May 2019

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Issue 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019


2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫العدد‬

E i d M u b a r a k




Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Art Director: Omar Alhashemi


Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika

Al Wasat Magazine ‫تصدر عن شبكة الوسط االعالمية‬ Address:

Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans VIC 3021 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076

Sydney office: 10-28 Biloela St, Villawood NSW 2163 Tel.: + 61 4 9033 0623

‫يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على‬ ‫االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية‬

Message From The Prime Minister


“Different skins, Different languages, But still one spirit”


Reflection on Australian Federal Election


Terrorist Attacks on Places of worship


Did you know that the Quran is handwritten?


1st Ramadan Street Festival in Auburn


Cyber abuse


The Roots of Menzies Style Conservatism


Say “No” To Domestic Violence


The role of the minority reactionaries


Bachar Houli program announces charity partner


‫الئحة بالمساجد‬ ‫والمص ّليات‬ ‫والمراكز اإلسالمية‬ ‫في استراليا‬


‫الحرية في منظور‬ ‫الشيخ محمد‬ ‫الغزالي الفكري‬


‫أكـالت فــي‬ ‫عيــد الفطــر‬


‫عقوبة التحايل على‬ ‫السنترلنك السجن‬ ‫لمدة تتراوح بين‬ ‫ أعوام‬10 ‫عام و‬


‫العيد في عيونهم‬

Political participation between reality and desired Fawaz Chawk The Australian federal elections won the coalition and the labor lost. The coalition began a new round of government and labor began to choose a new leadership for the opposition. Many questions can be asked about these elections, about the winner, the loser, the reasons for the profit and loss, and the policy of the two at this stage. But the question that we want to ask here, which is fraught with many questions, is where we as Muslims from this experience and the election experiences in Australia in general. I will raise questions for each member of our community who may find sufficient answers from some but will not find enough answers from everyone. - Does each of you know who is the MP representing his district in parliament, whether local or federal? Knowledge here is political, not personal, and this does not prevent knowledge from being personal. - Do you know the difference between a MP and a senator? And the powers and functions of each? - Do you know the difference between the local MP and the federal MP ? The difference between local and federal elections? - Do you know the voting system in Australia? Because the knowledge of the electoral law and the voting system is the cornerstone of the election result. - Do you have full access to the electoral programs of the parties? Do you know the political positions of the major parties of important external issues as internal? - Have you seen the results of the elections in numbers and names, including the names of the losers and winners. - Did you know the percentage of our interaction with the elections, whether through the parties or through electoral campaigns and participation. - Do you know the mayor and members of the municipality in your neighborhood? Do you know the functions, powers and scope of work of the municipality? There are many questions that can not be mentioned here. You need clear and frank answers, answers that must be with ourselves and with our surroundings. They give us an idea of ​​our shortcomings in this important aspect and our disregard for political participation and participation in decision-making, Following our country's original policy.

‫المشاركة‬ ‫السياسية بين‬ ‫الواقع والمرتجى‬ ‫فواز شوك‬

‫جرت االنتخابات الفيدرالية اال�سترالية ففاز الإئتالف‬ ‫ بد�أ الإئتالف رحلة جديدة من الحكم‬،‫وخ�سر العمال‬ .‫وبد�أ العمال ب�إختيار قيادة جديدة للمعار�ضة‬ ‫ عن الرابح وعن‬،‫�أ�سئلة كثيرة يمكن ان تطرح عن هذه االنتخابات‬ ‫الخا�سر وعن ا�سباب الربح والخ�سارة وعن �سيا�سة الأثنين في هذه‬ .‫المرحلة‬ ‫لكن ال�س�ؤال الذي نريد ان نطرحه هنا والذي يت�شعب منه �أ�سئلة‬ ‫هو اين نحن كعرب وم�سلمين من هذه التجربة ومن تجارب‬،‫كثيرة‬ .‫االنتخابات في ا�ستراليا ب�شكل عام‬ ‫�س�أطرح ت�سا�ؤالت موجهة لكل فرد من ابناء جاليتنا والتي قد تجد‬ ‫�إجابات كافية من البع�ض ولكنها لن تجد الإجابات الكافية من‬ .‫الجميع‬ ‫• هل يعرف كل فرد منكم من هو النائب الذي يمثل منطقته في‬ ‫البرلمان �سوا ًء المحلي او الفيدرالي؟ المعرفة هنا �سيا�سية ولي�ست‬ .‫�شخ�صية وهذا ال يمنع ان تكون المعرفة �شخ�صية‬ ‫• هل تعرفون الفرق بين النائب وال�سيناتور؟ و�صالحيات ومهام‬ ‫كل منهما؟‬ ‫• هل تعرفون الفرق بين النائب المحلي والنائب الفيدرالي؟‬ ‫والفرق بين الإنتخابات المحلية والفيدرالية؟‬ ‫• هل تعرفون نظام الت�صويت في ا�ستراليا؟ لأن معرفة قانون‬ ‫االنتخاب ونظام الت�صويت هي الركن الأ�سا�س في نتيجة‬ .‫الإنتخابات‬ ‫• هل عندكم االطالع الكامل على البرامج االنتخابية للأحزاب؟‬ ‫وهل تعرفون المواقف ال�سيا�سية للأحزاب الرئي�سية من الم�سائل‬ ‫الخارجية المهمة كما الداخلية؟‬ ‫• هل اطلعتم على نتائج االنتخابات بالأرقام واال�سماء ومن بينها‬ .‫ا�سماء النواب الخا�سرين والرابحين‬ ‫• هل عرفتم ن�سبة تفاعلنا مع االنتخابات �سوا ًء من خالل الأحزاب‬ .‫او من خالل الحمالت الإنتخابية والم�شاركة‬ ‫• هل تعرفون رئي�س و�أع�ضاء البلدية في منطقتكم؟ وهل تعرفون‬ ‫مهام و�صالحيات ونطاق عمل البلدية؟‬ ‫�أ�سئلة كثيرة ال مجال لذكرها هنا تحتاج الى اجوبة وا�ضحة‬ ‫ علها‬،‫ �أجوبة يجب ان تكون مع انف�سنا ومع محيطنا‬،‫و�صريحة‬ ‫تعطيكنا فكرة عن مدى تق�صيرنا في هذا الجانب المهم وعن مدى‬ ‫ا�ستهتارنا في م�س�ألة الم�شاركة ال�سيا�سية والم�شاركة في �صناعة‬ ‫ والتق�صير في فهم الواقع ال�سيا�سي اال�سترالي والتلهي‬،‫القرار‬ .‫بتتبع �سيا�سة بالدنا الأ�صلية‬

‫حديث الوسط‬


‫حديث الوسط‬



Iftar Celebrating Melbourne’s First Mosque PRIME MINISTER



Urim Balla AAIS President On Sunday 12 May 2019, the Albanian Australian Islamic Society (AAIS) co-hosted a community Iftar in partnership with our local member, Adam Bandt MP, to celebrate 50 years since the foundation was laid for Melbourne’s first mosque – the AAIS’s Albanian Mosque in Carlton North. To mark this special occasion, over 400 people attended the Iftar, which was the first of its kind for the AAIS, including many individuals and organisations who have

supported our Society over the years. The Iftar was held at the iconic Collingwood Town Hall where the AAIS founding members first met in the 1960s to discuss establishing Melbourne’s first mosque. It was a truly special evening spent in this historic building, breaking fast as a community during one of the most holy months on the Islamic calendar. On behalf of the AAIS, thank you to the many volunteers, founding member families, supporting organisations and our diverse local community who have all contributed to the AAIS and brought vibrancy to our mosque.

We also sincerely thank Mayor Danae Bosler and Cr Jackie Fristacky of Yarra City Council and Deputy Lord Mayor of the Melbourne City Council Arron Wood for attending, as well as the Yarra City Council for their continued support of the AAIS. The Iftar is the first of a series of events planned for the year ahead to celebrate this significant milestone for all Melburnians, including the upcoming Street Festival on Drummond St, Carlton North on Sunday, 17th November, so please save the date! Finally, I would like to wish everyone a peaceful and blessed Ramadan.

I am delighted to send my best wishes to everyone celebrating the end of Ramadan and the eve of the Eid al-Fitr. As you gather with family and friends to exchange gifts and break bread, I know there will be great happiness after this long period of fasting and self-sacrifice. This time is also a reminder of the rich tapestry that is multicultural Australia, and of the shared values that bind us together. The privilege and responsibility enjoyed by all of us – to accept and respect one another regardless of faith or cultural background – is the promise of Australia. It is why all the peoples of the world have come here to call Australia home, and have made us one of the most peaceful and harmonious multicultural nations on earth. This is a hard-won promise, entrusted to us by generations that went before and must be carried forth and passed to the generations that follow. Eid al-Fitr, with its focus on harmony, mutual respect and understanding, is a fitting occasion to affirm this commitment, and to celebrate the values that make us who we are. I wish all Muslim Australians a blessed and happy Eid al-Fitr, and all the peace and fulfilment it may bring. Eid Mubarak.

The Hon Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister of Australia May 2019

AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬



During the month of Ramadan the The Islamic Society of SA ( ISSA) were gifted a beautiful artwork by the renowned and award winning APY Art Centre Collective. The exquisite and spectacular Pitjantjatjara painting was presented to the Muslim community to represent the love the APY community felt after the Christchurch attacks. APY Art Centre Collective presented the gift at the mosque.

“Different skins, Different languages, But still one spirit”

Premier of South Australia Steven Marshall coordinated the event with APY and ISSA.

The APY Art Centre Collective said that when they heard the news about the massacre in New Zealand they all cried, they felt the sorrow and they wanted to express this sorrow and share their love, but being so far away from Christchurch and Adelaide they decided to create this art piece to share in

the grief with the Muslim community. In the indigenous culture “when we lose someone we would go to those families and grieve and grieve, we would bring flowers and then grieve together.” The painting that depicts new beginnings in the form of Honey Grevilleas, beautiful flowers, coming together. This expression of

love and support can stay with the Muslim community in Adelaide forever. “With this gift, we want everyone to be together and send that love so everyone can be happy together. “ Sheikh Riad El-Rifai, Imam of Marion Mosque said a few words in closing to express gratitude for the gift. “ A warm welcome from the

bottom of my heart - for this wonderful gift that you have presented. It signifies your greatness and also the greatness of people coming together - in time of difficulties and also in time of ease. No words can express our gratitude but we pray that God Almighty can keep us safe, our country safe, and bring our communities together,

despite the differences and despite the tragedies that seem to want to divide us. “ Premier of South Australia Steven Marshall coordinated the event with APY and ISSA. A second painting has been prepared for the Muslim community of Christchurch (a sister city of Adelaide).

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Give Happiness Today. Visit Call 1300 760 155 AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬



Reflection on Australian Federal Election

Miracle win, Devastating loss and Future Implications Professor Shahjahan Khan Regardless of the outcome of the Australian Federal election on Saturday, 18 May 2019, Muslims in Australia have shown unprecedented interest in the election as the risk of electing racist bigots in the Parliament was too high. In democracy voting is the citizen’s power to elect leaders of their choice. Abstaining from voting should not be an option. It will give politicians with an agenda of hate and division an easy access to parliament.  A political miracle delivered the victory to the ruling Coalition of Liberal and National Party (LNP) in the Federal elections of Australia in 2019. In the 151 House of Representatives, LNP has won 75 (projected 78), opposition Labor Party has won 65 (projected 67), Greens Party 1 and others 5 seats. As a result, Mr Scott Morrison will remain the Prime Minister of Australia for the next three years to lead a majority government. The defeat of former Prime Minister, Mr Tony Abbott in his long held seat was a reflection on how out of touch this arrogant politician was. It is another favour to Mr Scott Morrison that this previously trouble

maker backbencher is out of the parliament. In the last several years, Labor Party was leading all the opinion polls consistently and even at the eve of the election this party was favoured to win the election. Many Australians are asking, what went wrong with this party? The election results were decided based on Queensland and Western Australia, especially in northern Queensland. This is where the Labor party lost most of its seats and the election. This party did not win any single seat north of Brisbane. Preferences from conservative parties improved LNP performance significantly. The voters in Australia often decide their voting preferences based on the local issues that affect them directly, rather than national priorities, and to a lesser extent any political ideology. The reasons behind Labor party losing the election includes its unpopular policies such as changing negative gearing and seniors tax credit. But more directly, the Andani Coal Mining factor had the most devastating affect on the Labor party. People in north Queensland live on mining, because it provides them jobs and economic growth. This overwrites anything else including

Canterbury Bankstown Annual Iftar Dinner

AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬

climate change issue. The vicious TV ad campaign of United Australia Party of Mr Clive Palmer attacking Labor and its leader had seriously impacted on the voters in Queensland and Western Australia. This party spent $80m to run a successful negative campaign against Labor party and its leader. Mr Scott Morrison must be grateful to his new found political ally regardless of any under the table deal or not. Although Labor party has been consistently above the Coalition in the opinion polls over the years, its leader Mr Bill Shelton was never as popular as his opponent at any time. The ‘faceless’ man may not have recovered from the background role he played in removing Mr Kevin Rudd as the Prime Minister. Voters did not forgive him, but ironically, they forgave Mr Scott Morrison when he did the same to Mr Malcolm Turnbull. In the senate election 40 seats were for grab, 6 each from 6 states and 2 each from two territories. The other 36 senators were elected for 6 years in the previous election and will continue to serve in the next three years. In the new senate Coalition will have 33, Labor 26, Green 8, Centre Alliance 2, One Nation 1 (may be another one), Australian Conservatives 1, and Jacqui Lambie will return.

Interestingly, in the senate vote One Nation Party received 10.2% primary votes in Queensland compared to 3.2% nationally, in spite of all division and scandals in the party. In the House this party received 8.7% primary votes in Queensland and 3.0% nationwide. In the 72 seat senate, the government will have to get support from 37 senators to pass bills that means they will need support of at least 4 cross bench senators to get their agenda through the parliament. Long serving opposition leader, Mr Bill Shorten has already stepped down from his position taking the responsibility of losing the election, and Labor party is already in the process to elect its next leader. If Labor could elect a good leader who is acceptable to the wider Australian population, changes its unpopular policies and take pragmatic, rather than ideological, approach and remain united they may return to power in the next election.

Professor Shahjahan Khan, Professor of Statistics, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Former Vice President of Islamic Council of Queensland and Founding President of Islamic Society of Toowoomba.




Eid Eid Mubarak from from

Always with you on the road to goodness

Dear Brot h ers and Si st e rs Dear Brothers and Sis ers

As the holy month of Ramadan has come to an end, we look back onto our

As Muslims around the world have fastingstanding the holy in month of and Ramadan and days of fasting & worship. Thecompleted days we spent prayer kneeling are now enjoying Eid al-Fitr; it is a great pleasure to send you my best wishes and to in prostration. The moments where we raised our hands for dua and the extend it to your families and friends in Australia and around the world.

moments where we placed our hands empty in our pockets and took them Alhamdulillah, in Australia have suchyour a generous community proud and to beall out full for charity. Withwe that I wish friends and familieswe in are Australia partour of.brothers The benefits of your generosity and support were felt in 26 countries and and sisters around the world a blessed and enjoyable Eid Al-Fitr. locations worldwide.

the blessed month Ramadan, one oforphan the most recommended acts to On During behalf of every orphan foundofeducation through sponsorship, every widow secured our in income projects, every thirsty childinwho do isincome one of through charity. For it liesgenerating countless blessings that will result rewards gained access to clean water, every refugee or displaced who has been fed and for you and the Hereafter. Furthermore, it helps alleviate the suffering ofgiven the shelter - I would like to thank you for your generous contributions. Over half a million poor and needy around the world. beneficiaries benefited from your Ramadan campaign donations. As we look to thetoyear ahead,thank the Human Appeal team and wish you Eid Mubarak; I would like sincerely you for quenching theIthirst of thousands in we Yemen, hope youproviding all will enjoy the season’s blessings and happiness with your loved ones. medical aid to the injured in Gaza, delivering emergency

relief to the Syrian refugees, providing shelter to the Rhohingya people of Myanmar and feeding thousands of fasting people in over 26 destinations around the world.

Eid Mubarak

Bashar Al-Jamal Director Human Appeal Australia

Bashar Al-Jamal Director Human Appeal Australia

May this Ramadan be the best one yet & may Allah (SWT) provide you the opportunity to witness many more to come. Enjoy these Eid celebrations with your loved ones as it is a time of blessings and happiness.

Eid Mubarak!

Bashar Al Jamal Director

Thankyou AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬



Terrorist Attacks on Places of worship Muslim-owned businesses in Chilaw. Therefore, it is becoming a neverending circle of hate crimes and murder.

Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Gebara Sydney

The terrorist attacks on places of worship are very dangerous and criminal acts that result in circles of fear, hate, immorality and actions of murder between people of different faiths for two main reasons: • Firstly, these attacks are targeting the freedom of practising and devoting to the one’s faith and religion. They also represent a threat to the peaceful environment that a worshipper finds inside his/her place

of worship. These places of worship are considered safe sanctuaries in the eye of all religions. The last terrorist attack happened on 28 April 2019 when a gunman opened fire on a synagogue in California on the last day of Passover, killing one person and injuring three. This shooting in Poway, about 25 miles north of San Diego, coincides with a significant spike in hate crimes, The gunman, whom police identified as John Earnest, 19, wrote a manifesto echoing the same kind of white supremacist views as the terrorist in the attacks in the synagogue


Phone: (02) 9587 1555 Email: Web: Suite 203, Level 2, 13A Montgomery Street Kogarah NSW 2207 Authorised by Linda Burney, ALP, 203/13A Montgomery Street, Kogarah NSW 2217

AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬

in Pittsburgh and on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. The latest attack came one week after mass bombings at churches and hotels in Sri Lanka left hundreds dead. This last terrorist attack was on Easter Sunday and this has reminded me of the Attacks that took place in July 2016 during final days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, killing four people. The bombing was outside the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) mosque in the western Saudi city of Medina. • Secondly, these attacks instil fear and hate between people of different faiths and put everyone in a defensive state in front of others. For instance, when the attack on church in Sri Lanka occurred the Sri Lankan state minister of defence said that the attack was carried out in retaliation for the March attack on Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand. Also, after the attack on the church, Christians started attacking mosques and

These criminals who attack the places of worship have persisted in their attempts to justify the resentment and prejudice against people of different race and faith with arguments that attribute terrorism, crime and misogyny to the OTHER. The rise of hate discriminates against people of different faith and race and depicts them as foreigners and deems them as not worthy of being accepted as human beings who deserve to live on this earth, despite the fact they have been part of the society for many generations. There is a great responsibility on the shoulders of the leaders of different faiths who should call their people to unite together in wake of these terror attacks. And they have to make it clear to them that whatever the religion of the killer is, they have to believe that killing innocent people is a crime that has no faith. This can result into harmony and an outpouring interfaith solidarity which will confirm to us in the wake of these terrorist attacks that taking the soul of any human being is a crime and attacking any place of worship is an act of terror. So, whatever our faith, race or colour, we are all brothers and sisters in humanity. We should be against any form of hatred language or any extremist views which lead to a climate of fear and therefore to acts of terrorism.



We would like to wish all our valuable Customers a Eid Mubarak

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AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬ 30/4/19 4:48 pm


10 It is written by the renowned calligrapher, Uthman Taha. Uthman Taha was born in a small village close to the Turkish border in northern Syria to a simple family of farmers, and his father was the village’s imam. “I developed a passion for calligraphy when, at the age of six, I started to look through my father’s books and see how beautifully their titles were written,” Taha said. “I asked my father about the types of scripts used, but he said it was not his specialty but that of calligraphers in the city.” “When I became older, my father sent me to Aleppo to complete my education,” he continued, “There, I met some of Aleppo’s famous calligraphers, watched them work, and learned about the tools they used, the way they held their pens, and how they created beautiful alphabets.” “I then moved to Damascus and met the chief calligrapher in Syria, Muhammad Badawi Al-Diyrani, and the Iraqi calligrapher, Hashim AlBaghdadi. In Istanbul, I met Hamid Al-Amidi, the master of calligraphers in the Islamic world, who gave me a certificate in calligraphy.” While Taha studied at the University of Damascus, he was approached by the King Fahd Complex for Printing the Holy Qur’an two years after its establishment. “I was appointed as a calligrapher to write different editions of the

The calligrapher Uthman Taha.

handwritten? Did you know that the Quran is

Mus’haf for several countries across the Islamic world,” he said. “Today, five types of scripts are being used — Thuluth, the basic, large script known as the king of scripts, followed by Naskh,” he added. “I was assigned writing the Mus’haf in different textual variants under the supervision of a specialized

committee. It takes almost three years to finish writing one Mus’haf.” Taha explained that the person who writes the Mus’haf must have memorized the Holy Qur’an and should understand its verses well. “The first Mus’haf I wrote at the King Fahd Complex 32 years ago was a Warsh edition for Arab countries of the Maghreb,” Taha said, “Of course,

we have a revision committee at the complex, led by the imam of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, Ali AlHudhaifi, to reread what I write.” “The Warsh Mus’haf, which I completed in 3 years, is among the rarest editions of the Qur’an in the Islamic world,” he continued. “I have also written six Mus’hafs in different textual variants, which were distributed across the Islamic world. I first wrote the Warsh, then Hafs, and then Duri for Africa and Sudan, and I wrote the Qalun for Libya.” He also pointed out that many Saudi calligraphers visit him at his house. They come from Riyadh, Jeddah, and Qassim to show him what they’d written. “I try my best to coach them, but I don’t have enough time as I spend most of my day working at the King Fahd Complex,” he said. “Writing a Mus’haf requires readiness and desire, as well as good knowledge in Qur’anic teachings,” he added, “A calligrapher who wishes to write a Mus’haf must understand the beauty of its every page.” He also revealed that he holds a PhD and a degree in drawing, and that his youngest son, Ahmed, has his calligraphy and artistic talent. He wished the new generation would care more about Arabic calligraphy, and said that the youth in Saudi Arabia were interested in this art. “I wish calligraphy was taught at schools,” he said.

Eid Mubarak Wishing families in our community a blessed Eid

Authorised by Jim Chalmers MP, Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland) Shop 65, Logan Central Plaza, Wembley Rd, Woodridge, QLD, 4114

AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬




Dr Rateb Jneid President

AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬




I wish all Australian Muslims a blessed and joyful Eid al-Fitr. In Australia, more than 600,000 Muslims will be celebrating Eid al-Fitr with family and friends. A festival of breaking the fast, it also marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Eid al-Fitr celebrations involve prayers, sharing traditional feasts, giving gifts to family and friends, and making donations to charity. It is also a time to strengthen relationships within and between communities. Eid festivals, held around Australia, welcome people of all backgrounds in a spirit of friendship and harmony. Eid al-Fitr provides an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the contribution that Australian Muslims have made to our nation. May the Eid al-Fitr celebrations bring lots of happiness and blessings for you all. Eid Mubarak!


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The Hon David Coleman MP

6/8/18 4:03 PM

As we celebrate Eid Al Fitr may our hopes and prayers realise good health and happiness for our friends and families and a lasting peace in our homelands.

EID Mubarak

The Hon Bruce Atkinson MLC

Member of the Legislative Council of Victoria • • • • •

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This advertisement is funded from Parliament’s Electorate Office and Communications Budget.

AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬



Human Appeal Australia

Ramadan Iftar Dinners 2019 A great demonstration of our multi-faiths and multicultural Australia at Local High Schools Iftar Dinners Alsu Kurlow It was amazing to see so many students, teachers, staff and supportive parents from all backgrounds together in the spirit of sharing and community at local schools iftar dinners. Guests from numerous schools and community groups including

those of different faith traditions learnt more about each other and shared a meal over the warm conversation. Every year, several Iftars are hosted where Muslims and NonMuslims break fasting, share a meal and unite as a school community. This experience of coming together is much needed in our time.

Unity Grammar College On Friday May 10th 2019, with the support of Human Appeal Australia, Unity Grammar College held a very successful community Iftar with around 150 guests at UGC grounds. A night filled with cultural experiences shared amongst guests, the essence of Ramadan was truly felt and community understanding and harmony were clearly presented. Ramadan is very much about sharing food and hospitality with all our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity.

Granville South Creative & Performing Arts High School For the third year, Human Appeal Australia sponsored Ramadan Iftar dinner at the Granville South Creative & Performing Arts High School on Tuesday the 14th of May. The event was a great success with hundreds of students, parents and teachers from different faiths in attendance. A range of delicious food was served and everyone enjoyed the evening. About 90 people attended the school’s Community Iftar, including Lynda Jane VOLTZ, MP Julia Dorothy FINN, MP and Glenn Enmore, Deputy Mayor (Cumberland Council).

AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬



Human Appeal Australia

Ramadan Iftar Dinners 2019 Burwood Girls High School The Burwood Girls High School continues to pride itself of inclusiveness and multiculturalism. The Night of 16 May started with a call to prayer and when it was time to break the fast, the queue for the buffet began. Students were heavily involved in the organisation of the event, the delicious soup for the Iftar was cooked by school students and amazing Chef Daniel. About100 people attended the school’s Community Iftar, including Mia Kumar, the Principal of Burwood Girls’ High School, Jodi Mckay, MP and Jihad Dib, MP and the Shadow Minister of Education. Students and staff from Burwood Girls High School raised $1000 to go towards two water wells, a charity program run by Human Appeal Australia and donated in a cheque presented on the stage. It was amazing to see so many students, teachers, staff and supportive parents from all backgrounds together in the spirit of sharing and community.

Bankstown Girls High school For the first time in 60 years, Bankstown Girls High school held their first ever school Iftar on Thursday the 16th of May 2019 and Human Appeal Australia was their proud sponsor. Members of the Bankstown city council, teachers, police officers, parents, students and all supporters from the community were brought together and broke their fast. Suada Bilali, Bankstown Girls High School Principal, welcomed guests and acknowledged the importance of the sharing meal together and the amazing work that Human Appeal does for the community. ‘At every event I attend I see Human Appeal Australia, such

a reputable charity organisation always there to give a helping hand, absolutely amazing!’ said Tania Mihailuk, MP. School students with their amazing hospitality served up hot cooked meals to all guests. For such successful turnout, Human Appeal Australia as the proud sponsor of the Iftar, generated a quality leadership for the future generation and inspired individuals to do what is important for the sake of humanity. Raghda Assoum presented a powerful speech on behalf of Human Appeal Australia about the organisation, what it means to donate towards the neediest individuals of our nation and how any donation can make a difference.

Belmore Boys High School On Friday the 17th of May the Belmore Boys High School held their annual Iftar Dinner to encourage the power of solidarity and tolerance amongst all people. The event, held on school grounds, invited out members not only of the Muslim community but also those of different faiths and backgrounds. The Iftar started by Athan as a signal for breaking of the fast, followed by Maghreb (sunset) Prayer. Numerous figures attended the event such as Tony Burke MP, Mr Jihad Dib MP, City of Canterbury Bankstown Mayor Khal Asfour, Clr Bilal El- Hayek, Clr Nadia Saleh, Hala Ramadan, Principal of Belmore Boys High School, several school principals and many other members from the local community.

Human Appeal International Australia is proud to be involved with events that celebrate multiculturalism by bringing people of different backgrounds together in the spirit of sharing and caring. It truly resembled what the blessed month is all about. The good news. Five more school iftar dinners are projected to take place in the coming week. Human Appeal Australia is honoured to sponsor these community events, we encourage our youth to undertake volunteer activities to help support the needy in the community and great gain social experience. Congratulations to all staff and students for well-organised events! AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬

Human Appeal Australia

Ramadan Iftar Dinners 2019

Punchbowl Boys High School Tuesday the 21st of May proved to be a delightful evening at Punchbowl Boys High School Iftar Dinner. The afternoon was really a spectacular event as all members of the community shared a meal by breaking the fast in the holy month. About 80 people attended the school’s Community Iftar, including Jihad Did MP, Clr Bilal El- Hayek, Wayne John Pearce OAM an Australian former professional rugby league footballer and coach, a few school principals and many other members from the local community. A couple of short talks were given by the Principal Mr Robert Patruno and a couple of keynote speakers, each described what Ramadan is about from their own perspective. Mr Patruno stressed how this dinner helps lead to a better understanding of the many groups and faiths that we all experience each day. Students and staff from Punchbowl Boys High School raised $3000 to go towards a charity program run by Human Appeal Australia and donated in a cheque presentation on the stage.

AFL Giants Iftar On Monday 20th May AFL hosted the 2019 Ramadan Iftar dinner for the second time in collaboration with Human Appeal Australia. The event was conducted by Bashar Houli and his Academy on the GWS Premises. The Premier of New South Wales; Gladys Berejiklian, Anthony John Sidoti; Minister for Sport and Multiculturalism and Jihad Dip the Shadow Minister for Education with over 250 people from the surrounding community attended the Iftar. During his introductory welcoming speech Mr Houli announced the partnership between his Academy and Human Appeal Australia for the next three years. Houli’s Speech was followed by NSW Premier; Gladys Berejiklian, the Leader of the New South Wales Liberal Party. She started her speech by highlighting the active role that such gatherings and occasions play in strengthening relationships between community members. Mr Bashar AL Jamal; the Director of Human Appeal Australia gave a short speech after the premier in which he thanked the attendees and appreciated the partnership between Human Appeal and Houli’s Academy and stated that the partnership furthered the organisation’s focus towards the education of the younger generation.

Campsie Police Station Iftar On Thursday the 9th May, 4th day of Ramadan 2019, Human Appeal Australia was privileged to bring together a diverse range of community representatives at an Iftar held at Campsie Police Station. This is the only Iftar that is physically held in a Police station in the NSWPF organisation and Campsie Police Area Command has been hosting this event from the beginning. Over the years it has become an important event to come together for the community and Police. We would like to sincerely thank Superintendent Kerrie Lewis and Assistant Commissioner Peter Thurtell, for the oppurtunity to break fast with the wonderful people who shape our community and continue to empower our youth, people such as our brother and local member for Lakemba Mr Jihad Dib,

The member for Canterbury Ms Sophie Cotsis, representatives from Tony Burke’s Office MP, The Grand Mufti Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, Department of Education, Islamic Organisations, Abu Hanifa Institute, Youth Organisations, GWS Giants,

Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs, SES Canterbury Unit, and Campsie Police and it was great to see students who were past participants of The Wise Up program be involved in the set up and represent youth. Human Appeal, is truly grateful for

the oppurtunity to have spent an Iftar with friends, we look forward to being a part of so many other Iftars over the holy month of Ramadan this year across so many schools and other institutions.

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1st Ramadan Street Festival in Auburn A message from the Councillor on Cumberland Council,

Tom Zreika

Auburn RAMADAN STREET FESTIVAL, has been a huge success

It exceeded, even my own expectations. I honestly can’t believe the size of the crowd, even at

6.05pm. And it grew and grew, until 9pm, when not only did we reach capacity but the stalls were starting to report that they were running out of food. Even local shop owners who didn’t sell food, were reporting booming trade. Families from all different backgrounds and religions, from all over Sydney came not just to eat but to experience one of the things that makes Australia great - our diversity.

The success of this event, is testament to a lot of hard work that goes on in the background. Although, I moved for it, I campaigned for it and was consulted on every single element, it was our staff that ultimately delivered the package, and made it a magical night. For this, I congratulate them on a job well done.It was a well-planned, professional, safe, clean, and family oriented event that showed what we can achieve when we come together. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. There were some issues regarding the ‘entertainment’ but

AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬

that’s why we hold trials - so we can assess potential. Yes, this was a one night ‘pilot’ event, but we will bring it back, even bigger and brighter.I want to thank the Mayor Greg Cummings and my fellow Councillors George Campbell, Steve Christou, Ola Hamed, Suman Saha, Lisa Lake, Kun Huang, Glenn Elmore, Eddy Sarkis, Paul Garrard, Michael Zaiter, Ross Grove, Joe Rahme, and Ned Attie for believing in this project and supporting me. I also want to thank Brooke Endycott (Director Community Development) and her team, including (without

limitation) Merryn Howell, Rowah Elomari. What makes us so special is that we value ‘respect’ so highly, and how we all work so harmoniously together for the greater good. I love bringing people together and celebrating. We are a community of many cultures and faiths. So here’s to even bigger special events in Auburn, to celebrate our diversity. Look out for the Auburn Botanical gardens open day, Christmas celebrations, the Chinese New Year, cherry blossom festival and much more!



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Iftar and insightful conversations

The Hon. Jing LEE MLC, Assistant Minister to the Premier of South Australia attended a special Iftar Dinner with many MPs and community leaders. She said, “It was a night of insightful conversation and reflection during the Holy Month of Ramadan. Thank you DIA

and Pinnacle College for organising the Iftar Dinner and providing us the opportunity to engage in intercultural and interfaith dialogue to increase our understanding to promote respectful relationships for a harmonious Multicultural and Multifaith society.”

Victoria Police hosts Iftar dinner to celebrate Ramadan in Doncaster

Continuing a 15-year tradition, the Victoria Police Muslim Association (VPMA) hosted its annual Iftar dinner with Victoria’s Muslim community to commemorate Ramadan. The event, held in partnership with Benevolence Australia at the UMMA Centre in Doncaster, brought together more than 240 community members, including young people from local and neighbouring schools and mosques. In the lead up to the event, Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton expressed his honour in being able to take part in the special event. “Victoria Police is proud to have hosted Iftar dinners since 2005 to promote a harmonious and multi-faith society and strengthen relationships with the Muslim community,” CCP Ashton said. “The event gives us a chance to connect with the community through the act of sharing a meal and provides us with opportunities to learn more about our colleagues, neighbours and friends. On the night, CCP Ashton thanked the VPMA for their dedication and

excellent leadership, highlighting the recent shoulder to shoulder walk they organised to show support for their Muslim colleagues following the Christchurch mosque terror attacks. Among this year’s special attendees included representatives from New Zealand’s Muslim community and police. Inspector Peter Copper from Canterbury Police, and Anthony (Jamal) Green from the Al-Noor Mosque in New Zealand each delivered keynote speeches at the Iftar dinner. VPMA President Sergeant Maha Sukkar said she felt humbled at the great turnout at this year’s dinner. “We are lucky in Victoria to have many vibrant and diverse communities but in order to do a good job, we must have good relationships with our community,” Sergeant Sukkar said. For the first time, Victoria Police officers and employees were offered optional Islamic cultural awareness training by Benevolence Australia ahead of the dinner, empowering them to have respectful conversations and giving them an opportunity to increase their understanding of the event.

Police need your help to locate this wanted person. If you know something, say something. WANTED: Chantelle SULLIVAN DATE OF BIRTH: 15 February 1991 HEIGHT: 165cm BUILD: Thin

EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown COMPLEXION: Fair Chantelle SULLIVAN is wanted by police for alleged offences and questioning over five separate incidents including

theft of a motor vehicle. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the 28-year-old. SULLIVAN has been known to frequent the Hampton Park and Doveton areas. (Reference number: WTD1617)

If you know something, say something. Report information confidentially to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online at AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬



Duncan Pegg Member for Stretton , Education Minister Hon. Grace Grace and the students

ICB school captains visit Parliament House CCN- Brisbane Recently, Islamic College of Brisbane school captains Aban Shaffie, Ma-azah Shah, Uzair Shuaib and Zainab Ali and Assistant Principal Ian Martineau joined Duncan Pegg, Member for Stretton and Education Minister Hon. Grace Grace for a visit to Parliament House. The ICB captains enjoyed a guided tour from the Member for Stretton Duncan Pegg around this premier heritage building originally built in

in 1868. It is located on the corner of George and Alice Streets and is one of Queensland’s best known landmarks. The students visited the Legislative Assembly (the Lower House) and viewed parliamentary debate from the viewing gallery and were also recognised by the Deputy Speaker in official Hansard record of their visit. They also visited the old Legislative Council Chamber, known as the ‘Red Chamber’. Members of the Legislative Council used to

be appointed for life, until it was abolished in March 1922. This makes Queensland Parliament unique in Australia in that it is a unicameral parliament, consisting of only a Lower House, made up of 93 Members who are directly elected. During the visit, Duncan Pegg MP introduced the students to the Hon. Grace Grace, Minister for Education and they got to speak with her about their plans for the future after they graduate at the end of 2019. Minister Grace enjoyed speaking with

the students and encouraged them to consider taking up a career in Education as Queensland is always in need of great teachers. Duncan Pegg, Member for Stretton said, ‘It was fantastic to have the Islamic College of Brisbane school captains visit Parliament House. It was great to hear about their plans for the future and I wish them all the best for their final year of high school.’

Natalie Suleyman MP State Member for St Albans

Keilor Downs Shopping Centre 80 Taylors Road, Keilor Downs VIC 3038 Ph: (03) 9367 9925 Funded from Parliamentary Budget

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Australian Lebanese Muslim League Iftar Dinner

La Trobe University Iftar Dinner

AFL Iftar Dinner

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Premier of New South Wales Iftar dinner

Al-Taqwa College

Iftar Dinner

Al-Taqwa The iftar at Al-Taqwa Iftar concluded with many happy faces and a sense of togetherness within the community. Honoured guests included Sally Connoly MP for Tarneit representing the Hon. Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Joanne Ryan MP for Lalor,

Sheikh Moustapha Sarakibi General Manager of the Board Of Imams Victoria, members from the Victoria Maori Wardens, Principal from Sirius College, Wing Commander John Ward from the ADF, Senior Sergeant Steve Hayes from Victoria Police,Teguh Iskanto from IMCV (Indonesian Muslim Community of Victoria, Australia), college board members and other esteemed guests!

“We all shared an excellent feast prepared by Tiba’s in Roxburgh Park and also conveyed knowledge about Ramadan and the importance of fasting for Muslims. Also a massive thanks to the selected Secondary students who helped set up and for being great hosts.” an Al-Taqwa spokesperson said.

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Annual Australian Turkish Iftar Dinner

Board of Imams Victoria Iftar dinner

RMIT Inaugural Iftar dinner Commonwealth Bank 2019 Iftar Dinner

Elsedeaq Islamic Society Iftar dinner

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Cyber abuse can have a devastating impact on a person’s wellbeing and sense of safety What is cyber abuse? Cyber abuse is online behaviour which is reasonably likely to have a seriously threatening, intimidating, harassing or humiliating effect on a person. It is behaviour that threatens to hurt a person socially, psychologically or even physically. It can take place in various online spaces, like chat rooms, on social networking sites, through emails, messaging apps or on message boards. Cyber abuse can also involve a range of behaviours, some of which are described as: • trolling • flaming • cyberbullying • cyber hate • cyber violence • cyber mobbing

• strong opposing views • off-topic statements that deliberately derail conversation threads These behaviours may, however, reach the threshold of being considered a form of cyber abuse if there is a larger or serious pattern of targeted online abuse, and therefore likely to have a seriously threatening, intimidating, harassing or humiliating effect on a person.

What are some examples of cyber abuse?

• cyber stalking • cyber harassment • cyber racism and online hate speech • technology-facilitated abuse • sextortion • image-based abuse Terms like ‘trolling’, ‘cyber hate’ and ‘cyber harassment’ are often used interchangeably to refer to the same type of abuse.

These terms can sometimes be used to describe behaviour that may not necessarily be serious enough to be considered ‘cyber abuse’. While some online behaviours and comments might be inappropriate or hurtful, they may not always constitute cyber abuse. Some examples can include: • sarcastic comments • insults

• sharing intimate or sexual photos or videos online without consent—either to humiliate or shame someone, or for the ‘entertainment’ of others (this is also known as image-based abuse) • targeted and persistent personal attacks aimed at ridiculing, insulting, damaging or humiliating a person—this might relate to a range of things, like someone’s physical appearance, religion, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation and/or political beliefs • encouraging vulnerable people to self-harm and/ or suicide

• seriously offensive and shocking material— depending on the context and severity, it can include posting inflammatory comments on memorial and tribute pages or posting images of deceased people with intent to upset family members or others • repeatedly sending obscene messages to a person or their family, friends or work colleagues • posting digitally manipulated explicit images of a person online, for example on social media or on pornographic websites • posting someone’s personal information on social media or elsewhere online along with offensive and/ or sexual comments— resulting in calls and visits from strangers • threatening violence or inciting others to do the same—such as threats of death and sexual assault that might lead to real life contact • stalking a person online and hacking into their accounts—such as social media, banking, email accounts Source:

Our best wishes for a safe and prosperous Eid al-Fitr. Arab Bank Australia Limited ABN 37 002 950 745 AFSL 234563

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Cyber abuse




Albayan Radio Albayan Radio is an Islamic radio station based in Sydney and is an initiative of ASWJ Australia. Ad free Radio. Content according to Qur’an & Sunnah. Albayan Radio is an Islamic radio station & is an initiative of ASWJ Australia. You can listen via our Apps or online through our website or Tune in.

We at Albayan Radio We love to provide quality content & services to our community. Call (02) 9740 6160

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Eid Mubarak

Islamic College of Melbourne 83 Wootten Road, Tarneit VIC 3029 Tel: 03 8742 1739 • Fax: 03 8742 1959 E: W: AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬



Greens Senator Janet Rice hosts a women’s Iftar in Moreland VIC Senator Janet Rice, Greens Senator for Victoria, hosted a women’s Iftar for over 100 women and children from Melbourne’s Muslim community on Thursday May 9 at Merlynston Progress Hall in Coburg North. “It was a huge privilege to host an Iftar for Melbourne’s Muslim women and to join our diverse Muslim community in observing the holy month of Ramadan,” said Senator Janet Rice. “To all of Australia’s Muslims, I wish

you Ramadan Mubarak.” “There was a powerful sense of togetherness and friendship in the room, and knowledge that by working together we support each other and can optimistic and hopeful about achieving a truly just and equal society.” “By gathering together and sharing food, we celebrate our friendship, our diverse communities and Muslim women.” “At a time when right-wing extremist groups have found a mouthpiece in Federal Parliament through the likes of

Fraser Anning and Pauline Hanson, it’s more important than ever to counter hate speech, division and fear with community and friendship.” “My Australia is one where we do not just tolerate diversity; we celebrate it. We understand that it makes us richer, stronger and better as a community and as a nation.” The event included prayers and speeches from Religious leader Hala Amera, local community advocate Anam Javed, young Muslim activist Sarah Khattaba, and poet Faseeha Hashmi.

QPS sponsors women’s only iftar at IWAA QLD A women’s only iftar was sponsored by the Queensland Police Service and hosted at the Islamic Women’s Association of Australia function hall. Dr Nora Amath, CEO of IWAA said that this iftar was different to the other iftars around town as it focused specifically on sharing and listening.

Female police officers, including the Commissioner Katarina Carroll, and Muslim sisters from various organisations and cultures around Brisbane sat together to break fast, to share stories, ask simple and tough questions of each other and strengthened their connections. “What we learnt from these exchanges is that we all have the same struggles as

Society of Bangladeshi Doctors QLD AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬

women juggling life, family, work, and friends in a world that may demand so much of themselves at times. We also shared a vision of what we want the world to be like: safe, peaceful, compassionate, just and kind,” she said. Jalaludin Rumi once stated: “Listen with ears of tolerance! See through the eyes of compassion! Speak with the language of love.”

Gippsland Interfaith Iftar

The ICV hosted its third rural Interfaith Iftar, this year in Gippsland, on Saturday 19th May 2018. In partnership with GAMCI – Gippsland Australian Muslim Community, Over 150 guests (Muslim and non-Muslim) both from local area and metropolitan Melbourne attended the Interfaith Community Iftar at Kernot Hall. The evening featured several speakers including local MLA Russel Northe, GAMCI President, Dr. Zaffar and ICV President, Mohamed

Mohideen who all reflected on the importance of local community spirits of support in fostering respect and better understandings for our rural Muslim communities. ICV President, Mohamed Mohideen spoke of the need to work with the community and to ensure that we all keep an open mind and continue to have a dialogue to promote harmony and respect of each other’s faiths. The event was partially funded by Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC).

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Eid Mubarak T: +61 3 9863 9944 | F: +61 3 9863 9945

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‫الئح��ة بالمس��اجد والمصلّيات‬ ‫والمراكز اإلسالمية في اس��تراليا‬ Mosques, Musallahs & Islamic Centres Around Australia NEW SOUTH WALES Afghan Mosque Cnr Williams & Buck St. Broken Hill Ahl Al Sunna Wal Jamah 132 Haldon St Lakemba Al-Azhar Belmore Mosque 172b Burwood Rd Belmore Al Hijrah Mosque 45 Station St Tempe Al Sahabah Masjid 75 Bonner St Bathurst Arncliffe Mosque 3-5 Wollongong Rd Arncliffe Armidale Mosque Booloomindah Dr Armidale ASWJ-Auburn 109-111 Auburn Rd Auburn Artarmon Musallah 35 Hampden Rd Artarmon Auburn Mosque 15-19 North Pde Auburn

Auburn Islamic Community Centre 12 Harrow Rd Auburn Belmore Mosque 172B Burwood Rd Belmore Blacktown Mosque Cnr Prince & Forth St Blacktown Musalla Cnr Patrick & Alpha St Bonnyrigg Mosque 44 Bibbys Pl Bonnyrigg Broken Hill mosque Corner Of Williams St and Buck St, Broken Hill North Brighton Musalla 383 Bay St Brighton Le Sands Burwood Musalla Unit 3/20 George St Burwood Cabramatta Mosque 22 Water St Cabramatta Campbelltown Mosque 44-48 Westmoreland Rd. Leumeah Carringbah Musalah 28 Frosbisher Ave Carringbah Central Coast Mosque 13A Howarth St Wyong Dee Why Mosque 12 South Creek Rd Dee Why Dubbo - Kotku Masjid 71A Tamworth St, Dubbo El-Eman Mosque Moppity Rd Young Erskinville Mosque 13 John St Erskinville GIYC - Global Islamic Youth Centre / GSFC 14/493 Hume Highway Casula GIYC 265 George St Liverpool

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Gosford Musallah 13 Greenview Rd Gosford Granville Musalla Cnr springwood street & the Avenue Green Valley Mosque 264 Wilson Rd Green Valley Granville Association Clyde St Granville Guildford Mosque 64 Mountford Ave Guildford Nsw 2161 Gwyneville Mosque 9 Foley St Gwyneville Illawara Mosque 6 Bethlehem St Cringila Lakemba Mosque 65-67 Wangee Rd Lakemba Lakemba Musalla 19 Haldon St Lakemba Lakemba Musalla Islamic Institute & Centre Level 2, 132 Haldon St Lakemba Liverpool Mosque 42 Wilson St Hinchinbrook Macquarie Uni Musalla Building E3A, Gd F.Macquarie Dr, Macquarie University Mascot Musallah 1215 Botany Road Mascot Masjid Darul Imaan Cnr Princess Hwy & Eden St. Arncliff Masjid Sultan Fatih / Islamic Centre of Newcastle 3 - 5 Victoria St, Mayfield (Newcastle) Mayfi eld Mosque 36 Silsoe St Mayfield Merrylands Jummah Miller St Merrylands Millers Point Musalla 17 Argyle Place Millers Point Nepean Mosque Cnr Luxford & Hythe St. Mt Druitt Newcastle Mosque 6 Metcalf St Wallsend North Sydney Musalla 165 Blue Point Rd Nth Sydney Omar Mosque (Auburn) 43 Harrow Rd Auburn Penshurst Mosque 445 Forest Rd Pens Prospect Musalla 420 Blacktown Rd Prospect Punchbowl Musalla 27 Matthews Rd Punchbowl Quakers Hill Musalla 2 Brocas Pl Quakers Hill Redfern Mosque 328 Cleveland St Surrey Hills RMA ASWJ Revesby 9/9-11 Mavis St Revesby Riverwood Musalla 1st floor 54 Thurlow St Rooty Hill Mosque 25-29 Woodstock Ave. Rooty Hill Rydalmere Mosque 465 Victoria Rd Rydalmere Ryde Musulla 120 Blaxland Rd Ryde Sefton Mosque 11-13 Helen St Sefton Sheikh khaled zeidan prayer centre 31/35 anzac st, greenacre Smithfi eld Mosque 30 Bourke St Smithfi eld South Hurstville Musalla 18 Culwulla St. South Hurstville

Strathfield Musalla 3 Albert St Strathfield Surry Hills Mosque 175-177 Commonwealth St Syd City Musalla L 2, 19-21 Hunter St Sydney Syd City Musalla 32 York St Sydney Tempe Mosque 45 Station Street Tempe Town Hall Musalla 167B Castlereagh St,Town Hall UNSW Musallah L 3, Sq House Kensington USYD Musalla Old Teachers’ College. Camperdown UTS Musalla L 3 Blding 1, Broadway. Ultimo UWS Musallah Building P Nepean Campus Kingswood Wagga Wagga Mosque Building 18, CSU main campus Wagga Wagga Wentworthville Musalla 23 Lower Mount St Westmead Hosp Musalla Cnr Darcy & Hawkesbury Rds Young Islamic Centre Moppity Rd Young Zetland Mosque 932 Bourke Street Zetland


Airport Musalla International Arrivals section. Lounge Tullamarine AL Taqwa Mosque 201 Sayers Rd,Truganina Albury Wodonga Centre 25 South St Ararat Mosque 1 Birdwood Ave Ararat AMSSA CENTRE 91-101 Boundary Road, North Melbourne ASWJ-SE ASWJ South East Melbourne 7/171 Cheltenham Road Dandenong Australian Light Foundation 291-293 Sunshine Road, Tottenham VIC Broadmeadows Mosque 45-55 King Street, Dallas Brunswick Mosque 660 Sydney Rd Brunswick Bundoora (La Trobe Uni) Plenty Rd (Rm 216). Bundoora Burwood (Deakin Uni) Bldng H2/3 221 Burwood. Hwy Burwood Campbellfield Mosque 46-48 Mason St Carlton Mosque 765 Drummond St Carlton Caulfield (Monash Uni) L 1 Uni Campus, 7 Princes Ave Clayton (Monash Uni) Building 9, 16 Beddoe Ave Coburg Fatih Mosque 31 Nicholson St Coburg Dandenong Mosque 10-12 Dalgety Rd Doncaster Mosque 72 George St Doncaster Deer Park Mosque 285 - 317 Station Road, Albanvale

Rochdale Mosque 2674 Logan Rd 8 Mile Plains Rockhampton Islamic Center Cnr Firzroy & Kent St Toowoomba Musalla USQ Is Baker St Toowoomba Townsville Mosque 183 Ross River Rd Townsville UMB United Muslims of Brisbane, 21/390 Kingston Rd Slacks Creek United Islamic Cultural Centre of Australia 149-155 Malmsbury Dr Meadow Heights University of Queensland Inner Ring Rd Gatton West End Mosque 12 Princhester St West End

Muslims Australia


Muslims Australia AFIC is the peak Islamic body representing Muslims of Australia. It is supported by nine State and Territory Councils and over 100 member organisations across Australia, Tasmania and Christmas Island. AFIC was established over 50 years ago and has evolved throughout that time to respond to the needs of the Muslim community in Australia. It has assisted member organisations to establish Mosques, community centres and other institutions across the country, particularly in remote and regional areas that would not otherwise have the capacity to provide these much needed community assets.

Emir Sultan Mosque 139 Cleeland St Dandenong Doveton Mosque 14 Photinia St Doveton Fawkner Mosque 17 Baird Street, Fawkner Fitzroy Mosque 144 Fitzroy St Fitzroy Geelong Mosque 45-47 Bostock Ave. Manifold Heights Gippsland (Monash) Room 1N 105 Northways Rd, Churchill Hallam Masjid 131-133 Belgrave-Hallam Rd, Narre Warren North Hawthorn (Swinburne) L2 Cnr John & Burwood Rds Heidelberg Mosque Cnr Lloyd & Elliot Sts West Heidelberg HIYC Hume Islamic Youth Centre 1-15 motto drive Coolaroo (Roxburgh Park) Horsham Mosque 14 Stawell Road, Horsham Huntingdale Mosque 320-324 Huntingdale Rd IISCA 19 Michael Street, Brunswick, IISNA / MyCentre 31 Kraft Court, Broadmeadows Islamic Society of Ballarat 116 Elsworth St East Ballarat Keysborough Mosque 396 Greens Rd Keysborough Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque 8 CARRINGTON DR ALBION Lysterfi eld Mosque 1273 Wellington Rd Maidstone Mosque 36 Studley St Maidstone Meadow Heights Mosque 15 Hudson Circuit Meadow Heights Melb City Mosque 66-68 Jeffcott St West Melb Melb (QU) Musalla Cnr Exhibition & Lonsdale St. Melb Melbourne Madinah 47 City Rd SouthBank Melb (VUT) Musalla Flinders St Campus Melb


Eid Mubarak AFIC

Mooroopna Mosque 209 McLennon St Mooroopna Mildura Mosque 49 Tenth Ave Mildura Newport Mosque 1 Walker St Newport Noble Park Mosque 18 Leonard Ave Noble Park Preston Mosque 90 Cramer St Preston Reservoir Mosque 111 Blake St Reservoir Shepparton Mosque 8 Acacia St Shepparton Springvale Mosque 9A Hosken St Springvale Sunshine Mosque 618 Ballarat Road, Ardeer Thomastown Mosque 124-130 Station St Tottenham Light Foundation 291 Sunshine Rd Tottenham Virgin Mary Mosque Hoppers Crossing, 143A Hogans Road Westall Mosque 130 Rosebank Ave Westall


Adelaide Uni Musolla Union House, Level 6, The University of Adelaide Adelaide Mosque 20 Little Gilbert St Adelaide Al Khalil Mosque Cnr Audley St & Torrens Rd Woodville Elizabeth Mosque 139-141 Hogarth Rd. Elizabeth Grove, SA Gilles Plain Mosque 52 - 56 Wandana Ave Murray Bridge Mosque Lot 53 Old Swanport Rd Parafield Gardens Mosque 92 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens. Park Holme Mosque 658 Marion Rd Park Holme Renmark Mosque 230 Fourteenth St Renmark Islamic Information Centre of SA Level 1, 53 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End

Whyalla Mosque 5 Morris Crs Whyalla


Algester Mosque Algester Mosque 48 Learoyd Rd Algester Bundeberg Mosque 76 Hansbury St Bundaberg Cairns Mosque 31 Dunn St Parramatta Park Capalaba Mosque 26 Veronica St Capalaba Darra Mosque 215 Douglas St Oxley Darul Uloom Academy 6 Agnes St Buranda Dreamworld Musalla Dream World Coomera Eagleby Mosque 262 Fryer Rd Eagleby Gold Coast Mosque Cnr Allied Cr & Olsen Ave. Arundel Harbour Town Musalla Harbour Town Shopping Centre Gold Coast Holland Park Mosque 309 Nursery Rd Holland Park ICRA Mosque 64 Torquay Rd, Hervey Bay Ipswich Mosque 30 Waterworks Rd Brassaal Logan City Mosque Cnr Third Ave & Cutis St.Marsden Lutwyche Mosque 33 Fuller St Lutwyche Mackay Mosque 5 Tom Thumb Crt. Bakers Creek Mareeba Mosque Cnr Walsh & Lloyd Sts Masjid Al Farooq 1408 Beenleigh Rd Kuraby Masjid Taqwa 119 Telegraph Rd Bald Hills MSA Griffi th Musalla Nathan Multi Faith Building MSA St Lucia Musalla 323 Hawken Drv St Lucia Muslim Students Assoc George St CBD Brisbane Sunshine Coast 98a, Duporth Ave ,Maroochydore

Al Hidaya Masjid 64 Walter Padbury Blvd. Padbury Albany Musalla 1/166 Serpentine Rd Albany Ar-Rukun Mosque 4 Atwood Way Rockingham Beechboro Mosque 289 Beechboro Rd Beechboro Canning Mosque 273 Welshpool Rd Queens Park Crawley UWA Musalla 35 Stirling Hwy Crawley Geraldton Mosque 172 George Rd Geraldton ICWA Islamic Centre of Western Australia 238 Guildford Rd Maylands Katanning Mosque 24 Britania St Katanning Kenwick Musalla Lot 30 408 Brickley Rd, Kenwick Masjid Al-Sunnah 45 Kent St Cannington Masjid Al Taqwa Lot 433 Boyare Ave, Mirrabooka Masjid Ibrahim 1525 Leslie Street Southern River Maylands Mosque Maylands Shopping Centre, 238 Guilford Rd Maylands Mt Lawley ECU Musalla 2 Bradford St Mt Lawley Murdoch Uni Musalla Murdoch Newman Mosque 1563 Abydos Way Newman Perth Mosque 427 William St Perth Port Hedland Mosque 34 Trumpet Way South Hedland Queens Park Musalla 243 Welshpool Rd Queens Park Rivervale Mosque 7 Malvern Rd Rivervale Thornlie Mosque 24 Clancey Way Thornlie


Canberra Islamic Centre 221 Clive Steele Avenue, Monash Canberra Mosque 130 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla

TASMANIA Hobart Mosque 166 Warwick St Hobart Hobart Musalla Univeristy of Tasmania.Hobart Launceston Musalla Univeristy of Tasmania. Launceston

Northern Territory Mosque Alice Springs Islamic Centre 130 Lyndavale Drive Alice Springs Darwin Mosque 53-59 Venderlin Drive, Casurina Palmerston Mosque 104 Bonson Terrace, Moulden NT 0830

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The Roots of Menzies Style Conservatism as the most repressive English speaking nation. [http://www. historicalfeature_menzies.html] The rise of European fascism and the aggression of the Japanese in China was causing concern in Australia and led to a growing anti-fascist movement and the strengthening of left-wing organisations. The conservative government met this with harrassment, including special legislation, extensive use of security services and police, prosecutions and imprisonment.

The Rise of Fascism Bilal Cleland The founding father of the Liberal Party of Australia, frequently quoted and praised, was Robert Gordon Menzies. The ABC’s 2016 documentary Howard on Menzies: Building Modern Australia, defended his legacy from its critics. John Howard had no doubts as to his central significance, stating: “Menzies... created the great middle class that we still have in Australia and that we must hang on to for dear life if we are to preserve the stability and harmony and fairness that we prize as being a distinguishing characteristic of the Australian nation.” That was certainly not the consensus amongst those I knew in the Western District town of Hamilton, where I grew up. Although my sectarian great aunts would never vote Labour as it was too “Catholic,” most of the rest of those I knew regarded Menzies as an enemy. The aunts only changed once the DLP split occurred and the Labour Party became less “Roman.”

Freedom of Expression and Censorship The Liberal Party and One Nation controversy over 18C of the antivilification legislation, carried on in the name of ‘freedom of speech’ under the Abbott government, was certainly a deviation from the old United Australia Party conservatives. They loved censorship. Under the Attorney General and then Prime Ministership of Menzies, in the 1930s some 5000 books were banned, including many left-wing works. Australia ranked

Mr Menzies visited Germany in 1938 and his reaction to Nazism illustrates his world view. “Nevertheless it must be said that this modern abandonment by the Germans of individual liberty and of the easy and pleasant things of life has something rather magnificent about it. The Germans may be pulling down the Churches, but they have erected the State, with Hitler as its head, in a sort of religion which produces spiritual exaltation that one cannot but admire and some small portion of which would do no harm among our somewhat irresponsible populations.” [R.Menzies, London, to family (Belle), 6 August 1938, Robert Menzies Papers, MS4936/572. Bird, David S., Nazi Dreamtime. Australian Enthusiasts for Hitler’s Germany. Australian Scholarly. 2012 p. 49] On 6 November 1938 he told a Presbyterian church audience that a government “founded on licence would destroy itself “, and went on to call for more “national powers” to help the development of a “national spirit”. [This was just 3 days before Kristallnacht in Germany, the beginning of the violent pogrom against Jews.] A fortnight earlier he had told a Melbourne audience that the enthusiasm for service to the State evident in Italy and Germany “could well be emulated in Australia”. Then eight days after the start of World War II, Prime Minister Robert Menzies wrote a letter to Australia’s High Commissioner in Britain, former Prime Minister Stanley Bruce. He confidently expressed his opinion to Bruce that Hitler “had no desire for a first class war” and would offer peace talks after defeating Poland. In the words of Menzies, “nobody cares a damn about Poland”. [http:// historicalfeature_menzies.html]]

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- a journalist’s revenge

Journalist Frank Courtney Browne editor of a free local rag, the Bankstown Observer and the paper’s proprietor, Raymond Edward Fitzpatrick, were hauled before the bar of Federal Parliament in June 1955 to explain a frightful article they had published “impugning the honour” of one Charles Albert Aaron Morgan, Labor member for the Sydney electorate of Reid. On the motion of the prime minister, Robert Menzies, Parliament voted them guilty of contempt and sentenced them to 90 days in prison. At the height of the 1956 Suez crisis, Menzies was entrusted with a mission by John Foster Dulles and Anthony Eden to travel to Egypt in early September to secure Nasser’s acceptance of the proposal for an international agency to manage the Canal. Nasser treated him and his proposal with contempt. To highlight this failure and embarrassment, Browne coined one of the all-time towering insults. Menzies, he wrote, was “the pig in the minefield of Empire”. [ truth-dead-in-the-water-20040821-gdjlal.html]

The Japanese Threat In London on 3 March 1941, as part of a four-month visit, Menzies told an international audience of business representatives, journalists, and diplomats, that Australia had no quarrel with Japan, and wanted to “draw closer to Japan and appreciate its problems”. In December 1937 the Japanese army had buried alive thousands of citizens in Nanjing, China. Known as the Rape of Nanjing, the world knew of the atrocity. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo estimated in 1946 that over 200,000 Chinese were killed in the incident. China’s official estimate is more than 300,000 dead based on the evaluation of the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal in 1947.

The Brisbane Line The Brisbane Line was the great accusation frequently thrown at Menzies. This appears to have been covered up very effectively after the war and is today usually described as ‘mythical.’ It was no myth to the Labour supporters of Hamilton in the 1940s and 50s and certainly not to the very vocal left wing Labour MP, Eddie Ward. Ward publicly alleged that the previous government (a United Australia Party-Country Party coalition under Robert Menzies

and Arthur Fadden) had planned to abandon most of northern Australia to the Japanese. “Ward continued to promote the idea during late 1942 and early 1943, and the idea that it was an actual defence strategy gained support after General Douglas MacArthur referred to it during a press conference in March 1943, where he also coined the term ‘Brisbane Line’. Ward initially offered no evidence to support his claims, but later claimed that the relevant records had been removed from the official files.” The controversy helped Labour win the 1943 election. [ Brisbane_Line] Many of us believe him. Like all mainstream politicians of his era, Menzies was a strong supporter of the White Australia Policy. So was the Labour Party at the time. Reds under the Bed Menzies main rallying claim during the period prior to the 1949 election was anticommunism. He was not too concerned about fascism or Japanese imperialism but the socialists really had him in full battle-cry. The Petrov Affair allowed him to taint Dr Evatt with Soviet sympathies, a great Australian statesman who had played a major role in the establishment of the United Nations Organisation. Menzies had the Communist Party Dissolution Act 1950 passed

but then the next year after a huge public campaign, the High Court declared it invalid. Then Menzies held a referendum to allow the banning of the Communist Party but in 1951 it was defeated. However Reds under the Bed, assisted by the Industrial Groups organised by B.A. Santamaria and then the split which created the Democratic Labour Party, assisted by sermons in the Catholic churches and the conservative media, proved a potent political scare tactic over many years. The Labour Party, which had seen Australia through the war, was out of power from 1949 to 1972. These were the years of relative stagnation when we even opened our interior to British atom bomb testing between 1952 and 1957 . Any opposition to such lunacy was attacked as communist inspired, as was any dissent from Liberal Party policy. They have tried and are trying the old scare success with Islamists under the bed, but it seems to be faltering. Those were years which those of us with memories do not want to see repeated, despite the best efforts of the Murdoch Media. The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.

Lakemba celebrations Ramadan celebrations in Australia might not as be as elaborate with festivities and events like it is in the Middle Eastern countries but we are still pleased with what we have, as long as there is knafeh, camel burgers, warm chai and Lebanese coffee. For 30 days in Ramadan, Lakemba’s Haldon Street turns into a festive feast as soon as the sun sets. It’s a melting pot of Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian, Burmese, Malaysian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Indonesian cuisines offered for iftar. Running from Sunday, May 5 through Wednesday, June 5, the Lakemba Ramadan Night Markets are a community-wide celebration open to all, fasting or not, with festivities running well into the evening and ending with suhoor. It is estimated that more than 30,000 people visit the markets on Friday and Saturday nights, and 10,000 during the week with numbers increasing every year. This year the city council has partnered with Taste Food Tours and offered Mini Taste Tours and Ramadan Night Market Tours, which includes guided introductions to the markets and stalls with a local guide, tasting of the dishes and information about the history of the markets and the local community. There is also park and ride shuttle buses available to avoid traffic and parking issues. Picture: Md Asif Matin/facebook page

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Say “No” To Domestic Violence By Jamilah Samian An elderly woman came to a judge to ask for divorce on grounds that she had been physically and mentally abused over the course of more than three decades of marriage to the same man. The judge asked her, “What took you so long?” The woman said, “I have been raised believing that I must always obey my husband no matter what. Only recently did I know that I am actually a victim of domestic violence.” Sometimes, you need to be cruel to be kind. This is an adage that an abuser might apply to justify his actions. “As the head of the family, it’s my duty to teach my wife a lesson when she errs. Otherwise, she’ll commit the same ‘mistakes’”. The ‘mistakes’ the wife makes could be anything: Coffee that’s too hot or too cold, not answering the phone, not enough sugar in my tea . . . How do you explain an abuser’s behavior? You can’t. Logic does not exist in

the abuser’s vocabulary. The victim might see herself at fault, that she deserves to be hit for any particular reason. The fact is, no one deserves to be hit. Domestic violence is very much alive in the world today. It cuts across country, race, religion, profession. Do not make the mistake of thinking that domestic violence only happens in some remote areas in underdeveloped nations. Both the abused and the victim might be professionals. They could be someone you know: a member of your family, a neighbour, a sibling. It goes beyond anger management issues; experts say domestic violence is deliberate. A man can be gentle to the most fragile creature, yet beat up his spouse with hardly any regret. A sad but true fact. The abuser might target only one person and not others. Coercion, threats, intimidation – these are all common ways to cower the victim

into submission. A victim might unknowingly walk right into an abuser’s den, as in the case of a woman I met several years ago. This lady decided to accept a man’s marriage proposal although she did not know him well, because a community leader vouched for him. A few months into their union, he began to beat her black and blue for the slightest “mistake”. This woman’s story is especially significant because, when the man proposed, she was a New Muslim revert. She thought that by marrying a born Muslim, her new husband would be able to guide her. What stops the victim from leaving? Many reasons. It could be because of economic dependence, thinking that the children will grow up without a father, believing that tomorrow will be better, hoping that the abuser will change. Perpetrators might be full of guilt after a violent outburst, beg the victim to forgive them after an episode, leading the victim to

believe that it will one day come to an end. But it is common that this is only part of a cycle. It will just be a matter of time before the abuser strikes again. Domestic violence is a crime. Treat it as one. There is no excuse for such behaviour. To turn a blind eye is the most unkind act one could do. Do not let it take root in your family. P.S. While it is true that some victims of domestic violence are men instead of women, the majority of abusers continue to be men, and most victims are still women. Therefore, this article has maintained the abuser’s gender as male and the victim as female for the sake of practicality. JaJamilah Samian is the author of “Leadership In Parenting“, “The Kindness Miracle”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, and “The Groovy Guide to Parenting Generation Y & Z”. Visit her website at

You Will Find A Way By Shakira Mohammed Dedicated to women who suffer domestic violence. This poem was inspired by brave friends who rose above the tide. You will find a way, when you are torn. Slaps you weren’t meant to bourne.

You will find a way, when you are shattered. You weren’t meant to be cursed or battered. You will find a way, when you are broken. Your silence won’t be the common token. You will find a way, when you are down, to erase the blemish

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on your mind’s gown. You will find a way, when you are fallen, to stand tall and glare never to be crestfallen. You will find a way, when you are lost, to get your dignity back at any cost. You will find a way,

and when you are there, he will know the pain, he made you bear. You will find a way, when you are shaken, on the lighted path Allah shines for those chosen. You will find a way, to when you are whole, to find peace and love that will free your soul.



Community Iftar Dinner

Hosted by Tony Burke MP, Jason Clare MP

Parramatta Islamic Cultural Association Iftar Dinner

The Australian Islamic House Iftar Dinner

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The role of the minority reactionaries

Bilal Cleland

Protecting the Ruling Liberal Party Many voters were surprised at the wide variety of racist, white supremacist and Islamophobic parties offering themselves for the May 2019 Federal Election. They are all directing their preferences to the Liberal-National Coalition. One Nation and the UAP of Palmer are open about their role, to garner votes which might go to the ALP and direct them to the Liberal-National Coalition. “In a statement obtained by the ABC, Clive Palmer said his United Australia Party (UAP) … amassed enough votes to substantially help the Libs and Nats through preference flow.” “The goal for the United Australia Party was to ensure the Labor Government did not get into power,” a UAP spokesperson said, adding “This has been achieved with the collective effort from United Australia Party.” Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek told the ABC News panel that she believed UAP had, in some way, influenced the election through its preference deals. [Pedestrian TV 18 May] The Murdoch Press also reported that “One Nation and Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party gathered enough votes to help the Coalition retain power through their preferences…” [ 19 May] This use of fear campaigns and small parties was used to keep the conservatives in power from 1949 to 1972. Fear and division were the two main ingredients of the concoction. Fear of Bank Nationalisation The Liberal Party which Menzies founded came into its own in the 1949 election with the great hysteria which was worked up over bank nationalisation. In a speech in Sydney Town Hall within days of the announcement of the policy, Menzies said it was part of “the Chifley pattern” of “coming dictatorship in Australia”. The banks, big business, supported by prominent Catholics like Archbishop Duhig in Brisbane who preached that a vote for the ‘socialist’ ALP was inconsistent with Catholic doctrines, combined to bring Menzies to power. This barrage, combined with fear of the Communists, frightened many lower middle class voters who may well have voted Labor in 1943 and

1946. [ money/finance-news/2017/06/16/ chifley-bank-nationalisation/]

Fear of Communism Similar to the “War on Terror” of the 2000s the “Communist Threat” was dominant in this period. As there would soon be another World War, Menzies and the Liberals said that civil rights would have to take second place. In the atmosphere of fear with the coming of the Korean War, militant unions demanding higher pay and better working conditions were typically attacked as communists and a threat to nationalsecurity. Menzies in September 1950 forced an anti-communist Bill through the House of Representatives . Then in March 1951 the High Court declared the Act invalid so in April the Liberals held a referendum asking for constitutional powers to ban communism. The intended legislation required ‘named’ communists to prove their innocence, a reversal of the most basic principle of British law. The referendum was narrowly defeated. [ menzies-sir-robert-gordonbob-11111]

The Creation of Fear of the ALP The Labor Party was thought to be close to winning the 1954 election when Vladimir Petrov and his wife defected from the Soviet Embassy in Canberra. Menzies claimed that there was evidence of a Soviet spy ring in Australia, including members of the leader of the ALP, Dr Evatt’s staff. Dr Evatt became quite sure that the whole incident had been manufactured by Menzies to help the Liberals win the May 1954 election. The right-wing Catholic section of the ALP consequently split from the party and established the anticommunist Democratic Labor Party. By hiving off a section of working class voters, with the support of a section of the Catholic Church and The Movement of B.A.Santamaria, the DLP preferences kept the Liberals in power for almost two decades. The political propaganda of the period portrayed the ALP as being in bed with Communism and undermining national security. The end of the Cold War and the decline of the DLP after Whitlam’s

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victory in 1972 led to many of the Catholic supporters of The Movement joining the traditionally Protestant Liberals. Tony Abbott was one of the most prominent such members. [ au/article/abbott--santamaria-andcatholic-liberals]

Soundness of the Technique The division created in the working class supporters of the ALP by stoking fears of world communism and suspicion of the Labor Party itself, delivered decades of rule to the Liberal Party in Australia. A section of conservative opinion is today stoking fears of refugees, Muslims and African immigrants to do the same job. One Nation has transformed from stoking fear of Asian immigrants swamping Australia 20 years ago to the current anti-Muslim rhetoric of the American white supremacist

swamps. A Facebook account in the name of United Australia Party (UAP) candidate Tony Hanley made posts calling Saudi Arabians “tea towel heads” and said the children of taxi drivers were “future terrorists”. [ABC 3 May 2019] Although Palmer criticised this as ‘unacceptable’ his ‘make Australia great’ Trumpianism focused on distrust of politicians and addressing economic hardship by cutting taxes and raising spending was typically populist. The fear factor has worked for conservatives for many years. It is a tried and true recipe. We must try to make it fail this time, although it seems to have worked this May. The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.

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Eid Mubarak Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia INC. (SICHMA)

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4th Annual EPIC, VPMA & DIFC

Iftar Dinner

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Bachar Houli program announces charity partner The Bachar Houli Program is proud to announce Human Appeal Australia as its official charity partner for the next three years. Human Appeal Australia is a charitable, Not-for-Profit organisation working to strengthen humanity’s fight against poverty and social injustice through emergency relief and self-sustaining development programs. HAA through its local division HAA Community Care uses a range of programs to help the local community empower youth and raise awareness of humanitarian work. In line with the Bachar Houli Program, its youth initiatives aim to give young people platforms to realise their potential and contribute to a sense of identity, self-worth, and belonging. HAA works across several charitable causes in the social, educational and

International Development space with an aim to invest in long term solutions to develop underprivileged communities. The organisation spans across four continents and has operations in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth, changing the lives of millions of beneficiaries. Human Appeal Australia’s Director, Mr Bashar Al-Jamal, said that the partnership

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furthered the organisation’s focus towards the education of the younger generation. “We have established numerous initiatives such as our High Achievers Awards, University Scholarships, Aspiring Leaders Tours and our own Sounds of Light Talent Quest,” he said. “These are just a few examples of our investments in the Australian Youth who are the future of today.” Human Appeal Australia’s

Head of Community Care Mr Amin El-Bureeny added that HAA believed all youth had potential and were capable of success. “Many don’t know how to turn that potential into something productive and beneficial to themselves and others, which is where along with the Bachar Houli Program we can have a profound impact.” In just five years the Bachar Houli Program has developed

a reach of over 35,000 participants. “As the founder, I am proud to see how much the program has flourished over the years,” Bachar Houli said. “I am extremely passionate about my faith and ensuring the next generation of young Muslims can reach their full potential in life. “I am particularly proud of the cutting-edge programs that we have developed since launching, including the Male and Female Bachar Houli Academies, Bachar Houli Cup, AFL Iftar Dinners and Employment programs. “To have such a fantastic organisation like Human Appeal Australia as the Bachar Houli Program’s official charity partner is extremely exciting. “Together we can ensure that we have a positive impact on everyone that has a touch point with our programs.”



99 Names becomes a community hub 99 Names is a womens wellbeing centre located in the heart of Doncaster, Melbourne offering modest clothing, hair, beauty and cafe services. While there may be plenty of hair-salons that cater for Muslim women in Melbourne, in this area this is the only one. Rehana Bibi Sofia Begum, the manager of 99 Names told Al-Wasat Magazine that the place has been a local hot spot to grab a coffee or something to eat. “Our halal food which is cooked fresh daily on the premises,” she said. “On Fridays we have the local community come in after Jummah prayers and enjoy our famous Friday lamb biryani with family and friends. “ Begum said. Families come and enjoy lunch in a warm friendly atmosphere; the husbands can enjoy a light meal while the wives get their hair done. Everyone is happy ! Begum also said that her life has changed since she joined 99Names.

Working with a group of likeminded supportive people has given her confidence and peace. “ It’s a place that makes me

happy,” she said. “I have people come in daily for breakfast or lunch and ask me about what 99names means and I explain to them that they’re the beautiful 99 names of Allah and how the names relate to Allah s attributes. I tell them that we as Muslims, connect to Allah through each one of the beautiful names.” The local community have become regular supporters of this community enterprise that was started by Hina Pasha, a lawyer and community advocate from Melbourne. “Hina has put her heart and soul into 99names, creating a beautiful happy warm place for Muslim women get pampered with keeping their privacy in mind. The cafe’ has also hosted Ramadan iftars and had a great response from the community, “ Begum said.

“ At 99 Names we are committed to establishing a community hub for women focused on empowering, learning and growing. We aim to provide a safe haven with opportunities for women from all walks of life to benefit each other from, no matter what their journey. Each one of us is unique and has something to offer.” Hina Pasha said. “Heralded as the only Muslim female operated organisation of its kind, we invite the community to be a part of our vision.”

“From the team at 99names I wish everyone a blessed Eid with their family and friends. EID MUBARAK

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Logan Mosque Iftar dinner

Commonwealth Bank 2019 Iftar Dinner QLD

Diversity and Dialogue Iftar Dinner at Queensland Parliament House

Annual Iftar Community Dinner in Logan

Queensland Police Service Iftar Dinner

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‫‪41‬‬ ‫‪Arabic‬‬


‫آ‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ومقدمي الرعاية‬ ‫ال تن�نت للمهات والباء ّ‬ ‫معلومات عن المحافظة عىل السلمة عند استخدام إ‬

‫النترنت جزء ضروري من عالم طفلك ‪-‬‬ ‫إ‬ ‫لتعليمه واجتماعياته وتسليته‪.‬‬

‫نتمنى لكم ولعائلتكم‬ ‫عي ًدا سعي ًدا ومبار ًكا‬

‫ومقدمي رعاية‪ ،‬يمكنكم مساعدة‬ ‫كأمهات وآباء ّ‬ ‫أطفالكم على استكشاف عالمهم الرقمي‬ ‫وتعليمهم عن كيفية تج ّنب التجارب المؤذية‬ ‫النترنت وكيفية التعامل معها‬ ‫عند استخدام إ‬ ‫إذا حدثت‪.‬‬

‫عيد مبارك‬

‫عما يقومون به على‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تحدث مع أطفالك في مرحلة مبكرة وتكر ًارا ّ‬ ‫الإنترنت‪ .‬لمعرفة نصائح عملية ومشورات عن كيفية مساعدة‬ ‫توجه‬ ‫نت‬ ‫ر‬ ‫الإنت‬ ‫استخدام‬ ‫عند‬ ‫سالمتهم‬ ‫على‬ ‫للمحافظة‬ ‫أطفالك‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫إلى الموقع الإلكتروني التابع لـ ‪( eSafety‬السالمة الإلكترونية)‬ ‫على العنوان‪ :‬‬ ‫السيبرانية (على اإلنترنت)‬ ‫البلطجة‬ ‫َ‬ ‫يمكن أن ت ّتخذ البلطجة السيبرانية أشكال ً عديدة مثل إرسال‬ ‫رسائل مهينة أو صور أو مقاطع فيديو مؤذية أو ثرثرة مقرفة‪،‬‬ ‫أو عزل آ‬ ‫الخرين على الإنترنت أو إذللهم‪ .‬قد يقلق طفلك من‬ ‫تحدث معك قد تزداد البلطجة أو أنك قد تمنعه من‬ ‫أنه إذا ّ‬ ‫استخدام الإنترنت أو هاتفه الموبايل‪.‬‬

‫يتعرض‬ ‫يشمل بعض الدلئل التي قد تشير إلى أن طفلك ّ‬ ‫للبلطجة ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫●‬




‫يتضايق بعد استخدام الإنترنت أو هاتفه الموبايل‪ ،‬أو يحافظ‬ ‫على سريّة ما يقوم به على الإنترنت أو هاتفه الموبايل‬ ‫غاضبا ويبدو عليه الشعور بالوحدة أو‬ ‫ينزوي ويصبح قلقًا أو‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الهم‬ ‫يريد تج ّنب الذهاب إلى المدرسة أو يتراجع في دروسه‬

‫‪PRIME MINISTER‬‬ ‫‪Authorised by A. Hirst, Liberal Party of Australia, cnr Blackall and Macquarie Sts, Barton ACT 2600.‬‬ ‫صرّح به ‪ ،Liberal Party of Australia ،A. Hirst‬زاوية ‪Blackall‬و ‪2600 ،ACT ،Barton ،Macquarie Streets‬‬

‫‪24/5/19 11:43 am‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬


‫‪Eid_Advertisement_135x100_ALWASAT.indd 1‬‬

‫التصرفات‬ ‫لمعرفة المزيد عن كيفية الكالم مع أطفالك عن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المحترمة على الإنترنت منذ سن مبكرة‪ ،‬وللتأكّد من أنهم يعرفون‬ ‫توجه إلى‬ ‫يقلقهم‪،‬‬ ‫التحدث معك عن أي أمر‬ ‫أن بإمكانهم‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الموقع الإلكتروني التابع لـ ‪ eSafety‬على العنوان‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫االتصاالت غير المرغوب فيها‬ ‫جميعا‬ ‫هل تعرف مع من يتكلم طفلك على الإنترنت؟ نريد‬ ‫ً‬ ‫حماية صغارنا من التصال مع الغرباء‪ ،‬خصوصا أ‬ ‫الشخاص‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الذين يمكن أن يؤذوا أ‬ ‫الطفال‪.‬‬

‫ابق على اطّالع على آخر المواقع والتطبيقات التي يستخدمها‬ ‫طفلك وشجعه على التحدث معك إذا طلب منه أحد على‬ ‫الإنترنت أن يفعل شي ًئا ل يشعر بأنه مناسب‪ .‬ساعد طفلك على‬ ‫متنب ًها لإشارات التصالت غير العادية على الإنترنت‪،‬‬ ‫أن يكون ّ‬ ‫مثال ً إذا طلب منه شخص‪:‬‬ ‫● أن يجيب على كثير من أ‬ ‫السئلة عن معلومات شخصية بعد‬ ‫وقت قصير من التصال أ‬ ‫الول‬ ‫●‬ ‫●‬


‫●‬ ‫●‬ ‫●‬

‫أن يفعل معروفًا مقابل مكافأته بهدايا ووعود في المقابل‬ ‫أن يتصل بالشخص بطرق أخرى مثل استخدام الدردشة عبر‬ ‫النصية‬ ‫الإنترنت والرسائل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أيضا يستخدم جهاز الكمبيوتر الذي يستخدمه‬ ‫أن يقول من ً‬ ‫الطفل وفي أية غرفة يوجد الجهاز‬ ‫أن يعطيه معلومات حميمة‬ ‫أن يحافظ على سرية العالقة‬ ‫شخصيا‬ ‫أن يلتقي به‬ ‫ً‬

‫لمعرفة كيفية حجب التصالت غير المرغوب فيها ولمعرفة‬ ‫دليل أكثر شمولية للتحكّم بالتصالت غير المرغوب فيها‬ ‫توجه إلى الموقع الإلكتروني التابع لـ ‪ eSafety‬في‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪unwanted-contact‬‬

‫‪42‬‬ ‫تهنئة‬

‫اللواء اشرف ريفي‬


‫طرابلس ‪ -‬لبنان‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬

‫‪43‬‬ ‫الوسط الدعوي‬

‫الحرية في منظور الشيخ محمد الغزالي الفكري‬


‫الحرية الفكرية والعقلية‬

‫�آية (‪ ،)3‬كما �أن الإ�سالم لم يرف�ض ما �أبدعه‬ ‫لقد اعتبر الإ���س�لام العقل مناط‬ ‫يقول الشيخ الغزالي‪:‬‬ ‫العقل الإن�ساني خالل الع�صور التي �سبقته‪� ،‬أو‬ ‫و�أ�سا�س التكليف‪ ،‬والحرية العقلية‬ ‫يكوِّن‬ ‫ال‬ ‫اإلكراه‬ ‫إن‬ ‫«‬ ‫رحب ترحيب ًا حار ًا بك ّل �إبداع‬ ‫بل‬ ‫كله‪،‬‬ ‫الزمن‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫رك��ن�� ًا ف��ي �صحة ال��ع��م��ل الإن�����س��ان��ي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وب��� ّأي جهد نبيل ال يتعار�ض والمقا�صد العامة‬ ‫لي�ستحق الجزاء المنظور ثواب ًا كان �أم عقاب ًا‪،‬‬ ‫العقائد‪ ،‬إنه على‬ ‫للعقيدة وال�شريعة الإ�سالميتين‪ ،‬واعتبر ذلك‬ ‫االعتقاد‪،‬‬ ‫كما قَ�� َرن بين �سالمة العقل ومنطق‬ ‫العكس ّ‬ ‫ينفر منها‪،‬‬ ‫«تراث ًا م�شترك ًا» و «�إنجاز ًا عام ًا» من مكا�سب بني‬ ‫فال اعتناق لدين �أو عقيدة �أو فكرة في غياب‬ ‫الإن�سانية جميع ًا‪ ،‬ينبغي توظيفه والإفادة منه في‬ ‫العقل‪ ،‬وال حديث عن تكليف في غياب القدرة‬ ‫ويسيء بها الظنون‪،‬‬ ‫عملية البناء االجتماعي ودعم الأ�س�س الح�ضارية‬ ‫على التمييز‪ ،‬والغزالي يذهب بعيد ًا في �سبر‬ ‫وطبائع األشياء ترسم‬ ‫والقيمية داخل الكيان الإ�سالمي ‪.‬‬ ‫�أغوار هذا المو�ضوع ليدلل على مدى عمق داللته‪،‬‬ ‫وال�شيخ الغزالي يعتقدـ وهذا فهم �إ�سالمي بديع‬ ‫وعظيم مغزاه‪� ،‬ضمن معادلة الحرية في �صورتها‬ ‫ً‬ ‫للعقائد طريقا يبدأ‬ ‫في حقيقة الأمرـ ب�أن الحرية العقلية �إنما هي �صنو‬ ‫ال�شاملة‪ ،‬حيث ي�ستنبط المعنى المق�صود من‬ ‫حتم ًا من الحرية العقلية‬ ‫الحرية الدينية‪� ،‬ألي�س العقل �شرط ًا في التكليف‬ ‫�سيرة وفعل ر�سول اهلل �صلوات اهلل و�سالمه عليه‪،‬‬ ‫و�صحة الإنت�ساب للعقيدة والقيام بمقت�ضياتها‪،‬‬ ‫فهو قد «بد�أ دعوته بين م�شركين يعبدون الأوثان‬ ‫المطلقة‪ ..‬ومهما‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ومفت�ضيات منظومتها؟ ولأجل ذلك ف�إن الإ�سالم‬ ‫�سقوط بالكرامة‬ ‫بقلم ‪ :‬د‪� .‬إبراهيم نويري ويتع�صبون لها‪ ،‬ومع �أن الوثنية‬ ‫اختلفت مشارب الناس‪،‬‬ ‫الي�ضحي بهذا الخيار حتى لو كان الم�صير والم�آل‬ ‫وه�� َوا ٌن بالفكر الب�شري‪ ،‬ووجهة نظر‬ ‫الإن�سانية َ‬ ‫باحث �أكاديمي ـ ـ الجزائر‬ ‫هو الخلود في نار جهنم!!‬ ‫حق‬ ‫لها‬ ‫ترك‬ ‫ي‬ ‫أن‬ ‫�‬ ‫وال‬ ‫ُحترم‪،‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫أن‬ ‫�‬ ‫ب‬ ‫جديرة‬ ‫لي�ست‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫وكشفتْ عن معادنهم‬ ‫فقد حدث على عهد ر�سول اهلل ـ �صلى اهلل عليه‬ ‫الحياة‪ ،‬ومع ذلك فقد ُن ِّبه على النبي �صلى اهلل‬ ‫تجاربُ الحياة فإن‬ ‫و�سلم ـ كما �أخ��رج �إب��ن جرير عن طريق �سعيد‬ ‫عليه و�سلم �أ ّال ي�ضيق بما ي��رى‪ ،‬و�أ ّال يجمح �إلى‬ ‫وعكرمة وابن عبا�س ـ � ْأن كان لرجل من الأن�صار‬ ‫عنف فيما يواجه»‪)1( .‬‬ ‫الدعامة األولى للتديّن‬ ‫تن�صرا قبل البعثة ال�شريفة‪ ،‬ث��م قدما‬ ‫��ان‬ ‫ن‬ ‫��‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ا‬ ‫حيث‬ ‫ذلك‪،‬‬ ‫من‬ ‫أبعد‬ ‫�‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫بل �إنه ليذهب ـ في وثوق ـ �‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حرية العقل واإلرادة‪،‬‬ ‫المدينة ف��ي نفر م��ن الن�صارى‪ ،‬يتاجرون في‬ ‫ي�شير �إل��ى �أن الدعوة الإ�سالمية‪ ،‬ي��وم انطلقت‬ ‫الزيت‪ ،‬فلزمهما �أبوهما‪ ،‬وقال‪ :‬ال �أدعكما حتى‬ ‫وظهرت للوجود‪ ،‬هي التي ابتدعت مبد�أ حرية‬ ‫والمنهج األول للنبيين‬ ‫ت�سلما ف�أب ْوا‪ ،‬واخت�صموا �إل��ى النبي ـ �صلى اهلل‬ ‫التد ّين في الأر�ض‪ ،‬فهذا المبد�أ لم يكن معروف ًا‬ ‫تربية األمم باإلقناع‬ ‫عليه و�سلم ـ فقال الوالد‪ :‬يا ر�سول اهلل‪� ،‬أيدخل‬ ‫من قبل‪ ،‬في العالقات العامة بين النا�س‪ ،‬حتى‬ ‫بع�ضي النار و�أنا �أنظر؟ فرف�ض ر�سول اهلل ـ �صلى‬ ‫جاء الإ�سالم ف�أر�سى قواعد و�أ�س�س هذه العالقات‬ ‫والمحبة‪ ،‬وإثارة مشاعر‬ ‫اهلل عليه و�سلم ـ َح ْملهما على الإ�سالم عنوةً‪ .‬و�أمر‬ ‫على �أ�سا�س الحرية ال�شخ�صية والفكرية‪ ،‬ورف�ض‬ ‫اإلعجاب واإلقدام في‬ ‫بتخلية �سبيلهما‪ ،‬فنزل قول اهلل تعالى في ذلك‪:‬‬ ‫رف�ض ًا �صارم ًا �أن يكون للجبر والإك���راه مجا ٌل‬ ‫الغي‬ ‫من‬ ‫الر�شد‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ي‬ ‫تب‬ ‫قد‬ ‫الدين‬ ‫في‬ ‫��راه‬ ‫ك‬ ‫�‬ ‫إ‬ ‫}ال‬ ‫واالختيار‬ ‫�أو مكان ٌة في حرية العقل وال�ضمير‬ ‫نفوسهم»‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فمن يكفر بالطاغوت وي�ؤمن باهلل فقد ا�ستم�سك‬ ‫االن�ساني (‪ ،)2‬والحقيقة التي ال مراء فيها‪� ،‬أن‬ ‫بالعروة الوثقى ال انف�صام لها واهلل �سميع عليم{‬ ‫المو�ضوعية العلمية ذاتها‪� ،‬إنما ت�سند هذا الإقرار‬ ‫‪ - 1‬قطب عبد الحميد قطب‪،‬‬ ‫البقرة‪.257 :‬‬ ‫وتع�ضده‪ ،‬فلي�س هناك من دين �أو مذهب‪ ،‬احترم‬ ‫محا�ضرات ال�شيخ الغزالي في‬ ‫وع��ن ه��ذا المعنى ال��ذي يم ّثل ركن ًا �أ�صي ًال من‬ ‫العقل‪ ،‬ونظر ب�إعجاب وتبجيل‪ ،‬لإبداعات العقل‬ ‫�إ�صالح الفرد والمجتمع‪ ،‬دار‬ ‫رحاب للن�شر ‪ ،‬الجزائر (د‪.‬ت)‬ ‫�أركان العقيدة الإ�سالمية‪ ،‬يقول ال�شيخ الغزالي‪:‬‬ ‫الإن�ساني‪ ،‬ومواهبه وقدراته كالإ�سالم‪ ،‬ويكفي في‬ ‫�ص ‪193‬‬ ‫هذا �أن نلقي نظرة على ورود كلمة( العقل‪ :‬وم�شتقاته ) في القر�آن الكريم‪�« ،‬إن الإكراه ال يك ِّون العقائد‪� ،‬إنه على العك�س ينفّر منها‪ ،‬وي�سيء بها الظنون‪،‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬المرجع نف�سه ‪� ،‬ص ‪194‬‬ ‫فالآيات التي تحدثت عن فعل العقل والتعقل هي ت�س ٌع و�أربعون �آية‪� ،‬أما الآيات وطبائع الأ�شياء تر�سم للعقائد طريق ًا يبد�أ حتم ًا من الحرية العقلية‬ ‫‪ -3‬مجلة العربي‪ ،‬الكويتية‪،‬‬ ‫تجارب‬ ‫وك�شفت عن معادنهم‬ ‫التي تحدثت عن القلب ـ الذي من وظائفه التفكير والتعقلـ فقد بلغت مائة المطلقة‪ ..‬ومهما اختلفت م�شارب النا�س‪،‬‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫العدد رقم ‪� ،418‬سبتمبر ‪1993‬م‪.‬‬ ‫واثنتين وثالثين �آية‪ ،‬كما ورد الحديث عن «النُّهى» بمعنى العقول في �آيتين‪ ،‬الحياة ف�إن الدعامة الأول��ى للتد ّين حرية العقل والإرادة‪ ،‬والمنهج الأول‬ ‫‪ -4‬محمد الغزالي‪ ،‬الإ�سالم‬ ‫والإ�ستبداد ال�سيا�سي‪ ،‬مرجع‬ ‫�أما التف ّكر فقد جاء الحديث عنه في القر�آن‪ ،‬في ثمانية ع�شر مو�ضع ًا‪ ،‬كما للنبيين تربية الأمم بالإقناع والمحبة‪ ،‬و�إثارة م�شاعر الإعجاب والإقدام في‬ ‫�سابق‪� ،‬ص ‪.90-91‬‬ ‫جاء الحديث عن «االعتبار» في �سبع �آيات‪ ،‬وعن «الحكمة» في ت�سع ع�شرة نفو�سهم» (‪.)4‬‬

‫ب���ي���ت ال���زك���اة‬ ‫أس����ت����رال����ي����ا‬

‫يتقدم بيت الزكاة الخيري في والية نيو ساوث‬ ‫وايلز‪ -‬من الجالية اإلسالمية والعربية ومن‬ ‫المسلمين والعالم أجمع بأحر التهاني القلبية‬ ‫واألمنيات الطيبة بعيد الفطر السعيد‪ ،‬أعاده‬ ‫اهلل عليكم وعلينا بالخير واليمن والبركات‪.‬‬ ‫وكل عام وانتم بخير‬

‫بيت الزكاة نافذتكم إلى الخير‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬

‫لتبرعاتكم‪:‬‬ ‫‪Bank of Sydney:‬‬ ‫‪• ACC: 939 686 • BSB: 942 206‬‬ ‫‪• Ph:9758 5288 • Fax: 97585299‬‬ ‫‪• 47 A Wangee Road Lakemba NSW 2195‬‬

‫‪•‬‬ ‫‪•‬‬

‫‪44‬‬ ‫تهنئة‬

‫الدكتور جمال ريفي‬


‫‪Dr. Jamal Rifi‬‬

‫نتقدم من الجالية‬ ‫اإلسالمية في استراليا‬ ‫ومن المسلمين في العالم‬ ‫بالتهنئة بمناسبة حلول‬ ‫عيد الفطر المبارك اعاده‬ ‫اهلل على الجميع بالخير‬ ‫واليمن والبركات‪،‬‬ ‫وكل عام وانتم بخير‪.‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬

‫‪45‬‬ ‫منوعات‬


‫�أحمد �شريف ‪ -‬ملبورن‬

‫كل حي من بني �آدم‪،‬‬ ‫ي��م�����ش��ي ع���ل���ى ه���ذه‬ ‫الأر�ض‪ ،‬ذكرا كان �أو‬ ‫�أنثى‪ ،‬له �صديق �أو �صديقة‪ .‬ي�شكوه‬ ‫ب��ث��ه وح��زن��ه وي�����ش��ارك��ه �أف��راح��ه‪.‬‬ ‫وال�صداقة غالبا ما تبد�أ عفوية‬ ‫وب��ري��ئ��ة منذ ف��ت��رة ال��ط��ف��ول��ة‪ ،‬ثم‬ ‫ت���أخ��ذ م��ع م���رور ال��زم��ن‪ ،‬مناحي‬ ‫مختلفة ف��ي ال��ع�لاق��ات‪ ،‬وت��ب��ادل‬ ‫الأفكار والآراء‪ .‬وقد تتطور لت�صل‬ ‫�إلى م�ستوى و�شائج تربطها دماء‬ ‫وم�صاهرة‪ ،‬ال تقطعها م�ضاربات‬ ‫الم�صالح والمفا�سد‪ ،‬وم��ع ذلك‬ ‫ه��ن��اك ج���راح���ات ف��ي ال��ح��ي��اة ال‬ ‫ت��ن��دم��ل‪ ،‬ك��ان��ت ن��ت��اج ���ص��داق��ات‬ ‫زائفة‪ ،‬وه�ؤالء هم من يكفرون بكل‬ ‫ما له عالقة بال�صداقة و�أخواتها‪.‬‬ ‫مع تطور الحياة‪� ،‬سيما الفتوحات‬ ‫ال��ت��ي �صاحبت تقنية تكنولوجيا‬ ‫المعلومات‪ ،‬ن�ش�أت �صداقات من‬ ‫ن��وع مختلف‪ .‬وه��ي (ال�صداقات‬ ‫االفترا�ضية) �أو �صداقات و�سائل‬ ‫ال��ت��وا���ص��ل االج��ت��م��اع��ي‪ .‬فالذين‬ ‫يتعاطون م��ع ال��و���س��ائ��ل الحديثة‬

‫بمختلف �أن���واع���ه���ا و�أ���ش��ك��ال��ه��ا‪،‬‬ ‫يتمتعون بكم هائل من �صداقات‪،‬‬ ‫وفق ا�ستخدامهم لبوابات التوا�صل‬ ‫تلك‪ .‬فمثال من لديه ح�ساب على‬ ‫الفي�سبوك‪ ،‬والوات�ساب‪� ،‬أو التويتر‪،‬‬ ‫وان�ستجرام‪ ،‬قد ت�صل �صداقاته‬ ‫االفترا�ضية �إلى ع�شرات الآالف‪،‬‬ ‫والعك�س �صحيح‪.‬‬ ‫وم���ا ي��دع��و �إل���ى ال��ت���أم��ل ف��ي دنيا‬ ‫التوا�صل الإل��ك��ت��رون��ي‪ ،‬لي�س هذا‬ ‫الكم االفترا�ضي الهائل فح�سب‪ ،‬بل‬ ‫نوعية ه�ؤالء الأ�صدقاء المتناثرين‬ ‫في ربوع هذا الكوكب االفترا�ضي‬ ‫ال��ع��ج��ي��ب!! والأغ������رب �أك��ث��ر �أن‬ ‫الغالبية من �أولئك‪ ،‬ال يعرفون عن‬ ‫�أ�صدقائهم �أو�صديقاتهم‪ ،‬القدر‬ ‫الي�سير من المعلومات الخا�صة‬ ‫بخلفياتهم والقيم والمبادئ التي‬ ‫ي�سيرون على هداها في الحياة‪.‬‬ ‫ورغ���م ذل���ك ف��ال��ك��ل منهمك في‬ ‫ال��ت��وا���ص��ل م��ع ه���ذا وذاك‪ ،‬فقط‬ ‫لمجرد �أعجاب �أو تعليق �أو تلبية‬ ‫لطلب ���ص��داق��ة‪ ،‬مهرها �أح��ده��م‬ ‫�أو �إح���داه���ن‪ ،‬ورم��اه��ا على هذه‬ ‫ال�صفحة �أو البوابة تلك؛ ل ُيفتح‬ ‫ب��اب التوا�صل على م�صراعيه‪،‬‬ ‫وهكذا يكون ال�شخ�ص محا�صرا‬ ‫�إفترا�ضيا‪ ،‬وك�أنه قد ولج �سرادبا‬ ‫ونفقا مظلما‪ ،‬ال يلوي الفكاك عنه‪.‬‬ ‫الإن�����س��ان ف��ي الأ���ص��ل‪ ،‬ل��ه طاقات‬ ‫م�������ح�������دودة‪ ،‬وع����م����ر م����ع����دود‪،‬‬ ‫واح��ت��ي��اج��ات ف��ي ح����دود ون��ط��اق‬ ‫ال��م��ت��ط��ل��ب��ات ال��م��ع��ي��ن��ة �أي�����ض��ا‪.‬‬ ‫فمعظم ���ض��روري��ات��ه‪ ،‬م�شروطة‬ ‫بقيامه ب��ه ه��و �أو ه��ي ب�أنف�سهم‬ ‫ولي�س الآخرين‪ ،‬حتى لو كان هذا‬ ‫الآخ���ر �صديقا حميما ي���أك��ل معه‬ ‫الطعام‪ ،‬ويم�شي معه �أو معها في‬ ‫الأ���س��واق!! فما بالك عندما يكون‬

‫هذا ال�صديق �إفترا�ضيا‪ ،‬والأعجب‬ ‫�أن يكون الأ���ص��دق��اء‪ ،‬جيو�شا من‬ ‫الأ���س��م��اء!!! ف����إذا افترا�ضنا �أن‬ ‫(زي���دا) ل��ه (‪� )500‬صديق على‬ ‫و�سائل التوا�صل الحديثة‪ ،‬وبحكم‬ ‫�إدم���ان التوا�صل م��ع الأ���ص��دق��اء‪،‬‬ ‫مجبرا على ت�صفح عدد (‪)200‬‬ ‫ر���س��ال��ة ف��ق��ط ي��وم��ي��ا م��ن ر�سائل‬ ‫�أ�صدقائه الكثر‪ ،‬و�إذا افتر�ضنا‬ ‫�أي�ضا �أن االنتقال من و�سيلة �إلى‬ ‫�أخ��رى‪ ،‬ي�ستغرق (دقيقة) واحدة‬ ‫فقط‪ ،‬يعني ذلك �أنه محتاج �إلى‬ ‫(‪ )200‬دقيقة يوميا‪ ،‬يعني (‪)3‬‬ ‫�ساعات و(‪ )33‬دقيقة في اليوم‬ ‫ال���واح���د ف��ق��ط للت�صفح‪ ،‬ولي�س‬ ‫للقراءة �أو ال��رد تعليقا �أو �إ�شارة‬ ‫�إعجاب �إلى �آخره‪ .‬يعني ذلك �أنه‬ ‫بحاجة �إلى �أكثر من (‪� )90‬ساعة‬ ‫ف��ي ال�شهر ال��واح��د للتوا�صل مع‬ ‫�أ�صدقائه االفترا�ضيين‪ ،‬وخالل‬ ‫ع���ام ه��و ب��ح��اج��ة �إل����ى (‪)1080‬‬ ‫�ساعة للتوا�صل مع �أ�صدقائه‪ ،‬يارى‬ ‫ك��م ع��دد ال�ساعات التي �ستكون‬ ‫ح�صيلة من خم�س �سنوات ؟ علما‬ ‫ب���أن كل تلك ال�ساعات‪ ،‬مقتطعة‬ ‫من ر�صيد العمر غير االفترا�ضي‪،‬‬ ‫ه��ذا بخالف ال��دخ��ول ف��ي حبائل‬ ‫ق�ضايا ومو�ضوعات ال تمت ب�صلة‬ ‫�إلى الحياة واالهتمامات الجادة‪،‬‬ ‫بعيدا عن ال�صداقات االفترا�ضية‪.‬‬ ‫�أم�����ام ه��ك��ذا واق����ع و�أك����ث����ر‪ ،‬هل‬ ‫نحن بحاجة �إل��ى و�ضع �ضوابط‬ ‫وك��واب��ح للعالقات وال�����ص��داق��ات‬ ‫الإلكترونية‪ ،‬التي ت�أكل من �سنام‬ ‫عمرنا‪ ،‬وال نرى في �أيدينا ال طحينا‬ ‫وال �سمنا!!‪ ،‬مع الت�أكيد على وجود‬ ‫�صداقات مثمرة في هذا اال�سفير‬ ‫الألكتروني‪� ،‬إال �أن �أغلب ما تن�ضح‬ ‫به تلك ال�صداقات االفترا�ضية‪،‬‬

‫في غير ذي ج��دوى‪ ،‬لأنها مبنية‬ ‫عى عالقات افترا�ضية‪.‬‬ ‫وال�����ص��داق��ة ت��ن�����ش���أ لأم����ر عظيم‬ ‫وك��ب��ي��ر‪ .‬ف��ه��ي م��رت��ب��ط��ة ب��ع��ب��ارة‬ ‫م��ح��ددة وه��ي (ال�����ص��دق)‪ .‬يعني‬ ‫ال�صدق في البوح‪ ،‬في المواقف‪،‬‬ ‫ف��ي �ساعات الع�سرة والملمات‪،‬‬ ‫وتقلبات الأح����وال‪ .‬فهل َي�صدق‬ ‫هذا الجي�ش االفترا�ضي في �ساعة‬ ‫ال�شدة والب�أ�س؟ علما �أن اهلل وهب‬ ‫إن�سان‪ ،‬حرية اختيار ال�صديق‪،‬‬ ‫ال َ‬ ‫�سيما بعد �أن يبلغ مرحلة الوعي‬ ‫والر�شد‪ ،‬وقد حث القر�آن الكريم‪،‬‬ ‫وال�سنة النبوية ال�شريفة‪ ،‬وعلما‬ ‫االجتماع والنف�س‪ ،‬على �ضرورة‬ ‫تخير ال�صديق وتنبهت �إلى ذلك‪.‬‬ ‫فالإن�سان نتاج �أ���ص��دق��ائ��ه‪ ،‬ي�ؤثر‬ ‫ويت�أثر بطبيعة ون��وع عالقاته مع‬ ‫النا�س‪ ،‬فكيف له �أن يقع في حبائل‬ ‫و�أنفاق �صداقات افترا�ضية؟‬ ‫نعم ق�ضية و�ضع �ضوابط و�أنماط‪،‬‬ ‫�أمام تقنية تكنولوجيا المعلومات‪،‬‬ ‫قد تكون �صعبة �إل��ى حد م��ا‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫�أن �إي��ق��اف التوا�صل م��ع الآخ���ر‪،‬‬ ‫لي�س ب��الأم��ر ال�����س��ه��ل‪� ،‬سيما مع‬ ‫وج���ود م��م��ي��زات لتلك الو�سائل‪،‬‬ ‫ل��ك��ون��ه��ا ف��ي ت��ن��اول ي��د الجميع‪،‬‬ ‫وغ��ي��ر مكلفة م��ادي��ا‪ ،‬وفيها قدر‬ ‫هائل من المغريات والت�سهيالت‬ ‫المخططة بعناية فائقة؛ لأغرا�ض‬ ‫عديدة‪ ،‬منها الدخول في �أخ�ص‬ ‫خ�صو�صيات هذا الجي�ش الجرار‪،‬‬ ‫عبر جمع معلومات �شخ�صية �سرية‬ ‫للغاية‪� ،‬سيتم توظيفها في الوقت‬ ‫المنا�سب‪ ،‬وفقا لم�صالح و�أجندات‬ ‫الجهات التي فتحت وهي�أت هذا‬ ‫اال���س��ف��ي��ر‪ .‬ورغ�����م ه����ذا وذاك‪،‬‬ ‫ب��الإم��ك��ان و���ض��ع ���ض��واب��ط ذات��ي��ة‬ ‫محددة حتى و�إن كانت قا�سية‪ ،‬قبل‬

‫�أن ن�صبح فري�سة �سهلة‪ ،‬بين �أتون‬ ‫�إه���دار �سنوات م��ن العمر هباء‪،‬‬ ‫وانتهاك خ�صو�صيتنا‪.‬‬ ‫ف��ق��د ح��ك��ى ل��ن��ا الأ���س��ت��اذ‪ /‬ف��راج‬ ‫ال��ط��ي��ب ال�������س���راج‪ ،‬رح��م��ه اهلل‪،‬‬ ‫وه��و �أح��د علماء وفقهاء و�شعراء‬ ‫ال�سودان الفحول‪ .‬قال عندما ي�س�أل‬ ‫�أح ُد المارة في الطريق العام �أباه‬ ‫العالم َة ال�شيخ‪ /‬الطيب ال�سراج‪،‬‬ ‫إبن فالن؟‬ ‫ما �إذا كان يعرف فالنا � َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ال�سائل بقوله‪:‬‬ ‫ي�ستو�ضح ال�شيخُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ال�سائل‬ ‫�أه��و من العلماء؟ فيجب‬ ‫بالنفي‪� .‬أهو من الفقهاء؟ فيجيب‬ ‫بمثلها‪� .‬أهو من ال�شعراء؟ الإجابة‬ ‫نفيا‪� .‬أهو من الأدباء؟ ال‪� .‬أهو من‬ ‫الحكماء؟ الإجابة نفيا‪ .‬على الفور‬ ‫يرد ال�شيخ‪ /‬الطيب ال�سراج قائال‪:‬‬ ‫�إذا كان من ت�س�أل عنه‪ ،‬لي�س من‬ ‫الحكماء �أو ال�شعراء �أو االدباء �أو‬ ‫الفقهاء‪ ،‬ف�إن معرفته ال تعني لي‬ ‫�شيئا‪� ،‬أو ل��م��اذا �أع���رف �شخ�صا‬ ‫لي�س هو من بين �أولئك؟؟‬ ‫فلنقلب �أيها (الأ�صدقاء) �صفحة‬ ‫�أ�صدقائنا ف��ي و�سائل التوا�صل‬ ‫المختلفة ل��دي��ن��ا‪ ،‬قطعا �سنجد‬ ‫�أ���س��م��اء ال ن���دري متى �أ�ضفناها‬ ‫�إل����ى ���ص��ف��ح��ات��ن��ا‪ ،‬وك��ي��ف ل��ه��ا �أن‬ ‫احتلت قائمة �صداقاتنا وب����ؤرة‬ ‫اهتماماتنا؟ وه��ل نحن بحاجة‬ ‫�إلى ذاك الكم من الأ�سماء با�سم‬ ‫�صداقة افترا�ضية؟ وكم �ستق�ضم‬ ‫م��ن عمرنا تلك ال�صدقات غير‬ ‫ال���م���ج���دي���ة؟ وك����م ه���ي ال���راح���ة‬ ‫الذهنية والنف�سية التي �سنح�صل‬ ‫عليها �إذا ما تخ�صلنا من جلها؟‬ ‫ه���ي دع����وة ل��ك��ل ال���ق���راء؛ ل��ت���أم��ل‬ ‫�صفحة �صداقاتهم والحكم عليها‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫بعئذ‪ .‬وحتى ت�أمالت قادمة‪ ،‬لكم‬ ‫مني كل االحترام وفائق االعتبار‪.‬‬

‫بكفالتك لليتيم تسد جوعه‬ ‫وتعطيه أم ً‬ ‫ال بمستقبل مشرق‬ ‫مببلغ ‪ 50‬دوالرا يف الشهر ميكنك أن تكفل يتيامً فتسعد قلبه‬ ‫وتغري حياته لألفضل‪.‬‬

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‫‪48‬‬ ‫الوسط االسترالي‬


‫نزهة في الهواء الطلق‬ ‫«تهدي» عائلة كنزا من الذهب!‏‬ ‫عثر �أف����راد عائلة م��ن مدينة‬ ‫ب���ن���دي���غ���و ب����والي����ة ف��ي��ك��ت��وري��ا‬ ‫الأ�سترالية على قطعة ذهبية‬ ‫يبلغ وزنها �أكثر من ن�صف كيلوغرام‪.‬‬ ‫وذك��ر موقع «‪� ،»‬أن رجال‬ ‫ك��ان في نزهة �سير في �ضواحي المدينة‪،‬‬ ‫م��ع ابنتيه ال�صغيرتين وكلبه الملقب بـ‬ ‫«المحظوظ»‪ ،‬ول��م ينتبه ف��ي البداية لدى‬ ‫مروره بجانب «ح�صاة غريبة»‪.‬‬ ‫وقال الأ�سترالي‪« :‬لقد مررت فعليا بالقرب‬ ‫م��ن قطعة ال��ذه��ب كما رك��ل��ت ابنتي هذه‬ ‫القطعة بقدمها و�س�ألتني هل ه��ذا ذهب؟‬ ‫ف�أجبتها لي�س م�ستبعدا»‪.‬‬ ‫و�أخ����ذ �أف����راد ال��ع��ائ��ل��ة قطعة ال��ذه��ب �إل��ى‬

‫المتجر‪ ،‬بعد انتهاء النزهة‪ ،‬فتبين �أنها‬ ‫ت��زن ‪ 624‬غ��رام��ا‪ .‬وعر�ضوها على خبراء‬ ‫في المعادن الثمينة ف�أكدوا لهم ب�أنها من‬ ‫الذهب ويبلغ �سعرها تقريبا ‪� 35‬ألف دوالر‬ ‫�أ�سترالي (‪� 24‬ألف دوالر �أمريكي)‪.‬‬ ‫و�أ�شار رب العائلة �إلى �أن هذا الكنز جاءهم‬ ‫في الوقت المنا�سب لأن الأ�سرة تعاني من‬ ‫�ضائقة مالية‪ .‬كما �أنه يعتزم موا�صلة البحث‬ ‫مع عائلته عن الذهب في المكان نف�سه‪،‬‬ ‫«عادة عندما تجد هذه القطعة الكبيرة من‬ ‫الذهب فبالت�أكيد هناك قطع كثيرة �أ�صغر‬ ‫حجما بالقرب منها»‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬لينتا‪ .‬رو‬

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AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019 ‫ هـ ¿ أيار‬1440 ‫ ¿ شوال‬100 ‫الوسط‬

‫«ملك الفواكه» يؤدي إلى‬ ‫إخالء مكتبة جامعة أسترالية!‬


‫دفعت قطعة فاكهة �إل��ى �إج�لاء مكتبة جامعة‬ ‫كانبيرا‪ ،‬الأ�سبوع الما�ضي‪ ،‬وا�ستجابت فرق‬ ‫الإطفاء والإنقاذ في �إقليم العا�صمة الأ�سترالية‬ ‫لنداءات «رائحة الغاز القوية» داخل الجامعة‪.‬‬ ‫وع��ق��ب �إخ�ل�اء المكتبة‪� ،‬أ���ص��درت خ��دم��ات ال��ط��وارئ في‬ ‫العا�صمة الأ�سترالية بيانا قالت فيه �إن فرق المواد الخطيرة‬ ‫تفح�ص المبنى وتجري «مراقبة جوية»‪.‬‬ ‫وفي غ�ضون �ساعة‪ ،‬اكتُ�شف م�صدر الرائحة الكريهة‪ ،‬وقال‬ ‫ق�سم خدمات ال��ط��وارئ‪« :‬لقد �أكمل رج��ال الإطفاء عملية‬ ‫البحث داخل المبنى‪ ،‬وح��ددوا م�صدر الرائحة»‪ ،‬و�أ�ضاف‬ ‫البيان‪�« :‬أعيد ت�شغيل المكتبة الآن‪ ،‬و�أعيد ت�سليم المبنى �إلى‬ ‫موظفي جامعة كانبيرا»‪.‬‬ ‫وتُرك الأمر لموظفي المكتبة للك�شف عن م�صدر الرائحة‬ ‫الكريهة‪ ،‬فكان «فاكهة دوري���ان» التي �أط��ل��ق عليها عالم‬ ‫الطبيعة البريطاني �ألفريد رو�س واال���س في القرن التا�سع‬ ‫ع�شر ا�سم «ملك الفواكه»‪.‬‬ ‫ويع�شق الكثيرون ه��ذه الفاكهة الماليزية بف�ضل نكهتها‬ ‫اللذيذة‪ ،‬وهي تتمتع ب�شعبية كبيرة في ال�صين‪ ،‬لكن رائحتها‬ ‫الكريهة للغاية‪ ،‬التي غالبا ما تثير اال�شمئزاز‪� ،‬أدت �إلى منعها‬ ‫من الفنادق وو�سائل النقل العام عبر �آ�سيا‪.‬‬ ‫وبح�سب موظفي المكتبة‪ ،‬فقد تم ترك الفاكهة ال�صغيرة‬ ‫بالقرب من فتحة تهوية في الطابق الثاني من المكتبة‪،‬‬ ‫و�أزيلت في نهاية المطاف عن طريق و�ضعها في كي�س مغلق‬


‫ب�إحكام‪.‬‬ ‫وو���ض��ع��ت مكتبة ال��ج��ام��ع��ة م��ن�����ش��ورا عبر‬ ‫�صفحتها على في�سبوك تو�ضح فيه ما حدث‪:‬‬ ‫«المكتبة مفتوحة‪ ،‬والرائحة ال�شبيهة بالغاز‬ ‫في المبنى �آمنة تماما‪� ،‬إذ ترك �شخ�ص ما‬ ‫فاكهة دوريان في �إحدى الحاويات»‪.‬‬ ‫وه��ذه ال��م��رة الثانية‪ ،‬منذ �أك��ث��ر م��ن عام‬ ‫بقليل‪ ،‬التي ت�ؤدي فيها فاكهة دوري��ان �إلى‬ ‫�إج�لاء جماعي ل��رواد مكتبة جامعية في‬ ‫�أ�ستراليا‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬ذي غارديان‬

‫متى تكون القهوة‬ ‫خطرة على حياتك؟‬ ‫�أظهرت درا�سة �أجرتها جامعة جنوب �أ�ستراليا‬ ‫�أن �شرب �أكثر من ‪ 6‬فناجين قهوة يوميا يزيد‬ ‫من خطر الإ�صابة ب�أمرا�ض القلب بن�سبة ‪.%22‬‬ ‫ويناق�ش ال��ب��اح��ث��ون ف��ك��رة خ��ط��ورة ا�ستهالك الكثير من‬ ‫الكافيين‪ ،‬بعد ارتفاع معدل الوفيات المرتبط ب�شرب القهوة‬ ‫بكميات كبيرة‪.‬‬ ‫وت��ه��دف ال��درا���س��ة الم�ستندة �إل��ى بيانات البنك الحيوي‬ ‫البريطانية (‪ ،)UK Biobank‬ال��ت��ي ت�شمل ‪347077‬‬ ‫م�شاركا تتراوح �أعمارهم ما بين ‪ 37‬و‪ 73‬عاما‪� ،‬إلى معرفة‬ ‫ما �إذا كان البع�ض منا �أكثر مرونة في مواجهة �آثار القهوة‪،‬‬ ‫مقارنة بالآخرين‪.‬‬ ‫وركز الباحثون على جين ا�ستقالب الكافيين «‪،»CYP1A2‬‬ ‫وال��ذي ُيعتقد �أن��ه ي�ساعد في تح�سين معالجة الكافيين‪.‬‬ ‫وح��ددوا ع��ادات ا�ستهالك القهوة‪ ،‬التي زادت �أو قللت من‬ ‫خطر الإ�صابة ب�أمرا�ض القلب والأوعية الدموية‪.‬‬ ‫ووجدت الدرا�سة �أن امتالك الم�شاركين لجين «‪،»CYP1A2‬‬ ‫الذي �ساعد في ا�ستقالب القهوة ‪ 4‬مرات �أ�سرع من الآخرين‪،‬‬ ‫لم ينقذهم من �سلبيات تناول �أكثر من ‪ 6‬فناجين من القهوة‪.‬‬ ‫وفي عام ‪ ،2014‬ن�شر كري�س البو�س‪� ،‬أخ�صائي �أمرا�ض القلب‬ ‫في جامعة «‪ ،»McGill‬الذي لم ي�شارك في الدرا�سة‪ ،‬مقاال‬ ‫في جريدة «مونتريال» يحلل العديد من الدرا�سات حول‬ ‫مخاطر الكافيين‪ ،‬بعد �أن �أ�صدرت �إدارة الأغذية والعقاقير‬ ‫تحذيرا حول ا�ستهالك الكافيين‪.‬‬ ‫ووجد البو�س �أن ا�ستهالك الكثير من القهوة يزيد من خطر‬ ‫الإ�صابة بنوبة قلبية بن�سبة ‪.%50‬‬ ‫وتقول جمعية القلب الأمريكية �إن هناك �إيجابيات و�سلبيات‬ ‫للقهوة‪ ،‬فهي ت�ساعد على �إط�لاق الأحما�ض الدهنية من‬ ‫الأن�سجة‪ ،‬كما تحفز الجهاز الع�صبي‪ ،‬ولكن ت�أثيرها على‬ ‫الكلى يمكن �أن يزيد من العط�ش مع ارتداد الحم�ض‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬ديلي ميل‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬

‫‪51‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫أكـالت‬ ‫فــي عيــد الفطــر (‪)1‬‬ ‫تختلف طقو�س االحتفال بعيد الفطر و�أجوائه المرحة من دولة لأخرى فى كل عام ‪ ،‬لكن �أطباق الطعام والأكالت المتنوعة تظل هى ال�سمة الرئي�سية غالبا‬ ‫فى احتفاالت الم�سلمين فى كل دول العالم بهذه المنا�سبة المباركة ‪ ،‬ومن خالل موقع “كايرو دار” نعر�ض لكم �أ�شهر �أكالت عيد الفطر المبارك فى عدد من‬ ‫بالد الم�سلمين �ضمن مرا�سم االحتفال بعيد الفطر‪.‬‬ ‫م�صر‬ ‫ي�شتهر الم�صريون فى عيد الفطر المبارك بخبز‬ ‫�أن��واع مختلفة من حلويات العيد منها «الكعك‬ ‫اللذيذ» والب�سكويت المجهز بال�سمن البلدى‪،‬‬ ‫كما يحر�صوا على تح�ضير المخبوزات المح�شوة‬ ‫بالملبن �أو العجوة‪� ،‬أما عن المظاهر التى ت�شتهر‬ ‫بها م�صر هى محالت بيع الحلوى كال�شيكوالتة‬ ‫والأنواع المختلفة للحلويات خالل �أيام العيد‪.‬‬ ‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬ ‫ي�أتى «الثريد» و «الهري�س» على قائمة الأكالت‬ ‫المف�ضلة ل���دى �شعب الإم�����ارات ال�شقيق فى‬ ‫منا�سبة عيد الفطر المبارك‪ ،‬والثريد عبارة عن‬ ‫خبز ومرق اللحم فى حين يتكون «الهري�س» من‬ ‫قمح مطحون وممزوج بلحم مقطع‪.‬‬

‫�سلطنة عمان‬ ‫ي�شتهر المطبخ العمانى فى عيد الفطر بعدة‬ ‫�أك��ل�ات منها «ال�����ش��واء والم�شاكيك وال��م��ف��ور‬ ‫والهري�س وال��ث��ري��د»‪ ،‬وكلها تدخل اللحوم فى‬ ‫�إعدادها ولعل �أ�شهرها لحم ال�شواء‪.‬‬ ‫�أفغان�ستان‬ ‫يعد ال��ع��راك بالبي�ض م��ن �أ�سا�سيات المظهر‬ ‫االحتفالى – الفريد من نوعه – فى عيد الفطر‬ ‫حيث يتجمع الأف��غ��ان ف��ى المتنزهات ولديهم‬ ‫البي�ض الم�سلوق ويحاول كل واح��د ك�سر بي�ضة‬ ‫الآخر فى م�سابقة م�شهورة هناك‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪:‬‬


‫أشهى وأفخر الحلويات اللبنانية والشرقية‬

‫صقر وأوالده‬

‫‪Al Afrah Pastry‬‬

‫‪Lebanese & Arabic sweets‬‬

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‫‪Tel: (02) 9708 2774 •‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬


‫�أ�س بي �أ�س عربي ‪2٤‬‬ ‫�شغلت ق�ضية التحايل‬ ‫الأخ���ي���رة ع��ل��ى ال�سنترلنك و قيام‬ ‫ع�صابة منظمة م��ن ث�لاث��ة رج���ال و‬ ‫‪ 15‬ام��ر�أة ال�شارع اال�سترالي خا�ص ًة‬ ‫بعد الك�شف عن ا�ستخدام الع�صابة‬ ‫ال�سماء �أطفال عند القيام بالمطالبة‬ ‫بعائدات الحكومة الخا�صة بمراكز‬ ‫رع��اي��ة الأط���ف���ال‪ .‬وف���ي ح��ي��ن قامت‬ ‫ال�شرطة في �سيدني باعتقال �أف��راد‬ ‫العا�صبة ت��م الك�شف ع��ن � ّأن قيمة‬ ‫المبالغ ال��ت��ي تلقتها المنظمة التي‬ ‫ادع��ت ادارت��ه��ا لمركز رعاية �أطفال‬ ‫وهمي فاقت ماليين الدوالرات‪.‬‬ ‫ق�ضية التحايل على ال�سنترلنك ونظام‬ ‫الرعاية االجتماعية لي�س بالجديد‬ ‫اذ ك�شفت ارقام ر�سمية �أواخ��ر العام‬ ‫الما�ضي �أن حملة حكومية ا�ستهدفت‬ ‫المتحايلين على ال�سنترلنك تمكنت‬ ‫من ا�ستعادة مايفوق ال��ـ ‪ $43‬مليون‬ ‫خالل ثالثة �أعوام‪.‬‬ ‫هذا وتختلف الجرائم التي يعتبرها‬

‫القانون الأ�سترالي الخا�ص بالتزوير‬ ‫اح��ت��ي��ا ًال فعلى �سبيل ال��م��ث��ال يعتبر‬ ‫عدم اعالم ال�سنترلنك بتغير و�ضعك‬ ‫االجتماعي جريمة تحايل كما يعتبر‬ ‫عدم تحديث بياناتك الخا�صة بالعمل‬ ‫وبراتبك جريمة �أي�ض ًا خا�ص ًة اذا كنت‬ ‫تتقا�ضى �أموا ًال �أكثر من تلك التي يحق‬ ‫لك بها‪.‬‬ ‫والجدير بالذكر ان و�سائل االع�لام‬ ‫ك�شفت ع��ن عمليات تحايل وت��زوي��ر‬ ‫منظمة كان ورا�ؤه��ا �أ�شخا�ص ًا ادعوا‬ ‫العجز �أو االعاقة فمث ًال ا�ضطر زوجان‬ ‫الع��ادة ماي�صل �إل��ى ‪� $140‬أل��ف �إلى‬ ‫ال�سنترلنك الخفائهم عالقتهم التي‬ ‫دام��ت ح��وال��ي �أرب��ع��ة اع���وام ف��ي وقت‬ ‫كانوا يتقا�ضون فيها اع��ان��ات الأه��ل‬ ‫العازبين‪.‬‬ ‫�أ ّما عن عقوبة من يك�شف تحايله على‬ ‫ال�سنترلنك فيقول المحامي ها�شم‬ ‫الح�سيني �أن العقوبات ت��ت��راوح بين‬ ‫‪� 12‬شهر ًا و ع�شرة اع��وام في ال�سجن‬ ‫بح�سب المبلغ الم�سروق و عوامل اخرى‬ ‫مثل نية التحايل على الكومنيلث‪.‬‬

‫حذار من‬ ‫الحِرفيين‬ ‫ال ُمزيفين‪:‬‬

‫�أ�س بي �أ�س عربي ‪2٤‬‬ ‫ك�شف النائب العمالي في برلمان‬ ‫نيو �ساوث ويلز جهاد ديب �أن ابنته البالغة من‬ ‫العمر ‪ 15‬عام ًا ا�ستُهدفت‪ ،‬مع رفيقة لها‪ ،‬بكالم‬ ‫عن�صري ينم ع��ن الكراهية ويت�ضمن ته ُّكم ًا‬ ‫وا�ستهزا ًء بدينها‪ .‬الحادث وق��ع خ�لال مباراة‬ ‫لكرة القدم خالل عطلة نهاية الأ�سبوع الما�ضي‪.‬‬ ‫و�أو�ضح النائب ديب �أن ابنته تع ّر�ضت للم�ضايقة‬ ‫والكالم العن�صري ب�شكل متوا�صل‪ ،‬ما جعلها‬ ‫تبكي ت�أثر ًا بهذا التحامل‪ .‬ومما قيل لها‪ ،‬بح�سب‬ ‫ال��ن��ائ��ب دي���ب‪� ،‬إن��ه��ا «م���ق���ززة» وال تنتمي �إل��ى‬ ‫�أ�ستراليا‪.‬‬ ‫وي�شغل ال��ن��ائ��ب ج��ه��اد دي��ب من�صب الناطق‬ ‫با�سم المعار�ضة العمالية في والي��ة نيو �ساوث‬ ‫ويلز با�سم �ش�ؤون التعليم‪ .‬وكان من �ألمع مدراء‬ ‫المدار�س في الوالية عندما عمل ل�سنوات مدير ًا‬ ‫لثانوية بان�شبول للبنين‪ .‬وقد دعا �إلى الت�صدي‬ ‫لما و�صفه بـ «تطبيع الكراهية» الحا�صل حالي ًا‬ ‫في ا�ستراليا‪.‬‬ ‫و�سبق �أن �أ���ش��ارت تقارير مختلفة �إل��ى ارتفاع‬ ‫كبير في الإبالغ عن حاالت التحامل العن�صري‬ ‫في �أ�ستراليا‪ .‬ففي فيكتوريا على �سبيل المثال‪،‬‬

‫ك�شفت منظمة ‪ ،HACK‬وهي اتحا ٌد للمراكز‬ ‫القانونية الخا�صة بالمجتمع في ال��والي��ة‪ ،‬عن‬ ‫ارتفاع حاالت الإب�لاغ عن الكراهية العن�صرية‬ ‫بن�سبة ‪ %50‬العام الما�ضي‪.‬‬ ‫في المقابل‪ ،‬ك�شفت �شبكة ‪� ABC‬أن ‪� 21‬شخ�ص ًا‬ ‫فقط ف��ي ك��ل �أ�ستراليا تمت �إدان��ت��ه��م بجرائم‬ ‫الكراهية العن�صرية‪ .‬وال�لاف��ت �أن��ه ف��ي �أكبر‬ ‫ال��والي��ات الأ�سترالية‪ ،‬نيو �ساوث ويلز‪ ،‬لم تتم‬ ‫�إدانة �أي �شخ�ص بهذه الجرائم منذ بدء العمل‬ ‫ب�سجلها في العام ‪.1994‬‬ ‫ك��ذل��ك ل��م ي��ت��م ت��ج��ري��م �أي �شخ�ص ف��ي والي��ة‬ ‫جنوب �أ�ستراليا منذ بدء �سجل جرائم الكراهية‬ ‫ف��ي ال��ع��ام ‪ ،1996‬ف��ي حين ال ُيعتبر التحامل‬ ‫العن�صري جريمة في ت�سمانيا‪ ،‬ومقاطعة �أرا�ضي‬ ‫ال�شمال ومقاطعة �أرا�ضي العا�صمة‪.‬‬ ‫ف��ي ه���ذه الأث���ن���اء‪ ،‬اع��ت��ب��ر �أح���د ال��خ��ب��راء في‬ ‫الجرائم‪ ،‬التحري الأميركي ال�سابق‬ ‫‪� ،Matt Browning‬أن ال�شرطة في �أ�ستراليا‬ ‫ال ت�أخذ جرائم الكراهية العن�صرية على محمل‬ ‫الجد‪ .‬كالم هذا الخبير جاء خالل خطاب �ألقاه‬ ‫في م�ؤتمر ُعقد في �سيدني في العام ‪.2016‬‬

‫ما يقرب من نصف األموال المفقودة للحرفيين المزيفين‬ ‫في ‪ 18-2017‬بدأت مع نشرة ملقية في صندوق البريد‪.‬‬ ‫حتى لو كانت نشرتهم تبدو مشروعة‪ ،‬فأنهم قد يكونون‬ ‫حرفيين مزيفين أو رجال متجولين مخادعين‪ .‬كن حذراً‪.‬‬

‫قُم بزيارة موقعنا على اإلنترنت للحصول على نصائح‬ ‫للتعرف على الحرفيين المزيفين‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫اإلبالغ عن حِرفي مزيّف‪:‬‬ ‫‪1300 133 408‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬

‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫عقوبة التحايل على‬ ‫السنترلنك السجن لمدة‬ ‫تتراوح بين عام و ‪ 10‬أعوام‬

‫النائب ديب‬ ‫يدعو إلى التصدي لـ‬ ‫«تطبيع الكراهية»‬

‫‪53‬‬ ‫تحقيق‬

‫ال�������ع�������ي�������د‬ ‫ف���ي ع��ي��ون��ه��م‬ ‫�أحمد �شريف ‪ /‬ملبورن‬

‫ال�����س��ي��د‪�(/‬آرج��ن��ت م��ن��ور)‬ ‫ا�سترالي من �أ�صل تركي‪ ،‬قدم �إلى‬ ‫ا�ستراليا قبل (‪ )24‬عاما‪ .‬ورغم‬ ‫�أن��ه ق�ضى معظم �أعياده هنا‪� ،‬إال‬ ‫�أنه �أ�شار �إلى �أن الأعياد في تركيا‪،‬‬ ‫لم تعد كما كانت في ال�سابق! حيث‬ ‫يتعامل النا�س مع منا�سبة العيد‪،‬‬ ‫كما لو �أنها مجرد �إج��ازة وفر�صة‬ ‫للراحة من العمل‪ ،‬والخروج عن‬ ‫الأداء الروتيني اليومي!! وفي ذلك‬ ‫�إف��راغ للعيد من معناه الحقيقي‪.‬‬ ‫العيد في �أ�ستراليا‪� ،‬سميا و�سط‬ ‫الجالية التركية‪ ،‬ي�شكل منا�سبة‬ ‫للترابط والتوا�صل مع الآخرين‪.‬‬ ‫ولأن ع��ي��د ال��ف��ط��ر‪ ،‬ي����أت���ي عقب‬ ‫�إن��ت��ه��اء �شهر رم�ضان المبارك‪،‬‬ ‫ف�إنه يحتل مكانة خا�صة في نفو�س‬ ‫ك��ل ال��ج��ال��ي��ات الم�سلمة‪ ،‬ومنها‬ ‫الجالية التركية‪ .‬كذلك طبيعة‬ ‫الأو�ضاع ال�سيا�سية واالقت�صادية‬ ‫والحريات العامة المتوفرة هنا‪،‬‬ ‫تجعل االحتفال بالمنا�سبة الدينية‬ ‫العظيمة‪� ،‬أكثر روعة وبهاء‪.‬‬

‫ومن الجالية اللبنانية قدم ال�سيد‬ ‫(خ��ال��د ط��ال��ب) �أح���ر التهاني‬ ‫والتبريكات بحلول عيد الفطر‬ ‫المبارك‪ ،‬متمنيا للجالية اللبنانية‬ ‫والأم�������ة الإ����س�ل�ام���ي���ة‪ ،‬ال��م��ح��ب��ة‬ ‫وال�سالم والأم��ن‪ .‬كما تمنى عودة‬ ‫(الطيور) المهاجرة �إلى بالدها‪،‬‬ ‫في �أجواء من اال�ستقرار والعطاء‪.‬‬ ‫وقد و�صل �إلى ا�ستراليا قبل (‪)15‬‬ ‫عاما‪ ،‬و�أك��د عن �سعادته بالعي�ش‬ ‫في هذه البالد الطيبة‪ .‬ولأن الأمة‬ ‫الإ���س�لام��ي��ة ه��ن��ا ف��ي �أ���س��ت��رال��ي��ا‪،‬‬ ‫م�����ش��غ��ول��ة ب���أع��م��ال��ه��ا المختلفة‪،‬‬ ‫بالتالي يرى �أن العيد �أحلى و�أجمل‬ ‫في وطنه الأ�صل (لبنان)‪ ،‬حيث‬ ‫وج��ود الأه��ل و�أ�صدقاء الطفولة‪،‬‬ ‫فالعيد هناك ي�أتي ليذكر النا�س‬ ‫ب�أجمل �أيامها‪ ،‬طفولة و�شبابا‪.‬‬

‫ال�سيد (ع��ب��ا���س ع��ب��د ال��ق��ادر‬ ‫�أبوبكر) م��ن اليمن‪ ،‬ق��دم تهانيه‬ ‫القلبية للأمة الإ�سالمية والعربية‪،‬‬ ‫بحلول عيد الفطر المبارك‪ ،‬راجيا‬ ‫ال��م��ول��ى �أن ي��ح��ف��ظ �أم����ة الإ���س�لام‬ ‫وي�سترهم في الدارين‪ .‬و�صف عيده‬ ‫الأول با�ستراليا قبل (‪ )17‬عاما‪ ،‬ب�أنه‬ ‫كان عيدا ممال‪ ،‬رغم �أن العيد ي�أتي‬ ‫ب�أفراحه وجمالياته‪� ،‬إال �أن الأعياد‬ ‫في ب�لاد الغربة ناق�صة دوم��ا‪ ،‬وقد‬ ‫تخلتف ن�سبة االهتمام بزيارة الأهل‬ ‫والأرحام بين الم�سلمين من بلد �إلى‬ ‫بلد‪ ،‬وي��رى �أن الم�سلمين الميقين‬ ‫في (الواليات المتحدة الأمريكية)‪،‬‬ ‫يهتمون بالتوا�صل �أكثر مما هو موجود‬ ‫هنا في �أ�ستراليا‪ .‬ال�سيد(عبا�س)‬ ‫يعمل ف��ي ح��ي��اك��ة ال��م�لاب�����س‪ ،‬وبيع‬ ‫العطور والبخور ب�أنواعها بمنطقة‬ ‫(ف��وت�����س��ك��ري)‪ .‬ي��ت��ح��دث (العربية‬ ‫– الإن��ج��ل��ي��زي��ة – ال�صومالية –‬ ‫ال�سواحيلي‪ -‬والأمهرية)‪� .‬أ�شار في‬ ‫تهنئته �إلى �ضرورة االهتمام بتعليم‬ ‫الأبناء اللغة العربية والتحديث معهم‬ ‫بالعربية‪ ،‬كما �أهاب ب�ضرورة التحلي‬ ‫بال�صبر ف��ي العمل ال��ت��ج��اري‪ ،‬من‬ ‫خالل فتح الأماكن لأطول فترة يومية‬ ‫ممكنة‪.‬‬

‫ال�سيد‪�( /‬سراج علي) �صاحب محل بيع مالب�س بمنطقة (فوت�سكري)‪� .‬أ�سترالي من �أ�صل �إثيوبي‪ .‬يقيم منذ‬ ‫فترة طويلة في وطنه الجديد‪� .‬أ�شار �إلى �أن العيد يحتل في نف�سه‪ ،‬مكانة خا�صة بو�صفه م�سلم و�إثيوبي �أي�ضا‪ .‬حيث‬ ‫ي�أتي هذا العيد‪ ،‬كهدية من المولى عز وجل لل�صائمين في �شهر رم�ضان‪ ،‬م�صحوبا برجاء قبول ال�صيام والقيام‬ ‫وال�صدقات وقراءة القر�آن الكريم‪ .‬لم يح�س بغربة العيد هنا في �أ�ستراليا التي و�صلها قبل عقدين من الزمان‪ ،‬حيث‬ ‫وجود والدته والأهل والإخوان‪ .‬و�أ�ضاف للعيد �أفراحه وم�سراته‪� ،‬سيما بعد تكوينه �أ�سرته ال�صغيرة المقيمة معه في‬ ‫(ملبورن)‪ .‬ال يميز بين عيد و�آخر؛ لأن الأعياد تظل �أعياد بمعانيها ال�سامية الكبيرة‪ .‬لذا ي�سعد بقدومه �أيا كان و�ضعه‬ ‫بو�صفه حدثا فريدا يحمل في طياته مالمح الدين الإ�سالمي الحنيف‪ .‬ي�ؤدي �صالة العيد ب�ساحة (فالمنجتون) في‬ ‫(نورث ملبورن)‪ ،‬التزاما بال�سنة النبوية ال�شريفة حيث �أدا�ؤها خارج الم�ساجد‪ .‬له ثالثة من الأبناء‪ ،‬ويحر�ص على‬ ‫ا�صطحابهم معه لزيارة الأقارب والأرحام؛ باعتباره �أمرا دينيا‪ .‬ويهتم �أي�ضا ب�إقامة عالقات طيبة مع الجيران‪ ،‬من‬ ‫خالل تفقد �أحوالهم و�أو�ضاعهم‪ ،‬حتى �إهداءهم �شيئا مما ي�صلهم من رائحة الطعام‪ ،‬وذلك تنفيذا لو�صية الر�سول‬ ‫محمد (�صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم) بح�سن الجيرة‪ ،‬وي�سعى �إلى تقديم ال�صورة الحقيقية للإ�سالم‪ ،‬وهو ما ينبغي �أن يتحلى‬ ‫به كل الم�سلمين �إزاء التعامل مع الم�سلمين وغير الم�سلمين في هذه البالد اوغيرها‪.‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬

‫ي�أتي العيد كل عام‪ ،‬والنا�س يدخلون‬ ‫جلبابه مر�صعين بالأفراح والم�سرات‪،‬‬ ‫متنا�سين الهموم والمنغ�صات‪ .‬ولكن‬ ‫بع�ضهم‪ ،‬فالعيد يدخلهم في �أزقة الأحزان‪ ،‬حيث‬ ‫ذكرى �أعزاء رحلوا‪ ،‬وتركوا م�ساحات من الفراغ‬ ‫الإن�ساني النبيل‪ .‬ولكن رغم هذا وذاك‪ ،‬فالعيد‬ ‫يظل عيدا‪ .‬ولإن كانت ن�سمة العيد في الأوطان‪،‬‬ ‫فواحة مو�شاة بالرياحين والعبير‪ ،‬ف�إن رائحة‬ ‫العيد في بالد الغربة والمهاجر مختلفة‪ ،‬ولونها‬ ‫غير ذلك‪ ،‬وطعمها غير م�ست�ساغ في الحلوق‪.‬‬ ‫(ال��و���س��ط) ا�ستطلعت ع��ددا م��ن الإ�ستراليين‬ ‫الم�سلمين‪ ،‬من �أ�صول عربية و�إفريقية وتركية‪.‬‬ ‫تباينت لغاتهم‪ ،‬لكنهم توحدوا في حنينهم �إلى‬ ‫�أوطانهم‪ ،‬و�شد رحالهم �إليها‪ ،‬حيث الطفولة‬ ‫وبراءتها‪� ،‬أعيادها وم�سراتها‪ .‬الو�سط تقدم‬ ‫ملخ�صا لعيديهم المبارك‪ .‬كل ع��ام والجميع‬ ‫بخير‪.‬‬

‫كما تحدث ال�سيد (مراد‬ ‫�أو���س��ك��ان) م���ن ال��ج��ال��ي��ة‬ ‫التركية عن العيد بالقول‪:‬‬ ‫االحتفال بالعيد في تركيا‪،‬‬ ‫ت�سبقه اال���س��ت��ع��داد ل�شهر‬ ‫ال�صيام والقيام‪ ،‬ثم ي�أتي‬ ‫العيد‪ ،‬ليكمل فرحة ال�صائم والقائم ب�شهر القر�آن الكريم‪ .‬تذكر‬ ‫�أول عيد له في �أ�ستراليا قبل (‪ )12‬عاما‪ ،‬م�ؤكدا �أنه لم يح�س‬ ‫بالغربة‪ ،‬وذلك لوجود جالية تركية كبيرة هنا في �أ�ستراليا‪ .‬وفيما‬ ‫يخ�ص العيد‪ ،‬قال‪� ،‬إنه يقوم بزيارة الأهل والأقارب والأ�صدقاء‪،‬‬ ‫م�شيرا �إلى �أنه يحر�ص على تجهيز (البقالوة) الخا�صة بالعيد له‬ ‫ولأفراد �أ�سرته‪ .‬و�أ�ضاف لأننا نعي�ش في وطن جميل‪ ،‬علينا غر�س‬ ‫ثقافة العيد لدى �أطفالنا المولدين هنا‪ ،‬وتمنى �أن يعم ال�سالم‬ ‫والطم�أننية ربوع العالم الإ�سالمي‪.‬‬ ‫ال�سيد(عمر محمد)‬ ‫ا�سترالي من �أ�صل �سوري‬ ‫م��ن (ح��ل��ب)‪ .‬يكاد ين�سى‬ ‫�أع��ي��اده ال��ت��ي ق�ضاها في‬ ‫ب��ل��اده‪ ،‬ح��ي��ث و���ص��ل �إل���ى‬ ‫�أ�ستراليا قبل (‪ )47‬عاما‪.‬‬ ‫ف��ي الما�ضي ل��م تكن هنا‬ ‫جاليات عربية بالم�ستوى‬ ‫الموجودة فيه الآن‪ .‬حيث‬ ‫ل��م يتعد ع���دد ال�سوريين‬ ‫ال��ـ (‪� )50‬شخ�صا وهكذا‬ ‫بالن�سبة للجاليات العربية‬ ‫الإ�سالمية الأخ��رى‪ .‬مع م��رور الزمن تزايدت �أع��داد الجاليات‬ ‫الوافدة خا�صة العربية‪ ،‬حتى و�صلت الأعداد التي نراها اليوم‪.‬‬ ‫في الما�ضي ي�أتي العيد وك�أنه يوم عادي ال نح�س بطعمه‪ ،‬حتى‬ ‫الم�أكوالت الحالل من لحوم وغيرها‪ ،‬لم تكن متوافرة‪ ،‬الآن الحمد‬ ‫هلل لكل �شيء طعم في هذه البالد التاريخية العظيمة‪� .‬س�ألته عن‬ ‫�أو�ضاع وطنه (�سوريا) فطلب عدم فتح باب من الآلآم والم�آ�سي‪،‬‬ ‫م�ؤكدا �أنه يعي�ش �أفراح العيد في هذه البالد الخيرة التي �سماها‬ ‫بـ (�أم الدنيا) �أ�ستراليا التي ت�ضم في جنباتها كل �شعوب العالم‪.‬‬ ‫وتمنى �أن ي�أتي العام القادم والأمة العربية والإ�سالمية موحدة‪،‬‬ ‫رغم �أنها �أجمعت على عدم التوحد‪.‬‬

‫‪54‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫أكـالت‬ ‫فــي عيــد الفطــر (‪)2‬‬ ‫تختلف طقو�س االحتفال بعيد الفطر و�أجوائه المرحة من دولة لأخرى فى كل عام ‪ ،‬لكن �أطباق الطعام والأكالت المتنوعة تظل هى ال�سمة الرئي�سية غالبا‬ ‫فى احتفاالت الم�سلمين فى كل دول العالم بهذه المنا�سبة المباركة ‪ ،‬ومن خالل موقع “كايرو دار” نعر�ض لكم �أ�شهر �أكالت عيد الفطر المبارك فى عدد من‬ ‫بالد الم�سلمين �ضمن مرا�سم االحتفال بعيد الفطر‪.‬‬ ‫جنوب �شرق �آ�سيا‬ ‫ي��ت��ه��اف��ت ال��م�����س��ل��م��ون فى‬ ‫دول ج��ن��وب ���ش��رق �آ���س��ي��ا‬ ‫م��ث��ل م��ال��ي��زي��ا و�سنغافورة‬ ‫وب��رون��اى و�إندوني�سيا على‬ ‫�أط��ب��اق «الريندانج» خالل‬ ‫االحتفال بالعيد‪ ،‬وهو اللحم‬ ‫البقرى ال��ح��ار‪� ،‬إل��ى جانب‬ ‫«الكيتوبات» وهى الزالبية‪،‬‬ ‫و «الليمانج» وهى كعكة الأرز‬ ‫المطبوخة‪.‬‬ ‫�أندوني�سيا‬ ‫ي��ع��د الإن��دون��ي�����س��ي��ون كعكا‬ ‫خا�صا م��ن �أج���ل االحتفال‬

‫بعيد الفطر المبارك ي�سمى‬ ‫«ك��وى البي�س ليجيد» ذات‬ ‫الأل���ف طبقة‪ ،‬وي�صنع من‬ ‫الدقيق وال��زب��د ومجموعة‬ ‫من التوابل‪.‬‬ ‫المجر‬ ‫تحر�ص الأ���س��رة الم�سلمة‬ ‫فى �صباح ي��وم عيد الفطر‬ ‫المبارك على �إعداد مائدة‬ ‫االف���ط���ار وه���ى ع��ب��ارة عن‬ ‫دجاج �أو لحم مع المكرونة‪،‬‬ ‫ويتناولون هذه الوجبة قبل‬ ‫الذهاب �إل��ى �صالة العيد‪،‬‬ ‫ومن عادات الأ�سر الم�سلمة‬

‫ف��ى ال��ع��ي��د ب��ال��م��ج��ر ت��ب��ادل‬ ‫�أط��ب��اق ال��ط��ع��ام المختلفة‬ ‫كهدايا‪.‬‬ ‫تركيا‬ ‫ي�����س��م��ى ال��ع��ي��د ف���ى ت��رك��ي��ا‬ ‫ب�إجازة الحلوى‪ ،‬حيث يخرج‬ ‫الأط���ف���ال ف��ى ت��ل��ك الأي����ام‬ ‫ل��زي��ارة الأق���ارب والجيران‬ ‫وي��ق��دم��ون ل��ه��م ه��داي��ا من‬ ‫الحلوى مثل «الباكالفا»‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪Mohammad Berjaoui‬‬ ‫رئيس جمعية الصداقة العربية االسترالية‪ -‬كانبرا‬

‫‪Eid‬‬ ‫‪Mubarak‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬

‫‪55‬‬ ‫تهنئة‬

‫‪EID MUBARAK‬‬ ‫‪Mushabab Saad Aiban‬‬

‫‪Director‬‬ ‫‪Muslim World League in Australia.‬‬

‫يسر ادارة مكتب رابطة العالم االسالمي باستراليا ان تهنئ‬ ‫األمة االسالمية والجالية المسلمة باستراليا ونيوزلندا‬ ‫ودول جنوب المحيط الهادي بحلول عيد الفطر المبارك‬ ‫وتسأل اهلل سبحانه وتعالى ان يصلح حال األمة االسالمية‬ ‫واإلنسانية بشكل عام‪.‬‬ ‫‪284-286 Plenty Rd Preston VIC 3072‬‬ ‫‪E:‬‬ ‫‪W:‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 100‬شوال ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ أيار ‪AL WASAT 100 ¿ Shawwal 1440 ¿ May 2019‬‬

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