Happy HIJRI New Year 1442 Issue 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
We Stand With
2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 العدد
Good Morning Beirut
Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Art Director: Omar Alhashemi
Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika
Al Wasat Magazine Address:
Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans VIC 3021 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076
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يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية
The Islamic Calendar
Beirut… in our hearts
Working Together With Multicultural Communities
Islamic Culture Informs the Response to Aged Care
Residential Aged care a Health Risk?
Muslim health professionals, leaders battling ignorance alongside pandemic
Australia delivers humanitarian supplies to Beirut
Does the Government have the power to control human behaviour based on public health?
Forgotten blessing: Barakah in Money
Local Government Elections To Go Ahead In October
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
ّ حث سكان فكتوريا على التسجيل النتخابات المجالس البلدية القادمة
قصة اعتماد التقويم الهجري وشرح معاني أسماء أشهر التقويم الهجري
عدد العاطلين عن العمل في أستراليا يتجاوز المليون
الرقبة النصية )(مرض العصر
معالم مدينة بيرث تضاء بلون العلم اللبناني
حديث الوسط
حديث الوسط
في لبنان.. فواز شوك • في لبنا َن َيبكي الوج ُع على الوج ِع ،ويحترقُ الدم ُع على الدم ِع ،وينو ُح الموتُ على الموت. • في لبنا َن ِ ينتح ُب الوج ُع من �ش ّدت ِه ،ويت�أل ُم الدم ُع من ُحرقت ِه ،وي َت�أَ َّو ُه الأل ُم من ن�شيج ِه. كر�سي • في لبنا َن تهت ُّز الجبالُ لهول الم�آ�سي ،وال يهت ُّز لها ُّ زعيمٍ او َير ُِّف ل َها جفنُ فا�س ْد. • في لبنا َن ينع ُم الفا�س ُد في بحبوحة من الوقاحة ،بينما يعي�ش المواطن في بحبوحة من الحقوقِ الم�ستباحة. • ف��ي ل �ب �ن��انَ ،ف��ا� �س��دون ي�خ�ج��ل ال �م��رء م��ن ق � ّل��ة ح�ي��ائ�ه��م، وي�ستحيي الحيا ُء من �ش ّدة وقاحتهم. • في لبنا َن زعماء لو �س�ألتهم عن الحياء ،لأر��ش��دوك الى المقابر. • ف��ي ل�ب�ن��ا َن ل��م تعد تنفع القناب ُل ال ُم ِ�سيل ُة ل�ل��دم��وع ،مع مواطن جفّت عيناه من القه ِر والحزنْ . • في لبنا َن لم ِ الحي يرهب المواطنَ ،في الر�صا�ص يعد ُ ُّ ٍ مميت وعملة َم� ِّي� َت��ة ،و�سيا�سة مائتة وت�ج��ارة �أت ��ونِ اق�ت���ص��ا ٍد � ْأم��وت و�صناعة فويق الممات وزراع��ة تحت الممات و�ضمير هو الموت بعينه. ٍ ظلمات بع�ضها فوق بع�ض ،تبد�أ • في لبنا َن يعي�ش المواطنُ ، ُ بظلم ِة الطائفية وال تنتهي عند ُظلمة الكَهرباء. ُ الجي�ش ال��ى نباتي ،والبل ُد ال��ى جما ٍد، • ف��ي لبنا َن ت�ح� ّول والفا�سدون الى وحو�ش. • ف��ي ل �ب �ن��ا َن ا��ص�ب��ح ال�ت�ه��دي� ُد ب��ال �ف��راغ ف��راغ��ات �ِ��ص�ف��ري��ة. وجيوب المواطن فارغة ،و�أم�ع��ا�ؤه فارغة، فالخزينة فارغة، ُ و�أعين الفا�سدين فارغة. • في لبنا َن �ضاقتْ �سب ُل العي�ش �أمام المواطن ،بعد �أ�صبحت ذم ُة الفا�سد رحبة وا�سعة. • في لبنا َن �أ�صبح التحذي ُر من الحرب الأهلية مجرد ِمزحة، �أمام زعماء حربٍ ،يقتلون الأمل و َي�ستحيو َن البل َد ،فما �أ�صاب ال�سلمِ ،فاق ما �أ�صابه في الحرب. ُ ال�شعب في َّ • ف��ي لبنا َن �أ�صبح التحذير م��ن الطائفية نكتة ،لأن من ي �ح �ذِّر م�ن�ه��ا ه��و م��ن ب�ن��ى م���ص��ان�ع�ه��ا ،ورف ��ع ب�ن�ي��ان�ه��ا ،وث� ّب��ت قواعدها ،وا�ستثمر في منتجاتها. • في لبنا َن �شعب يبحثُ عن كرامة ،وزعيم يعبثُ بالكرامة. �شعب يبحثُ عن حياة ،وفا�سد يرت ُع في الحياة. • في لبنا َن ُ • في لبنا َن يتبر�أ عنفوانُ الأرز من ذُلّ الفا�سدين ،وتهت ّز ال�صخو ُر من هول الف�ساد. • في لبنا َن �شعب مق�سم بين الجئ في �أر�ضه ،ومهاجر عن ار�ضه. • في لبنا َن مقي ٌم يبحثُ عن هجرة ،ومهاجر يتح�س ُر على وطن. �شعب ا�ضناه الجوع ،وزعيم �أتخمه الج�شع. • في لبنا َن ٌ • في لبنا َن �شعب يطالب بحقه من زعيم قد �سلبه حقه. • ف ��ي ل �ب �ن��ا َن ّي� ��ذل ال �م��ري ����ض م��رت �ي��ن ،م� ��ر ًة �أم � ��ام بع�ض الم�ست�شفيات ،و�أخ��رى �أم��ام زعيم ي�ستغل مر�ضه؛ ليت�صدق عليه من ماله الذي �سرقه منه. • في لبنا َن يت�سول الزعيم ب�إ�سم ال�شعب ،ويبني الثروات على �شقائهم. • ف��ي ل�ب�ن��ا َن ف��ا��س� ٌد يعتب ُر الت�سول ف��ي ال �خ��ارج ا�ستثماراً، وال �� �س ��ؤال على اب ��واب ال�ع��وا��ص��م دبلوما�سية ،وال���س��رق��ة منها هدف نبيل. • في لبنا َن ت�صل �أدن��ى درج��ة في التراتبية ال�سيا�سية عند الفا�سدين ،رتبة ل�ص. • في لبنا َن هناك زعيم برتبة ل�ص ،ول�ص برتبة زعيم.
الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
جنوب و�شم�ألِ الدمع من �أق�صى بكى ٍ ُ �����ر ًا ب��ح��ن��ظ��لِ ع��ل��ى وط����ن ق���د ذاق م� ّ ��ر ِق���ي �اب مِ ِ ون��ه��ن��ه � ُت� ُ�ه ِط���ف�ل�ا ،ف�����ش� َ ب��� ْف� َ ��ه ِب��كَ��لْ��كَ��لِ ���ج وال� ������روح ِم���ن� ُ ع��ل��ى ُم��� َه ٍ ُ • في لبنا َن يتقا�سم الفا�سدون ك َّل �شيء حتى ال ِقمامة ،التي لم ت�سلم من ملوثاتهم الطائفية. • ف��ي ل �ب �ن��ا َن ان �ح ��درت ق�ي�م��ة ال�ع�م�ل��ة ال��وط�ن�ي��ة ال ��ى ادن��ى م�ستوياتها ،حتى ت�ساوت م��ع قيمة �سيا�سي فا�سد وم�س�ؤول مختل�س. • في لبنا َن كلُّ التيارات موجودة ،اال تيار الكَهرباء. • في لبنا َن يقف المواطن على �أط�لال «�أع�م��دة الكهرباء» متح�سرا على �ضوء ُح ِر َم منه. • في لبنا َن يعي�ش المواطن في عتمة ،بينما يعيثُ الزعيم في الكهرباء ف�ساداً. • ف��ي ل�ب�ن��ا َن ا��ص�ب��ح ال�ح���ص��ول ع�ل��ى ال � َك �ه��ر َم��ان �أ��س�ه��ل من الح�صول على الكهرباء! • في لبنا َن انت�شرتْ زراع ُة الأوهام ،وازدهرتْ زراع ُة الفتن. خطاب • في لبنان تط ّورت �صناع ُة الطائفية ،ونمت حرف ُة ُ الكراهية. • في لبنا َن ُق ّ�سم كل �شيء على ا�سا�س طائفي ،من �أعلى الهرم الى �أدنى الوظائف. • ف��ي ل�ب�ن��ا َن ت�غ�ي��رت ال�ت���ض��اري����س ،وت�ب��دل��ت ال�م�ع��ال��م ،فمن جبال الزبالة الى اط�لال الكهرباء ،ومن مغارات الم�ؤ�س�سات ال��ى كهوف ال��دوائ��ر ،وم��ن �أن�ه��ار ال�ه��در ال��ى ��س��دود الطائفية، ومن ح�صون الإرث ال�سيا�سي ،الى قالع الإقطاع ،ومن مزارع المح�سوبيات ،الى محميات المرافق. التراب على من دنّ�سه ،وت�شهد الأنها ُر على • في لبنا َن ي�شهد ُ من ل ّوثها ،وت�شه ُد الجبالُ على من ج ّردها من ثوبها ،وت�شه ُد الآثار على من اهملها ،والتاري ُخ على من �ش َّوهه. • في لبنا َن �أُكره الهوا ُء على تن�شقّ �سمو َم الفا�سدين ،و�أُرغمت الميا ُه على ا�ستقبال نفايات العابثين. • في لبنا َن ت�شكو الغاباتُ والجبالُ الخ�ضر ،من ف�أ�س الإهمالِ ومن�شا ِر الجزار ،ومن لهيب الحرائق ،وجرح الك�سارات. تتح�ضر لإ�ست�ضافة • في لبنا َن تكاد ترى مزابل التاريخ ،وهي ّ �سفلة القوم ،الذين باعوا الوطن ،وتناف�سوا على مزابله. • في لبنا َن يئنُّ المواطنُ ،فين�أى عنه الزعيم ،ويت�ألم فال يجد من ينجده. • في لبنا َن فا�سدون ال ي�سمعون ،فال ُي�ن��ادون .ال يفقهون ف�لا ي�خ��اط�ب��ون ،ال ي�ست�شعرون ف�لا تعر�ض عليهم الم�آ�سي والمحن. • في لبنا َن يعاني المواطنُ من فقدان الطحين ،بينما يعاني الزعي ُم من موت ال�ضمير. • ف��ي ل�ب�ن��ا َن ُي ِ م�سي ال�م��واط��ن على م�صيبة ،وي�صبح على م�صبية �أكبر ،حتى تكا ُد ت�سمع �أنين الم�صيب ِة القديم ِة وهي توا�سي �أختَها الجدي َدة. • في لبنا َن هناك �أعداء من الخارج ال يريدون الخي َر �أبدا، واعدا ٌء في الداخل ال خي َر فيهم. • في لبنا َن زعماء ه ّمهم ان يكون وال ُء المواطن لهم ،بينما تجد وال َءهم لأعدا َء الوطن. • في لبنا َن فا�سدون فقدوا ال�ضمير ،وباعوا الكرام َة وتجنّدوا عند الأعداء ،وا�ستق َووا بالخار ِج على �أبنا ِء وطنهم. • في لبنا َن زعيم يبيع نف�سه بثمن ،ويبيع �شعبه بال ثمن. • ف��ي لبنا َن فا�سد يكت�سب الخيانة �إر ًث ��ا ،ويبيع الأوط ��ا َن بالتوارث. • ف��ي لبنا َن زعيم ينظر ال��ى منا�صريه كالقطيع ،بعد �أن �إختاروا �أن يعي�شوا في الحظيرة. • في لبنا َن يد ت�صفق للزعيم ل�س ّد الطريق ،على يد تُرفع في وجهه.
• في لبنان منا�صر ي�صفق للزعيم ،ثم ال يلبث �أن يمد يده اً مت�سول. َ تعجب بل مرة، الف يكذب زعيم من َعجب ت ال ن لبنا • في َّ من مواطن ي�صدقه اكثر من مرة. ال�سذَّج، • في لبنان �أقال ٌم م�سموم ٌة يغر�سها الفا�سد في عقول ُ ويتغذى من ثمارها المغفلون. • في لبنا َن يحترق قلب المواطن عندما ي�شاهد ما تبقى من الوطنَ ،يحترقُ على يد المجرمين. • في لبنا َن وزارات ا�صبحت حكراً على بع�ض الفا�سدين، ودوائر ومرافق مق�سمة بين زعماء الحرب. • في لبنا َن تعطل دور الوزارات ،وتحولت الى: وزارة الإت�صاالت المقطوعة. وزارة الإقت�صاد المنهار. وزارة البيئة الملوثة. وزارة الطاقة المنهوبة والمياه المهدورة. وزارة العدل المفقود. وزارة ال�صحة المري�ضة. وزارة الزراعة المقتلعة. في لبنا َن ي�ستقوي الزعيم بطائفته ،ويخدع عقول الب�سطاءبال�شعارات البالية ،وزخارف القول لي�صل الى غاياته ويحافظ على م�صالحه. • في لبنا َن رجال دين يتقوقعون داخل طوائفهم ،ي�ستميتون في الدفاع عن الزعيم حماية للطائفية ،بينما هم ُمعرِ�ضون عن الدفاع عن مواطن ظلمته طائفيتُهم المقيتة. • ف��ي ل�ب�ن��ا َن ي ��رث االب ��ن اب ��اه وج ��ده ف ��ي :زع��ام��ة ال�ح��زب والطائفة ،والف�ساد والهدر. • في لبنا َن قا�ضياً يق�ضي بالحق ،و�آخر يق�ضي على الحق. • في لبنا َن يتطلع المواطن الى عدل ي�ستند الى قوة ،وقوة تخ�ضع لعدل. • في لبنا َن مئات الموقوفين في ال�سجون دون محاكمة، مظلومون دون وج��ه ح��ق ،من�سيون ،ينتظرون عدالة ال�سماء بعد ان ف�شلت عدالة الأر�ض ،في ت�أمين محاكمة عادلة لهم. • في لبنا َن الكل ي�شكو ،الفقير ي�شكو قلة المال ،والمي�سور ي�شكو ماله المحجوز في الم�صارف. • ف��ي لبنا َن زع�م��اء يجب �أن يرحلوا ،ومجرمين يجب ان يحاكموا ،ول�صو�ص يجب �أن يعيدوا ما �سرقوا. • ولكن رغم الم�آ�سي وال�صعاب يبقى: • في لبنا َن �شعب �صابر ك�أيوب ،قاهر لل�صعاب ،محب للحياة، متفائل بالم�ستقبل. • في لبنا َن �شعب �أ�صلب من �صخور جباله� ،شامخ ك�أغ�صان �سنديانه ،معطا ٌء كتربة ار�ضه. • في لبنان �شعب متكافل في الأزمات ،ي�صنع الحياة من رحم الم�آ�سي وي�ستحدث الحلول في �أحلك الظروف. • ف��ي لبنان م�ق��وم��ات ت��دع��و ال��ى ال�ت�ف��ا�ؤل واالم ��ل ،ونقاط م�ضيئة في تاريخه وحا�ضره. و�أخيرا �أهدي هذه الأبيات لبيروت ولبنان ولأوطاننا الجريحة: ����ج�����زُ ع�����ن ُب�����ك�����اءٍ و� َّإن ال����ع����ي� َ ���ن َت�����ع� َ واح�����ت� َ ����راق�����ا ���ف ي����ج� ّ ُ ال�����دم�����ع ُح�����زن����� ًا ْ ���������������زان َر ْك������ ًب������ا ���ع الأح� ُ وم�����������اذا ت����ن����ف� ُ ���ة��ِ �� ،س��� َب� َ �إذا ك����انُ����وا ِل����كُ����لِّ َم���� ْه���� َل���� َك� ٍ ��اق���ا ف����������� َّإن ال�����ج������أ������ش �أن�����ج�����ع م�����ن خ���ن���وع غ���ل���ب ال��ن��ف��اق��ا ���ان ال������ ِّ���ص����دقِ ق����د �� ِ���س����ن� ُ َ
Islamic Calendar
The Islamic Calendar The Islamic calendar (or Hijri calendar) is a lunar calendar. It contains 12 months that are based on the motion of the moon, and because 12 lunar months is 12 x 29.53=354.36 days, the Islamic calendar is consistently shorter (11 Days) than a solar year, and therefore it shifts with respect to the Gregorian calendar. The first day of Year One of the Islamic calendar was set as the first day of the Hijrah, the Prophet’s migration from Makkah to Madinah on July 26, 622 C.E. The western convention in designating Islamic dates is thus by the abbreviation AH, which stands for the Latin Anno Hegirae, or ‘Year of the Hijrah’.
What does the Quran say about measurement of time? [Quran - 9.36] Surely the number of months with Allah is twelve months in Allah’s ordinance since the day when He created the heavens and the earth..
[Quran - 31:29] Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and he merges Day into Night; that He has subjected the sun, and the moon (to his Law), each running its course for a term appointed; and that Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do?
[Quran - 103: 1..3] By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),- Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.
How is an Islamic month determined: Each month starts when the lunar crescent is first seen after a new moon. Although new moons may be calculated quite precisely, the actual visibility of the crescent is difficult to predict. It depends on factors such as weather, the optical properties of the atmosphere,
and the location of the observer. Therefore in some cases it may be difficult to give accurate information in advance about when a new month will start. Furthermore, in some areas Muslims depend on a local sighting of the moon, whereas in other
areas a universal sighting is accepted. (i.e. if a new crescent is seen anywhere in the world it is accepted for communities the world over). Both are valid Islamic practices, but they may lead to different starting days for the months.
The Islamic Months 1. Muharram 2. Safar 3. Rabi’ al-Awwal (Rabi’ 1) 4. Rabi’ al-Thani (Rabi 2) 5. Jumada al-Ula (Jumada I) 6. Jumada al-Akhirah (Jumada II) 7. Rajab 8. Sha’ban 9. Ramadan 10. Shawwal 11. Dhu al-Qa’dah 12. Dhi al-Hijjah
The most important dates in the Islamic calendar are: • • • • • • • • •
1 Muharram (Islamic New Year) 10 Muharram (Day of `Ashura’) 27 Rajab (Israa’ and Mi’raj) 1 Ramadan (first day of the month of fasting) The last ten days of Ramadan, which include (Laylat Al-Qadr) 1 Shawwal (`Eid Al-Fitr) 8 – 10 Dhul-Hijjah (Hajj) 9 Dhul-Hijjah (Day of `Arafah) 10 Dhul-Hijjah (`Eid Al-Adha).
The Caliph Umar Invented the Islamic Calendar The dating of the Islamic calendar was introduced by the second caliph, `Umar ibn Al-Khattab, in 638 CE (16 AH) in an attempt to circumvent all the various conflicting dating systems used during his time. After consulting his companions, he set the Hijrah—the immigration of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) from Makkah to Madinah—as the most appropriate reference to the new Islamic era. The Hijrah, historically speaking, is the central event of early Islam, the turning point in Islamic history that led to the foundation of the first Muslim state. Source: www.islamicity.com - aboutislam.net - catstevens.com AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
• However, the dates of some of these events, such as that of Laylat Al-Qadr and the Prophet Muhammad’s journey of Israa’ and Mi`raj, have not been conclusively specified, and there has been some uncertainty about the exact date of the event. • Four of the twelve months are sacred: Rajab, Muharram, DhulQi`dah, Dhul- Hijjah). • In the pre-Islamic period, raids among the Arab tribes were forbidden and hunting was halted during these months.
Islam inherited and approved this practice. • Fighting (killing) is prohibited during these sacred months except in self-defense. • Since the Islamic calendar is lunar, its year is 10 or 11 days shorter than the Gregorian year. This means that Muslim months fall in different seasons. • For example, Ramadan and Hajj can fall in the summer as well as in the winter. It takes about 33 years for the Islamic dates to rotate through the solar seasons.
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Muslim health professionals, leaders battling ignorance alongside pandemic With the antivaccination movement and now coronavirus, Muslim health professionals and community leaders have to try to reason with people who seemingly live in an alternate universe who deny that COVID exists, insist its effects aren’t that bad, or reveal astonishingly callous personal tendencies by blithely claiming that coronavirus only picks off the elderly. Even if that claim of ‘only’ elderly people being affected were true (it isn’t, and those who survive COVID-19 can suffer long term adverse consequences to their health), why have some Muslims become so lacking in compassion that they endorse the notion of older people dying lonely, painful deaths? ‘Only’ the elderly are affected? Psychopath much? Muslim doctors and nurses put their health and life on the line every day as they turn up to work. But in response to them, and community leaders, conveying the facts the conspiracy theorists dismiss their knowledge, undermine their work, accuse them of being paid shills for pharmaceutical companies (echoing often anti-Muslim right wing info sources from the US), allege that they are ableist and racist, and attack them and their families on social media.
The first pandemic of the social media age has been accompanied by a ‘misinfodemic’ - the potent and dangerous spread of incorrect news about COVID-19 by those lacking in scientific literacy, media literacy, or both. If your first reaction is to complain that this statement is overly harsh – save it.
Dr Nasya Bahfen No one accuses engineers of being in the pocket of Big Steel or that a building or bridge is not really a building or bridge; no one says mechanics are paid shills for Big Tyre or compulsory third party insurance is an infringement of your civil rights. This is how insane the conspiracy theorists sound. Yet for some reason there are people arrogant enough to assume they know more than medical professionals, that said professionals are all in the pocket of Big Pharma, that a global pandemic is somehow able to be faked, and that the restrictions on movement imposed in Victoria are akin to living in a Nazi state. In journalism education we deal with this lunacy the same way we deal with anti-vaxxers and climate
deniers – we recognise that their voices are not worthy of being amplified, or even given airtime. We teach students that a false equivalency can exist between what appears to be ‘two sides’ and warn them against making the mistake of assuming that a dissenting opinion is worthy of consideration when it goes against the overwhelming majority of scientific evidence. You might think there is no harm letting these crazies whip up fear and alarm on social media about microchipping, forced vaccinations, sending your DNA to China and the New World Order. You’d be wrong - tragically, as I write this Victoria’s second wave has resulted in hospitals nearing capacity and dozens of deaths daily (facts the conspiracy theorists respond to with cries of ‘fake news’, a la Donald Trump). Internationally, one study found pandemicrelated misinformation contributing to the deaths of (conservatively) at least eight hundred people as well as injuries in hundreds more, across several countries such as Iran and Turkey.
Social media users have attacked family members of Muslim doctors and sports figures who have tried to dispel coronavirus misinformation So spare us the crocodile tears, the complaints about doctors’ elitism, and the patronising advice to not talk down to people in order to convince them. News flash-the onus is not on these Muslim health professionals or community leaders to convince you – and sadly all they can hope
for now is to try to mitigate the damage that spreading misinformation causes.
Nasya Bahfen runs the postgraduate journalism degree at La Trobe university and is a former journalist with the ABC and SBS
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AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
6 solidarity
Australia Stands With Lebanon
Messages of Solidarity and condolence To all our friends affected by the disaster in Beirut, we offer our deepest condolences and sympathies. Our countries share a deep bond through cultural and family ties, with many in our community knowing someone, or of someone, who has been impacted by this disaster. We know Beirut, and Lebanon, have been struggling through tough times, and the added impact of COVID-19 has made it hard to see good in the world. We want our communities to know we stand with you, and we’re here to help and support you through this trying time. We are thinking of you, and will be here for you now and into the future.
I am shocked and dismayed at the carnage in Beirut overnight. My thoughts are with the injured and bereaved amongst the Lebanese Australian community. We stand ready to support those affected, including people in NSW who have lost family and friends or are deeply worried for their welfare. A tragedy like this only amplifies the concerns of communities already struggling with the devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Labor today reaffirms its commitment to the Lebanese Australian community, which has been deeply embedded in NSW society for well over 100 years.
Jodi Mckay MP NSW Labor Leader
Jim Chalmers MP
Federal Member for Rankin
Graham Perrett
Federal Member for Moreton
I extend my condolences to all Lebanese people whose family, friends and countrymen lost their lives in the explosion that took place in Beirut. I am saddened for this very great loss. I hope all who were hurt recover rapidly and well, and my thoughts are with everyone affected by this horrible event.
Terri Butler MP
Shadow Minister for the Environment and Water Federal Member for Griffith
أتقدم بخالصالتعازي للشعب اللبناني االصيل فى ضحايا االنفجار انني على ثقة ان،الذي هز بيروت ،الشعب اللبناني لن يهتز وسوف ينهض من جديد .ألنه أقوى من األبنية التي سقطت ، ندعو للضحايا واسرهم،المجتمع األسترالي معكم .ونتمنى الشفاء للجرحى I extend to the Lebanese community my deepest condolences for the explosion that shook Beirut. I know that the people of Lebanon will not be shaken and will rise stronger than the buildings that fell. The Australian community is in solidarity with you, praying for those injured and whose lives were lost.
Duncan Pegg MP Member for Stretton
On 12th of August, Brisbane’s Story Bridge & Victoria Bridge were lit up white, red and green, the colours of the Flag of Lebanon to show solidarity with Beirut in the wake of those who tragically lost their lives AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
عام هجري جديد Hijri New Year 1442
7 تضامن
رسائل مواساة للشعب اللبناني
مفتي استراليا لبنان البلد والعاصمة والناس يا كل �أهلنا و�أحبابنا في لبنان وخارجه قلوبنا معكم. • قلوبنا م��ع ب �ي��روت الثقافة والنبوغ والفن ونمط الحياة الراقي. • قلوبنا مع بيروت الجمال والطبيعة والنبوغ وعبقرية الإن�سان. • قلوبنا مع بيروت مدينة الجمال والمعمار والمطاعم الراقية والمالب�س الفاخرة. • قلوبنا مع لبنان ال�شعب الأ�صيل �صاحب الأبعاد الح�ضارية ال�ضاربة بجذورها في عمق التاريخ. • ق�ل��وب�ن��ا م��ع ب �ي��روت م���س�ت��ودع ال�م��واه��ب والإبداع والعقول الكبيرة والقلوب الأكبر. • قلوبنا مع بيروت الفن والإب��داع و�أ�صالة ال�صوت ال�صادع من عمق الجبل. • لبنان الجميل و�شعبه النبيل و�شبابه الناجح والذكي في الداخل والخارج. • لبنان الت�أليف والطباعة والن�شر والتوزيع وعالم الكتب والمكتبات ،ودنيا الثقافة . • لبنان م��وئ��ل الأح���رار وم�ل�اذ المثقفين
والمفكرين و�أ�صحاب الر�أي الذين ت�ضيق بهم مجتمعاتهم لأنهم يخالفون الهوى ال�سيا�سي ويرف�ضون �سيا�سة القطيع. • لبنان َم ْن الذي يريد تخريبهَ ،وم ْن الذي يخطط لخنقه. • َ م ْن الذي يدبر م�ؤامرات القتل والتفجير لي�سيل دماء �أبنائه. • َ م � ْ�ن ال ��ذي ��س��رق ث��روت��ه و� �ص��ادر حقوق مواطنيه وي�ضغط ليعاني �شعبه الفقر والحرمان. • َ م� ْ�ن ال��ذي ي��ري��د �أن يعكر �أر� �ض��ه ويملأ �سماءه بدخان االنفجارات والعذاب ويثير الرعب بين �أبنائه. • َ م� ْ�ن ال��ذي يكيد لهذا البلد ال�صغير في جغرافيته والكبير في تاريخه. • َ م� ْ�ن ال��ذي ي�صر �أن ي�ك��ون ه��ذا ال�شعب الناجح دوم��ا في دائ��رة التخلف والعجز والتبعية .من؟ • َ م� ْ�ن ال��ذي ي�أكل طعام الغالبة في لبنان وي�سرق ثرواتهم ليزيد من ر�صيده في الداخل والخارج.
• َ م ْن الذي ي�صادر حق المواطن اللبناني في الكرامة والحرية والعدالة االجتماعية. • َ م ْن الذي يحول بين لبنان وبين اال�ستقرار والرفاهية. • ولماذا ي�صل الإهمال في بلد الح�ضارة والثقافة والتنوير حد المجازفة ب��أرواح النا�س. • ل�ب�ن��ان �شعب ال���ص�م��ود وال �ح��ب وال ��روح الإن�سانية المبهجة والمبهرة لن يهزم
فجيناته ال تقبل ال�ه��زي�م��ة ،و�سيعاود الوقوف واالنت�صار ،و�سيحا�سب كل َم ْن ��س��رق��وه ،ون�ه�ب��وا خ�ي��رات��ه و�أك �ل��وا حقوق �شعبه. • لبنان ب�أبنائه في الداخل والخارج �سيخرج من التجربة �أكثر �صالبة و�أ�شد قوة و�أعلى مكانة و�أكثر �إن�سانية. • نت�ضامن م��ع لبنان الح�ضارة والثقافة والذوق الرفيع .قلوبنا معكم. • ونت�ضامن م��ع ب�ي��روت ع��رو���س العوا�صم ال�ع��رب�ي��ة وج �ن��ة ال �� �ش��رق .ون �ع��زى لبنان واللبنانيين في داخل لبنان وخارجه. • عزا�ؤنا وموا�ساتنا لأ�سر ال�ضحايا ودعا�ؤنا للجرحى بال�شفاء العاجل. حفظ اهلل لبنان لأبنائه ولنا وللدنيا كلها. وجنب �شعبه و�أبناءه الحزن والفقد و�سوء الأدب ال�سيا�سي و�سرقة الأوطان. �أ.د� :إبراهيم �أبو محمد. المفتي العام للقارة الأ�سترالية
الشيخ عبداهلل الحواري
Sheikh Alaa El Zokm
جرح لبنان هو جرح فل�سطين وجرح �سوريا والعراق وكل بالد العرب والم�سلمين. فارحم اهلل الموتى وا�شف الجرحى واجبر الثكلى. وهذه دعوة لكل �أطياف ال�شعب اللبناني الحبيب بكل طبقاته �إلى نبذ الفرقة والتوحد �ضد الظلم والف�ساد. حفظ اهلل لبنان �أر�ضا و�شعبا.
My sincere condolences to our brothers, sisters and families in Lebanon for the affliction that occurred in Beirut. The Muslim community in Australia pray to Allah SWT to have mercy upon those who passed away and grant their families patience. We also ask Allah SWT to make Lebanon and its peopel safe and prosperous.
ال�شيخ عبد اهلل الحواري ع�ضو مجل�س الإفتاء الأ�سترالي �إمام م�سجد مريم عليها ال�سالم الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
Sheikh Alaa El Zokm Imam of Heidelberg mosque ANIC member Executive member of the Board of Imams Victoria
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Beirut… in our hearts بل للبحر والبيوت ٌ وق ُ لبيروت من قلبي سالمٌ لبيروت ...قديم ِ لصخرةٍ كأنها وجه بحار ...ِفكيف صار طعمها طعم نا ٍر ودخان أطفأت مدينتي قنديلها Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Gebara
These magnificent words about Beirut, that are a part of a poem written by the late Lebanese poet Joseph Harb, are the best words to start this humble piece of writing.
Messed-up, blast-out, bewitching, amazing, baffling…but still beautiful Beirut. The city I love deeply and would never try to shake out of my heart. I have been longing for Beirut, in a profound and persistent way. Although I had left my first home, Lebanon to come to Australia twenty-
nine years ago, I kept a foot in two different cultures and managed to live in Australia while balancing the two halves of the world. This means navigating a combination of socially constructed identities based on a deep affection and loyalty towards both countries.
I would not, however, stop wrestling with this question: Could I, after so many years, ever really find the same feeling of nostalgia for my first home? The late Palestinian and Columbian University intellectual Edward Said published in 2003 a memoir, Out of Place, where he concluded, “I am so resolutely against having this
it was a sense of missing family, relatives and friends, then it became missing as well the cities, the sea, the fishermen of the port, the soil, the smell of the bread and the crowd of the bazaar.
tremendous sense of where you belong. It is overrated”. For me, it is not really overrated because my belonging symbolises a deep meaning in my heart: it is a combination of feelings, souvenirs and a whole history of glory attached to this land. My yearning for Lebanon morphed into new shapes: at the beginning,
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
Now, my heart is broken by the gigantic blasts in Beirut port on the 4th of August.
It is as if this city will never find peace: Civil war, corruption, oppression, starvation, economic crisis, pandemic crisis, injustice and poverty have spread into every part of Lebanon. A severe economic crisis hit Lebanon lately with a skyrocketing inflation, unemployment and an endemic state-level corruption.
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Although this amazing city has unfortunately had its share of troubles and hardships, Beirut is a city that refuses to die and this is due to the resilience, determination and the perseverance of its people. Once upon time, Beirut was considered “the Paris of Middle East” due to its East-West blend of culture, to the most famous haute couture and the intellectualism and art in the Middle East. Originally the city of Beirut was an ancient settlement dating over 5,000 years and was called Beroth by the Phoenicians. In the first century BC, it became a Roman city and was named Berytus. In the 1960s and early 70s, Beirut was a great educational centre and a major medical and commercial nucleus in the Arab region. Beirut has a tortured past and has suffered during the 15-year civil war [1975-1990], nevertheless it continues to inspire people from the East and the West with the melange of culture, history and anarchy. Historically, Beirut has provided a safe haven for political refugees escaping authorship and
Historically, Beirut has provided a safe haven for political refugees escaping authorship and dictatorships. It attracts poets, writers, intellectuals, artists, political activists and journalists due to its unprecedented freedom of speech. dictatorships. It attracts poets, writers, intellectuals, artists, political activists and journalists due to its unprecedented freedom of speech. The war for many past years took its toll and Beirut was affected by the violence and destruction of its heritage and architecture. But each time Beirut has rebuilt itself. Oh...Beirut, how do you manage to rise time and time again from the dead? How do you arise from the depths? And with which power and vigour have you ascended on platforms, screens and made yourself visible to the world? What is the secret about you that has made you vibrant in the hearts of the
people? Perhaps, it is a retaliation for all those days that wronged its people and darkened their nights with oppression and with the poverty of their days. Or it is in revenge for the holidays that passed like sorrow, and in revenge for every cause of this situation imposed on the city by the policy of starvation, betrayal and intimidation. It makes me miserable to hear that authorities have declared Beirut a “disaster city” due to this horrific explosion, and to hear about the tragic deaths and the unbelievable devastation. I pray for each soul that passed away to rest in peace and for each one who was injured to have a complete recovery.
National mourning reflects darkness that falls on all cities of Lebanon, but this darkness in the skies of Beirut will be illuminated by loud sounds and swaying lights echoing the pain of its people. Nevertheless, Beirut is a city that refuses to die, this is not only because of Beirut’s distinctiveness or uniqueness, but also because of the ability of its people, who revolt on behalf of and with all the Lebanese people, adding revenge to its revolution. It is because of the resilience and the determination of its people who keep reconstructing their lives again and again. Beirut has lost the identities of its people in this explosion so it can be proud of them as one people blatant in the wilderness of corruption. Beirut lost its people to find them gathered and united because of this calamity... Beirut, we may not be able to pass on our souls to you, but we will make sure that we guard you in our minds and hearts and keep you in our prayers ... And be certain that you transferred your manners and dignity and grandeur to every Lebanese.
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
10 Australia Stands With Lebanon
Messages of Solidarity and condolence I extend my condolences to the people of Lebanon on the loss of so many innocent lives as a result of the tragedy in Beirut. May God give strength to the families and friends of those who lost their lives. Australia stands with Lebanon at this difficult time. The Lebanese diaspora in Australia is grieving this tragedy and together we send our prayers and thoughts and our hopes that we can assist in providing comfort and support for the people of Lebanon.
Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP Member for Calwell
I wish to extend my deepest condolence to the people of Lebanon in their sorrow following on from the devasting explosion that occurred recently in the Port of Beirut. I pray for God’s mercy for all the hurt and injured and wish them a speedy recovery.
Nazih Elasmar OAM MP President of the Legislative Council
I am deeply saddened by the devastating explosion in Beiruit. I can only imagine the heavy hearts of so many families in Victoria who have relatives and friends who have been affected by this tragedy. Lebanon has endured a very difficult time with the economic conditions and the coronavirus pandemic and this further tragedy adds further challenges and hearbreak. The Lebanese community here and in Lebanon are in my prayers and thoughts.
Bruce Atkinson MLC Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region
There are strong bonds of friendship and love between Victoria and Lebanon. Many of us have friends, family, loved ones of Lebanese background. I was fortunate to travel to Lebanon last year and experience the generosity and hospitality of the Lebanese people. The news of the recent disaster caused by an explosion of stockpiled chemicals in Beirut is devastating . A tragedy that has claimed many lives, livelihoods, homes and injured many. We grieve with all those people affected and offer condolences to those who have lost loved ones
Bronwyn Halfpenny MP, Member for Thomastown Parliamentary Secretary for Workplace Safety
The world is a small place and the connection between our community of Footscray and the people of Lebanon is strong. Our hearts and prayers are with the families in grief and we wish the utmost strength to those who are injured.
Katie Hall MP State member for Footscray
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
Australia Stands With Lebanon
My thoughts are with the Lebanese community in the wake of the tragic explosion in Beirut. The federal electorate of Barton is home to one of the largest Lebanese communities in Australia. No doubt, there will be many members of our community who will be anxious and concerned about family and friends in the Lebanese capital at this time. For urgent consular assistance, people should contact the Department of Foreign Affairs Emergency Hotline on 1300 555 135 (from within Australia) or +61 2 6261 3305 (outside Australia).
We Stand With
Linda Burney MP Member for Barton
My sincere condolences to the people of Lebanon and Lebanese Australians, for the suffering and loss they continue to experience following the tragedy in Beirut.
Julie Owens MP Federal Member for Parramatta
Sending all my love, best wishes, prayers and deepest condolences to Lebanon, my place of birth and heritage. As a country and a people, I know you will rise again and please remember that, although we are 14 000 kilometres away, you are in our thoughts and efforts to support the country and people. We stand with you, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Jihad DIB MP Member for Lakemba
I wish to offer my sincere condolences to the Australian Lebanese community impacted by the recent devastating explosion in Beirut. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Lebanese people as they recover from this tragic event.
Tania Mihailuk MP Member for Bankstown
My thoughts and prayers are everyone affected by this horrific explosion in Beirut. The Granville electorate is home to thousands of Lebanese Australians, who are devastated by this news. I am here to support my community and help in any way I can.
Julia Finn MP Member for Granville
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
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Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Learn to Let Go When the Time Comes By Jamilah Samian
www.coolmumsuperdad.com I remember the time when my firstborn was about to leave home. A big brown envelope for him arrived one sunny Saturday morning. He tore it open, pulled out the contents and began to read what appeared to be a cover letter. “Yesss!!!” he cried out, first jumping in excitement and then dancing a little jig right in the middle of the living room. “I got it, Mama! I’m going to college!” “Well done, you!” I said. He grinned from ear to ear and gave me a tight hug. The next few days were a blur. The offer letter had arrived late and there wasn’t much time for us to prepare for his departure. He was thrilled that he had gained admission to the college of his first choice. I was thrilled that my seventeen-yearold, for the first time, was taking his first big step to be on his own. At the same time, I had lingering doubts. Issues like self-discipline and personal responsibility went back and forth in my mind. Did I prepare him well for this moment? It was then that a story called “The Man and The Cocoon” which an old
friend once shared with me came to mind. It went thus: A man found a cocoon of a butterfly that he brought home. One day a small opening appeared in the cocoon. He sat and watched the cocoon for several hours as the butterfly struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making progress. It appeared as if the butterfly had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further. The man decided to help the butterfly in its struggle. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon ... and the butterfly emerged easily. As the butterfly emerged, the man was surprised. It had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. He continued to watch the butterfly expecting that, at any moment, the wings would dry out, enlarge and expand to support the swollen body. He knew that in time the body would contract and the butterfly would be able to fly.
But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest
of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were nature’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If nature allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. And we could never fly… -Author Unknown. I told myself that I had done all I could, the best I could, as any parent would, to shape and prepare my son for the world beyond his cocoon – our home. The moment had come for him to leave his cocoon to
commandeer his own ship, to take lead of his own life. He was about to earn his wings and about to fly into uncharted territory. It was time for me to sit back and watch. It was time for me to let go. If you anticipate yourself having issues with letting go of a child of yours, just like I once did, know that letting go in small doses is best. Accept that as your child grows up, he needs you less and less. Like it or not, ready or not, you have to let go when the time comes. The late humorist Erma Bombeck aptly described the process of raising kids as “trying to fly a kite on a day when the wind doesn’t blow. Then unexpectedly, a gust of wind catches the kite … The string slips through (the parent’s) fingers, and the kite soars majestically into God’s beautiful sky.” Jamilah Samian is the author of “The Kindness Miracle”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, “Leadership In Parenting”, “Parenting Generation Y & Z”, and “77 Power Parent Tips
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عام هجري جديد Hijri New Year 1442
15 health
من المهم االعتناء بصحتكاالعتناء من المهم النفسية.
بصحتك النفسية.
بإمكان تأثيرات فيروس كورونا أن تؤثر على صحتنا النفسية .هناك بعض األمور البسيطة التي يمكننا القيام بها كل يوم لالعتناء بأنفسنا. قم بوضع روتين يومي يتضمن التمارين والتغذية الجيدة والحصول على نوم جيد ليالً .ابق على اتصال مع العائلة واألصدقاء .واطلب مساعدة خدمات الصحة النفسية والدعم المالي ،إذا لزم األمر.
.COVIDSAFEتؤثر على صحتنا النفسية .هناك بعض األمور فلنبقَ فيروس كورونا أن تأثيرات بإمكانمعاً، البسيطة التي يمكننا القيام بها كل يوم لالعتناء بأنفسنا. قم بزيارة headtohealth.gov.auللمزيد من المعلومات. قم بوضع روتين يومي يتضمن التمارين والتغذية الجيدة والحصول على نوم جيد لخدمة الترجمة الخطية والشفهية الرجاء االتصال على الرقم 131 450 ليالً .ابق على اتصال مع العائلة واألصدقاء .واطلب مساعدة خدمات الصحة النفسية والدعم المالي ،إذا لزم األمر. معاً ،فلنبقَ .COVIDSAFE قم بزيارة headtohealth.gov.auللمزيد من المعلومات.
صرحت به الحكومة األسترالية ،كانبرا.
لخدمة الترجمة الخطية والشفهية الرجاء االتصال على الرقم 131 450
الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Australia delivers humanitarian supplies to Beirut Australia is delivering urgently needed humanitarian supplies to Beirut to help the people of Lebanon recover from the devastating impacts of the Beirut port explosion on 4 August 2020. An Australian Defence Force C-130J Hercules aircraft based in the region has collected Australian funded supplies from the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot in Dubai and is delivering them today. These supplies include mobile warehouses to help replace storage facilities destroyed in the blast, and shelter kits and tools to help address urgent needs for the 300,000 people left homeless. The shelter kits and supplies will be distributed by trusted NGOs, including the
Red Cross, and our UN partners, who are delivering humanitarian assistance to those most in need. The mobile warehouses will help sustain operations of humanitarian partners managing large logistic support operations. Once this important mission is completed, the C-130J will remain in the Middle East to continue providing essential logistics support to our military personnel in the region. This assistance comes
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in addition to the $5 million the Australian Government has committed to support humanitarian efforts, including the World Food Programme, the Red Cross Movement, and UNICEF. The Australian Embassy in Beirut and our consular staff in Canberra will continue to support Australians in Lebanon affected by the explosion, including by helping those who wish to return home to access available commercial flights.
Australia Stands With Lebanon
Messages of Solidarity and condolence
A Message from Cesar Melhem MP Member for Western Metropolitan Region Parliament of Victoria
On Wednesday 12th of August, Victorian government lit up most of Melbourne’s landmarks with the colors of the Lebanese flag, in solidarity with the Lebanese people.
As a member of the Lebanese community in Victoria and a member of the Andrews Labor Government, I send my condolences and express my sympathies to all those who have been affected by the Beirut Port explosion on August 5th, 2020. This senseless tragedy for the people of Beirut has reverberated across the world. It has had a far-reaching impact on the global Lebanese community including for relatives here in Melbourne. To date, more than 200 people have lost their lives and 6000 are wounded with a further 200,000 either homeless or in homes disturbed by the blast. The incredible loss of life and the hardship now facing hundreds of thousands of people could and should have been prevented. This disastrous tragedy represents a total failure on the part of those entrusted to serve the people of Lebanon. Within the Lebanese Government secrecy, corruption and negligence is rife, and we are now seeing the tragic human cost. The Government including the Parliament and the President have been either unwilling or unable to fix the economic and humanitarian crises besetting the country and their callous indifference is costing lives. On the streets, protestors are calling for change. Calling for much needed accountability and justice. They are being met with tear gas and rubber bullets, not compassion and understanding. The people have been demanding change for months now and they
deserve to be heard. It is time the government listened to the will of the majority. The people of Lebanon deserve a fresh start; an accountable united government, disarmament of all non-government forces, and the chance to build a better life for their children. I stand in solidarity with their struggle and I share their hope. I wish to thank those who have generously contributed to the Lebanese Red Cross and other organisations that are tangibly helping those affected by this disaster. I wish to also commend the Andrews Labor Government’s symbolic show of solidarity in the lighting of Victorian landmarks in the colors of the Lebanese flag. Finally, I send my support to all those in Beirut. I keep you in my thoughts and hope for a safe and swift recovery for the city and its people.
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18 Australia Stands With Lebanon
A message to the Lebanese community To the dear members of the Lebanese community, Our thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones during the explosion in Beirut, and those within the Australian community with close ties to Lebanon and its people. This tragic incident comes amidst the ongoing crippling effects of COVID-19 along with long term news of Lebanese economic and social instability. It is understandably an extremely
difficult period for many with family and friends in the country. We are grateful and glad to confirm that our Arab Bank Lebanon colleagues are safe, well and accounted for and that aside from sustained material damages, our people are doing fine. As a Lebanese Australian myself, I can only suggest we consider this a time of hope for a country which has endured and overcome considerable hardship over the years. We must remain positive that these difficult
times will pass and that the country will return to its once celebrated splendour and wonder. A major component of our vision as an organisation is to give back to the communities we serve. Through our people at ABAL Banking and Arab Bank Lebanon, we remain actively involved in promoting and contributing to the work of verified NGOs and not-forprofit organisations who are working tirelessly in aid of those in need. I’d like to take this
opportunity to encourage our network to give generously, where possible, to the organisations making a difference on the ground. We once again offer our deepest condolences to the people of Lebanon, and wish those who have been injured a quick and full recovery. Warm Regards,
Joseph Rizk OAM
Managing Director & CEO Arab Bank Australia Limited
On 11th of August 2020 the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian lit up the Sydney Opera House sails with Lebanese cedar in solidarity with the victims of the explosion in Beirut.
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Australia Stands With Lebanon
On Wednesday 12th of August, Victorian government lit up Flinders Street Station / Melbourne with the colours of the Lebanese flag. in solidarity with the people of Lebanon after the explosion at the Beirut port.
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Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
A speech given at the multifaith dialogue about COVID-19’s impact on the community
Sheikh Alaa El Zokm Imam of Heidelberg Mosque We all know that the world is going through very difficult circumstances, one of which is the Corona virus. We ask God to protect us all, our families, our home Australia and the entire world from it. I have been given the honour to speak to you in these few minutes, and I am not here today to complain about our condition as a Muslim community in Australia as a result of this pandemic. Rather, I and my Muslim community and my brothers and sisters from other religions all have confidence in our Creator, the most Merciful, the most Compassionate God who loves us and loves good for us, that he will save us all from what we are in very soon. I do not have the slightest doubt about God’s love for us and his kindness to humanity, and history has told us that the world has gone through many difficult circumstances similar to this pandemic or perhaps more difficult than it which have passed and ended, and Corona will pass and end as others have ended. I am not here to complain about Corona or for our Muslim community to complain about the consequences of this pandemic, as we live in one of the best countries in the world in terms of dealing with the pandemic and working to eradicate it, and from the kindness of God and His mercy upon us, Australia is one of the least countries in the world in terms of the number of cases as well as deaths. It is also one of the best countries in dealing with the pandemic in terms of precautionary measures and providing assistance to patients with this virus. I confirm the fact that we are indeed fortunate and truly blessed by God that we live in Australia despite the difficult circumstances that we all have been through. I invite you all to look and ponder the situation of many countries in the world, not only the third world countries in which people die at every moment of this pandemic, but also the countries of the developed world. If we look at America and Europe and their number of infected cases, as well as deaths, we will recognise that we are indeed lucky and in a blessing that we live in this homeland, Australia, which deals with this pandemic from my point of view in the best possible way, and I pray to God to crown these efforts with success and eliminate this pandemic from our homeland. Brothers and sisters, I remind myself and all my brothers and sisters, that despite what the world is suffering from as a result of this pandemic, the truth is that there is also a large number of victims of wars, devastation, injustice, poverty, ignorance and other diseases at every moment that is equal or may even surpass the number of
the victims of the Coronavirus. Look at Lebanon and what has happened in it recently, how many people have been wounded or lost their home, family members or their lives by an explosion whose cause and responsibility are not known yet. A large number far exceeded the number of Corona virus victims in Lebanon (according to WHO statistics, 70 people have died from Corona since the start of the pandemic until now, and in one day the explosion has claimed the lives of more than 160 people so far! Look at the number of victims and families displaced by the wars in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, and many other countries whose families have been displaced and whose children have died. Look at the victims of violence and crimes that afflicted many countries of the world and the number of victims who fell! If we look at the condition of people everywhere in various countries of the world, we will find that every day the world and humanity will pass a difficult test, and Corona is really one of these tests. Despite this, I have never lost hope for the arrival of good to our country, Australia, and I am always keen to spread positivity and the spirit of hope by drawing a smile on the face, waiting for a bright tomorrow full of goodness, love and peace for all humanity. I have not lost hope because the God whom we all worship loves us and loves good for us. I have not lost hope because the God whom we worship opened the Holy Qur’an with two of his names, which he mentioned at the beginning of each chapter. These names are the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, even though he has 99 other names, and he is the one who said in the Holy Qur’an: “Your Lord is Compassionate and Merciful.” As a Muslim community, we missed our three most important occasions and gatherings throughout the year, respectively, the month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. We stopped the prayers in the mosques even before the government announced the necessity of ceasing prayers in the places of worship, and the Australian
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Fatwa Council, issued the fatwa to abide by the state’s decisions regarding health safety standards issued by the Australian government. We did this while believing in the destiny of God for us, and we are all patient and confident in God’s goodness for us to overcome this ordeal. We closed mosques and suspended prayers in them because we believe that preserving a person takes precedence over preserving religions. We closed mosques and prayed in our homes for the Creator because we believe that our prayers are heard everywhere. We have closed the mosques and we are fully confident in God that we
will all return to the mosques and all places of worship soon. We will then remember these difficult days and we will be grateful that we have overcome this pandemic. We will thank God for that, but we will not forget that we will always go through tests in this life no matter how far we reach the degrees of progress in knowledge and worldly possibilities. We will remember this difficult test after we have passed it, but we will not forget the lessons we learned from it of appreciation and thankfulness to God for the blessings he bestowed upon us, including the blessings of security, safety and prosperity.
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Working Together
With Multicultural Communities VIC The Victorian Government is boosting support for multicultural communities across the state so that all Victorians can play their part, help slow the spread of coronavirus and stay safe. Premier Daniel Andrews announced an additional $14.3 million to reach out to more culturally and linguistically diverse Victorians and ensure they get the support they need, when they need it. The funding includes $6.9 million for expanded health messaging and support for multicultural organisations
that work on the ground to deliver emergency relief, such as culturally specific accommodation and food for those self-isolating or in quarantine. It will also ensure positive cases and their close contacts are cared for and taken through compliance checks in a culturally appropriate way, while also providing cultural advice to support the work of the coronavirus contact tracing team. A CALD Communities Taskforce will also be established to help multicultural and multifaith communities through the pandemic, with representatives from the Victorian Multicultural
Commission and various departments. The funding package also includes $5.5 million to continue and expand the distribution of vital health advice that has been translated into 55 different languages, ensuring people understand and comply with restrictions designed to keep us safe, with a focus on supporting younger CALD members. Support for multicultural communities has been rolling out since the beginning of the pandemic, with advertising campaigns on TV, social media, digital platforms, newspapers and radio, as well as a series of community roundtables. The latest in-language
videos released earlier this week feature frontline health workers speaking about their experiences in Oromo, Vietnamese, Turkish and Korean. A further $2 million will go towards translation and interpreter services to meet the increase in demand. This latest investment builds on the $11.3 million package that was announced in May to help multicultural and multifaith Victorians battle social isolation, engage young people and fund culturally specific family violence support agencies. “We are equal to this task, but it will only work if each and every Victorian plays their part – we’ve got to
look out for each other.” “This is one of the biggest challenges we’ve ever had to face, but by supporting one another, staying home and slowing the spread of this deadly virus, we’ll get through to the other side.”Premier Daniel Andrews said. “To get on top of this pandemic, it’s vital that we all work together – and that includes looking after multicultural and multifaith Victorians that face unique challenges, like language barriers or access to services.”Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence said.
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The Hagia Sophia and the Rejection of Secularism in Turkey By Nail Aykan The reconversion of the Hagia Sophia from a museum into a mosque on Friday 24th July 2020 witnessed an incredible outcry, a chorus of condemnation with strange alliances of historians, political leaders, religious heads, Western Liberals, Turkish secularists, and global observers. And whilst some make fair and understandable arguments, most however chose selective ignorance with the historical context of this significant building. The Hagia Sophia, like so many religious and historical buildings, has its own highly political backstory. Unspoken in today’s debate is the fact that Hagia Sophia became a museum in an era when most things ‘Islamic’ in modern Turkey were outlawed under the reforms of Kemalism. For decades, the world witnessed not just ‘French Laicism’ or modern secularisation, but the active oppression and repression of religion, which lead to an attempted cultural and political cleansing of religious identity in Turkey. The secularization of Hagia Sophia was an anti-religious act of state power, not unlike the secularization of many other religious monuments in recent history, in particular in Europe. It was an act designed to suppress religion. However, over the past few decades, a remarkable, almost imperceptible shift has occurred; the Turkish people have started re-identifying with and are at peace with their religious and cultural values. But it did not happen
overnight and not without decades of struggle. The reconversion of Hagia Sophia simply reflects the present reality of modern-day Turkey, which is that of a Muslim-majority population reuniting with its religious identity. The historical wrong was turning Hagia Sophia into a museum in 1934. Over the past month, it became obviously clear that certain western leaders and commentators prefer a secular Turkey to a more religious one. Secular and liberal outrage was simply disingenuous. This was in essence a religious building. The remarks of Pope Francis were also somewhat astonishing for a religious leader. That he was “pained” by the idea of such a site of spirituality being turned from a museum back into a place of worship fails the religious world in many regards. Should we not welcome the return of prayer to the Hagia Sophia, as it had functioned for
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almost 15 centuries, rather a secular place, i.e. museum, as imposed by anti-religious revolutionaries? Should not champions of interfaith relations choose their religious comrades over anti-religious adversaries? It will come as no surprise that many in the Muslim world would be ‘pained’ at the tone and attitudes coming from some in the West, as if the Hagia Sophia is somehow being ‘re-conquered from European Christendom into the dark folds of Islam’. The reconversion is more about rejecting the Kemalist reforms of 1934 then it is about celebrating the conquest of Christians in 1453. The significance of the reconversion is that state-enforced secularism is waning, and that religious rights and freedoms are gradually being restored. Having systematically corrected such an important part of modern Turkey’s secular legacy as the status of Hagia Sophia, the Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sends a strong signal, the Muslimmajority people of Turkey prefer religion and reject anti-faith secularism. And as much as Erdogan can be accused of playing religious politics, he is not alone. So too did Kemal Ataturk. So too do many political and religious leaders – past and present. The celebrated site has always reflected the politics of the time, and times are changing. The legacy of the Hagia Sophia has always stood the test of time and will always remain symbolic of Christianity and Islam’s shared history and we today have the enormous potential to turn it into a modern-day legacy of religious bridge-building.
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Senior Debating at Islamic College of Melbourne
During Islamic College of Melbourne’s first week of Term 3 their Senior Debating Team led by Mr Jarrod Carrington were on assignment with their B & C Grade Debating Teams both arguing against some very challenging opposing teams.
Debates are now conducted via ZOOM which is a change but ICOM’s Debating Team have adapted and are as strong as ever. The Islamic College of Melbourne B Grade Team 1 consisting of Ayna Mehicevic, Enaia Marten and Farhad Ahmadi defeated Wesley College by 4 points debating the topic of
‘Religious institutions should lose their tax-exempt status’ on the negative side. The Islamic College of Melbourne C Grade Team 2 consisting of Manar Hakim, Kawsar Farah and Maryam AlGubri were defeated by St. Kevin’s College by 1 point debating the topic that ‘We should abolish trial by jury’
on the affirmative side. Considering the team had only been back at school for two days it was a fantastic effort from all students involved. As always, congratulations to the ICOM Debating Team, keep up the great work.
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Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
24 community
انا هلل وانا اليه راجعون
Farewelling Br Peter Barnett By Nail Aykan Peter Barnett, a beloved and respected member of Victoria’s Muslim community, passed away quietly in his sleep on Sunday 9th August 2020, aged 90. Peter, born July 21, 1930 in Albany, Western Australia, was a distinguished Australian journalist, broadcaster and administrator having been the ABC’s longest-serving correspondent. He had a long career that covered many of the major news stories in recent history including the Vietnam War and Watergate. He spent 13 years as Washington Correspondent, and was also stationed in New York, the Middle East and Afghanistan. He became friends with several US Presidents and
world leaders, in particular President Lyndon Johnson. Peter was Executive Director of Radio Australia during the 1980’s, with a staff of 250 and broadcasting globally in ten languages. Some of his other roles included Vice-Chairman Operating Committee Council for CEDA - Economics Development of Australia; Governor Director for the Australasian Academy of Broadcasting Arts and Sciences. Peter became a Member (AM) in the Order of Australia Honours in 1991 for his service to public communication, particularly through Radio Australia. He authored two books “Foreign correspondence: A journalist’s biography: tales from a life in Australia, Asia, and the United States of America” in 2001 and “Guardian of the Flame: A book on Said Nursi” in 2011. Peter was married to Siti
Nuraini Jatim in 1970, and had one son, Adam. Peter converted to Islam in 1994. Since becoming a Muslim Peter served the Muslim
community of Melbourne in different capacities, notably with the ICV - Islamic Council of Victoria for over a decade. He played an important role in laying building blocks to strengthen the peak body and in particular mentoring many of our younger leaders, many of whom are on the ICV Board, in senior management positions and serving as volunteers. His commitment to the community will not be forgotten. Peter spent his final years in a nursing home in Prahran often visited by many friends. He will be buried at Northern Memorial Park (Fawkner Cemetery) on Wednesday 12th August 2020. Throughout his life Peter was a great friend to many, a role model, a brother and a true gentleman. May Allah (swt) grant Peter His Mercy and reward him with Jannah.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way By Omar Lahham Islamic institutes, organisations and mosques are social entities in their nature, and they rely solely on the participation and contribution of their communities of which they serve. Since March this year, the COVID19 restrictions that the Victorian government put in place to stop the spread of the virus has threatened this very essence and hindered the livelihood of these organisations. Being the president of one of those organisations in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, I witnessed first hand how the Circles of Lights Centre (COLC) in Reservoir was affected by these restrictions. Our weekly events and activities that keep the centre a live hub for the Muslim community in the north have had to alter drastically. However, trials and hardships create opportunities. COLC has explored the opportunities arriving from this situation, creating new platforms to reach its community. In the past few months, the centre has organised several online events including competitions for the kids and youth,
lectures, seminars and workshops, fundraisers and even virtual Eid gatherings utilising many social media platforms and online tools such as Facebook, Instagram and Zoom. These events and more were the
Sheikh Abdullah Hawari Imam of Virgin Mary Mosque fruits of the creative and brilliant minds of the Muslim youth working enthusiastically for our centre and the wider community. They continue to meet regularly through Zoom to brainstorm alternatives and plan and execute new ideas. They did not allow for this difficult time to affect the level of energy they put through their coordination and organisation. And we are promised to see more programs and events to come soon. This has been a trend followed by many other mosques and Muslim organisations. Virgin Mary Mosque
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is the first example that comes to mind when it comes to the effective utilisation of online platforms to reach the community it serves. The mosque committee led by its Imam; Sheikh Abdullah Hawari, has done an exceptional job to keep the community connected to their faith, their mosque and each other. Virgin Mary Mosque hosts local and international guests almost daily. They run online Friday Khutbas and continue to run online events, competitions and activities for all ages. The Muslim community is always thankful for the time and effort that
the few are sharing with the many through these Muslim organisations. Being on the giving and receiving ends of this equation, I am thankful to Allah for these opportunities and to all the sincere work done by individuals in our communities to serve others. I hope to see a very near and safe end to these COVID19 restrictions that are necessary to control the spread of this deadly virus, and I urge all to be patient and keep safe. Omar Lahham
President Circles Of Lights Centre facebook.com/circlesoflightcentre
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Australian employers unleash potential of Australia’s 6.9 million migrants with tech solution, Connections Connections Australia, Australia’s leading multilingual app connecting migrants to communities, jobs, and training, revealed their ongoing investments in technology development are transforming the talent sourcing experience for employers, unleashing the potential of skilled migrants. Connections Australia Founder & CEO Rinku Razdan is urging employers to join the growing number of employers accessing the pool of migrant talent available through Connections free job marketplace as a means for driving the Australian economy forward. The 2016 Census put the number of people in Australia who were born overseas at 28.5 per cent (6.9 million people), many of them bringing sought-after skills to benefit the economy, and Connections is making it easy for employers to find them.
Rinku Razdan said: “As Australian companies look for solutions to survive and thrive in these challenging times, I am thrilled to see them accessing the rich pot of migrant talent on Connections Australia. Employers can be matched to prospective employees based on business requirements, skills, qualifications, experience, location, and availability.” “Out of about 178,000 permanent visas granted in 2017–18, 111,000 were for migrants with skills. These migrants bring unique talents, often speak other languages, and have a global and entrepreneurial mindset making them game-changing employees,” added Razdan “Incredible human resources are available, and it is up to employers to look at them. I believe in migrants’ power to effect positive social change and foster social cohesion – the values of Connections
Australia,” concluded Razdan. Employers can find their next candidate on Connections Australia’s hiring portal ‘Careers’ at connectionsaustralia.com. Simply complete your company profile to be matched with ready and available workers of all kinds including skilled and entry level. Once signed up, it is possible to post jobs and be matched instantly to suitable candidates. Connections also encourages migrants with work rights in Australia seeking employment to register via the app.
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Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Does the Government have the power to control human behaviour based on public health?
COVID-19 and Government Power. Charlie Berro / Senior Paralegal Mitry Lawyers The government controlling human behaviour is no longer a distant concept in a COVID-19 world. Control of human behaviour through government orders, requirements and directions have become part of our vernacular and behavioural patterns. But how far do these powers go? Can the government make orders to take a COVID test? Or if a vaccine becomes available, can Australians be required to take this vaccine? There are three means available for governments to control human behaviour in response to a public health concern. These options have granted powers to the government to make new laws and requirements on individuals to comply
A. THE COMMONWEALTH’S POWERS – DECLARING A HUMAN BIOSECURITY EMERGENCY The Health Minister’s broad emergency powers under sections 477 and 478 of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) are activated in response to the declaration of a human biosecurity emergency by the Governor General. A human biosecurity emergency is declared in circumstances including where a listed human disease is posing a severe and immediate threat, or is causing harm, to human health on a nationally significant scale under section 475(1)(a). Under sections 477, the Health Minister may determine “any emergency requirements” during a human biosecurity emergency period that the Minister is satisfied is necessary to: I. Prevent or control any of the following, in relation to the disease in Australia or any part of Australia: • Entry; • Emergence; • Establishment; or • Spread. II. Prevent or control the spread of the disease to another country III. Give effect to a recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) under Part III of the International Health Regulations in relation to the disease. “Requirements” which may be made that control human behavior may include: • Requirements that apply to persons, goods or conveyances when entering or leaving specified places; • Requirements that restrict or prevent the movement of persons, goods or conveyances in or between specified places. These have been evident in the ban on overseas travel, cruise ships and the number of people at select venues, for example. Under section 478, the Health Minister may give directions to “any person” that the Minister is satisfied is necessary to also achieve the above criteria. These refer to “individual” directions. “Directions” which control human behavior may include: • To close premises or prevent access to premises; • A direction for the purposes of giving effect; or • Any direction for the purpose of giving effect to a recommendation from WHO. These “requirements” and/or “directions” may be given despite any provision of any other Australian law. A person who fails to comply with a requirement determined under either section may constitute an offence under section 479, with a maximum penalty of imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units (approximately $66,600), or both.
B. THE POWERS OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES – PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS The National Partnership on COVID-19 Response and the AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
in response to COVID-19: 1. The passing of legislation in Parliament 2. Making determinations under the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) 3. Making directions under each state and territory’s public health and emergency response laws. This article will focus on the powers of government to make determinations and directions concerning measures on human behaviour based on public health.
Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (commenced on 27 February 2020) confirms that all States and Territories have public health responsibilities pursuant to Federal legislation. However, the primary responsibility for responding to such health risks and implementing measures controlling human behavior in response to COVID-19 rests with the State and Territory governments, who reserve the powers to respond differently to, though substantially consistent with, the opinions formed by the National Cabinet. These powers are available to States and Territories through their respective Public Health and Biosecurity Acts.
i.NSW PUBLIC HEALTH LAWS In NSW, where the Minister for Health considers on reasonable grounds that a situation has arisen that is, or is likely to be a risk to public health, section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW) gives the Minister power to take any action and may by any order give any directions as the Minister “considers necessary to deal with the risk and its possible consequences”. An order may also specify any part of NSW to be a “public health risk area” and may contain directions considered necessary by the Minister to “reduce or remove the risk, segregate or isolate the inhabitants and prevent access to the area”. A failure to comply without a reasonable excuse may constitute an offence with a maximum penalty of imprisonment for 6 months or a fine of up to $11,000 (or both), with an ongoing fine of $5,500 each day the offence continues. Corporations who fail to comply with a direction face a maximum fine of $55,000, with an ongoing fine of $27,500 each day the offence continues. In relation to further implications of these powers on controlling human behaviour, the Minister, provided they consider it necessary, may make an order giving directions for each person with symptoms of COVID-19 to undertake a compulsory test as “dealing with the risk and its possible consequences”. This direction may then be enforced with the maximum penalties above. The same conclusion is likely to apply if a vaccine becomes available and the Minister makes an order under these provisions.
ii.NSW BIOSECURITY LAWS Under the Biosecurity Act 2015 (NSW), if activated in the case of an emergency under section 122, an authorised officer may issue “general” or “individual” biosecurity directions, which includes: General biosecurity directions include: • An authorised officer may give a general biosecurity direction if the officer reasonably believes it is necessary to do so for a purpose including “preventing, eliminating or minimising a biosecurity risk”. Individual biosecurity directions include: • An authorised officer may also give an individual
biosecurity direction that requires a person to do anything if the authorised officer reasonably believes the direction is necessary for a purpose including: (a) to ensure the person discharges a biosecurity duty of the person under this Act; (b) to ensure that the person remedies a contravention, suspected contravention or likely contravention by the person of a requirement imposed by or under this Act; (c) to prevent, eliminate, minimise or manage a biosecurity risk posed by a dealing of the person, or suspected dealing of the person, with biosecurity matter, a carrier or a potential carrier. Based on the expansive application of these “general” and “individual” directions, the State under these laws may have the power to enforce a vaccine if one becomes available, by reference to a general biosecurity direction to “eliminate or minimize a biosecurity risk” posed by COVID-19, or an individual biosecurity direction “to ensure a person discharges a biosecurity duty of the person”. A failure to comply with a biosecurity direction, without a reasonable excuse, is a category 2 offence. The maximum penalty for a category 2 offence under NSW Biosecurity Law is $220,000 for an individual, with an ongoing fine of $55,000 each day the offence continues. The maximum penalty for a corporation is $440,000, with an ongoing fine of $110,000 each day the offence continues. Where an offence is committed negligently (to the criminal standard of proof), the maximum penalty for an individual is $1.1 million, with an ongoing fine of $137,000 each day the offence continues. For a corporation, the maximum penalty is $2.2 million, with an ongoing fine of $275,000 each day the offence continues.
C. SUMMING UP So, can the Government make it a requirement to receive a COVID vaccine if one becomes available? This power may be available under both Commonwealth and NSW jurisdictions. If applicable, failure to comply under either of these directions or requirements may attract pecuniary penalties and/or imprisonment. The Commonwealth’s powers under a human biosecurity emergency may include determining “any emergency requirements” and giving directions to “any person”. These requirements and/or directions may be given despite any provision of any other Australian law. Under NSW Public Health laws, the Minister for Health may by any order give any directions as the Minister “considers necessary to deal with the risk and its possible consequences”. Under NSW Biosecurity laws, the Minister has expansive powers to give “general” and/or “individual directions” including to “eliminate or minimize a biosecurity risk”.
If you need assistance in relation to the above, you may contact us via www.mitry.com.au/contact or on +61 2 9222 2833.
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Australians will be among the first in the world to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, if it proves successful, through an agreement between the Australian Government and UK-based drug company AstraZeneca. Under the deal, every single Australian will be able to receive the University of Oxford COVID-19 vaccine for free, should trials prove successful, safe and effective. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Oxford University trial was in a phase three stage and more work was needed to prove its viability. “The Oxford vaccine is one of the most advanced and promising in world, and under this deal we have secured early access for every Australian,” the Prime Minister said. “If this vaccine proves successful we will manufacture and supply vaccines straight away under our own steam and make it free for 25 million Australians.
“However, there is no guarantee that this, or any other, vaccine will be successful, which is why we are continuing our discussions with many parties around the world while backing our own researchers at the same time to find a vaccine. ” The Prime Minister also remains committed to ensuring early access to the vaccine for countries in our Pacific family, as well as regional partners in Southeast Asia. The Government has also released Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Strategy, guided by a group of medical and industry experts. The Strategy sets out Australia’s approach to acquire doses of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines based on: 1. Research and development 2. Purchase and manufacturing 3. International partnerships 4. Regulation and safety Immunisation administration and monitoring
Happy Hijri New Year
The first announcements under the strategy are the signing of a Letter of Intent with AstraZeneca to supply the University of Oxford’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate to Australia and a consumables contract with Becton Dickinson for the supply of needles and syringes. The Letter of Intent covers vaccine development, production and distribution. It commits to production of the vaccine in Australia, subject to safety and effectiveness. A final formal agreement will include distribution, timing and price of the vaccine. Becton Dickinson has been contracted to supply vital consumables, such as needles and syringes, to ensure that we can deliver vaccine doses as soon as we have them. Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, said “From early on Australian officials led by my department has been meeting with developers and manufacturers of a number of promising vaccine candidates, both domestic and international, over recent months. “We are confident these actions and targeted investments will put us in the best possible position to secure early access to safe and effective vaccines for Australia.” The country’s most experienced scientists, biotech and pharmaceutical experts have been brought together to provide advice on acquiring a portfolio of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations. The COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for Australia – Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group met for the first time earlier this week. The advisory group is led by
Professor Brendan Murphy, Secretary of the Department of Health, who has a leading role in managing the Government’s pandemic response. The group will also provide advice on implementing Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Strategy that drives the Government’s work with the states and territories, research organisations, industry, regulators and other countries. Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said Australia’s manufacturing capability is a huge asset in the push to deliver a COVID vaccine. Australia is contributing significantly to vaccine development work both in Australia and around the world, investing $333 million in vaccines, therapeutics and COVID medicines including $256 million in vaccines. This includes $5 million for the University of Queensland’s innovative “molecular clamp” COVID-19 vaccine. This Australian vaccine has commenced trials here in Australia. The University of Queensland has partnered with CSL to manufacture its vaccine here in Australia. CSL has made a commitment that its dose allocation of the University of Queensland vaccine will be used, at a minimum, to support its long-standing public health commitment to the Australian community More information is available on: - COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for Australia – Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group - Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Strategy
عام هجري سعيد
Bank of Sydney offers its best wishes to the Muslim Community in Australia and around the world, for a happy and blessed Islamic New Year. Fawaz Sankari Chief Banking Officer
Happy HIJRI New Year
Tania Mihailuk MP
Member for Bankstown 13 95 00 / banksyd.com.au
02 9708 3838 02 9708 3960 bankstown@parliament.nsw.gov.au Ground Floor, 9A Greenfield Pde Bankstown NSW 2200
Bank of Sydney Ltd (BOS) ABN 44 093 488 629. AFSL & Australian Credit Licence Number 243 444.
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
New deal secures potential COVID-19 vaccine for every australian
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Islamic Culture Informs the Response to
Bilal Cleland
dunk1689@gmail.com The example of the second Rightly Guided Caliph, Umar Ibn-alKhattab is often cited, regarding justice to the elderly of other faith communities. It is the case of an elderly member of the Jewish community who was forced to beg to meet his basic needs and taxes. Umar exempted him from all taxes and provided him with financial support, thus establishing a public policy to not place burdens upon the weak or the poor This approach is further substantiated by the state policy of the early Muslim government in Iraq “For every old man who is weak and cannot afford to work, is affected by any illness, was rich but became poor and ended up receiving charity from his fellow Christians; have exempted them from payment of taxes, and allocated for their persons and their children financial support from the Muslim treasury so long as they live in the land of Islam.” [Old Age and Elderly Care: An Islamic Perspective. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology Vol.11 No.1 2014]
Effects of this culture In Australia Muslim Aid and Human Appeal International have both been engaged in providing relief to the elderly during the pandemic. “Ali Kadir, the state manager for Human Appeal South Australia, told Daily Mail Australia older residents are opening their doors in tears when charity workers arrive with groceries.” [1April 2020 Daily Mail Australia]. This sort of aid is occurring wherever there are Muslim communities across the world. Many of the traditional Muslim communities do not place much
According to CNN “The world sacrificed its elderly in the race to protect hospitals. The result was a catastrophe in care homes.” [26 May 2020] This was not the whole world, but the world through the eyes of the American media. Islamic traditions from the earliest time have laid down Muslim ethical norms regarding attitudes to the aged. The Prophet (p) is quoted as saying “He is not one of us who does not show mercy to our young ones and esteem to our elderly.” Also “He who honours an old man for his age - meaning during his old age – God will grant him one to honour him during his old age.” [26 February 2019 Countercurrents]
The Dawn Quranic Institute Ramadan Athan and Quran competition The Dawn Quranic Institute hosted a Ramadan Athan and Quran competition for members of the community at three categories: 1. Athan for those under 18 2. Surat Al Naba for those under 10 3. Surat Qaf for those under 18
emphasis upon residential aged care as extended families usually undertake this responsibility. Where there are more industrialised societies it plays some role.
The Turkish Situation Dr. Irshad Ali Shaikh, the WHO’s health security director in Turkey, praised the Turkish model for elderly care at a meeting with officials from the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, which runs the homes. [6 May Turkish News Press] Turkey serves 27,500 senior citizens at 426 centres and it began implementing health security measures before the pandemic struck. For many months now there has been a curfew on people aged over 65 whether in residential care or not. Groups have been established to provide their food and medication in order to allow their seclusion as a means to stem the spread of the virus. staff in residential aged care have a 14 day shift system, the period of
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quarantine for the virus, and there is testing for all staff between shifts. Any resident who becomes infected is transferred to a hospital. Residents and are checked for the disease every day. “Turkey has ended up with roughly the same testing rate as France and a death rate ten times lower than Britain’s. [4 June 2020 The Economist ] But the same threat to the aged can be seen in the death toll. “Some 93% of the people in Turkey claimed by coronavirus were 65 or older, the country’s health minister said on Friday.” [ 5 June Anadolu Agency ] If human beings are seen as commodities, then old age is seen to produce useless eaters. If human beings are seen as the highest form of creation with intrinsic dignity and inalienable rights, then old age is a valued stage of life. The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.
Alhamdulilah, there were more than 100 participants And more than $1200 were given in prizes Respected Sheikhs took part in assessing the finalists: Sh Abdulla Hawari (The Dawn Director), Sh Haytham Al-Rifaii (Imam of Newport Mosque), Sh Abdul Hay (Director of Ibn Masood Institute) and Sh Mustafa Hassan (BOIV member). The competition aimed to teach and encourage young community members to learn the book of Allah SWT. www.thedawn.com.au
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Connecting with family and friends online can be fun and exciting, but it also comes with some risks. There are a few simple things you can do to try to keep safe online:
the content could be embarrassing, upsetting or hurtful to others. Also, having an internet security filtering system on your device is a very good tool to filter the content that you are searching for.
Think before you accept requests only accept ‘friend’ requests from people you know in real life. This reduces the chance of getting into an unsafe situation. Do not accept random requests especially if there are no mutual friends.
Think about your privacy avoid sharing personal information online that could be misused by someone in real life. Check your privacy settings and make sure your account is secure. Remember, once you post something online about you or your family, it is not yours anymore, because you decided to make it available for the public.
Think before you upload and share photos post photos that show you and your friends in a positive way. Once it’s uploaded, it’s no longer private and could be viewed by friends, family, teachers and strangers. Once you post something, it’s not yours anymore even if it is under your profile.
Block anyone you’ve had contact with that was negative or unsafe this stops them from having contact with you and from seeing your profile if they search for you after you block them.
Be mindful of what you write to others you never know who will read these comments and how they might interpret them. Something that you think is funny could be very serious to others. Think carefully about sharing links to other sites
Seek professional IT advice from an expert if you are unsure, just ask those who have the knowledge and those who
Social Media tips for everyone to stay safe online Saied Altabaa IT Consultant
are impartial. Ask your IT team at school, at work or an expert who is in the industry. You can also seek this knowledge from sources like Google, but make sure those results are authentic and a trusted source of information.
Stay safe and always remember, ask those who know if you do not know.
Happy Hijri New Year
Best wishes to the Muslim community on the auspicious occasion of HIJRI New Year.
The Hon Bruce Atkinson MLC
Member of the Legislative Council of Victoria • • • • •
R19B | Level 3 | West 5 Car Park Entrance | Eastland Shopping Centre 171-175 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood 3134 Tel: 03 9877 7188 | PO BOX: 508 Ringwood VIC 3134 Email: bruce.atkinson@parliament.vic.gov.au Web: www.bruceatkinson.com.au
Funded From The Parliamentary Budget
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Forgotten blessing:
Barakah in Money By Almir Colan Barakah is a divine blessing from Allah SWT that impacts everything in our lives in unseen ways. Recently a friend of mine asked an audience to ponder over the difference between monopoly money and real money, and if anyone would accept monopoly money in real trade. Of course, the answer is NO. We all want real money, dollars etc. But not all money is the same. Just as monopoly money can not be traded in place of real money, money that has no barakah can not replace money which has it. When money is earned from impure ways it loses its blessings. With no barakah in your money, things you buy will be void of those blessings. So when you, for instance, buy food with that money and your kids start
eating from it… and then you ask yourself - why don’t they listen to me? Why don’t they pray? Why are they like this? It is perhaps that what they are getting is not 100% halal and does not have barakah.
How to increase barakah:
Part of increasing our barakah is by earning a halal income while keeping Allah’s commandments and avoiding His prohibitions. Honesty brings blessings, while sins
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
and wrongdoing diminish it. The Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: If parties in a business transaction speak “the truth and make everything clear they will be blessed in their transaction; but if they tell a lie or conceal anything, the blessing on their transaction will be removed.” (AlBukhari and Muslim) He (saws) also said: “Beware of swearing oaths when selling, for it may help you to make a sale but it can
destroy the blessing.”’ (Ibn Majah) Therefore, when Allah wants good for His slave, He puts barakah into his wealth even if his wealth is little. And when this blessing is withdrawn, one will not enjoy what he has from wealth, even if he has much of it.
So what is Barakah?
Barakah is a Divine blessing which if present - provides increased growth and
good results even from the smallest amount of money - and though this can not be calculated in material terms, it makes your wealth go a long way. When these blessings continue and grow - we call it barakah. *To learn more about the Islamic perspective on wealth and money subscribe to Almir’s Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/ almircolan or visit: www.AlmirColan.com.
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
By Remzi Unal
In recent months, Multicultural Youth Centre (MyCentre), a Muslim community organisation in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, has been distributing food and essential items to the individuals and families impacted financially by the coronavirus pandemic. Each day between 150-180 food hampers are sorted and packaged by the MyCentre team at their
the food distribution program. “We appreciate the generous donations of local businesses and the community. We at MyCentre feel it is an obligation for us all to support those experiencing hardship during these difficult times”. Recently the Mental Health Foundation of Australia (MHFA) has also joined in support of this initiative, providing warm meals twice weekly for distribution. Chairperson Vasan Srinivasan said regarding the program “the MHFA understands that mental health wellness is a culmination of many
Broadmeadows facilities. Those in need, regardless of background or faith, are then asked to come and collect the packaged boxes, with priority given to the elderly and the disabled. The entire process follows strict hygiene and social isolation protocols. Those who come to the centre to collect the food do not exit their vehicles, the boxes are placed in the trunk or back seat. The food is sourced through donations by local businesses, as well as through MyCentre. Businesses such as Second Bite, Tunstall Fresh, Just Ripe and Bakers Delight Coburg have been generously supplying fresh fruit, groceries and bread for MyCentre to distribute to the community. Head of MyCentre Sheikh Abu Hamza thanked those supporting
important factors including nutrition. Hence, we would like to play our part and do something meaningful for the community”. MyCentre is a service provider to the Northern Community Support Group program, which is auspiced by the Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF). Executive Director of the AMF Dr Hass Dellal commended the great work by all those involved “the MyCentre emergency food distribution program is a fantastic community lead initiative. During these difficult times, it has provided important support for many families in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, regardless of cultural background or faith. I congratulate Sheikh Abu Hamza and the team at MyCentre”.
Australian Multicultural Foundation
MyCentre Emergency Food Distribution Program
ICV Crisis Media Management Workshop The ICV hosted a Crisis Media Management workshop for its member societies last Thursday evening via Zoom. The workshop hosted by Tony Nicholls from Good Talent Media focused on how to implement a good crisis media strategy and opportunities and challenges posed by the current media landscape. The one hour webinar also touched on the importance of media management messaging and an effective social media strategy. Attending members were also afforded an opportunity for a Q n’ A which addressed some of the challenges and concerns around general media reporting and the focus on Muslims and the multicultural community.
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Western Bulldogs GOAL Program The Western Bulldogs GOAL Mentoring program is a FREE dynamic mentoring program for young African Australians aged 13-15 years old, living in Melbourne’s West. The 10-week online program aims to create social capital in connecting young people with successful AFL players, AFLW players and Community Mentors from the broader western Melbourne community, both African and non-African. The focus of this program is on a mentoring approach to support participants’ personal development and goal setting. For more information please visit: https://www.westernbulldogs.com.au/ foundation/programs/goal-mentoringprogram
Residential Aged care a Health Risk? By Bilal Cleland dunk1689@gmail.com On 6 August 2020 there were 13,469 Covid-19 infections in Victoria and there had been a total of 170 deaths. For all Australia there had been 255 deaths. Residential Aged Care in Victoria accounted for 848 infections and 143 deaths. As can be seen there is a very high proportion of deaths in residential aged care. In aged home care there were 32 cases of infection of which only 4 had died. Professor Joseph Ibrahim head of the Health Law and Ageing Unit at Monash University told the Royal Commission into Aged Care that aged-care residents account for about 68 per cent of all COVID-19 deaths, despite being just 1 per cent of the population. [12 August ABC News] It would seem a fairly basic preventative practice to place Covid 19 cases into hospital care but this is apparently not done. Hospitals have been refusing to take patients. “The Saturday Paper has learnt that on Wednesday a non-profit nursing home in Melbourne attempted to have one of its Covid-19-positive residents moved to a hospital. The hospital refused, as they are allowed to do.”
“St Basil’s Homes for the Aged in the Melbourne suburb of Fawkner told Neos Kosmos a week ago that it had requested all Covid-19 residents be moved to hospital but was denied. On July 22, everyone who had worked at the home “during early July” was ordered to quarantine. By Thursday this week, at least 73 cases had been linked to the home.” [2531 July 2020 Rick Morton Saturday Paper] Devastation in Residential Aged Care The whole Western world, the EU, the UK and the USA, has been marked by the devastation wreaked upon those in aged care. In Italy we were told of “The ‘silent massacre’ in Italy’s nursing homes.” [20 April 2020 Politico] “Exact figures on the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in Italy’s nursing homes are extremely
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hard to come by, partly because there is no centralized system to record them, unlike in hospitals. A recent national survey carried out by Italian authorities suggested that 8.4 percent of nursing home residents have died since the beginning of the outbreak.” In Spain “Newly released emails from Madrid’s right-wing government show how authorities instructed care homes not to take elderly coronavirus patients to hospitals. The result was one of Europe’s highest death tolls. [28 June 2020 The Wire] The United Kingdom did not learn from these mistakes. “According to the data there have been 66,000 deaths of care home residents in England and Wales between 2 March and 12 June this
year, compared to just under 37,000 deaths last year – as reported by the BBC. [6 July 2020 Aged Care Insite] Then we saw the horror of the uncontrolled pandemic amongst the aged under inadequate leadership in the USA. Nina A. Kohn, professor of law at Syracuse University, wrote: “The pandemic exposed a painful truth: America doesn’t care about old people. We speak of the elderly as expendable, then fail to protect them.” [8 May 2020 Politico] Florida is one of the worst hot spots for deaths and infections in the USA but Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is considering reopening nursing homes to visitors. It is obvious that this will result in even more infections. [4 August 2020 Newsweek] It was so bad that it could be claimed that Americans had no respect for human life, even that of their own people. One very clear message has been delivered by this pandemic to the governments and people of the formerly self-proclaimed leaders of the West. If you condemn your aged people to residential death camps, your hypocrisy on human rights has been exposed. It has been lost forever.
The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Local Government Elections
To Go Ahead In October On advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton, local government elections will go ahead as scheduled for Saturday, 24 October 2020. “I sought advice from the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office and Chief Health Officer as to how best to proceed while Victoria is in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.”Minister for Local Government Shaun Leane said. “I also engaged with the local government sector to fully understand concerns regarding the impact of current restrictions in Victoria on campaigning, and relayed that I would act on advice from the Chief Health Officer”.
The Chief Health Officer has advised that October represents a period when risk is likely to be substantially lower than at present, and there are no compelling public health grounds for the elections to be delayed. The Chief Health Officer has also worked closely with the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) and is satisfied that appropriate physical distancing, cleaning and hygiene and workforce planning have all been considered and integrated into the VEC’s COVIDSafe plans. The VEC have advised that election preparations are already well underway and that there are no administrative or procedural barriers to the election being held on 24 October 2020.
This decision was not made lightly and is based on the best public health advice available – but I am pleased Victorian communities can have their say on their local government representatives at democratic council general elections as planned. A set of Safe Campaigning Guidelines have been developed in consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services to help candidates follow the Chief Health Officer’s directions and health advice during the campaign. The guidelines include advice on how to safely conduct permitted campaign activities, safety for campaign teams, hygiene and physical distancing. The Government has also launched
its candidate training course online, which all prospective candidates will need to complete. It covers how councils are run, support available to councillors, the councillor code of conduct, conflict of interest guidelines and election donation rules. The training course is one of a suite of reforms introduced through the new Local Government Act designed to enhance integrity and build community confidence in councils. All candidates will also be able to provide voters with a 300 word statement in their ballot packs to be sent to voters. In a first for Victoria, councils will be elected by statewide postal voting.
ه ر� س يع�د عام ج � ي
1442 Happy HIJRI New year
Dr Hass Dellal AO
Executive Director Australian Multicultural Foundation
Level 1, 185 Faraday St, CARLTON VIC 3053 Ph: (03) 9347 6622 E: info@amf.net.au • www.amf.net.au
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
عام هجري جديد Hijri New Year 1442
34 منوعات
ّ حث سكان فكتوريا على التسجيل النتخابات المجالس البلدية القادمة ت�ستعد مفو�ضية االنتخابات بفكتوريا ( )VECلإجراء انتخابات �آمنة خالل هذه الظروف غير العادية الناجمة عن جائحة كورونا ،وتحثُّ جميع ٍ موعد اق�صاه ال�ساعة 4م�سا ًء يوم الجمعة ال�سكان الم�ؤهلين ودافعي ر�سوم المجل�س البلدي على التحقق من حالة ت�سجيلهم في قوائم الناخبين في � 28أغ�سط�س لكي ي�ستطيعوا الت�صويت في انتخابات المجال�س المحلية في �أرجاء فكتوريا في �أكتوبر هذا العام. �أ�� �ص ��در م �ف��و���ض االن �ت �خ��اب��ات Warwick Gatelyن ��دا ًء قبل الموعد النهائي للت�سجيل، قائ ًال�“ :إذا ك��ان عمرك � 18سنة �أو �أكبر وتعي�ش في �أو تدفع ر�سوم ًا في نطاق مجل�س بلدي في فكتوريا ،قم بالت�سجيل وادل بر�أيك ب�ش�أن م�ستقبل المجل�س البلدي بمنطقتك”. ي�ستطيع المواطنون الأ�ستراليون الذين بلغوا عمر � 18سنة �أو غيروا عناوينهم �أن يقوموا بالت�سجيل �أو تحديث تفا�صيلهم عبر الموقع
يتم ت�سجيل �أي �شخ�ص في قائمة الناخبين للوالية �إ�ستناد ًا �إلى عنوانه الحالي تلقائي ًا للت�صويت ف��ي ه��ذه االن �ت �خ��اب��ات .وهناك أي�ضا فئات ت�سجيل �إ�ضافية للمالكين غير � ً المقيمين والم�ست�أجرين وممثلي ال�شركات والمواطنين غير الأ�ستراليين الذين يدفعون ر� �س��وم المجل�س ال�ب�ل��دي .كما يجب على الأ��ش�خ��ا���ص �ضمن ه��ذه الفئات االت�صال
بالمجل�س المحلي للح�صول على المزيد من المعلومات. �ستكون انتخابات مجال�س فكتوريا لعام � 2020أك �ب��ر ب��رن��ام��ج انتخابي ف ��ردي في الوالية ،مع توقع 4.5مليون ناخب و�أكثر من 2000مر�شح م�شاركين في االنتخابات في �أرجاء 76بلدية. لن يجري مجل�س مدينة ،Caseyومجل�س مدينة ،Whittleseaومجل�س South Gippsland Shireانتخابات عامة في
�أكتوبر هذا العام. يتوفر المزيد من المعلومات حول الت�سجيل عن طريق االت�صال بالرقم: 1300 805 478 �أو عبر ،vec.vic.gov.au
حيث يمكن للناخبين �أي �� ً��ض��ا اال� �ش �ت��راك ف��ي خدمة VoterAlertالمجانية لتلقي تذكيرات مهمة ب�ش�أن االنتخابات عن طريق ر�سائل SMSوالبريد الإلكتروني.
علماء يحددون األقنعة األفضل للوجه عبر تصوير أشخاص يسعلون ويعطسون داخلها ل�ت�ق��ط ب��اح �ث��ون �أ� �س �ت��رال �ي��ون مقاطع فيديو لما يحدث عند التحدث وال�سعال والعط�س في �سيناريوهات متنوعة� :أث�ن��اء ع��دم ارت��داء القناع �أو ارتداء نوعين مختلفين من �أقنعة القما�ش� ،أو ارتداء قناع جراحي. وك�شفت النتائج ،التي نُ�شرت في مجلة � ،Thoraxأن القناع الجراحي هو الأكثر فاعلية ف��ي منع انت�شار ال�ق�ط��رات �أث�ن��اء التحدث وال�سعال والعط�س .ولكن �إذا لم تتمكن من الح�صول عليه ،ف�إن قناع القما�ش ه��و �أف �� �ض��ل � �ش��يء ب �ع��ده ،وك�ل�م��ا زاد ع��دد الطبقات كان ذلك �أف�ضل. وق��ارن الباحثون ع��دم ا�ستخدام القناع، م��ع نوعين مختلفين م��ن �أق�ن�ع��ة القما�ش الم�صنوعة من قوالب DIYالمقدمة عبر الإنترنت (يحتوي �أحدهما على طبقة واحدة من القما�ش؛ والآخر يحتوي على طبقتين)، وقناع جراحي ثالثي الطبقات. ول �ت �� �ص��ور ال �ق �ط��رات ال �ت��ي ق��د ال ن��راه��ا، ا�ستُخدم نظام �إ� �ض��اءة LEDم��ع كاميرا عالية ال�سرعة .و�أك��دوا �أن��ه حتى التحدث ي��ول��د ق �ط��رات ك�ب�ي��رة .وال���س�ع��ال والعط�س (بهذا الترتيب) يولدان المزيد. وك��ان القناع الجراحي المكون م��ن ثالث طبقات �أف�ضل بكثير من القناع ذي الطبقة
ال��واح��دة ،ف��ي تقليل ان�ب�ع��اث��ات القطرات الناتجة عن التحدث وال�سعال والعط�س، يليه غطاء م ��زدوج م��ن القما�ش .كما �أن غطاء وجه من قطعة واح��دة من القما�ش، قلل انت�شار القطرات الناجم عن التحدث وال�سعال والعط�س ،ولكنه ل��م يكن جيدا مثل قناع القما�ش ذي الطبقتين �أو القناع الجراحي. وعلى �سبيل المثال ،قناع القما�ش المكون م��ن 12طبقة ي��وف��ر الحماية نف�سها مثل القناع الجراحي ،ويقلل من خطر العدوى بن�سبة ،%67وفقا لفريق البحث. وهناك خطوات يمكن اتخاذها لجعل �أقنعة القما�ش �أكثر فعالية: • زيادة عدد الطبقات (ثالث طبقات على الأقل). • ا�ستخدام قما�ش مقاوم للماء في الطبقة الخارجية. • اختيار قما�ش ذي عدد خيوط مرتفع. • قد تكون الأقم�شة الهجينة مثل القطن والحرير ،خيارات جيدة لأنها توفر تر�شيحا �أف�ضل و�أكثر راحة في االرتداء. • ت�أكد من �أن القناع يالئم وجهك جيدا. • اغ�سل القناع يوميا بعد ا�ستخدامه. الم�صدر� :ساين�س �ألرت الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
Messages of Solidarity and condolence
Australia Stands With Lebanon
بيروت – محمود درويش تفاحة للبحر ،نرج�س ٌة الرخام، فرا�ش ٌة حجر ّي ٌة بيروتُ � .شك ُل الروح في المر�آةَ ،و ْ�صفُ المر�أة الأولى ’ ورائحة الغمام بيروتُ من َت َعبٍ ومن َذ َهبٍ ،و�أندل�س و�شام ف�ض ٌة َز َب ٌد ’ و�صايا الأر�ض في ري�ش الحمام َّ وفا ُة �سنبلة .ت�ش ُّر ُد نجم ٍة بيني وبين حبيبتي بيروتُ َلم �أ�سمع دمي من قب ُل ينطقُ با�سم عا�شق ٍة تنام على دمي .....وتنا ُم... ِمنْ َم َط ٍر على البحر اكت�شفنا اال�سم،من طعم الخريف وبرتقال القادمين من الجنوب،ك�أنَّنا �أ�سال ُفنا ن�أتي �إلى بيروتَ كي ن�أتي �إلى بيروتَ ... من َم َطرٍ َب َن ْينا كوخنا ،والرِي ُح ال تجري فال نجري ’ ك�أ َّن الريح م�سما ٌر على ال�صل�صال’ تحفر قبونا فننام مثل النمل في القبو ال�صغير ك�أننا كنا ُن َغنِّي خل�سةً:
بيروتُ خيمتُنا بيروتُ ن َْجمتُنا �سبايا نحن في الزمان الرخو �أَ ْ�سلَ َمنا الغزا ُة �إلى �أهالينا نع�ض ال َ فما كدنا ُّ انق�ض حامينا أر�ض حتى َّ على الأعرا�س والذكرى فوزَّعنا �أغانينا على الح ّرا�س ُ ِمنْ ٍ ملك على ٍ عر�ش �إلى ملك على ٍ نع�ش �سبايا نحن في هذا الزمان الرخو نهائي �سوى دمنا َل ْم نعثر �شَ َب ٍه ِّ ولم نعثر على ما يجع ُل ال�سلطا َن �شعبياً ال�سجا َن ود ّيا ولم نعثر على ما يجعل َّ ولم نعثر على �شيء َي ُدلُّ على هويتنا �سوى دمنا الذي يت�سلَّق الجدران.... خل�سةً :نُن�ش ُد بيروتُ خيمتُنا بيروتُ ن َْجمتُنا
الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
.....ونافذ ٌة تطلٌّ على ر�صا�ص البح ِر ي�سرقنا جميعاً �شار ٌع و ُم َو�شَّ ٌح بيروتُ �شكل الظ ِّل �أجم ُل من ق�صيدتها و�أ�سه ُل من كالم النا�س ٍ أبجديات تُغرينا ب�ألف بداي ٍة مفتوحة وب� جديدة: بيروتُ خيمتُنا الوحيدة بيروتُ نجمتُنا الوحيدة هل تم َّددنا على �صف�صافها لنقي�س �أج�ساداً محاها البحر عن �أج�سادنا جئنا �إلى بيروت من �أ�سمائنا الأولى نفت ُِّ�ش عن نهايات الجنوب وعن وعاء القلبِ ... القلب �سال... �سال ُ وهل تم َّددنا على الأَطالل كي َن ِز َن ال�شمال بقامة الأغالل؟ ك�سرني وبعثرني علي َّ , مال الظ ِّل مال َّ وطال الظلُّ طال....
My thoughts and prayers are with the resilient people of Lebanon. I would like to express my deepest condolences to the victims who lost their lives in the tragic explosion. My wishes for a speedy recovery to all affected. Stay Strong Lebanon.
Hussein Al Hawli
Melbourne Coordinator of the Future movement
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
East Preston Islamic College
HIJRI New Year
East Preston Islamic College 55 Tyler Street, East Preston, VIC, 3072, Australia. Ph: +61 3 9478 3323 Fx: +61 3 9470 1255 AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
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Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
Islamic Society of South Australia
Education Entertainment Islamic Marriage Hajj Funerals Festivals Open Day Halal Certificate Counselling Services Aged care Arabic School
MASJIDS: Masjid Abu Bakr AsSaddiq Masjid Omar Bin Alkhattab Masjid Murray Bridge Masjid Whayalla
658 Marion Rd Parkholme, SA 5043 Tel: +618 8277 8725 E-mail:info@islamicsocietysa.org.au W: www.islamicsocietysa.org.au
Happy HIJRI new year
HIJRI new year
الشيخ رياض الرفاعي
الشيخ عبد السالم عالم
امام مسجد ابو بكر الصديق الجمعية االسالمية في جنوب استراليا
Sheikh AbdulSalam Abdulghani Alim Imam of Masjid Abu Baker AlSaddiq Islamic Society of South Australia
عضو مجلس األئمة الفدرالي أمين سر مجلس األئمة في جنوب أستراليا ممثل دار الفتوى في الجمهورية اللبنانية فيوالية جنوب استراليا امام مسجد عمر بن الخطاب في اداليد-
Sheikh Riad El Rifai
Imam of Masjid Omar Bin Alkhatab South Australia
AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
Hijri New Year 1442 عام هجري جديد
HIJRI New Year
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AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020 هـ ¿ آب1442 ¿ محرم112 الوسط
عام هجري جديد Hijri New Year 1442
40 الوسط الدعوي
إن لك ما احتسبت
ج���وام���ع ال���ك���ل���م ال���ن���ب���وي
ي�ستطيع ال�م��ؤم��ن �أن يجعل لكل ثانية من عمره ثوا ًبا و�أج� ًرا ،و�أن يجعل كل عمل من �أعماله ف�ضيل ًة وب ًّرا� ،إذا احت�سب ذلك عند اهلل جل وعال ،فعن أبي بن كعب ر�ضي اهلل عنه قال :كان رجل من � ّ الأن�صار بيته �أق�صى بيت في المدينة ،فكان ال تُخطئه ال�صالة مع ر�سول اهلل � -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم ،-قال :فتوجعنا له ،فقلت له :يا فالن لو �أنك ا�شتريت حمارا يقيك من الرم�ضاء ويقيك من هوام الأر�ض ،قال� :أما واهلل ما �أحب �أن بيتي َّ مطن ٌَب ببيت محمد � -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم ،- قال :فح َم ُلت به ِحمال حتى �أتيت النبي � -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم -ف�أخبرته ،قال فدعاه ،فقال له مثل ذلك وذكر له �أنه يرجو في �أثره الأجر، فقال له النبي� -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم�(:-إن لك ما احت�سبت)رواه م�سلم� ،أي لك �أج��ر ما احت�سبت. هذا الحديث العظيم جام ٌع في باب االحت�ساب، تب له �أجر عم ِله دا ٌّل على �أن من احت�سب عم َله ُك َ و�أجر ِح ْ�سبته. من �صنوف االحت�ساب و�أنواعه ما يلي: -1ال���ص�ب��ر ع�ل��ى الم�صيبة وت�ح�م��ل ال �ب�لاء:
يتح�صل العبد الم�ؤمن على �أج��ور عظيمة �إذا �صبر عند ن��زول البالء ب��ه ،يقول اهلل تعالى: {الذين �إذا �أ�صابتهم م�صيبة قالوا �إنا هلل و�إنا �إليه راجعون * �أولئك عليهم �صلوات من ربهم ورحمة و�أولئك هم المهتدون} (البقرة-156 : � ،)157أي �أن ذلك فعل المحت�سبين ال�صابرين، وقد روى البخاري في �صحيحه �أن ابنة النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم�-أر�سلت �إليه تخبره �أنابنا لها قب�ض ،ف�أر�سل لها يقرئها ال�سالم ويقول لها� ( :إن هلل ما �أخذ وله ما �أعطى وك ٌل عنده ب�أجل م�سمى ،فلت�صبر ولتحت�سب) ،وذلك حتى تح�صل على �أجر ال�صابرين. � -2إتقان العبادة و�إجادتها� :إذا ا�ست�شعر المرء مراقبة اهلل جل وع�لا ف ��إن ذل��ك �سيدفعه �إلى الإح�سان والقيام بالعبادة على �أح�سن وجه، ومن ذلك �أن ي�سبغ الو�ضوء على المكاره ،و�أن يم�شي في الظلم �إل��ى الم�ساجد ،روى م�سلم َ في �صحيحه �أن النبي � -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم ق��ال�( :إذا تو�ض�أ العبد الم�ؤمن �أو الم�سلمفغ�سل وجهه خ��رج من وجهه كل خطيئة نظر �إليها بعينيه مع الماء � -أو مع �آخر قطر الماء ،-ف��إذا غ�سل يديه خرج من يديه كل خطيئة
كان بط�شتها يداه مع الماء � -أو مع �آخر قطر ال�م��اء ،ف ��إذا غ�سل رجليه خرجت ك��ل خطيئة م�شتها رجاله مع الماء �-أو مع �آخر قطر الماء- حتى يخرج نق ًّيا من الذنوب) ،و�إنما يح�صل له ذلك با�ستح�ضار النية واحت�ساب الأجر ،ومثله أي�ضا قوله � -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم(:-من دعا � ً �إلى هدى كان له من الأجر مثل �أجور من تبعه، ال ينق�ص ذلك من �أجورهم �شيئا) رواه �أحمد، وفيه �أعظم حافز لكل داعية �إلى اهلل جل وعال �أن ُيخ ِل�ص في دعوته ويحر�ص على هداية النا�س للخير ،ويحت�سب ذلك عند اهلل. -3فعل �أو ت��رك ال�م�ب��اح بنية ال� ُق��رب��ة :ي�ؤجر المرء على ما يفعله من المباحات �إذا احت�سب ذلك عند اهلل تعالى ،روى البخاري في �صحيحه �أن معاذ بن جبل و�أب��ا مو�سى الأ�شعري ر�ضي اهلل عنهما تذاكرا قيام الليل ،فقال �أحدهما: “�أما �أنا ف�أقوم و�أنام و�أرجو في نومتي ما �أرجو في قومتي” �أي �أنه يحت�سب الأجر في نومه لكي يتقوى به على طاعة اهلل جل وعال ،وروى الإمام �أبو داود في �سننه عن عقبة بن عامر ر�ضي اهلل عنه ق��ال� :سمعت ر�سول اهلل�-صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم-يقول�(:إن اهلل عز وجل ُيدخل بال�سهم
الواحد ثالث ُة نفرٍ الجنة� ،صانعه يحت�سب في �صنعته الخير ،وال��رام��ي ب��ه ،و ُمنبله) ،وحين ق��ال ال�صحابة للنبي�-صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم- �(:أي�أتي �أحدنا �شهوته ويكون له فيها �أجر ،قال: �أر�أيتم لو و�ضعها في حرام �أكان عليه فيها وزر؟ فكذلك �إذا و�ضعها في الحالل كان له �أجر)رواه م�سلم ،و�أما ترك المباح من ال�شهوات(الطعام وال�شراب ونحوهما) فقد قيل للإمام �أحمد: “ي�ؤجر الرجل في ترك ال�شهوات؟ قال :كيف ال ُي�ؤجر وابن عمر يقول :ما �شبعت منذ ثالثة �أ�شهر”. -4اجتناب المعا�صي والآث��ام� :إذا ترك العبد المع�صية امتثا ًال لأم��ر اهلل وخ��و ًف��ا من عقابه ف�إنه ي�ؤجر على نيته ،روى م�سلم في �صحيحه رب َ ذاك عبدك يريد �أن �أن المالئكة قالتِّ : يعمل �سيئة-وهو �أب�صر به ،-فقال(:ارقبوه ،ف�إن عملها فاكتبوها له بمثلها ،و�إن تركها فاكتبوها له ح�سنة ،ف�إنما تركها من ج ّراي)�أي تركها من �أجلي. ا�سالم ويب
اس���تمعوا ال���ى إذاع���ة الصوت االس�ل�امي س���يدني برامجها ت�شمل ما يلي: • تالوة القر�آن الكريم -محا�ضرات �إ�سالمية • بث مبا�شر لخطبة الجمعة � -أخبار محلية وعالمية • برنامج �صباحيات مع الحاج �إبراهيم الزعبي ِمن الثامنة والن�صف وحتى العا�شرة والن�صف. • متفرقات في الدين والحياة لالخت رانيا البرجاوي من العا�شرة والن�صف وحتى الثانية ع�شرة. • ثالث ن�شرات اخبارية مف�صلة يقدمها الدكتور �أحمد العقاد. • محا�ضرات باللغة االنكليزية ثالث مرات يوميا ,االولى عند ال�ساعة
ال�سابعة والن�صف �صباح ًا والثانية عند الرابعة ع�صر ًا واالخيرة عند م�ساء. ال�ساعة الثامنة والن�صف ً • برنامج �أ�سبوعي يقدم م�ساء كل يوم �أربعاء عند ال�ساعة الثامنة والن�صف باللغة االنكليزية بعنوان «الن�شاط وال�صحة». • برنامج �آخر باللغة االنكليزية عن ال�صحة يقدمه الدكتور و�سام �سوبرا كل يوم جمعه عند ال�ساعة الرابعة ع�صراً. • برنامج «ماما �صفاء» للأطفال عند ال�ساعة الخام�سة م�ساء كل يوم جمعه. • برنامج «فهل من مدكر» لتعليم
�أحكام التجويد وتالوة القر�أن الكريم للأخ �أنور حمام والأخ ريا�ض قا�سم. • برنامج «�إ�شراقات فقهية» �صباح كل يوم �أربعاء عند ال�ساعة التا�سعة والربع مع ف�ضيلة ال�شيخ يحي ال�صافي. • برنامج «التف�سير البالغي للقر�آن الكريم» مع ال�شيخ �أحمد عزت م�ساء محمود عند ال�ساعة ال�ساد�سة ً كل يوم ثالثاء. • برنامجي «امجاد ونزهة الم�شتاق» مع االخ وليد المذيب.
من اليمين الحاجة رانية البرجاوي ،الحاج ابراهيم الزعبي ،الدكتور احمد العقاد �إذاعة ال�صوت الإ�سالمي من �سيدني تبث برامجها على مدار اليوم على الترددات التالية:
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الح لَ ُه ْم خ َْيٌ”. قال تعاىل َ ”:ويَ ْسأَلُونَكَ َع ِن الْ َي َتا َمى ُق ْل إِ ْص ٌ تكفل هيئة االعامل الخريية أكرث من 63الف يتيم يف 15دولة ،فتقدم لهم العون املايل و املساعدة التعليمية والرعاية الصحية الشاملة .مببلغ 50دوالرا يف الشهر ميكنك أن تكفل يتيامً فتسعد قلبه وتغري حياته لألفضل.
للتبرع يمكنكم اإلتصال على الرقم 1300 760 155 :أو زوروا موقع الهيئةwww.hai.org.au : 30/4/19 10:33 am
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عام هجري جديد Hijri New Year 1442
41 الوسط االسترالي
خطاب الشيخ عالء الزقم ال�شيخ عالء الزقم �إمام وخطيب م�سجد ال�صديق ع�ضو مجل�س الإفتاء الأ�سترالي كلنا يعلم م��ا يمر ب��ه العالم من ظ� ��رف � �ص �ع��ب ج� ��دا ه ��و ظ��رف فيرو�س ك��ورون��ا ال��ذي ن�س�أل اهلل ان يحفظنا جميعا منه ويخل�ص وطننا �أ�ستراليا والعالم �أجمع منه. قد منحتموني �شرف الحديث �إليكم في هذه الدقائق القليلة ول�ست هنا اليوم لأ�شكو حالنا كمجتمع م�سلم ف��ي �أ�ستراليا م��ن ج��راء هذا الوباء بل �إنني ومجتمعي الم�سلم و�إخواني من ال��دي��ان��ات الأخ ��ري كلنا جميعا ثقة ف��ى الإل��ه الخالق الرحمن الرحيم ال��ذي يحبنا ويحب الخير لنا �أنه �سيخل�صنا مما نحن فيه قريبا �إن �شاء اهلل. لي�س عندي �أدنى �شك في حب اهلل لنا وفي لطفه بالب�شرية والتاريخ �أخبرنا �أن العالم مر بظروف �صعاب كثيرة م�شابهة لهذا الوباء �أو ربما �أ�صعب منه ومرت وانتهت و�سيمر كورونا وينتهي كما انتهي غيره. ل�ست هنا لأ�شكو من كورونا �أو لي�شكو مجتمعنا الم�سلم ع��واق��ب ه��ذا ال��وب��اء فنحن نعي�ش في �أف�ضل بلدان العالم من حيث التعامل مع الوباء والعمل على الق�ضاء عليه ومن لطف اهلل بنا �أن �أ�ستراليا من �أقل البالد من حيث عدد الحاالت وكذلك الوفيات وكذلك من �أف�ضل البلدان في التعامل مع الوباء من حيث الإجراءات الوقائية وت�ق��دي��م ال�م���س��اع��دة وال �ع��ون للمر�ضى بهذا الفيرو�س. �إنني �أ�ؤكد هذه الحقيقة �أننا بالفعل محظوظون وحقا في نعمة من اهلل �أننا نعي�ش في �أ�ستراليا رغم الظروف ال�صعبة التي مرت بنا جميعا. �إننى �أدع��و ح�ضراتكم �أن تنظروا وتت�أملوا في ح��ال الكثير من بلدان العالم لي�س فقط دول العالم الثالث التي يموت النا�س فيها في كل لحظة من هذا الوباء و�إنما �أي�ضا دول العالم المتقدم .ان�ظ��روا �إل��ى �أمريكا و�أوروب ��ا وعدد الحاالت الم�صابة وكذلك الوفيات و�سنعرف جميعا �أننا بالفعل محظوظون وفي نعمة �أننا نعي�ش في ه��ذا الوطن �أ�ستراليا التي تتعامل مع هذا الوباء من وجهة نظرى ب�أف�ضل طريقة ممكنة و�أدعو اهلل �أن يكلل هذه الجهود بالنجاح والق�ضاء على هذا الوباء من وطننا. �إننا كمجتمع م�سلم وبعد �أن قر�أنا في القر�آن الكريم قول اهلل تعالى “ ولنبولنكم ب�شئ من الخوف وال�ج��وع ونق�ص من الأم��وال والأنف�س والثمرات وب�شر ال�صابرين” �آمنا جميعا �أن هذا الوباء �إنما هو اختبار من الخالق �سبحانه وتعالى لنا من جملة اختبارات كثيرة �سيمر بها العالم والب�شرية في هذه الحياة. �إن اهلل �سبحانه وتعالى في هذه الآية ي�ؤكد حقيقة وقوع الإبتالء والإختبار في جيمع �أوقات الحياة ال ليعذبنا �أو ي�ستمتع بر�ؤيتنا ونحن نعاني و�إنما ليختبر �صبرنا ويختبر تقديرنا لنعمه علينا التي ربما �ضمنا وجودها خا�صة في بلدنا �أ�ستراليا �أو ربما نن�سي �شكره عليها في بع�ض الأوق��ات �أو ربما نق�صر في الحفاظ عليها وا�ستغاللها �أف�ضل ا�ستغالل لنفع وطننا والب�شرية كلها �أو ربما نق�صر �أحيانا في م�ساعدة من حرموا من
في لقاء حوار األديان عن كورونا وتأثيره على المجتمع األسترالي
هذه النعم. من كان يتخيل ونحن نعي�ش في واحد من �أكثر البالد �أمنا و�أمانا في العالم �أن يغلق النا�س البيوت على �أنف�سهم خوفا من هذا الوباء الذي �أجبرنا على �أن ال نلتقي بمن نحب خوفا عليهم �أن نكون �سببا في �ضررههم �أو يكونوا �سبا في �ضررنا بن�شر العدوى! �إنه ابتالء الخوف الذي تكلم عنه الإله والذي لحق بنا حتى نقدر نعمة الأم��ان التي نعي�شها في هذا الوطن الحبيب وكذلك تذكير لنا بحال الماليين حول العالم ممن حرموا من هذ الأمان والذين حياتهم و�أرواحهم مهددة في كل لحظة جراء الحروب والإرهاب. م��ن ك��ان يتخيل �أن �ن��ا ف��ي بلدنا الحبيب هذا �سنهرع لأماكن الت�سوق لربما ال نجد الطعام وال�شراب واحتياجاتنا اليومية. انه ابتالء الخوف من نق�ص الطعام وال�شراب كما ذك��ر ربنا حتى نقدركثرة وج��ود الطعام وال�شراب في وطننا وب�أ�سهل الطرق حتى نحافظ على هاتين النعمتين وال ن�سرف فيهما وحتى نفكر �أي�ضا في �أ�سر تبيت و�أطفالهم جياع لأيام كثيرة. من كان يتخيل �أننا في �أ�ستراليا �سنفقد بع�ضا ممن نحب ب�سبب فيرو�س خفى ال نراه وقد دخل بلدنا ب��دون فيزا وال �إج���راءات �أم��ن حدودية وو��ص��ل ال��ي ك��ل الأم��اك��ن و�أف�ق��دن��ا بع�ضا ممن نحبهم� .إن��ه اختبار نق�ص الأنف�س ال��ذي تكلم عنه ربنا حتى نقدر حياتنا ونحافظ عليها ونعمل على ا�ستغاللها في نفع وطننا والب�شرية جميعا. �إخواني و�أخواتي �إنني �أذكر نف�سي وح�ضراتكم �أنه رغم ما يعاني منه العالم جراء هذا الوباء ل�ك��ن الحقيقة �أن ه �ن��اك �أي �� �ض��ا ال�ك�ث�ي��ر من ال�ضحايا من الأ�سر والأط�ف��ال والن�ساء وكبار ال�سن ج��راء الحروب والدمار والظلم والفقر والجهل والأم��را���ض الأخ��رى في كل لحظة ما يفوق كثيرا �ضحايا فيرو�س كورونا. ان �ظ��روا �إل ��ى لبنان وم��ا ح��دث فيها بالأم�س القريب كيف راح الكثير من ال�ضحايا والجرحي جراء انفجار ال ُيعرف �سببه والم�س�ؤول عنه �إلى الآن .عدد كبير فاق بكثير عدد �ضحايا فيرو�س كورونا في لبنان ( طبقا لإح�صائيات منظمة ال�صحة العالمية توفي � 70شخ�ص من كورونا منذ بدء الجائحة �إلى الآن وفي يوم واحد ح�صد الإنفجار روح اكثر من � 160شخ�ص �إلى الآن! ان�ظ��روا �إل��ي ع��دد ال�ضحايا والأ��س��ر الم�شردة ج� ��راء ال� �ح ��روب ف��ي � �س��وري��ا وال� �ع ��رق وليبيا وال�صومال والكثير من البالد التي ت�شرد �أهلها ومات �أطفالها. ان �ظ��روا �إل��ى �ضحايا العنف والإج� ��رام ال��ذي �أ�صاب الكثير من بالد العالم وعدد ال�ضحايا الذين �سقطوا جراء ذلك.بادة التى دمرت جراء ذلك.. �إننا و�إذا نت�أمل حال النا�س في كل مكان من بالد العالم �سنجد �أنه في كل يوم �سيمر العالم والب�شرية باختبار �صعب و�إن كورونا حقا لأحد هذه الإختبارات. ورغم ذلك فانني لم افقد �أبدا الأمل في قدوم
الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
الخير و�أحر�ص دائما على ن�شر الإيجابية وروح الأم��ل بر�سم ب�سمة على الوجه في انتظار غد م�شرق ملئ بالخير والحب وال�سالم للب�شرية جميعا. لم �أفقد الأمل لأن اهلل الذي نعبده يحبنا ويحب الخير لنا. لم �أفقد الأمل لأن الإله الذي نعبده افتتح القر�آن العظيم ب�إ�سمين من �أ�سماءه ذكرهما في مطلع كل �سورة هما الرحمن والرحيم رغم �أنه له 99 �إ�سما �أخرى وهو الذي قال في القران العظيم “�إن ربكم لر�ؤوف رحيم” �سورة النحل �إننا كمجتمع م�سلم افتقدنا �أهم ثالث منا�سبات وتجمعات لنا على مدار العام هم على الترتيب �شهر رم�ضان وعيدي الفطر والأ�ضحي� .أوقفنا ال �� �ص �ل��وات ف��ي ال�م���س��اج��د ح�ت��ى ق�ب��ل �إع�ل�ان الحكومة ع��ن � �ض��رورة وق��ف ال���ص�ل��وات ب��دور العبادة و�أ�صدر مجل�س الإفتاء الأ�سترالي الفتوى بالإلتزام بقررات الدولة فيما يتعلق بمعايير ال�سالمة ال�صحية التي ت�صدر من الحكومة اال�سترالية. فعلنا ذلك ونحن م�ؤمنون بقدر اهلل لنا وكلنا
�صبر وثقة في ترتيب اهلل الخير لنا لتجاوز هذه المحنة. �أغلقنا الم�ساجد و�أوقفنا ال�صلوات فيها لأننا ن��ؤم��ن ب ��أن الحفاظ على الإن���س��ان مقدم على الحفاظ الأديان. �أغلقنا الم�ساجد و�صلينا في بيوتنا للخالق لأننا ن�ؤمن �أنه ي�سمع دعاءنا و�صلواتنا في كل مكان. �أغلقنا الم�ساجد وكلنا ثقة في اهلل �أننا جميعا �سنعود للم�ساجد و�إل��ى دور العبادة جميعا في وق��ت قريب �إن �شاء اهلل حيث �سنتذكر هذه الأي� ��ام ال�صعبة وق��د ت �ج��اوزن��ا ه��ذه المحنة و�سن�شكر اهلل عنئذ لكننا لن نن�سي �أننا �سنمر دائما باختبارات فى ه��ذه الحياة مهما بلغنا درجات التقدم في العلم والإمكانيات الدنيوية. �سنتذكر هذا الإختبار ال�صعب وقد تجاوزناه لكننا لن نن�سى ما تعلمناه منه من درو���س من تقدير و�شكر هلل على ما نحن فيه من خير في ه��ذا ال��وط��ن الحبيب م��ن نعم الأم��ن والأم��ان ورغ��د العي�ش و�سنعمل على الحفاظ عليهما وتطويرهما ونفع وطننا والب�شرية جميعا بكل ما حبانا اهلل به من خير.
42 التقويم الهجري
قصة اعتماد التقويم الهجري �أحمد الجنابي التقويم الهجري هو تقويم قمري ا�ستخدمه العرب قبل الإ�سالم بقرون ،لكن �أ�سماء �أ�شهره وترتيبها تعددت ح�سب ما ر�أته كل قبيلة. وقد ت�سبب ذلك التباين بم�شاكل في توقيت الحج �إلى الكعبة، وهي ممار�سة كان العرب يحر�صون على القيام بها ب�شكل
ش��������رح لمعـــا ني أس���م���اء أش����ه����ر التقــويم الهجـــري
دوري ،فتداعى زعما�ؤهم لتوحيد �أ�سماء الأ�شهر العربية وترتيبها. احت�ضنت مكة عام 412للميالد اجتماعا �ضم �سادة قبائل العرب لتوحيد �أ�سماء �أ�شهر التقويم ،وعقد االجتماع في حياة كالب بن مرة خام�س جد للر�سول محمد �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم.. ويعتمد التقويم العربي «ال��ذي �أ�صبح فيما بعد التقويم الهجري الإ�سالمي» على حركة القمر ،ولذلك ي�صنف على
المحرم: ّ
�أنه تقويم قمري. اعتمد الم�سلمون التقويم العربي ليكون تقويم ال��دول��ة الإ�سالمية ،ونظرا العتماده الهجرة النبوية ال�شريفة بداية له فقد �سمي بالتقويم الهجري .وقد اعتمد بعد �سنتين ون�صف ال�سنة من خالفة عمر بن الخطاب ر�ضي اهلل عنه ،في ربيع الأول من عام 16للهجرة ،وكان يوم 1المحرم من عام 17 للهجرة بداية �أول �سنة هجرية بعد اعتماد التقويم الهجري.
الح َرام) وهو �أول �شهور ال�سنة الهجرية ومن الأ�شهر (ال ُم َح َّرم َ الحرم�ُ :س ِّمي المح ّرم لأن العرب قبل الإ�سالم كانوا يح ّرمون القتال فيه.
لأنه ِ�شعب بين رجب ورم�ضان ،وقيل �سمي �شعبان لأن النا�س تتفرق فيه ويت�شعبون طلبا للماء .وهناك ر�أي يقول �إنه ربما �سمي �شعبان لأن العرب كانوا يت�شعبون فيه ويفترقون للحرب بعد قعودهم عنها في �شهر رجب.
فيه للحرب وقيل لأن العرب كانوا يغزون فيه القبائل فيتركون من لقوا �صفر المتاع.
ال�صوم عند الم�سلمين�ُ .س ّمي بذلك لرمو�ض الحر وهو �شهر ّ و�شدة وقع ال�شم�س فيه وقت ت�سميته ،حيث كانت الفترة التي �سمي فيها بذلك �شديدة الحر.
�سمي بذلك لأن ت�سميته جاءت في الربيع فلزمه ذلك اال�سم.
�صفر: �سمي �صف ًرا لأن ديار العرب كانت ت�صفر �أي تخلو من �أهلها رم�ضان: ربيع الأول:
ربيع الآخر:
�سمي بذلك لأنه تبع ال�شّ هر الم�س ّمى بربيع الأ ّول
جمادى الأولى:
كانت ت�سمى قبل الإ��س�لام با�سم جمادى خم�سة ،و�سميت جمادى لوقوعها في ال�شتاء وقت الت�سمية حيث جمد الماء وهي م�ؤنثة اللفظ.
جمادى الآخرة:
�سمي َ بذلك لأنّه تبع ال�شّ هر الم�س ّمى بجمادى الأولى.
وهو من الأ�شهر الحرم� :سمي رج ًبا لأنه من الأ�شهر الحرم وكانت العرب ترجب رماحها فيه �أي تنزع الن�صل من الرمح وتكف النا�س عن القتال .وقيل :رجب �أي التوقف عن القتال.
وهو ال�شهر الذي يقع فيه عيد الفطر ،و�سمي بذلك ل�شوالن النوق فيه ب�أذنابها �إذا حملت “�أي هزلت وجف لبنها” ،فيقال وجف لبنها. ت�ش َّولت الإبل� :إذا هزلت ّ
ذو القعدة:
وهو من الأ�شهر الحرم� :سمي ذا القعدة لأن��ه �أول الأ�شهر الحرم وفيه تقعد النا�س عن الحرب.
ذو الحجة:
وفيه مو�سم الحج وعيد الأ�ضحى ومن الأ�شهر الحرم ،وقد �سمي بذلك لأن العرب قبل الإ�سالم يذهبون للحج في هذا ال�شهر. ونظرا العتماد التقويم الهجري على حركة القمر ،ف�إن ال�سنة الهجرية تتقدم كل عام 11يوما ،لذلك ف�إن الأ�شهر الهجرية قد تقع في موا�سم تختلف عن الموا�سم التي �سميت بها وقت اعتمادها. الم�صدر:الجزيرة الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
عام هجري جديد Hijri New Year 1442
43 منوعات
ٌ ق�����راءة ف���ي ت��داع��ي��ات ان��ف��ج��ار م��رف��أ ب��ي��روت ع��ل��ى ال��م��ل��ف ال��س��وريّ ف��ي ال��وق��ت ال ��ذي ت��ذه��ب فيه طائف ٌة من المراقبين� ،إلى � ّأن انفجار م��رف��أ ب�ي��روت ف��ي/4 : ،2020 /8لن تكون تداعياته �أق ّل ت�أثي ًرا من حادثة اغتيال الرئي�س الحريري في/14 : ،2005 /2فكما �أنّها قد �أخرجت الجي�ش ال�سوري من لبنان ،فمن المتوقّع �أن ي�ضع هو ّ إيراني في لبنان؛ الأمر الذي ح ًّدا للنفوذ ال ّ �سيتدحرج نحو ملفات �أخرى في المنطقة، ال�سوري. الملف من بينها ّ ّ تذهب طائف ٌة �أخرى �إلى � ّأن الأمر لن يكون بتلك النتيجة المرج ّوة ،فهو لن يجعل جملة موحدة في التعامل معه ،ومعها المواقف ّ حد �سواء؛ وذلك � ّأن المواقف الإقليمية على ٍّ والدولية من �إيران لي�ست على ن�سق واحد. ففرن�سا التي بادر رئي�سها �إلى زيارة بيروت كرئي�س �أوح� ��د ي��زوره��ا؛ وي�ت�ف� ّق��د مو�ضع االنفجار ،ويطمئن �أهلها �أنّهم لي�سوا وحدهم في نكبتهم؛ لي�س له تلك المواقف الحادة مع طهران ،فهو على الرغم من علو الأ�صوات رئي�سي فيما ح�صل، �ضد حزب اهلل ،كمتهم ّ يلتقي بممثليه على ِح َدة ،ويطمئنهم �إلى دور لهم في المرحلة القادمة ،و� ّأن القرار الذي �سي�صدر عن محكمة الرئي�س الحريري، ويتهم �أربعة من �أع�ضاء الحزب بالم�س�ؤولية عن حادثة االغتيال ،لن يكون له مفاعيل �ضدهم ف��ي مجل�س الأم ��ن ،و�أ ّن ��ه �سيكون ك�إغالق لهذا الملف لي�س �إ ّال ،وذلك مراعا ًة لم�صالح فرن�سا م��ع �إي ��ران و�أذرع �ه��ا في المنطقة. وم�ع��روف � ّأن المواقف الفرن�سية في عهد م��اك��رون ،ق��د تراجعت ح ّدتها تجاه نظام الرئي�س الأ�سد ،في مغايرة وا�ضحة لمواقف �أوروبية و�أمريكية متق ّدمة ج ًّدا عليها ،وربما ك��ان ذل��ك من جملة المناكفات الفرن�سية للمواقف التركية في عموم ملفات المنطقة، أي�ضا ف��ي عموم ومحاباة ل�ل��دور الإي��ران��ي � ً ال�سوري. ملفاتها ،ومنها الملف ّ من المتوقّع �أن تزداد المطامع الإيرانية في �سورية كما في العراق ،لجني بع�ض العوائد فر�ص �أخ��رى لجنى منها ،بعد �أن تال�شت ٌ الأم��وال من لبنان المد َّمر ،الذي كان يع ِّول حد كبير. عليه الإيرانيون اقت�صاد ًيا �إلى ٍّ وم��ن غ�ي��ر ال�م�ت��و ّق��ع �أن يقتنع ح��زب اهلل بمراجعة المهام الوظيفية الم�سندة �إليه ،في لبنان �أو خارجها ،في ظل التباين الحا�صل في المواقف الدولية من �إيران ،وال�س ّيما بعد تراجع �سقف التوقّعات من م�ؤتمر المانحين، الذي رعته فرن�سا ،لدعم لبنان بعد كارثة م��رف ��أ ب �ي��روت ،فعلى ال��رغ��م م��ن حما�سة الرئي�س ماكرون لإنجاحه ،لم ي�ستطع جمع �أكثر من ( )252،700مليون يورو ،وهو مبلغ بالكاد ي�ستطيع تعوي�ض الواجهات الزجاجية التي ّ تحطمت ،ناهيك عن � ّأن ج ّل الم�ساعدة التي و�صلت �إلى بيروت كانت طبية وغذائية،
د .محمد عادل �شوك وهو ما خ ّيب �آم��ال اللبنانيين ،وجعلهم في موقف ندم لح�سن ظنّهم بنبرة الت�صريحات التي �أعقبت الكارثة. الملف وبالعودة �إلى تداعيات ما ح�صل على ّ ال�سوري ،فمن غير المتوقّع �أن تكون المواقف ّ الإقليمية �أو الأوروبية على وجه الخ�صو�ص، متق ّدمة على المواقف الفرن�سية ،فلي�س ه�ن��اك حما�س تبديه تلك ال ��دول لحلحلة الرو�سي في الق�ضية ال�سورية ،منذ التدخّ ل ّ �أيلول ،2015 /اطمئنانًا منها �إلى � ّأن الملف برمته قد بات في العهدة الأمريكية ،التي �أوكلت هي الأخرى الأتراك والرو�س ب�إدارته نيابة عنها. لكن َث َّمة �أمر الفت للنظر ينبغي على جميع الأط ��راف الإقليمية ،جماعات ودول ،بما فيها �إيران� ،أن تقف عنده ،ب� ّأن � ّأي ت�صعيد ع�سكري في المنطقة نحو �إ�سرائيل� ،سيكون ّ ك��ارث� ًي��ا؛ �إذا وقفنا عند ت�صريح �صحيفة يديعوت �أح��رن��وت ،ب ��أن االنفجار ناتج عن �ضربة �إ�سرائيلية للعنبر رق��م ( ،)9الذي يحوي معدات �صواريخ �إيرانية يخزّنها حزب اهلل ،ول��م يكن العنبر رق��م ( )12ف��ي بال عر�ضا بعد قادة �إ�سرائيل ،و�إنّما حدث الأمر ً ذلك. فعلى الرغم من نفي �إ�سرائيل للأمر الحقًا، بعد ر�ؤيتها حجم الكارثة ،التي نتجت عن ال�ضربة ،وهو �أم ٌر �سيحرجها �أ ّيما �إحراج؛ ف��� ّإن الر�سالة الإ�سرائيلية �إل��ى الأط��راف اللبنانية قد و�صلت ،ومن ورائهم �إلى المحور إيراني في المنطقة ،ب� ّأن � ّأي ت�صعيد نحوها ال ّ بعد الآن لن يق ّل كارثية ع ّما �شهدته بيروت في الرابع من �آب.2020 / يعني التخ ّلي عن توجيه الر�سائل عن وهو ما ّ طريق الوكالء ،وجعل الأم��ر بعد الآن على م�ستوى الالعبين الكبار� ،إقليم ًيا ودول ًيا. ف�صاعدا حجم الت�صعيد �سيزداد من الآن ً م��ن �إدارة ال��رئ�ي����س ت��رام��ب ،ن�ح��و �إي ��ران و�أذرعها ،بمباركة من حلفاء وا�شنطن في المنطقة ،و�صو ًال �إلى يوم الثالثاء/11/ 3 : ،2020ليتق ّرر بعده ما �إذا كان ذلك �سي�ؤتي �أُ ُك َله� ،أم �أنّه �سيكون هناك ر�ؤية جديدة في عهد خلفه الديمقراطي (جو بايدن).
الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
عام هجري جديد Hijri New Year 1442
وكاالت �أع �ل �ن��ت محكمة �إ��س��رائ�ي�ل�ي��ة، االثنين� ،أنها �ستقرر في �سبتمبر المقبل ما �إذا كانت �ست�سلم �أ�ستراليا معلمة �إ�سرائيلية متهمة ب��ارت�ك��اب اع �ت��داءات جن�سية بحق �أطفال. وتواجه مالكا ليفر تهما بارتكاب اعتداءات جن�سية بحق تلميذات ،حين كانت م�س�ؤولة عن مدر�سة لليهود المتدينين في ملبورن في �أ�ستراليا ،وقت عملها كمبتعثة من �إ�سرائيل، بح�سب ال�شرطة. ووجهت �إلى ليفر 74تهمة با�ستغالل �أطفال جن�سيا ،ح�سبما �أف��اد الإع�لام اال�سترالي، وي �ق��ول محاميها �إن �ه��ا ت��واج��ه «� 3شكاوى فعلية». وك��ان��ت المحكمة ال�م��رك��زي��ة ف��ي القد�س ا�ستمعت �إلى حجج جديدة قدمها محامي الدفاع �ضد ت�سليم مالكا ليفر. و�أق��رت المحكمة في مايو �أن ليفر م�ؤهلة عقليا للمثول �أمام المحكمة ،راف�ضة الحجج التي تدعي عك�س ذلك. ولم تتواجد ليفر في مقر المحكمة ،االثنين، لكنها �شاركت في الجل�سة عبر الفيديو ،وفق ما �أف��ادت المتحدثة با�سم �إدارة المحاكم الإ�سرائيلية.
ومنذ ظهور االتهامات بحقها عام ،2008 غادرت ليفر و�أ�سرتها �أ�ستراليا �إلى �إ�سرائيل ح�ي��ث تقيم ف��ي م�ستوطنة عمانوئيل في ال�ضفة الغربية المحتلة. وف�شلت محاوالت �أخرى لت�سليمها لأ�ستراليا بين عامي 2014و 2016بعد �أن �أودعت ليفر م�ؤ�س�سة لل�صحة العقلية ،و�أكد خبراء انه ال يمكنها المثول امام محكمة. ل �ك��ن ت�ح�ق�ي�ق��ات � �س��ري��ة خ��ا� �ص��ة التقطت لها �صورا �أث�ن��اء الت�سوق و�إي ��داع �شيك في م�صرف ،دفعت بال�سلطات الإ�سرائيلية �إلى فتح تحقيق للت�أكد مما �إذا كانت تعاني اعتالال نف�سيا �أو عقليا� ،أم �أنها تدعي ذلك تجنبا لت�سليمها �إلى �أ�ستراليا. واعتقلت ال�سلطات ليفر في 12فبراير على ذمة التحقيق. و�أورد مح�ضر جل�سة مايو ر�أي لجنة من الخبراء قالوا �إن ليفر «لم تكن تعاني م�شاكل ذهنية مرتبطة بمر�ض عقلي وفق ما يعرفه القانون» ،بح�سب ما نقلت «فران�س بر�س». وكتبت القا�ضية �شانا لومب «انطباعي �أن المدعى عليها تفاقم م�شكالتها العقلية وتتظاهر ب�أنها مري�ضة عقليا». ورف�ضت المحكمة العليا الإ�سرائيلية الأحد ا�ستئنافا قدمه محامي ليفر ،و�أعادته �إلى المحكمة المحلية لإ�صدار حكم نهائي.
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الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
عام هجري جديد Hijri New Year 1442
45 صحة
الرقبة النصية (مرض العصر) هل تعانون من �ألم �أو ت�صلب في العنق �أو الكتفين في نهاية اليوم؟ هل لديكم �صداع متقطع �أو م�ستمر ،مبالغ فيه عند النظر �إلى �أ�سفل� ،أوعند ا�ستخدام الهاتف �أو الحا�سب ال�شخ�صي؟ هل ت�شعرون بتنميل �أو وخز في اليدين� ،أو الأ�صابع� ،أو المع�صمين �أو المرفقين؟ �إذا كنتم تعانون من هذه العالمات �أو الأعرا�ض ،فقد تكون بداية الإ�صابة بما ي�سمى بالرقبة الن�صية .تعد م�شكلة «الرقبة الن�صية» ( )Text Neckهي داء الع�صر الحديث ،حيث ي�صاب ال�شخ�ص ب��آالم في الرقبة والظهر ب�سبب الجلو�س لفترات طويلة والر�أ�س منحنية �إلى الأمام �أثناء ا�ستخدام الهواتف الذكية �أو الحوا�سب ال�شخ�صية.
منى البدوي � -سيدني
اخ�صائية التغذية وع�ضو الكلية اال�سترالية للتحكم في الوزن. @dr.mona.albadawy gmail.com @monyhealthcoach
وق��د ق��ام ال��دك�ت��ور دي � � ��ن ف �ي �� �ش �م��ان بتعريف م�صطلح الرقبة الن�صيه ب�أنها متالزمة الإف � ��راط والإ���ص��اب��ة ب��إج�ه��اد م �ت �ك��رر ف ��ي ع �� �ض�لات ال�ع�ن��ق وال�ك�ت�ف�ي��ن وال �ع �م��ود ال�ف�ق��ري ب�سبب انحناء الر�أ�س الى الأمام والنظر الى الأ�سفل في الهواتف المحمولة وغيرها من الأجهزة الإلكترونية لفترات طويلة من الوقت ،هذا ال�ضغط الم�ستمر على تلك الع�ضالت قد يت�سبب ب� ��آالم ح ��ادة وم��زم�ن��ة بالرقبة والإ� �ص��اب��ة ب���ص��داع م��زم��ن في بع�ض الحاالت. وتعتبر هذه الم�شكلة ال�صحية هي الأكثر �شيوعا في الأجيال الجديدة م��ن ال�شباب و�صغار ال�سن والأطفال ،الذين يق�ضون ف �ت��رات ط��وي�ل��ة ع�ل��ى الأج �ه��زة الإلكترونية حتى �أثناء قيامهم ب �م �ه��ام ب���س�ي�ط��ة م ��ن ال �ح �ي��اة اليومية ،مثل الأكل وفي �أوقات ف��راغ �ه��م وف� ��ي ال �م��وا� �ص�لات العامة وقبل النوم. م� ��ا ه� ��و ال �� �س �ب��ب ف� ��ي ح� ��دوث الرقبه الن�صية؟ عند جلو�س ال�شخ�ص في و�ضع م�ستقيم (الو�ضع الطبيعي)، تكون الأذن�ي��ن بمحاذاة مركز ال�ك�ت�ف�ي��ن ،وي �ك��ون وزن ر�أ� ��س الإن�سان والذي يعادل 5 – 4.5 كيلوجرام م��وزع على ع�ضالت ال��رق��ب��ة وال� �ع� �م ��ود ال �ف �ق��ري. الم�شكله تكمن ف��ي �أن ��ه كلما انحنى الر�أ�س �إلى الأم��ام ،ف�إن
الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
هذه الو�ضعية ت�ضيف وزنا زائدا على الرقبة والكتفين والعمود ال�ف�ق��ري .فعلى �سبيل المثال عند انحناء الر�أ�س بزاوية 30 درجة مئوية ،ف�إن هذه الإنحناءة ت�ضيف 18كيلوجرام من الوزن ال��زائ��د على ع�ضالت الرقبة وال�ك�ت�ف�ي��ن وال �ع �م��ود ال�ف�ق��ري. وف ��ي ح��ال��ة م��ا اذا ت��م اه�م��ال هذه الأعرا�ض من دون عالج، ف�إنه من الممكن ح��دوث بع�ض الم�ضاعفات ال�خ�ط�ي��رة ،مثل التهاب مزمن في �أربطة الرقبة، �أو زيادة انحناء وتقو�س العمود ال �ف �ق��ري (م��ر���ض ال� ُ�ح��داب)، �أو ح��دوث تلف ف��ي الأع�صاب و�أ�� �ض���رار ف��ي ال �ع �� �ض�لات� ،أو ح� ��دوث م �� �ش��اك��ل ف ��ي ال�ج�ه��از اله�ضمي �أو القف�ص ال�صدري. م��ا ه��و ع�ل�اج م�شكلة «ال��رق�ب��ة الن�صية»؟ .1تغيير نمط الحياة يجب �أخذ فترات راحه متكررة م ��ن الأج � �ه� ��زة الإل �ك �ت��رون �ي��ة وال �ن �ظ��ر �إل� ��ى الأع� �ل ��ى ب�شكل م�ت�ك��رر ،وليكن ك��ل 20دقيقة م ��ن ال �ع �م��ل ،ل �ل �م �� �س��اع��دة في ت�خ�ف�ي��ف ال �ت��وت��رع �ل��ى ال��رق�ب��ة والكتفين .من ال�ضروري حمل الهاتف �أو �أي جهاز �إلكتروني لأع �ل��ى ع�ن��د ت�صفحه ،بحيث يكون ف��ي ال�م�ح��اذاة الطبيعية مع العينين ليتم تقليل ال�ضغط على ع�ضالت الرقبة .ممار�سة ال��ري��ا� �ض��ه ب��ان �ت �ظ��ام وان �ت �ق��اء تمارين التمدد الع�ضلي واليوغا، والتي تهدف �إلى الح�صول على
الو�ضعية ال�صحيحة للج�سم والعمود الفقري. .2تناول بع�ض الأدوية العالجية بالإ�ضافة �إلى تغيير نمط الحياة وم �م��ار� �س��ة ال��ري��ا� �ض��ة ،يمكن �أخ ��ذ بع�ض الأدوي� ��ة الم�سكنه وم �� �ض��ادات االل �ت �ه��اب وبا�سط للع�ضالت لتخفيف الأع��را���ض والآلآم. .3اال�ست�شاراة الطبية �إذا ل��م ي�ح��دث تح�سن م��ع ما ت��م ذك ��ره م�سبقا ،يجب طلب الإ�ست�شارة الطبية على الفور. ليتم عمل فح�ص طبي كامل، وق��د يو�صي الطبيب المعالج ب��ال �ل �ي��زر ال� �ب���ارد� ،أو ال �ع�لاج بالحرارة� ،أوعمل تدليك ب�سيط ي���س��اع��د ف��ي ال �ح��د م��ن ح��ال��ة الت�صلب في الع�ضالت ،و�أالم الرقبة ،وتتوقف نوعية العالج ع�ل��ى ح�سب ح��ال��ة ك��ل مري�ض ودرج��ة ت�ضرر كل من ع�ضالت الرقبة والعمود الفقري. .4زي��ارة �أق��رب مركز للعالج الطبيعي �أو مركز تقويم العظام �سوف يقوم �أخ�صائي العالج ال�ط�ب�ي�ع��ي �أو م �ق��وم ال �ع �ظ��ام با�ستخدام بع�ض �أو مجموعة من العالجات مثل تمارين تمديد الع�ضالت ،الإرج��اع المو�ضعي ل� �ل� �ف� �ق ��رات ،ت��ق��وي��م ال �ع �م��ود الفقري ،تمارين تقويم للرقبة، ت�ق�ن�ي��ات ال�ت�ث�ب�ي��ط �أو ال��رب��ط با�ستخدام الأرب �ط��ة الطبية، ت��دل�ي��ك الأن���س�ج��ة ال�ن��اع�م��ة �أو العالج بالإبر ال�صينية. وف ��ي ج�م�ي��ع ال� �ح ��االت ين�صح بالتقليل من �ساعات ا�ستخدام
الأجهزة الإلكترونية والهواتف المحمولة �أثناء اليوم عامة وقبل النوم ب�شكل خا�ص ،فيما ال يقل عن �ساعتين قبل الذهاب الى النوم ،حيث �أن ت�صفح الإنترنت وم��واق��ع ال�ت��وا��ص��ل الإجتماعي في الم�ساء قد ي�صيب الإن�سان بحاله من الإرق نتيجة تعر�ض العينين والمخ للأ�شعة الزرقاء المنبعثة من تلك الأجهزة والتي ب��دوره��ا ت�ق��وم ب��الإي �ح��اء للمخ والج�سم ب��أن الوقت م��ازال في ال�صباح ،مما ي���ؤدي ال��ى خلل في �ساعة الج�سم البيولوجية ون �ق ����ص ف ��ي �إف � � ��راز ه��رم��ون الميالتونين (هرمون النوم)، وبالتالي ي�صاب الإن�سان بالأرق ويعاني من �صعوبة في الدخول في النوم بعمق .وح��االت الأرق ال�شديدة قد تت�سبب في �ضعف م�ن��اع��ة الإن �� �س��ان وق��د تعر�ضه �أي���ض��ا ل�ل�إ��ص��اب��ة ب��ال�ع��دي��د من الأمرا�ض المزمنة مثل ال�سكر وال�ضغط و�أمرا�ض القلب� .أما بالن�سبة ل�صغار ال���س��ن فقلة النوم قد ت�ؤثرعلى افراز هرمون النمو وبالتالي قد يعاني الطفل من ق�صر القامة وم�شاكل �أخرى مرتبطة بخلل الهرمونات ،مثل ال�سمنة المبكرة �أو الإ��ص��اب��ة بمر�ض ال�سكري من النوع الأول. ودمتم في �أتم �صحة وعافية.
عام هجري جديد Hijri New Year 1442
46 منوعات
التغريبة الفلسطينية ،التغريبة...؟
وصوال الى التغريبة العربية!
�أ.د /عماد وليد �شبالق
رئي�س الجمعية الأمريكية لمهند�سي القيمية ب�أ�ستراليا ونيوزيلندا gmail.com@Edshublaq5
اهلل يا زمن! بات ال ينفع فيه.. ال وا معت�صماه! وال وا منت�صراه وال حتى وا عثماناه( ..ن�سبه الي خليفه عثماني قريب العهد قد ي�سمعنا م��ن قبره ف��ي الق�سطنطينية!) فالتغريبة الفل�سطينية دخلت عامها ال�سبعين �أو �أكثر وال ن��ري��د �أن نت�شاءم ون�ضم �أخ��ري��ن الى الركب! فلبنان الح�ضارة والمحبة بلد الأرز وال�شوف والمتن بلد ال�شمال والجنوب بات غريبا موح�شا،فالم�شهد الأخ �ي��ر لمرف�أ بيروت كان مرعبا حقا وك��أن التاريخ يعيد نف�سه وترى ما ر�أيناه جميعا في هيرو�شيما �أو ناجازاكي وال يمكن لعاقل اال �أن ي�صف اللوحة ب��ورده كالدهان! وق��د يكون م�شهد م�صغرا من ما ينتظرنا جميعا �إذا ما اقترب �صاحب البوق من بوقه! وال العراق الجميل بلد الرافدين وحديقة التمور وجنه العلماء والكوفة والب�صرة تراث كل العرب وال ال�شام – جلق -بلد االبداع والتميز الحديقة الغناء ،وال م�صر العروبة روح النيل العظيم وااله ��رام ��ات و�شموخ الم�صري الأ�صيل ،وال ال�سودان وطيبه �أهله وكرمهم وتما�سكهم� ،أم��ا ليبيا والمغرب
العربي وما �أدراك ما المغرب العربي ف�أبو القا�سم ال�شابي وعمر المختار وبلد المليون �شهيد ب�صمات في جبين �أالم��ه التي بد�أت تفقد هويتها بلدا بعد بلدا �أو وطن بعد وطن واخ�شى ما �أخ�شاه �أن يعم م�سل�سل التغريبة الموح�ش والقا�سي عالمنا العربي ونظل بهويه مزوره او م�شوه ال طعم لها وال لون ! ما لذي يجري هناك! ما لذي يجري لهذه االم��ه و� �س��واء ك��ان ه�ن��اك ��ش��رق �أو� �س��ط / �أو� �س �ط��ي ج��دي��د �أو( �سايك�س – بيكو – ك��ورون��ي مح�سن ) يترب�ص بنا م��ن جميع ال�ن��واح��ي�،أو م��ؤام��رة كونيه يحدها الثقب االوزوني ( من �أعلى ) والثقب الحلزوني ( من ا�سفل ) و قد ات�سعا وحان الوقت لعمل �شيء ما !...نعم حان الوقت لعمل �شيء ما– ولعمري �أنه لن يختلف كثيرا عن ما عجزنا عن تقديمه خ�لال ال�سنون ال�سابقة فحال اليوم هو كحال االم�س حال �أمراءنا عندما بكوا دم��ا في االندل�س وق��د �ضاع منهم كل �شيء ...نعم كل �شيء:ق�صورهم وحكمهم و كرامتهم و�أخ �ي��را هويتهم بعد �أن كان الغرب يتغنى بح�ضارتهم وقد ملئت مكتبات �أوروبا و�أ�سيا بكتب ومخطوطات �أبن النفي�س
والبيروني و�أبن �سينا والرازي وغيرهم من علماء تلك االم��ه� ..أخ يا زم��ن! زمن موجع وم�ؤلم حتى النخاع. يا ح�سره على العباد ! كلما ا�ستفاق منهم من �أحد وجد من ينتظره من �أبناء جلدته ليكيل له والأيام دواليك! يوم لك ..وباقي الأيام كلها عليك طبعا! فال تكاد تفوق من �صدمه لتدخل في م�صيبه �أو �أزمه �أخرى وبقى �أن تتذكر الأيام الخوالي وتندب حظك العاثر لما �ألت به ال�سنون . ال �� �ش��رق الأو�� �س ��ط ال� ��ذي ت �ع��رف��ه ون�ع��رف��ه جميعا بذهبه الأخ�ضر(الزيتون) وبذهبه الأ�سود(البترول) وبذهبه الأ�صفر(المعادن والخيرات) قد ال يبقى على حاله وقد تهجر �أ�صحابه و�أهله ق�سرا وترغيبا و�أخ�شي ما �أخ�شاه �أن يتم تهيئته و�أعداده قريبا للمزاد العلني في �أ��س��واق وول �ستريت بنيويورك ف�أحر�ص من االن لالحتفاظ بن�سخه من مفتاح بيتك االلكتروني(هذه المرة لكي ال ي�صيبه ال�صد�أ ويفقد هويته) و�صوره من �أقمار جوجل لعلها ت�شفع لك يوم المزاد. واهلل الم�ستعان .
أشهى وأفخر الحلويات الشرقية
صقر وأوالده
new year 749-751 Punchbowl Rd, Punchbowl NSW 2196 Tel: (02) 9708 2774 www.alafrahsweets.com.au الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
47 تضامن
Australia Stands With Lebanon
ب���ي���روت ل����ؤل����ؤة ال���ش���رق
A stand of Solidarity From Perth to Beirut ..
معالم مدينة بيرث تضاء بلون العلم اللبناني تضامنا مع بيروت
�أحمد �شريف -ملبورن ل �ب �ن��ان ذل���ك ال�ب�ل��د ال� �م� �ع� � ّب ��ق ب���روائ���ح ال� �ت���اري���خ ال��زك�� ّي��ة التي ت�شهد عليها جبال بعلبك ال�شامخة ،و�شجر الأرز ال�ضارب ب�أ�صله ف��ي �أع�م��اق ال�ت��اري��خ ،في هواها ي�سكن ال�سالم ،وفي بيوتها يغفو الأمل وي�صحو كل يوم ليعلن �إ�شراقة �شم�س الحياة من جديد، وف��ي تفا�صيلها يقطن الجمال الخالد الذي لن يموت. ل�ست �آ��س�ف� ًا � اّإل لأن �ن��ي ال �أملك � اّإل حياة واح��دة �أ�ضحي بها فى �سبيلك لبنان .ليتني لبنان نجمة في �سماك� ،أو طير ًا محلق ًا يطير ف��ي ه ��واك ،لكنني ل��ك اب��ن ب��ا ٌر م�ستع ٌد للموت فداك .كيف ال يك ُبر على ال�ع�زّة والكرامة من تنفّ�س ه���واك ل �ب �ن��ان ،وا� �س �ت �ظ � ّل تحت �شجر الأرز فيك .كيف ال �أحبك لبنان وان��ت ال�سند ِل َمن َال َظه َر طن ال َثا ِني ال� ِ�ذي حملنا َل �هَُ ،وال َب ُ بعد بطون �أمهاتنا .لبنان يا بلد ًا تكحل بجمال ال�شاطئ ،وتنفّ�س ّ هواء غابات ال�صنوبر ال�شامخة، �أح ّبك بقدر ما فيك من جمال. ال �ح � ُم��رة ف��ي ع�ل�م��ك ال��رف��راف ت �ن��ادي ب��ال �ف��رح ،وال�ب�ي��ا���ض ل��ون ال�سالم القاطن في قلبك ،والأرزة الخ�ضراء ال�شامخة �إرث الجدود و�أم ��ل ال�شباب ال �ق��ادم� .ستظ ّل جب ًال �شامخ ًا ترنو لك الأرواح، وتتع ّلق بك القلوب ،وت�شخ�ص لك الهمم مهما �أثخنتك الجراح يا لبنان .في �شوارعك لبنان رق�صنا �أجمل رق�صات الطفولة ،ودندننا �أح �ل��ى �أغ��ان��ي ال �ف��رح ،ف ��أن��ت يا وطني وهج الروح الذي ال ينطفئ �أبد ًا .من يملك وطن ًا مثلك لبنان، يملك كنز ًا ال ت�ضاهيه درر العالم و�إن اجتمعت.
�أحمد �شريف ت�ضامن ًا مع ال�شعب اللبناني بعد االنفجار الذي ح�صل في مرف�أ بيروت ،ا�ضاءت حكومة غرب ا�ستراليا عدد م��ن المعالم اال�سا�سية والمهمة ف��ي مدينة بيرث، بالتن�سيق مع الجمعية العربية اال�سترالية. وقد عبر عدد من ابناء الجالية الذي ح�ضروا الى االماكن الم�ضاءة عن �شكرهم وامتنانهم لحكومة غرب ا�ستراليا. االماكن الم�ضاءة هي:
الوسط ¿ 112محرم 1442هـ ¿ آب AL WASAT 112 ¿ Muharram 1442 ¿ August 2020
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