June 2023

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ARABIC & ENGLISH MAGAZINE Issue 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 ددعلا

Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk

Creative Director: Omar Alhashemi

Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine

Layout: (OVISION)

Sydney: Monzer Gabr

Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika

2 INDEX AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع ىلع ةفيحصلا يمر مدع ىجري ةينآرق تايآ ىلع اهئاوتحلا ضرلاا Address: Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans, VIC 3021 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076 Sydney office: 10-28 Biloela St, Villawood NSW 2163 Tel.: + 61 4 9033 0623 Al Wasat Magazine
نع اوفع ردصت ةيلارتسلأا تاطلسلا لتق ةمهتب نيدقع تنجُس ةأرما ةلدأ روهظ دعب ةعبرلأا اهلافطأ ةديدج ةيضق يف قيقحتلا ةداعإب بلاطم ئطاش نم ةلفط ءافتخلا ةضماغ اماع 50 نم رثكأ ذنم ايلارتسأ يف باتك يف تلامأت ...يقروفأ سايسأ سيئرلا« »ةلودلاو ةروثلا ةدايق ةريسم يربرتناك يف نايدلأا راوح ةودن معن ب تيوصتلل وعدت نواتسكناب نييلصلأا ناكسلا توص ءاتفتسا يف ناملربلا يف 11 30 37 17 Dr Dzavid Haveric, Historian, Researcher and Author Al-Taqwa College Hosts 25 Year Grand Reunion ICOM’s Annual Quran Awards Night OAM awarded to Imam Alaa Elzokm Why the re-election of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan matters “Rebuilding Lives Gala” held by Melbourne Muslimahs MULTICULTURAL COMMUNITIES RALLYING BEHIND THE VOICE REFERENDUM Deepen Respect Between You and Your Spouse An Antidote for the Poison in our National Bloodstream 10 12 6 22 24 26 5 20 4
The Cover photo: Eid Prayer 2023 at Al-Taqwa College.
Providing drinking water
Prophet Muhammad Build a water well today. Call us on 1300 760 155 or visit www.hai.org.au Eid Mubarak
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3 كرابم ىحضأ ديع AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع


grasslands vanish and dense eucalyptus tree cover occurs.

White colonisation and genocide brought back the forest.

The first program showed how traditional burning removed weeds, did not endanger trees and permitted the wildlife including the insects to escape the fire.

There is currently an outstanding TV series which addresses the poisonous colonial racism which still exists.

A joint production of NITV and Channel 10 “First Inventors” demonstrates the huge influence the First Nations had upon our continent.

The eel traps in southwestern Victoria on the swamps and the lake named by the colonists as Condah, are believed by archaeologists to be the first example of aquaculture on earth.

The landscape was manipulated over many kilometres to create ponds and channels in which eels could be trapped in the breeding season, presenting a reliable food supply. The area also contains stone houses which suggest that the tribal people were not nomadic.

The eel traps were used over 7000 years, coming to an end only with white colonisation, the draining of the swamp and the establishment of the concentration camps called Mission Stations in the 1800s.

First Nations guardians explain how the Queensland rainforest is composed of recent growth forest, allowed to flourish since the original caretakers of the land were displaced. Traditional burning and weed control ended with white settlement and ethnic cleansing.

Scientific study of samples of soil down a couple of metres in the rainforest of Tasmania has shown that this too is relatively recent.

Over hundreds of years the soil sample shows grassland and trees, typical of the managed landscapes over 12,000 years, with a sudden and obvious change about 200 years ago when the

Such information may provide the antidote to the poison of racism in our society for most people but not for the convinced haters who are happily no longer dominant.

Similar information was made available some years ago in “Dark Emu” by Bruce Pascoe and it created hysteria amongst the white supremacists who declared that the original inhabitants of this continent were incapable of such sophisticated technology or economic practices.

The Depth of Racist Ideology

That sort of thinking, based on the underbelly of the Enlightenment, so-called “scientific racism,” can be largely laid at the door of Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton claimed that a hierarchy of races existed and that the most superior were the ancient Athenians and English gentlemen, with the Australian Aborigines as the lowest category.

His drivel was still being regurgitated in the History Faculty of Melbourne University in 1935 when J. Lyng, wrote “Non-Britishers in Australia: Influence on Population and Progress”.

It carried a foreword by Ernest Scott, one of the outstanding Australian scholars at the time.

He wrote approvingly of the French Count Gobineau who contended: “The history of mankind proves that the destinies of people are governed by a racial law. Neither irreligion, no immorality, no luxurious living, nor weakness of government causes the decadence of civilisations. If a nation goes down, the reason is that its blood, the race itself is deteriorating.”

There are right-wing political organisations which still promote this type of thinking, although now when challenged they try to hide it.

It still seems to hold influence

amongst otherwise mainstream conservatives, especially when it comes to immigration.

“Former prime minister Tony Abbott has said that if people had been more willing to heed the message of those like Pauline Hanson over the last two decades, “we would be a better country today.”

“And we do have a problem with Islamism that does require decent Muslims to stand up to the death-tothe-infidel extremists.” [27 March 2018 The Conversation]

Racism in Law

The Australian Constitution of 1901 an Act of the British Parliament, presumed to make laws governing the whole continent but did not recognise the First Nations who had lived here for 65,000 years.

We are one of the few colonial settler countries to not recognise the First Nations.

Aboriginal affairs were left to the states but according to the Australian Human Rights Commission, its online page Constitutional reform: FAQsWhy reform of the Constitution is needed, states “the Commonwealth Parliament can validly enact laws that are racially discriminatory and contemplates disqualifying people from voting on the basis of their race.” While not acknowledging the First Nations, the Commonwealth Parliament did acknowledge the importance of racial “purity” with its haste to pass the Immigration Restriction Act.

Henceforth all ‘coloured’ people trying to enter Australia would be required to submit to a medical examination and to a dictation test. This test could be in any European language, later changed to any language.

To make it hard for non-white immigrants already here the 1902 Roads Act was passed.

Afghan cameleers were the target. High registration fees were imposed for each camel and added to this a license fee of ten shillings a year on all camels used in transport.

Then came the 1903 Naturalization Act which provided that applicants for

naturalization could not be natives of Asia, Africa or the Pacific Islands (except for New Zealand).

Meanwhile the First Nations continued to be subjected to ethnic cleansing, massacre and incarceration, either on Mission Stations or in prison.

Growing awareness of the need for change

A recent article in The Shot, “The poison in Australia’s bloodstream,” marks Dave Milner’s rejection of the conservative colonisation narrative. “I was taught that the English brought civilisation and law, and alcohol and diseases with them, and that the locals just couldn’t handle their booze or smallpox. I was not taught that the First Fleet arrived with bayonets and rifles, not just to use on the convicts, and that the entire continent is – from the grasslands of Victoria to the Blue Mountains of NSW to the Dead Heart red centre to the jungles along our jagged Northern coast – stained with massacre after massacre of Indigenous peoples.”

And he lays the blame for the recent upsurge of the false tale: “This fuzzy version of the past is the one that John Howard, former Prime Minister and Patron Saint of the Boomers, viciously fought for while in office. Howard, for all his faults, keenly understood the power of history. Who controls the past controls the future. “ ]2 June 2023 The Shot]

Rejection of the colonial narrative is the accepted view of most younger Australians, apart from the rump afraid of cultural difference.

Reflecting on the referendum campaign Milner comments: “When clearly disingenuous arguments against the Voice to Parliament are presented to Australia by routinely disingenuous and racist people, they should be treated as such.”

What has not been discussed much outside Twitter is the coagulation of right-wing mining interests around the Vote No campaign, which if victorious, will stain Australia before the world. Do they fear an Indigenous Voice to Parliament will perhaps endanger their entitlement to exploit our natural resources, paying little taxation, in areas where the First Nations voice will be strong?

The antidote to the poison in our national bloodstream is partially information, the truth, but also partially confronting the vested interests which regard the continent and its natural resources as theirs and theirs alone.

The power of the mining lobby is apparent and if it, with the help of the corporate media and the conservative side of politics wins out, our nation will suffer the consequences.

The Voice, truth-telling about our past and Treaty are all required if we are to have an effective antidote to this poison.

The majority of people may support this but that does not guarantee success.

4 OPINION AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.



Over 110 ethnic and cultural community organisations have committed their “steadfast support” for a YES vote in the upcoming Voice referendum. The growing nationwide alliance of multicultural groups has issued a powerful Joint Resolution urging “all Australians to work together to ensure referendum success.”

Signups via the multiculturalforvoice.

org website accelerated following the Liberal Party’s decision to oppose Indigenous constitutional recognition through a Voice. The growing list of over 110 signatories includes multiple Indian and Chinese community organisations, along with Sri Lankan, Italian, Irish, Iranian, Greek, Vietnamese, Filipino, Sikh, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist and Pacific Islander community groups – to name just a few.

The Joint Resolution describes a constitutionally guaranteed Voice as “modest, practical and fair”. “As leaders of diverse multicultural community organisations, we endorse the Uluru Statement and its call for a First Nations voice guaranteed by the Constitution”, it says.

“We commit our steadfast support, and urge all Australians to work together to ensure referendum success. Let us co-operate across differences of

politics and diversities of culture and faith, to heal our country and unify the nation.”

The growing support of multicultural Australians is significant for the YES campaign. Polls show that those who speak another language at home are more likely to support the referendum, demonstrating strong levels of good will for this cause amongst Australians of diverse ethnic backgrounds.

President of the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria), Jimmy Li, whose organisation has signed the Joint Resolution, said “as a proud Australian with Chinese heritage, I believe it is our responsibility to actively contribute to the creation of a more just and inclusive society for all, including honouring and supporting First Nations people. That means backing a Yes vote, to support the First Nations’ Voice to Parliament as a crucial step towards recognition and reconciliation.”

The multicultural Joint Resolution is a community driven initiative, supported by the Radical Centre Reform Lab at Macquarie University Law School and Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia (FECCA).

FECCA’s CEO, Iraqi-born Mohammad Al-Khafaji, previously slammed the ‘No’ campaign’s attempt

to attract migrants as “offensive” and confirmed “resounding support” for the Voice referendum among ethnic communities.

“In my experience, multicultural communities feel strongly about reconciliation. Many of us come from countries where we too have experienced discrimination,” Al-Khafaji said. “We want to see Indigenous people recognised in the Constitution through a Voice in their affairs, so better outcomes can be achieved.”

Dr Shireen Morris, Director of the Reform Lab and a constitutional lawyer of Indian and FijianIndian heritage, said “the success of this referendum is the responsibility of all Australians of all backgrounds. There is massive empathy among migrant communities for the plight of Indigenous peoples, and that is driving this growing support.”

“As migrants and descendants of migrants, we love this country which has given us so much opportunity. This is the best democracy in the world. But we also know the history. Our great nation was built off the back of Indigenous losses. As multicultural Australians, this referendum is our chance to give back to Indigenous people. To stand with Indigenous Australians for the simple yet profound recognition they seek: an advisory Voice in their own

Joint Resolution of Multicultural Community Organisations



The multicultural Joint Resolution follows Australia’s nine major faith groups issuing a similar Joint Resolution supporting the Voice referendum in May last year. Those national organisations representing Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh Australians penned an open letter to federal parliamentarians in February, calling on politicians “to collaborate constructively across political divides” to support the Uluru Statement, which was “an invitation to move towards national healing, unity and reconciliation”.

In April, former Liberal Party federal Vice President, Karina Okotel, a lawyer of Sri Lankan background, issued a similar plea to Liberal politicians, urging them not to “ignore the multicultural vote, the religious vote and the women’s vote” by opposing the Voice referendum. Okotel pointed to the multiculutralforvoice.org website where community organisations were declaring support.

Those pleas have been ignored. However, some multicultural leaders are commending the decision of Julian Leeser MP to resign from the Shadow Cabinet to campaign for a YES vote.

Hindu Council adviser, Vijai Singhal, said “I know that many Australian Indians –and migrants more broadly

In 2017, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples asked Australians to walk with them towards a better future.

Through the Uluru Statement from the Heart, they asked for constitutional recognition through a constitutionally guaranteed voice in their own affairs.

As leaders of diverse multicultural community organisations, we endorse the Uluru Statement and its call for a First Nations voice guaranteed by the Constitution. This reform is modest, practical and fair.

– will back him in his moral stance on the upcoming Voice referendum.”

Chin Tan, the Race Discrimination Commissioner of Malaysian-Chinese origin, an appointee of the former LNP government, also backs the referendum, writing in The Guardian that a YES vote would be “a powerful act of national unity.”

President of the National Sikh Council of Australia, Sadar Ajmer Singh Gill, has contributed to Statements from the Soul, a book of multifaith and multicultural essays making the moral case for the Voice referendum. “I say to the politicians withholding support for Indigenous peoples’ modest request to have a guaranteed Voice in their own affairs: Sikh Australians are watching. Migrants, multifaith and multicultural communities are watching,” Gill said. “We are watching and we vote.”

But Dr Morris insists the upcoming referendum is not about politicians. “This is about the Australian people. The Australian people must decide whether Indigenous Australians deserve to be recognised in the Constitution through a guaranteed Voice in their affairs. Multicultural Australians will be crucial in getting to YES.”

We call on our political representatives to lead this referendum in the spirit of bipartisan and broad cooperation.

We commit our steadfast support, and urge all Australians to work together to ensure referendum success.

Let us co-operate across differences of politics and diversities of culture and faith, to heal our country and unify the nation.

5 MULTICULTURAL AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع


The Islamic College of Melbourne recently held its Annual Quran Awards Night, celebrating all of the students across Primary & Secondary Schools who memorise, recite & excel at their Quranic studies.

It was an evening like no other, with performances and celebrations rivalling many of the other large-scale events. All of the super-star students and dedicated teaching staff & parents in attendance made this special ceremony truly incredible.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said ‘Allah has His own people among mankind.’

The companions said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who are they?’ He said: ‘The people of the Qur’an, the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him.’

6 EDUCATION AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
7 ةيبرت AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع FSA/DETS1161 ةلحرم ميلعتب مق يف ةركبملا ةلوفطلا .Victoria ةيلاو ةركبملا ةلوفطلا ةلحرمل نيلهؤملا نيبرملاو نيملعملا نم ديزملا لىإ Victoria ةيلاو جاتحت .)ةسردملا لبق ام ةلحرم( تاونس ثلاثلا رمعل لافطلأا ةضور يف ميلعتلل يف ةدعاسمك $6,000لىإ لصي غلبم لىإ ةفاضلإاب $9,000 ةميقب ةأفاكم لىع لصحا لاقتنلاا معد ةفاضلإاب *$50,000 لىإ لصي يلام زفاح لىع لصحاو ةيلوأ ةمدخ يف ةفيظو لىع لصحا كبتار لىإ vic.gov.au/kinder عقوملا لىع ديزملا لىع فرعت vic.gov.au/kinder ةرايزب مق ،ماكحأو طورش قبطت* لافطلأا نم ديزملا موقي ةعونتم تايفلخ نم تلائاعلاو )CALD( ايوغلو ايفاقث اهروضحو لافطلأا ضاير ىلإ لوصولاب سلاجملا اهدوقت ةيعوت جمارب للاخ نم .ةيلحملا ةطشنأ ةرادلإ سلاجملا هذه معد ةيغبو لاجم يف نيلماع فيظوتو ةكراشملا ةيلامجإ ةميقب حنم تدأ دقف ،ةيعوتلا لافطلأا معد ىلإ رلاود نويلم 3,5 تغلب لوصولل CALD تايفلخ نم تلائاعلاو لصاوتلاو ،اهروضحو لافطلأا ضاير ىلإ ،ةركبملا ةلوفطلا معدل ىرخأ تاهج عم .ةيئادتبلاا ةسردملا ىلإ حاجنب لاقتنلااو تاعمتجم ةيعوت ةردابم« تأدــب دقو ةيلحم سلاجم ةينامث يف »CALD رثكأ نلآا ىتح تمعدو 2021 ماع يف ضاير يف ليجستلل لفط 2500 نم ديزملا مايق عمو .اهروضحو لافطلأا مامضنلااب نلآا ةيلحملا سلاجملا نم ةدافتسا ىلإ كلذ يدؤيس ،جمانربلا ىلإ ةعونتم تايفلخ نم لافطلأا نم ديزملا ‘ةايح لضفلأ ةيادب لضفأ’ تاحلاصإ نم .رلاود رايلم 14 ةميقب عم CALD تاعمتجم ةيعوت قرف لمعت نم تلائاعلا ةدعاسمل تاعمتجملا كلت تامدخ ىلإ لوصولا ىلع CALD ةيفلخ ،ةيلحملا اهقطانم يف ةركبملا ةلوفطلا تابتكملاو بعللا تاعومجم كلذ يف امب تلائاعلا ةدعاسمو ،ةيعمتجملا زكارملاو ،لافطلأا ضاير يف اهلافطأ ليجست يف عم لمعلاو ،تامولعملا تاسلج ميظنتو قيعت يتلا زجاوحلا ةجلاعمل نيملعملا .روضحلا »ايروتكيف ةيلاو تايدلب ةيعمج« ىقلتت ةيعوتلا ةطشنأو جمارب معدل لايومت ةكراشمو ،ةيلحملا سلاجملا اهدوقت يتلا عيمج عم ةيسيئرلا راكفلأاو فراعملا .ةيلاولا ىوتسم ىلع سلاجملا فلأ 800 ةميقب يفاضإ ليومت كانه اضيأ معدي نيماع رادــم ىلع رلاود ةيوخأ« نم تافاقثلا ييئانث نيلماعلا ةفدهتسملا ةيعوتلا ميدقتل »سنارول تناس شيعت يتلا CALD ةيفلخ نم تلائاعلل غنونريبيرام ندم يف ماعلا ناكسلإا يف للاخ نم ارايو يلاڤ ينومو نروبلمو .يلئاعلا ملعتلا معد جمانرب تلائاع عم جمانربلا لمع ،2020 ماع ذنم ةيمانتيفو ةيبويثإو ةيرتيرإ تايفلخ نم ةينادوسو ةيكرتو ةيناتسكابو ةيلاموصو ،ئداهلا طيحملا رزــج تايفلخ نــمو دراوملا نم ةلماك ةعومجم ةدعاسمب نودب نييهفشلا نيمجرتملاو ةمجرتملا تافاقثلا ةددعتم تاعمتجملا معدل لباقم ضاير عم طابترلال ايروتكيف ةيلاو يف .لافطلأا ةرايزب لضفت ،تامولعملا نم ديزملل وأ vic.gov.au/kinder/arabic vic.gov.au/use-interpreter-earlychildhood-education-services ةردابم« ةحنم نم ةديفتسملا تاهجلا :يه »CALD تاعمتجم ةيعوت لويناب ةنيدم سلجم • كنابميرب ةنيدم سلجم • يسياك ةنيدم سلجم • نيبراد ةنيدم سلجم • ىربكلا وغيدنب ةنيدم سلجم • ىربكلا غنونيدناد ةنيدم سلجم • ىربكلا غنوليج ةنيدم سلجم • ياب زنوسبوه ةنيدم سلجم • مويه ةنيدم سلجم • غنونريبيرام ةنيدم سلجم • ادنورام ةنيدم سلجم • نروبلم ةنيدم سلجم • نوتليم ةنيدم سلجم • كيب-يريم ةنيدم سلجم • ارودليم فير ةنيدم سلجم • شانوم ةنيدم سلجم • يلاڤ ينوم ةنيدم سلجم • راياش لوباروم سلجم • يسلتيو ةنيدم سلجم • مادنيو ةنيدم سلجم • اراي ةنيدم سلجم • راياش زجنيار اراي سلجم • نوترابيش ةنيدم سلجم ىدل نوكيس * اضيأ راياش اينيدراك سلجمو ىربكلا ىتح CALD تاعمتجمل ةيعوت لماع مت ليومتب اموعدم ،2023 ماع فصتنم .ةقباس حنم للاخ نم هيقلت تلائاعلا نم ديزملا معد
ردنيك ىلإ لوصولا
قيرط نع


When the prayer is over, the worshippers congratulate each other, exchange greetings, and then have their own community celebration or family gatherings. Muslims often greet each other by saying “Eid Mubarak” or “Blessed Eid.” People usually wear their best clothes and exchange gifts. Additionally, people often visit family and friends throughout the day and share meals and eat special sweets that are usually reserved for the holiday. Different cultures throughout the Muslim world have varying traditions. Muslims in the West tend to adopt some Western customs in celebrating holidays. When the holiday falls on a weekday, Muslims sometimes request the day off from work or school. However, some Muslims might attend the early Eid prayer and then rush to work for the day.


8 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
for Stretton Unit 5/62 Pinelands Road, SUNNYBANK HILLS QLD 4109 T: (07) 3414 3110 E: Stretton@parliament.qld.gov.au ،كرابملا ىحضلأا ديع لولح ةبسانمب ةئنهتلاب ةيملاسلإا ةيلاجلا نم مدقتأ ريخب متناو ماع لك I would like to wish the Muslim community a Blessed Eid Al-Adha. Eid Mubarak
Martin MP Member




verification newsroom

CrossCheck has launched a public tipline ahead of the referendum on the Voice to Parliament to help journalists combat the influence of misinformation trends.

RMIT has signed an MOU with SBS and national Indigenous broadcaster NITV and launched a tipline for the public to report information they have doubts about in the lead up to the referendum.

CrossCheck is a function of RMIT’s FactLab, a research hub dedicated to debunking misinformation online and developing critical awareness about its origins and spread.

CrossCheck Director and RMIT Principal Research Fellow, Dr Anne Kruger, said the team were honored to have secured the trust of Australia’s leading broadcasters serving Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse communities in the

lead up to the landmark referendum.

“CrossCheck aims to uphold and maintain the integrity of information in a time when information flows are increasingly vulnerable to manipulation,” she said.

“We alert our media and community partners daily of emerging online narratives and trends so they can be ahead of the misinformation e-curve.”

“We also act as an active helpline for senior editors and professional communicators on how to slow down misinformation in news reporting approaches.”

She said the team is committed to ensuring media play a role in keeping the public informed and are not targeted by false and misleading information.

CrossCheck tracks online disinformation, conspiracy theories, hate speech and extremism using a range of methods including monitoring increases in social media advertising spend, social

media sentiment and misinformation in online comments.

To date, they have worked with media partners including the ABC, Australian Community Media, Crikey, The Guardian and a diverse range of under-represented community media.

RMIT Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous Education, Research and Engagement, Professor Gary Thomas, said RMIT was encouraging the university community to be well informed on the Voice to Parliament to fully participate in the democratic process.

“We understand there are differing opinions and encourage the RMIT community to engage in the debate with respect,” he said.

“Our hope is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have a greater influence in political decision making regarding their social, spiritual and economic wellbeing.”

9 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
MEMBER FOR MULGRAVE 517A Princes Highway, Noble Park VIC 3174 9548 5644 daniel.andrews@parliament.vic.gov.au
@DanielAndrewsMP premier.vic.gov.au 16 Princes Highway, Dandenong VIC 3175 9793 2000 lee.tarlamis@parliament.vic.gov.au LeeTarlamisMP leetarlamismp.com.au Lee Tarlamis
LABOR MEMBER FOR SOUTH EASTERN METROPOLITAN REGION Authorised by L Tarlamis, 16 Princes Highway, Dandenong. Authorised by D Andrews, 517A Princes Highway, Noble Park.
Daniel Andrews MP PREMIER


Dr Dzavid Haveric, a well-respected historian, is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation and a member of the Public and Contextual Theology Research Centre at Charles Sturt University. He is also a Research Associate at the Victoria Museum. Dr Haveric worked as Program Assistant at the Parliament of the World’s Religions within the Victorian Multicultural Commission. He was a Research Assistant at Victoria University. He was made a member of the distinguished Bosnian Academy of Science and Art (BANUK), Sarajevo, in recognition for his history work. He also worked as a Reporter for SBS Radio for the Bosnian community and as a Journalist for Bosnian community newspapers. Dr Haveric is the author of twelve books, mostly related to Muslims in Australia.

Dr Haveric’s background is Bosnian Muslim and his name can be pronounced as Javid (Bosnian spelling: Dzavid). Haveric is an old and distinguished Muslim family in Bosnia and Dzavid is its 14th generation. The Haveric family was very large and some family members also lived in Albania, Montenegro and Turkey. During the time of the Ottoman Empire several ancestors of the Haveric family had high positions as pashas (dignitaries, army generals). A number of them were dervishes, Sufis, calligraphers, Imams, scholars, and artists. Still others were also

Among those who have read Dr Haveric’s Muslims making Australia home found it as a highly acclaimed contemporary reference.

Previously, there was a gap in the history of Muslim migration and multi-ethnic community building after WW2. The book includes arrivals of post-war Muslim migrants from the 1940s and 1960s. They came from Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Due to their small numbers, they jointly established multi-ethnic Muslim communities and various multi-ethnic organisations such as the Australian Federation of Islamic Societies. Every post-war multi-ethnic Muslim community in each state and territory was explored and documented in detail. It reveals immigration and cooperation in building multi-ethnic communities between different ethnic groups such as Lebanese, Turkish, Bosnian, Indian, Pakistani, Malayan, Indonesian, Iranian and many others. These communities proceeded to form ethnic

communities, which grew up in the 1970s and 1980s. I argue that there is no history of Islam in Australia without a history of the Muslim communities; there is no history of these Muslim communities without the memories of Australian Muslims. Therefore, I incorporated in it many valuable memories of Muslims of different ethnicities, after a number of field trips across the nation.

Some readers found the book History of Islam and Muslims in Australia as a “gold mine” of historical data through precolonial and colonial times.

The themes of the book are the earliest appearance of Islam in Australia, interaction with Aboriginals, Muslim convicts, Afghan and Malay settlements, old mosques, Muslim festivals, travels for pilgrimages to Mecca and other topics until the period of World War II after which the history of Islam across the Commonwealth unfolded in rich multi-ethnicity manifested by

ceremonial guards for the King of Montenegro. One Haveric served as a secretary in the King’s palace in Cairo, Egypt. Among the Haveric’s ancestry there was one Islamic scholar, Sufi, translator and calligrapher who lived and worked in Albania. He was a Shaikh of the Sufi Tidjaniyah order and he was among a few co-translators of the holy Qur’an from Arabic to Albanian. Presumably, it was the first contemporary translation of the holy Qur’an by a Muslim in any European language. In the mid18th century, there was a Haveric, a wakif (benefactor) in Montenegro for Muslim and non-Muslim residents. He established an aqueduct and fountains and also wakuf (an endowment) for the maintenance of it. His wakuf also included 926 olive trees. Dzavid’s uncle was among the first leaders during WW2 to defend the city of Sarajevo, Bosnia. He participated in the national liberation and became known as the national hero of the city of Sarajevo. He is known for his promotion and support for the multiethnic and multi-faith society of Bosnia. A couple of Haverics held positions in the local government of Bosnia, and one in the state ministry. Following the war against Bosnia many family members took refuge in Western societies.

diverse Muslim ethnic groups. The book is a detailed historical account of Islam and Muslims in Australia, free from stereotypes. It portrays a more realistic image of Islam and Muslims in Australia and thereby cultivates a positive appreciation of Australian Muslims’ distinctiveness. An important feature of Australian Muslims, revealed in the book, is the extent to which their religion helped them in expressing their loyalty to Australia.

What is your most recent project?

That project is related to Australian Muslims serving in Australian Defence Force. For last several years I worked on this research and writing, and also undertook field trips to many institutions and communities in different places in Australia. A range of data will show how Australian Muslim service personnel demonstrated their loyalty, patriotism and contribution to Australia. When it is published,

through its multicultural lens, it will document how Muslim soldiers’ stories are inextricably interwoven with Australia’s history. There will be more about this great book project, hopefully, in the forthcoming time. It is the first ever project written on Muslims of different ethnic backgrounds in Australian Defence Force.

Your current project is a Monography of the Australian Bosnian Islamic Centre, Deer Park, right?

Yes. The Monography is related to the historical development of the ABIC Deer Park, from its founding in mid-1970s in Footscray. The project is going towards its 50th anniversary. It will be rich in images and wording, which highlight community cultural-religious activities. It will demonstrate a distinctive Bosnian Muslim ethnic footprint as an integral part of multi-ethnic and multicultural Australia.

10 COMMUNITY AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
11 يلارتسلاا طسولا AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. لزع لىع ظفاح ديرت يتلا داوملا .اهريودت ةداعإ تايواحلا يف ريودتلا ةداعلإ داوملا عضت امدنع اهريودت ةداعإ نكمي ،سايكأ يف سيلو ةبسانملا .تلاواطلاو قئادحلا دعاقمك ةديدج ءايشلأ .ريبك هريثأت نكلو ،اطيسب اذه ودبي دق عقوم يف ديزملا لىع علطا sustainability.vic.gov.au/arabic-small-acts ةأرما نع اوفع ردصت ةيلارتسلأا تاطلسلا ةديدج ةلدأ روهظ دعب ةعبرلأا اهلافطأ لتق ةمهتب نيدقع تنجس يندس -زوين يس يب يب تاــطــلــســلا تـــفـــع ةأرــما نع ةيلارتسلأا اهنأب ةرم تاذ تفصو يف ةحافس ةلتاق أوسأ« ةديدج ةلدأ تراشأ نأ دعب »ايلارتسأ .ةعبرلأا اهلافطأ لتقت مل اهنأ ىلإ يف اماع 20 غيبلوف نيلثاك تضقو نيفلحم ةئيه تلصوت نأ دعب نجسلا كيرتابو بلاك اهينبا تلتق اهنأ ىلإ رشع ىدم ىلع اروــلو ةراس اهيتنبو .تاونس هيف تعمتساو اثيدح اقيقحت نكل نيذلا ءاملعلا ضعب ءارآ ىلإ ةمكحملا لكشب اوتام امبر لافطلأا نأ نودقتعي .يعيبط نم ةغلابلا ةأرملا ةيضق تفصوو ربكأ نم ةدحاو اهنأب اماع 55 رمعلا يف ةلادعلا قيبطت يف قافخلإا تلااح .ايلارتسأ لوقت تلظ يتلا ،غيبلوف ىلع مكحو 2003 ماع يف نجسلاب ،ةئيرب اهنإ ،لافطلأا نم ةثلاث لتقل اماع 25 ةدمل .بلاك ،لولأا اهنبا لتقو ىدم ىلع ةأجف نوتومي لافطلأا لظو ،1999و 1989 يماع نيب تاونس رشع اموي 19 نيب حوارتت مهرامعأ تناكو يف ةماعلا ةباينلا تلاقو ،ارهش 19و .مهتقنخ اهنإ اهتمكاحم ،ةقباسلا تافانئتسلاا لصوتت ملو يف 2019 ماع يف لصفنملا قيقحتلاو بايترلال ساسأ يأ دوجو ىلإ ةيضقلا دق ةمكحملا تناكو ،ةلدلأا يف لوقعملا يف ةيفرظلا ةلدلأل ربكأ ةيمهأ تلوأ .ةيلصلأا غيبلوف ةمكاحم قيقحتلا يف تقفاو ةباينلا نكل ،دعاقتملا يضاقلا هسأر يذلا ،ديدجلا نأشب ثاحبلأا نأ ىلع ،تسروثاب موت تايفول مهمهف تريغ ةينيجلا تارفطلا .لافطلأا ثواس وين ةيلاول ماعلا يعدملا نلعأو لصوت تسروثاب نأ ،يلاد لكيام ،زليو كانه نلأ ،»ةمزاح رظن ةهجو« ىلإ ،ةبنذم غيبلوف نوكت نأ يف لاوقعم اكش .مئارجلا كلتل اهباكترا يف وأ ،زليو ثواس وين ةيلاو مكاح عقوو رمأو ،لماك وفع ىلع ،كلذل ةجيتن نم غيبلوف نع يروــفــلا جارــفلإاــب .نجسلا 20 ترمتسا ةنحم تناك« :يلاد لاقو افيضم ،»ملاسلا اهل ىنمتأو ... اماع لافطلأا دلاو عم اضيأ نماضتم هنأ .غيبلوف غيرك ماع قيقحت يف ،غيبلوف وماحم راشأو »ةيساسلأا ةيلوقعملا مدع« ىلإ ،2022 ةدحاو ةرسأ نم لافطأ ةعبرأ ةافول .ةيناثلا نس نود ةيعيبط بابسلأ طورشملا ريغ وفعلا نإ يلاد لاقو اذه كرتيسو .غيبلوف تانادإ يغلي لا اذإ ،هررقتل يئانجلا فانئتسلاا ةمكحمل ةيضقلا ةلاحإ تسروثاب يضاقلا دارأ لصي ام قرغتست دق ةلأسم يهو - اهيلإ اهنكميف ،اهتانادإ تيغلأ نإو .ماع ىلإ ىلع لوصحلل ةموكحلا ةاضاقم ذئنيح .تارلاودلا نييلام غلبت دق تاضيوعت ،كلذ نم لادب ،لصحت نأ نكميو تلصح يتلا كلتل ةلثامم ةيوست ىلع تلصح يتلا ،نيلربماشت يدنيل اهيلع يأ( يلارتسأ رلاود نويلم 1.3 ىلع )يكيرمأ رلاود فلأ 858 لداعي ام ةافوب ةئطاخلا اهتنادلإ 1992 ماع يف .ايرازأ اهتنبا ةيضق نع نيعفادملا ضعب لوقيو يتلا ،نيلربماشت ةيضق نإ غيبلوف لءاضتت ،تاونس ثلاث ةدمل تنجس .غيبلوف ةيضقب ةنراقم ليحتسملا نم« :اهتيماحم تلاقو غيبلوف نيلثاكب قحل يذلا ررضلا مهف وحن ءاضقو ،اهلافطأ نادقف ملأ لثمتاذ نوجس يف نامزلا نم نيدقع مئارج ببسب ةددشم ةينمأ تاءارجإ .»ادبأ ثدحت مل اهنأ ملعلا تبثأ ةباوب دنع غيبلوف ءاقدصأ ىقتلاو ةلمحلا يف اوكراش نم ضعبب نجسلا ،اهتيرح لجأ نم تاونس ترمتسا يتلا ثواس وين ةيلاول ماعلا يعدملا دشانو ىلع ظافحلا سانلا ،يلاد لكيام ،زليو نم نكمتت ىتح غيبلوف ةيصوصخ .»اهتايح يف امدق يضملا« ادمتعم نوناقلا نوكي نأ بجي ملعلا ىلع رثكأ ىلع 2003 ماع غيبلوف ةمكاحم تزكر تايمويلا اهزربأ نم ناكو ،ةيفرظ ةلدأ .ةموملأا عم اهعارص نع تربع يتلا نم ةيدام ةلدأ كانه نكي مل نكل قنخ ىلع ةمكاحملا ىلإ مدق ام نيب .لافطلأا ةباصإ وأ ريخلأا قيقحتلا يف ءاربخلا حرتقاو مأ اهتبتك ملقأت ةيلآ تناك تايمويلا نأ هنأو ،دودحم معد ىوس قلتت مل ةنيزح لافطلأا ضرعتي نأ لمتحملا ريغ نم .ارثأ اوكرتي نأ نود قانتخلال ةعبرلأا قيرف نم ناك يسيئرلا ليلدلا نكل نأ اوفشتكا نيذلا ةعانملا ءاملع نم يف ناكرتشت ارولو ةراس ،غيبلوف يتنبا توملا ببست نأ نكمي ةينيج ةرفط .ئجافملا يبلقلا نأ ىلع ةـــلدأ نــع اــضــيأ فــشــكو امهيدل ناك ،كيرتابو بلاك ،اهيدلو عرصلاب ةطبترم ،ةفلتخم ةينيج ةرفط .نارئفلا يف ئجافملا ،اسونيف لاوراك ،ةروسيفوربلا تلاقو ةعماجلا نم ثحبلا قيرف تداق يتلا دوجو تظحلا اهنإ ةيلارتسلأا ةينطولا احضاو ناك يداع ريغ ينيج لسلست يوونلا ضمحلا يــف روــفــلا ىلع تانيعل رابتخا ءارجإ لبق ىتح ،غيبلوفل .لافطلأا :يس يب يب عم ةلباقم يف تفاضأو اريغتم اندجوو لولأا رابتخلاا انيرجأ« اندقتعاو ... ةياغلل ابيرم ادب )اينيج( /ربمفون يف تقولا كلذ يف ىتح لامتحا اذه نأ ،2018 يناثلا نيرشت ،لافطلأا يف هيلع رثع اذإ ،ادج ريبك .»ةافولا ببس وه نوكي ثيحب كانه نإ اسونيف روسيفوربلا تلاقو عيمج يف طقف ةفورعم ةلاح 134 ةطبترم ةلتاق ةيبلق ةلاحل ملاعلا ءاحنأ .ةينيجلا ةرفطلاب هنأب غيبلوف نع وفعلا رارق تفصوو لملأا حنمت نأ نكمي »ةليمج ةظحل« .ةلثامم فقاوم يف تايرخأ ءاسنل نأشب تاطلسلا انب تلصتا« :تلاقو وأ ،نهلافطأ ندقف يئلالا ءاسنلا ،نهلافطأب ىذلأا قاحلإب نمهتا يتلالا لاافطأ تناك ول امك تلااحلا ودبتو ةيثارو تلااــح نــم اضيأ نوناعي .»ةريطخ مولعلل ةيلارتسلأا ةيميداكلأا لوقتو ىلإ ةجاحلا ىدم رهظت ةيضقلا نإ ينوناقلا ماظنلا لعجي يذلا حلاصلإا ةوعد يهو ،»ملعلا ىلع ادامتعا« رثكأ .غيبلوف يماحم اهددر


Gulhan Yoldas

Al-Taqwa College, one of the oldest serving Islamic schools in Australia, hosted a spectacular Grand Union, celebrating twenty five years of year twelve graduations.

The event was hosted on Wednesday 14th of June at Lakeside Banquet & Convention Centre. The venue was full of Alumni from various years, dating back to the year 1998, the very first Al Taqwa graduates.

The moving opening prayer was performed by Al-Taqwa College Sheikh, Dr. Ali Galabneh.

The MC for the event was Ms Nejla Mohammad, Alumni Relations Coordinator, who welcomed guests to the Grand Reunion and did the Acknowledgement of Country.

Mr. Omar Hallak, founder and Executive Principal of Al Taqwa College gave a very sincere and poetic welcoming speech to his

guests, stating “On my way here I noticed there are no stars in the night sky. When I walked in I realised its because all the stars are here in this room.”

Mr. Hallak reflected on his earliest days of first migrating to Australia and the inspiration that led to him founding what has now become the largest single-campus Islamic school in Australia.

From very humble beginnings with only a classroom of 12 year 12 students graduating in 1998, today Al Taqwa College boasts over 2300 students and 380 staff with impressive education facilities spanning across their 50 acre campus.

Well known Australian-Turkish comedian Tahir Bilgic’s performance left the crown in stitches of laughter and applause, sharing his relateable experiences as a teacher in Bankstown and life before comedy. Special guest speaker, all the way from Perth, Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim, founder of Al Maghrib

Institute, shared many gems of wisdom and naseehah with the audience. Giving examples from the Hadith and Qur’an, Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim highlighted that “Success and contentment are not always correlated.

He encouraged the alumni to instill a strong sense of self identity and self confidence in your children and build a legacy for future generations.

Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim also encouraged the audience towards doing good by reflecting on a hadith and stated, “Never discount any good that you do. Smiling is a charity. Checking in with someone is a charity. It’s an act of favour that we seek from Allah. And lastly those who you underestimate usually find favor with Allah SWT.”

During the Grand Reunion event, many prayers were made by the audience for the quick recovery of Al-Taqwa alumni Bachar Houli, who was recently in a car accident. Pre-recorded videos of Bachar were played for the audience, where he shared the impact his education at Al

Taqwa College has had on shaping his Islamic identity.

Al-Taqwa College alumni today are serving in various positions across all industries, which were reflected in the room. The event also served as a powerful networking and collaboration opportunity for the hundreds of alumni attending from various parts of Australia.

Community Engagement and Marketing Manager for Al-Taqwa College, Mr. Hamdi Koyu stated, “Al-Taqwa College graduates have been contributing positively to our community for the past 25 years. On behalf of Al-Taqwa College Management, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all that have made our journey worthwhile. The memories that have been created, the friendships that have been forged, and the knowledge that has been gained will be engraved in our hearts for ever. We look forward to continuing to provide quality education for generations to come.”

12 EDUCATION AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
Al-Taqwa College Founder, Mr. Omar Hallak with first graduates and oldest serving teachers


Thousands more students with disability and additional needs will get the support they deserve earlier - thanks to a new investment by the Andrews Labor Government. The Labor Government is delivering Australian-first Disability Inclusion package to all Victorian government schools over five years, with all school regions moving to the new approach by 2025.

Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins today announced a $46 million package that will get get more support flowing to remaining schools more than six months earlier than planned, in response to feedback from schools who said early release of funding would have enabled them to better train and hire staff ahead of the new school year.

The Disability Inclusion package is transforming support for students with a disability in every Victorian government school – reforming inclusive education to put the needs


of each individual student at the heart of our response and shifting the focus towards what a child can achieve, rather than what they need extra support with.

More than 850 schools have already moved to the new funding model, with another 720 making the switch in the coming years.

Schools in Goulbourn, Brimbank, Melton, North-East Melbourne and Southern Melbourne will receive the additional funding this week and are set to start operating the new model next year.

Schools in Outer Gippsland, Wimmera


South-West, Inner Eastern Melbourne and Hume Merri-bek will receive the funding in early-2024 and move to the new model in 2025.

Specialist schools will now also receive extra preparatory funding, while English language schools will begin receiving it for the first time –making sure children who need extra support, no matter their background, have the opportunity to thrive and shine at school.

The extra investment builds on the $235 million invested in inclusive education in the Victorian Budget 2023/24 – giving more students

easier access to the services they need to succeed at school and in life as we continue to build the Education State.

“Everyone deserves to fully participate in school – by bringing forward this funding we are making sure students get the support they need when they need it.

“Kids are more than a diagnosis –and this package will completely change the way we support children in our schools, focusing on what they can achieve rather than what they can’t.” Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins said.

13 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
14 يلارتسلاا طسولا AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع يلارتسلأا لامعلا بزح ةيئاهن
تن ةريزجلا لاــمــعــلا بزــــح ردـــــصأ سمأ )ALP( ”يب لإ هــيإ“ يلارتسلأا ةيلارتسلأا ةيلاردفلا ةموكحلا وعدي ارارق اذه ةرتف للاخ“ نيطسلفب فارتعلاا ىلإ ةموكحلا ىلع طغضلا داز امم ،”ناملربلا لكشب بلطلا اذه عم لماعتلل ةيلاحلا غنينروم ينديس اذ“ ةفيحص بسح ،عيرس The Sydney Morning( ”دلاريه .ةيلارتسلأا )Herald نع اهل ريرقت يف ةفيحصلا تلاقو ةوطخلا كلت لثمب مايقلا نإ عوضوملا ةدعاقلا لبق نم بيحرت عضوم نوكيس بضغي دق هنكل ،لمعلا بزحل ةيمدقتلا نيرشت/ربوتكأ يف تئجوف يتلا ليئارسإ لمعلا بزح ةموكح عجارتب 2022 لولأا نوسيروم توكس ةموكح رارــق نــع ةمصاع ةيبرغلا سدقلاب فارتعلاا ةقباسلا .ليئارسلإ ةيلارتسلأا ةفيحصلا تلقن ،اهبناج نم قبسلأا يلارتسلأا ةيجراخلا ريزو نع لسريس رارقلا اذه لثم نإ هلوق راك بوب ةينيمي رثكلأا ةموكحلا“ ىلإ ةيوق ةلاسر ليئارسإ نأ افيضم ،”ليئارسإ خيرات يف نمضتي ساــق للاــتــحا“ يــف ةرمتسم ريغ اهنأ امك ،يرصنعلا لصفلا نيناوق اذه ،نيتلودلا لح ىلع ضوافتلاب ةمتهم دفني أدب ملاعلا ربص نأ ىلإ ةفاضلإاب نيماينب يليئارسلإا ءارزوــلا سيئر عم .”وهاينتن ثعبي نيطسلفب فارتعلاا“ نأ فاضأو فرتعت ةــلود 138 نإ ذإ ،ةيوق ةلاسر فارتعلاا اذه نأ امك ،نيطسلفب لعفلاب لمعلا بزحل ينطولا جمانربلا يف دوجوم .”تاونس 5 وحن ذنم @mayorbilalelhayek @ClrBilalelHayek @bilal.elhayek Contact me at: P 9707 9522 E Mayor@cbcity.nsw.gov.au EID MUBARAK Clr Bilal El-Hayek MAYOR City of Canterbury Bankstown Eid Mubarak • Fresh Nut Roasters • Wholesale Middle Eastern Products 27 Malcolm Place, Campbellfield VIC 3061 P: +61 3 9357 7719 E: info@omaraimports.com.au W: www.omaraimports.com.au ريدصتلاو داريتسلال ةرامع ةلمجلاب عيب ● يبرعلا خبطملا هجاتحي ام لك ● عم لصاوتلا مكنكمي مكتاراسفتسلا ايارـــس دــمـحم Eid Mubarak
ةلهم ةموكحلا حنمي نيطسلفب فارتعلال

Protect yourself and your family this winter: LEAVE BBQS AND OUTDOOR HEATERS OUTSIDE

As the days and nights get colder, NSW Health is reminding people to never use outdoor heaters or BBQs inside their home due to the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

NSW Poisons Information Centre’s Medical Director Dr Darren Roberts said outdoor heaters and BBQs produce carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas you can’t see, taste or smell.

“Last year, we received an increase in the number of calls related to carbon monoxide poisoning so we are warning people to be safe in how they heat their homes this winter,” Dr Roberts said.

“Any outdoor device that burns fuel can produce carbon monoxide, even if there is no smoke. This includes barbeques using charcoal beads or briquettes and outdoor gas heaters and lanterns.

“When carbon monoxide is breathed in it decreases oxygen use by the heart, brain and other vital organs. This can cause unconsciousness and, in some cases, result in death.”

Carbon monoxide poisoning can affect anyone, but babies, pregnant women, the elderly and people with chronic medical conditions are at higher risk.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and weakness. People with more severe poisoning may faint or lose consciousness, and in some instances, suffer permanent brain injury or death.

If you suspect someone has been exposed to carbon monoxide, call the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26. In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000).

If English is not your main language and you need an interpreter, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask to be transferred to the Poisons Information Centre.

More information about how to reduce risk and exposure this winter is available at Carbon Monoxide

Poisoning: www.health.nsw.gov.au/ environment/Pages/copoisoning.aspx


15 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
May you and your family enjoy the blessings of Eid al-Adha
Mayor Ned Mannoun #lovelivo
Wishing the Muslim community of Western Metropolitan Region and around the world a blessed and enjoyable Eid Al-Adha
Eid Mubarak


Gulhan Yoldas

The Order of the Medal of Australia, the nation’s highest civilian honour, has been awarded to esteemed community leader and respected educationist Abdullah Khan, in recognition of his exceptional and long-standing services to education and to the multicultural communities in Western Australia.

Abdullah’s OAM was announced in the King’s Birthday 2023 Honours List, published on the Governor General’s website.(1)

The investiture ceremony, where Abdullah will be presented with the Medal of the Order of Australia, is scheduled to take place at Government House in Perth later this year.

A press release by Dr Hamza Amira, Chair of Australian Islamic College (Perth) Inc, which has schools in Western Australia and South Australia, was circulated on Monday 12th of June celebrating the news.

Dr. Amira stated, “The award is a fitting tribute to Abdullah’s unrelenting efforts to promote cultural understanding and social harmony in the State, particularly within the Islamic schooling sector”.

The Australian Muslim community takes great pride in Abdullah Khan’s achievements, which highlight the values of inclusivity, cultural understanding, and social harmony.

A very humbled Abdullah Khan, expressed gratitude for the OAM title in stating, “I am deeply honoured and humbled to receive such a prestigious award. For me, this is not just an individual award but also recognition of the contributions made by multicultural communities in Western Australia and the vital role they play in enriching our society. I therefore would like to dedicate my award to all those who have supported me and worked with me over the years. I am grateful to you all for your unwavering support.”

Abdullah Khan has emerged as a prominent advocate for the rights of minority communities and has played a vital role in interconnecting the Islamic schooling sector in his position as Chair of the Islamic Schools Association of Australia (ISAA).

With over three decades of active involvement in education, Abdullah Khan has also held various senior leadership positions in various Islamic schools. Abdullah’s

remarkable contributions extend beyond the boundaries of educational institutions.

He has worked closely with multicultural communities, serving as a member of the WA Ministerial Multicultural Advisory Council and as Patron of the Pakistan Association of Western Australia.

Abdullah’s efforts to bridge gaps, celebrate diversity, and promote inclusivity have left an indelible impact on Western Australia’s social fabric.

The Order of Australia Medal is the pinnacle of recognition for Abdullah Khan’s lifelong dedication to education and community leadership. This prestigious honour is a testament to his tireless commitment to fostering cultural understanding and social harmony. Abdullah’s impact has not gone unnoticed, as he has previously received the Honorary Fellowship of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders and the Western Australian Multicultural Outstanding Individual Achievement Award.

The Australian Honors system

stands as a testament to the nation’s appreciation for exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities, society, or the nation. His dedication has fostered unity and strengthened the bonds within the community and has created an environment in which students and families from diverse backgrounds

can thrive academically and culturally.

Leading by example Abdullah’s commitment to community is serving as an inspiration to the younger generation of Australian Muslims. His relentless pursuit of educational opportunities and his role in nurturing the Islamic schooling sector have empowered countless individuals towards successful outcomes and established platforms for collaboration amongst Islamic educational institutions across the nation.

The Medal of the Order of Australia is a significant symbol of appreciation for Abdullah’s remarkable contributions. This honour recognizes the invaluable role the Australian Muslim community plays in enriching Australian society and highlights the importance of their continued involvement and contributions.


16 COMMUNITY AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
KATIE HALL MP LABOR FOR FOOTSCRAY katie hall@parliament vic gov au 9689 4283 204 Nicholson St, Footscray VIC 3011 EID AL-ADHA EID AL-ADHA Wishing you peace and Wishing you peace and prosperity on this blessed prosperity on this blessed occasion occasion katie in footscray katiehallmp
17 يلارتسلاا طسولا AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع نواتسكناب يربرتناك يف نايدلأا راوح ةودن ناملربلا يف نييلصلأا ناكسلا توص ءاتفتسا يف معن ـب تيوصتلل وعدت راوح« ةودن تعد ةعبارلا »ناــــيدلأا اهمظن يتلا ةرشع ايلارتسأب ناــيدلأا راوــح زكرم عونتلاو ماجسنلاا ةعومجمو يربرتناك ةنيدم يف يفاقثلا 9 يف ةعمجلا موي نواتسكناب ناونع تحت 2023 وينوي ناريزح معنب تيوصتلل ) لملااو حماستلا( يف يرجيس يذلا ءاتفتسلاا يف ءاطعلأ ماعلا اذه نم قحلا تقو ةيلصلاا مــملأا بوعشل توــص .ايلارتسا يف ىلولأا بئانلا يلارديفلا ريزولا دكأو ايلارتسا يتفمو كروــب ينوط للاخ دمحم وبأ ميهاربإ روتكدلا ىلع ةودنلا يف ةيسيئرلا مهتملك لاجر هيدؤي نأ نكمي يذلا رودلا تادايقو نويسايسلاو نيدلا ةدحولا زيزعت يــف عمتجملا ةهجاوم ىلإ تــعدو ،راوــحــلاو ،عمتجملا يف فرطتلاو بصعتلا ةيفاقثلا تاــيوــهــلا مارــتــحاو عمتجم ءانبو ةعونتملا ةيراضحلا دكاو. عيمجلل رهدزمو مغانتم ىظحت ايلارتسا نا كروب ريزولا عم حماستلاو حلاصتلا ايازمب مارتحاو ،نيدلاو قرعلا اياضق اربتعم دقتعملاو ريبعتلا ةيرح ةردان ةصرف ايلارتسا ماما نا تقحل يتلا حارــجــلا ديمضتل للاخ نم ىلولأا مملأا بوعشب ليدعت ىلع معن ب تيوصتلا ىلولأا مملأاب فارتعلال روتسدلا ءاشنإ للاخ نم ايلارتسأ يف ناكسو نييلصلأا ناكسلل توص .ناملربلا يف سيروت قيضم رزج زكرملا سيئر ددش هتهج نم حماستلا نأ ىلع حلاص رضخ ىلع دعاست ايلع ةميقو ةليضف ةيهاركلا ذبنو ملاسلا ةفاقث رشن لكشت يذـــلا ،عمتجملا يــف نايدلأاو تافاقثلاو تاراضحلا .هبناوج مهأ يفوص ةريزولل تاملك تيقلا امك ةموكح سيئرل ةلثمم ستسيوك سيئرو ،سنيم سيرك ةيلاولا للاب نواتسكناب يربرتناك ةيدلب ينيدلا مائولا ةريفسو ،كياح .بوت رازيه ميركت مت ىدتنملا ماتخ يفو ةمعادلا تايصخشلا نم ددع مهنيب نم ناك نايدلأا نيب راوحلل قباسلا لبرش رام زكرم سيئر ،خرفلا سيول روتكدلا ينديس يف يملاسلإا ةاكزلا تيب سيئرو ةأرملا ةيعمج ةسيئرو ديبع ماصع لابع ةروتكدلا ايلارتسأب ةملسملا ةدحوملا ةسينكلا سيئرو سودقلا .زنكتاو ماهارغ ةصقلا نم ءزج اعيمج نحن ؟كمهلي يذلا نم australianoftheyear.org.au نلآا حيشرتلاب مق ايلارتسأ تررق اذامل ؟ينورتكللإا نيخدتلا نم دحلل ةمراص تاءارجإ ضرف ينديس زوين يس يب يب بلاــطــلا نــع هــثــيدــح يــف لا نيذلا ،هلصف يف نيقهارملا نيخدتلا نع فقوتلا نوعيطتسي وهو ،سيرك لوقي ،ينورتكللإا :زليو ثواس وين يف ةيوناث ةسردم يف سردم .»نونمدم مهنإ .ناولأا تاف« ةهكنب ةينورتكللإا رئاجسلا ريثأت ىري هنإ لوقع ىلع نيتوكينلاب ةئيلملاو ىولحلا نونخدي لافطلأا نأ ىتح ،موي لك بابشلا .يساردلا لصفلا يف ةينورتكللإا رئاجسلا فوس رملأا يف نوقمعتي نيذلا كئلوأ« نيبعتم نونوكيس وأ ،مهدعاقم نم نوضهني مهنلأ نيفلاخملا أوسأ جرخيس .نيرتوتم وأ ».ايفرح باحسنا ةلاح يف نوجاتحي انامدإ صاخشلأا رثكأ نإ لوقيو ،ليهأت ةداــعإ وأ نيتوكينلا تاقصل ىلإ مهرامعأ حوارتت نيذلا لافطلأا نع ثدحتيو .اماع 14 و 13 نيب تررق ،رهشلا اذه نم قباس تقو يف نم ةعومجم تضرفو ،يفكي اذه نأ ةموكحلا رئاجسلا نأ نم مغرلا ىلع .ةديدجلا دويقلا ةبسنلاب لعفلاب ةينوناق ريغ ةينورتكللإا ديدجلا عيرشتلا بجومب اهنأ لاإ ،نيريثكلل .طقف ةيبط ةفصوب ةحاتم حبصتس BROADWAY Halal Meats For All Your Orders & Free Delivery Call 9462 6632 Or 0412 663 227 266 Broadway Reservoir Vic 3073
18 EID MUBARAK AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع ADVERTISEMENT Best wishes to everyone celebrating the blessings of Eid. Wishing you, your family and friends peace, and happiness. Office: Shop 41, Plumpton Marketplace, Jersey Rd, Plumpton, 2761 Email: contact@edhusic.com Phone: (02) 9625 4344 www.edhusic.com ehusic @edhusicmp Authorised by Ed Husic MP, ALP, Shop 41 Plumpton Marketplace, Cnr Hyatts & Jersey Road, Plumpton NSW 2761. ED HUSIC MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CHIFLEY

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19 تاعونم AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع ..ايلارتسأ ةضفخم راعسأب لزانم ريفوتل رلاود رايلم 1.4 ةيبرع زوين ياكس لامعلا بزح ةموكح تلاق اهنإ ،تبسلا ،ايلارتسأ يف رلاود يراــيــلــم صصختس )يكريمأ رلاود رايلم 1.4 وحن( يلارتسأ راعسأب ةديدجلا لزانملا فلاآ ريفوتل تقولا يف ،دلابلا ءاحنأ يف ةلوقعم فيلاكت عافترا نم دلابلا هيف يناعت يذلا .ةشيعملا ينوتنأ يلارتسلأا ءارزوــلا سيئر لاقو اهمادختسا متيس يتلا ،لاوملأا نإ يزينابلأ ىلإ ملستس ،2025 وينوي 30 لولحب نوضغ يف ميلاقلأاو تايلاولا تاموكح نم ضورعملا زيزعت فدهب نيعوبسأ نيلجسملا نييلارتسلأل ةماعلا نكاسملا .راظتنلاا مئاوق ىلع يف اهاقلأ ةملك يف يزينابلأ فاضأو يتلا لامعلا بزح ةموكح دقتعت« :نروبلم هل نوكي نأ قحتسي يلارتسأ لك نأ اهدوقأ هذهو ،لماكلاب اماع اناكسإ نوكيس ،لزنم .»ماعلا ناكسلإل لاوملأا اهنإ ويام يف تلاق دق ةموكحلا تناكو ىلع يلارتسأ رلاود رايلم 14.6 جردتس ةيداحتلاا ةينازيملا يف تاونس عبرأ ىدم تاكرشلاو رسلأل ةشيعملا فيلاكت فيفختل عافترا ىــلإ كــلذ يدؤــي لاأــب تدــعوو .مخضتلا ينورتكللإا ديربلا ربع Your Say Yarra ةيرابخلإا ةرشنلا يف كرتشا ةكراشمل »Your Say Yarra« عقوم ةرايز كنكمي • ةيدلب سلجم تارارقو ططخو عيراشم لوح كراكفأ .Yarra ةيرهشلا ةيرابخلإا ةرشنلا دعاست • رخآ ىلع كعلاطا ىلع »Your Say Yarra« ةكراشملا نم نكمتت ىتح Yarra يف تادجتسملا .كل ةبسنلاب مهم وه امب انرابخإو )QR Code( ةعيرسلا ةباجتسلاا زمر مدختسا • عقوملا ةرايزب مق وأ ةيرابخلإا ةرشنلا يف كارتشلال :ينورتكللاا yoursayyarra.com.au


Did you know that children feel happiest when they see mom and dad talking, bantering, smiling to each other? Arguments happen in the best of marriages, but knowing when and how to gracefully exit an argument is one of the tricks that you need in order to have a happy, lasting marriage. Getting into an argument is easy. Getting out of one takes humility.

Even better, think of what you could possibly say and do to create deeper understanding and respect between you and your spouse. Choose to be kind by not giving in to impulsiveness and the desire to win an argument just for the sake of winning. In an argument that has gone out of hand, nobody wins, even if it seems at the time that one side has the upper hand.

Take a deep breath. Pause. A power pause alone may be all you need to save you from saying things that you will regret later. It takes courage, maturity and self-control to do or say something that shows you care. For example, you could say “I’m glad we’re in this together”. Or take a break if you see that it’s going nowhere.

Tackle It Before It Gets Worse

A simple way of thinking about marital conflict is by looking at it as though you are driving a car. Despite all the insurance you know you can get if you were to crash into someone, you would want to avoid it at all costs because of the inconveniences and the heartache, especially if someone you loved ends up getting hurt.

The worst thing that can happen is that you lose a loved one or you or a loved one is maimed permanently as a result of the crash. Thinking of the worst possible consequence makes you more careful. It’s the same with marital conflict. Knowing the worst possible consequence of having a major crisis can motivate you to act kinder and smarter.

More often than not, conflict doesn’t just erupt into a full-blown crisis right away. It may begin with something small, an irritation or discomfort perhaps, that tells you “something isn’t right”. Ignored or treated negatively, it gradually evolves into something bigger. You know it has turned into a crisis when the thought of it makes you tense

and anxious. To prevent escalation, acknowledge that a crisis is on the way, choose to have good thoughts about your spouse and identify shared goals that can keep you together.

Proactive Step To Sustain A Marriage: Undivided Attention

When was the last time you and your spouse sat together and talked of nothing else but what you have been dreaming to achieve as a couple? No matter how difficult, spend uninterrupted time together, where you and your spouse can give each other undivided attention. Do whatever you need to create this sacred time together. If you don’t have a maid, arrange for a babysitter.

It could be just holding hands or having a cup of coffee or tea in the living room or taking a walk side by side. It may seem a small, inconsequential act but is in fact, crucial in the long run. It can make or break your marriage. Spending uninterrupted time together, giving your spouse undivided attention seem so simple, but it’s

the simple things that can easily get overlooked, leading to major disappointments like: “My spouse has become a stranger to me. I don’t know who I’m married to anymore.” Don’t talk about the baby and other things all the time! Talk about the two of you. Your dreams. What do you hope of achieving together? You both can accomplish so much more together than by your own selves. One reason couples fall out of love is that they stop dreaming together. Work on shared goals. These goals may change from time to time. A happy married life is like working in a team. What is there for the team to stay together when there’s nothing for them to work for, something they are striving for the future? Work on planned spontaneity. It means blocking the time when the two of you can just be together without the baby, in-laws or whatever that may distract you from one another.

Jamilah Samian is the author of “The Kindness Miracle”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, “Leadership In Parenting”, “Parenting Generation Y & Z”, “Raise Me Right”, and “77 Power Parent Tips”.

20 FAMILY AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
مويلا اًميتي لفكإ لضفأ اًدغ هحنمت :ﷺ للها لوسر لاق ،ةنجلا يف نيتاهك ميتيلا لفاكو انأ“ )يراخبلا هاور( ”ىطسولاو ةبابسلاب راشأو :مقرلا ىلع لاصتلإا مكنكمي عربتلل 1300 760 155 :ةئيهلا عقوم اوروز وأ www.hai.org.au
21 تاعونم AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع يخيرات ءاتفتسلا دعتست ايلارتسأ نييلصلأا ناكسلا قوقح نأشب ناملربلا دهم يـــلارـــتـــسلأا ءارجلإ قيرطلا قوقح لوح يخيرات ءاتفتسا ثيح ،نييلصلأا ناكسلا ام نوبخانلا ررقي نأ رظتني نويلصلأا ناكسلا ناك اذإ »توص« ىلع نولصحيس .ةينطولا ةسايسلا عنص يف نوناق خويشلا سلجم رقأو 52 تيوصتب ءاتفتسلاا ،19 ضارتعا لباقم اتوص ءارزوـــلا سيئرل حمسيو ديدحتب زينابلأ ينوطنأ نم يذلاو ،تيوصتلل دعوم ةياهن لولحب نلآا عقوتملا .ماعلا ةظحل ءاتفتسلاا نوكيسو ةسايسلا يــف ةــيروــحــم ثيح ةيلارتسلأا ةينطولا ىنعم ديدحت يف دعاسي ديعيو »ايلارتسأ« نوكت نأ ةبرطضملا ةقلاعلا فيرعت ناــيــحلأا نــم ريثك يــف ناكسلا نم تايلقلأا نيب .ءاضيبلا ةيبلغلأاو نييلصلأا ،هرارـــــقإ ةــلاــح يـــفو ناكسلاب فارتعلاا متيس نيذلا نييلارتسلأا نييلصلأا ةراقلا يف مهفلاسأ شاع ىلع ماــع فــلأ 60 ةدمل لولأ روتسدلا يف لــقلأا .ةرم ناكسو نولصحيس امك ىلع سيروت قيضم رزج يف سركم يروتسد قح لبق نم مهتراشتسا متي نأ نيناوقلا نأشب ةموكحلا .مهتاعمتجم ىلع رثؤت يتلا قلعتي اذه« :زينابلأ لاقو ،نلآا« ..»ةمأك نحن نمب يلارتسلأا بعشلل حاتتس ةحلاصملل معن لوقيل ةصرف يروتسدلا فارتعلال معنو .»ىلولأا مملأا بعشب نأ »معن« ةلمح لمأتو ةيراشتسا ةئيه ءاشنإ يدؤي ناــكــســلا نــيــكــمــت ىـــلإ نوناعي نيذلا نييلصلأا ،ةيحصلا ةلاحلا ءوس نم تايوتسم ضاــفــخــناو تلادعم عافتراو ،ميلعتلا .نجسلا يأرلا تاعلاطتسا رهظتو ام ديؤت ةيبلغلأا نأ ةيلاحلا ،»ناملربلا توص« ـب ىمسي عم دييأتلا عجارت عم نكل .لدجلا ةدح ديازت ةضراعملا ميعز لاــقو مسقني يذلا ،نوــتاد رتيب نأشب ظفاحملا هفلاحت نإ ،ءاتفتسلاا نأشب هفقوم نم »معن« ـب تيوصتلا ىلع دلابلا مسقي نأ هنأش .ةيقرع سسأ »ناملربلا توــص« نكل ةيملاع ةيبعشب ىظحي لا نييلصلأا ناــكــســلا نيب لءاستي ثيح ،نييلارتسلأا احلاصإ ناك اذإ امع ضعبلا هل نوكي نل ايطارقوريب .ركذي يقيقح ريثأت ةلقتسملا ةروتانيسلا تلاقو ةطشان يهو ،بروث ايديل ،نييلصلأا ناكسلا نم ةزراب اهنع جتنيس ةوطخلا هذه نإ .»ةزجاع ةيراشتسا ةئيه« ب ف أ :ردصملا لـــــتق رغنكلا تاناويح ايلارتسأ يف لتق نأ ىــلإ نوصتخم راــشأ اــهــلاــسرإو رغنكلا تاــناوــيــح نم ةدافلإل وأ اهموحل كلاهتسلا ،ةديدش ةاناعم اهبينجتل ةليسو لكشي ،اهدلج .اهدادعأ ىلع ةرطيسللو رغنكلا تاناويح نم نييلاملا قفنت دق ةريبكلا ةدايزلا طبضت مل ام اعوج ةيلارتسلأا هبن ام ىلع ،اهدادعأ يف انهار ةلصاحلا ىلع ظافحلا تامظنمو ةيربلا ةايحلا ءاربخ حارتقا دح ىلإ ضعبلاب رملأا لصوو ،ةئيبلا .ةيقبلل اذاقنإ تاناويحلا هذه نم مسق مادعإ ةرود ببسب ةقلامعلا ةلودلل ةريبك ةيئيب ةلكشم ،ايلارتسأ زمر ،رغنكلا تاناويح لثمت دعب اريفو فلعلا نوكي امدنع نييلاملا تارشع ىلإ اهددع لصي نأ نكمي ذإ ،اهرثاكت .ءاذغلا صقن لاح يف ةدشب عجارتت دق اهدادعأ نكل .راطملأل ريزغ مسوم ،ريخلأا فافجلا مسوم للاخ« سرب سنارف ةلاكول يبسوم نيرثاك ةئيبلا ةملاع تلاقو قطانم يف تقفن رغنكلا تاناويح نم ةئاملا يف 90 ىلإ ةئاملا يف 80 نأ انتاريدقت تنيب .»ةنيعم وأ .مامحلا ليدانم لكأتو ةماع ضيحارم ىلإ لخدت« تاناويحلا هذه نأ ىلإ تراشأو .»هلكأت ام داجيإ اهراغص لواحت امنيب ةعئاج تاقرطلا ىلع دقرت نم ةدافلإل وأ اهموحل كلاهتسلا اهلاسرإو رغنكلا تاناويح لتق نإف ،يبسوم بسحبو .اهدادعأ ىلع ةرطيسللو ،ةديدش ةاناعم اهبينجتل ةليسو لكشي ،اهدلج ب ف أ :ردصملا يعوبسأ ايرهش نيعوبسأ لك يعوبسأ .2023 ويلوي / زومت 1 يف تايافن تايواح عبرلأ ةديدج ةمدخ أدبت :اهملاتسا تارم ددعو ةديدجلا كتايواح ىلع فرعت :فتاه conversations.merri-bek.vic.gov.au/waste/arabic :ةرايزب مق 9280 1913

Islamic Council of Victoria

We are proud to announce that the Order of Australia Medal was awarded to the ICV’s own Honorary


Community Ambassador and Imam of Elsedeaq Heidleberg Mosque, Imam Alaa Elzokm. Imam Alaa was recognised by the OA for his service to the Islamic faith and to multiculturalism and nurturing peaceful and cohesive relationships

between Australian Muslims and the broader community. He says his award “shows that being from overseas, young and Muslim does not make it impossible to excel and make positive contributions to the Australian community. I hope my

Liberal MP calls for rehabilitation over more spending on prisons

Victorian Liberal MP Evan Mulholland has signalled the need for his party to lead Victoria away from current “tough-on-crime” policies and embrace rehabilitation, rather than allowing billions to be spent jailing people who pose no danger to Victorians.

Mulholland, representing the Northern Metropolitan Region in Victoria’s State Parliament, some of the most diverse communities in the state, made the case for reducing prison rates and targeting the causes of crime in a chapter published this month in the book of essays Markets and Prosperity, emphasising the Liberal Party’s proud record on community safety, and need

to “take back ownership of the conservative value of redemption.”

As reported in The Age newspaper 14 June 2023, Mr Mulholland highlighted in the new book the need for the Liberal Party to be honest enough to learn from previous elections that sometimes ‘tough on crime’ can go too far.

“If we abhor ‘cancel culture’, which we should, we should also apply those same principles to our justice system. People are better than their worst moments.”

“Finding good in people, rehabilitating them towards a better life, is not a progressive idea. It is a conservative one. We cede ground over compassion

to the left at our peril,” Mulholland wrote. The key task for reform of the criminal justice system he argues is to “differentiate between the people we are afraid of, and the people that we are just mad at”. Mulholland notes that community safety must always remain the priority to ensure community support, reform efforts cannot succeed where the community does not have confidence that dangerous criminals can be kept behind bars.

But Mulholland also repeated his view – first made in his maiden speech to parliament – that Victorians should not be jailed for low-level drug possession, defaulting on

work sets an example for others to do their best and never be deterred by any challenge. Those who seek success will find it if they strive. I pray that it inspires others, particularly the youth from the Muslim community.”

fines, and some white-collar crimes. “If they are not a threat to community safety, then they do not belong in a prison.”

The Justice Reform Initiative in March declared “jailing is failing” and hoped politicians would seize the opportunity to stop the revolving door prison system that costs the state $1 billion a year. Thirty-seven per cent of people who leave prison are back inside within two years, and more than half have been jailed at least twice.

Victoria spends about $150,000 a year on every person in prison. Mulholland said that money would be better spent on rehabilitation, substance treatment and educational programs when a person first

interacted with the system. “Criminal justice reform should be seriously engaged with by Liberals, it not only makes sound economic sense, but it is also morally the right thing to do,” Mr Mulholland said.

Liberal MPs have signalled a mood for change. Brad Battin, appointed in December to the newly created portfolio of criminal justice reform, is working on policy to invest in people rather than prisons and to divert youth away from the system.

22 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
Victorian Liberal MP Evan Mulholland


Brimbank City Council had some big wins at the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly event in Canberra last week.

Brimbank Mayor, Cr Bruce Lancashire, and five Brimbank Councillors attended the conference to advocate for issues impacting Brimbank at a national level.

The Assembly provided a crucial opportunity for Council to influence ALGA’s Federal Government advocacy on Brimbank priorities.

Four motions were tabled by Council at the conference, and all four were approved.

The motions were focussed on:

• Financial Assistance Grants for councils

• a policy framework for a compensation scheme for airport impacted communities

• support of constitutional recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders through a Voice to Parliament, and

• a ban on gambling advertising, particularly when live sports events are being broadcast.

Brimbank was in great company at the conference with more than 1000 attendees including local government leaders, delegates and elected representatives, making it the largest event in ALGA’s history.

“We were thrilled to receive the full support of the Assembly for the four motions raised by Council including Financial Assistance Grants, airport impacted communities, a Voice to Parliament, and restrictions on gambling advertising.

“I’m extremely proud to have moved a motion to acknowledge the Australian Government’s support of constitutional recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through a Voice to Parliament.

“Through the Uluru Statement of the Heart, Aboriginal leaders proposed a way forward in allowing their perspective to be heard when designing laws and programs affecting them.

“Later this year, Australians will have their say in a referendum about whether to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice“.Brimbank Mayor, Cr Bruce Lancashire said.

23 AUSTRALIAN Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع (08) 8237 9137 leaderoftheopposition@parliament.sa.gov.au www.davidspeirs.com.au Hon David Speirs MP Hon Jing Lee MLC Leader of the Opposition Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 (08) 8237 9408 jing.lee@parliament.sa.gov.au www.jinglee.com.au Eid Mubarak Cr Sameer Pandey Lord Mayor City of Parramatta On behalf of the City of Parramatta, I wish everyone a happy and blessed Eid al-Adha. May Eid al-Adha bring you peace, happiness and prosperity. cityofparramatta nsw gov au


Ekrem Fuldagli

It was widely anticipated in the Western world that the general elections in Türkiye held on 14 May 2023 would result in defeat for President Erdogan and an inglorious end to his 20-year rule. Finally, through democratic elections the so-called “Islamist” Erdogan would be booted out of office by a Turkish public fed up with his autocratic rule and mismanagement of the economy. Or so went the narrative.

Despite all the efforts of the Western media to discredit Erdogan and promote his political rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu as the Turkish version of Mahatma Gandhi who would restore law, order, democracy and reintegrate Türkiye into the Western block hegemony, the Turkish nation nevertheless voted in the majority to re-elect Erdogan.

Although the opposition coalition played lip service to Muslim voters by reciting Quranic verses and offering prayers at rallies and campaign events, the conservative constituency did not in any way believe that the opposition was sincere, or that their sudden change of heart was genuine. Rather the memory of suppressing Muslims and Islam by the secular elite backed by the military for generations on end has remained forever seared into their memories. They would never vote for the party that banned the headscarf in public institutions and treated practicing Muslims as second-class citizens.

When Kemal Kilicdaroglu and the opposition parties failed to win the first round of the Turkish elections the opposition leader was furious and sacked his election campaign staff. He then immediately adopted a hard-line stance and ran the second round May 28th run-off election for President on a policy of sending 10 million refugees back to their original countries. Quite clearly, he saw this as a vote winner that would get him over the line. Compare this to a rational and sincere Recep Tayyip Erdogan who stated that this was not a humane approach in dealing with the refugee crisis in Türkiye even though this was

likely to cost him votes at the ballot box. Such a statement illustrates sincerity and integrity as opposed to opportunism.

Although the currency continues to devalue, inflation remains too high, foreign currency reserves are depleted coupled with many other systemic economic challenges, the majority of Turkish citizens continued to have faith in their leader Tayyip Erdogan. Under his leadership Türkiye had advanced to be the 11th largest world economy measured by GDP. Türkiye’s GDP has now surpassed $1.029 trillion, a phenomenal achievement.

During the last 20 years the Erdogan Government has spent over $150 billion to construct new railways, roadways, tunnels, bridges, airports, and a future Turkish space agency. The vision of President Erdogan to improve infrastructure over the last 20 years have modernized the country and tripled its economy. Exports have quadrupled, travel is faster and easier, both domestically and internationally, than ever before.

By growing the economy and

expanding infrastructure Türkiye has achieved its status as a reputable international trade partner. It is an integral part of China’s Belt and Road initiative, being the last port of call to markets in Europe. Türkiye has discovered oil and gas in significant quantities and as production is ramped up the energy dependency that impacts so negatively on the Turkish balance of trade deficit will begin to correct. Türkiye will become an energy hub in the region soon.

Given that the US administration openly flouts that it can and will punish Türkiye economically as it is so highly leveraged in $US borrowings, is it any wonder that President Erdogan is seeking to place Türkiye as a key player in the Eurasian landscape where it geographically belongs. Erdogan’s vision and bold political moves in recent years has positioned Türkiye as a significant new player in the new global political dynamics.

I recently watched President Erdogan being greeted by crowds in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and was astonished

to see several elderly ladies crying as the President approached. It has been a very long time since I have witnessed such a spectacle and the truth hit home. This man is loved by millions, both within Türkiye and in the Muslim world. The reason I believe, is that he has restored pride and dignity after suffering centuries of humiliation. The Muslim Ummah is in need of not just a hero but a leader who can show us the way back to independence, self-reliance, and hope for a better future. Perhaps this is why fifty prominent Islamic scholars from around the world issued a statement before the elections instructing Muslims in Türkiye to vote for Recep Tayyip Erdogan for all others to support him through all legitimate means possible.

24 OPINION AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
Ekrem Fuldagli is a Community Leader and Spokesperson for the Turkish Cypriot Community in Australia.
25 EID MUBARAK AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع Phone: (03) 9386 4400 1/747 Sydney Road Brunswick VIC 3056 adem.somyurek@parliament.vic.gov.au
The Hon Adem Somyurek MP Member for Northern Metropolitan Region


“Rebuilding Lives Gala “ was organized by Melbourne Muslimahs, and attended by a number of businessmen, activists and leaders

of the community, where $100,000 were raised, to contribute towards building emergency accommodation for women in need.

“Melbourne Muslimahs” is located in Victoria supports vulnerable women in the community, helping them achieve better outcomes, this is done through the development

and delivering of programs.providing social and practical support as well as connecting women to local support services.


26 COMMUNITY AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع


Returning to work after having children can be a daunting experience. It’s not just about finding a job that fits around your new lifestyle, but also about finding work that uses your skills, brings in income, and still feels personally rewarding.

After having my third child, I was faced with a difficult decision. Although I loved the 16 years I spent nursing in ICU theatres, I wanted to explore other roles where my skills and experience could be of value, and that also offered more flexibility in shifts.

That’s when I started to look into the care and support sector. I was intrigued by the prospect of making a real difference in the lives of the people I care for, while still having a life of my own. After dipping my toes in with a few part-time shifts, I moved into aged care full-time in 2010. At 50, I continue to lead

a team today as a Clinical Care Coordinator.

Having been here for over a decade, I’ve seen firsthand the opportunities the care and support sector can provide for women at any age or stage of their career.

It is a sector that values life experience and a caring nature –qualities that are enhanced in our experiences as parents or older women. It’s also a sector that offers flexible hours and part-time shifts, options that are important for those of us who aren’t quite ready to retire from work or want to pursue other interests.

I speak from experience when I say transitioning from full-time work to retirement can be a challenging time for many. I know I’m not yet ready to give up the purpose and fulfilment that working offers. However, I have found the care and support sector to be a great option for those who are considering dialling back, but who are not ready to retire yet. Beyond the practical rewards,

working in care and support has also opened up opportunities to build meaningful relationships with residents and their families. These relationships are often grounded in trust – when families entrust their loved ones to our care, it’s truly special. Unlike my roles in the hospital, it’s not limited to providing medical care. It’s about getting to know people and making a real difference in their day-to-day lives. Whether it’s through activities, conversations, medical nursing or simply being there for them when they need it most, the work we do is wide-reaching and truly rewarding. I urge young people to look into the benefits of the care and support sector, too.

I can’t help but feel immense pride in my daughter who has followed in my footsteps. At 25, she now works as a speech pathologist for children with disability at a Victorian hospital. Her passion and dedication to helping those in need is a constant source of inspiration for me, and something I always encouraged

her to pursue. After all, I’m a true believer that finding fulfilment in one’s work is the key to long-term success and happiness. I’m grateful to have found that in my own career, and I’m excited for my daughter and future generations to continue making a difference in the lives of others through this work.

So, if you’re considering a career move to care and support, my advice would be to take the leap. Like any job it’s not without challenges, but it’s a deeply rewarding field and there’s never been a better time to get involved. Whether you’re a new mother looking for a more family-friendly career or a seasoned professional seeking a new challenge, there’s a role for women at every life stage. And who knows – like my daughter and I, you might just find your calling in this incredible field.

Discover opportunities in the care and support sector: careandsupportjobs.gov.au

27 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع

The day of Eid-ul-Adha falls on the tenth day in the final (twelfth) month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar; Dhu-al-Hijjah. The day that celebrations fall on is dependent on a legitimate sighting of the moon, following the completion of the annual Holy Pilgrimage of Hajj - which is an obligation for all Muslim’s who fit specific criteria, one of the important Five Pillars of Islam. The celebration of Eid-ul-Adha is to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion to Allah SWT and his readiness to sacrifice his son, Ismail. At the very point of sacrifice, Allah SWT replaced Ismail with a ram, which was to be slaughtered in place of his son. This command from Allah SWT was a test of Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness and commitment to obey his Lord’s command, without question. Therefore, Eid-ul-Adha means the festival of sacrifice.

remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim’s sacrifice for Allah SWT. This is also known as Udhiya. The days of animal sacrifice total three days, from the 10th to the 12th of Dhu-al-Hijjah.

The sacrificial animal must be a sheep, lamb, goat, cow, bull or a camel; the sheep, lamb or goat consist of one Qurbani share, whereas a bull, cow or camel consist of seven shares per animal. The animal must be in good health and over a certain age in order to be slaughtered, in a “halal” friendly, Islamic way.

The Qurbani meat can then divided into three equal portions per share; one-third is for you and your family, one-third is for friends, and the final third is to be donated to those in need.

Traditionally, the day is spent celebrating with family, friends and loved ones, often wearing new or best attire and the giving of gifts.

28 AUSTRALIAN Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
Peter Khalil MP Federal Labor Member for Wills T: (03) 9350 5777 www.peterkhalil.com.au • peter.khalil.mp@aph.gov.au Facebook & Instagram @PeterKhalilMP Twitter.com/PeterKhalilMP Ph: (07) 3299 5910 jim.chalmers.mp@aph.gov.au www.jimchalmers.org EID Mubarak Jim Chalmers MP Federal Labor Member for Rankin Treasurer of Australia Hoping families in our community enjoyed a blessed Eid al Adha WHAT IS EID-UL-ADHA?


The Order of Australia Medals are awarded to recognise the work of Australians who have demonstrated exceptional achievements and service to their community. This year, the King’s Birthday Honours List included five members of the Australian Muslim community, to whom the ICV extends proud congratulations. Recipients of the Medal included:

- Aminul Islam, father of our former General Manager Ayman


- Mainul Haque

- Abdullah Khan

- Dr Saba Nabi

- Imam Alaa Elzokm


Drivers doing the wrong thing behind the wheel are being put on notice that new high-tech road safety cameras trialled by the Andrews Labor Government are now enforcing fines – and drivers will be caught.

The mobile device and seatbelt detection cameras began operation in April this year, using AI technology to capture high-resolution images of vehicles and detect offences. From this Saturday 1 July, drivers will now face penalties of four demerit points and a $577 fine when caught using a mobile phone while driving, and three demerit points and a $385 fine for drivers and passengers not wearing a seatbelt.

Shockingly, during April and May this year, the cameras detected 7160 offences, including 3523 drivers and 767 passengers not wearing seatbelts and 2870 drivers using mobile phones.

Up until Saturday, drivers are being issued with an advisory letter throughout a three month grace period to ensure they have an opportunity to heed safety warnings and adjust their behaviour before enforcement begins.

There are currently four camera trailer systems in operation, enforcing more than 8000 hours each month. The cameras can be deployed to up to 200 locations in rural and metropolitan areas. A further two camera trailer systems will be operational in the coming months.

Distracted driving is a major contributor to serious and fatal collisions. In 2022, nearly a quarter of vehicle occupants who died and their seatbelt status was known were not wearing a seatbelt. Drivers are also 10 times more at risk of crashing if they are texting, browsing or emailing on their mobile phone. The Labor Government has invested $33.7 million in the new cameras as part of the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030, which aims to save lives and reduce trauma on Victorian roads.

29 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع Keilor Downs Shopping Centre 80 Taylors Road, Keilor Downs VIC 3038 Ph: (03) 9367 9925 natalie.suleyman@parliament.vic.gov.au
Eid Mubarak ICV
The Hon. Natalie Suleyman MP State Labor Member for St Albans Minister for Veterans Minister for Small Business Minister for Youth
30 تاعونم AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع لامشلا ءانبا داحتا ايلاترسا Eid Mubarak ءافتخلا ةضماغ ةيضق يف قيقحتلا ةداعإب بلاطم اماع 50 نم رثكأ ذنم ايلارتسأ يف ئطاش نم ةلفط ينديس - زوين يس يب يب - ةيناطيرب ةلفط ةرسأ تبتك دحأ نم اماع 53 لبق تفتخا ىلإ ةلاسر - ايلارتسأ ئطاوش ىلع هثحل ،زليو ثواس وين ماع يعدم .ةضماغلا اهئافتخا ةيضق يف رظنلا ةداعإ ليريش ةلفطلا تناك ،1970 ماع يف ثلاث كاذنآ رمعلا نم ةغلابلا ،رميرغ اهتلئاع دارفأ عم ةلطع يضقت ،تاونس ةقطنم نم برقلاب ئطاوشلا دحأ ىلع يفتختل ،زليو ثواس وين يف جنوجنولو ىتح اهل ركذي رثأ يأ نود اهدعب ةلفطلا .ةظحللا ةفثكملا ثحبلا تايلمع نم مغرلا ىلعو ىلع روثعلا متي مل ،ةطرشلا دارفأ لبق نم ماع هحتف مت قيقحت نكلو ،رميرغل رثأ يأ .تيفوت اهنأ ىلإ صلخ 2011 ةعوفرملا ةيضقلا تقلغأ ،2019 ماع يف ماع فرتعا هنأ معزي قهارم يبص دض .اهلتقو اهفاطتخاب 1971 ىلإ ةلاسر رميرغ ةلئاع تلسرأ ،نلآاو ،يلاد لكيام زليو ثواس وين ماع يعدم .يضاقلا رارق يف رظنلا ةداعإ هنم بلطت ماعلا يعدملا بتكمب يس يب يب تلصتاو .قيلعتلل لاق ،2019 ماع ةيضق ضفر نأشبو قهارملا نإ ،ملوه نلاأ تربور يضاقلا ماحم وأ رمأ يلو هيدل نكي مل هب هبتشملا 1971 ماع هل ةطرشلا باوجتسا للاخ هنأب اهنيح يبصلا ملوه يضاقلا فصوو هنأ امك ”ضفخنم ءاكذ طسوتم“ كلتمي هتأشن ببسب هليج ءانبأ نم افعض رثكأ“ ةمكحملاب يضاقلا مكحو .”ةبرطضملا نأ ىلإ ادنتسم ،ةيضقلا قلاغإب ايلعلا قهارملا هب ىلدأ يذلا موعزملا فارتعلاا عبتت لا فورظ يف ءاج ،ةطرشلا مامأ نكمي لاو ،نيرصاقلا باوجتسا تاداشرإ .ليلدك اهمادختسا مل رارقلا نإ لوقت رميرغ ةلئاع نكل ”ةميرجلا هذه ةيحض“ رابتعلاا نيعب ذخأي نم ليريش مسا فذح ةلئاعلا تفصوو ، .”ةلئاعلا جعزي رمأ“ هنأب مكحلا لكيام اهعقو يتلا ةلاسرلا يف ءاــجو حضوأ نأ دوأ ”:ليريش مع نبا ،رميرغ ةياغلل جرحم لكشبو ضراعتي رملأا اذه نأ هب مزتلت يذلا ناسنلإا قوقح نوناق عم .”ايلارتسأ ماعلا يعدملا نم ةلئاعلا ةلاسر بلطتو بلط ميدقتب مهل حامسلاب ،يلاد لكيام زليو ثواس وين يف ايلعلا ةمكحملا ىلإ دويقلا عفرو ،ديدج قيقحت حتف لجأ نم هب هبتشملا مسا رشن عنمت يتلا ةيملاعلإا نيلمتحملا دوهشلا ثحل كلذو ،قباسلا .مهتاداهشب ءلادلإا ىلع نيرخلآا Authorised by M.Vamvakinou, Australian Labor Party, Level 2, Office 1, 14 Dimboola Road, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 ADVERTISEMENT Wishing you a spiritually fulfilling Eid al-Adha. Eid Mubarak to our Muslim community. YOUR FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALWELL Town Hall Broadmeadows Precinct, Level 2, Office 1, 14 Dimboola Road, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 9367 5216 Canberra: 02 6277 4249 maria.vamvakinou.mp@aph.gov.au MariaVamvakinou mariavamvakinou.com ADVERTISEMENT


Wishing you and your family a peaceful and joyous holiday this Eid al-Adha


Muslims begin their holiday by going to the mosque and offering the Eid prayer. The prayer is offered after sunrise. This is a congregational prayer and usually draws very large crowds of worshippers because even Muslims who do not consider themselves to be observant or practicing, still attend the Eid prayers. Due to the large crowds, this prayer is sometimes offered in a larger facility or public spaces such as a stadium or park. Additionally, the prayer is sometimes performed several times throughout the

morning to accommodate the large crowds. The prayer consists of two cycles of the ritual prayer which typically lasts for about five minutes. This is followed by a sermon which typically does not last very long. Before the Eid prayer the congregants chant praises and glorification of God. This is usually done collectively and is very rhythmic and melodious. This chant consists of saying God is great, there is no God except Allah, and all praise is due to Allah..


31 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
(02) 9587 1555 Level 2, 24 Montgomery Street Kogarah
Minister for Indigenous Australians and Member for Barton
burney mp@aph gov au
by Linda Burney, Level 2, 24 Montgomery Street, Kogarah, NSW, 2217


In last month’s article, we shared and identified how some Australian Muslims can’t manage to catch a break. Additionally, we articulated how the National Zakat Foundation is doing its part to alleviate the financial strain for eligible recipients of Zakat. This edition will be an extension of last month’s title of ‘Can’t catch a break’. This will include briefly sharing what the implications of financial hardship look like and how Zakat provides much-needed relief.

To put this into perspective, many of us are not clowns but can manage juggling two balls simultaneously. It’s pretty easy, right? However, when we start adding another ball and another ball, it’s just not going to work out. Similarly, juggling bills, trying to pay overdue rent, looking for work, 10 missed calls from mum, having health problems, dirty washing nearly touching the ceiling, trying to put food on the table for the family while trying to figure out what to put in kids school lunch boxes and the list goes on and on!

The point is, sometimes we can’t juggle everything and sometimes it’s out of our own hands and we just

need to ask for help.

Let me ask you; Who do you think of when you hear someone asking for help? And ask yourself, what has influenced your answer.

Do you think of refugees trying to find their feet in their new land? Do you think of a man that had stable employment, but his wife has been diagnosed with an illness, and thus is not able to work or provide for his family as he must care for his wife?

Or do you think of a single parent falling behind in bills because of the rising cost of living? These are only three examples simply illustrating what someone facing financial hardship may experience. Some of the implications behind the examples provided may include the following: financial insecurity, housing instability, mental health problems, inability to secure employment, unequal financial opportunity, disparity of economic balance within society and much more.

Moreover, as we have passed Dhul Hijjah’s 10 most blessed days, with the rising cost of living, some families were unable to afford meat for their meals. In accordance with the sunnah, NZF’s Qurban program in Melbourne and Sydney this year

Eid Mubarak

Halal Meats

offered donors to keep one third for themselves, another one third distributed to the Zakat-eligible poor and needy, and this year the donor could keep another one third to gift to their neighbour, friends, or relatives. By the will of Allah and your support, insha’Allah we were able to put some smiles on people’s faces as they continue the juggling


If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please reach out to the National Zakat Foundation Australia. All applications are diligently assessed to ensure eligibility for receiving Zakat.

32 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
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`Eid Al-Adha is preceded by the glorious day of `Arafah and is one of the important days of Hajj. Among the main themes and messages of Hajj is submission and obedience to Allah. When we read about the remarkable stories of Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Isma`il, and Hajar, we witness extraordinary examples of obedience and submission to Allah, which is the core meaning of Islam. Actually, submission is the very meaning of the word “Islam”. So the meaning and essence of Islam are manifested in Hajj, which reminds us of our mission and purpose in life.

`Eid Al-Adha is a symbol of obedience. It signifies submission to Allah. On this day, we commemorate together the acts of obedience and submission performed by Prophet Ibrahim and his family when he was commanded to take Hajar and their son Isma`il to an uninhabited, barren, distant land and leave them there alone. He submitted and obeyed. When Hajar realized what was happening, she cried out, “Ibrahim! Are you going to leave us in this valley where no people live?” She repeated the question yet she received no answer, so she asked him, “Did Allah order you to do this?” He replied, “Yes.” So she said, “Then Allah will not let us perish.” Thus she submitted.

Furthermore, when his son Isma`il became older, Ibrahim received a command from his Lord to sacrifice him. He submitted and so did his son. The family of Ibrahim was a family of obedience and submission. They were tested and tried again and again, but the result was always submission and obedience.

Both `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr come after performing a pillar of Islam and an act of obedience. Hence `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr are annual reminders that this life is a test and we must be obedient if we wish to be successful. Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, social status, and culture are reminded and given the message: Surrender to Allah, submit to Allah. Are we hearing this message?

Just as Prophet Ibrahim was tested throughout his life to see if he would submit or not, so will we be tested to see whether we submit to Allah’s commands or refuse! Know that toils, struggles, and hardships will accompany our quest to obedience. But if we obey, we will be in the company of the likes of Prophet Ibrahim and his family in Paradise, as Allah says:

[All who obey Allah and the messenger shall dwell in the company of those whom Allah has favored with His Grace: the prophets, the sincere lovers of Truth, the martyrs, and the Righteous who do good. Ah! What a beautiful companionship!]

(An-Nisaa’ 4:69)

`Eid contains many wonderful messages among which is that `Eid is an external expression of the testimony of faith “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,” which means to follow Muhammad in his commandments, abstain from all that he has forbidden, believe in all that he has informed us of, and worship Allah with only that which he has prescribed. Allah says: [Say: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger’s duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way.]

(An-Nur 24:54)

On behalf of the Bank of Sydney management and team, we convey our best wishes to the Muslim Community in Australia and around the world, for a Happy Eid.

The Heart Foundation’s tips for healthy eating and exercise: ATTRIBUTABLE TO JEMMA O’HANLON

• Boost your diet with potassium-rich fruit and vegetables to help lower blood pressure.

• Enjoy more healthy fats from salmon, avocado and nuts to help lower cholesterol.

• Snack on Greek yoghurt for the ultimate high protein boost, pre or post exercise.

• Beef up meat dishes with additional legumes or lentils (a nice little cost saver too).

• Try a hearty new recipe –download the Heart Foundation’s new Winter Comfort Recipe Book. www.heartfoundation.org.au/ recipes/winter-comfort-recipebook

33 AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع Eid Al-Adha Mubarak
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Helping Australian businesses export halal products to over 140 countries

ICCV is the largest Halal certification organisation in Australia servicing clients locally and internationally.

ICCV is responsible for the certification, monitoring, and supervision of Halal food for the domestic market as well as the export market.

Clients cover a range of sectors including abattoirs, food processing businesses, transportation and cold storage operators.

We are the largest halal certification body in Australia. Professional, experienced and trusted.


We work with abattoirs to get and keep their halal certification.


ICCV is specifically accredited within these Muslim majority countries.

Our certification is approved for all halal importing countries.

We monitor the certified businesses for compliance of halal requirements.

We provide a means for direct supervision in house for quality assurance.

We provide full turnkey solution for FGMs to get halal.

Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Oman, Kingdom of Bahrain,Tunisia,Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Iran, Kosova, Morocco, Maldives.

We provide logistics companies for cold room and transport to get halal.

Our certificate is approved in countries that now require halal certificate if goods have halal stamps:

Canada, South Korea, China, European Union (EU), New Zealand, Russia Federation, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United States of America (USA).

34 HALAL AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع ICCV
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35 تاعونم AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع ةجحلا يذ رشع لضف هناحبس هــلــلا نأ - 1 :اهب مسقأ ىلاعتو لد ءيشب هللا مسقأ اذإو ميظعلا ذإ ،هلضفو هتناكم مظع ىلع اذه رجفلاو( ىلاعت لاق ،ميظعلاب لاإ مسقي لا يه رشعلا يلايللاو .)رشع لايلو )1( روهمج هيلع ام اذهو ،ةجحلا يذ رشع يف ريثك نبا لاقو ،فلخلاو نيرسفملا .حيحصلا وهو :هريسفت عرش يتلا تامولعملا مايلأا اهنأ - 2 :هركذ اهيف يف هللا مسا اورــكذــيو( :ىلاعت لاق ةميهب نم مهقزر ام ىلع تامولعم مايأ ىلع ءاملعلا روهمجو ]28:جحلا[ )ماعنلأا ،ةجحلا يذ رشع يه تامولعملا مايلأا نأ .سابع نباو رمع نبا مهنم هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر نأ - 3 مايأ لضفا اهنأب اهل دهش ملسو :ايندلا ىلص يبنلا نع هنع هللا يضر رباج نعف ايندلا مايأ لضف( :لاق ملسو هيلع هللا :ليق ـ ةجحلا يذ رشع ينعي ـ رشعلا مايأ نهلثم لاو :لاق ؟هللا ليبس يف نهلثم لاو )بارتلاب ههجو رفع لجر لاإ هللا ليبس يف ]ينابللأا هححصو نابح نباو رازبلا هاور[ :ةفرع موي اهيف نأ - 4 ةرفغم مويو ،ربكلأا جحلا موي ةفرع مويو مل ولو ،نارينلا نم قتعلا مويو ،بونذلا ةفرع موي لاإ ةجحلا يذ رشع يف نكي .لاضف كلذ اهافكل :رحنلا موي اهيف نأ - 5 ،ءاملعلا ضعب دنع ةنسلا مايأ لضفأ وهو مايلأا مظعأ( ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص لاق هاور[ )رقلا موي مث ،رحنلا موي هللا دنع .]ينابللأا هححصو يئاسنلاو دواد وبأ :اهيف ةدابعلا تاهمأ عامتجا - 6 يذلاو( :حتفلا يف رجح نبا ظفاحلا لاق يذ رشع زايتما يف ببسلا نأ رهظي ،هيف ةدابعلا تاهمأ عامتجا ناكمل ةجحلا ،جحلاو ةقدصلاو مايصلاو ةلاصلا يهو .)هريغ يف كلذ ىتأتي لاو ملسملل بحتسي يتلا لامعلأا نم يف اهنم رثكيو اهيلع صرحي نأ :يلي ام مايلأا هذه :ةرمعلاو جحلا كسانم ءادأ - 1 ،ةجحلا يذ رشع يف لمعي ام لضفا امهو ةرمعلا ءادأ وأ هتيب جح هل هللا رسي نمو لوقل ؛ةنجلا هؤازجف بولطملا هجولا ىلع ىلإ ةرمعلا( :ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا روربملا جحلاو ،امهنيب امل ةرافك ةرمعلا .]هيلع قفتم[ )ةنجلا لاإ ءازج هل سيل :مايصلا - 2 ،ةحلاصلا لامعلأا سنج يف لخدي وهو ىلإ هللا هفاضأ دقو ،اهلضفأ نم وه لب هناحبس لاقف ،هردق ولعو هنأش مظعل هسفن مدآ نبا لمع لك( :يسدقلا ثيدحلا يف )هب يزــجأ اــنأو يل هنإف موصلا لاإ هل .]هيلع قفتم[ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا صخ دقو يذ رشع مايأ نيب نم ةفرع موي مايص همايص لضف نيبو ،ةيانع ديزمب ةجحلا ىلع بستحا ةفرع موي مايص( :لاقف )هدعب يتلاو هلبق يتلا ةنسلا رفكي نأ هللا .]ملسم هاور[ يذ عست موصي نأ ملسملل نسيف هيلعو ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا نلأ ،ةجحلا بهذ دقو .اهيف حلاصلا لمعلا ىلع ثح يوونلا ماملإا رشعلا مايص بابحتسا ىلإ اديدش ابابحتسا بحتسم اهمايص :لاقو :ةلاصلا - 3 هذه يف لفاونلا نم رثكي نأ ملسملا ىلع لاق دقو ،تابرقلا لضفأ نم اهنإف ،مايلأا نع هيوري اميف ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا لفاونلاب ىلإ برقتي يدبع لازي امو( :هبر .]يراخبلا هاور[ )هبحأ ىتح ليلهتلاو ديمحتلاو ريبكتلا - 4 :ركذلاو يبنلا نع امهنع هللا يضر رمع نبا نعف مايأ نم ام( :لاق ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص نهيف لمعلا هيلإ بحأ لاو هللا دنع مظعأ نم نهيف اورثكأف ،رشعلا مايلأا هذه نم ]دمحأ هاور[ )ديمحتلاو ريبكتلاو ليلهتلا :ةقدصلا - 5 يتلا ةحلاصلا لامعلأا ةلمج نم يهو هذه يف اهنم راثكلإا ملسملل بحتسي اهيأ اي( :لاقف اهيلع هللا ثح دقو ،مايلأا لبق نم مكانقزر امم اوقفنأ اونمآ نيذلا ةعافش لاو ةلخ لاو هيف عيب لا موي يتأي نأ ،]254:ةرقبلا[ )نوملاظلا مه نورفاكلاو تصقن ام( ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص لاقو .]ملسم هاور[ )لام نم ةقدص دئاوفلا ديص
،لولأا ناسنلإا فرــع ذنم ،)ةــباــتــكــلا( وحن هــقــيرــط نيرهنلا نيب اــم دلاــب يــف )ةباتكلا( ترم ،ماع فلاآ 5 وحن لبق ،ةيريوصتلا ةلحرملاب اءدب .عبرأ لحارمب مث ،)زومرلا عــضو( ةيفارغويديلإا مث ةلحرملا اريخأو ،ةيونعملا موسرلا ةلحرم لتحا ،ةريسملا كلت للاــخو .ةيدجبلأا اميس ،رشبلا تامامتها ةرادص )باتكلا( ءايبنلأا متاخل يهللإا رملأا رودص دعب هيلع هللا ىلص )دمحم( انديس ،نيلسرملاو هلوسر ،”أرــقا“ ةيمكحو ةيموزلب ،ملسو ةقلاع ةيأ هل نكت نلو مل يذلا هيبنو نكت ملو ،ةلاسرلا لبق ،ةباتكلاو ةءارقلاب دمع مث ،ةينابر ةمكحل ،ذئدعب هل ةحودنم ،مملأا يف هتناكمو ،)باتكلا( ةيصوصخ :لولأا ةيبرعلا رعاش لوق حباس جرس اندلا يف ناكم زعأ “ .”}باتك{ نامزلا يف سيلج ريخو باتكلاب تاعمتجملا مامتها رهظمت دقو نيصتخم صاخشأ روهظ يف ،ذئدعب )ةباتكلا( تحبصأ نأ ىلإ ،اهنونفو ةباتكلاب ،اهنونف يف فظوتسي ،قازرتسا ةنهم .مهريغ نود ةيباتكلا تاردقلا باحصأ رخآو ،كلملا اذهل بتكي ناك نم مهنمف نأ ةطيرش ،سيئرلا كايذل وأ ،كاذ ريملأل لاضف ،يباتكلا نفلا تاراهم ،هيف رفاوتت مولعلاو ةفرعملا نونف ىتشب هملع نع ركذي ،)ةباتكلا( تركذ امثيحو .ةفلتخملا نب ءلاعلا ىلوم ىيحي نب ديمحلا دبع[ يف باتكلا ملاــعأ نم ]يشرقلا بهو دبع( ـب فرع ىتح ،ةرجهلل يناثلا نرقلا .)بتاكلا ديمحلا )ةباتكلا( دقـتفت نأ لبق كلذ ناك امأ .تاعمتجملا يف اهتوظحو اهتيصوصخ وأش قلستو ،حلاطلاب حلاصلا طلتخا دقو ةبردلل كلاتما امنود ،قلست نم ةباتكلا اهوطاعت نيذلا كئلوأ اميس ،ةقاذحلاو صخر مهيلع اهتلمأ ،ةيـعبط ةئيهت نود امو ،!!)تايزلا( ذاتسلأا يأر ىلع ،دادملا ،تامولعملا ايجولونكت رصع يف اهصخرأ لكل ،نصحـملا بابلا تحتف يتلا هذه ،اهتاوخأو ةــفلآا هذــه ،بدو بــه نم ءاوس .دحاو فاصم يف )بتكلا( تعضو ةعوبطملا لوقعلا يوذ ملاــقأ اهتبتك اهبتك وأ ،ةيدجلاو ةفاقثلاو ةركفلاب مهترمز وأ ،لاهستسلااو لفطتلا باحصأ ىواست ثيح ،)ةملكلا( راجتو ةرسامس نم ةماطو ةاسأم ىدحإ وهو ،نيمسلاب ثغلا .تامولعملا ايجولونكت رصع عباطملا يف مطلاتملا جتانلا اذه طسو نم ”ءادــهإ“ يدي يف لزنت ،علاطملاو يقروفأ سايسإ سيئرلا“ باتك ،هفـلؤم /روتكدلل ”ةلودلاو ةروثلا ةدايق ةريسم .... هتعبط يف باتكلا .ركذلا بيط ،يآرز رمع ىلع ”سرب يداه“ ةسسؤمل 2022، ىلولأا ،طسوتملا مجحلا نم ،يلود عاديإ مقر اناونع 221 هيتفد نيب ،ةحفص 229 يف دئارلا باتكلا تايط يف ترثانت ،ايعرف .ماهلا يننأكو ،يدــي اتلكب باتكلاب تكسمأ نم فنأو بيبلاتب تملزأو تقيض دق ،ةلود ةريسمو ،ةروث ةدايق باتكلا هانع ىلع سيلو ،يقطنملا لوانتلا ىلع امنيبو .سكعلا وأ يعوضوملا بتارتلا ةلئسأ نم لابج ،يمامأ تبأرشا ،اذك انأ نم تاطيحم يمادق تجوامتو ،دادــح نم لــتر ،امهلثمو ،جاــجر تاماهفتسا .د“ بتاكلا ةراسجل مارتحلااو ريدقتلا اذكه لثمل ةيقيثوتلاو ةينيودتلا ”يآرز ،باتكلا نأو اميس .ميظع مهلدم رادصإ اذهل )ةباتك( يبرع ماحتقا لوأ لثمي ةبرجتلا ولوأ ىتح هاشاحت ،يذلا نصحلا وه افوخ ،اهرك وأ ناك اعوط ،ةشياعملاو !!!يردأ لا ،املع وأ هب لاهج ،انمأ وأ يميداكأ ،فلؤملا نإ يسفن يف تلق ،)هاروتكدلا( و )ريتسجاملا( اتبرجت هتلقص امو .مجـع دقف ،اهدوع مجـع نم نأو وه ،يميداكلأا قيرطلا كلذب رم نم لك انبتاك يأ هنكلو ،نيحلفملا نيداجلا نم نع امغرو .نيقباسلا نيلولأا نم وه ،اذه يذلا ةروص مامأ يانيع ترمست دقف ،كلذ بحاص”ـــب لمأتلا اذه يف هل زمرأس ةروص يف رظنلا تنعمأ لجأ .”ةريسملا ةيانعب اهريخت مت يتلا ”ةريسملا بحاص“ .ازه باتكلا تززهو ،فلؤملا لبق نم نأ ،ةينف ةذل ينتسبلت دقو هنأ ىسنأ لاو )تانراقم( عضو يف ،يتلاض تدجو دق نمز يف رادــقلأا يل تحنس عقاو نيب ةسايس نم ،اديعب لا ابيرق نوكأ نأ ،ريضن يف ءاوــس ،”ةريسملا بحاص“ ىؤرو يسايسلا لمعلا تايدبت وأ ،ملاعلإا ةرازو يفقاثتلا لمعلا وأ ،رشابملا ريغو رشابملا ةسايسو ةيلقع هريست تلظ ،بعشو دلب يف لا ”ةريسملا بحاص“ عورشمو راكفأو سايسإ“ رثكأ وأ دوقع ةتس ةبارقل ،ريغ .”يقروفأ يف سيل ”ةنراقم“ و )لمأت( ةءارق اهنإ ةقورأ يف مولعم وه امك ”نراقملا“ بدلأا :باتك يف تلامأت ...يقروفأ سايسأ سيئرلا« يأرز رمع روتكدلل »ةلودلاو ةروثلا ةدايق ةريسم )1/2( فيرش دمحأ باتكلا فلاغ 37 يلودلا طسولا AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع
38 كرابم ديع AL WASAT 142 ¿ Dhu al-Hijja 1444 ¿ June 2023 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1444 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 142 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2023 ىحضلأا ديع Eid Mubarak
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