Dec 2017 & jan 2018

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‫وكذلك جعلناكم �أمة و�سطا‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ‬ ‫كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪2018‬‬ ‫‪ ¿‬‬


‫‪ 18‬ديسمبر‪ ..‬يوم‬ ‫عالمي للغة العربية‬



‫‪2017 In Review‬‬

‫تصنيف المركز األسترالي اإلسالمي في ملبورن‬ ‫في الئحة أفضل المباني الثقافية في العالم‬ ‫‪26‬‬

‫حلويات االفراح‬ ‫‪751 Punchbowl Rd,‬‬ ‫‪Punchbowl NSW 2196‬‬

‫‪T: (02) 9708 2774‬‬

‫حزمة جديدة‬ ‫لرعاية االطفال‬ ‫‪4‬‬

‫‪E:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫‪ 6‬قرارات دولية بحق القدس أوقفها الفيتو األميركي‬ ‫المركز الفلسطيني لإلعالم‬

‫ب�إعالن ال�سفيرة الأميركية في الأمم المتحدة‬ ‫نيكي هايلي‪ ،‬خ�لال جل�سة مجل�س الأم��ن‪ ،‬ق��رار وا�شنطن‬ ‫اتخاذ حق النق�ض "الفيتو" �ضد القرار الم�صري ب�ش�أن‬ ‫ال� �ق ��رار‪ ،‬ي��رت�ف��ع ا��س �ت�خ��دام ه ��ذه الآل �ي��ة �إل ��ى ‪ 43‬منا�سبة‬ ‫لإجها�ض قرارات �أخرى تنتقد "�إ�سرائيل" من �إجمالي ‪80‬‬ ‫م��رة ا�ستخدمت فيها وا�شنطن حق النق�ض في تاريخها‪.‬‬ ‫ويمنح حق النق�ض "الفيتو" حق االعترا�ض على �أي قرار‬ ‫يقدم لمجل�س الأمن دون �إبداء �أ�سباب‪ ،‬ويمتلك هذا الحق‬ ‫الدول دائمة الع�ضوية في مجل�س الأم��ن‪ ،‬وهي‪ :‬الواليات‬ ‫المتحدة‪ ،‬ورو�سيا‪ ،‬وال�صين‪ ،‬والمملكة المتحدة‪ ،‬وفرن�سا‪.‬‬ ‫ورغ��م �أن ه��ذه ال �ق��رارات ال�ت��ي منعت ال��والي��ات المتحدة‬ ‫�صدورها كانت تدين انتهاكات "�إ�سرائيل" بحق العرب‬ ‫وال�ف�ل���س�ط�ي�ن�ي�ي��ن‪ ،‬وت �ط��ال��ب ب��وق��ف م �م��ار� �س��ات اح �ت�لال‬ ‫وم�صادرة الأرا�ضي العربية ب�شكل عام والفل�سطينية ب�شكل‬ ‫خ��ا���ص‪� ،‬إال �أن هناك ‪ 5‬ق ��رارات كانت تركز على الم�سجد‬

‫الأق�صى والأم��اك��ن المقد�سة بالقد�س المحتلة‪ ،‬وترف�ض‬ ‫ع ّد القد�س عا�صمة لـ"�إ�سرائيل"‪.‬‬ ‫وي�ؤكد م�شروع القرار �أن "�أي ق��رارات وتدابير تهدف �إلى‬ ‫تغيير هوية �أو و�ضع مدينة القد�س �أو التكوين ال�سكاني‬ ‫للمدينة المقد�سة لي�س لها �أثر قانوني‪ ،‬والغية وباطلة‪ ،‬وال‬ ‫بد من �إلغائها التزاما بقرارات مجل�س الأمن ذات ال�صلة"‪.‬‬ ‫ويدعو الم�شروع "كل الدول �إلى االمتناع عن �إقامة بعثات‬ ‫دبلوما�سية في مدينة القد�س تطبيقا لقرار مجل�س الأمن‬ ‫‪ 478‬ل�سنة ‪."1980‬‬ ‫وي�ط��ال��ب م���ش��روع ال �ق��رار "كل ال ��دول ب��االل�ت��زام ب�ق��رارات‬ ‫مجل�س الأم��ن المتعلقة بمدينة القد�س المقد�سة‪ ،‬وعدم‬ ‫االع� �ت ��راف ب� ��أي ت��داب �ي��ر �أو �إج� � ��راءات ت�ت�ن��اق����ض م��ع ه��ذه‬ ‫القرارات"‪.‬‬ ‫ولم ي�شر الم�شروع �إلى الواليات المتحدة �أو رئي�سها دونالد‬ ‫ت��رم��ب‪ ،‬رغ��م �أن��ه ي��أت��ي بعد "�إعالن ترمب" ف��ي ال�ساد�س‬ ‫م��ن دي���س�م�ب��ر ‪/‬ك ��ان ��ون الأول ال �ج ��اري ال �ق��د���س عا�صمة‬ ‫لـ"�إ�سرائيل"‪.‬‬

‫رئيس التحرير‪ :‬فواز شوك‬ ‫• سكرتير التحرير‪ :‬عبد المهيمن قمر الدين‬ ‫• سيدني‪ :‬منذر جبر‪ ،‬فادي الحاج‪ ،‬عبد الجبار موالي • اداليد‪ :‬احمد زريقة‬ ‫• كانبرا‪ :‬طارق الشيخ • صفحة القرن االفريقي‪ :‬ياسر محمود‬

‫فيما يلي ال��ق��رارات التي‬ ‫�أجه�ضها الفيتو الأميركي‪:‬‬ ‫• ‪ 25‬م���ار����س‪�/‬آذار عام‬ ‫‪ ،1976‬وا���س��ت��خ��دم �ضد‬ ‫م�شروع يدعو «�إ�سرائيل»‬ ‫لاللتزام بحماية الأماكن‬ ‫المقد�سة‪.‬‬ ‫• ‪� 20‬أب��ري��ل‪/‬ن��ي�����س��ان‬ ‫ع���ام ‪ ،1982‬وا���س��ت��خ��دم‬ ‫�ضد م�����ش��روع ق���رار يدين‬ ‫العدوان الإ�سرائيلي على‬ ‫الم�سجد الأق�صى‪.‬‬ ‫• ‪ 30‬يناير‪/‬كانون ثان‬ ‫ع���ام ‪ ،1986‬وا���س��ت��خ��دم‬

‫�ضد م�����ش��روع ق���رار يدين‬ ‫االنتهاكات «الإ�سرائيلية»‬ ‫للم�سجد الأق�صى‪ ،‬ورف�ض‬ ‫ع����د ال���ق���د����س ع��ا���ص��م��ة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ل��ـ»�إ���س��رائ��ي��ل»‪ ،‬ويدعوها‬ ‫ل��ل��ال�����ت�����زام ب���ح���م���اي���ة‬ ‫المقد�سات الإ�سالمية‪.‬‬ ‫• ‪ 17‬م����ار�����س‪�/‬آذار ع��ام‬ ‫‪ ،1995‬وا���س��ت��خ��دم �ضد‬ ‫م�������ش���روع ق�����رار ي��ط��ال��ب‬ ‫«�إ���س��رائ��ي��ل» ب��وق��ف ق��رار‬ ‫م�صادرة �أرا��ٍ�ض في �شرقي‬ ‫القد�س‪.‬‬ ‫• ‪ 18‬م����ار�����س‪�/‬آذار ع��ام‬ ‫‪� ،2011‬ضد م�شروع قرار‬

‫يدين عمليات اال�ستيطان‬ ‫منذ عام ‪ 1967‬في ال�ضفة‬ ‫الغربية والقد�س‪ ،‬ويعدها‬ ‫غير �شرعية‪.‬‬ ‫• ‪ 18‬دي�����س��م��ب��ر‪/‬ك��ان��ون‬ ‫�أول ‪ ،2017‬وا���س��ت��خ��دم‬ ‫�ضد م�شروع ق��رار يرف�ض‬ ‫تغيير ال��و���ض��ع القانوني‬ ‫ل���ل���ق���د����س‪ ،‬ب���ع���د �إع��ل��ان‬ ‫الرئي�س الأميركي دونالد‬ ‫ت���رم���ب �إع���ل��ان ال��ق��د���س‬ ‫ع���ا����ص���م���ة لإ����س���رائ���ي���ل‬ ‫ونقل �سفارة ب�لاده �إليها‪،‬‬ ‫و�أي���دت ‪ 14‬دول��ة القرار‪،‬‬ ‫بينما �أجه�ضته وا�شنطن‬ ‫بالفيتو‪.‬‬

‫‪Al Wasat newspaper‬‬ ‫تصدر عن شبكة الوسط االعالمية‪ ‬‬ ‫‪Tel.: +61 4 3020 4076‬‬ ‫‪Address: Suite B11 The Gateway,‬‬ ‫‪Broadmeadows 3047‬‬ ‫‪• Postal Address: Po Box.: 5178, Cairnlea Vic 3023‬‬

‫يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية‬

‫آراء وقضايا‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫القدس ومزايا‬ ‫جنون ترامب‬

‫الرد؟‬ ‫ماذا عن ّ‬ ‫ياسر الزعاترة‬

‫�أخ �ي��ر ًا؛ فعلها ترامب‪،‬‬ ‫خ�لاف � ًا ل�ك��ل �أ��س�لاف��ه‪،‬‬ ‫واع�� �ت� ��رف ب��ال �ق��د���س‬ ‫عا�صمة للكيان ال�صهيوني‪ ،‬وهذا‬ ‫ي�ؤكد �أن الجنون جندي من جنود‬ ‫اهلل‪ ،‬و�أن و�ضوح هذا الكائن �أف�ضل‬

‫من مداهنة الآخرين‪.‬‬ ‫م��ا ج��رى ال ي�ع��دو �أن ي�ك��ون خطوة‬ ‫رم��زي��ة ال تغ ّير ف��ي حقيقة ال��واق��ع‬ ‫�شيئ ًا‪ ،‬فال�صهاينة ل��م ي�ك��ون��وا في‬ ‫�أي ي��وم على ا�ستعداد للتنازل عن‬ ‫القد�س‪ ،‬وهم ي��ر ّددون دائم ًا مقولة‬

‫ب��ن غ��وري��ون‪« :‬ال معنى لإ�سرائيل‬ ‫ب ��دون ال �ق��د���س‪ ،‬وال معنى للقد�س‬ ‫ب ��دون ال�ه�ي�ك��ل»‪ ،‬والأم��ري �ك �ي��ون لم‬ ‫ي �ك��ون��وا ي��وم � ًا م��ع �إع � ��ادة ال�ق��د���س‬ ‫لل�شعب الفل�سطيني‪ ،‬لأنهم دائم ًا مع‬ ‫الكيان ال�صهيوني‪ ،‬على خالف في‬ ‫التفا�صيل‪.‬‬ ‫م��ن ل��دي��ه ��ش��ك ف��ي ذل���ك‪ ،‬فعليه‬ ‫ا�ستعادة �سيرة المفاو�ضات طوال‬ ‫ع �ق��ود‪ ،‬ق�ب��ل ك��ام��ب دي�ف�ي��د؛ �صيف‬ ‫ع ��ام ‪ 2000‬وب �ع��ده��ا‪ .‬ف�ف��ي كامب‬ ‫ديفيد كانت ق�ضية القد�س ال�شرقية‬ ‫والم�سجد الأق�صى هي التي �أف�شلت‬ ‫المفاو�ضات‪ .‬وف��ي المفاو�ضات مع‬ ‫�أول�م��رت وليفني في العهد التالي‪،‬‬ ‫حدث ذات ال�شيء‪ .‬وللتذكير فقط‪،‬‬ ‫حين قال �صائب عريقات في �إحدى‬ ‫جوالت التفاو�ض التي ُك�شفت وثائقها‬ ‫الحق ًا لليفني‪« :‬اليوم �أعر�ض عليك‬ ‫�أك �ب��ر �أور��ش�ل�ي��م ف��ي ت��اري��خ ال�شعب‬ ‫اليهودي»‪ ،‬ر ّدت عليه ب�صلف قائلة‬ ‫�إن القد�س خارج دائرة التفاو�ض‪.‬‬ ‫الأك �ث��ر �أه �م �ي��ة ف��ي خ �ط��وة ت��رام��ب‬

‫الجديدة‪ ،‬هو �أنها ت�أتي ونحن نواجه‬ ‫الم�ؤامرة الأخطر لت�صفية الق�ضية‬ ‫الفل�سطينية‪ ،‬عبر ما ي�سمى «�صفقة‬ ‫ال�ق��رن»‪� ،‬أو «الحل الإقليمي»‪ ،‬وهي‬ ‫في الأ�صل ال تتعامل �أب��د ًا مع ق�ضية‬ ‫القد�س‪� ،‬إذ تتركها بعيد ًا دون القول‬ ‫�إنها خ��ارج دائ��رة التفاو�ض‪ ،‬ولكن‬ ‫الجميع يعلم �أن جوهر ذل��ك الحل‬ ‫هو تحويل الم�ؤقت �إلى دائم بمرور‬ ‫الوقت‪� ،‬أي تحويل النزاع �إلى مجرد‬ ‫نزاع حدودي‪� ،‬أو ربط �سكان ال�ضفة‬ ‫ب���الأردن (تكري�س عملي لم�ؤامرة‬ ‫الوطن البديل) بعد تطبيع وا�سع من‬ ‫قبل ال��دول العربية والإ�سالمية مع‬ ‫الكيان‪ ،‬ف� ً‬ ‫ضال عن ا�ستمرار النزاع‬ ‫القائم‪ ،‬الذي يجعل دولة االحتالل‬ ‫هي الوحيدة المتما�سكة في محيط‬ ‫م�شتعل‪ ،‬ويخطب الجميع و ّدها‪.‬‬ ‫م��ن هنا ك��ان ال �خ�لاف ك�ب�ي��ر ًا في‬ ‫الأو� �س��اط ال�صهيونية ح��ول ج��دوى‬ ‫ال �خ �ط��وة ال� �ج ��دي ��دة‪ ،‬ل �ي ����س فقط‬ ‫لجهة الخ�شية م��ن انفجار الو�ضع‬ ‫في ال�ساحة الفل�سطينية‪ ،‬بل �أي�ض ًا‬

‫لجهة تخريب �أجواء «�صفقة القرن»‪،‬‬ ‫و�إح ��راج العرب الذين يقبلونها �أو‬ ‫ي��ر ّوج��ون�ه��ا‪� ،‬أو ي�ضغطون م��ن �أج��ل‬ ‫تمريرها‪ .‬لكن النتيجة �أن �أزمة نتن‬ ‫ياهو بملفات الف�ساد التي تالحقه‪،‬‬ ‫و�أزم��ات ترامب الداخلية مع الدولة‬ ‫العميقة‪ ،‬وح��اج�ت��ه ل��دع��م اليمين‬ ‫ال�صهيوني واليمين الم�سيحي �أي�ض ًا‪،‬‬ ‫هي التي �سببت هذه الخطوة‪.‬‬ ‫لكن ال �� �س ��ؤال الكبير الأول ال��ذي‬ ‫يواجهنا الآن هو المتعلق بردة الفعل‬ ‫ال�ع��رب�ي��ة ال��ر��س�م�ي��ة ع�ل��ى ال�م��وق��ف‬ ‫الجديد‪ ،‬ث��م الأه��م ممث ًال بموقف‬ ‫القيادة الفل�سطينية‪ .‬على ال�صعيد‬ ‫الأول‪ ،‬لي�ست لدينا ثقة كبيرة في‬ ‫الموقف الر�سمي العربي‪ ،‬لكنا ن�أمل‬ ‫�أن يتخذ م��وق�ف� ًا مختلف ًا ب�سحب‬ ‫المبادرة العربية من التداول‪ ،‬و�إذا‬ ‫لم يفعل‪ ،‬فعلى الذين �سيوا�صلون‬ ‫التعاون مع ترامب في خطته للت�سوية‬ ‫والحل‪� ،‬أن يواجهوا غ�ضب �شعوبهم‬ ‫وغ�ضب جماهير الأمة التي لن تقبل‬ ‫ذلك‪ ،‬وهي لم تكن لتقبله‪ ،‬حتى من‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫دون الخطوة الجديدة‪� .‬أم��ا موقف‬ ‫ال�سلطة فهو الأه� ��م‪� ،‬إذ �آن �أوان‬ ‫�إعالنها ف�شل الم�سار الذي اختطته‬ ‫منذ عام ‪ 2004‬ولغاية الآن‪ ،‬ممث ًال‬ ‫في التعاون الأمني وتكري�س �سلطة‬ ‫ف��ي خ��دم��ة االح �ت�لال‪ ،‬م��ع التعويل‬ ‫على التفاو�ض وال�ضغط الدولي‪ ،‬وال‬ ‫ب ّد من توافق فل�سطيني �شامل على‬ ‫انتفا�ضة ف��ي م��واج�ه��ة االح �ت�لال‪،‬‬ ‫تجعله مكلف ًا‪ ،‬مع ت�أكيد الم�صالحة‬ ‫وجعل ال�سلطة كيان ًا �إدراي � � ًا ُي��دار‬ ‫بالتوافق‪ ،‬بينما يتوحد الجميع في‬ ‫ميدان المقاومة‪.‬‬ ‫من دون ذلك �سيتوا�صل التيه‪ ،‬لكن‬ ‫خروجنا من هذه المعركة‪ ،‬ب�شطب‬ ‫خ �ط��ة ت ��رام ��ب‪ ،‬وت� �ج ��اوز م�خ��اط��ر‬ ‫ت�صفية الق�ضية‪ ،‬يعد �أم� ��ر ًا بالغ‬ ‫الأهمية‪ ،‬و�إن ك��ان الأم��ل �أن نخرج‬ ‫با�ستراتيجية ج��دي��دة للمواجهة‬ ‫تخرج الق�ضية من حالة التيه التي‬ ‫تعي�ش فيها منذ ‪ ،2004‬بل ربما منذ‬ ‫�أو�سلو ‪.1993‬‬

‫وزير إسرائيلي‪:‬‬

‫ماذا عن‬ ‫ن���خ���ط���ط ل���ب���ن���اء قصة الفساد‬ ‫م���ل���ي���ون وح����دة في العراق؟!‬

‫استيطانية بالضـفــة‬

‫�أعلن وزير الإ�سكان والبناء الإ�سرائيلي ي�ؤاف غاالنت‪� ،‬أن حكومته تخطط لبناء‬ ‫مليون وحدة ا�ستيطانية جديدة في ال�ضفة الغربية خالل الع�شرين عام ًا المقبلة‪،‬‬ ‫‪� 20‬إلى ‪ %30‬منها �ستقام بمدينة القد�س‪.‬‬ ‫وقال الوزير غاالنت‪ ،‬في ت�صريحات للقناة الإ�سرائيلية العا�شرة ي‪� ،‬إن البناء لن ي�شمل حدود‬ ‫القد�س الحالية‪ ،‬بل مناطق في م�شروع «القد�س الكبرى» والقد�س الغربية‪ ،‬مثل م�ستوطنات‬ ‫«معاليه �أدوميم» (�شرق القد�س) و«غو�ش عت�صيون» (جنوب) و«جفعات زئيف»‪ ،‬و«عناتوت»‪.‬‬ ‫و«القد�س الكبرى» م�شروع �إ�سرائيلي يهدف �إلى �ضم م�ستوطنة «معاليه �أدوميم»‪ ،‬الواقعة �شرق‬ ‫مدينة القد�س و�إحدى �أكبر م�ستوطنات ال�ضفة‪� ،‬إلى المدينة واال�ستيالء على ‪� 12‬ألف دونم‬ ‫(دونم يعادل �ألف متر مربع) تمتد من �أرا�ضي القد�س ال�شرقية حتى البحر الم ّيت (�شرق)‪،‬‬ ‫كجزء من م�شروع لف�صل جنوب ال�ضفة عن و�سطها‪.‬‬ ‫و�أو�ضح الوزير الإ�سرائيلي في ت�صريحاته‪� ،‬أن هدفه من الخطة اال�ستيطانية الجديدة «�إقامة‬ ‫وحدات �سكنية على �أرا�ضي مدينة القد�س الموحدة عا�صمة �إ�سرائيل» على حد و�صفه‪.‬‬ ‫وذكرت القناة العا�شرة �أن تلك الوحدات �ستبنى على م�ساحات كبيرة جد ًا‪ ،‬دون �أن تحدد‬ ‫المناطق التي �سيتم ت�ضمينها لنطاق بلدية القد�س‪.‬‬ ‫وبد�أ غاالنت بترويج خطة بناء ا�ستيطانية كبيرة في مدينة القد�س‪ ،‬ت�شمل بناء ‪� 300‬ألف‬ ‫وحدة �سكنية‪ ،‬وفق القناة الإ�سرائيلية‪ .‬وت�شمل الخطة �أي�ض ًا تجهيز ُبنى تحتية تتعلق بالنقل‬ ‫والموا�صالت ومناطق تجارية وغيرها‪.‬‬ ‫بدورها‪ ،‬قالت وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين الفل�سطينية‪� ،‬إن الخطة اال�ستيطانية المذكورة تع ّد‬ ‫تطبيق ًا لإعالن الرئي�س الأمريكي دونالد ترامب ب�أن القد�س عا�صمة لإ�سرائيل‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت الوزارة في بيانها‪� ،‬إن هدف الخطة هو «تكري�س ما ي�سمى احتاللي ًا (القد�س الكبرى)‪،‬‬ ‫وتعزيز عملية ف�صلها عن محيطها الفل�سطيني بالكامل و�ضمها لدولة االحتالل»‪.‬‬ ‫ور�أت �أن «هذه الخطة اال�ستيطانية ال�ضخمة ت�أتي في �إط��ار الم�شروع اال�ستعماري‪ ،‬الذي‬ ‫يت�صاعد حالي ًا في كل من القد�س والأغوار الفل�سطينية والبلدة القديمة في الخليل (جنوب‬ ‫ال�ضفة) ومناطق جنوب نابل�س وغيرها»‪.‬‬ ‫وت�أتي هذه الخطة بعد نحو ثالثة �أ�سابيع من �إعالن الرئي�س الأميركي دونالد ترامب اعتراف‬ ‫بالده بالقد�س عا�صمة لإ�سرائيل وق��راره بنقل �سفارة وا�شنطن من تل �أبيب �إلى المدينة‬ ‫المحتلة‪.‬‬ ‫ويمثل غاالنت في االئتالف الحكومي الإ�سرائيلي حزب «كلنا» (يمين) الذي يتزعمه وزير‬ ‫المالية مو�شيه كحلون‪.‬‬ ‫وفي ‪ 6‬كانون الأول الجاري‪� ،‬أعلن الرئي�س الأمريكي دونالد ترامب اعتراف بالده ر�سمي ًا‬ ‫بالقد�س (ب�شقيها ال�شرقي والغربي) عا�صمة لـ«�إ�سرائيل»‪ ،‬والبدء بنقل �سفارة بالده �إلى‬ ‫المدينة المحتلة‪ ،‬ما �أثار غ�ضب ًا عربي ًا و�إ�سالمي ًا‪ ،‬وقلق وتحذيرات دولية‪.‬‬ ‫واحتلت ا�سرائيل القد�س ال�شرقية عام ‪ ،1967‬و�أعلنتها «عا�صمتها الأبدية والموحدة» في عام‬ ‫‪ ،1980‬في خطوة لم يعترف بها المجتمع الدولي و�ضمنه الواليات المتحدة �آنذاك‪.‬‬

‫عبد اللطيف السعدون‬

‫يروي الرئي�س ال�سابق لهيئة النزاهة العراقية‪ ،‬مو�سى‬ ‫فرج‪� ،‬أن موظف ًا كبير ًا �س�أل مرجع ًا ديني ًا ع ّما �إذا كان‬ ‫يجوز له الت�ص ّرف بفائ�ض المال العام ال��ذي تحت‬ ‫يديه‪ ،‬بحكم موقعه الوظيفي‪ ،‬يجيبه المرجع الديني بجواز ذلك‪،‬‬ ‫�شرط �أن يدفع ح�صة «الخم�س» لمرجعه‪.‬‬ ‫تعطي هذه الواقعة الم ّرة والمثيرة �صورة عما يجري في العراق‬ ‫ال�ي��وم‪ ،‬حيث �إن �إط�ل�اق «ف �ت��اوى» ك�ه��ذه‪ ،‬ووج��ود جمهور عري�ض‬ ‫يعتقد بما يقوله المرجع‪ ،‬يجعل المال العام �سائب ًا‪ ،‬ويوفر للموظف‬ ‫العمومي القناعة ب�أنه ال يرتكب جرم ًا عندما ي�ستبيحه ل�صالحه‪،‬‬ ‫ولعل هذا هو بع�ض ما دفع «فرج» نف�سه �إلى ف�ضح حيتان الف�ساد‬ ‫الذين مار�سوا عمليات نهب المال العام‪ ،‬على نحو مبرمج‪ ،‬وح َّول‬ ‫العراق �إلى «دولة ه�شّ ة بم� ٍ‬ ‫ؤ�س�سات عرجاء‪ ،‬ال تتم ّكن من توفير �أب�سط‬ ‫الخدمات الأ�سا�سية لمواطنيها»‪ ،‬ب�شهادة منظمة ال�شفافية الدولية‪،‬‬ ‫وتك ّر�ست عبر الزمن معادلة «توظيف ال�سلطة لممار�سة الف�ساد‪،‬‬ ‫وتوظيف الف�ساد لبلوغ ال�سلطة»‪ ،‬ب�شكلٍ يجعل �أية حملة لمكافحة‬ ‫الف�ساد والفا�سدين محفوفة بالمخاطر والأوج��اع‪ ،‬وهو �أمر و ّثقه‬ ‫فرج بالأرقام والوقائع‪ ،‬في كتابه «ق�صة الف�ساد في العراق» الذي‬ ‫ن�شره بعد �أن �أم�ضى ع�شر �سنوات في موقعه‪ ،‬ق ّرر بعدها التخلي عنه‬ ‫واالعتزال‪ ،‬وخرج‪ ،‬كما يقول‪ ،‬دون �أن يكون �أحد را�ضي ًا عنه‪ ،‬ال من‬ ‫الأميركيين‪ ،‬وال من �أفراد الطبقة الحاكمة!‬ ‫ولكي تنجح �أي��ة حملة لمكافحة الف�ساد‪ ،‬ي�ضع الم�س�ؤول ال�سابق‬ ‫لهيئة النزاهة �شرط وجود «ر�أي عام»‪ ،‬يتولى مجابهة الفا�سدين‬ ‫ومقاومتهم‪ ،‬وبغير ذلك ي�ؤكد «�أن �أية عملية لو�ضع ح ّد للف�ساد لن‬ ‫تفلح»‪ ،‬لكنه‪ ،‬من ناحي ٍة �أخ��رى‪ ،‬ال يقطع الطريق على محاوالت‬ ‫رئي�س الحكومة‪ ،‬حيدر العبادي‪� ،‬إذا ما توفر له دعم دولي وحراك‬ ‫�شعبي في �صالحه‪ .‬وفي هذه الأيام التي يطلق فيها العبادي حملته‬ ‫الجديدة‪ ،‬يبدو �أن هذين العاملين متوف ّران �أكثر من �أي وقت م�ضى‪،‬‬ ‫خ�صو�ص ًا �أن الأميركيين يريدون ا�ستنزاف رجال ال�سلطة الحاليين‪،‬‬ ‫و�إزاحتهم بما يحقق اختراق ًا في «العملية ال�سيا�سية» الماثلة‪،‬‬ ‫يمكنهم من �إي�صال طاقم جديد �إلى مراكز القرار‪ ،‬بعد ثبوت عجز‬ ‫الطاقم الحاكم الحالي عن �إيجاد حال ا�ستقرار في البلد‪ ،‬وتبعيتهم‬ ‫لإيران‪ .‬كما �أن الحراك ال�شعبي الذي يرفع �شعار اجتثاث الفا�سدين‬ ‫من رجال «النخبة» الحاكمة و�أتباعهم‪ ،‬ومحا�سبتهم‪ ،‬وا�سترداد ما‬ ‫نهبوه من مال ال�شعب‪ ،‬يزداد ات�ساع ًا‪ ،‬وهو ما جعل العبادي واثق ًا من‬ ‫قدرته على معالجة هذا الملف الأخطر في م�سار الحكم في العراق‪.‬‬ ‫عك�ست ه��ذ الثقة نبرته ال �ح��ادة ف��ي «�أن �أم��ام الفا�سدين �أح��د‬

‫خيارين‪ :‬ت�سليم ما �سلبوه للعفو عنهم‪� ،‬أو �أن يق�ضوا حياتهم في‬ ‫ال�سجن»‪ .‬وقد ا�ستقدم بالتعاون مع الأمم المتحدة ‪ 21‬محقق ًا دولي ًا‪،‬‬ ‫ومنحهم كامل الحرية في فح�ص الملفات والوثائق في كل الجهات‬ ‫الحكومية التي ت�ستدعيها الحالة‪ ،‬وخ ّولهم �صالحية التحقيق مع‬ ‫الم�س�ؤولين‪ ،‬مهما كانت مواقعهم‪ ،‬وبعيد ًا عن �ضغوط (وت�أثيرات)‬ ‫الأح��زاب وال�شخ�صيات ال�سيا�سية التي ا�ستنفرت قواها لمواجهة‬ ‫ما قد ي�شكل �إدانة لها‪ ،‬وكما في كل مرة يجري فيها الحديث عن‬ ‫الإ�صالح والمراجعة والح�ساب‪ ،‬يقفز رجال «النخبة» الحاكمة �إلى‬ ‫الأمام‪ ،‬لي�ضعوا �أنف�سهم في مقدمة الداعين �إلى مكافحة الف�ساد‬ ‫ومحا�سبة الفا�سدين‪ ،‬في محاولة لذر الرماد في العيون‪ ،‬و�إبعاد‬ ‫ال�شبهات عنهم‪.‬‬ ‫�سعي �إي��ران الحثيث �إلى‬ ‫ما ي�شكل قيد ًا على حملة العبادي هذه ُ‬ ‫تحجيم الحملة و�آثارها‪ ،‬لأنها تخ�شى من �أن تطال بع�ض رجالها‬ ‫النافذين ف��ي ال �ع��راق‪ ،‬وال��ذي��ن ق��د تدفع �إج� ��راءات محا�سبتهم‬ ‫و�إدانتهم �إلى �إزاحتهم عن الم�شهد ال�سيا�سي‪ ،‬ما ي�شكل �إ�ضعاف ًا‬ ‫لنفوذها‪ .‬ولذلك‪ ،‬ت�ضغط لحمايتهم �أو خروجهم ب�أقل الخ�سائر‪،‬‬ ‫وهو ما مار�سته بالفعل في مرة �سابقة‪ ،‬حيث حملت العبادي‪ ،‬عند‬ ‫بدء واليته قبل ثالث �سنوات‪ ،‬على التراجع عن فتح هذا الملف‪ ،‬على‬ ‫الرغم من �أنه �أعطى وعد ًا بذلك‪ ،‬وتعهد بالق�ضاء على الف�ساد‪ ،‬حتى‬ ‫لو كلفه ذلك حياته‪.‬‬ ‫بقي �أن نعرف �أن ما غنمه الحيتان الكبار من مال ال�شعب يتجاوز‬ ‫ثماني مائة وخم�سين مليار دوالر‪ ،‬بح�سب تقارير معلنة‪ ،‬وهذا ال‬ ‫ي�شمل طبع ًا الهدر في القطاعات المختلفة الذي و�صل �إلى �أرقام‬ ‫فلكية‪ ،‬خ�صو�ص ًا قطاع النفط والطاقة الذي قارب الهدر فيه رقم‬ ‫التريليون دوالر‪ ،‬واعتبرته لجنة الطاقة البرلمانية «�أخطر حالة‬ ‫ف�ساد في التاريخ الحديث»‪.‬‬ ‫في النهاية‪ ،‬ال تن�سى مقولة فرج ال�ساخرة‪« :‬تريدون من مو�سى‬ ‫علي �أن �أك ّرر تجربة‬ ‫فرج �أن يجعل العراق خالي ًا من الف�ساد؟ �إذن ّ‬ ‫هيرو�شيما وناغازاكي»‪.‬‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫خطـِّط واستعد‬ ‫األسباب واضحة‬

‫إذا كنت تعيش في ضاحية قريبة من المراعي‪ ،‬فأنت مُعرّ ض لخطر الحريق‪.‬‬ ‫وإذا كنت تعيش مباشرة بجوار المنتزهات او حقول معشوشبة وقد بدأ حريق‪ ،‬فأبدا بالسير لشارعين على األقل إلى الوراء‪ .‬وإذا كنت تعيش‬ ‫أبعد من شارعين او أكثر‪ ،‬فأبقى حيث أنت‪ ،‬فمن غير المحتمل ان تنتشر حرائق األعشاب إلى المناطق السكنية‪ّ .‬‬ ‫توخى الحذر وترصّد األحوال‪.‬‬ ‫ال تقود السيارة‪ ،‬فقد تكون الرؤية ضعيفة‪ ،‬والحوادث محتملة‪ ،‬ويمكن ان تعرقل خدمات الطوارئ‪.‬‬


‫‪Authorised by the Victorian Government,‬‬ ‫‪1 Treasury Place, Melbourne‬‬

‫قُم بتحميل تطبيق ‪VicEmergency‬‬

‫ح���زم���ة ج��دي��دة‬ ‫ل��رع��اي��ة االط��ف��ال‬ ‫خلفية الوثيقة‬

‫�أع � ��دت م�ن�ظ�م��ة‬ ‫‪ Partners‬ال��وث�ي�ق��ة التالية‬


‫بالتعاون مع‬

‫‪Department of Education and‬‬ ‫‪( Training‬وزارة التربية والتدريب) لتكون‬ ‫م�صدرا مرجعيا عن ‪New Child Care‬‬ ‫‪( Package‬طقم رعاية الأطفال الجديد)‪.‬‬ ‫عينت ال��وزارة ‪ Cultural Partners‬في‬

‫�سبتمبر‪�/‬أيلول ‪ 2017‬لتكون نقطة االت�صال‬ ‫الرئي�سية لكل ا�ستف�سارات التوا�صل المتعدد‬ ‫ثقافيا والجاليات المحلية المتنوعة ثقافيا‬ ‫ولغويا فيما يتعلق بطقم ‪New Child Care‬‬ ‫‪ Package‬وذلك حتى يوليو‪/‬تموز ‪.2018‬‬

‫خلفية الحملة‬

‫طر�أت تغييرات على م�ساعدات ر�سوم رعاية‬ ‫الأطفال في �أ�ستراليا‪ .‬فبد ًءا من ‪ 2‬يوليو‪/‬‬ ‫تموز ‪� 2018‬سيتم ا�ستبدال كل من ‪Child‬‬ ‫‪( Care Rebate‬خ�صم رعاية الأطفال)‬ ‫و ‪( Child Care Benefit‬ا�ستحقاقات‬ ‫رعاية الأطفال) بـ ‪Child Care Subsidy‬‬ ‫(�إع��ان��ة رع��اي��ة الأط��ف��ال) واح� ��دة‪ .‬قامت‬ ‫الحكومة بتكري�س ‪ 2.5‬بليون دوالر �إ�ضافية‬ ‫لدعم طقم ‪New Child Care Package‬‬ ‫وتنفيذه‪.‬‬ ‫تو�صل‬ ‫‪Productivity Commission 2014‬‬ ‫‪Inquiry into Childcare and Early‬‬

‫‪Childhood Learning‬‬

‫(تحقيق مفو�ضية الإن�ت��اج�ي��ة ع��ن رع��اي��ة‬ ‫الأطفال والتعليم في الطفولة المبكرة لعام‬ ‫‪ )2014‬وع��دد من اال�ست�شارات التي تمت‬ ‫منذ ذلك الحين �إلى �أن نظام رعاية الأطفال‬ ‫الحالي معقد وي�صعب على الأ�سر اال�ستفادة‬ ‫م �ن��ه وال ي�ت���س��م ب��ال �م��رون��ة ف��ي ا��س�ت�ي�ف��اء‬ ‫احتياجاتها‪ .‬و�أعلنت الحكومة ا�ستجابة منها‬ ‫لهذا الأم��ر عن مجموعة من الإ�صالحات‬ ‫تهدف �إل��ى م�ساعدة الأ��س��ر على ا�ستيفاء‬ ‫متطلبات العمل و�إلى توفير دعم هادف �أكثر‬ ‫للأ�سر الم�ست�ضعفة والمحرومة التي لديها‬ ‫�أطفال‪.‬‬

‫�أهم الحقائق‬

‫فيما يلي ندرج �أهم الحقائق عن طقم ‪New‬‬ ‫‪� .Child Care Package‬سيقومون بدعمك‬

‫ب��الإب�لاغ ع��ن ال�م��و��ض��وع و�سي�ساعدون في‬ ‫�ضمان و�صول المعلومات الدقيقة للجمهور‪.‬‬ ‫‪ )1‬ب ��د ًءا م��ن ‪ 2‬يوليو‪/‬تموز ‪� 2018‬سيتم‬ ‫ا�ستبدال كل من ‪Child Care Rebate‬‬ ‫و ‪ Child Care Benefit‬بـ‪Child Care‬‬ ‫‪ Subsidy‬واحدة كجزء من هذا الطقم‪.‬‬ ‫‪ )2‬ثالثة �أمور �ستحدد م�ستوى ‪Child Care‬‬ ‫‪ Subsidy‬التي �ستح�صل عليه الأ�سرة‪:‬‬ ‫• دخل الأ�سرة الإجمالي‬ ‫• م���س�ت��وى ن���ش��اط ك�لا ال��وال��دي��ن (على‬ ‫�أ�سا�س الطرف الذي يقوم بالقدر الأقل من‬ ‫الن�شاط المعترف به)‪.‬‬

‫• ن ��وع خ��دم��ات رع��اي��ة الأط� �ف ��ال ال��ذي‬ ‫ت�ستخدمه الأ�سرة‪.‬‬ ‫‪� )3‬ست�صبح رعاية الأطفال في ظل الترتيبات‬ ‫الجديدة معقولة �أك�ث��ر م��ن ناحية التكلفة‬ ‫بالن�سبة لمعظم الأ�سر‪� .‬ستكون معظم الأ�سر‬ ‫ذات الدخل المنخف�ض والمتو�سط م�ستحقة‬ ‫للح�صول على �إعانة �أكبر لرعاية �أطفالها‬ ‫مما تح�صل عليه حاليا‪.‬‬ ‫• ل��ن ي�ت��م و��ض��ع ح��د �أق���ص��ى ع�ل��ى مبلغ‬ ‫‪ Child Care Subsidy‬الذي يمكن للأ�سر‬ ‫ال�ت��ي يبلغ دخلها ‪ 185 710‬دوالر �أو �أق��ل‬ ‫المطالبة بها‪.‬‬

‫في الأ�سر التي يرعاها كال الوالدين‪� ،‬سيحدد‬ ‫ال��وال��د ال��ذي ي�ق��وم ب�ع��دد �ساعات �أق��ل من‬ ‫الن�شاط كل �أ�سبوعين عدد �ساعات الرعاية‬ ‫المدعومة ماليا‪.‬‬

‫الن�شاطات المعترف بها‬

‫• عمل ب�أجر ‪ -‬بما في ذل��ك الإج��ازات‪،‬‬ ‫ك�إجازة الأمومة مثال‬ ‫• درا�سة �أو تدريب معتمد‬ ‫• عمل بال �أجر في م�شروع تجاري عائلي‬ ‫• البحث عن العمل‬ ‫• ‫العمل التطوعي‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

‫• ‪( Outside school hours care‬رعاية‬ ‫الأطفال خارج �ساعات الدرا�سة) ‪10.10 -‬‬ ‫دوالر في ال�ساعة‬ ‫‪� )6‬سيتم دف��ع ‪Child Care Subsidy‬‬ ‫مبا�شرة �إلى مقدمي خدمات رعاية الأطفال‬ ‫ليقوموا بتمريرها �إل��ى �أ�سر الأط�ف��ال على‬ ‫هيئة ر�سوم مخف�ضة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ )7‬ت�شتمل ‪New Child Care Package‬‬ ‫على ‪�( Safety Net‬شبكة الحماية) ل�ضمان‬ ‫�إت��اح��ة ف��ر���ص الح�صول على تعليم مبكر‬ ‫ورع��اي��ة �أط �ف��ال رفيعين ال �ج��ودة لأط�ف��ال‬ ‫من �أكثر الأ�سر والمجتمعات في �أ�ستراليا‬ ‫ا�ست�ضعافا‪ .‬ويدعم الطقم ب�شكل �أف�ضل‬ ‫الأ�شخا�ص التاليين‪:‬‬ ‫• الأ�سر التي تحتاج للم�ساعدة العملية في‬ ‫دعم �سالمة ورفاه �أطفالها‬ ‫• الأج ��داد كمقدمي ال��رع��اي��ة الأ�سا�سية‬ ‫والحا�صلين على معا�شات داعمة لدخولهم‬ ‫• الأ�سر التي تمر ب�ضائقات مالية م�ؤقتة‬ ‫• الوالدين المتحولين من دفعات داعمة‬ ‫للدخل �إلى العمل ب�أجر‪.‬‬ ‫‪ )8‬على الأ�سر مراجعة الموقع‪:‬‬ ‫‪e d u c a t i o n .g o v .a u /c h i l d c a r e‬‬

‫• �أما الأ�سر التي يبلغ دخلها �أكثر من ‪710‬‬ ‫‪ 185‬دوالر ول�ك��ن �أق��ل م��ن ‪� 350 000‬أل��ف‬ ‫ف�سوف يرتفع الحد الأق�صى للمبلغ ال�سنوي‬ ‫الذي يمكن المطالبة به للطفل الواحد من‬ ‫‪� 7 613‬إلى ‪� 10‬آالف دوالر‪.‬‬ ‫وكل ما كان �إجمالي دخل الأ�سرة �أقل كلما‬ ‫ح�صلت على دعم �أكبر‪.‬‬ ‫‪� ) 4‬سيتم تحديد ع��دد ��س��اع��ات الرعاية‬ ‫المدعومة ماليا التي يحق للأ�سر الح�صول‬ ‫عليها بوا�سطة اختبار ن�شاط‪ .‬وكلما ارتفع‬ ‫م�ستوى الن�شاط كلما ارتفع ع��دد �ساعات‬ ‫الرعاية المدعومة ماليا التي يحق للأ�سرة‬ ‫الح�صول عليها حتى حد �أق�صى يبلغ ‪100‬‬ ‫�ساعة كل �أ�سبوعين‪.‬‬

‫• العمل الحر‬ ‫•ن�شاطات �أخرى ينظر لكل حالة منها على‬ ‫حدة‪.‬‬ ‫و�ستوجد �إع�ف��اءات للآباء والأم�ه��ات الذين‬ ‫ال يمكنهم ب�صورة �شرعية تلبية متطلبات‬ ‫‪( Activity Test‬اختبار الن�شاط)‪.‬‬ ‫‪ )5‬الإعانة الجديدة تعتمد �أي�ضا على نوع‬ ‫رعاية الأط�ف��ال التي ت�ستفيد منها الأ�سرة‬ ‫وتكون مرهونة بالحد الأق�صى للتكلفة في‬ ‫ال�ساعة‪:‬‬ ‫• ‪( Centre-based care‬ع �ن��اي��ة في‬ ‫مركز) ‪ 11.55 -‬دوالر في ال�ساعة‬ ‫• ‪( Family day care‬الرعاية النهارية‬ ‫الأ�سرية) ‪ 19.70 -‬دوالر في ال�ساعة‬

‫للح�صول على معلومات �إ�ضافية وا�ستخدام‬ ‫برنامج تقدير الإعانة لمعرفة مبلغ الإعانة‬ ‫الحكومية التي قد ي�ستحقونها بالتقريب‪.‬‬ ‫‪ )9‬على الأ�سر البدء في التفكير حول كيفية‬ ‫ت�أثير هذه التغييرات عليهم‪� .‬ستتاح معلومات‬ ‫�إ�ضافية في �أوئ��ل عام ‪ 2018‬عن ما يتعين‬ ‫على الأ�سر القيام به ا�ستعدا ًدا للتغييرات‪.‬‬ ‫كما �سيتمم �إ� �ص��دار م��واد �إ��ض��اف�ي��ة‪ ،‬منها‬ ‫درا��س��ات ح��االت‪ ،‬خ�لال الأ�سابيع القادمة‬ ‫كدعم �إ�ضافي للحملة وبهدف جعل المحتوي‬ ‫م�شوقا �أك �ث��ر للجاليات المتنوعة ثقافيا‬ ‫ولغويا‪.‬‬ ‫ي��رج��ى االت�����ص��ال ب�م�ن�ظ�م��ة ‪Cultural‬‬ ‫‪ Partners‬على ال��رق��م ‪02 8752 7688‬‬ ‫للمزيد من المعلومات‪.‬‬

‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫هل على األرض سالم‪..‬؟‬ ‫وهل في الناس المسرة‪..‬؟‬ ‫رسالة مفتي عام القارة االسترالية في عيد الميالد‬ ‫في موكب النور يتقدم الر�سل الكرام مو�سى وعي�سى ومحمد ليتعانق ال�شرف وال�صدق‬ ‫والمحبة وكل قيم الوجود الجميلة‪.‬‬ ‫في موكب مهيب يجتمع كل الأنبياء والر�سل يتقدمهم الأب الكبير �آدم ليكرموا‬ ‫�أحفادهم الثالثة مو�سى وعي�سى ومحمد بعدما تحملوا من عنت الأتباع وجهلهم‬ ‫وجحودهم ما تنوء الجبال بحمله وال تطيق عليه �صبرا‪.‬‬

‫د‪ .‬إبراهيم أبو محمد‬ ‫مفتي عام استراليا‬

‫• �أدى ك��ل نبي م��ن ال�سابقين‬ ‫دوره ب�شرف وع�ف��ة و�أم��ان��ة‪ ،‬ثم‬ ‫تعثرت الب�شرية و�ضلت طريقها‪،‬‬ ‫فجاء الثالثة العظام مو�سي الكليم وعي�سى‬ ‫ال�م���س�ي��ح وم�ح�م��د ��ص��اح��ب ال�خ�ل��ق العظيم‬ ‫ليجددوا طريق الهداية وي�ضيفوا ما يحتاج �إليه‬ ‫تطور الإن�سانية‪ ،‬ثم كان هذا الموكب تكريما‬ ‫لهم ولي�س عدا و�إح�صاء لف�ضلهم‪،‬‬ ‫• وفي موكب النور يتقدم الم�سيح ومحمد‬ ‫ليهدوا لمو�سى الكليم قالدة ال�صبر الجميل‬ ‫وتحمل المعاناة يقينا و�إيمانا‪.‬‬ ‫• ثم يتقدم مو�سي الكليم ومحمد ليهدوا‬ ‫لعي�سى الم�سيح قالدة المحبة تقديرا وعرفانا‪،‬‬ ‫وفي موكب النور يتقدم مو�سى الكليم والم�سيح‬ ‫عي�سي بن مريم ليهدوا لمحمد قالدة الخلق‬ ‫العظيم م�صحوبة بوثيقة ال��ر��ش��د والكمال‬ ‫للإن�سانية ليقود م�سيرة العالم ف��ي الحياة‬ ‫بخطوات م�سددة‪ ،‬وليتمم ما بد�أه مو�سى و�صار‬ ‫عليه عي�سى ودع��ا �إليه الب�شر ليعبروا ج�سور‬ ‫الأط �م��اع وال�شهوات‪،‬وليحققوا على الأر���ض‬ ‫ال�سالم وفي النا�س الم�سرة وهم يهتفون بملئ‬ ‫قلوبهم وينادون �أتباعهم” ادخلوا في ال�سلم‬ ‫كافة وال تتبعوا خطوات ال�شيطان‪� ،‬إنه لكم عدو‬ ‫مبين”‬ ‫• وف��ي موكب النور ت��زداد م�ساحة الخيال‬ ‫طمعا ف��ي رح�م��ة اهلل‪ ،‬وطلبا ف��ي م��زي��د من‬ ‫حديث العظماء الثالثة ليقول كل منا لأخيه‬ ‫كل عام والفرحة �أكثر والحزن �أق��ل‪ ،‬كل عام‬ ‫والحب �أكبر والكراهية �أقل‪ ،‬كل عام والت�سامح‬ ‫�أو�سع والتع�صب �أقل‪.‬‬ ‫• لو تخيلنا �أن الر�سل العظام مو�سي الكليم‬ ‫والم�سيح عي�سى ب��ن مريم ‪ ،‬ومحمد ر�سول‬ ‫اهلل � �ص �ل��وات اهلل ع�ل�ي�ه��م �أج �م �ع �ي��ن ب�ع�ث��وا‬ ‫م��ن جديد وال�ت�ق��وا ف��ي عا�صمة م��ن عوا�صم‬ ‫ح�ضارتنا فماذا �سيفعلون وما ال��ذى �سيقوله‬ ‫�أحدهم للآخر؟ و�أي �ش�أن �سيبحثون؟‬ ‫• مجرد خيال لنف�س متعبة �أع�ي��اه��ا فهم‬ ‫الب�شر ممن ي��دع��ون محبة ال��ر��س��ل العظام‬ ‫والإيمان بهم ومتابعتهم‪.‬‬ ‫• مجرد خيال لطفل برئ �شردته الحروب‬ ‫قبل �أن يدرك معنى الأطماع ومعنى الخطايا‬ ‫وم �ع �ن��ى ال��وح���ش�ي��ة وم �ع �ن��ى الإره� � ��اب ال��ذي‬ ‫تديره جماعات وت�ستثمره وت�ستثمر فيه دول‬ ‫و�أنظمة تملأ الدنيا بحديث عن حقوق الإن�سان‬ ‫وت�صدع ر�ؤو�س الب�شر بكالم طويل عن الحرية‬ ‫والديموقراطية وحق ال�شعوب في التحرر‪.‬‬ ‫• مجرد خيال لطفل بريء لم يعرف حتى‬ ‫الآن معنى الأمن في دنيا ومجتمع دولي �صنع‬ ‫ل�ل�أم��ن مجل�سا و�صنع ف��ي مقابله �أك�ث��ر من‬ ‫ع�شرين طنا من المتفجرات لكل �إن�سان على‬ ‫الأر�ض‪.‬‬ ‫• مجرد خيال لطفل �أو طفلة بريئة كانت‬ ‫تخرب�ش بري�شتها على حائط غرفتها‪ ،‬وتر�سم‬ ‫على �صفحة دفترها م�ستقبال لها حين تكبر‬ ‫وتكون عرو�سا‪ ،‬ثم تكبر وتكون �أما لطفل كما‬ ‫كانت �أمها‪.‬‬

‫• مجرد خيال لطفلة في عيد الميالد تنتظر‬ ‫�سانت ك�ل��وز ليمنحها ه��دي��ة ك��ل ع��ام وي�ضع‬ ‫�أهلها قبلة حب على وجنتيها‪.‬‬ ‫• مجرد خيال طاهر لم يتنج�س بحيل الكبار‬ ‫وخ��داع�ه��م‪ ،‬ول��م يعرف م��ن الدنيا غير وجه‬ ‫واح ��د ه��و ال���ص��دق وال �� �ص��راح��ة وال��و� �ض��وح‪،‬‬ ‫ول��م تتلوث فطرته بازدواجية المعايير التي‬ ‫اخترعتها الإن�سانية في ع�صر ح�ضارة التزييف‬ ‫والتحريف واغت�صاب الحقوق‪،‬التي تقول �شيئا‬ ‫وتق�صد نقي�ضه‪ ،‬وتتحدث عن ال�سالم وهي‬ ‫تق�صد ال �ح��رب‪ ،‬وت��زي��ن مجال�سها بحديث‬ ‫المحبة وه��ي تن�شر الكراهية‪ ،‬وت�شيد بقيم‬ ‫الت�سامح وهي تق�سم النا�س �إلي �سادة وعبيد‪،‬‬ ‫و�أغنياء وفقراء‪ ،‬و�شمال وجنوب‪.‬‬ ‫• المجد هلل في الأعالي وعلى الإ�ض ال�سالم‬ ‫وفي النا�س الم�سرة‪ .‬قالها الم�سيح من قبل‪،‬‬ ‫وك��رره��ا و�أ� �ض��اف �إليها محمد �صلوات اهلل‬ ‫و�سالمه عليهما معا لن تدخلوا الجنة حتى‬ ‫ت�ؤمنوا ولن ت�ؤمنوا حتى تحابوا‪� ،‬أال �أدلكم على‬ ‫�شيء �إذا فعلتموه تحاببتم‪� ،‬أف�شوا ال�سالم‬ ‫بينكم‪.‬‬ ‫• الحكمة دائما تحتاج �أذنا �صاغية‪ ،‬و�أبناء‬ ‫ح�ضارتنا في �آذانهم وقر ال�سيطرة والتمدد‬ ‫وب�سط النفوذ والح�صول على البترول‪،‬ولو كان‬ ‫الثمن �آالف ال�ضحايا‪.‬‬ ‫• �أبناء ح�ضارتنا في �آذان�ه��م وق��ر الرغبة‬ ‫المجنونة ف��ي �صناعة �أدوات ال�م��وت والقتل‬ ‫والتدمير وغرور القوة وكبرياء التع�صب‪.‬‬ ‫• �أبناء ح�ضارتنا في �آذانهم �صوت الوح�ش‬ ‫حين ت�سيطر عليه غرائز اقتنا�ص الفري�سة‪،‬‬ ‫وال�شرب من دمائها ولو كانت م�سالمة وخلفها‬ ‫�أيتام‪.‬‬ ‫• المجد هلل في الأعالي هذا حق ال ينازع‬ ‫عاقل فيه‪ ،‬غير �أن هناك من الب�شر المهازيل‬ ‫من يريد �أن ينازع اهلل في المجد‪ ،‬ومن يريد‬ ‫�أن ي�سلبه �سلطانه في الأر�ض وال�سموات‪.‬‬ ‫• هناك من الب�شر من عميت �أب�صارهم‬ ‫وت�ضخم غ��روره��م وت��و��س�ع��ت بحجم الأف��ق‬ ‫�أط�م��اع�ه��م‪ ،‬ف�لا ي��ؤم�ن��ون �إال بمنطق ال�ق��وة‪،‬‬ ‫وال يعترفون ب�ق��وة المنطق‪ ،‬يفر�ضون على‬ ‫الآخ��ري��ن ب�ق��وة ال���س�لاح �سيا�ستهم ور�أي �ه��م‬ ‫ور�ؤيتهم‪.‬‬ ‫• المجد لك یا نور النور‪ ،‬قبل الأزمنة وقبل‬ ‫الدهور‪ ،‬المجد هلل في الأعالي‪ ،‬وعلى الأر�ض‬ ‫ال�سالم‪ ،‬وفي النا�س الم�سرة‪ ،‬يا مظهر النور‬ ‫عمت حياتنا ظلمات الخطايا بفعل تجار‬ ‫الحروب و�سا�سة فا�شلون فقدوا �ضمائرهم‪.‬‬ ‫• يا مظهر النور انطف�أ �سراج الدنيا بفعل‬ ‫جور الإن�سان وظلم الإن�سان للإن�سان‪.‬‬ ‫• يا مظهر النور ط��ال ظ�لام الليل وغاب‬ ‫الفجر وت�ساقطت على الب�شر �ألوان الم�صائب‬ ‫ف�أدرك الفقراء والم�ساكين والذين �شردوا من‬ ‫ديارهم‪ ،‬وفقدوا �أبناءهم و�آباءهم‪.‬‬ ‫• يا مظهر النور خيب مجل�س الأم��ن �أمال‬ ‫ال�ضعفاء في تحقيق الأم��ن‪ ،‬و�ضيعت الأم��م‬ ‫المتحدة حقوق ال�ضعفاء في العي�ش بكرامة‪.‬‬

‫• المجد هلل في الأعالي‪ ،‬هذا حق‪ ،‬لكن في‬ ‫الأ�سفل من يقهر الإن�سانية ويذلها وي�ستبيح‬ ‫دم��اءه��ا‪ ،‬وع�ل��ي الأر����ض وم��ن ي�سكرون بدم‬ ‫الإن�سان وال يتطهرون‪.‬‬ ‫• �أي�ه��ا الم�سيح العظيم‪ ،‬وي��أي�ه��ا الر�سول‬ ‫الكريم محمد �أو�صيتمونا ومعكم كل الأنبياء‬ ‫ال�ع�ظ��ام �أن ي �ك��ون ع�ل��ى الأر�� ��ض ��س�لام وف��ي‬ ‫النا�س الم�سرة‪ ،‬ولكن الآن على الأر�ض �سيوف‬ ‫مجنونة‪ ،‬وقنابل فراغية وغازات �سامة و�أ�سلحة‬ ‫دمار �شامل تهدد الدنيا ٌب�إرهاب وح�شي تمار�سه‬ ‫جماعات وتنظيمات‪ ،‬وتمار�سه دول د�أبت على‬ ‫ال�شرور والفتنة و�إ�شعال الحروب‪ ،‬تقتات على‬ ‫دم��اء الآخرين فت�صنع الإره��اب وتدعي �أنها‬ ‫تحاربه‪،‬‬ ‫• لي�س على الأر���ض �سالم‪ ،‬و�إن كنا نتمناه‬ ‫ون��رج��وه‪ ،‬على الأر� ��ض ح��روب �أ�شعل فتيلها‬ ‫ج�شع الكبار �أ�صحاب م�صانع ال�سالح الذين‬ ‫يتع�شقون ال�خ��راب ويتفننون ف��ي تكنولوجيا‬ ‫الموت‪ ،‬حتى �أكلوا خبز ال�صغار وجوعوهم‪.‬‬ ‫• لي�س على الأر�ض �سالم‪ ،‬ولكن على الأر�ض‬ ‫�إره ��اب للجماعات و�إره� ��اب ل �ل��دول‪ ،‬فانظر‬ ‫بعين عدالتك �إلى المعذبين في الأر�ض يامن‬ ‫له المجد في ال�سماوات‪.‬‬ ‫• المجد هلل في الأعالي وعلي الأر�ض ال�سالم‬ ‫وف��ي النا�س الم�سرة‪� ،‬أل�ف��اظ جميلة يرددها‬ ‫وي�ت��رن��م بها ال�م��ؤم�ن��ون ف��ي ال�م�ع��اب��د‪ ،‬لكنها‬ ‫�أم�ن�ي��ات الأب��ري��اء والأط �ه��ار ع�ج��زت �أنظمة‬ ‫الب�شر ب�سوء �أخالقهم و�سواد قلوبهم و�سوء‬ ‫نواياهم عن تحقيقها �أو حتى تحقيق بع�ضها‬ ‫فقد حطمتها دهاليز ال�سيا�سة وقتلها ج�شع‬ ‫الكبار وظلمهم‪ ،‬حتى �أ�ضحت الب�شرية اليوم‬ ‫على �شفا حفرة من نيران حرب عالمية ثالثة‬ ‫تغتال الحياة‪.‬‬ ‫• على الأر�ض ال�سالم‪ ،‬في النا�س الم�سرة‪،‬‬ ‫يا لها من �أمنيات ت�ستطيبها �آذان الفقراء‬ ‫وال�ضعفاء وم��ن ��ش��ردوا من دي��اره��م و�سالت‬ ‫على الأر�ض دماوهم وان�سابت دموع من تبقى‬ ‫منهم علي قيد الحياة وهو ي�صارع الموت في‬ ‫البحر بحثا عن م�أوى و�سط بقايا ح�ضارة لم‬ ‫ت�ستبق للإن�سانية �شيئا بعدما �سلبت منها كل‬ ‫�شيء بغير ذنب‪.‬‬ ‫• ه��ل فعال ف��ي النا�س الم�سرة؟ وم��ن هم‬ ‫ال �ن��ا���س ي��ات��رى ال��ذي��ن ب�ق�ي��ت ل�ه��م الم�سرة‬ ‫بعدما ع��م ال�خ��وف وال �ف��زع وال�ق�ل��ق‪ ،‬وطالت‬ ‫ي��د الإره� ��اب ك��ل � �ش��يء‪� ،‬إره� ��اب المنظمات‬ ‫والجماعات و�إره��اب الكبار �أي�ضا‪ ،‬و�أي �أر�ض‬ ‫تلك التي تنعم بال�سالم كما نردد في ترانيم‬ ‫الميالد؟‬ ‫• �أي �ه��ا ال��ر��س��ل المحبون للب�شر‪ ،‬قلة من‬ ‫�أتباعكم �ضلوا الطريق وخانوا الأمانة ونق�ضوا‬ ‫ك��ل ع�ه��ود الخير و�سيطر عليهم ال�شيطان‬ ‫ف�أن�ساهم �سبل المحبة‪ ،‬وتذكروا فقط كيف‬ ‫يبدعون ف��ي القتل وال�ت��روي��ع و�إ��ش��اع��ة الفزع‬ ‫والرعب حتى بين الطفولة البريئة فحطمت‬ ‫منها الأج�ساد و�سلبت منها البراءة‪ ،‬ودمرت‬ ‫م��ا تبقي لها م��ن �أم��ل وحطمت م��ا تبقى لها‬

‫‪5‬‬ ‫من م��أوى و�شردتها في البرد القار�س وتحت‬ ‫الجليد‪.‬‬ ‫يا نور النور ومر�سل النور مع كل الأنبياء بما‬ ‫فيهم مو�سى والم�سيح ومحمد‪ ،‬قلة من �أتباعهم‬ ‫يملكون القوة في الدنيا قلبوا كل الموازين‪،‬‬ ‫وحطموا كل قيم العدالة‪ ،‬وخرقوا كل قوانين‬ ‫المحبة‪ ،‬ف�سادت بينهم الكراهية وانت�شر بينهم‬ ‫التع�صب‪ ،‬وغابت قوانين الب�شر لتحل مكانها‬ ‫فو�ضى الغابات‪ ،‬وقوانين الوحو�ش‪.‬‬ ‫معا يقف العظماء مو�سى والم�سيح ومحمد‪،‬‬ ‫فيعانق كل منهم الآخر‪ ،‬ويب�سط كل منهم يده‬ ‫وقلبه لل�شاردين من الأتباع معاتبين‪،‬‬ ‫• �أو�صيناكم بالمحبة فلماذا تتفننون في‬ ‫الكراهية؟‬ ‫• و�أو�صيناكم بالعدل والق�سطا�س الم�ستقيم‪،‬‬ ‫فلماذا تفر�ضون على الخلق المظالم؟‬ ‫• �أو�صيناكم بالم�ساواة بين النا�س‪ ،‬فلماذا‬ ‫يتع�صب بع�ضكم �ضد البع�ض؟‬ ‫• �ألم نقل لكم �إن على الأر�ض �سالما؟ فلماذا‬ ‫على الأر�ض ذئاب وحراب وعذاب؟‬ ‫• ف��إذا ب�صوت من �أعماق البرية يقول‪ :‬يا‬ ‫�أي �ه��ا ال��ر��س��ل ال�ع�ظ��ام ق�ل��ة م��ن �أت�ب��اع�ك��م قد‬ ‫غيروا وبدلوا وانت�شر فيهم نفاق ابن �سلول‪،‬‬ ‫و�أت� �ب ��اع اب ��ن ال�ع�ل�ق�م��ي‪ ،‬ك�م��ا ان�ت���ش��ر بينهم‬ ‫انحراف ال�سامري‪ ،‬وخيانات يهوذا‪ ،‬ومراءات‬ ‫الفري�سين ‪ ،‬وخ��داع القراء‪ ،‬وزاد ال�شر �شرا‬ ‫با�ستبداد الطغاة والدكتاتوريات والجبابرة‪،‬‬ ‫وتركوا �أنياب �إبلي�س تغر�س �سهامها في لحوم‬ ‫اليتامي والأرامل‪.‬‬ ‫• وبينما ي�سود الآف��اق بمظالم الب�شر �إذا‬ ‫بينبوع الأمل ينطلق من جديد مذكرا بتعاليم‬ ‫الر�سل الكرام مو�سي والم�سيح ومحمد ليفتح‬ ‫من جديد كل �أبواب الخير والمحبة وال�سالم‪،‬‬ ‫وليعالج اعوجاج الب�شر ويحمل عنهم بالتوبة‬ ‫ثقل خطاياهم‪،‬‬ ‫• ينطلق ينبوع الأم��ل مناديا �أتباع مو�سى‬ ‫والم�سيح و�أت��ب��اع محمد م �ع��ا‪�،‬أي �ه��ا الأت �ب��اع‬ ‫المثقلون بالخطايا والآث � ��ام‪ ،‬ه�ب��وا ق��د الح‬ ‫فجر التوبة ‪ ،‬ف�سارعوا واخرجوا من ظلمات‬ ‫�أنف�سكم‪ ،‬و�أهوائكم‪ ،‬وكفوا عن العبث بالنا�س‪.‬‬ ‫• عودوا الى ترانيم المحبة وتذكروا و�صايانا‬ ‫في الت�سامح والمحبة وادخلوا في ال�سلم كافة‪.‬‬ ‫بع�ضا ل ّأن المح ّبة‬ ‫�أ ُّيها الأح ّباء‪،‬‬ ‫فليحب بع�ضنا ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حب مولود هلل وعارف باهلل‪،‬‬ ‫م‬ ‫من اهلل‪ ،‬وك ّل ُ ّ‬ ‫يحب ال يعرف اهلل ل ّأن اهلل مح ّبة‪.‬‬ ‫• َمن ال ّ‬ ‫�إذا ق��ال �أح � � ٌد‪� :‬إ ّن ��ي �أح � ّ�ب اهلل وه��و يبغ�ض‬ ‫يحب �أخ��اه وهو‬ ‫�أخ��اه كان كاذبا‪ ،‬ل ّأن الذي ال ّ‬ ‫يحب اهلل وه��و ال يراه”‬ ‫ي��راه‪ ،‬ال ي�ستطيع �أن ّ‬ ‫هكذا جاءتكم و�صايا (‪1‬يوحنّا ‪ .)20-7/4‬في‬ ‫ر�سالته الأولي‪.‬‬ ‫• وبلغتكم نف�س الر�سالة بمعناها وم�ضمونها‬ ‫حين وجهها َر��ُ�س��ولُ َهّ ِ‬ ‫الل محمد �صلى اهلل‬ ‫عليه و�سلم لأتباعه‪ :‬حين قال “ َوا َل ِّذي َنف ِْ�سي‬ ‫ِب َي ِد ِه ال ت َْدخُ ُلوا ال َْج َّن َة َح َتّى ُت�ؤ ِْمنُوا‪َ ،‬وال ُت�ؤ ِْمنُوا‬ ‫َح َتّى ت َ​َحا ُّبوا‪� ،‬أَ َوال �أَ ُد ُّل ُك ْم َع َلى �شَ ْي ٍء ِ�إذَ ا َف َع ْل ُت ُمو ُه‬ ‫الم َب ْينَكم‪.‬‬ ‫ال�س َ‬ ‫ت َ​َحا َب ْبت ُْم؟ �أَفْ�شُ وا َّ‬ ‫• هكذا بلغتكم الو�صايا والتعاليم فلماذا‬ ‫تتعثرون وت�سقطون ؟‬ ‫• �أخرجوا من �أزماتكم واعلموا �أن اهلل زودنا‬ ‫بقوة العقل وهي �أق��وي من قوة ال�سالح‪ ،‬و�أن‬ ‫ق��وة الأخ �ل�اق ه��ي ال �ت��ي تحمي ال�ح���ض��ارات‬ ‫وت�ن�ت���ص��ر ف��ي ال�ن�ه��اي��ة ع�ل��ى م��وج��ات ال�شر‬ ‫والتع�صب والكراهية‪.‬‬ ‫• �أخرجوا من ظلماتكم وال ت�سمحوا لأحد �أن‬ ‫ي�ستدرج عقولكم لالغتيال بعدما ا�ستدرجوها‬ ‫للتخدير والتغييب والح�سرة‪ .‬فكانت كوارث‬ ‫المظالم والجرائم والمعتقالت والحروب‪.‬‬ ‫• تذكروا دائما �أن مجد اهلل في الأعالي ال‬ ‫يغفل عمل يفعل الظالمون وال ينام ‪ ،‬وثقوا �أن‬ ‫الحق �سينت�صر‪ ،‬ويتحقق على الأر�ض ال�سالم‬ ‫وفي النا�س الم�سرة‪.‬‬ ‫ف�سارعوا‪ ،‬و�إياكم وجحر ال�ضب‪ ،‬فهو مظلم‬ ‫ومنتن ومهين‪ ،‬وال تتبعوا خطوات ال�شيطان‪،‬‬ ‫الأكبر والأ�صغر‪ ،‬وكل قبيلته وقبيله من الطغاة‬ ‫وال��دك�ت��ات��وري��ات وال�ج�ب��اب��رة والم�ستكبرين‪،‬‬ ‫وبادروا وادخلوا في ال�سلم كافة‬ ‫• كل عام والفرحة �أكثر والحزن �أق��ل‪ ،‬كل‬ ‫ع��ام وال�ح��ب �أك�ب��ر والكراهية �أق ��ل‪ ،‬ك��ل عام‬ ‫والت�سامح �أو� �س��ع والتع�صب �أق ��ل‪ ،‬ك��ل عام‬ ‫والجميع بخير و�سالم‪.‬‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫س���فير قط���ر في أس���تراليا‬ ‫يقي���م حف���ل اس���تقبال‬ ‫بمناس���بة الي���وم الوطني‬


‫�أقام �سفير دولة قطر لدى �أ�ستراليا نا�صر بن حمد �آل خليفة في العا�صمة الأ�سترالية كانبرا‪ ،‬حفل ا�ستقبال ر�سمي‬ ‫بمنا�سبة اليوم الوطني لدولة قطر تحت �شعار “�أب�شروا بالعز والخير”‪ ،‬وذلك بح�ضور عدد كبير من الم�س�ؤولين الأ�ستراليين وفي‬ ‫مق ّدمتهم �أندرو بار‪ ،‬رئي�س حكومة مقاطعة العا�صمة اال�سترالية وليندل �ساك�س رئي�سه المرا�سم بوزارة الخارجية اال�سترالية‪،‬‬ ‫والكومادور غراهام ادوردز ممثال نائب رئي�س الأركان الأ�سترالي والكومادور روبرت اليوت‪ ،‬ممثال لرئي�س البحرية والكومادور‬ ‫ديفيد �صول ممثال لرئي�س القوات الجوية والنائب ريت�شارد ويل�سون من حكومة االئتالف عن غرب �أ�ستراليا‪ .‬كما ح�ضر الحفل‬ ‫ر�ؤ�ساء البعثات الدبلوما�سية لدى �أ�ستراليا‪ ،‬وعددا من ممثلي ال�شركات والم�ؤ�س�سات الثقافية والريا�ضية الإعالمية والأكاديمية‬ ‫اال�سترالية وقيادات الجالية العربية والإ�سالمية‪.‬‬

‫الجمعية السورية تشكر‬ ‫مؤسسة راف الخيرية القطرية‬ ‫في خطوة �إن�سانية و�أخالقية‬ ‫ووطنية وا��س�ت�م��رار ًا للجهود‬ ‫الخيرة والطيبة التي تبذلها‬ ‫دولة قطر ال�شقيق والم�ؤو�س�سات والجمعيات‬ ‫القطرية للتخفيف عن المعانات القا�سية‬ ‫وال�صعبة لأهلنا في �سورية ودول اللجوء‬ ‫قامت م�ؤو�س�سة راف الخيرية القطرية‬ ‫بافتتاح قرية الرحمة في ريف مدينة ادلب‬ ‫الغربي والمخ�ص�صة لإيواء الأ�سر النازحة‬ ‫والم�شردة‪ ،‬تقع القرية على م�ساحة ‪١٦٠‬‬ ‫دونم ًا وتحتوي على مئة منزل تبلغ م�ساحة‬ ‫المنزل الواحد ‪ ٥٧‬متر ًا مربع ًا باال�ضافة‬

‫الى وجود مدر�سة وم�سجد ومركز �صحي‬ ‫وح��دي �ق��ة و���س��وق‪ ،‬ال �ج��دي��ر ب��ال��ذك��ر ب��ان‬ ‫مدينة ادلب �شهدت اكتظاظ ًا كبير ًا بعدد‬ ‫ال�ن��ازح�ي��ن وخ�صو�ص ًا م��ع ا��ش�ت��داد حدة‬ ‫المعارك في الرقة ودير الزور‬ ‫�إن�ن��ا ن�ب��ارك ون�شكر ونثمن ه��ذه الخطوة‬ ‫االن�سانية لم�ؤو�س�سة راف الخيرية القطرية‬ ‫والتي اتت في وقت المواطن بام�س الحاجة‬ ‫لها فهاهو ف�صل ال�شتاء قد طرق االبواب‬ ‫تحياتنا القلبية و�شكرنا الجزيل لم�ؤو�سة‬ ‫راف ولجميع الم�ؤو�س�سات والجمعيات‬ ‫واالف� ��راد القطريين ال��ذي��ن �ساهمو في‬

‫ت�ضميد ج��راح اخوانهم في �سورية ودول‬ ‫الجوار عبر تنفيذ عدة م�شاريع �إن�سانية‬ ‫نتمنى لدولة قطر و�شعبها ال�شقيق المزيد‬ ‫م��ن ال�ت�ق��دم واالزده � ��ار ف��ي ظ��ل القيادة‬ ‫الحكيمة ل�سمو �أمير دولة قطر ال�شيخ تميم‬ ‫بن حمد �آل ثاني حفظه اهلل و�أدامه ذخر ًا‬ ‫لنا ولجميع المحتاجين في �شتى �أنحاء‬ ‫العالم‬ ‫زهير ال�سباعي‬ ‫رئي�س الجمعية‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫المعارضة العمالية في تازمانيا تعد‬ ‫بازالة آالت القمار من النوادي والحانات‬ ‫في حال فاز العمال في االنتخابات‬ ‫‪SBS‬‬

‫قد ت�صبح تازمانيا �أول والية �أ�سترالية تقرر ازالة ماكينات القمار ‪ Poker Machines‬من النوادي‬ ‫والحانات في �ضربة قا�سية لقطاع المقامرة في حال فاز العمال في االنتخابات‪.‬‬ ‫�أعلنت المعار�ضة العمالية في الوالية قرارها ح�صر ماكينات القمار في الكازينوهات فقط ونزعها من الحانات‬ ‫والنوادي بعدما �أظهر تقرير ل ‪� Australia Institute‬أن �أ�ستراليا من �أكثر بلدان العالم ا�ستخداما لهذه الماكينات‬ ‫في الحانات والنوادي‪� ،‬أي خارج الكازينوهات فت�ضم �أ�ستراليا ح�سب التقرير ما ن�سبته ‪ %76‬من هذه الماكينات خارج‬ ‫�أماكن انت�شارها التقليدية (في الكازينوهات) حول العالم‪.‬‬ ‫وك��ان تحقيق برلماني �أجرته حكومة تزمانيا �أظهر �أن انت�شار ‪ 2375‬ماكينة قمار ‪ Poker Machine‬خارج‬ ‫الكازينوهات‪ ،‬كان وراء خ�سارة المقامرين ل ‪ 110‬مليون دوالر خالل العام الما�ضي‪.‬‬

‫القمار‬ ‫في‬ ‫أستراليا‬ ‫باألرقام‪:‬‬

‫ �أ�ستراليا تحتوي على ‪� 200‬ألف ماكينة قمار!‬‫ تعد ن�سبة انت�شار ماكينات القمار في �أ�ستراليا‬‫الأعلى في العالم مقارنة بعدد ال�سكان‬ ‫ خ�سر الأ�ستراليون في العام المالي ‪- 2015‬‬‫‪ 2016‬ما يقارب ‪ 12‬مليار دوالر‬ ‫ ن�صف هذه الخ�سائر �سجلت في ‪ NSW‬موطن‬‫المدمنين على‬ ‫‪Poker Machine‬‬ ‫ تجمع حكومة ‪ NSW‬كل ع��ام ‪ 1.5‬مليار‬‫دوالر على �شكل �ضرائب على �آالت القمار‬


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‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫قرارات‬ ‫اليونيسكو‬ ‫بشأن القدس‬

‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫‪ 6‬فئات لن تتأثر بتغيير دفعات‬ ‫السنترلنك التي أعلنت عنها الحكومة‬ ‫‪SBS‬‬ ‫بعد �إعالن وزير الخزانة‬ ‫�سكوت موري�سون عن التغييرات التي‬ ‫�ستطر�أ على نظام دفعات ال�سنترلنك‬ ‫وذل���ك للتوفير ع�ل��ى خ��زي�ن��ة ال��دول��ة‬ ‫ح ��وال ��ي م �ل �ي��ار و ‪� 300‬أل� ��ف دوالر‪،‬‬ ‫انت�شرت حالة من الخوف والقلق بين‬ ‫�أو�ساط المهاجرين حول الدفعات التي‬ ‫�ستتوقف عنهم‪ ،‬خا�صة �أن مدة االنتظار‬ ‫للح�صول على ال��دف�ع��ات تحولت من‬ ‫�سنتين �إلى ‪� 3‬سنوات‪.‬‬ ‫ك �م��ا �أن ال��دف��ع��ات ال��ت��ي �ستخ�ضع‬ ‫للتغييرات ه��ي دف�ع��ة ال��رع��اي��ة ودفعة‬ ‫االم� ��وم� ��ة ودف� �ع ��ة ‪Family Tax‬‬ ‫‪� ،Benefit‬إال ان دائرة الهجرة قالت‬ ‫في لقاء مع “اال�س بي ا�س”‪� ,‬إن الفئات‬ ‫االق ��ل ح�ظ� ًا ف��ي المجتمع ل��ن تم�سها‬ ‫التغييرات وهي‪:‬‬ ‫ ال�لاج�ئ�ي��ن ال��ذي��ن ا� �ض �ط��روا لترك‬‫بالدهم ب�سبب اال�ضطهاد وح�صلوا على‬ ‫ت�أ�شيرة اللجوء االن�ساني‬ ‫ ال �م �ه��اج��ري��ن ال��وا� �ص �ل �ي��ن ح��دي �ث � ًا‬‫وتعر�ضوا لخ�سارة مالية كبيرة وتغيرت‬ ‫ظروفهم نتيجة ل��ذل��ك‪ ،‬و�سيخ�ضعون‬ ‫الم�ت�ح��ان ي�سمى ‪hardship test‬‬ ‫الذي يعفيهم من هذه التغييرات‬ ‫ �ضحايا العنف الأ�سري‬‫ اال�شخا�ص الذين يعانون من م�شاكل‬‫�صحية كبيرة غير متوقعة‬ ‫ اال�شخا�ص الذين يعانون من فقدان‬‫ال�شريك‬ ‫ المهاجرين المهرة الذين جا�ؤوا بناء‬‫على عقد عمل ولكن خ�سروا وظيفتهم‬

‫و ُيذكر �أن الحكومة الفدرالية �أعلنت‬ ‫عن مراجعتها الن�صف �سنوية لو�ضع‬ ‫الميزانية وكان من �أبرز ما �أعلن عنه‬ ‫وزي��ر ال�خ��زان��ة �سكوت موري�سون �إن��ه‬ ‫�سيتوجب على المهاجرين االنتظار‬ ‫ل� �م ��دة ‪� �� 3‬س� �ن ��وات ق��ب��ل ال �ح �� �ص��ول‬ ‫ع�ل��ى دف �ع��ات ال�سنترلنك للمعونات‬ ‫االجتماعية بعد �أن كانت مدة االنتظار‬ ‫�سنتين‪ ،‬وذل��ك اب�ت��داء من تموز يوليو‬ ‫القادم‪.‬‬ ‫ك �م��ا �أع� �ل ��ن وزي� ��ر ال��خ��زان��ة ��س�ك��وت‬ ‫موري�سون عن عدة تدابير ادخار جديدة‬ ‫وال �ت��ي �ستخفف ال��دف�ع��ات الحكومية‬ ‫بحوالي مليار دوالر خالل االربع �سنوات‬ ‫المقبلة‪ .‬ويقول وزي��ر الخزانة �سكوت‬ ‫موري�سون �إن ه��ذه االقتطاعات مهمة‬ ‫حيث انها �ستخف�ض بن�سبة ‪%2‬‬ ‫وق��ال��ت ال�ح�ك��وم��ة �أن �ه��ا ع�ل��ى الطريق‬ ‫ال�صحيح ل �ل��وف��اء ب��وع��وده��ا ب ��إع��ادة‬ ‫الميزانية �إل��ى م�سارها بحلول العام‬ ‫‪ .2021‬كما �أ�شاد موري�سون بعمل مكتب‬ ‫ال�ضريبة الأ�سترالي في متابعة ملفات‬ ‫االقتطاعات ال�ضريبية من ال�شركات‬ ‫الكبرى في ما ت�أمل الحكومة �أن تخف�ض‬ ‫الدين العام �إلى ‪ 23‬مليار دوالر خالل‬ ‫الأربع �سنوات المقبلة‪.‬‬ ‫ف��ي ال �م �ق��اب��ل ق��ال��ت م��دي��رة مجل�س‬ ‫التعددية االثنية ‪Mary Patetsos‬‬ ‫في حديث مع ‪� SBS‬إن هذه التغيرات‬ ‫غ �ي��ر ع ��ادل ��ة ف ��ي ح ��ق ال �م �ه��اج��ري��ن‬ ‫فال�سنوات الأول ��ى ه��ي الأ��ص�ع��ب على‬ ‫المهاجرين والتي يريدون فيها ت�أ�سي�س‬ ‫حياتهم وحياة �أطفالهم‬ ‫ومن بين التغييرات التي �أعلنت الحكومة‬ ‫عنها �أي�ض ًا تجميد الدعم المخ�ص�ص‬

‫ل �ط�لاب ال �ج��ام �ع��ات‪ ،‬ح�ي��ث �ستحاول‬ ‫الحكومة تمرير ه��ذه التعديالت مرة‬ ‫جديدة بعد ان تم رف�ضها من مجل�س‬ ‫ال�شيوخ في مايو �أيار الما�ضي‪.‬‬ ‫وت�سعى الحكومة �إل ��ى توفير حوالي‬ ‫م �ل �ي��اري دوالر م ��ن ت�ج�م�ي��د ال��دع��م‬ ‫الحكومي لطالب الجامعات المتمثل‬ ‫بالقر�ض الحكومي المعروف با�سم ال‬ ‫‪ HECS‬وال��ذي �سيتم تحديده بمبلغ‬ ‫معين وهو حوالي ‪� 100‬ألف دوالر لمعظم‬ ‫الطالب �أما لطلبة التخ�ص�صات الطبية‬ ‫والعلمية ف�سيح�صلون على قر�ض �أعاله‬ ‫‪� 150‬ألف دوالر‪.‬‬ ‫من جانبه ق��ال وزي��ر المال الفدرالي‬ ‫م��ات�ي��ا���س ك��ورم��ان �إن ه��ذه التدابير‬ ‫ال �ج��دي��دة ت �ه��دف �إل ��ى ال�ح�ف��اظ على‬ ‫الميزانية على الم�ستوى البعيد‪ .‬في‬ ‫المقابل ق��ال الناطق با�سم الخزانة‬ ‫ل�ش�ؤون المعار�ضة كري�س بوين �إن هذه‬ ‫التغيرات التي �أعلنت عنها الحكومة‬ ‫على قطاع التعليم �ست�ؤثر على التحاق‬ ‫الطالب من الطبقة الأقل حظ ًا بالتعليم‬ ‫الجامعي‬ ‫اما التغيير الثالث �سيطر�أ على قطاع‬ ‫ال �ت ��أم �ي��ن ال���ص�ح��ي ال �ح �ك��وم��ي حيث‬ ‫�أن ال��دع��م الحكومي لبع�ض الأدوي ��ة‬ ‫�سينخف�ض �إل��ى ‪ 2‬مليار دوالر وذل��ك‬ ‫�ضمن برنامج ‪Pharmaceutical‬‬ ‫‪.Benefits Scheme‬‬ ‫ومن بين الأدوي��ة التي �سيتم تخفي�ض‬ ‫الدعم عليها هي �أدوية �سرطان الأمعاء‪،‬‬ ‫والأمرا�ض المتعلقة بالقلق والرهاب‬ ‫‪disorders‬‬


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‫أستراليا تدفع ‪ 20‬ألف دوالر‬ ‫لكل الجئ من الروهينغا‬ ‫مقابل المغادرة‬ ‫‪SBS‬‬ ‫�صدرت المراجعة الن�صف �سنوية للميزانية‬ ‫الفدرالية لتقول الحكومة �أنها على الطريق ال�صحيح للوفاء‬ ‫بوعودها االنتخابية واعادة الميزانية �إلى و�صع الفائ�ض مع‬ ‫منت�صف العام ‪ .2021‬كما وتوقعت الحكومة ان يزي الفائ�ض‬ ‫عن توقعاتها ال�سابقة بقيمة ثالثة مليارات دوالر‪.‬‬ ‫�أعلن وزير الخزانة الفدرالي �سكوت موري�سون تدابير جديدة‬ ‫لتوفير مداخيل ا�ضافية للخزانة منها اقتطاعات لمنح‬ ‫االعانات االجتماعية (ال�سنترلنك) بقيمة ‪ 1.2‬مليار دوالر‬ ‫خالل االعوام االربعة القادمة‪ .‬هذا وتق�ضي التدابير الجديدة‬ ‫بتمديد فترة انتظار المهاجرين الجدد لثالثة �أعوام بد ًال من‬ ‫عامين للح�صول على منح اجازات االمومة ورعاية فرد من‬

‫العائلة ومنح الـ ‪.Family Tax Benefit‬‬ ‫كما �سيتوجب على من ي�ستقدم فرد ًا من عائلته �إلى ا�ستراليا‬ ‫بموجب ت�أ�شيرات العائلة تقديم اثباتات مالية �أنهم قادرون‬ ‫على تقديم الدعم المالي للقادم الجديد لمدة ثالثة اعوام‪.‬‬ ‫وتجدر اال�شارة �إلى ان القرار الجديد ي�ستثني الفئات المهم�شة‬ ‫ومواطني نيوزيالندة ممن لديهم �أطفال‪.‬‬ ‫هذا وت�شمل التدابير الجديدة �أي�ض ًا حرمان الأطباء المتدربين‬ ‫من تلقي �أعلى ن�سب دفعات للميديكير للزيارات الطبية التي‬ ‫يقومون بها خار �ساعات العمل‪ .‬كما و�سيتم تعديل دفعات‬ ‫الميديكير للأطباء كل ح�سب درجة �أهليته‪.‬‬ ‫من جانب �آخ��ر ك�شفت المراجعة الن�صف �سنوية �أن �أزم��ة‬ ‫ازدواجية الجن�سية كلفت دافعي ال�ضرائب �أحد ع�شر مليون‬ ‫دوالر‪.‬‬

‫توجيه ‪ 19‬اتهاما‬ ‫لمنفذ اعتداء الدهس بملبورن‬ ‫وجهت ال�شرطة الأ�سترالية للرجل المتهم بتعمد‬ ‫ده�س مت�سوقي عيد الميالد في �شارع مزدحم‬ ‫بمدينة ملبورن ‪ 18‬تهمة بال�شروع في القتل‪،‬‬ ‫وتهمة واحدة بانتهاج �سلوك عر�ض حياة النا�س للخطر‪.‬‬ ‫وكان الحادث الذي وقع ملبورن‪ ،‬ثاني �أخطر هجوم ب�سيارة‪،‬‬ ‫يقع في ثاني �أكبر مدن �أ�ستراليا هذا العام‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت ال�شرطة �إنها وجهت اتهامات ل�سعيد نوري وهو الجئ‬ ‫�أفغاني �سابق‪ ،‬بعد �أن ا�ستجوبته ر�سميا ب�ش�أن الهجوم الذي‬ ‫و�صفته ال�شرطة ب�أنه” عمل متعمد”‪.‬‬

‫وقالت ال�شرطة �إن نوري (‪ 32‬عاما) معروف ب�أنه يعاني من‬ ‫م�شكالت عقلية‪ ،‬ويتعاطي ال�م�خ��درات‪ ،‬و�إن�ه��ا ال تعتقد �أن‬ ‫الهجوم له �صلة بالإرهاب‪.‬‬ ‫وت�شتبه ال�شرطة ب�أن نوري كان يقود �سيارة دفع رباعي بي�ضاء‪،‬‬ ‫عندما تعمد الإ� �س��راع بها وده����س ع�شرات الم�شاة الذين‬ ‫كانوا يعبرون ال�شارع عند �أحد �أكثر التقاطعات ازدحاما في‬ ‫المنطقة التجارية بو�سط ملبورن‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪� :‬سكاي نيوز عربية‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫قنصلية لبنان في ملبورن تقيم االحتفال السنوي‬ ‫بمناسبة عيد االستقالل الرابع والسبعين‬

‫افضل االمنيات من‬ ‫المحاسب شريف شاهين‬ ‫بمناسبة العام الجديد ‪2018‬‬

‫كل عام وانتم بخير‬

‫احمد يونس ‪ -‬ملبورن‬

‫�أقام القن�صل اللبناني في فيكتوريا غ�سان‬ ‫الخطيب حفل ا�ستقبال بمنا�سبة ال��ذك��رى الرابعة‬ ‫وال�سبعين ال�ستقالل لبنان‪� ،‬شارك فيه ح�شد من فاعليات‬ ‫وابناء الجالية اللبنانية وممثال الحكومة والمعار�ضة‬ ‫في والي��ة فكتوريا وع��دد من ال��وزراء والنواب والمدراء‬ ‫العامين والم�سو�ؤلين الر�سميين وودبلوما�سيون ورجال‬ ‫دين ور�ؤ�ساء الم�ؤ�س�سات الثقافية والأح��زاب اللبنانية‬ ‫والجمعيات الخيرية واالجتماعية والريا�ضية‪.‬حيث ح�ضر‬ ‫كل من وزي��رة �شو�ؤن الم�ستهلك في الحكومة المحلية‬ ‫الحكومة مارلين كيروز ممثلة وزي��ر التعددية الثقافية‬ ‫روب��ن �سكوت‪ ،‬ورئي�س المجل�س الت�شريعي في فكتوريا‬

‫برو�س اتكن�سون‪ ،‬وزي��رة الظل للتعددية الثقافية اينكا‬ ‫بولي�ش ممثلة زعيم المعار�ضة المحلية ماتيو غاي في‬ ‫ح��زب االح��رار والنائب المحلي من ا�صل لبناني نزيه‬ ‫اال�سمر عن حزب العمال‪.‬‬ ‫حيث كانت كلمة للقن�صل اللبناني غ�سان الخطيب رحب‬ ‫فيها بال�ضيوف وق��دم التهنئة البناء الجالية بمنا�سبة‬ ‫اال�ستقالل كما عبر عن �سعادته وارتياحه في الفترة‬ ‫الزمنية التي ام�ضاها في مهمته في ملبورن “يذكر‬ ‫ان القن�صل الخطيب قد عين حديثا �سفيرا للبنان في‬ ‫باك�ستان”‪.‬ثم كانت كلمات لكل م��ن ال��وزي��رة كيروز‬ ‫وال �ن��واب اينكا واتكن�سون واال��س�م��ر ا� �ش��ادوا بال�سفير‬ ‫الخطيب وم��زاي��اه وق��دم��وا التهاني للح�ضور وال�شعب‬ ‫اللبناني بمنا�سبة عيد اال�ستقالل‪.‬‬

‫‪Best‬‬ ‫‪Wishes‬‬ ‫المختار ميالد الحلبي‬

‫رئيس الجامعة اللبنانية الثقافية بالعالم‬ ‫فرع فكتوريا‬

‫‪Milad El-halabi JP‬‬ ‫‪President‬‬ ‫‪World Lebanese Culture Union‬‬ ‫‪Victoria‬‬

‫تهنئة‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬


‫تهنئة‬ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬


‫ وليد الخزرجي‬.‫د‬

‫مدير عيادة العناية باالسنان في هيلتون‬

Dental Care At Hilton

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‫تهنئة‬ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬



2018 We ask Allah to bring great good in this new year Another year of success and happiness has passed. With every new year comes more success inshaAllah, challenges and sometimes obstacles for which we will be well prepared. I wish you all courage, hope and faith to overcome any hurdles you may face in the new year. May you all have a great year and a wonderful time ahead. Till we meet again in 2018, enjoy your holidays. May Allah (swt) bless you and your family.

:‫يقول ابن القيم رحمه اهلل‬ ‫السنة شجرة‬ ‫والشهور فروعها‬ ‫واأليام أغصانها‬ ‫والساعات أوراقها‬ ،‫واألنفاس ثمرها‬ ‫فمن كانت أنفاسه في طاعة فثمرة شجرته‬ ‫طيبة‬ ‫ومن كانت في معصية فثمرته حنظل‬ ‫وإنما يكون الحصاد يوم المعاد‬ .‫فعند الحصاد يتبين حلو الثمار من مرها‬ ‫نسأل اهلل سبحانه وتعالى أن يجعل هذه السنة‬ ‫الجديدة شجرة مليئة بالثمار الطيبة وان تكون‬ .‫سنة خير على طالبنا واهاليهم وعلى الجميع‬

Omar Hallak Principal of Al-Taqwa College

201 Sayers Road Truganina VIC 3029 • Ph: (03) 9269 5044 • E:

‫الحاج عمر الحالق‬ ‫مدير كلية التقوى‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫تفادي الرسائل اإلحتيالية‬ ‫الر�سالة الإحتيالية هي خدعة يمار�سها �أ�شخا�ص عديمي ال�ضمير‬ ‫ويفتقرون للمبادئ الأخالقية بهدف �سرقة مالك �أو معلوماتك‬ ‫ال�شخ�صية‪.‬‬ ‫يمكن �أن ي�ستخدم المحتالون الهاتف والبريد االلكتروني‬ ‫والر�سائل الن�صية الهاتفية والر�سائل البريدية للتوا�صل مع‬ ‫النا�س‪� .‬أدناه معلومات من �أجل م�ساعدتك على التعرف على �أكثر ثالثة �أنواع �شيوعا‬ ‫من الر�سائل االحتيالية وحماية نف�سك منها‪.‬‬

‫رسائل اليانصيب االحتيالية‬ ‫ير�سل لك ممار�سو هذا النوع من االحتيال خطاب �أو ر�سالة �إلكترونية �أو ر�سالة ن�صية هاتفية �أو بو�ست‬ ‫عبر مواقع التوا�صل االجتماعي االلكترونية تبدو ك�أنها �أ�صلية حيث يوهمونك فيها ب�أنك قد ربحت‬ ‫جائزة‪ .‬وقد تكون الجائزة عبارة عن مبلغ من المال �أو عطلة �أو هاتف ذكي �أو ق�سيمة ت�سوق‪ .‬ولكن لكي‬ ‫ت�ستلم الجائزة‪ ،‬يقولون لك �أنه يجب عليك �أو ًال �أن تدفع �ضريبة �أو ر�سم �أو تزودهم بتفا�صيل ح�سابك‬ ‫الم�صرفي‪.‬‬

‫تشتمل بعض عالمات التحذير من هذا النوع من الرسائل االحتيالية على‪:‬‬

‫• �أن الجائزة تتعلق بيان�صيب �أو م�سابقة �أنت لم ت�شارك فيها �أ�ص ً‬ ‫ال‬ ‫• يطلبون منك االت�صال برقم �أو ار�سال بريد �إلكتروني لتقديم بياناتك ال�شخ�صية‬ ‫• يجب �أن تدفع ر�سم �أو تزودهم بتفا�صيل ح�سابك الم�صرفي لكي ت�ستطيع المطالبة بالجائزة‬ ‫• يعطونك رقم �صندوق بريد �أو عنوان بريد �إلكتروني �أو رقم هاتف نقال كمعلومات ات�صال‬ ‫(بدون عنوان فعلي لمكان)‪.‬‬

‫رسائل المستردات االحتيالية‬ ‫• يدعي المحتالون �أنهم �إما موظفون حكوميون‬ ‫�أو موظفون مفو�ضون من بنك �أو من منظمة‬ ‫معروفة �أخرى ويقولون لك �أنك ت�ستحق مبلغاً‬ ‫من المال – ولكن يجب عليك �أو ًال �أن تدفع ر�سما‬ ‫�إداريا �أو ما �شابه ذلك لكي ت�ستطيع “المطالبة‬ ‫با�سترداده”‪ .‬وبع�ض المحتالين �أي�ضا يقولون‬ ‫لك �أنك تلقيت دفعات معا�ش �أق َّل مما ت�ستحق �أو‬ ‫�أنك دفعت �أكثر من قيمة فواتيرك اال�ستهالكية‪،‬‬

‫لذلك يمكنك المطالبة بم�ستردات‪.‬‬ ‫لن تت�صل بك �أية دائرة حكومية �أو م�صرف �أبداً‬ ‫ويقولوا لك �أنك ت�ستحق مبلغاً من المال ولكن‬ ‫يجب عليك الدفع لكي ت�سترده‪.‬‬ ‫�إدارة �ش�ؤون الم�ستهلكين في فيكتوريا‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫قصر الحلو‬ ‫أجود الحلويات اللبنانية‬ ‫خبرة طويلة وخدمة مميزة‬

‫بقالوة مشكل ‪ -‬زنود الست ‪ -‬كنافة ‪ -‬بسبوسة تركية‬ ‫ معمول بقشطة ‪ -‬معمول األعياد بكافة النكهات ‪-‬‬‫حالوة شميسة شغل لبنان سادة وبالمكسرات ‪ -‬قوالب‬ ‫كايك لكافة المناسبات وغيرها الكثير‬

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‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫وكالة تقييم مستقلة تراجع‬ ‫البرنامج التجريبي لصيد‬ ‫السمك من على الصخور‬ ‫سيدني‬ ‫م ّددت حكومة نيو �ساوث ويلز فترة عدم �إ�صدار غرامات‬ ‫بحق �صيادي ال�سمك من على ال�صخور الذين ال يلب�سون‬ ‫�سترات النجاة في منطقة حكومة راندويك المحلية (‪� )LGA‬إلى ‪31‬‬ ‫يتم �إجراء تقييم م�ستقل لتنفيذ قانون ال�سالمة‬ ‫�أيار‪/‬مايو ‪ 2018‬ريثما ّ‬ ‫ل�صيد ال�سمك من على ال�صخور ‪.)RFSA( 2016‬‬ ‫فقد طلبت حكومة نيو �ساوث ويلز �إجراء تقييم م�ستقل لمراجعة البيانات‬ ‫والمالحظات التي ُج ِمعت خالل الـ ‪� 12‬شه ًرا الما�ضية في راندويك وهو‬ ‫ا�ستطالعا بلغات متع ّددة ب�ش�أن مناحي تفكير �صيادي ال�سمك‬ ‫�سي�شمل‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أي�ضا تقديم التما�سات �إلى‬ ‫من على ال�صخور‪ .‬وي�ستطيع �أع�ضاء المجتمع � ً‬ ‫الوكالة القائمة بالتقييم‪.‬‬ ‫لقد �أتاحت فترة الـ ‪� 12‬شه ًرا الما�ضية لمجل�س مدينة راندويك والوكاالت‬ ‫الأخ��رى المعن ّية بقانون ‪ RFSA‬تجربة مجموعة من �إ�ستراتيجيات‬ ‫الم�شاركة المجتمعية و�إعداد �إجراءات عمل مقيا�سية ومواد تدريب‪.‬‬ ‫أ�سا�سا للحكومة لدرا�سة احتمال تطبيق قانون ‪RFSA‬‬ ‫�سيوفّر التقييم � ً‬ ‫في مناطق �أخ��رى على �ساحل نيو �ساوث ويلز ودرا�سة �أف�ضل ال�سبل‬ ‫لتنفيذه‪.‬‬ ‫خالل فترة عدم �إ�صدار غرامات �ست�ستمر حكومة نيو �ساوث ويلز في‬ ‫الترويج لل�سالمة في �صيد ال�سمك من على ال�صخور عبر �إقامة جل�سات‬ ‫�إ�ضافية بخ�صو�ص �صيد ال�سمك من على ال�صخور‪ ،‬و�إعداد مواد توعية‬ ‫بلغات م�ت�ع� ّددة‪ ،‬وح�م�لات ح��ول ال�سالمة ف��ي �صيد ال�سمك م��ن على‬ ‫ال�صخور‪ ،‬وبث ر�سائل ب�ش�أن ال�سالمة حول الماء‪.‬‬ ‫�ستقوم حكومة نيو �ساوث ويلز خالل ال�صيف بن�شر �إعالنات جديدة‬ ‫ب�ش�أن ال�سالمة حول الماء‪ ،‬كما �ست�ستمر عربة ‪�( Old4New‬إب��دال‬ ‫القديم بالجديد) في زيارة الأماكن التي يرغبها �صيادو ال�سمك من‬ ‫على ال�صخور لعر�ض �سترات نجاة ب�أ�سعار مخفّ�ضة‪ .‬كما يجري ت�صميم‬ ‫ن�شرات ومل�صقات جديدة للترويج لل�سالمة في �صيد ال�سمك من على‬ ‫ال�صخور و�ستكون موجودة في متاجر مف ّرق مختلفة بما فيها محالت بيع‬ ‫طعوم ال�سمك ومحطات البترول‪.‬‬ ‫وقال وزير خدمات الطوارئ تروي غرانت �إن التقييم الم�ستقل �سيوفّر‬ ‫للحكومة خارطة طريق مقترحة لم�ستقبل قانون ‪.RFSA‬‬ ‫وق��ال ال�سيد غ��ران��ت‪“ :‬نحتاج �إل��ى �ضمان ت��و ّف��ر ال��دع��م والم�شاركة‬ ‫المجتمعية للقانون لكي ي�ؤدي �إلى �أف�ضل النتائج‪� .‬إننا نريد التنظيم �أن‬ ‫يكون عاد ًال‪ .‬ونريد �أن نرى �صيادي ال�سمك ي�ستمتعون ب�سواحلنا ويعودون‬ ‫ب�سالم �إلى عوائلهم”‪.‬‬ ‫“ال ت�ستطيع الحكومة �أن تكون موجودة على ك ّل �صخرة‪ .‬لذا علينا‬ ‫اال�ستمرار في توعية النا�س و�إعدادهم لكي يعرفوا المخاطر قبل �أن‬ ‫يذهبوا ل�صيد ال�سمك‪.‬‬ ‫“ور�سالتنا لجميع �صيادي ال�سمك من على ال�صخور هي ذاتها ‪-‬‬ ‫الب�س �سترة نجاة في كل الأوقات‪ ،‬والب�س ثيا ًبا و�أحذية منا�سبة‪ ،‬وت�أكّد‬ ‫من الأحوال الجوية‪ ،‬وال تذهب ل�صيد ال�سمك وحدك � ًأبدا‪.‬‬ ‫“لقد ا�ستثمرنا مبلغًا قيا�س ًيا في منَح ال�سالمة حول الماء ومبادراتها‬ ‫و�إعالناتها‪ ،‬بما في ذلك مبالغ تتعلق ب�صيد ال�سمك من على ال�صخور‪،‬‬ ‫وهو ا�ستثمار �سي�ستمر خالل �إنجاز التقييم‪”.‬‬ ‫هذه ال�سنة‪ ،‬ح�ضر حوالي ‪� 200‬شخ�ص جل�سات ال�سالمة في �صيد ال�سمك‬ ‫وتم �إعطا�ؤهم �سترات نجاة مجانًا‪ .‬ومنذ‬ ‫من على ال�صخور في راندويك ّ‬ ‫بدء العمل ببرنامج ‪Old4New‬تم توريد �أكثر من ‪� 22000‬سترة نجاة‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫وم�ستخدمي القوارب في نيو �ساوث ويلز‪.‬‬ ‫ل�صيادي ال�سمك‬ ‫�ست�ستمر وكاالت �إنفاذ قانون ‪ ،RFSA‬بما فيها قوة �شرطة نيو �ساوث‬ ‫ويلز‪ ،‬ودائرة ال�صناعات الأول ّية في نيو �ساوث ويلز‪ ،‬وم�صلحة المتنزهات‬ ‫الوطنية والحياة البر ّية في نيو �ساوث ويلز‪ ،‬ومجل�س مدينة راندويك‪،‬‬ ‫ب�إ�صدار تحذيرات لمن ال يرتدي �سترة نجاة في منطقة حكومة راندويك‬ ‫المحلية لغاية ‪� 31‬أيار‪/‬مايو ‪.2018‬‬ ‫�سيتوجه �أ�شخا�ص �إلى ال�صخور للتح ّدث مع �صيادي‬ ‫وكجزء من التقييم‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ال�سمك من على ال�صخور واال�ستماع �إلى ما يقولونه حول هذا المو�ضوع‪.‬‬ ‫و�ستُتاح للمجتمع فر�صة الم�شاركة في �إعطاء مالحظات �إلى التقييم‬ ‫الخا�ص بقانون ‪ RFSA‬وذلك عبر موقع الحكومة الإلكتروني “ ‪have‬‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫(“ابد ر�أيك‘)‪.‬‬ ‫‪”your say‬‬

‫خبرة التوابل الذهبية‬ ‫‪ 99‬نواعا من البهارات واألعشاب متوفرة في‬ ‫معظم المحالت التجارية‪...‬‬ ‫‪9/15 Nathan Drive Campbellfiled Vic 3061‬‬


‫تخفيف عبء اإلتاوة‪ :‬تسجيل مجاني للسائقين‬ ‫سيدني‬ ‫�أع �ل �ن��ت رئ �ي �� �س��ة ال �ح �ك��وم��ة غ�لادي����س‬ ‫برجيكليان ال�ي��وم �أن ال�سائقين �سيكونون م�ؤهلين‬ ‫لت�سجيل �سياراتهم مجانًا �إذا �أنفقوا �أكثر من ‪25‬‬ ‫دوال ًرا ك�إتاوات عبور في الأ�سبوع‪ ،‬كمع ّدل‪ ،‬خالل فترة‬ ‫‪� 12‬شه ًرا‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت ال�سيدة برجيكليان‪�“ :‬سيوفّر �أغلب ال�سائقين‬ ‫الم�ؤهلين ‪ 358‬دوال ًرا في ال�سنة من تكاليف الت�سجيل‪،‬‬ ‫م��ع اح�ت�م��ال ارت �ف��اع التوفير لغاية ‪ 715‬دوال ًرا في‬ ‫ال�سنة”‪.‬‬ ‫“�إن الو�ضع القوي لميزانية الحكومة تتيح لنا �أن‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫م�ستخدمي الطرق التي تحتاج �إلى‬ ‫نعيد �شي ًئا �إل��ى‬ ‫دفع �إتاوات لعبورها‪.‬‬ ‫“لقد ح ّددت حكومة نيو �ساوث ويلز ك�إحدى �أولوياتها‬

‫تخفي�ض تكلفة اقتناء ال�سيارة وذلك بمنح توفيرات‬ ‫كبيرة عبر �إ� �ص�لاح��ات ق�سائم ال�ت��أم�ي��ن الإل��زام��ي‬ ‫(‪ )CTP‬وبدء العمل بتطبيق ‪.“ FuelCheck‬‬ ‫�ستتوفر �إع��ادة تكلفة ت�سجيل ال�سيارة لك ّل ال�سيارات‬ ‫ومركبات اال�ستخدام الخا�ص (يوت) ومركبات الدفع‬ ‫الم�سجلة لمالكين‬ ‫الرباعي والدراجات النار ّية العادية‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫خ�صو�صيين‪ ،‬اعتبا ًرا من �أول تموز‪/‬يوليو ‪.2018‬‬ ‫وقال �ستيوارت �آيرز الوزير الم�س�ؤول عن غرب �سيدني‬ ‫وو�ست كونك�س �إن��ه �س ُيعمل بالنظام بمفعول رجعي‬ ‫بحيث �سي�ستفيد ال�سائقون الم�ؤهلون م��ن ت�سجيل‬ ‫�سياراتهم مجانًا �إذا �أنفقوا �أكثر من ‪ 25‬دوال ًرا في‬ ‫الأ�سبوع اعتبا ًرا من �أول تموز‪/‬يوليو ‪.2017‬‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫م�ستخدمي طرقات نيو‬ ‫وقال ال�سيد �آيرز‪�“ :‬إننا نريد‬ ‫�ساوث ويلز �أن ي�ستفيدوا من التوفيرات ب�أ�سرع ما‬ ‫يمكن‪ ،‬وبذلك ف�إنه متى بد�أ تطبيق النظام �سن�شمل فيه‬

‫ما دفعه ال�سائقون من �إتاوات عبور �سابقة”‪.‬‬ ‫“�سي�ش ّكل هذا الأمر فر�صة عادلة لل�سائقين الذين‬ ‫يدفعون المال ال�ستخدام �شبكات الطرق التي تحتاج‬ ‫�إل ��ى دف��ع �إت � ��اوات ل�ع�ب��وره��ا لتخفيف ال��وق��ت ال��ذي‬ ‫يق�ضونه في �سياراتهم وزي��ادة الوقت ال��ذي يق�ضونه‬ ‫مع عائالتهم‪”.‬‬ ‫�سيتنطبق النظام على ال�سائقين الخ�صو�صيين الذين‬ ‫ي�ستخدمون �أي طريق يحتاج �إلى دفع �إت��اوات لعبوره‬ ‫كما �سينطبق على �أي طريق جديد في الم�ستقبل يحتاج‬ ‫�إلى دفع �إتاوات لعبوره‪.‬‬ ‫�سي�ستمر ال �� �س��ائ �ق��ون ال��ذي��ن ي���س�ت�خ��دم��ون ط��ري��ق‬ ‫‪ M5‬في اال�ستفادة من نظام ا�ستعادة ما يدفعونه‬ ‫‪.Cashback‬‬ ‫ال ي�شمل النظام المركبات الخا�صة التي يزيد وزنها‬ ‫على ‪ 2795‬كغ‪ ،‬مثل ال�شاحنات‪.‬‬


‫الوسط الثقافي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫‪ 18‬ديسمبر‪..‬‬

‫ي���وم عالم���ي للغ���ة العربية‬ ‫الجزيرة نت‬

‫ي� ��وم ح ��ددت ��ه منظمة‬ ‫الأم� ��م ال�م�ت�ح��دة للتربية وال�ع�ل��وم‬ ‫وال�ث�ق��اف��ة (ال�ي��ون���س�ك��و) لالحتفاء‬ ‫باللغة العربية على غرار ٍ‬ ‫لغات �أخرى‬ ‫�س َّمت لها المنظمة �أياما لالحتفاء‬ ‫بها‪ ،‬منها الإنجليزية والفرن�سية‬ ‫والإ�سبانية وال�صينية والرو�سية‪،‬‬ ‫ويدخل االحتفاء بها �ضمن �أن�شطة‬ ‫وجهود المنظمة الرامية �إلى �صون‬ ‫التراث الثقافي العالمي غير المادي‬ ‫وت �ق��دي��ر ال �ع��رب �ي��ة ك� � ��أداة للتعبير‬ ‫الثقافي في تنوعه‪.‬‬


‫بد�أ تخليد اليوم العالمي للغة العربية‬ ‫ع��ام ‪ ،2012‬و ُي��واف��ق ‪ 18‬دي�سمبر‪/‬‬ ‫كانون الأول من كل �سنة‪ ،‬وهو نف�س‬ ‫التاريخ الذي اعتمدت فيه الجمعية‬ ‫العامة للأمم المتحدة اللغة العربية‬ ‫�ساد�س لغة ر�سمية لها قبل ذلك‬ ‫بنحو �أربعة عقود‪� ،‬أي عام ‪.1973‬‬ ‫وف� ��ي ع� ��ام ‪ 2013‬ق� ��ررت ال�ه�ي�ئ��ة‬ ‫اال�ست�شارية للخطة الدولية لتنمية‬ ‫الثقافة العربية (�أراب �ي��ا) التابعة‬

‫لليون�سكو جعل اليوم العالمي للغة‬ ‫العربية ن�شاطها المركزي ال�سنوي‪.‬‬


‫يرمي اليوم العالمي للغة العربية �إلى‬ ‫�إب��راز الإ�سهام المعرفي والفكري‬ ‫والعلمي لهذه اللغة و�أع�لام�ه��ا في‬ ‫مختلف مناحي المعرفة الب�شرية‬ ‫عبر ال�ت��اري��خ‪ ،‬فالح�ضارة العربية‬ ‫الإ�سالمية لها �إ�سهامات م�شهودة‬ ‫في مختلف مناحي العلوم والمعرفة‬ ‫والآداب والفنون‪ ،‬ويعود �إليها الف�ضل‬ ‫الأك �ب��ر ف��ي النه�ضة الأوروب��ي��ة ثم‬ ‫الثورة ال�صناعية التي ك َّر�ست قيادة‬ ‫ال�غ��رب للعالم منذ �أواخ ��ر القرون‬ ‫الو�سطى‪.‬‬ ‫وي�سعى اليوم العالمي للغة العربية‬ ‫كذلك �إلى الت�أكيد على مركزية هذه‬ ‫اللغة‪ ،‬التي تُعد م��ن �أو��س��ع اللغات‬ ‫ال�سامية انت�شارا‪ ،‬فعدد المتحدثين‬ ‫بها يتجاوز ‪ 420‬مليون ن�سمة في‬ ‫البالد العربية‪ ،‬وف�ضال عن ذلك ف� َّإن‬ ‫معرفة ‪-‬ولو محدودة‪ -‬بها �ضرورية‬ ‫لأك �ث��ر م��ن مليار م�سلم ك��ي ُي� ��ؤدوا‬ ‫�صلواتهم‪ ،‬كما �أنها اللغة المعتمدة‬ ‫ل��دى ع��دد من الكنائ�س الم�سيحية‬

‫في الم�شرق‪ ،‬وكتب بها جزء مهم من‬ ‫التراث الثقافي والديني اليهودي‪.‬‬ ‫ال�سياق التاريخي‬ ‫بد�أ اهتمام اليون�سكو باللغة العربية‬ ‫ب��اك��را‪ ،‬فقد ق��رر ال�م��ؤت�م��ر الثالث‬ ‫للمنظمة‪ ،‬المنعقد في بيروت عام‬ ‫‪ ،1948‬اعتماد العربية لغة ثالثة‪،‬‬ ‫�إل��ى جانب الإنجليزية والفرن�سية‪،‬‬ ‫لأ�شغال هيئات المنظمة ف��ي حال‬

‫انعقادها ف��ي بلد ناطق بالعربية‪،‬‬ ‫كما ا�ستح�سن الم�ؤتمر �إدراج العربية‬ ‫�ضمن ال�ل�غ��ات ال�ت��ي ُت�ت��رج��م �إليها‬ ‫محا�ضر االج�ت�م��اع��ات وال��دوري��ات‬ ‫ووثائق العمل‪.‬‬ ‫وف��ي ع��ام ‪ ،1960‬اع �ت��رف م�ؤتمر‬ ‫المنظمة ب��أه�م�ي��ة ال�ل�غ��ة العربية‬ ‫وب �ق��درت �ه��ا ع �ل��ى ج �ع��ل م�ن���ش��ورات‬ ‫المنظمة �أكثر ت�أثيرا وجلبا لالهتمام‬ ‫في البلدان الناطقة بالعربية �إذا‬

‫تمت ترجمتها �إلى هذه اللغة‪ .‬وهكذا‬ ‫تقررت ترجمة �أهم وثائق ومنا�شير‬ ‫المنظمة �إلى اللغة العربية‪ ،‬بيد � َّأن‬ ‫ع��ام ‪� 1966‬شهد تحوال مهما تمثل‬ ‫ف��ي اع�ت�م��اد ال�ل�غ��ة ال�ع��رب�ي��ة �ضمن‬ ‫اللغات الر�سمية للجل�سات مع ترجمة‬ ‫�آنية منها و�إليها في الم�ؤتمر العام‬ ‫للمنظمة‪ ،‬وب�ع��د ذل��ك بعامين تم‬ ‫اعتماد اللغة العربية لغة عمل في‬ ‫المنظمة بف�ضلِ ٍ‬ ‫جهد جهيد بذله‬

‫ال�م��دي��ر ال �ع��ام حينها الفيل�سوف‬ ‫الفرن�سي رينيه ماه‪.‬‬ ‫وم �ه��دت ه��ذه ال�خ�ط��وة ال�ستخدام‬ ‫اللغة العربية ب�شكلٍ تدريجي في عمل‬ ‫المنظمة بدءا بترجمة وثائق العمل‬ ‫والمحا�ضر ونحوها‪.‬‬ ‫و�أثمرت تلك الجهود و�ضع برنامج‬ ‫لتو�سيع ا�ستخدام اللغة العربية مع‬ ‫اعتبار المنظمة اللغة العربية ‪-‬على‬ ‫غ��رار اللغات الر�سمية لها‪ -‬و�سيلة‬ ‫للتعبير ع��ن ال �ح �� �ض��ارة وال�ث�ق��اف��ة‬ ‫الب�شرية وحفظهما‪.‬‬ ‫و�س ُيتوج م�سار ازدهار اللغة العربية‬ ‫في اليوني�سكو باعتمادها لغة ر�سمية‬ ‫في عام ‪ 1974‬بف�ضل جهود حثيثة‬ ‫بذلتها حكومات الجزائر وال�سعودية‬ ‫وم�صر وال �ع��راق وال�ك��وي��ت ولبنان‬ ‫وتون�س وال�ي�م��ن‪ ،‬مكنت م��ن �إدراج‬ ‫تر�سيم ال�ل�غ��ة ال�ع��رب�ي��ة ف��ي ج��دول‬ ‫�أعمال الم�ؤتمر العام للمنظمة‪ ،‬لكن‬ ‫ه��ذا الجهد العربي ل��م يكن ل��ه �أن‬ ‫يكلل بالنجاح ل��وال ال��دع��م ال�سخي‬ ‫الذي قدمه المدير العام ال�سنغالي‬ ‫�أمادو مختار مبو‪.‬‬

‫أنت‬ ‫تكفلهم‬ ‫ونحن نرعاهم‬ ‫يعترب م�سروع كفالة الأيتام من امل�سروعات الأ�سا�سية‬ ‫التى تقوم هيئة الأعمال اخلريية برعايتها من خالل‬ ‫توفري الرعاية ال�ساملة لقرابة ‪ 65‬األف يتيم موزعني‬ ‫على ‪ 15‬دولة‪ ,‬حيث تقدم لهم الهيئة العون املالى‬ ‫وامل�ساعدة التعليمية والعناية ال�سحية‪ .‬ليزال هناك‬ ‫الكثري من الأيتام فى انتظار مد يد العون وامل�ساعدة‪.‬‬ ‫�خى �لكرمي �أختى �لكرمية �سارعو� �إلى كفالة يتيم‬ ‫مل�سح دمعته و�لتخفيف من م�سابه‪.‬‬

‫هيئة األعامل الخريية ‪ ...‬معكم عىل طريق الخري‬

‫‪1300 760 155‬‬


‫خبرة التوابل الذهبية‬ ‫‪ 99‬نواعا من البهارات واألعشاب متوفرة في‬ ‫معظم المحالت التجارية‪...‬‬ ‫‪9/15 Nathan Drive Campbellfiled Vic 3061‬‬

‫الوسط االسترالي‬ ‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫الحاج عمر ياسين يحتفي‬ ‫برؤساء بلديات الضنية والشمال‬


‫اعالن للطالب والطالبات المتفوقين في‬ ‫الشهادة الثانوية العامة لعام ‪2017‬‬

‫ب���ي���ت ال����زك����اة‬ ‫أس�����ت�����رال�����ي�����ا‬ ‫ب�سم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫ين �أُوتُو ْا �ٱ ْل ِعل َْم َد َر َج ٍ‬ ‫ات”‬ ‫ين �آ َمنُو ْا ِمنك ُْم َو�ٱل َِّذ َ‬ ‫قال اهلل تعال ‪َ “ :‬ي ْر َف ِع �ٱللهَّ ُ �ٱل َِّذ َ‬ ‫الإحتفال الكبير لبيت الزكاة ا�ستراليا لطالب وطالبات المتفوقين في‬ ‫ال�شهادة الثانوية العامة لعام ‪.2017‬‬ ‫بيت الزكاة يكرم المتفوقين في ال�شهادة الثانوية العامة (‪ )HSC‬للعام‬ ‫الواحد الع�شرين‪.‬‬ ‫بيت الزكاة ‪� -‬أ�ستراليا‪ ،‬كعادته كل عام‪ ،‬وحر�ص ًا منه على ت�شجيع ال�شباب‬ ‫على التف ّوق في التح�صيل العلمي‪� ،‬سيكرم الطالب الذين تفوقوا في امتحانات‬ ‫ال�شهادة الثانوية (‪ ،)HSC‬في والية ‪ ،NSW‬لهذا العام وذلك في احتفال‬ ‫�سيقام في �صالة ال ‪ Orion Centre Campsie‬في تاريخ ‪� 17‬آذار ‪.2018‬‬ ‫تقدمت لإمتحانات ال�شهادة الثانوية هذا العام‬ ‫ف�إذا كنت طالب ًا (�شاب ًا �أو �شابةً ) ّ‬ ‫‪ ،2017‬وحققّت ‪� %90‬أو �أكثر في النتائج النهائية‪ ،‬ف�أنت مدعو للإت�صال ببيت‬ ‫الزكاة لت�سجيل ا�سمك وذلك قبل يوم الجمعة ‪� 23‬شباط ‪ 2018‬على �أرقام‬ ‫الهاتف �أو الفاك�س‪:‬‬

‫‪Ph:9758 5288 Fax: 97585299‬‬

‫اق� ��ام رئ �ي ����س ج�م�ع�ي��ة اب �ن��اء‬ ‫ال�ضنية الخيرية الحاج عمر‬ ‫يا�سين حفال تكريميا لر�ؤ�ساء‬ ‫بلديات في ق�ضاء المنية‪-‬ال�ضنية وال�شمال‬ ‫اللبناني الذين يزورون ا�ستراليا حاليا وهم‬ ‫رئي�س بلدية ايزال احمد المغ�شو�ش‪ ،‬رئي�س‬

‫بلدية المراح عبد اهلل عالم رئي�س بلدية‬ ‫نمرين احمد حمود‪ ،‬رئي�س بلدية الفوار‬ ‫معن العويك‪ ،‬رئي�س بلدية بطرماز ال�شيخ‬ ‫م�صطفى قرة‪،‬رئي�س بلدية مجدال محمد‬ ‫الأ�سمر‪ ،‬وكانت بع�ض الكلمات الترحيبية‬ ‫لكل من الحاج عمر يا�سين والحاج وجيه‬

‫هو�شر والحاج محمد �صافي ونائب رئي�س‬ ‫بلدية كانتربري ال�سابق خ�ضر �صالح‪ .‬ثم‬ ‫كلمة ال�شيخ م�صطفى ق��رة وم��ن ثم كلمة‬ ‫ختامية لإمام مركز جمعية ال�ضنية ال�شيخ‬ ‫دواد �صالح‪.‬‬

‫أشهى وأفخر الحلويات اللبنانية والشرقية‬

‫صقر وأوالده‬

‫‪Al Afrah Pastry‬‬

‫‪Lebanese & Arabic sweets‬‬

‫‪749-751 Punchbowl Rd, Punchbowl NSW 2196‬‬

‫‪Tel: (02) 9708 2774 •‬‬

‫‪47A Wangee Road Lakemba NSW 2195‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫�أو الح�ضور الى بيت الزكاة على العنوان التالي‪:‬‬

‫‪47A Wangee Road, Lakemba NSW 2195‬‬

‫‪18‬‬ ‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ 2018‬م‬

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‫اذاعة الصوت االسالمي في‬ ‫سيدني تحتفل بالسنة العشرين‬ ‫على انطالقتها‬ ‫اق��ام��ت �إذاع� ��ة ال���ص��وت اال�سالمي(�سيدني)‬ ‫ي��وم ال�سبت ال��واق��ع ف��ي ‪ 2017/12/2‬احتفاال‬ ‫كبيرا في قاعة االوري��ون �سنتر في كامب�سي بمنا�سبة‬ ‫ال�سنة الع�شرين على انطالقتها‪ ،‬وقد ح�ضر االحتفال‬ ‫�شخ�صيات اعالمية و�سيا�سية واجتماعية ودينية‬ ‫وق�ي��ادات من الجالية اال�سالمية‪ ،‬وق��د القيت عدة‬ ‫كلمات في المنا�سبة من بينها كلمة مدير االذاع��ة‬ ‫الحاج ابراهيم الزعبي الذي رحب بالح�ضور وتحدث‬ ‫عن المحطات التي مرت بها االذاع��ة خالل ع�شرين‬ ‫�سنة‪.‬‬

‫الحفل السنوي‬ ‫الثالث لمؤسسة‬ ‫(دار التكريم)‬ ‫تخلله تكريم‬ ‫وجوه من الجالية‬ ‫االسالمية‬ ‫في م�ساء الأحد الواقع في الخام�س ع�شر من �شوال ‪ 1438‬هجرية والموافق للتا�سع من �شهر‬ ‫تموز‪/‬يوليو ‪ 2017‬ميالدية‪ ،‬اقامت دار التكريم حفلها ال�سنوي الثالث‪ ،‬حيث تم تكريم كل من‪:‬‬

‫البروف�سير �أختر كالم (عن فئة الرجال)‪ ،‬ف�ضيلة ال�شيخ عبد اهلل الليثي (عن فئة ال�شباب)‪،‬‬ ‫الطفل �أرحام علي مير (عن فئة الأطفال)‬

‫اإلفتتاح الرسمي لمشروع‬

‫وقف الوالدين‬

‫‪Parents’Waqf‬‬ ‫™‪Awqaf Australia Initiative‬‬

‫تم الإفتتاح الر�سمي لوقف الوالدين بتاريخ‬ ‫‪2017/07/07‬م الموافق ل ‪� 12‬شوال ‪1438‬ه‬ ‫‪،‬وقف الوالدين هو الم�شروع الأول من نوعه الذي‬ ‫تطلقه م�ؤ�س�سة �أوقاف �أ�ستراليا‪.‬‬ ‫ت �ع��ود ف �ك��رة م �� �ش��روع وق ��ف ال��وال��دي��ن �إل���ى ع��ام‬ ‫‪2011‬م عندما ا�شترى �أح��د المح�سنين المبنى‬ ‫الكائن بمنطقة الكمبا �سيدني ليجعله في خدمة‬

‫الم�سلمين‪،‬وتم الإع �ل�ان ع��ن ذل��ك خ�لال حفل‬ ‫�إطالق م�ؤ�س�سة �أوقاف �أ�ستراليا الذي �أقيم في �شهر‬ ‫�أغ�سط�س‪�-‬آب ‪2015‬م‪ .‬ونظرا لقدم المبنى و�صغر‬ ‫حجمه قررت العائلة المح�سنة هدمه وبناء عمارة‬ ‫جديدة بطوابق �أكثر وم�ساحات �أو�سع وهند�سة‬ ‫�أجمل‪ .‬هذا وقد تم �إنجاز الم�شروع في مدة قيا�سية‬ ‫حيث ا�ستغرق بنا�ؤه �سنة ون�صف تقريبا‪.‬‬

‫‪Commemorating the official opening of the‬‬

‫‪Parents’ Waqf Building‬‬ ‫‪An enduring charitable endowment by a‬‬ ‫‪Generous Family‬‬ ‫‪on behalf of their Parents‬‬ ‫‪May Allah have mercy upon them‬‬ ‫‪For the Sake of Allah the Almighty‬‬ ‫‪Opened on 13 Shawaal 1438 - 07/07/2017‬‬

Zakat Summit 2017

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¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 January 2018

85 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬ ‫ هـ‬1439 ‫¿ ربيع الثاني‬ 2017 ‫¿ كانون األول‬ 2018 ‫كانون الثاني‬

LV Muslim Women’s Scholarship 2018 ICV Congratulations to Zeynep Sertel, Principal of Ilim College, Dallas, for being the successful recipient of the Muslim Women’s Leadership Scholarship, supported by the ICV and Leadership Victoria (LV). Zeynep will be joining the 2018 Williamson Program cohort as part of this scholarship. Zeynep began her teaching journey in 2001 as an English, Humanities and Quran teacher in secondary and lead different department at domain head level. Prior to her appointment as Principal, Zeynep taught at La Trobe University in Melbourne and Prince Sultan University in Riyadh. Zeynep values positive student-teacher-family communication and believes this is the key to success on students’ academic levels. She strongly believes in the concept of “lead by example” when fostering leadership skills in the leaders of tomorrow.

The National Zakat Foundation’s Zakat Summit 2017 marked the end to yet another successful year with over 4,863 cases assisted and $3 millions dollar of Zakat distributed in the last five years! The summit was conducted over three days featuring guest speakers, talks, workshops and 2018 planning sessions at both the national & state levels.

It’s the time for us to reflect and review our growth as one! The Zakat Summit allows each team from across Australia to come together and work through interactive sessions with senior management to discuss the past year’s achievements, shortcomings

and improvements. It is an important event in our calendars to ensure all the teams are aligned with the direction that NZF needs to take in the next 12 months. The summit allows us to regroup as one team and

establish plans to work more effectively to achieve more collaborative change in the future. As a relatively young organisation, we also leverage the Zakat Summit to recalibrate everyone’s activities and address any complications or issues we may be facing. It helps us re-centre our operations around our vision and intentions to help the community we work for. Each summit is an opportunity for us to learn, ask questions and clarify any discrepancies, as well as taking the time to rejuvenate and remind each and every one of us why we chose to join this particular organisation and this particular cause.

Community Day: One Community, One Day As part of the Zakat Summit, we dedicate one day to invite members from the wider community to engage in topics related to Zakat. This year we held a One Community One Body public event, inviting community members to speak and share their knowledge and advice on how different organisations & individuals can work collaboratively to empower our community. We invited the public to attend and learn what NZF is all about, what exactly we do and how we manage the community’s Zakat that we have been entrusted with. Transparency is one of our core values and the summit is a platform that allows us to showcase to the public how their contributions are mobilising the mitigation of disadvantaged communities. Keynote speakers for the Zakat ’17 summit included Almir Colan, director of the Australian Centre for Islamic Finance, who delivered a talk on the

role of business and Islamic finance in community development, Muhammad Sabeth Abilawa, corporate secretary of Dompet Dhuafa Indonesian, who delivered a talk on the transformative power of Zakat, and Zeynep Sertel, principal of Ilim College Girls Campus and VP of Green Crescent Australia, who delivered a talk on community empowerment. Each speaker gave examples of how everyone is part of a larger community and how we can collaboratively work together to really make a positive impact in our communities. Br. Abilawa conveyed how Dompet Dhuafa had gained the support of sponsors and government funding on top of the Zakat they collect, that has in turn allowed them to build schools, hospitals and other pivotal institutions to allow any community to function. The speakers emphasised on the impact of empowering individuals and communities we give assistance to, because it’s more

than just about distributing funds; it’s about changing lives empowering those that we help to move into a position that allows them in turn to help others in the future. A key theme the speakers emphasised on was the power of Zakat to change an economy and society towards becoming self-sustainable and prosperous and how its only if we work collectively as a community that we will be able to effect and sustain such change. In conclusion, the Annual Zakat Summit was the perfect way to end 2017 on a positive note, reflecting on how we can move forward collectively as an organisation and as one community. Visit our website and follow us on Facebook to support what we do and find out more information and @NZFAus. By Sister Intan Endah-Bonsu National Zakat Foundation Australia

Hasene Social Services Program Launch

On Saturday the 18th of November, Hasene Australia officially unveiled the recently purchased Food Truck and launched the new Social Services Program. Hasene Australia is aiming to extend their

services by including helping the homeless in the city of Melbourne and supporting our emergency services by assisting Australians that have been afflicted by natural disasters. The event was attended by our Federal

Member for Calwell Maria Vamvakinou MP, Hasene International President Mesud Gulbahar, Islamic Community Milli Görüs Australia Directors, media, local community leaders, businessmen and Hasene Australia

representatives and volunteers from all over Australia. Hasene Australia would like to thank all those who attended and volunteered in preparation. May Allah reward all involved.

‫‪20‬‬ ‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018‬‬

‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 85‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1439‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ / 2017‬كانون الثاني ‪ 2018‬م‬

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‫بي��ت ال��زكاة اس��تراليا‬

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‫توزيع االضاحي‬ ‫على الفقراء وااليتام‬

‫تكريم طالب الشهادة الثانوية العامة ‪2016‬‬

‫زيارة السفير االسترالي لأليتام في بيت الزكاة‬

‫مشروع افطار الصائم‬ ‫السلة الغذائية‬

‫إذاعة الصوت االسالمي ‪ /‬سيدني‬

‫‪The Voice of Islam Radio Station‬‬

‫من اليمين الحاجة رانية البرجاوي‪ ،‬الحاج ابراهيم الزعبي‪ ،‬الدكتور احمد العقاد‬ ‫برامجها ت�شمل ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫• تالوة القر�آن الكريم ‪ -‬محا�ضرات �إ�سالمية‬ ‫• بث مبا�شر لخطبة الجمعة ‪� -‬أخبار محلية وعالمية‬ ‫• ب��رن��ام��ج ��ص�ب��اح�ي��ات م��ع ال �ح��اج �إب��راه �ي��م ال��زع�ب��ي ِم��ن‬ ‫الثامنة والن�صف وحتى العا�شرة والن�صف‪.‬‬ ‫• متفرقات في الدين والحياة لالخت رانيا البرجاوي من‬ ‫العا�شره والن�صف وحتى الثانية ع�شره‪.‬‬ ‫• ثالث ن�شرات اخبارية مف�صلة يقدمها الدكتور �أحمد‬ ‫العقاد‪.‬‬ ‫‪• Islamic lectures‬‬ ‫‪• Live broadcasts of Friday sermons‬‬ ‫‪• Local and international news‬‬ ‫‪• Radio documentaries‬‬ ‫‪• Talk shows and programs on‬‬ ‫‪contemporary topics‬‬ ‫‪• Trivia and competitions‬‬

‫• محا�ضرات باللغة االنكليزية ثالث مرات يوميا‪ ,‬االولى‬ ‫عند ال�ساعة ال�سابعة والن�صف �صباحاً والثانية عند الرابعة‬ ‫ع�صراً واالخيرة عند ال�ساعة الثامنة والن�صف م�سا ًء‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج �أ�سبوعي يقدم م�ساء كل يوم �أربعاء عند ال�ساعة‬ ‫ال�ث��ام�ن��ة وال�ن���ص��ف باللغة االن�ك�ل�ي��زي��ة ب�ع�ن��وان «الن�شاط‬ ‫وال�صحة»‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج باللغة االنكليزية عن ال�صحة يقدمه الدكتور‬ ‫و�سام �سوبرا كل يوم جمعه عند ال�ساعة الرابعة ع�صراً‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «ماما �صفاء» للأطفال عند ال�ساعة الخام�سة‬ ‫م�ساء كل يوم جمعه‪.‬‬

‫• برنامج «فهل من مدكر» لتعليم �أحكام التجويد وتالوة‬ ‫القر�أن الكريم للأخ �أنور حمام والأخ ريا�ض قا�سم‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «�إ��ش��راق��ات فقهية» �صباح ك��ل ي��وم �أرب�ع��اء عند‬ ‫ال�ساعة التا�سعة والربع مع ف�ضيلة ال�شيخ يحي ال�صافي‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «التف�سير البالغي للقر�آن الكريم» مع ال�شيخ‬ ‫�أحمد عزت محمود عند ال�ساعة ال�ساد�سة م�سا ًء كل يوم‬ ‫ثالثاء‪.‬‬ ‫• ب��رن��ام�ج��ي «ام �ج��اد ون��زه��ة ال�م���ش�ت��اق» م��ع االخ وليد‬ ‫المذيب‪.‬‬

‫‪• 87.6 FM‬‬ ‫)‪• 173.350 MHz (Narrow Band‬‬ ‫)‪• 173.425 MHz (Narrow Band‬‬ ‫‪• 107.9 FM (Only during the holy‬‬ ‫)‪month of Ramadan‬‬ ‫‪Daily broadcast includes:‬‬ ‫‪• Recitation of the Holy Quran‬‬

‫‪The Voice of Islam Radio‬‬ ‫‪Station from Sydney,‬‬ ‫‪Australia - 87.6 FM‬‬ ‫‪The Voice of Islam Radio Station‬‬ ‫‪broadcasts from Sydney, Australia on‬‬ ‫‪the following frequencies.‬‬

‫�إذاعة ال�صوت الإ�سالمي من �سيدني تبث برامجها على مدار اليوم على الترددات التالية‪:‬‬

‫)‪• 87.6 FM • 173.350 MHz (Narrow Band) • 173.425 MHz (Narrow Band‬‬ ‫‪T: +61 (2) 9758 3399 F: +61 (2) 9758 3299‬‬ ‫‪E:‬‬

Islamic Society Of Gold Coast Dawah Centre Project 2 0 1 7


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2017 has been an enormous year for The Islamic Society of Gold Coast. This year we initiated the construction of the Gold Coast Dawah Centre. Since 2015 we have collected sufficient funds from across Australia, Malaysia, Dubai and Singapore. Alhamdulillah

Community & Cultural Centre Back in 2011 the Gold Coast Muslim community took a decision to establish a Youth, Community & Cultural Centre for the benefit of our growing and diverse community. After more than 4 years of planning, fund raising and getting the necessary building and council approvals we have finally started the actual construction works.The foundation has been laid and the under-ground parking and ground floor structures have been completed. The next phase is to complete the first floor structure, followed by the construction of the roof for the entire building. Once this has been accomplished,landscaping and completion of the internal aspects of the building will occur.The end outcome will be a state of the art Youth & Community Cultural Centre that includes a gymnasium, office space, canteen, lounge areas, reading room, play rooms and more.

But there’s a problem We have spent close to $1,2 million and this has been possible thanks to so many generous donations. More is needed to complete this important project which is well underway. We require a further $1,5 million to complete the project.

Here’s what we’re doing about it We are appealing to all of you to donate generously towards the completion of this important project that will have immediate benefits now and well into the future.Once completed our young people will be meaningfully engaged in constructive activities.

Powered by:

we have begun construction in the beginning of January 2017. With the combined assistance of The Islamic Society of Gold Coast, New Queensland Build, I care and AKD Trades Hire we are able to have a brighter future for our youth and future Islamic generations.

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‫الدكتور جمال ريفي‬ ‫في مهمة إنسانية‬ ‫من اجل مساعدة‬ ‫األطفال الفلسطينيين‬


‫ب�صفته ع�ضوا في مجل�س �إدارة م�شروع روزانا قام الدكتور جمال ريفي مع وفد من الأطباء من ا�ستراليا والواليات المتحدة وكندا‬ ‫والأردن بزيارة الأرا�ضي الفل�سطينية �شملت مناطق داخل الخط الأخ�ضر في مهمة �إن�سانية تهدف الى م�ساعدة الأطفال الفل�سطينيين‬ .‫الذين يعالجون في الم�ست�شفيات الإ�سرائيلية‬ ‫ التدريب والنقل‬:‫م�شروع روزانا هو مبادرة �أ�سترالية تهدف �إلى م�ساعدة الأطفال الفل�سطينيين ويقوم على ثالث مبادرات رئي�سية‬ ‫ حيث يقدم الم�شروع الدعم المالي للأطباء والممر�ضين والمعالجين الفل�سطينيين ويعمل على توفير الت�سهيالت من �أجل نقل‬.‫والمعالجة‬ ‫ كما يوفر تمويل �أعلى للأطفال الفل�سطينيين الذين يعانون من �أمرا�ض‬.‫الفل�سطينيين من نقاط التفتي�ش على حدود غزة وال�ضفة الغربية‬ .‫خطيرة في الم�ست�شفيات الإ�سرائيلية‬

WATERFALL BY CROWN GROUP BREAKS GROUND Iconic luxury residential development by Crown Group will highlight Sydney’s dynamic Green Square Sydney,Tuesday December 12, 2017 - Crown Group, the award-winning developer of distinctive residential and mixed-use properties across Sydney, broke ground on the highly anticipated Waterfall by Crown Group, an iconic, grand-scale project in Sydney’s burgeoning Green Square featuring Australia’s largest man-made waterfall last Wednesday. City of Sydney Deputy Lord Mayor Jess Miller together with Crown Group Chairman and Group CEO, Iwan Sunito were at the event to turn the first sod. Already breaking records with more than $300 million in advance sales, Waterfall by Crown Group is creating buzz with its unique architectural design, luxury residential facilities and premium location at 18 O’Dea Avenue in Waterloo. “We are so excited to be breaking ground on this one-of-a-kind project,” said Crown Group Chairman and Group CEO, Iwan Sunito. “Our design was inspired by the power of nature. We are redefining high-end, luxury living with lush green spaces and natural elements that add balance and enhance wellbeing.” Designed by award-winning Sydney-based architects SJB, Waterfall by Crown Group will comprise three sevenstorey buildings and an iconic 20-storey tower overlooking lush, tropical landscaping and a beautiful water garden. The project’s namesake and focal

point is a splendid seven-storey waterfall that is set to become Australia’s tallest man-made waterfall. Additional largescale public art by Mika Utzon Popov, grandson of Sydney Opera House architect Jørn Utzon, is integrated into the design. Waterfall by Crown Group offers 331 residences within three seven-storey buildings and an iconic 20-storey sculptural tower overlooking lush, tropical landscaping and beautiful water gardens. A collection of elegant living

spaces includes studios, one, two and three-bedroom apartments and, at the higher scale, courtyard apartments and double-storey upper penthouses. The interiors offer fresh, natural modern luxury, utilizing stone, timber and subtle hues. Residents’ amenities will include an Infinity rooftop pool with a sky garden and terrace, a recreational deck, a secluded bamboo-covered walkway, state-of-the-art cantilevered gym, a rooftop garden, a rooftop cinema, function room

with a catering kitchen and music room with grand piano. Waterfall by Crown Group is conveniently located in Sydney’s Green Square, in the heart of Waterloo. An up-andcoming area, Waterloo is in the midst of a transportation hub offering easy car, bike, rail and bus access to Sydney CBD and beyond. Moreover, Waterfall is just minutes from Sydney Airport. “Crown Group’s highlyanticipated development Waterfall by Crown Group is right in the heart of this upand-coming area Waterloo,” Crown Group’s Project Director, Waterfall by Crown Group Prisca Edwards said. “It’s a great location for residents who travel for work as it’s just 10 minutes from the airport, 15 minutes to the city and 15 minutes to the beach.” The construction of Waterfall by Crown Group is scheduled for completion in 2020. A premium range of apartments is now available for sale ranging from $702,000 to $1,716,000. For more information please visit or call 1800 827 696.

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We help people to buy their dream! We offer an affordable and interest free housing solution for Australians who previously thought they would not be able to buy a home due to financial limitations and traditional mortgage challenges.

Current Projects

MH Affordable Homes offers affordable prices for premium land, together with a commitment to helping our clients find the solution which fits their financial circumstances. Our interestfree Instalment and flexible payment plans are an attractive alternative to a traditional mortgage system for that people are waiting for long time.

Current Projects Austral Project 3 Stage 1 Site Address: Kelly St Austral, NSW 2179 No. of Lots: 35 Lots Sizes: From 308 sqm to 690 sqm

Austral Project 3 Stage 2 Site Address: Boyd St, NSW 2179 No. of Lots: 35 Lots Sizes:M From 308 sqm to 690 sqm

Austral Project 1 Site Address: 404 Fourth Ave, Austral, NSW 2179 No. of Lots: 42 Lots Sizes: From 315 sqm to 788 sqm

Future Project

Austral Project 2 Stage 1 Site Address: Austral,NSW 2179 No. of Lots: 36 Lots Sizes: From 360 sqm to 622.5 sqm

Austral Project 2 Stage 2 Site Address: Austral, NSW 2179 No. of Lots: 36 Lots Sizes: From 360 sqm to 622.5 sqm

Hurry up to secure your plot. We give priority to those who express their interest. If unfortunately you miss out from our current project, we will definitely put you ahead in our next project.

Ad: Suit 6, Lavel 13, 329 Pitt StreetSydney, NSW, 2000 Site Address: 404 Fourth Ave, Austral, NSW 2179 Ph: (+61) 2 8021 6099 M: 0423 085 500 0470 336 246 0450899349 E: OR W:

T: 1300 642 300 02 8021 6099

Victoria project & Austral project coming soon.

Austral Project 3 Stage 1 Site Address: Kelly St Austral, NSW 2179 No. of Lots: 35 Lots Sizes: From 308 sqm to 690 sqm

Austral Project 3 Stage 2 Site Address: Boyd St, NSW 2179 No. of Lots: 35 Lots Sizes:M From 308 sqm to 690 sqm

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Wamy Day Trip

The annual WAMY Day trip took place on Saturday 18th of March 2017. 30 youth were invited to a fun day out where they played soccer, went canoeing and got to know each other better, they also had a BBQ at Anglesea which they all enjoyed.

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Annual Umrah

On the 3rd of April 2017, a group of 15 volunteers and associates of WAMY Australia & South Pacific set out to a life-changing journey to the Holy cities of

Makkah and Madinah to complete the minor pilgrimage (Umrah). The brothers were from Melbourne, Adelaide, and Canberra.

WAMY Iftar

Sunnah Adventure

WAMY Australia & South Pacific hosted a Ramadan Iftar dinner on 16th of June 2017.

Volunteers and associates were reminded of importance of the last 10 days of Ramadan. This was

a great opportunity to thank the volunteers for their hard-work and effort during the year.

WAMY lecture Tour In a hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding”. With this hadith in mind, Australian Islamic Youth Centre (AIYC) with support from WAMY organised a 2 day adventure for youth aged 12 to 17. Activities included swimming, archery, and horse-riding, as well as a number of lectures, workshops, and an Islamic quiz.


WAMY annual Lecture Tour began on the 24th of March till the 1st of April. This year our two guests are Dr Saleh Alghaigah, a specialist in Islamic Jurisprudence,

and Dr Abdulrahman Alzendi a scholar in the field of Islamic Thought and Culture joined us once again in Melbourne and Sydney. During the tour they gave a number

of lectures on a range of subjects, met with the Mufti of Australia Dr. Ibrahim Abo Mohammed and met with Board of Imams in Victoria.

Saturday the 5th of August 2017, WAMY launched the Al-Bayan project, it took place at the Newport mosque and by the grace of Allah

(swt), it was a very sensational night where 20 Islamic organisations representatives attended the ceremony.

Bayan Project

“SABPI” Somali Australian Business and Professionals Incorporated, held their first annual conference on the 14th and 15th of October 2017. WAMY was a proud sponsor of this amazing event and hope to sponsor their future events as well. A huge thanks to the organisers and volunteers who worked behind the scenes to make this event possible.

WAMY received more than 30,000 copies of the Holy Quran of which they successfully distributed around Australia. On

World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)

Australia & South Pacific

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WAMY Australia & South Pacific is a registered UN-NGO’s organisation that aims to preserve the Islamic identity of Muslim youth & community and to build bridges of peace and unity between Muslims and the general multicultural society. Every year WAMY organises a range of events

and programs with our society members and Muslim community to achieve these goals, that includes camps, lectures, courses, workshops and many others. Here are some of the events that were organised during the year 2017.

Visits to Pacific Islands

Islamic Business and Entrepreneurship

On Saturday 21st of October 2017, WAMY organised the first in a series of workshops based on Islamic Business and Entrepreneurship. Br Almir Colan, Director of Australian Centre for Islamic Finance (AUSCIF), Director at Awqaf Australia and Board member at Garden College, presented a number of different modules relevant to Muslim youth and Business Entrepreneurship such as: • Leadership • Islamic Perspective on Wealth • Entrepreneurship in Islam Throughout the year, WAMY Regional Director brother Fuad Abdin visited a number of Pacific

Islands where he met with leaders of the Muslim community. WAMY supports a number of Imams and

Muslimah University Orientation

WAMY Media Seminar

Representing an amazing collaboration and initiative, between Melbourne Madinah and FAMSY Victoria, the Muslimah University Orientation was an event running in February 2017 aiming to give young year 12 graduates an introduction of what they might expect in their first year at university. WAMY was a proud sponsor of this amazing event and hope that this program runs yearly as it is of great benefit to young Muslim girls.

On 6th of May 2017, WAMY organised the second media seminar in a series that covers many important topics including

media awareness and communication. The seminar featured Fotis Kapetopoulos, an established multicultural marketing and

community centres in Pacific Islands such as Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and Kiribati.

communications expert. Mr Kapetopoulos presented the topics of Effective Media Communications and Developing a Winning Narrative.

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Australian Islamic Centre make list of world’s top cultural buildings Two Australian buildings, both designed by Pritzker Prize laureates, have been named in Wallpaper magazine’s list of “top buildings that shaped culture in 2017.” The Australian Islamic Centre by 2002 Pritzker laureate Glenn Murcutt and Elevli Plus Architects and the 2017 MPavilion by 2000 Pritzker laureate Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten of the Office of Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) are among 48 cultural buildings around the world that made the list. Wallpaper says, “Here, we celebrate the best examples of the smartest new builds, canniest restorations and smoothest extensions that are upgrading the experience of life in our cities and communities across the globe.” The Australian Islamic Centre, a mosque located in Newport in the western suburbs of Melbourne, establishes a new architecture language for Islamic architecture in a contemporary Australian context. The community-funded building is constructed from raw concrete formed in situ, with one wall extending out from the front of the building like a welcoming arm. On the roof, 96 gold-painted lanterns funnel light into the spaces below, creating a tessellated pattern of yellow, red, green and blue triangular oculi in the ceiling. Odd numbers are significant in Islam, hence the field of three-sided lanterns. The colours represent different aspects of the Islamic faith: green for nature, yellow for paradise, red for boldness and strength and blue for the sky. Source:

Master Jamal Hasan

Celebrating 40th year anniversary in teaching martial arts

The journey began 40 years ago for Grand Master Jemal Hasan. His passion for Martial Arts became his way of life. He has inspired many people of all walks of life over the years training tens of thousands of students

along the way. Today, we celebrated the Grand Opening of Grand Master Jemal Hasan’s new training centre in Campbellfield which also marked the 40th year anniversay in teaching Martial Arts!

Equitable Financial Solutions (EFSOL)

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EFSOL attended and sponsored the 1st Australian Islamic Education Forum which took place on the 24th & 25th of February at the Ilim College of Australia. The aim of this forum was to network, build collaborative partnerships, share

stories of hope and showcase projects and best practices in Islamic education. The forum was mainly organized by the Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE), with the presence of over than 200 teachers and educators from Australia.

On the 18th of April, EFSOL internal Sharia Advisor Mufti Ibrahim Issa gave a lecture about the Islamic finance principles at The Australian Islamic House. Mufti Ibrahim is a well-known Shariah Scholar in the field of Islamic banking and Takaful and serves on the board of a number of institutions. He completed

his Darse Nizami (Masters in Quran and Sunnah) and Takhassus fil Ifta (Specialization in Islamic Jurisprudence) from Jamiah Darul Uloom Karachi and is a Member of Darul Ifta Jamiah Darul Uloom Karachi. He has authored over two thousand fatwas on topics ranging from Islamic banking to Zakat.

EFSOL was proud and delighted in hosting its ‘Income Fund Launch’ networking event at the Orchard Hotel, Singapore. The EFSOL Income Fund, is now registered under the Monetary Authority of Singapore as a restricted Collective Investment Scheme.

It was an excellent opportunity to attend for the 1st time the Twins of Faith conference, which took place on the 24th of September at Rosehill Racecourse, Sydney.

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Harmony in the family – islamic perspective: seminar

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Islamophobia Report

On July 8, Islamic Sciences Research Academy organised a seminar at the Hume Global Learning Centre in Broadmeadows inviting two guest speakers from Sydney who addressed the topic of family harmony and solution for domestic violence. Tamana Daqiq, Lawyer, presented the legal implications of violence in the family and Sheikh Haisam Farache talked about the family dynamics in Islam.

Vicious cycle of islamophobia and radicalisation:

Seminar – Prof Greg Barton

Islamic Sciences Research Academy (ISRA) launched a comprehensive report on Islamophobia based on research conducted from 2014 to 2016. The report was launched on 10 July 2017 at NSW Parliament house in partnership with Charles Sturt University and on 11 July 2017 at Deakin University in Melbourne. The comprehensive research was headed by Dr Derya Iner and won an award for event of the year in the 2017 Australian Muslim Achievement Awards presented annually by Mission of Hope.

ISRA wins event of the year for Islamophobia report The Islamic Sciences Research Academy invited renowned terror expert Prof Greg Barton to speak about the vicious cycle of Islamophobia and Radicalisation on 20 March 2017 at ISRA Melbourne centre.

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LIST OF MAJOR ISRA EVENTS 2017 • Prof Greg Barton: the Vicious Cycle of islamophobia and Radicalisation 20 March - Melbourne • Sisters Spiritual Retreat 19 May - Melbourne • ISRA Annual Muslim Communities and Students Iftar Dinner 10 June - Melbourne • Domestic Violence Lecture: Harmony in the family in a turbulent world 8 July - Melbourne • Islamophobia Report Launch 10 July and 11 July, Sydney and Melbourne • Prof Scot alexander – Seminar: Contemporary Islamic Renewal and Reform 29 July - Melbourne • Empowering women workshops conducted of ISRA Academics and Staff 4 August - 20 October - Melbourne • Unstoppable you motivation lecture International Guest Speaker 19 August - Melbourne • Doco night: The Sugar Film 26 August - Sydney • Eid BBQ for Muslim Communites 16 September - Sydney/Melbourne • Public lecture Rohingya Muslim crisis 30 September - Sydney • Mind field – Mental health awareness 14 October - Sydney • Everyone’s Reading About Them Symposium and awards night 28 October - Melbourne • ISRA open day - 11 November - Sydney • Doco night – A plastic Ocean environmental awareness 2 December - Melbourne

Since the year 2015 Islamic Sciences Research Academy (ISRA) holds an annual competition for people of all ages. The competition commenced with the title “Everyone’s Reading About Him”, referring to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), where participants compete in three categories, Primary, High School and Adult, and read the relevant books about the Prophet’s life and sit for a test to win awards and cash. This year, the competition title was “Everyone’s Reading About Them” referring to the lives of the Sahaba, companions of the Prophet (pbuh). 820 people participated in the event and won over $6,000 in cash and prizes. The awards night was held at ISRA Melbourne Centre coupled with a seminar. The competition aims to encourage people of all ages to read about the lives of the noble Prophet and his companions.

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Bank of Sydney After the “Best of the Best 2017” Award Bank of Sydney’s Expect More Home Loan package wins the “Best of the Best 2018” Cheapest Home Loan and Home Loan Package-Bank category Award SYDNEY and MELBOURNE, 01 December, 2017 Bank of Sydney has won Australia’s ‘Best of the Best’ Cheapest Home Loan Package - Bank for the Owner Occupier Expect More Variable PAYG product for the second consecutive year at the Money

magazine’s annual ‘Best of the Best’ awards ceremony held in Sydney. Bank of Sydney also won in the Cheapest Home Loan category beating all other Bank’s for the best value home loan in all categories for the first year. Money Magazine’s annual financial guide and awards helps

Australians find the best financial products in various categories, taking the hard work out of choosing the best of the best products in the Australian market “Bank of Sydney accepts this valued award with great pride. Winning the cheapest Home Loan Package- Bank category Awards underlines our strategy

of providing real value to our customers and communities. The Owner Occupier Expect More Home Loan variable Package has helped many new couples and families to make the first step towards their future and achieving their dreams,” said Miltos Michaelas, CEO of Bank of Sydney.

“In 2018 we will continue to focus on serving the best interests of our customers. I am delighted to receive this award on behalf of Bank of Sydney and I will use this opportunity to thank the Bank of Sydney team and our customers for their loyalty and support,” concluded Miltos Michaelas.

VCE champions from Sirius College once again Sirius College is celebrating the achievements of its students in 2017 VCE end of year exams. 4 students received 50 perfect study scores in Further Maths, Physics and Business Management; and achieved first place in the state. Students’ ATARs are also brought pride to school with: • 2 students above 99 • 7 students above 98 • 14 students above 95 • 30 students above 90 • 64 students above 80

Brightest stars of 2017 with the ATAR score of 99.70 and 99.65

4 students achieved first place in the state Rami Dennaoui Many Sirius College students have achieved perfect study score in subjects like Chemistry, Further Maths, Mathematical Methods,

Rami Dennaoui: 99.70

Harun Ergi: 99.65

Rami Dennaoui and Harun Ergi became the most successful students of Sirius College in 2017 with the ATAR of 99.70 and 99.65. They sustained the Sirius College’s 99+ achievements with their achievements.

Great achievement in one and half year only A significant achievement came from Sannan Nadir who received 98.95 ATAR. Sannan arrived in Australia from Oman with her mother and sister in the middle of 2016. Although he has been exposed to Australian curriculum only for the last 1 and a half year he was able to attain a very high ATAR and a perfect study score in Physics.

Sannan Nadir

Computing, Turkish etc. for years and 2017 is no exception. Rami Dennaoui and Sannan Nadir in Physics, Mahmoud Kashoa in Business Management, Osman

Mahmoud Kashoa

Isik in Further Maths received 50 perfect study score and achieved first place in the state. With their achievements, Rami, Sannan, Mahmoud and Osman made

Osman Isik

their parents and the school community proud.

Every 1 in 3 students 80+, every 1 in 5 students 90+ Sirius College Executive Principal Mr Serdar Takimoglu stated that as the school administrators they are delighted with the good news and congratulated the teachers, parents and students as the architects of this remarkable success. Mr Takimoglu affirmed that this year’s achievements with 14 students above 95, 30 students above 90 and 64 students above 80

ATARs has been another addition to its VCE success for years. He said “99+ ATAR scores mean that your sons and daughters in Sirius College are either superstars or competing with superstars which maximises their potential.” Sirius College Director of Curriculum Mr Cem Giray stated that every 1 in 3 students in Sirius College achieved an ATAR score

80 and above, and every 1 in 5 students received 90 and above. Giray said “Sirius College’s strive for continuous improvement reflected in its 2017 ATARs too. Compared to its 2016 data, every Campus’s ATAR average improved significantly with a 5.3% increase in Keysborough, 7.6% in Eastmeadows and 7.8% in Meadow Fair.”

30 students achieved 90 and above Sirius College Students who have achieved an ATAR above 90 are as follows: Rami Dennaoui (99.70), Harun Ergi (99.65), Sannan Nadir (98.95), Mudher Al Safi (98.70), Sarah El Wazni (98.65), Fatma

Lelik (98.60), Haadi Zubairi (98.35), Razeen Amjath (97.80), Gadeer Al-Hobaish (97.40), Muthaqi Mohamed (97.20), Zoya Rana (97.00), Sule Babayigit (96.90), Dilara Ilhan (96.55), Zahra Al Sultan (95.95),

Ruwayda Haibe (94.80), Ayaan Dirie (94.40), Selma Ahmic (93.80), Muhammed Bayrakci (93.55), Sefika Basic (93.15), Chaden Halujy Ammar (92.90), Abrar Abdul Ridha (92.80), Yean Yean Kong (92.60), Reem

Allahham (91.90), Abdullah Nazar (91.85), Sakarie Ahmed (90.60), Saliha Kuru (90.30), Shimry Mohamed Buhary (90.05), Yosafe Zakoulouta (90.05), Saza Rwandzy (90.00).

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Sports HANDBALL VICTORIA ALL SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS 2017 AIA Melbourne Senior Campus competed in the first ever school handball tournament played among schools from across the state entering two teams (Team A and Development Team). Handball is a fast pace high scoring Olympic sport with a major following in Europe. This is a new sport to the Academy so the expertise of an experienced coach was sought. Students were identified from Academy Football and basketball teams. The experiment of transferring talented footballers and basketball players was successful, alhamdullilah, with Team A finishing in second place overall.


2017 BACHAR HOULI ACADEMY – SAAD ELHAWLI AIA Year 10 student Saad Elhawli was selected for the final squad for the 2017 Bachar Houli Academy. The best young Muslim footballers across Australia are identified by the Bachar Houli Academy and given an opportunity to participate in a high performance camp and play in matches against other talented squads. Saad has been an outstanding footballer and sportsman for AIA being part of back-toback Bachar Houli Cups at Year 9/10 the last 2 years, multiple School Sport Victoria Moreland Division football premierships and also played as a goalkeeper for soccer and Futsal teams.

AIA MELBOURNE SENIOR CAMPUS ANNUAL CROSS COUNTRY EVENT 2017 The HPE Department and Academy Staff and students participated in the traditional Cross Country event along the historical Merri Creek Trail Coburg North/Fawkner. The Academy is blessed to be able to hold the prestigious event at such a magnificent natural resource that is local to AIA MSC.

The Year 7/8 boys took on Darul Ullum College and came home with the Bachar Houli Cup in the Bachar Houli Cup Premiership 2017 Grand Final. The entire team did very well showing

off wonderful teamwork. The Year 9/10 boys team also did wonderful job, coming off the back of winning last year’s BH Cup and continued their fine form in the Grand Final with a 12-goal victory

over ICOM. Year 5 boys participated in the 2017 Bachar Houli Cup did exceptionally well winning 5 out of 8 games. All students displayed fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork.

SECOND AIA STUDENT SELECTED TO UMPIRE AFL NATIONAL DIVERSITY CHAMPIONSHIPS SYDNEY – MOHAMED SOUEID AIA Melbourne Senior Campus host an AFL Diversity Umpire Academy after school on Monday evenings. They comprise mainly students from the Academy who eventually are recruited to umpire in the EDFL. This year, Year 12 student Mohamed Soueid is one of only two student umpires from Victoria chosen to umpire in the National Diversity Championships in Sydney. A fantastic achievement for Mohamed who is the second student from AIA to receive such an honour.

OTHER AIA FOOTBALL ACHIEVEMENTS AIA Year 6 Boys won the Essendon Football Club Next Generation Academy Cup, winning all matches by no less than 30 points. The Year 7/8 boys finished second place in the AFL Victoria State Multicultural Cup. The Year 7/8 Girls team finished an overall third place in the AFL Victoria State Multicultural Cup. That concludes a fantastic year for the Academy football teams.

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Community Projects ROYAL CHILDREN HOSPITAL 2 0 1 7


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Ten students from the Academy’s captaincy team and SRC representatives visited to the Royal Children’s Hospital to present the Hospital Foundation with over 200 Eid-Ul-Adha presents, spreading the joy of Eid to the many sick children at the hospital.


Every year, AIA Primary School host Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to support Cancer Council. This year again, it turned out to be a successful morning tea event. It is a wonderful charitable event that allowed our students to participate and make a contribution to our community.

COLLECTING SOCKS FOR HOMELESS The front page of 5th June edition of the Moreland Leader featured a story on AIA Year 6 and 7 students community service project in which they collected socks for the homeless. The students have collected 120 pairs of socks to be given to the homeless across Melbourne.

The AIA Year 10 students organised a pizza day to raise money for Brain Cancer Research. The pizza day was a huge success thanks to all the donations and pizza orders, we managed to raise a total of $2,868.65. The money was donated to the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation to support on brain cancer research,

ASYLUM SEEKERS RESOURCE CENTRE FOOD DONATION As part of the Year 6 Islamic Studies homework, students were asked to donate food to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) in Footscray. Donating food to this cause is part of the students’ “Service and Action,” which is a practical component of the IB Middle Years Programme.

advocacy and awareness in Australia. In addition to ordering a pizza and a drink of their choice, students were also asked to wear a grey piece of clothing to show their support and spread awareness about this cause. We hope that this fundraiser will benefit those in need and spread awareness about this cause.

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As part of our IB MYP Programme, we hold an annual exhibition at the Academy celebrating our students’ achievements and ingenuity. The exhibition showcases an array of work, from art, design projects, experiments and research.

On 28 August, we held this year’s Open Day and MYP Exhibition Day, giving an opportunity for parents to both observe the classrooms in action and artistic prowess of our students.

IB VISUAL ARTS EXHIBITION 2017 IB Visual Arts Exhibition for 2017 was held at the Brunswick Street Gallery in Fitzroy from the 4th to the 16th of August. The exhibition features 16 works by Samantha El-Khoder and Lina Zackariya. These talented young artists are Year 12 IB Diploma students at the Academy. Their works explore the notion of hardship, identity and thought within society.

The artworks “Bloom the Veil” of Basmah Ellaz, our talented Year 12 IB student (Studio Arts) were chosen to be exhibited in the One World Exhibition. The art exhibition has been funded by the City of Port Philip, supported

by Common, Women’s Interfaith Network Foundation and other multi-faith groups. The exhibition promotes understanding and compassion, to unite for peace and common goal of a better world for all of humanity.

Basmah describes her works, “People see the veil as a piece of clothing, however, through my eyes, as a young Muslim woman, I see the veil as an expression of my spirituality.”


We would like to congratulate our Year 6 students for their involvement in the Mathematics problem solving competition which ran throughout the year. The Maths Games is designed for Primary School Years 5 and 6, from around Australia and New Zealand. It is designed to provide students

with an opportunity to learn and develop valuable maths problem solving skills, while offering enjoyment and an appreciation of maths. The competition involved 548 teams comprising of 11,980 students participating in the 2017 competition. We are very proud to announce that all Year 6 AIA students involved, did a

fantastic job and most were ranked amongst the top 50% of all students participating in the Maths Games. A special mention and congratulations to: Humayd Badat, Juhfar Bardan, Mahmood Faizal, Muhammad Mustapha, Maryam Sahi and Younus Salman for ranking in the top 10% of participants involved in the competition.


On 12 November, the award ceremony of the bi-annual Australian International Quran Competition (the largest in Australia) was held in Sydney. Last year, one of AIA students, Ahmad Saleh, made it through to the final of the 2 Juzz

Category and he finished in 3rd place. The ceremony was held in Punchbowl attended by several hundred people. Congratulations to Ahmad Saleh, tabarakallah.

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On 16 March 2017, the Academy held its annual High Achievers Celebration. The event acknowledged the outstanding academic results from the Class of 2016 and their impressive ATAR results over 80. We gave deserved recognition to 26 young women and men who have made not only their families, but the whole school community proud. Their amazing individual efforts are a reminder to us all to adhere to the teachings of our beloved Prophet to seek knowledge (particularly education that is beneficial to the Ummah) and to become a better human being. In honouring them, it is our hope that these awards will inspire many more students of the Academy to pursue scholastic excellence. We look forward to seeing how the pages of history will record their contributions as they embark on their next adventure beyond the Academy.

The Year 10 Umrah Trip is one of the biggest events on the AIA calendar. Students from the Melbourne and Sydney campuses embarked on a 2-week journey to not only Mecca and Madina, but also our sister school in Abu Dhabi. A total of 26 students

from the Melbourne (14 students from MSC and 1 from Caroline Springs) and Sydney (11 students) campuses flew out on Saturday the 18 March to Abu Dhabi. The group spent an action-packed 4 days in the Emirates visiting the Australian School of Abu

Dhabi (AIA), the world famous Ferrari World amusement park, the architectural wonder that is Sheikh Zayid Masjid, enjoying a dune buggy safari and, of course, shopping at the famous malls. After enjoying 4 days of leisurely pleasure in the

UAE, the group flew to Saudi Arabia to perform the Umrah and visit Madina. Along with visiting the sacred places of the Ka’aba and the Prophet’s masjid, they also visited many of the famous landmarks from Islamic history like Mt. Uhud, Khandaq, Quba and Madina Museum.

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Northern Victoria inter school chess

Chess is one of the most powerful education tools available to strengthen a child’s mind. In August, AIA was privileged to host Northern Victoria Inter school Chess competitions. Many schools from Darebin Region came to compete. Some of our students performed very well at the Inter school tournaments. It is important for us to promote such creative and intellectual activity for our students.

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The annual AIA iftar was held 9 June. Over 220 attended the event as families joined students and staff in the hall for an evening of wonderful food, guest speakers and taraweeh prayers. The Iman Club, run by Mr. Adam Kakembo, organised the evening and the delicious food was provided by Rivoli Receptions. Sr. Safiyah Muyeen (a lawyer) and Br. Noor Abouzeid (Spoken Word artist) were the guest speakers for the evening.



In June, the AIA Kokoda team for 2017 went on a journey to Papua New Guinea to begin their 10-day walk of the Kokoda Trail. The Kokoda Trail is steeped in WWII history and is an emotional and physically challenging walk. The 96km trek is predominately through rain forest and include river crossings, steep and gradual ascends and descends. Temperatures range from 24-30 degrees during the day and 12-21 degrees at night. Our team learn about WWII History, the culture, the people, the flora and fauna and left PNG with the valuable experience.

This year some of our Year 5 students were lucky enough to be attending an iftar dinner at the MCG. The children got to meet Bachar El Haouli and other AFL stars on the night so they were very excited to be a part of this special occasion.


HARMONY DAY 29 March, AIA celebrated Harmony Day, where we celebrated our diversity and respect towards other cultures and peoples. Our guest speaker was Mr Neil Morris, an indigenous leader, who spoke to the students about his traditions and beliefs. Students were asked to wear something orange, while some students came dressed in their traditional cultural clothes and many brought plates of food. It was a wonderful occasion in which we learned more about the indigenous culture and spoiled with enjoying exotic foods.

On Saturday 6 May, six of our leadership students participated in a community event, organised by the Whittlesea Council Interfaith Network “Faith, Festivals and Food.” Mrs Stephanie and Mrs. Manar worked

with students organised a table to reach out to the broader community about Ramadan at this event. They provided fruits, dates and sweets; as well as providing information about the Holy Month.



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* AIA is the only Islamic school in Australia to offer the internationally recognised IB (International Baccalaureate) Diploma Programme.

At AIA, we are proud of our contribution to developing inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people, who are well prepared and self-motivated to participate effectively as world citizens with Islamic values. Our programmes encourage students to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners. Over the decades, we have risen to become a leading Islamic school that promotes excellence in all of our diverse programmes. Here are some of the achievements and events we had this year.

Awards night On 5 December, Awards Night took place. It is a night where excellence is recognised and awarded in a range of areas that include: Academic, Scholarships, Quran, Islamic, Sports, Performance Arts, Debating, Chess, Literature, and Creative Art. There are 20 categories where awards are given and the diversity of awards allows for greater student recognition of effort and achievement.

Graduation ceremony

The 2017 Year 12 Graduation was held on November at Melrose Reception. We thank our guest speakers, Dr Amjad Hussein (a member of our school trust) and Dr. Yassir Morsi (a lecturer on politics at La Trobe Uni), for their wonderful advices.

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Minaret College Celebrating 25 Years of service to the South Eastern Community Of Melbourne Minaret College will be embarking on new and innovative opportunities for students, staff and the community in 2018 and we will provide updates on the many exciting developments within the College which will further position the College towards excellence and achievements in academic and spiritual knowledge.

ELC Graduation, Springvale

Family Fun Day

ELC Graduation, Officer

Grades 2&3 first time salah together

Minaret College Executive Leadership Announcement We are pleased to announce a number of significant changes designed to ensure Minaret College continues to offer the best educational experience to our students in 2018 and beyond at both of our campuses. The new executive leadership team will work in formulating a clear plan that will bring further success for our Students, Teachers and the Administrative teams. We are pleased to announce the following appointments for both campuses.

Photos: From middle Top: Mohammed Taksim – Executive Principal From top Left: Subhan Ali – Executive Manager Operations Rashdan Rashid – Head of Campus/ Head of Senior School Officer Campus Sead Omerovic – Manager Academic Compliance and Quality Management Salifu Baba - Executive Strategic Planning Special Projects From top Right: Inas Hassan – Executive Research & Development Susie Hassan – Executive Advisor Omar Marzouk - Head of Campus/ Head of Senior School Springvale Campus

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This year we celebrated Minaret College’s, 25 years in serving the greater South Eastern community of Melbourne in educating students from foundation to year 12. This was also a special year for our year 12 students from Officer campus, as the first batch of students

completed VCE Exams. The success of these students was celebrated at the inaugural Year 12 graduation night, which was received with great excitement by parents and the students.

Year 12 Graduation 2017

The opening of our new Place of Assembly facility

Zuhr Prayer at the Place of Assembly at Springvale campus

Dux of School Award

Fundraising Day

Clean Up Day

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MINARET COLLEGE Islamic College Of Melbourne South And East

Minaret College 2017 High Achievers

11 STUDENTS ACHIEVED AN ATAR OF 80% AND ABOVE CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR STUDENTS, FAMILIES AND STAFF FOR SUCH A MARVELLOUS ACHIEVEMENT Minaret College is an academically inclusive College and we celebrate the abilities of all our students and congratulate every member of the graduating Class of 2017. They have demonstrated the essence of the College’s strong belief and values in excellence, in all their endeavours throughout their time at Minaret College. They have drawn much strength from all that Minaret College has to offer and from the support of their dedicated teachers, which has translated into excellent VCE results across Springvale & Officer campuses with outstanding ATAR Results.

Board Of Imams Victoria Events

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Share A Plate with Your Neighbour

The Board of Imams Victoria hosted an iftar in Ramadan with a large turn up of over 360 people present. There were several notable guests who spoke on the night from the Muslim and non-Muslim communities including

the Grand Mufti of Australia Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman (President of the Australian National Imams Council), Natalie Sulayman (Labour MP), Dr. Richard Di Natale (Greens Party Leader), Inga Pulich (Shadow

Minister for Multicultural Affairs), Dr Rateb Jneid (President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)), Dr Mohammed Mohideen (ICV President) and Bashar Houli (AFL Richmond player and Muslim youth leader.

Dinner in honour of visiting Scholars from KSA

Public Lectures by prominent medical scholar Dr. Rayes Musthafa Board of Imams Victoria hosted a dinner in honour of visiting Scholars from KSA Dr. Salih bin Abdul Aziz and Dr. Abdur Rahman bin Zaid. Number of Imams and community leaders attended the dinner held at BOIV office on Friday 31st March 2017



VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ISLAM SAYS NO. Sheikh Isse Musse and Sheikh Muhammad Saleem with Hon. Bill Shorten following the vigil for the victims of Bourke street rampage on Monday, 23rd January 2017 in Melbourne.

Board Of Imams Victoria 945 Sydney Rd, Coburg North VIC 3058 T: (03) 8590 9329 W:

“Say no to Family Violence: Beyond Equality.” Muslim Women programs RESILIENCE MATTERS

“Say no to Family Violence: Beyond Equality.” with Dr Nada Ibrahim, Senior Research Fellow, School of Education, University of South Australia.

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Al Taqwa VCE Graduation Ceremony 2016 The Year 12 Graduation was held at the Grand Star Reception Centre went extremely well on Wednesday 29 November. There was an astounding 450 guests which consisted of 110 graduating students, their parents and staff. I was happy to see the graduates including exstudents come together to celebrate a memorable night. “Personally, it was rewarding to see how much our students had

grown, being nurtured and matured after many of them spent 13 years of schooling at Al-Taqwa College” “We had wonderful and inspiring speeches from the Hon Joanne Ryan MP, exstudent Farween Munaff, SRC Captains Asmaa Mhamad and Mahmoud ElHouli, and our VASS/ VCE Coordinator, Yarra Bakri, . Alhamdullillah, the Graduation went well ending up joyfully with rewards and photos”.The Principal Omar Hallak Said

Vision Night 2017 An Oriental Night

On the evening of November 9 we held our annual event, Vision Night, which included nasheeds, performances,inspiring speeches and DUX awards presentations.


The Hon Joanne Ryan MP

The Principal Omar Hallak

Harmony Day 2017

Girls Secondary Building Offcial Opening Girls Secondary Building Offcial Opening, Wednesday 25 October. The building was offcially opened by the Hon Telmo Languiller, MP for Tarneit and witnessed by the Mayor of Wyndham City Council, business associates, school council members and our staff. “I would like to thank Hon Telmo Languiller MP for his inspiring speech. I was also impressed with Shanura and Mahasen, our Year 11

grils who gave professional speeches on the day. The event ended with a tour of the new building and lunch. Guests were presented with an Olive Plant as a token of

peace and friendship. It is a traditional event for the College and photos may be found on our website” the Principal hajj Omar Hallak Said.

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Annual Art and Design Exhibition On 13 September 2017, AlTaqwa held our 15th Annual

Quran Competition. This is the first time we split the competition

into 2 days, one for both primary and secondary students

Parliament House Exhibition

Open Day 2017 RCAP

On Saturday 29 July the College held Open Day for new and existing families to view our facilities and get involved in various activities.

The exhibition, which was held between February 6 and 10, showcased artworks by the school’s own grade prep students. Each artwork was inspired by a famous mosque from around the world, and based around the theme of Ramadan. The artworks were selected through a competition

held in each classroom, and feature each student’s own artistic style, medium, and interpretation of these famous mosques.The event was open to the public and was an excellent way for the grade prep students to begin the school year.

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Al-Taqwa’s Highest achievers honoured in celebration

Mohammad Safar As many of us have all but farewelled 2017 this December, year 12 students around the country have been waiting anxiously for their VCE results and ATAR score, the culmination

of the 13 years they have spent in formal schooling. The Islamic community in Australia has once again delivered with fantastic results seen from students in Islamic schools around the country. Most notably from Al-Taqwa

college, who held a celebratory lunch for their year 12 students with the highest ATAR achievements. 18 of the college’s highest achieving students were celebrated with an hour-long ceremony, which included

speeches from Al-Taqwa’s principal Omar Hallak and Vice Principal Mohammad Hallak and Deputy Principal’s advice Mrs .Behije Cura, head of year 11 & 12 speech yarra Bakri and the college’s highest performing student Lina Ali.

Awards were also handed out to the students during the ceremony, followed by a farewell to the students as they prepare to move on to higher education, and begin building their own futures.

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National Mosque

Open Day Lakemba Mosque on National Mosque Open Day 2017

The LMA is committed

National Mosque Open Day (NMOD) is the annual Australia-wide event. This year, it featured a number of mosques across the nation opening their doors to the public. On the 28th of October mosques around the nation endeavoured to break down common misconceptions and stereotypes and counter all types of prejudice. Over 30,000 Australians have walked through a mosque from 2014 to 2017.

Moving Forward We Want • To innovate and build resilient inclusive communities to help Australian Muslims achieve their full potential. • To develop leadership to strengthen the Australian Muslim community. • To serve and engage Muslims by promoting and advocating social harmony in a multicultural environment. • To enhance understanding of Islam, empower Australian Muslims and build a better future for the Australian Muslim community.

Community Program • AMAN Aged Care Program • AMFC Foster Care Program • ECG Youth and Leadership • Thrive Youth Transition Services

to building a brighter future for the Australian Muslim Community The LMA has continued to grow in the past year, reaching new sectors and expanding its services across new regions including online platforms. With a strong sense of history, the LMA continued to work towards building an Australian Muslim community that is able to confidently navigate its challenges and build on its strengths. The LMA’s ongoing services include the free weekly legal clinic, counselling services, the food bank program, marriage and funeral services, youth outreach and the onsite health and fitness centre. The LMA is also the caretaker of Lakemba, Cabramatta and Young Mosques. The Engage, Challenge, Grow (ECG) program has sustained its initiatives and developed new projects such as National Mosque

Open Day, Sydney Muslim Conference, Aspire Role Models, Family Community, Think Again, CARE, Together We Aare Strong and GoActive. Another major program is the Thrive Youth Transition Support project. It was designed to provide support for refugee youth, between the ages of 12-25, in their transition into the Australian community. It offers a host of programs and services that expand on the initial settlement process, focusing upon skills and engagement. Key Initiatives include: Off The Hook, Imprint, QALM, Universal Cooks, Rahnoma Leadership program, and Questathon. The LMA ran over 52 programs in 2017, that encompass hundreds of events, initiatives and campaigns.

Community Service • Embassy Services • Welfare and Counselling • Education • Venue Hire •H ealth and Fitness Centre •W eekly Food Bank • Youth Work • Social Work • Free Legal Clinic

Religious Services • Hajj and Umrah • Funeral Parlour • Eid Services • Ramadan Services • Marriage Services • Islamic Counselling • Zakah Services

Lebanese Muslim Association Our Community, Our Future

Contact details:

71-75 Wangee Rd, Lakemba

9750 6833

FB (LMA) lebanese.muslim.association FB (Lakemba Mosque) lakemba.mosque

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Human Appeal Australia giving back to the local community – Raising girls to become confident leaders PROJECTS

Jihad Dib member for Lakemba

It was a weel earned celebration for the “Wise Up” leadership program. Kingsgrove North High and Wiley Park Girls High were given the honour of being presented with their certificates at the Parliament House in NSW. The Hon Jihad Dib member for Lakemba and the Hon Sophie Cotsis member for Canterbury handed out the awards. This great initiative is a part of the “Wise Up” mentoring and leadership program run by Lighthouse Community support, in partnership with Campsie Police, the

GWS Giants, Bankstown PCYC, the State Emergency Services (SES) Canterbury Unit and Human Appeal Australia. “Wise Up” proved its success with all students who joined graduation from the program with great skills in leadership and growing confidence for their futures. Human Appeal Australia was proud to be an active part of local communities and we hope this program will give the girls life skills and positive outlook to become leaders and women of influence in the future.

Human Appeal International Australia has an extensive range of projects which are funded, resourced and run continuously throughout the year. These projects are extremely important as they create some form of stability in areas that need it most. Donations can be made as either one-off or recurring set payments throughout the year.

The projects which Human Appeal International currently manage: • Orphans • Water • Zakat Al-Mal • Sadaqa • Income Generation • Educational • Medical • Aqeeqa Sophie Cotsis member for Canterbury

Qurban Project 2017

CAMPAIGNS Human Appeal International is always at the forefront with humanitarian aid. When a natural disaster strikes, or when countries are engulfed with war, Human Appeal International mobilises staff and resources to alleviate pain and suffering. As well as raising funds and assisting those afflicted by natural and man-made disasters or atrocities, Human Appeal International runs other campaigns which also require financial support, including the Ramadan Campaign, Qurban and Sounds of Light,Emergency.

Ramadan Campaign: • Eid Clothing • Feed the Fasting • Feeding a Needy Family • Zakat Al-Fitr • Zakat Al-Mal • Fidya Emergency: • Rohingya Muslims in Crisis • South Asia Floods Appeal • Together 4 Al-Aqsa Campaign • Winter Appeal • Somalia Emergency Appeal 2017 • Syria Emergency Appeal

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Muslim Community Unites for Rohingya In an urgent response to the call for help from the Rohingya refugees whom have recently fled to the border of neighbouring Bangladesh as a result of the escalated violence and persecution, Human Appeal Australia held fundraising dinners at a national level to stand with their fellow brothers and sisters. Over an entire weekend from the 22nd to the 24th of September in 2017; Human Appeal Australia organised consecutive fundraising dinners in Sydney, Melbourne & Adelaide. The Australian Muslim

community came together with a united purpose of alleviating the suffering of the Rohingya people of Burma. Special guests such as government officials and community leaders also attended the events to stand in solidarity for a great cause. As a result an amazing $586,000 over the weekend that in turn was delivered to the Rohingya people through food parcels, shelter, cooking utensils, medical aid and water wells. A great achievement would not have been possible without the generosity of the community.

On Tuesday the 12th of September, the Human Appeal team lead by Director Br Bashar Al-Jamal responded immediately by travelling from Australia to the Bangladeshi-Burmese border to stand with the Rohingya refugees. They went to see first hand their living conditions whilst also providing much needed support and supplies. The situation there was unbelievable. There were more than half a million refugees there with many stranded on the streets. There were people whom walked for a constant 7 to 8 days, fleeing their homes

to get to safety. Many lost their family members when crossing the borders. Even some of the ones that successfully crossed over had no place to sleep and nothing to eat. The refugees there are in need of basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, medical aid and shelters. Alhamdulilah, the Human Appeal Australia team was able to distribute food, clothing and mats for 2,500 families. They have also started digging water wells to provide them with safe clean drinking water.

Canberra Stands for Rohingya Refugees

On Sunday, the 15th of October 2017 a group of Human Appeal’s Australia team departed from Sydney to Canberra, the capital city of Australia for a noble goal to continue the mission in supporting the Rohingya refugees. The

local Muslim community in Canberra organised an open fundraising day where great speakers were involved, followed by different activities for families including BBQ, fundraising auctions, food stalls and kids activites.

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Aspiring leaders Umrah tour 2017

Human Appeal Australia (HAA) in conjunction with Deen Academy (DA) hosted a group of young Australian Muslim for its third annual Aspiring Leaders Umrah Tour of four countries – Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and UAE. The three week tour took place in February 2017, comprising of fifteen particpants from Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane. The group of young university students and graduates were lead and The people of Somalia have faced multiple hardships yet one of their greatest tests was the recent drought. Unfortunately, the drought eradicated most of the clean sources of water, killed the livestock and ruined their agriculture.

This left the Somali people in a state of emergency. Human Appeal Australia deployed its team in order to help save these lives from famine by providing water wells, food parcels and medical aid.

School Iftar Dinners Initiative

As part of this year’s community and youth program, Human Appeal Australia sponsored numerous school iftars for several schools across the state. The iftar dinners had many special guests including members of NSW Parliament and councils, community leaders, distinguished guests, principals, teachers and hundreds of students with their families. Everyone

that was present felt the true essence and meaning of Ramadan, breaking their fasts together and sharing countless blessings. Human Appeal is honoured to sponsor these community events as we encourage our youth to undertake volunteer activities to help support the needy in the community and gain social experience and self-confidence.

mentored by Bashar Al-Jamal, Director of HAA and Dr Zac Matthews from DA. The group underwent experiences that instilled the numerous values of leadership such as courage, compassion, time management and patience. Whilst also witnessing the sacredness of holy sites and contributing in the distribution of aid to Syrian refugees in Jordan, each participant landed home with one expression in particular, “a trip of a lifetime”.

Human Appeal Australia

proudly sponsors Wise-Up program

Human Appeal International - Australia: - 1300 760 155


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Human Appeal International Australia hosted its 10th Annual Year 12 Muslim Achievement Awards in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane. Year 12 students who achieved an ATAR score or equivalent of 90% or more in 2016 were invited to register for the awards. Various respected members of the community, school principals, politicians and businesses attended ceremonies in the four cities. An incredible one hundred and eighty-nine recipients, fifty-four more than last year, were honoured for their hard work and awarded certificates of recognition, tablet-notebooks and various other prizes.

Sydney: 102 Students Brisbane: 7 Students

Melbourne: 73 Students Adelaide: 7 Students

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Sounds of Light 2017 Charity Concert

The Australian National Anthem performed by students from Islamic College of Melbourne

Students from Belmore Boys High School, Malek Fahd Islamic School and Unity Grammar College perform the National Anthem at Sounds of Light Concert 2017 in Sydney.

Up and coming performer Siedd’s incredible performance and vocals captured the audience’s attention and admiration. It’s no wonder Siedd very quickly shot to stardom.

Adel Elmshiti’s performance was equally remarkable and was met with great applause from the audience.

A large number of young individuals and school choirs showcased their creative talents at the Sounds of Light 2017 A comprehensive Sounds of Light 2017 Talent Quest competitions were organised well in advance to seek out Young Australian Muslims where the winners from five states of Australia performed on stage at SoL 2017 in state capitals. The Sounds of Light 2017 Talent Quest is

an initiative of the Human Appeal Australia Community Care (HAACC) as part of its youth development program. HAACC uses the performing and creative arts to give young people the platform to realise their potential and contribute to a sense of identity, self-worth and belonging, helping to motivate and prepare them to contribute towards positive social change.

Aisyah Yustika (winner of the Sounds of Light Talent Quest 2017) performing at Sounds of Light Concert in Sydney

Human Appeal Australia’s director Bashar Al-Jamal at Sounds of Light 2017 – Sydney.

Zakaria Awad (winner of the Sounds of Light Talent Quest 2017) performing at Sounds of Light Concert in Sydney

The Sounds of Light Talent Quest program allows young people from the Muslim community to showcase their skill and talent in singing, poetry or other performances. This year’s winner in Sydney were Aisyah Yustika from Malek Fahd School, Zakaria Awad from Belmore Boys High School and Sophia Challak from Amity College.

This year’s winner in Melbourne was Esma Sure Yoldas who performed her very moving poem titled Rohingya Child and captured the hearts of the audience.

The Sounds of Light Concerts have been running for 10 years, reaching an excess of over 56,000 audience members.

Sophia Challak (winner of the Sounds of Light Talent Quest 2017) performing at Sounds of Light Concert in Sydney

The Sounds of Light Concerts have been running for 10 years, reaching an excess of over 56,000 audience members and have resulted in the direct sponsorship of more than 8,000 orphans around the world. As a result of the behind-the-scenes efforts of the Human Appeal staff and volunteers, together with the generosity of the community, the contributions of the sponsors and the performances of our talented artists, 1000 orphans have been sponsored across the globe this year. Photo courtesy of Human Appeal Australia

Human Appeal International - Australia: - 1300 760 155 Esma Sure Yoldas (winner of the Sounds of Light Talent Quest 2017) performing at Sounds of Light Concert in Melbourne


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This year SoL concerts were held in Perth, Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane where crowd favourite Maher Zain from Sweden returned to Australia along with comedian Preacher Moss from the US, singer Siedd from Canada, sensational young talent Harris J from UK and the distinguished singer Adel Elmshiti from Libya. The event began with a moving Quran recitation by Dr Omer Turkmen from Turkey followed by the Australian National Anthem beautifully performed by students from Belmore Boys High School, Malek Fahd Islamic School, Unity Grammar College in Sydney, Islamic College in Melbourne, Wisdom College in Brisbane, Langford Islamic College in Perth and Garden College in Adelaide.

Charity Concert

The internationally-recognised Sounds of Light Charity Concert (SoL) held in all major cities of Australia from 23 to 27 November 2017. SOL is a mega-event on the calendar of the Australian Muslim community with destinations nationwide in order to bring Muslim communities together for an evening of delightful entertainment and benefit orphans and disadvantaged children overseas.

Maher Zain singer from Sweden at Sounds of Light 2017

Harris J singer from UK at Sounds of Light 2017

Dr Omer Turkmen Qur’an reciter from Turkey at Sound of Light Concert 2017 in Sydney

Preacher Moss Comedian from US, MC at Sounds of Light – Melbourne.

Siedd singer from Canada at Sounds of Light Concert 2017

Adel Elmshiti singer from Libya at Sounds of Light Concert 2017

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‫الوسط االسترالي‬

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Always with you on the road to goodness

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WORTHY CAUSES Australian Islamic Centre VIC To donate: Commonwealth Bank of Australia • BSB: 063 152 • Account Number: 1009 7396 Account Name:Newport Islamic Society

Islamic association of logan city Masjid Al salam QLD please donate and help us help our local muslim community. ANZ Bank • Account Name: Islamic Association of Logan City Incorporated • BSB: 014 279 • Acc Number: 3728 54728 Please call hajj jamal on 0406914631

IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! Rashid Elhawli

EXPLANATORY NOTE ON THE JUDICIAL PROCESS AND PARTICIPATION OF MUSLIMS ANIC The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) has been working closely with the Judicial Commission of New South Wales in establishing a better understanding of the Australian Muslim Community and the Islamic faith. As part of this dialogue ANIC has prepared an explanatory note on matters which may be raised in connection with Muslims participating in court processes. The document entitled “Explanatory Note on the Judicial Process and Participation of Muslims” is intended to: a) give practical guidance and explanation to members of the Australian Muslim community of the etiquette and behaviours expected of persons engaging in the judicial processes so that they may act consistently with these without compromising their religious beliefs; and, b) provide information to judicial officers on Islamic concepts and practices as they relate to matters which may be raised in connection with Muslims participating in the court processes. The explanatory note is an initiative of the ANIC and has been prepared and endorsed by the majority ANIC member Imams, including the Grand Mufti of Australia Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammad. The ANIC hopes that this document will help both the Muslim community and the wider Australian community in having a better understanding of court processes and the Islamic faith. The explanatory note can be found on the ANIC website and is a public document that can be used by anyone. Link to the “Explanatory Note on the Judicial Process and Participation of Muslims” document:

In a society that has become pre-occupied with fulfilling individual wants, we have forgotten the importance of community. The importance of giving of ourselves to benefit others. This is a concept I like to call being of benefit to others. If you know anything about philosophy, you know they can argue for hours on end and still not come to a definitive conclusion. However, there is something they don’t disagree about, that is that true happiness comes from giving, not taking. So, why do I mention that? Our consumerist culture, has meant that we are constantly wanting people or organisations to provide convenience for us as individuals. If it’s an app or website, it’s not allowed to glitch, because how dare we wait. Any company service needs to happen at lightning speed, otherwise they lose our attention and ultimately their customer. Marketers and salespeople thrive on our need for convenience,

9/15 Nathan Drive CampbellfiledVic - 3061

commonly citing the fact that consumers have a focus of 8-9 seconds. If you can’t catch them within this time period, you may have potentially lost yourself a customer or a sale. I myself worked in sales for over a year and implemented this concept. When cold-calling, I wouldn’t use the common introduction method but rather resorted to trigger or buzzwords. These trigger or buzzwords would baffle the potential client and lead them along the line of thinking I wanted them to head down. At this point you’d be forgiven for thinking, where on earth is this heading. That’s well within your rights, now let me bring it altogether. The things mentioned above are symptoms of our society’s shift towards an individualistic lifestyle. A lifestyle increasingly becoming dictated by what we want as individuals, rather than channelling it into the way we can benefit those around us and society as a whole. Some may misunderstand this for an attack on people attaining

success and becoming rich and famous. This is completely not the case, in fact the way we define success I will comment on in a future post. A little snapshot of that post may lead along the line of using the above as tools rather than defining them as goals within themselves. On a final note, I would like to also critique the way we give to others. Many businesses and people, give in order to receive something in return. That is not the kind of giving I am eluding to here. It is a type of service to others that people who volunteer in many not-for-profits entertain and it is that of not expecting a return. Innately, we think that for every action there must be some sort of compensation, whether it be short or long term. In this type of giving, the return is not tangible or able to be seen. In fact, I can’t explain what kind of reward lies on the other side of helping others without expecting anything in return. I’m hoping you may be able to tell me how it felt for you instead.

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AUSTRALIAN HALAL CERTIFIER ALLIANCE Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) will be: Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) was established on 24th of July 2010 because of the demands of Overseas Halal Authorities. The Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) was established to cultivate harmony amongst Australian Halal Certification organizations and to rectify problems on Halal issues in the spirit of Muslim brotherhood in accordance with Shari ‘a Law (Islamic teaching). This umbrella organization AHCA currently has eleven members. The Adelaide Mosque Islamic Society of South Australia Inc, Australian Federation of Islamic Council Inc, Australian Halal Authority and Advisor, Australian Halal Food Services, Halal Sadixq Bux, Global Halal Trade Centre Pty Ltd, Islamic Association of Kataning, The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria Pty Ltd, Islamic Council of Western Australia, Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia and Perth Mosque Incorporated.

Executing consistently and consequently all rules, criteria and requirements of Halal certification according to Islamic teaching that is issued by Overseas Authorities. Halalness is a part of Islamic faith. Every member of AHCA will honour and execute fully all Halal issues. Cultivating harmony amongst members of AHCA to finalize problems on halal issues in the spirit of Muslim brotherhood. Enhancing the status of Halal Standards & Procedures and to have an unified approach among the Halal Certifiers in Australia. Issuing Halal slaughterman/inspector/supervisor ID Cards to control and monitor the Halal according to Shari’a Law. Protecting the integrity of Halal. Establishing harmony amongst the Australian Halal certifiers. Having cooperation amongst Australian Halal certifiers.

The main aim of Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) is to set International Halal standards that can be used world wide

Enjoy 2018

School aroung Australia Hold Footy colours day which assists children with cancer continue with their educcation. EPIC held footy colours day on

Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

Thursday 14th September. Students and Staff came dressed in their favourite football/sports team colours to raise funds for cancer research.

East Preston Islamic College 55 Tyler Street, East Preston, VIC, 3072, Australia. Ph: +61 3 9478 3323 • Fx: +61 3 9470 1255


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The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria (ICCV) which was established in 1992 is the major and the largest Islamic organization responsible for the certification, monitoring, and supervision of Halal food exports from Australia. We also provide Halal Food (Halal Meat and Halal Processed Food) Certification and Supervision for domestic market.

Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, Libya, South Africa and others recognizes Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria as a Halal Authority in Australia (for Saudi Arabia State of Victoria only) providing Supervision, Certification and advisory services to the Halal Meat and Livestock and Halal food products.

Benefits of ICCV Halal Certification With the establishment of high standards and consumer confidence in ICCV certified Halal products, business organizations gain access to the vast marketing potential of Halal consumers on a global scale.ICCV recognition provides export opportunities to the global Halal market which is estimated to be in the region of US2.3 trillion dollars comprising of approximately 1.6 billion Halal consumers Very important competitive advantage is gained The unique ICCV certification Mark (Logo) affixed on all products is a means of greater promotions and marketing advantage

The ICCV is the only body in the State of Victoria, Australia, recognized by the Halal authority of the Saudi Arabia Government.ICCV IS THE MOST RESPECTED HALAL ORGANIZATION for the Supervision and Certification of Halal Meat and Halal Processed Food from Australia to Republic of Indonesia. With five office staff, two food technologists, four Sharia advisors and over 140 registered, Halal slaughtermen/ inspectors ICCV is the largest and the most respected Halal Certifier in Australia. We have the capacity to increase 140 registered Halal slaughtermen/inspectors to more than 250. We have no shortage of manpower.We are ready to provide Halal Certification Service to interested organizations.

Interested institutions/organizations/ Companies/individuals can contact our office contact details are;

Phone: 61 3 9380 5467 • Fax: 61 3 9380 6143 Email: • Website:

The assistance of ICCV personnel by providing ongoing support and effective and efficient Halal marketing strategy ICCV certified products will be acceptable with no exceptions by all Muslims all around the world Accreditation and certification is provided whilst maintaining the confidentiality of company trade and product details. The discharge of your responsibility in investigating and providing assurance of genuine Halal to the Halal product consumers in the era of excessive deceit and false labeling and certification of Halal.

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Islamic Business


Almir Colan Melbourne When the early Muslims migrated from Makkah to Madina they did so because they were faced with a social and economic boycott. Isolated and with a very uncertain future the Muslim community, had to make a move. Upon their arrival to Madina, it was obvious that if they were to survive they had to build a strong community that is able to take care of itself. The Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him) after building a mosque, focused on building a market in Madina which became a commercial centre for the new Islamic economy. Imam Bukhari in the chapter on business transactions included a migration story of Abd alRahman ibn ‘Awf (RA). In this story, we learn an important lesson about the attitude of a business leader who refused to trade independence for charity by famously asking “Show me the Market”. In this narration, Imam Bukhari shows us the mindset of a business leader

who chooses to work with his own hands and ultimately preserves his dignity and honour. Prophet (SAWS) built the system and together with entrepreneurs like Abd alRahman ibn ‘Awf (RA) made it a source of strength for the whole community and state. We often hear stories of companions like Uthman (RA) who donated entire caravans loaded with goods and food, but we rarely ask how did Uthman (RA) actually manage to earn such massive amounts of wealth? How was he able to consistently donate such a large amount of money for different causes? At one point after he donated camels, horses and gold for the army the Prophet (SAWS) was so impressed that He (SAWS) said that from today nothing will harm Uthman (RA). While these are amazing stories of giving and show a true mastery over money, one has to wonder at what level was Uthman (RA) conducting his business dealings to be able to earn this amount of wealth? Can you

imagine Uthman (RA) having this level of success without careful planning? Without very high and ambitious goals? Do we think he randomly and consistently made this amount of wealth without seriously understanding what he was doing? No. Business leadership is a system and it has its rules. Prophet (SAWS) inspired entrepreneurs and business masters like Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Awf (RA) and Uthman Ibn Affan (RA) to engage and find solutions for the most difficult challenges of their time. Today, we also have a choice to make. Either we let our community end up in the situation like we once were in Makkah when we were lower hand and at the mercy of others, or, we build a strong community, like that in Madinah, that is able to take care of itself and can contribute to society by becoming giving, upper hand! Most of the Muslims in Australia understand that Islam is not a theory but a practical implementation. For this reason, Islam is referred to as a ‘Deen’ or a way of living life. When we think about things we need from

entertainment, spirituality, health, business, education, banking and so on, we want everything to be consistent with Islamic values. If the best of us do not find solutions then someone else will do it and we might not like what they find. Islamic leadership comes from a sense of purpose and direction that stems from the root of our beliefs. It is a trust (Amanah) that is centred around Taqwa or consciousness of Allah (SWT). This vision is connected with the Islamic values that are engraved in

every aspect of our life. The fruit of this work is to be the most beneficial to other people. To take care of weak and lead the strong amongst us. But to ensure this idea lives on in our community we must encourage a spirit of entrepreneurship. It is not good enough that all members of our community are simply working as employees. We must have business owners who will start their own business and become employers. My personal goal is to see at least 5% of our people start a business that employs

at least 5 people or more. As we build business and develop our skills we grow confidence and take on even bigger challenges in our society. For this reason, I am starting a new project which is called “Islamic StartUp” in order to partner with successful entrepreneurs in our community with the aim of training a new generation of entrepreneurs to start, run and grow their own business. You can visit the website to subscribe and get an email when this program starts in February 2018, insha’Allah. If you are interested in partnering or sponsoring please email me at for more info. Almir Colan is a Director of Australian Centre for Islamic Finance (AUSCIF), Director at Awqaf Australia and Board member at Garden College. Almir is also an adviser to a number of institutions that provide Islamic finance and member of a working group at AAOIFI.


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SHINING LIGHT Youth of the Year Award

Oussama Abou-Zeid

Esad Alagic


The ICV congratulates our young brother Oussama AbouZeid, member of the ICV Youth Committee on receiving the ‘Youth of the Year Award’ at the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards 2017. Br Oussama says “Alhumdulilah i am extremely fortunate to have such an incredible support network guiding me every step of the way. From my parents, to mentors, to the ICV, there has been many who have played a role in me receiving this award. Inshallah we can continue working on the good path”. Oussama Abou-Zeid was taught unconditional love by his late grandmother, so he spreads goodness and expects nothing in return. The 22-year-old thrives on serving his community and doing his part for the bigger mission – sending a positive message about Islam. He completed a Bachelor is Construction Management at Deakin University all while volunteering at Newport Islamic Society and Islamic Council of Victoria’s youth committees. He can’t recall an actual moment in his life where he decided he wanted to be a community leader, but his parents saw the light early on and nurtured it. “I am very grateful that

from a young age my parents kept emphasising that I had leadership qualities,” he said. “When an opportunity came, be it through a student leadership position or being a captain on the sporting field, my parents and family would always support and motivate me.” Given his upbringing it’s no surprise Oussama, with a Lebanese background, was named 2013 Hobsons Bay Citizen of the Year, became the 2014 Youth Premier – where he attended Parliament

to represent the 120 Youth Parliament participants of Victoria and represented Australia at the 2015 UN Youth Summit in New York. But to him, the selfless young man’s greatest achievement is, “maintaining a healthy diet for more than two days.” Identifying youth empowerment, identity and conformity as the three major challenges facing youths today, Oussama wants to to see mentors playing a more pivotal role in providing support for youths. “We can empower our youth by listening and understanding their needs and goals, provide resources and a support base for those struggling with their Muslim identity, educate through grassroot efforts, subsequently fostering positive relationships.” He would like to see Muslim youths achieve all their goals, without feeling like that are being restricted by their Islamic identity. “I want Islam to be their motivation behind achieving their goals. Whether it be through academia, arts, sports etc. I hope we can all aim to achieve the best in our fields and send a positive message to the rest of the community and country,” he said.

Mohammad Berjaoui Fadi El Haje iShare Media

Enjoy 2018 iShareMediaAustralia

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Executive General Manager, Commercial Banking

ICV The Rally - “Black Lives Matter” was held on Sunday 17th December at Debney’s Park Flemington as a result of incidents that took place on Monday 4th December, where Milo Yiannopoulos was allowed to speak at a venue close by. The event attracted racists and neo nazis to the area who used this opportunity to target the local residents of the area by their racists and anti-Islamic slurs. The rally was held to protest against racism, far right groups and the police reaction. It was attended by local communities and also members of the general

public. Darren Turner, Aboriginal Rights Activist, made acknowledgements of the Country. The speakers included Adam Brandt, Lidia Thorphe, local members from the community and the ICV President Mohamed Mohideen. ICV President in his address called up on: 1. The Government to act strongly against such acts of Racism 2. The media to be intelligent and be unbiased and responsible with their reporting. 3. To stop looking at women in hijab as subjugated and them wanting to liberate them. He asked those interviewing to look beyond the hijab. Muslim women are key players in the

community and contribute as well as any other person. He asked the media to questions them for what they were invited for and not the hijab. 4. Ask the Federal Government to stop demonising refugees and bring back the refugees from Manus and Nauru. Haven’t they been punished enough 4 years in a hellhole? 5. Racial profiling must stop at all levels. Let us educate all to understand and work with all communities. 6. Recognisee the rights of the 1st Nation People. We must always be proud of their ancient culture and history. The land we are is aboriginal land and will always be that.

Talk to our Executive General Manager, Commercial, Mr Fawaz Sankari for all your banking needs

BANKING Bank of Sydney Ltd ABN 44093488 629 AFSL & Australian Credit License Number 243 444

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OPINION ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬


Jerusalem, al-Quds as Israeli Capital:

The Lost Hope of Justice


Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Gebara


It is the story of an occupied territory called “Palestine” by an Israeli occupation, and eventually, the Palestinian people became citizens of a new state called “Israel” which is directly responsible for the oppression of the Palestinian people. I will draw here an analogy between the experiences of the Palestinians in 1948 and what happened in Gaza, Jenin and other refugee camps throughout the years while expressing solidarity, compassion and pain with Palestinian people beyond the cities in which they used to reside. I can imagine this Israeli occupation like a hopeless family who betrayed a generous family after inviting them to live in their house. Suddenly, the first family killed the children of the hosted family and put the rest of the generous family in the street without a shelter. They also ate their food, took their clothes and used their furniture. The house was big enough to accommodate for both families but unfortunately, the relationships between both families were destroyed by betrayal and treachery.* Time passed and decades spent of existence under the brutal Israeli occupation where thousands of checkpoints are a daily reminder of the suppression and degradation of the Palestinian people. The Israel’s Haaretz daily Newspaper columnist Gideon Levy gave a presentation in a conference titled “The Israeli Lobby: Is it Good for the US? Is it Good for Israel?” at the National Press Club in Washington DC- April 10, 2015. He said the Israeli society had surrounded itself not just with physical but also with mental walls and shields, and he then gave three set of “values” or beliefs which the Israeli people follow to enable them to live easily with this brutal reality of the occupation for so many years. Firstly, most of Israeli people believe that they are the chosen people therefore they presumed that they have the rights to do whatever they want. Secondly, there are always occupations throughout the history, but the unusual thing that in the case of Israeli people they occupy others land

and they believe they are the victims, they always present themselves as victims and as the only victims around. So, they have this dual strategy on presenting themselves as victims on one hand and manipulating others on the other hand. Thirdly, the systematic dehumanisation of the Palestinian people which is the most dangerous and crucial thing: No one is treating the Palestinian as equal human being like Israeli citizen. Then Mr Levy asked this important question: “in the end of the day how many Israelis did ever try for one moment to put themselves in the place of Palestinians?” The reason he asked this question because he witnessed an incident in the time of the total siege of the city of Jenin in the West Bank area. He said he was driving his car and when he arrived to the check point, nobody was able to cross to the other side and he noticed the presence

of a Palestinian ambulance sitting there for about 40 minutes, then he could not take it anymore so he went up to the ambulance and he asked, what is going on why you don’t cross directly out to the other side since you have emergency in the ambulance? and the people of the ambulance said that the routine is to wait about one hour before the soldiers can come and check the ambulance so they can cross to the other side. Therefore, Mr. Levy went to the soldiers and asked them this question that made them direct their weapons towards him: what would have happened if your father was laying in this ambulance? This question freaked them out and they lost control, how dare he can compare their fathers to Palestinian men? He continues that “The last war on Gaza taught us that Israel has three different regimes inside the occupation land of Palestine: one for the Jews, one for the Arab citizens

and one apartheid regime in the West Bank and Gaza which is the cruellest regime in the world”. He stresses, the situation is very corrupted now in Israel in regard of treating others and he fears that as long as the United States enable Israel to continue in this daily routine of oppression, the Palestinians are the first and direct victims of it. In this last statement mentioned 2 years ago, Mr Levy predicted the ongoing victimisation of the Palestinians if the US keep wrongly supporting Israel. And here we go, we have a new shocking decision that abolishes all chance of peace between Israeli people and Palestinians. The holy city of Jerusalem alQuds which exists inside this occupied territory of Palestine is a home to key religious sacred sites to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Initially, the Palestinians claim Jerusalem as the capital of a future state, and

therefore, Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem has never been recognised internationally, and foreign countries maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv. However, President of the United States Donald Trump has announced on Wednesday the 6th of December 2017 that al-Quds being officially recognised as the capital of Israel. This decision may be equivalent to a move on a Chess board that will destroy all meanings for a peaceful life in Palestine and in the region. It became a global region conflict. In an article titled “Trump’s Jerusalem Ploy” The political commentator John Wight says “Jerusalem is unequivocally and indisputably a part of occupied Palestine, adjudged such by both the General Assembly and Security Council of the United Nations. Its occupation also constitutes a breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention, specifically Article 49 concerning forced transfer and deportations of

civilians out of an occupied territory, and the transfer of its own civilians into said territory. Thus, the violation of international law reflected in the assumption of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is clear and inarguable, just as it has been over its decades-long occupation.” Therefore, we need to have an alliance between people of different faiths since some Jews are completely against the decision of Trump and we should speak up against it. Probably, supporting a campaign of boycotting the products of US and Israel. Also, organising peaceful protests and making our voices heard to complain against Trump’s decision which destroys the last hope of justice.

* This idea is inspired from a video prepared by Islamic Relief World Wide on the situation of Palestine.


AUSTRALIAN ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬


A Fond Farewell

Attending funerals is something I kind of look forward to. It sounds morbid, I know, so let me explain why. First, seeing the remains of a person who was living and breathing hours before reminds me of my own mortality and makes me less cocky. Second, it drives in me a sense of urgency to accomplish more in the short time I have. Third, I become less in nice ways - less attached to stuff I own, less upset when things don’t work out - which helps me to be calmer and a little more light-hearted; more accepting of life itself. At a recent funeral I attended, a man broke into tears while asking those present to pray for his deceased mother. It instantly brought me back to the moment when I was by my mother’s deathbed, as she slipped into the other world. Losing a parent, I learned, is very painful, even for a grown up. It’s extra painful if you’ve had a deep positive relationship with him or her. Independence, I learnt, does not take away the deep pain the loss of a parent brings. I was extremely close to my mother. That did not mean I agreed with everything she did and neither did she with mine.

Far from it. In fact, there were certain requests she made which I wasn’t able to fulfill due to my own commitments. In the end, she accepted that as that. Because of practical reasons - my mother’s doctors were near my home and my siblings lived in different locations - for years I was usually the one who brought my mother for her medical appointments. I also took care of her in her last months, which until now, remains as some of my most cherished moments with her. What brought me to decide to care for my dying mother? I was privileged to have witnessed firsthand how a man showed respect to his mother. It was the holy month of Ramadan. The man refused to eat until he had personally fed his frail mother first. What a profound moment. It inspired me to care for my own mother years later. I never thought of it as a job. It was an honour to care for the person who gave birth to me and raised me as well as she could. As I write this, I’m thinking of all of you who are now caring for your ailing parents or grandparents. From my experience, having the right attitude is the most important thing. Doing

the best you can does not mean giving in to their every demand. You’re not a bottomless pit. At times, you just have to choose what you can or cannot do. Simply because you might be the only one willing to care for them and if you run out of energy, there might not be another person who could replace you. Equally important, manage your sensitivities. The elderly might utter words that are less than kind as they lose their sense of perspective and sensibilities over time. The secret is not to take it personally. In one ear and out the other. Just let it go. If you

were to digest and process every single word said by a dying, temperamental parent or grandparent, it might upset you so much, you might not have the resources to carry on the next day. Caring for a terminally ill parent or grandparent might take a lot from you. Your patience is tested every single hour with pleas and requests that might at times seem illogical, but you still have to try to address them anyway, as they are real to the person you’re caring for. With the right attitude and sincerity, you just might surprise yourself with what you’re capable of. Your children will observe

what you do and pass on the values they learn to the next generation. Remember: Good leaders are those inspired by a genuine concern for others, especially those who have cared for, nurtured and raised them; in particular, their parents. Jamilah Samian is the author of “Leadership In Parenting“, “The Kindness Miracle”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, and “The Groovy Guide to Parenting Generation Y & Z”. Visit her website at

HISTORY ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬



Al-Quds Al-Sharif Bilal Cleland

for the partition of Palestine. In 1917 and again in 1948 pious but ultimately meaningless platitudes were included about Palestinian rights, but the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of the land by Zionist gangs, is welded onto the Palestinian and world Muslim consciousness. Trump, seeking evangelical Christian Zionist support at home, has stumbled into the minefield with his declaration on the status of Jerusalem. While this seems to be a terrible tragedy, it may have

positive effects. What the white supremacists and Christian Zionists in the USA have failed to notice, is that the world of 2017 is not the world of 1948 or 1917. Although Palestine unsuccessfully resisted Balfour and the 1948 partition, the world of quick communication and rising political consciousness presents a very different scenario today. The same political puppets remain ensconced in most of the Muslim majority countries, but they are

Once again the imperialists have tried to give away the lands of other people to their allies. The Balfour Declaration tried it in 1917 while Jerusalem was not yet under British control, in order to curry favour with the American Zionist lobby as it strove for American involvement in the Great War. It did it again after World War II, getting the Security Council, with the support of the USSR, to vote

The Ottomans were wise to put this inscription on the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem: «There is no god but the God, and Abraham is his friend.»

dealing with a more educated and aware population than previous rulers. The jealously guarded reputation of the Saudis as Protectors of the Two Holy Mosques has been destroyed by their playing footsies with the Netanyahu gang in Tel Aviv. The Al Sisi military dictatorship has been exposed for what it is. Despite this exposure, both of these regimes must appear to oppose the Trump declaration. Iran, the protector of Assad, must also take a strong stand on the same side as the Saudis. All of the authoritarian and puppet regimes are terrified of a mass uprising to defend Jerusalem, an uprising which could unleash a more effective Arab Spring than the last attempt at change. The masses have also no doubt learnt hard lessons since their failure to dislodge their masters last time around. A more analytical and cleverly organised uprising terrifies the rulers, for they know that they cannot stand against their people on such an issue. Treason on the issue of Jerusalem will never be forgiven. Another new factor in the present situation is the stand taken by Turkey. Its initiative in calling together the meeting of the OIC in Istanbul forces the back-sliders to take a public position of opposition. Anything less could be politically lethal to their rule. The OIC Statement from Istanbul 13 December 2017 called for the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State on the borders of 4 June 1967, with Al-Quds Ash-Sharif as its capital. It considered “ that this dangerous declaration, which

aims to change the legal status of the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, is null and void and lacks any legitimacy, as being a serious violation of the international law. ” In accord with the position of most nations in the world it also declared the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif is a final status issue, not to be preempted by any illegal decision. On a very serious not it stated that it holds “the US Administration fully liable for all the consequences of not retracting from this illegal decision;” and regards it as an endorsement of the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. [Reported in Daily Sabah 13 December 2017] Events are still unfolding. Just who will be counted with the sheep and who with the goats will become apparent in the days ahead.

The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.




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The First Islamic Newspaper to Reach Australia In 1896, an ‘Afghan’ cameleer by the name of Musa Khan in Australia sent a letter to Abdullah William Quillium of Britain requesting copies of the Crescent Newspaper and the Islamic World (Monthly) Journal. The Crescent may have been the first regular Islamic newspaper to reach Australian shores.

Abdul-Shaheed Drew

The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Abdul Hamid II appointed Abdullah William Quilliam as Sheikh al-Islam of the British Isles. This was the first (and last) time such a title was used in Britain.

The Crescent (newspaper) and the Islamic World (journal) had gained large international appeal in Africa, Asia and Europe. This also included readership in the USA, Canada and Australia in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Quilliam established the first official Islamic centre in Liverpool, England. As a port city, the location of the centre attracted a number of converts and migrant workers as well as delegates and visitors from over the world, including dignitaries and diplomats. Printing of The Crescent began in 1893 when donations started rolling in. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Abdul Hamid II appointed Abdullah William Quilliam as Sheikh al-Islam of the British Isles. This was the first (and last) time such a title was used in Britain. It was a significant acknowledgement that was also recognised by Britain. William Quillium accepted Islam during the 1880s while visiting Morocco. He gained much prominence in his society and was often a target of the media. Nevertheless, he persevered. Other than the newspaper and journal, Quillium also published a book titled, Faith of Islam. He also established a Muslim home for orphans or unwanted children in 1895. The Islamic Centre of Liverpool also made sure the poor of the society where fed during Christmas. Correspondence was made between Quilliam and Hassan Musa Khan of Perth. Khan requested copies of The Crescent and The Islamic World in 1896. He also sought previous editions and hoped Australia’s ‘Afghan’ community could do more to promote Islam in their society. Khan claimed some 300 Muslims lived in Victoria at the time, among them were some converts who had extremely limited resources on Islamic knowledge. Quilliam used his weekly publication to reach out to

Quillium became known as Sheikh al-Islam of the British Isles. to ‘becoming a Mohammeden [i.e. Muslim].’ He became known as John Abdul Hamid Le Mesurier. He met with Quilliam at Liverpool and made arrangements to move to Australia in 1904 after completing his law exams. In one publication (1904), Quillium called on the Muslims of Perth and Freemantle to assist John Abdul Hamid Le Mesurier with his settlement in Australia. Among other things, Quillium performed a eulogy for the Queen Victoria in 1902. The Empress personally requested a copy of the book Faith of Islam from Quillium shortly after it was published. She also ordered copies for her children. Some high-profile figures in Britain became Muslim through the efforts of the Liverpool centre. Many did not want to be named and kept their beliefs somewhat private. One public figure was Henry Edward John Stanley (Abdur Rahman), the third Baron of Alderley. Quilliam performed a Janaza prayer for him. Hamid Bey, the First Secretary of the Ottoman Embassy in London, was present among the mourners.

Abdullah William Quillium people in various parts of the world. For example, in 1886, Cecil John Reginald Le

Mesurier received dismissal from his high-ranking civil servant position in Ceylon due

Abdullah William Quillium challenged the British foreign policy and media propaganda of the day. The Crescent

Queen Victoria 1819-1901. was a successful publication that helped newly emerging communities establish themselves and keep up with current topics, while also maintaining a sense of unity and brotherhood from nations abroad.

Major Reference: Islam in Victoria Britain: The Life and Times of Abdullah Quilliam, Ron Geaves. Kube Publishing, Leicestershire, United Kingdom, 2010.

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Victorian mums and bubs healthier and safer Media Release Victorian mothers, babies and children are now healthier and safer, with a new report showing a significant improvement in their health. The Victoria’s Mothers, Babies and Children report by the Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity, shows that Victoria is closing the gap on the rate of stillbirths and early infant deaths for children of Aboriginal women, with results almost the same as non-Aboriginal mothers. The perinatal mortality rate for Aboriginal babies significantly fell from 13.6 per 1,000 births in 2013– 2015 to 9.1 in 2014–2016, compared to 9 per 1,000 for non-Aboriginal women. The proportion of babies of Aboriginal mothers having a low birthweight also fell – from 11.5 per cent in 2015, to 9.8 per cent in 2016. The report also showed that in 2016, 79,319 women gave birth to 80,549 babies – a two per cent increase. The overall perinatal mortality rate also continues to fall and is at its lowest rate in 16 years. Maternal deaths continue to be rare in Victoria, with the maternal mortality rate 8.9

Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

per 100,000 women who gave birth. The Andrews Labor Government accepts in-principle all nine recommendations from the report and work is already underway to improve identification of women at risk from depression and anxiety, the information given to pregnant women, and access to specialist medical care for vulnerable children. Earlier this year, the Labor Government unveiled Korin Korin Balit-Djak, an ambitious new plan to revolutionise Victoria’s health and human services’ work with Aboriginal communities, backed by a

$7.1 million funding boost. Download the Victoria’s Mothers, Babies and Children report at: https:// hospitals-and-health-services/ quality-safety-service/ consultative-councils/ council-obstetric-paediatricmortality/mothers-babieschildren-report. Minister for Health Jill Hennessy said “Every mother and baby deserves access to the highest quality and safe health services.” “Perinatal mortality is at its lowest rate in 16 years but we’ll continue to work to make care even safer for all Victorian mothers and babies.” also Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos said “Our work with Aboriginal mums and bubs – like our Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health Initiative – is showing real benefits. These services are ensuring care and treatments are culturally safe and responsive to their needs.” the Acting Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Luke Donnellan said “We are putting Aboriginal Victorians first when it comes to their health and wellbeing. This goes to the heart of selfdetermination which plays a big role in achieving the excellent results we see today.

New grants program for volunteer firefighters

Media Release

Volunteer firefighting brigades can now apply for grants of up to $250,000, thanks to a new $10 million program funded by the Andrews Labor Government. The program will be administered by the CFA to support vital v171olunteer brigade equipment and facility upgrades, as well as local initiatives that strengthen volunteerism and brigade culture. Grants will be provided to projects that address a range of key criteria, including: • Addressing immediate needs and enhancing operational capability • Improving culture, diversity and fairness • Strengthening volunteer

leadership skills • Encouraging recruitment, retention and recognition of volunteers • Reflecting the evolving needs and demographics of the communities that volunteer brigades serve. The grants program has been funded through the additional $60 million that the Labor Government announced for Victoria’s fire services in October. Brigades can work together and submit joint applications, and have until the end of February to apply. For more information, visit cfa. Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino said “This $10 million grants program recognises the vital role that volunteer

firefighters play in protecting lives and properties.” “Our volunteers are often the first line of defence against fires, floods and other emergencies, and we want to support them in every way we can.” “Our reforms provide more support, more independence and more funding to volunteers – and that’s exactly what they deserve.” CFA Chief Officer Steve Warrington said “These grants will help our volunteer brigades build on the outstanding service they provide to the community.” “We have consulted widely with our volunteers to identify the best ways we can enhance volunteerism, and this program is one of the key measures we have adopted as a result of that process.”


EDUCATION ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

The Five Codes - Life, Death, Resurrection, Hell and Paradise

A new book will be published online soon in January 2018 by Dr Mahmoud Eid

Dr Mahmoud M. Eid

Assalamu Alaikum It is my pleasure to introduce to you my book ‘The Five Codes - Life, Death, Resurrection, Hell and Paradise’. The book consists of five chapters mainly compiled from different online sources which are all acknowledged under the ‘references’ section at the end of each code: • Chapter regarding ‘Life’ consists of eight sections: the purpose of life, what is my role, Al-Qadar, sins in Islam, undesired social diseases, repentance, signs of the Day of Judgment and fortress of a Muslim. • Chapter about ‘Death’ consists of five sections: understanding the concept of death, dying stage, funeral stage, burial stage and different issues related to Barzakh (i.e. the world of death). • Chapter on Resurrection / Day of Judgment consists of two sections: the meaning of resurrection or ‘Yawm-ul-Qiyamah’ and the order of the events of the day of Judgement. • Chapter about ‘Hell’ consists of four sections: introductory

part to Hell, description of Hell, inhabitants of Hell and miscellaneous issues (i.e. how to avoid Hell) • Chapter on ‘Paradise’ consists of six sections: Jannah versus Dunya (life), description of Jannah, the pleasures (delights) of Jannah, Al-Hur Al’een and the worldly women, inhabitants of Jannah, and miscellaneous topics (i.e. seeing Allah in Jannah, the people of Al-A’raaf …etc.)

This book is colour coded for easy reference: • Quranic verses are in blue • Authentic and Hasan hadiths are in mauve • Da’if (weak) hadiths are in red • Scholars’ opinions are in green • Transliterated texts are in brown Many categories of people can benefit from this book: Secondary students and teachers in Muslim schools, University students, researchers, and anyone interested to learn about life, death, resurrection, hell and paradise from an Islamic

perspective. The book offers comprehensive information about Islam which can be used by Imams for Friday Khutbas (speeches). The book is based on authentic hadeeth and Quranic verses. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Islam without promoting any specific school of thought. To facilitate secondary students’ learning, the author created an ‘Educational Resources’ page which can be accessed by teachers from different Muslim schools. Teachers may create their own worksheets on different sections in each chapter of the book and send them to the Author. These worksheets will be uploaded on the ‘Educational Resources Page’ with the names of the teachers who created them and their school (if they wish), so that they can be accessed by schools and teachers. This book can be accessed online towards the end of January via the following link: www.dreid5codes. com.

Below are some suggestions to help you peruse the book’s website: • The book introduction provides important information regarding the structure of the website.

• Each of the 5 codes in the book is allocated a separate page on the website. • To access any of the five codes material, simply click on the link at the top of the screen and it will automatically display the content below the picture. • You can zoom in / zoom out, share or have a full screen text by clicking on the relevant icon / button at the bottom of the screen. • The download function is not working. If you are interested in downloading any particular section, contact the author through the contact page to arrange for that. For easy browsing of the content of this website, I suggest that you go through the table of contents of each code and if you are interested in reading about any topic, just click on the title of the selected topic; it will then take you directly to there. Any feedback, suggestions or comments can be communicated with the Author through the ‘Blog’ or the ‘Contact Us’ pages. I ask Allah (SWT) to benefit us by that which He has taught us, and to teach us that which will benefit us, and to increase us in knowledge. Ameen.

The Book Cover


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GREETING ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Seasons Greetings On behalf of Muslims Australia – AFIC, its members, staff and volunteers, Dr Rateb Jneid extends his warmest greetings and well wishes to all of our friends and fellow Australians for the Festive Season. This is a time of reflection and renewal for all people regardless of their faith and we encourage all Australians to take the opportunity to reach out to those less fortunate who are most in need of our compassion and good will. Dr. Rateb Jneid President

We extend our best wishes and prayers for the New Year and pray that we are able to join together in humanity for the common good, to ease the trials of those less fortunate than ourselves and that we make Compassion and Mercy the hallmarks of our relationships with each other. May 2018 be a prosperous, joyous and safe year for everyone.



AUSTRALIAN ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

The New Child Care Package

Document background In collaboration with the Department of Education and Training, Cultural Partners has prepared the following document to serve as a reference resource about the New Child Care Package. Cultural Partners was engaged by the Department in September 2017 and is the main point of contact for all CALD or multicultural communication enquiries in relation to the New Child Care Package until July 2018. Campaign background Australia’s child care fee assistance is changing. From 2 July 2018, the Child Care Rebate and Child Care Benefit will be replaced by a single Child Care Subsidy. The Government has committed an extra $2.5 billion to support the implementation of the New Child Care Package. The 2014 Productivity Commission Inquiry into Childcare and Early Childhood Learning and a series of consultations since, found that the current child care system is complex, difficult for families to use and inflexible in meeting their needs. In response, the Government announced a package of reforms to help families meet work requirements and to provide more targeted support for disadvantaged and vulnerable families and children. Key facts Below you will find a list of key facts about the New Child Care Package. They will support you in reporting on the topic and help ensure the public are accurately informed. 1) From 2 July 2018, as part of the package, the Child Care Rebate and Child Care Benefit will be replaced by a single Child Care Subsidy. 2) Three things will determine a family’s level of Child Care Subsidy: • combined family income • activity level of both parents (based on the parent who does the least amount of recognised activity) • the type of child care service families use. 3) Child care under the new arrangements will be more affordable for most families. Most lower and middle-income families will be eligible to receive a higher subsidy for their child care than they do now. • Families earning $185,710 or less will have no cap on the amount of Child Care Subsidy they can claim • Families earning more than $185,710 and less than $350,000 will see the existing annual cap rise from $7,613 to $10,000 per child, per year. The lower the combined family income, the more support families will receive. 4) The number of hours of subsidised care families can access will be determined by an activity test. The higher the level of activity, the more hours of subsidised care families can access, up to a maximum of 100 hours per fortnight.

In families with two parents, the parent with the lowest hours of activity per fortnight will determine the hours of subsidised care. Recognised activities • paid work – including leave, such as maternity leave • approved study or training • unpaid work in family business • looking for work • volunteering • self-employment • other activities on a case-by-case basis. There will be exemptions for parents who legitimately cannot meet the activity test requirements. 5) The new subsidy is also based on the type of child care a family uses subject to an hourly cap rate: • Centre-based care – $11.55 per hour • Family day care – $10.70 per hour •Outside school hours care – $10.10 per hour 6) The new Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to child care providers to pass on to families as reduced fees. 7) The new child care package includes a Safety Net to ensure that children in Australia’s most vulnerable families and communities have the opportunity to access quality early learning and child care. It better supports: • families who require practical help to support their children’s safety and wellbeing • grandparents as principal carers on income support • families experiencing temporary financial hardship • parents transitioning to work from income support. 8) Families should visit childcare to find out more information and use the estimator to get an idea of how much Government subsidy they may be eligible for. 9) Families should start thinking about how the changes will affect them. More information about what families need to do to prepare for the changes will be available in early 2018. Additional materials, such as case studies will be issued in the coming weeks to further support the campaign and make the content more engaging for CALD communities. Please contact the Cultural Partners on 02 8752 7688 for further information.

Consumer Affairs Victoria takes action against Hoskins (Maroondah) Pty Ltd for underquoting

Media Release

The Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria has commenced action in the Federal Court of Australia against Hoskins (Maroondah) Pty Ltd ACN: 095 367 712 and its director Brent Robert Peters, for allegedly engaging in misleading and deceptive practices and unconscionable conduct relating to the sale of land. Consumer Affairs Victoria will allege that during 2015 and 2016, Hoskins advertised properties for sale at prices much lower than it believed they would actually sell for. The alleged conduct relates to 26 residential properties located in Croydon, Croydon Hills, Croydon North, Mooroolbark, Park Orchards, Ringwood, Ringwood North, Warranwood and Wonga Park. Further, Consumer Affairs Victoria will allege Hoskins misled two vendors it was acting for, by telling them

their properties would sell for much less than it believed they would sell for, in order to claim ‘incentive commissions’ from the vendors when the properties sold at a much higher price. Such conduct, it is alleged, was also unconscionable. Consumer Affairs Victoria will allege Hoskins contravened section 18 of the Australian Consumer Law, which prohibits misleading or deceptive conduct in trade and commerce, section 30

of the Australian Consumer Law, which prohibits false or misleading representations in connection to the sale and promotion of land, and section 21 of the Australian Consumer Law which prohibits unconscionable conduct. Consumer Affairs Victoria will also allege Mr Peters aided and abetted the company’s conduct. The court action has resulted from the work of Consumer Affairs Victoria’s underquoting taskforce, Taskforce Vesta.


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AUSTRALIAN ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Ali Fahour

The new General Manager of the Islamic Museum of Australia

On behalf of the City of Canterbury Bankstown, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to what 2018 has in store for all of us and continuing to offer my strong support to Canterbury-Bankstown’s residents next year.


As-salamu alaykum, peace and blessings upon you all. It is my deepest honour to introduce myself as the new General Manager of the Islamic Museum of Australia. It is a privilege to be of service to IMA and I see great potential embedded within this institution; under my leadership and guidance I hope to ensure that IMA continues to grow and flourish as a leader in the museums, educational and cultural sectors. My experience in the corporate, philanthropic and community sectors has led me to realising my own personal philosophy grounded in the importance of teamwork. More than anything, this museum would not be what it is today without the significant contributions of staff, volunteers, our community and corporate partners and the hard work of many other individuals behind the scenes. Following

on from the footsteps of Ashraf, it is this commitment to strengthening community spirit and a sense of teamwork that I hope to continue to

cultivate – in celebration of our shared values, a dream to realise a vision – an ambitious but poignant mission to bring people together. In 2018 we hope to continue offering an array of community events, exhibitions and dinners with the hope of celebrating the rich and varied contributions of Muslims to Australia and beyond. We look forward to the launch of the IMA Education Portal in Term 1, 2018, our new Volunteer Program and membership program, Friends of IMA, offering rewards to our dear supporters. There is much work to be done to ensure that IMA reaches its full potential, but I truly believe that with hard work, dedication, determination and teamwork, we can do great things together. I wish you and your family a restful end of year and look forward to welcoming you in 2018.

AUSTRALIAN ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

The Honourable JING LEE MLC Member of the Legislative Council


Wishing You Good Health & Prosperity

Happy New Year

ROBBERY/ASSAULT – MELBOURNE CBD SATURDAY, 19 AUGUST 2017 Police are searching for three men in relation to an alleged robbery and assault in Melbourne’s CBD on Saturday, 19 August 2017. Between 5:00am and 5:20am, three men approached two other men on Little Lonsdale Street, between Swanston Street and Elizabeth Street. One of the two men was pushed against a wall while demands were made of both of their mobile phones and cash. Both men were assaulted during the incident and sustained injuries to their

faces. A mobile phone, phone charger and cash was also stolen from the two men. Police believe a similar incident occurred on Wednesday, 23 August 2017 in the same street. Police have released CCTV images of three men whom they believe may be able to assist in their inquiries. The three men are perceived as being of African appearance, with thin builds, dark hair and aged in their late teens. (Reference number: CSV 2508)

SEXUAL ASSAULT – MALVERN TUESDAY, 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Police are searching for a man in relation to an alleged sexual assault in Malvern on Tuesday, 21 November 2017. At around 8:25pm, the man was traveling on the Route 16 tram. It is alleged he sexually assaulted a woman who was trying to exit the tram at the intersection of Glenferrie Road and Dandenong Road. Police have released CCTV images

of a man whom they believe may be able to assist in their enquiries. The man is perceived to be Caucasian in appearance, approximately 60 years old, with dark greying hair. He possibly had acne scarring on his face. He was wearing a pink polo shirt and beige shorts (Reference number: CSV 2555)

If you know something, say something. Report information confidentially to Crime Stoppers Victoria on 1800 333 000 or report online at



AUSTRALIAN ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬





- Tony Burke MP

Office: Level 2 Roselands Shopping Centre, Roselands 2196 Phone: (02) 9750 9088 Email: Authorised by Tony Burke MP, Level 2 Roselands Shopping Centre, Roselands 2196

NSW Labor Leader Luke Foley has accused the Berejiklian Government of pandering to Pauline Hanson by breaking its promise to reform the state’s race vilification laws. If elected in March 2019, a Foley Labor government will show leadership and legislate to strengthen laws against hate speech in its first 100 days. The State Government quietly announced on Monday that there were no plans to strengthen the racial vilification provisions of the state’s Anti-Discrimination Act, which it has been promising for nearly two years and four years after a cross party parliamentary committee recommended that changes be made. The race vilification laws contained in section 20D of the Act are weak and ineffective and have not led to a single successful prosecution in 30 years. Mr Foley said the NSW Premier’s decision not to act was forced by a faction within her government that wanted to pander to Pauline Hanson and trade preferences with the One Nation political party. Mr Foley said he was astonished that the Premier, who’s quick to be seen at multicultural functions, had not shown the

NSW Labor Leader

Luke Foley

leadership to go ahead with the changes which the government has been promising for two years. Labor’s legislation would include following features: Reduce the threshold for prosecutions from ‘incite’ to ‘promote’ serious racial vilification; Move the provisions into the Crimes Act; Have investigations carried out by the Police not just the AntiDiscrimination Board; Remove requirements of Attorney General’s consent for prosecution; Extend the limitation period for offences from 6 months to 12 months; Clarify that the offence includes quasi – public places; Clarify that recklessness is sufficient to constitute

intention; Include “presumed race” in the Bill. “We have seen public displays of hate – for example, a preacher urging others to kill Jewish people – yet the hate mongers just get away with it. “I will not accept the status quo, which licences incitement to hatred and violence against ethnic minorities. “Labor will act immediately upon coming to government.” Mr Foley said Shadow Attorney General Paul Lynch Said “The proposed changes have widespread support across the community. Major ethnic, community, religious and legal groups have all supported the changes. A parliamentary committee made up of all parties supported the changes. “The only group not in favour of the changes to the Act are the Premier and her cabinet colleagues who have made this decision. “The Government is pandering to Pauline Hanson and the offensive, racist attitudes she proclaims. “NSW is a successful multicultural society. But to maintain that, we have to make sure our laws protect people from the promotion and advocacy of violence on the basis of race. “The only people in NSW who seem to be afraid of doing that are in the NSW government.” Paul Lynch Said.


AUSTRALIAN ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

ICV Annual Dinner 2017

ICV The ICV held its Annual Dinner on Sunday 19th November 2017 at Melrose Receptions, with over 330 guests reflecting and celebrating the 2017 year and extending our gratitude to a diverse range of friends and community partners. Keynote Speaker was Prof Gillian Triggs, former President of Australian

Human Rights Commission who spoke about “Rising Islamophobia in a Post Truth World”. Other notable guest speakers were Minister for Multicultural Affairs Hon Robin Scott (MP); Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammad; Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Inga Peulich (MP); ANIC President, Sh Shady Alsuleiman; Leader of Greens, Hon Senator Richard Di Natale ; Lidia

Thorpe MP, and AFIC President, Dr Rateb Jneid. The traditional ICV Roving Mike segment introduced and highlighted a range of grass roots initiatives and community leaders. The ICV Community Awards recognised 4 community leaders and pioneers who have served our communities well, extraordinarily well – both the Muslim and wider

Australian society. 4 individuals were incorporated into the Friends of ICV club; four sincere friends whose efforts, sacrifices and achievements we do not take for granted, where our partnerships are built on a foundation of mutual respect, common values and our desire to serve in the best interests of humanity; Prof Kathy Laster, VU SZCC; Rev Ian Smith, VCC; Maria Vamvakinou (MP),

Member for Calwell; Helen Kapalos, Chair of VMC. We also recognised the Community initiative of the year: CCN – Community Care Network and Youth of the Year: Aysenur Ljatif. It was a real honour and privilege to be able to host the annual event and we thank everyone for their attendance and look forward to achieving greater things in the year ahead.

Best Wishes to the Community for a Safe and Prosperous New Year

Matthew Guy MP

Inga Peulich MLC

- Leader of the Opposition - Leader of the State Liberal Party - State Member for Bulleen

- Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs - State Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Region tel. (03) 9772 1366

Authorised by Inga Peulich MLC, 376 Nepean Highway, Chelsea VIC 3196

The Hon Bruce Atkinson MLC

Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region President of the Legislative Council • • • • •

R19B | Level 3 | West 5 Car Park Entrance | Eastland Shopping Centre

171-175 Maroondah Highway

Tel: 9877 7188 | PO BOX: 508 RINGWOOD VIC Email: Web:

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ADVERTISING ALWASAT ¿ Issue 85 ¿ Rabih II 1439 ¿ December 2017 / January 2018 ‫ كانون الثاني‬/ 2017 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1439 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬85 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

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ARABIC & ENGLISH NEWSPAPER ¿ Issue 84 ¿ Rabi’ Al-awwal 1439 ¿ Desember 2017/January 2018


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