Ramadan 2024

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ARABIC & ENGLISH MAGAZINE Issue 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 ددعلا
Ramadan Mubarak

Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk

Creative Director: Omar Alhashemi

Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine

Layout: (OVISION)

Sydney: Monzer Gabr

Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika



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2 INDEX AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر ىلع ةفيحصلا يمر مدع ىجري ةينآرق تايآ ىلع اهئاوتحلا ضرلاا
Ave, St.
office: 171 Denton
office: 10-28 Biloela
Al Wasat Magazine ..ةزغب ةدابلإا مئارج يف هتكراشمل ةلاحإ نوديؤي يلارتسأ ٍ ماحم 100 ةيلودلا ةيئانجلل ءارزولا سيئر فيك ..ملاعلل ةزغ نم ميرك ناضمر ؟ليضفلا رهشلا عاطقلا يلاهأ لبقتسا ردقلا ةليلو رخاولأا رشعلا ..ناضمر ةحلاصلا لامعلأا ىلع لابقلإاو مهلم ٌرهش – ناضمر ..ةزغ يف ناضمر !ءامو ماعط لاب راطفإو هناوأ لبق مايص ناضمر مايص يف ثيداحأ هيلع للها ىلص ــ للها لوسرب ءادتقلإا ناضمر يف ــ ملسو اذام ..تايطايتحلاا فصن اهل لود 3 يف موينارويلا يجتنم ربكأ نع فرعت ؟ملاعلا 58 76 64 65 67 69 72 75 74
13 32 14 36 16 20 5
68 6 22 4

!؟نيحفصت له ةزغ

ىتح ةدحاو ةأرما نم رثكا نكت مل ،ةأرما ةمارك

رثكا ىلإ ةجاحب نكت ملو ،اهلجا نم برحلا نلعي

شيجلا فحزي ىتح )هامصتعماو( ةدحاو ةملك نم

مهو مهتايحرسم ةفاخس ىلع ،ةزغ لهأ ارذــع

.ةماركلا درتستو

نوديري لا امنيب وجلا نم تادعاسملا نوطقسي

لاو فقوتت نأ ةدابلإل لاو حتفت نأ ةيربلا رباعملل .عطقنت نأ ةيركسعلا تادعاسملل

ةشبحلا يشاجن ةروص انيأر دقف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع

دنع هدجن ملو ايقيرفأ بونج ةدجنو ةعاجن يف

هللا ناوضر ةباحصلا ضرعت امدنعف ،انتدلج ينب

نم مهتدلج ينب دي ىلع ءاذيلااو ملظلل مهيلع

يف( ةشبحلا ضرأب كلم مهلبقتسا ،شيرق ينب

امدنعو نلآاو ،دحأ هدنع ملظي لا )ايقيرفا قرش

مهترصان مهتدلج ينب نم نلاذخلل ةزغ تضرعت


ملاعلا يف ءافرشلا مكناوخا نلأ ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع اولاز ام مهنلأ امبر ،مكترصن اوعيطتسي مل يبرعلا بيذعتلاو ملظلاو ليكنتلاو عمقلا ةمدص نوشيعي اهل تضرعت ةرزجم ربكأ يف اهل اوضرعت يتلا يف كراش ،يبرعلا عيبرلا دعب ةيبرعلا بوعشلا ةدابلإا برح يف نلآا كراشي نم لك اهباكترا .مكدض نلأ هايملل ىشطع مكلافطأف ،ةزــغ لهأ ارذــع ،ريمضلاو ءايحلل ىشطع ملاعلا يف رارقلا عانص .رامدلاو ءامدلل نوشطعتمو ببسب عوجلا نم نوناعي مكلافطأف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع مهعفد يذلا يقلاخلأا روخلا نم ءادعلأا هيناعي ام ةسايسو ،ةزغ لهأ دض عيوجتلا ةسايس ةسرامم ىلا نم ىقبت امل عيوطتلاو ،ةفضلا لهأ دض عيورتلا

متنأو اهلك ةزعلا متنأف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع

متنأو اهلك ةماهشلا متنأو هلك ناوفنعلا .اهلك ةماركلا

ملأتو مكتابث نم ربصلا ملعت دقف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع .مكتعاجش مامأ توملا زجعو ،مكعجو ىلع عجولا

مامأ طابحلإا ملستساو ،مكدومص نم سأيلا سئيو

.ءاقبلاب مككسمت مامأ لشفلا طقسو مكمادقإ يتلا ةيعامجلا ةدابلإا تلوحت دقف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع كراشي ،ةيملاع ةيعامج ةكارش ىلا اهل نوضرعتت ضعبلا كراشيو ،همعد للاخ نم اهيف ضعبلا

.هلذاختو هتمص للاخ نم رخلآا ةدابلإل نومعادلا ىواست دقف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع ،مهولاو نهولا يتلعب نوباصملا نوتكاسلاو .ةدحاو ةلعل نيهجو احبصأو

ملظلا ىرت نأ عطتست مل يتلا ايقيرفأ بونج ةلود .ىرخأ ةرم

.برعلا ءامعزلا

يردن لا ،رملأا انيلع هباشت دقف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع

دقف !؟انيف شيعت ةباغلا نأ مأ ةباغ يف شيعن له

ريصمب اومكحتي نأ رشبلا ينب نم شوحو عاطتسا

!اهمسا لاا ةيناسنلإا نم نوفرعي لا شوحو .بوعشلا

أدب ملاعلا لوح رزاجملا تارشع اوبكترا شوحو

رزاجم ىلا ةنسوبلا يف استينربرس ةرزجم نم

نادوسلاو رامنايمو قارعلاو ايروسو ناشيشلا

،ريثكلا اهريغو يبرعلا عيبرلا رزاجمو ايقيرفأو .موي لك بكترت يتلا ةزغ رزاجمب ءاهتنا

ريمضلا دقف ودع مامأ متنأف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذــع

نابجو ،فرشلاو ةماركلا دقف لذاختمو ،قلاخلأاو

.ةوخنلاو ةلوجرلا دقف

نا لذاختملاو نابجلا كردي ملف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع

.مادقلأا هيلع سودتس مادقلإا فرعي مل نم

ارذع لوقن ،كرابملا ناضمر رهش ةبسانمبو اريخأو

ةيناضمرلا دئاوملا روص ىرن امدنع ،ةزغ لهأ

ةاهابمو فرتو فارسإ نم هلمحت امو ةرخافلا

نيذلا ةزغ لافطأ نم لجخ نود ،ةلاابم مدعو

علاخ دهشم يف ،اشطع نوتوميو اعوج نوروضتي

نم لاخو ةءورملا سابل نم درجتمو

نأ اوهقفي مل نولذاختملا نلأ ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع عئاجلا امناو ماعطلاو ءاملا دقف نم سيل عئاجلا !ةماركلا معطو هجولا ءام دقف نم

خيراوصلاو فئاذقلاب كومر دقف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع

.خيراتلا لبازم يف مهسفنأ اومر امنيب يقيقحلا ىنعملا ملاعلا فرع دقف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع ةرحلا ةينيطسلفلا ةأرملا للاخ نم ةأرملا ةيرحل ربصلا يف ةسردم تحبصأ يتلا ،ةعاجشلا ةفيفعلا

لك يف لاجرلا كراشت ثيح ،حافكلاو تابثلاو تنيزتو تابثلاو ربصلاب تحلست ،لاضنلا نيدايم .ةوخنلاو ةوقلاب ىلا برغلا يف ءافرشلا ءاف دقف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع قافو ءاف - رشلا امنيب ،ةميلسلا ةيناسنلإا مهترطف .برعلا ينب ضعب دنع ىلولأا هتيلهاج دادزا امارجإ وهاينتن دادزا املكف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع .هليذ لوح ،نيئطاوتملاو نيمعادلا زيزأ اشحوت يليئارسلاا شيجلا دادزا املكف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع )يمسرلا(يبرعلا ريمضلا دادزا نييندملا دض .هربق يف ةشحو يملاعلا ريمضلاو يف يعافلأا حيحف دهاشي لكلاف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع جرخت يهو ،ةيلودلا لفاحملا يفو نملأا سلجم ،ةيعامجلا ةدابلإا فقو ةضفار اهتوص عفرتو اهسأر يذلا اهحلاسو اهمومس

يملاسإ وا يبرع فقوم لك ىلع ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع لك ىلعو ،ةــنادلإاو راكنتسلاا تارابع دعتي مل قلقلاب روعشلا( تارابع دعتي مل يبرغ فقوم يتلا ةعينشلا ةيئاشنلاا تافرخزلا ىلعو )فسلأاو .مهتنسلأو مههوجو ىلع اهحبق رهظي

معدلا نومدقي برغلا ةداق مظعمف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع ،ةدابلإا برح يف رارمتسلاا لجأ نم للاتحلال

برح ىلع عمدلا برعلا ءامعزلا مظعم مدقي امنيب

سأبلا ديدش نيب عساش قرفلاف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع


ديدش نيبو ،نايغطلاو ملظلا هجو يف فقي يذلا .نيمولظملا ةرصن نع فكي يذلا سؤبلا نيطقاستملا سوفن ضكرت ثيح ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع .تاوملأا نيب مهرئامض دقرتو ،تاتفلا ءارو

،مكل اوعمجو مكيلع اورمآت دقف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع .اتابثو ةزعو ارارصا مكوداز لب ،مهوشخت ملف تتام لب ،تومي نم مكدحو متسلف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع ترمضو ،مهريغو ملاعلا ةداق نم ريثكلا رئامض حلاصملل ةنهترملاو ةيزخملا مهفقاوم ببسب مهعيراشم ببسبو ،عمطلاو عشجلا ىلع ةمئاقلا باسح ىلع عسوتلاو ةنميهلا ةسايس ىلع ةمئاقلا باسح ىلعو هقوقحو هتماركو ناسنلإا ةايح .ةيناسنلاا ميقلاو ةيقلاخلاا ئدابملا ءلاؤه

3 طسولا ثيدح AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
ةايح هبشت لا مكتايحف ،ةزــغ لهأ ارذــع ءازعأ نوشيعت متنأف ،مهتوم هبشي مكتوم لاو ءلاذأ ءلاؤه شيعي امنيب ،ءازعأو ءادهش نوتومتو نوعضاخ ،ةداملا ءارو نوداقنم ،ةحلصملا مامأ نوخضار .اهل نوللذتم طغضلا تاعومجمل ثثج ،روجأملا ملاعلإا مامأ ءافعض ،اهتاءلاملإ .قلاخلااو ريمضلا توص مامأ ةدماه
فقو دحأ عيطتسي نأ نود .لافطلأا داسجأب شهني ةدابلإا نم رهشأ ةتس عطتست ملف ،ةزغ لهأ ارذع ريمض ظاقيا نم ةرشابم ءاوهلا ىلعو ةيعامجلا نيبو ءلاؤه نيب ناتشف ،دحاو لوؤسم وأ ميعز لجأ نم ابرح نلعاو اشيج كرح يذلا مصتعملا
ءايحلا بوثل اهباحصأ ملع امو .يناسنلاا سحلاو ةوخنلا يناعم .ةاسأم وه ةاسأملا طسو لافتحلاا نأ !... تاملكلا تلحمأ دقف ةزغ لهأ ارذع ةيرحلاو قحلاو ريخلا ىلا متنأو ماع لك .برقأ رصنلاو لدعلاو



All healthy, able-bodied, and of-age Muslims must observe and fast the month of Ramadan. However there are exception such as children who have not reached puberty. In addition travelers, pregnant or nursing women, or those who are sick and are unable to are not required to fast but must make up the fast later on.


Muslims maintain the standard five daily prayers, but strive to increase the amount of worship they perform during Ramadan. In addition to the five daily prayers, many Muslims perform extra nightly prayers called Taraweeh and additional forms of worship such as tahajjud, itikaf, and an increase in reading the Qur’an.


Laylatul Qadr, often translated as “The Night of Power,” has a number of significant attributes. Most importantly, the Qur’an was revealed in its entirety on this night.

Laylatul Qadr has also been described as a gift for the Prophet Muhammad’s community. There is a hadith that states:

“The Messenger of Allah…was shown the lifespans of the people (who had gone) before him, or what Allah willed of that, and it was as if the lives of the people of his community had become too short for them to be able to do as many good actions as others before them had been able to do with their long lives, so Allah gave him Laylat al-Qadr, which is better than a thousand months.”


Yes. Islam has a merciful and pragmatic legal framework that allows many exceptions to the rules. The categories of people exempted from fasting are an excellent example of that.

Children who haven’t reached the age of puberty are not required to fast, although some like to practice and participate in Ramadan activities. Pregnant women and nursing mothers who struggle to fast, as well as those who are traveling, are allowed to break their fast and make up for the days they missed in Ramadan later on in the year. In addition, women experiencing menses are allowed to rest from the five daily prayers and from fasting.


Taraweeh are additional prayers performed nightly during Ramadan. They are optional prayers. Taraweeh is prayed in sets of two rakats each, in the same way Muslims pray the standard salah (prayers). Most mosques around the world hold Taraweeh prayers, providing each community with a chance to listen and reflect on the recitation of the Qur’an behind an expert reciter throughout the blessed month.


The precise night on which Laylatul Qadr occurs has not been mentioned. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Search for Laylatul Qadr in the odd nights of the last 10 nights of Ramadan.”

There is tremendous wisdom in not knowing exactly when it occurs. As Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (d. 620 AH/1223 CE) writes, “God has concealed this night from the Muslim community (ummah) so that they may strive in seeking it and performing worship throughout the month in the hopes of catching it.

4 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر


Sydney law firm

Birchgrove Legal, led by King’s Counsel Sheryn Omeri, have put together a 92-page document endorsed by more than a hundred Australian lawyers and barristers, was submitted to the Office of ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan KC.

The document stipulates a list of actions taken by the PM and other ministers of Parliament, including Foreign Minister Penny Wong, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton for the Prosecution to consider and investigate.

Some key matters the document included:

• Australia freezing $6 million aid to Gaza’s primary aid agency UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA)

• Providing military aid and approving defence exports to Israel, which could be utilised by the IDF during the prima facie of genocide and crimes against humanity

• Ambiguously deploying Australian

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and other senior Australian politicians have been referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over allegations of aiding Israel’s attacks in Gaza.

The PM would be the first leader of a Western nation to be referred to the ICC under Article 15 of the Rome Statute - the 1998 treaty that established the ICC to investigate and prosecute allegations of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.

military contingent to travel to Israel without disclosing their exact role

• Permitting Australians, either explicitly or implicitly, to travel to Israel to join the IDF and take part in the attacks on Gaza

• Providing unequivocal political support for Israel’s actions in Gaza

Omeri KC said this case was legally significant because it focused exclusively on two modes of accessorial liability.

“In relation to accessorial liability, a person may be criminally responsible for a crime set out in the Rome Statute if, for the purpose of facilitating the commission of that crime, that person aids, abets or otherwise assists in the commission of the crime, or its attempted commission, including by providing the means for its commission,” Omeri KC said.

“Secondly, if that person in any other way contributes to the commission of the crime or its attempted commission by a group, knowing that the group intends to commit the crime.”

She said that ordinary citizens are very keen for international law to hold Western leaders accountable for any complicity in genocide.

“These cases demonstrate a growing desire on the part of civil society and ordinary citizens of Western countries to ensure that their governments do not assist in the perpetration of international crimes, especially in circumstances where the ICJ has found a plausible case of genocide in Gaza.”

Birchgrove Legal principal solicitor Moustafa Kheir said his team had written twice to Mr Albanese putting him on notice and waiting for a response on behalf of a large consortium of applicants, comprising of concerned Australian citizens and those of Palestinian ethnicity.

“The Prime Minister has ignored our concerns and given the limited avenues we have for recourse under national law, we have been left with little option but to pursue this Article 15 communication to the international Criminal Court,” “Our communication has been endorsed by King’s Counsel Greg James AM and well over 100

senior counsel and barristers, retired judges, law professors and academics from around Australia who wish to test the strength of international law to hold their own democratic leaders accountable given the barriers we face to do it nationally.” Kheir said.

The PM dismissed these allegations citing ‘lack of credibility’ to these claims. There has been no formal response from the government nor the opposition regarding these allegations.

The ICC is a court of last resort. It will prosecute international crimes where States parties to the Rome Statute, such as Australia, are either unable to do so themselves or have shown themselves to be unwilling to do so.

(Birchgrove sent warning of possible legal action)

https://www.abc.net.au/ news/2023-10-26/law-firmthreatens-legal-actionover-government-gazaresponse/103021548

5 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر


1. Flexible

For over two billion Muslims around the world, the holy month of Ramadan is fast approaching. In the lead up to Ramadhan it’s important employers are mindful of creating an inclusive workplace environment that helps their Muslim staff members feel valued and supported. Ramadan involves fasting from dawn to dusk, increased acts of worship, and daily community taraweeh prayers in the evenings. It’s a time of spiritual reflection and discipline to bring about greater piety and nearness to Allah SWT.

Here are seven tips for how employers can ensure their Muslim staff feel valued and supported during one of the most significant times in the Islamic calendar;



Recognize that the religious obligation of fasting may impact staff energy levels and productivity. Offer flexible working hours to accommodate fasting employees, allowing them to manage their workloads effectively while keeping fatigue at bay. Consider adjusting meeting times, offering condensed hours or shorter lunch breaks with earlier sign off times at the end of the work day.

2. Accommodate Prayer Needs:

Provide a designated prayer room or private space within the workplace where Muslim employees can fulfill their daily prayers, which are obligatory five times a day. Usually one or two prayer times occur during standard business hours. Respect the timing of prayers and be flexible with employees who may need to take 5 - 10 minutes to perform their obligatory prayers.

3. Iftar Support:

If feasible, provide Halal food options in the workplace canteen for employees who may be breaking their fast during extended

work hours. Vegetarian and pescatarian options generally are safe halal options. This year in Australia, most states will be breaking their fast after 6pm.

4. Flexible Leave Arrangements:

Eid ul-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan and Muslim staff are likely to request time off to share in Eid celebrations with their family and community. It’s important to be accommodating with leave requests, especially for Eid morning and the last 10 days of Ramadan, which hold special significance. Confirming the exact date of Eid may occur from the night before Eid at the end of Ramadhan, based on the sighting of the moon. On these last days of Ramadhan it’s important to offer flexible work schedules so Muslim staff can participate in Eid morning celebrations.

5. Promote Respectful Communication:

Encourage open dialogue and understanding among all employees regarding Ramadan and its significance. Educate staff members about the importance of respecting religious practices and cultural diversity in the workplace. Discourage insensitive remarks or jokes

about fasting and ensure a culture of inclusivity and respect throughout the organization.

6. Training and Awareness:

Incorporate information about Ramadan into diversity training programs to raise awareness and promote cultural sensitivity among employees. Provide resources and educational materials to help non-Muslim colleagues understand the significance of Ramadan and how they can support their Muslim counterparts.

7. Plan Inclusive Events:

When organizing workplace events or team-building activities, consider the needs of fasting employees who may not be able to participate fully.

By implementing these supportive measures, employers can foster a workplace environment where Muslim employees feel valued, respected, and supported to be able to observe Ramadan with ease. Creating an inclusive workplace culture during Ramadan not only strengthens employee morale but also reflects a commitment to diversity and equality within the organization.

6 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر

ةنسلا هذه ناضمر رهش يف

نامأب ةدايقلا لىع اوصرحا

لىع ظافحلا ىجري ،ةنسلا هذه كرابملا ناضمر رهش يف

مكلوصح لىع دكأتلا للاخ نم مكئابحأ ةملاسو مكتملاس

.ةدايقلا لبق ةحارلا نم فاك طسق لىع

،ةدايقلا ءانثأ بعتلاب مترعش اذإ نيتعاس لك ةريصق ةحارتسا ذخأ لىع اوصرحا

مكيلإ ديعتل ةقيقد 15 ةدمل ةلوليق اوذخو ،ةحارتسلال و مكتلحرل اقبسم اوططخ .طاشنلا

.كرابم ناضمر .نامأب ةدايقلا لىع اوصرحا

7 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
8 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Islamic Arabic Centre & Al-Khalil Mosque Torrens Rd Woodville North, Adelaide, South Australia 5012 Hajj Khalil Shahin Masjid al Khalil

Ramadan, the month of Relief.

Ramadan Mubarak

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

As the auspicious month of Ramadan arrived, I would like to extend my heartfelt greetings to you and your families. Ramadan is a time for generosity and compassion, it is also the month of Relief to many needy brothers and sisters around the world. Your unwavering support for Human Appeal Australia reflects your deep-rooted commitment to these principles.

For 33 years, Human Appeal has been tirelessly working to provide essential assistance to those in need worldwide. Our efforts, ranging from providing food, water, and shelter to vulnerable families, to supporting orphans and refugees, have positively impacted the lives of millions.

We also send our heartfelt prayers to our brothers & sisters in Gaza. The brutal war spanning over a period of 5 months has created a new man-made disaster. Human Appeal’s team in Gaza has been on the ground since the first day, distributing aid to those in need, whilst experiencing loss of live within their own families. Kindly remember them during this holy month.

Your generosity during Ramadan enables Human Appeal to offer vital aid to some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. Your support allows us to deliver life-saving assistance to those affected by conflict, natural disasters, poverty, and to instill hope in those who have lost everything.

I urge you to join us in this noble cause. Your support can significantly impact the lives of those who need it most. Thank you for your ongoing dedication to our cause, and may this holy month be a source of blessings and rejuvenation for you and your loved ones.

Your sincerely,

The Prophet said: “Whoever helps a brother in his time of need, Allah will help him in this life & the next”. [Muslim]
9 CHARITY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Bashar Al-Jamal Director Human Appeal Australia

لوزن نع نايب ةميركلا ةيلآا يفو

ناضمر رهش يف ميركلا نآرقلا

ماكحلأا ضعبل حيضوتو كرابملا

.ناضمر موصب قلعتت يتلا

مايصلا ةليل مكل لــحأ( :-ىلاعت- لاق

متنأو مكل سابل نه مكئاسن ىلإ ثفرلا

نوناتخت متنك مكنأ هللا ملع نهل سابل

نلآاف مكنع افعو مكيلع باتف مكسفنأ

اولكو مكل هللا بتك ام اوغتباو نهورشاب

ضيبلأا طيخلا مكل نيبتي ىتح اوبرشاو

اومتأ مث رجفلا نم دوــسلأا طيخلا نم

متنأو نهورشابت لاو ليللا ىلإ مايصلا

لاف هللا دودح كلت دجاسملا يف نوفكاع

سانلل هتايآ هللا نيبي كلذك اهوبرقت .)نوقتي مهلعل

نيجوزلا نيب ماكحلأا ضعبل ةيلآا حضوتو .مايصلا

دهش نمف ناقرفلاو ىدهلا نم تانيبو سانلل ىده رفس ىلع وأ اضيرم ناك نمو همصيلف رهشلا مكنم

ديري لاو رسيلا مكب هللا ديري رخأ مايأ نم ةدعف

ام ىلع هللا اوربكتلو ةدعلا اولمكتلو رسعلا مكب .﴾نوركشت مكلعلو مكاده

لوطأ يه ةرقبلا ةروس نإف مولعم وه امكو

ثيدحلا نإف اذهلو ميركلا نآرقلا يف ةروس

ةرقبلا ةروس يف ناضمرو مايصلا تايآ نع :يلاتلا وحنلا ىلع وهو ريثك

بتك اونمآ نيذلا اهيأ اي﴿ :ىلاعتو كرابت هللا لوقي

مكلبق نم نيذلا ىلع بتك امك مايصلا مكيلع .﴾نوقتت مكلعل ضرف دق ىلاعت هللا نأ ةرقبلا ةروس يف مايصلا ةيآ حضوت

نيملسملا ىلع طقف رصتقي لا اذهو نيملسملا ىلع مايصلا .ةقباسلا مملأا ىلع اضيأ هضرف مت دقف

:-هباتك مكحم يف لوقيو ىلع وأ اضيرم مكنم ناك نمف تادودعم امايأ﴿ هنوقيطي نيذلا ىلعو رخأ مايأ نم ةدعف رفس هل ريخ وهف اريخ عوطت نمف نيكسم ماعط ةيدف .﴾نوملعت متنك نإ مكل ريخ اوموصت نأو ناضمر رهش نع ثيدحلا صيصخت مت ةيلآا هذه يفو ناضمر راهن يف رطف نمل مايلأا ءاضقو يذلا

نآرقلا هيف لزنأ يذلا ناضمر رهش﴿ :-ىلاعت- لاق

ﺎﻨﻴﻧﺎﻬﺗ ﻦﻋ بﺮﻌﻧ نأ ﻲﺘﻠﺋﺎﻋو ﺎﻧأ دوأ

ﺔﻳﺎﻐﻠﻟ ﺎﺒﻌﺻ ﺎﺘﻗو نﺎﻛ ﺪﻘﻟ .كرﺎﺒﻤﻟا نﺎﻀﻣر ﺮﻬﺷ لﻼﺧ .جرﺎﺨﻟا ﻲﻓ لصحﺗ ﻲﺘﻟا ثاﺪﺣﻷا ﻊﻣ ﻊﻴﻤﺠﻠﻟ ﺔﺒﺴﻨﻟﺎﺑ لﺒﻘﺘﺴﻤﻟا ﻲﻓ لﻀﻓأ ﺎﻣﺎﻳأ نﺎﻀﻣر حور ﺐﻠﺠﺗ نأ لﻣﺄﻧ

10 تايناضمر AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر مايصلا تايآ ةرقبلا ةروس يف
موصلا بادآ ميركلا نآرقلا يف
للاخو ناضمر رهش
:ردصملا Ramadan Ramadan Ramadan Mubarak Mubarak Mubarak JIHAD DIB MP Member for Bankstown Office: Shop 21, Broadway Plaza Punchbowl NSW 2196 Phone: 9759 5000 Email: bankstown@parliament.nsw.gov.au Authorised by Jihad Dib MP. Funded using parliamentary entitlements.
Warm Wishes for a Blessed Ramadan. My family and I
ناضمر رهش ةبسانمب تاينمتلا رحأ لسرن
ﻢﻜﻟ ﺔﻴﺒﻠﻘﻟا
would like to extend
to you and your loved ones during this holy month of Ramadan. It has been a very challenging time for everyone with events happening overseas. We hope the spirit of Ramadan brings better days ahead. كرابملا


Medicines just got cheaper for a range of ongoing health conditions. Now selected PBS medicines can be prescribed for 60-days to give you twice the medication on a single prescription, saving you money and time.

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11 ADVERTISEMENT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra


Liverpool Council’s Most Blessed Nights Street Food Market is back again, but bigger and better than ever before.

Most Blessed Nights is the latest instalment of Liverpool Council’s Experience The World monthly events, celebrating the diversity and inclusion of cultures across the community.

Macquarie Mall will be transformed into a bustling bazaar with exotic foods and a tantalising atmosphere as Liverpool once again embraces its hugely popular celebration in March and April.

As the sun sets and dusk falls over Liverpool, join us on a journey to the Middle East at the Most Blessed Nights Street Food Market extended to now include Thursdays along with Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from March 14 until 7 April.

Each weekend, the mall will be transformed into a bustling bazaar lined with tantalising sweet and savoury delicacies in celebration of Ramadan, Easter, and Passover.

Knafeh Bakery and The Bearded Bakers are headlining the Most Blessed Nights Street Food Market and will continue to be a presence

each night for the month-long event, ensuring the good vibes continue long into the night.

Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun said this is a sacred time for many in our community and each weekend, the heart of Liverpool will be the destination for families to gather and share in a meal together.

“It will be a feast for the senses, so join us for the Most Blessed Nights Street Food Market and taste the many flavours of the Middle East and beyond on a plate,” the mayor said.

Last year the festival attracted more than 300,000 people and we are expecting that figure to be broken this year.

Most Blessed Nights Street Food Market is the community’s chance to experience a journey to the Middle East without leaving home.

It will be a feast for the senses, so join us for the Most Blessed Nights Street Food Market and taste the many flavours of the Middle East and beyond on a plate.

Proudly sponsored by Special

The word Ramadan comes from the noun Ramad, which refers to “the reflected heat of stones resulting from the intense heat of the sun.”

ancient names, they renamed them according to the seasons in which they happened to fall.

When the Arabs changed the names of the months from their

In much of the Muslim world today fasting has been reduced to a mere ritual, and the month of Ramadan has become a time of celebration and festivities instead of religious contemplation and

Ramadan nights are, for many, nights of partying and enjoyment which continue until the dawn in

The ninth month, which used to be called Natiq, fell during the summer, the time of extreme heat, which is why it was named Ramadan.

which is supposed to be taken prior the dawn becomes a major threecourse meal.

For this reason, very few experience real hunger during the fast.

And at the time of breaking the fast, another three-course meal is taken, followed by a sampling of all kinds of sweets imaginable.

As a result, many Muslims complain

12 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
THE NAME RAMADAN Ph: (07) 3299 5910 jim.chalmers.mp@aph.gov.au www.jimchalmers.org Jim Chalmers MP Federal Labor Member for Rankin Treasurer of Australia May the holy month of Ramadan bring you blessings in abundance and peace upon the world. Authorised by K Matthews-Ward, Shop 42, Broadmeadows Shopping Centre, 1099-1169 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows. Shop 42, Broadmeadows Central Shopping Centre, 1099 – 1169 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 kathleen.matthews-ward@parliament.vic.gov.au 9300 3851 kathleenmatthewsward
13 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر

Scientists say that refraining from food and drinks for certain periods gives a chance to the immune system to practice its functions strongly and reduces the burdens on the systems of the body

because excess food wears it out. Therefore, once you begin fasting, your body cells begin ejecting the toxins piled up there all year long and you will feel more energetic and relieved and stronger than you’ve ever felt before!

The Holy Month of Ramadan is a time of fasting, prayer and charity and is a reminder of the important contribution Australian Muslims make in our community.

A recent study published at the American Magazine of Clinical Nutrition Science showed that irregular fasting similar to fasting like Muslims is very crucial to treating some chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart and arteries.

Another study published at the American Society of Animal Science indicated that irregular fasting increased the efficiency of two hormone receptors “ Adiponectin” which participates in regulating the body’s sugar consumption and fatty acid metabolism in mammals, as well as playing a role in increasing the

response of the tissues to the Insulin which regulates the building and destruction of glucose in the body.

Another study prepared by nutrition specialists and published by the British Journal of Nutrition which targeted a group individuals who fast during Ramadan has revealed that the change in the time of meals as well as decreasing its number during the Holy Month helped increasing the body’s response to Insulin for those who have factors leading to diabetes.


As we welcome the beginning of Ramadan this week, I wish all Muslims the very best for a Blessed Ramadan. TONY


Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl 2196

Phone: (02) 9750 9088


Email: tony.burke.mp@aph gov.au


Tony Burke MP


14 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Tony Burke
Australian Labor Party, Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl
DO YOU KNOW THAT FASTING KILLS VIRUSES AND EJECTS VIRUSES? ‘Authorised by Julia Finn MP, Member for Granville, funded using parliamentary entitlements’ Julia Finn MP Member for Granville Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier Parliamentary Secretary for the Arts A: 160 Merrylands Rd, Merrylands 2160 • P: 9637 1656 E: Granville@parliament.nsw.gov.au May the Holy month of Ramadan be blessed upon you & your family


A great accomplishments of Dr Dzavid Haveric, an esteemed Adjunct Research Fellow at CISAC, Charles Sturt University. The award citation noted, “Dr Haveric’s expertise in the history of Islam in Australia and his dedication to

writing books on Islam and Muslim achievements are commendable”.

(AMAA, Mission of Hope) “Dr Haveric is a beacon of excellence, renowned for his expertise in the history of Islam and Muslims in Australia”. (also said ISRA)

Dr. Daniel Mulino MP Federal Member for Fraser

A: 25-27 Clarke St, Sunshine VIC 3020

E: Daniel.Mulino.MP@aph.gov.au

Ph: (03) 9070 1974

Authorised by D Mulino, ALP, Shop 1, 25-27 Clarke Street, Sunshine, Vic, 3020

15 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
رسختو ةريبك تامارغ ى قلتت دقف ،ةدايقلا ءانثأ نوناقلا تفلاخ اذإ .عمتجملا دارفأ عيمج ةملاس لىع ظافحلل اراهنو لا يل ةطرشلا لمعت .كفيقوت متيس هنأ نظلا بلغأف لاإو ريسلا نيناوقب مزتلاو ةدايقلا ءانثأ رطاخت لا .كتصخر ةط رشلا دجا وتت نأ نكمي .تقو يأ يفو ناكم يأ يف


Welcome to the Al-Taqwa College Night Market for Gaza, where the vibrancy of cultural exchange meets the spirit of humanitarian aid. This annual event, born out of our commitment to community engagement and global solidarity, offers a unique opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by hardship in Gaza, Palestine.

Date: March 29th to 31st, 2024

Time: Starts at 5 PM

Address: 201 Sayers Rd, Truganina VIC 3029

From savory kebabs to sweet pastries, the marketplace is alive with the aromas of delectable cuisines and the lively atmosphere. Immerse yourself in the diverse array of cultural flavors as you explore the stalls.

But the Night Market is more than just a feast for the senses; it’s a platform for compassion and action. With every purchase, donation, and interaction, attendees contribute to vital humanitarian efforts aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Palestinian people. Whether you’re sampling exotic delicacies or browsing artisan crafts, your presence makes a meaningful impact. Join us as we come together to foster unity and extend a hand of solidarity to those in need. The Al-Taqwa College Night Market for Gaza is not merely an event—it’s a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of community, and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, kindness and compassion prevail.


The Ramadan Street Festival will be showcasing the diverse cultures and traditions of Ramadan on Saturday 16 March.

This annual event held along Auburn Road pays homage to the traditions of Ramadan, providing an opportunity for the community to come together in unity and to embrace Cumberland’s diversity during this holy month.

Cumberland Mayor Lisa Lake said she was looking forward to joining the community as they break their fast and share in the spirit of peace and kindness.

“The Ramadan Street Festival holds a special place in Council’s calendar, offering a unique chance for the community to connect, socialise and experience the magic of Ramadan under the stars within the streets of Auburn,” said Mayor Lake.

“Auburn is one of the most multicultural communities in Australia, and the Ramadan Street Festival showcases some of the best of our multicultural community. We welcome everyone from across Sydney to join us in discovering the cultures that make Auburn special.”

Minister for Multiculturalism Steve

Kamper said the Ramadan Street Festival is one many people right across Sydney look forward to every year.

“Festivals that bring communities and people together are the lifeblood of our success as a multicultural melting pot,” Minister Kamper said.

“In the spirit of Ramadan, I urge everyone to take the opportunity to join with friends, family and colleagues to break the fast and enjoy the best of our shared cultures.”

“To everyone celebrating Ramadan I say Ramadan Mubarak.”

The festival provides an authentic outdoor Ramadan experience within Auburn’s main street, which will mark traditions including a call to prayer and speeches from community leaders.

There will also be a range of food and market stalls and local restaurants serving up a range of cuisines from around the world.

To find out more information about Council’s Ramadan Street Festival, visit:

www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/ ramadan

16 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر


Al-Taqwa College

Al-Taqwa College was honoured by the visit of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato Anwar Ibrahim, his wife Dr Wan Azizah, a delegation of Malaysian ministers and senior officials.

Mr Anwar and Dr Azizah have had a long association with Al-Taqwa College.

Mr Anwar and Dr Azizah had a lively private discussion of current issues with Al-Taqwa senior students. They and the Malaysian delegation then took part in formal ceremonies marking the completion of AlTaqwa’s new multi-purpose sporting centre and school hall.

In his formal address, delivered entirely without notes, Mr Anwar shared a message highlighting the importance of knowledge, wisdom, respect and tolerance in our own lives, and in relations between nations. He showed the wisdom and insight that makes him such an important statesman in the Islamic world and on the global stage.

Everyone at Al-Taqwa College is deeply grateful that the Prime Minister, Dr Wan Azizah and everyone in their delegation made so much time to spend at Al Taqwa during their official visit to Australia.

17 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Omar Hallak, Principal Mohammad Hallak,Vice Principal The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato Anwar Ibrahim

Ramadan, the month of Relief.

Human Appeal Australia extends warm greetings to you and to Muslim nations worldwide for the blessed month of Ramadan. May abundant blessings be upon you and your families during this holy month.

In Ramadan, a beacon of hope illuminates wounded souls, fostering acts of benevolence, solidarity, and compassion.

In Gaza (Palestine), Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, and many other countries, conflicts and calamities have left many displaced, widowed, orphaned, or forced into refugee status.

Zakat al-Fitr

What is it?

Zakat Al-Fitr is a charitable donation that Muslims are required to make at the conclusion of Ramadan. The origin of this obligation dates back to the month of Sha’ban in the second year of Hijrah.

Ibn ‘Uma said: “Allah’s Messenger ﷺ commanded that every Muslim, whether slave or free, male or female, young or old, should pay one portion of dates or one portion of barley as Zakat al-Fitr. He also instructed that it be paid before the people went out to offer the ‘Eid prayer.”

Who must give the zakat?

There are conditions that must be satisfied by the person in order to give Zakat. In brief, these conditions are:

1. Islam. The person must be a Muslim

2. Adulthood. The Zakat is not needed from a child.

3. Sanity. The Zakat is not a must from an insane person.

4. Owning the money that is in excess of what’s needed for necessities.

5. The Nisab. It is a minimum amount of money that is owned by a person before Zakat Al-Maal can be levied. The Nisab for gold is 85 grams, and for silver, it is 595 grams.

6. The Nisab must be kept one year by the owner.

When is it paid?

It is not allowed to postpone giving Zakat al-Fitr beyond the day of Eid. According to the majority of scholars, it is acceptable to pay Zakat al-Fitr one or two days prior to Eid. Ibn Umar reported that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ instructed them to give Zakat al-Fitr before people went out to perform the Eid prayer.

However, some scholars such as Al-Shafi’i and Abu Hanifa state that it is permissible to pay Zakat al-Fitr even at the beginning of Ramadan.

18 CHARITY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Won’t be able to fast this Ramadan? Pay your fidya for $20 per day. Follow us for all Ramadan updates
Ramadan Mubarak

Feed the Fasting

One of the most beloved acts of charity that Muslims can perform during the holy month of Ramadan is to provide food for other fasting Muslims. By supplying food to those who are fasting, you not only receive the benefits of your own fast, but also the equivalent rewards of those who break their fast with one of your meals.

Human Appeal Australia has identified this campaign as one of their main priorities during Ramadan. With your assistance, funds can be directed to specific countries, and our local field officers can prepare and distribute food to all those in need of breaking their fast.

Zakat al-Maal

Zakat: A pillar of Islam

Zakat is a yearly payment of one-tenth of a person’s wealth or possessions and is considered an obligation in Islam. It is also one of the religion’s five main pillars.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, stated that “Islam is founded on five pillars: bearing witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, performing prayers, giving Zakat, making the pilgrimage to Mecca, and fasting during the month of Ramadan.” [Bukhari]

“The best charity is that given in Ramadan”
- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Eid Clothing

One of the most beloved Sunnah practices on the day of Eid is to wear nice clothes and present oneself well to others as a way of expressing happiness on this special day. This is especially important for children, who may experience a heightened level of joy and appreciation when wearing new clothes.

Unfortunately, many children are unable to enjoy this type of celebration and happiness on Eid due to their parents or guardians’ inability to afford such occasions.

To participate in this noble act of kindness, donors can contribute any amount they wish towards purchasing clothes for these underprivileged children, enabling them to experience the joy of Eid as it was intended.



Provide clean water solutions to the needy. This is a Sadaqa Jariya.



Provides a needy family with a food pack for the month of Ramadan.




Sponsor an Orphan and be with the Prophet (pbuh) in Paradise.

19 CHARITY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر Sydney Office: 119 Haldon St, Lakemba NSW 2195 P 02 9750 3161 Melbourne Office: 149 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058 P 03 8374 3000 Adelaide Office: 307 Wright St, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 7200 2882 Brisbane Office: 16 Queens Rd, Slacks Creek QLD 4127 P 07 3493 4222 Perth Office: 2/1397 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107 P 08 6269 3556
Experience Ramadan with us hai.org.au | 1300 760 155


Islamic College of Melbourne

The Islamic college of Melbourne(ICOM) was laounched the Diploma of Islamic Leadershipat in the preesence of the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamad.

The atmosphere was filled with the wisdom and guidance of numerous sheikhs and Islamic figures who joined ICOM in this momentous occasion.

The launch commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran by one of ILIAS (Islamic Leadership and Integrated Arabic Studies) students.

Following this, the Principal, Dr Abdul M. Kamereddine, took the stage, sharing inspiring words and introducing the Diploma of Islamic Leadership.

The Principal’s speech highlighted the significance of this educational initiative, emphasising the transformative impact it aims to have on the students live and on the Muslim community.

The Grand Mufti speech resonated deeply where echoing the importance of Iman and remaining steadfast in our faith regardless of the obstacles we may face.

The launch ended with a religious Nasheed led by ILIAS students welcoming the blessed month of Ramadan.

20 EDUCATION AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamad The Principal, Dr Abdul M. Kamereddine Omar Lahham Bakr Hawari
21 EDUCATION AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر


What is dementia?

Dementia (meaning “deprived of mind”) is a serious cognitive disorder. It may be static, the result of a unique global brain injury or progressive, resulting in long-term decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the body beyond what might be expected from normal aging.

Although dementia is far more common in the geriatric population, it may occur in any stage of adulthood. This age cutoff is defining, as similar sets of symptoms due to organic brain syndrome or dysfunction, are given different names in populations younger than adult.

Dementia is a non-specific illness syndrome (set of signs and symptoms) in which affected areas of cognition may be memory, attention,

language, and problem solving. It is normally required to be present for at least 6 months to be diagnosed.

Effect of Healthy nutrition and fasting

“Healthy nutrition and periodic fasting activate brain” Says Hanz diteleyv Vasman director of the Department of Neurosurgery at University of Münster hospital. Also he confirms that calories restriction prevents disorders in the brain’s functions and reduces the possibility of dementia. He added that researches proved that healthy and low calories foods which are full of the fatty acid (omega3) increase the efficiency of delivering signals in the brain.

The neurons (nerve cells) in the brain are the most important cells in the human

body so that we have to get healthy nutrition to feed these cells and to prevent many diseases. Scientists confirm that fasting plays a vital role to activate the brain cells.

Fasting and regular calorie restriction

Experts and researchers had proved that regular calories restriction is an effective technique to get healthy life also they believe that periodic fasting is more efficient for the following reasons:

1. Fasting is an effective curative and treatment method. While fasting, the whole organism has an opportunity to cure itself, due to an intensification of natural repair processes. Caloric restriction has not been proven to have such powerful curative benefits.

2. If you are aiming for an 1800 kcal daily average and fasting 100 days per year, then on the other days you do not need to restrict yourself to 1800 kcal a day; you can eat a “normal” 2500 kcal ration of daily meals. (You should of course in any case take care to eat healthy, high-quality food).

3. After the second day of fasting you normally do not feel hunger; whereas, while on a calorie-restricted diet, it is not uncommon to feel hunger every day. With experience, it is much easier to get used to fasting.

4. While on an ordinary caloric-restriction regime you have to spend time eating meals 365 days per year. But with the alternative method you save that time on fast-days. If fasting 100

days per year, you only spend time eating on the remaining 265 days.

Fasting in Islam is the act of totally abstaining from food, drink, and sexual activity from Dawn (Fajr) to sunset. Fasting is mandatory on Muslims in Ramadan but it is optional at the rest of the year at any day.

Omega-3 is important for quite a few reasons, some of which being;

• Regulation of blood clotting

• Boosting artery wall relaxation and contraction

• Strengthening of cell membranes

• Normalizing the speed at which your heart beats

• Brain development and growth

22 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر

Mutthi Mutthi & Wamba Wamba

Labor Senator for Victoria

Wurundjeri Country, 293 Spring Street, Reservoir, Naarm, VIC 3073 (03) 9070 1920




“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint”- 2:183

The fasting during Ramadan has been ordained for Muslims as fasting had been ordained for people that preceded them. Prophet Muhammad, addressing his companions on the last day of Shaban, said: “O people! A great month has come over you; a blessed month; a month in which is a night better than a thousand months; month in which Allah has made it compulsory upon you to fast by day, and voluntary to pray by night. Whoever draws nearer (to Allah) by performing any of the (optional) good deeds in (this month) shall receive the same reward as performing an obligatory deed at any other time, and whoever discharges an obligatory deed in (this month) shall receive the reward of performing seventy obligations at any other time. It is the month of patience, and the reward of patience is

Ramadan Kareem

On behalf of the Bank of Sydney management and team, we convey our best wishes to the Muslim Community in Australia and around the world, for a Blessed Ramadan.

Chief Business Banking Officer

Heaven. It is the month of charity, and a month in which a believer’s sustenance is increased. Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his fast, shall have his sins forgiven, and he will be saved from the Fire of Hell, and he shall have the same reward as the fasting person, without his reward being diminished at all.” [Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah]

The concept of charity during Ramadan is an amazing transaction indeed. Allah owns everything but yet when we share a tiny bit with others He promises a return for as many as up to 700 times. A simple smile is guaranteed to be rewarded. In fact sometimes a smile does more to a human soul than otherwise! And giving before being asked and giving more than what is asked, offers contentment and joy

that is priceless.

Patience is a virtue. There may not be a better way to empower oneself than to practice patience. Allah tests some by giving too much and others by taking away the little they had. Such are the trials that everyone must go thru. This exercise deepens the self understanding and realization which helps one to subjugate impatience, intolerance and other such vices.

Let us InshaAllah practice ‘patience’ while being generous in ‘giving’, during our ‘fasting’ in this blessed month of Ramadan.


AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Authorised by J. Stewart, ALP, Wurundjeri Country, 293 Spring Street, Reservoir, Naarm 3073
13 95 00 / banksyd.com.au
A: 3 Alexandra Street, Melton VIC 3337 Ph: (03) 9743 9825 E: stephen.mcghie@parliament.vic.gov.au
for Melton كرابم نامضر
Steve McGhie MP State Member


In an unprecedented move, a coalition of Muslim activists has achieved a resounding victory, compelling the cancellation of

Since 2015, the Victorian Premier’s Iftar has been a celebrated tradition, drawing attendees from across the Muslim community to Melbourne for a communal breaking of the fast during Ramadan.

However, this year’s event faced staunch opposition due to the Victorian government’s stance on Gaza.

The Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) advised the Premier’s office to cancel the Iftar, citing concerns over the government’s position on Gaza. The Victorian government insisted on holding the Iftar and reached out to individuals and other organisation in an effort to solicit support for the Iftar.

Feeling unheard and unhappy with the Government’s arrogance, Muslim activists launched a groundbreaking open letter campaign, rallying support to boycott the Premier’s Iftar. The letter was titled “Why should the Victorian Muslim community boycott the Premier’s iftar this year?” In just four days,

an astonishing 146 organizations signed the letter, showcasing unprecedented unity across ideological lines within the Muslim community. The number, 146 is almost double the ICV’s member societies which currently sits at around 73 member societies.

The campaign had three main drivers: solidarity with the ICV and refusal for it to be bypassed, objection to celebrating amidst the suffering in Gaza, and disappointment in the Premier’s stance on the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The sheer number of endorsing organizations forced the Premier to announce the cancellation during a press conference, underscoring the power of collective action.

While the boycott was a potent message to the government, it also served as a wake-up call to Muslim peak bodies. The campaign highlighted the importance of aligning with community sentiment and advocating for tangible outcomes rather than mere social engagements with politicians.

the Victorian Premier’s Iftar, sparking a domino effect leading to cancellations of similar events nationwide. This grassroots triumph marks a significant moment in Muslim community activism, showcasing unity and determination in the face of political discord.

Significantly, the campaign showcased the community’s unity on the issue of Palestine, with various organizations, including Shia groups, expressing strong and emotional messages of solidarity. Despite potential financial repercussions, many organizations chose to prioritize principles over funding, emphasizing the importance of values when seeking a strategic outcome for the community.

Importantly, the campaign emphasized that it was not an expression of animosity towards the government but rather a call for dialogue based on genuine respect for the Muslim community and its values. The campaign noted that the Victorian government is a government for all Victorians and that dialogue with peak bodies needs and must continue. This boycott campaign was simply a strong message of the voiceless to the government and the Muslim Peak bodies.

The strength of this campaign provides an opportunity for our

peak bodies, particularly the ICV, to exercise stronger leverage when negotiating with the Victorian governments on various matters of concern to the Muslim community. The government was delivered with a strong message that the Muslim community does not tolerate its peak bodies being bypassed and that the community will not sell its values and principles in exchange for some social contact opportunities. Selfrespect is valuable and will serve our community well into the future.

In conclusion, the success of this campaign serves as a milestone in Muslim community activism, demonstrating the power of unity and principled action. It sends a clear message to both the government and peak bodies that the Muslim community will not compromise its values for mere social opportunities but will continue to advocate for justice and representation. Free Palestine!

24 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
25 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
26 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
47A Wangee Rd, Lakemba NSW 2195 • T: (02) 9758 5288 • E: info@baytalzakat.org www.baytalzakat.org Bayt Al-Zakat Australia is an Australian Organisation established to promote charitable purposes in Australia and Overseas. Trust Us to distribute your Donation! DONATE TODAY Bank of Sydney: BSB: 942 208 ACC: 107 6090 • Orphan • Sponsorship • Qurban – Adahi • Food Parcels • Build A Water Well • General Donations • Lebanon Crisis Appeal PROJECTS • ZAKAT UL-FITR • ZAKAT UL-MAAL • RAMADAN FOOD PROJECT EVENTS HSC High Achievers Award Ceremony
Haj Issam Obeid President of Bayt Al-Zakat Australia

Academic Excellence

In 2023, the Australian International Academy of Education proudly witnessed its vision come to life: our graduates embodying our vision of becoming self-motivated, well-prepared individuals ready to excel as global citizens. This milestone year, coinciding with our 40th anniversary, was not just a celebration of our legacy but a testament to our commitment to excellence in both academic and spiritual realms. Our students achieved remarkable results, marking some of the highest performances in recent Academy history.

An impressive thirty-eight percent of our graduates achieved an ATAR of 80 or above, with our Dux, Ihram Muzayen, securing an ATAR of 98.8. This outstanding accomplishment placed Ihram in the top 1.15 percent of the state, securing him a place to pursue Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne.

Beyond numbers, our students' successes are a reflection of their hard work. Twenty-two percent of our students received their firstchoice university offer, with a significant number embarking on paths in STEM fields, embodying the Academy's ethos of preparing our students for a global stage grounded in Muslim values. Our educational philosophy encourages our students to constantly expand their horizons, fostering a spirit of learning, acceptance, compassion, and cooperation. Beyond the classroom, they engage in a rich tapestry

of extracurricular activities—from Chess to Debating, Sounds of Iman, and Science and Mathematics clubs, to volunteering in community service. These experiences not only complement their academic journey but also enrich their personal growth and understanding of their roles in the wider world.

As we embark on the next chapter of our journey, we carry forward the legacy of shaping the narrative of Islamic education in Australia. We are committed to lighting the way for future generations of young Muslims, guiding them to be the torchbearers of our community and

Ihram Muzayen

Accept that everything is in the hands of Allah SWT. You can try, but that does not mean you’ll get what you want. I’ve found out that not getting the results you want can sometimes be the most transformative experience because it teaches you things. It shows you where you were lacking, and it protects you from harm because Allah SWT knows best and He is the best of planners. However, this does not mean you don’t try. Try your best and leave the rest to Allah.

Sarah Chamra

Humayd Badat

Maximize the use of resources like textbooks, past exams, online videos and school-funded subscriptions. Additionally, lean on the invaluable guidance of your teachers - they’re there to support you. Collaborate strategically with your friends to ease some of the inevitable stresses and to provide motivation.

Mohammed Balaj Mamoon

Anything you set your mind to is achievable, and the only limits that exist are those imposed unto yourself by yourself. Study efficiently instead of excessively. As long as your better than you were the day before, you’re on the right track towards meeting your goals.

Allah (SWT) is always there for you and it is said that praying tahajjud and making dua for whatever you desire is like an arrow that never misses its target. Have faith in Allah and in yourself, and you will never fail.

27 EDUCATION AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا 1445 ناضمر
Left to right; Ihram Muzayen (2023 AIAE DUX), Ms Gafiah Dickinson (AIAE Executive Principal)


Hence, all the doctors from around the world confirm that refraining from food is the easiest and cheapest way to curing obesity, something that fasting achieves for you. Therefore, Allah has given us a gift whose value you can’t know unless you recognize its benefits,

it is the Holy month of Ramadan. It is an opportunity to reset your body rhythm, eliminate the excess fat, giving your body the chance to reorganize the work of the hormones and blood cells so that they might do their job in organizing the systems of the body and curing excess weight.


There are several studies which confirm that fasting cures chronic diseases. A chronic disease is an illness which couldn’t be cured with any medicine and remains for a long period of time. Now you have a golden opportunity to cure it no matter what IT is, because liver, kidney, colon and other chronic diseases have been finally cured

by fasting. And when, brother and sisters, you realize the importance of fasting in curing them, then you undoubtedly will become more eager to this month and you would feel happy and joy while fasting because you’ll gain many benefits..


28 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر

- سلبارط

ايلارتسا يف ةيملاسلإاو ةينانبللا ةيلاجلا نم مدقتن

لولح ةبسانمب ةئنهتلاب ملاعلا يف نيملسملا نمو

ىلاعتو هناحبس للها لأسن ،كرابملا ناضمر رهش

فيرشلا سدقلا تررحت دقو عيمجلا ىلع هديعي

ديعتسي نأو ،للاتحلاا رين نم ةلتحملا يضارلأاو

ريخلاب هبعش معني نأو ،هتناكمو هرودو هتيفاع نانبل .ملاسلاو نملااو

.ريخب متنأو ماع

29 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
يفير فرشا ءاوللا بئانلا نانبل


Dear Mum and Dad,

Growing up, you taught me values that have become the foundation of who I am today. Your dreams for my future were rooted in hard work and the pursuit of excellence. Our cultural

background played a pivotal role in shaping my early career decisions.

I vividly recall the moment when I first realised my calling, during my internship at Education Queensland. Meeting inspiring teachers, who saw their profession not just as a job but a way to give back and serve their communities, was transformative.

Telling you about my career choice wasn’t just a conversation; it was the revelation of a life purpose. Your unwavering support, however, wasn’t immediate. Your initial reactions of surprise and concern were understandable given the hopes of a medical career

you’d held for me. It was a challenging moment, but deep down, I felt a sense of certainty that teaching was a calling that aligned with the values you had instilled in me.

In time, you came to appreciate and support my decision to pursue teaching. Your support and understanding in my career choice means the world to me.

I am grateful for the moments when you expressed great respect for my career as a teacher. Seeing that teaching opens doors to advanced postgraduate education, allows me to participate in international conferences

and has the power to effect change, filled your hearts with pride.

I love teaching because it has equipped me with unique skills. It has taught me how to be a leader and helped to build my overall confidence. Teaching continually pushes me to grow professionally and personally, and I love that I play an important role in helping to shape future generations.

As a teacher I’ve learned the importance of demonstrating the passion and drive to be the change we wish to see in the world. Your support has been the wind beneath my wings, and

I am grateful for every step we’ve taken together on this incredible journey.

With love and heartfelt gratitude,

Your daughter Tran

For more information on a career in teaching, visit: www.bethatteacher.gov.au/ english

About the author

Tran Mirciov is a lead teacher at a private school based in Queensland. She was honoured with the Karen Spiller Teaching Fellowship in 2023 and was also a finalist for the Primary School Teacher of the Year at the 2021 Australian Education Awards.

30 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر : (08) 8237 9137 : leaderoftheopposition@parliament.sa.gov.au : www.davidspeirs.com.au (08) 8237 9408 jing.lee@parliament.sa.gov.au www.jinglee.com.au
Black Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
Hon David Speirs MP Leader of the Opposition Member for
Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Ramadan! May this holy month of Ramadan be a source of inspiration and guidance for you, your family and community.
Hon Jing Lee MLC Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council
I S L A M I C A R E P A R E N T I N G A N D Y O U T H H E L P L I N E N O W Y O U C A N T A L K T O S O M E O N E W H O U N D E R S T A N D S Y O U . A L L O U R S T A F F A R E M U S L I M A N D Q U A L I F I E D , W H O W I L L B E B E T T E R A B L E T O U N D E R S T A N D Y O U R N E E D S . T H I S I S A F R E E N A T I O N A L S E R V I C E A N D A L L C A L L S A R E S T R I C T L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L A N D N O I N F O R M A T I O N I S R E C O R D E D . F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N V I S I T W W W . I S L A M I C A R E . O R G . A U HAVE YOU GOT SOMETHING ON YOUR MIND? EXPERIENCING STRESS? C A L L 1 8 0 0 9 6 0 0 0 9 T O S P E A K T O O N E O F O U R F R I E N D L Y C O U N S E L L O R S A N D G E T T H E S U P P O R T Y O U N E E D ! 1 8 0 0 9 6 0 0 0 9


If you were to ask my parents today whether they are proud of my career choice, there’s no doubt they would say yes.

If you had asked them 20 years ago, their answer would have been much less enthusiastic. Why? Because I grew up as a second generation immigrant in a Middle Eastern household.

Like many others from my

background, my parents wanted me to pursue one of the typical jobs they associated with success. Medicine, law and science were their top picks. Instead, I chose to become a teacher – and I am certain I made the right decision.

These days, I work as an assistant principal at a private Islamic school in Perth. Over the last 15 years, I have had an incredibly rewarding career. A career that my parents never expected me to have, but are proud of today.

I’ve played a vital role in helping thousands of kids achieve their dreams.

I’ve been given numerous opportunities for growth and promotion, and I’ve shaped the minds of students who have gone on to be leading doctors, engineers and teachers themselves.

I know my parents had good intentions when they questioned my decision to become a teacher. At first, they were unsure whether teaching would provide me with a great career and the opportunities that they never

had. But now they are excited and proud.

It’s a noble desire to want the best for your kids, but what is considered a successful and fulfilling career is evolving. Young people today are also driven by individual meaning and purpose. We’re being encouraged to evaluate a career based on a whole picture - one that includes the professional rewards, as well as the personal.

I won’t tell you that being a teacher is easy. We are highly educated professionals with a diverse range of skills that we have to adapt for every student. The job requires dedication, hard work and lifelong learning. But part of what makes it so rewarding is that you can see your hard work pay off in your community. Everywhere I go, I see the kids that I taught, playing a part in making a better world.

When I walk down the street, they call out “Miss Marouff! Is that you!?”. These are adults with their own lives, own careers, and own families and still, they remember the

impact of my teaching.

Now, my mother and father have also come to understand the impact of my work. They have seen me grow personally and professionally, and they appreciate the honour this position has brought to our family. They now see teaching as a profession worthy of the same status given to the others on their list of top choices.

Yet, when I speak with the families of my current students, there are so many jobs that never make it onto those lists. Every year, I watch as our high school kids pick their final year courses, and are nudged towards the careers that their parents expect for them.

Often, a career in teaching isn’t part of their consideration. To those students and their parents I say this: do not discount the incredible opportunity a teaching career provides. It’s an inspiring job that gives you a lifetime of rewards. You get to change the future of every generation that comes after you – making it one of

the most important jobs you can do.

Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? My own children certainly do—my daughter has just completed her first year of teaching, and my son is set to begin his teaching degree next year. I couldn’t be more proud of their choices, and I encourage other parents to open their minds to what a career in teaching can offer.

For more information on a career in teaching, visit: www. bethatteacher.gov.au/english

About the author

Hissen Marouff is an assistant principal for Upper Secondary Year 10 – 12 at a private Islamic school in Perth, Western Australia. Drawing from her Australian upbringing with Lebanese migrant parents, she shares her perspectives on the changes in success and career choices among generations.

31 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر Authorised by John Pesutto MP, 197–199 Riversdale Rd, Hawthorn 3122. ADVERTISEMENT Wishing you and your family a blessed and happy Ramadan


Asia is sensitive to memories of the White Australia Policy, the first legislation of the Federation and a policy which was not killed until the 1972 Whitlam Labor Government. Australia conservatives have a poor reputation with the non-British inhabitants of the world, Asia has memories of Menzies 1938 support for Hitler, his appalling attempt to intervene on the side of the British at the time of the Suez Crisis and the hostile attitude of the Liberals to Indonesia’s fight for independence, Menzies supplied arms to rightist military rebels who were fighting against the Indonesian government.

[27 Dec 2023 DACC]

Labor has had a decent record.

Attorney-General and Minister for External Affairs from 1941 to 1949, Dr Evatt helped establish the United Nations where we advocated for a greater role for the smaller nations .

We participated on the first UN meeting in 1941 with representatives from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the exiled governments of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Yugoslavia, and France.

Unlike the international agreements which followed World War I, which led to the rise of Nazi Germany and militarist Japan, this time the emphasis, partly due to the efforts of Dr Evatt, was on expanding the role of the UN General Assembly so that it had powers close to that of the Security Council, giving smaller nations influence.

He also secured greater recognition of social and economic roles for the

new organisation, including respect for freedom. human rights, full employment, and improved living standards.

Evatt later served as the President of the UN General Assembly from 1948 to 1949, playing a crucial role in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. [27 Dec 2023 DACC]

Labor and the union movement strongly supported Indonesian independence from the Dutch.

Labor took us out of the American War in Vietnam in 1972 and established diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China after more than two decades of conservative refusal.

Liberal party Howard’s over enthusiastic support for the invasion of Iraq, without a vote in parliament, similar to Menzies begging the US to let is send troops to Vietnam, was also noted. Labor opposed the war.

Labor Reputation Trashed

The first major trashing of the

positive reputation of Australian Labor was the uncritical acceptance of multi-ministry Morrison’s AUKUS selling of Australian sovereignty for some future possible nuclear submarines, earning the hatred of France.

Thus, the double trashing of our opposition to nuclear power, plus the alliance with the old imperial powers the US and UK.

Asia does not have happy memories of UK colonisation, while many nations since Vietnam have developed suspicion of American motives in the South. Albanese intensified the decline in respect by supporting the Israeli assault on Gaza in the guise of self defence against terrorism. While he did mention the need for restraint, Dutton, the heir of Menzies, dismissed such lily-livered doubts.

On 28 October, when Gaza’s death toll had reached at least 7,760, Australia’s Labor government abstained in a UN General Assembly vote calling for an immediate humanitarian truce. [21 Nov 2023 New Arab]

This got worse when Minister Wong suspended contributions to UNWRA on unsubstantiated claims from Israel that some of its employees were associated with Hamas.

In retaliation for this trashing of our national reputation, a team of Australian lawyers led by Sheryn Omeri KC reportedly spent months documenting what they believe could be alleged complicity in the mass killings of Palestinians.

They maintain that Albanese, provided “… Israel with “rhetorical support in their public statements, their press conferences, their speeches” as well as material assistance.”

He is charged under the individual criminal responsibility section under Article 15 of the Rome Statute which Australia has signed. [5 March 2024 Pedestrian TV]

Some of our elected representatives contributed to a saving of our reputation.

“A number of Indigenous parliamentarians have joined more

than 50 elected representatives issuing a joint statement calling on the Australian government to: push for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages; recognise Palestine as a state entitled to be free of occupation; and “examine” its relationship with the State of Israel.” [ 19 December 2023 National Indigenous Times]

ASEAN Nations and Palestine at Melbourne Conference

Southeast Asia, with its large Muslim population and its many nations which have experienced European colonialism and the full brunt of assault from imperial masters, understands full well the nature of Israeli colonialism and the massacre of the occupied people of Gaza.

- Malaysia which has donated millions to Palestine, has banned Israeli ships from its ports because Israel’s actions “ ignore basic humanitarian principles and violate international law through the ongoing massacre and brutality against Palestinians”. [20 Dec 2024 Al Jazeera]

Australia seems to be backing down from its total obedience to the Israeli lobby.

The Joint Statement for the 2nd Australia-Malaysia Annual Leaders’ Meeting, ‘..,reiterated their shared concern about the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza following the 7 October attacks. They called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. All parties must respect civilian lives and international humanitarian law. They repeated calls for safe, unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access in Gaza, safe passage for civilians, and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.” [4 March 2024]

- Indonesian support for Palestine is unswerving.

Its 1945 Constitution states that “all colonialism must be abolished in this world” –often quoted in support of Palestine.

32 OPINION AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر

Palestinian leaders were among the most prompt to show support for Indonesia in its struggle for independence from the Dutch. [26 Dec 2024 Al Jazeera]

Israel has shown clear enmity with its attempt to prevent Indonesia joining the OECD. [24 February 2024 Nikkei Asia]

- Singapore welcomed the United Nations Security Council resolution calling for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors in Gaza.

“Singapore will continue to work closely with our humanitarian partners to offer additional assistance and support to the Palestinian people.” 17 Nov 2023 Ministry of Foreign ,Affairs Singapore]

- Vietnam has long supported Palestine.

“We have a duty to speak up for Palestine, because their struggle is our struggle. We remember our own history and the legacy of war in the Vietnamese people’s collective memory. Israel’s genocidal violence towards the Palestinian people is no different than what the United States did to Vietnam and its neighbors.” [ Solidarity between Vietnam and Palestine, Caukieu Collective]

Commentators have compared the Hamas attack and the subsequent massacre in Gaza to the Tet Offensive which signalled the disastrous beginning of the end to the American war in Vietnam.

“In that sense, Hamas’ mission was accomplished. And as the Tet offensive caused a paradigmatic shift in the US, both politically and culturally, it is likely the Hamas invasion will do the same in Israel.

[16 Oct 2023 David W. Lesch. Manar Magazine, Cambridge Middle East and North Africa Forum]

- Thailand is divided. The leader almost immediately after the initial attack, tweeted:.“[T]he Thai Govt & I extend my deepest condolences to the Government and the people of the State of Israel,” Srettha wrote, “[w] e strongly condemn this attack, which has tragically resulted in loss of innocent lives and injury to civilians.”

As expected, the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs rushed to correct the error, insisting that Thailand is a neutral nation that supports peaceful coexistence between Israel and Palestine.[October 2023 The Diplomat]

The Thai government voted in favour of an immediate humanitarian ceasefire at the United Nations General Assembly meeting on December 12

- The Lao PDR has supported efforts by the Arab Group, the OIC, and other UN member states to reconvene this Tenth Emergency0Special Session of the General Assembly, as per GA Resolution 377 (V) of 1950. [31 Oct 2923 Statement by Permanent Representative of the Lao PDR at the 10th Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly]

- The Philippines abstained from the UN General Assembly vote for an immediate humanitarian truce on October 27 along with 45 others including Australia.

120 countries supported the resolution.

“Instead, it acknowledged Israel’s “right to self-defence” while remaining mum on the human rights abuses and war crimes faced by Palestinians in Gaza.” [17 Nov 2023 Al Jazeera]

The Melbourne Declaration – A Partnership for the Future. Melbourne, Australia, 6 March 2024

The statement at the end of the ASEAN Conference suggests Australia is under regional pressure to maintain our anti-nuclear policy and apparently, to defend the people of Gaza.

“15. We support ASEAN’s efforts to preserve the Southeast Asian region as a nuclear weapon-Free Zone and free of all other weapons of mass destruction…”

Paragraph 25 included “We urge for an immediate and durable humanitarian ceasefire. We support the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the execution of its mandate and the UN Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza to discharge her task effectively and efficiently, and to begin the work on postconflict reconstruction. We call for rapid, safe, unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access to all those in need, including through increased capacity at border crossings, including by sea.”

The weakness is in the last sentence: “We took note, and some of us underlined the importance of, the order on provisional measures issued by the International Court of Justice on 26 January 2024. In this context, we reaffirm the importance of upholding international law.” [asean.org]

Australia’s attitude to the ICJ case stands out.

Need to put Israeli Lobby in its place

The lighting up of the Sydney Opera House sails in Israeli colours, doubts expressed about whether demonstrations about genocide were anti-Semitic, from Labor politicians, have caused many Labor voters to ditch the ALP.

Credibility given to false claims about cries of “gas the Jews” at a Sydney demonstration and false claims that a Melbourne demonstration over the arson at Burgertory was deliberately aimed at synagogues, has indicated the divisive intent of the Israeli lobby.

The kerfuffle over the sacking of an Arab journalist by the ABC, governed by an LNP stacked Board, and the exposure of the Whats App group behind the campaign to remove her, was met by statements from AG Dreyfus that new laws would be introduced to deal with such exposures.

Years of Muslim vilification and hostile propaganda was met without a murmur from our political leaders.

ASEAN and the Muslim world are aware of what goes on in this country, from failure to close the gap to Islamophobic and pro-zionist political movements.

Even in progressive Victoria the police task force dealing with Middle East Crime was designated the Santiago Taskforce.

The full title is Santiago Matamoros, St James Moor Slayer.

St James was the brother of Jesus (p) and a true follower of the Gospel, stood for justice against the hypocrites and he was no slayer of the devout.

33 OPINION AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Picture: asean.org
34 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر East Preston Islamic College • www.epic.vic.edu.au • 03 9478 3323
35 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر Phone: (03) 9386 4400 1/747 Sydney Road Brunswick VIC 3056 adem.somyurek@parliament.vic.gov.au Ramadan Mubarak The Hon Adem Somyurek MP Member for Northern Metropolitan Region



36 PALESTINE AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر

Dr. Jamal Rifi AM يفير لامج روتكدلا

.ريخب متنأو ماع لكو

37 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
ملاعلا يف نيملسملا نمو ايلارتسا يف ةيملاسلإا ةيلاجلا نم مدقتأ لجو زع ىلوملا لائاس ،كرابملا ناضمر رهش لولح ةبسانمب ةئنهتلاب ،للاتحلاا نم ىصقلأا دجسملا ررحت دقو عيمجلا ىلعو انيلع هديعي نأ نملأاو ةيرحلاب معنيل ،ةبولسملا هقوقح ةفاك ينيطسلفلا بعشلا داعأو .ملاسلاو
نميلاو ريخلاب عيمجلا ىلع هديعي نأ هناحبس هلأسن امك
38 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Mohamed Hage OAM The President of the Australian-Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry
39 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر Ph: 03 9877 7188 E: nick.mcgowan@parliament.vic.gov.au A: Town Square, Eastland Shopping Centre, 171-175 Maroondah Highway Ringwood , VIC 3134 Nick McGowan MP Your local parliamentarian in Ringwood Standing for Parents rights, Religious Freedom and pro-immigration
40 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
41 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر


Just weeks after news of a sharp national spike in asthma deaths – with South Australia recording the highest increase in a single year (88%) – scientists have revealed a promising new treatment for the chronic lung disease.

Australian researchers have found that a family of proinflammatory molecules called beta common cytokines control inflammation and scarring of the airways (fibrosis) in severe and steroid-resistant asthma.

They believe that a human therapeutic antibody called trabikihart could be the key to effectively blocking the inflammation and scarring.

The findings, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, are a result of a joint study led by researchers from the University of South Australia (UniSA) and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), in collaboration with researchers from CSL and SA Pathology.

Joint study leader Dr Damon Tumes,

Head of the Allergy and Cancer Immunology Laboratory in the Centre for Cancer Biology*, says the findings are significant.

“Inflammation and tissue damage in severe asthma is caused by several types of immune cells that enter the lungs due to allergens, viruses and other microbes that interact with the airways,” Dr Tumes says.

“In some people, the inflammation is resistant to steroids – the first treatment option for controlling severe asthma.

“Currently, limited treatment options are available for severe asthma. New and existing drugs often only target single molecules when multiple overlapping cells and inflammatory pathways are responsible for asthma.

“Targeting multiple inflammatory cytokines with a single drug may be the key to treat and control complex and severe chronic airway disease.”

The most recent statistics show a 30% rise in asthma-related deaths

(467 people) nationally in 2022, with South Australia recording the most drastic increase at 88%.

According to experts, most of the deaths were preventable and were linked to people not having treatment on hand, or using it as prescribed, especially inhaled corticosteroids.

2022 marked the highest asthma deaths since 2017, partly driven by the post-Covid return of viral respiratory infections which are associated with increases in asthma hospitalisations.

Widespread rainfall, triggering an increase in fungal spores and pollen, is also a factor.

42 HEALTH AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Keilor Downs Shopping Centre 80 Taylors Road, Keilor Downs VIC 3038 Ph: (03) 9367 9925 natalie.suleyman@parliament.vic.gov.au The Hon. Natalie Suleyman MP State Labor Member for St Albans Minister for Veterans Minister for Small Business Minister for Youth Ramadan Mubarak

مكدعب يتأي ليج لك لبقتسم

مهأ نم ةدــحاو اهلعجي امم -

.اهب مايقلا مكنكمي يتلا فئاظولا

اءزج نوكي نأ ديري لا انم نم

يدلاوأ نأ دكؤملا نم ؟كلذ نم

يتنبا تلمكأ دقف ،كلذ نوديري

لينل ىلولأا ةيساردلا ةنسلا وتلل

نأ ررقملا نمو ،ميلعتلا ةداهش

ماعلا يف ميلعتلا ةسارد ينبا أدبي

مهتارايخب ةروخف انأو .لبقملا

يلاهلأا عجشأو ،ةجرد ىصقأ ىلإ

امب ايدج ريكفتلا ىلع نيرخلآا .سيردتلا ةنهم همدقت نأ نكمي

لوح تامولعملا نم ديزملل

ةراــيز ىجري ،سيردتلا ةنهم www.bethatteacher. :عقوملا gov.au/arabic

ةدعاسم ةريدم يه فورعم نسح

ىتح رشاعلا نم ةيوناثلا فوفصلل

ةيملاسإ ةسردم يف رشع يناثلا

برغ ةيلاوب ثريب ةنيدم يف ةصاخ

ةهجو نع نسح ثدحتت .ايلارتسأ

حاجنلا يف تارييغتلا لوح اهرظن

لايجلأا نيب ةينهملا تارايخلاو

ايلارتسأ يف اهتأشن ىلإ ادانتسا

نيينانبل نيوبأ دي ىلع تبرت ثيح .نيرجاهم

ريثأت نوركذتي اولاز امو ،ةصاخلا .يميلعت

نامهفي اضيأ يادلاو حبصأ ،نلآا

ينادهاش دقل .يلمع ريثأت

يصخشلا ىوتسملا ىلع مدقتأ

فرشلا ناردقي امهو ،ينهملاو

.انتلئاعل بصنملا اذه هبلج يذلا

سيردتلا ىلإ نارظني نلآا امهنإ

ةناكم سفن قحتست ةنهمك

لضفأ ةمئاق يف ىرخلأا نهملا .مهيدل تارايخلا

عم ثدحتأ امدنع ،كــلذ عمو

كانه ،نييلاحلا يبلاط تلائاع

لتحت لا يتلا فئاظولا نم ريثكلا

لك يف .مئاوقلا كلت يف ةبترم يأ

ةسردملا يف انبلاط دهاشأ ،ماع

مهتاررقم نوراتخي مهو ةيوناثلا

فيكو ،ةيئاهنلا ةنسلل ةيساردلا

يتلا فئاظولا وحن مهعفد متي .مهنم مهؤابآ اهعقوتي

لا ،ناــيــحلأا نــم ريثك يــفو

نيعب سيردتلا ةنهم نوذخأي

بلاطلا ءلاؤهل لوــقأ .رابتعلاا

ةصرفلا اودعبتست لا :مهيلاهأو

ةنهم اــهرــفوــت يــتــلا ةلئاهلا

ةمهلم ةفيظو اهنإ .سيردتلا

،تآفاكملاب ةئيلم مكتايح لعجت

رييغت اهللاخ نم نوعيطتستو

دق ةيضرملاو ةحجانلا ةنهملل

اضيأ بابشلا عفدي ام .تريغت

مهتايحل ىنعم داجيإ وه مويلا

انثحي .ةيدرفلا فادهلأا قيقحتو

مييقت ىلع ةداعلا يف نورخلآا

رظنلا للاخ نم ةينهملا ةايحلا

- اهبناوج عيمج نم ةروصلا ىلإ

تآفاكملا بناوجلا كلت نمضتتو

تآفاكملا ىلإ ةفاضلإاب ،ةينهملا .ةيصخشلا

سيردتلا ةنهم نأ لوــقأ نل

انلصح نوفرتحم نحنف .ةلهس

ةعومجم كلتمنو لاع ميلعت ىلع

نيعتي يتلا تاراهملا نم ةعونتم

اذهو .بلاط لك عم اهليدعت انيلع

ينافتلا بلطتي لمعلا نم عونلا

ىدم ملعتلاو داــجــلا لمعلاو

هلعجي امم اءزج نكلو .ةايحلا

ةيؤر نكمي هنأ وه ةياغلل ايزجم

هب تمق يذلا قاشلا لمعلا ةجيتن

ىرأ تبهذ امنيأ .كعمتجم يف

نوبعلي مهتملع نيذلا لافطلأا .لضفأ ملاع ءانب يف ارود

عمسأ ،عراشلا يف ريسأ امدنع

!فورعم ةسنآ“ يننوداني اصاخشأ

صاخشأ ءلاؤه .”؟!تنأ هذه له

ةصاخلا مهتايح مهيدل نوغلاب

مهتلائاعو ةصاخلا مهنهمو

مهتارايخ مولعلاو نوناقلاو

حبصأ نأ ترتخا يننكل .ىلضفلا

ةدكأتم انأو - كلذ نم لادب ةملعم

.بئاصلا رارقلا تذختا يننأ نم

ةدعاسم ةريدمك مايلأا هذه لمعأ

يف ةصاخ ةيملاسإ ةسردم يف

رشع ةسمخلا رادم ىلع .ثريب

يتريسم تناك ،ةيضاملا اماع

مل ةنهم .ةياغلل ةيزجم ةينهملا

،اهكلسأ نأ ادبأ يادــلاو عقوتي

.مويلا اهب ناروخف امهنكل

يف ايويح ارود تبعل دقل

ىلع لاــفــطلأا فلاآ ةدعاسم

تحيتأ دــقو .مهملاحأ قيقحت

مدقتلأ صرفلا نم ديدعلا يل

ريثكلا ريكفت ىلع ترثأو ،ىقرتأو

اوحبصأ نــيذــلا بلاــطــلا نــم

نيسدنهمو ءاــبــطأ مــهرودــب

.نيدئار نيسردمو

تناك يدـــلاو اياون نأ ملعأ

يرارق يف اككش امدنع ةنسح

،ةيادبلا يف .ةسردم حبصأ نأب

ناك اذإ امم نيدكأتم انوكي مل

ةميظع ةنهم يل رفويس سيردتلا

امهنكل .امهل حتت مل يتلا صرفلاو .ناروخفو ناسمحتم نلآا

ةبغر كلافطلأ لضفلأا ينمت نإ

ةيطمنلا ةروصلا نكلو ،ةليبن

،فورعم نسح ملقب ةدعاسم ةسردم ةريدم اذإ امع مويلا يدلاو تلأس ول ،ينهملا يرايتخاب نيروخف اناك .معنب نابيجيس امهنأ كش لاف ،اماع 20 لبق امهتلأس كنأ ولو اسامح لــقأ امهتباجإ تناكل تأشن يــنــنلأ ؟اذاــمــل .ريثكب يف يناثلا ليجلا نم ةرجاهمك .ةيطسوأ قرش ةرسأ يتيفلخ نم يريغ نيريثك لثمو

نأ ينم يادــلاو دارأ ،ةيفاقثلا فئاظولا ىدــحإ ءارو ىعسأ مهل ةبسنلاب يتلا ةيجذومنلا بطلا ناكو .حاجنلا ىلع لدت

43 يلارتسلاا طسولا AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر Authorised by M.Vamvakinou, Australian Labor Party, Level 2, Office 1, 14 Dimboola Road, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 Town Hall Broadmeadows Precinct, Level 2, Office 1, 14 Dimboola Road, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 T: 03 9367 5216 E: maria.vamvakinou.mp@aph.gov.au MariaVamvakinou Maria Vamvakinou MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALWELL May this holy month bring an abundance of blessings. اهلافغإ مدع لهلأا ىلع بجي يتلا ةمهملا ةنهملا


A public lecture delivered by Dr Dzavid Haveric

On 7th March 2024, in Broadmeadows Town Hall, Victoria, a distinguished historian, Dr Dzavid Haveric, gave a public lecture delivering the rich history of Islam in Australia through the ages. The lecture was in conjunction with an exhibition the Wind Talks: Yolnu-Makassan Encounters (Barrak-Dhimmurru|WarrakTimborok). The lecture was based on archival data and photographs, revealing the diversity of Australian Muslim experiences and their contribution to Australian society and history.

Dr Haveric explored a number of subjects, such as the world Islamic civilisation, the Muslim re-discovery of Australia by

Arab, Persian, Indian, Malay, East African and Chinese Muslims; Macassans’ arrival in Australia’s north and their interaction with Aboriginals; the arrival of Muslim convicts; forgotten mosques, examples of forgotten Muslim features in history; Afghan cameleers and Grantowns; Malay pearl shell divers and Malaytowns; the examples Muslim military personnel; their loyalty and contribution to Australia; the post WW2 immigration and multiethnic Muslim community buildings; first Muslim print in Australia, and interfaith dialogues. All these subjects clarify the very long history of Islam and Muslims in Australia, especially through migratory waves. Dr Haveric said: “Muslim migrants found

Islam in Australia more pluralistic and sophisticated than in their countries of origin, because in Australia they met Muslims from many different ethnic, racial, cultural, sectarian and linguistic backgrounds”.

This fascinating presentation, in socialhistorical context with remarkable slides, demonstrated a riches of Islamic and Muslim history as part of much broader Australian history in time of different social policies. Muslim migrants of various ethnic backgrounds played an important role in building the nation. In his lecture, Dr Haveric’s emphasised “Muslim Australianness and Muslimness in an Australian way”. Muslims also joined non-Muslims

and they together built a cohesive multicultural society. They became an integral part of new home’s social landscape. “Muslims built their home ethos accommodated in a predominantly Christian, also multi-faith and secular society”. They are proud of being Muslims and Australians. Dr Haveric also stressed:

“By building the bridges with non-Muslims, and by exchanging ideas and

experiences with them, Muslims are contributing in Australia to a never-ending conversation of humanity”. The audience remarked “it was an excellent talk with delightful images, very informative and impressive lecture documenting many unknown and less known historical facts”. This lecture deserves to be given to all who are interested among scholars, students and the general public.

44 HISTORY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر

A healthy Ramdan starts with a healthy suhoor! With Ramadan fast approaching it’s important that we understand how to eat healthy and feel energized during our fasts well beforehand so we don’t get stuck the day before Ramadan wondering where to begin.

With a healthy suhoor, you’ll be setting up your fasting days to be full of energy to help you keep up with your daily life and ibaadah, and most importantly so that you can get the most out of Ramadan.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Eat suhoor, for in suhoor there is blessing.” (Bukhari, 1923;)

There are 3 types of


people when it comes to Suhoor:

1. Skip suhoor because it’s too hard to wake up in the middle of the night.

2. Have cereal for Suhoor because it’s the easiest thing.

3. Have a big dinner type meal (i.e. roti and curry etc).

The problem is, most of the time these options don’t optimally help your fast. The result is low energy levels, headaches, and hunger.

Here are 5 healthy suhoor must-haves so you can feel energized and good, and avoid feeling tired and drained during Ramadan:

1. Choose foods high in Protein

Protein is an important

dietary component as it helps build and maintain muscle, but most importantly during Ramadan it helps you feel full for longer after a meal. Adding protein to your suhoor will ensure you feel satiated for longer during your fast. Examples of protein foods include:

• Eggs

• Greek yogurt

• Beans

• Lentils

• Fish

• Chicken

2. Select Whole Grain Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are what provide you with energy, and many people make the mistake of eating simple carbs during suhoor (i.e. sugary cereal, white bread)

and will feel hungry and tired shortly after. Whole grains are high in fibre which means the energy will be absorbed slower in the body helping you feel fuller and energized for a longer time. Examples of whole grain carbohydrates are:

• Whole grain bread

• Whole grain bagels

• Whole grain naan

• Oatmeal

• Quinoa

• Barley

3. Fill Up on Healthy Fats

Healthy fats will also help you feel full and satisfied throughout the day, and are an important part of a balanced diet. Examples of healthy fats include:

• Avocados

• Nut butters

• Nuts and seeds

• Ground flaxseed

• Hemp seeds

4. Add fruit/veg to every suhoor

Fruits and vegetables are high in fibre, and contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Some fruits/ veggies also have a high water content which can help your hydration while fasting. Examples of fruits/ vegetables that have higher water content are:

• Watermelon

• Strawberries

• Cucumber

• Lettuce

5. Make drinking water a priority

In order to avoid dehydration throughout your fasts it’s important to ensure you’re drinking enough water at suhoor. Aim to have at least 2-3 cups of water while having your suhoor.

Source: thehealthymuslims.com

45 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
،ةماع ايروتكفو ايلارتسا يف ةيملاسلإا ةيلاجلل ىنمتأ ،ةصاخ ايروتكف نم ةيبرغلا قطانملا يفو .ملاسلاو قيفوتلاو ،ةداعسلاب ائيلمو ،اميرك ارهش
46 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر • 376 Barry Rd, Campbellfield, VIC 3061 Tel: (03) 9309 3323 - (03) 9357 5430 Fax: (03) 9309 9969 sweetinspirations.net.au ةوهق • ةظوب • كيك • تانجعم • تايولح SWEET • CAKES • BAKERY • ICE CREAM • COFFEE انلماعم يف ةعنصم ةيبرعلا ةظوبلا ةيبرعو ةينانبل تايولح Sweet Inspirations Lebanese Patisserie


Federal, state and territory governments have agreed to a 5-year plan that puts Australians in the driving seat as they manage and improve their personal health and wellbeing through advances in digital technology

Launched today, Australia’s National Digital Health Strategy 2023 - 2028 and accompanying Strategy Delivery Roadmap provide a clear path to an inclusive, sustainable and healthier future for all Australians.

Australian Digital Health Agency CEO Ms Amanda Cattermole PSM said the Strategy and Delivery Roadmap were the result of a productive collaboration between federal, state and territory governments and shaped through extensive consultations with consumers, carers, healthcare providers, research organisations and technology innovators.

“In an age of precision medicine, characterised by healthcare innovations like wearable technology and AI-driven genomic research, we are witnessing a paradigm shift towards personalised and preventative healthcare. The National Digital Health Strategy is essential to support this shift

while fostering a connected, secure, inclusive and ethical healthcare system, backed by robust legislation,” Ms Cattermole said.

“The Strategy captures areas of reform that require a nationally co-coordinated effort across all jurisdictions to drive transformation in digital health.

“The powerful partnerships behind this Strategy and Roadmap will ensure that no matter what corner of the country they call home, Australians can reap the benefits of digital healthcare that is tailored to their unique circumstances.”

Agency Chief Clinical Advisor Dr Steve Hambleton said advances in technology are already improving health outcomes and reducing waste. Clinical benefit and consumer engagement can only get better as programs such as sharing diagnostic tests to My Health Record by default roll out.

“Immediate access to critical diagnostic information wherever requested is a quantum leap forward in supporting clinicians to make the best decisions for the patient.

“Digital tools will never replace doctors but doctors who use digital tools will likely replace doctors who don’t,” Dr Hambleton said.

47 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر Clr Bilal El-Hayek MAYOR City of Canterbury Bankstown @ClrBilalElHayek @Bilal.ElHayek @MayorBilalElHayek Contact me at: P 9707 9522 E Mayor@cbcity.nsw.gov.au RAMADAN MUBARAK كرابم ناضمر


Subhanallah, it’s Ramadan already. Usually, when Ramadan arrives, for most of us, so does the fulfillment of the obligation of Zakat. As we know, Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory, and many people choose to pay their Zakat al-Mal during the month of Ramadan. The need for local Zakat only continues to grow, year by year. This year the need is further exemplified to support the Zakat-eligible Palestinians from Gaza. There isn’t a better time than now to think local when giving your Zakat.

The necessity to support people locally with Zakat has been demonstrated over the last 10 years. Whether it’s applications for assistance regarding homelessness, financial assistance, mental health

matters, domestic violence, you name it. This has provided us with a solid foundation of understanding what’s happening in our community and how we can best support those in need. Ask yourself; would you like to see your Muslim sister homeless with her children? Or an elderly brother who is unable to pay for his cancer treatment? This is why we need your support for us to continue supporting our brothers and sisters here in Australia. However, this can only be achieved with your generous donations to continue supporting those in need and to empower future generations.

Furthermore, many questions are asked regarding Zakat during Ramadan, including, how do I calculate Zakat? Do I need to pay Zakat on specific wealth? The good news is we have the answers for you alhamduliIlah. Firstly, we have an online calculator that allows you to

calculate your Zakat with step-bystep instructions. Secondly, keep up to date with our social media pages regarding Zakat Master Classes which provide you with a detailed explanation of all things regarding Zakat. This is also a perfect opportunity to ask those lingering questions that you’ve been holding onto. If none of the above works for you, please reach out to us so you can ensure that you’re paying and fulfilling the rights of Zakat correctly this Ramadan.

Another fantastic option this Ramadan is to give daily Sadaqah. Now, there is no knife or fork needed for this Ramadan because guess what?

“What, tell me?”

We’ve done the daily prepping for you again this Ramadan so you can sign up for daily donations and focus more on your ibadat. Quick, simple

and easy hey! What better way this Ramadan than to prepare early to stack your good deeds instead of stacking calories!

Our beloved prophet (SAWS) said: “Charity does not decrease wealth” (Sahih Muslim). This is a perfect opportunity to provide a helping hand to a fellow brother or sister who is down to help them up this Ramadan. The need to distribute Zakat locally continues to grow and you, yes you! Can make a difference in someone’s life and empower future generations. This is a reflection of ‘Local Zakat in Action’. Sign up for daily giving and learn more about Zakat at nzf.org.au.

48 CHARITY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر



A RACV poll has revealed that many Victorians consider drivers using phones one of their biggest road safety concerns.

This follows the latest figures from the Victorian Government that reveal over 17 million dollars in fines were issued to drivers for breaching the distracted driving rules during the first six months of enforcement from detection cameras introduced in July last year.

From 1 July to 30 December 2023, 30,231 drivers were

captured by the cameras, with drivers facing penalties of four demerit points and a fine of $577 for using a mobile device, including phones, when driving.

RACV Head of Policy James Williams said the distracted driving rules aimed to keep road users safe, reflecting the significant increase in technologies capable of distracting drivers.

“The RACV poll highlights that Victorians are still noticing people using their phones or devices while driving and they have highlighted it as their top safety concern on our roads,” Mr Williams said.

“Distracted driving is a major contributor to road crashes and we all need to do our part and make sure we put our devices away and concentrate on driving safely.

“This poll and the data from distracted driver cameras, highlights that we still need to focus on educating drivers about this rule – which, put simply, generally means don’t touch your unmounted or wearable device while you’re driving or sitting in traffic.”

Reminder: What drivers or riders who hold a full licence need to know about the road rules for portable devices

Don’t touch your unmounted or wearable device while you’re driving or riding – this includes cars, motorbikes, bicycles, e-scooters and even rollerblades.

Drivers may briefly touch a mounted device or inbuilt system for functions such as music and navigation, provided they are not entering text, scrolling, or viewing images, social media, websites, or videos. For wearable devices such as smart watches, you can’t touch the device while driving or riding. You can only use voice controls to initiate, accept or reject

audio calls, play, or stream audio materials, or adjust volume levels.

For mobile phones and tablets, the mounting must be commercially designed and manufactured for that purpose, and the device must be secured in the mounting.

For further information on the rules, including rules for Learner and Probationary drivers, please visit RACV’s road safety website page: https://www.racv.com. au/on-the-road/drivingmaintenance/road-safety. html

49 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
MUBARAK Authorised by Senator Mehreen Faruqi Australian Greens Parliament House Canberra 2600


Victorians in every corner of the state have thrown their support behind the Allan Labor Government’s Container Deposit Scheme – returning more than 147 million containers, and pocketing over $14 million in refunds in just two months.

Member for Thomastown Bronwyn Halfpenny visited the Mosaic Reserve refund point in Lalor, which has processed 99,700 returns since opening.

This is one of around 400 convenient refund points across the state, which will grow to 600 by August this year.

The CDS is breaking records every week, with a staggering 15.8 million containers collected in the week before Christmas and a record 18.5 million returned last week.

Across the state, of all the containers returned since the scheme commenced, aluminium cans have been the most popular making up 53 percent of returns, followed by PET (26 percent), glass (18 percent).

Container returns continue to increase and Victoria’s network of refund points will continue to grow to meet demand, making the scheme the most convenient and accessible in the country.

Victorians can choose to pocket the refund or donate their containers to one of the 1600 participating charities, sports, community, environmental or educational groups.

Returned drink containers can be transformed into all kinds of new things,

including material for roads, furniture, construction, textiles and more – creating new economic opportunities and will support more than 600 jobs across Victoria.

The Labor Government has invested $515 million to transform the Victoria’s waste and recycling system, helping us achieve our target of diverting 80 per cent of all material away from landfill by 2030.

To find your nearest refund point and for more information, visit cdsvic.org.au.

“It’s remarkable to see so many Victorians get involved in recycling, providing more 140 million containers and counting for re-use in new products instead of going to landfill or ending up in the environment and harming our wildlife.”

“The CDS is a great initiative to get people recycling – we’re rewarding Victorians who do the right thing, reducing litter and making sure recyclable product don’t end up in landfill.” Minister for Environment Steve Dimopoulos said.

“The CDS is not only helping our local clubs and organisations with their fundraising but also helping families teach their children about recycling”.

“With our young Victorians excited about recycling, the future is in good hands”, Member for Thomastown Bronwyn Halfpenny said.

50 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Bronwyn Halfpenny MP Member for Thomastown Parliamentary Secretary for Jobs P: (03) 9401 2711 A: 221 high Street Thomastown 3074 E: bronwyn.halfpenny@parliament.vic.gov.au Wishing you and your family the best for the Holy Month of Ramadan. كرابم نامضر Lynda Voltz MP MEMBER FOR AUBURN P: (02) 9737 8822 • E: auburn@parliament.nsw.gov.au A: Mezzanine Level, 92 Parramatta Road, Lidcombe NSW 2141 “Authorised by Lynda Voltz MP. Funded using parliamentary entitlements”

also shown that irregular fasting increases the survival levels among individuals who suffer from liver tissue injuries which have the possibility of becoming tumors in the future.

appearance of Alzheimer’s. this study conducted by the national center for aging studies in the US regarding the potential influence of irregular fasting and diets in which calories are decreased by almost half, and demonstrate the role of fasting in delaying the aging of brain tissue.

51 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر On behalf of Cumberland Council, I send my warmest wishes to people of the Islamic faith during the holy month of Ramadan. May this special time be celebrated with family and friends, filled with peace, happiness, spiritual reflection and renewal.
Lisa LakeJoin us at Cumberland Council’s Ramadan Street Food Festival For more information, visit: www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/ramadan Ramadan Mubarak Saturday 16 March, 7pm - 12midnight Auburn Town Centre, Auburn Road, Auburn Kebabs
- Mayor
A study prepared by researchers at Grenoble University in France has showed that irregular fasting plays a role in decreasing the average of the development of lymphoid tumors to almost zero according to tests conducted on mammals. Other studies have
The benefits of fasting aren’t restricted to fighting chronic illnesses but they go beyond that to slowing down aging of brain cells for scientific studies have showed the role of irregular fasting in delaying the aging of brain cells and contributing in slowing down the
FASTING SLOWS DOWN AGING Ph: 03 8361 7133 W: lubagrigorovitch.com.au E: luba.grigorovitch@parliament.vic.gov.au Shop 2, 11 Commercial Rd, Caroline Springs, 3023 Luba Grigorovitch MP Member for Kororoit
52 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر لولح ةبسانمب كرابملا ناضمر رهش يناهتلا رحأب ملاعلا يف نيملسملا نمو ايلارتسا يف ةيملاسلإاو ةيبرعلا ةيلاجلا نم مدقتأ ريخب متنأو ماع لكو .تاكربلاو نميلاو ريخلاب عيمجلا ىلع للها هداعأ ،تاينملأا بيطأو هتلئاعو ةنيز ربرب فيزوج The Jolly Miller www.thejollymiller.com.au reception@thejollymiller.com.au Fig Food Co www.figfoodco.com.au orders@figfinefoods.com.au iPantry AU www.ipantry.com.au info@ipantry.com.au

This is the night of the Qadr. The term Al-Qadr has been frequently translated as “the power”. A better translation may be “the value” or “the decree” because Allah says the value of this night is better than one thousand months, a lifetime of over eighty-three years. Allah sends His decrees in this night. This is the night when the Qur’an was revealed. Allah says in the Qur’an: We have indeed revealed this (the Qur’an) in the Night of Value (or Measure). And what will explain to you what the Night of Value is? The Night of Value is better than a thousand months. Therein come down angels and the Spirit (the angel Gabriel) by Allah’s permission with all decrees. (That night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn. (97:1-5) The Night of Value is a gift to mankind from Allah. However, it is not clear which night is Laylat al-Qadr. Some reports by companions

of the Prophet(S) allude it to be the 27th night of the month of Ramadan, but many more sayings point to any of the odd date nights during the last third of the month of Ramadan. According to authentic teachings of the Prophet Muhammad(S), Muslims are advised to spend the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th nights of Ramadan in worship and doing good works to assure finding Laylat al-Qadr. A portion of the Muslims stay up all night in prayers and good works, however, the Prophet(S) and his companions used to sleep at least one-third of the night. In Muslim countries, the 27th of Ramadan is a holiday to enable people to rest during the day after all night of worship. Schools are closed from the 27th of Ramadan through the 2nd of Shawwal (5 to 6 days) to combine Laylat al-Qadr and ‘Eid al-Fitr observances.


Councillor Tony Bleasdale OAM Mayor of Blacktown City

Message from the Mayor of Blacktown City




53 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر LAYLAT AL-QADR
As the Mayor of Blacktown City, I would like to wish a Ramadan Mubarak to the Muslim community. Blacktown City is one of the most multicultural cities in Australia and I am proud that the Muslim community is a big part of it.
have over 31,000 Muslim residents in our City, representing a significant part of our rich diverse community.
City prides itself on its diversity and our 415,000 residents come from 188 different birth places and speak 184 languages. We are an inclusive city, with a range of services available to our residents whose first language is not English. Blacktown City Libraries have a wide range of resources, including books, magazines and DVDs available in more than 30 different languages. The library also has access for library members to online multicultural resources:
PressReader, an online newspaper and magazine platform giving access to material in over 60 languages.
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Online for Kids, which gives children the opportunity to read more than 3,000+ books in 65+ languages.
Libraries also run Around the World Storytime, sharing stories from all different cultures and countries to younger members our community, English Conversation Classes, Tech Savvy Seniors in multiple languages and host their annual month of Multicultural March, celebrating the diversity of Blacktown City, in honour of United Nation’s International Mother Language Day. Our website can be translated into our most spoken languages (including Arabic) to enable our residents to stay up to date with all Council’s latest news and events.
extend my warmest wishes
Ramadan Mubarak to
the members of the Muslim community
thank you for the contributions you have made to our city.
Ramadan Mubarak
RAMADAN MUBARAK As a City, it means the world to us to celebrate the cultural richness and vibrancy of our community. May the sacred month of Ramadan be filled with harmony, happiness and joy. Mayor Angela Evans charlessturt.sa.gov.au

Ramadan Mubarak

• 87.6 FM • 173.350 MHz (Narrow Band)

• 173.425MHz (Narrow Band)

T: +61 (2) 9758 3399 F: +61 (2) 9758 3299

E: info@thevoiceofIslam.com.au W:thevoiceofIslam.com.au

جردأ دق ناك اذإ امع اقحلا لئس امدنعو

،ةيبرغلا لعفلا دودرل هداقتنا يف ايلارتسأ

ىلإ لضفلا بسني« هنإ ميهاربإ لاق

تلوحت اهنلأ ادنكو ادنليزوينو ايلارتسأ تعدو ،يلصلأا فقوملا نع ام دح ىلإ ةدعاسملا ميدقتو رانلا قلاطإ فقو ىلإ .»ةيناسنلإا يلارتسلأا هريظن ةرشابم دشان هنأ فاضأو

ثوغ ةلاكول ليومتلا ةداعإ زينابلأ ينوتنأ

)اورنوأ( نيينيطسلفلا نيئجلالا ليغشتو ةدعاسمل ةيلاعف رثكلأا ةانقلا« اهنوك

.ةزــغ يــف »نيرصاحملا نييندملا خيرات هل عارصلا نإ ميهاربإ رونأ لاقو

ةبكنلا ذنم اوناع نيينيطسلفلا نإو ،لوطأ

درط امدنع »ةثراكلا« ـب اهفصو ام وأ

نم اورف وأ صاخشلأا نم فلالآا تائم

.ليئارسإ ةلود ءاشنإ نلاعإ دعب مهنطو

تلااكو + ةريزجلا :ردصملا


حضوأو ةعماجلا مامأ هتملك يف ،ميهاربإ لاقو ءوسل« هنإ ،اريبناك يف ةيلارتسلأا ةينطولا لازت لا يتلا ةملؤملا ةاسأملا نإف ،ظحلا ةعيبطلا نع تفشك ةزغ عاطق يف فشكتت يذلاو دعاوقلا ىلع مئاقلا ماظنلل ةينانلأا .»اريثك هب حجبتلا متي ةبخاصلا« برغلا ةنادإ ببس نع لءاستو ىلع يسورلا موجهلل »ةعطاقلاو ةفينعلاو هاجت امامت اتماص يقب نيح يف ،ايناركوأ

اهل ضرعتي يتلا ةداوه لاب ءامدلا ةقارإ يف ءايربلأا لافطلأاو ءاسنلاو لاجرلا .ةزغ عاطق

لودلا ىلع نيعتي« هنإ ءارزولا سيئر لاقو

54 تاعونم AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
ميهاربا جاحلا ،يواجربلا ةينار ةجاحلا نيميلا نم داقعلا دمحا روتكدلا
ينديس يملاسلاا توصلا ةعاذإ ىلا اوعمتسا
ينديس نم يملاسلإا توصلا ةعاذإ :ةيلاتلا تاددرتلا ىلع مويلا رادم ىلع اهجمارب
T: (03) 9001 8183 528 Mahoneys Rd, Campbellfield VIC 3061 ايزيلام ءارزو سيئر ةزغ ىلع برحلا نم برغلا فقوم دقتني ايزيلام ءارزو سيئر هــجو ةداح
تاداقتنا ميهاربإ رونأ هلعف در نيابت ببسب برغلل ،ةزغ ىلع برحلاو ايناركوأ برح
.»قطنملا ىدحتي«
قبطت لاأ
لكشب يلودلا نوناقلا

تادعاسم !...كيه ىلع موشلا بيع ايو

لا( بصاغلا نايكلا عم قيسنتلاو

تبثت )ةيقيقحلا اهليصافت فرعن

فشكتس لاإو ةعاطلاو ءلاولاو بح

ريثكلا اهلهجي يتلاو قارولأا عيمج

. مهتداق نع بوعشلا نم

ةداق اذكه ىلع مؤشلا بيع اي

بعش ،ةمأ اذكه ىلع هلاجخ ايو

تادعاسملا هل ىمرت مويلا ةزغ

ةنيهم ةقيرطب برــشو لــكأ نم

تاناويح مهنأ قلطنم نم ةلذمو

ةايحلا نوقحتسي لا دشأ وأ ةلاض

بجاو مهنم صلختلاو شيعلا وأ

ةفرحملا ةديقعلا باحصلأ ينيد .ةدسافلاو

بوعش اذكه ىلع موشلا بيع اي

تاملكو ةــمارــكــلاو ةزــعــلا اوسن

او“ نم متنأ نيأف ةوخنلاو فرشلا

قارعلاب ةلغب نأ ول ”و “ هامصتعم

حتفت مل امل هللا ينلأسل .... ترثعت !!رمع اي ..ربعملا اهل

لمعي امع لافاغ هللا نبسحت لاو

مويل مهرخؤي امنأ نوملاظلا

نوركميو راصبلاا هيف صخشت

نيركاملا ريخ هللاو هللا ركميو .ناعتسملا هللاو

نيلماعلا ةقطنملا ماكح ةيقادصم .مهيدل

تلتحا فيك اميدق مهدحأ ينلأس

تلق ؟برعلا نم نيطسلف )تعاض(

ادوجوم نكأ مل يننلأ يردأ لا هل

نأ تــكردأ طقف موــيــلاو اهتقو

شتف هل تلقو هسفن ديعي خيراتلا

مه نيذلا مويلا ءامعزف برعلا نع

قورعلا يف ءامدلاو سملأا دافحأ

نأ اودبيو ريغتت ملو ةدــحاو يه

يتلا يه ةنايخلاو ردغلا تانومره .تلحفتساو تفعاضت

متي مويلا ينيطسلفلا بعشلا

ةلواحمو هديرشتو هعيوجتب هللاذإ

ينيطسلفلا بعشلا ،هتيوه سمط

هئاقشأ لكل نوعلا دي دم يذــلا

بعشلا ،تانيثلاثلا ذنمو برعلا

ميلعت يف مهاس يذلا ينيطسلفلا

قرشلا ةقطنملا لود مظعم ءانبو

وهو هيلع نوجرفتي مويلا ،ةيطسوأ

و ديرولل ديرولا نم حبذيو عوجي

ضعب نم ةكرابمبو قبطم تمصب

مهنم دحأ ؤرجي لاو ةملأا ءامعز

وأ ضارتعلاا ىلع مهريغ نم وأ

ةيفصتلا عورشم يف ريكفتلا ىتح

عيبطتلاو ملاسلا تادهاعم لكف اذه

.ىرخلأا تاوهشلا نم باط

نيدلاو ةديقعلا ىلع ءاضقلا .2

هل ام لك سمطو ةقطنملا يف

اهتبراحمو قلاخلأاو ميقلاب ةقلاع

جهانملا رييغت( لئاسولا ىتشب نيزتو )سدقملا باتكلا فيرحتو ىلع ءاضقلل تاوهشلا ةراـــثإو

ملعلا عم ةيملاسلإاو ةيبرعلا ةيوهلا هسفن دقاحلا برغلا فارتعابو

ةلودلا مايأ ناك مهدجم جوأ نأب

حيرصت( سلدنلأا يف ةينامثعلا

نايكلا ءارزو سيئر – نابيإابأ ديسلل

يف يناطيربلا نويزفلتلل لتحملا

.)م1985 تانينامثلا ةبقح

تاورثو تاردقم ىلع ةرطيسلا .3

ملاعلا لود ىنغأ( ةقطنملا لود

زاغلاو طفنلا جاتنإ يف ةعمتجم

اهيلا لصي نأ لبق )نداــعــمــلاو

يسورلا بدــلا وأ ينيصلا دملا

ءامعز ضعبل ريخلأا حيملتلا دعب اريخأو اقرش هجوتلاب ةقطنملا

ططخم ذيفنت يف عارـــسلإا .4

سيئر هرهظأ امك( ىربكلا ليئارسإ

)ةدحتملا مملأا يف ارخؤم مهئارزو

ىلع زاهجلإا نم دكأتلا دعب كلذو

ةبولسملا وأ ةعطقتسملا تاحاسملا

نم كــلذــكو راوــجــلا لود نــم

تهتنا فيكو ىلولأا ةرارشلا تناك

يوقلا لاز ام ذإ !يهتنت مل ايلعف(

يلمي نم وه رصتنملا /رطيسملا وأ

)خيراتلا بتكي نم وهو هطورش

تارشع اهنيح يف ددعلا قاــفو .اياحضلا نم نييلاملا

ءزج يه ةزغ ىلع مويلا برحلا

اهيمسي دقو( ةريبك ةيجيتارتسإ نم

ملاعملا ةحضاوو )ةرماؤم – ضعبلا

)سملأاب( اهبتك ،افلس اهل ططخمو

دبعتسا يذلاو سرطغتملا برغلا

ضرغلاو لازي امو نينس ذنم قرشلا :ريثكلا همهفي امك اهنم

ديدجلا يرامعتسلاا ذوفنلا .1

يذلاو )طسولأا قرشلا( ةقطنملل

عم ةدحتملا تاــيلاوــلا هدوــقــت

ضرلأا باحصأ نم هيراشتسم

ايناطيرب نيب ةمسقملاو ةبولسملا

ةيكلم كوكص كاــنــه( اسنرفو

لوؤسم اهنع ملكت يضارلأا هذهل

دمعو لمع دقو )ارخؤم يسنرف

نم ءامعزو ماكح نيعتل ءلاؤــه

مهحلاصم ةياعرل برعلا مهئاقدصأ

يخسلا معدلا لباقم ةقطنملا يف

ةيلاملا تادعاسملاو تآفاكملا نم

ةفاضلإاب ةيصخشلاو ةيموكحلا

امو )يرهاظلا( ناطلسلاو هاجلل

قلابش ديلو دامع / د.أ :ملقب يسدنهمل ةيكيرملأا ةيعمجلا سيئر ادنليزوينو ايلارتسأب ةيميقلا يفاقثلا ىدتنملا سيئر بئانو يلارتسلأا يبرعلا Edshublaq5@gmail.com

،بورحلا ملاع يف ةيلحملا تناك ءاوسو ةــيــلودــلا وأ اــهــنــم كانه ةــيــمــيــلــقلإاو ةيسايسو ةيركسع تايجيتارتسإ وأ نيمصخلا نم لك اهب ننفتي عارصلا وأ ةكرعملا بسكل موصخلا وأ اهرصقأو قرطلا عرسأب امإف اهللختي ةنيعم تارتفل اهديدمتب وأ رانلا قلاــطلإ فــقو وأ ةنده وأ ةيسايس تاضوافمو تاثداحم سفن يف بصنت ىرخأ تادجتسم نيبرحلا يف انيأر دقو ،قايسلا فيكو ةيناثلاو ىلولأا نيتيملاعلا

Ramadan Mubarak

55 تاعونم AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
كرابم ناضمر


During my recent tenure at Al-Manar Islamic School, in collaboration with Dr. Chawki Al-Zant of the Kalamounians Association in France, I embarked on a journey of educational enrichment.

This experience was marked by the delivery of two impactful lectures and the facilitation of a workshop, each representing significant milestones in my leadership journey.

1. Mechanisms for Anticipating Societal Crises and Fostering Creative Problem-Solving:

The first session delved into critical topics surrounding crisis management and creative problemsolving. We explored the dichotomy of crisis management as both a science and an art, delving into strategies employed in crisis situations and their application in both management science and society. Analysis of administrative models in crises provided valuable insights for teachers and students alike. The session was characterised by thought-provoking discussions and empowered participants to approach challenges with resilience and innovation.

2. The Art of Family Leadership:

The second session, titled “The Art of Family Leadership,”

provided an opportunity to guide participants through the process of discovering and nurturing young leaders. Leadership, as we discussed, extends beyond mere titles; it cultivates confidence and empowers children to tackle challenges creatively, fostering collaboration and teamwork skills. We identified distinct indicators of potential leaders and emphasised the importance of recognising and nurturing these traits in young individuals. The dedication of parents and educators to instill leadership qualities in the next generation was truly inspiring.

3. School Institutional Evaluation Workshop: The workshop on school institutional evaluation was conducted with active participation from Dr. Chawki

Al-Zant, the school directors, and the board of directors. Together, we explored strategies for assessing and enhancing the effectiveness of educational institutions. The collaborative efforts and insightful discussions during the workshop highlighted the commitment of all stakeholders to continuous improvement and excellence in education.

Moving forward with this leadership journey within a school, it is imperative to foster a culture of leadership among students, faculty, and staff to create a thriving and supportive learning environment. Here are some strategies to add value to the school through leadership tips and training:

1- Empower Student Leadership:

• Implement student leadership programs that allow students to take on roles of responsibility within the school community, such as student council members, club leaders, or peer mentors.

• Provide training and workshops for student leaders to develop essential leadership skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and decisionmaking.

2- Promote Teacher Leadership:

• Encourage teachers to take on leadership roles within their departments or grade levels, such as department chairs, curriculum coordinators, or mentor teachers.

• Offer professional development opportunities focused on

56 EDUCATION AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر

leadership skills development for teachers, including workshops, seminars, and coaching sessions.

3- Foster Collaborative Leadership:

• Create opportunities for collaborative decision-making and problem-solving among staff, students, and parents.

• Establish leadership teams or committees to address schoolwide issues, develop initiatives, and implement positive changes.

4- Lead by Example:

• School administrators and leaders should model effective leadership behaviours, such as transparency, integrity, accountability, and empathy.

• Demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and professional growth by seeking feedback, learning from mistakes, and adapting to changing circumstances.

5- Promote a Growth Mindset:

• Encourage a growth mindset culture where everyone believes in their ability to learn, grow, and develop their skills.

• Emphasise the importance of resilience, perseverance, and a positive attitude in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

6- Provide Leadership Training:

• Offer leadership training programs for staff, and students to enhance their leadership capabilities and confidence.

• Cover a range of topics, including effective communication, conflict resolution, time management, goal setting, and team building.

7- Recognise and Celebrate Leadership:

• Acknowledge and celebrate

the leadership contributions of students, teachers, and staff through awards, recognition ceremonies, and appreciation events.

• Highlight success stories and positive examples of leadership within the school community to inspire others.

8- Engage Parents and Community:

• Involve parents and community members in school leadership initiatives, committees, and decision-making processes.

• Foster partnerships with local businesses, organisations, and community leaders to provide mentorship opportunities and support school initiatives.

In conclusion, my experience at Al-Manar Islamic School was not only a journey of professional growth but also a testament to the transformative power of leadership within an educational setting. I am deeply honoured to have received recognition from the esteemed president and board of directors of Al Manar Islamic School. Their acknowledgment of my contributions serves as a reminder of the value of collaborative efforts in driving positive change within educational institutions.

This journey has reaffirmed my belief in the importance of fostering a culture of leadership within schools, where every individual is empowered to make a meaningful contribution to the overall success and well-being of the school community.

With dedication, collaboration, and a commitment to continuous improvement, we can create a brighter future for generations to come.

Ramadan Mubarak


Sawm means a fast that begins with dawn and ends with sunset. Muslims rise before dawn, eat Sahur (pre-dawn meal) and drink liquids for the preparation of sawm. Eating and drinking stops at dawn. During the day no eating, drinking or sexual activity is allowed. In addition, a Muslim must adhere to the moral code of Islam very strictly as failure violates the requirements of fasting. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the deeds of worship required of all Muslims who have attained puberty. Women who are having their menstrual period or who have not fully recovered from childbirth postpone the fast until they are completely out of their special conditions. In addition, those who are ill or in travel may choose to postpone their fast. Muslims fast because Allah has commanded them to do so. However, they may also think about the benefits of fasting which may include developing control over hunger, thirst and sexual urges, training to be a good moral person and testing sincerity to the Creator. During the fast, Muslims may conduct their business as usual. However, in the Muslim countries working hours are shortened by a couple of hours a day and the hours are changed to make the work comfortable. The fast is broken immediately after sunset usually by eating dates and drinking water or juice. However, any lawful food or drink may be used to break the fast. This is followed by the Maghrib salah (after sunset prayer) which is followed by a complete meal. After a brief rest, Muslims go to the mosque to offer the ‘Isha salah (night prayer) and then a special night prayer, called taraweeh.


This nightly congregational salah (prayer) is performed after the ‘Isha salah. Traditionally, a Hafiz of the Qur’an, a person who has memorized the whole Qur’an (in Arabic), leads the prayer. He recites the Qur’an in small portions, in proper sequence, every night and completes the recitation of the whole Qur’an before the end of the month of Ramadan. Every Muslim who attends such prayers regularly gets the opportunity of listening to the whole Qur’an in a month. If a Hafiz of the Qur’an is not available, the Muslim who has memorized the most in a group leads the prayer and recites according to his ability. In the absence of a Hafiz some Muslims hold the Qur’an in the hand during their salah and read from it. Many Islamic scholars cite the sunnah (way) of the Prophet(S) that he always prayed during the night alone in his apartment whether it was Ramadan or not and same was the habit of many of his great companions.


57 EDUCATION AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر

بلط يلارتسأ ماحم 100 نم رثكأ ديأ ينوتنأ يلارتسلأا ءارزولا سيئر ةلاحإ

ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا ةمكحملا ىلإ زينابلأ

.ةزغب ةيعامجلا ةدابلإا يف اكيرش هرابتعلا ىلإ لاحي يبرغ ميعز لوأ زينابلأ نوكي كلذبو

.ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا ةمكحملا

زينابلأ اهب ماق تاوطخ ىلإ ةلاحلإا بلط دنتساو ديمجت اهنم ،نييلارتسلأا نيلوؤسملا نم هريغو

نيئجلالا ليغشتو ثوغ ةلاكول رلاود نييلام 6 .ةمئاق ةيناسنإ ةمزأ طسو )اورنوأ( نيينيطسلفلا نكمي ليئارسلإ يركسع معد ميدقت نع لاضف اذه

مئارجو ةيعامج ةدابإ مئارج باكترا يف همدختست نأ

وأ ةحارص ،نييلارتسلأ حامسلاو ،ةيناسنلإا دض

شيجلا ىلإ مامضنلال ليئارسإ ىلإ رفسلاب ،انمض

.ةزغ ىلع هتامجه يف ةكراشملاو يليئارسلإا

Islamic Society of South Australia


Masjid Abu Bakr


Islamic Marriage

Masjid Omar Bin


Masjid Murray Bridge

Masjid Whayalla

Open Day

58 يلارتسلاا طسولا AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
658 Marion Rd Parkholme, SA 5043 Tel: +618 8277
W: www.islamicsocietysa.org.au
8725 E-mail:info@islamicsocietysa.org.au
SERVICES: Education Entertainment
Hajj Funerals Festivals
Halal Certificate Counselling Services
Aged care Arabic School
..ةزغب ةدابلإا مئارج يف هتكراشمل ةلاحإ نوديؤي يلارتسأ ماحم 100 ةيلودلا ةيئانجلل ءارزولا سيئر

Ms McMahon has worked at the National Museum for seven years, as Assistant Director Discovery and Collections, Deputy Director and most recently, as acting Director.

Ms McMahon said she was both delighted and honoured to accept the appointment and thanked Minister for the Arts the Hon Tony Burke MP and the National Museum’s Council, for their support.

Ms McMahon praised the government for its investment in the cultural sector and for its commitment to the arts, as reflected in its landmark National Cultural Policy, ‘Revive’ which repositions the creative sector as central to Australia’s future.

“I’m honoured to accept the position of Director of the National Museum, a globally acclaimed and locally trusted and cherished institution, which has a unique mandate to explore our national identity, providing a place for every story,” Ms McMahon said.

“After dedicating two decades in leadership roles to the cultural sector where I’ve brought some of our nation’s great stories to life, I

can’t wait to bring the same passion and energy to the country’s most important museum,” she said.

“Telling our shared stories and honouring our proud First Nations history, with integrity and honesty will be a first order issue for the Museum in the coming years,” she said.

“Expanding the scope and reach of the groundbreaking Australia’s Defining Moments Digital Classroom to school students across the country, will be another key focus,” Ms McMahon said.

“The National Museum has reached deeply into classrooms across the country, and I am committed to investing further to broaden and deepen participation and to cement the organisation’s position as the country’s most trusted online Australian history resource,” she said.

“Sharing our extraordinary national collection with onsite, offsite and online visitors in bold and exciting ways, is fundamental to the Museum’s mission – our programs will take the Australian story to more people, wherever they are, over my tenure,” Ms McMahon said.

59 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIA, IN CANBERRA Amal Express is money transfer company that allows people to send and receive money internationally. Fast delivery Get your money to family and friends in minutes. A: 148-144/5 Nicholson St Footscray VIC 3011 (Footscray African Hub) Ph: (0955 9689 (03 • M: 0419304715 E: footscray@amalexpress.net.au • www.amalexpress.net.au AMAL EXPRESS Payid and bank transfer is now available Bank Name: Cuscal Limited Account Name: AMAL Express PTY LTD BSB: 985-802 Account Number: 313422913 PAY ID: amal@flexewallet.com Please click this website for quote https://amal.express Global reach With Amal Express send over to 300 locations in more than 35 countries. Trusted Amal Express has served millions of customers around the world for more than 20 years, our experience in delivery remittance to the most remote and undeveloped regions in. A small act of kindness can make a big difference Please make a donation Today: Account Name: Kindness Foundation Inc. Branch Number (BSB): 013-423 Account Number: 4697-39566 www.facebook.com/ kindnessfoundationAUS/ K I NDNES S F OUNDA T I O N ROCNI P O DETAR Foundation Ramadan Mubarak


Conducted by Ahmed Sharif

How and when did Amal Express Hawala Foundation start?

Amal Express group started in 1998 in Kenya, when a group of 17 small remittance businesses came together and merged to become a big corporate named Amal Group. Amal group assigned me to become an agent in Australia, so I registered Amal Express Australia on 12 May 1999. It will be our 25th anniversary this year.

Amal Express is specialised to send money in East Africa countries such as Somalia, South Sudan, Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and Djibouti and, we can send more than 35 countries around the world.

What’s the significance behind the name ‘Amal’?

Amal means hope. Amal Group was created around the time of the Somali Civil War where people were desperately hoping for peace. Because of the war, there was also high demand of Amal services so this was why we chose the word ‘hope’.

What are the biggest challenges facing the organisation?

The biggest challenge is the de-banking of the remittance industry which is a global issue and emerging mobile application technology which are competing with our old technology.

What are your future programs?

My future program this year is to introduce a mobile application where customers can send money from their mobiles through a mobile app.

What message would you like to send out to potential customers?

Amal has been around for more than twentyfive years serving East African communities and is a trustworthy company. We are reliable and competent and help with various business transfers. Amal Group also has businesses in Somalia such as Amal bank, Amal Real Estate and Amal Trading which are all successful businesses.

60 COMMUNITY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر


Turkish Airlines’ inaugural flight to Australia touches down in Melbourne today, paving the way for increased international trade and tourism and creating hundreds of local jobs.

Minister for Small Business Natalie Suleyman today represented Minister for Jobs and Industry Natalie Hutchins to welcome flight TK168 from Istanbul to Melbourne Airport.

Turkish Airlines – one of the world’s largest airlines – will initially offer three services a week with a stop-over in Singapore, with potential for the flights to grow to a daily nonstop service in the future.

Backed by the Allan Labor Government and Melbourne Airport, this is the first time an airline has offered direct flights between Türkiye and Australia, providing better connections to the nation’s largest city and Victoria’s Türkiye-born community.

Introducing a Turkish Airlines daily service would add 109,500 seats to Melbourne each year, deliver an annual $132 million boost to the state’s economy and create an estimated 840-plus jobs in our aviation and tourism sectors.

The new flights will strengthen Victoria’s access to key European, Middle Eastern, Balkan, and African markets via Istanbul –a major global trading hub – growing our tourism, international education, business and trade markets.

The Türkiye, Middle East and Africa region already has a strong relationship with Victoria as one of our major trading partners – twoway merchandise trade was valued at $5.48 billion in 2022-23.

Melbourne Airport became the first capital city airport in Australia to exceed its prepandemic international seat capacity, signalling the strong recovery of Victoria’s aviation industry.

“Our international aviation sector continues to go from strength to strength. With more airlines choosing Melbourne, we’re boosting tourism, trade, international education, business connections and local jobs.” Minister for Jobs and Industry Natalie Hutchins said.

“Victoria is home to Australia’s largest Turkish community and all Victorians will benefit from more direct flights out of Melbourne, boosting local tourism across our state creating jobs and supporting small businesses.” Minister for Small Business Natalie Suleyman said.

“We are thrilled Turkish Airlines has chosen Melbourne Airport to launch its Australian operations, providing travellers and Victorian exporters with more choice and improved access to Europe, Africa and the Middle East.”

Melbourne Airport Chief Executive Officer Lorie Argus said.

‘’As the airline flying to more countries than any other, we are glad to add Australia to our flight network. Hosting the largest Turkish community in Australia, Melbourne has been on our radar for a long time and I believe our flights will be beneficial to everybody. Turkish Airlines Chairman of the Board and Executive Committee Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bolat said.


1. Umm Saleem (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“(The performance of) `Umrah during Ramadan is equal (in reward) to performing Hajj with me.“(Authenticated by Al-Albani)

2. Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

Every action a son of Adam does shall be multiplied—a good action by ten times its value, up to 700 times. Allah says: With the exception of fasting, which belongs to Me, and I reward it accordingly. For, one abandons his desire and food for My sake. There are two occasions of joy for a fasting person: one when he breaks his fast, and the other when he meets his Lord, and

the (bad) breath (of a fasting person) is better in the sight of Allah than the fragrance of musk. (Al-Bukhari)

3. Abu Ayub (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whosoever fasts in Ramadan and then follows it with fasting six days of Shawwal, it is as if he fasts forever.” (Muslim)




61 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر


Principal Solicitor nazim@belawyers.com.au

Ramadan Mubarak

As the blessed month of Ramadan dawns upon us, we extend our warmest greetings and heartfelt welcome to all believers around the world. Ramadan, a time of spiritual reflection, devotion, and self-discipline, is a sacred opportunity for us to strengthen our bond with Allah and deepen our connection to the teachings of Islam. During this month, let us remember the words of our Creator, as Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:183): “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.”

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also said: “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained.” (Sahih Bukhari)

Let us embrace this blessed time with open hearts, seeking forgiveness, mercy, and guidance from Allah. May our fasting, prayers, and acts of charity bring us closer to Him and ignite the flame of compassion and generosity within our souls.

As we embark on this spiritual journey together, let us remember those less fortunate and strive to emulate the virtues of patience, empathy, and gratitude exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). May Allah bless us all abundantly during this sacred month of Ramadan and may our deeds be accepted in His sight.

Ramadan Mubarak!

With love and prayers, The







62 RAMADANIYAT AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
The British Board of Scholars & Imams (BBSI)
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United Ulama Council of South Africa (UUCSA)
Ulama Council of New Zealand (UCNZ)
El-Bardouh (LLB, GDLP)
BROADWAY Halal Meats For All Your Ordesr & Free Delivery Call 9462 6632 Or 0412 663 227 266 Broadway Reservoir Vic 3073

ةزــغ نم اوملعت

يوارشم رهاط خيشلا ملقب

اشحوتم اودع هجاوت يهو يلاوتلا ىلع سماخلا رهشلل اهتكرعم ضوخت ةزغ لازت لا

ىرعت يذلا يبرغلا ماظنلا كلذ يف هدناسي ,ةمذ لاو لاإ اهيف بقري لا ءامدلل اشطعتم

قوقحو ةيراضحلا ميقلا ةبوذكأ ينادلاو يصاقلل ناب و هتاروع تنابو هتيناسنإ نم ةيلكلاب يف اورمأت نيذلا نيقفانملا ريباوط كلذ يف مهدناسيو .اهل وعديو ،اهمرتحي يتلا ناسنلإا

ءادعلأا يف عونتلا اذه لك عمو .ةينملأاو ةيسايسلا ةلامعلا قوس يف اهعيب ىلع نلعلاو رسلا ,فقومو عقوم لك يف ةرصتنملا يه اهنأ ءاعمج ةيرشبلل ةزغ تبثت ناودعلا يف ةوسقلاو مزهنا يذلا ئدابملا ملاع يف ةرصتنم ,عيمجلا هيف قفخأ يذلا ميقلا ملاع يف ةرصتنم مامأ دمصت لا ةعمتجم شويج تناك نيأ ةهجاوملا ناديم يف ىتح ةرصتنمو ,عيمجلا هيف .تادودعم امايأ شحولا اذه

هللا مهلتاق مهرذحاف ودعلا مه﴿ .خيراتلا .﴾نوكفؤي ىنأ

نيهصتملا برغلاو ةنياهصلا نأ اهنم ملعتن •

مه نيملسملا تاسدقمب رملأا قلعتي امدنع

حلاس لكب اضعب مهضعب دمي دحاو فص

ةحلصم مهعمجت ،نيملسملاو ملاسلاا برحل

ةقزمم ةملسملا ةملأا ىقبت نأ يهو ةدحاو

مهلمش قرفت .اهللاغتسا لهسي ىتح ةقرفمو .﴾..ضعب ءايلوأ مهضعب﴿ .اهيلع لاإ

مئاد لطابلا عم قحلا عارص نأ اهنم ملعتن •

ةبقاعلا نكلو ،نيدوجوم اماد ام عطقني لا

اذه ماــيأو .عارصلا دمأ لاط امهم قحلل

رصن هيف موي ،سانلا نيب لوادت يف عارصلا

اذهو ،هتعيبط يه هذه ،ةميزه هيف مويو

ىتح ،كيلع مويو ،كل موي ،ةايحلا نأش وه

يف رصنلا مهتاف هللا دنع قلخلا مركأ لسرلا

تناك ولو ،ةغلاب مكح كلذ يفو ،ةريثك كراعم

.نينمؤملا نيعأ يف ناهل ارصن مايلأا لك

﴾سانلا نيب اهلوادن مايلأا كلتو﴿

تسيل ةيلاغ ةنجلا نأ ةزغ نم معلتن •

اهقيرطو هراكملاب تفح لب ،ناجملاب

سفنلأا لذــب اهنمثو كاوــشلأاــب شورفم

ناميلإا لــهأ اهبلط يف لذبي .لاوـــملأاو

لضفلاو دوجلا نوعاتبي ،سيفنو لاغ لك

لذبب لضفلاو دوجلا بحاص نم مظعلأا

داوجلا ناحبسف هل كلم امهو لاملاو سفنلا

نينمؤملا نم ىرتشا هللا نإ﴿ .ميركلا

﴾..ةنجلا مهل نأب مهلاومأو مهسفنأ

،رهدلا دبأ ىسنت لا اــسورد ةزغ انتملع

،ماسجلا تايحضتلا و ربصلا ةسردم يهف

رغصت اهمامأ ثيدحلا خيراتلا ةمحلم يهو

ةنضاح ،نامزلا ةزجعم ةزغو ،محلاملا لك

ةعلق يه ،ءادـــعلأا ىلع ةيصع ،لاــطــبلأا

ةزغ ،دومصلا زمر و ةيرحلا ةباوبو رارحلأا

نسللأا بعتت و ملاــقلأا فجت اهفصو يف

شقني ةزغ .نويعلا يكبت و لوقعلا راحتو

ءادهشلا ءامدب خيراتلا ةرــكاذ يف اهمسا

مهلتستل ءافرشلا رارحلأا لجس يف دلخيو

.ةماركلاو ةزعلاو ءابلإاو دومصلا لايجلأا هنم

جرفلاب اهل لجعو ،اهلهأو ةزغ ظفحا مهللاف .نيبملا رصنلاو

.﴾نينمؤم متنك نإ نولعلأا متنأو اونزحت

نأ مهيلع بجي نينمؤملا نأ اهنم ملعتن •

رهظأ امهم لتحملاو دتعملا نم اوفاخي لا

ةيادب فوخلاف ،هشطب يف غلابو هتوق نم

ىطعي لاو عزتني قحلاو ،ةميزهلاو طوقسلا

هسودت فوس عجارتو فجتراو فاخ نمو

يف نكريو ناوهلاو لذــلا هلانيو مادــقلأا

مهوفاخت لاف﴿ .ةمئاق هل موقت نلو ةيوازلا

﴾نينمؤم متنك نإ نوفاخو

مهسفنأ اوبهو نيذلا لاجرلا نأ اهنم ملعتن •

يف ةردــنو نوزيزع مهتملأو هنيدلو هلل

مهنكل -ناــمز لك يف مه امك-نامزلا اذه

،ةــملأا مهنم ولخت لا مويلا نودوــجوــم

يف لطابلا ةعراقم نيدايم يف نودوجوم

نيصحلا اهنصح نولكشي ،اههابشأو ةزغ

ةملأا تكله لاق نمو .لولأا اهعافد طخو اوقدص لاجر نينمؤملا نم﴿ .مكلهأ وهف

هبحن ىضق نم مهنمف هيلع هللا اودهاع ام .﴾لايدبت اولدب امو رظتني نم مهنمو

هدابع ىلاعت هللا ءلاتبا نأ اهنم ملعتن •

هيفو ،ةيراج ةنس نيقداصلا نينمؤملا

،لعفلاو لوقلاب ءلاتبلإاو ىذلأا نم فونص

يفو ،اهكلاهو اهصقنب لاوــملأا يف ىذأو ،عاــجولأاو ،ماقسلأاو ،تاحارجلاب سفنلأا

لهأ هب صحمي رابتخاو ناحتما وهو .لتقلاو

ناديملا يف مهنم صلخلا ىقبيف ناميلإا

ناك ام﴿ .ةفراجلا لويسلا عم ءاثغلا بهذيو

ىتح هيلع متنأ ام ىلع نينمؤملا رذيل هللا ﴾ ..بيطلا نم ثيبخلا زيمي

نوشيعي نيذلا نيقفانملا نأ اهنم ملعتن •

نع مهرطخ لقي لا انتنسلأب نوملكتيو اننيب

،هنايك نم ءزج مهف رهاظلا ينويهصلا ودعلا

نورصي نيح رارحلأا ىلع موللا نوعضي ةرات

ودعلل نورربي ةراتو ،مهتيرح عازتنا ىلع

لاو ةملأا حارفأ يف نوصقري نيذلا .هناودع

لاو ،ةزغ ملاأ مهعجوي لا ،اهنازحأ يف نوكبي

نونيهصتم .فزانلا سدقلا حرج مهملؤي ”نايكلا“ نع نوعفاديو ،ةديقعلاو ركفلا يف

اباقلأ نولمحي ،مهسفنأ ةنياهصلا نم رثكأ


هيف فقت تــقوــلا اذــه يــف ةمأ اهعمو اهعيمج ةيرشبلا

نوقلتي ذيملاتلاك ملاـــسلإا

نم ةــمارــكــلاو ةزــعــلا سورد اهلهأ يتأي نيأ نم نولءاستي .ةزغ مهتملعم

هذه مهيتأت نيأ نم ،؟قراخلا تابثلا اذهب

لاؤسلا اذهو .؟ةعاجشلاو دومصلا ىلع ةوقلا

هباوج يف ثحبلل نييبرغلا نم اريثك داق هتاذ

اوكردأ مهنلأ ملاسلإا قنتعا نم مهنم نإ لب

ةيرشب ةقاط يف نوكي نأ نكمي لا رسلا نأ

اوبرت يذلا ميركلا نارقلا يف هنإ .ةدرجم

مهدمأف هب اوشاعو مهرفاظأ ةموعن ذنم هيلع

خسارلا ناميلإا هنإ .ةقفادلا ةوقلا هذهب

هللا ةمكح يف كش هيرتعي لا يذلا نيقيلاو

ةهجاولا يف اونوكي نأ مهل دارأ يذلا هردقو

اهضايح نع نودوذي اهرسأب ةملأا نع ةباين

هللا ءاضقب اضرلا هنإ .اهتمارك نع نوعفاديو اذه لك مهيلع عقي نأب هرايتخلا ةنينأمطلا و .ءلابلا

تلاوطبلاو محلاملا عورأ ةزغ لهأ لجس دقل

ءادفلا صصقب ائيلم خيراتلا لجس يف ءادهشلا نم فلالأا ءامسأب ائيلم ,دومصلاو لافطأو ءاسنو لاجر ءامسأب ائيلم ,ىحرجلاو

اعيمج اننإ .اوناكتساامو اوفعض ام خويشو سوردلا ةزغ نم ملعتن انبكر ىلع سلجن :اهنم ملعتن ,ربعلاو

لطابلا يدحتب لاإ اهوبلاط اهلاني لا ةزعلا نأ

نأو ,هل خوضرلا مدعو هناوفنع ةهجاومو

لبحب مصتعي امدنع ريسع زيزعلا ةدارإ رسك اذإ اونماء نيذلا اهيأ اي﴿ .زيزعلا يوقلا هللا

مكلعل اريثك هللا اوركذاو اوتبثاف ةئف متيقل ﴾نوحلفت

،ةديقعو ناميإ دومصلا نأ اهنم ملعتن •

عفدي هب ،هللا دابع نم صلخلا لاإ هكلمي لا


63 يلودلا طسولا AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
،هملظ نع ملاظلاو هناودع نع لئاصلا دعتسم وهف هنادجو يف ناميلإا لمحي لا نم نم ةلحرم يأ يف هفرشو هنيد عيبي نأ ىلع مزهنت مل ديحوتلا ةمأو .ةهجاوملا لحارم نأ دعب لاإ اهئادعأ عم ةهجاوملا نيدايم يف لاو اونهت لاو﴿ .ناميلإا ناديم يف تمزهنا
,نييملاعاك نورهظي ،ةعونتم ةملأا .نيممعم نيد لاجرك ىتح و نيللحمو لبازم يف مهب يمرتو ةلزان لك يف مهفشتكت

اهموي نيييعت ملع لجو زع هللا ىفخأ دقو

اودهتجيو ،ةدابعلا نم اورثكيل ،دابعلا نع

اهبلط يف اداج ناك نم رهظيف ،لمعلا يف

،اطرفم ازجاع ناك نمو ،اهيلع اصيرح

،هبلط يف دج ءيش ىلع صرح نم نإف

ليبس يف بعت نم هاقلي ام هيلع ناهو .هيلإ لوصولا

اهيرحت بحتسي ةميظعلا ةليللا هذه

يهو ،ناضمر نم رــخاولأا رشعلا يف

يف تبث دقف ،دــكآو ىــجرأ راــتولأا يف

هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا نأ ”نيحيحصلا“

رخاولأا رشعلا يف اهوسمتلا( :لاق ملسو

،ىقبت ةعسات يف ردقلا ةليل ،ناضمر نم

يهو ،)ىقبت ةسماخ يف ،ىقبت ةعباس يف

يفف ،اهريغ نم ىجرأ رخاولأا عبسلا يف

نأ امهنع هللا يضر رمع نبا ثيدح

هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا باحصأ نم لااجر

عبسلا يف مانملا يف ردقلا ةليل اورأ ملسو

هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر لاقف ،رخاولأا

عبسلا يف تأطاوت دق مكايؤر ىرأ( :ملسو

يف اهرحتيلف اهيرحتم ناك نمف ،رخاولأا .يراخبلا هاور )رخاولأا عبسلا

ام ىجرأ نيرشعو عبس ةليل يف يه مث

امهنع هللا يضر رمع نبا ثيدحل ،نوكت

ةليل( :لاق ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا نأ

.دواد وبأ هاور )نيرشعو عبس ةليل ردقلا

بيو ملاسا :ردصملا

.)3:ردقلا( ﴾رهش فلأ

ىلع قئلاخلا ريداقم ردقت ةليللا هذه يف ،تاوملأاو ءايحلأا اهيف بتكيف ،ماعلا رادم ،قازرلأاو لاجلآاو ،ءايقشلأاو ءادعسلاو ﴾ميكح رمأ لك قرفي اهيف﴿ :ىلاعت لاق




اعطقو ،ةدابعلل اغرفت لاإ كــلذ اــمو ،ردقلا ةليلل ايرحتو ،فراوصلاو لغاوشلل

لعج يتلا ،ةكرابملا ةفيرشلا ةليللا هذه

فلأ يف لمعلا نم اريخ اهيف لمعلا هللا نم ريخ ردقلا ةليل﴿ :هناحبس لاقف ،رهش

يضر ةشئاع لوقت ،اهريغ نم رثكأ اهيف

هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر ناك( :اهنع هللا لا ام رــخاولأا رشعلا يف دهتجي ملسو .ملسم هاور )هريغ يف دهتجي

ةدابعلا عاونأب هلك ليللا اهيف ييحي ناكو ةشئاع لوقت ،نآرق ةءارقو ركذو ةلاص نم

ىلص هللا لوسر ناك( :اهنع هللا يضر ،ليللا ايحأ رشعلا لخد اذإ ملسو هيلع هللا .ملسم هاور )رزئملا دشو دجو ،هلهأ ظقيأو ةلاصلل يلايللا هذه يف هلهأ ظقوي ناكف يه امب اهمانتغا ىلع اصرح ،ركذلاو :بجر نبا لاق ،ةدابعلا نم هب ةريدج

اذإ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا نكي ملو“ نم ادحأ عدي مايأ ةرشع ناضمر نم يقب .”هماقأ لاإ مايقلا قيطي هلهأ

عامجلا كرت نع ةيانك وه رزئملا دشو يف داهتجلااو دجلاو ،ءاسنلا لازتعاو ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا ناكو .ةدابعلا

،ضبق ىتح اهيف فاكتعلاا ىلع موادي

هللا يضر ةشئاع نع ”نيحيحصلا“ يفف

ناك ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا نأ( :اهنع

ناضمر نم رــخاولأا رشعلا يف فكتعي

نم هجاوزأ فكتعا مث ،هللا هافوت ىتح

64 تايناضمر AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر :ىلاعتو كرابت هللا لوقي ءاشي اــم قلخي كــــبرو﴿ ﴾ةريخلا مهل ناك ام راتخيو رشعلا هناحبس راتخا دقو ،)68:صصقلا( رئاس نيب نم ،ناضمر رهش نم رخاولأا لضفلا نم ديزمب اهصخو ،رهشلا مايأ .رجلأا ميظعو لمعلاب دهتجي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ناكف
لصاوتلا مكنكمي مكتاراسفتسلا ايارـــس دــمـحم Ramadan Mubarak Ad:Cnr Lloyd & Elliot Sts West Heidelberg, VIC 3081 ةداحش لصيف ةيملاسلاا قيدصلا ةيعمج ريتركس ةيملاسلإا قيدصلا ةيعمج El Sedeaq Islamic Society Heidelberg Elsedeaq Mosque نم ةيملاسلاا قيدصلا ةيعمج مدقتت كيبرتلاو ةئنهتلا تايآ ىمسأب ينملسلما ،كرابلما ناضمر رهش لولح ةبسانبم يرخب متناو ماع لكو رخاولأا رشعلا ردـــقلا ةــــلـيـلو

لابقلإاو ناضمر

ىلع لابقلإاو،تاريخلاب ةعراسملاو نآرقلا رهش ،كرابملا ليضفلا رهشلا اذه يف

ةديقعلاو نيدلا ةوخإ ركذتي نأ ملسملا ناسنلإل دب لا ،ةحلاصلا لامعلأاو تابرقلا لجأ نم ،بهاوم نم هدوز امو تاردق نم ىلاعت هللا هاتآ امب ىعسي نأو ،ريصملاو يناعملا دودح دنع موصلاب فوقولا نلأ ؛مهيلإ نوعلا تارمث بيرقتو مهعفن

لكلأا نع عانتملاا لثم ،سانلا ماوع نم عاعرلاو ءامهدلا اهفرعي يتلا ةطيسبلا لايجبت لاو احيحص اهقف سيل ،تارورضلاو تاوهشلا بورض نم امهريغو برشلاو .كرابملا رهشلا اذه ةلزنمو ماقمب قيلي

للاتحلاا مهرصاحي نيذلا ةزغ لهأ ريصملاو ةديقعلا ناوخإ ةمدقم يفو دهشتسي مل نمو ،روهش ةتس ذنم ءاسم حابص ةدابلإاو توملل مهضرعيو ينويهصلا ةيركسعلا تايللآا نم اهريغو تابابدلاو تارئاطلا نم يجمهلا فصقلاب مهنم .ةايحلا تايرورض لكو ءاملاو ءاذغلا ةردنو ةعاجملا ببسب كلهي ،ةرمدملا

ةيدام ةايح نم هسفن نمؤملا اهيف علخي ،هلك رهشلا

هسفن اهيف علخي ،ةئيضم ةيحور ةايح ىلإ ةملظم

،ملأ اهفرعي لا ةذل ىلإ اهرادكأو ايندلا مومه نم

مهللا كمساب :هموي أدبيف ،ءاقش اهفرعي لا ةداعسو

نيب اميفو ،ترطفأ مهللا كمساب :هراهن متخيو ،تمص

،ايعاد دجسيو احبسم عكري ،اتناق هلل موقي نيتقولا

كيلاود اذكهو ،رجفلا علطم ىتح هنآرقو هيحو لاترم .)2( »ةياهنلا ىلإ لصيو ةياغلا غلبي ىتح

ةأطول هتدباكمب ناضمر رهش للاخ ملسملا نإ

؛قحلا ناميلإا ةوادن رعشتسي ،رحلا ءاولأو عوجلا

نيرخلآاب هساسحإو هروعش قيمعت ىلإ هعفدي امم

زوعلاو ةبغسملا نم ةنسلا مايأ مظعم نوناعي نمم

زيمتي عقاو يف اهقاشمو اهتابلطتمو ةايحلا بعاصمو .نواعتلاو نماضتلا عوزن فعضو ةوسقلاب

ذحشل ةليلج ةميظع ةصرف كرابملا رهشلا اذه نإ

ىتشب ةحلاصلا لامعلأا ىلع لابقلإا لجأ نم ةمهلا

لامعلأا نأ ىلإ هابتنلاا يغبني نكل ،اهبورضو اهناولأ

بجي 1445 يرجهلا ماعلا اذه ناضمر يف ةحلاصلا

ةماع نيطسلف يف انلهأ عاضوأب اساسأ طبترت نأ

ةدابلإاو توملل نوضرعتي نيذلا ةصاخ ةزغ ناكسو كيهان .ملسم يرايلم نيعأ مامأ ريجهتلاو عوجلاو

ينويهصلا نايكلا مارجإ مامأ ةزجاعلا ةيناسنلإا نع .سرطغتملا


راد ،ملاــسلإا تاهيجوت نم ،توتلش دومحم ـ 1 352 / 351 ص ،م 1980 ،7 ط ،ةرهاقلا ،قورشلا 352 ص ،هسفن عجرملا ـ 2

لابقلإا رهش :ةحلاصلا لامعلأا ىلع

ىلع اهبراغمو ضرلأا قراشم يف نوملسملا عمجي

روعشلا نكمي لا يتلا ةفيطللا لئامشلاو للاخلا ةلمج

مسوم وهف ،ناضمر رهش يف ىوس اهجيرأو اهقلأب

رماوضلاو رارسلأا نم ىلعملا حدقلا هيف هللا عدوأ .ةجهبملا فئاطللاو

هللا همحر توتلش دومحم ماملإا خيشلا ةليضف لوقي

ءامسلأف ،ءاحيإ ةايحلا هذه يف ءيش لكل« :ىلاعت

ءامسلأ و ،ءاحيإ ةنكملأا ءامسلأو ،ءاحيإ صاخشلأا

وأ رصبلا هيلع عقي يئرم نم امو ،ءاحيإ ةنمزلأا

ىوقأ لع و .ءاحيإ هل و لاإ عمسلاب لصتي عومسم

و هلبقتسم قيرط هل رينيو هيضامب ناسنلإا طبري ام

فشكت ةنيب لبسو ةيوق سسأ ىلع هرضاح يف هزكري

هاقلتي ام وه ،رشلا ننس نع هدعبتو ،ريخلا ننس هل

اينمز امسا لاإ نكي مل ناضمرو ..تاءاحيلإا هذه نم

و نابعش نيب عقي ،ةيرمقلا ةنسلا يف فورعم رهشل

مهبولق هل زتهت ءاحيإ نيملسملا دنع هل نكلو ،لاوش .)1( »..مهحاورأ هب ومست و مهرودص هب حرشنتو

يغبني لا ،ميركلا رهشلا اذهب ملسملا ةقلاع نأ ديب

جمانرب مسر نم دب لا لب ،موختلا هذه دنع فقوتت نأ

رمثتسيو ،ةمهلا ذحشيو مهفلا قمعي قيقد نزاوتم لمع

ةدارلإا هزرفت نأ نكمي دهج لضفأب ةينمزلا ةبسانملا

،ملسملا ناسنلإا حور باهإ يف ةنماكلا ةيناسنلإا


يريون ميهاربإ .د : ملقب رئازجلا - يميداكأ ثحابو بتاك

65 يوعدلا طسولا AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
ةحلاصلا لامعلأا ىلع
نوكرديو ناضمر نوهقفي نم نإف ةمث نمو
ةلحرب مهيلإ يحوت« ناضمر ةملك نإف
ةينمزلا هتاظحلو هتاعاسو همايأ اهيلع يوطنت يتلا اهتاقيم ةيهلإ

”Project Sunrise“ ةلحر قلاطإ دنع

ةلودجم باكر ةلحر لوطأ لجستس ىلولأا

.ملاعلاب ةمدخلا يف

يبرع ن ن س :ردصملا

ىضرم ىدل ةايحلا ديق ىلع ءاقبلا ةبسن

ىرخأ ةيبرغ لود نم لقأ ايناطيرب يف ناطرسلا

بسن ىلع رثؤي ام يهو ،ةدحتملا ةكلمملا .ةايحلا ديق ىلع ىضرملا ءاقب نوثحاب امهارجأ ناتللا ناتساردلا لوقت

ةيلودلا ةكارشلاو ةيعماجلا ندنل ةيلك يف

نم 63% نإ ICBP( ناطرسلا مييقتل

مت نيذلا ةدحتملا ةكلمملا يف ىضرملا

نم ةثلاثلا ةلحرملاب مهتباصإ صيخشت ةايحلا ديق ىلع اولظ نولوقلا ناطرس ماقرلأا هذه نكل ،تاونس سمخ ةدمل

جيورنلا لثم لود يف ةبسنلا نم لقأ ىقبت .ايلارتسأو ادنكو arabic.euronews.com Ramadan Mubarak

نإ ةدــيدــج ةـــسارد تلاق نيباصملا ءاــقــب تلادــعــم ةايحلا ديق ىلع ناطرسلاب نادلب نم لقأ يه ةدحتملا ةكلمملا يف

.ىرخأ ةيبرغ

تلادعم نأ اثيدح اتردص ناتسارد تفشك ةايحلا ديق ىلع ناطرسلا ىضرم ءاقب

نادلب نم لقأ يه ةدحتملا ةكلمملا يف .ىرخأ ةلثامم

نم لك يف ماقرلأا ناتساردلا تنراقو

تانايب اتصحفو ،ايلارتسأو ادنكو جيورنلا ةريبك تافلاتخا تدجوف ضيرم فلأ 780

يف ناطرسلاب نيباصملا جلاع ةقيرط يف

66 تاعونم AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر ..2026 ماعل تلجأت ملاعلاب ناريط ةلحر لوطأ راظتنلاا ةيسايقلا ةلحرلا هذه باكر ىلعو ىلإ نوعلطتي نيذلا باكرلا نيب فقوت نود نم ناريطلا ،ندنل وأ كرويوينو ايلارتسأ هنلأ ،لوطأ ةرتفل راظتنلاا مهيلع نيعتيس
Project Sunrise“ تلاحر ليجأت مت 2026 ماع فصتنم ىلإ ساتناك ةكرشل
سودرف دمحا نتباكلا نانبل يف لامشلا ءانبا داحتلا ماعلا نيملأا • يبعشلا نماضتلا ةيعمج سيئر • لامشلا يف مدقلا ةركل ةيضايرلا ةيدنلأا داحتا سيئر • Level 1, 185 Faraday St, CARLTON VIC 3053 Ph: (03) 9347 6622 E: info@amf.net.au • www.amf.net.au Dr Hass Dellal AO Executive Director Australian Multicultural Foundation Ramadan Mubarak I wish all Muslim community a blessed and peaceful Ramadan كرا�م نا�مر نايبع لآ ديعس نب ببشم ايلارتسا يف يملاسلإا ملاعلا ةطبار بتكمل قباسلا ريدملا كفيسابلا بونج لودو ادنلايزوينو

مهـلم رهــش ناـضمر


لضفتي هللا نأو ،دوعي لاو يضمي رمعلا نأو ،راوطأو لاوحأ ايندلا نأ انؤبني ديدج نم ناضمر داعو لوحلا لاح

لك دصقم يه يتلاو ىوقتلا دازلا ريخو ،داعملا مويل دازلا ريخ نم دوزتلا ىلإ انوعديو ،تاحفنب انمايأ يف انيلع

.”نوقتت مكلعل ...“ ةريعش لكو ةدابع

،اباستحاو اناميإ رهشلا اذه موقيو موصي نمم انلعجي نأ ءاعدلاو ةعارضلاب هجوتن هيلإو ،ارخآو لاوأ هلل دمحلاف

.نيلوبقملا نم هيف انلعجي نأو

؟نيلتبملاو نيرصاحملا ةزغ

هيفو ،تاقدصلا رهش ناضمر

يف ام فاعضأ باوثلاو رجلأا

دقو ،روهشلاو مايلأا نم هريغ

نع ميرم يبأ نب ركب وبأ ركذ

اذإ“ : نولوقي اوناك مهنأ هخايشأ

هيف اوطسبناف ناضمر رهش رضح

ةفعاضم هيف ةقفنلا نإف ةقفنلاب

ةحيبستو ،هللا ليبس يف ةقفنلاك

يف ةحيبست فلأ نم لضفأ هيف

هيلع هللا ىلص انيبنو ،”هريغ

ىلإ اقابسو اصيرح ناك ملسو

ءاج امل رهشلا اذه يف ةقدصلا

هنأ هنع هللا يضر سابع نبا نع

هللا ىلص هللا لوسر ناك“ :لاق

ناكو ،سانلا دوجأ ملسو هيلع

نيح ناضمر يف نوكي ام دوجأ ...”ليربج هاقلي

ىلع يضقت داكت ةعاجملا نإ

لك ىلإ ةجاحلا نإو ةزغ لهأ

،ةدكأتمو ةريبك ةايحلا بابسأ

لااومأ بلطتت رامعلإا ةداعإ نإو

نع فلختن لاأ انبجاوو ،ةلئاط

نم فيفختلل ةدعاسملاو نوعلا

يف مهتثاغإو انناوخإ ةاسأم

لاصيإ ةبوعص مغر ،مهتنحم

لعفب تادعاسملاو تانوعملا

هللا لأسنو .قييضتلاو راصحلا

نأو ملظلا اذه مهنع عفري نأ

نم مهنمؤيو عوج نم مهمعطي .فوخ

وذ ماعلا اذهل ناضمر رهش

ىلع ةزغ يف انلهأو رخآ معط

اءوض ىرن اننكلو ،لاحلا اذه

نأ انيقي رعشنو ،قفنلا رخآ يف

رثكأ هيف ءاعدلا ةباجتسا تاقوأ

ةوعد انل رطفلا دنعف :هريغ نم

نع ةريره يبأ نعف ،ةباجتسم

:لاق ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يبنلا

ماملإا ،مهتوعد درت لا ثلا ث“

،رطفي نيح مئاصلاو ،لداعلا

قوف اهعفري مولظملا ةوــعدو

،ءامسلا باوبأ اهل حتفتو ،مامغلا

يتزعو :لجو زع برلا لوقيو

نعو ،”نيح دعب ولو كنرصنلأ

هللا يضر ورمع نب هللا دبع

ىلص هللا لوسر لاق :لاق هنع

دنع مئاصلل نإ“ :ملسو هيلع هللا .”درت ام ةوعدل هرطف

يف دجهتلا تقو ءاعدلا نأ امك

ةنظم هيف ليللا نم ريخلأا ثلثلا

يضر ةريره يبأ نعف ،ةباجلإا

ىلص هللا لوــسر نأ :هنع هللا

انبر لزني“ :لاق ملسو هيلع هللا

ءامسلا ىلإ ةليل لك ىلاعتو كرابت

رخلآا ليللا ثل ث ىقبي نيح ايندلا

بيجتسأف ينوعدي نم :لوقي

نم ،هيطعأف ينلأسي نم ،هل .”هل رفغأف ينرفغتسي

رهشلا اذه يف اعيمج انهجوت ول

سفنأو ةعشاخ بولقب ليضفلا

انيرحتو ةعارضلاو ءاعدلاب ةيقن

ينيقي نإف ،هذه ةباجلإا تاقوأ

لدبيس ىلاعت هللا نأ نم ريبك

لهو ...انئاعدل بجتسيو انلاح

يف انم ءاعدلا ىلإ جوحأ نحن

؟فورظلا هذه


حرطي انم دحاو لك نأ كشلا

فيك :ةرم فلأ هسفن ىلع لاؤسلا

لهأ دعاسأ وأ معدأ نأ يننكمي

ريغ ةرباع تاملك سيل نآرقلا

امنإو ،سوفنلا يف رــثأ تاذ

بلقلا ىلع لخدي هللا ملاك وه

ركذب لاأ“ ،ةنينأمطلا هيف عرزيف

- دعرلا( ”بولقلا نئمطت هللا

هيدهيف ركفلا ىلع لخديو ،)28

هدنع لدعيو ليبسلا ءاوس ىلإ

قئاقحلا هل يلجيو ميهافملا

يه يتلل يدهي نآرقلا اذه نإ“

نيذلا نينمؤملا رشبيو موــقأ

ارجأ مهل نأ تاحلاصلا نولمعي

صرحنلف .)9 – ءارسلإا( ”اريبك

ةعيرسلا ةولاتلا لبق ربدتلا ىلع

مهفلا ىلإ ىعسنلو ،ةلجعتسملاو

انل لعجنل .قيبطتلا مهفلا عمو

وأ ةدحاو ةروس عم ربدت تافقو

،رهشلا اذهل اهراتخن روس ضعب

ىرن فوسو ،ةجيتنلا يف رظننلو

.هللا ءاش نإ ابيط ارثأ

يف ...ءاــعدــلا ...ءاــعدــلا ءاعدلا رهش

لا ؟زجاعلا حلاس ءاعدلا له

بلط وه ءاعدلاف ...لا فــلأو

،يوقلا ،كلملا كلام لخدتل نيزاوملا بلقي ءاعدلاو ...زيزعلا

ءاعدلاو ...تازجعملا ققحيو

.لاوحلأا لك يف هيلإ أجلن

نأ ثيح ،ءاعدلا رهش يف اننإ

ضرف تايآ متخ لجو زع ىلوملا

ةقيقح ىلع ديكأتلاب مايصلا

يعادلا ةوعد بيجي هنأو هبرق

يدابع كلأس اذإو“ هاعد اذإ ةوعد بيجأ ،بيرق ينإف ينع يل اوبيجتسيلف ،ناعد اذإ عادلا ”نودشري مهلعل يب اونمؤيلو رهش يف اننإ .)186 - ةرقبلا(

ةيناثلا ةنسلا نم ناضمر( ردب

ناضمر( ةكم حتف ىلإ )ةرجهلل

ىلإ )ةرجهلل ةنماثلا ةنسلا نم

92 ةنس ناضمر( سلدنلأا حتف

رهزلأا عماج ءانب ىلإ )ةرجهلل

ىلإ )ةرجهلل 261 ةنس ناضمر( ناضمر( 1973 ربوتكأ برــح

اهريغو ،)ةرجهلل 1393 ةنس

رهشلا اذه تطبر تاطحم ،ريثك

راسم تريغ عئاقوو ثادحأب

ةناكم ىلع تــلدو ...خــيراــتــلا

سوفن يف ميظعلا رهشلا اذه

عفرلا يف هريثأتو ،نيملسملا

راضحتسا نإ .مهمئازع نم

تازاجنلإا هذهو تاطحملا هذه

رهش للاــظــب لظتسن نــحــنو

لملأا نم ةعرج انيطعي ناضمر

نم عفريو انمئازع نم دشيو

ةيراظتنلااب سيل نكلو ،انممه

لعفلاو لمعلاب امنإو ،نوكسلاو

ةميزهلا نإ .بوؤدــلا يعسلاو

،ءيش لك لبق ةدارلإا ةميزه يه

ةبلص ةيوق ةدارلإا تيقب املاطو

ىغط امهم ملظلا راحدنا نإف .هيف بير لا تآ ربجتو

رهش يف نآرــقــلا ربدت نآرقلا

هيف دوعن نآرقلا رهش ناضمر

هتولات ىلإ عمتسنف هللا باتك ىلإ

همتخ ىلع صرحنو تاولصلا يف

ىلع سلجنو ،رهشلا ءاضقنا لبق .هربدتنو هسرادتن هدئاوم

ظفح نآرقلاب انطابترا نإ

هللا ىــلإ ىبرقو ،انل نصحو

طابترلاا مظعأ نإو ...هلاع يف

اذهف ...ةشياعملاو ربدتلا وه

مودــــق ثدـــــــح ريبك كشلاو ناضمر نأ ريغ ،ددجتمو مويلا ةرصاحملا ةزغ هشيعت ام امل ارياغم رخآ امعط يفضي رابخلأاف ،رهشلا اذه ىلع هاندهع يف رظنلاو تلايلحتلاو روصلاو انتايح عقو ددحت ثادحلأا راسم فيكف ...انمايأ ططخم مسرتو لاو ناضمر تاحفن شيعن نأ انل ام ىلع مامتهلااو نيعلا فرصن ؟كانه ةزغ يف يرجي يف انلهأ هشيعي امل رثأتنو نزحن يداوع مهيلع تعمتجا دقو ةزغ تلوحتو رضلا مهقحلو نامزلا هجو ىلع ميحج ىلإ مهتايح ةدابإ برحل اوضرعتو ضرلأا ةيلودلا مكاحملا اهفنصت مل لبق بيرقلا مهنع ىلختو ،كلذك لاإ مللأا اذه لك مغرو ...ديعبلا ملظلا نأ يف لملأا دقفن لا اننأ للاتحلاا نأو لاوز ىــلإ دــبلا هذه ةماسج نأو راسحنا ىلإ ةملأا يف دلوت نأ دبلا ثادحلأا ،ةدقوتم ةمهو ،ةديدج اــحور نم جورخلا يف ةددجتم ةدارإو ةزعلا ىلإ ناوهلاو فعضلا عقاو نأو دبلا ةيناسنلإا نأو ،نيكمتلاو اهميقو اهميهافم ةلصوب لدعت ةيفاصلا اهميهافم ىلإ اهب دوعتل .ةيقنلا

...خيراتلا نم ثادحأب طبترا ناضمر ماسج

نم ناضمر( يحولا لوزن نمف ةوزغ ىلإ )ةثعبلل ىلولأا ةنسلا

67 يوعدلا طسولا AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا
1445 ناضمر
Ramadan 2024 -
...ارسي رسعلا دعب حلاف ريمس ملقب ابوروأ يملسم سلجمل ماعلا نيملأا .نيملأا قداصلا دمحم انلوسر ىلع ملاسلاو ةلاصلاو نيملاعلا بر هلل



This Ramadan is unique as my family welcomes a new member to the family – a new Muslim no less. We’ve been preparing for this for quite some time now, and there’s a buzz of anticipation in the air. Ramadan always brings such a special atmosphere of togetherness, but having someone new join us this year just makes it all the more special.

It’s important to us that she feels comfortable and included in all our Ramadan traditions. Because she has been studying about Islam, and began fasting even before she took the shahadah, Ramadan is not entirely new to her. She understands and appreciates the significance of Ramadan and its rituals. Still, fasting can be quite daunting even for a born Muslim, so we’ve been offering our support and encouragement every step of the way, reminding our new family member that it’s okay to take it slow.

One thing we’re really looking

forward to is our evening iftar get-together. Breaking fast together as a family and sharing that first bite of food after a long day of fasting is always such a joyous moment. It’s a great way to bond and experience the richness of our cultural heritage.

We’ve also been exploring ways to incorporate our new family member’s unique cultural background into our Ramadan celebrations. Whether it’s through sharing stories and traditions from their own heritage or introducing her to some of our own cultural practices, we’re excited to create a blended and inclusive experience for everyone.

We do include our new family member in our prayers and spiritual activities throughout Ramadan. Whether it’s attending taraweeh prayers at the mosque or reciting Quran together at home, we want them to feel connected to the spiritual essence of this month. It’s a time for personal reflection and growth, and

we’re excited to share that journey with her.

And let’s not forget about Eid al-Fitr! It’s the perfect culmination of Ramadan, a time for celebration and joy.

We’re already planning our Eid festivities and thinking of special ways to make our new family member feel celebrated and included. From dressing up in new clothes to exchanging gifts and enjoying delicious meals together, it’s going to be a memorable Eid for sure.

My family and I are just so grateful to have this opportunity to welcome a new member to our family during such a meaningful time. Ramadan is all about love, unity, and spiritual growth, and having our new family member with us to experience it all is truly a blessing.

In addition to the traditional aspects of Ramadan, we’re also taking the time to explore the deeper meaning behind the rituals and practices. We’ll have some really insightful discussions as a family about

the spiritual significance of fasting, the importance of self-discipline, and the lessons we can learn from this month. It’s been a great opportunity for all of us, including our new family member, to deepen our understanding of Islam and grow in our faith together.

Overall, this Ramadan is shaping up to be a truly meaningful experience for our family. It’s a time of growth, reflection, and togetherness, and we’re grateful to have our new family member with us to share in the journey. As we countdown the days until Eid al-Fitr, we’re filled with excitement and anticipation for the joyous celebrations that lie ahead. Ramadan Mubarak to all!

Jamilah Samian is the author of “Leadership In Parenting”, “Raise Me Right”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, “Parenting Generation Y & Z”, “The Kindness Miracle”, and “77 Power Parent Tips”.

68 FAMILY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
Gift of Kindness
مويلا اًميتي لفكإ لضفأ اًدغ هحنمت :ﷺ للها لوسر لاق ،ةنجلا يف نيتاهك ميتيلا لفاكو انأ“ )يراخبلا هاور( ”ىطسولاو ةبابسلاب راشأو :مقرلا ىلع لاصتلإا مكنكمي عربتلل 1300 760 155 :ةئيهلا عقوم اوروز وأ www.hai.org.au

نيملسملا ءارقفل فرصت اهنأ ءاملعلا عمجأ دقو -1

ىطعت لاًف ،نيكاسملاو ءارقفلل ةضورفم اهنأ لصلأاو -2

وأ ةجاح تدجو اذَإ لاإ ،ةينامثلا فانصلأا نم مهريغل

لاإ ،هنم ذخؤت يذلا دلبلا يف فرصتو .ةيملاًسإ ةحلصم .رخآ دلب ىلإ اهلقن زوجيف ءارقف دجوي مل اذَإ

ةاكز فرص زوجي لا نمل رطفلا ةاكز فرصت لاو -3 .هيلإ لاملا

مايصلا ماكحأ باتك نم

هللا همحر يولوم لصيف خيشلل

.»افلت اكسمم طعأ مهللا :رخلآا لوقيو ،افلخ اقفنم

باوبأ نم صاخ باب نم ىعدي اهبحاص نأ :اسداس

ةريره يبأ ثيدح يف امك ةقدصلا باب هل لاقي ةنجلا

قفنأ نم« لاق ﷺ هللا لوسر نأ هنع هللا يضر

اذه ! الله دبع اي :ةنجلا يف يدون ،الله ليبس يف نيجوز

،ةلاصلا باب نم يعد ةلاصلا لهأ نم ناك نمف ،ريخ

نمو ،داهجلا باب نم يعد ،داهجلا لهأ نم ناك نمو

ناك نمو ،ةقدصلا باب نم يعد ،ةقدصلا لهأ نم ناك ركب وبأ لاقف ،نايرلا باب نم يعد ،مايصلا لهأ نم

هذه نم ىعدي نم ىلع ام ! الله لوسر اي : قيدصلا ؟ اهلك باوبلأا نم دحأ ىعدي لهف ،ةرورض نم باوبلأا .»مهنم نوكت نأ وجرأو ،معن : لاق

امك هناميإو دبعلا قدص ىلع ليلد ةقدصلا نأ :اعباس »ناهرب ةقدصلاو« ﷺ هلوق يف

ةراجتلا يف لمعي نمل لاملل ةرهطم ةقدصلا نأ :انماث نم اهبستكي يتلا بونذلا نم هصلخت ،ءارشلاو عيبلا و

و تاركنملا و ةلفغلاو ،بذكلاو ،فلحلاو ،وغللا ءارج

اي« هلوقب راجتلا يصوي ﷺ يبنلا ناك دقف هرهطت فلحلاو وغللا هرضحي عيبلا اذه نإ ،راجتلا رشعم »ةقدصلاب هوبوشف

ناضمر رهش لوأ نم اهميدقت زوجيو وهو ،نيموي وأ مويب ديعلا لبق ام ىلإ اهريخأت لضفلأاو لوحلا لوأ ىلإ اهميدقت زوجيو ،ةيكلاملا دنع دمتعملا اهليجعت زوجي ةلبانحلا دنعو .ةاكز اهنلأ ؛فانحلأا دنع .ناضمر رهش فصن دعب نم

يف امك ىلاعتو هناحبس هللا بضغ ءىفطت اهنأ :لاوأ كرابت برلا بضغ ءىفطت رسلا ةقدص نإ« ﷺ هلوق »ىلاعتو هلوق يف امك اهران بهذتو ،ةئيطخلا وحمت اهنأ :ايناث

ءاملا ءىفطت امك ةئيطخلا ءىفطت ةقدصلاو« ﷺ ﷺ هلوق يف امك رانلا نم ةياقو اهنأ امك .»رانلا .»ةرمت قشب ولو ،رانلا اوقتاف«

يف امك ةمايقلا موي هتقدص لظ يف قدصتملا نأ :اثلاث ﷺ هللا لوسر تعمس :لاق رماع نب ةبقع ثيدح

نيب ىضقي ىتح ،هتقدص لظ يف ءىرما لك« لوقي نيذلا ةعبسلا نم« نأ ﷺ يبنلا ركذَ دقو »سانلا قدصت لجر ،هلظ لاإ لظ لا موي هلظ يف الله مهلظي »هنيمي قفنت ام هلامش ملعت لا ىتح ،اهافخأف ةقدصب هلوق يف امك ةيندبلا ضارملأل ءاود ةقدصلا يف نأ :اعبار .»ةقدصلاب مكاضرم اوواد« ﷺ امك هلام يف هل هللا كرابي ةقدصلا بحاص نأ :اسماخ نم ةقدص تصقن ام« هلوقب كلذَ نع ﷺ يبنلا ربخأ

70 CHARITY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر كرابملا ناضمر رهش يف ةقدصلا لضف اهتقو :اًعبار رطفلا ةاكز فرصت نمل :اسماخ ،ناضمر نم موي رخآ بورغب رطفلا ةاكز بجت -1 فانحلأا دنع ديعلا موي رجف عولطبو ،ةيعفاشلا دنع .ةيكلاملاو ،سابع نبا ثيدحل ديعلا ةلاًص لبق اهجارخإ بجيو -2 ،يعفاشلا دنع
هللا كرابي نأب قدصتملل ةكئلاًملا وعدت كلذكو .»لام حبصي موي نم ام« ﷺ لوقي كلذَ يفو هلام يف هل طعأ مهللا :امهدحأ لوقيف نلازني ناكلم لاإ هيف دابعلا ،دمحأو رمت رخآ ، رطفلا اعاص وأ ةيواعم يأهاور لاإ دامتعا ،نيفكلا لجرلا 2176 نم ،دلبلا ،ريقفلل يورو Won’t be able to fast this Ramadan? Pay your fidya for $20 per day. Follow us for all Ramadan updates Ramadan Mubarak $450 Provide clean water solutions to the needy. This is a Sadaqa Jariya. BUILD A WATER WELL $300 Provides a needy family with a food pack for the month of Ramadan. SPONSOR A FAMILY $50 Sponsor an Orphan and be with the Prophet (pbuh) in Paradise. SPONSOR AN ORPHAN PER FAMILY PER MONTH

ةاكز رادقم :اًثلاث اهعونو رطفلا

،دمحأو يعفاشلاو كلام :ةثلاثلا ةمئلأا قفتا -1

رمت نم عاص رطفلا ةاكز نأ ،ءاملعلا روهمج مهعمو

رخآ ماعط يأ وأ ،حمق وأ طقأ وأ بيبز وأ ريعش وأ

،افنآ روكذملا رمع نبا ثيدحل كلذَو ،دلبلا توق نم

رطفلا ةاكز جرخن انك« :يردخلا ديعس يبأ ثيدحلو

اعاص وأ ،ماعط نم اعاص ﷺ الله لوسر انيف ناك ذإ

وأ ،بيبز نم اعاص وأ ،ريعش نم اعاص وأ ،رمت نم

ةيواعم انيلع لزن ىتح كلذك لزن ملف ،طقأ نم اعاص

يأ- ماشلا ءارمس نم نيدم ىرلأ ينإ :لاقف ،ةنيدملا

هاور »كلذب سانلا ذخأف رمت نم اعاص لدعي -اهحمق .ةعامجلا

لاإ ،عاونلأا لك نم عاص رطفلا ةاكز :فانحلأا لاقو

دامتعا طوحلأاو .عاص فصن هيف بجاولاف ،حمقلا .عاونلأا لك نم عاصلا

،نيفكلا لدتعم لجر يفكب تانفح عبرأ عاصلاو -2

لجرلا يفك ءلم اضيأ وه دملا نلأ ،ددمأ ةعبرأ وأ

2176 ابيرقت يواسي حمقلا نم عاصلاو ،لدتعملا .لقأ وأ رثكأ نوكي دقف كلذَ ريغ نم امأ ،امارغ

نم وأ ،دلبلا توق بلاغ نم رطفلا ةاكز جرختو -3

،دلبلا توق نم لضفأ ناك اذَإ يكزملا توق بلاغ .ةمئلأاو ءاهقفلا روهمج يأر اذهو

،ريقفلل عفنأ يهف ادوقن عاصلا ةميق ءادأ زوجيو -4

يورو فانحلأا بهذم وهو ،رصعلا اذه يف رسيأو .يرصبلا نسحلاو زيزعلا دبع نب رمع نع

اهتبعتأ ىرخأ رسك ربجيو ةحيرج سوفن يف لملأا ثعبيف ميركلا ناضمر رهش لبقي

نوقباستيو نوسفانتي ةصرف هنوزهتني دوجلا لهأف ،اهفيلاكتو اهبئاونب ةايحلا

نم مورحملا ىلع اوعسويو مولكملا اوثيغيل نوفطاعتيو نونماضتيو هيف ءاطعلل فلآا اهءارو ةفلخم ثراوكلا و بورحلا مهب ترضأ نمم خويشلاو ءاسنلاو لافطلأا نانبلو )نيطسلف( ةزغك ةدع لود يف نيئجلالاو ماتيلأاو لمارلأاو نيدرشملاو ىلتقلا .نادوسلاو نميلاو ايروسو

للها ركذب هيف بولقلا ايحتف ،تامحرلاو تاكربلا هتايط يفو ميظعلا رهشلا اذه انيتأي .تاعاطلاو تاقدصلاو ليللا مايقو مايصلابو ةيملاسلإا ةملأا رئاس ىلإو مكيلإ

؟بجت نم ىلع :ايناث

اركذَ ،رح وأ دبع ملسم لك ىلع رطفلا ةاكز بجت -1

اهجرخيو .اريقف وأ اينغ ،اريبك وأ اريغص ،ىثنأ وأ ناك

نع ةجوزلا اهجرختو ،لوعي نمعو هسفن نع لجرلا

نع اهجارخإ بجي لاو .اهنع اهجوز اهجرخي وأ اهسفن

لبنح نب دمحأ دنع كلذَ بحتسي ناك نإو نينجلا

.هنع هللا يضر

رادقم ملسملا كلمي نأ روهمجلا طرتشا دقو -2

ديعلا موــي هلايع توــقو هتوق نع لاًضاــف ةاــكزــلا

لجؤملا نيدلاو .ةيلصلأا هجئاوح رئاس نعو ،هتليلو

لاحلا نيدلا فلاًخب رطفلا ةاكز بوجو ىلع رثؤي لا .)اروف هتيدأت بجي يذلا(

رطفلا ةاكز

اهمكحو اهفيرعت :لاوأ

اهببس يتلا ةاكزلا يه رطفلا ةقدص وأ رطفلا ةاكز -1 يأ ،ةرجهلل ةيناثلا ةنسلا يف تضرف .ناضمر نم رطفلا اهنأب ىرخلأا تاوكزلا نع زاتمتو .مايصلا ةضيرف عم .لاوملأا ىلع لا صاخشلأا ىلع ةضورفم ثيدحل ،ةبجاو ةضيرف اهنأ ءاملعلا روهمج قفتاو -2 نم رطفلا ةاكز ضرف ﷺ الله لوسر نأ« :رمع نبا رح لك ىلع ريعش نم اعاص

71 CHARITY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
مئاصلل ةرهط اهنأو اهتمكح ﷺ هللا لوسر نيب دقو
يهو ،امهنم مئاص ملسي املق نيذللا ثفرلاو وغللا نم موي اعيمج نوملسملا نوكي ىتح نيكاسملل ةمعط .ةداعسو حرف يف ديعلا
وأ رمت نم اعاص ناضمر
وأ دبع وأ
مدقتت نأ Human Appeal Australia ةرسأ رسي وعدتو ةليلجلا ةبسانملا هذهب تاكيربتلاو يناهتلاب ةرومعملا ءاحنأ يف تاكربلاو ريخلاو نميلاب مكرسلأو مكل رهش ،ناضمر محارتلاو نماضتلا Sydney Office: 119 Haldon St, Lakemba NSW 2195 P 02 9750 3161 Melbourne Office: 149 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058 P 03 8374 3000 Adelaide Office: 307 Wright St, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 7200 2882 Brisbane Office: 16 Queens Rd, Slacks Creek QLD 4127 P 07 3493 4222 Perth Office: 2/1397 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107 P 08 6269 3556 day. Experience Ramadan with us hai.org.au | 1300 760 155

:ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر لاق

ناضمر رهش دعب مايصلا لضفأ«

دعب ةلاصلا لضفأو ،مرحملا هللا رهش

يئاسنلا هاور( »ليللا ةلاص ةضيرفلا

رمع نبا نع -]12[ .)ينابللأا هححصو

هللا لوسر لاق :لاق امهنع هللا يضر

ملاسلإا ينب« :ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

نأو هللا لاإ هلإ لا نأ ةداهش :سمخ ىلع

ءاتيإو ،ةلاصلا ماقإو ،هللا لوسر ادمحم

»ناضمر موصو ،تيبلا جحو ،ةاكزلا .)ملسمو يراخبلا هاور( :لاق هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع •

:ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر لاق

ملف هدنع ترــكذ لــجر فــنأ مــغر« هيلع لخد لجر فنأ مغرو ،يلع لصي مغرو ،هل رفغي نأ لبق خلسنا مث ناضمر ملف ربكلا هاوبأ هدنع كردأ لجر فنأ هححصو يذمرتلا هاور( »ةنجلا هلاخدي .)ينابللأا

ملاسلاا قيرط :ردصملا

ناضمر مايص يف ثيداحأ

نأ هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع •

:لاق ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر

رفغ اباستحاو اناميإ ناضمر ماص نم«

ةليل ماق نمو ،هبنذ نم مدقت ام هل

مدقت ام هل رفغ اباستحاو اناميإ ردقلا

)ملسمو يراخبلا هاور( »هبنذ نم

نأ هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع •

:لاق ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر

رفغ اباستحاو اناميإ ناضمر ماق نم«

يراخبلا هاور( »هبنذ نم مدقت ام هل


لوسر نأ اهنع هللا يضر ةشئاع نع •

يف ىلص“ :ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا

ىلصف ناضمر يف ةليل تاذ دجسملا

رثكف ةلباقلا نم ىلص مث سان هتلاصب

وأ ةثلاثلا ةليللا نم اوعمتجا مث سانلا

املف هللا لوسر مهيلإ جرخي ملف ةعبارلا

متعنص يذــلا تــيأر دق« :لاــق حبصأ

لاإ مكيلإ جورخلا نم ينعنمي ملف

هاور( ”»مكيلع ضرفت نأ تيشخ ينأ .)ملسمو يراخبلا

:لاق هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع •

اذإ« :ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر لاق

تدفص ناضمر رهش نم ةليل لوأ ناك

باوبأ تقلغو ،نجلا ةدرمو ،نيطايشلا

باوبأ تحتفو ،باب اهنم حتفي ملف ،رانلا

:دانم يدانيو ،باب اهنم قلغي ملف ،ةنجلا

رشلا يغاب ايو ،لبقأ ريخلا يغاب اي

لك كلذو ،رانلا نم ءاقتع هللو ،رصقأ

.)ينابللأا هححصو يذمرتلا هاور( »ةليل

:لاق هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع -]6[

:ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر لاق

هللا ضرف كرابم رهش ناضمر مكاتأ«

باوبأ هيف حتفت همايص مكيلع لجو زع

لغتو ميحجلا باوبأ هيف قلغتو ءامسلا

نم ريخ ةليل هيف هلل نيطايشلا ةدرم هيف

»مرح دقف اهريخ مرح نم رهش فلأ

.)ينابللأا هححصو يئاسنلا هاور(

نأ هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع •

ناك ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر

ىلإ ةعمجلاو سمخلا تاولصلا« :لوقي

تارفكم ناضمر ىلإ ناضمرو ةعمجلا هاور( »رئابكلا بنتجا اذإ نهنيب ام

.)ملسمو يراخبلا

هللا يضر رمع نبا نع • هللا ىلص يبنلا نع امهنع اوموصت لا« :لاق ملسو هيلع

هورت ىتح اورطفت لاو للاهلا اورت ىتح هاور( »هل اوردقاف مكيلع يمغأ نإف

.)ملسمو يراخبلا هللا لوسر لاق :لاق ةريره يبأ نع •

مكدحأ نمدقتي لا« ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص نأ لاإ ،نيموي وأ موي موصب ناضمر مصيلف ،هموص موصي ناك لجر نوكي

.)ملسمو يراخبلا هاور( »مويلا كلذ

ماص نم“ :لاق رساي نب رامع نع • ابأ ىصع دقف ،هيف كشي يذــلا موي

”ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ادمحم مساقلا يذمرتلاو دواد وبأ ننسلا باحصأ هاور(

.)ينابللأا هححصو هجام نباو يئاسنلاو نأ هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع •

:لاق ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر

ةنجلا باوبأ تحتف ناضمر ءاج اذإ«

»نيطايشلا تدفصو رانلا باوبأ تقلغو .)ملسم هاور(

:لاق هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع •

72 تايناضمر AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
ةييرخلا ةينضلا ءانبأ ةيعمج 274 Miller Rd Villawood NSW 2163 El Dunnieh Sons Charity Association ايلاترسا لامشلا ءانبا داحتا

،يبدلأا خيراتلا تاحفص يف مهئامسا

تزواجت يتلا هدئاصقب ءارعشلا رئاس نع زيمت دقو ،لايملأا فلاآ ةدع ناقلبلا دودح

ضرلاا يف انوفدم دجو هدئاصق تايبأ رثكأ

اهيف ىضق يتلا نوجسلا فيشرا تاعدوتسم يفو

يذلا يعويشلا مكحلا لظ يف هتايح مظعم رعاشلا

ركذي ،ءاوسلا ىلع ةيبرعلا ةغللاو نيدلا براحي ناك

.هناجس هدي ىلع تفلتأ دق هدئاصق نم ريثكلا نأ

ةيوناثلا يف وهو يبرعلا رعشلا ةباتكب رعاشلا أدب

يف برعلا ءارعشلاو باتكلا طاشنب رثأت ذإ

ءيشب مهاسي نأ دارأف رامعتسلاا دض مهتمواقم

يف بتك ام لوأ ناكف ةيخيراتلا ةمواقملا كلت يف

ةينيطسلفلا ةمواقملل معدلا تايبأ ضعب رعشلا كلذ .يزيلكنلإا للاتحلاا دض شتيشام ديس دمحم لحارلا ينسوبلا بيدلأاو رعاشلل ةديصق

ةنسوبلا يف Gracanica ةقطنم يف ميدق دجسم

رورسب انعوبر تلخد دق كب ابحرمف كوبغار اذإ ،ناضمر

رونلا تابحاص يلايللاو ةد ابعلا مايأ ءارغلا كمايأ

كيرحتلاو رييغتلاب تيتأف ةلفغ يف انتايح نإ ،ناضمر

كيلمل مهلابقتسا نم ىهبأ ةلفحب ءايقتلأا كلبقتساو فيسأ لك تلايو لاهسمو انبولقل انيلم تئج ،ناضمر فيظنت نم دب لا اهتلاآ اننوطبل افظنمو اهزنمو مومه دعب دابكلأا ةحارإو ةداعسب انتئج كنإ ،ناضمر

موسوم سردم تارضاحمو ةدابع دعب ظاعولا حئاصنو

يماسلا ءاخلإاو ةدوملا حور اننيب رشناو تئش ام لظ ،ناضمر

ماوقلأاك تاوطخلا وطخن نأ اندر ام انراظنا نع لوتو

ايناملأ - نيلربب ردصت تناك يتلا »قرشلا ديرب« ةلجمب م 1944 ةنس ترشن


تارطفملا نع كاسملإا :يناثلا نكرلارجفلا عولط نم ،عامجو ،بارشو ،ماعط نم

هلوق كلذ ليلدو ،سمشلا بورغ ىلإ يناثلا

طيخلا مكل نيبتي ىتح اوبرشاو اولكو{ :ىلاعت

اومتأ مث رجفلا نم دوسلأا طيخلا نم ضيبلأا

دارملاو ،)187:ةرقبلا( }ليللا ىلإ مايصلا راهنلا ضايب ،دوسلأا طيخلاو ضيبلأا طيخلاب

يناثلا رجفلا عولطب لصحي كلذو ،ليللا داوسو :ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هلوقل ؛قداصلا رجفلا وأ

رجفلا لاو ،للاب ناذأ مكروحس نم مكنعنمي لا( )قفلأا يف ريطتسملا رجفلا نكلو ،ليطتسملا

:ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هلوقو .يذمرتلا هاور

اه نم راهنلا ربدأو انه اه نم ليللا لبقأ اذإ(

هاور )مئاصلا رطفأ دقف سمشلا تبرغو انه

نأ ىلع ملعلا لهأ عمجأ دقو ،ملسمو يراخبلا

.هموص لطب دقف ادمعتم كلذ نم ائيش لعف نم

بيو ملاسا :ردصملا

بكرم هتقيقح يف مايصلا روصتي لا ،نييساسأ نينكر نم :امهنودب هلوصح

وهو ،دصقلا اهانعمو ،ةينلا :لولأا نكرلا -

ريغ نم هيلع همزعو ،ءيش لعف بلقلا داقتعا

ليلدلاو ،موصلا دصق انه اهب دارملاو ،ددرت

ىلص هلوق ،مايصلا ةحصل نكر ةينلا نأ ىلع

امنإو تاينلاب لامعلأا امنإ( :ملسو هيلع هللا

وهو ،ملسمو يراخبلا هاور )ىون ام ئرما لكل

يضر ةصفح ثيدح يف هلوقو ، لمع لك معي

لاف رجفلا لبق مايصلا تيبي مل نم( :اهنع هللا

.ننسلا باحصأو دمحأ هاور )هل مايص

وهو ،اهب ظفلتلا عرشي لاو ،بلقلا ةينلا لحمو ناسلل لخد لا يبلق لمع اهنلأ ؛ةنسلا فلاخ رملأ لااثتما لعفلا

73 تايناضمر AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر ناضمر رهش ةيحت ،شتيشام ديس دمحم بيدلأاو رعاشلا تلجس نــيذــلا ءارعشلا دــحأ وــهو
موصلا ناكرأ
ىلإ دصقلا اهتقيقحو ،هيف ةينلا يف طرتشيو ،هباوثل ابلطو ،ىلاعت هللا ،لايل ةينلا عاقيإ :وهو ،تييبتلا ناضمر موصل يأ يف ةينلا حصتو ،مدقتملا ةصفح ثيدحل نأ دبعلا ىلع يغبنيو ،ليللا ءازجأ نم ءزج ةينلا نإف ،ةينلا يف ناطيشلا ساوسو نع دعتبي هنأ لايل هبلق دقع نمف ،فلكت ىلإ جاتحت لا ةينب رحست ول ام هلثمو ،ىون دقف ادغ مئاص .ادغ موصلا مايصلا ةحصل
اطرش ةينلا دعي ءاهقفلا ضعبو
لا هنأ دوصقملاو ،هناكرأ
انكر لا اطرش مأ انكر اهانددع ءاوس موصلا ةحصل

،موينارويلا رداصمب قلعتت “ ةيملاعلا ةيوونلا ةطبارلا“ اهترشن تاءاصحإ .2023 بآ/سطسغأ يف اهل ثيدحت رخآ ناكو ربكلأا بيصنلا موينارويلا نم ربكلأا بيصنلا ادنكو ناتسخازاكو ايلارتسأ كلتمت ،”سيارب ليوأ”ـل اقفوو

نيب نم ايلارتسأ نكل ،يئايميكلا رصنعلا اذهل يملاعلا يطايتحلاا نم 50% زواجتت ةبسنب

نم 28% ةبسنب موينارويلا نم نط نويلم 1.7 نع ديزي ام كلتمت ذإ ،ازورب رثكلأا لودلا .نهارلا تقولا يف يملاعلا يطايتحلاا يلامجإ

،”ديلايدأ“ ةنيدم لامش نع رتموليك 600 ءاهز دعبي يذلا ”ماد كيبملوأ“ مجنم دعيو ايملاع عبارلا هنإ لب ،ملاعلا يف موينارويلل نوزخم ربكأ ،ايلارتسأ بونج ةيلاو ةمصاع .”سيارب ليوأ”ـل اقفو ساحنلاب قلعتي اميف

ةجتنملا لودلا ربكأ ةمئاق يف عبارلا زكرملا يف ايلارتسأ يتأت ،كلذ نم مغرلاب .روصعلا رم ىلع هجاتنإ يف سماخلا زكرملا يفو ،نهارلا تقولا يف موينارويلل

.)%-5 افلأ 277( رجينلا •

.)%-4 افلأ 224( نيصلا •

.)%-2 افلأ 145( ايلوغنم •

.)%-2 افلأ 131( ناتسكبزوأ •

.)%-2 فلاآ 107( ايناركوأ •

.)%-9 افلأ 524( ملاعلا لود يقاب •

.)28% ةبسنب نط نويلم 1.7( ايلارتسأ • .)-13% افلأ 815( ناتسخازاك •

.)-10% افلأ 589( ادنك •

.)%-8 افلأ 481( ايسور •

.)%-8 افلأ 470( ايبيمان •

.)%-5 افلأ 321( ايقيرفأ بونج •

.)%-5 افلأ 311( ليزاربلا •

74 تاعونم AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر CALWELL LIBERAL FOR Authorised by S Smith, Liberal Party, Level 12, 257 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 USMAN GHANI كرابم ناضمر Ramadan Mubarak فرعت اذام ..تايطايتحلاا فصن اهل لود 3 ؟ملاعلا يف موينارويلا يجتنم ربكأ نع ،يدنكلا ”تسيلاتيباك لاوجيف“ عقوم رشن ،يضاملا طابش/رياربف يف ىلإ ادانتسا ،موينارويلا نم لودلا هكلمت ام رادقم ىلإ ريشت ةطيرخ
يطايتحا ربكأ ةبحاص لودلاب ةمئاق
:ريرقتلل اقفو موينارويلل
SYDNEY COMMUNITY CONNECT Joumana Menzalji +61 435 513 840 لاجرلا بهذ دازم ديز وبا قوراف
Men's gold

ناضمر يف ﷺ هللا لوسرب ءادتقلإا

يريون ميهاربإ روتكدلا :ملقب رئازجلا ــ يميداكأ ثحابو بتاك

ذحشتو ةدارلإا يوقت ةضيرفو ةدابع موصلا - 1

،لاملآاو حماطملاو ممهلاب يقترتو ،سفنلا .هتينانأو هتاذ زواجتي ملسملا لعجتو

اهيف عجاري ،ةليلج ةبسانم ناضمر رهش - 2

ةقدب فرعي يك ،هراسمو هسفن ملسملا

نلأ ،تقو نم هل يقب اميف هلعف يغبني ام

نيبو ،ةيمويلا هطشانم تايئزج فلتخم نيب قباطي اهب ،يباجيلإا زجنملا ىلإ ةعفاد ةرثؤم ةلعاف ةوق نمؤملا بلق يف ناميلإا .هتافرصت نم فرصت لكو ،هتاكرح نم ةكرح لك ةايحلا ةدباكمو يحلا لمعلا ةطساوب ققحتي امنإ ،ةبيطلا رعاشملاو يناملأاب قلعتلا درجمب دسجتي لاو ققحتي لا ناميلإا اذهو كرحتملا يحلا عقاولا ىلإ ناميلإا قلأ جرخت يتلا ةذفلا ةليسولا وه نلعلاو رسلا يف حلاصلا لمعلا نإ لجأ ؛اهقاشمو اهئاولأ لكب .)1( لايسلا ناضمر نأ هيف بــير لا اممو ناميإ اهيف شعتني ةليلج ةصرف ريخلا لمع نوكي ثيح ،نمؤملا ىتشب هيلع لابقلإا عفاود نوكت امك ،اروسيم لاهس لعلو ،ماعلا مايأ رئاس نع فلتخت هبورضو هروص ليلجلا يباحصلا هاور يذلا حيحصلا ثيدحلا ةقيقحلا هذه ىلإ ريشي هنع هللا يضر ةريره وبأ هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر لاق :لاق .ةدكؤملا تدفص ناضمر نم ةليل لوأ ناك اذإ« :ملسو

يف رامثتسا يه ناميلإا سايقمب ةايحلا .سفنلا رادكأ نم صلختلاو حورلا ةيكزت

،ةعيدب ةيناميإ ةيونس ةطحم ناضمر موص - 3

يدرفلا نييوتسملا ىلع عفنلا ةميظع

.يناسنلإاو يعامجلاو

ثيثحلا داجلا يعسلاو نيرخلآا يف ريكفتلا - 4

مهأ نم ،مهعم نماضتلاو ،مهتناعلإ يلمعلاو .ناضمر موص دصاقم

درجم مهتدحو لظت نأ نيملسملل زوجي لا - 5

نوكت نأ بجي لب ،ةيروعش ةيفطاع ةدحو

دسجتت نأو ،يحلا عقاولا يف ةمجرت اهل

معد كــلذ ةمدقم يــف و ،ضرلأا ىلع

لكو سدقلاو ةيبرغلا ةفضلا و ةزغ لهأ

،بسحف ءاعدلاب سيل ،ةلتحملا نيطسلف

ءاذغلا اهلوأو ،ةايحلا تايرورض لكب لب

مهتايح رارمتسا مهل نمضيام لكو ،ءاودلاو

بصاغلا ينويهصلا للاتحلإل مهتمواقمو .ملاظلا


لبقتسمو ملاـــسلإا ،حــلاــصــلا يحبص - 1

1982 ،1ط ،توريب ،ىروشلا راد ،ةراضحلا 269 ص ،م

مقرب ملسمو )6( مقرب يراخبلا هاور - 2 .)2308(

،ةينآرقلا ةفسلفلا ،داقعلا دومحم سابع - 3

،ةرهاقلا ،يبرعلا نايبلا ةنجل تاعوبطم .163 ص ،م1947

.اهسفن ةحفصلا و هسفن عجرملا - 4

ادج مهم دصقم يعامتجلاا دعبلاف ؛اهناولأو ثيدحلا ىنعم اذهو .ناضمر موص ةضيرف يف

ىلص هللا لوسر فصي يذلا ركذلا قباس فيرشلا ةوقل ناضمر يف سانلا دوجأ هنأ ملسو هيلع هللا .ليضفلا رهشلا اذه يف نيرخلآاب هروعش همحر داقعلا دومحم سابع ريبكلا بيدلأا لوقي

مايصلاو« :دصقملا وأ دعبلا اذه ازربم ىلاعت هللا

ةميظع ةرسأ رهظم انيطعي يعامتجلاا هرهظم يف

اهرئاعش نرتقتو ،ضرلأا بناوج يف رشتنت

يف ناسنلإا هسحي ام سمأب موي لك ةينيدلا

عتمو بارشلا و ماعطلا رمأ وهو ،ةيمويلا هتشيعم

ضرلأا بناوج يف سانلا نم نييلام :داسجلأا

ماعطلا نع نوكسميو دحاو ماظن ىلع نومعطي

ماظن ىلع مهبر نولبقتسيو ،دحاو ماظن ىلع

ىلع تيب ناردج نيب ةرسأ تمظتنا املقو ،دحاو .)3( »ماظنلا اذه لثم

نأو دحوتن نأ انم ديري ماظنلا اذهب ملاسلإاف

مهمعدل ىعسن نأو نيرخلآا تاجاحب سحن

يفو ؛انتعاطتسا ردق مهبناج ىلإ فوقولاو

ام ريبك ملأ يف نوملسملا عباتي ماــيلأا هذه

لتق نم ةزغ يف نيينيطسلفلا مهناوخلإ ثدحي

مهعرازمو مهنكاسمل ريمدتو ةيعامج ةدابإ و

فافجو ةعاجم نم هل نوضرعتي امو ،مهتاكلتممو نوزجعي فيكف ،ايموي تارشعلا ةايحب يدوت تتاب نع ةيريخلا مهتامظنمو مهلود زجعت فيكو

فورظلا هذه يف هيلإ نوجاتحي ام لكب مهدم ؟ةميللأا ةبيصعلا تاقلاعلا ةكبش ىلع مايصلا عفن فقوتي لاو ريخلا و عفنلا نم درفلا بيصن نإ لب ،ةيعامتجلاا هسملي و هرعشتسي رمأ وهو ؛دوهشم و اضيأ ررقم

:ةحيحص ةقيرطب هتدابع يف لمأتي ملسم لك

ناسنلإا هديفتسي ام ريخ هنم ديفتسيف درفلا امأ«

طبض وهو ،ةيقلخلا هتايح وأ ةيحورلا هتايح يف

نم كاكفلا ىلع اهتردقو اهتميزع ذحشو سفنلا

و لقعلا يعاودل دسجلا

ملف ،رانلا باوبأ تقلغو ،نجلا ةدرمو نيطايشلا قلغي ملف ةنجلا باوبأ تحتفو ،باب اهنم حتفي

ريخلا يغاب اي ةليل لك دانم يدانيو ،باب اهنم

رانلا نم ءاقتع هللو ،رصقأ رشلا يغاب ايو ،لبقأ .)يراخبلا هاور( »ةليل لك كلذو

ةلاسرلا بحاصب ءادتقلإا ةيمهأ ىمظعلا

صرحيو هتايح يف علطتي ملسم يأ نأ كش لاو »دمحم« ميركلا انلوسرب ءاستئلاا ىلع هكولس يف ءادتقلاا وه ءاستئلااو ،ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص نأ حاحصلا يف تبث دقو ؛عابتلإاو ةوــسلأاو هيلع هللا ىلص دمحم ىمظعلا ةلاسرلا بحاص يف ءاطعلاو دوجلاو ةقدصلا ريثك ناك ،ملسو .ناضمر رهش لوسر ناك« :لاق هنأ سابع نبا نع درو دقف دوجأ ناكو ،سانلا دوجأ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا ناكو .ليربج هاقلي نيح ناضمر يف نوكي ام ،نآرقلا هسراديف ناضمر نم ةليل لك يف هاقلي ريخلاب دوجأ ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسرف .)2( »ةلسرملا حيرلا نم دصاقم تايولوأ نم نأ ملسملا ملع اذإــف ملاآب روعشلا ليعفت ،ىوقتلا دصقم دعب موصلا دمي فوس هنإف ؛ةقافلاو ةبغسملا يوذ تايجاحو فوسو ،هيلإ لوصولا عيطتسي ةجاح يذ لكل هدي

75 يوعدلا طسولا AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
يف نوناعي نم ةاناعم فيفخت لجأ نم لمعي تامزلأاو ضارملأا نوعراصي نم وأ مهتشيعم اهفانصأ لكب لزاونلاو ةيعيبطلا ثراوكلاو لهجلاو
عيوطتو تاداعلا رسأ .)4( »حورلا لمأتلا للاخ نم عيطتسن نحنو ىلإ لصن نأ ةقباسلا تاملكلا يف :ةيتلآا تاجاتنتسلإا

..ملاعلل ةزغ

ميرك ناضمر

؟ليضفلا رهشلا عاطقلا يلاهأ لبقتسا فيك

ةدئام مهميخ يف نيحزانلا ةــيــندرلأا

ففختل ،ناضمر يلايل لوأ يف روحسلا

اهعمج ءاوــجأ ةزــغ يلاهأ عاــجوأ نم

ربع ارفلا ناميلس ينيطسلفلا روصملا .مارغتسنإ ىلع هتحفص

عم لصاوتلا تاصنم ءاطشن لعافتو

ةزغ عاطق نم تءاج يتلا تاهويديفلا

ام لك مغر ليضفلا رهشلا يلايل لوأ يف

بعشلا اوفصوو ،عوجو برح نم هنوشيعي .”ميظعلا بعشلاب“ ينيطسلفلا

ةريزجلا :ردصملا

مهمحلات نــعو يــلاــهلأا دوــمــص نــع

.مهنيدو مهضرأب مهكسمتو

عجولاو مللأا لك مغر ةزغ لهأ صرحو

ميركلا رهش لولحب ةجهبلا راهظإ ىلع

مهقلعتو مهبح راهظإو ،هللا رئاعش ميظعتو ىلع لافطلأا ىفتحاو ،ليضفلا رهشلاب

.ناضمر يلايل لوأ لابقتساب مهتقيرط

ةنيز ترضح ،نيحزانلا تاميخم يفو

ةحرف طــسو ميخلا ءيضتل ناــضــمر

،ليضفلا رهشلا لولحب يلاهلأاو لافطلأل

هرشن يذــلا ويديفلا هرهظي اــم اذــه ربع يحتف يدجم ينيطسلفلا يفحصلا

.مارغتسنإ ىلع هتحفص

ةلمحلا تكراش ةيلئاع ءاوــجأ طــسوو

عقاوملا ةزــغ ،تاهويديف يعامتجلاا اوقرسي نل“ تاراعش تلمح تاحفصلاو

.”حارجلا نيب نم ةحرفلا“ ،”ناضمر انم

ةلاص ناكسلا ماــقأ حفر ةنيدم يفف

يف رمدملا قورافلا دجسمب حيوارتلا

ضرلأا اوشرتفا ثيح ،ناضمر يلايل لوأ

مغر دجاسملا اوكرتي ملو ،ةلاصلا ةماقلإ

نيدحتم ليدانقلا اولعشأو ،ملاظلاو ةمتعلا

ىلع هضرف يذلا ملاظلاو لتحملا ةمتع .عاطقلا

دجاسملا ريمدت دعبو ايلابج ميخم يفو

ميظنتب يلاهلأا ماق ،للاتحلاا دي ىلع

مويلا يف ،عراوشلا يف حيوارتلا ةلاص

اريبعت ،كرابملا ناضمر رهش نم لولأا

..عوــجــلاو برــحــلا مـــغر“

ةزــغ نــم مــيرــك ناــضــمر

رشن ةرابعلا هذهب ،”ملاعلل

يف ةيرادجل ةروص راجح دمحم يفحصلا

يذلا ناضمر رهش لابقتساب لاافتحا ةزغ

لظ يف نيينيطسلفلا ىلع ةنسلا هذه يتأي

برحلا رارمتسا عم ةيساق دج فورظ

ةعاجملا طسوو ،ةزغ ىلع ةيليئارسلإا

ةسايس ببسب عاطقلا يلاهأ ددهت يتلا

للاتحلاا لبق نم مهيلع ةسرامملا عيوجتلا .يليئارسلإا

ةزغ يلاهأ اهشيعي يتلا ةاناعملا مغرو

لكب ليضفلا ناضمر رهش اولبقتسا مهنإف

لصاوتلا تاصنم داور لوادــتو ،ةحرف

76 يلودلا طسولا AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر


NAPLAN can be tough, but it’s going to be even harder for Muslim students this year as the National Assessment coincides with the beginning of Ramadan, say University of South Australia researchers.

Students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to sit the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy test - better known as NAPLAN.

While students may find the overall test trickier this year given the shift in testing dates from May to March in 2023 – which many experts have already criticised – there’s one group of students who may require extra support this year, as the testing window coincides with an important cultural period.

This year, the NAPLAN testing will see greater impacts for Muslim students due to the overlapping with the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which Muslims observe by fasting from dawn to sunset.

Leading researcher in Islamic studies and founding director of the University of South Australia’s Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE), Professor Mohamad Abdalla AM says educators can be more culturally responsive in their teaching to better help students from diverse backgrounds.

“The scheduling of NAPLAN testing during the period between Ramadan and Eid festival presents unique challenges for students within the Islamic community,” Professor Abdalla says

“Fasting during Ramadan, which involves abstaining from food and drink from dawn until sunset, can potentially impact students’ concentration, energy levels, and overall well-being.

“Given the rigorous nature of

standardised testing like NAPLAN, where focus and cognitive function are paramount, fasting may exacerbate feelings of fatigue and reduce students’ ability to perform at their best.”

Throughout his research titled “Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and the Muslim Learner: Meaningful sources for optimal learning”, Professor Abdalla and colleagues discuss the concept of ‘Culturally Responsive Pedagogy’ (CRP), which ‘emphasises and respects students’ identities and backgrounds as meaningful sources for optimal learning’ and ‘embrace[s] and build on student identities and background as an asset for learning’.

With NAPLAN, Professor Abdalla hopes schools and governments will embrace the idealism of ‘Culturally Responsive Pedagogy’ to understand and better assist Muslim students during the testing period, acknowledging the ‘crucial role’ schools play during this period.

“Schools can offer flexibility in scheduling NAPLAN exams to accommodate students observing Ramadan, such as providing alternative testing times or allowing students to take breaks during the test if needed,” he says.

“Additionally, schools can create a supportive and inclusive environment by raising awareness among staff and students about the significance of Ramadan and the potential challenges faced by fasting students.

“Government entities can also provide guidance and resources to schools on best practices

for accommodating religious observances during standardised testing periods, ensuring equitable access and support for all students.”

Although he wants to see greater support and emphasis placed upon CRP for Muslim students from schools and government entities, Professor Abdalla outlined methods in which Muslim families and students undertaking NAPLAN can better prepare themselves in the days leading up to the start of Ramadan.

“Proactive measures can be taken by students, parents, schools, and government entities to mitigate these challenges and ensure that Muslim students are adequately supported in undertaking the tests while observing their religious obligations,” he says.

“By fostering understanding, flexibility, and inclusivity, we can create an environment where all students have the opportunity to thrive academically, regardless of their religious beliefs or practices.

“Students may experience heightened stress and anxiety due to concerns about managing their fasting obligations alongside the demands of the test. To better prepare themselves for undertaking the NAPLAN test while fasting, Muslim students and their parents can implement several strategies.

“Parents can support their children by helping them establish healthy eating and sleeping routines and encouraging them to engage in relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or mindfulness, to manage stress.”

ناضمر نسح ديس ةميلح

يف ةبتاكو ةيرسأ ةيئاصخأ

ةرسلااو ةأرملا نوؤش

لكلو دلب لكل نإ

ةصاخ تايركذ ةفاقث

اذه ،ناضمر رهشب

هباشتت دقو ،زيزعلا يونسلا رئازلا

نكلو ،فلتخت دق وأ تافاقثلا هذه

نيثلاثلا هذهل فغشو سامح اهلك

ةصاخلا هتايركذ انم لكلو .اموي

دهاشمو روـــصو سوــقــط نــم .تارماغمو

ئلتمت تناك فيك ركذتأ تلز ام

”سيناوفو“ راونأب ةقزلأاو عراوشلا

”نيكاكدلا”و لاحملا يف ناضمر

.تافرشلاو لزانملا حطسأ ىلعو

ءايربأ ابابشو رثك لاافطأ انك

ةيقن لوقعو ةيقت بولق باحصأ

وأ لخادم دنع رمسلا انل ولحي

،باوــبلأا مامأ وأ تويبلا حطسأ

ةرسلأاك باحصلأاو ناريجلا ناك

ماعطلا عيمجلا كراشتي ،ةريبكلا

راظتنا ادبأ ىسنأ لاو .بارشلاو

عفدم قلاــطــناو ناذلآا ةــعاــس

.ةدحاو ةدئام لوح لكلاو راطفلاا

ءاشعلا ةلاــص دعوم يتأي مــث

يف يحلا لهأ عامتجاو حيوارتلاو

أرقيو قباستي لكلاو يحلا دجسم

نكمتي ىتح نآرقلا نم هل رسيت ام

رمتسيو .رهشلا ةياهن لبق همتخ نم

خيشيو لافطلأا ربكيو نامزلا

مزع مهلكو صيرح لكلاو بابشلا

ليج نم ثارتلا اذه لقنل رارصاو .ليج ىلا

ريغتيو ناــمزــلا هــجو ريغتيو

حبصي لاف انضعب دنع ناضمر

رهش ،بارشلاو ماعطلا رهش لاإ

عقاوم محدزتو تاخبطلاو تلاكلأا

روصلاب يعامتجلاا لصاوتلا

ةيلاخلا ةيناضمرلا عطاقملاو

رهشلا اذه ةذلو قمعو حور نم


يناعيو ناــمزــلا هــجو بلقتيو

رييغتلاو بلقتلا اذه نم انضعب

يفو ،ناضمر وه ناضمر داع امف

ةرثكو نمزلا عراستو ةايحلا ةلجع

نامزلا دهاجن انحبصأ تلااغشنلاا .انسفنأ دهاجنو

اذه انماعو اذه اننامز يتأي مث

بارش لاو ماعط انل بيطي لاف

نزحي نأ لاإ ناــمزــلا ىــبأــيو


77 تاعونم AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر
يــف ناــــضــــمر ناــمزــلا ةرـــكاذ
نيطسلف يف انناوخاو ماعط لاب نودهاجيو نوهباجيو .ناضمر ريغو ناضمر يف يف انناوخأ ىلع نوه هللا ايف ىلع مهرصناو مهمه ام نيطسلف مهل نك مهللا مهودعو كودــع ناضمر انيلإ در مهللا ،اريصنو انوع لك يفو نامز لضفأ يف ناك امك .ناكم رئارحلا سمه
78 CHARITY AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا you They need this Ramadan Fulfil your obligation by giving to the most pressing crisis in the world today. www.projectusfoundation.org • 03 9917 7521 SCAN TO PAY YOUR ZAKAT Zakat al-Fitr Provide food and joy through your compulsory Fitra. $18 per person Orphan Sponsorship Sponsor an orphan from Gaza and be their lifeline. Zakat Eligible. $80 per month Hot Iftar Meals A nutritious meal to break their fast. Zakat Eligible. $10 per meal

Helping Australian businesses export halal products to over 140 countries

ICCV is the largest Halal certification organisation in Australia servicing clients locally and internationally.

ICCV is responsible for the certification, monitoring, and supervision of Halal food for the domestic market as well as the export market.

Clients cover a range of sectors including abattoirs, food processing businesses, transportation and cold storage operators.

We are the largest halal certification body in Australia. Professional, experienced and trusted.

We monitor the certified businesses for compliance of halal requirements.

We provide a means for direct supervision in house for quality assurance.

We work with abattoirs to get and keep their halal certification.

ICCV is specifically accredited within these Muslim majority countries.

Our certification is approved for all halal importing countries.

We provide full turnkey solution for FGMs to get halal.

Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Oman, Kingdom of Bahrain,Tunisia,Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Iran, Kosova, Morocco, Maldives.

We provide logistics companies for cold room and transport to get halal.

Our certificate is approved in countries that now require halal certificate if goods have halal stamps:

Canada, South Korea, China, European Union (EU), New Zealand, Russia Federation, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United States of America (USA).

79 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 150 ¿ Ramadan 1445 ¿ March 2024 راذآ ¿ ـه 1445 ناضمر ¿ 150 طسولا Ramadan 2024 - 1445 ناضمر ICCV
ICCV ISLAMIC CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL OF VICTORIA ICCV certifies halal products from australia to all countries around the world 12 Howes Street, Airport West VIC 3042 Ph: + 61 3 9380 5467 E:office@iccv.com.au www.iccv.com.au

Human Appeal Australia extends warm greetings to you and to Muslim nations worldwide for the blessed month of Ramadan. May abundant blessings be upon you and your families during this holy month.

In Ramadan, a beacon of hope illuminates wounded souls, fostering acts of benevolence, solidarity, and compassion. In Gaza (Palestine), Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, and many other countries, conflicts and calamities have left many displaced, widowed, orphaned, or forced into refugee status.

اوثيغيل نوفطاعتيو نونماضتيو هيف ءاطعلل نوقباستيو ةفلخم ثراوكلا و بورحلا مهب ترضأ نمم خويشلاو ءاسنلاو لافطلأا نم مورحملا ةزغك ةدع لود يف نيئجلالاو ماتيلأاو لمارلأاو نيدرشملاو ىلتقلا فلآا اهءارو .نادوسلاو نميلاو نانبلو ايروسو )نيطسلف( ةملأا رئاس ىلإو مكيلإ مدقتت نأ Human Appeal Australia ةرسأ رسي وعدتو ةليلجلا ةبسانملا هذهب تاكيربتلاو يناهتلاب ةرومعملا ءاحنأ يف ةيملاسلإا .تاكربلاو ريخلاو نميلاب مكرسلأو مكل

$30 Help needy children celebrate Eid by donating gifts or clothing. EID CLOTHES & GIFTS PER GIFT 2.5 Obligatory Zakat Al Maal providing relief to those in need. ZAKAT AL MAAL % $10 Provides a complete iftar to let the needy enjoy their Ramadan. IFTAR MEAL PER MEAL $450 Provide clean water solutions to the needy. This is a Sadaqa Jariya. BUILD A WATER WELL $20 Compulsory Zakat that removes ones sins & provides food to the poor. ZAKAT AL FITR PER PERSON Visit hai.org.au Call 1300 760 155
the month of Relief.
$900 Four is an essential need of communities affected by various crises. FLOUR DISTRIBUTION PER TONNE Scan to Donate ىرخأ رسك ربجيو ةحيرج سوفن يف لملأا ثعبيف ميركلا ناضمر رهش لبقي نوسفانتي ةصرف هنوزهتني دوجلا لهأف ،اهفيلاكتو اهبئاونب ةايحلا اهتبعتأ ىلع اوعسويو مولكملا

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