COVID-19 Guide P49-61 Issue 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 العدد
COVID-19 Guide P49-61
Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Art Director: Omar Alhashemi
Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika
Al Wasat Magazine Address:
Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans VIC 3021 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076
Sydney office: 10-28 Biloela St, Villawood NSW 2163 Tel.: + 61 4 9033 0623
يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية
7 Physical Benefits of Fasting
Spirituality in Coronavirus times
1000 Muslim Quran Reciters in Australia during Ramadan
Fasting, Charity, Patience & More
Recipes for Ramadan from around the world
Ramadan & Sibling Rivalry in Your Family
Reflection by ICOM students on Distance Learning
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Inequality, Instability and the Virus
وأزمة الفروق... كورونا بين العاقل والناقل
مركز الرسالة التعليمي يستضيف عبر اثيره ثلة من كبار العلماء والقراء من مختلف انحاء العالم
اإلفطار الصحي السليم في الشهر الكريم
أركان وسنن الصوم
.. الحكمة من الصوم رؤية إسالمية
بيوتنا في رمضان
حديث الوسط
فيروس كورونا سيرة وباء بنكهة الواقع! فواز شوك
لم يميز كورونا: بين �شعب و�آخر بين دولة و�أخرى بين قارة و�أخرى بين رئي�س ومر�ؤو�س بين غني وفقير بين قوي و�ضعيف بين معافى ومري�ض بين ق�صر و�سجن و�شجعهم على التكافل. علّم النا�س النظافة ّ وع ّرفهم بم�ساوئ �أُكل الخبائث . ع�م��ل ع�ل��ى �إح �ي��اء ال�ق�ي��م الإن���س��ان�ي��ة وث�ق��اف��ة التعاون بين بني الب�شر . �أرج ��ع الفكر الب�شري ال��ى م��ا قبل العولمة، و�أي� �ق ��ظ ل� ��دى ال� � ��دول ه��اج ����س ال�م�ت�ط�ل�ب��ات المحلية ودفعهم الى التفكير في و�ضع خطط من �أجل ت�أمين الإكتفاء الذاتي. فر�ض على الب�شرية �سلوكيات يومية معينة، ل��م يكن البع�ض ليفكر بها �أو يقبل بها من قبل. �ساهم ف��ي تقوية ال��رواب��ط الأ��س��ري��ة واعطى فر�صة كبيرة للأهل والأوالد لإع��ادة ترتيب وهيكلة عالقتهم الأ�سرية من جديد.
َط َر َق �أبواب الغافلين ودخل ق�صور الظالمين .و�شّ ل حركة الطيران و�أوقف ال�سفن في البحار و�س َجنَ الطلقاء. �أطلق ال�سجناء َ حجز الزعماء في ق�صورهم ومنازلهم. زع��زع �إقت�صاد ال��دول وق ّيد التجارة العالمية ال تراه عين وهو الذي �أبكى العيون و�أرغم الدول الكبرى على �صرف المليارات. ال ت�سمعه �أذن ،لكن �سمعت به كل الآذان �أ�شعر النا�س بالخوف رغم طفرة التكنولوجيا ال يعرف التمييز العن�صري وال يعترف بحدود الدول. و�أ�شعرهم بالجوع رغم وفرة الطعام ر��س��م ح ��دوداً �صحية ل�ل�أف��راد والمجتمعات، و�أ�شعرهم بالهلع رغم كثرة الموارد وفرد قيوداً على تحركاتهم وتنقالتهم. ال يعرف الكيل بمكيالين وال يق ِّيده لوبي ولو �أيقظ العقول الغافلة جاء من �أعتى الدول . وق ّرب القلوب ال َوجِ لَ ٌة ع ّرفوه بالجائحة و�ش ّبهوه بالحرب العالمية و�أعطى ف�سحة تفكير للعقول الجاحدة ال�ج��ام�ح��ة،ل�م��ا �سببه للب�شرية م��ن خ�سائر فادحة. َع َب َر الحدود دون ت�أ�شيرة لم يبرز لنا هويته ولم يعرفنا بنف�سه وجال البلدان دون �إذن هل هو بالء �أم �إبتالء؟ �أنزل الجنود الى ال�شوارع ُتر َِك الأمر للإن�سان ليتفكر قلي ً ال وابقى المواطنين في البيوت كل ما عرفناه عنه �أنه وباء. �أ�شغل و�سائل الإعالم و�أنهك رجال الأعمال �أتعب الأطباء والممر�ضين و�أعجز الباحثين ن�س�أل اهلل العافية والدار�سين. �أغلق الأ�سواق واقفل المدار�س والجامعات �أفرغ المحالت و�أخلى ال�ساحات تقبل اهلل طاعاتكم �أقفل المطارات وكل عام وانتم بخير
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Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Brains Immune system
Blood flow
The holy month of Ramadan is already here. Approximately 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide will abstain from eating and drinking during one month. The spiritual benefits of this month are almost uncountable, but what about our body? One might ask if it’s really this healthy to deprive the organs of nutrition. Through different studies fasting appeared to be more beneficial than we first would think. Here’s a brief list of some benefits of fasting on the body.
Sources: NBC News
Not just Spiritual:
Physical Benefits of Fasting
1. Blood flow When you’re fasting, there’s less blood going from the heart to the digestive system, which means more blood flowing to other parts. Blood vessels can be purified faster: no bad cholesterol levels, which in turn decreases the chance of heart diseases with 58% 2. Lungs When we breathe, we absorb toxins of the environment constantly. Fasting helps removing these from the lungs. 3. Digestion Since the stomach and the intestines are less active for
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
a month, they cleanse and regulate themselves to allow a more efficient digestion afterwards. 4. Kidneys When you’re fasting, the kidneys increase the process of eliminating non-useful materials (salt and water), which in turn decreases blood pressure. 5. Brains Fasting increases brain activity, because it stimulates the production of brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This protein activates brain stem cells and convert them into new neurons. It also protects the stem cells
from changes associated with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. 6. Immune system Fasting also improves the immune system because it reduces free radical damage and starves off cancer cell formation. 7. Metabolism Fasting encourages a faster and more energetic metabolism since the digestive system is resting. This allows to burn calories and fat faster. It slows down ageing and could even add years to your life.
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
RAMADAN 2020 The holy month of Ramadan is a time of special devotion for Muslims across the world. It’s a time of fasting and prayer, as well as reflection and renewal. However, this year will be very different as we all experience a global health crisis. It’s an unprecedented crisis — a once-in-a-century event. A global pandemic which requires us all to defend lives. The coronavirus means that Ramadan will be spent at home. This year Iftars will only be with those you live with. Like you, I wish it could be different. But we all must be mindful of our duty to each other: to keep people safe. Life has changed, and it will continue to change in the months ahead. But Australians are a remarkably resilient people, and we are working together with a new sense of purpose. Though we cannot gather together in our homes or our houses of worship; though there can be no pilgrimages; and no times of communal prayer, we can be together in spirit. We can take heart from the depth of traditions and teachings that have endured through the centuries, and sustained people through times of adversity. We can continue to love one another, and to pray. Today, the world is more in need than ever of the hope and strength of spirit that faith imparts. So I encourage all of you in the Muslim community to stay strong. And I thank you for all you give to Australia — this special place we call home.
Ramadan Kareem
The Hon Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister of Australia April 2020
رسالة من رئيس الوزراء
2020 رمضان
.شهر رمضان المبارك هو زمن التع ُّبد المم ّيز لدى المسلمين في كل أنحاء العالم . باإلضافة إلى التأمل والتجدُّ د،إنه زمن الصوم والصالة . هذه السنة ستكون مختلفة جد ًا بما أننا نعيش جميعا أزمة صحية عالمية،لكن ٌ إنه وباء.حدث يحصل مرة واحدة خالل قرن من الزمن ،إنها أزمة غير مسبوقة .عالمي يتطلب منا جميعا أن ندافع عن الحياة ستكون اإلفطارات هذه.فيروس كورونا يعني أنه سيتم تمضية رمضان في المنزل .السنة فقط مع األشخاص الذين تعيشون معكم لكننا يجب أن نعي جميعا واجبنا. كنت أتمنى لو أن األمر مختلف،أنا مثلكم . حتى نحافظ على سالمة الناس:تجاه بعضنا البعض لكن .المقبلة الشهور وستواصل تغ ّيرها على مدى،لقد تغ ّيرت الحياة َّ .بحس جديد من العزيمة معا نعمل ونحن،شعب مطواع بشكل رائع ٌ األستراليين ٍّّ وعلى رغم أنه،على رغم أننا ال نستطيع أن نلتقي معا في منازلنا أو دور عبادتنا فإننا نستطيع أن نكون، وال أوقات لصالة الجماعة،لن تكون هناك رحالت حج .معا في الروح يمكننا أن نستمد الشجاعة من عمق تقاليدنا وتعاليمنا التي صمدت على مدى نستمر بالصالة وح ّبنا يمكننا أن. وساعدت الناس خالل أوقات الشدّ ة،القرون ّ .لبعضنا البعض يحتاج العالم أكثر من أيّ وقت مضى إلى االمل وقوة الروح التي يضفيها،اليوم .اإليمان وأشكركم على كل ما. أشجعكم جميعا في الجالية اإلسالمية أن تبقوا أقوياء،لذا . هذا المكان المم ّيز الذي نسميه الوطن-تقدمونه ألستراليا
رمضان كريم
،معالي النائب سكوت موريسن
رئيس وزراء أستراليا 2020 أبريل/نيسان
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Spirituality in
Coronavirus times Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Gebara Sydney
Each year, we reflect on what the school of Ramadan teaches us. During this month, Muslims relate and bond together through spiritual and ritual teachings, and with people of other faiths through social gatherings and dinners. As we enter this new environment of the COVID19 virus, each of us is looking for solutions and most of the time for meaning to this growing mystery of fear. The adaptation to a global new pattern of social routine and some different remotely patterns of work emphasises the equality of every human being and reinforces our faith in our common dignity from one hand and in our vulnerability and anxiety from the other hand. I always teach my children “with every dark situation, look for a window of light which can be the key for relief”, and this is based on the teaching of Qur’an that was repeated twice in the same chapter: “With hardship comes ease. Indeed, with every hardship comes ease.” (Qur’an 94:5-6) Therefore, hardship is never absolute, for ease always accompanies it. This is a reminder for us that as much as there are hardships, ease will come after that. All prophets of Allah (swt) endured sufferings, persecution and maltreatments, and especially the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was persecuted, boycotted, tortured and abused physically and
The month of fasting for Muslims, Ramadan, returns this year with a different environment and ambiance due to the turbulence and the crisis of COVID-19. Dealing with this crisis beyond the medical challenge can be on spiritual level since this global crisis is a reminder for us of our brotherhood and sisterhood in humanity. This virus can infect everyone without discrimination by race, religion or language: it means that we are all together in this calamity. Its remorseless spread ought to teach us how to bond together in solidarity. And the month of Ramadan carries with it this fundamental teaching of solidarity.
emotionally but he was very patient and persistent on conveying the message of God. The above verse is a “reminder which recalls the various aspects of care and concern shown by God (swt) to the prophet and then reassures him emphatically.” This sense of doubt and anxiety that we are going through nowadays reflects this paradox of human fragility. And despite the advancement in technology and the remarkable medical progress of this century, an invisible virus has revealed the human weakness and vulnerability. However, what are the spiritual dimensions of this crisis? The social and work change to this virus crisis including the social distancing and the self-isolation seem unreal and so restrictive, and the thought of being away from our family members and our close friends is very distressing. Perhaps this stage can be perceived, not as a suffering or a restriction period, but rather as an opportunity to engage our spiritual lives and connect together through our rich cultural background. So, let’s embark on a journey of spirituality and pray to God to alleviate this hardship. As humans, our spiritual and internal peace change with the emotional or physical distresses we are going through in our lives. Then, how can we remain positive in this environment of fear that surround us? Since we have the assurance from God as mentioned by the
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
above verse that relief will come certainly with every hardship, let us then, continue to be an inspire of hope during this time and build our spiritual daily lives.
Below are seven practical ways to continue to build our spiritual lives during the month of Ramadan in this time of crisis: 1. Reflect and mediate:
Beyond materialistic needs, fasting requires us to come closer to ourselves and to recognise our limits: we must, throughout this journey meditate, contemplate and reflect on the meaning of fasting and purify our hearts.
2. Share the common spiritual factors amongst us:
In a delighted, peaceful and warm atmosphere, write kind emails or messages to friends to check on them, encourage them and support them. This exercise is to practise first with the family to send the kindness of words that open windows of light and happiness in their lives.
3. Cultivate will power, discipline and self-restraint:
The objective of fasting is piety (taqwa). And taqwa is to keep one’s desires under control and to keep oneself safe from emotional disorder.
From this, it is evident that fasting has become a spiritual treatment as it transforms a human being to an angelic being.
4. Give priority to act of charity and caring:
Instead of inviting people over for dinner, give a specific amount of money to people in need and maybe do some voluntarily shopping for the elderly or those who are in need.
5. Strengthen connection with your brothers and sisters in humanity:
The month of Ramadan teaches us the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood which unites and creates bond amid Muslims and nonMuslims. Seen in this light, the fast calls into rethinking the quality of our relationships with our fellow human beings and to serve all those imprisoned by poverty, injustice or ignorance.
6. Digital fasting:
Switch off all your digital devices and sit down each day at a suitable time to you and read some verses of Qur’an without any exterior distractions and reflect on them.
7. Say prayers:
Making heaps of supplication to God after prayers and during nights for yourself and for others in the world.
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
DURING RAMADAN VIC The Victorian Government is helping Victoria’s Muslim community find new ways to celebrate Ramadan, with many of the traditional services and customs ruled out this year due to coronavirus measures. Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence today announced that a grassroots video campaign will be developed to share the experience of Ramadan and $25,000 provided to the Bachar Houli Foundation to mentor up to 30 young Muslim Victorians. The Foundation, headed by AFL premiership player Bachar Houli, was launched in 2013 and runs an acclaimed leadership program supporting young Muslims and
providing links to traineeships and employment. With Ramadan starting this evening and ending on 23 May, the Government is investing a further $15,000 to help mosques get IT-ready so they can hold digital services and to reach out to their communities during the month- long observance. The Islamic Council of Victoria will also receive $20,000 to continue their work providing halal food packs to families in need. The initiatives are about getting behind the Muslim community at a challenging time and ensuring they are supported to celebrate Ramadan – one of the most significant events on the Muslim calendar. Islam is the fourth most commonly practiced religion in Victoria, with almost 200,000 Muslim Victorians.
Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence Each year, Muslim communities across the world observe the holy
month of Ramadan followed by celebrating Eid- al-Fitr, an important time of prayer, reflection and community solidarity. “Like so many things, celebrating Ramadan will look very different this year because of coronavirus.”Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence said. “A lot of Victorians have made sacrifices throughout this pandemic – and I know many in the Muslim community will be hurting at not being able to attend nightly prayers or get together with family.” “While we can’t gather together in person this year, we can still show our support for Muslim Victorians by helping continue the great work of the Islamic Council of Victoria and the Bachar Houli Foundation.”
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Australia-wide 2020 Ramadan Quran Recitation Campaign
1000 Muslim Quran Reciters in Australia during Ramadan In these current circumstances of the COVID-19 (may Allah SWT alleviate this hardship), and as we are in the month of Ramadan in which we will pray Taraweeh at home; I would like to take this opportunity to announce a 1,000 Quran reciter campaign in Australia during the whole month of Ramadan. The initiative includes a Facebook live stream through which we all share the reading of a Juz’a of the Quran from home every night of Ramadan together InshaAllah. I will be reciting the whole Juz’a and our brothers and sisters can follow with their Mushaf (Quran Book) by reading or/and listening to the recitation. We aim to dedicate ourselves every night to the recitation of The Holy Quran and we make duaa to Allah SWT to alleviate this hardship. Please confirm your participation and dedication to this initiative during the month of Ramadan InshaAllah. events/s/1000-muslimquran-reciters-in-
Sh Alaa Elzokm
Imam of Heidleberg Mosque
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Eid from
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
BrothershandersSiand sters Sis ers DearDearBrot Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
On behalf of the at Human Appeal Australia, I would like tomonth congratulate you and and As Muslims around theteam world have completed fasting the holy of Ramadan Muslims around the globe on the arrival of the month of Ramadan, the month we’ve all are nowbeen enjoying waitingEid; it is a great pleasure to send you my best wishes and to extend it to your families and friends in Australia and around the world.
Every Ramadan we strive to reach poor & needy in some of the hardest places to reach and cater for their needs. This Ramadan will definitely be different, due to the difficulties placed
Alhamdulillah, in Australia have such a the generous we are proud to be on humanity as a resultwe of COVID-19. Since outbreakcommunity of the coronavirus, Human appeal part of.have Thebeen benefits of tirelessly your generosity and support were felt inthe 26vulnerable countriespeople and working to provide essentials and hygiene kits to in worldwide. order to limit the spread of the virus and fight hunger locally and around the globe. locations At Human Appeal, our response to the pain of others is combined with compassion to help
On behalf oforevery orphan found education through orphan every widow ease eradicate the suffering. This Ramadan, we are aimingsponsorship, to reach further lengths and help the cycle of poverty within todays conflicts and natural disasters. is only possible by securedbreak income through our income generating projects, every thirstyThis child who will to of Allah andevery your generosity. gained the access clean(SWT) water, refugee or displaced who has been fed and given shelter Generosity - I would like to thank you for your generous contributions. Overthat halfour a million is an attribute that is well connected to Ramadan. As we know beloved beneficiaries benefited from your Ramadan campaign donations. Prophet (pbuh) was the most generous during this month. With the simple act of giving, you multiply your reward, and give hope and may save lives.
As we look to the year ahead, the Human Appeal team and I wish you Eid Mubarak; Last year we delivered relief to more than a quarter of a million poor and needy at we hope you all will enjoy 27 destinations aroundthe the season’s world. blessings and happiness with your loved ones. I would like to finally remind you that Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: Eid Mubarak
272 البقرة
Bashar Al-Jamal Director Human Appeal Australia
ٍ ْ َو َما تُن ِفقُوا ِم ْن خ َف إِلَ ْيك ُْم َوأَن ُت ْم َل تُظْلَ ُمون َّ َي يُ َو
“And whatever you spend of good - it will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.” [Al Baqarah:272] I ask Allah (SWT) to ease our situation during this time. May He (SWT) bless you & your families and make this Ramadan a month of happiness and glad tidings. Do not forget us from your dua & remember that we at Human Appeal are always with you on the road to goodness. Ramadan Mubarak! Yours faithfuly,
Bashar Al- Jamal Director
Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘Whoever helps a brother in his time of need, Allah (swt) will help him in this life & the next”. [Muslim]
Join us in spreading the spirit of humanity.
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
رمضان Ramadan 2020
-1فرق بين �أن تنقل وبين �أن تعقل. من المعلوم لدى العلماء والعامة، والجامعيين والمجمعيين �أنه ال تناق�ض �أبدا بين الن�ص ال�صريح والعقل ال�صحيح� ،إذ كيف يوجد التناق�ض بين عالمين كالهما من �صنع اهلل، الأول قوله ،والثاني خلقه؟ غير �أن تداعيات فايرو�س ك��ورون��ا ك�شفت لنا فروقا هائلة ال بين النقل والعقل ،و�إن�م��ا بين الناقل والعاقل ،وبخا�صة في م�س�ألة تعليق �صالة الجمعة والجماعات .و�أظهرت لنا تلك التداعيات �أن البع�ض مدفوع بحما�س عاطفي -ي�ؤجر عليه �إن �شاء اهلل ،-وغيرة محمودة ،ا�ستدعي في ت�أييد وجهة نظره ن�صو�صا و�ضعها في غير مو�ضعها، كما ا�ستدعي �أحداثا قا�س عليها تت�شابه ربما في الت�صنيف وت�شترك في م�سمي “الوباء « ،غير �أنها تختلف في الم�ساحة والحجم وقوة االنت�شار والت�أثير ،والقدرة على التدمير. • كان يمكن �أن يدرج ذلك االجتهاد المدفوع بالحما�س المحمود والعاطفة الممزوجة ب ق��واع��د الأ� �ص��ول والفقه ،حتى ول��و ك��ان خاطئا تحت باب الخالف الفقهي المعتبر ،وينظر �إليه كعن�صر للثراء العقلي وحرية االجتهاد ب�ضوابطه، ثم يعظم �أثره كمردود يح�سب بالإ�ضافة للعقل الإ�سالمي العلمي ،ولي�س بالخ�صم طبعا ،غير �أن بع�ض النا�س ذهب بعيدا ،لدرجة تحريم التوقف ع��ن ال��ذه��اب �إل��ي الم�ساجد باعتبار ال��دع��وة �إل��ى ذلك م�ؤامرة على دين اهلل ،ومن ثم يجب االعتماد على اهلل كما كان يفعل ال�سلف ال�صالح ،و�أنهم في مثل هذا الطاعون لم يغلقوا م�سجدا ولم يمنعوا م�صليا عن الدخول فيه ،وب�صرف النظر عن �صحة �أو خط�أ هذا االجتهاد الفقهي الم�شكور والم�أجور �إن �شاء اهلل� ،إال �أن �آراء هذه النخبة من العلماء المحترمين وظفت -من قبل جهات �أخرى �أ�صغر في الحجم العلمي ،وال �صلة لها بالدرا�سات الفقهية المعروفة -وا�ستخدمت �ضد من يتبنون الر�أي الآخر -ممن قالوا بتعليق الجمعة والجماعات لبع�ض الوقت وا�ستعملت ك� � ��أداة الت �ه��ام �ه��م -ف��ي دي �ن �ه��م وع�ق��ائ��ده��م والمزايدة عليهم ب�أنهم «علماء ال�سلطان» و�أتباع ال�شيطان ،و�أنهم باعوا دينهم وغيروا وبدلوا. البع�ض �أي�ضا من غير �أهل االخت�صا�ص وبدافع الحما�س والعاطفة الجيا�شة �أ�صر �أن يدلي بدلوه ه��و الآخ��ر ف�أ�ضاف وب��ال��غ ف��ي االت�ه��ام والزجر والتخويف وو�صف �أ�صحاب ال��ر�أي الأخر ب�أنهم �أظلم النا�س فقد باعوا دينهم وا�ستدل بقوله تعالى: } َو َم ْن �أَ ْظ َل ُم ِم َّمن َّم َن َع َم َ�ساجِ َد َهّ ِ الل �أَن ُيذْ َك َر ِفي َها َان َل ُه ْم �أَن ا�س ُم ُه َو َ�س َعى ِفي خَ َرا ِب َها �أُول ِئ َك َما ك َ ْ ين َل ُه ْم ِفي ال ُّد ْن َيا ِخزْ ٌي َو َل ُه ْم وها �إِ َاّل خَ ا ِئ ِف َ َي ْدخُ ُل َ اب َع ِظي ٌم{ البقرة.١١٤ : ِفي ْال ِآخ َر ِة َعذَ ٌ وو�صل الأم��ر به �أن��ه تمنى ودع��ا على �أ�صحاب ال��ر�أي الآخ��ر ب ��أن ي�صابوا بفيرو�س كرونا و�أن يموتوا به وتمنى �أي�ضا �أن يمنعوا من دخول الجنة �إن كانوا من �أهلها ...!!!! .....هكذا
�أ.د� :إبراهيم �أبو محمد مفتي عام ا�ستراليا • هذه الفو�ضى العبثية التي ال يحكمها عقل وال قانون وال منطق تك�شف حجما خطيرا من الخلل -لي�س ف��ي دي��ن اهلل وح��ا��ش��اه -و�إن�م��ا في حياة طائفة من المتدينين بتدين منقو�ص خال من الوعي وم�سكون دائما بهواج�س الت�آمر ومدفوع بعاطفة ال ت�شكل حقا ي�ضيء ،و�إنما ت�شكل حما�سا ي�شتعل. • �إ�شكالية هذا النوع من التدين �أن �أ�صحابه يمنحون �أنف�سهم -وبغير ح��ق -حق الو�صاية على دين اهلل ،ومن ثم فهم ال يعرفون لأنف�سهم ح��دودا في تناول العلماء ويطلقون �أل�سنتهم - حدادا -في �سيرهم وت�صنيفهم. • يلحظ المتابع له�ؤالء �أنهم كثيرا ما يتعمدون الخلط بين �أم��ور العقائد وبين مناق�شة ق�ضية فقهية في ظ��رف ط��ارئ يهدد الحياة والأحياء ك «ف�ي��رو���س ك��رون��ا» ،فت�سمع � �ص��راخ �أح��ده��م يتعالى في فيديو منت�شر ب��أن «الأم��ر لي�س �أمر م�سجد تمنع فيه ال�صلوات ،الأم��ر �أم��ر عقيدة يت�آمر عليها من يت�صدرون المجال�س ويقدمون الفتاوى ....هكذا � ....سبحان اهلل. • �ستظل �إ�شكالية �ضبط الفروق بين الناقل وال�ع��اق��ل ت�ه��دد وح ��دة الم�سلمين ف��ي ر�ؤيتهم للق�ضايا الم�ستجدة مو�ضوع االجتهاد ما دام باب الفقه مفتوحا لكل من يملك هاتفا تليفونيا ي�سجل فيه ر�أيه ووجهة نظره ،ويتملق فيها عواطف العامة ،ويدغدغ بها رغباتهم الم�ألوفة ليحقق عن طريقها م�ساحة في التوزيع واالنت�شار ،بينما �آراء الرا�سخين في العلم مح�صورة ومحدودة بحدود طالبهم ومن يعرفونهم. -2البعد الغائب في �أزمة التدين. ف��ي ظ��ل وج ��ود ه��ذه ال�ف�ئ��ة ال�ت��ي ال تجيد غير ال�صراخ وهتاف الحناجر -وهي الأعلى �صوتا والأكثر �ضجيجا -يحرم عموم النا�س من ثمرات النظر الفقهي ال�صحيح ال�صادر ع��ن جهات االخت�صا�ص المحترمة ،كما تقع طائفة من ال�شباب �ضحية هذا التدين الأج��وف المجافي
في �أ�سلوبه لقواعد التربية والتزكية ،والمنبت في �أ�صله عن العلم والأدب معا. ذل��ك ف�ضال عن �أ�صحاب ه��ذا التوجه مغالون في ال�شكل ومولعون بق�ضايا الخالفات وي�شكلون عقبة في �سبيل وج��ود وحدانية لم�صدر التلقي ال�صحيح ال��ذي يتولد عنه وح��دة ف��ي ال��ر�ؤي��ة والت�صورات ولو لغالبية جموع النا�س في التقدير الأعلى ،وهذا الأمل ي�شكل �أقوى مقوم من �أهم مقومات الوحدة ،وهو �أمل يمكن �أن يتم ويتحقق �إذا ارتبط النا�س بالعلماء الربانيين و�أخ��ذوا عنهم ،و�أزيلت حواجز الأمية الدينية ،وامتنع ه ��ؤالء الو�سطاء �أ�صحاب البازار الديني ،غير �أن جهات وم�ؤ�س�سات و�أنظمة �سيا�سية تحر�ص على بقاء الو�ضع على ما هو عليه ،وتمنع تحقيق هذا الأمل وتحول دون ال�سعي �إليه ،ولذلك ت�شجع ه ��ؤالء الو�سطاء وت�ح��اول م��ن خاللهم �صناعة «�إ�سالم جديد» يت�سع وي�ضيق وفق رغبة ال�سادة الكبار في التوظيف واال�ستخدام� ،إ�سالم هين لين ال ثوابت فيه ،ينا�سب كل دول��ة على حدة، ولأنهم يريدون للأمة الإ�سالمية تحديدا �أن تكون بال ر�أ���س وال رمز وال مرجعية ،ويحر�صون على �أن تعي�ش كالقطيع ال�شارد بال راع وال مرعى، لي�أتي من يجمعها متى �شاء ،ويفرقها متى �شاء، ويحلبها كما �شاء وي�ضربها كما �شاء ،ويذبح منها كما �شاء. • حفظ الن�صو�ص وحده ال يكفي ل�صحة الحكم يا �سادة ،ونقل الن�ص وح��ده بعيدا عن �إدراك الواقع وا�ستيعاب العقل لأبعاده المرئية والخفية، ومعرفة م�آالت الأمور وتقدير المخاطر حيثيات البد منها ل�صحة الحكم و�سالمة الفتوى ،ولي�س هناك حكم فقهي واحد ال يمر بالعقل ،لأن العقل �شريك للن�ص في معرفة الحقائق ،ومن ال عقل له فال تكليف عليه -يرحمكم اهلل -ومعنى �أن تعقل ،ف�أنت تعرف: • تعرف ما تحتاج �إليه. • وتعرف حجم احتياجك �إلى المنقول. • وقيمة الم�صدر الذي نقلت عنه.
ون{ يو�سف: }�إِ َنّا �أَنزَ ْلنَا ُه ُق ْر�آنًا َع َر ِب ًّيا َّل َع َّل ُك ْم َت ْع ِق ُل َ .٢ ون{ }�إ َّن ��ا َج َع ْلنَا ُه ُق � ْر�آ ًن��ا َع� َر ِب� ًّي��ا َّل� َع� َّل� ُك� ْ�م َت ْع ِق ُل َ الزخرف.٣ : -3الو�سطاء يمتنعون. • و�إذا كانت العلمانية تعنى ف�صل الدين عن ال��دول��ة ،ف� ��إن المنهجية العلمية تعنى ف�صل ال �ح��دي��ث ف��ي ال��دي��ن وال �ت �� �ص��در ل�ل�ف�ت��وى عن الم�ضطربين نف�سيا والمختلين عقليا ،لأن العاهات النف�سية والعقلية لي�س مكانها قيادة النا�س في الم�ساجد وفي ميادين الحياة يا �سادة، • العاهات النف�سية والعقلية مكانها االحتجاز ف��ي �أم��اك��ن ت ��أه �ي��ل خ��ا��ص��ة ت ��درب �أ�صحابها وتعلمهم كيف يتعاي�شون ب�شكل طبيعي مع خلق اهلل ،وب�ع�ي��دا ع��ن ال�م�ن��اط��ق ذات الح�سا�سية والت�أثير ف��ي �صياغة عقائد الجماهير وبناء عقولهم وت�أ�سي�س ثقافتهم الدينية. �أن�ق��ذوا دي��ن اهلل من المتاجرين ب��ه ،واحر�سوا تدين النا�س ممن يختطفونه ويحاولون �صبغه ب�صبغتهم هم ال ب�صبغة اهلل.
الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
ك�����ورون�����ا ...وأزم������ة ال���ف���روق ب���ي���ن ال��ع��اق��ل وال��ن��اق��ل
• وتعرف درجته في �صحة ال��رواي��ة و�سالمة التوثيق. • وتعرف قبوله ومنا�سبته للمنقول �إليه. • وتعرف داللته في م�ساندة الفكرة وتقوية الدليل. • وتعرف �ضوابط و�شروط �صحة القيا�س بين المقي�س والمقي�س عليه من كل وجه. • وتعرف �أي�ضا �أنك م�س�ؤول م�س�ؤولية علمية و�أخالقية عن هذا النقل وتنزيله على الواقعة المماثلة وما يترتب عليه من �آثار وتداعيات في تو�ضيح الحقيقة �أو ت�شويهها .وفي هداية النا�س �أو في �إ�ضاللهم. • وفي العادة ف�إن الناقل عاقل ،والعاقل ناقل، وهذا هو الو�ضع الطبيعي. ومن ثم فالنقل هنا �سعي �سبقه علم وتقدم عليه وعي ا�ستوعب المطلوب ،وخطط ور�سم الطريق وح��دد الغاية ،فالناقل هنا عاقل ،ومن ثم فال يجوز في النقل �أن يكون الناقل مجرد دابة حملت «ن�صا مقد�سا» من مكان �إل��ى مكان دون وعي و�إدراك -وحا�شا العلماء� -أن يكونوا كذلك. �أن تنقل فقط بال عقل :ف�أنت ك�سائق �شاحنة ،قد تعرف ما تحمله �شاحنتك ،وقد ال تعرف �أي�ضا، فهناك من ال يعنيه ما يحمل ،هنا ي�شكل النقل بال عقل م�شكلة كبيرة ،فقد ينقل ال�سائق �أ�شياء ثمينة ،لكنه ال ي�ستفيد منها وال يعرف قيمتها ،وال �أين ي�ضعها ،وقد ينقل �أ�شياء �ضارة ومف�سدة. • م��ن هنا ك��ان ال��وح��ي «ن�صو�صا وم�ضمونا «خزينته العقل ال�م��درك -للن�صو�ص كمنهج معرفي ،ولم�ضمون تلك الن�صو�ص كمقا�صد عامة� -أما و�سيلته في الو�صول �إلى قلوب النا�س كعقيدة و�إل��ى عقولهم كمقا�صد يجب �أن تطبق وتتحول �إل��ى واق��ع عملي ،ال يمكن �أن تتم عبر عقليات جامدة كبلتها قيود الطمع في الت�صدر، و�سيطرت عليها �شهوة التمحور ح��ول ال��ذات، ور�ؤي ��ة ال��وج��ود م��ن خ�لال النف�س التي �ضاقت ب�صاحبها من كثرة االنتفاخ وال�غ��رور الأج��وف ال��ذي ال يجيد غير ال�صراخ وات�ه��ام الآخ��ري��ن والت�شكيك في عقائدهم. • العقل الم�ست�ضئ ب�أنوار الوحي والمحرو�س والمح�صن من فيرو�سات الهوى بالتجرد هلل هو عقل الفقيه الحر المفكر ،والمفكر الحر الفقيه .وه��و الأم �ي��ن على دي��ن اهلل ،والأم�ي��ن على فطرة ال�ن��ا���س« .وباخت�صار» ه��و الج�سر ال��ذي ي��رب��ط بين ال��دي��ن كن�ص معرفي ي�شكل �أ�صل الهداية ،وكمقا�صد توجه التطبيق وتحمي ممار�ساته من الخط�أ وت�صوب وتر�شد �إذا �أخط�أ.
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Wishing you and your family a blessed Ramadan Gladys Berejiklian MP Premier of New South Wales
Authorised by Chris Stone, Liberal Party of Australia, NSW Division, Level 12, 100 William Street, East Sydney NSW 2011.
Fasting, Charity, Patience The fasting during Ramadan has been ordained for Muslims as fasting had been ordained for people that preceded them. Prophet Muhammad, addressing his companions on the last day of Shaban, said: “O people! A great month has come over you; a blessed month; a month in which is a night better than a thousand months; month in which Allah has made it compulsory upon you to fast by day, and voluntary to pray by night.
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint”- 2:183
Whoever draws nearer (to Allah) by performing any of the (optional) good deeds in (this month) shall receive the same reward as performing an obligatory deed at any other time, and whoever discharges an obligatory deed in (this month) shall receive the reward of performing seventy obligations at any other time. It is the month of patience, and the reward of patience is Heaven. It is the month of charity, and a month in which a believer’s sustenance is
increased. Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his fast, shall have his sins forgiven, and he will be saved from the Fire of Hell, and he shall have the same reward as the fasting person, without his reward being diminished at all.” [Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah] The concept of charity during Ramadan is an amazing transaction indeed. Allah owns everything but yet when we share a tiny bit with others He promises a return for as many as up to
700 times. A simple smile is guaranteed to be rewarded. In fact sometimes a smile does more to a human soul than otherwise! And giving before being asked and giving more than what is asked, offers contentment and joy that is priceless. Patience is a virtue. There may not be a better way to empower oneself than to practice patience. Allah tests some by giving too much and others by taking away the little they had. Such are the trials that
everyone must go thru. This exercise deepens the self understanding and realization which helps one to subjugate impatience, intolerance and other such vices. Let us InshaAllah practice ‘patience’ while being generous in ‘giving’, during our ‘fasting’ in this blessed month of Ramadan.
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Dates contain the most significant group of vitamins, minerals and simple sugars By Abduldaem Al-Kaheel The best food to break fast with Dates contain the most significant group of vitamins, minerals and simple sugars that can be easily absorbed. It also limit the feeling of hunger and improve the feeling of satiety. This is what the nutritionists advice us to do nowadays and prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) ordered Muslims to have dates as the first food to break his fast with as it is a blessed food. Dates for managing overweight Studies had proved that regular eating of dates on daily basis helps the brain to regulate hormones excretion and make the person feels satisfied and accordingly decreases the amount of food he eats. Therefore, the date is used to manage overweight and prevent excessive weight gain. The scientists considered dates as one of the best foods to treat obesity.
Dates as a remedy to many diseases Scientists had confirmed that date is an ideal remedy for more than hundred diseases, among these diseases is the intestinal disorders, dates help the intestine to function effectively The richness of date in vitamins, minerals and electrolytes helps the brain in its functions and fills the shortage of these minerals and vitamins in the body which leads to the psychological stability, this means that eating pieces of dates regularly every day will positively affect the emotional or psychological situation making it more stable. Here we say all praises to Allah who has granted us this miracle food as he stated in the Holy Quran: And We have placed therein gardens of the date-palm and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein, (34) That they may eat of the fruit thereof, and their hands made it not. Will they not, then, give thanks? (35) (yaseen).
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “There are three whose supplication is not rejected: The fasting person when he breaks his fast, the just leader, and the supplication of the oppressed person; Allah raises it up above the clouds and opens the gates of heaven to it. And the Lord says: ‘By My might, I shall surely aid you, even if it should be after a while.’ [Jami` at-Tirmidhi] AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Fatima Ferkh Ramadan is a time of worship. It is a time where we sacrifice our nights in worship and eating during the day for the sake of Allah (SWT). So why do many of us gain weight in Ramadan? Acts of worship are not the only things that are increased during this month. Out come all the fried foods, heavy energy dense meals and rich desserts too. There are 2 main probable reasons for all these unhealthy, energy rich foods: 1. Feeding someone who is fasting is full of countless rewards including the rewards of your fast and the fasting individual. That is why we tend to invite so many people over, and when you invite people over, you resort to high fat, high sugar foods, because that is what tastes the best, right? We should make it more of a tradition to serve healthy foods. Healthy food can taste great too! 2. When you are fasting, you are hungry and when you are hungry, you tend to make less healthy choices. It is important to find ways to avoid purchasing unhealthy foods in Ramadan even if it means leaving shopping to only after iftar, planning and preparing meals in advance or just avoiding the walk through the “junk” food aisles when you are fasting. So what meals should we have in Ramadan? Suhoor is a fantastic sunnah and a great time to eat filling foods to help reduce hunger during the day. Iftar is important to help replenish our energy for the acts of worship in the night to come. There are three types of foods we should avoid during suhoor and iftar: 1. Food high in salt, which will increase dehydration.
2. Food high in unhealthy fats, which can increase acid reflux during the day. 3. Foods high in simple carbohydrates and sugars, which have less fibre and release energy very fast, not lasting for the whole day. These foods include manoush, fried pastry and take out. There are 3 main components we need to focus on to have a healthy, filling suhoor and iftar: 1. A source of wholegrains to provide fibre and slow releasing energy throughout the day and night e.g. oats, wholegrain bread, and long grain rice. 2. A source of protein to help reduce hunger and keep you full for e.g. lean meat, fish, reduced fat milk, yoghurt, labneh, low fat cheeses, tofu, and legumes e.g. beans and chickpeas. 3. A source of fruit and/or vegetable to help with increasing fibre and provide essential nutrients and minerals for e.g. apples, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Start off by eating your vegetables at Iftar so that you are too full to overindulge on high energy foods. If you are feeling hungry later during the night it is ok to have a few high fibre and/or high protein snacks such as fruit, vegetables, wholegrain crackers and hummus or yoghurt to prevent late night unhealthy snacking or desserts.
Fatima Ferkh Youtube: Diets and Doodles UCF2iYpdcPs4hdR9zUmbQ5WA Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/dietsanddoodles/ Instagram: @dietsanddoodles
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
I would like to take the opportunity, during this COVID-19 emergency pandemic, to thank the Muslim community for your leadership, understanding and ongoing patience and adjustments in following the government's social distancing advice to prevent the spread of COVID-19. I understand that the month of Ramadan is the most important month in Islamic calendar, a time of social interaction, enjoying Iftar with friends (Muslims and non-Muslims) and extended families. However, the situation is very different during this Ramadan amidst COVID – 19 and will be an immensely challenging time for you during this crisis situation. On behalf of the Western Australia Police Force I wish you and the WA Muslim Community a blessed and Happy Ramadan. Stay Safe!
Ramadan Mubarak
Chris Dawson Commissioner of WA Police Force
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Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Recipes for Ramadan from around the world Palestinian Shakshouka
Turkish 2 ingredient bread recipe To cook these scrumptious flat-breads ( also good as a pizza base), all you need is a super hot pan – roll them out and then pop them in the pan, they take just a few seconds on each side and they are very easy to flip over.
The word shakshuka comes from Arabic, meaning, “a haphazard mixture” or “all mixed up.” A hearty breakfast option comprising mainly of eggs and tomatoes, but often makes use of other vegetables. The best part of this is that it can be made in one skillet and you can dress it up and down, depending on how heavy you like your breakfast to be. Simply use a small onion, half of a bell pepper, and a small can (14.5 ounces) of tomatoes. Cook the mixture in a medium-sized pan. Easy! Though you can cover the skillet with a lid, the best way is to bake the skillet (which offers more even heat), uncovered, until the eggs are just about done. ENJOY !
Ingredients • 250 g plain full fat Greek Yogurt • 250 g self raising flour • Oil for rolling out Mix the Greek yogurt and flour together in a large bowl, then leave to rest for 20 minutes at room temperature.
Pakistani Haleem Somali Puff Puff
A delicious and popular street food that makes a great entree’ for Ramadan. Ingredients • 2 cups (280 g) All-purpose (plain) flour • ½ cup (75 g) White cornmeal (finely ground) • ¼ cup (50 g) Sugar (to taste) • 2 Large Eggs – Or ¼ cup water • 2 tsp (10 mL) Instant yeast • 1 cup (237 mL) Water (lukewarm) • ¼ tsp (1.25 mL) Salt • 1 pinch Cardamom How to Make it 1. Combine all the dry ingredients then add the eggs if using. 2. Add 1 cup of lukewarm water if using eggs, otherwise add 1 ¼ cups of water. 3. Beat well until well-combined. 4. Cover and let it rise for 1 ½ hours. 5. Fry in canola oil using medium heat. Stir to brown evenly. 6. Fry until golden brown then drain. Somali Puff Purff recipe courtesty of
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Haleem is a thick stew made out of pounded wheat, lentils, goat meat, ghee, dried fruit and saffron. It is originally an Arabic dish and is popular during the Ramadan. Eaten as an entree’ Ingredients • 2 kg – Mutton (boneless) • 1 tsp – Chilli powder • 1 tsp – Tumeric powder • 1 Bay Leaf • 250 g – Chickpea lentil • 200 g – Whole Wheat • 50 g – Barley • 3 to 4 tbsp – Oil • Salt to taste For Garnish : Onion, Lime slices, Green chillies, Fresh Coriander leaves, Sliced Ginger How to Make Pakistani Style Haleem 1. Soak all three grains overnight. 2. Fry the meat in oil. 3. Add all the spices and 4 to 5 glasses of water. 4. Cover and leave on low flame to tenderize until the meat is extremely soft. 5. Meanwhile, put the grains and dal in a pot with 1 tsp salt,1/2 tsp chilli powder and 1/4 tsp haldi powder.
6. Add water and cook on low flame till very soft. 7. When both are soft, mix the meat and grains together and leave on a very low flame. 8. Keep mashing and mixing. 9. It starts to boil and becomes bubbly, fry a little onion in oil and add to it. 10. Remove from heat and serve with garam masala, fresh coriander leaves, green chillies, fried onion and lemon. Whenever frying onion for garnish, fry on very low heat for a good flavour.
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Islamic College of Melbourne 83 Wootten Road, Tarneit Victoria 3029 Tel: 03 8742 1739 • Fax: 03 8742 1959 E:
w w w .i co m .vi c . e d u . au AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
A Major Outbreak In March 2015, an American business magnate and philanthropist, Bill Gates gave a brief talk at the TED conference in Vancouver on the epidemic topic and how we should learn from previous experiences. He talked about the tragedy of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa who took the lives of 10,000 people. The most important message of his speech was his warning that the next epidemic outbreak could be worse and, sadly, the world is simply not prepared to deal with a virulent disease which will infect large numbers of people very quickly.
Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Gebara Sydney In April 2017, the Medical Journal of Australia ran a paper titled Is Australia prepared for the next pandemic? In this paper, medical scholars from Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne assured that “planning for an effective response to the next pandemic is complex and requires extensive engagement between public health experts, clinicians, diagnostic laboratory staff, general and at-risk communities and jurisdictional and federal agencies”. 1 They stated that an effective response also requires access to real-time data, management, rapid communication and strong leadership, but do we have this plan in place in Australia? And can we create a pandemic-free world? 1- Jodie McVernon, Tania C Sorrell, Jenny Firman, Brendan Murphy and Sharon R Lewin Med J Aust 2017; 206 (7): 284286.
Three years later, the director-general of the of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, echoed Gates speech and stated “the world remains vulnerable… and we don’t know where or when the next global pandemic will occur but we do know that it will take a terrible toll, both on human life, and on the global economy. None of us will ever forget the West African Ebola outbreak in 2014. It taught us a valuable lesson: that global health security is only as strong as its weakest link. No-one is safe until everyone is safe”. As one of the WHO’s three top strategic priorities in the General Programme is keeping the world safe, specifically, they set a goal that one billion more people will be protected from epidemics and other health emergencies. They also set a valuable manual tool to help countries make progress towards that goal. It offers expert guidance to help WHO’s country representatives and others to respond quickly in the earliest stages of an outbreak. In April 2017, the Medical Journal of Australia ran a paper titled Is Australia prepared for the next pandemic? In this paper, medical scholars from Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne assured that “planning for an effective response to the next pandemic is complex and requires extensive engagement between public health experts, clinicians, diagnostic laboratory staff, general and at-risk communities and jurisdictional and federal agencies”. They stated that an effective response also requires access to
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
real-time data, management, rapid communication and strong leadership, but do we have this plan in place in Australia? And can we create a pandemic-free world? Of course, nobody can guarantee this at this stage, but with thorough preparation and rapid response, we can prevent most outbreaks from getting out of control and limit the impact of those that spread quickly if we follow the instructions of the health department and the NSW government with the emerging of a new epidemic virus: The Coronavirus. We all are vulnerable to respond to this outbreak: it is global, and it has radically transformed societies. We can see this outbreak is taking people’s lives and has a bad impact on the economy in general. We have to take it really seriously. Companies, organisations and community leaders are cancelling social events and conferences and enacting social distancing. Even mosques and churches are following the preventative measures observed by the health authorities and doing so is the best support through this time of uncertainty. However, it is really important to remember that this will not be a permanent state of emergency and hopefully the outbreak will be a thing of the past. Therefore, it is really essential to support the preventive measures and understand that the health and safety of our families and children and our society in general are our primary concern right now. I hope our health authorities and medical professionals can reflect and learn lessons from this experience and plan for the future. Resilient capacities at national and regional
levels must be sustained and built in order to prevent, detect and respond to outbreaks, in accordance with International Health Regulations. And also, they must ensure that people affected by emergencies have rapid access to essential lifesaving health services, including medicines and vaccines with a strong focus on surveillance systems, and put a specific budget in the health system for the prevention plan of epidemics. Building a global warning and response system for epidemics is a priority because while we cannot choose the moment we live in, we do get to choose how to respond. Delivering on these priorities will cost money of course, but prevention is not only better than remedy, it is cheaper. With the worldwide outbreak of the Coronavirus, we are vulnerable once more with the fragility of our lives, and again we are reminded of our common humanity: We all brothers and sisters in humanity. In this time of trial, it is important for us to stand up together in solidarity and to intensify our prayers and alms for the sake of God. Let us draw closer to one another in our supplications and pray for our brothers and sisters here and around the world who are sick and make duaa for those who have lost their loved ones to grant them patience. We also pray for doctors, nurses and for public health officials that Allah (swt) grant them courage and prudence as they seek to respond to this emergency with compassion.
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Hon Michael O’BRIEN MP
Leader of the Opposition Leader of the Liberal Party Shadow Minister for Small Business Liberal Member for Malvern
Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs Shadow Assistant Treasurer Liberal Member for Forest Hill
Hon Matthew GUY MP
Liberal Member for Southern Metropolitan Region
Liberal Member for Bulleen
Hon David DAVIS MP
Liberal Member for Southern Metropolitan Region
Liberal Member Eastern Metropolitan Region
Bernie FINN MP
Liberal Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Region
Liberal Member Western Metropolitan Region
Authorised by Neil Angus MP, 4 Lawrence Street, Blackburn South. Funded from Parliamentary Budget.
Zakat Al-Maal and Zakat Al-Fitr 1441H-2020 The Holy month of Ramadan is a season of fast, prayer, Quran and charity. Muslims around the world will be preparing themselves in dedication to Allah Almighty and the rewards He will offer his servants during this sacred month. Acts of worship in Ramadan are highly regarded and the reward is far greater due the sacredness of the month and for that reason, many Muslims tend to perform their annual alms giving (Zakat) obligations throughout this Holy month. A common question asked every year is what is the threshold (Nisab) of Zakat Al-Maal, the amount for Zakat Al- Fitr and how is it translated into a monetary amount? The Australian Fatwa Council has determined the threshold (Nisab) of Zakat Al-Maal are: • According to GOLD: 85 (Eighty-Five) GRAMS of 21 Karat Gold obtained from the listed price on the Commodities Market. Gold Price as from the 20th of April 2020, 21 Karat, Per 1 Gram is $74.48 AUD. (85 Grams X $74.48 = $6,330.8 AUD)
• According to SILVER: 609 (Six Hundred and Nine) GRAMS of 100% pure Silver obtained from the listed price on the Commodities Market Silver Price as from the 20th of April 2020, Per 1 Gram is $0.789 AUD. (609 Grams X $0.767 = $467.10 AUD) Therefore, the threshold (Nisab) of
Zakat Al-Maal according to: GOLD will be $6,330.8 AUD and according to SILVER will be $467.10 AUD. Please Note: The Australian Fatwa Council encourages the Australian Muslim community to calculate their Zakat according to the Silver Nisab as it’s in the best interest of the Zakat recipients.
Although many Muslims choose to give their Zakat during the Month of Ramadan, the Month of Ramadan is not the set time and required condition of giving Zakat, it is based on the beginning of the Hawl and first Nisab. As for Zakat Al-Fitr it will be set to MINIMUM at $12 per person for this year 1441H -2020. The Australian Fatwa Council encourages that in order in fulfilling the needs of the recipients and the purpose of Zakat Al-Fitr to give Zakat Al-Fitr at the beginning of the month of Ramadan. The Australian Fatwa Council also recommends all Muslims to give their charities to registered and reputable organisations and ANIC Partners. On behalf of all the member Imams of the Australian National Imams Council and the Australian Fatwa Council, we wish the Muslim community of Australia and around the world a blessed Ramadan this year and an acceptable Fasting and worship.
The Australian Fatwa Council
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Ramadan 2020 رمضان
18 By Dr. Bilal Philips
Fasting in Cultural Islam In much of the Muslim world today fasting has been reduced to a mere ritual, and the month of Ramadan has become a time of celebration and festivities instead of religious contemplation and abstinence. Ramadan nights are, for many, nights of partying and enjoyment which continue until the dawn in some countries. There, the night becomes the day and the day becomes the night. In many places, the light meal which is supposed to be taken prior the dawn becomes a major three-course meal. For this reason, very few experience real hunger during the fast. And at the time of breaking the fast, another three-course meal is taken, followed by a sampling of all kinds of sweets imaginable. As a result, many Muslims complain about gaining weight during Ramadan and doctors regularly warn people about the medical consequences of overeating.
Significance of Ramadan Naturally, the fact that Ramadan was in the summer has no relation to why this month was chosen by Allah as the month for fasting. Since Muslims follow the lunar calendar, the month of Ramadan will occur in all the seasons at least twice in each person’s lifetime. God clearly stated the reason for choosing this month in the Quran. He said: “Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as guidance and clarification to humankind, and a distinction between right and wrong. So, whoever from among you witnesses the month should fast it.” (2: 185) The significance of Ramadan lies in the fact that the revelation of the Quran began in that month. For this reason, Ramadan is often called the month of the Quran and Muslims try to spend much of their waking hours reading from the Holy Book throughout the month.
The Name Ramadan The word Ramadan comes from the noun Ramad, which refers to “the reflected heat of stones resulting from the intense heat of the sun.” When the Arabs changed the names of the months from their ancient names, they renamed them according to the seasons in which they happened to fall. The ninth month, which used to be called Natiq, fell during the summer, the time of extreme heat, which is why it was named Ramadan. [15]
The month of reform The month of Ramadan is the time of holding ourselves accountable, reforming ourselves and returning to our Lord before we are held accountable and have no chance of reform or
return. To those of us who are heedless of Allah and are lost in the deceptions of this world, this is the chance to turn about and return to the Most Generous Lord. To those who are given to usurp others’ rights by hurting or killing them or stealing from them, now is the chance to return and repent. To those who are given to sexual promiscuity, seeking enjoyment in illicit sights and pleasures, and wanton display of their beauty that Allah has prohibited, now is the chance to purify themselves and return to Allah. To those given to drinking and drugs and the wasting away of their wealth, minds and time, now is the time to give up their evil ways and return to their Most Merciful Lord. To those who deal in interest and take it lightly, now is the chance to purify their wealth and cease their war against Allah Almighty and His Messenger sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) before it is too late. To those who are disobedient and uncaring towards their parents, now is the chance to repent and beg for the Mercy of Allah and make up to their parents. To us all, now is the time to repent and return.
Wishing you and your family peace, prosperity and happiness for Ramadan. Lynda Voltz MP Member for Auburn Phone: (02) 9737 8822 email: Address: Mezzanine Level 92 Parramatta Road Lidcombe Authorised by Lynda Voltz MP, Mezzanine Level, Lidcombe Centre, 92 Parramatta Road, Lidcombe NSW 2141. AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Lynda Voltz MP Member for Auburn
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting. Allah prescribes daily fasting for all able, adult Muslims during the whole of the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the lunar calendar, beginning with the sighting of the new moon. Exempted from the fast are the very old and the insane. On the physical side, fasting is from first light of dawn until sundown, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations. On the moral, behavioral side, one must abstain from lying, malicious gossip, quarrelling and trivial nonsense. Those who are sick, elderly, or on a journey, and women who are menstruating, pregnant, or nursing are permitted to break the fast, but must make up an equal number of days later in the year. If physically unable to do so, they must feed a needy person for each day missed. Children begin to fast (and to observe the prayers) from puberty, although many start
earlier. In addition to the fast proper, one is encouraged to read the entire Quran. In addition, special prayers, called Tarawih, are held in the mosque every night of the month, during which a whole section of the Quran (Juz’) is recited, so that by the end of the month the entire Quran has been completed. These are done in remembrance of the fact that the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was begun during Ramadan. During the last ten days though the exact day is never known and may not even be the same every year - occurs the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr). To spend that night in worship is equivalent to a thousand months of worship, i.e. Allah’s reward for it is very great. On the first day of the following month, after another new moon has been sighted, a special celebration is made, called ‘Id al-Fitr. A quantity of staple food is donated to the poor (Zakat al-Fitr), everyone
has bathed and put on their best, preferably new, clothes, and communal prayers are held in the early morning, followed by feasting and visiting relatives and friends. There are other fast days throughout the year. Muslims are encouraged to fast six days in Shawwal, the month following Ramadan, Mondays and Thursdays, and the ninth and tenth, or tenth and eleventh of Muharram, the first month of the year. The tenth day, called Ashurah, is also a fast day for the Jews (Yom Kippur), and Allah commanded the Muslims to fast two days to distinguish themselves from the People of the Book. While fasting per se is encouraged, constant fasting, as well as monasticism, celibacy, and otherwise retreating from the real world, are condemned in Islam. Fasting on the two festival days, ‘Id al-Fitr and ‘Id alAdha, the feast of the Hajj, is strictly forbidden. Source:
10 Ramadan Foods from Around the World
• • • • • • • •
• Dahi vadey: Lentil dumplings that are soaked in a spicy yogurt sauce (India). • Haleem: A slow-cooked stew of meat, bulgur wheat, and lentils (Middle East, India, Pakistan, and Central Asia). Chicken 65: Spicy, bite-sized pieces of chicken that are marinated and deep-fried (India). Ramazan Kebabi: A dish made with lamb, onions, yogurt, and pita bread (Turkey). Ful medammes: Fava beans cooked with garlic and spread on bread (North Africa). Paomo: A bread and mutton soup (China) Chapatis: Unleavened flatbread that is rolled up with vegetables and meats (India and Pakistan). Fattoush: A salad made of vegetables and pita bread (Lebanon and Arab countries). Konafah: A pastry made with phyllo dough and cheese (Middle East). Kolak: A fruit dessert made with palm sugar, coconut milk, and pandanus leaf. Fruits, such as jackfruit or banana, or mung beans are added (Indonesia).
Raff Ciccone Federal Labor Senator for Victoria 03 9890 7022 1013 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill VIC 3128
Authorised by Senator R Ciccone, 1013 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128
Sheikh Yusuf Estes
Fasting the Month of Ramadan AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Partnership With ABC To Support Learning From Home VIC Primary school students now have access to interactive learning resources to support their remote and flexible learning thanks to a partnership between the Victorian Government and the ABC. Minister for Education James Merlino announced this week that the first set of 15 learning activities connected to educational programs are screening on ABC ME (20-24 April) and have been added to the Victorian Government’s new Learning from Home website.
The activities for English, Mathematics, Science and Geography, have been designed for primary school students and are aligned to the Victorian Curriculum. Teachers will be able to use these resources to assist in delivering remote learning. Students will be able to watch programs on TV via ABC ME or online via ABC iview, and then complete learning activities linked to the programs. This has been made possible due to the Victorian Government’s long-term partnership with the ABC, which supports the national
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
broadcaster to enhance its educational programming to deliver additional curriculum-linked content to children of all ages. Almost all Victorian students are learning from home during Term 2 to increase physical distancing and slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Victorian schools have been using both online and offline education materials that can be completed by students at home, with the Andrews Labor Government recently launching the Learning from Home website to help teachers teach and students learn remotely.
“Schools, staff and teachers, and our students and families across Victoria have responded well to learning from home, despite the challenges it presents.”Minister for Education James Merlino said. “Partnering with ABC to provide learning materials via TV will give students a new way to learn and help keep them engaged as they learn from home.” “This is a big change and it’s not always easy, but we’ll continue to support our students, teachers and schools every step of the way.”
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
The Free Trade Agreement with Indonesia
A Winner for Australian Farmers, Investors and Universities Dr. AbulKhair Jalaluddin On 10 February 2020, Australia ratified a free trade agreement with Indonesia called Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. This agreement will eliminate tariffs on many agricultural products; allow majority ownership in hospitals, universities, mining, aged care, tourism, energy, construction and transport companies as well as vastly increase work visas for young Indonesians. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. Australia enjoys an extensive framework of cooperation with Indonesia spanning political, economic, security, development, education and people-to-people ties. In 2018-19, the total two-way trade in goods and services with Indonesia was worth $17.8 billion, making it Australia’s 13th largest trading partner in the world. Agricultural products are among Australia’s key exports to Indonesia, while crude petroleum and manufactured goods are key imports. Under this Agreement, 99% of Australian goods exports by value to Indonesia will be tariff-free or have significantly improved preferential arrangements. In addition, Indonesia guarantees automatic issue of import permits for key Australian products such as live cattle, frozen beef, sheep meat, feed grains, rolled steel coil, citrus products, carrots and potatoes. The issuance of import permits has been a major irritant for many Australian exporters into Indonesia. The major highlights of the Agreement are as follows: Goods Markets • Live Male Cattle: there was a 5% tariff which was abolished under this agreement and hence, there will be no tariffs for 575,000 live cattle in year 1. From year 2, there will be 4% annual growth in volume reaching 700,000 cattle in year 6 which will then be reviewed for subsequent increases. • Frozen Beef: the current tariff of 5% will be cut to 2.5% which will apply to unlimited volume of frozen beef exports. This 2.5% tariff will be eliminated after 5 years. • Sheep Meat: the current tariff of 5% will be reduced to 2.5% which will apply to unlimited volume of sheep meat exports. This tariff will be eliminated after 5 years. • Diary Products: this agreement eliminated or reduced tariffs across a number of diary lines and will
remove all remaining tariffs in 5 years. • Vegetables: the current tariff of 25% on potatoes will be cut to 10% for 10,000 tonnes per year for 5 years. After 5 years, this tariff will be reduced to 5% for 12,500 tonnes per year. There will be a 2.5% annual growth in volume thereafter. The tariff on carrots will be cut to 10% from 25% for 5,000 tonnes per year. This will be progressively eliminated over 15 years and unlimited carrots in volume would be exported free of tariffs. • Sugar: an early outcome reached in 2017 to reduce tariff on sugar to 5% from 8.8% and this reduced level of tariff will continue into the future. • Feed Grains: feed grains will be exported tariff-free for 500,000 tonnes in year 1. There will be an annual growth of 5% in volume thereafter. • Citrus: oranges will be exported tariff-free for 10,000 tonnes in year 1 which will increase by 5% annually in volume thereafter. Lemons will be exported tariff-free for 5,000 tonnes in year 1 and this volume will be increased by 2.5% annually thereafter. • Hot and Cold Rolled Steel Coil: the current tariffs of up to 11.25% will be eliminated and 250,000 tonnes of coils will be exported tariff-free in year 1. There will be a 5% annual growth in volume thereafter. Services and Investment Markets
• Australian companies and investors are able to invest and acquire ownership of up to 67% in companies from a wide range of industries. These industries include mining and related services; hospitals and in-house pathology, paramedics as well as specialised medical and dental clinics; aged care services; construction services; professional services (architectural, urban planning, engineering and surveying); energy; transport; tourism and waste management. • Australian universities and vocational training providers are given the green light to set up branches or tertiary education institutions in Indonesia. • Australian working and holiday
visas for young Indonesians will be increased from the current 1,000 to 4,100 in year 1, growing to 5,000 over 6 years. This will provide useful work experience for young Indonesians and assist regional Australia in meeting seasonal labour requirements. Australia’s free trade agreement with Indonesia has been depicted as a win-win proposition for both the nations. Australian agricultural and higher education sectors will particularly gain from this agreement. It represents an opportunity for Australia to politically, economically, socially and culturally benefit from this significant neighbouring Muslim country, and likewise for Indonesia.
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Hut Brazil rainforest amzonas nature tropical
Is this pandemic a consequence of our destructiveness?
Bilal Cleland
Co-ordinator of the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests [AMPB], Sucre Romero said: “The coronavirus reminds us that the balance of the Earth is in danger, and we need to maintain our delicate balance of diversity…More than 25 per cent of medicine comes from forests. If we lose our forests, we lose our medicines, too.” This stance of indigenous peoples echoes Ahmet Keeler in “Rethinking Islam and the West: A New Narrative for the Age of Crises.” “Deep thought is being invested in trying to understand what is happening and to find a better way of living sustainably on earth. Many are recognising the wisdom contained within pre-modern cultures, and are seeking to preserve, practice and promote traditional husbandry, health and knowledge systems.”
The Age of Crises has already begun to reshape thinking about our modern society and its relationship with the environment. This Age has brought about a conjunction between critical analysis of the direction of capitalism, the world of indigenous cultures and Islamic thinking. In March this year indigenous leaders from around the world gathered in New York City, for a panel on Indigenous rights, deforestation and related health endemics. Co-ordinator of the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests [AMPB], Sucre Romero said: “The coronavirus reminds us that the balance of the Earth is in danger, and we need to maintain our delicate balance of diversity…More than 25 per cent of medicine comes from forests. If we lose our forests, we lose our medicines, too.” “The coronavirus is telling the world what Indigenous Peoples have been saying for thousands of years — if we do not help protect biodiversity and nature, we will face this and even worse threats,” [24 March 2020 Emilee Gilpin Managing Director, First Nations Forward, National Observer] This stance of indigenous peoples echoes Ahmet Keeler in “Rethinking Islam and the West: A New Narrative for the Age of Crises.” “Deep thought is being invested in trying to understand what is happening and to find a better way of living sustainably on earth. Many are recognising the wisdom contained within pre-modern cultures, and are seeking to preserve, practice and promote traditional husbandry, health and knowledge systems.” Like Romero he points to the loss of balance in our world: “ Our Age of Crises can be seen as a result of the loss of balance that has taken place in our modern way of life; the balance between the material and the spiritual, and between ourselves and the environment in which we live.”
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
The loss of balance in the mad crusade to conquer nature and subjugate it to mankind is having terrible consequences which have already put a third of the planet in lockdown and social isolation. A number of researchers today think that it is actually humanity’s destruction of biodiversity that creates the conditions for new viruses and diseases such as Covid-19.
Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic 2012 In fact, a new discipline, planetary health, is emerging that focuses on the increasingly visible connections between the wellbeing of humans, other living things and entire ecosystems. David Quammen’s 2012 book, “Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic,” served as a warning. “ Animal microbes are on the loose. Historically, some 60 percent of the infections that plague humankind, from influenza to H.I.V. and bubonic plague, originated in the bodies of other animals. “[19 October 2012 Breeding Ground, Sonia Shah NYT] Mr. Quammen writes of the NBO’s — the Next Big Ones. “Will the Next Big One come out of a rain forest or a market in southern China?” he asks. “Will the Next Big One kill” 30 million or 40 million people? He makes you dread that sneeze at the back of the bus. “When the trees fall, and the native animals are slaughtered, the native germs fly like dust from a demolished warehouse.” Or, as he puts it more simply elsewhere, “Shake a tree, and things fall out.” [Oct. 2, 2012 Dwight Garner. They Are So Beastly These Ticks and Plagues NYT]
Climate Change and Disease Alongside this destruction of the natural environment is the rapid acceleration of climate change, bringing its own cluster of potential
disasters. The frozen lands of the northern hemisphere, in Russia particularly, are warming up. The temperature in the Arctic Circle is rising quickly, about three times faster than in the rest of the world. The permafrost is melting and it is releasing the unknown. “Permafrost is a very good preserver of microbes and viruses, because it is cold, there is no oxygen, and it is dark,” says evolutionary biologist Jean-Michel Claverie at Aix-Marseille University in France. “Pathogenic viruses that can infect humans or animals might be preserved in old permafrost layers, including some that have caused global epidemics in the past.” In a 2011 study, Boris Revich and Marina Podolnaya wrote: “As a consequence of permafrost melting, the vectors of deadly infections of the 18th and 19th Centuries may come back, especially near the cemeteries where the victims of these infections were buried.” [4 May 2017 Jasmin Fox-Skelly BBC Earth] Crises accumulate with the advance of global warming, the migration of cyclones from the tropics, areas of drought and floods, the increasing inhospitable interiors of continents and rising sea levels as the poles melt. Alongside this, the destruction of forests, the cultivation of land unsuited to that purpose and the destruction and consuming of animals which carry pathogens into the human population, exterminate the very bio-diversity upon which we have relied. The most recent pandemic of COVID-19, which may only be the first of many such horrifying attacks upon humanity, serves as a warning of what will accompany our upsetting of the balance of diversity. It is a warning which we would do well to heed. The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
NSW The NSW Government is injecting $25 million to fast-track statewide research and clinical trials to tackle the global COVID-19 pandemic and reduce its impact on the community. NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said the funds are part of about $800 million in extra health funding by the NSW Government to bolster the health system. “Already researchers in NSW have made huge inroads to improve diagnostics and potentially aid the eventual creation of a vaccine by growing the novel coronavirus,” Mr Hazzard said. “The $25 million funding boost will further assist the collaborative research efforts of clinicians, universities and research hubs with crucial roles in the NSW COVID-19 response”. The funding will be directed to research focused on: • accurate and timely diagnosis of COVID-19; • support conducting COVID-19 clinical trials including vaccine trials; • monitoring, developing and evaluating strategies to slow community transmission; • developing and evaluating treatments for COVID-19;
Best wishes to the Muslim community throughout Victoria for the month of Ramadan, a time of reflection, renewal and celebration with family and friends.
• preventing the need for intensive medical care. • minimising the impact of physical and psychological trauma on the community. The $25 million is on top of $108 million already invested in medical research in 2019-2020 and will help ensure all research findings on COVID-19 can be implemented rapidly. The extra funding will also support clinician-led research into the COVID-19 impacts on the healthcare workforce, vulnerable populations and regional, rural and remote communities. Professor Anthony Kelleher, Director of the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney, said the institute is leading several research projects on COVID-19, including developing an antiviral therapy. “The infectious disease expertise within the NSW medical research sector is truly world class, and we are eager to turn this investment into research that will transform this pandemic and ultimately save lives,” Professor Kelleher said. NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said: “This funding will go a long way to progressing urgent research to minimise the health, social and economic impacts of COVID-19 in NSW.”
Dr Geoff Lee MP • Acting Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans • Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education
Ramadan 2020 I would like to wish everyone observing Ramadan in NSW a safe and blessed month. This is an important time of the year for many Muslims in NSW, giving the faithful a chance to pray, reflect and renew their faith. As the Acting Minister for Multiculturalism I will unfortunately be unable to, unlike in past years, join our communities at Iftar dinners across NSW. This year will be different for all of us because of COVID-19. Being physically apart and changing traditions will be difficult, but by staying home we are helping everyone in our society. I want to thank you for staying home and keeping our loved ones safe, especially our parents and grandparents. Your actions this holy month will save lives and they will help us be able to celebrate Ramadan together again next year. I wish you and your loved ones a safe, peaceful and holy month – Ramadan Mubarak.
Dr Geoff Lee MP
Ramadan Mubarak
Warmest greetings for Ramadan!
The Hon Bruce Atkinson MLC
Member of the Legislative Council of Victoria • • • • •
R19B | Level 3 | West 5 Car Park Entrance | Eastland Shopping Centre 171-175 Maroondah Highway Tel: 9877 7188 | PO BOX: 508 RINGWOOD VIC Email: Web:
Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and peaceful Ramadan. THE HONOURABLE
(T) 8237 9408
Funded from Parliamentary budget.
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Ramadan beyond hunger and thirst Aslam Abdullah Islamicity Here are a few suggestions that we can try to incorporate in our daily Ramadan and beyond.We should:
THE HON. ADEM SOMYUREK MP Minister for Local Government & Small Business State Labor Member for South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
03 9794 0699 55 St Andrews Place, Melbourne 3001 @ademsomyurek
Adem Somyurek MP
adem.somyurek@ Funded from Parliamentary Budget
• Not react immediately if we dislike any thing. Rather, we would take time and try to respond in a calm and polite manner. • Ignore those useless talks that serve no purpose. • Ensure that we do not indulge in backbiting or demeaning anyone. • Ensure that we show kindness to youngsters and respect to elders. • Not focus on food and consume things that are not nutritious because Allah asks to be mindful of our health also. • Control our anger, egos, arrogance and rash talking. • Not hurt anyone and if we cross our limits we would immediately apologize. • Maintain quietness most of the time. • Greet everyone with a sweet smile. • Give our children a feel of taraweeh prayers by praying with them this nightly prayer. • Invite the poorer and the needy families to our homes at least once in the month of Ramadan to honor them. • Be generous in sharing our resources to the poor and the neglected. • Try to read the Quran with translation
and understanding if we do not know Arabic and with reflections if we know Arabic. • Spend sometime alone to observe prayers and recite the Quran and reflect on our life. • Focus on some of the suras of the Quran so that we could either memorize them or understand them in depth.. • Give the Zakat ul Fitr so that the money could be distributed in an organized manner to the poor and the needy. • Ensure that not a single prayer is delayed. • Give one book on Islam to anyone who wants to learn more about Islam. • Hug our children, our parents and our nearest ones to thank them for their presence in our lives and to remind ourselves of the importance of family. • Ignore the minor or major behavioral issues of people and treat them with patience. • Ensure that we would not visit internet sites that are provocative or that promote immorality. • Help our spouses in home chores and avoid criticizing them for their mistakes. • Always remember that all that we are doing is to fulfill our obligations to our Creator who seeks our wellbeing in this life and the life hereafter.
Peter Khalil MP Federal Member for Wills
In these difficult times our faith, love and charity for one another is critical to overcoming the challenges we face. If you live Brunswick, Coburg, Pascoe Vale, Glenroy, Hadfield, Oak Park or Fawkner and need information or assistance I am here to serve you. Please call or email and we will do our best to assist.
T: (03) 9350 5777 F: (03) 93506613 • Facebook & Instagram @PeterKhalilMP
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Ramadan, The month everyone waits for. Feed the Fasting Eid Clothing One of the most preferred acts of charity that a Muslim can perform during the blessed month of Ramadan is to feed other Muslims who are fasting. By supplying food to those who are fasting you will not only reap the benefits of your own fast, but also receive the equivalent amount of rewards of those who break their fast on one of your meals.
One of the most preferred sunnah acts on the day of Eid is to wear nice clothes and to present nicely to others, as a demonstration of your happpiness on such day. This is especially the case for children, who might enjoy and appreciate their new clothes on a different level. Unfortunately thousands of children
on this day do not enjoy this sort of celebration and happiness, because their parents or guardians (if any) cannot afford to provide for surch occasions. To participate in this great deed, donors can contribute any amount they wish towards purchasing clothes for these needy kids, and enable them to enjoy their Eid as was intended.
Human Appeal Australia considers this campaign to be one of their main priorities during Ramadan. With your help, funds can be allocated to specific countries, and our local field officers can prepare and distribute food to all those who need to break their fast.
Won’t be able to fast this Ramadan? Pay your fidya for $15 per day. Follow us for all Ramadan updates AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Westpac Bank Details: Human Appeal International Australia BSB: 032065 Acc: No. 328484
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Zakat al-Maal
Zakat al-Fitr
Zakat: A pillar of Islam
What is it?
Zakat is an annual tithe on one’s wealth or possessions and is one of Islam’s obligations and one of its five main pillars.
Zakat Al-Fitr is a small charitable donation that Muslims are obliged to pay at the end of Ramadan. The origin of the obligation can be dated to the month of Sha’ban in the second year of Hijrah. Ibn ‘Umar said: “Allah’s Messenger enjoined the payment of one portion of dates or one portion of barley as Zakat al-Fitr on every Muslim slave or free, male or female, young or old, and he ordered that it be paid before the people went out to offer the ‘Eid prayer.”
The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: “Islam was built upon five pillars: to witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, performing prayer, giving alms (Zakat), performing the pilgrimage, and fasting the month of Ramadan.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari]
When is it paid?
Sponsor a Family
It is not permissible to delay giving Zakat al-Fitr till after the day of Eid. Most scholars believe that it is permissible to pay Zakat al-Fitr a day or two before Eid. Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ordered them to pay Zakat Al-Fitr before the people went out to perform the ‘Eid prayer.
Who must give the zakat? There are conditions that must be satisfied by the person in order to give Zakat. In brief, these conditions are: 1. Islam. The person must be a Muslim 2. Adulthood. The Zakat is not needed from a child. 3. Sanity. The Zakat is not a must from an insane person. 4. Owning the money that is in excess of what’s needed for necessities. 5. The Nisab. It is a minimum amount of money that is owned by a person before Zakat Al-Maal can be levied. The Nisab for gold is 85 grams, and for silver, it is 595 grams. 6. The Nisab must be kept one year by the owner.
However some scholars like Al- Shafi’i and Abu Hanifa reported that it is permissible to pay Zakat Al-Fitr even in the beginning of Ramadan.
Provides a needy family with a food pack for the month of Ramadan.
per family
Sponsor an Orphan Sponsor an Orphan and be with the Prophet (pbuh) in Paradise.
per month
“The best charity is that given in Ramadan”
Build a Water Well Provide clean water solutions to the needy. This is a Sadaqa Jariya. from
- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Give Happiness Today. Visit Call 1300 760 155 Sydney Office: 119 Haldon St, Lakemba NSW 2195 P 02 9750 3161
Melbourne Office: 149 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058 P 03 8374 3000
Adelaide Office: 1/53 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End SA 5031 P 08 7200 2882
Brisbane Office: 16 Queens Rd, Slacks Creek QLD 4127 P 07 3493 4222
Perth Office: 2/1397 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107 P 08 6269 3556
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Coronavirus (COVID19) subject of the hour
n a d a m a R uba rak
Best wishes to everyone celebrating this holy month of Ramadan. Wishing you, your family and friends peace, happiness and prosperity.
Researcher Dr. Fatah Ahtesh Coronavirus (COVID-19) subject of the hour One of the weakest creatures of God, and it does not even can see via the ordinary microscope and needs an electron microscope in order to distinguish it, which is a protein consisting of RNA wrapped in a wall. It is inactive outside the cell. This creature defeated the human being the worst defeat, and sent fear to all the countries of the world, practicing and arresting a person in his home, compelling an unlimited choice throughout the earth, and God Almighty was testing our ability and knowing ourselves that whatever we learned. Oh people!!! You must follow quarantine and abide by the laws of prevention, as it is the only solution to prevent infection until this hour. There are some facts, that we must follow for prevention: Firstly, it is known that this virus is dangerous and deadly to people with weak immunity such as the elderly, and secondly, smokers from all age groups, it is to; take care of personal hygiene, and enhance immunity through healthy nutrition is by eating vegetables, fruits and multiplication From drinking green tea because it contains large quantities of polyphenols with natural properties as antibiotics. It is known that the virus is not active in the acidic environment, so we recommend that you eat a lot of natural acidic juices such as lemon juice. Also, in order to have seasonal influenza, it helps reduce immunity, so beware of infection from it, too, by isolating anyone who has it within the same family. Benefiting from the people who recovered from the disease as a result of the strength of their natural immunity, the speed with which the immune system knows the virus and the production of natural antibodies inside the blood, that their blood be used as a natural serum injected into people with newly infected people to strengthen and strengthen their immunity with regard to the type of blood type, while taking Note that the person who was cured is still a carrier of the virus. May God protect all humanity from this epidemic.
AlKauthar Melbourne Our webinar series on dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic continues with Ustadh Abu Muhammad, Sheikh Muhammad West, Sheikh Bilal Ismail, Sheikh Sajid Umar and Sheikh Alaa Elsayed Stay Home with AlKauthar!
Tune in to
Office: Shop 6, 15 Cleeve Close, Mt Druitt 2770 Email: Phone: (02) 9625 4344 ehusic @edhusicmp Authorised by Ed Husic, ALP, 6/15 Cleeve Close Mt Druitt
Landlords & Tenants COVID-19 Code of Conduct Nazim El-Bardouh Bardo Lawyers
On 7 April 2020 Prime Minister Scott Morrison released the Mandatory Code of Conduct setting out the leasing principles to be abided by landlords and tenants of commercial and retail tenancies during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The Code of Conduct applies to all tenancies that are suffering financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tenants with an annual turnover of up to $50 million that meet the eligibility requirements for the JobKeeper program will have the benefit this Code of Conduct for as long as the JobKeeper program remains operational. The objective of the Code of Conduct is to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tenants and calls for all
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
landlords and tenants to act in an open, honest and transparent manner. The key points under the Code of Conduct are: Tenants are to continue to pay rent, however where tenants can demonstrate financial stress or hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic they may negotiate appropriate temporary arrangements with the landlord, taking into account their particular circumstances. A landlord cannot terminate the lease due to non-payment of rent. Tenants must not breach other terms of the lease. If a tenant does not remain committed to the terms of their lease, they may lose the protections arising under the Code of Conduct. Landlords must offer a
reduction in rent in proportion to the reduction in turnover experienced by the tenant in the form of waivers and deferrals. At least half of any reduction provided must be waived, with the remainder to be deferred. The tenant will pay the landlord the deferred rent over the balance of the lease term or over 24 months – whichever is longer. To get advice on your rights and responsibilities under the Code of Conduct, contact the team at Bardo Lawyers
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Hadiths About Ramadan
Incomparable Reward
Ramadan Mubarak
1. Umm Saleem (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “(The performance of) `Umrah during Ramadan is equal (in reward) to performing Hajj with me.“(Authenticated by Al-Albani) 2. Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Every action a son of Adam does shall be multiplied—a good action by ten times its value, up to 700 times. Allah says: With the exception of fasting, which belongs to Me, and I reward it accordingly. For, one abandons his desire and food for My sake. There are two occasions of joy for a fasting person: one when he breaks his fast, and the other when he meets his Lord, and the (bad) breath (of a fasting person) is better in the sight of Allah than the fragrance of musk. (Al-Bukhari). 3. Abu Ayub (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whosoever fasts in Ramadan and then follows it with fasting six days of Shawwal, it is as if he fasts forever.” (Muslim).
Oral Training and Self-Disciplining 4. Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said Fasting is a shield; so when one of you is fasting he should neither indulge in obscene language nor should he raise his voice in anger. If someone attacks him or insults him, let him say: “I am fasting!” (Muslim).
Authorised by L.Burney, ALP, 203/13A Montgomery Street, Kogarah NSW 2217
Support for those experiencing financial hardship As the ongoing spread of the coronavirus continues to affect the global economy, many people in Australia are losing jobs, livelihoods and financial stability. For information and services provided by the Australian government, please visit Services Australia: individuals/subjects/affectedcoronavirus-covid-19 1. If you are experiencing financial hardship, National Debt Helpline offers free financial counselling. 2. Qard Hassan Victoria NILS offers small, interest-free
loans of up to $1500 to people on low incomes for the purchase of essential household goods and services, education and medical expenses. There are absolutely no fees, service charges or any other costs for the borrower. For more information you can visit:
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Wisdom Behind Fasting The Purpose of Fasting Firstly:
we must note that one of the names of Allah is al-Hakim (the Most Wise). The word Hakim is derived from the same root as hukm (ruling) and hikmah (wisdom). Allah alone is the One Who issues rulings, and His rulings are the most wise and perfect.
Allah does not prescribe any ruling but there is great wisdom behind it, which we may understand, or our minds may not be guided to understand it. We may know some of it but a great deal is hidden from us.
Thirdly: Allah has mentioned the reason and wisdom behind His enjoining of fasting upon us, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): O you who believe! Observing AsSawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious) [Noble Quran 2:183] Fasting is a means of attaining taqwa (piety, being conscious of Allah), and taqwa means doing that which Allah has enjoined and avoiding that which He has forbidden. Fasting is one of the greatest means of helping a person to fulfill the commands of Islam. The scholars have mentioned some of the reasons why fasting is prescribed, all of which are characteristics of taqwa, but there is nothing wrong with quoting them here, to draw the attention of fasting people to them and make them keen to attain them. Source:
Ramadan Mubarak
On behalf of the City of Canterbury Bankstown, I offer my sincerest respects to our Muslim community during the holy month of Ramadan. May God’s peace and rich blessings be upon you and your family at this uncertain and difficult time in our City, country and across the world.
Clr Khal Asfour Mayor City of Canterbury Bankstown
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
I hope that you, your family and loved ones are keeping safe and well during this coronavirus crisis. I want to wish you a happy and safe Ramadan and hope you enjoy it with your family while staying at home.
Cr. Lambros Tapinos Mayor of the City of Moreland
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
May you have a Ramadan full of devotion & meaning.
Ram adan Mub arak ADAM BANDT
Greens Leader
Senator for VIC
Authorised by J McColl, Australian Greens, Canberra ACT 2600
COVID-19 Support Grants Open South Australia The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic has changed the way we live, work and interact with each other, and had a devastating impact on many people’s lives and livelihoods. Now more than ever, our not for profit organisations including multicultural community associations
are rising to the challenge to provide invaluable support and much-needed services to the most vulnerable members of our community during the COVID-19 public health emergency. The South Australian Government has announced a new ‘COVID-19 Support Grant’ to support not for profit organisations continue their vital work to provide services to
vulnerable and disadvantaged people in our state. Grants of up to $10,000 are available to eligible not-for-profit community organisations so they can continue to deliver programs during the COVID-19 public health emergency. I encourage all eligible multicultural community organisations which are providing support and relief services to vulnerable community members to
consider applying for the COVID-19 Support Grants. Applications open 20th April 2020 and close at 3pm 20th October 2020 Applications will be assessed as they are submitted, rather than waiting for allocated round dates like the normal Grants SA program. For further information please visit: grants-for-organisations/grants-sa
May you and your family enjoy the blessings of this special time. AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Reflection by ICOM students on Distance Learning
Farhad Ahmadi (11B) College Vice-Captain “Before this world-wide pandemic, I always wished for school to be online, relaxing at home, sitting in your comfort zone and enjoying school... somehow at least. These past few weeks, I’ve realised how uncomfortable and boring it is. Missing the beautiful faces of my class mates and the constant “shhhh” from teachers. It really makes you feel the difference and how ungrateful we can be. The school has done really well in organising a way for us to learn at home whilst we also abide to legislation set out by the Government. Starting the day at 8:55am having your pen in one hand a glass of orange juice in the other and waiting for your fellow classmates to join the Zoom meetings is a different feeling... a different virtual world. Personally, I’ve found online learning useful (except for the part where I’m still half a sleep, trying to find the link for Period 1). It allows us to continue our studies (more critical for us Year 11’s and 12’s) and cover content without having to worry that we won’t get through it. It’s allowed us to continue to see our
classmates and teachers virtually and socially engage with them, all these factors important to our health and wellbeing. However, the e-learning platform is not perfect and I don’t expect it to be nor will it ever be. It can be agreed upon that sitting in a classroom with walls, a whiteboard, teachers and classmates surrounding you is a different feeling and environment than sitting in front of your computer for five hours. For many and myself personally, I’ve found it difficult to work efficiently and effectively during periods and manage my dedicated study times at home to complete homework. Finishing a period and instantly joining the next meeting for the next class means we have no breaks. Although we don’t have these breaks between periods published at school, switching between classes for the next class is sort of a break. More importantly, I’ve found that e-learning has greatly impacted my efficiency and effective study methods in studying for upcoming topic tests and SACs. Because of being in front of a screen for five hours straight, I can’t continue to exercise such activity and thus not able to revise as I was able to, before e-learning. If anything, I’ve learned that firstly technology will never replace humans and real-world activities and this just proves that contention. Secondly, I say Alhamdullilah for everything we have. This pandemic it self is a test from Allah (SWT) and is testing our patience and Imaan. This has caused me to reflect on the things that I once used to neglect, things that I had but wished we didn’t or that it was done in another way. Ungratefulness is the word. I’m sure that once this is all over and our normal lives resume, I for one would be excited to see my friends and teachers again, but also we will be excited to see each other.”
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Sara Hawari Year 12 ICOM Student Firstly I would like to thank my school for giving me this opportunity to reflect on my experience with the E-Learning programme we have been obliged to do due to the current circumstances of the corona virus. I ask Allah SWT to protect us all and lift this calamity from us In shaa Allah. Everyone knows that these have been tough times for all but we will get through it with the will of Allah. Online learning is a new experience for us all and there is no doubt it has been challenging for both students and teachers. Personally, I have been coping well with this learning style but there are some difficulties that I face. One of the main issues is motivation. The school environment is a much more effective learning environment as it sets our mind to our studies with no distractions. I think being in our school uniform has helped us concentrate and has kind of built that school environment we were used to. In saying that, I strongly believe that being in a class is also much more operative because we have our peers around us to collaborate with and share our learning.
Another challenge with online learning is that sitting in front of a screen can be ineffective as we can lose concentration. Because students have different learning styles, online learning only accommodates for visual and auditory learners and not so much kinaesthetic learners. Yes, it has some downsides to it, but it also has positives. The interaction between the students and the teachers is still present especially that zoom features the video option where the students and teachers can see each other. Another great thing about online learning is that I feel very comfortable being in my own environment and many students feel that too. They are not restricted to being in the same place. Moreover, I felt that online learning has allowed us to achieve more work in a shorter amount of time because of less interruptions as well as the teachers hard work to provide us with excellent resources in order to assist our learning journey. Finally, as a year 12 students experiencing these challenges, it has made me reflect and contemplate that no matter what hardships we come across, it is never the end of the world and that Allah SWT has planned for us every day and step of our lives so we need to believe that Allah is the best of planners and that he will help us all cross this barrier. It really made me reflect on how quickly things can change and the power Allah SWT has and what he can do with it. On an ending note, I would like to recognise that all my teachers have been putting a lot of effort into making our online classes as effective as possible and I ask Allah SWT to reward them all for their hard work. May Allah allow us to reach Ramadan safe and sound and shower us with his blessings and mercy.
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Develop Compassion
Elevates the Spirit
Fasting inculcates in us patience, unselfishness, and gratitude. When we fast we feel the pains of deprivation and hunger, and learn how to endure it patiently. The meaning of this powerful experience in a social and humanitarian context is that we are much quicker than anybody else in sympathizing with the oppressed and needy around the world, and responding to their needs. “It is the month to visit the poor, the sick, and the needy to share their sorrows. It is the month where the food, sustenance and the earnings of a believing Muslim increases and they are blessed,” says the Final Prophet of God, Muhammad (peace be upon him), a man who was known for his noble humanitarian causes, for social justice, and for being the first to respond to other’s needs, despite the fact that he himself lived a very simple and humble life. It is only during such a trying time as Ramadan that we can reflect on the condition of those in this world who may not be as fortunate as us.
Fasting elevates the human spirit and increases our awareness of God. It strengthens our will-power as we learn to rise above our lower desires. The institution of fasting is both unique and a shared experience in human history. From the very beginning of time, humans have struggled to master their physical and psychological selves: their bodies and their emotions. Hunger is one the most powerful urges that we experience. Many, through over- or under-eating or consumption of unhealthy foods, abuse this urge. Thus, when a person purposefully denies something to their own self that it craves, they are elevating their mind above their body, and their reason and will above their carnal passions. “A fasting person empties his stomach of all the material things: to fill his soul with peace and blessings, to fill his heart with love and sympathy, to fill his spirit with piety and Faith, to fill his mind with wisdom and resolution,” says H. Abdalati in Islam in Focus. The person who can rule their desires and make them work, as they like, has attained true moral excellence.
Reasons To Fast
Ramadan Mubarak
Katie Hall MP
Member for Footscray 204 Nicholson St, Footscray VIC 3011 E: P: 9689 4283 Funded by parliamentary budget AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police
Graham Ashton AM On behalf of Victoria Police, I am delighted to extend our warmest wishes to the Muslim community. Ramadan is a wonderful opportunity to be with your loved ones. We understand how significant a celebration this is for our community to spend time together and share in the Iftar meal. In light of recent events and COVID-19 (coronavirus), Ramadan will look a little different this year, so it is more important than ever for us to continue supporting one another, and show care and compassion. While we may not be able to celebrate our annual Iftar dinner this year, we continue to show support for our Muslim community during Ramadan. This year, I will celebrate
Ramadan for the last time as Chief Commissioner of Police. I have cherished every opportunity to show support for our Muslim community over the years. In these unprecedented times, our Victoria Police officers across the state look forward to acknowledging Ramadan with local Islamic communities, albeit in different ways compared to previous years. We are grateful for the efforts of the Victoria Police Muslim Association, which continuously shows great leadership when it comes to improving relationships with both our Muslim community and colleagues. Ramadan Mubarak to everyone. May your Ramadan festivities be safe, peaceful, and blessed.
The holy month of Ramadan is a time of fasting, prayer, charity and reflection. As Ramadan begins I send all Muslims my best wishes for peace, good health, and for unity in these difficult times. May you have a blessed Ramadan.
Chin Tan
Race Discrimination Commissioner
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Minister for citizenship and multicultural interests Ramadan 2020
السالم عليكم
I express my best wishes to Muslim Western Australians at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. I realise that, this year, congregational prayers at mosques, and community Iftar gatherings that are so much a part of the month of Ramadan will not be possible as we face this challenging time together. Despite this, I have no doubt that the month of Ramadan will provide the ideal opportunity for reflection, renewal and inspiration, so that Western Australia Muslims will emerge stronger, both as individuals and as a community. I thank the imams, community leaders and all Muslim Western Australians for adhering to the gathering and social distancing requirements and observing Ramadan rituals from homes. On behalf of the Government of Western Australia, I wish you all a peaceful and serene month of Ramadan. Ramadan Kareem!
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
VIC An additional 21,000 internet dongles will be delivered to Victorian students thanks to an agreement between the Victorian Government and Telstra. Minister for Education James Merlino announced an extra 21,000 internet dongles will be available to help meet the significant demand for internet access from Victorian students now they have moved to remote and flexible learning. This is in addition to the 5,000 SIM cards and dongles already announced and brings the total to 26,000. The internet access devices are in addition to the more than 48,000 laptops and tablets that have already been loaned to Victorian students since the start of Term 2. This includes more than 29,000 laptops and tablets loaned to primary school students, more than 12,500 to secondary school students, and more than 1,800 to special school students. The first tranche of SIM cards and dongles are being rolled out
to schools, with priority given to senior secondary students, students in bushfire-affected areas, and families who cannot afford an internet connection at home. Almost all Victorian students are learning from home during Term 2 to increase physical distancing and slow the spread of coronavirus. Victorian schools have been using both online and offline education materials that can be completed by students at home. The recently launched Learning from Home website also provides online and offline resources for schools, students and families to help teach and learn remotely. “We’re making sure no child misses out on learning during this period – providing a device to every child that needs one as well as internet access to thousands of Victorian students.” Minister for Education James Merlino said. “This new agreement will mean a further 21,000 internet access devices will be available to support Victorian students while they learn from home.”
More Support To Keep Families And Children Safe Foster and kinship carers will receive a one-off $600 payment for every child they care for, as part of a package of support from the Victorian Government for some of our state’s most inneed children and families. Minister for Child Protection Luke Donnellan today announced an additional $77.5 million over the next two years to support some of Victoria’s most at-risk children by bolstering the staff, resources and services available to them. The coronavirus pandemic is placing immense pressure on these families as well as the frontline workers who support them, including financial challenges, physical distancing restrictions and the potential for heightened family violence. The package includes $46 million to increase the capacity of family services to provide outreach support to the most vulnerable Victorian families. In a new model of care, specialist family services teams with staff from
service providers and child protection practitioners will deliver intensive and integrated support so families can immediately access the services they need, when they need them most. The teams will also help families to access things like immunisation, childcare, kinder and school – so no child falls through the cracks. They will also help in supporting families on practical coping strategies and video conferencing technology to stay connected while ‘stay at home’ restrictions are in place. Another $11 million will provide extra financial support for carers most in need and a one-off payment of $600 to all foster and kinship carers per child in their care to help cover the additional costs of full-time caring at home. The investment will also go towards dedicated phone support with up-to-date advice, funding to increase much needed respite time, and increased efforts for identifying kinship options for children and young people. Our landmark Home Stretch
program will be expanded with nearly $4 million to support all young people currently in care who are due to turn 18 before December this year. During these uncertain times, the program will allow them to keep their current foster or kinship care living arrangements or support as they transition to independence. More than $15 million will support residential care service providers to form mobile response teams that will bolster staff where needed and proactively respond to the needs of every young person. It will also help to ensure residential homes are properly cleaned to ensure the safety and hygiene standards needed during this crisis. The Government will also provide workforce supports, ensuring agencies and the Department of Health and Human Services can replace frontline workers in the children and family sector if staff cannot perform their duties because of coronavirus.
I hope you all have a safe month of blessings and peaceful reflection and a lovely Eid-ul-Fitr with loved ones in these difficult times | | 02 9211 1500 Authorised Mehreen Faruqi, The Greens, Parliament House, Canberra 2600 AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Extra Devices And Internet Delivered For Remote Learning
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Healthy nutrition and fasting prevent Dementia Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
Today, scientists confirm that periodic fasting and following healthy nutrition system can prevent 90% of physical and psychological diseases ,let us read…
What is dementia? Dementia (meaning “deprived of mind”) is a serious cognitive disorder. It may be static, the result of a unique global brain injury or progressive, resulting in long-term decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the body beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Although dementia is far more common in the geriatric population, it may occur in any stage of adulthood. This age cutoff is
defining, as similar sets of symptoms due to organic brain syndrome or dysfunction, are given different names in populations younger than adult. Dementia is a non-specific illness syndrome (set of signs and symptoms) in which affected areas of cognition may be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. It is normally required to be present for at least 6 months to be diagnosed.
Effect of Healthy nutrition and fasting “Healthy nutrition and periodic fasting activate brain” Says Hanz diteleyv Vasman director of the Department of Neurosurgery at University of Münster hospital. Also
he confirms that calories restriction prevents disorders in the brain’s functions and reduces the possibility of dementia. He added that researches proved that healthy and low calories foods which are full of the fatty acid(omega3 ) increase the efficiency of delivering signals in the brain. The neurons (nerve cells) in the brain are the most important cells in the human body so that we have to get healthy nutrition to feed these cells and to prevent many diseases. Scientists confirm that fasting plays a vital role to activate the brain cells.
quality food). 3. After the second day of fasting you normally do not feel hunger; whereas, while on a calorierestricted diet, it is not uncommon to feel hunger every day. With experience, it is much easier to get used to fasting. 4.While on an ordinary caloricrestriction regime you have to spend time eating meals 365 days per year. But with the alternative method you save that time on fast-days. If fasting 100 days per year, you only spend time eating on the remaining 265 days.
Fasting and regular calorie restriction
Omega-3 is important for quite a few reasons, some of which being;
Experts and researchers had proved that regular calories restriction is an effective technique to get healthy life also they believe that periodic fasting is more efficient for the following reasons: 1. Fasting is an effective curative and treatment method. While fasting, the whole organism has an opportunity to cure itself, due to an intensification of natural repair processes. Caloric restriction has not been proven to have such powerful curative benefits. 2. If you are aiming for an 1800 kcal daily average and fasting 100 days per year, then on the other days you do not need to restrict yourself to 1800 kcal a day; you can eat a “normal” 2500 kcal ration of daily meals. (You should of course in any case take care to eat healthy, high-
• Regulation of blood clotting • Boosting artery wall relaxation and contraction • Strengthening of cell membranes • Normalizing the speed at which your heart beats • Brain development and growth As usual religion of Islam had preceded all scientists and researchers all over the world as Allah almighty says in His holy book fourteen centuries ago : (and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not Al-Musrifûn (those who waste by extravagance))(Sûrat Al-A‘râf-verse 31), also He almighty says:( And that you fast is better for you if only you know.)(Sûrat Al-Baqarah-verse184).
Julie Owens Owens MP Julie Your local Federal Member for Parramatta
رﻣﺿﺎن ﻣﺑﺎرك Ramadan Mubarak
Ramadan Mubarak
أﻃﻴﺐ اﻟﺘﻤﻨﻴﺎت ﻟﻜﻢ وﻟﻌﺎﺋﻠﺘﻜﻢ وأﺻﺪﻗﺎﺋﻜﻢ ﰲ ﻫﺬا اﻟﺸﻬﺮ اﻟﻔﻀﻴﻞ، واﻟﺘﴬع ّ ﺷﻬﺮ اﻹﻤﻳﺎن واﻟﺪﻋﺎء.
During this period of peace, faith and humility we hope you have a blessed Ramadan with family and friends. 1/25 Smith St, Parramatta Phone: 9689 1455 JulieOwensMP
Authorised by Julie Owens MP, Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch) 1/25 Smith St, Parramatta NSW 2150
Christine Couzens MP Member for Geelong
Ph: 5221 4821 E: A: Shop 9, Pakington Strand 95 Pakington St Geelong West 3218 Twitter: @CCouzensMP
، ﺣزب اﻟﻌﻣﺎل اﻻﺳﺗراﻟﻲ،ﺻرﺣت ﺑذﻟك اﻟﻧﺎﺋب ﺟوﻟﻲ أوﯾﻧز 1/25 Smith St, Parramatta NSW 2150
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
“funded from the Parliamentary Budget”
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
By Bilal Cleland
One stark fact which has emerged from the present coronavirus crisis is that inequality kills. The proportion of Afro-Americans dying of Covid-19 in the USA is far beyond what would be expected. “Earlier this week, officials in Chicago, Illinois were among the first to release a racial breakdown of the city’s 6,100 cases. More than half were African American, despite only the group only accounting for 30 percent of the city’s 2.7 million residents. Seven in 10 patients who died from COVID-19 in the city were African American, officials said…. In Louisiana, where 32 percent of the population is African American, that group accounted for 70 percent of COVID-19-related deaths…In Michigan, where the coronavirus hit early and hard, African-Americans make up just 14 percent of the state’s population but 40 percent of the dead.” [10 Apr 2020 Coronavirus is disproportionately killing African Americans Al Jazeera] This is directly related to the living and working conditions of the AfroAmerican population. “This is the result of decades of substandard housing; living in food deserts, which can lead to higher rates of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease; and more respiratory diseases, due to poor environmental conditions. Being underemployed and underinsured has made many Latin and Black people especially vulnerable in this unprecedented health crisis.” [10 April 2020 Boston Globe] When considering why this impact is so profound upon the disadvantaged, the answer which the Americans themselves keep coming up with is the lack of a publicly funded universal health care system. The lack of such a basic necessity is attributed to …” the result of other dysfunctional aspects of American society, including the corruption of our political system by powerful commercial and class interests and the American “exceptionalism” that blinds us to what we can learn from other countries.” [27 March 2020 Common Dreams] Although it is becoming common for conservative governments to claim that it is the coronavirus which has produced the economic and social crisis, there is plenty of evidence that things were far from acceptable or satisfactory in the years before this crisis. Well before the break-out of the virus it was clear that inequality
kills. When the economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton first published their research on “deaths of despair” five years ago, they focused on middleaged whites. So many white workingclass Americans in their 40s and 50s were dying of suicide, alcoholism and drug abuse that the overall mortality rate for the age group was no longer falling – a rare and shocking pattern in a modern society. Their research focused on whites with and without college degrees. They found that although deaths of despair were fairly low in the 1990s …” over the past three decades, deaths of despair among whites without a college degree — especially those under age 50 — have soared.” “Deaths rates from suicide, alcoholism and drug abuse among whites surpassed the rates for blacks shortly after 2000, for example. … Overall life expectancy remains significantly higher for whites than blacks.” What Case and Deaton found was that the American health care industry must carry much of the blame. ”We spend twice per capita what France spends on health care, but our life expectancy is four years shorter, our rates of maternal and infant death are almost twice as high, and, unlike the French, we leave 30 million people uninsured. The amount Americans spend unnecessarily on health care weighs more heavily on our economy, Case and Deaton write, than the Versailles Treaty reparations did on Germany’s in the 1920s.” [6 March 2020 How Working-Class Life Is Killing Americans, in Charts David Leonhardt and Stuart A. Thompson NYT] For those nay-sayers who try to obscure the costs of inequality and wage injustice, The Economist had something to contribute. “A new paper in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health finds that as well as raising earnings, minimum wages may also improve workers’ mental health. Using data from all 50 American states and the District of Columbia from 1990 to 2015, the authors estimate that a $1 increase in the minimum wage is associated with a 3.5% decline in the suicide rate among adults aged 18 to 64 with a high-school education or less. [20 January 2020] In contrast to this poverty and the threat to life which it involves, is the indulgence of the corporate elite. “The chasm between what the country’s corporate leaders and their workers earn is widening to Grand Canyon-like proportions, according to new research that shows CEO
compensation surged 940% between 1978 to 2018 while the average worker saw a meager 12% pay hike over the same 40-year period. [14 August 2019 CBS News] The relatively tiny Australian economy reflects what is happening in all of those countries following the economic philosophies of the USA. “A report commissioned by Anglicare from Per Capita shows that major tax concessions to the top end cost taxpayers $135 billion a year, far more than the combined cost of Newstart, the age pension, family assistance payments and disability payments.” “It is even more telling when more than half of these handouts go to the richest fifth of Australian society. They get $68.5 billion a year. Every person on a wage has to pay $37 a week to fund this.” [15 November 2020 The Pen] It is becoming apparent that this injustice must result in social unrest and upheaval. “…it would be naive to think that, once this medical emergency is over, either individual countries or the
Inequality, Instability and the Virus world can carry on as before. Anger and bitterness will find new outlets.” “In time, these passions could become new populist or radical movements, intent on sweeping aside whatever ancien regime they define as the enemy. …As the coronavirus sweeps the world, it hits the poor much harder than the better off. One consequence will be social unrest, even revolutions.” [11 April 2020 Andreas Kluth This Pandemic Will Lead to Social Revolutions Bloomberg Opinion] Only the increased involvement in the political process by people of good will can ensure that the old normal is not re-established. The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.
Nazih Elasmar OAM MLC
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
A: 352 Bell Street, Preston VIC 3072 T: (03) 9981 3547 E: funded from the Parliamentary Budget
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Lose Weight and Gain Spirituality By: Mohammed Alo The human body is very smart. The body figures out that it is only getting one meal a day and decides that it needs to store everything. So everything you eat gets stored as fat. The best practice would be to remember to wake up early and have a sensible meal, but that may not always work out. You can easily use the occasion of Ramadan to lose some weight and shed some pounds. You don’t have to stop eating or avoid going
to dinner break-fast parties (Iftars). You just have to follow a few guidelines. • First of all, avoid eating too many carbohydrates. Muslims love carbohydrates. Most Iftar dinners are composed of a ton of carbohydrates. Pasta, rice, bread, sweets and sugars are the most common culprits. Try to avoid these. No your host will not be offended. Instead of eating a ton of rice with the red sauce, try to cut the rice out totally and just have the sauce. Load up on salad and drink diet pop. Carbs are the worse thing person can eat if they are trying to lose
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
weight. • Secondly, eat lots of protein. If you avoid carbohydrates and eat tons of protein, you will stop feeling hungry and end up eating less. And even if you eat tons of proteins, you will still lose weight. Eat chicken, beef, lamb, turkey, veal, eggs, and seafood. Contrary to popular belief an all meat diet will decrease your cholesterol and blood sugar. Recent studies in the New England Journal of Medicine and other reputable medical journals have proven this time and time again. • Thirdly, eat some fiber.
Green, leafy vegetables are great for getting your system flowing. Have all the salad you want. Don’t use “fat free” dressing. Fat free usually means “tons of sugar”. It’s the sugar that is making us fatter. Also, avoid fruits, a piece or two a day is fine, but they usually contain a lot of sugar. • Avoid sugary drinks. Tea, coffee, pop, and juices all contain tons of sugar. Try to drink diet drinks and use Splenda as a sugar substitute. It is made of real sugar and tastes like real sugar, but does not make you gain weight nor does it have the side-effects of other
sugar substitutes. • Following this high protein diet, your body will turn into a fat burning machine. Your body doesn’t get the sugar from the diet, so it has to burn fat to make fuel. Even while you sleep the fat will burn right off. • Along with extra prayers and spirituality, this is a quick easy way to get the most out of your Ramadan. Note: Always check with your doctor before beginning any diet and exercise plan. This article does not constitute medical advice. Source: Toledomuslims
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Strengthening dangerous goods laws to keep people safe VIC New statebased modelling shows staying at home and other physical distancing requirements are working to slow the spread of coronavirus, saving thousands of Victorian lives. The modelling, undertaken by Monash University and the Doherty Institute, in collaboration with epidemiology experts in the Department of Health and Human Services, finds that if no physical distancing restrictions were in place, Victoria would have seen up to 58,000 new coronavirus cases every day at the peak of the pandemic, overwhelming our health system. The data also reveals that if
a business-as-usual approach had been adopted, 10,000 intensive care beds would have been required and as many as 9,200 Victorians would have been presenting to hospital every single day. Tragically, it also shows the immense human cost of the pandemic, with as many as 36,000 Victorians dying – that’s averaging 70 lives lost every day and up to 650 deaths in a day during the peak. The modelling also shows that Victoria’s ‘Reff’ number – the projected number of infections passed on by a person with coronavirus – has dropped to 0.5. If Reff is kept below one, an outbreak slowly wanes. If it is above one, it grows. Thanks to current restrictions and the
overwhelming number of Victorians doing the right thing, the modelling confirms that our curve is flattening. Victoria’s curve compares favourably with other countries that also acted early, like South Korea and New Zealand. Together, our actions have made a real difference and slowed the spread of coronavirus in Victoria. By acting early and decisively, the catastrophic outcomes we have seen in places like Europe and New York have not happened here. But there is still a long way to go. Now is not the time for complacency. The modelling shows that if we were to lift restrictions too quickly or too broadly, coronavirus would spread rapidly
through our community once again, overwhelming the health system and putting everything we have achieved at risk. That’s why our message to Victorians remains the same: Stay home. Protect our health system. Save lives. Any decision to ease restrictions after the current State of Emergency will be informed by public health experts and modelling, combined with international experience. The modelling can be found here: www.coronavirus.vic. “With Victorians doing the right thing and staying home, we’ve been able to slow the spread of the virus – if we stay the course and don’t get complacent,
we will get through this together.” Premier Daniel Andrews said. “We’ll continue to take the advice of our public health experts, informed by the data, as we make decisions about when is the right time to ease some of the restrictions that we have in place.” “We thank all Victorians for playing a part in saving lives – we have a long way to go, but we should all take pride in the positive impact of our efforts.” Minister for Health Jenny Mikakos said. For information about coronavirus visit coronavirus. or call 1800 675 398.
During these difficult times I’d like to wish you and your loved ones a blessed and holy Ramadan. May your fasting, charity and prayers all be answered and recorded. I know you will practice the articles of faith and thank you in advance for helping those less fortunate. Ramadan Kareem
أتمنى،يف هذه األوقات الصعبة .ًلكم وألحبابكم رمضاناً مباركا نسأل اهلل أن يتقبل صيامكم .وصالتكم وصدقاتكم أعلم انكم تمارسون ركنا من ً وأقدّر لكم مسبقا،اركان الدين ما تقدمونه من مساعدات للذين ّ هم .اقل منكم حظا
Ramadan Mubarak
رمضان كريم
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Ramadan Mubarak Given the unfolding situation relating to COVID-19 in Australia and across the world, here at the City of Charles Sturt, our focus is on our community. Times of crisis can provide us with an opportunity to assess what is important in life, and help other people and our community in whatever way we can. This Ramadan you may not be able to connect for daily prayers, but I strongly encourage you to spend time abstaining, reflecting on your own beliefs and values and praying in the comfort and safety of your own homes. Regardless of faith, let us channel the spirit of Ramadan to consider those in need. Let us keep in mind our friends, family and all vulnerable people at this difficult time, so that we can make it through this together.
Mayor Angela Evans
The Holy Month of Ramadan is a time of fasting, prayer and charity and is a reminder of the important contribution Australian Muslims make in our community. As we welcome the beginning of Ramadan this week, I wish all Muslims the very best for a Blessed Ramadan.
Office: Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl 2196 Phone: (02) 9750 9088 Email: @Tony_Burke Tony Burke MP Authorised by Tony Burke MP, Australian Labor Party, Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl 2196
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Support for those experiencing financial hardship As the ongoing spread of the coronavirus continues to affect the global economy, many people in Australia are losing jobs, livelihoods and financial stability. For information and services provided by the Australian government, please visit Services Australia: individuals/subjects/affectedcoronavirus-covid-19 1. If you are experiencing financial hardship, National Debt Helpline offers free financial counselling. 2. Qard Hassan Victoria NILS offers small, interest-free loans of up to $1500 to people on low incomes for the purchase of essential household goods and services, education and medical expenses. There are absolutely no fees, service charges or any other costs for the borrower. For more information you can visit:
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
ICV Special Memorial Gathering for Victims & Survivors of the Christchurch Massacre
The ICV held a memorial gathering to mark the date of the Christchurch Massacre at the ICV headquarters. In attendance were members from the three major parties in Victoria, Danny Pearson (State Government), Neil Angus (Liberal) and Samantha Ratnam (Greens). Also attending was
the Consul General for New Zealand in Melbourne, Vanessa O’ Neill, VMC Chairperson – Vivienne Nguyen, Deputy VMC Chairperson – Maria Dimopoulos, Rateb Jneid – President of AFIC, Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann (Ark Centre) and members from the Muslim community. ICV President Mohamed Mohideen
stated how important it was for communities to work together to promote understanding and acceptance of each other’s faith while supporting the community to combat racism and bigotry through love and compassion. He spoke about the love and support that was extended to the Muslim community
just after the massacre and about the 50,000 visiting the Mosques last year. ‘We cried, we hugged and laughed together as the nation came together to heal and comfort each other”. He also said it was important to be vigilant and work together to combat Islamophobia and AntiSemitism.
Stay home and be safe to you and your family.
Ramadan Mubarak
Natalie Suleyman MP State Member for St Albans Keilor Downs Shopping Centre 80 Taylors Road, Keilor Downs VIC 3038 Ph: (03) 9367 9925 Funded from Parliamentary Budget
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
New Visa Service Available to Migrant Workers in NSW Unions NSW is scaling up a new visa service, Visa Assist, to provide free visa and immigration advice to people working in New South Wales. This comes as unions are campaigning to include migrant workers in the Australian Government’s financial assistance payments for coronavirus. Visa Assist includes advice and assistance on the effects of the current coronavirus pandemic on visas and immigration. It also provides
assistance with sponsored visas, graduate visas, pathways to permanent residency, student visas, citizenship, family visas and visa renewals or extensions. Legal advice from migrant agents and lawyers can cost upwards of several thousand dollars, however Visa Assist is free to union members in Sydney and New South Wales. A union membership can cost as little as $200 a year and provides additional workplace rights advice and other assistance. The service is run in partnership with the
Immigration Advice and Rights Centre (IARC). IARC is a community legal centre with three decades experience in migration law. Advice is provided by visa and migration law experts and registered migration lawyers. All discussions with IARC lawyers are confidential. Studies show that legal advice can increase visa and immigration success. For example, a study by Macquarie University found that appeals of migration decisions to Administrative Appeals Tribunal were seven
times more likely to succeed with legal representation. Unions NSW Secretary, Mark Morey, said Visa Assist was designed to bridge the gap between immigration and workplace law. “Unions have been campaigning for migrant workers to be provided Government support during the coronavirus pandemic. The virus can affect all of us. No worker should be left behind during this pandemic. “Australian workers are entitled decent wages, safety, superannuation or penalty rates. However,
many workers do not receive their entitlements. “Our partnership with IARC strives to improve that situation. We want to help recent migrants and migrant workers stand tall and demand their workplace rights. To do that, they need to fully understand both immigration and workplace laws and they need first class advice. For more information about Visa Assist, or to use the service, visit this website: https://www.unionsnsw. and_help/
Ramadan Mubarak Wishing families in our community a blessed Ramadan.
Stay Safe & S av e LiveS Bronwyn Halfpenny MP
State Member For Thomastown Government Whip in the Legislative Assembly A: Suite 10, 2 Graystone Court Epping VIC 3076 Ph: (03) 9401 2711 E: bronwyn.halfpenny@ Funded from Parliamentary Budget AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ph 3299 5910 /jim4rankin @JEChalmers jim_chalmers_mp
Authorised by Jim Chalmers, Australian Labor Parry (Qld) Unit 2A, Logan Central Plaza, Woodridge, QLD, 4114
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Strengthening dangerous goods laws to keep people safe The Andrews Labor Government will undertake a comprehensive review of the Victoria’s dangerous goods laws to help stamp out unsafe chemical stockpiling and keep Victorians safe. Andrew Palmer, QC, has been appointed to conduct the review of the Dangerous Goods Act 1985 and associated regulations. The review is the latest step in the Government’s ongoing response to chemical stockpiling after two large chemical fires in West Footscray in August 2018 and Campbellfield in April 2019. Immediately following the 2018 fire, WorkSafe led a blitz on industrial premises to ensure dangerous chemicals were being stored
correctly. Government agency investigations led to the discovery of waste chemicals stockpiled at 13 sites in Melbourne’s north last year. A WorkSafe-led taskforce has so far removed more than 13 million litres of the stockpiled waste chemicals, clearing four sites in Epping, three in Craigieburn and three in Campbellfield. The final three sites in Campbellfield are currently being cleared. The Labor Government last year introduced tough new penalties of up to 10 years in jail and fines of more than $6.4 million for rogue operators who recklessly manufacture, store, transport, transfer,
sell or use dangerous goods in a way that places another person in danger of death. WorkSafe has charged Bradbury Industrial Services with 35 breaches of the Dangerous Goods Act in relation to five of the sites in Campbellfield and Craigieburn. A review of the Act is important to ensure our laws are up to the task of protecting the community from the unacceptable risk that stockpiling of dangerous goods poses and to deal with those who do it. A final report and recommendations are expected to be delivered to the Government next year, with opportunities for public comment and stakeholder engagement later this year.
Workplace Safety Minister
Jill Hennessy
WorkSafe has also charged Graham Leslie White, 58, of Harkness with 55 offences over the alleged illegal stockpiling of dangerous
goods at four warehouses he occupied in Epping and one in Campbellfield and investigations are continuing. “We know that the unsafe storing, handling or disposal of dangerous chemicals poses a real threat to local communities.” Workplace Safety Minister Jill Hennessy said. “This review will make sure dangerous goods laws remain effective and keep Victorian’s safe.” “Mr Palmer brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this important review which will safeguard all Victorians.”
شهر رمضان المبارك هو شهر عبادة وتقرب الى هللا من خالل الصوم والصبر وبهذه المناسبة الكريمة أتمنى للجالية اإلسالمية في استراليا شهرا،والتصدق كما أود أن أعبر لكم عن كامل شكري وتقديري لمساهماتكم التي،مباركا .تقدمونها من أجل تقدم وتطور مجتمعنا المحلي والمجتمع بشكل عام
ِّ ُ َ ْ ْ ُ َ ُ َّ َّ ”“الل ُه َّم ِإن َك َعف ٌّو ك ِر ٌيم ت ِح ُّب ال َعف َو ف ْاعف َعني
Ramadan Mubarak
I would like to wish the Muslim community a Ramadan Karim. Through fasting, prayer, patience and donations, the holy month of Ramadan is a time of worship and getting closer to Allah. I would like to thank and congratulate the Muslim community, knowing well the great contributions the Islamic Community makes to the local area as well the community as a whole. “God you are pardoning who loves pardoning (other’s), so pardon me”
Cesar Melhem MP State Member for Western Metropolitan Region
Ph: (03) 9689 6536 E: A: 231 Hyde Street Yarraville, VIC 3013 Funded from Parliamentary Budget
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Traditional Ramadan drinks
from around the world Jallab
Qamar El Din
The most popular Ramadan drink in the Levant and Egypt, Qamar El Din is one of the many great things we owe Syria. The popular drink is made from dried apricot paste sheets that are soaked in boiling water with some extra sugar. It is served cold with or without a few drops of rose water.
The popular nutritious drink native to Syria is also popular in the Levant during the holy month. It is made of dates, grape molasses and a touch of rose water, served cold with ice cubes and topped with pine nuts.
Tamar hindi
Tamar Hindi or Indian dates is a very popular refreshing cold beverage in the Arab world. It tastes sour and is made by breaking the tamarind fruit, soaking it in water then sifting it. The juice is then sweetened with sugar, chilled and served cold.
Esat Kaya
Managing Director - 0403108530
RAMADAN MUBARAK Islam aleminin ramazan bayramini tebrik eder hayirlara vesile olmasini dileriz
Neck Loin Shoulder
Lamb 9a/55 Paringa Blvd, Meadow Heights Shopping Centre, Meadow Heights VIC 3048
Phone: (03) 9309 6222 AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
3/ 12 Boronia Rd, Greenacre NSW 2190 T: (02) 9793 7722 Mohamed: 0412813116 | Tarek: 0404065881
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
By Jamilah Samian
Ramadan & Sibling Rivalry in Your Family
amadan is a month not only to strengthen our relationship with Allah and connect with the Qur’an; it is also a time to reflect on family relationships and find ways to improve them. I want to ask you to take a step further now, look into your own family, your own children, to see if the hurts amongst them might be due to sibling rivalry. If nothing is done, over the years the relationship might get to a point where your children can’t even talk to one another in Ramadan/Eid.
Sibling relationships are heavily influenced by parental attitudes/ behaviours. What you do and don’t do today leave indelible imprints on the kind of relationships your children will have with one another, right to the time when you are no longer around to supervise them.
Sibling rivalry may be set off by both internal and external factors. But there’s a lot that a parent can do to temper sibling rivalry among his or her children. The first step is by recognizing two kinds of situations that may breed sibling rivalry at home: favoritism and making comparisons. The trouble with favoritism and making comparisons is that they highlight a child’s weakness against the strength of another. When you play favorites and/ or make comparisons, the child who is not favored or favorably compared to another feels he is less special while the favoured child gains a false sense of being more special than the other. In reality, comparisons demotivate the child who is less favored and he is likely to think, “I know I’ll never be like my sister. Why should I even try?” Favoritism and making comparisons make a child feels insecure and uncertain of his own worth, paving the way for jealousy, envy and resentment to breed. Ideally, if each and every one of your children sees themselves as special in their own way in your eyes, they’ll feel secure and get along better with one another, they’ll have less reason to argue and fight with one another, and there’ll be more peace
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
and harmony in your mind and in your home. The other proactive step in dealing with sibling rivalry is by being fair. One way in which your children judge whether you are a fair parent is when they fight. When children fight, steer clear of taking sides, although you may strongly feel at that moment that one child is at fault and tempted to accuse him as such. Rather, it’s best to guide them with comments like “I’m sure you can find a better way to work this out”. In normal circumstances, this is enough to make them work things out amiably. Watch out if the argument escalates into something physical. If it does, that’s when you must step in. If it’s two small children, pull them away from each other immediately. If the fight is over something material, for example, a toy, take the toy away and make it clear that until they decide to share it, nobody is going to have fun playing with it. Let them know that you are available to hear them out once they have decided to resolve the misunderstanding with a compromise. Be sure, though, that the compromise is a win-win situation with no child losing out. You’ll see them playing better next time.
Of a more delicate nature are fights between older children. Disrespect for personal space, for instance, is a big issue for teenagers and may develop into heated exchanges that are bound to induce an emotional strain between the children involved. Again, refrain from taking sides. The best role you can assume is that of a mediator. One way of doing this is to have a one-onone pep talk with both sides. The beauty of one-on-one pep-talks is that each aggrieved party is listened to in a relaxed manner, is more likely to open up and express unhealthy bottled up emotions, without interruptions from anyone else in the family. Sibling relationships are heavily influenced by parental attitudes/ behaviours. What you do and don’t do today leave indelible imprints on the kind of relationships your children will have with one another, right to the time when you are no longer around to supervise them.
JaJamilah Samian is the author of “Leadership In Parenting“, “The Kindness Miracle”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, and “The Groovy Guide to Parenting Generation Y & Z”. Visit her website at
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
COVID-19 Guide
Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and through your national and local public health authority. Most people who become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others. Take care of your health and protect others by doing the following: Wash your hands frequently
Practice respiratory hygiene
Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcoholbased hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.
Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
Maintain social distancing
Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.
Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.
Why? When someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.
Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority or your employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.
Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.
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COVID-19 Guide
Protection measures for persons who are in or have recently visited (past 14 days) areas where COVID-19 is spreading • Stay at home if you begin to feel unwell, even with mild symptoms such as headache and slight runny nose, until you recover. Why? Avoiding contact with others and visits to medical facilities will allow these facilities to operate more effectively and help protect you and others from possible COVID-19 and other viruses. • If you develop fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical advice promptly as this may be due to a respiratory infection or other serious condition. Call in advance and tell your provider of any recent travel or contact with travelers. Why? Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also help to prevent possible spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. Source:
Starnet Legal
Lawyers And Consultants Suite 1, 1004 Doncaster Rd Doncaster East VIC 3109 T: (03) 9381 0711 E: W:
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
COVID-19 Guide
Myth busters 5G mobile networks DO NOT spread COVID-19 Viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks.COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks. COVID-19 is spread through respiratoatry droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. People can also be infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their eyes, mouth or nose.
Exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees DOES NOT prevent the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) You can catch COVID-19, no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19. To protect yourself, make sure you clean your hands frequently and thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose. You can recover from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Catching the new coronavirus DOES NOT mean you will have it for life. Most of the people who catch COVID-19 can recover and eliminate the virus from their bodies. If you catch the disease, make sure you treat your
symptoms. If you have cough, fever, and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early – but call your health facility by telephone first. Most patients recover thanks to supportive care.
Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort DOES NOT mean you are free from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) or any other lung disease. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are dry cough, tiredness and fever. Some people may develop more severe forms of the disease, such as pneumonia. The best way to confirm if you have the virus producing COVID-19 disease is with a laboratory test. You cannot confirm it with this breathing exercise, which can even be dangerous..
COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates From the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather. Regardless of climate, adopt protective measures if you live in, or travel to an area reporting COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid
infection that could occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.
Cold weather and snow CANNOT kill the new coronavirus. There is no reason to believe that cold weather can kill the new coronavirus or other diseases. The normal human body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the external temperature or weather. The most effective way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is by frequently cleaning your hands with alcoholbased hand rub or washing them with soap and water.
The new coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted through mosquito bites. To date there has been no information nor evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus could be transmitted by mosquitoes. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing. Source:
Bodon Homes
New Home & Multi Unit Development Experts
A STANDARD OF INDUSTRY EXCELLENCE 34 Burgess Street, Brooklyn VIC 3012 • 13 000 BODON E: W: AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
COVID-19 Guide
Advice for the public
When and how to use masks When to use a mask • If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection. • Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing. • Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. • If you wear a mask, then you must know how to
use it and dispose of it properly.
When and how to wear medical masks to protect against coronavirus • Before putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. • Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
• Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. • Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single-use masks. • To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not touch the front of mask); discard immediately in a closed bin; clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. Source:
Bodon Homes
New Home & Multi Unit Development Experts
A STANDARD OF INDUSTRY EXCELLENCE 34 Burgess Street, Brooklyn VIC 3012 • 13 000 BODON E: W: AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
COVID-19 Guide
Are hand dryers effective in killing the new coronavirus? No. Hand dryers are not effective in killing the 2019-nCoV. To protect yourself against the new coronavirus, you should frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Once your hands are cleaned, you should dry them thoroughly by using paper towels or a warm air dryer.
Can an ultraviolet disinfection lamp kill the new coronavirus? UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas of skin as UV radiation can cause skin irritation
How effective are thermal scanners in detecting people infected with the new coronavirus? Thermal scanners are effective in detecting people who have developed a fever (i.e. have a higher than normal body temperature) because of infection with the new coronavirus.
However, they cannot detect people who are infected but are not yet sick with fever. This is because it takes between 2 and 10 days before people who are infected become sick and develop a fever.
regularly rinsing nose with saline can help people recover more quickly from the common cold. However, regularly rinsing the nose has not been shown to prevent respiratory infections.
Do vaccines against pneumonia protect you against the new coronavirus?
Can eating garlic help prevent infection with the new coronavirus?
No. Vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine, do not provide protection against the new coronavirus. The virus is so new and different that it needs its own vaccine. Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against 2019-nCoV, and WHO is supporting their efforts. Although these vaccines are not effective against 2019-nCoV, vaccination against respiratory illnesses is highly recommended to protect your health.
Garlic is a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties. However, there is no evidence from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people from the new coronavirus.
Can regularly rinsing your nose with saline help prevent infection with the new coronavirus? No. There is no evidence that regularly rinsing the nose with saline has protected people from infection with the new coronavirus. There is some limited evidence that
Does the new coronavirus affect older people, or are younger people also susceptible? People of all ages can be infected by the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Older people, and people with preexisting medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus. WHO advises people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves from the virus, for example by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene.
Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus? No, antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria. The new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment. However, if you are hospitalized for the 2019-nCoV, you may receive antibiotics because bacterial coinfection is possible.
Are there any specific medicines to prevent or treat the new coronavirus? To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV). However, those infected with the virus should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized supportive care. Some specific treatments are under investigation, and will be tested through clinical trials. WHO is helping to accelerate research and development efforts with a range or partners. Source:
Islamic Arabic Centre & Masjid Al-Khalil 596 Torrens Rd, Woodville North SA 5012 AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
COVID-19 Guide
COVID-19 EMERGENCY RELIEF Fighting the spread of coronavirus in some of the most vulnerable regions around the world.
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COVID-19 Guide
Business Guide to Coronavirus
دليل العمل لفيروس كورونا
Business Australia has advised Australian businesses for more than 190 years. They have created a dedicated hub for Australian business owners to keep up with the latest news and information on Coronavirus (COVID-19).
بتقديمBusiness Australia عام ًا قامت190 على مدار لقد �أن�ش�أوا مركز ًا مخ�ص�ص ًا.الم�شورة لل�شركات الأ�سترالية لأ���ص��ح��اب الأع��م��ال الأ�ستراليين لمواكبة �آخ��ر الأخ��ب��ار COVID-19 والمعلومات حول فيرو�س كورونا
1. Coronavirus FAQ’s: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions including Government Assistance and definition of hardship. The definition of Essential and Non-Essential Business, Commercial Property Leases, Workplace Health and Safety, Employee stand down and redundancy, Employee leave and pay and information on Apprentices and Trainees.
: الأ�سئلة ال�شائعة حول فيرو�س كورونا-1 �إج��اب��ات على الأ�سئلة ال�شائعة بما في ذل��ك الدعم الحكومي ، تعريف الأعمال ال�ضرورية وغير ال�ضرورية.وتعريف ال�ضائقة تعليق، وال�صحة وال�سالمة في مكان العمل،وعقود �إيجار الممتلكات التجارية ومعلومات عن ال ُم�ستجدين، و�إجازات الموظفين و�أجورهم،العمالة وتحجيمها .والمتدربين
2. Free Coronavirus resources for Businesses: In this
: موارد مجانية لل�شركات عن فيرو�س كورونا-2 كن على دراية بالموارد والخدمات المجانية المتاحة،في هذا الوقت ال�صعب بما في ذلك خدمة هاتفية مجانية باللغة الإنجليزية للتحفيز الحكومي،للدعم )واال�ست�شارات المالية (بالإنجليزية
difficult time be aware of the free resources and services that are available for support including a free English speaking phone service for Government Stimulus and Financial advice (English)
3. Is your business struggling to pay the rent? Download free template letters including how to request a temporary rent holiday, reduction or payment plan from your landlord. Also read advice on dealing and protecting your business from landlords including lease termination, being locked out from premises, and what to do if your landlord is unreasonable.
4. What to do while waiting for the Jobkeeper Payment: The Federal Government announced a 6-month wage subsidy to help businesses keep their employees during COVID-19 crisis. The first payment is due to be paid in the first week of May and click here to register for the program and for a list of things you can do while you are waiting, including a list of over 1500 Business Grants and how to save money on your energy bill.
5. Coronavirus Official Government language & Telephone Advice line: Business Australia have compiled a list of all the official government words and language to help you understand the impact of Coronavirus on your business and employees. Become a free member of Business Australia to access their English language Workplace Advice Telephone service from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.30pm. To read further about the above click on your preferred language page: • Hindi - • China (Simplified Mandarin) - • Filipino - • Arabic - • Vietnamese - • Korean -
هل تعاني �شركتك في دفع الإيجار؟ قم بتنزيل نماذج ر�سائل مجان ًا-3 �أو خطة تخفي�ض �أو دفع من مالك،تت�ضمن كيفية طلب عطلة �إيجار م�ؤقتة اقر�أ �أي�ض ًا ن�صائح ب�ش�أن التعامل مع �شركتك وحمايتها من المالك بما.العقار وماذا تفعل �إذا كان مالك، وحظرك من المبنى،في ذلك �إنهاء عقد الإيجار .العقار غير عقالني :» ما يجب فعله �أثناء انتظار دفعة «المحتفظ بالوظيفة-4 �أ�شهر لم�ساعدة ال�شركات6 �أعلنت الحكومة الفيدرالية عن �إعانة مالية مدتها من المقرر �أن يتم دفع.COVID-19 على االحتفاظ بموظفيها �أثناء �أزمة الدفعة الأولى في الأ�سبوع الأول من �شهر مايو وانقر هنا للت�سجيل في البرنامج بما في،والح�صول على قائمة بالأ�شياء التي يمكنك القيام بها �أثناء انتظارك من منح الأعمال وكيفية توفير المال في فاتورة1500 ذلك قائمة ب�أكثر من .الطاقة الخا�صة بك خط اللغة والم�شورة الهاتفية الر�سمي من الحكومة الخا�ص-5 :بفيرو�س كورونا بتجميع قائمة بكل الكلمات واللغات الحكوميةBusiness Australia قامت .الر�سمية لم�ساعدتك على فهم ت�أثير فيرو�س كورونا على �شركتك وموظفيك مجان ًا لالنتفاع بخدمةBusiness Australia يمكنك �أن ت�صبح ع�ضو ًا في الم�شورة الهاتفية في مكان العمل باللغة الإنجليزية من االثنين حتى الجمعة . م�سا ًء5:30 �صباح ًا و8:30 بين ال�ساعة
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
COVID-19 Guide
Workplace injuries during COVID-19 Nada Breik Slater and Gordon Lawyer
المحامية ندى بريك
What if I am sick or injured and cannot work? Workplaces should be implementing procedures to make sure workers are protected during the COVID-19 crisis. Workplace managers and business owners must look after the health and safety of their workers and provide a safe environment for them to do their jobs. While the healthcare, aged and disability sectors are at the frontline of the crisis, the construction and building industry is facing its own health and safety challenges. Vulnerable workers and labourers are at risk of contracting the virus while continuing to perform essential work onsite and enter people’s properties to carry out maintenance and repair jobs. Construction site managers can keep workers safe by reducing risks such as breaking up larger worksite meetings into smaller groups and holding them outdoors, where there is space for people to stand away from one another and comply with social distancing requirements. If a worker contracts the virus as a result of their work, the cost of their treatment and wages may be covered through a workers’ compensation claim. A worker must show the illness was contracted at work, either by traveling to an area with a known outbreak or interacting with people who had the virus. If someone develops a respiratory issue or has a pre-existing issue which was made worse because of the virus and they develop a permanent injury, a lump sum entitlement known as an impairment benefit claim could be available to them. In the unfortunate circumstances that someone passes away if they contract COVID-19 as a result of their work, further entitlements and benefits are available to their family through a dependency claim. If you are a construction worker or labourer who has been physically injured or contracted an illness at work, or your mental health has been affected due to your job and you cannot work, you are entitled to make a workers’ compensation claim to receive loss of wages, and to cover your medical costs.
Making a workers’ compensation claim The workers’ compensation scheme is there to support you to recover through treatment and time off work before returning to work. The scheme covers all workers apart from independent contractors. If you are casual or receive cash in hand you may also be eligible to access the scheme. If you’re injured or fall ill at work, see a doctor and report the injury to your boss. Ask the doctor for a medical certificate and you can show this certificate to your boss. Having a lawyer to support, guide and check over your claim can potentially ensure a better chance of navigating and accessing all your entitlements and benefits under the scheme. A workers’ compensation claim should also be lodged as soon as possible after your injury or diagnosis. If you need help with lodging a claim, contact Slater and Gordon on 1800 444 141 or visit The first consultation with a Lawyer is free of charge so it does not cost you anything to know where you stand.
ماذا لو كنت مري�ض �أو م�صاب وال ت�ستطيع العمل ؟COVID -19 اثناء ازمة .COVID -19 يجب �أن تنفذ �أماكن العمل �إجراءات للت�أكد من حماية العمال �أثناء �أزمة يجب على مديري مكان العمل و�أ�صحاب الأعمال االعتناء ب�صحة و�سالمة عمالهم وتوفير .بيئة �آمنة لهم للقيام بعملهم تواجه �صناعة، في حين �أن قطاعات الرعاية ال�صحية والم�سنين والعجز في مقدمة الأزمة يتعر�ض العمال والعمال ال�ضعفاء.البناء والت�شييد تحدياتها الخا�صة بال�صحة وال�سالمة لخطر الإ�صابة بالفيرو�س بينما ي�ستمرون في �أداء الأعمال الأ�سا�سية في الموقع ويدخلون .ممتلكات الأ�شخا�ص للقيام ب�أعمال ال�صيانة والإ�صالح يمكن لمديري مواقع البناء الحفاظ على �سالمة العمال عن طريق الحد من المخاطر مثل حيث، تق�سيم اجتماعات موقع العمل الأكبر �إلى مجموعات �أ�صغر وعقدها في الهواء الطلق .توجد م�ساحة للنا�س لالبتعاد عن بع�ضهم البع�ض واالمتثال لمتطلبات الم�سافات االجتماعية فقد تتم تغطية تكلفة العالج والأجور من خالل،�إذا �أ�صيب العامل بالفيرو�س نتيجة لعمله �إما، يجب على العامل �أن يثبت �أن المر�ض قد �أُ�صيب في العمل.مطالبة تعوي�ض العمال .بال�سفر �إلى منطقة بها فا�شية معروفة �أو التفاعل مع الأ�شخا�ص الم�صابين بالفيرو�س �إذا طور �شخ�ص ما م�شكلة في الجهاز التنف�سي �أو كان لديه م�شكلة موجودة م�سبقًا والتي فقد يحق له مبلغ �إجمالي ُيعرف با�سم، تفاقمت ب�سبب الفيرو�س و�أ�صابته �إ�صابة دائمة .مطالبة تعوي�ض �ضعف الدائم ، نتيجة لعملهCOVID -19 في الظروف الم�ؤ�سفة التي يموت فيها �شخ�ص ما �إذا تعاقد مع .تتوفر المزيد من اال�ستحقاقات والمزايا لعائلته من خالل مطالبة التبعية �أو ت�أثرت،�إذا كنت عامل بناء �أو عاملاً تعر�ضت لإ�صابة ج�سدية �أو �أ�صبت بمر�ض في العمل يحق لك تقديم مطالبة تعوي�ض العمال،�صحتك العقلية ب�سبب وظيفتك وال يمكنك العمل لتلقي خ�سارة الأجور وتغطية التكاليف الطبية .الخا�صة بك تقديم مطالبة تعوي�ض العمال نظام تعوي�ض العمال موجود لدعمك في التعافي من خالل العالج و�أج��ازة العمل ب�سبب .اال�صابة قبل العودة �إلى العمل �إذا كنت عامل م�ؤقت.يغطي المخطط جميع العمال اال بع�ض العمل مثل المقاولين الم�ستقلين .أي�ضا للو�صول �إلى تعوي�ض العمال ً � فقد تكون م�ؤه ًال،�أو تلقي النقد في متناول اليد . فا�ست�شر طبي ًبا و�أبلغ مديرك بالإ�صابة،�إذا كنت م�صا ًبا �أو مر�ضت في العمل .اطلب من الطبيب �شهادة طبية ويمكنك �إظهار هذه ال�شهادة لمديرك من المحتمل �أن ي�ضمن،�إن وجود محامي او محامية لدعمك وتوجيهك والتحقق من مطالبتك .فر�صة �أف�ضل للتنقل والو�صول �إلى جميع م�ستحقاتك ومزاياك بموجب النظام .أي�ضا تقديم مطالبة تعوي�ض العمال في �أقرب وقت ممكن بعد �إ�صابتك �أو ت�شخي�صك ً � يجب فات�صل بـ، �إذا كنت بحاجة �إلى م�ساعدة في تقديم مطالبة Slater and Gordon 1800444141 :على �أو قم بزيارة لذلك ال يكلفك �أي �شيء لمعرفة م�ستحقاتك،محام مجانية ٍ اال�ست�شارة الأولى مع .في قوانين تعوي�ض العمال AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
COVID-19 Guide
Coronavirus Reminds Essence of Purification
Obligatory Physical and Spiritual Cleanliness of Muslims Prophet Muhammad said:
“Purification is half of the faith”
Professor Shahjahan Khan, PhD Coronavirus has forced people to practice some aspects of Islam. The whole world has embraced quarantine (no in or out from plague area), an old teaching of Muhammad (SWS) and cleanliness, another core practice of Islam. China’s city of Shenzhen has banned eating cats and dogs which Islam prohibited long ago. These are some live examples of how practicing of Islamic Shariah can benefit mankind even if they are not Muslims. Purification of body and attire are at the core of Islamic faith and prerequisites for fundamental worshipping (salat) of Muslims. Equally important is to purify heart, mind, soul and wealth of Muslims. Islam does not allow any impurity
in any form or shape in the life of Muslims. Purification leads to successes and spiritual uplifting. As the Qur’an testifies, “He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself” (30:14). Purification helps reduce the risk of contracting any contiguous diseases including virus. Hands sanitization, washing hands with soap, keeping outer garments clean, and not coming in contact with any contamination of infected individual (social distance) are different means of keeping purified at the time of outbreak of virus. Muhammad SWS said, “Purification is half of the faith” (Sahih Musim). At the time of virus epidemic purification ensures prevention and protection from being infected and remain healthy. Muslims remain clean by clipping nails, brushing teeth, shaving pelvic hairs, washing external impurities, taking daily bath/shower, cleaning home/bed, performing ablution (wudu), and avoiding any drops of urine and properly washing any excrement ( faeces) after bowel movement. Even if your body is purified, you will need to make ablution before prayers (salat) if you are not already with wudu. This is so important that if you don’t find water or using water is harmful to
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
you, you must do tiamum (shorter version of ablution by using dry soil/ stone) before salat. Muslims are required to take food/ drink that are halal (lawful) and tayyeb (good/excellent). This is again to keep your body and soul free from impure, harmful and dangerous consumables. Wearing modest dress to cover body is another way of protecting you from external harmful objects and unclean environment. Exposed parts of the body (hand, face, feet, head) may become unclean and hence are required to be washed/wiped before performing salat. For prayers all body garments must be clean, that is, they must be free from impurities or najasat. Not only the garments must be washed properly but also they must be free from any spot of urine and faeces of human or other animals or birds. No matter your garment is old or new they all must be pure/clean for the validity of your satat. The place where you pray, including open ground, must be clean. Remember that in prayers we stand directly in front of Allah SWT so we must wear good and clean clothing in clean body. Purification of inner self is as important as purifying body
and garments. Every ibadat or worshipping in Islam is directed to the purification of soul or rooh. This is achieved by giving up all evil and engaging in good deeds for wellbeing of the creation of Allah SWT. Cleaning up of mind from doing or thinking to do any harm to anyone, and preparing it to engage in good acts of benefit to others will lead to the spiritual elevation. Thus purification of intent or niyat is achieved. This is important as Muhammad SWS said, “Surely all actions are but driven by intentions” (Sahih Bukhari). Remembrance or dhikir of Allah is the best way to purify soul. This includes acting as per His teachings and be God-conscious all the time to avoid any sins and ensure increasing hasanat. Fasting in Ramadan enables Muslim to acquire this quality of taqwa. Similarly, giving the obligatory charity or zakat purifies our wealth. Five times payers keep us away from lewdness and evil deeds (29:35). Referring to five times salat (and ablution), Muhammad SWS said, “If there was a river at the door of anyone of you and he took a bath in it five times a day would you notice any dirt on him?” (Sahih Bukhari).
COVID-19 Guide
Launching soon. Stay tuned! • 04 3234 9766 AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
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نصـــــائح للعـــامة ب��ش��ـ��ـ��أن ف��ي��روس كورونا المســتجد:
تصحيح المفاهيم المغلوطة
يمكن �أن ينتقل فيرو�س مر�ض كوفيد 19-في المناطق التي يكون المناخ فيها حاراورطبا من خالل الب ّينات المتوافرة لحد الآن، يمكن انتقال فيرو�س مر�ض كوفيد 19-في جميع المناطق ،بما فيها المناطق ذات الطق�س الحار والرطب .وكيفما كانالمناخ، اتخذ التدابير الوقائية �إذا كنت تعي�ش في منطقة �أُبلغ فيها عن حاالتعدوى بكوفيد� 19-أو تنوي ال�سفر �إليها .ولعل �أف�ضل طريقة لحماية نف�سك منالإ�صابة بمر�ض كوفيد 19-هي المواظبة على غ�سل يديك .فبوا�سطة ذلك ،يمكنكالتخل�ص من الفيرو�سات التي قد تكون عالقة بيديك وتتجنب بالتالي العدوىالمحتمل حدوثها �إذا لم�ست عينيك �أو فمك �أو �أنفك. هل مجففات الأيدي (المتوافرة في المراحي�ض العامة مثال) فعالة في الق�ضاء على فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد خالل 30ثانية؟ كال ،مجففات الأيدي لي�س فعالة في الق�ضاء على فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد. لحماية نف�سك من الفيرو�س الجديد يجب المداومة على تنظيف اليدين بفركهما بوا�سطة مطهر كحولي �أو غ�سلهما بالمادء وال�صابون .وبعد تنظيف اليدين يجب تجفيفهما تمام ًا بمحارم ورقية �أو بمجففات الهواء ال�ساخن. هل يمكن �إعادة ا�ستخدام الكمامات من فئة N95؟ وهل يمكن تعقيمها بوا�سطة معقم اليدين؟ كال ،ال ينبغي �إعادة ا�ستعمال كمامات الوجه ،بما فيها الكمامات الطبية الم�سطحة �أو الكمامات من فئة . N95 �إذا كنت تخالط �شخ�ص ًا م�صاب ًا بفيرو�س كورونا لجديد �أو بعدوى تنف�سية �أخرى، ف�إن مقدمة الكمامة تعتبر ملوثة بالفعل. ينبغي �إزالة الكمامة دون لم�سها من الأمام والتخل�ص منها على النحو ال�سليم .وبعد
نزع الكمامة ،ينبغي فرك اليدين بمطهر كحولي �أو غ�سلهما بالماء وال�صابون. هل تق�ضي م�صابيح التعقيم بالأ�شعة فوق البنف�سجية على فيرو�س كورونا الجديد؟ ينبغي عدم ا�ستخدام م�صابيح الأ�شعة فوق البنف�سجية لتعقيم اليدين �أو �أي �أجزاء �أخرى من الجلد لأن هذه الأ�شعة يمكن �أن ت�سبب ح�سا�سية للجلد. هل تعمل اللقاحات الم�ضادة لاللتهاب الرئوي على الوقاية من فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد؟ ال .ال توفر اللقاحات الم�ضادة لاللتهاب الرئوي ،مثل لقاح المكورات الرئوية ولقاح الم�ستدمية النزلية من النمط «ب» ،الوقاية من فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد. تماما ومختلف، هذا الفيرو�س جديد ً ويحتاج �إلى لقاح خا�ص به .ويعمل الباحثون على تطوير لقاح م�ضاد لفيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد ،2019-وتدعم منظمة ال�صحة العالمية هذه الجهود. ورغم �أن هذه اللقاحات غير ف َّعالة �ضد فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجدُ ،2019-يو�صى ب�شدة بالح�صول على التطعيم �ضد الأمرا�ض التنف�سية لحماية �صحتكم. هل ي�ساعد غ�سل الأنف بانتظام بمحلول ملحي في الوقاية من العدوى بفيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد؟ ال .ال توجد �أي ب ّينة على �أن غ�سل الأنف بانتظام بمحلول ملحي يقي من العدوى بفيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد. ولكن توجد ب ّينات محدودة على �أن غ�سل الأنف بانتظام بمحلول ملحي ي�ساعد في ال�شفاء من الزكام ب�سرعة �أكبر .ومع ذلك، لم يثبت �أن غ�سل الأنف بانتظام يقي من الأمرا�ض التنف�سية. هل ي�ساعد تناول الثوم في الوقاية من العدوى بفيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد؟
طعاما �صح ًيا ،ويتميز باحتوائه يعد الثوم ً على بع�ض الخ�صائ�ص الم�ضادة للميكروبات .ومع ذلك ،ال توجد �أي ب ّينة من الفا�شية الحالية تثبت �أن تناول الثوم يقي من العدوى بفيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد. هل يحول و�ضع زيت ال�سم�سم على الب�شرة دون دخول فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد �إلى الج�سم؟ ال .ال يق�ضي زيت ال�سم�سم على فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد .هناك بع�ض المطهرات الكيميائية التي تقتل فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد 2019-على الأ�سطح .وت�شمل مطهرات تحتوي على ُم َب ّي�ضات/كلور، وغيرها من المذيبات ،والإ ْي َثانُول بتركيز ،%75وحم�ض البي ُروك ِْ�سي � ِآ�س ِتيك، والك ُلو ُروفُو ْرم. �إال �أن ت�أثيرها على الفيرو�س �ضعيف �أو منعدم �إذا ُو ِ�ض َعت على الب�شرة �أو �أ�سفل الأنف مبا�شرة .بل من الخطر و�ضع هذه المواد الكيميائية على الب�شرة. َم ْن الأكثر ُعر�ضة للإ�صابة بفيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد ،كبار ال�سن �أم �صغار ال�سن؟ يمكن �أن ُي�صاب الأ�شخا�ص من جميع الأعمار بفيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد.2019- ويبدو �أن كبار ال�سن والأ�شخا�ص الم�صابين بحاالت مر�ضية �سابقة الوجود (مثل ال َر ْبو، ري ،و�أمرا�ض القلب) هم الأكثر ال�س َّك ّ وداء ُ ُعر�ضة للإ�صابة بمر�ض وخيم في حال العدوى بالفيرو�س. وتن�صح منظمة ال�صحة العالمية الأ�شخا�ص من جميع الأعمار باتباع الخطوات الالزمة لحماية �أنف�سهم من الفيرو�س ،مثل غ�سل جيدا والنظافة التنف�سية الجيدة. اليدين ً هل الم�ضادات الحيوية ف َّعالة في الوقاية من فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد وعالجه؟ ال ،ال تق�ضي الم�ضادات الحيوية على الفيرو�سات ،بل تق�ضي على الجراثيم فقط. يعد فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد 2019-من
الفيرو�سات ،لذلك يجب عدم ا�ستخدام الم�ضادات الحيوية في الوقاية منه �أو عالجه. ومع ذلك� ،إذا تم �إدخالك �إلى الم�ست�شفى ب�سبب فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد،2019- فقد تح�صل على الم�ضادات الحيوية الحتمالية �إ�صابتك بعدوى جرثومية م�صاحبة. هل هناك �أي �أدوية محددة للوقاية من فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد �أو عالجه؟ حتى تاريخه ،ال يوجد �أي دواء محدد ُمو�صى به للوقاية من فيرو�س كورونا الم�ستجد� 2019-أو عالجه. ومع ذلك ،يجب �أن يح�صل الم�صابون بالفيرو�س على الرعاية المنا�سبة لتخفيف الأعرا�ض وعالجها ،كما يجب �أن يح�صل الم�صابون بمر�ض وخيم على الرعاية الداعمة ال ُمثلى .وال تزال بع�ض العالجات تخ�ضع لال�ستق�صاء ،و�سيجري اختبارها من خالل تجارب �سريرية .وتتعاون منظمة ال�صحة العالمية مع مجموعة من ال�شركاء على ت�سريع وتيرة جهود البحث والتطوير. �شبكات الجيل الخام�س الال�سلكية (5G) ال تن�شر عدوىكوفيد19- لي�س بمقدور الفيرو�سات التنقل عبر الموجات الال�سلكية �أو�شبكات الهاتف المحمول .ويتف�شى مر�ض كوفيد19- في العديدمن البلدان التي لي�ست لديها �شبكات الجيل الخام�س �أ�ص ًال. مر�ض كوفيد 19-ينت�شر عن طريق القطيرات التي يفرزها الجهازالتنف�سي عندما ي�سعل ال�شخ�ص الم�صاب بالعدوى �أو يعط�س �أويتكلم .وتنتقل العدوى �إلى الأ�شخا�ص �إذا لم�سوا �سطح ًا ملوث ًا ثم لم�سوا بعد ذلك عينيهم �أو فمهم �أو �أنفهم. الم�صدر: الموقع الر�سمي لمنظمة ال�صحة العالمية
الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
COVID-19 Guide
تدابير الوقاية األساسية من فيروس كورونا (كوفيد )19 - احر�ص على متابعة �آخر الم�ستجدات عن فا�شية مر�ض كوفيد ،19-على الموقع الإلكتروني لمنظمة ال�صحة العالمية ومن خالل �سلطات ال�صحة العامة المحلية والوطنية .وفي حين ال تزال عدوى كوفيد 19-متف�شية في العالم ف�إن معظم الأفراد الذين ي�صابون بالعدوى ي�شعرون ب�أعرا�ض خفيفة ويتعافون ،ولكن الأعرا�ض قد تظهر ب�شكل �أكثر حدة لدى غيرهم. احر�ص على العناية ب�صحتك وحماية الآخرين بوا�سطة التدابير التالية:
احرص على ممارسات النظافة التنفسية
اغسل اليدين بانتظام ل �م��اذا؟ �إن تنظيف ي��دي��ك ب��ال�م��اء وال�صابون �أو فركهما بمطهر كحولي م��ن �ش�أنه �أن يقتل الفيرو�سات التي قد تكون على يديك.
احر�ص على تغطية الفم والأنف بثني المرفق �أو بمنديل ورقي عند ال�سعال �أو العط�س ،ثم تخل�ص من المنديل الورقي فور ًا ب�إلقائه في �سلة مهمالت مغلقة ونظف يديك بمطهر كحولي �أو بالماء وال�صابون. ل�� �م� ��اذا؟ ت �غ �ط �ي��ة ال� �ف ��م والأن � � � ��ف ع�ن��د ال�سعال والعط�س تمنع انت�شار الجراثيم والفيرو�سات� .أما �إذا غطيت فمك و�أنفك ب�ي��دك �أث �ن��اء العط�س وال�سعال فقد تنقل ال�ج��راث�ي��م �إل ��ى ك��ل م��ا تلم�سه م��ن �أ�شياء و�أ�شخا�ص.
تجنب االقتراب كثيرا من الناس حتفظ بم�سافة ال تقل عن متر واحد (� 3أقدام) بينك وبين �أي �شخ�ص ي�سعل �أو يعط�س. لماذا؟ عندما ي�سعل ال�شخ�ص �أو يعط�س ،تتناثر من �أنفه �أو فمه ُقطيرات �سائلة �صغيرة قد تحتوي على الفيرو�س .ف��إذا كنت �شديد االقتراب منه يمكن �أن تتنف�س هذه القُطيرات ،بما في ذلك الفيرو�س الم�سبب لمر�ض كوفيد� 19-إذا كان ال�شخ�ص م�صاب ًا به.
تابع المستجدات واتبع نصائح مقدمي الرعاية الصحية اح��ر���ص على متابعة �آخ��ر الم�ستجدات ب�ش�أن مر�ض كوفيد .19-واتبع الن�صائح التي يقدمها لك مقدم الرعاية ال�صحية وتلك ال�صادرة عن �سلطات ال�صحة العامة المحلية والوطنية �أو عن رب عملك ب�ش�أن �أ�ساليب حماية نف�سك والآخرين من الإ�صابة بعدوى كوفيد.19- لماذا؟ لأن ال�سلطات المحلية والوطنية لديها �أحدث المعلومات عما �إذا كانت عدوى كوفيد19- قد انت�شرت بالفعل في منطقتك ،وهي الأق��در على تقديم الن�صائح ب�ش�أن ما ينبغي للنا�س في منطقتك فعله لحماية �أنف�سهم.
تجنب لمس عينيك وأنفك وفمك لماذا؟ تلم�س اليدين العديد من الأ�سطح ويمكنها �أن تلتقط الفيرو�سات .و�إذا تلوثت اليدان ف�إنهما قد تنقالن الفيرو�س �إلى العينين �أو الأنف �أو الفم .ويمكن للفيرو�س �أن يدخل الج�سم عن طريق هذه المنافذ وي�صيبك بالمر�ض. �إذا كنت تعاني من الحمى وال�سعال و�صعوبة التنف�س ،التم�س الم�شورة الطبية على الفور، فقد تكون م�صاب ًا بعدوى الجهاز التنف�سي �أو حالة مر�ضية وخيمة �أخرى .وات�صل قبل الذهاب �إلى مقدم الرعاية و�أخبره �إن كنت قد �سافرت �أو خالطت �أي م�سافرين م�ؤخر ًا. لماذا؟ �إن ات�صالك الم�سبق بمقدم الرعاية �سي�سمح له بتوجيهك �سريع ًا �إلى مرفق الرعاية ال�صحية المنا�سب .و�سي�ساعد ذلك �أي�ض ًا على منع �أي انت�شار محتمل للفيرو�س الم�سبب لمر�ض كوفيد 19-وغيره من الفيرو�سات.
مؤسسة دار التكريم -ملبورن
The Honouring Association of Melbourne الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
COVID-19 Guide
معلومات للموظفين التزامات الموظف  �سيتلقى ال �م��وظ �ف��ون �إ� �ش �ع��ارا م��ن ��ص��اح��ب ال�ع�م��ل ب ��أن �ه��م ي�ت�ل�ق��ون دفعة .JobKeeperيحتاج معظم الموظفون �إلى القيام بعمل �شيء �آخر. �سيتوجب على الموظفين في الظروف التالية التزامات �إ�ضافية. • يجب على الموظفين الذين يعملون مع العديد من �أ�صحاب العمل �إخطار �صاحب العمل الذي يعتبره �صاحب العمل ا�سا�سي. • ي�ج��ب ع�ل��ى ال�م��وظ�ف�ي��ن ال��ذي��ن لي�سوا مواطنين �أ�ستراليين �إخطار �صاحب العمل بالو�ضع القانوني للت�أ�شيرة التي يحملونها، لل�سماح ل�صاحب العمل بتحديد م��ا �إذا كانوا موظفين م�ؤهلين. • يجب على الموظفين الذين يتلقون حالي ًا، �أو تقدموا بطلبات للح�صول على دفعة دعم ال��دخ��ل� ،إخ �ط��ار Services Australia بتغيير ف��ي ظ��روف�ه��م ع�ب��ر االن �ت��رن��ت على �أو عبر الهاتف. معلومات عن دفعة JOBKEEPERللموظفين ب�م��وج��ب دف �ع��ة � ،JobKeeperستتمكن االعمال التجارية والم�ؤ�س�سات غير الهادفة ل�ل��رب��ح ال �ت��ي ت ��أث��رت ب�ف�ي��رو���س ك��ورون��ا من الح�صول على �إع��ان��ة االج��ور من الحكومة لموا�صلة دف��ع �أج ��ور موظفيها� .سيتمكن �أ�صحاب العمل المت�ضررون من المطالبة بدفعة تبلغ 1500دوالر كل �أ�سبوعين لكل موظف م�ؤهل اعتبار ًا من 31مار�س 2020 ولمدة �أق�صاها � 6أ�شهر. �سيتلقى الموظفون الم�ؤهلون ما اليقل عن 1500دوالر كل �أ�سبوعين قبل ال�ضرائب. �سيكون االمر متروك ًا ل�صاحب العمل �إذا كان يريد دفع راتب التقاعد على �أي �أجر �إ�ضافي مدفوع ب�سبب مدفوعات .JobKeeper ي�شمل ال�م��وظ�ف��ون ال�م��ؤه�ل��ون ال�م��واط�ن��ون
اال��س�ت��رال�ي��ون وح��ام�ل��ي الت�أ�شيرة الدائمة وحاملي ت�أ�شيرات الفئة الخا�صة (الفئة الفرعية )444عند تاريخ 1مار�س .2020 يجب �أن يكون الموظف مقيما الغرا�ض ال�ضرائب اال�سترالية في 1مار�س .2020 الموظفون ب��دوام كامل ودوام جزئي ،بما في ذل��ك الموظفون المتن ّ ح��ون� ،سيكونوا م�ؤهلون للح�صول على دفعة .JobKeeper ف��ي ح��ال عمل موظف عر�ضي م��ع �صاحب العمل على �أ�سا�س منتظم ونظامي على اقل خالل اثني ع�شر �شهر ًا الما�ضية في 1مار�س � ، 2020سيكون م�ؤهال لدفعة .JobKeeper �سيتمكن الموظفون من ا�ستالم هذه المدفوعات بعدة طرق مختلفة. �إذا دف��ع لك �صاحب العمل 1500دوالر �أو �أكثر كدخل كل �أ�سبوعين قبل ال�ضرائب ،ف�إن دفعة � JobKeeperست�ساعد �صاحب العمل على ا�ستمرار في عمله من خالل دعم كل �أو جزء من دخلك. • �إذا ك��ان ��ص��اح��ب ال�ع�م��ل �سيدفع لك �أق��ل م��ن 1500دوالر كدخل ك��ل �أ�سبوعين قبل ال�ضرائب ،يجب على �صاحب العمل �أن ي��دف��ع ل��ك 1500دوالر كحد �أدن ��ى كل �أ�سبوعين قبل ال�ضرائب. • �إذا تم تنحيتك ،يجب على �صاحب العمل �أن يدفع لك م��ا يقل عن 1500دوال ر كل �أ�سبوعين قبل ال�ضرائب. ل ��ن ت �ك��ون م� ��ؤه�ل�ا ل�ل�ح���ص��ول ع �ل��ى دف�ع��ة � JobKeeperإذا كنت تتلقى دفعة �إج��ازة تربية ا طفال من .Services Australia ومع ذلك� ،ستكون م�ؤهال �إذا كنت في �إجازة تربية االطفال من �صاحب العمل. اذا كنت تتلقى مبلغ ًا مقابل تعوي�ض العمال، ف���س�ت�ك��ون م� ��ؤه�ل�ا ل�ل�ح���ص��ول ع �ل��ى دف�ع��ة � JobKeeperإذا كنت تعمل ،على �سبيل المثال على �ساعات عمل مخف�ضة ،ولكنك لن تكون م�ؤه ً ب�شكل عام �إذا كنت تعمل.
إذا كنت تواجه مشكلة في دفع فواتير الكهرباء والغاز: تحدث �إلى �شركتك .فرقمهم متوفرعلى فاتورتك ا�س�أل عن الدعم �أثناء الم�صاعب المالية �إذا لم يكن با�ستطاعتك دفع فاتورتك في الوقتالمحدد اطلب منهم و�ضعك على خطة ت�سديد ،لتدفع على فترة �أطول �أو ت�سدد بمدفوعات منتظمة �صغيرة واظب على الخطة لحماية نف�سك خ�شية ف�صل الكهرباء ودفع الفوائد والر�سوم المت�أخرة ا�س�أل عما �إذا كانت هناك امتيازات �أو خ�صومات حكومية لم�ساعدتك في المنزل �أو في العمل.لمزيد من المعلومات حول توفير الطاقة والمال في المنزل ،قم بزيارة
معلومات لحاملي التأشيرات المؤقتة في أستراليا �أعلنت الحكومة اال�سترالية عن تغييرات في ترتيبات حاملي الت�أ�شيرة الم�ؤقتة .تهدف هذه التغييرات �إلى حماية �صحة مجتمعنا ،وحماية فر�ص العمل للمواطنين اال�ستراليين، ودعم ال�صناعات الحيوية ،والم�ساعدة في التعافي ال�سريع بعد الفيرو�س. يجب على حاملي الت�أ�شيرات في �أ�ستراليا اتباع ن�صائح ال�صحة العامة بما يتعلق بـ COVID-19 عاملو العطلة للعمل Working Holiday Makers التغييرات التي ط��ر�أت على ت�أ�شيرات العطلة للعمل تدعم القطاعات الحيوية لل�صحة ورعاية الم�سنين واالعاقة والزراعة وتجهيز االغذية ورعاية االطفال: • اذا كنت من فئة عامل العطلة للعمل وتعمل في �أحد هذه القطاعات الحيوية ،ف�سيتم �إع�ف��ا�ؤك من قيود العمل لمدة �ستة �أ�شهر مع �صاحب عمل واحد و�ستكون م�ؤهل للح�صول على ت�أ�شيرة �أخرى لموا�صلة العمل في هذه القطاعات �إذا قاربت ت�أ�شيرتك الحالية على انتهاء �صالحيتها في اال�شهر ال�ستة المقبلة. �إذا كنت على ت�أ�شيرة العطلة للعمل وغير قادر على �إعالة نف�سك ،فيجب عليك اتخاذ الترتيبات الالزمة للعودة �إلى بلدك.
العمال المو�سميون �سيتمكن العاملون في برنامج العمال المو�سميين وعمال برنامج العمل في منطقة المحيط الهادئ من تمديد فترة �إقامتهم في �أ�ستراليا لدعم قطاع الزراعة. �إذا كنت متواجدا في �أ�ستراليا وت�شارك في برنامج العمال المو�سميين، ف�ستكون قادرا على التقدم للح�صول على ت�أ�شيرة الن�شاط الم�ؤقتة (الفئة الفرعية )408في ج��دول االح��داث المعتمد من الحكومة اال�سترالية ( .)AGEEي�ستطيع العاملون في برنامج العمل في منطقة المحيط الهادئ التقدم بطلب للح�صول على ت�أ�شيرة م�ؤقتة جديدة (العالقات الدولية) (الفئة الفرعية )403وهي ت�أ�شيرة جدول برنامج العمل في منطقة المحيط الهاديء. حاملي ت�أ�شيرة الزيارة �إذا كنت في �أ�ستراليا ،وتحمل ت�أ�شيرة زائر ويمكنك دعم نف�سك ،يجب عليك العودة �إلى بلدك �إذا كان ممكنا القيام بذلك. الطالب االجانب يتم ت�شجيع الطالب االجانب على ا عتماد على الدعم من العائلة والعمل ب��دوام جزئي عندما يكون ذلك متاحا وكذلك من مدخراتهم الخا�صة عالة �أنف�سهم في �أ�ستراليا .في بع�ض الظروف� ،سيتمكن الطالب من ا�ستعمال التقاعد اال�سترالي الخا�ص بهم. �ستكون الحكومة �أي�ضا مت�ساهلة فيما يتعلق ب�شروط ت�أ�شيرة الطالب وا�ضعة في اعتبارها فيرو�س كورونا الذي حال دون الوفاء بال�شرط. حاملي ت�أ�شيرة العاملين المهرة الم�ؤقتة �إذا كنت تحمل ت�أ�شيرة نق�ص م�ؤقت في المهارات وتم تنحيتك ،لكن لم يتم اال�ستغناء عنك ،ف�سوف تحافظ على �صالحية الت�أ�شيرة و�ستتاح لل�شركات فر�صة تمديد ت�أ�شيرتك وفقا للترتيبات العادية� .ست�سمح لك الحكومة �أي�ضا با�ستخدام ما ي�صل �إلى 10000دوالر من راتبك التقاعدي لدعم نف�سك. �ستتمكن ال�شركات �أي�ضا من تقليل �ساعات عملك دون اعتبارك مخالفا �أو اعتبار �صاحب العمل مخالفا ل�شروط الت�أ�شيرة �أو االلتزامات المتعلقة بها. �إذا تم ت�سريحك �أو �أ�صبحت عاطال عن العمل ،يجب عليك ايجاد �صاحب عمل �آخر في غ�ضون 60يوما �أو اتخاذ ترتيبات لمغادرة �أ�ستراليا ،اذا كان ذلك ممكنا. تتوفر معلومات ا�ضافية حول هذه الترتيبات الم�ؤقتة على الموقع ا كتروني للدائرة: الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
الوسط االسترالي
دفعة JobKeeper
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Traditional Ramadan drinks
from around the world Ark sous
This licorice drink is served cold throughout the year, but in Ramadan many people in the Levant countries and Egypt just can’t get enough of it. Ark sous is put in special traditional containers made of copper or glass to keep it chilled.
Karkade, 3enab, or hibiscus tea is very popular all year long, but in Ramadan its consumption soars to a whole new level especially in Egypt and Sudan. The sweet drink can be served hot or cold.
Kharroub or carob juice, is one of the most popular traditional drinks throughout the Arab world. In Libya, Sudan and Egypt, it’s the perfect cold beverage to consumer during hot summer days and of course during Ramadan. The healthy and refreshing drink is rich in fibers, protein and antioxidants. Source:
Ramadan Kareem
مطعم طيبة
Tiba’s Restaurant AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
East Preston Islamic College 55 Tyler Street, East Preston, VIC, 3072, Australia. Ph: +61 3 9478 3323 Fx: +61 3 9470 1255
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Muslim students awarded for their outstanding achievements Last month Human Appeal Australia hosted its 13th Annual Year 12 Muslim Achievement Awards in Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Sydney.
Year 12 students who achieved an ATAR of 90% or above in 2019 were invited to register for the awards. Respected members of the community; politicians, school principals, businesses and family members,
attended ceremonies across the nation. An incredible 286 students were awarded for their hard work and received certificates of recognition and valuable gifts.
A huge thanks to our yr 12 Muslim Achievement Awards Gold and Platinum partners for their support, Without our great partners this event would not have been possible
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
ADELAIDE: 15 Students
The five separate ceremonies started off in Adelaide, on Friday 6th March 2020. Amazingly, 15 students were awarded on the night with Brother Yahya Ahmed who was the MC for the night. Branch Manager of Human Appeal’s Adelaide office, Ali Kadir welcomed guests and highlighted the organisation’s goal of encouraging and motivating outstanding achievement which would benefit the country. Students were congratulated for their great efforts by the Hon. Russell Wortley and other speakers including Steve Murray, the MP representative of the premier.
MELBOURNE: 75 Students
On the 8th March, the high achievers were recognised in Melbourne, 75 students were awarded. Sheikh Rabih Baytie, Human Appeal’s Melbourne Branch Manager welcomed guests and acknowledged the important role that parents and guardians played in the achievements of their children. Mohammad Kaddour was the MC, the key note speaker was Dr Nezor Houli, Other speakers included Ms. Cindy McLeish MP; Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Education, Cllr Oscar Yildiz; Deputy Mayor of Moreland, Prof Akhtar Kalam, Prof Aladin Zayegh, Imam Ala Elzokm. Dr. Mohammad Mohideen from Islamic Council of Victoria and a video message by AFL football player, Bachar Houli. AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Muslim students awarded for their outstanding achievements
PERTH: 27 Students
On the 13th of March, the year 12 high achievers Muslim awards event, was taken place at Tompkins on Swan in Perth, Western Australia. The MC of the event was Shady and Hassan from the Australian Islamic College. Human Appeal’s Director of Projects, Mr.
Issam Chaouk from Sydney attended the event and gave an overwhelming speech. Mr Abdullah Khan, Sheikh Wael, and Dr Naser AlZiyadat kindly helped with handing out the awards to the students and were also awarded for their great support for the organisation followed by a speech from the
student with the highest ATAR of 99.95 on behalf of the 27 awardees. Western Australia branch manager Sameh Elgawady ended the ceremony with a picture of all students along with the VIPs and MCs.
Brisbane: 18 Students
In Brisbane the event was on Saturday 14th March honouring 18 students. Dr. Mustaf Ally from Crescent Community News, was the MC for the night. He kept the crowd amused with his energetic and jovial commentaries. The event opened by Quran recitation then A speech by Human Appeal’s Orphan Sponsorship
and Community Development Manager Brother Abdnaser Ali Elghirani welcoming and appreciating the sponsors, recognising the high achievers and their parents for their outstanding effort and success. One of the keynote speakers were Mr. Habib Jamal, the president of Islamic Council of Queensland. Mr. Jamal addressed the Award Winners
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
and delivered an inspiring speech. Mr. John Prescott, representative for Hon. Duncan Pegg, MP Member for Stretton gave his speech thanking the organiser while admiring the achievers and wishing them prosperous future. The Award winner Br. Masrur Alam, thanked the organisers and delivered his humble speech.
To conclude, Imam Akram, Branch Manager of Human Appeal QLD office, reminded the high achievers to thank Allah the Almighty for the success they attained and not to forget to appreciate their parents for their care and support. Dr. Zakaria Amin wrapped up by thanking all for joining and making it a success.
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Muslim students awarded for their outstanding achievements
Sydney: 152 Students
On Sunday 15th of March, the ceremony in Sydney awarded the largest number of students with a total of 152 students. The ceremony was opened with the heart-warming recitation of the Quran by Sheikh Saad Algulaib and co-MC’d by Omar Al-Jamal and Raghda Assoum. Students were invited with their parents to join various respected members of the community, school principals, politicians and businesses to attend the ceremony which was held in The Highline Venue in Bankstown. A significant presenter, Mufti Ismail Menk made the night spectacular. Students were honoured for their hard work and awarded certificates of recognition and were gifted a 7th generation iPad. Human Appeal Australia’s Director, Bashar Al-Jamal welcomed guests then various speeches were given by The Hon. Tony Burke, Federal Member for Watson; Jihad Dib, MP; Dr Yassir Zaki from Tender Loving Care Disability Services. Overall, the night was filled with a warm atmosphere of celebration and joy.
Human Appeal Australia’s Director, Bashar Al-Jamal & Mufti Ismail Menk
Human Appeal Australia would like to congratulate all the Year 12 students of 2019 for their success and wishing them all the best in the near future. A special thanks to the generous businesses and organisations that sponsored the 13th Annual Year 12 Muslim Achievement Awards, whom without them these events would have not been possible.
Human Appeal Australia, Always with you on the road to goodness… AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
رمضان Ramadan 2020
70 الوسط
بيوتنا في رمضان بقلم محمود القلعاوي جاء رم�ضان بما يحمل من نفحات التغيير ..التغيير الذي �أراده اهلل -عز وجل -منا
• القر�آن الكريم: ف�ه��ي ب �ي��وت ُي�ك�ث��ر ف�ي�ه��ا ت�لاوة ال �ق��ر�آن ال �ك��ري��م ..واال��س�ت�م��اع �إليه ..فالبيت الذي ُيقر�أ فيه القر�آن يزداد خيره وبركته ..والبيت ال��ذي ال يقر�أ فيه القر�آن يقل خيره وبركته ..قال� -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم(:-البيت الذي يقر�أ فيه القر�آن يتراءى لأهل ال�سماء كما تتراءى النجوم لأهل الأر���ض) ،رواه البيهقي ..وك��ان �أب��و هريرة ر�ضي اهلل عنه يقول ”:البيت �إذا تلي فيه كتاب اهلل ات�سع ب�أهله وكثر خيره وح�ضرته المالئكة ،وخرجت منه ال�شياطين ،والبيت ال��ذي لم يتلى فيه كتاب اهلل �ضاق ب�أهله، وق��ل خيره وتنكبت عنه المالئكة وح�ضره ال�شياطين”� ،إحياء ع��ل��وم ال��دي��ن الإم� � � � � � � ��ام ال �غ��زال��ي.. ف� � �ب� � �ي � ��وت
ال�صائمين عامرة بقراءة القر�آن وتالوته واال�ستماع �إليه والتناف�س على ختمه عدة مرات في هذا ال�شهر الكريم. • �إطعام الطعام: وه��ي بيوت ُيطعم فيها ال�ط�ع��ام ..وتو�صل فيها الأرح ��ام خا�صة ف��ي �شهر الموا�ساة ال��ذي ي��زداد فيه في رزق الم�ؤمن كما ورد ف��ي الحديث ال�شريف(:من فطر �صائم ًا كان له مثل �أجره غير �أنه ال ينق�ص من �أجر ال�صائم �شيئ ًا) ،رواه الترمذي ..وقد كان عبد اهلل بن عمر ال يفطر �إال مع اليتامى والم�ساكين ..وك��ان عبد اهلل بن المبارك يطعم �إخوانه الطعام وهو �صائم ويجل�س في خدمتهم. • ال���ت�������س���ب���ي���ح والدعاء: وه��ي بيوت تعمر ب� � ��ال� � ��ذك� � ��ر
من ال�صوم لعلكم تتقون ..وال �شك �أن بيوتنا يتغير وجهها في رم�ضان عن غيره ..وهنا �أحببت �أن �أ�ضع �صورة لبيوت ال�صائمين وما تمتاز به عن غيرها ..من قراءة قر�آن و�صدقة و�إطعام م�سكين و�أعمال بر وخير ..وهاك بع�ض ما جمعت:
والت�سبيح والدعاء في �شهر ال�صيام� ..أال تذكر �آي��ة ال��دع��اء التي ذك��رت و�سط �آي��ات ال�صوم �إ�شارة �إلى عالقة الدعاء بال�صيام.. و�أعظم �أوقاته عند الإفطار ووق��ت ال�سحر ثم ليلة القدر وم��ا �أعظمها؟! ..في�ستقبل ال�شهر بالدعاء(:اللهم �أهله علينا باليمن والإيمان وال�سالمة والإ�سالم والتوفيق لما ت�ح��ب وت��ر��ض��ى رب��ي ورب ��ك اهلل) ..وعند الإف� �ط ��ار(:ذه ��ب ال�ظ�م��أ واب�ت�ل��ت ال �ع��روق وث�ب��ت الأج ��ر �إن ��ش��اء اهلل) ..وع�ن��د ليلة القدر(:اللهم �إن��ك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنى) ..فما �أجمل �أن يجمع الرجل �أهل بيته وقت الفطر ليدعو وي�ؤمنوا خلفه فهي دعوة ال ترد.
�أف��راد الأ�سرة في جو �إيماني ..يتدار�سون تف�سير �آية� ..أو حكم من �أحكام ال�صوم� ..أو �شرح حديث� ..أو ق�صة �صحابي� ..أو غزوة من غزواته� -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم ..-ويا حبذا لو �شارك الجميع في �إعداد الفقرات من م�سابقة خفيفة� ..أو ن�شيد جميل� ..أو خاطرة لطيفة ..المهم �أن ي�شارك الجميع في هذه الجل�سة الإيمانية ..و�أن يغلب على الجل�سة جو الحنان والرفق ال جو الت�شدد والت�ضييق ..و لتكن الجل�سة الأول ��ى عن ف�ضل ال�شهر الكريم وعن �أن �أب��واب الجنة المفتوحة و�أبواب النار مغلقة وكونه فر�صة ل�ك��ل ل�م��ن �أراد �أن ت��زي��د ح�سناته وتغفر �سيئاته.
• ال�صدقات: وه��ي بيوت تخرج منها ال�صدقات فتعطي للمحتاجين ..ف�أف�ضل ال�صدقة �صدقة في رم�ضان ..والجمع بين ال�صيام وال�صدقة من �أبلغ الأب��واب في تكفير الخطايا واتقاء جهنم والمباعدة بينهم ..وهي من موجبات الجنة التي �أع��د اهلل فيها غرفا لمن طيب ال�ك�لام و�أط �ع��م الطعام و�أدام ال�صيام.. و�إط �ع��ام ال�ط�ع��ام منزلة عظيمة للم�سلم ال�صائم ف�ه��ذه مطهرة لماله وب��رك��ة في منزله ومعاونة على �صومه ..ولأن ال�صيام ال ي�سلم غالبا من اقتران خلل �أو نق�ص به جاءت �صدقة الفطر ..قال� -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم(:-زكاة الفطر طهرة لل�صائم من اللغو والرفث ،وطعمة للم�ساكين) جزء من حديث رواه البيهقي.
• الب�سمة: لها �أث��ر ال�سحر في النفو�س؛ فهي تحدث تفاعالت بدنية ت�ساعد على تجديد الن�شاط ال �ح �ي��وي ..و ُت��ول��د الإح���س��ا���س بال�صحة.. وتُزيل االنقبا�ض النف�سي ..و تُحدث الراحة العقلية ..حتى قالوا� :إن ما يفعله ال�ضحك في ال�ضاحك كفعل الدواء في المر�ض� ..أما العبو�س في وج��ه النا�س فخُ ل ٌق ال يرت�ضيه الإ�سالم مطلق ًا ..وقد كان� -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم -ب�سام ًا عظيم ًا يحب ال�سرور ويكره الحزن وما يدفع �إليه من متاعب ..بل كان ي�ستعيذ من �شره(:اللهم �إني �أعوذ بك من الهم وال �ح��زن) ..ومما ي��روى عنه� -صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم� -أن��ه ك��ان ب�سام ًا و�أحيان ًا ي�ضحك ح�ت��ى ت �ب��دو ن��واج��ذه وه��و �ضحك العقالء الب�صراء ب��داء النف�س ودواءه��ا.. وهكذا بيوتنا في رم�ضان وفى غير رم�ضان مليئة بالب�سمات ال عب�س فيها..وكما قالوا رب ب�سمة حلت م�شكلة.
• جل�سة �إيمانية: قد تكون يومية ..وقد تكون �أ�سبوعية ..وقد ت�ك��ون ن�صف �أ�سبوعية ..يجل�س فيها كل
بكفالتك لليتيم تسد جوعه وتعطيه أم ً ال بمستقبل مشرق
الح لَ ُه ْم خ َْيٌ”. قال تعاىل َ ”:ويَ ْسأَلُونَكَ َع ِن الْ َي َتا َمى ُق ْل إِ ْص ٌ تكفل هيئة االعامل الخريية أكرث من 63الف يتيم يف 15دولة ،فتقدم لهم العون املايل و املساعدة التعليمية والرعاية الصحية الشاملة .مببلغ 50دوالرا يف الشهر ميكنك أن تكفل يتيامً فتسعد قلبه وتغري حياته لألفضل.
للتبرع يمكنكم اإلتصال على الرقم 1300 760 155 :أو زوروا موقع الهيئة : 30/4/19 10:33 am
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71 الوسط الدعوي
مركز الرسالة التعليمي يستضيف عبر اثيره ثلة من كبار العلماء والقراء من مختلف انحاء العالم بمنا�سبة انطالقته االولى يت�شرف مركز الر�ساله التعليمي في �سيدني با�ست�ضافة كوكبة من العلماء من مختلف دول العالم عبر اثيره خالل �شهر رم�ضان المبارك ،يوميا في حلقات �أ�سبوعية .كما ي�ست�ضيف مركز الر�سالة التعليمي ثلة من امهر قراء العالم عبر اثيره بتالوات حية مبا�شرة في �شهر رم�ضان المبارك.
كوكبة القراء:
كوكبة العلماء:
• الدكتور احمد الري�سوني -المغرب • الدكتور محمد العو�ضي -الكويت • الدكتور �سعيد الكمالي -المغرب • الدكتور ب�سام العمو�ش ْ - االردن • اال�ستاذ ابراهيم الع�سع�س -االردن • الدكتور عبدالوهاب ال�سامرائي -العراق • الدكتور امجد قور�شه -كندا • الدكتور وني�س مبروك -بريطانيا • الدكتور ابراهيم الديب -تركيا • الدكتور احمد المحمدي -قطر • الدكتور محمد �شندب -لبنان • الدكتوره تهاني جابر -االردن • الدكتور عبد الفتاح الفري�سي -المغرب • ال�شيخ محمد عمر بريطانيا � -إنجلترا • الدكتور احمد الفرجابي -ال�سودان • اال�ستاذه هناء الدكاري -المغرب • الدكتور محمود العرو�سي -ال�سعوديه • الدكتور محمود عبدالعزيز -قطر • الدكتور محمد الزعبي -لبنان • الدكتور �شريف البطيخي -امريكا
مركز الرسالة التعليمي :تعريف ..رؤيا ..أهداف ..وتهنئة... �إن�ط�لاق��ة مباركة ف��ي �شهر مبارك بحلّة زاهية و�شمو�س من العلماء االفا�ضل وترانيم حفظة لكتاب اهلل� .إنطالقة وعي ونه�ضة وتنمية وع�ل��م وب�ح��ث .ف��ي ق��ارة مترامية الأطراف نائية جغرافيا� .شاءت ِبنَا الأقدار ان ت�ستقبلنا بجمالها و�أم�ن�ه��ا وعدلها. ف�أ�صبحنا ج��زءا مميزا فيها .كان الزمنا على من يحملون م�شاعل العلم �أن يكونوا ورث��ة الأن�ب�ي��اء بخُ لقهم و�سعة �صدورهم و�صبرهم واحتوائهم للآخرين ودرجاتهم العلمية التخ�ص�صية. نعلم �أن الم�سيرة ط��وي�ل��ة لكنها لي�ست �صعبة لمن يعرف التعامل مع ت�شابكات ال �ح �ي��اة وت�ق��اط�ع��ات�ه��ا وف ��ن ال�ت�ع��ام��ل مع الخ�ساره بفهم للواقع ومحافظة على القيم والهوية .والتركيز على بناء رجال قادرين على تحمل الم�س�ؤولية مرتبطين بدينهم
وعقيدتهم قوال وعمال وتدبرا وفكرا .ايمانا بقوله تعالى�“ :إن اهلل ال يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما ب�أنف�سهم”� .صدق اهلل العظيم. �أن المتغيرات ال�سريعة النانو رقمية تفر�ض علينا مزيدا من التفكر والعمل والقوة فال مجال لل�ضعفاء في هذا العالَم .ال مجال للنظر للخلف .ال وقت للقيل والقال .لذا ف ��إن ما ت�سعى له م�ؤ�س�ستنا هو االنتقال الى العالمية واالرتقاء بالم�ستوى العلمي وال�ب�ح�ث��ي م��ن خ�ل�ال م���ش��اري��ع م��درو��س��ة ا�ستثمارية تتما�شى م��ع �سرعة الع�صر ال��ذي نحن فيه .و�أع�ضاء ه��ذه الم�ؤ�س�سة وم�ج�ل����س �أم�ن��ائ�ه��ا اال��س�ت���ش��اري ال��دول��ي ع�ل��ى درج ��ة ع��ال�ي��ة م��ن ال�م�ع��رف��ة والعلم والخبرة والتوا�صل م��ع كثير م��ن مراكز البحث العلمي وخ��ا��ص��ة ع�ل��وم االجتماع والتي �سينبثق عنها جيل قادر على تحمل الم�س�ؤولية م��ن حملة ال�شهادات البعيد
الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
عن ثقافة التكايا قادرا على تحمل تبعات �سنوات من الجمود والترهل وال�ضياع. ن��زف اليكم نب�أ �إط�ل�اق �أ��س��م «الر�سالة» لم�ؤ�س�ستنا الفتية .و�أخيرا ولي�س �آخرا ف�إن عظمة البالد لي�ست بكبرها انتفاخا بل بعظمة رجالها و�أمانتهم وعطائهم الى «يوم ال ينفع مال وال بنون *اال من �أتى اهلل بقلب �سليم». وتحية لكل من حمل �أمانة هذه الأمة بحق وعمل ب�إخال�ص على جمع كلمتها .ودمتم للخير نبرا�سا. كل ع��ام وانتم بخير وب��ارك اهلل لكم في اي��ام�ك��م ال �م �ع��دودات ف��ي �شهر رم�ضان المبارك �إخوتي و�أخواتي. مجل�س الأمناء
• الدكتور عبدالفتاح الفري�سي المغرب• اح� �م ��د ي ��و�� �س ��ف ازه� � � ��ري - بنغالد�ش • زكريا حمامه -الجزائر • محمد �شعرانه -الجزائر • محمد حربي -ا�ستراليا
• محمد بنونه -المغرب • اكرم البوعزازي -المغرب • احمد جالل يحيى -االردن • المن�شد زكي الع�سلي -تركيا • يا�سين �إعمران -الجزائر • احمد حنفي -م�صر
لمزيد من المعلومات عن البرنامج زوروا �صفحتنا على الفي�سبوك
رمضان Ramadan 2020
72 تهنئات
بمناسبة حلول
شهر رمضان المبارك
أتقدم من الجالية العربية واإلسالمية في استراليا ومن المسلمين في العالم بأحر التهاني وأطيب األمنيات ،أعاده اهلل على الجميع بالخير واليمن والبركات .وكل عام وأنتم بخير
جوزيف بربر زينة وعائلته
The Jolly Miller
Fig Food Co
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رمضان Ramadan 2020
73 صحة
فوائد ال�صيام للج�سم: • �أو ًال وق �ب��ل ك��ل � �ش��يء ،يمنح ال�صيام الج�سم �إ�ستراحة من عمليات اله�ضم، مما ي�سمح للج�سم ب�إ�ستهالك الطاقة في تنظيم وتح�سين وظائف الأع�ضاء الأخ��رى مثل الكبد والكليتين والجلد .فعند الإمتناع عن تناول الطعام لفترة طويلة يبد�أ الج�سم بالتفرغ لعمليات �إ�صالح على م�ستوى ال�خ�لاي��ا والتخل�ص م��ن الخاليا القديمة المتراكمة (التجدد الخلوي) ،كما تحدث بع�ض ال�ت�غ�ي��رات والتح�سينات ف��ي ال�ع��دي��د من الجينات المتعلقة بطول العمر وتح�سين المناعة والحماية من الأمرا�ض المزمنة. • ك �م��ا ي �ح��دث ت �غ �ي��ر ف ��ي م �� �س �ت��وي��ات بع�ض الهرمونات ،لتعمل بكفاءة �أكبر على حرق دهون الج�سم المختزنة .فعلى �سبيل المثال يحدث انخفا�ض ف��ي م�ستويات الإن�سولين ب��ال��دم مما ي�ؤدي الى زيادة عمليات حرق الدهون في الج�سم، �أما عن هرمون النمو ف�إن معدالته ترتفع بالدم الى � 5أ�ضعاف عن معدله الطبيعي ،وي�ؤدي �إرتفاع هذا الهرمون الى الم�ساعدة �أي�ضا على تك�سيرالدهون لإ�ستخدامها كم�صدر للطاقة وزي���ادة تكوين الع�ضالت .وب�سبب تغير م�ستويات تلك الهرمونات وتح�سن �أدائها ف�إن معدل الأي�ض(البناء والهدم) في الج�سم يزيد بن�سبة تتراوح بين ،٪14-4مما ي�ساعد على حرق المزيد من ال�سعرات الحرارية وخ�سارة الوزن ب�شكل �صحي. • يعاني البع�ض من مقاومة �أج�سامهم لهرمون الإن�سولين وعدم ا�ستجابة الج�سم له مما ي�ؤدي ال��ى زي ��ادة م�ستويات ال�سكر ف��ي ال��دم والكبد والإ� �ص��اب��ة بمر�ض ال�سكري م��ن ال�ن��وع الثاني. ال���ص�ي��ام ي�ق�ل��ل م��ن م �ق��اوم��ة ال�ج���س��م ل�ه��رم��ون الإن�سولين ويح�سن من كفائته و�أدائ��ه عن طريق ا�ستهالك الج�سم لل�سكرالموجود في الدم والكبد خ�ل�ال ف �ت��رة ال���ص�ي��ام وا��س�ت�خ��دام�ه��م كم�صدر للطاقة. • ومن فوائد ال�صيام �أي�ضا ان الج�سم يقوم بعملية(ديتوك�س) �أي يتخل�ص م��ن ال�سموم المتراكمة والمخزنة في الخاليا الدهنية .ففي خالل �ساعات ال�صيام الأولى يقوم الج�سم بحرق ال�سكريات الب�سيطة الموجودة في ال��دم ،ومن ثم ينتقل الى تحويل الجليكوجين المخزن داخل الكبد �إلى �سكر في الدم ومن ثم الى طاقة .وبعد حوالي � 12ساعة ،يتم ا�ستنفاد الجليكوجين بالكبد وبالتالي ينتقل الج�سم لتحويل الدهون المخزنة داخل �أجزاء مختلفة من الج�سم لتوفير الطاقة، وخ�لال عملية ح��رق ه��ذه ال��ده��ون يتم التخل�ص و�إزال��ة ال�سموم المخزنة داخل الخاليا الدهنية تاركا الج�سم نقيا وخال ًيا من ال�سموم المتراكمة. • وال تتوقف فوائد ال�صيام عند الج�سم فقط، ح �ي��ث ي �ع��زز ال �� �ص �ي��ام �إن� �ت ��اج ه��رم��ون ال��دم��اغ المعروف با�سم عامل التغذية الع�صبية الم�شتقة م��ن ال��دم��اغ ( )BDNFوال ��ذي ب ��دوره يح�سن وظائف الدماغ ويعزز �أداء الذاكرة ونمو الخاليا الع�صبية وزي ��ادة ال�ق��درة على التركيز وتقليل الن�شاط ال��زائ��د في ال��دم��اغ ،كما يقوم بحماية خاليا الدماغ من التغيرات الإنتكا�سية المرتبطة ببع�ض الأم��را���ض مثل مر�ض باركن�سون ومر�ض الزهايمر. • ووفقا لإح��دى الدرا�سات للبروفي�سور فالتير لونجو ،الأ��س�ت��اذ ف��ي جامعة كاليفورنيا بلو�س ان�ج�ل��و���س ف��ي ال ��والي ��ات ال�م�ت�ح��دة الأم��ري �ك �ي��ة، �أن ال���ص�ي��ام ل �م��دة ث�لاث��ة �أي� ��ام ي �ق��وم بتجديد جهاز المناعة بالكامل و�إنتاج خاليا دم بي�ضاء تماما تتمتع بقدرة �أق��وى على مكافحة جديدة ً أي�ضا تكوين الخاليا الأمرا�ض .كما يمنع ال�صيام � ً ال�سرطانية ،وينظم ويقلل من احتمالية حدوث االلتهابات المزمنة في الج�سم ،وي�ساعد على تقليل تكوين الجزيئات وال�م��واد الحرة ال�ضارة في الج�سم ،والتي ت�سبب تلف الخاليا والحم�ض ال �ن��ووي وب��روت�ي�ن��ات ال�ج���س��م ،م�م��ا ي�ساهم في الإ�صابة بالأمر�ض المزمنة و�أمرا�ض ال�شيخوخة. • كما ر�أينا �سابقًا ،ي ��ؤدي ال�صيام �إل��ى حرق الدهون و�إط�لاق ال�سموم من الج�سم ،وتح�سين
اإلفطار الصحي السليم
فــي الشـهر الكريم
منى البدوي
اخ�صائية تغذية وع�ضو الكلية اال�سترالية للتحكم بالوزن
ال�ص َيا ُم َك َما ُك ِت َب َعلَى يقول اهلل تعالىَ } :يا �أَ ُّي َها ا َّل ِذينَ �آ َمنُوا ُك ِت َب َعلَ ْي ُك ُم ِّ ا َّل ِذينَ ِمن َق ْب ِل ُك ْم َل َع َّل ُك ْم َت َّتقُونَ{ ،يهل علينا �شهر رم�ضان الكريم بنفحاته وبركاته وعباداته ،وال�صيام �أو ال�صوم هو زكاة للبدن وتطهير للنف�س وتهذيب للأخالق .ويعرف ال�صوم في اللغة ب�أنه الإمتناع �أو الإم�ساك عن المفطرات مثل الطعام وال�شراب وغيره مع توفر النيه ال�صحيحة .ويعتبر هذا ال�شهر الف�ضيل فر�صه عظيمة يجب الإنتفاع بها لتح�سين بع�ض عاداتنا الغذائية والتخل�ص من بع�ض الوزن الزائد ،لإراحة الج�سم و�صفاء الذهن و�إعطائه فر�صة للتفرغ للعبادات وقراءة القر�آن .ولال�ستفادة من هذا ال�شهر الكريم وال�صيام ب�شكل �صحي ،يجب القيام بتح�ضير الوجبات الخفيفة المفيدة والتقليل من الحلويات والم�شروبات عالية ال�سكر ،والإهتمام ب�شرب الماء وال�سوائل لتعوي�ض الج�سم عن �ساعات ال�صيام لتعمل جميع �أع�ضاء الج�سم بكفائة عالية وحتى ال ن�شعر بالك�سل �أوالتعب �أوالإرهاق ،فال تتم الإ�ستفادة الروحانية الحقيقية من هذا ال�شهر الف�ضيل. ف��ي م�ستويات ال�ه��رم��ون��ات و�إن�خ�ف��ا���ض م�ستوى ال�سكر بالدم ،وتعزيز وظائف الدماغ والذاكرة وتقوية جهاز المناعه ،والعديد من الفوائد التي يتم �إكت�شافها مع الوقت ،عن طريق دالئل و�أبحاث علمية لت�ؤكد لنا حكمة هذا ال�شهر الكريم وفوائده ال�صحية بجانب فوائده الروحانية. ن�صائح لوجبة �إفطار �صحية: • يف�ضل عند الإفطار عدم تناول وجبة كبيرة مرة واح��دة ،حتى ال ن�شعر بالك�سل �أوالخمول او الرغبة في النوم ف��ورا ،و�إق �ت��داء ب�سنة ر�سولنا الكريم ،بف�ضل تناول حبات من التمر بعد �سماع
الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
�أذان المغرب ،لإمداد الج�سم بالطاقة والألياف التي ت�ساعد على اله�ضم ،وك��وب م��ن اللبن �أو الحليب لت�ستعد المعدة لإ�ستقبال الطعام ،وبعدها يمكن القيام بت�أدية �صالة المغرب لإعطاء المعدة فر�صة للإ�ستعداد لإ�ستقبال ال�ط�ع��ام و�إف ��راز الأحما�ض الالزمة لله�ضم .وتكون البداية المثلى مع طبق كبير من ال�سلطة الخ�ضراء الم�ضاف اليها �صو�ص �صحي مكون من خل التفاح �أوالع�صائر الحم�ضية وزيت الزيتون ور�شة من بذور الكتان �أو حبوب ال�شيا �أو رقائق ق�شور ال�سيليوم (للتغلب على م�شكلة الإم�ساك التي قد ت�صيب البع�ض في �شهر رم�ضان) ،مع �إ�ضافة بع�ض الأع�شاب الطازجة �أو المجففة والبهارات ح�سب الرغبة ،وم��ن ثم
تناول طبق من ال�شوربة الدافئة والتي يف�ضل �أن تكون مليئة بالخ�ضروات وقليلة الد�سم والدهون، حيث من الممكن �إ�ستبدال الكريمة بال�شوفان ال�صحي لإعطائها قوام رائع ،ناهيك عن فوائدها ودوره��ا الفعال في خف�ض م�ستوى الكولي�سترول وا�ستقرارم�ستويات ال�سكر في ال��دم كما تمنح �إح�سا�س بال�شبع لفترات طويلة. • وحتى تكون وجبة الإف�ط��ار متكاملة بجميع العنا�صر الغذائية ،يف�ضل تق�سيم طبق الإفطار ال��ى ث�لاث��ة �أق���س��ام ،ن�صف الطبق للخ�ضروات الطازجة المطبوخة بطريقة �صحية للإحتفاظ بعنا�صرها الغذائية ،وربع الطبق للبروتينات من لحوم �أو دج��اج �أو بي�ض �أو عد�س �أو �أي نوع من البقوليات عالية البروتينات ،وال��رب��ع المتبقي للن�شويات م��ن خ�ب��ز(وي�ف���ض��ل خ�ب��ز �أ� �س �م��ر �أو بالنخالة �أو بالحبوب الكاملة) �أو �أرز �أو مكرونة. ويراعي عند طبخ الأرز �أو المكرونة التقليل من الدهون الم�ضافة وعدم ت�سبيك الخ�ضروات. • ال ل�ل�إك�ث��ار م��ن الحلويات الرم�ضانية مثل الكنافة والقطايف والب�سبو�سة ،لأنها ت��ؤدي الى ح��دوث ع�سر ه�ضم خا�صة عند �أكلها مبا�شرة بعد وجبة الإفطار ،ويف�ضل تناول الحلويات بعد الأكل ب�ساعتين و�أخذ قطعه واحدة �أو ا�ستبدالها بحبة من الفاكهه الطازجة� ،أو طبق من �سلطة الفواكه المو�سمية �أو قطعة من ال�شوكوالته الداكنة �أو كوب من الزبادي اليوناني الم�ضاف اليه بع�ض الفواكه الطازجة �أو الع�سل �أو ر�شة من القرفة. ومن ال�سهل �أي�ضا تح�ضير الحلويات بطرق �صحية ورفع قيمتها الغذائية ،حيث من الممكن ا�ستبدال دقيق القمح بدقيق اللوز �أو ال�شوفان �أو جوز الهند �أو الحم�ص �أو الكينوا ،كما يمكن ا�ستبدال الزبدة العادية بزبدة فول ال�سوداني �أو زبدة اللوز �أو زبدة الف�ستق �أو البندق� .أم��ا بالن�سبة لل�سكر الأبي�ض فيوجد بدائل �صحية عديدة له مثل الع�سل و�شراب القيقب و�سكر ا�ستيفيا و�سكرفاكهة ال��راه��ب � Monk Fruitأو من الممكن �أي�ضا �إ�ضافة البطاطا الم�شوية �أوالتفاح المطبوخ �أو هري�س الموز �أو اليقطين (القرع). • يجب محاولة التقليل من الم�أكوالت المقلية و�إعتماد الأ�ساليب ال�صحية للطهي للإحتفاظ بالقيمة الغذائية للأطعمة مثل الطهي البطيء على ن��ار هادئة مع القليل من ال�م��اء� ،أو الخبز في الفرن �أو �شواء اللحوم والطيور ،حيث تحتفظ بطراوتها من الداخل وتكون مقرم�شة وذهبية من الخارج وهي �أف�ضل طريقة بديلة للقلي� .أما بالن�سبة للخ�ضروات فيمكن طهيها على البخار �أو �إعدادها بطريقة القلي ال�سريع وهي طريقة �آ�سيوية تقليدية ،حيث يتم تقطيع الخ�ضروات �أو اللحوم �أو الدجاح الى �شرائح �صغيرة ويتم تقليبها �سري ًعا في مقالة �أو وعاء طهي كبير غير ال�صق ويتم ا�ستخدام كمية �صغيرة من زيت ال�سم�سم و�إ�ضافة القليل من ال�صويا �صو�ص لإعطاء الطبق نكهة مميزة. • �إعداد الوجبات با�ستخدام الأع�شاب الطازجة والمجففة والتوابل والبهارات و ُمح�سّ نات النكهات الطبيعية ،مثل دب�س الفليفلة الحمراء �أو دب�س ال��رم��ان بديال ع��ن �إ�ضافة الملح �أو ال��ده��ون �أو المنكهات ال�صناعية لأنها ت�ساعد على ال�شعور بالعط�ش خالل فترة ال�صيام ومن المحتمل �أي�ضا �أن ترفع �ضغط الدم. • يف�ضل الإك �ث��ار م��ن �شرب ال�م��اء ولكن على ف �ت��رات ب �ع��د الإف� �ط���ار ،وا� �س �ت �ب��دال الع�صائر الرم�ضانية والم�شروبات عالية ال�سكر وال�سعرات ال�ح��راري��ة الخالية م��ن الفيتامينات والمعادن والألياف ال�صحية بالع�صائر الطبيعية مثل التمر مع اللبن �أو الليمون مع النعناع �أو ع�صير البرتقال وال �ج��زر .حيث ت�ساعد ه��ذه ال�م���ش��روب��ات على تعوي�ض الج�سم عن الأم�لاح وال�سوائل المفقودة خ�لال فترة ال�صيام وت�ساعد على ات��زان معدل ال�سكر بالدم ب�شكل تدريجي. متعكم اهلل بال�صحة والعافية وتقبل �صيامكم وقيامكم.
رمضان Ramadan 2020
74 تهنئات
فيروس كورونا موضوع الساعة! الباحث الدكتور فاتح اعطي�ش م�خ�ل��وق م��ن ا��ض�ع��ف مخلوقات اهلل ،الي ��رى بالمجهر ال �ع��ادي ويحتاج الي مجهر الكتروني حتى نميزه ،هو عباره عن بروتين مكون من حم�ض نووي مغلف بجدارفقط. وه��و غير ن�شط خ��ارج الخلية،هذا الكائن ه��زم االن �� �س��ان ��ش��ر ه��زي�م��ة ،وب �ع��ث ال��رع��ب والخوف لكافة دول العالم ،وتمتر�س واعتقل االن �� �س��ان ف��ي بيته م�ج�ب��را غ�ي��ر م�خ�ي��را في انحاء الب�سيطة ،وك ��أن اهلل �سبحانه وتعالى يختبر قدرتنا ويعرفنا ب�أنف�سنا ب�أننا مهما تعلمنا«،وما اوتيتم من العلم اال قليال» ما زلنا نجهل الكثير. يا �أيها النا�س!!! عليكم بالحجر ال�صحي، وااللتزام بقوانين الوقاية ،فهي الحل الوحيد للوقاية من العدوى حتى هذه ال�ساعة. هناك بع�ض الحقائق التي يجب ان نتبعها للوقاية :اوال ،من المعروف ان هذا الفيرو�س يكون خطيرا ومميتا بالن�سبة لال�شخا�ص ذو المناعة ال�ضعيفة مثل كبار ال�سن ،والمدخنون من كل الفيئات العمرية ،لذلك عليه االعتناء بالنظافة ال�شخ�صية ،وتعزيز المناعة بوا�سطة التغذية ال�صحيه وذل��ك بتناول الخ�ضروات والفواكه واالكثار من تناول ال�شاي االخ�ضر الحتوائه علي كميات كبيره من مادة البولي
استمعوا الى إذاعة الصوت االسالمي سيدني
فينولز ذو الخ�صائ�ص الطبيعية كم�ضادات حيوية. وم��ن المعروف ان الفيرو�س ال يكون ن�شطا فى الو�سط الحام�ضي لذا نن�صح بكثرة تناول الع�صائر الطبيعية الحام�ضية مثل ع�صير الليمون .واي�ضا لكي ال ن�صاب باالنفولنزا المو�سمية النها ت�ساعد على تقليل المناعة، فالحذر م��ن ال�ع��دوى منها اي�ضا ،بعزل اي �شخ�ص م�صاب بها داخل العائلة الواحدة. اال�ستفادة م��ن اال�شخا�ص ال��ذي��ن �شفو من المر�ض نتيجة لقوة المناعة الطبيعية لذيهم و�سرعة ت�ع��رف ج�ه��از المناعة لديهم على الفيرو�س وانتاج الم�ضادات الطبيعيه التي ت�سمى انتى ب��دى داخ��ل ال��دم ،ب ��أن ي�ستعمل دمهم كم�صل طبيعي يحقن في اال�شخا�ص الم�صابين حديثا لتعزيز وتقوية مناعتهم مع مراعات نوع ف�صيلة الدم ،مع اخذ العلم ان ال�شخ�ص الذي �شفي يعتبر اليزال حامال للفيرو�س. حمى اهلل الب�شرية من هذا الوباء.
من اليمين الحاجة رانية البرجاوي ،الحاج ابراهيم الزعبي، الدكتور احمد العقاد
Ramadan Mubarak
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Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Hajj Khalil Shahin
Islamic Arabic Centre & Al-Khalil Mosque
Masjid al Khalil
Torrens Rd Woodville North, Adelaide, South Australia 5012
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Islamic Society of South Australia
658 Marion Rd Parkholme, SA 5043 Tel: +618 8277 8725 W:
الشيخ رياض الرفاعي عضو مجلس األئمة الفدرالي أمين سر مجلس األئمة في جنوب أستراليا ممثل دار الفتوى في الجمهورية اللبنانية فيوالية جنوب استراليا امام مسجد عمر بن الخطاب في اداليد-
Sheikh Riad El Rifai
Imam of Masjid Omar Bin Alkhatab South Australia
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
Education Entertainment Islamic Marriage Hajj Funerals Festivals Open Day Halal Certificate Counselling Services Aged care Arabic School
Masjid Abu Bakr AsSaddiq Masjid Omar Bin Alkhattab Masjid Murray Bridge Masjid Whayalla
الشيخ عبد السالم عالم
امام مسجد ابو بكر الصديق الجمعية االسالمية في جنوب استراليا Sheikh AbdulSalam Abdulghani Alim Imam of Masjid Abu Baker AlSaddiq Islamic Society of South Australia
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
We have dental treatment under sedation and general anaesthesia.
we have advanced filling and crown setting via CEREC technology.
وليد الخزرجي.د
مدير عيادة العناية باالسنان في هيلتون
Dr Waleed Alkhazrajy Director
we are major sponsors for Human Appeal, Islamic Relief, Saudi Students club Adelaide.
Dental Care At Hilton 158 Sir Donald Bradman Dr, Hilton SA 5033
T: 08 8351 7722 E: • AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
رمضان Ramadan 2020
اعتبرت البروفي�سورة� ،سوبريا مون�شو ،المحا�ضرة في جامعة جونز هوبكنز� ،أن ت�صريحات الم�س�ؤولين الأمريكيين حول امكانية �إنتاج لقاح م�ضاد لكورونا خالل عام �أو � 18شهرا هي ت�صريحات متفائلة جدا. و�شككت الخبيرة بواقعية هذه الت�صريحات رغم �أن فيرو�س كورونا ال يعد فيرو�سا جديدا تماما ،على حد تعبيرها. و�أعلنت مون�شو �أن تطوير لقاح فعال �ضد �أي فيرو�س جديد يتطلب فترة ما بين 10 و 15عاما ،م�ضيفة �أن» الخبر الجيد هو �أن فيرو�س كورونا الحالي لي�س جديدا ،وهناك ��ش��رك��ات وم��ؤ��س���س��ات عالمية تعمل على تطوير لقاحات �ضد مثل هذه المجموعة من الفيرو�سات منذ فترة طويلة ،خا�صة منذ تف�شي وبائي مير�س و�سار�س». و�شددت على �أن ال�شركات التي تقوم بتطوير لقاح م�ضاد ل�ـ» «ك��وف�ي��د ،»19-لم تبد�أ من ال�صفر ،لأن ه��ذا ال�ن��وع م��ن الفيرو�سات موجود �أ�سا�سا ،م�شيرة �إلى �أنه حتى الآن لم يتم �إنتاج لقاحات فعالة كليا �ضد فيرو�سات كورونا على �أنواعها. و�أعربت الخبيرة عن اعتقادها ب�أن «الأبحاث التي �أجريت على فيرو�سات مير�س و�سار�س �سابقا �أ�سهمت بتق�صير ال�م��دة ال�لازم��ة لإنتاج لقاح �ضد كوفيد ..19-والحقيقة �أن
«جونز هوبكنز» تشكك بقرب توصل أمريكا للقاح مضاد لكورونا وتتحدث عن لقاح واعد بأستراليا الم�صل الم�ضاد لفيرو�س مير�س ال يزال قيد التطوير حتى الآن نظرا لأنه كان منح�صرا في �شبه الجزيرة العربية ..وبالن�سبة لوباء �سار�س فلم يعد �إنتاج لقاح م�ضاد له �ضروريا تماما». بعد اختفائه ً ولفتت مون�شو خ�لال ت�صريحات ن�شرها موقع الجامعة ،م�ساء الخمي�س� ،إل��ى �أن ع ��ددا كبيرا م��ن ال���ش��رك��ات ف��ي ال��والي��ات المتحدة ودول �أخرى تعمل على تطوير لقاح م�ضاد لكورونا الم�ستجد ،بما فيها �شركات: موديرنا ،و�أن��وف�ي��و ،وكان�سينو ،بيولوجيز، ومعهد �شنغن ال�صيني. وك�شفت الخبيرة ال�صحية في جامعة جونز هوبكنز الأمريكية �أن هناك لقاحا واع��دا ي�ستخدم في عالج مر�ض ال�سل �ستتم تجربته قريبا في �أ�ستراليا �ضد فيرو�س كورونا. وق��ال��ت»:م��ا ي�ث�ي��ر االه �ت �م��ام ح �ق��ا ه��و �أن �أ�ستراليا باتت على و�شك تجربة فعالية لقاح «كالميت جويرين» ،ال��ذي ي�ستخدم لعالج مر�ض ال�سل ،بهدف عالج الإ�صابة بفيرو�س ك��ورون��ا...ن�ح��ن نعلم �أن ه��ذا اللقاح �آم��ن، ولذلك ال داعي الختبارات ال�سالمة عليه... جدا �أن ننتظر ونرى مدى فعالية ومن المثير ً هذا الدواء في عالج كورونا». الم�صدر: موقع جامعة جونز هوبكنز +وكاالت
الحاج رياض الدهيبي
منسق جمعية اكرام الموتى
الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
رمضان Ramadan 2020
79 تهنئات
عالم استرالي دخل المستشفى بسبب تجربة جهاز يحد من انتشار الفيروس بي بي �سي عربي كان عالم فيزياء فلكية �أ�سترالي الجن�سية ي�أمل ب ��أن يخترع ج�ه��از ًا ي�ساعد النا�س على ع��دم التقاط فيرو�س كورونا، لينتهي به المطاف في الم�شفى بعد �أن علقت قطع مفناطي�س داخل �أنفه. كانت خطة د .دانيل ريردون �أن ي�صنع قالدة تمتلك ال�ق��درة على �إ� �ص��دار تنبيه عندما تقترب الأيادي من الوجه ،لكن للأ�سف لم ت�سر الأمور وفق خطته. وق��ال العالم« :لقد �أع�ط��ى اختراعي �أث��را عك�سيا ،بقي يطن با�ستمرار حتى و�ضعت مغناطي�س ًا قريب ًا منه» .وقال د.دانيل ريردون لبي بي �سي« :ب��د�أت �أ�ضحك ،وتوقفت عن فعل �أي �شيء م�ؤقت ًا .ثم ،وبال تفكير ،بد�أت بو�ضع قطع المغناطي�س على وجهي ..على �شحمتي �أذني ثم على فتحتي �أنفي». ب � ��د�أت ال�م���ش�ك�ل��ة ع �ن��دم��ا و� �ض �ع��ت قطعة مغناطي�س على فتحة �أنفي الثانية لأنهما جذبا بع�ضهما البع�ض وعلقت �إحداهما في الداخل!» ،ومع ذلك حافظ الباحث الجامعي على هدوئه. ويقول �إن الأم��ر �آلمه في البداية لكنه بد�أ
الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
ي�شعر بالتوتر عندما �أدرك �أن المو�ضوع لي�س ب�سيطا ومن ال�صعب �إخراج المغناطي�س. وي�ضيف« :بعد ذلك ،حاولت ا�ستعمال �آخر قطعتي مغناطي�س كانتا بحوزتي في محاولة لجذب القطع العالقة لكن تلك القطعتين علقتا �أي�ضا ف�أدركت �أني في ورطة». �أ�صر د.ري��ردون على �إخ��راج نف�سه من تلك ال��ورط��ة ،ل��ذا عثر على ك ّما�شة التي زادت الأمر تعقيدا .يقول د.ري��ردون �إن الكما�شة ج��ذب��ت ب�ق��وة �إل ��ى �أن �ف��ه وك ��ان ذاك الأم��ر «م�ؤلما» ل��ه .وعندها فقط �أدرك �أن عليه زيارة الم�شفى القريب من بيته في ملبورن، حيث تعمل �شريكته. و�أو��ض��ح« :ك��ان الم�شروع عظيما بر�أيهم.. خا�صة �أول �ئ��ك ال��ذي��ن ي�ع��رف��ون �شريكتي. لكنهم مروا بالقرب مني لل�ضحك من وجود قطع المغناطي�س في �أنفي». ولح�سن حظه ،تمكن الأطباء من �إخراج كل القطع ،وخرج من الم�شفى بال �ضرر يذكر. وعند �س�ؤاله عن اختراعه ،فقال �إنه �سي�ضعه جانبا و�أ� �ض��اف وه��و ي�ضحك�« :أعتقد �أن �شخ�صا بم�ؤهالت �أف�ضل �سيكون قادرا على �إتمام هذا العمل».
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
Launch of MAA International Primary School in Vanuatu On 13th March 2020, Muslim Aid Australia (MAA) held a special dinner in Bankstown, Sydney to mark the opening of the MAA International Primary School (MIPS) in the Republic of Vanuatu. Vanuatu is a South Pacific Ocean nation located west of Fiji, famous for gorgeous islands, coral reefs, and more. It is made up of roughly 80 islands that include Tanna – that has the active volcano Mount Yasur. Unfortunately, Vanuatu also has the highest proportion of children who have never attended school in the Pacific. In remote Tanna, a child has to walk at least 4km a day to attend school, which leads to poor school attendance and performance. These were some of the fundamental reasons behind MAA wanting to open the school here.
Education & Employment:
The school provides free education to all and currently accommodates 40 children in Year 1 and 2 classes, but has a capacity of 120 students. The official Vanuatu curriculum is followed which includes Maths, Science and English and additionally the school also conducts Arabic,
Culture and Permaculture classes. The school currently employs nine locals in roles across management, teaching, farm aid and more in addition to the volunteers and consultants that make up the School Council.
Sustainable Community:
The school complex doubles as a sustainable agriculture site for the community where both students and adults can learn techniques such as composting food waste, sustaining soil fertility, harvesting rain water, and more. This will help them rely less on imported food and fertilisers that harm their health and land. The site will also be equipped with a solar panel system, composting toilets, grey water systems, and recycling processes to make up for the lack of such utilities in Tanna.
Health & Nutrition:
The permaculture programme at the school not only teaches the community about sustainable agriculture, it also provides highly nutritious crops that are cooked at the school kitchen and turned
into healthy lunches every day. The school also runs parent and child workshops that focus on hygiene and bathing techniques, lice prevention and treatment, and other health issues. The structure is also cyclone-proof and can withstand a highest Category 5 cyclone. MAA General Manager, Aziz Dindar, expressed his gratitude for the support from donors, especially ‘Fathi The Opening’ - a charity initiative begun by family members in memory of their young brother Fathi Karra-Hassan, who passed away in Sydney in early 2017. “We are committed to continue developing impactful humanitarian aid projects in the oft-neglected South Pacific.” For the School Principal, Tovey Jalson, it is like a dream come true. “On behalf of the community, we are so grateful for the donors who have sincerely donated to build this school. For me, it has been so massive, I cannot express it enough from my heart. We believe that as we go on, Allah will continue to bless us as we uphold the faith and continue to develop this place for the better.”
Islamophobia Research Project by the Australian Multicultural Foundation & Deakin University Islamophobia Research Project by the Australian Multicultural Foundation & Deakin University The Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF), in partnership with Deakin University are conducting a research project exploring the perspectives of young Melburnians’ on Islamophobia including; how different forms of extremist views and narratives may contribute, how it may impact young Muslim Melburnians’ participation, integration and sense of belonging, AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
and strategies to counter it. The project will further explore the value of using a peer research method to collect data. The research team are currently recruiting Muslim and non-Muslim Melburnians’ aged 18-28, to participate in peer interviews throughout March 2020. For more information or to register your interest, please contact the Project Coordinator at the AMF
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
رمضان Ramadan 2020
82 الوسط الخيري
رابعًا :وقتها
خامسا :لمن تصرف زكاة الفطر
-1تجب زكاة الفِطر بغروب آخر يوم من رمضان، عند الشافعية ،وبطلوع فجر يوم العيد عند األحناف والمالكية. -2ويجب إخراجها قبل صالة العيد لحديث ابن عباس، ويجوز تقديمها من أول شهر رمضان عند الشافعي، واألفضل تأخيرها إلى ما قبل العيد بيوم أو يومين ،وهو المعتمد عند المالكية ،ويجوز تقديمها إلى أول الحول عند األحناف؛ ألنها زكاة .وعند الحنابلة يجوز تعجيلها من بعد نصف شهر رمضان.
-1وقد أجمع العلماء أنها تصرف ل ُفقراء المسلمين -2واألصل أنها مفروضة للفقراء والمساكين ،فال تعطى لغيرهم من األصناف الثمانية ،إ ّال إذا وجدت حاجة أو مصلحة إسالمية .وتصرف في البلد الذي تؤخذ منه ،إ ّال إذا لم يوجد فقراء فيجوز نقلها إلى بلد آخر. -3وال تصرف زكاة الفطر لمن ال يجوز صرف زكاة المال إليه. من كتاب أحكام الصيام للشيخ فيصل مولوي رحمه الله
فضل الصدقة في شهر رمضان المبارك كفالة أسرة فقيرة بحاجاتها الفذائية لشهر رمضان
أو ًال :أنها تطفىء غضب الله سبحانه وتعالى كما في قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم (إن صدقة السر تطفىء غضب الرب تبارك وتعالى). ثانياً :أنها تمحو الخطيئة ،وتذهب نارها كما في قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم (والصدقة تطفىء الخطيئة كما تطفىء الماء النار) .كما أنها وقاية من النار كما في قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم (فاتقوا النار ،ولو بشق تمرة). ثالثاً :أن المتصدق في ظل صدقته يوم القيامة كما في حديث عقبة بن عامر قال :سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول (كل امرىء في ظل صدقته ،حتى يقضى بين الناس) وقد ذكر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أن من السبعة الذين يظلهم الله في ظله يوم ال ظل إال ظله ،رجل تصدق بصدقة فأخفاها ،حتى ال تعلم شماله ما تنفق يمينه). رابعاً :أن في الصدقة دواء لألمراض البدنية كما في قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم (داووا مرضاكم بالصدقة). خامساً :أن صاحب الصدقة يبارك الله له في ماله كما أخبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن ذلك بقوله (ما نقصت صدقة من مال) .و كذلك تدعو المالئكة للمتصدق بأن يبارك الله له في ماله وفي ذلك يقول صلى الله عليه وسلم (ما من يوم يصبح العباد فيه إال ملكان
ينزالن فيقول أحدهما :اللهم أعط منفقاً خلفاً ،ويقول اآلخر :اللهم أعط ممسكاً تلفاً). سادساً :أن صاحبها يدعى من باب خاص من أبواب الجنة يقال له باب الصدقة كما في حديث أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال (من أَ ْن َفقَ زوجينِ في سبيلِ الل ِه ،نُود َِي في الجن ِة : يا عب َد الل ِه ! هذا خي ٌر ،فمن كان من أهلِ الصال ِة ُدع َِي باب الصال ِة ،ومن كان من أهلِ الجها ِد ُ ،دع َِي من من ِ باب باب الجها ِد ،و َمن كان من أهلِ الصدق ِة ُ ،دع َِي من ِ ِ باب الصدق ِة ،و َمن كان مِن أهلِ الصيا ِم ُ ،دع َِي من ِ ال َّر َّيانِ ،فقال أبو بك ٍر الصديقُ :يا َ رسول الل ِه ! ما َع َلى أحد من ُيدعى من هذه األبواب من ضرور ٍة ،فهل ُيدعى ٌ ِ األبواب ك ِّلها ؟ قال :نعم ،وأرجو أنْ تكونَ منهم). من ِ سابعاً :أنَّ الصدقة ٌ دليل على صدق العبد وإيمانه كما في قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم (والصدقة برهان). ثامناً :أنَّ الصدقة مطهرة للمال لمن يعمل في التجارة و البيع والشراء ،تخلصه من الذنوب التي يكتسبها من جراء اللغو ،والحلف ،والكذب ،والغفلة و المنكرات و تطهره فقد كان النَّبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يوصي ال َّتجار بقوله (يا معشر التجار ،إنَّ هذا البيع يحضره اللغو والحلف فشوبوه بالصدقة).
كفالة يتيم أكفل يتيمًا وكن مع النبي (ص) رفيقا في الجنة
سقيا الماء
صدقة جارية توفر المياه الصالحة للشرب للمحتاجين
للتبرع يمكنكم اإلتصال على الرقم 1300 760 155 :أو زوروا موقع الهيئة : Perth Office: 2/1397 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107 P 08 6269 3556
Brisbane Office: 16 Queens Rd, Slacks Creek QLD 4127 P 07 3493 4222
Adelaide Office: 1/53 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End SA 5031 P 08 7200 2882
Melbourne Office: 149 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058 P 03 8374 3000
Sydney Office: 119 Haldon St, Lakemba NSW 2195 P 02 9750 3161 الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
رمضان Ramadan 2020
83 الوسط الخيري
رمضان، الشهر الذي يترقبه الجميع زكاة الفطر أو ً ال :تعريفها وحكمها
ثانيا :على من تجب؟
-1زكاة الفطر أو صدقة الفطر هي الزكاة التي سببها الفطر من رمضان .فرضت في السنة الثانية للهجرة ،أي مع فريضة الصيام .وتمتاز عن الزكوات األخرى بأنها مفروضة على األشخاص ال على األموال. -2واتفق جمهور العلماء أنها فريضة واجبة ،لحديث ابن عمر« :أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فرض زكاة الفطر من رمضان صاعاً من تمر أو صاعاً من شَ عير على ّ كل ح ٍّر أو عبد أو أمة». -3وقد ب ّين رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حكمتها وأنها طهرة للصائم من ال َّلغو وال َّرفث اللذين ق َّلما يسلم صائم منهما ،وهي ُطعمة للمساكين حتى يكون المسلمون جميعاً يوم العيد في فرح وسعادة.
مسلم عب ٍد أو ح ٍّرَ ،ذكرا -1تجب زكاة الفطر على كل ٍ كان أو أنثى ،صغيرا أو كبيرا ،غنيا أو فقيرا .ويخرجها وعمن يعول ،وتخرجها الزوجة عن الرجل عن نفسه َّ نفسها أو يخرجها زوجها عنها .وال يجب إخراجها عن الجنين وإن كان يستحب ذلك عند أحمد بن حنبل رضي الله عنه. -2وقد اشترط الجمهور أن يملك المسلم مِقدار الزكاة فاض ًال عن قوته وقوت عياله يوم العيد وليلته ،وعن سائر حوائجه األصلية .وال َّدين المؤجل ال يؤثر على ّ الحال (الذي يجب وجوب زكاة الفطر بخالف ال َّدين تأديته فوراً).
ثالثًا :مقدار زكاة الفطر ونوعها -1اتفق األئمة الثالثة :مالك والشافعي وأحمد ،ومعهم جمهور العلماء ،أن زكاة الفطر صاع من تمر أو شعير أو زبيب أو أقِط أو قمح ،أو أي طعام آخر من قوت البلد، وذلك لحديث ابن عمر المذكور آنفاً ،ولحديث أبي سعيد الخدري« :كنا نُخرج زكاة الفطر إذ كان فينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم صاعاً من طعام ،أو صاعاً من تَمر ،أو صاعاً من شَ عير ،أو صاعاً من زَبيب ،أو صاعاً من أقِط ،فلم نزل كذلك حتى نزل َعلينا معاوية المدينة، فقال :إني ألرى ُم َّدين من َسمراء الشام -أي قمحها- يعدل صاعاً من تمر فأخذ الناس بذلك» رواه الجماعة. وقال األحناف :زكاة الفطر صاع من كل األنــواع ،إ ّال القمح ،فالواجب فيه نصف صاع .واألحــوط اعتماد الصاع من كل األنواع. -2والصاع أربع حفنات بك َّفي رجل معتدل الكفين، أو أربعة أمدد ،ألن الم ّد هو أيضاً ملء كفي الرجل المعتدل ،والصاع من القمح يساوي تقريباً 2176غراماً، أما من غير ذلك فقد يكون أكثر أو أقل. -3وتخرج زكاة الفطر من غالب قوت البلد ،أو من غالب قوت المزكي إذا كان أفضل من قوت البلد ،وهذا رأي جمهور الفقهاء واألئمة. -4ويجوز أداء قيمة الصاع نقوداً فهي أنفع للفقير، وأيسر في هذا العصر ،وهو مذهب األحناف وروي عن عمر بن عبد العزيز والحسن البصري.
إن لم تتمكن من الصيام لسبب شرعي يمكنك دفع فدية الصيام المقدرة ب 15دوالر عن اليوم الواحد
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Ramadan 2020 رمضان
AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
رمضان Ramadan 2020
85 رمضانيات
أركان الصوم �أركان ال�صوم و�شروطه ال�صيام في حقيقته مركب من ركنين �أ�سا�سيين ،ال يت�صور ح�صوله بدونهما: الركن األول :النية ،ومعناها الق�صد ،وهو اعتقاد القلب فعل �شيء ،وعزمه عليه من غير تردد ،والمراد بها هنا ق�صد ال�صوم ،والدليل على �أن النية ركن ل�صحة ال�صيام ،قوله �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم�( :إنما الأعمال بالنيات و�إنما لكل امرئ ما نوى) رواه البخاري وم�سلم ،وهو يعم كل عمل ،وقوله في حديث حف�صة ر�ضي اهلل عنها( :من لم يبيت ال�صيام قبل الفجر فال �صيام له) رواه �أحمد و�أ�صحاب ال�سنن. ال�سنَّة؛ لأنها عمل قلبي ال دخل لل�سان فيه ،وحقيقتها ومحل النية القلب ،وال ي�شرع التلفظ بها ،وهو خالف ُّ الق�صد �إلى الفعل امتثا ًال لأمر اهلل تعالى ،وطلب ًا لثوابه ،وي�شترط في النية ل�صوم رم�ضان التبييت ،وهو� :إيقاع النية لي ًال ،لحديث حف�صة المتقدم ،وت�صح النية في �أي جزء من �أجزاء الليل ،وينبغي على العبد �أن يبتعد عن و�سوا�س ال�شيطان في النية ،ف�إن النية ال تحتاج �إلى تكلف ،فمن عقد قلبه لي ًال �أنه �صائم غد ًا فقد نوى ،ومثله ما لو ت�سحر بنية ال�صوم غد ًا. وبع�ض الفقهاء يعد النية �شرط ًا ل�صحة ال�صيام ال ركن ًا من �أركانه ،والمق�صود �أنه ال بد منها ل�صحة ال�صوم �سواء عددناها ركن ًا �أم �شرط ًا. الركن الثاني :الإم�ساك عن المفطرات من طعام ،و�شراب ،وجماع ،من طلوع الفجر الثاني �إلى غروب ال�شم�س ،ودليل ذلك قوله تعالى} :وكلوا وا�شربوا حتى يتبين لكم الخيط الأبي�ض من الخيط الأ�سود من الفجر ثم �أتموا ال�صيام �إلى الليل{ (البقرة ،)187:والمراد بالخيط الأبي�ض والخيط الأ�سود ،بيا�ض النهار و�سواد الليل ،وذلك يح�صل بطلوع الفجر الثاني �أو الفجر ال�صادق؛ لقوله �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم( :ال يمنعنكم من �سحوركم �أذان بالل ،وال الفجر الم�ستطيل ،ولكن الفجر الم�ستطير في الأفق) رواه الترمذي .وقوله �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم�( :إذا �أقبل الليل من ها هنا و�أدبر النهار من ها هنا وغربت ال�شم�س فقد �أفطر ال�صائم) رواه البخاري وم�سلم ،وقد �أجمع �أهل العلم على �أن من فعل �شيئ ًا من ذلك متعمد ًا فقد بطل �صومه.
سنن الصوم وآدابه الأدب ع� �ن ��وان ف �ل�اح ال �م��رء و�سعادته ف��ي الدنيا والآخ ��رة, و�أك �م��ل الأدب و�أع�ظ�م��ه الأدب مع اهلل �سبحانه ,ولذلك �شُ رع لكل عبادة في الإ�سالم �آداب ينبغي على الم�سلم الحفاظ عليها ومراعاتها؛ فال�صالة لها �آداب ,والحج له �آداب ,وال�صوم كذلك له �آداب عظيمة ،ال يتم على الوجه الأوفق �إال بها ,وال يكمل �إيمان العبد �إال بتحقيقها. والعبادات و�إن كانت ت�صح من غير الإتيان ب�آدابها و�سننها �إال �أنها تبقى ناق�صة الأجر، قليلة الأث ��ر ،ولأج ��ل ه��ذا الملحظ �شُ رعت ال�سنن والآداب لتكميل النق�ص الذي يطر�أ على الفرائ�ض والواجبات. وق ��د ج� ��اءت ال���ش��ري�ع��ة ب �ك��ف ال �ل �� �س��ان عن المحرمات من غيبة ونميمية وك��ذب و�سفه وعدوان في كل وقت وحين� ،إال �أن الكف عن ه��ذه الأم ��ور يت�أكد ف��ي رم�ضان ،لمنافاتها لحقيقة ال�صوم والغاية منه ،وفي الحديث عنه عليه ال�صالة وال�سالم �أنه قال( :من لم يدع قول الزور والعمل به والجهل ،فلي�س هلل حاجة �أن يدع طعامه و�شرابه) رواه البخاري. وق��ال �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم�( :إذا ك��ان يوم ٍ يومئذ وال يجهل، �صوم �أح��دك��م ف�لا يرفث فان �سا َّبه �أحد �أو قاتله �أحد ،فليقل� :إني امر�ؤ �صائم) رواه البخاري وم�سلم ،و(الرفث) هو: الكالم الفاح�ش ،قال الإمام �أحمد رحمه اهلل: ينبغي لل�صائم �أن يتعاهد �صومه من ل�سانه، وال يماري ،وي�صون �صومه ،قال :وكانوا �إذا الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
�صاموا -يق�صد ال�سلف ال�صالح -قعدوا في الم�ساجد ،وقالوا :نحفظ �صومنا ،وال نغتاب �أحد ًا. وكم من �صائم لي�س له من �صيامه �إال الجوع والعط�ش ،كما �أخبر بذلك ال�صادق الم�صدوق �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم. فعلى ال�صائم �أن يحفظ ب�صره عن النظر �إلى المحرمات ,ويحفظ �أذنه عن اال�ستماع للغناء و�آالت اللهو ,ويحفظ بطنه ع��ن كل مك�سب خ�ب�ي��ث م �ح��رم ,فلي�س م��ن العقل والحكمة �أن يتقرب العبد �إل��ى رب��ه بترك المباحات من الطعام وال�شراب والجماع, وهو لم يتقرب �إليه بترك ما ُح ِّرم عليه في كل حال ,من الكذب والظلم والعدوان ,وارتكاب المحرمات ،ومن فعل ذلك كان كمن ي�ض ِّيع الفرائ�ض ،ويتقرب بالنوافل. ك �م��ا ي���س�ت�ح��ب ل �ل �� �ص��ائ��م ب� ��ذل ال �� �ص��دق��ة للمحتاجين من الفقراء والم�ساكين ،وفي الحديث عن عائ�شة ر�ضي اهلل عنها �أنه �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم( :ك��ان �أج��ود النا�س ،وكان �أج��ود م��ا يكون ف��ي رم���ض��انَ ،ف� َل� َر��س��ول اهلل �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم �أجود بالخير من الريح المر�سلة) رواه البخاري وم�سلم. ومن ال�سنن الم�شروعة في ال�صيام ،تناول ال�سحور وت�أخيره ،لما في ذلك من عون على �صيام النهار ،ق��ال �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم: (ت���س�ح��روا ف� ��إن ف��ي ال���س�ح��ور ب��رك��ة) رواه البخاري وم�سلم ،وق��ال في الحديث الآخ��ر: (ف َْ�ص ُل ما بين �صيامنا و�صيام �أهل الكتاب
ال�س َحر) رواه م�سلم. �أكلة َّ يقول زيد بن ثابت“ :ت�سحرنا مع النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم ،ثم قمنا �إلى ال�صالة” ،متفق عليه ،وهو يدل على ا�ستحباب ت�أخير ال�سحور. كما ي�ستحب لل�صائم تعجيل الفطر لقوله �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم( :ال يزال النا�س بخير ما عجلوا الفطر) متفق عليه .و�أن يفطر على رط�ب��ات �إن تي�سر؛ لحديث �أن����س ر�ضي اهلل عنه ،ق��ال( :ك��ان ر�سول اهلل �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم يفطر قبل �أن ي�صلي على رطبات ،ف�إن لم تكن رطبات فتمرات ،ف�إن لم تكن تمرات ح�سا ح�سوات من ماء) رواه الترمذي. ومن الأم��ور الم�سنونة لل�صائم الدعاء عند فطره ،وفي الحديث( :ثالثة ال ترد دعوتهم وذك��ر منهم -وال�صائم حين يفطر) رواهالترمذي ،وثبت عنه عليه ال�صالة وال�سالم عند الإف�ط��ار ،قوله( :ذه��ب الظم�أ ،وابتلت العروق ،وثبت الأجر �إن �شاء اهلل تعالى) رواه �أبو داود. وب �ه��ذا يتبين �أن حقيقة ال���ص�ي��ام لي�ست م�ج��رد الإم �� �س��اك ع��ن ال�م�ف�ط��رات الح�سية فح�سب ,ف��إن ذلك يقدر عليه كل �أح��د ,كما قال بع�ضهم�“ :أهون ال�صيام ترك ال�شراب والطعام” ،ولكن حقيقة ال�صيام ما �أخبر عنه جابر ر�ضي اهلل عنه بقوله�“ :إذا �صمت، فلي�صم �سمعك وب�صرك ول�سانك عن الكذب والم�آثم ,ودع �أذى الجار ,وليكن عليك وقار و�سكينة يوم �صومك ,وال تجعل يوم �صومك ويوم فطرك �سواء”.
رمضان Ramadan 2020
86 تهنئات
تجمع شباب حلبا
للتواصل مع تجمع شباب حلبا يمكنكم اإلتصال بالسيد محمد اليوسف على الرقم التالي
0421 555 556
Goldy Brar
0473 659 245
الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
رمضان Ramadan 2020
87 الوسط
كورونا يؤدب الجميع
بقلم ال�شيخ طاهر م�شراوي في لحظة وم��ن غير �سابق �إنذار بدا العالم فيها وك�أنه َ خيوطه بيت عنكبوت ُيقطع و�أو�صا َله مخلوق ال ُيرى بالعين المجردة وال ُيتَح�س�س باليد الجارحة ،ت�صاغر �أمامه المتعاظمون وذُ عر ب�سببه الملأ من عم الخوف الأر�ض و�أ�صبحت القوم حتى ّ الب�شرية تقف على حافة الهاوية تنتظر الخال�ص من الفناء ال��ذي يلوح �أمامها ل ُيذكرها هذا الفيرو�س �صورا من �سنن الخالق�-سبحانه وتعالى -حينما ُي�سخر �أرذل مخلوقاته لي�ؤدب بها الخلق .بمثل
ب���ي���ت ال���زك���اة أس����ت����رال����ي����ا
هذا المخلوق تجري �سنن اهلل في العباد ف�أحيانا يردع بها الطغاة المتمردين عن �سلطانه كما حدث مع النمرود الذي حا ّد اهلل وادع��ى الربوبية ف�سلط اهلل عليه بعو�ضة �أ�ضاقته �سوء ال�ع��ذاب وجعلته ع�ب��رة لمن ب�ع��ده ،وت ��ارة ُيقيم اهلل بها الحجة على المعاندين و ُيظهر بها الحق لعلهم يهتدون كما ح��دث م��ع م�شركي قري�ش حينما تعاهدوا على ح�صار ر�سول اهلل�-صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم -ومن معه من الم�ؤمنين وفر�ضوا طوقا ظالما عليهم ود ّونوا ذلك في �صحيفة الظلم والعدوان فبعث اهلل ح�شرة �صغيرة لتهدم بنيانهم وتنق�ض ما في ال�صحيفة من باطل وتُبقي على ذكر اهلل .وهكذا يبدو لنا الأمر مع كورونا حيث �أننا نرى فيه قدرة اهلل على �أن ي�أخذ النا�س من حيث ال يحت�سبون وي��ذي �ق �ه��م ب�ع����ض ال� ��ذي ع �م �ل��وا لعلهم يتذكروه ويرجعوا �إليه وك�أنه يحمل ر�سالة تحذير و�إنذار للب�شرية جمعاء التي طغت عليها �صور الج�شع والطغيان وتنكرت للخالق وخالفت قانونه في الحياة و�أكل ال �ق��وي منها ح �ق��وق ال�ضعيف وزادت �شرا�سة ال ُعتاة من �أرباب ال�سلطة والمال والإع �ل�ام ،وان�ح�ل��ت الأخ�ل�اق واختفت القيم ُ وطم�ست معالم الفطرة ف�ضال عن تغييب الدين عن الحياة ،و�أ�صبحت القوى المتغطر�سة التي ظنّت لأمد بعيد �أنها �إله الأر�ض تفعل ما ت�شاء� ،أ�صبحت
تتخبط خبط ع�شواء يحا�صرها الفيرو�س في دور الحكم والفن والريا�ضة والأماكن العامة والخا�صة وفي كل مكان ،ال يفرق بين حاكم ومحكوم وال غني وال فقير و�صدق اهلل –تعالى -في قوله�} :أَ ْي َن َما َت ُكونُوا ُي ْدرِك ُّك ُم ا ْل َم ْو ُت َو َل ْو ُكنت ُْم ِفي ُب ُر ٍوج ُّم�شَ َّي َد ٍة{ .والم�سلمون -كغيرهم -لي�سوا ف��ي م��أم��ن م��ن ال��وب��اء وال خ��ارج دائ��رة الإ�صابته والأث ��ر ،وال نملك ان نتدخل في قدر اهلل نوزع الغ�ضب والرحمة على من ن�شاء ،ه��ذا �أم��ر اهلل ال يـُ�س�أل عما يفعل وم��ن دون��ه ُي�س�ألون و�إن كنا نعلم على العموم �أن البالء قد يكون غ�ضبا وعقابا على الجاحدين والع�صاة ويكون رحمة للم�ؤمنين ،و�إن كانت عقوبة فهي �شاملة فالنا�س �أكثرهم ف�سدوا بمخالفة فطرة اهلل وقانونه في الحياة ،والم�ؤمنون الكثير منهم خالفوا الر�سالة تطبيقا و تبليغا على الوجه الذي ُير�ضي �صاحبها، و�إذا ع� ّ�م الف�ساد ع� ّ�م ال�ب�لاء كما قال الر�سول �-صلى اهلل عليه و �سلم -ل ّما قالت زينب بنت جح�ش :يا ر�سول اهلل! �أنهلك وفينا ال�صالحون؟ قال( :نعم �إذا كثر الخبث). ج��اء ك��ورون��ا ل�ي��ؤدب الجميع ويربيهم، ي� � ��ؤدب ال �ج��اح��د ل��وج��ود اهلل المنكر ل�سطته وي � ��ؤدب ال�م��ؤم��ن ب��ه المعترف ب�سلطانه ولكنه معر�ض عنه متبع لهواه و�شهوته ،وليتعلم النا�س �أن التح�صن
كفكفة دمعة في عين حزينة تساوي كنوز االرض وعروش المجد .بيت الزكاة هو لرسم البسمة على وجوه االيتام واالرامل والمساكينوالفقراء والمحتاجين .بيت الزكاة يستقبل زكاة اموالكم وزكاة الفطر والصدقات واالضاحي والمواد الغذائية والتبرعات وغيرها .بيت الزكاة يفتح خمسة ايام في االسبوع من اإلثنين الى الجمعة من العاشرة صباحا وحتى الرابعة مساء.
بيت الزكاة نافذتكم إلى الخير
الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
بالقوة والغرور بها من دون اهلل �ضعف، والتح�صن بالمال م��ن دون اهلل فقر، والتح�صن بالعزوة من دون اهلل عزلة، �أم��ا التح�صن ب��اهلل عز وج��ل فهو القوة والغنى وال�ع��زوة ولذلك ال نملك �إال �أن نقول �أن الب�شرية جمعاء �أم��ام لحظة ح��ا��س�م��ة ف��ي م���س��ار ت��اري�خ�ه��ا ل�ت��راج��ع منظومة قيمها ف��ي ك��ل مناحي الحياة وتعترف هلل ب�سلطانه وقانونه وت�ستقيم على منهجه. مع قتامة ال�صورة و�أل��م الم�أ�ساة ،البد �أن ال ن�ست�سلم للي�أ�س و�أن نُغلب الرجاء والظن الح�سن في اهلل –تعالى -و هو الرحيم بنا ال ُيق ّدر �شيئا �إال وهو خير لنا �إذا ما �أدركنا حكتمه وعملنا بمقت�ضاها ووجهنا البالء �إل��ى البناء وا�ستخل�صنا َّ المنحة من بطن المحنة .والم�ؤمن ال تثنيه الم�صائب مهما ا�شتدت عن �أداء ر�سالته والقيام بمهمته والدفع بالأمور ن�ح��و الأن��ف��ع والأف �� �ض��ل وف ��ي ال�ح��دي��ث ال�شريف يقول الحبيب�-صلى اهلل عليه و �سلم�( :-إذا قامت ال�ساع ُة وف��ي يد �أح��دك��م ف�سيلة فليغر�سها) ،ف��ي �أ�شد م�شاهد الدنيا هوال والعالم ي�شرف على الدمار وال�خ��راب (قيام ال�ساعة) ومع ذل��ك يعلمنا ر��س��ول الإ� �س�لام ان نذكر الحياة وال نتخلى عن الإ�سهام بالبناء والنفع العام.
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88 الوسط
أهمي��ة تنـاول
وجبـــ��ة ا لسـحو ر
م��ع ح��ل��ول �شهر رم�ضان ال��م��ب��ارك يتغير النمط الغذائي من ثالث وجبات �أ�سا�سية �إلى اثنتين فقط الإفطار وال�سحور� .إن وجبة ال�سحور هي الوجبة التي ت�سبق بدء ال�صيام وتعد وجبة ال تقل �أهمية عن وجبة الإفطار وبخا�صة لكبار ال�سن والأطفال لأنها تحل محل وجبة الفطور في الأيام العادية ولكن نرى كثير ًا من ال�صائمين يغفلون عنها �أو يتركوها بحجة انهم ي�شعرون بال�شبع �أو ليتركوا لأنف�سهم مجا ًال للنوم بد ًال من الإ�ستيقاظ لتناول ال�سحور.
�أهم فوائد ال�سحور • يقوي ال�صائم وين�شطه ويهون ال�صيام فهو م�صدر الطاقة للج�سم خالل نهار رم�ضان . • ب�ساعد في منع حدوث الإعياء وال�صداع والك�سل والخمول �أثناء نهار رم�ضان اذ يقوم في المحافظة على م�ستوى ال�سكر في الدم . • يخفف م��ن ال�شعور بالعط�ش ال�شديد خالل النهار . • ي�ساعد في ت�شغيل المعدة والأمعاء والتخفيف من الإم�ساك . • ي�ساعد في اطالق عملية الأي�ض . • ي�ؤثر على الأداء والن�شاط الذهني خالل اليوم
وخا�صة للأطفال كون الأطفال الذين يت�سحرون يعانون من التعب اثناء الدرا�سة وفقدان التركيز داخل ال�صف. • ي�ساعد على تحفيز حركات المعدة والأمعاء وي���س��اع��د ع�ل��ى اح���داث �إف � ��رازات ج��دي��دة داخ��ل الجهاز اله�ضمي مما ي�ساعد على اله�ضم . • �إن ع��دم تناول ال�سحور يدفع الج�سم لحرق البروتين والأح�م��ا���ض الأمينية والإع�ت�م��اد عليها م�صدر ًا للطاقة بدي ًال عن الن�شويات مما ي�سبب ال�شعور بالدوخة
رمضان مبارك حلويات
Balha’s Pastry
نقدم لكم ا�شهى الحلويات اللبنانية والعربية حيث تجدون يوميا:
حالوة الرز -قطايف -كرابيج -ب�صمة -ملوكية -مهلبية بغاجى -كالج -وانواع اخرى كثيرة.761/763 Sydney Rd,Brunswick VIC 3056
Ph: (03) 9383 3944
لطلبياتكم اون الين زوروا موقعنا االلكتروني: الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
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89 الوسط الدعوي
الحكمة من الصوم.. رؤية إسالمية تباينت وتن ّوعت الر�ؤى المتعلقة بالحكمة من العبادات وال�شعائر الإ�سالمية ،وفي دائرة الفكر الإ�سالمي والثقافة الإ�سالمية نجد �أنّ علماء الإ�سالم وفقهاءه قد انق�سموا �إلى فريقين ،فريق يقول بعدم �إمكان �إدراك عقولنا المحدودة ِ للحكم والأ�سرار التي �أودعها اهلل �سبحانه في العبادات ،ومن ثم ف�إن الأ ْولى في هذا الأمر -ح�سب هذا الر�أي � -إنما هو الخ�ضوع لمراد اهلل ،وتنفيذ �أوامره ،والوقوف عند حدوده دون �إرهاق للعقل و دفعه للوقوف على تلك الأ�سرار ..وفريق �آخر ال يرى حرجا في البحث العقلي عن �أ�سرار العبادات والحكمة منها ،ولعل التو�سط بين الر�أيين هو ال�صواب� ،إذ �إن معرفة الحكمة في كل �شعيرة �أو عبادة ال يمكن �أن يف�سد �أو ي�ؤثر على جوهر العبادة، فنحن نتعبد اهلل تعالى عن طريق الدليل الذي يت�ضمنه الأمر التكليفي الإلهي ،ولي�س عن طريق الوقوف على �إدراك الحكمة �أو ال�سر في كل عبادة من العبادات �أو من�سك من المنا�سك.
بقلم :د� .إبراهيم نويري باحث �أكاديمي ـــ الجزائر ك�م��ا �أن ال��و� �ص��ول �إل���ى بع�ض الحكم والأ� �س��رار العقلية في �سائر العبادات الإ�سالمية قد ي�سهم في خدمة الدعوة الإ�سالمية ،وتو�سيع دائ��رة االمتداد الجغرافي والإن�ساني لهذا الدين. ذلك �أن العقل الب�شري ت�ستهويه ُ مثل هذه النتائج الح�سية مما يرتبط ب�صحة الإن�سان،
�أو بما ا�ستع�صى عالجه من العلل� ،أو بما يلتم�س منه م�أموال واقعيا في �إ�صالح �سلوك ف��ردي �أو اجتماعي �أو ما �شابه ذل��ك وهو كثير. وبالن�سبة لل�صوم فقد تحدث علماء كثيرون م�سلمون وغير م�سلمين ع��ن ف��وائ��ده ،وما يمكن �أن يجنيه الإن�سان منه من مكا�سب.. يقول الأ�ستاذ المرحوم فريد وجدي “ :كان النا�س �إلى زمان قريب يح�سبون �أن ال�صيام من ال�شئون الخا�صة بالأديان ،ولكن لم يكد ينت�شر تاريخ الطب بين النا�س ،حتى علموا �أن ال�صيام قد اعتُبر في كثير من الأمرا�ض من مقومات ال�صحة الج�سمانية ،كما علموا من عهد �أبقراط �أنه عامل قوي من العوامل المنق ّية للج�سم من �سموم الأغ��ذي��ة ،ف�إن الأغذية التي نتناولها ب�شراهة تحتوي على م��واد دهنية ،وم��واد رباعية العنا�صر ،ال تطيق البنية الب�شرية �أن تختزن مقدار ًا يزيد على الحاجة منها ،و�إطالق الحرية للإن�سان يجعله يتناول كل ما يقع تحت يده ،وكثيرا ما ي�صاب ب�سبب هذه الحرية ب�آفات مر�ضية، تكون وباال عليه”. وال�صوم ذو ت�أثير بالغ في تخفيف الأعرا�ض التي تنتاب الأع�ضاء الظاهرة والباطنة، وتحويل محمود في حالة المري�ض يقوده �إلى التخل�ص من الآالم واالنحرافات ،وح�صة
ال��روح م��ن ه��ذا التحويل ال تقل قيمة عن ح�صة الج�سم ،وقد ا�ستفاد الطب من ناحية ال�صوم ،ما لم ي�ستفده من ناحية العالج بالعقاقير ،ولكن �أكثر الم�سلمين ال ي�أبهون كثيرا بالم�ستقبل ،وال يح�سبون ح�سابا لل�شيخوخة. وال ��ذي ي�ب��دو لنا ف��ي ه��ذا الخ�صو�ص �أن لل�صوم -في الإ�سالم ِ -حكم ًا �أخرى �أكثر �أهمية حتى فيما يتعلق بالجانب الطبي وال�صحي ،فال�صوم يهذب النف�س الب�شرية ويلطف الم�شاعر وي�سمو ب��ال��روح ،وه��ذا بدوره �أمر بالغ الأهمية من حيث انعكا�ساته على ال�سلوك فتقوى و�شائج القربى بين �أف��راد المجتمع الإ�سالمي ،ويتذكر الغني ال ��ذي ف�ت��ح اهلل عليه م��ن ف�ضله� ،أح ��وال و�أو�ضاع �إخوته الفقراء ممن يعي�شون الفاقة والعوز ،ويتطلعون �إلى م�ساعدته و�إ�سهاماته، وهكذا تتكامل الجهود وتقوى روح التكافل االج �ت �م��اع��ي ،وتتحقق ال�خ�ي��ري��ة وال �م��ودة ب�صفتها قيمة �أ�صيلة من قيم ه��ذا الدين العظيم. وهكذا ،ف�إلى جانب الفائدة التي يجنيها ج�سم الإن�سان بال�صوم مما يكون له الأثر الطيب والنتائج الح�سنة على �صحة الإن�سان وعافيته ،ف ��إن ال�صوم يحقق �أي�ضا �أعظم الآثار نفعا على م�ستوى الروح والإيمان ،لأن
ال�صائم يكون م�شدودا ومتعلقا �أكثر بخالقه ورازق���ه ،وم��ن ث��م ي�ك��ون مدفوعا بتلقائية ي�سندها الإيمان� ،إلى فعل الخير ،والم�ساهمة الواعية في �سد الثغرات االجتماعية ،عن ط��ري��ق م��راع��اة �أح ��وال الآخ��ري��ن ،وم��د يد العون والم�ساعدة للمحتاجين والفقراء من ذوي العوز واالحتياج والحرمان. كما �أن ال���ص��وم ي�ك��ون فر�صة ثمينة لدى كثيرين يراقبون فيها �أنف�سهم ،فيع ّدلون من بع�ض �سلوكياتهم �أو معامالتهم ،وهو مك�سب ثمين قد ال يتحقق في غير رم�ضان. �إن ال�صوم نعمة وهداية ومنّة �إلهية �إلى بني الب�شر ،وهو و�إن يكن قد �أفاد الإن�سانية في مختلف مراحل تاريخها� ،إال �أن تلك الفائدة لم تبلغ العظمة والكمال �إال بت�شريع فري�ضة ال�صوم في الإ�سالم .ومما ال ّ �شك فيه �أن ين � َآمنُوا ُك ِت َب قوله ج ّل وع�زَّ } :يا َ�أ ُّي َها ال َِّذ َ ال�ص َي ُام َك َما ُك ِت َب َع َلى ا َّل� ِ�ذي� َ�ن ِم ْن َع َل ْي ُك ُم ِّ ُون{ ــ البقرة 183:ــ ينطوي َق ْب ِل ُك ْم َل َع َّل ُك ْم َت َّتق َ على ق ��راءات و�أف �ه��ام و�آراء مفتوحة على العقول وعلى العلم ومرئياته وفتوحاته �إلى �أن يرث اهلل الأر�ض ومن عليها ،وهو �سبحانه خير الوارثين .تقبل اهلل �صيامكم و قيامكم وطاعتكم في هذا ال�شهر الف�ضيل المبارك.
هذا ما قاله اإلمام ابن القيم عن رمضـان من روائ��ع ابن القيم رحمه اهلل في زاد المعاد وهو يتكلم عن حقيقة ال�صيام: لما كان المق�صود من ال�صيام حب�س النف�س عن ال�شهوات، وفطامها عن الم�ألوفات ،وتعديل قوتها ال�شهوانية ،لت�ستعد لطلب ما فيه غاية �سعادتها ونعيمها ،وقبول ما تزكو به مما فيه حياتها الأبدية ،ويك�سر الجوع والظم�أ من حدتها و�سورتها ،ويذكرها بحال الأكباد الجائعة من الم�ساكين. وت�ضيق مجاري ال�شيطان من العبد بت�ضييق مجاري الطعام وال�شراب ،وتحب�س ق��وى الأع�ضاء عن ا�ستر�سالها لحكم الطبيعة فيما ي�ضرها في معا�شها ومعادها ،وي�سكن كل ع�ضو منها وكل قوة عن جماحه ،وتلجم بلجامه ،فهو لجام المتقين ،وجنة المحاربين ،وريا�ضة الأبرار والمقربين ،وهو لرب العالمين من بين �سائر الأعمال.
ف�إن ال�صائم ال يفعل �شئي ًا و�إنما يترك �شهوته وطعامه و�شرابه من �أجل معبوده ،فهو ترك محبوبات النف�س وتلذذاتها �إيثار ًا لمحبة اهلل ومر�ضاته ،وهو �سر بين العبد وبين ربه ،ال يطلع عليه �سواه ،والعباد قد يطلعون منه على ترك المفطرات الظاهرة. و�أما كونه ترك طعامه و�شرابه و�شهوته من �أجل معبوده فهو �أمر ال يطلع عليه ب�شر ،وذلك حقيقة ال�صيام. ولل�صوم ت�أثير عجيب في حفظ الجوارح الظاهرة ,والقوة الباطنة وحميتها عن التخليط الجالب لها المواد الفا�سدة التي �إذا ا�ستولت عليها �أف�سدتها وا�ستفراغ المواد الرديئة المانعة لها من �صحتها. فال�صوم يحفظ على القلب والجوارح �صحتها ,ويعيد �إليها ما ا�ستلبته منها �أيدي ال�شهوات ,فهو من �أكبر العون على التقوى كما قال تعالى} :يا�أيها الذين �آمنوا كتب عليكم ال�صيام كما
الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون{ البقرة.185 : وقال النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم( :ال�صوم جنة) و�أمر من ا�شتدت عليه �شهوة النكاح ,وال قدرة له عليه بال�صيام وجعله وجاء هذه ال�شهوة. والمق�صود� :إن م�صالح ال�صوم لما كانت م�شهودة بالعقول ال�سليمة والفطر الم�ستقيمة� ,شرعه اهلل للعباد رحمة بهم و�إح�سانا �إليهم وحمية لهم وجنّة. وكان هدى ر�سول اهلل �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم فيه �أكمل الهدى و�أعظم تح�صيل للمق�صود و�أ�سهله على النفو�س. ولما كان فطم النفو�س عن م�ألوفاتها و�شهواتها من �أ�شق الأمور و�أ�صعبها ت�أخر فر�ضه �إلى و�سط الإ�سالم بعد الهجرة لما توطنت النفو�س على التوحيد وال�صالة ،و�ألفت �أوامر القر�آن ِفنقلت �إليه بالتدريج.
Ramadan 2020 رمضان
أشهى وأفخر الحلويات الشرقية
صقر وأوالده
n a M d a ub a r a m a R k
رمض ـ ا ن م بـار
Tel: (02) 9708 2774
749-751 Punchbowl Rd, Punchbowl NSW 2196 AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020 نيسان- هـ ¿ آذار1441 ¿ رمضان109 الوسط
رمضان Ramadan 2020
91 الوسط
من فضـائل شهر رمـضان د� :أحمد عرفة
من الف�ضائل والخ�صائ�ص التى اخت�ص بها �شهر رم�ضان المبارك عن غيره من ال�شهور ما يلى: � -1شهر رم�ضان تفتح فيه �أبواب الجنة:
���� -4ش���ه���ر رم�������ض���ان و�صيامه يكفر الذنوب:
ع � ��ن �أب� � � ��ي ه���ري���رة ر� �ض��ي اهلل ع �ن��ه� ،أن ر�سول اهلل �صلى اهلل «ال�صلوات عليه و�سلم ك��ان يقول ُ الخم�س ،والجمع ُة �إل��ى الجمع ِة، ُ ِّرات ما ورم�ضانُ �إلى َ رم�ضان ،مكف ُ بينهن �إذا اج َتن ََب الكبائر». َّ ق��ال الإم ��ام ال�م�ن��اوى رح�م��ه اهلل: (ال�صلوات الخم�س والجمعة �إلى الجمعة ورم�ضان �إلى رم�ضان) �أي �صالة الجمعة منتهية �إلى الجمعة و�صوم رم�ضان منتهي ًا �إل��ى �صوم رم�ضان (مكفرات لما بينهن �إذا اجتنبت الكبائر) ��ش��رط وج��زاء دل عليه ما قبله ومعناه �أن الذنوب كلها تغفر �إال الكبائر فال تغفر ال �إن الذنوب تغفر ما لم تكن كبيرة ف�إن كانت ال تغفر �صغائره. وع��ن ع �م��ار ب��ن ي��ا��س��ر ر� �ض��ى اهلل عنه �أن النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم �صعد المنبر فقال�« :آمين � .آمين . �آمين» ،ثم قال« :من �أدرك والديه �أو �أحدهما فلم يغفر له ف�أبعده اهلل، قولوا� :آمين .وم��ن �أدرك رم�ضان فلم يغفر ل��ه ف�أبعده اهلل ،قولوا: �آمين .ومن ذكرت عنده فلم ي�صل علي ف�أبعده اهلل ،قولوا� :آمين» وعن �أن�س ر�ضى اهلل عنه �أن النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم جاء ف�صعد ال�م�ن�ب��ر ف �ق��ال�« :آم� �ي ��ن» .ث��م ق��ال «�آمين» .ثم قال«�آمين» ،قال�« :أتاني جبريل فقال :من ذكرت عنده فلم ي�صل عليك ،فدخل النار ف�أبعده اهلل ،فقلت� :آمين ،ومن �أدرك �أحد وال��دي��ه فدخل ال�ن��ار ف�أبعده اهلل، فقلت� :آمين ،ومن �أدرك رم�ضان فلم يغفر ل��ه ف�أبعده اهلل ،فقلت: �آمين».
عن �أن�س ر�ضي اهلل عنه �أن النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم قال« :هذا �شهر رم�ضان جاءكم تفتح فيه �أبواب الجنة وتغلق فيه �أبواب النار وت�سل�سل فيه
-2ف�ضل �أول ليلة في �صيام رم�ضان: عن �أبي هريرة ر�ضي اهلل عنه �أن النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم ق��ال�« :إذا ك��ان �أول ليلة من �شهر رم�ضان �صفدت ال�شياطين ومردة الجن ، وغلقت �أبواب النار فلم يفتح منها باب ،وفتحت �أبواب الجنة فلم يغلق منها باب ،وينادى مناد كل ليلة :يا باغي الخير �أقبل ويا باغي ال�شر �أق�صر ،وهلل عتقاء من النار وذلك كل ليلة». وعن �أبي هريرة ر�ضي اهلل عنه �أن النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم ق��ال�« :أتاكم �شهر رم�ضان �شهر مبارك فر�ض اهلل عليكم �صيامه تفتح فيه �أبواب الجنة ،وتغلق فيه �أبواب الجحيم ، وتغل فيه مردة ال�شياطين ،وفيه ليلة خير من �ألف �شهر من ُحرم خيرها فقد ُحرم ».
-3ال�صيام في رم�ضان تفتح له �أبواب الجنة وتغلق �أب����واب ال��ن��ار وت�صفد ال�شياطين: عن �أبي هريرة ر�ضي اهلل عنه �أن النبي �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم ق��ال�« :إذا دخل �شهر رم�ضان فتحت �أب� ��واب ال�ج�ن��ة وغ�ل�ق��ت �أب� ��واب جهنم و�سل�سلت ال�شياطين». قال الإم��ام النووى رحمه اهلل :و�أما قوله �صلى اهلل عليه و �سلم( :فتحت �أب��واب الجنة وغلقت �أب��واب النار و�صفدت ال�شياطين): فقال القا�ضي عيا�ض رحمه اهلل :يحتمل �أن��ه على ظاهره وحقيقته و�أن تفتيح �أبواب الجنة وتغليق �أبواب جهنم وت�صفيد ال�شياطين عالمة لدخول ال�شهر وتعظيم لحرمته ويكون الت�صفيد ليمتنعوا من �إيذاء الم�ؤمنين والتهوي�ش عليهم. ق��ال :ويحتمل �أن يكون المراد المجاز ويكون �إ��ش��ارة �إلى كثرة الثواب والعفو و�أن ال�شياطين يقل �إغوا�ؤهم و�إيذا�ؤهم لي�صيرون كالم�صفدين ويكون ت�صفيدهم عن �أ�شياء دون �أ�شياء ولنا�س دون نا�س، وي�ؤيد هذه الرواية الثانية فتحت �أب��واب الرحمة وج��اء في حديث �آخر �صفدت مردة ال�شياطين. قال القا�ضي عيا�ض :ويحتمل �أن يكون فتح �أب��واب الجنة عبارة عما يفتحه اهلل تعالى لعباده من الطاعات في هذا ال�شهر التي ال تقع في غيره عموما كال�صيام والقيام وفعل الخيرات واالنكفاف عن كثير من المخالفات وهذه �أ�سباب لدخول الجنة و�أبواب لها وكذلك تغليق �أبواب النار وت�صفيد ال�شياطين عبارة عما ينكفون عنه من المخالفات ومعنى �صفدت غللت وال�صفد بفتح الفاء الغل ب�ضم الغين وهو معنى �سل�سلت في الرواية الأخرى. الوسط ¿ 109رمضان 1441هـ ¿ آذار -نيسان AL WASAT 109 ¿ Ramadan 1441 ¿ March - April 2020
-5ومن ف�ضائل رم�ضان وخ�صائ�صه نزول القر�آن الكريم فيه: قال اهلل تعالى�} :شَ ْه ُر َر َم َ�ض َان ال َِّذ َي �أُن��زِ لَ ِفي ِه ا ْل ُق ْر�آنُ ُه ًدى َّا�س َو َب ِّين ٍ َات ِّم َن ا ْل ُه َدى َوا ْل ُف ْرقَانِ َف َمن �شَ هِ َد ِمن ُك ُم ال�شَّ ْه َر ِّللن ِ ي�ضا �أَ ْو َع َلى َ�سفَرٍ َف ِع َّد ٌة ِّم ْن َ�أ َّي ٍام ُ�أخَ َر ُيرِ ي ُد ك ن م و ه م �ص َان َمرِ ً ُ َف ْل َي ُ ْ َ َ َ اللهَّ ُ ِب ُك ُم ا ْل ُي ْ�س َر َو َال ُيرِ ي ُد ِب ُك ُم ا ْل ُع ْ�س َر َو ِل ُتك ِْم ُلو ْا ا ْل ِع َّد َة َو ِل ُت َك ِّب ُرو ْا اللهَّ َ َع َلى َما ون{. َه َدا ُك ْم َو َل َع َّل ُك ْم تَ�شْ ُك ُر َ قال الإمام ابن كثير رحمه اهلل :يمدح تعالى �شهر ال�صيام من بين �سائر ال�شهور ب�أن اختاره من بينهن لإنزال القر�آن العظيم ،وكما اخت�صه بذلك قد ورد الحديث ب�أنه ال�شهر الذي كانت الكتب الإلهية تنزل فيه على الأنبياء. و�أخرج الإمام �أحمد فى م�سنده عن واثلة بن الأ�سقع �أن ر�سول اهلل �-صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم -قال «�أنزلت �صحف �إبراهيم عليه ال�سالم فى �أول ليلة من رم�ضان و�أنزلت التوراة ل�ست م�ضين من رم�ضان والإنجيل لثالث ع�شرة خلت من رم�ضان و�أنزل القر�آن لأربع وع�شرين خلت من رم�ضان».
-6العمرة فى رم�ضان ثوابها م�ضاعف: «عمرة في رم�ضان تعدل عن ابن عبا�س ر�ضي اهلل تعالى عنهما قال :قال ر�سول اهلل �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم ُ َح َّج ًة». قال الإمام المناوى رحمه اهلل: قوله �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم( :عمرة في رم�ضان تعدل حجة) في الثواب ال �أنها تقوم مقامها في �إ�سقاط الفر�ض للإجماع على �أن االعتمار ال يجزى عن حج الفر�ض.
Ramadan, Experience Ramadan with the month those who everyone pray for you. waits for. Awaits you.
Spread joy and happiness this Ramadan by choosing any of our life-changing projects, and together, let’s continue spreading the spirit of humanity.
Iftar Meal
Zakat Al Fitr
Eid Gift & Clothing
Zakat Al Maal
Provides a complete iftar to let the needy enjoy their Ramadan.
Compulsory Zakat that removes ones sins & provides food to the poor.
Gift a needy child on the day of Eid with a gift and new clothes.
Obligatory Zakat Al Maal providing relief to those in need.
per meal
per person
per gift
COVID-19 Relief
Fidya (compensation)
Sponsor an Orphan
Income Generation
Provides food parcel locally to vulnerable people required to self-isolate.
A compulsory payment by those who can’t fast during Ramadan.
Sponsor an Orphan and be with the Prophet (pbuh) in Paradise.
Help needy families generate a sustainable income and rebuild their lives.
per day
per month
Sponsor a Family
Build a Water Well
Daily Bread Dist.
Sadaqa Jariyah
Provides a needy family with a food pack for the month of Ramadan.
Provide clean water solutions to the needy. This is a Sadaqa Jariya. from
Provide 100 needy families with bread loaves for a day.
Ongoing charity that benefits everyone involved. Forever.
per family
per share
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Adelaide Office: 1/53 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End SA 5031 P 08 7200 2882
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