do bad things when there’s a dehumanisation of others, de-individuation of self, diffusion of personal responsibility, blind obedience to authority, uncritical conformity to group norms and passive tolerance of evil through inaction or indifference. All this usually occurs in a new or unfamiliar situation.”

ICV Day of Immersion When we look at the situation in our detention centres, or concentration camps, there is too much similarity. “The Abbott Government has instructed department and detention staff to publicly refer to asylum seekers as illegal arrivals and as detainees, dressed public servants in military-style uniforms, ignored the fact that children identify more readily with their boat identification number than their name, implemented media bans, solidified departmental and contractor power and anonymity and blanketed all government policy and action in secrecy. How better to set the scene for significant human rights abuses?” The increasing evidence of human rights abuses being carried out in our name is a national disgrace. As participants in a democracy we all bear responsibility for these abuses so we must speak up. Silence is consent! The ICV in conjunction with Spiritual Care Victoria hosted an immersion day for 17 students from Stirling University on the 18th of August, 2015. The event now in its second year gave Students from the theological college a chance to immerse themselves in Islam for the day. Starting at the ICV Office in Broadmeadows, Students were given a primer on Islam by Prof. Aladin Zayegh touching on the 5 pillars of Islam, religious sources and dietary habits. The long-standing commun...ity member and teacher revelled in the experience to share the tenets of faith to those hungry to learn. This was followed by presentation on health and care by event organiser and hospital coordinator Lina Ayoubi and struck a chord with many that performed chaplaincy work within their own traditions. The group then boarded a bus bound for Meadow heights Mosque to give them a more

practical sense of Islam. Delightfully, hosted by the sisters of Sareera Youth. Guests were enlightened on a variety of activities conducted by the youth group including nursing home visits, outdoor activities etc. as well as learning more about the function of the Mosque itself. They were then treated to the famous hospitality prevalent in Muslim cultures when they enjoyed a beautiful Turkish meal. This was then Followed by an observation of the Zuhr (Midday prayers) in the Mosque itself. To many this was the highlight of the day to be able to see Muslims perform their daily observance and be enriched by the spirituality. The guests were then shuttled onto their next destination: The Islamic Museum of Australia to get a more historical understanding of Islam. Guided by Wafa Fahour an IMA & ICV Hospital Chaplain volunteer the group was treated to many personal anecdotes about her upbringing in Islam which helped

personalise the experience as well as open their eyes to the diversity that exists within the Muslim world. The day ended too soon for some but all in all the students really enjoyed their day of immersion in Islam. Fresh in the knowledge and new perspectives on Islam as well as new friendships. Event organiser Lina Ayoubi commented that “It was a very dynamic informative and challenging experience for most of the participants yesterday. Certainly some came with one attitude and left with a completely different one” If you would like to know about the ICV Hospital Chaplaincy Program please contact: Or visit their facebook page at: If you would like to know more about immersion day please visit: news-events/2015/05/25/ pastoral-and-spiritual-care-ina-multi-faith-setting/

The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.



¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

An Iftar to Remember

‫ساهموا في تسديد ثمن المبنى المجاور لمسجد السالم‬

Islamic association of logan city

‫املنزل الذي مت �شراءه بجوار م�سجد ال�سالم تابع للجمعية اال�سالمية‬

Sowaibah Hanifie Saturday the 20th of June marked a momentous day for Adelaide’s Muslim community, as they invited their fellow Australians to break fast together. In true Ramadan spirit, Muslims and NonMuslims alike were invited to the Botanical Gardens by the Shahin Family and the Islamic Arabic Centre to celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan. The Iftar brought together local and State politicians as well community leaders under a spectacularly decorated marquee with a lavish arrangement of cultural foods. Special guests included His Excellency the Honorable Hieu Van Le AO, Governor of South Australia; The Honorable Jay Weatherill, Premier of SA, His Excellency the Grand Mufti, Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, David Knox, Chair of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens Foundation, Prof. Mohamad

Abdullah and His Excellency, Dr. Hassan El-Laithy, Ambassador of the Republic of Egypt. As people from various backgrounds prayed and broke fast together, the audience was reminded of the beauty of multiculturalism and tolerance. Member of the organising committee, Banaz Aziz, was positive her team would be able to present the true values of Islam through the event. She explained that as Muslims they were encouraged to uphold strong relationships and exhibit hospitality to others who may or may not be of the same religion. For the Muslim community, Ramadan is a time to appreciate their countless blessings, including the ability to enjoy a meal with others regardless of their of difference. The Iftar will hopefully be the first of many more occasions that hearten positive attitudes towards a religion in which the very greeting is of peace.

Islamic association of logan city have been buying the property next door to transform it the an islamic comunity centre. It will be appreciated if you donate and help us help our local muslim community. *Account Name: Islamic Association of Logan City Incorporated ANZ Bank BSB: 014 279 Account Number: 3728 54728 Please call hajj jamal on 0406914631.

:‫يقول اهلل �سبحانه وتعالى في كتابه الكريم‬ ‫}�إنما يعمر م�ساجد اهلل من �آمن باهلل واليوم‬ ‫الآخر و�أقام ال�صالة و�آتى الزكاة ولم يخ�ش �إال‬ .{‫اهلل فع�سى �أولئك �أن يكونوا من المهتدين‬ ‫ت�ت��وج��ه الجمعية اال��س�لام�ي��ة ف��ي منطقة ل��وغ��ن ف��ي والي��ة‬ ‫كوينزالند بال�شكر الى كل من �ساهم معها في �شراء المبنى‬ .‫المجاور لم�سجد ال�سالم مع قطعة االر�ض‬ ‫وت �ت �م �ن��ى ال �ج �م �ع �ي��ة م� ��ن اب� �ن ��اء ال �ج��ال �ي��ة اال� �س �ت �م��رار‬ ‫ف ��ي دع� ��م ال �م �� �ش��روع ح �ت��ى ي �ت��م ت �� �س��دي��د ك��ام��ل ال�م�ب�ل��غ‬ .‫ال�م���س�ت�ح��ق وال � ��ذي ي �ج��ب ت �� �س��دي��ده ف ��ي م���دة م� �ح ��دودة‬ ‫لال�ستف�سار يمكنكم التوا�صل مع رئي�س الجمعية الحاج جمال‬ 0406914631 ‫الخالد على الرقم‬

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Darusalam society inc

Darussalam society inc. Is a registered not- for profit organisation dedicated to the promotion the Islamic religion,culture and social welfare

Development Vision:

• A Mosque that can accommodate up to 1000 people • A Dawah centre • Community Events Hall • Youth Recreational Facilities • Classrooms •L ibrary and Workshop • Cafe • Gymnasium • Training & Workshop Rooms • Students and new Immigrants Help Office

To achieve our vision,we urgently require your support

AUSTRALIAN ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

AUSTRALIAN HALAL CERTIFIER ALLIANCE Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) will be: Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) was established on 24th of July 2010 because of the demands of Overseas Halal Authorities. The Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) was established to cultivate harmony amongst Australian Halal Certification organizations and to rectify problems on Halal issues in the spirit of Muslim brotherhood in accordance with Shari ‘a Law (Islamic teaching). This umbrella organization AHCA currently has eleven members. The Adelaide Mosque Islamic Society of South Australia Inc, Australian Federation of Islamic Council Inc, Australian Halal Authority and Advisor, Australian Halal Food Services, Halal Sadixq Bux, Global Halal Trade Centre Pty Ltd, Islamic Association of Kataning, The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria Pty Ltd, Islamic Council of Western Australia, Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia and Perth Mosque Incorporated.

Executing consistently and consequently all rules, criteria and requirements of Halal certification according to Islamic teaching that is issued by Overseas Authorities. Halalness is a part of Islamic faith. Every member of AHCA will honour and execute fully all Halal issues. Cultivating harmony amongst members of AHCA to finalize problems on halal issues in the spirit of Muslim brotherhood. Enhancing the status of Halal Standards & Procedures and to have an unified approach among the Halal Certifiers in Australia. Issuing Halal slaughterman/inspector/supervisor ID Cards to control and monitor the Halal according to Shari’a Law. Protecting the integrity of Halal. Establishing harmony amongst the Australian Halal certifiers. Having cooperation amongst Australian Halal certifiers.

The main aim of Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) is to set International Halal standards that can be used world wide

Qari’ Ziyaad Patel VISIT

Baneen Al Shukur: 75.75

Qari’ Ziyaad Patel (a reciter of the Quran) visited East Preston Islamic College and is an inspiration to the young and older students. To hear from such a young role model is very beneficial to our students. He travels constantly and has the honour of reciting the Quran in Mosques in the U.K., Ireland, Turkey, India, Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Thailand, Indonesia and now Australia. His visit will be a once in a life time opportunity for all of us. Qari was born in South Africa and is currently visiting Melbourne and performing in schools and mosques. His Quran and Nasheed recitation is amazing Mashallah.

East Preston Islamic College 55 Tyler Street, East Preston, VIC, 3072, Australia. Ph: +61 3 9478 3323 • Fx: +61 3 9470 1255




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The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria (ICCV) which was established in 1992 is the major and the largest Islamic organization responsible for the certification, monitoring, and supervision of Halal food exports from Australia. We also provide Halal Food (Halal Meat and Halal Processed Food) Certification and Supervision for domestic market. Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, Libya, South Africa and others recognizes Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria as a Halal Authority in Australia (for Saudi Arabia State of Victoria only) providing Supervision, Certification and advisory services to the Halal Meat and Livestock and Halal food products.

Benefits of ICCV Halal Certification With the establishment of high standards and consumer confidence in ICCV certified Halal products, business organizations gain access to the vast marketing potential of Halal consumers on a global scale.ICCV recognition provides export opportunities to the global Halal market which is estimated to be in the region of US2.3 trillion dollars comprising of approximately 1.6 billion Halal consumers Very important competitive advantage is gained The unique ICCV certification Mark (Logo) affixed on all products is a means of greater promotions and marketing advantage

The ICCV is the only body in the State of Victoria, Australia, recognized by the Halal authority of the Saudi Arabia Government.ICCV IS THE MOST RESPECTED HALAL ORGANIZATION for the Supervision and Certification of Halal Meat and Halal Processed Food from Australia to Republic of Indonesia. With five office staff, two food technologists, four Sharia advisors and over 140 registered, Halal slaughtermen/ inspectors ICCV is the largest and the most respected Halal Certifier in Australia. We have the capacity to increase 140 registered Halal slaughtermen/inspectors to more than 250. We have no shortage of manpower.We are ready to provide Halal Certification Service to interested organizations.

Interested institutions/organizations/ Companies/individuals can contact our office contact details are;

Phone: 61 3 9380 5467 • Fax: 61 3 9380 6143 Email: • Website:

The assistance of ICCV personnel by providing ongoing support and effective and efficient Halal marketing strategy ICCV certified products will be acceptable with no exceptions by all Muslims all around the world Accreditation and certification is provided whilst maintaining the confidentiality of company trade and product details. The discharge of your responsibility in investigating and providing assurance of genuine Halal to the Halal product consumers in the era of excessive deceit and false labeling and certification of Halal.

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Al Asma - Al Husna The Most Beautiful Names of Allah 99 Names for 99 Days exclusively at the Islamic Museum of Australia Exhibition dates: September 4th – December 12th 2015 Al Asma Al Husna brings to life the attributes and signs by which Muslims recognize the wonderment of God. Discover the 99 most beautiful names from one of the most talked about faiths of our time. Presented through the stunning contemporary works of local and international artists this exhibition will illuminate and delight the senses.

Proudly Supported By - ABN 88 561 206 382 - 15A Anderson Rd, Thornbury 3071 PO Box 250, Batman VIC Australia 3058 - T : 1300 915 171 - E :



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AUSTRALIAN ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬




- The Muslims Of New South Wales - The Islamic Council Of Victoria. - The Islamic Council Of Queensland.

- The Islamic Council Western Australia. - The Islamic Council South Australia. - The Islamic Council ACT.

- The Islamic Council Of Tasmania. - Christmas Islands Islamic Council. - Northern Territory Islamic Council.


Islamic College of Brisbane students contribute to feed the needy in 10 countries. This Ramadan, the Islamic College of Brisbane (ICB) combined forces with Islamic Relief Australia (IRAUS) to help raise money for IRAUS’s annual Ramadan Campaign.

At the beginning of Ramadan, IRAUS distributed their unique My First Sadaqah/Charity Box to each ICB student. After a month of enthusiastically collecting money, the students returned their boxes this week. Alhamdulillah, the students have helped to raise $10,000, and still counting, as we are waiting on the return of boxes from the students, inshAllah. Each Primary class received a Charity Hero Award certificate, in acknowledgement of their efforts. We would like to extend a very special thank-you to the students and their families for contributing to this amazing cause and working hard to fill up their boxes. These much needed funds will be used to feed the hungry, internationally.




The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Inc AFIC is the oldest and longest serving government recognised Halal certification service provider. AFIC’s Halal service has been established over 40 years ago as the first formally structured Halal Meat certification service in Australia. This service has progressed into provision of Halal certification services for meat and non-meat products. Revenue generated through AFIC Halal Services is put back into the community. For details of benificiaries please refer to AFIC Annual Reports on: For further information on how to obtain Halal Accreditation for your products, please contact our Sydney office on (02) 9319 6733 or AFIC’s Melbourne office on (03) 9329 1228 Or come in for a chat: 932 Bourke Street, Zetland, Sydney, and 6668- Jeffcott Street, West Melbourne. Email: or

Visit AFIC at

Message from the President

IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST BENEFICENT, THE MOST MERCIFUL Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh We have farewelled the holy month of Ramadan with heavy hearts. We are grateful, Alhamdulillah, for this injection of spiritual energy and upliftment received during the last 30 days. As we embrace each new day, we seek Allah’s support, beseeching Him Almighty to guide us to the right path and help us remain steadfast in faith for the rest of the year, Insha’Allah. The spiritual ‘recharge’ gained over this period energises one into consistent good actions and good habits developed during Ramadan. In practical terms, it means whatever good you have done, you keep it up. You keep up and continue to help those less fortunate, be charitable, be polite, kind helpful to one another, support each other in achieving good even in small projects. Keep up the remembrance of Allah SWT, continue with reciting and understanding and acting upon the lessons of the Holy Quran, nourish the light of your Iman with the continuous remembrance of Allah SWT. The lessons, actions and behaviour during Ramadan is not limited to the Holy month, a good, practising Muslim is defined by his character each and every day of the year. May Allah SWT open our hearts to His remembrance and may Allah open our hearts for others, our brothers and sisters who are in great difficulty around the world, let us remember them in our prayers. Our beloved prophet Mohammed SAW, said: “The supplication that gets the quickest answer is the one made by one Muslim for another in his absence.” (Hadith reported by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi) May Allah SWT guide us on our journey through this temporary existence, may Allah grant us courage and strength to overcome every challenge in an exemplary manner, Insha’Allah. Until next time, Insha’Allah. Wassalaamu Alaikum. August 2015

Hafez Kassem President, Muslims Australia- AFIC



¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

AFIC HISTORY In 1963 the Australian Muslim community adopted an organisational structure for the cause of Islam in Australia. At the grass roots level local Muslims formed Islamic Societies to serve their basic needs in terms of education and prayer facilities. The building of Mosques and providing religious education became the primary objective. The Islamic Councils of each State and Territory united to form State Islamic Councils representing their respective Muslim communities at the peak State level. At the national level the State and Territory Islamic Councils formed the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Inc (AFIC), as the national umbrella organisation for Australian Muslims representing Islam and Muslims at a national and international level. AFIC has its head office in Sydney with branch offices in Melbourne.


Islamic College of South Australia

As a democratic organisation, AFIC holds Federal Council Meetings with all State and Territory affiliates quarterly and an Annual Congress with all State , Territory Councils and Societies participating. The AFIC Committee of Management is elected every three years by the Annual Congress.

OUR MISSION The mission of AFIC is to provide service to the community in a manner that is in accordance with the teachings of Islam and within the framework of Australian law. To advocate on behalf of the Muslim community on all such matters that will affect the community’s relevance, settlement and integration within Australian society. The main role of AFIC is to represent Islam and Muslims of Australia as one “Ummah” to the government and other bodies nationally and internationally. AFIC coordinates and provides resources for activities of its State Islamic Councils and member Islamic societies.

AFIC Publications Muslims Australia

Muslims Australia is a quarterly community based magazine published by AFIC’s Melbourne office and is distributed throughout Australia. The first edition of Muslims Australia was published in June 2007.To be a part of the voice of the community, we welcome your articles, editorial comments

Hand in hand for a brighter Australia Muslims Australia – Head Office 932 Bourke St, Zetland NSW 2017 Tel:02 8303 2100 Muslims Australia – Melbourne Office 6668- Jeffcott St, West Melbourne VIC 3003 Tel:+61 3 9329 1228

All the Praise to Allah ‫جلَّ شأنه‬ for His Grace and Blessings, and I thank Him for granting us success and guidance and prayers and peace be upon Muhammed ‫ صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬whose life style is a source of guidance for us. Alhamdulillah this year so far at Islamic College of South Australia we have been able to achieve all it goals and objectives pertaining to its growth and providing excellent educational facilities to our children. We have started taking a proactive approach instead of a reactive approach in order to uplift the standard of education. We have finalised the “Strategic Plan” outlining a map of our future improvement plan. The school has gone through a major restructure with the introduction of two new roles of assistant principals, one for the primary and other for secondary.

The school has also finalised the roles of three new “Learning and Teaching Coaches”. These coaching positions have been introduced to improve the teaching standard and training and development of the staff. At Islamic College of South Australia we have a great Team of professionals and all the staff are committed to raise the bar even higher in our professionalism. We believe that the most accomplished professionals demonstrate a sense of responsibility. They never look for ways to shirk tasks for fear they will be in the “hot seat.” They welcome the opportunity to take command of a task and see it through to its completion. Personal responsibility creates a perception of professionalism among peers. The college is in the process of introducing new program for the social and emotional learning of our students. We are also in the process of finalising the structure of our Student Representative Council (SRC). NAPLAN results has been remarkable. This year students (refer to the achieve result of all NAPLAN Participating classes). UNSW Test - Between May and August 2015, some of our students has been participate in a series of International tests known commonly as the University of New South Wales Tests. The results is being anxiously awaited. As all the official results coming in the successful student photo and achievement would be put in the school website. The Audit of the School is underway and heading towards a positive direction. The School has now full functioning

Islamic, Arabic and Quranic curriculum, thanks to Dr Hersi Hilole for his untiring effect and dedication to make this possible. The School Carnival is being held on 26 September 2015. Everybody is welcome. (To add activities on that day) The School is to please to announce that is soon commencing Eastern and Western bus route. The children living in these areas can be provided transport facilities by the school. Building project - The School Board is pleased to announce the extension of the new building containing of xx classes, lab, office, etc. The plan has been approved and the work to commence soon. The School Board has been negotiating with the neighbour across the school to buy his property which is successful would be use to extend the play area for the children. Mother Club is functioning well in the school and has contributed immensely to the development and well-being of our children. (Please provide the activities for this year and the statement of the purposes). PAC (Parent Academic Committee?) has been very active, qualified, professional and experience people have had been contributing their precious time for the welfare and benefit of the school. (The roles and responsibility as a committee – how it contributes to the betterment of the school). The Discipline Committee has been formed to overall review and implement the new disciplinary changes. Br Neyaz Abdul Aziz will be heading the committee and all the students discipline matters shall be referred to him.

AFIC SCHOOLS The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils. AFIC is committed to provide educational facilities to all Australian Muslims that will enable Muslim children to be schooled at the highest level in an Islamic environment which would then enable them to take their rightful place in Australian society.


Malek Fahd Islamic School Email: Malek Fahd Hoxtn Park Campus Email:hoxtonparkdp@ Malek Fahd Beaumont Hills Campus Email:beaumont.hills.dp@


Islamic College Of Melbourne Email: Web:


Islamic College of Brisbane Email: Web:


Langford Islamic College Email: Website:

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL Islamic College of South Australia Website:


Islamic School of Canberra Email: Website: www. islamicschoolofcanberra.act.

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EDUCATION ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Eid Prayer which was held on Saturday 18 July 2015 at the

Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha.

Every year ICQ with other member organizations and Mosques conducts the Eid prayer at the Islamic College of Brisbane. The Islamic College of Brisbane is the preferred venue due to the facilities and ample space. The Islamic College of Brisbane’s community is steadily growing with parents of over a thousand students and others who are affiliated to our team of 6 Imams and annual Taraweeh prayers. We were fortunate enough to listen to the beautiful recitation of Surah Ar Rahman from Qari Ziyaad Patel, and a wonderful khutba from Moulana Uzair Akbar. May Allah continue to bless our scholars for their tireless efforts. The Head of Islamic and Arabic studies at our College, Mufti Zeeyad Ravat gave us a very pertinent message and noteworthy reminder of unity. He asked a question to all present, “If our creator is one, our prophet is one and our book is one why do we have so many different groups amongst us? “ The Eidgah is a fantastic expression of the power of unity among our society and we pray that Allah accepts our efforts. The official attendance was approximately 7,500 and we understand that we had capacity to handle another 1500. We also had ample car parking and we estimate that we would have managed to accommodate another 100 to 150 cars. Given the extremely cold weather this year, the Eidgah was held indoors and under cover. The Islamic College Of Brisbane supports all community initiatives and will always be happy to host such events that bring our community together.


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Grant Mufti of Australia Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed

Dr Diab Karrar

Mr Mohamed Azim, Awqaf Singapore awarding Dr Walid Ali

Mr Mansour Saqabi,Awqaf Kuwait Awarding Dr Mohamad Abdalla

Mr Mansour Saqabi

Sh Abdul Salam Zoud

Mr Samir Bennegadi CEO

Dr Abdalkadir Chachi

Dr Abdalkadir Chachi awarding Sh Abdul Salam Zoud

Conference Outline

The Conference Agenda includes 3 key themes comprising of multiple speeches / discussion panels as follows:

Theme 1: Purpose of Waqf, its jurisprudence and legislative perspectives • Rejuvenation of Waqf institutions - Islamic, regulatory and administrative perspectives • Purpose of Waqf and contemporary applications • Contemporary management and governance of Waqf institutions

• Waqf investments: A contemporary Islamic and Economic Perspective • Contemporary Awqaf jurisprudence themes relating to Muslim Minorities Theme 2:Establishing Waqf in Australia: situational analysis and futuristic view • Realising the Potential of Waqf in Australia • Learnings from Australian charitable initiatives • Regulatory framework for charitable institutions in Australia:

Does it enable Awqaf institutions? Theme 3:International benchmarks in managing and investing Waqf • Waqf in Singapore as a benchmark • Waqf funds: The Malaysian Benchmark • Islamic Development Bank’s experience: Deploying Waqf to serve the Ummah • The Kuwaiti Awqaf Benchmark • Contemporary investment models – Awqaf asset investment funds • General discussion on developing Awqaf in Australia

Mr Mazin Fahmi



CONFERENCE ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015 ¿ ‫ م‬2015 ‫ هـ ¿ آب‬1436 ‫ ¿ ذو القعدة‬58 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

The Role of Awqaf in Empowering Institutions and Communities in Australia


A contemporary vision for managing charitable investment initiatives in Australia through the Endowment Model

Awqaf Australia As part of its Launch Program, and in partnership with the Islamic Development Bank and the Kuwait Awqaf Public Foundation, Awqaf Australia will hosted a renowned panel of international and local authorities, researchers and practitioners in the field of Awqaf. The Conference objective is bi-fold: 1) To revive the Sunnah of Waqf and promote its critical and sustainable role in empowering Muslim communities, institutions and the society at large

2) To learn from international benchmarks and enable the transfer of knowledge and proven best practices to enable the Australian model to have a head-start, established on solid foundations. The 2-day conference showcased a selection of speeches, presentations and discussion panels covering all jurisprudence, regulatory, management and investment aspects and challenges for a sustainable model for Awqaf in Australia. Specific focus was directed towards learning from success stories across the globe, from South East Asia (Malaysia and Singapore), to the Middle East (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia), to Europe (the Turkish experience), amongst others.

Mr Almir Colan, Director at Australian Centre for Islamic Finance

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Crescent Wealth now managing more than $100 Million in Islamic Super & Investments Yet they are united in their differences just as they are united in their values. We thank you for your trust and confidence.

A Managing Director’s Message

Strong Investment Performance It has been a remarkable year of milestones. Our members don’t expect to compromise on price, performance or quality of service in order to achieve outstanding results. On the Investment side • Crescent International Equity Fund was ranked number one among Australian ethical funds over the 2015 financial year (Financial Express). Since its launch on 22 February 2013 to 30 June 15, the fund has achieved a total return of 60.65%. • Crescent Wealth made its first foray into commercial property, acquiring a $31 million asset on the fringes of Melbourne’s CBD.

Talal Yassine OAM - Managing Director

Our values have spoken. The Crescent Wealth Super Fund is now well and truly one of the fastestgrowing super funds in Australia. It marks a coming of age as a stable and substantial player in the financial services landscape.

A Big Thank You to Our Members We owe our success to the thousands of Australians who have chosen Crescent Wealth in order to invest in a manner that complies with their values and beliefs. These supporters represent many difference colours, cultures and communities.

groups, mosque associations, professional networks and every day Muslims across Australia. Going forward Crescent Wealth is committed to building on our grass roots foundation. We are going to increase our investment in education, continue supporting the growth of our cultural groups, and host more and more financial information sessions. We will do this while forever celebrating diversity and variety as the face of Muslim Australia.

On the Business side • Members have increased 99% over the 2015 financial year, now well into the thousands. • Funds under management (FUM) have increased 245% over the 2015 financial year, currently sitting well above $100M. • We have launched a new office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in order to increase our exposure to global investment opportunities OneCommunity We would like to also extend our gratitude for the plethora of support we have received from cultural

A Final Thank You We would like to thank those who encouraged us, those who supported us, and those who joined us. We exist for you. As a community, there is nothing we can’t do.

Talal Yassine OAM Managing Director Crescent Wealth

About Crescent Wealth Crescent Wealth is Australia’s leading Islamic superannuation and investment firm. We invest in accordance with Islamic investment principles and offer all Australians an attractive alternative in socially responsible investing. Crescent Wealth offers a series of investment funds as well as the Crescent Wealth Superannuation (pension) Fund. Crescent Wealth manages all aspects of its funds in accordance with its Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL 365260) including product development, registration, legal, accounting, auditing, marketing and distribution. Crescent Wealth does not invest in activities prohibited by Sharia’a such as arms production or trade, alcohol, pornography and gambling. Managing Director Talal Yassine also serves on the boards of the Council for Australia-Arab Relations and ASEAN – Australia Council




Donate Online Campaign Info


Extend a helping hand to the poor and the needy around the world. Your qurban donations will be distributed in various African and Asian countries. CAMPAIGN ENDS ON 18 SEPTEMBER 2015 QURBAN COLLECTION OUTLETS – AUSTRALIAN RELIEF ORGANISATION LTD NSW HEAD OFFICE: UNIT 2, 10 NEWTON STREET AUBURN NSW 2144 TEL 02 8065 8469 VICTORIA BRANCH: 22-24 LISMORE STREET VIC 3047 TEL 03 9309 6168




Important Note: For your receipt, email [or if from Victoria] (1) transfer / deposit receipt (2) name and qurban types of each donor and (3) address.





ARABIC & ENGLISH NEWSPAPER ¿ Issue 58 ¿ Dhul Qa'dah 1436 ¿ August 2015

“PARENTS WAQF” First Waqf of its kind in Australia


Border clearance advice for Hajj pilgrims




Crescent Wealth now managing more than


$100 Million in Islamic Super & Investments





Eid Mubarak

‫أضحية العيد‬

Call 1300 760 155 or visit




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