June 2024

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ARABIC & ENGLISH MAGAZINE Issue 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 ددعلا لولأ يف ةرم ايلارتسأ مولبد ةدايقلا ةيملاسلإا ةيلكلا يف ةيملاسلإا نروبلم يف FIRST TIME IN AUSTRALIA DIPLOMA OF ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP EXCLUSIVELY AT ICOM

Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk

Creative Director: Omar Alhashemi

Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine

Layout: (OVISION)

Sydney: Monzer Gabr

Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika


Melbourne office:

171 Denton Ave, St. Albans, VIC 3021

Postal Address:

P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023

Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076

Sydney office:

10-28 Biloela St, Villawood NSW 2163

Tel.: + 61 4 9033 0623











2 INDEX AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع ىلع ةفيحصلا يمر مدع ىجري ةينآرق تايآ ىلع اهئاوتحلا ضرلاا
قلاطإ ايلارتسأ يف ةرم لولأ يف ةيملاسلإا ةدايقلا مولبد نروبلم يف ةيملاسلإا ةيلكلا ريدصت رظح ررقت ايلارتسأ 2028 يف ارحب ةيحلا مانغلأا كيمحت هكاوفلا بائتكلاا نم قئارحلا اورادأ نويلارتسلأا فلأ 11 ذنم ةعارزلا ةمدخل يبورولأا رامعتسلااو ..ةنس اهفقوأ نيطسلف ملع تفذح« لثمم ..»هتروص نم ىلع دري يلارتسأ Vanity Fair :ةلجم »راع اذه« France تابلاطل »ةيحابإ« روص تعنُص ايلارتسأب ةسردم رشنت قيمعلا فييزتلاب قهارمب هبتشت تاطلسلاو سيردتلا نأ ىلإ ريشت تاملاع 8 ةايحلا يف كتلاسر نوكي دق 5 9 15 35 31 31 32
Al Wasat Magazine

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3 طسولا ثيدح AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا
كوش زاوف Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع قيرحلا نيع يف تيقلأ اذإ قوقحلا نود امب لبقت لاف فيعضلا لعف امك لعفت لاو قورحلا ملأ نم تيساق اذإ ليلذلا عنص امل عزجت لاو قيفصلا دنع امل عمست لاو نابجلا درس امب أبعت لاو قيرغلا رطخ نم تفوخ اذإ ةاغطلا نمز يف قحلا نوصف قيلط شحو نم ضرعلا نوصك لاعفو لاوق انلوق ىقبيل قيقعلا رجح هقدص بتارم  ازعو افرش انتوص ولعيو قيدصلاو مصاخملا عمس ىلع   هنم انلهن مث سأبلا انذخأ قيحر نم ىماشنلا ذخأ امك رصن ربصلا نأ ءامظعلا ىري قيرعلا عبطلا ةميكش كلتو لضف ءرملا يف ةراسج لكف قيصللا راعلا نم هتلعو اميرك اعبط لماح نم مكف قيرطلا دنع عئاض نم مكو


The Islamic College of Melbourne (ICOM) has unveiled its latest academic offering, the 22628VIC Diploma of Islamic Leadership (ILEAD), a pioneering three-year program set to commence in 2025. This initiative, developed in consultation with local community leaders and organizations over two years, aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to serve as Imams, religious instructors, and Muslim chaplains within the Australian community.

The ILEAD program, the first of its kind in Australia, is structured to integrate seamlessly with students’ regular Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) studies. Year 10 students at ICOM can enroll in this rigorous course, which not only prepares them for leadership roles within the Muslim community but also enables them to earn both their VCE/ATAR and a Diploma qualification by the end of Year 12.

The Diploma covers a broad range of subjects designed to provide a deep understanding of Islamic teachings and leadership. Key areas of study include:

- Arabic language proficiency

- Quranic sciences, including Tajweed, Tafseer, and memorization

- Islamic Creed (Aqeedah) and Prophetic Biography (Seerah Nabawiyyah)

- Islamic jurisprudence and contemporary issues

- Community program development and leadership

- Misconceptions about Islam and their rebuttals

- Pastoral and spiritual care

Students will also gain practical experience through work placements in mosques, Islamic centers, and other community institutions, ensuring they are well-prepared to apply their knowledge in real-world settings.

In addition to classroom learning, the ILEAD program includes international trips that expose students to significant Islamic cultural and historical sites. These trips are integral to the curriculum, providing students with a global perspective on Islamic leadership and its contributions to the world.

Graduates of the ILEAD program will be well-equipped to pursue various roles within the community:

1. Imam: Leading congregational prayers, delivering sermons, and providing spiritual guidance and Islamic education.

2. Religious Instructor: Teaching Islamic studies and moral guidance in community institutions and schools.

3. Muslim Chaplain: Offering pastoral and spiritual care in public sector institutions like hospitals, prisons, universities, and the armed services.

Additionally, the leadership skills developed through this program are transferable to other fields such as social work, mental health, and legal professions, enhancing the employability and versatility of graduates.

ICOM, registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and operating under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011, ensures the highest standards of training and assessment. The course consists of eight core units, covering essential competencies

from teaching Quranic recitation to developing and implementing community programs.

ICOM provides a supportive learning environment, complete with a student handbook detailing rights and obligations, including privacy, safety, and the right to appeal assessments. Students are expected to present in a special uniform and are required to have basic study tools, including laptops and stationery.

The ILEAD program is available on a fee-for-service basis, with detailed information on costs and refunds available on the ICOM website. Interested students are encouraged to review the comprehensive student handbook and contact ICOM for further details.

The 22628VIC Diploma of Islamic Leadership at ICOM represents a significant step forward in Islamic education in Australia. By combining rigorous academic training with practical experience and global exposure, ICOM aims to cultivate the next generation of ethical and effective Muslim leaders, ready to serve and inspire their communities.

4 EDUCATION AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
5 يوبرتلا طسولا AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع ةــيــماــسلإا ةــيــلــكــلا رــســي )ICOM( نروــبــلــم يـــف اــهــضورــع نــع ناـــــعلإا يهو ،2025 ماعل ةثيدحلا ةيميداكلأا ةيماسلإا ةدايقلا 22628VIC مولبد اهتسارد ةدم غلبت ثيح ،)ILEAD( هذه ريوطت مت دقو .ةيسارد ماوعأ ةثا ث عمتجملا ةداق عم رواشتلا دعب ةردابملا ىدم ىلع ةصتخملا تامظنملاو يلحملا ريوطتو نيسحت فدهب نيلصاوتم نيماع ديوزتل فدهي يذلا يساردلا ططخملا لمعلل ةمزالا فراعملاو تاراهملاب انباط ةيماسلإا تاساردلا داوم يملعمو ةمئأك اوحبصي نأ نم مهنكمتو ،ةينيدلا ةيبرتلاو .ملسملا يلارتسلأا عمتجملا يف نيد لاجر وهو - ILEAD جمانرب ميمصت مت دقل ثيحب - ايلارتسأ يف هعون نم لولأا ةداهش تاـــسارد عم ةساسب لماكتي ةيلاو يف يوناثلا ميلعتلا يف ايرولكبلا ةنسلا باطل نكمي .)VCE( ايروتكيف هذه يف ليجستلا ICOM يف ةرشاعلا ةداهش ىلع لوصحلل مهدعت يتلا ةساردلا يف اضيأ مهنكمتو ،ةيماسلإا ةدايقلا يف ةداهش ىلع لوصحلا نم هسفن تقولا ةلحرملا نم جرختلا دنع VCE/ATAR .year 12 ةيوناثلا نم ةعساو ةعومجم مولبدلا اذه يطغي قيمع مهف ريفوتل ةممصملا عيضاوملا لمشت ثيح .ةيماسلإا ةدايقلاو ميلاعتلل :يلي ام ةساردلا هذهل ةيسيئرلا تلااجملا .ةيبرعلا ةغللاريسفتلاو ديوجتلا نم نآرقلا مولعظفحلاو ةريسلا( ةريسلاو ةيملَاسلإا ةديقعلا)ةيوبنلا ةرصاعملا اياضقلاو يملَاسلإا هقفلا.ةيملَاسلإا ةعيرشلا يف .اهتدايقو ةيعمتجملا جماربلا ريوطتنع ةئطاخلا ميهافملا حيحصت.اهضحدو ملَاسلإا .ةيحورلاو ةينيدلا ةياعرلانم ةيلمع ةربخ ةساردلا هذــه رفوت زكارملاو دجاسملا يف لمعلا صرف لاخ ،ىرخلأا ةيعمتجملا تاسسؤملاو ةيماسلإا اديج ادادعإ نيبلاطلا دادعإ نمضي امم ضرأ ىلع مهفراعمو مهتسارد قيبطتل .يلحملا عقاولا لوصفلا يف ملعتلا ىــلإ ةــفاــضلإاــب ILEAD جمانرب نمضتي ،ةيساردلا ىلع باطلا فرعت ملاعلا لوح تاحر ةمهم ةيماسإ ةيخيراتو ةيفاقث عقاوم نم أزجتي لا اءزــج تاحرلا هذه دعت باطلا دوزــت ثيح ،يساردلا جهنملا ةيماسلإا ةدايقلا لوح يملاع روظنمب .ملاعلا يف اهتامهاسمو ILEAD جــماــنرــب يجيرخ نوكيس راودأــب مايقلل اديج ازيهجت نيزهجم :عمتجملا يف ةفلتخم ،بطخلا يقليو ،ةعامجلا مؤي :ماملإا 1 ةيعوتلاو يحورلا داــشرلإا مدقيو .ةينيدلا تاساردلا ملعي :ينيدلا دشرملا 2 يف يقاخلأا داـــشرلإاو ةيماسلإا .هسرادمو عمتجملا تاسسؤم مدقي :ينيدلا يعامتجلإا دشرملا .3 ةيحورلاو ةيقاخلأاو ةينيدلا ةياعرلا لثم ماعلا عاطقلا تاسسؤم يف تاعماجلاو نوجسلاو تايفشتسملا ةحلسملا تاوقلا زكارمو ةيدايقلا تاراهملا نإف ،كلذ ىلإ فضأ جمانربلا اذه لاخ نم اهريوطت مت يتلا ىرخأ تلااجم يف لمعلا حاسفلإ ةلباق ،يعامتجلاا داشرلإا لاجم يف لمعلا لثم امم ،ةينوناقلا نهملاو ،ةيلقعلا ةحصلاو ىلع لوصحلاو فيظوتلا ةيلباق ززعي نيجيرخلل ةعساو لمع صرف نروبلم يف ةيماسلإا ةيلكلا ICOM ةيلاو يف ةلجسم ةينوناق ةيمسر ةسسؤم بجومب لمعتو )VRQA( ايروتكيف بيردتلاو ميلعتلا ميظنتل ينطولا نوناقلا ريياعم ىلعأ نمضتت ،2011 ماعل ينهملا هذه ررقم تددح دقف .مييقتلاو بيردتلا تاءافكلا يطغت تادحو ينامثب ةساردلا اءدب ةيماسلإا ةعيرشلا ملعتل ةيساسلأا ىتح ميركلا نآرقلا ةوات سيردت نم هذيفنتو دعملا جمانربلا ناقتإ ،ةمعاد ةيميلعت ةئيب ICOM رفوت هتابجاوو بلاطلا قح نمضت ةلمتكم كــلذ يف امب ،ماــعــلا نوناقلا بسح فانئتسلااب قحلاو ةماسلاو ةيصوصخلا بجي ىرخأ ةيحان نم،تامييقتلا ىلع اذهل صاخلا يزلاب مازتللاا بلاطلا ىلع هب ةصاخلا تامزلتسملا راضحإو لاجملا يف امب ،ةيساسلأا ةساردلا تاونس لاخ تاودلأاو لومحملا رتويبمكلا زاهج كلذ .ةيساردلا عيمج ،يناجم ريغ ILEAD جمانرب طاسقلأا لوح ليصافتلاو تامولعملا ةرفوتم ةدرتسملا غلابملاو فيلاكتلاو ةيماسلإا ةيلكلل ينورتكللإا عقوملا ىلع نيمتهملا باطلا نم وجرن .ICOM لاصتلااو لماشلا بلاطلا ليلد ةعجارم نم ديزم ىلع لوصحلل ICOM ـب .ليصافتلا ةداــيــقــلا 22628VIC موــلــبد لثمي )ةيماسلإا تاساردلاو ةعيرشلا( ةيماسلإا يف ماملأا ىلإ ةمهم ةوطخ ICOM يف لاخ نم ايلارتسأ يف يماسلإا ميلعتلا ةربخلاو يميداكلأا بيردتلا نيب عمجلا فدهت امك ,رصعلا ةبكاومو ةيلمعلا نم مداقلا ليجلا ةيمنت ىلإ ICOM نيدعتسملا ،نيقولخلا نيملسملا ةداقلا نيدلا بسح اهءانبو مهتاعمتجم ةمدخل ةحيحصلا هئدابمو يماسلإا ايلارتسأ يف ةرم لولأ ةيملاسلإا ةدايقلا مولبد قلاطإ نروبلم يف ةيملاسلإا ةيلكلا يف


The Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) will once again roll out the red carpet for international buyers at the 20th Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) 2024. The annual event is organized by MATRADE and will be hosted in Kuala Lumpur by the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI). This year’s showcase aims to

attract over 40,000 trade visitors and feature 2,000 exhibition booths from 45 countries, including Malaysia.

Themed “Globalising Halal Innovations”, MIHAS 2024 will be a leading platform for showcasing innovative Halal products, services, and technologies through 14 curated clusters. Split into two segments, the event is scheduled to take place from 17 – 20 September 2024 at the Malaysia International Trade

and Exhibition Centre (MITEC). MITEC was recently awarded Asia’s Best Convention Centre 2023, and Malaysia’s Best Convention Centre at the 4th Annual World MICE Awards Gala Ceremony in Berlin.

The return of the MIHAS Knowledge Hub will offer insights into market trends, access and sourcing requirements, with a focus on innovation and sustainability. Product segments that will feature at MIHAS

2024 will include pharmaceuticals, Islamic finance, fintech, lifestyle, modest fashion, food ingredients and related services. With over 120,000 Malaysian exporters and foreign buyers benefitting from the event, MIHAS has been instrumental in spearheading Malaysia’s halal agenda, generating RM25 billion in total sales.

Source: https://www.matrade.gov.my/en/insp-mihas-2024

MATRADE will be organizing the International Sourcing Program (INSP) in conjunction with MIHAS 2024 to identify and match international buyers with Malaysian

exporters. The physical program will be run on 18th September 2024 and a virtual program will be run from 15 February – 30 November 2024. For more information on how to leverage this program, please contact MATRADE Melbourne at +61398328600 or email melbourne@ matrade.gov.my.

6 EVENT AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
2024 will then transition to the Dubai World Trade Centre
from 18 – 20 November 2024.


MIHAS 2024 is poised for international expansion, making an inaugural debut at the Middle East Organic and Natural Product Expo in Dubai from 18-20 November 2024. With targeted sales of RM1 billion, this strategic initiative aims to extend MIHAS’ influence beyond domestic borders and highlights the potential for further growth.

Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) Chief Executive Officer, YBhg. Datuk Mohd Mustafa Abdul Aziz has emphasized the importance of establishing MIHAS as a globally renowned event in order to position Malaysia as a leading player in the international halal industry.

“The internationalization of MIHAS is an initiative to take the brand to greater heights, as well as to attract a diverse array of participants and buyers, particularly from West Asian, South Asian and African markets to the flagship event in MITEC, Kuala Lumpur,” said Datuk Mustafa in his recent address to the media at MATRADE Headquarters.

The Middle East Organic and Natural Products Expo is the largest trade exhibition in the Middle East for organic and natural products, and will take place at the Dubai World Trade Centre. The choice to feature MIHAS@Dubai was aimed at capitalizing on its strategic location, vibrant business landscape and growing interest in halal products.


In 2023, Malaysia’s trade exceeded RM2 trillion for the third consecutive year to reach RM2.637 trillion, decreased by 7.3% compared to 2022 in tandem with slower global demand, lower commodity prices, geopolitical uncertainties, high inflation rate, downcycle in the semiconductor sector and high base effect. Nevertheless, Malaysia continued to register a trade surplus for the 26th year running, amounting

to RM214.1 billion for the year 2023. Malaysia has signed 16 regional and bilateral Free Trade Agreements, allowing exports to enjoy preferential market access with lower tariffs. As parties to the Malaysia Australia Free Trade Agreement (MAFTA), businesses from Malaysia and Australia currently enjoy tariff free bilateral trade on almost all product categories. This advantage was brought to the fore

by Trade Commissioner to Australia Ms Azimatul Masriyah Aziz Jamaludin during a recent promotional event at MATRADE Melbourne, designed to promote MIHAS 2024 to Australian businesses and stakeholders.

“Australia is Malaysia’s 10th largest trading partner for 2023, recording total trade for the year amounting to USD18.58 billion. Malaysia exports to Australia are worth USD10.95 billion, compared with

imports of USD7.63 billion from down under, resulting in a trade surplus of USD3.32 billion,” Ms Azimatul said in her presentation.

“The top exports to Australia are mineral fuels, computer equipment, printed circuits, and plastics. Malaysia imports mineral fuels, refined copper, iron ores, wheat and inorganic chemicals from the island continent,” she continued to highlight.

7 EVENT AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع


Whenever I’m teaching a new formula or theory there’s always one student who asks, “But Mr Nagarkar, how does this apply in the real world?”

It’s one of my favourite questions because I’ve got plenty of answers: there would be no aeroplanes without Newton’s laws of motion, no cruise control in your car without factorising equations, and no scientists or mathematicians without the teachers who came before them.

I’m constantly amazed at how one tiny equation can lead to all these incredible discoveries. It’s like a single domino knocking down a whole row of big, exciting ideas. That’s why I love teaching, too.

Every day I have the chance to steer a student towards their future. Every little thing I do has a real

and concrete effect on my students’ lives.

If you’d told a younger version of me that I’d be a teacher, I never would’ve believed you. I was set on following in my family’s footsteps and becoming an engineer. But somewhere during my university studies, I realised I was drawn to help people in other ways.

I found myself volunteering for leadership activities and tutoring students. I used an alternative pathway to get into teaching, which offered me the chance to complete a Master of Teaching while working in the industry.

After more than eight years as a high school teacher, I can say this job has led to

more innovation, impact and progress than I ever expected. Every class is unique, every group of students is unique, and every day with them is a fun problem to solve. I genuinely look forward to sharing the laughter, the logic and the “aha” moments.

I feel like I’ve found my calling in teaching. While I’m still learning about all the things I love, I now have the privilege of sharing that passion with others.

Just like engineers who leave behind structures that withstand the test of time, I’m leaving behind a foundation of knowledge that students can use to build their futures. In both

roles, the impact we have is not just measured in numbers but in the people we impact and the lives we help shape.

If you have a passion for a subject and want to share it with the world, it’s worth considering a career in teaching. If you’re anything like me, you might just find there’s more to this profession than meets the eye.

Read more inspiring stories of teachers and their impact at bethatteacher.gov.au


8 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع Shop 42, Broadmeadows Central Shopping Centre, 1099 – 1169 Pascoe Vale Rd,Broadmeadows Vic 3047 P: 03 9300 3851 E: kathleen.matthews-ward@parliament.vic.gov.au
State Labor Member of Parliament for Broadmeadows
9 AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June ناريزح ¿ ـه ةجحلا وذ ¿ طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع لامشلا ءانبا داحتا ايلاترسا Eid Mubarak ريدصت رظح ررقت ايلارتسأ 2028 يف ارحب ةيحلا مانغلأا يلارتسلأا ةــعارزــلا رــيزو لاــق رظحتس هداــب نإ تاو ياروــم قيرط نع ةيحلا مانغلأا ريدصت دعاستسو ،2028 راــيأ /ويام نم اءدــب رحبلا كلذ يتأي .رارقلا تايعادت عم فيكتلل نيرثأتملا وطشان اهب ماق يتلا تامحلا نم تاونس دعب .ناويحلاب قفرلا ريرقت ىلع يمسرلا ةموكحلا در يف تاو لاقو هذه نم يجيردتلا صلختلاب هفلك لقتسم دعوم نأشب نيقيلا“ :لدجلل ةريثملا ةسرامملا ينمزلا راطلإاف ..ةيمهلأا غلاب رمأ ةراجتلا ءاهتنا انمازتلاو ةبولطملا لوحتلا تاوطخ نيب نزاوي .”ةنسحملا مانغلأا ةياعر جئاتن معدب ةميقب ةيلاقتنا ةمزح مدقتس اهنإ ةموكحلا تلاقو رلاود نويلم 70.7( يلارتسأ رلاود نييام 107 نكميو ،ةررضتملا تاكرشلا ةدعاسمل )يكريمأ خيراتلا ىتح رحبلا ربع مانغلأا ةراجت رمتست نأ لثم ةيفاضإ دويق نود نم 2028 يف ددحملا نل رظحلا نأ امك ،صصحلا وأ ىوصقلا دودحلا وأ ىرخلأا ةيشاملا ريدصت تاعانص ىلع قبطي .اوج ةيحلا مانغلأا ريدصت اذه عيرشتلا حرطتس ةموكحلا نأ تاو حضوأو ةيحلا مانغلأا ريدصت ةعانص ترهظأ“ ذإ ،ماعلا تاعقوت ةيبلت ىلع ةرداق ريغ اهنأ اراركتو ارارم .”عمتجملا داعتبلاا يف لعفلاب يلارتسلأا ةيشاملا عاطق أدبو نأ رهظت ةيموكحلا تانايبلاف ؛ارحب ةراجتلا نع سأر فلأ 652 نم برقي ام تردص ايلارتسأ ةنراقم ،2023-2022 يف رحبلا قيرط نع فورخ قفو ،اماع 20 لبق فورخ سأر نييام 5.92 ـب .غريبمولب ةلاكو تركذ ام يف ضعبلا نأ مهفأ« :يلارتسلأا ريزولا لاقو ،ادغ فقوتت ةراجتلا ةيؤر يف نوبغريس عمتجملا .»قاطلإا ىلع كلذ ديري لا رخلآا ضعبلاو ةمدص ،نيعرازملل ينطولا داحتلاا لاق ،هبناج نم عبرلأا يذ لودجلا نم »ةمدصلا»ـب اوبيصأ مهنإ نوكيس« ينمزلا راطلإا اذه نأ افيضم ،تاونس خوضرلاب ةموكحلا امهتم ،نيعرازملل ارمدم .»)ناويحلاب قفرلا تاعامجب( نيطشانلل هذه طاقسإ متي ىتح أدهن نل« :داحتلاا فاضأو ىلع طقف مكحي مويلا ناعإ ..ةللضملا ةسايسلا لبق اهانرظح يتلا تاسرامملاب ةيبنجلأا مانغلأا .»نمزلا نم دقع ةيعمجلا هترجأ عاطتسا راــشأ ،لباقملا يف ناويحلا ىلع ةوسقلا عنمل ةيناطيربلا ةيكلملا نوديؤي ايلارتسأ برغ ناكس نم 71% نأ ىلإ ةفيحص هتلقن ام قفو ،ارحب ةيشاملا ريدصت رظح .نايدراغلا تمن موحللا تارداص نإ يلارتسلأا ريزولا لاقو ام وهو ،ةيحلا ةيشاملا تارداص تعجارت امنيب ،ايلارتسأ يف )رملأل( ةجلاعملا نم ديزملا ينعي .لمعلا صرف نم ديزم ثادحتساو يف نأضلا محل تارداص ةميق تغلب« :عباتو نيح يف ،2023 ماع رلاود تارايلم 4.5 ايلارتسأ لقأ رحبلا قيرط نع ةيحلا مانغلأا تارداص تغلب 0.1% يلاوح يأ ،2023 ماع رلاود نويلم 77 نم .»ايلارتسأ يف يعارزلا جاتنلإا نم غريبمولب + ةيناطيربلا ةفاحصلا :ردصملا Authorised by M.Vamvakinou, Australian Labor Party, Level 2, Office 1, 14 Dimboola Road, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 ADVERTISEMENT Wishing you a spiritually fulfilling Eid al-Adha. Eid Mubarak to our Muslim community. YOUR FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALWELL Town Hall Broadmeadows Precinct, Level 2, Office 1, 14 Dimboola Road, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 9367 5216 Canberra: 02 6277 4249 maria.vamvakinou.mp@aph.gov.au MariaVamvakinou mariavamvakinou.com ADVERTISEMENT

A Lifeline Amid Ruins Human Appeal Australia’s Mission to Gaza

Last week, Human Appeal Australia (HAA) successfully facilitated a convoy of trucks carrying 7,000 food parcels heading to the war-torn city of Gaza.

On Tuesday, a large procession of 60 trucks transporting humanitarian aid left the capital city of Jordan, Amman, towards Gaza in an active push to deliver urgent relief to displaced civilians.

In partnership with HAA, the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation (JHCO) has been actively securing, packaging and distributing aid in the region. This week, 2,000 food parcels were handed out to local Syrian refugees in various parts of the country through a joint effort by both charities.

HAA Director Bashar Al-Jamal personally received the supplies for Gaza at the JHCO Logistics Centre in Zarqaa, Jordan, where they prepared packages consisting of a variety of essential food items to allow the beneficiaries much-needed access to nutrition.

“Our brothers and sisters in Gaza have lost everything and are facing severe hardships,” Says Director Bashar AlJamal.

“They have been on the edge of starvation for the past 8 months and we are here to stand with them, to help and assist them.”

Amidst the piles of rubble and destruction, the convoys arrived the same day in

Central Gaza shortly before the HAA onground staff members began distributing the parcels.

The Gaza Strip for the past 8 months has witnessed unforeseen levels of mass destruction, civilian deaths, injuries as well as deliberate starvation due to restricted borders. According to the Gaza Health Ministry, the number of civilians killed since October 2023 has surpassed 37,000 people. Over 84,000 people are injured and at least 10,000 still missing, with women and children making up the majority of those figures.

The latest Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC) by the UN World Food Programme (WFP) revealed that an estimated 26% (600 million) of the population in Gaza has entered a ‘catastrophic’ phase of hunger at an unprecedented rate. Earlier this week, UNICEF also disclosed that 9 out of 10 children lack critical nutrition for growth, leaving them at a high risk of starvation.

The designated food parcels included items such as rice, pasta, milk powder, sugar, canned tuna, meat, beans as well as a variety of dried legumes amongst other things enough to sustain a family for at

least 2 weeks.

“We are very grateful for the support from our Australian communities. Without your support for our mission, we would not be able to do any of this,” Mr. Al-Jamal expressed.

As the dense population of Gaza continues to bear the consequences of the brutal military blockade, HAA has been one of the only humanitarian organisations in the region consistent in delivering emergency relief to civilians affected by the ongoing violence.

HAA along with JHCO will continue to collaborate in the coming weeks to transport an additional 16,000 units of sleeping bags and 1,500 tents allocated to Gaza amongst other aid.

With the 2024 Qurban campaign currently running, HAA also anticipates procuring and delivering 8,000 units of canned Qurban meat. The Qurban will be canned as a more convenient alternative for displaced civilians with no viable resources to store fresh meat.

“I call upon you my dear brother and sisters to support our Qurban campaign and to donate to our fellow brothers and sisters in Gaza so we can elevate their suffering together.”

10 CHARITY AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
Eid Mubarak
visit hai.org.au or call 1300 760 155 to donate today
Scan to donate


More kids will be walking, scooting and riding their bike to school thanks to the Allan Labor Government’s Kids Active Travel Program which is inspiring healthy lifestyles for young Victorians.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence was joined by Member for Greenvale Iwan Walters today to announce four new projects in Hume, Melton, Geelong and Bendigo that will encourage active travel to and from primary school.

One of the projects, Park It, is delivered by Outdoors Victoria in partnership with Hume City Council and local schools and encourages families to drop off and pick up their children at local parks close to

school where they walk the rest of the way in a group.

The program will also be ramping up in Bendigo, Geelong and Melton to support primary schools in disadvantaged areas with a variety of initiatives such as travel friendly technology and facilities including bike parking and storage, safety education programs and signage to promote safe travel routes to school.

The program builds on other Labor Government initiatives announced in the Victorian Budget 2024/25 aimed at getting young Victorians moving throughout the day, including Active Schools and the Get Active Kids Voucher Program.

The Kids Active Travel Program prioritises projects for primary schools in areas with high levels of social disadvantage and aims to

inspire healthy lifestyle habits from a young age.

Results from the program will be captured and used to inform future active travel initiatives at other schools around the state.

For latest information about the program and successful grant recipients visit sport.vic.gov.au.

“We’re determined to reverse the trend of one in four kids not getting enough exercise – walking, scooting or riding a bike to school is a great active way for kids to start the day.”

“The new Kids Active Travel Program will help families in disadvantaged communities break the habit of driving to school and empower kids to get active more often.” Minister for Community Sport

“The times before and after school are so busy for families, which is why it’s great to see this program helping young people in Greenvale to incorporate exercise into their daily journeys to and from school.”Member for Greenvale Iwan Walters said.

“Thanks to this boost we can now set in motion some great new local activities that aim to create more accessible, safe and healthy ways for kids to be more active in their local community.”CEO of Outdoors Victoria Andrew Knight said.

11 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع EID AL-ADHA MUBARAK 16 Princes Highway, Dandenong VIC 3175 9793 2000 gabrielle.williams@parliament.vic.gov.au WilliamsforDandenong gabriellewilliams.com.au Gabrielle Williams MP STATE MEMBER FOR DANDENONG Tenancy 2, 80 Carmody Drive, Cairnlea VIC 3023 9363 1644 ingrid.stitt@parliament.vic.gov.au IngridStittMP Ingrid Stitt MP STATE MEMBER FOR WESTERN METROPOLITAN REGION Suite 3, 445 Princes Highway, Officer VIC 3809 9651 8254 emma.vulin@parliament.vic.gov.au @emmavulinmp emmavulin.com.au Emma Vulin MP STATE MEMBER FOR PAKENHAM Eden Foster MP STATE MEMBER FOR MULGRAVE Shops A3 & A4, Marriott Waters Shopping Centre, cnr Thompsons Rd & Marriott Bvd, Lyndhurst VIC 3975 5996 2901 pauline.richards@parliament.vic.gov.au PaulineRichardsMP paulinerichardsmp.org Pauline Richards MP STATE MEMBER FOR CRANBOURNE 517A Princes Hwy, Noble Park VIC 3174 9548 5644 eden.foster@parliament.vic.gov.au @edenfostermulgrave edenfoster.com.au 16 Princes Highway, Dandenong VIC 3175 9793 2000 lee.tarlamis@parliament.vic.gov.au LeeTarlamisMP leetarlamismp.com.au Lee Tarlamis MP STATE MEMBER FOR SOUTH EASTERN METROPOLITAN REGION Gary Maas MP STATE MEMBER FOR NARRE WARREN SOUTH Shop 24, 166 Somerville Rd, Hampton Park VIC 3976 8783 6959 gary.maas@parliament.vic.gov.au GaryMaasNWS @garymaasmp Michael Galea MP STATE MEMBER FOR SOUTH EASTERN METROPOLITAN REGION 141 Westall Road, Clayton South VIC 3169 7501 8688 michael.galea@parliament.vic.gov.au MichaelGaleaALP @MichaelGaleaMP Belinda Wilson MP STATE MEMBER FOR NARRE WARREN NORTH Shops 101 & 102, Endeavour Hills Shopping Centre, Matthew Flinders Avenue, Endeavour Hills VIC 3802 9706 0566 belinda.wilson@parliament.vic.gov.au belindawilsonvic belindawilson.com.au MINISTER FOR MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS WISHING YOU A HAPPY EID FROM YOUR VICTORIAN LABOR TEAM IN THE SOUTH EAST VIC


`Eid Al-Adha is preceded by the glorious day of `Arafah and is one of the important days of Hajj. Among the main themes and messages of Hajj is submission and obedience to Allah. When we read about the remarkable stories of Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Isma`il, and Hajar, we witness extraordinary examples of obedience and submission to Allah, which is the core meaning of Islam. Actually, submission is the very meaning of the word “Islam”. So the meaning and essence of Islam are manifested in Hajj, which reminds us of our mission and purpose in life.

`Eid Al-Adha is a symbol of obedience. It signifies submission to Allah. On this day, we commemorate together the acts of obedience and submission performed by Prophet Ibrahim and his family when he was commanded to take Hajar and their son Isma`il to an uninhabited, barren, distant land and leave them there alone. He submitted and obeyed. When Hajar realized what was happening, she cried out, “Ibrahim! Are you going to leave us in this valley where no people live?” She repeated the question yet she received

no answer, so she asked him, “Did Allah order you to do this?” He replied, “Yes.” So she said, “Then Allah will not let us perish.” Thus she submitted.

Furthermore, when his son Isma`il became older, Ibrahim received a command from his Lord to sacrifice him. He submitted and so did his son. The family of Ibrahim was a family of obedience and submission. They were tested and tried again and again, but the result was always submission and obedience.

Both `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr come after performing a pillar of Islam and an act of obedience. Hence `Eid Al-Adha and `Eid Al-Fitr are annual reminders that this life is a test and we must be obedient if we wish to be successful. Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, social status, and culture are reminded and given the message: Surrender to Allah, submit to Allah. Are we hearing this message?

Just as Prophet Ibrahim was tested throughout his life to see if he would submit or not, so will we be tested to see whether we submit to Allah’s commands or refuse!

Know that toils, struggles, and hardships will accompany our quest to obedience. But if we obey, we will be in the company of the likes of Prophet Ibrahim and his family in Paradise, as Allah says:

[All who obey Allah and the messenger shall dwell in the company of those whom Allah has favored with His Grace: the prophets, the sincere lovers of Truth, the martyrs, and the Righteous who do good. Ah! What a beautiful companionship!] (An-Nisaa’ 4:69)

`Eid contains many wonderful messages among which is that `Eid is an external expression of the testimony of faith

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,” which means to follow Muhammad in his commandments, abstain from all that he has forbidden, believe in all that he has informed us of, and worship Allah with only that which he has prescribed. Allah says: [Say: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger’s duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way.] (AnNur 24:54)

12 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
Ph: (07) 3299 5910 jim.chalmers.mp@aph.gov.au www.jimchalmers.org EID Mubarak Jim Chalmers MP Federal Labor Member for Rankin Treasurer of Australia Hoping families in our community enjoyed a blessed Eid al Adha



A new survey commissioned by hearing care experts Audika Hearing Clinic reveals surveyed Australians prioritise their sight over hearing, despite over three quarters (77%) knowing someone who is hard of hearing. Most (86%) respondents ranked sight as their most important sense, with hearing coming in second (69%). Unsurprisingly, this is reflected in which sense they care for more, with almost three quarters (73%) of respondents admitting that between hearing and sight, their hearing was the most neglected.

(80%) claim to have ‘a little’ understanding of hearing loss, more than a quarter (27%) also said they neglected their hearing because they didn’t understand and know where to start.

More than half of Australian respondents (59%) think there is a negative stigma surrounding hearing loss, this increased among respondents aged 18-24 (61%) and 50-64 (64%). While this declined slightly among those surveyed aged 65+ (55%)[2], 4 in 10 (41%) of senior respondents think there is a negative stigma surrounding hearing aids.

No stranger to the stigma of hearing loss, Mackenzie

with almost 8 in 10 (79%) claiming to know someone who is hard of hearing. 7 in 10 (72%) Western Australian respondents know someone who is hard of hearing, increasing to three quarters (75%) in Queensland4 and over three quarters (77%) in New South Wales.

is often an overlooked health issue, it is one that can greatly impact mental health and emotional wellbeing.

hearing was ‘bad enough’ to get it checked, because there was a stigma around some of the ways you might address hearing loss.

“Despite my brother having hearing loss since childhood, I convinced myself mine was not bad enough until early last year, and he was my biggest driver in seeking help. Since addressing my hearing loss, I have noticed a great change in the quality of my life, and I want to inspire others to feel comfortable to get their hearing checked earlier,” Arnold says.

Stigma by state

When it comes to negative stigma surrounding hearing loss, New South Wales respondents were the most inclined to agree with 65%, compared to 58% in Queensland and Victoria, and 50% in Western Australia^.

Victorian respondents were most likely to know someone with probable hearing loss,

The negative stigma associated with hearing loss alongside the number of respondents who know someone who is hard of hearing found in this survey, suggests there may be many Australians not prioritising their hearing health.

Encouraging all Australians across the country to prioritise their hearing is the first step towards reducing the stigma and improving understanding of hearing loss and how to treat it.

Hearing health and quality of life

Lauren McNee, experienced clinician, and audiologist at Audika Hearing Clinic, says hearing can profoundly impact the way we engage with community, alongside senses such as sight and touch.

“It impacts how confident we feel to engage in community, listen to loved ones, and feel a sense of belonging. While it

“Whether it’s your own hearing or the hearing of a loved one, it’s important to discuss hearing health, reduce the stigma around hearing loss, and promote hearing checks,” says McNee.

Hearing health can significantly contribute to quality of life given its crucial role in most interpersonal interactions. It can also be a source of comfort and soothing, with more than a quarter of the (27%) respondents saying hearing was the sense they found the most soothing and comforting of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing).

Audika Hearing Clinic is encouraging all Australians over 26 to ‘Love Your Ears’ by visiting their closest clinic for a FREE hearing check or take the five-minute online hearing check via www.audika.com.au.

^Sample sizes for Northern Territory, Tasmania and South Australia were not large enough for statistically significant results.

13 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
Graham Perrett MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR MORETON 07 3344 2622 www.grahamperrett.net.au Eid Mubarak Wishing you a peaceful and safe Eid al-Adha.


“Australia is not bringing enough skilled migrants into Australia to build 170,000 homes per year let alone the 240,000 homes that we need to be building to address the acute housing shortages being faced,” HIA Managing Director, Jocelyn Martin said today.

“The skilled migrant system needs a complete overhaul. The visa options available for construction are not working.

“Data from the Department of Home Affairs shows just 1,346 workers in construction trades have been granted temporary work visas in the nine months to March 2024.

“The shortage of skilled workers is a major impediment to the supply of housing. Labour shortages are resulting in project delays which add to the cost of construction.

“Risks associated with labour shortages are causing businesses to shelve projects that could deliver the housing that Australia needs.

“The residential building industry is just one part of Australia’s construction landscape. Businesses in the housing industry are competing with businesses delivering commercial buildings and infrastructure construction projects, and the mining industry.

“This competition has become even more fierce given the growth in government investment in projects linked to the

transition to clean energy, and the long list of other infrastructure projects underway around the country.

“Australia’s 1.2 million housing supply target can only be achieved if the capacity of the construction industry continues to grow and meet the needs of all these sectors.

“Providing career opportunities for local workers should always be the priority, however, this alone will not see the workforce grow quickly enough.

“The skilled migration system has a role to play in enabling businesses to source workers from overseas to supplement the local workforce and fill skills gaps when they arise.

“The temporary work visa system was touted as a demand driven system, however, it is anything but.

“The rebound in immigration as borders reopened included a lift in the number of construction trades workers with temporary work visas returning to Australia. However, the numbers arriving are still very small and very few are sponsored by businesses in the residential building industry.

“If the Government is truly committed to seeing the Housing Accord target achieved more must be done to train local workers and enable industry to make better use of the skilled migration system,” concluded Ms Martin.


Kids Helpline is encouraging boys and young men to take time to prioritise their mental health this week, as part of International Men’s Health Week.

yourtown CEO Tracy Adams says this week is important for all members of the community, but particularly young men and those with young men in their lives, to build a positive culture around mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Data from Kids Helpline highlights that young males are less likely to engage in help-seeking for mental health concerns compared with females.

On average during May Kids Helpline recorded 57 responses a day from young males compared with 195 females.

Counsellors at Kids Helpline respond to 21% males and 79% females on any given day, with males aged between 19 to 25 years of age representing the largest (37%) male help-seeking group.

“Unfortunately, young males aged between 15 – 18 years of age are the least likely to seek mental health support due to societal stigma, often delaying seeking professional counsellor help until they are in crisis, Ms Adams said.



We urge our community to stay safe and vigilant as reports of Islamophobic incidents have been on the rise. If you have experienced Islamophobia, don’t let it go unnoticed. Reach out to our Islamophobia Support Team for

free personalised care, advice and referrals.

View our website here: https://icv.org.au/islamophobiasupport/ Report incidents here: https://shorturl.at/krQ67

“Many boys—though certainly not all—have trouble talking about emotions and feelings because social norms have encouraged them to conform to a masculine ideal that emphasizes values like stoicism, toughness, and competitiveness. These social dynamics have longterm implications for their mental health.

According to Kids Helpline counsellors, the culture of hypermasculinity makes it harder for boys to seek help. Men’s reluctance to access mental health support when they are experiencing depression and/or anxiety and can leave young men feeling isolated and vulnerable. We need to twist the prism a little bit about how boys view mental health and their own emotional health.

Kids Helpline offers boys and young men a safe, inclusive space to connect with professional support 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

“As a community we need to teach boys that it’s OK to reach out for help,” Ms Adams concluded.

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only national 24/7 counselling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years and is a service of yourtown – free call 1800 55 1800 or www.kidshelpline.com.au

As the Mayor of Blacktown City, I would like to send my warmest wishes to all members of our City’s Muslim community during Eid Al-Adha.

14 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
Councillor Brad Bunting Mayor of Blacktown City

Luba Grigorovitch MP Member for


Ph: 03 8361 7133

W: lubagrigorovitch.com.au

E: luba.grigorovitch@parliament.vic.gov.au

Shop 2, 11 Commercial Rd, Caroline Springs, 3023

15 تاعونم AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع TRADE COURSES FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 03 9399 9511 email: cricos@tiv vic edu au www tiv vic edu au LOCATED AT: Dandenong Tottenham Bendigo(opening soon) Williamstown North ENQUIRE NOW! CARPENTRY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CALL TODAY TO FIND OUT MORE: بائتكلاا نم كيمحت هكاوفلا ةخوخيش زكرم ءاملع فشتكا ةعماجب ةيحصلا غاــمدــلا ةيلارتسلأا »زليو ثواسوين« رطخ ضافخناب طبتري هكاوفلا لوانت نأ مهرامعأ زواجتت نيذلا صاخشلأا ةباصإ .بائتكلااب اماع 45 زريدروأ سيد فيتكيفآ ةلجم تراــشأو ىلإ )Journal of Affective Disorders( بائتكلاا نم نوناعي لا عوطتم 7801 نأ هذه يف اوكراش اماع 45 قوف مهرامعأو .ةساردلا يف نوثحابلا عمج ،ةلجملل اــقــفوو نع ةمزالا تامولعملا ةساردلا ةيادب هكاوفلا ةبسنو عوطتم لك ةلاحو ةحص مادختساب يئاذغلا هماظن يف تاورضخلاو ىلع مهتعباتم تأدب ،كلذ دعبو .تانايبتسا لاخ نوثحابلا دصرو .تاونس 9 ىدم .بائتكا ةلاح 1630 ةرتفلا هذه ريثأت نأ نراقملا ليلحتلا رهظأ دقو ةباصلإا لامتحا ىلع تاورضخلا كاهتسا ،ةيئاصحإ ةللاد هل نكت مل ضرملا اذهب يف ةهكافلا ةبسن عافترا نأ حضتا نكلو ةحضاو ةروصب طبتري يئاذغلا ماظنلا .ةيلقعلا ةحصلل عفترم ىوتسمب ةقيثوو نأ ىلإ دوعي ببسلا نأ نوثحابلا دقتعيو يدؤي امم ،ةخوبطم لكؤت ةداع تاورضخلا امأ ،ةيذغملا داوملا نم ديدعلا نادقف ىلإ امم ،ةئينو ةجزاط لكؤت ةداعف هكاوفلا تاداضم عيمج ىلع اهنم لوصحلاب حمسي ةيئاذغلا فايللأاو تانيماتيفلاو ةدسكلأا .غامدلا ةحصل ةيرورضلا )انق( ةيرطقلا ءابنلأا ةلاكو :ردصملا


People aged 65 and over are being strongly urged to book in now for their free influenza vaccine, as respiratory illnesses continue to rise across NSW.

The latest NSW Health Respiratory Surveillance Report, to be released today, shows influenza activity is rapidly increasing in NSW, with COVID-19 transmission also increasing to high levels.

NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said in the week ending 25 May, there was a 27 per cent increase in influenza notifications, and a 23 per cent increase in COVID-19 notifications, compared to the previous week.

“While everyone aged six months and over is urged to get their influenza vaccine as soon as possible, it is particularly important for those at higher risk of severe illness from the virus,” Dr Chant said.

“Influenza immunisation rates aren’t where they need to be. Less than half of people aged 65 and over in NSW have received their influenza vaccine this year and we really need to see that number go up, especially as people in this age group are among those most at risk of severe illness.

“We expect the number of influenza cases to quickly increase in the weeks ahead so now is the time to get vaccinated if you haven’t already done so.”

The influenza vaccine is free and readily available for those at higher risk of severe illness from influenza. It is available through GPs for any age group, as well as through pharmacies for everyone aged five years and over.

Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN) Infectious Diseases

Paediatrician Dr Phil Britton said influenza notifications are continuing to increase across all age groups, particularly among young children aged three to four years.

“In recent weeks, we have seen influenza cases rising among young children and we want to remind

parents the best thing they can do to keep their kids well this winter, and to reduce the risk of them being hospitalised due to influenza, is to ensure their children receive a flu vaccine,” Dr Britton said.

Those considered to be at higher risk of severe illness from influenza who are eligible for free vaccination include:

• People aged 65 and over

• Children aged six months to under five years

• Aboriginal people from six months of age

• Pregnant women

• Those with serious health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, immune disorders, severe asthma, kidney, heart, and lung disease.

There are some simple steps you can take to help protect yourself and your loved ones from respiratory viruses like COVID-19, influenza and RSV, including:

• Stay up to date with your recommended influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations

• Stay home if you are sick and wear a mask if you need to leave home

• Get together outdoors or in large, well-ventilated spaces with open doors and windows

• Avoid crowded spaces

• Consider doing a rapid antigen test (RAT) before visiting people at higher risk of severe illness

• Talk with your doctor now if you are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or influenza to make a plan about what to do if you get sick, including what test to take, and discussing if you are eligible for antiviral medicines

• Don’t visit people who are at higher risk of severe illness if you are sick or have tested positive to COVID-19 or influenza

• Practice good hand hygiene, including handwashing.



P: (02) 9737 8822 • E: auburn@parliament.nsw.gov.au

A: Mezzanine Level, 92 Parramatta Road, Lidcombe NSW 2141 “Authorised by Lynda Voltz MP. Funded using parliamentary entitlements”

16 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع @mayorbilalelhayek @ClrBilalelHayek @bilal.elhayek Contact me at: P 9707 9522 E Mayor@cbcity.nsw.gov.au EID MUBARAK
Clr Bilal El-Hayek MAYOR City of Canterbury Bankstown

The Albanese Labor Government is providing cost of living relief to Australians

يﺰﻴﻧﺎﺒﻟأﺔﻣﻮﻜﺣﺞﻣﺎﻧﺮﺑ ﻒﻴﻟﺎﻜﺗ ﺾﻔﺨﻟ ﺔﻴﻟ ﺎﻤﻌﻟا مﺪﻘﻤﻟ ا ﺔﺸﻴﻌﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﻴﻟاﺮﺘﺳﻸﻟ Authorised by P Erickson, ALP 5/9 Sydney Ave, Barton ACT 2600. نم ضيوفتبaErickson, ALP 5/9 Sydney Ave, Barton ACT 2600. Tax cuts for every taxpayer ﺐﺋاﺮﻀﻟا ﻲﻌﻓاد ﻞﻜﻟ ﺔﻴﺒﻳﺮﻀﻟا تﺎﻀﻴﻔﺨﺘﻟا Energy bill relief for every household ةﺮﺳأ ﻞﻜﻟ ﺔﻗﺎﻄﻟا ةرﻮﺗﺎﻓ ﻒﻴﻔﺨﺗ
Medicare in every community ﻊﻤﺘﺠﻣ ﻞﻛ ﻲﻓ ىﻮﻗأ ﺔﻴﺒﻃ ﺔﻳﺎﻋر



The leadership of the German Reich was put on trial for its barbarism, springing from what was once viewed as a centre of European civilisation.

Pending the decision of the ICJ, Israel is presently regarded as a bastion of Europe in the chaotic Middle East.

But dissent is growing. Its starring role in Eurovision was strongly challenged this year by opponents of genocide and its persecution of the Netherlands participant helped illustrate the nature of that tiny vicious American protectorate.

There are signs that the European coalition in support of the Gaza genocide is waning, with Spain Ireland and Norway breaking ranks, recognising Palestinian statehood.

France, Germany and the UK stand strongly loyal to Netanyahu despite the next generation of intellectuals in the major universities showing their disgust at the genocide.

That is part of European ruling class culture according to Dr Ghissan Abu Sittah.

As recently as May when French authorities denied him entry to a conference, he tweeted: “Colonial

genocide is a formative component of European identity. Hence their eagerness to become complicit in silencing the witnesses and arming the war criminals”

He is a famous British plastic and reconstructive surgeon, much needed amongst the victims of Israel, much hated by the Israeli lobby.

“While working in Gaza following the October 7 attack, Dr Ghassan AbuSittah – who has been named by the BBC as a “key” source of the death count in the Strip – gave interviews to media outlets across the world in which he accused the IDF of using white phosphorus and targeting hospitals, claims Israel strongly denies.” [1 December 2023 Jewish Chronicle ]

Of course, thanks to Dateline Jerusalem, we now know the Israelis were lying as usual.

Blaming Hamas

Whenever the mass murder of women and children is raised the hasbara chorus cries “Hamas Hamas” then “anti-Semitism” but both have lost their impact.

Bruno Maçães former Secretary of State for European Affairs in Portugal, a Member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and a Member of the Advisory Council for the Brussels Institute of Geopolitics is not impressed by the Hamas excuse.

•“I think a lot of resistance to calling Gaza a genocide

comes from people who say Israel is not killing people for sport but rather to eliminate a perceived threat. Problem is every single genocide in history was to eliminate a threat as perceived by the people carrying it out.” [22 May 2024 Afroze F Zaid IHRC]

Remember that the Nazi excuse for Jewish mass murder was that they were fighting the deadly JudeoBolshevism which threatened Europe.

As a result of this attempted elimination, Hamas has become admired throughout the formerly colonised world.

It has apparently withstood a carpet bombing campaign more intense than the bombing of Berlin and resisted a siege like the Siege of Leningrad was resisted.

“In fact, in less than one month after the onset of its bombing campaign, Israel dropped more than 25,000 tons of explosives on the Gaza Strip, equivalent to two nuclear bombs, according to the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.”

[https://israel-massacres. com/]

The hostages taken by Hamas are being whittled down by Israeli bombardment not by mistreatment like the hostages in Israeli camps.

It has become clear that rescue of the hostages takes second place to the ethnic cleansing agenda of the extremists in Netanyahu’s Cabinet.

Genocidal Intent

Francesca Albanese UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory has documented evidence of genocidal acts, and proof of genocidal intent.

“In the latest Gaza assault, direct evidence of genocidal intent is uniquely present. Vitriolic genocidal rhetoric has painted the whole population as the enemy to be eliminated and forcibly displaced. High-ranking Israeli officials with command authority have issued harrowing public statements evincing genocidal intent, including as follows:

• President Isaac Herzog stated that “an entire nation out there…is responsible” for the 7 October attack, and that Israel would “break their backbone”

• Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to Palestinians as “Amalek” and “monsters”. The Amalek reference is to a biblical passage in which God commands Saul “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass”.

• Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant referred to Palestinians as “human animals”, and announced “full offense” on Gaza, having “released all the restraints”, and that “Gaza will never return to what it was.” [2 February–5 April 2024

Human Rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories] Herzl in his Der Judenstaat wrote: “The world will be liberated by our freedom, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness”, and in a speech he delivered in London in 1891, he declared: “We want to carry culture to the East. And once again, Europe will in turn profit from this work of ours. We will create new trade routes − and none will be more interested in this than England with its Asiatic possessions.”

Its white supremacist civilising mission, like those before it, has culminated in genocide.

Netanyahu and his extremist Cabinet have brought about isolation of the violent apartheid state, created by the UN which Israel is trying to ban from its land.

They have undone the valid claims of Jewish persecution, developed over centuries of European antiSemitism, by carrying out the Gaza genocide. Its leaders could end up before the ICC and the state condemned by the ICJ like any other Third World pariah.

The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.
18 OPINION AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
is time to call time on the apartheid state for its crimes against humanity, its white supremacy, its deliberate creation of famine and facilitation of disease.
19 تاعونم Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع A u t h o r s e d b y S e n a t o r M e h r e e n F a r u q , A u s t r a a n G r e e n s P a r l a m e n t H o u s e C a n b e r r a 2 6 0 0 ةعرزم يف رويطلا ازنولفنإ دصر صقن دوجول يفن طسو ايلارتسأب ضيبلا يف ماع ةـــيلاو ةــموــكــح تــلاــق هنإ ةيلارتسلأا ايروتكيف ازنولفنإ سوريف دصر مت ةعرزم يف راشتنلاا عيرسلا رويطلا ةبرقم ىلع نروبلم نم برقلاب طبلل اهيف رشتنا نجاود عرازم ةسمخ نم .لعفلاب سوريفلا ةقطنم لخاد دجوت هذه طبلا ةعرزمو لوح تاطلسلا هتضرف يحص رجح ةموكحلا تلاقو ،ةررضتم ىرخأ عرازم ارمأ نكي مل اهب تاباصإ دــصر نإ .ائجافم يشفت ءاوــتــحا تاطلسلا لواــحــتو برق رويطلا ازنولفنإ نم نيتلاس يتلا ”3نإ7شتإ“ ةلاس :امه نروبلم ةعرزمو نجاود عرازم ةعبرأ يف ترهظ ترهظ يتلا ”9نإ7شتإ“ ةلاسو ،طبلا 130 وحن دعب ىلع نجاود ةعرزم يف .يبرغلا بونجلا ىلإ ارتموليك ةلاسلا نــع ناتلاسلا فلتختو نم تارايلملا تباصأ يتلا ”1نإ5شتإ“ عرازملا تاناويحو ةيربلا تاناويحلا يف تببستو ،ملاعلا ىوتسم ىلع ،ةيئاذغلا تادادملإا لساسب تابارطضا نيب ىودعلا لاقتنا نم فواخم تراثأو .رشبلا يروم يداحتلاا ةعارزلا ريزو لاقو نم نويلم وحن نإ عوبسلأا اذه تاو عضت ةجاجد نويلم 22 ىلإ 21 نيب اهمادعإ متيس وأ مت ايلارتسأ يف اضيب كلذو نتاباصإ دهشت يتلا عرازملا يف .سوريفلا ءاوتحا لجأ نم ربكأ يناث ،زلوك رجاتم ةلسلس تعضوو حيتت ادويق ،دابلا يف رجاتم ةلسلس مظعم يف ضيب يتبلع ءارش ليمع لكل راجت نأ لاإ ،عوبسلأا اذه رجاتملا .اهوذح اوذحي مل نيرخلآا ةئزجتلا يف ضيبلا ةراجت لثمت ةئيه تلاقو يف ببست سوريفلا يشفت نإ ايلارتسأ دجوي لا هنأ لاإ تادادملإاب بارطضا .ضيبلا يف ماع صقن ىلع رطخ دجوي لا هنإ تاطلسلا لوقتو جاجدلاو طبلا ضيب لوانت نم دارفلأا .امهموحلو زرتيور : ردصملا ..هوخبطو هوعطق بعرلا ثب حاسمتل ثدح ام اذه ةيلارتسأ ةدلب ناكس سوفنب يبد )CNN( غلبي يذلاو ةحلاملا هايملا حيسامت دحأ نم يئان يلارتسأ عمتجم مقتنا هماهتلا دعب .ايوشم هلوانت لاخ نم كلذو )مدق 11.8( رتم 3.6 هلوط .لافطلأا ةدراطمو ةفيللأا تاناويحلل رانلا ،ءاعبرلأا ،ايلارتسأب يلامشلا ميلقلإا يف ةعقاولا لاوب ةدلب يف ةطرشلا تقلطأو ميلقلإا ةطرش تدافأ .”عمتجملا ىلع اريبك ارطخ“ لكشي هنأ تربتعا امدعب حاسمتلا ىلع ،نيغلابلاو لافطلأا دراطيو ءاملا نم جرخي ناك سرتفملا ناويحلا نأ نايب يف يلامشلا هدادعإ مت“ حاسمتلا نأ ىلإ ةتفلا ،ةلوهأملا ةيرقلا هذه باك هلوانت ىلإ ةفاضلإاب .”ةيديلقتلا ةقيرطلا قفو ةميلوك يهط مت“ هنإ ABC ةانقل ،دياربكام وردنأ ،يلامشلا ميلقلإا ةطرش يف بيقرلا لاقو زوملا قاروأب ىرخلأا هئاضعأ ضعب تفلغ اميف ،همحل ءاوش متو ،ءاسحك حاسمتلا ليذ .”يهطلا ضارغلأ ضرلأاب ترمطو

Eid Al-Adha

On behalf of the Bank of Sydney management and team, we convey our best wishes to the Muslim Community in Australia and around the world, for a Happy Eid. Fawaz

Steve McGhie MP State Member for Melton

A: 3 Alexandra Street, Melton VIC 3337 Ph: (03) 9743 9825

E: stephen.mcghie@parliament.vic.gov.au


In some nations, the sense of respect, responsibility to care for, and kindness towards parents are fading. Adult children are free to choose whether or not to visit their parents. Some children migrate to cities, subsequently neglecting their parents. As a result, some elderly parents eventually breathe their last breath alone. Tragic but true. While we all are subject to the laws, customs and regulations in the places where we reside, honouring parents is a sacred value that should not be taken lightly. Allah asserts in the Qur’an that of all people, parents deserve our respect, love, kindness and humility. Al-Isra’:17:23

to be understood that elderly parents, who often take medication, can have their appetites, moods and habits easily affected by the medication they take as proven by gerontology studies. Don’t assume that your demanding elderly parents are intentionally trying to inconvenience you. Patience, patience, and patience. Expensive carpets stained with spilled rice porridge, soft mattresses soiled with bodily fluids, broken plates, all can be replaced. Just as you care for your parents, so will your children care for you. Taking care of parents is a form of blessing. Here’s how you can lend a hand, brighten up their days and uplift their spirit:

Stay in the Know

Arm yourself with knowledge about common health issues seniors face. It’ll help you understand what they’re going through and how you can lend a hand. And help you prepare for your old age too.

Safety First, Always

Take a look around their place and see if any tweaks are needed to make it safer and more accessible. Adding some grab bars here, fixing a loose rug there—keep them comfy and secure in their own home.

Helping Hands Make Light Work

Offer a hand with everyday tasks, whether it’s grocery shopping, running errands, or giving them a lift. Little acts of kindness go a long way.

Tech Savvy Support

Help them embrace technology to stay connected and organized. Whether it’s setting up video calls with distant relatives or using apps to track medications, a little tech know-how can go a long way in making their lives easier.

Laugh Therapy

They say laughter is the best medicine. Share some funny stories or reminisce about old times. It’s a sure-fire way to lift their spirits and yours too.

Celebrate Milestones

Don’t forget to celebrate their achievements, big and small. Whether it’s hitting a health goal, mastering a new skill, or simply getting through a tough day, every milestone is worth cheering for.

Every time you offer your support, encouragement, and practical assistance, you’re not just helping them stay healthy—you’re strengthening your bond as a family and creating lasting memories together. Keep those lines of communication open, keep those hugs coming, and keep showing up for each other, no matter what. With your unwavering support and their indomitable spirit, there’s nothing you can’t achieve together.

And your Lord has decreed that you worship not except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], “uff,”[1] and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. Al-Isra’:17:24

And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, “My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.”

[Qur’an text copy pasted from Qur’an Word-by-Word app]

[Translation: English - Sahih International]

What can you do to instil love and respect to parents in your child? Children always observe how you treat your own parents. Old age might not necessarily make parents more pleasant to interact with. One issue frequently faced by adult children caring for elderly parents is dealing with their whims. It needs

AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا ىحضلأا ديع
13 95 00
نيدلاولابو هايإ الإ اودبعت الأ كبر ىٰضقو ﴿ وأ امهدحأ ربكلا كدنع نغلبي امإ اناسحإ امهل لقو امهرهنت الو فأ امهل لقت الف امهالك 23 ﴾اميرك الوق
لقو ةمحرلٱ نم لذلٱ حانج امهل ضفخٱو ﴿ :ءارسإلا [ ﴾ اريغص ينايبر امك امهمحرٱ بر ]24


The day of Eid-ul-Adha falls on the tenth day in the final (twelfth) month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar; Dhu-al-Hijjah.

The day that celebrations fall on is dependent on a legitimate sighting of the moon, following the completion of the annual Holy Pilgrimage of Hajj - which is an obligation for all Muslim’s who fit specific criteria, one of the important Five Pillars of Islam.

The celebration of Eid-ul-Adha is to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion to Allah SWT and his readiness to sacrifice his son, Ismail. At the very point of sacrifice, Allah SWT replaced Ismail with a ram, which was to be slaughtered in place of his son. This command from Allah SWT was a test of Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness and commitment to obey his Lord’s command, without question. Therefore, Eid-ul-Adha means the festival of sacrifice. The act of Qurbani consists of slaughtering an animal as a sacrifice to mark this occasion in

remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim’s sacrifice for Allah SWT. This is also known as Udhiya. The days of animal sacrifice total three days, from the 10th to the 12th of Dhu-al-Hijjah.

The sacrificial animal must be a sheep, lamb, goat, cow, bull or a camel; the sheep, lamb or goat consist of one Qurbani share, whereas a bull, cow or camel consist of seven shares per animal. The animal must be in good health and over a certain age in order to be slaughtered, in a “halal” friendly, Islamic way.

The Qurbani meat can then divided into three equal portions per share; one-third is for you and your family, one-third is for friends, and the final third is to be donated to those in need.

Traditionally, the day is spent celebrating with family, friends and loved ones, often wearing new or best attire and the giving of gifts.

Source: Muslim Aid

Eid Mubara

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Al-Adha is a blessed time of year that spreads the message of togetherness and charity Whilst it has been a very challenging time for everyone, especially with what is occurring in Gaza, let us hope that this Eid Al-Adha brings peace, comfort, and joy to all people

21 AUSTRALIAN 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
I H A D D I B M P M e m b e r f o r B a n k s t o w n O f f i c e : S h o p 2 1 , B r o a d w a y P l a z a P u n c h b o w l N S W 2 1 9 6 P h o n e : 9 7 5 9 5 0 0 0 E : b a n k s t o w n @ p a r l i a m e n t n s w g o v a u Author sed by J had D b MP Funded using par iamentary ent t ements
!كرﺎﺒﻣ ﺪﻴﻋ ﻲﻋﺎﻤﺠﻟا ﻞﻤﻌﻟا ﺔﻟﺎﺳر ﺮﺸﻨﻳ مﺎﻌﻟا ﻦﻣ كرﺎﺒﻣ ﺖﻗو ﻮﻫ ﻰﺤﺿﻷا ﺪﻴﻋ ﺔﺻﺎﺧو ،ﻊﻴﻤﺠﻠﻟ ﺔﺒﺴﻨﻟﺎﺑ ﺔﻳﺎﻐﻠﻟ ﺎﺒﻌﺻ ﺎﺘﻗو نﺎﻛ ﻪﻧأ ﻦﻴﺣ ﻲﻓ .نﺎﺴﺣﻹاو مﻼﺴﻟا اﺬﻫ ﻰﺤﺿﻷا ﺪﻴﻋ ﺐﻠﺠﻳ نأ ﻞﻣﺄﻧ ﺎﻧﻮﻋد ،ةﺰﻏ ﻲﻓ ثﺪﺤﻳ ﺎﻣ ﻊﻣ سﺎﻨﻟا ﻊﻴﻤﺠﻟ حﺮﻔﻟاو ﺔﺣاﺮﻟاو Eid Al Adha is an important celebration of love and sacrifice. On this day, I extend my warmest wishes for a blessed and prosperous Eid.
Office: Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl 2196 Phone: (02) 9750 9088 Email: tony.burke.mp@aph.gov.au www.tonyburke.com.au @Tony_Burke Tony Burke MP Authorised by Tony Burke MP, Australian Labor Party, Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl 2196 FEDERAL MEMBER FOR WATSON HON TONY BURKE MP ADVERTISEMENT

Arabic Centre & Al-Khalil Mosque

22 كرابم ديع AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
Torrens Rd Woodville North, Adelaide, South Australia 5012
Hajj Khalil Shahin Masjid al Khalil


Victorian religious leaders have collaboratively written a joint letter to members of the Victorian Parliament to express the fundamental importance of prayer in Parliament.

The letter has been put together in response to the Victorian Labor Government’s intention to remove the Lord’s Prayer from Parliament. It has been signed by Sheikh Muhammad Nawas Saleem, Secretary of the Board of Imams Victoria as well as other religious leaders from the Catholic, Anglican, Hindu and Jewish communities, who collectively have about two million Victorians in their communities.

For over 100 years the tradition of starting each parliamentary sitting with the Lord’s Prayer has been the practice by Members of Parliament. The letter highlighted the significance of the role of prayer in Parliament, and its continuance to ‘play an integral part of our democratic tradition’.

Evan Mulholland, Member for Northern Metropolitan Region, addressed this letter in Parliament, citing the importance of prayer in multicultural societies.

“Multifaith communities play a very important role in our multicultural society. Any move to secularise parliamentary proceedings would send a clear message to the Victorian people from the Parliament that faith has no place in Victoria,” Mulholland said.

The letter said that the recitation of prayer is a common tradition of the Westminster system, and together with the Acknowledgement of Country, provides a vital link to two important facets of our heritage.

“While diverse in many ways, the majority of Victorians – Christian and non-Christian alike – believe in a God or Higher Power other than themselves. It remains incumbent that our Members of Parliament respect these beliefs and the rich, long-held traditions on which our parliamentary system has been

Evan Mulholland, Member for Northern Metropolitan Region

built,” the leaders said.

Mulholland went on to say that instead of ignoring, boycotting or abolishing the Lord’s Prayer, to embrace multifaith communities and send a message that together, with the Acknowledgment of Country, to acknowledge and pay respect to the great institutions in our society.

“It is a simple prayer held across traditions, and it is a call for our community to honour God so as to love and serve others before ourselves. To serve others before ourselves is what we are here to do – it is exactly what we are here to do – and acknowledgement of the prayer each day is a message that we are here to serve others before ourselves,” Mulholland said.

23 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
May you and your family enjoy the blessings of Eid al-Adha. Eid al-Adha www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au
Mayor Ned Mannoun
..ايلارتسأ نضرعت تادنجملا نم 30% رمنتلل نهعبرو شرحتلل يف ةيركسع تاــناــيــب تفشك ثلث نــم رــثــكأ نأ اــيــلارــتــسأ نهضرعت نع نغلبأ تادنجملا ةوق ةيميداكأب نهقاحتلا ءانثأ ئيس يسنج كولسل عبر ضرعت امنيب ،اريبناك يف ةيلارتسلأا عافدلا .رمنتلل تادنجملا ،2021 ماعل لمعلا ناكم يف عاطتسا رهظأو ةيكلملا ةنجللا راطإ يف ةرم لولأ حرط يذلاو نأ ،عافدلاو ىمادقلا نيبراحملا راحتناب ةينعملا نضرعت نيذلا نيدنجملا نم 30% نم برقي ام .ءارجإ يأ ذختي مل لوبقم ريغ كولسل سوغنأ عافدلا ريزو ةهجاوم ترج كلذ ىلإ روتانسلا اهيلإ لصوت يتلا جئاتنلا نأشب لبماك ةسلج لاخ »رضخلا بزح« نم جديربوش ديفيد يف تاريدقتلا لوح خويشلا سلجمل عامتسا .سيمخلا سمأ موي اريبناك عافدلا ريزو باوجتسا مت ،ةلصفنم ةروصبو ءاضقلا ماظن نأشب فواخملا نأشب اضيأ حارس قلطي ام ابلاغ هنأب معازم ببسب ،يركسعلا ةقئلا ريغ تاءادتعا باكتراب نينادملا نيفلاخملا .بترلا يف تاضيفختو ةطيسب تامارغ ربع خويشلا سلجم ةنجلل جديربوش روتانسلا لاقو ماعلا يماحملا نع ةرداصلا ةريخلأا تانايبلا نإ« ةبوقعب ابيرقت هتنت مل« تلااحلا كلت نع تفشك مهلوخد دنع ةانجلا تاجس »حسم« متو »لصفلا .ةيندملا ةايحلا ملع ىلع ناك هنإ لبماك لارنجلا لاق ،هرودب يركسعلا ءاضقلا ماظن ةيضق يف »للخلاب« مل هنكل ،هءازإ قلقلاب رعشي ناكو »تقولا ضعبل« .سيلرام دراشتير عافدلا ريزو عم ةيضقلا ريثي ءاسنلا »عدر« يرجي ناك اذإ امع لاؤس ىلع ادرو ناكم ةفاقث« ببسب شيجلا ىلإ مامضنلاا نع لارنجلا رقأ ،ةيلارتسلأا عافدلا تاوق يف »لمعلا .»لماوعلا دحأ نوكي دق كلذ« نأب لبماك دق ،اهتاذ ةسلجلا لاخو رخآ قايس يفو ةيرحبلل ةعباتلا ةيبرحلا نفسلا ثدحأ ىقبت ،رخآ ماع ةدمل ةمدخلا جراخ ةيلارتسلأا ةيكلملا »دقعم بيع« حاصإ ىلع عافدلا ةرازو لمعت ثيح .ماع نم رثكلأ لمعلا نع ةنيفسلا لعفلاب قاعأ يإ« ةكبش تفشك ،يضاملا ماعلا نم سرام يفو HMAS Supply ةنيفسلا نأ »ايلارتسأ يس يب يف اهب ةناعتسلاا نم دب لا ناك عنصلا ةينابسلإا اهنمث ديدست يرجي يتلا ةيكيناكيملا لامعلأا Navantia ةكرش لبق نم نامضلا بجومب عامتسلاا ةسلج مامأ نفيت فيتس لاريمدلأا لاقو كانه نإ نيحلا كلذ ذنم تفشتكا ةيرحبلا نإ ،ابوروأ نم ىرخأ رايغ ةعطق بلط ىلإ ةجاح اعوبسأ 40 ىلإ لصي ام قرغتسي دق يذلا رملأا .ايلارتسأ ىلإ لوصولل »ايلارتسأ يس يب يإ« :ردصملا



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24 HALAL AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
ICCV ISLAMIC CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL OF VICTORIA ICCV certifies halal products from australia to all countries around the world 12 Howes Street, Airport West VIC 3042 Ph: + 61 3 9380 5467 E:office@iccv.com.au www.iccv.com.au
25 EID MUBARAK AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع Phone: (03) 9386 4400 1/747 Sydney Road Brunswick VIC 3056 adem.somyurek@parliament.vic.gov.au The Hon Adem Somyurek MP Member for Northern Metropolitan Region


The new AIMA Victoria Student Wing hosted their inaugural event ‘Healthcare Horizons’ on the 5th of May, an evening focused on providing insight into advocacy as Muslim healthcare providers alongside discussion on career pathways. They were joined by over 50 students, eager to hear the experiences, advice and wisdom of the accomplished panelists. These panel members included Dr Bhayat (general practitioner) Dr Mian (rheumatologist), Sr Huda (pharmacist), Sr Wajiha (registered nurse), Dr Awad (neurosurgeon), Dr Neelam (general practitioner), Dr Nazer (clinical genetics fellow and pediatrics registrar), Br Yousef, (physiotherapist and secretary for AIMA Victoria) with special guest Dr Fakhouri (general practitioner).

The evening began with a Quran recitation from Surah Al-Ma’idah followed by an introduction to AIMA by Rahman Abdul, a 3rd-year medical student, outlining their purpose and ongoing initiatives. He explained that as the president of the new Victorian subcommittee, he and his team aim to provide as many opportunities as possible for student growth and inspiration, networking, and assisting with professional growth through various initiatives. One such initiative working closely with the new committee is AIMA Careers Corner, a nationwide platform designed to assist Australian Healthcare professionals with career progression at all stages, from student to professor.

The panellists then introduced themselves, and the students delved straight into carefully constructed OSCE-style scenarios targeting the key issues of thriving in healthcare as a Muslim, and the role healthcare professionals have in advocacy for the Muslim community. Key takeaways mentioned by all panellists were to uphold the values of Islam, always stand for justice and utilize the Islamic perspective to elevate healthcare skills.

Of particular note was Dr Bhayat’s reframing of the word “surviving” to “thriving” as a Muslim in healthcare, given that Islam provides us the ability to flourish, not just get by as healthcare professionals, as evidenced by Br Yousuf’s use of Quranic lessons and prophetic examples in how to treat patients. Following this, the panel members shared their unique journeys through their healthcare journeys, inspiring students to reach their full potential.

The attendees also had a chance to connect with like-minded muslim students - as well as to network with panellists.

Dr Amireh’s recent 230 million dollar win following the settlement of junior doctor underpayment class action was inspirational to all

in attendance and provided realworld evidence of Muslim success in achieving justice for healthcare workers.

Sr Wajiha and Sr Huda provided their raw experiences working in pharmacy and nursing, indicating the great lengths to which healthcare

workers outside of medicine commit to, ensuring world-class care for patients.

With enthusiastic participation from the AIMA committee volunteers and the generosity of speakers in sharing their expertise, the event concluded in a resounding success.

26 HEALTH AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع
Peter Khalil MP Federal Member for Wills Peter.Khalil.MP@aph.gov.au (03) 9350 5777 466-468 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058 @PeterKhalilMP Authorised by Peter Khalil, ALP, 466-468 Sydney Road, Coburg VIC 3058


Charles Darwin University

A new book on the violent frontier expansion of Australia’s north will introduce readers to who led massacres of Aboriginal people, the names of their benefactors, and how these horrific events occurred.

Licence to Kill: massacre men of Australia’s north by Charles Darwin University (CDU) Lecturer in Colonial History Dr Robyn Smith details the massacres of Aboriginal people from 1824 until the 1980s.

Under the administration of the colonies of New South Wales and South Australia, massacres were a regular occurrence notwithstanding emphatic denials and later claims by officialdom of a knowledge vacuum. When South Australia’s ambitions for unimaginable riches dissolved

into a mirage of ambitious fantasy, administration was ceded to the Federal Government in 1911.

Massacres continued with relative impunity under that regime.

Dr Smith reveals not only the perpetrators of massacres but their benefactors and enablers, both public and private.

She demonstrates how colonialism was subtly perpetuated by the conferral of high civic honour on many of the actors, noting that these are embedded as place names across the landscape.

“It may surprise people to learn that police were not the principal perpetrators,” Dr Smith said.

“They were most certainly involved, but there were too few of them to cover the Territory, and they were vastly under-resourced.

“Those circumstances facilitated

relentless human hunting expeditions in the pursuit of land and profit.”

The book is the culmination of Dr Smith’s years of research on colonial frontier massacres across the north of Australia, particularly in the Northern Territory, as part of the University of Newcastle’s Colonial Frontier Massacres mapping team led by the late Professor Lyndall Ryan.

Licence to Kill: massacre men of

Australia’s north was published by the Historical Society of the Northern Territory Inc and will be launched at an event to be held at CDU’s Casuarina campus on Tuesday, June 18 at the CDU Gallery at the Casuarina campus at 1pm.

Licence to Kill: massacre men of Australia’s north is available online at www.historicalsocietynt.org.au/

27 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع Linda Burney MP Federal
for Barton Linda Burney MP@aph gov au (02) 9587 1555 Level 2, 24 Montgomery Street Kogarah NSW 2217 Authorised by L Burney, Level 2, 24 Montgomery St KOGARAH NSW 2217 M U B A R A K Eid كرﺎﺒﻣ ﺪﻴﻋ Wishing you and y peaceful and joyo this Eid al-A
Julia Finn MP Member for Granville Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier Parliamentary Secretary for the Arts 160 Merrylands Rd, Merrylands 2160 P: 9637 1656 E: Granville@parliament.nsw.gov.au ‘Authorised by Julia Finn MP, Member for Granville, funded using parliamentary entitlements’ Eid Mubarak I wish you and your family a wonderful Eid al -Adha filled with blessing, hope and love
The book is the result of years of research by Charles Darwin University Lecturer in Colonial History Dr Robyn Smith.
28 تاعونم AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع !يندس يف “يواكنلرتنس“ تايموي قلابش ديلو دامع / د.أ :ملقب يسدنهمل ةيكيرملأا ةيعمجلا سيئر ادنليزوينو ايلارتسأب ةيميقلا يفاقثلا ىدتنملا سيئر بئانو يبرعلا يلارتسلأا برع ةلجمب ةرادلإا سلجم وضعو ايلارتسأ Edshublaq5@gmail.com رــخلآا نــم أدــبــن ،ناعتسملا هــلــلاو صيصخت مــت دــقــف / ةينازيم نم 36% نم براقي ام نامضلل ةيلارتسلأا ةلودلا ةنزاوم ةيتايحلا ةناعلإا وأ يعامتجلإا Social security or Centre 2025/2024 ماعلا اذهل )link )CL رظنلل تفلا مقرلا نأ ةقيقحلاو تاعاطق ىلع هقوفتو هتماخضل )7.1%( ميلعتلاو )15.6%( ةحصلا هبسنب نيعمتجمو )6.3%( عافدلاو .)29%( ماعلل ةثدحملا ريغ( تاءاصحلإا )كلذك ةيمسرلا ريغ امبرو 2021 نويلم 5 نم رثكأ كانه نأب ريشت ناكسلا ددع يلامجإ نم( يلارتسأ ويام 20 خيرات ىتح نييلارتسلأا نوفقي )26,669,107 همسن – 2024 نيعوبسأ لك ))CL لا ريباوط يف !ةايحلا ديق ىلع ءاقبلل هباشي ام وأ دقو ةبيرغ تاسايسو ةبيجع ماقرأ تدجو ام اذإ اريثك برغتست لا دق )وهايه وأ وه مأ يه( مهدحأ ةدملو هنأ ةيتاذلا هتريس يف رطس وهو تاونس 10 امبر وأ تاونس 5 كنل رتنسلا فقس وأ ةلظم تحت ةيعامتجلاا ةياعرلاو نامضلا وأ تاربخلا نم ريثكلا بستكا دقو تلااصتاو ةرادإ( لاجملا اذه يف ةيلام تانراقم ليلحتو لياحتو حبصأو اهيف عدبأ امبرو )هريغو نم اءدب نيرخلآل حئاصنلا مدقي برهتلا ىتحو ةيتاذلا ةريسلا ةباتك .)نيناوقلاو ةمظنلأا نم رظنملا ةواــســق نــم مــغرــلاــبو ةيلاعلا تاءافكلا يوذ نم( ضعبلل )ةقوفتملا ةيلودلا تارــبــخــلاو نيشملا فوقولا ثيح مهتائاعو ةنوعملا ماــتــسلا روــباــطــلاــب ىلا برقأ نوكت يتلاو ةصصخملا لا تحبصأ اهنوك مظنملا لوستلا لافطأ ميلعتو ماعطلإ ىتح يفكت .ةدحاولا ةرسلأا تامدخ نم مويلا ديفتسملا “ وأ ”يواكنلرتنسلا“ وأ كنل رتنسلا وهو ريبعتلا حص نإ ”يكنل رتنسلا قداصلا نيب ام حوارتي ام ةداع مورحملا ضفارلا نيب امو مومهملا ضورعلا لك ضفرب موقي يذلاو يف طارخنال ةنكمملاو ةمدقملا ةئبعتب موقي نأ ةجردل لمعلا قوس يفو أطخلا ناكملل أطخلا تانايبلا ام ةحص مدع تبثيل أطخلا تقولا حبصأو ،هل ضورعم وأ حاتم وه تقولا لوط امبرو لاوغشم مويلا ريغو ةعورشملا صرفلا ديصتب لاملا بسكل )شاكلا( ةعورشملا رامقلا( بعللا يف امإ هقافنإو ءايشلأا وأ وهللاو )تاــناــهرــلاو ةحصلا هل بلجت لا يتلاو ىرخلأا .ةداعسلاو لاغتساب مقي مل ديفتسملا اذه هتيصخشل لقص لاو ةحاتملا صرفلا تاونس لاــخ يــف يغبني امك ىتح رشعلا وأ سمخلا ةياعرلا هيلاوح نميفو هسفن يف ةقثلا دقف هتايح ددهي ديدجلا رجاهملا تابو نأ رــملأا ةقيقحو ،هتيصخشو ةمئادلا صرفلا نم ديدعلا كانه ناك نإ صخش لكل ةتقؤملاو ادهتجمو اروبصو انيمأو اقداص دعب نكلو كلذ ةايحلا تتبثأ دقو لوصولل ةرباثملاو بعتلا نم ليلق لقعي اف دوشنملا فدهلا ىــلا ديفتسملا اذه تايموي نوكت نأ يهاقملاو يداونلا ىلع ةرصاق تيوفتو ةيليللاو ةيراهنلا يهاملاو يف ملقأتلاو بردتلاو ملعتلا صرف هناولأو هلاكشأ تناك يأ عمتجملا اوريغ دق سانأ نم اندهاش مكو ةيلولأا مهتساردو مهتاصصخت نم تابلطتمو روطتلا بكرب قاحلل .ةيسفانتلا قوسلا اعف وــه موــمــهــمــلا قداــصــلا دجب بسكيو لمعي نأ ديري نم طابحلإا هباصأ دق نكلو ،داهتجاو لبق نم مئادلا هضفر ةجيتن مهلاو ربكل امإ ايلارتسا يف لمعلا بابرأ ريغ هتاربخو هتاهؤم ربكل وأ هنس فاتخلا امبر ىتح وأ ةيلارتسلأا نايحلأا ضعب يف هنولو هقرع نوليمي اثم دونهلاو نوينيصلا( مهطيحم نمض يف مه نم فيظوتل دلب ايلارتسأ هذهف ابيع سيل اذهو دجنو )!زيحتملاو يفاقثلا ددعتلا نيديفتسملا ءلاؤه نم ريثكلا مويلا قئادحلا( ةماعلا نكاملأا اوداترا دق تقولا لتقل قاوسلأا وأ )تابتكملاو مهباصأ ام ىلع نيرسحتم هرادهإو ناكملا ةبوعصو نامزلا ةوسق نم ةناهملاو لذــلا نم ريثكلا ثيح .ينهذلا تتشتلاو دقف نوبعاتملا نوديفتسملا امأ ءاقبلا نأب ديدش ءاكذبو اوسحأ ليلقب بسكتلاو صرف وأ لمع نودب كنل رتنسلا تاصصخم وأ لاومأ نم ايكرح ناك دهج يلأ لذب ريغ نمو رايخلا وهل ايركف وأ )اينامسج( مهتاناكملإ بسنلأا ليدبلاو لضفلاا سعاقتلاو لسكلا ىلع اودوعت ثيح قرطلاب ءاوس ريغلا ىلع دامتعلااو ىلع لياحتلا بيلاسلأ وأ ةميلسلا نم دعبلأ امبرو نيناوقلاو ةمظنلأا باكتراو تاقرسلا ةسراممك كلذ يف رخؤم ترشتنا يتلا و مئارجلا نسلا راغص نمو تايلاولا مظعم يف نوبغري لا نيذلاو )ثادحلاا( يف لاو لمعلا يف لا طارــخــنلاا ىلع لهسلا لاملا اولضفو ةساردلا .بعصلا لاملا تايادبلاب ركذنو متخن اريخأو ،هقلقمو ةجعزم اقح ماــقرلأاــف يلارتسا نويلم 5 نم رثكأ كانهف كنلرتنسلا نم تاتفلا نولوستي مهجئاوح دسل يفكي داكلاب و نم 36% يلاوح دــصرو ةيمويلا قحتسي رمأ مهل ةلودلا ةنزاوم ةداــعإ امبرو لمأتلاو فوــقوــلا نم ريثكل ةلكيهلا ةداعإ وأ رظنلا يف بجع لاو ةمظنلأاو تاسايسلا ةحصلاو ميلعتلا تايوتسم يندت امبرو ةعضاوتملا بسنلا هذه ةجيتن ميلعتلل )%7.1( ام اعون ةلجخملا !قيلعت لا و ةحصلل )%15.6(
29 تاعونم AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع Keilor Downs Shopping Centre 80 Taylors Road, Keilor Downs VIC 3038 Ph: (03) 9367 9925 natalie.suleyman@parliament.vic.gov.au The Hon. Natalie Suleyman MP State Labor Member for St Albans Minister for Veterans Minister for Small Business Minister for Youth Eid Mubarak مضنت ايلارتسأ يلود نايب ىلإ ةمكحملا معدل ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا ةلود 100 نم برقي ام ىلإ ايلارتسأ تمضنا ةمكحملا معدل يلود نايب ىلع عيقوتلا يف ىرخأ ةيجراخلا ةريزو تنلعأ امبسح ،ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا .غنوو ينيب ،ةيلارتسلأا ندرلأاو اكيجلب لبق نم نايبلا رادصإ بقع ناعلإا اذه ءاج ايلارتسأ معد نع غنوو تبرعأو .اينيفولسو لاغنسلاو يليشتو ،»سكإ« يعامتجلاا لصاوتلا ةصنم ىلع روشنم ربع ةمكحملل لاقتساب اهمازتلا ددجت ةلود 93 نيب نم ايلارتسأ« نأ ةدكؤم .»ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا ةمكحملا ةكلمملاو ،ادنك نايبلاب تمزتلا يتلا ىرخلأا لودلا نيب نمو .اسنرفو ،ايناملأو ،نابايلاو ،ادنليزوينو ،ةدحتملا ماظن يف افارطأ لاود انرابتعاب« :كرتشملا دهعتلا يف ءاج نأ ديؤن اننإف ،ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا ةمكحملل يساسلأا امور مهتابجاوب اوموقي نأ بجي اهيفظومو اهيلوؤسمو ةمكحملا .»فيوخت نود نييلود نييندم نيفظومك ةينهملا اهتفصب ،ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا ةمكحملا نأ نايبلا فاــضأو ربتعت ،ملاعلا يف ةديحولاو ىلولأا ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا ةمكحملا .يلودلا نملأاو ماسلا لكيه يف ايساسأ ارصنع SBS :ردصملا :ةدحتملا مملأا ةررقم نئاهرلا ةداعإ تضفر ليئارسإ رمتست ىتح يسايس قافتا ربع نيينيطسلفلا ريمدت يف قوقحل ةدحتملا مــملأا ةررقم تلاق اكسيشنارف ،نيطسلف يــف ناــســنلاا ةداعإ ليئارسإ ناكمإب ناك هنإ ،يزينابلأ ةقيرطب ةزغ عاطق يف نيزجتحملا اهنئاهر عيمج .تضم رهشأ 8 ذنم ةيملس »سكإ« ةصنم ىلع روشنم يف يزينابلأ حيرصت ءاجو ةعبرأ ريرحتل اهحايترا نع تبرعأ ثيح ،تبسلا سمأ ىلع« كلذ قيقحت تدقتنا اهنكلو نييليئارسإ نئاهر .»لقلأا ىلع اينيطسلف 200 لتق باسح ءافضلإ نئاهرلا ليئارسإ تمدختسا دقل« :تلاقو مههيوشتو مهحرجو نيينيطسلفلا لتق ىلع ةيعرشلا لامعأ دعاصتت امنيب ةزغ يف مهمدصو مهعيوجتو ةلتحملا يضارلأا ةيقب يف نيينيطسلفلا دض فنعلا .»ليئارسإو عيمج حارس قاطإ ليئارسإ ناكمإب ناك« :تفاضأو امدنع رهشأ ةينامث لبق ،نيميلسو ءايحأ ،نئاهرلا نئاهرلا لدابتو رانلا قاطلإ فقو لوأ حرط مت لجأ نم ليئارسإ تضفر ،كلذ عمو .ةلواطلا ىلع .»بعشك نيينيطسلفلاو ةزغ ريمدت يف رارمتسلاا تاوقلل ةيماد ةيلمع رثإ ةعبرلأا نئاهرلا ريرحت متو .ةزغ عاطقب تاريصنلا ميخم يف ةيليئارسلإا ةصاخلا نوؤشلل ةدحتملا مملأل ماعلا نيملأا ليكو فصوو هنأب تاريصنلا ميخم ،سثيفيرغ نترام ،ةيناسنلإا دعب ةصاخو ،ةزغ يف نيينيطسلفلا ةاناعم زكرم لثمي .نئاهرلا ريرحت ةيلمع ميخم دعي ،موــيــلا« :نايب يف سثيفيرغ لاــقو لا يتلا ةيلازلزلا ةمدصلا زكرم نيئجال تاريصنلا .»اهنم نوناعي ةزغ يف نويندملا لازي ةيلمعلا تبقعأ يتلا رامدلاو توملا روص« :فاضأو موي لك يف هنأ تبثت كانه ةيليئارسلإا ةيركسعلا .»ةعاظف رثكأ حبصت اهنإف ،برحلا هذه هيف رمتست euronews :ردصملا
30 تاعونم AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع نيدلا ملع ىفطصم روتكدلا ينديس يف سرامم ماع بيبط Dr Mustapha Alameddin ؟ةسدنهلا نم لادب سيردتلا ترتخا اذامل راكراجان ايمأ ملقب وأ ةغيص سيردتب موقأ امدنع :باطلا دحأ ينلأسي ام امئاد ،ةديدج ةيرظن ىلع اذه قبطني فيك ،راكراجان ديس اي نكل“ ”؟يقيقحلا ملاعلا ريثكلا يدل نلأ يدل ةلضفملا ةلئسلأا دحأ هنإ نودب تارئاط كانه نوكت نل :تاباجلإا نم تبثم كانه نوكي نلو ،ةكرحلل نتوين نيناوق نلو ،تلاداعملا ليلحت نود كترايس يف ةعرس نودب تايضاير ءاملع وأ ءاملع كانه نوكي .مهوقبس نيذلا نيملعملا ةدحاو ةلداعمل نكمي فيك امئاد ينشهدي تافاشتكلاا هذه لك ىلإ يدؤــت نأ ةريغص حرطت ةدحاو ونيمود ةعطقك رملأا .ةلهذملا .ةريثملاو ةريبكلا راكفلأا نم اماك افص اضرأ .اضيأ سيردتلا بحأ ببسلا اذهلو وحن بلاط هيجوتل ةصرفلا يل حاتت موي لك ريثأت هل هب موقأ ريغص ءيش لك .هلبقتسم .يباط ةايح ىلع سوملمو يقيقح يننأ انس رغصأ تنك امدنع يل تلق ول دقل .ادــبأ كقدصلأ نكأ ملف ،املعم حبصأس نأو يتلئاع ىطخ ىلع ريسلا ىلع امزاع تنك يتسارد لاخ ام تقو يف نكل .اسدنهم حبصأ سانلا ةدعاسمب متهم يننأ تكردأ ،ةيعماجلا .ىرخأ قرطب يطعأو ةيدايقلا ةطشنلأل عوطتأ يسفن تدجو اراسم تمدختسا .ةيصوصخ اسورد باطلا يل حاتأ امم ،سيردتلا لاجم يف لوخدلل ايدب سيردتلا يف ريتسجاملا ةجرد لامكلإ ةصرفلا .لاجملا اذه يف لمعلا ءانثأ سردمك تاونس ينامث نم رثكلأ لمعلا دعبو هذه نإ لوقلا عيطتسأ ،ةيوناث ةسردم يف هعقوتأ تنك امم ريثكب رثكأ ىلإ تدأ ةفيظولا فص لك .مدقتلاو ريثأتلاو راكتبلاا ةيحان نم باطلا نم ةعومجم لكو ،ةصاخلا هتزيم هل ةلكشم لثمي مهعم موي لكو ،ةصاخلا اهتزيم اهل ةكراشم ىلإ علطتأ اقح انأو .اهلح بجي ةعتمم يتلا تاظحللاو ثادحلأا قطنمو تاكحضلا .تاجاتنتسا ىلإ اهيف لصوتن .سيردتلا يف يتلاسر تدجو يننأكو رعشأ يتلا ءايشلأا لك ملعتأ لازأ لا يننأ نيح يفو عم فغشلا اذه ةكراشم فرش نلآا يدل ،اهبحأ .نيرخلآا نابم نوممصي نيذلا نيسدنهملا لثم امامت اسسأ يئارو كرتأ انأ ،نمزلا رابتخا مامأ دمصت .اهيلع مهلبقتسم ءانب باطلل نكمي ةفرعملا نم يذلا ريثأتلا سايق متي لا ،نيتفيظولا اك يفو صاخشلأاب اضيأ لب ،بسحف ماقرلأاب هثدحن يف دعاسن يتلا ةايحلاو مهيلع رثؤن نيذلا .اهليكشت يف بغرتو ام عوضومب فغش كيدل ناك اذإ يف ريكفتلا كب ردجيف ،ملاعلا عم هتكراشم هذه نأ دجت دقف ،يلثم تنك اذإ .سيردتلا ةنهم .نظت تنك امم ريثكب رثكأ ىلع يوطنت ةنهملا ةمهلملا نيملعملا صصق نم ديزملا أرقا عقوملا ىلع مهريثأتو
31 تاعونم AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع )CNN( ،يبد ةلجم تردــــصأ Vanity Fair يتيناف( France اهمايق دعب اراذتعا )اسنرف ريف يلارتسلأا لثمملل ةروص ليدعتب سوبد هبجومب تلازأ ،سريب ياغ نيزي ناك يذلا ينيطسلفلا ملعلا .هترتس بعاتلا اذه ضعبلا فصو دقو راثأ ام ناعرس يذلا ةروصلاب لصاوتلا تاصنم ىلع تاداقتنلاا .يباقر لمع هنأب ،يعامتجلاا نلأ ارظن“ :CNNـل سريب لاقو لعفلاب يناعي ينيطسلفلا بعشلا ةريبك تاراــســخو ةمدص نــم ،يماقتنلاا وهاينتن ماظن ببسب لواحت نأ ةياغلل فسؤملا نمف VF لثم ةعمسلا ةنسح ةعوبطم يذلا معدلا ءاغلإ )ريف يتيناف( انرتخا رخآ صخش يأ وأ انأ .”هميدقت نأ دقتعأ ايصخش“ :فاــضأو .”راع اذه Vanity ةلجم يف سريب رهظو ،يضاملا عوبسلأا Fair France نيلثمملا روص ةلسلس نم ءزجك ،يئامنيسلا ناك ناجرهم يف تدتما يتلا هتايلاعف متتخا يذلا /ويام 25 ةياغل اموي 11 ةدمل معدي سريب ناــك ثيح ،راــيأ .”The Shrouds“ ديدجلا همليف بناج ىـــلإ سرــيــب رــهــظو ينامورلا لثمملا لثم موجن ،ناتس نايتسابيس يكيرملأا نم ةيكيرملأا ءايزلأا ةضراعو ،ديدح ايب ينيطسلف لــصأ عيقوت نم ءادوس ةلدب ايدترم ،هتروص يف ”نارول ناس فيإ“ .اريماكلل ةرشابم امستبمو لصاوتلا تاصنم داور نكل ،ةلكشم اوفشتكا يعامتجلاا ينيطسلفلا ملعلا سوبد نأ يأ هعضي سريب ناك يذلا ،ريغصلا عيمج يف هترتس ردص ةيط ىلع ناك ،ةيسنرفلا ناك ةنيدم ءاحنأ رشن مغر ،ةروصلا يف ادوقفم ،سوبدلا رهظت ،ةفلتخم ةروص ىلع ةــلــجــمــلا باــســح ىــلــع يذلا هتاذ مويلا يف ”مارغتسنإ“ .لاقملا هيف رشن ناوللأاب راوسلا لازي لا ناكو ،دوـــسلأاو ،رــمــحلأاو ،ضــيــبلأا ناوــلأ دسجت يتلا ،رــضــخلأاو ىلع ايئرم ،ينيطسلفلا ملعلا .همصعم رهظت يتلا روصلا ترشتناو تاصنم ىلع بعاتلا ةيلمع ام ،”كوــت كيت”و ”ســكإ“ لثم ةروصلا لادبتسا ىلإ ةلجملا عفد حيحصت رادصإو ةررحملا ريغ .ةلاقملل تاصنم ىلع راذتعا رشن مت امك .دحلأا موي يعامتجلاا لصاوتلا ةيسنرفلا ةغللاب ةلجملا تبتكو ىلع ادر ”ســكإ“ ةصنم ىلع دقتني راشتنلاا عــساو روشنم نم انرشن دقل“ :ةلدعملا ةروصلا هذهل ةلدعم ةخسن أطخلا قيرط .”عقوملا ىلع ةروصلا ةخسنلا رشن مــت“ :تــعــباــتو يف مارغتسنإ ىلع ةيلصلأا انأطخ انححص دقل .هتاذ مويلا .”رذتعنو دوجو ببس حضاولا ريغ نمو ماقملا يف ةروصلل ةلدعم ةخسن ةكرش بجتست مـــلو .لولأا ـل ملأا ةكرشلا ،Condé Nast CNN تابلطل ،Vanity Fair .قيلعتلاب سريب ررك ،لدجلا باقعأ يفو يف ةينيطسلفلا ةيضقلل همعد ثيح ،”سكإ“ ةصنم ىلع روشنم اميف نولتقي نوينيطسلفلا“ :بتك ،نومودصم ،نوحزان .ثدحتن لبقتسمو ةايح نإ .نورــمدــم ءاضقلا متي نيينيطسلفلا لافطلأا .”يماقتنا ةيغاط دي ىلع اهيلع ..»هتروص نم نيطسلف ملع تفذح« ةلجم ىلع دري يلارتسأ لثمم
»راــع اذــه« X ةصنم ىلع سريب ياغ يلارتسلأا لثمملا ةروص ايلارتسأب ةسردم تابلاطل »ةيحابإ« روص قهارمب هبتشت تاطلسلاو رشنت قيمعلا فييزتلاب تعنص )CNN( ققحت ةيلارتسلأا تاطلسلا ”ةيحابإ“ روــص رشن يــف ،ةبلاط 50 وحنل ةفيزم مادختساب اهركتبا اقهارم نأ معزي ،ريراقتلا بسحبو ،يعانطصلاا ءاكذلا ةروشنم روص مادختساب روصلا ءاشنإ مت 50 ـل يعامتجلاا لصاوتلا لئاسو ىلع Bacchus Marsh ةسردم نم ةبلاط ةطلتخم ةيميلعت ةسردم يهو ،Grammar .ايروتكيف يف نروبلم ةنيدم فارطأ ىلع ةئيهل ،لين وردنأ ،ةسردملا ريدم لاقو اياحضلا نإ )ABC( ةيلارتسلأا ةعاذلإا ىلإ عساتلا نم فوفصلا يف تايتف لمتحم يرمع قاطن نيب يأ ،رشع يناثلا .اماع 18و 14 نيب ضبقلا تقلأ اهنأ ايروتكيف ةطرش تدكأو قلعتي اميف“ هحارس تقلطأو قهارم ىلع ”تنرتنلإا ربع اهلوادت متي ةحضاف روصب .تاقيقحتلا نم ديزم راظتنا يف نكل ،نيفورعم ريغ هتيوهو ىتفلا رمع ىلإ ريشي قطنملا“ نإ ABC ةانقل لاق لين .”ةسردملا يف ام صخش وه يناجلا نأ تلاق ،ءاعبرلأا ، ABC ىلإ اهثيدح يفو نم اماع 16 رمعلا نم غلبت ةبلاط ةدلاو ،اهتروص مادختسا متي مل يتلاو ،ةسردملا روصلا تدهاش امدنع تأيقت اهتنبا نإ .تنرتنلإا ىلع ”ةهوشملا“ ،نروبلم يف ABC ويدارل ملأا تلاقو تبهذ“ :يليمإ ،طقف لولأا اهمسا تطعأو ةءاتسم تناكو مونلا نم يتنبا تذخأو اروصم رملأا ناكو أيقتت تناكو ،ةياغلل .”قدصي لا لكشب مدقت اهنإ نايب يف ةسردملا تلاقو يف ةطرشلا دعاستو باطلل ةروشملا .اهتاقيقحت يذلا تقولا يف فاشتكلاا اذه يتأيو نسل ةيلارديفلا ةموكحلا هيف طغضت نجسلاب تابوقع ضرفل ةديدج نيناوق ءاشنإب نوموقي نــيذــلا ةانجلا ىلع تاودأ اهعنصت يتلا روصلا ةكراشمو اياحضلا زازتبا ضرغب ،يعانطصلاا ءاكذلا .مهتعمس هيوشتو تايلاولا كلذ يف امب ،ىرخأ لود لواحتو يف قلقلل ريثملا عافترلاا ةجلاعم ،ةدحتملا ءاشنإ مت ثيح ،ةفيزملا ةيحابلإا داوملا سرادملا تايتفل ةقيمع ةفيزم روص رشنو لبق نم ،تلااحلا ضعب يف - اهتكراشمو .معزي امك سرادملا ذيمات باط ةيهافر نإ“ :نايبلا يف ءاــجو مهرسأو Bacchus Marsh Grammar متيو ةسردملل ةبسنلاب ىوصق ةيمهأ اهل .”نلآا اهعم لماعتلا
:Vanity Fair France



32 يوبرتلا طسولا AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع سيردتلا نأ ىلإ ريشت تاملاع ةايحلا يف كتلاسر نوكي دق راكراجان ايمأ ملقب حبصأس يننأ ادبأ دقتعأ مل نم ةلئاع يف تأشن .اسردم دقتعأ امئاد تنكو نيسدنهملا نأ نيبت نكلو ،راسملا سفن عبتأس يننأ ،نلآا .ىرخأ ارومأ يل رمضت تناك ةايحلا عم ءايزيفلاو تايضايرلاب يفغش كراشأ لكب عتمتساو ،موي لك نيقهارملا نم فص .هنم ةيناث نأ ىرأ نأ عيطتسأ ،ءارولل تدع اذإو تاماع ةباثمب تناك يتامامتهاو يفغش لاوط سيردتلا وحن يب هجوتت تناك هذه ضعب ةكراشم يف تركف ،اذل .تقولا ضعب ىرت دقف ؟يردي نم .كعم تاماعلا .كسفن يف تامسلا هذه نيرخلآا ةدعاسم نأ رعشت :1 .ريبك ريثأت هل رمأ ةدعاسم يف ةريبك ةعتم تدجو املاطل .اريغص ادلو تنك امدنع ىتح ،نيرخلآا نوكتس ةسدنهلا نأ دقتعأ تنك اهنيح نلآا نكل .قرــف ثادــحإ يف يتقيرط هكرتأ يذلا ريثأتلا نأ ىرأ نأ عيطتسأ لثم امامت ،مودي نأ نكمي باطلا ىلع .يملع زاجنإ يأ نحن ،سوردلا ططخو بتكلا نع اديعبو نكمي ام لضفأ اونوكيل باطلا ىلع رثؤن صخش يلأ نكمي كلذل .هيلع اونوكي نأ -لضفملا هملعم ركذتي نأ ابيرقت غلاب دعب ةليوط ةرتفل باطلا عم انريثأت لظيو .ةسردملا اوكرتي نأ كتاراهم ةكراشمب عتمتست :2 .كفغشو ةديرفلا لوح ةعئاشلا ةئطاخلا ميهافملا نم ثدحتلا بحت نأ كيلع هنأ وه سيردتلا ليصوت وه اقح مهي ام .روهمجلا مامأ نم ابواجت ىقلت ةقيرطب ةفرعملاو فغشلا .نيرخلآا اقيدص اهيف تحصن ةرم رخآ يف ركف ،لضفملا كجمانرب وأ لضفملا كباتكب كل .كلذ نع ثدحتلا لهسلا نم ناك مكو دقوي نكمي كسامحو ،يدعم فغشلا هيعس يف بلاطلا قيرط رينت يتلا ةلعشلا .ةايحلا ىدم هملح ءارو ةحاتملا ةصرفلا ردقت تنأ :3 نم مداقلا ليجلا ىلع ريثأتلل .يلارتسلأا بابشلا نوكت نأ نكلو ،مهم رمأ ةفرعملا كاتما ةفرعم درجم نم رثكأ بلطتي اميظع املعم فطاعتلا بلطتي رملأاف .ماقرأو قئاقح .كباط عم ةنيتم تاص ءانبو مهفتلاو وه مهبناجب فوقولاو باطلا مهفت نإ .نيملعملا لضفأ زيمي ام ءانب يــف ةدعاسملا ديرت :4 عوــنــتــلاــب يــفــتــحــي عــمــتــجــم .همرتحيو .ةيلومشلا ةيار عفرل كتصرف وه سيردتلا نيذلا نيملعملا نم ةعومجم دوجو نإ هيف شيعن يذلا عمتجملا ةروص نوسكعي ،ةرجاهم ةلئاع نم ينوك .امهم ارود بعلي لعافتلا نم باطلا ديفتسي فيك تظحلا .ةيفلخلا سفن مهيدل نيذلا نيملعملا عم ةظحام هيف متي افص ملعملا قلخي امدنع كلذل نوكي ،هريدقتو هعامسو بلاط لك .عيمجلا ىلع يوق ريثأت ديزملا دوجو دئاوف اضيأ انأ تربتخا دقل دقل .ةعونتم تايفلخ نم نيملعملا نم ةدايز ىلإ كلذ يدؤي نأ نكمي فيك تيأر عمتجملا يف مارتحلاا زيزعتو لوضفلا .لكك يسردملا صرف ىلع لوصحلا ديرت :5 ديعصلا ىلع ومنلاو ملعتلل .يصخشلاو يلاملاو ينهملا ديجلا لصاوتلا نع ابيرقت هتملعت ام لك دق .سردمك ةينهملا يتريسم نم هتبستكا نأ نكمي سيردتلا نأ ملعت نيح أجافتت .صرفلا نم ديدعلا مامأ باوبلأا حتفي يتفرعم عيسوتل ةصرفلا يل تحيتأ دقل ىتحو ةدايقلا لوح لمع شرو روضحو يملاعلا يداصتقلاا ىدتنملا يف ثدحتلا .كرويوين يف دعي يفيظولا رارقتسلاا نأ نيح يف هنإف ،سيردتلا ةنهم دئاوف دحأ ديكأتلاب -ومنلا صرف نم ةعومجم اضيأ رفوي فئاظو ىلإ يقرتلاب قلعتي كلذ ناك ءاوس بيلاسأ ملعت وأ ،ةيلاعلا ةجردلا نم ةيدايق ليدبت ةطاسبب وأ ،ةديدج ةركتبم سيردت .ةيساردلا فوفصلا وأ ةيميلعتلا داوملا .كلمع يف عونتلاب عتمتست :6 اف ،رييغتلاو ةثادحلاب عتمتست تنك اذإ لوقعلا عم لمعلا نم لضفأ ءيش دجوي عم يموي عم فيكتلا يننكمي .ةباشلا ومنلا دهاشأ انأو كلذ لك ،تقولا رورم ،ملعمكو .ةرشابم يمامأ ثدحي مدقتلاو ددج صاخشأ ىلع رارمتساب فرعتت تنأ .زجمو مهلم رمأ وهو ،ةديدج راكفأو امو لبقتسملا يف ريكفتلا :7 رمأ وه هققحت نأ ةيرشبلل نكمي .كسامح ريثي ةكراشم نإ .راكتبال سمحتأ تنك املاطل نكمتأ يننأ ينعت باطلا عم فغشلا اذه ةمداقلا ةريبكلا راكفلأا روذب عرز نم .ملاعلا ىلإ لصت نأ لبق ىتح لوضفلاب روعشلا سرــغ لاــخ نــمو اننإف ،ةباشلا مهلوقع عيجشتو بجعلاو هراكتبا مهنكمي ام لكل قيرطلا دهمن .يساردلا فصلا ةرداغم درجمب نأ ةركف ىلع حتفنم تــنأ :8 لاو ،ىمنت ةميظعلا ةبهوملا .دلوت يدؤي بيردتلا“ ةلوقم اموي تعمس له ىلع قبطني اذه ،انسح ؟”ناقتلإا ىلإ ضعب ودبي دق ،اعبط .اضيأ سيردتلا نكلو ،ةرطفلاب نيملعم مهنأكو صاخشلأا نكمي ةراهم ةنهملا هذه نأ يه ةقيقحلا .اهملعت اسردم يرابتعا متي نأ اموي عقوتأ مل ينافتلاب هنأ تدــجو يننأ لاإ .ازيمتم يلأ نكمي ،ملعتلا يف ةبغرلاو فغشلاو .ايئانثتسا املعم حبصي نأ صخش ؟كيلع كلذ قبطني له لك ىلإ جاتحت لا كنأ نم مغرلا ىلع نلف ،املعم حبصتل ةمئاقلا هذه يف ةفص هذه ضعب كلتمت كنأ تفشتكا اذإ أجافتأ .تافصلا دق تقولا نوكي دقف ،كلذك رملأا ناك اذإ ةنهم اهرفوت يتلا صرفلا يف رظنلل ناح فصلا يف كتلاسر دجت امبرلو .سيردتلا .انأ تلعف امك يساردلا ةمهلملا نيملعملا صصق نم ديزملا أرقا عقوملا ىلع مهريثأتو
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Gift of Kindness


As someone who has deep-dived into entrepreneurship for years, I cannot imagine myself going back to taking orders from someone else. I’m so used to making my own decisions, flexible work arrangements, and charting my own journey of professional development, it would be unthinkable to return to a 9-5 job and to deal with office politics. However, if you the parent have only experienced earning a steady income from a full-time job, you might find it unnerving if your adult child comes to you and says he or she wants to dive into freelancing, a form of entrepreneurship. Let us now see some key factors that may drive the preference among youths to go for freelancing over other work options:


Work Schedule: Freelancers have the ability to set their own hours, which allows for a better work-life balance. They can work during their most productive times of the day and take breaks when needed.

Location Independence: Freelancing often allows professionals to work from anywhere, whether it’s from home, a café, or while traveling. This freedom can be especially appealing to those who enjoy traveling or have other commitments that require a flexible location.

Autonomy and Control

Project Selection: Freelancers can choose the projects they want to work on, aligning their work with their interests and expertise. This can lead to higher job satisfaction compared to being assigned tasks in a traditional job.

Client Choice: Freelancers have the option to select their clients, which allows them to avoid difficult or nonaligned working relationships. This control over client selection can lead to more pleasant and productive collaborations.

Financial Opportunities

Earnings Potential: Freelancers can set their own rates and often have the potential to earn more than they would in a salaried position. They can take on multiple clients and projects to increase their income.

Skills Development and Variety

Diverse Experience: Freelancing allows professionals to work on a variety of projects across different industries, which can lead to a more diverse skill set and experience. This variety can prevent the monotony of working on the same type of tasks in a full-time job.

Continuous Learning: Freelancers need to stay current with industry trends and continuously improve their skills to remain competitive.

This continuous learning can be more fulfilling compared to the often slower pace of professional development in traditional roles.

Personal Fulfillment

Creative Freedom: Many freelancers enjoy greater creative freedom in their work. They can implement their own ideas and innovations without the constraints often imposed by company policies or corporate culture.

Sense of Achievement: Running a successful freelance business provides a sense of achievement and personal satisfaction. Freelancers often feel a greater sense of ownership and pride in their work compared to traditional employees.

Work Environment

Avoiding Office Politics: Freelancing can help professionals avoid the office politics and hierarchical structures that are common in traditional workplaces. This can lead to a more straightforward and less stressful work environment.

Customizable Work Environment: Freelancers can create their own ideal work environment, whether it’s a quiet home office, a lively coworking space, or a sunny outdoor setting.

Work-Life Balance

Family and Personal Time:

Freelancing allows for more flexibility to manage family responsibilities, personal interests, and hobbies. This can lead to a better overall quality of life.

Health and Wellness: Freelancers can prioritize their health and wellness by scheduling their work around their personal needs, whether it’s taking time for exercise, meditation, or other self-care activities.


The preference for freelancing over full-time work is driven by a desire for flexibility, autonomy, financial opportunities, diverse experiences, personal fulfillment, and a better work-life balance. Each professional’s motivation may vary, but these factors collectively contribute to the appeal of freelancing as a career choice. Why not let your son or daughter experience the highs and lows of the freelance world, which is suitable for those who are highly disciplined and self-motivated?

Jamilah Samian is the author of “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, “Leadership In Parenting”, “Parenting Generation Y & Z”, “The Kindness Miracle”, “Raise Me Right” and “77 Power Parent Tips”. For more resources, visit www.coolmumsuperdad.com

34 FAMILY AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع مويلا اًميتي لفكإ لضفأ اًدغ هحنمت :ﷺ للها لوسر لاق ،ةنجلا يف نيتاهك ميتيلا لفاكو انأ“ )يراخبلا هاور( ”ىطسولاو ةبابسلاب راشأو :مقرلا ىلع لاصتلإا مكنكمي عربتلل 1300 760 155 :ةئيهلا عقوم اوروز وأ www.hai.org.au
35 تاعونم AL WASAT 153 ¿ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 ¿ June 2024 ناريزح ¿ ـه 1445 ةجحلا وذ ¿ 153 طسولا Eid al-Adha 2024 ىحضلأا ديع ةعماج نم نوثحاب فشتكا نأ ،ةيلارتسلأا كوــك سميج لامش يف نييلصلأا ناكسلا فلأ 11 ذنم قئارحلا ”نوريدي“ اوناك ايلارتسأ رانلاب نونيعتسي اوناك امدنع ،لقلأا ىلع ماع .ةيجولوكيلإا ةمظنلأا ليكشتل ةروشنملا ةساردلا يف نيثحابلا قيرف لمعو ليلحت ىلع ،”سنياسويج رشتين“ ةيرودب يئام ىرجم بساور يف ظوفحملا محفلا .ماع فلأ 150 ذنم هايملاب رومغمو ميدق تلخ ةنس فلأ 11 وحن لبق هنأ ىلإ اولصوتو رثكأ تحبصأ ذإ ،قئارحلا طمن يف ريغت عقو مادقإب اطبترم كلذ ناكو ،ةدش لقأو اددع ةيرانلا اصعلا مادختسا ىلع نييلصلأا ناكسلا ىضق يبورولأا رامعتسلاا نأ لاإ ،ةعارزلا يف مهسأ ام اذه لعلو ،داك وأ ةسرامملا هذه ىلع .ةدشلا ةيلاع تاباغلا قئارح ةدوع يف ايلارتسأ يف قئارحلا ةرادإ ديازت بابسأ دــحأ نأ نوثحابلا ىرــيو هببس مويلا ايلارتسأ يف ةيثراكلا قئارحلا ناكسلا ىدل قئارحلا ةرادإ نع فقوتلا امم ،يبورولأا رامعتسلاا لوصو دعب نييلصلأا مكارتو يجولويبلا عونتلا ضافخناب ببست .دوقولا تايمك سميج ةعماج نم رداصلا نايبلا بسحبو يف قئارحلا ةرادإ ةسرامم نإــف ،كوــك ىصعلاب ةعارزلا“ مساب ةفورعملاو ايلارتسأ خيراتو ةفاقث نم أزجتي لا ءزج يه ،”ةيرانلا يف رود اهل ناك يتلاو ،نييلصلأا نييلارتسلأا يف ةيعيبطلا ةئيبلا يف قيمع رييغت ثادحإ .دابلا ءاحنأ عيمج ةيرانلا يصعلا مادختساب ةعارزلا نمضتتو ةدشلا ةضفخنمو ةرركتم قئارح لاعشإ ريغ ”يئاسفيسف“ طمنب ةريغص قطانم يف ،ةيضرلأا تاغارفلا نييزت ىلع لمعت لمتكم .فافجلا مسوم نم ركبم تقو يف ذفنتو اصوصخ ،ايئيبو ايفاقث ةمهم ةسرامملا هذهو ،قرحلل ةحاتملا دوقولا ةيمك نم للقت اهنأ يتلا تاباغلا قئارح ةوق نم للقت يلاتلابو فافجلا مسوم نم رخأتم تقو يف علدنت دق .تازفحملا نم اهريغ وأ قربلا تابرض ببسب قئارحلا ةرادإ خيرات ةساردلا هذهل يملعلا قيرفلا دئاق لوقي زيمتلا زكرم نم ”دريب لكيام“ روسيفوربلا عونتلل يلارتسلأا ثوحبلا سلجمل عباتلا ملاعلاو يلارتسلأا ثارــتــلاو يجولويبلا تنأ“ :كوك سميج ةعماج يف يجولويجلا لبق ام ىلإ دوعي اقح ليوط لجس ىلإ ةجاحب فيك ةيؤر نم نكمتت ىتح انه رشبلا دوجو طاشنلاب رثأتملا ريغ يعيبطلا ملاعلا ودبي ،يرشبلا تانايبلا نم يفكي ام كيدل نوكي مث نمو .”ريغت يذلا ام ةيؤر نم نكمتتل ريشت ،”كوك سميج“ ةعماج نايب بسحبو ةراقلا اونكس رشبلا نأ ىلإ ةيرثلأا ةلدلأا 65 نع لقت لا ةدمل رمتسم لكشب ةيلارتسلأا نع ليلقلا ىوس فرعي لا نكلو ،ماع فلأ ىصعلا مادختساب ةعارزلا ةسرامم ةيادب .ةيرانلا يف نوثحابلا دــجو ةــساردــلا هذــه يــفو ريغ ةقطنم يهو- نيواريج ةريحب بساور يحاوضب ةيبونجلا زنواد ةقطنم يف ةروطم ايرثأ اجس -ايلارتسأ يف دنلا زنيوك ةيلاو برق ةراهنم ةرفح يف لكشت يئام مسج يف ةريحبلا دعتو ،يلامشلا ميلقلإا يف نيوراد بعش نييديلقتلا ضرلأا باحصلأ امهم اعقوم يف حاسمتلا موجه دهشمب ترهتشاو ،ايكارلا 1986 ماع ”يدند ليادوكورك“ مليف اهبساور نإف ،ةئلتمم تلظ ةريحبلا نلأ ارظنو مل يتلا تابسرتلا نم ارمتسم اجس مدقت هؤامزو دريب نكمتو ،ققشتلاو فافجلاب رثأتت رفو امم ةريحبلا عاق نم ةاون جارختسا نم يف تاريغتلا نم ماع فلأ 150 هتدم اجس ،ةيجولويجلا هئايميكو بسرتملا محفلا عون .حاقللا بوبح مكارت يفو محفلا يف ريغت 11 وحن ذنم هنأ ىلإ يثحبلا قيرفلا ريشيو محفلا بساور يف تاريغتلا ريشت ،ةنس فلأ ،ةقطنملا يف قئارحلا ةدش يف تاريغت ىلإ يرشبلا ريثأتلا نود نم هنإ“ :دريب لوقيو ةديدش نوكت اهنكلو ارتاوت لقأ قئارحلا نوكت ،اهءارو محفلا كرتو راجشلأا قرحل يفكي امب قرحت لب ،جاتلا ىلإ لصت لا ةدش لقلأا رانلاف بشعلا نأ امك ،ضرلأا ىلع دوجوم وه ام ةطقاستملا راجشلأا قاروأو ناصغلأا كلذكو نم رثكأ محف ىلإ لوحتت نأ حجرملا نم .”اهسفن راجشلأا راجشلأا نم قتشملا محفلا نأ ىلإ رظنلابو نوبركلا“ ريظن نم ىلعأ تازيكرت ىلع يوتحي نوبركلا“ نإ ذإ ،يبشعلا محفلاب ةنراقم ”13 رصنعل نيرقتسم نيريظن دــحأ وه ”13 ،يعيبطلا نوبركلا يف دوجوملا نوبركلا اذهل ،1.1% هيف ”13 نوبركلا“ ةبسن غلبتو ةيجولويجلا ءايميكلاو بيكرتلا نوثحابلا للح اريغت اودجوو ،ةنيعلا يف ةقرتحملا اياقبلل ضفخنملا ددرتلا تاذ قئارحلا نم امادتسم )”ةيعيبطلا“ قئارحلا ماظن( ةدشلا ةيلاعلاو ،ةدش لقأ نكلو ارتاوت رثكأ قئارح ىلإ داوعأ مادختساب ةعارزلل ةجيتن اهنأ اوردقو .نييلصلأا ناكسلا ىدل رانلا عضو يبورولأا رامعتسلاا نأ ىلإ دريب ريشيو داعأو ،يفاقث ثورومك قرحلا تاسراممل ادح :لوقيو ،يعيبطلا طمنلا وحن قئارحلا ةفاثك فلاآ 10 نم رثكأ انيدل ناك هنأ ىلإ ارظن“ قاطنلاا نإف ،قئارحلل نيعم ماظن نم ماع يف قلخي يذلا وه اذه قئارحلا ماظن نم ىلإ ريشي امم ،”ةياغلل ةمهم تاكشم عقاولا نم ديزملا ةدوع يف مهاس لوحتلا اذه نأ .ةفاثكلا ةيلاع تاباغلا قئارح خودرم ةعماجب قئارحلا ةئيب ملاع لوقيو مهفلا نإ“ :”نيتنوف وج“ ايلارتسأب ثريب يف يفاقثلا ثوروملا ليكشت ةيفيكل ديازتملا ةيلارتسلأا ةيعيبطلا ةئيبلا يف قئارحلا ةرادلإ غلاب رــمأ ،ةيلامشلا قطانملا يف ةصاخ ةرادلإ ةرصاعملا تاسرامملل ةبسنلاب ةيمهلأا داعبتساب ريبك دح ىلإ ترثأت يتلاو قئارحلا .”مهتاربخو نييلصلأا ناكسلا لوحت يتلا قئاوعلا نأ نيتنوف فيضيو يفاقث ثورومك قرحلا ةسراممب مايقلا نود بعصي يتلا ةيطارقوريبلاو نيناوقلا يه ديدعلا اضيأ كانه نأ لاإ ،اهيلع بلغتلا يف ةيعيبطلا ةئيبلا يف ةمئادلا لكايهلا نم لبق هيلع تناك امع فلتخت رضاحلا تقولا يف نمكي يدحتلا نإف يلاتلابو ،رامعتسلاا فرعي ام ةداعتسا نكمي فيكو نيأ ديدحت .ةسراممك يفاقثلا قرحلا ثورومب عضي“ يذلا رمتسملا لمعلا نإف يلاتلابو كانه يفاقث ثورومك قرحلا تاسرامم ةيمهلأا غلاب رمأ لعفلاب دوجوم ءيشك اهتبثيو .”ةرصاعملا قئارحلا ةرادإ روطتل ةينورتكلإ عقاوم + ةريزجلا :ردصملا ..ةنس فلأ 11 ذنم ةعارزلا ةمدخل قئارحلا اورادأ نويلارتسلأا اهفقوأ يبورولأا رامعتسلااو

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