October 2018

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Jerusalem (AL-QUDS) is the capital of Palestine Issue 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October

4 14

Morrison’s Wentworth Desperation

Senator Mehreen Faruqi The New Voice In Australian Parliament


6 10

The Exploration of Inland Australia Raising the Bar for excellence: Human Rights in Islam

َ ¿ 94 ‫العدد‬ 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬


‫الشيخ‬‭‬ ‫رحل‬ ‭‫بكرو‬‭‬ ‫الشيخ‬‭‬ ‫الرزاق‬‭‬ ‫‬عبد‬ ‫الطيب‬‭‬ ‫اثره‬‭‬ ‫‬وبقي‬


‫المتحف التركي في‬ ‫استراليا يقيم معرضا في‬ ‫برلمان والية فكتوريا‬


‫أستراليا تعتزم منع‬ ‫المهاجرين الجدد من‬ ‫السكن في المدن الكبرى‬



Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Art Director: Omar Alhashemi



Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika

Al Wasat newspaper

Gold Coast hosts Australian International Quran Competition


‫تصدر عن شبكة الوسط االعالمية‬ Address:

Melbourne office: Suite B11 The Gateway, Broadmeadows 3047 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076

ICV Amity Cup 2k18 Table Tennis Grand Final

Sydney office: 10-28 Biloela St, Villawood NSW 2163 Tel.: + 61 4 9033 0623

‫يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على‬ ‫االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية‬


Is Ambition A Necessity To Nurture Success In Your Child

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Human Appeal Australia:

Great Day for a Good Cause


Fun and Active with Hurricane Stars Club


Book Review: China and Islam


:‫علم الحديث‬ ‫أحاديث مشهورة‬ ‫ضعيفة السند‬


‫هل يقلل األشقاء خطر‬ ‫اإلصابة بالسرطان؟‬


‫طريقة بسيطة‬ ‫للحصول على نوم‬ ‫أعمق‬



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RE: The Australian Embassy

ANIC is Seriously Concerned Over the PM’s Recent Consideration to Recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital



Muslims Australia – AFIC yesterday wrote to the Prime Minister expressing our total and unequivocal opposition to the possibility of relocating the Australian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) is seriously concerned over PM’s recent consideration to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) and The Australian Muslim Community are seriously concerned over recent consideration on behalf of Prime Minister Scott Morrison to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Given that the Palestinians along with the majority world leaders are adamant that doing so would be a violation of international law and a huge setback for peace and stability in that region, such a move would no doubt be an affront to the Palestinian people as well as the collective

The situation in Palestine is totally unacceptable with breaches of basic human rights, not to mention international laws, occurring on a daily basis. Such a move by the Australian Government would be an explicit approval of the abhorrent treatment of the Palestinian people and will only lead to an escalation of their mistreatment and condemnation of Australia on the world stage. Muslims Australia – AFIC President, Dr Rateb Jneid, stated “Today I wrote to Mr Morrison seeking an urgent meeting to express our total and complete opposition to this move. Under no circumstances should any Australian who stands against injustice and oppression accept such an action from our Government and Mr Morrison needs to understand this clearly.” Once again we are seeing major policy decisions being made on questionable grounds and against any reasonable and objective assessment of the merits of such decisions. The Muslim community of Australia stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine and will continue to call out the obvious bias of Australia’s position on this issue. Muslims Australia – AFIC calls on the Australian Government to immediately abandon any such move to relocate the Australian Embassy and instead put its efforts into freeing the Palestinian people from their oppression and mistreatment. End.

ICV queries the statement by the Prime Minister that shifting the Australian embassy to Jerusalem is being considered ICV Why would the new Prime Minister Scott Morrison threaten to jettison the long- standing bipartisan position on the status of Jerusalem as disputed territory to be resolved as part of a final peace deal between Israel and Palestine? This also happens to be the overwhelming international view on Jerusalem. This appears to be a cynical ploy to win votes in the upcoming Wentworth bye- election and indeed is being interpreted as such by political commentators and no doubt most of the public. The ICV shares the PM’s apparent frustration at the dire state of the “peace process” but cannot understand how shifting Australia’s embassy to Jerusalem does anything but undermine the fading hopes for a just two state solution. If the PM genuinely wants to resuscitate the moribund process, rather than pander to Israel and its supporters, perhaps his government should consider holding Israel to account for its ongoing occupation, flouting of multiple UN resolutions, disregard for international law, and escalating crimes against the Palestinian people. “Australia must stop being on the wrong side of history” lamented ICV President Mohamed Mohideen. “It’s past time that Australia joined the 137 nations that have recognised the state of Palestine”, continued Mohideen.

-L EADER OF THE OPPOSITION IN THE SENATE - SHADOW MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS - SENATOR FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA Scott Morrison is now so desperate to hang on to his job, he is prepared to say anything if he thinks it will win him a few more votes – even at the cost of Australia’s national interest. Australia’s policy towards Israel is both long-standing and bipartisan – as it should be when Australia’s national interests are at stake. Both the Government and the Opposition have supported the approach of most other nations of maintaining our embassy in Tel Aviv on the grounds that Jerusalem’s status must be determined as part of an overall two state solution that recognises the State of Israel behind secure borders. In June this year, former Foreign Minister Julie Bishop declared “the Australian government will not be moving our embassy to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a final status issue and we have maintained that position for decades.” The same month, DFAT Secretary Frances Adamson declared that moving the embassy would be “unhelpful” to the peace process. In July, when asked if the Australian Embassy would َ ¿ 94 ‫الوسط‬ AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬


move to Jerusalem, Morrison said “no… no… it’s not the Government’s policy. It’s never been under review and we’re not doing it.” Both Labor and the Government, like the United Kingdom, France, Germany and most of the international community have also supported the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as being the best option for preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. In March this year Julie Bishop criticised the US withdrawal from the JCPOA and recommitted Australia to the deal. Foreign policy, and Australia’s national interest are far too important to be played with in this fashion. Instead of playing dangerous and deceitful word games with Australian foreign policy in a desperate attempt to win votes Scott Morrison should try governing in a way that reflects the values of the people of Wentworth by committing to serious action on climate change, and legislating to protect teachers and students from discrimination. The people of Wentworth, and all Australians, deserve a leader who puts the national interest ahead of his self-interest, and governs in the best long term interest of the nation, not one prepared to play games with long standing foreign policy positions five days out from a by-election.

We strongly condemn the motion put to the Senate by Senator Pauline Hanson and the decision by 23 government Senators to vote with One Nation to support it. It is not OK to affirm white supremacist slogans in the Australian Senate. It is not OK for 23 members of the Morrison government to endorse white supremacism in the Australian Parliament. This motion should have been defeated easily. Instead, 23 members of the Coalition government voted for it. Not only did 23 government Senators vote in favour of the motion – senior members of the government have backed it in since yesterday afternoon. The Attorney-General tweeted yesterday that his colleagues’ votes showed that they “deplored racism of any kind” – but by this morning, the best he and Government Senate Leader Matthias Cormann could do to explain the vote was to blame it on an “administrative error”. Voting for a motion that uses a white supremacist mantra is not an administrative error; it’s a shocking display of just how incompetent this government is, and how out of touch they are with the rest of Australia. A simple internet search on the phrase would have shown its origins and deep association with white supremacist ideologies. The government has only apologised for its administrative error because they were “embarrassed”. This Government isn’t interested in representing the majority of Australians. They are only interested in pandering to an increasingly outspoken far-right fringe in the Australian Parliament because they are desperate to stay in power. We will always stand up and speak out for all Australians who do not have a voice. This Government is dangerously out of touch, and unlike them, Labor will continue to represent the interests of multicultural Australia and stand up to their divisive tactics.




sentiments of Muslims worldwide. In addition to these concerns, it must be emphasised that such a move represents a breach of international conventions and discredits the function of the United Nations. It also contradicts the role performed by the United States of America in the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations. Rather than solving any potential problems within the region, such a decision would only exacerbate violence and may potentially cause further instability. ANIC strongly advises the Prime Minister Scott Morrison, fair-minded elements within the government, and the greater Australian public, to eschew such a consideration as it would clearly not serve the greater interest of the people of that region.

‫‪5‬‬ ‫حديث الوسط‬

‫حديث الوسط‬

‫السلوك السياسي‬ ‫ومنطق المصلحة والقوة‬ ‫فواز شوك‬

‫�إع�لان رئي�س ال��وزراء الأ�سترالي �سكوت موري�سون �إن��ه «منفتح» على مقترحات لالعتراف ر�سم ًيا‬ ‫بالقد�س عا�صم ًة لإ�سرائيل ونقل �سفارة ا�ستراليا اليها‪ ،‬ي�أخذنا �إلى الحديث عن ال�سيا�سة وفل�سفتها‬ ‫وتطبيقاتها على �أر�ض الواقع‪.‬‬ ‫المتابع للتاريخ الإن�ساني يعرف تماماً ان ال�سلوك ال�سيا�سي للدول والمجموعات كان في معظم مراحله ُيبنى‬ ‫على الم�صلحة ومتغيراتها وال يبنى بدافع قيمي �أو �أخالقي‪ ،‬وقد تتوافق الم�صلحة مع القيم في بع�ض الأحيان‬ ‫فيظهر ال�سلوك ال�سيا�سي بثوب �أخالقي‪.‬‬ ‫وواقع الحال ما هو �إال جزء من حركة التاريخ الم�ستمرة‪ ،‬فال�سلوك ال�سيا�سي في زمننا ال يختلف كثيرا عما‬ ‫�سبقه من ع�صور و�أزمنة‪.‬‬ ‫واذا ما عدنا �إلى ال�سلوك ال�سيا�سي لرئي�س حكومة ا�ستراليا وموقفه من ق�ضية القد�س ف�سنجده قد بني على‬ ‫الم�صلحة بل والم�صلحة االنتخابية ال�ضيقة (في محاولة منه لجذب �أ�صوات اليهود في مقعد وينتورث‪ ،‬الذي‬ ‫ي�شهد انتخابات تكميلية‪ ،‬كما تتهمه المعار�ضة) حيث تغلبت الم�صلحة ب�شكل وا�ضح على الثوابت الدولية‬ ‫وجاءت على ح�ساب حق ال�شعب الفل�سطيني الم�شروع وعلى ح�ساب قيم العدالة االن�سانية وحقوق االن�سان‪.‬‬ ‫دورنا كجالية عربية و�إ�سالمية �أمام هذا التحدي وغيره من التحديات والمواقف‪� ،‬أن نقر�أ ال�سيا�سة كما هي‬ ‫ولي�س كما نحب �أن نراها‪ ،‬و�أن نفهم الواقع كما هو ولي�س كما نريده �أن يكون‪ ،‬و�أن ندرك جيداً ان لعبة الم�صالح‬ ‫موجودة ومتجذرة وان منطق القوة �سائد ب�شكل �أو ب�آخر‪.‬‬ ‫لذلك فالأولى ِبنَا �أن نبحث عن مكامن القوة التي تتمتع بها جاليتنا ونعمل على تطويرها وا�ستثمارها من‬ ‫�أجل خدمة الق�ضايا العادلة ومن �أجل خدمة المجتمع اال�سترالي ككل‪.‬‬ ‫القوة هنا لها ت�شعبات كثيرة فهناك قوة الم�شاركة ال�سيا�سية التي يغفل عنا الكثيرون‪ ،‬وهناك قوة الح�ضور‬ ‫المجتمعي من خالل الخو�ض في الحقل االجتماعي والريا�ضي والأكاديمي والعلمي وغيره‪ ،‬وكذلك خلق قوة‬ ‫ت�أثير على �شكل مجموعة �ضغط (لوبي) مهمتها العمل بقدر الم�ستطاع على ت�صويب الم�سارات الخاطئة في‬ ‫ال�سيا�سات الخارجية والداخلية و�إر�شاد الجالية لما هو خير للمجتمع‪.‬‬ ‫�أما العواطف وبيانات ال�شجب والإدانة فقد تفيد في مكان ما لكنها لن تجد مكانها في عالم بني على منطق‬ ‫الم�صلحة والقوة وتخلى عن منطق القيم والمبادئ‪.‬‬

‫‪Visit www.hai.org.au‬‬ ‫‪Call 1300 760 155‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬



Source: The first Australian muslims by Glen Turnbull Published by Minaret college Camel Transport in West Australia 1894. Illustrated Australian News, 1 Oct 1894 (David Syme & Co.)

Bilal Cleland


The Exploration of Inland Australia

Without the camel and the Afghan cameleers, the interior of the continent could not have been explored. The starvation of Burke and Wills demonstrated how European colonists on their own, were totally It was Kamran who, with Gosse in July 1873, was the first recorded non-indigenous person to see the great rock, Uluru, named for the then Governor of South Australia Sir Henry Ayers. Gosse at least had the grace to name a “Kamran’s Well” between Uluru and Lake Amadeus for his leading Afghan cameleer and “Allanah Hill” 28 miles southeast of Uluru for the other Muslim on the team. Saleh, who physically led the Giles Expedition of 1875-76 across the Nullabor Plain and then to Perth and back via Geraldton to South Australia, was given the honour of having “Saleh’s Fish Pond” named for him near Mount Gould on the way back east from Geraldton. A suggestion of the type of intolerant superiority these Muslims had to cope with is indicated. “Saleh faithfully performed his lone daily prayers, regularly teased by the others. Sometimes he would ask Giles the direction of east and the leader would playfully point the other way. On these occasions Saleh was more likely to have been facing closer to Mecca for, from Australia, the Holy City was not eastwards but north-westwards.” Of course Saleh from Afghanistan would

unsuited to exploration of the interior, especially when they left the cameleers and their animals behind at Menindee. What stands out in this era of Australian history is how the vital contribution of these men and their

have been used to the qiblah facing west and no doubt had prayed in many mosques in Australia. For an experienced cameleer and bushman not to have known his directions or the qiblah rather stretches the imagination. This has the ring of a smart story from Giles rather than truth. These expeditions were not just brave manly exploits. They had economic motives. Giles was being supported by the major importer of camels Thomas Elder and on this expedition had agreed to survey country near Fowlers Bay for a prospective English squatter, a friend of Elder’s. The expedition that Saleh accompanied some years later in 1886, surveying the Queensland-Northern Territory Border, took prospecting parties with it, hoping to find new mineral wealth. With camels from Marree and Farina, Moosha Balooch and Guzzie Balooch accompanied the 1894 Horn Expedition, named for the director of the Broken Hill Proprietary Company who financed it. He wanted it to seek out minerals between the Macdonnell Ranges and Oodnadatta and to study new biological, botanical and

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ethnological material. Another two famous cameleers, Bejah Dervish and Said Ameer accompanied the 1896 Calvert Expedition. Two of the European members managed to get lost and starve to death. The willingness of the Afghans to search for days in terrible conditions and the offer from

camels was overlooked or even written out of the record. In keeping with the assumptions of white supremacy, it was the white colonists who received the public accolades and the local elite who had “new” features of the landscape named after them.

the major camel owner Faiz Mahomet to send his camels and men to the search, impressed contemporary opinion. Larry Wells, the leader of the expedition, named a landmark in the sandy desert “Bejah Hill” and gave Bejah Dervish his compass. Years later Nora Bejah,

daughter-in-law of Bejah, still had that compass. She also recalled that Bejah had been given the name “the Faithful”. Abdul or “Jack” Dervish, the son of Bejah, was most significant in getting the Madigan Expedition across the Simpson Desert in 1939. This was the last major exploration of the interior. Afghan Muslims had been on all of them since 1860. The second Afghan on this expedition, “Nurie”, Nur Mohamed Moosha, was the son of Moosha Balooch who had accompanied the Horn Expedition over forty years earlier. However things had changed. “By the 1930s the second generation of cameleers ate the same meat as the Europeans. The Muslim faith had diluted and halal-killed meat was no longer a requirement to the younger men.” At least the train which now crosses the interior from Adelaide to the north gives some recognition to the contribution of these explorers, as it is named “The Ghan.” The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.



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Interest free housing solutions َ ¿ 94 ‫الوسط‬ AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬

8 charity

Human Appeal Australia

Great Day for a Good Cause An amazing amount of $90,000 has been raised and allocated to help alleviate the hardship of Australian farmers affected by this year’s severe drought.

On Sunday the 23rd of September 2018 our community has again shown solidarity with local projects and needs. Close to 2000 participants enjoyed a fun-packed family open day at Belmore Sports Grounds all came for the purpose of raising funds for the Farmers Drought Appel initiated by Human Appeal. The day started at 5am with a charity ride organised by Sydney Muslim Cyclists, over a 100 cyclists joined the ride for to help alleviate the hardship of our Australian farmers who were affected by one of the worst droughts in 100 years. The City of Bankstown-Canterbury Councillor Bilal El-Hayek joined the ride to support the appeal and help to raise funds.

HAA Volunteer, Gandhi Sindyan, Amin El-Bureeny, Issam Shaouk, Shiekh Bilal Danoun, Clr Bilal El-Hayek

Many adults and children from different cultural backgrounds enjoyed the day with free sausage sizzle, water, popcorn and frozen drinks alongside various free attractions including petting zoo, jumping castles, face painting, henna, calligraphy and Jordanian Dabkah, inspiring speeches by Bankstown-Canterbury Deputy Mayor Nadia Saleh, Councillor Bilal El-Hayek, Human Appeal Director of projects Br. Issam Chaouk, and Sheikh Bilal Dannoun. Human Appeal Australia would like to thank the generous community for supporting the Farmers Drought Appeal and making it a huge success.

Human Appeal Team Abdnaser Ali, Tareq Gherwi, Abdussalam El-Bagdadi, Amin El-Bureeny

We would like to extend special thanks to the following organisations for the tremendous support during the Farmers Drought Appeal Open Family Day event: • NSW Police Force / Campsie Police Command • Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs • NSW State Emergency Service • Councillor Bilal El-Hayek - City of Canterbury

Bankstown • Deputy Mayor Nadia Saleh- City of Canterbury Bankstown • Lakemba Travel Centre • Fettayleh Foods • Sydney Muslim Cyclists • Sydney Cycling Sisters

Sydney Cycling Sisters. َ ¿ 94 ‫الوسط‬ AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬

• Lighthouse Community Support • Belmore Boys High School • Nova Spring Water • Human Appeal Team and volunteers

Sydney Muslim Cyclists



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Human Rights


Raising the Bar for excellence:

Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Gebara Sydney

Despite the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nation on December 10, 1948 which embodies the broadest agreement of our contemporary days on the subject of Human Rights, we are still living in a time where prejudices, unfairness and injustices have plagued human beings, and they are eventually responsible for human suffering around the world.

It has been said that this declaration of human rights represents the first codification of rights which all human beings deserve to have. However, The Medina Constitution or Charter, written and promulgated by Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) in 622 CE was the first written constitution in the world, its principles are based on the Qur’an and Sunnah. It provides an excellent historical example of the universal theoretical concept of a social contract in the context of human rights. Therefore, human rights are not a modern achievement at all. According to this constitution, Muslims and non-Muslims are equal citizens of the Muslim state in Medina, with identical rights and duties. Communities with different religious orientations may enjoy religious autonomy and equality in the eyes of the law. The constitution states that freedom, justice and equality are based on humanity (articles 15 and 16). Christians and Jews are mentioned in the constitution as “people of the Book” and although they were an ethnic minority after the migration of Muslims in seventh century in Medina were considered equal with the majority, forming one community (ummah wahida). The Constitution of Medina “placed the rules of justice over and above religious solidarity, and affirmed the rights of the victims of aggression and injustice to restitution regardless of their tribal and religious affiliations.” The Constitution of Medina presented a number of political rights and facilities that were to be provided by the state to

all its citizens, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It consists of 48 articles or clauses, which provide the following social and political rights: 1) freedom of belief; 2) freedom of movement to and from Medina; 3) the assurance that if there is an external threat to non-Muslims, Muslims would help them and vice versa; 4) the assurance that both Muslims and non-Muslims are believers and would stand together to defend Medina against attack; 5) an agreement that no one will go to war before consulting the Prophet; 6) an assurance that when consultation occurs the representatives of all parties will be present; 7) an assurance that in cases of negotiation with foreign states, representatives of all parties will be present, and negotiations will not be concluded unilaterally; 8) an assurance that prisoners of war will be redeemed with justice and kindness; 9) that a person is not liable for their ally’s misdeeds; 10) a recognition that charity and goodness are clearly distinguishable from crime and injury; and 11) that God is the guarantor of the truth and goodwill of the covenant. The constitution provides a precedent for a pluralistic socio-political system in accord with Islamic traditions and is based upon the cultural foundation of the message of the Qur’an. The Prophet (pbuh) was the ruler, but not the sovereign. Sovereignty in the constitution did not rest with the person of the Prophet or any particular group, but with the law founded on the basis of justice and goodness maintaining the dignity of all groups in the community. This Islamic model of human rights

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in particular is very relevant in its objectivity and its vision to modern times. It is based on justice, human dignity, compassion and kindness. The Holy Quran says: God enjoins justice, kindness [to all], and generosity to one’s kindred; and He forbids all that is shameful, all reprehensible conduct and aggression. He admonishes you so that you may take heed. (Qur’an,16:90). Analysing the above verse Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966) stated in his meticulous In the Shade of Qur’an : It requires that justice should be established and maintained, because justice ensures a solid and constant basis for all transactions and deals between individuals and communities; a basis subject to no prejudice, preference or favouritism; a basis influenced by no family relationship, wealth or strength; a basis that ensures equal treatment for all and subjects all to the same standards and laws. Along with justice, the Qur’an urges kindness, which relaxes the strictness of absolute justice… Kindness has an even broader sense. Every good action is a kindness. The command enjoining kindness includes every type of action and transaction. It thus covers every aspect of life, including a person’s relationship with his Lord, family, community and with the rest of mankind. What is often overlooked in our contemporary days is that when considering the concept of human rights

from Islamic perspective, it is important to distinguish the divinely rights from the misapplication or misinterpretation by human beings. As much as our Australian society still fight stereotype, discrimination and racism, Muslimmajority societies struggle to implement the values and rights prescribed in Islam. The big question to ask is: can we come to a common global understanding of these rights and ensure that they are implemented and granted to everyone in the society? The answers are to come in my forthcoming articles.

1- Sayed Khatab and Gary Bouma, Democracy in Islam (London & New York: Routledge, 2007), p. 32. 2- Ibid. 3- Muhammed Husayn Haykal, The Life of Muhammad, trans. Isma’il al-Faruqi (Malaysia: Islamic Book Trust, 1976), pp. 180-182. 4- Sayyid Qutb, In the Shade of the Qur’an, vol. XI (Leicester and Nairobi, Kenya: Islamic Foundation of Islamiconline, 1999), p. 68.



Islamic College of Melbourne

Footy Day at ICOM! With Term 3 drawn to an end what better way to embrace Footy Fever with our annual Footy Day at ICOM? Our student’s true colours were on display for all to see on the last day of Term 3 with Footy Jumper Day. Primary students took part in a handball competition at lunch time whilst our Secondary students showed off their skills with a goal kicking contest with Mr Karas and Mr Salih! Students were also able to embrace iconic Aussie Footy culture by having a Pie or Sausage Roll for lunch and getting their faces painted. Ms Sahin ran a spectacular integrated maths activity for our Grade 3’s where students took part in a water run and kick ball session and had to measure volume and distance. What a fantastic way to combine PE into a Numeracy Session! Thank you to Ms Sahin and the Grade 3 Team

Year 12 Graduation

Congratulations to the VCE students on complete 12 years of school!

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Book Review

China and Islam: The Prophet, the Party, and Law

By Matthew S Erie. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2016. 447pp.

‘In China, state law severs religion from religious law, yet following Islamic law is central to Muslim minorities’ ideas of good life, defined such values as authenticity, piety, orthodoxy and purity. ] This book is a study about how Hui [Muslims] exercise this capacity when the Party-State, backed by its monopoly on force, mobilises considerable institutional and discursive resources to make Islam conform to Chinese socialism and nationalism.’ Matthew S Erie, an anthropologist-lawyer, has written a pioneering study based on extensive primary sources and 18 months of field-work in Linxia (formerly Hezhou), known as “Little Mecca,” an important Islamic centre in Gansu Province. This is the first ethnography of Islamic law in China with a focus on the substantive and procedural conflicts between the Shari’ah and Chinese state law.

China’s Islamic law revival is part of an Islamic renaissance in the country, one that is particularly visible among Hui communities. Erie finds that both Hui and the Party-State invoke, interpret, and make arguments based on Islamic law, a minjian (unofficial) law in China, to pursue their respective visions of ‘the good’. This study follows Hui ulama, youthful translators on the ‘New Silk Road’, female educators who reform traditional madrasas, and Party cadres as they reconcile Islamic and socialist laws in the course of the everyday. Erie places his study within the established field of “law and society,” carefully elucidating the categories used in China – such as jiaofa (religious law) and xiguanfa (customary law), and the changing relationship between state and non-state legal systems under Qing, Republican, and Communist rule. ‘My use of “law” is shorthand for what would

otherwise be an enumeration (ie, “law” plus “ethics” plus “morals” plus “customs”)’. The substantive chapters of China and Islam focus on areas of potential contradiction and disorder, narrating both structural, institutional histories and personal tales of community life and conflict resolution. China has more than 23 million Muslims. The Party-State identified ten distinct Muslim ethnic groups as part of its nation-building efforts in the 1950s. In contemporary China, the largest group is Hui, of whom there are over 10 million, (10,586,087) followed by Uyghurs, (10,069,346). Unlike Uyghurs, Hui are geographically dispersed throughout China. Hui identify as the descendants of the Persian and Arab merchants, migrants, and envoys who entered China beginning in Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE). However, they are concentrated in Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and eastern Xinjiang. Even though Hui have a much longer history

Book Launch

‘Step Up Embrace The Leader Within’ Brisbane Sisters Support Services had the pleasure of hosting Kathryn Jones at the launch of her recently published book ‘ Step Up Embrace The Leader Within,’ on Tuesday the 25th of September at Michael’s Oriental. Kathryn greeted and personally signed each book for all the attendees of the evening. At Sisters Support Services we are very big on empowering women and jumped at the chance to coordinate this event with Kathryn due to her extensive experience and background. She is the founder of the ‘Beautiful Muslimah Academy’, the annual ‘Me First Summit’ and she is known internationally as the ‘Peaceful Parenting Coach’ as well as being a Business Performance Coach. Kathryn’s focus is on supporting Muslim women to step us and embrace the leader within themselves, so they can take charge of their lives, rather than

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have life take charge of them. This evening, Kathryn inspired all the sisters in the room to embrace the leader within and to have the confidence to make the right decisions to benefit themselves and those around them whether they are a home maker, community leader or working within in a professional role. I highly recommend the book. I particularly liked the fact that it is referenced with Quran and authentic hadith, which is great evidence and back up to incorporate and implement into our everyday lives, to use as a tool to benefit ourselves as empowered women in Islam and those around us. If anyone would like a copy of the book, we have some available to purchase for only $20. Please contact us on 0404 921 620 or email on contact@sisterssupportservices.org.au Aliyah (Alison Berger) Sisters Support Services Inc

of interaction and intermarriage with the majority Han Chinese, they face considerable discrimination and confined to a second-class citizenship in China. Hui Muslims have adopted a ‘flexible and tolerant form of Islamic law in regard to interactions with the Han majority. From their daily

prayer obligations to disposing of real property and marrying in accordance with scripture, Hui work through and around both the rules of the Party and those of the state.’ Erie has not focused on the Turkic-speaking Muslims (Uyghurs) of Xinjiang, maybe because of the sensitivity of the region which has been suppressed by the Government. However, even to Muslims across other parts of the country, ‘to be Muslim in post2009 China is to be a suspect class. Such adaptability has enabled them to integrate into China’s markets and state bureaucracies. ’ The book is very well researched and insightful account of Hui Muslims and challenges they face practising Islam and Islamic law in China.

Reviewed by Abdul Adil and this article first appeared online on: www.MuslimNews.co.uk

Authorised by Samuel Rae, Australian Labor Party, Victorian Branch. 438 Docklands Drive, Docklands 3008. Printed by Kosdown Printing, 10 Rocklea Drive, Port Melbourne 3207.


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Senator Mehreen Faruqi

The New Voice In Australian Parliament

By Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra) Amidst the racially discriminating voices of senators such as Pauline Hanson and Fraser Anning rises a brand new voice - that of Greens Senator, Dr Mehreen Saeed Faruqi, Australia’s first female Muslim senator. Senator Faruqi was born in Lahore, Pakistan and arrived in Australia in 1992. As a qualified civil and environmental engineer, Dr Faruqi has worked extensively on climate change and environmental protection. In an interview with SBS, Senator Faruqi said that living and experiencing the cultural evolution of Australia since 1992 and observing the political approach towards migrants in Australia has equipped her to tackle the obvious gaps that exist in providing the appropriate support systems required for migrants in Australia. Dr Faruqii said, “We see a lot of push from Liberal-National government to have less support from migrants. There have been a lot of cuts, citizenship issues, high level English test, so things have changed a lot. Migrants who come to Australia are looking for a better chance in life but they contribute so much to the country. As politicians we must see how they are helping Australia.” Senator Faruqi expressed her concerns about the position of migrant women

in Australia saying why she joined the Australian politics was because, “One of my missions was to raise the voice of women like me, raise the voice of migrant women and women of colour so it could be part of the political system.” Breaking the stereotypical perception of how a Muslim woman should be, Senator Faruqi has made Australian politicians sit up and listen as she gave her recent maiden speech in the parliament. She is prepared to continue her mission to be the voice of not only Australian migrants but also the Australian Indigenous people.

Gold Coast hosts Australian International

Quran Competition

QLD Last month the Gold Coast Mosque organised and held the Australian International Quran Competition. The entire event was broadcast live by the Al Jazeera network over the internet. The judges: 1. Sheikh Mohamed Ali Abdelkaget: (Imam of the Gold Coast Mosque) 2. Sheikh Akram Buksh (Imam of Slacks Creek Mosque)

3. Sheikh Sayed Abdelalim (Imam of Islamic House in Sydney) 4. Sheikh Ahmed Nafaa (Imam of Kuraby Mosque) 5. Sheikh Bassem Zeini (Imam from Sydney) The winners: 1st : Hafiz Fikreth from Brisbane 2nd: Hafiz Ali Sehab from Sydney 3rd: Hafiz Zayan Nadeem Mohamed from Brisbane


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‫‪15‬‬ ‫رحيل‬

‫رحل الشيخ عبد الرزاق الشيخ بكرو وبقي أثره الطيب‬ ‫توفي ف�ضيلة ال�شيخ المربي الزاهد عبد الرزاق‬ ‫ال�شيخ ب�ك��رو ي��وم الخمي�س ‪ 2018/10/11‬في‬ ‫مدينة العين في دولة الإم��ارات العربية المتحدة‬ ‫بعد �صراع مع المر�ض‪.‬‬ ‫• ال�شيخ عبد الرزاق ال�شيخ بكرو رحمه اهلل تعالى من مدينة‬ ‫حماة ال�سورية‪،‬ولد �سنة في ‪1937‬م حيث ن�ش�أ في بيت �صالح‬ ‫وتقى فقد ا�شتهر وال��ده رحمه اهلل ب�صوته ال�ن��دي الح�سن‬ ‫حيث عمل م�ؤذن ًا في جامع ال�شيخ ابراهيم بمدر�سة دار العلوم‬ ‫ال�شرعية‪.‬‬ ‫• الزم رحمه اهلل تعالى ثلة من العلماء العاملين ف�أخذ عنهم‬ ‫وارت ��وى م��ن معين علومهم كال�شيخ العالم الرباني ال�شيخ‬ ‫محمد ال�ح��ام��د‪ ،‬كما ق��ر�أ على العالمة المقرئ الحافظ‪،‬‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫ال�شيخ �سعيد بن عبد اهلل المح َّمد العبد اهلل الحموي‪ ،‬ثم‬ ‫المكي و�أج��ازه هو وقرينه ورفيق دربه في الطلب ال�شيخ فائز‬

‫�شيخ الزور �أمد اهلل في عمره‪.‬‬ ‫• خرج من وطنه �سوريا مجبر ًا من وطنه ليعي�ش معظم حياته‬ ‫من غربة الى غربة‪،‬ا�ستقر به المقام في مدينة العين بدولة‬ ‫االم��ارات العربية المتحدة فعمل مدر�سا للتربية اال�سالمية‬ ‫من العام ‪ 1975‬حتى العام ‪ 1989‬مع مالزمته للعمل الدعوي‬ ‫والخطابة وتدري�س القر�آن الكريم في ح ِلق جامع المعتر�ض‬ ‫الكبير بمدينة العين‪ ،‬و�إلإمامة فيه ل�صالة التراويح‪.‬‬ ‫• ا�شتهر رحمه اهلل تعالى بت�سجيل الأذك��ار الم�أثورة في‬ ‫ال�صباح والم�ساء ب�صوته الندي الح�سن‬ ‫• في العام ‪ 1991‬جاء الى ا�ستراليا حيث بقي رحمه اهلل‬ ‫�إمام ًا لم�سجد بالل بن رباح‪ -‬ملبورن لأكثر من ع�شرين عام ًا‪.‬‬ ‫قدم خاللها للجالية الكثير من الخدمات والعطاءات‪ ،‬حيث‬ ‫عا�ش بين �أبنائها �إمام ًا زاهد ًا تقي ٌا �شجاع ًا كريم ًا‪ ،‬حيث ترك‬ ‫ب�صماته في كافة المجاالت «الدعوية والتربوية واالجتماعية‬ ‫والأ�سرية وغيرها»‪ ،‬فتكاد تجد �أثره الطيب في كل حي وبيت‪،‬‬

‫كفكفة دمعة في عين حزينة‬ ‫تساوي كنوز االرض وعروش‬ ‫المجد‪.‬‬ ‫بيت الزكاة هو لرسم‬ ‫البسمة على وجوه االيتام‬

‫وتجد �سيرته العطرة على كل ل�سان‪.‬‬ ‫• عا�ش بين �أبناء الجالية فكان بالن�سبة لهم بمثابة الإمام‬ ‫والأب واالخ وال�صديق‪.‬‬ ‫• عاد بعد �أن �أثقله المر�ض لي�ستقر مع �أهله بمدينة العين‬ ‫في العام ‪ 2015‬حتى وافاه الأجل‪.‬‬ ‫• كان رحمه اهلل تعالى عزيز النف�س ذو مالحة وب�شا�شة‬ ‫�ص ّداح ًا بالحق ال ت�أخذه في اهلل لومة الئم �صابرا محت�سبا‬ ‫هجرته وغربته في �سبيل اهلل‪.‬‬ ‫• وكان مثال الإم��ام الزاهد التقي النقي‪،‬المربي الفا�ضل‬ ‫والرجل ال�شهم ال�شجاع‪� ،‬صاحب المروءة والخلق الكريم‪.‬‬ ‫تنعاه مدينة ملبورن بكل �أركانها وزواياها وتنعاه الجالية بكافة‬ ‫اطيافها‪.‬‬ ‫ن�س�أل اهلل �سبحانه وتعالى ان يرحمه وي�سكنه ف�سيح جناته‪.‬‬ ‫انا اهلل وانا اليه راجعون‬

‫واالرامل والمساكين والفقراء‬ ‫والمحتاجين‪.‬‬ ‫بيت الزكاة يستقبل زكاة‬ ‫اموالكم وزكاة الفطر والصدقات‬ ‫واالضاحي والمواد الغذائية‬

‫والتبرعات وغيرها‪.‬‬ ‫بيت الزكاة يفتح خمسة ايام في‬ ‫االسبوع من اإلثنين الى الجمعة‪،‬‬ ‫من العاشرة صباحا وحتى الرابعة‬ ‫مساء‪.‬‬


‫بيت الزكاة‬ ‫أس��ت��رال��ي��ا‬ ‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬

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‫بيت الزكاة نافذتكم إلى الخير‬



Is Ambition A Necessity To Nurture Success In Your Child? By Jamilah Samian


As a parent, it might seem logical for you to prefer your child to have a burning ambition which would drive him to garner milestones that he might not have dreamed of initially. After all, a clearer view of the future means greater motivation to do better in studies, sports, extra-curricular activities and everything in between. There’s some truth to the notion that ambition helps to build confidence and success in the long run.

But truly, a child is a child and not an adult for a reason. An adult reflects on the Past, considers the Present, and plans for the Future. On the contrary, a child can only think of the Present most of the time. Reflecting on the Past and planning for the Future require some kind of guidance from the adult(s)-in-charge.

Here are some lines I hear parents say: “My son/ daughter has no ambition whatsoever . . .” Or “My child flip-flops from one ambition to another . . .” Does either of these sounds like you? The good news is, you’re not alone. To be honest, a child who knows exactly who he or she wants to be is a rarity indeed. More often than not, your child isn’t sure who he wants to become, right before he signs up for college.

thinking and such. But many children, especially the little ones, cannot think that far ahead, although they might have some idea of such abstract concepts. A child might be talented in a certain area, but if she had negative experiences related to this particular area, it is possible she might not explore it further. Finding the right teacher is equally important. A son of mine struggled for more than a year in Chemistry. Then he found a teacher who used a different technique. Things made sense after just two lessons. Suddenly his grade leapt from C to A. Overnight, he began to walk a little taller.

STEM, STEAM, STREAM or E.STREAM Perhaps you have heard of either STEM, STEAM, STREAM or E.STREAM: • STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. • STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts (artistic), Mathematics. • STREAM equals Science, Technology, Religion (ethics/life values), Engineering, Mathematics. • E.STREAM is STREAM with an E for Entrepreneurship.

Your child’s interest could be one of the above or a combination of two or more of the above. Or it could be none listed. Either way, it’s good to remember that the world is changing. Perspectives evolve, so do career opportunities. For example, farming used to be regarded as an obscure and lowly job years ago. Nobody wanted to have anything to do with all that dirt and muck. Today, however, precision farming is a highly respected field, a solution to feeding our world whose inhabitants are increasing in great numbers but running low in food and resources. Looking back, among my childhood friends, I only knew of one person who was crystal clear who she wanted to be after secondary school.

Experiences Shape Our Likes And Dislikes Experiences weigh heavily on a human being’s likes and dislikes. This is true especially of children, since they might be too young to see the value of a game or activity. You the parent or teacher might argue that a game or activity will teach them a myriad of life skills e.g. perseverance, friendship, critical

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Explore Possibilities No matter your child’s age, take the time to explore possibilities with them. Discovering talents and interests could be accidental. Learning something new rewards them with a feeling of achievement and wonder, which are likely to strengthen their confidence. Encourage your child to try new things, even if it means going through some difficult moments. Know when to give a gentle push and when to hold back.

Just because you have a child who likes to be thrown in the deep end might not mean it is best her siblings get the same treatment. What if everything else fails? Introduce them to heroes, past and present. Practically every field has someone who has been or is a champion. Getting inspired by today’s heroes does not require a ton of money, unless you want to see these heroes in person for a good reason. Check out your child’s areas of interest or talent, look up for the pioneers in that field, and see how these achievers overcame their life challenges to become who they are today. Chances are, your child will be inspired to at least begin walking a similar path – good enough for a start.

Jamilah Samian is the author of “Leadership In Parenting“, “The Kindness Miracle”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, and “The Groovy Guide to Parenting Generation Y & Z”. Visit her website at http://coolmumsuperdad.com/



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Victorian, Together: VMC Launches

Ambassadors For Multiculturalism Program

LABOR ANNOUNCES 250 EXTRA SECURITY STAFF FOR NSW HOSPITALS NSW Labor Leader Luke Foley has committed to an additional 250 security staff as part of Labor’s four-point plan to boost security at NSW hospitals to protect staff, patients and families. Mr Foley was joined by Health Services Union Secretary Gerard Hayes whose long-running campaign for greater security in hospitals has been met with silence from the Berejiklian Government. HSU members working at hospitals across the state have been subject to numerous attacks. The announcement comes as the latest official figures reveal that in the last 12 months there have been 6 assaults on staff, patients and families at Auburn Hospital.

Five high profile Victorians, including a high-profile actress, renowned chef and media personality, and an AFL premiership star, have combined to launch a new campaign celebrating the State’s cultural diversity and directly challenging divisive attitudes towards multiculturalism. The Victorian Multicultural Commission’s (VMC) campaign – Ambassadors for Multiculturalism – differs from many that have preceded it by engaging a broad spectrum of personalities, including Anglo-Australians, to share their stories. The five ambassadors will promote their multicultural experience by sharing their personal stories - reflecting on the strength of cultural diversity in their lives and experiences - and its powerful force in shaping a more inclusive community. The panel of ambassadors comprises: • Actress, Olympia Valance • Victorian chef, restaurateur and

media personality, Karen Martini • AFLW star and league-leading goalkicker, Darcy Vescio • AFL premiership star, Jack Riewoldt • Successful corporate personality and NBL chairperson, Larry Kestelman The program has been developed in a bid to combat divisive narratives around multicultural affairs that are challenging the state’s social cohesion and shared values. VMC Chairperson, Helen Kapalos, is hopeful that by adding a range of diverse voices and experiences to the current discussion, the ambassadors will encourage others to share their stories and add to the rich social fabric that binds us together as Victorians. “Victoria is well known for its successful and visible brand of multiculturalism, which takes the collective goodwill and efforts of many”. “We see the role of our ambassadors as continuing to build a stronger, more resilient and more cohesive

society at a time when we need to be reminded of the great gifts our unique diverse society brings”. Through the course of the program, each of the ambassadors will engage with communities across the state, sharing their multicultural stories and how Victoria’s diversity has positively impacted their lives. Ambassador, Olympia Valance says, “Melbourne has always been home to me, but such a huge part of that comes down to feeling welcome and being part of an inclusive, loving community. “It is crucial that we as Australians, and more specifically Victorians, prioritise keeping our state an open and friendly space for everyone. Regardless of where we come from, everyone has the right to feel that they belong.”

For more information about the Victorian Multicultural Commission and this program, please visit www.multicultural.vic.gov.au.

Long THAI DATE OF BIRTH: 16 December 1995 HEIGHT: 165cm BUILD: Medium EYES: Brown HAIR: Black COMPLEXION: Fair

Over the last five years, assaults have increased by 33 per cent to around 50 every month, in part due to the prevalence of ice, drugs and alcohol in the community, as well as the Liberal Government’s failure to properly support patients grappling with mental illness. Currently, hospital security officers report of regular understaffing and often no security is present at any given time in emergency wards or entire hospitals. Labor believes that health workers and patients deserve safe hospitals and work places. Labor will be announcing further information on security staff closer to the March 2019 election.

Long THAI failed to appear at the Broadmedows Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday 12 September 2018 for allegedly cultivating cannabis. Three warrants have been issued for the arrest of the 22-year-old. THAI is known to frequent the Footscray, Sunshine and Greenvale areas.

(Reference number: WTD1537) َ ¿ 94 ‫الوسط‬ AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬

Labor’s four-point plan includes: • Employing an additional 250 Health Security Staff in its first term; • Upgrading all hospital security officers to “Health Security Staff” with additional powers similar to Special Constables who can carry weapons such as pepper spray and batons; • Providing extra training for Health Security Staff, including skills to defuse hostile situations; and • Creating a specialist Secure Hospitals Unit within NSW Health to oversee the activity of new health security staff and conduct safety audits of the State’s more than 200 hospitals - especially the State’s more than 80 emergency departments.

Burnt Mosque reconstructions has started


Venue - Coburg City Town Hall 90 Bell Street, Coburg VIC 3058

Date: Saturday 3rd of November 2018 Time:



Sk. Imam Mohammad Akram (Prepare for Akhira) Sk. Imam Bilal Assad (Situation of Muslims today) Sk. Imam Alaa Elzokm (Unity of Ummah) Br. Waseem Razvi (Al-Quran, The Book of guidance) Imam Khaled Bakdache (Hold on to your Imaan)

Alhamdulillah with the duwa and support from every one of you the construction of the rebuilding of Toowoomba Masjid is progressing well. The earth moving and removal of damaged parts, foundation of the front extension and ground work for the rear extension are completed. The estimated cost for the rebuilding is $900,000 and the current shortfall is $570,000. Please pray to Allah for the timely completion of rebuilding of the only Masjid in the city/ region with over 2000 Muslims. A full-time Imam teaches round 100 children in the after hour/ weekend Madrasa in the Masjid. Muslims in Toowoomba are financially stressed and request you, your family, relatives and community to share this appeal to potential donors in the local, national and international levels with a request to make financial contributions for the project. Bank Account Details: Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Toowoomba Plaza Branch A/C Name: Toowoomba Islamic Charitable Organisation BSB No 064459 A/C No 1034 1586 Swift Code: CTBAAU25XXX Contacts: Prof Shahjahan Khan Ph +61421081048, Email: khans@usq.edu.au Dr Mainul Islam Ph +61432533550, and Br Shahbaz Rafiq Ph 0402398608 (Brisbane).

Visit www.hai.org.au Call 1300 760 155 َ ¿ 94 ‫الوسط‬ AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬







The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria (ICCV) which was established in 1992 is the major and the largest Islamic organization responsible for the certification, monitoring, and supervision of Halal food exports from Australia. We also provide Halal Food (Halal Meat and Halal Processed Food) Certification and Supervision for domestic market.

Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, Libya, South Africa and others recognizes Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria as a Halal Authority in Australia (for Saudi Arabia State of Victoria only) providing Supervision, Certification and advisory services to the Halal Meat and Livestock and Halal food products.

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The ICCV is the only body in the State of Victoria, Australia, recognized by the Halal authority of the Saudi Arabia Government.ICCV IS THE MOST RESPECTED HALAL ORGANIZATION for the Supervision and Certification of Halal Meat and Halal Processed Food from Australia to Republic of Indonesia. With five office staff, two food technologists, four Sharia advisors and over 140 registered, Halal slaughtermen/inspectors ICCV is the largest and the most respected Halal Certifier in Australia. We have the capacity to increase 140 registered Halal slaughtermen/ inspectors to more than 250. We have no shortage of manpower.We are ready to provide Halal Certification Service to interested organizations.

Interested institutions/organizations/ Companies/individuals can contact our office contact details are;

Phone: 61 3 9380 5467 • Fax: 61 3 9380 6143 Email: iccv@bigpond.com • Website: www.iccv.com.au

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The assistance of ICCV personnel by providing ongoing support and effective and efficient Halal marketing strategy ICCV certified products will be acceptable with no exceptions by all Muslims all around the world Accreditation and certification is provided whilst maintaining the confidentiality of company trade and product details. The discharge of your responsibility in investigating and providing assurance of genuine Halal to the Halal product consumers in the era of excessive deceit and false labeling and certification of Halal.



East Preston Islamic College


Schools around Australia hold Footy Colours Day which assists children with cancer continue with their education. EPIC held Footy Colours Day on Friday 14th September. Students and staff came dressed in their favourite football/sports team colours and raised $350 for children living with cancer. Below are sentences from our foundation students: • Fawaz Zaatiti – I like Collingwood because it is black and white. • Solaymon Rayan – I like the Bombers because the players run so fast. • Bakarat Ali – I liked dressing up in black and white and not wearing my uniform. • Firomsa Mohammed – I like Collingwood because I live in Collingwood.

PRINCIPAL FOR THE DAY Abdinafi Mohamed who is currently in 9C, won a competition to become the Darebin Council Mayor for the Day over twelve months ago. Unfortunately, the council has not been able to follow through with this. As a consolation prize, we therefore made Abdinafi ‘Principal for the Day’ on Thursday 6th September 2018.

He visited all the classrooms, addressed the secondary students after prayer and had meetings with all the coordinators and administration staff members. Abdinafi did his job very well, so well, that we will now make this an annual event and begin a competition for the 2019 Principal for the Day early next year.Ms. Rania Mohamed, Foundation RM Teacher َ ¿ 94 ‫الوسط‬ AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬




Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott The Werribee Islamic Centre in Tarneit will receive $575,000 from the Andrews Labor Government to help build a new community facility. The Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund supports culturally diverse communities in Tarneit to feel connected with their traditional culture as they participate in and contribute to our wider society. The Labor Government is promoting an inclusive society where every Victorian is able to preserve and share their culture and traditions and have spaces that they can make their own. Funding will kickstart the development of a new

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott and Sarah Connolly(Labor candidate for Tarneit) During their visit to the Werribee Islamic Centre in Tarneit

community centre that will provide cultural, recreational and educational opportunities for the Wyndham Community

New space for youth programs A big congratulations to our good friends at the AMSSA Centre in North Melbourne. North Melbourne Labor has worked closely with a variety of sports based youth programs across North Melbourne and this new space will provide wonderful facilities for the entire community.

Burhan Yigit Labor candidate for Northern Metro Region, Vice President of AMSSA Mohamad Yusuf, Robin Scott, secretary of AMSSA Adam Salih Muhamad and Jennifer Kanis

Visit www.hai.org.au Call 1300 760 155 َ ¿ 94 ‫الوسط‬ AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬

with the aim of benefiting people of all ages but will particularly seek to engage youth, the elderly and women,

and to address needs identified by these groups and the broader community. The project by the Werribee

Islamic Centre will increase access to safe and functional facilities that enable diverse communities in Tarneit to access services, participate in activities and share their cultures with the wider community. The Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott said “This funding will strengthen the participation of our Muslim communities in our vibrant multicultural society and have an enduring impact on the character and infrastructure of our State.” “By ensuring diverse communities stay connected and have access to good facilities, we can create an inclusive multicultural society that every Victorian can be proud of.”

ICV Amity Cup 2k18 Table Tennis Grand Final ICV ICV Youth’s inaugural Amity Cup Table Tennis Championship was an amazing success!This project commenced in July 2018 and concluded today, delivering tangible outcomes in collaboration with Table Tennis Victoria (TTV). Zahra Cadhoomy was the youngest female participant of only 11 years of age. Zahra, and Zainab Noorullah, together representing IREA and City of Wyndham became the Amity Cup Female Doubles Champions. Zahra’s proud family including grandparents cheered her on. Zainab also won the Singles Championship. The matches were close and the Runners-Up, representing UMMA Centre (Doncaster), were fantastic competitors. AMSSA Centre (Nth Melbourne) won both singles and doubles Males championships with UMMA Centre (Doncaster) again coming Runners-Up. Through this project, we secured a number of top quality table tennis tables and equipment for each of the five centres that partnered with us to deliver the project. They will keep the equipment to engage their local youth with their masjid/centre.

Fun and Active

with Hurricane Stars Club Seeing an overwhelming demand for more fun and active programs specially catering to Muslim women and girls in Brisbane, a group of concerned mothers decided to start a new sports organisation called the Hurricane Stars Club Inc a few months ago. Although newly registered Incorporated organisation, the club consists of members who are experienced in organising many different community programs before, such as school holiday activities for teenagers and children, Muslimah swimming program as well as Muslim Ladies Fitness program, thus in this short space of time, the Hurricane Stars Club was able to fulfil a current need amongst the Muslim community in Brisbane, Alhamdulillah. Leading to the end of the School Term as well as during the holidays, the Hurricane Stars Club has been very active and busy indeed, offering many different programs to keep Muslim families occupied and engaged.

Movie Screening : Bilal – A New Breed of Hero On Saturday, September the 8th, the Hurricane Stars Club held the first and currently only Brisbane screening of the latest Islamic animated movie, “Bilal: A New Breed of Hero”. The event was held at Islamic College of Brisbane’s

Multipurpose Hall and it was sponsored by Human Appeal International. The event provided an opportunity for Muslim families to enjoy a clean and fun familynight-out. 164 adults and 166 children attended, demonstrating that adults were as interested as their kids to watch this wonderful animated version of the life of one of the Sahabahs, Bilal (R.A).

Absailing for mothers and daughters The weekend before school holidays started, the Hurricane Stars Club organised a female-only abseiling activity at Kangaroo Point, Brisbane city, with 14 mothers and daughters having fun climbing down the cliffs while looking out at the beautiful view of the Brisbane River. It was certainly a challenging experience for the participants to conquer their own fears and inhibitions.

Mother and Daughter Dinner The School Holidays started with a bang with the mothers-and-daughters dinner at the Islamic Women’s Association of Australia (IWAA) hall on the night of Saturday, September 22nd. It was a very successful night with more than 110 mothers and daughters of all ages attending. Susan Al-Maani, the masterof-ceremonies extraordinaire hosted the evening, making it a non-stop night

of fun, games and laughter. The dinner allowed mothers and daughters to bond in a relaxed and fun formal dinner where they also get to dress-up nicely in an allladies environment.

Holiday Camp During the School Holidays there were four different and varied activities. The camps for boys and girls were held separately. The club partnered with the Multicultural Sports Club a division of Access Community Services to offer a Little Gardeners program for primary school aged children and to offer a Learn-to-Surf lesson on the Gold Coast for teenagers. The day camp was held at Mt Tambourine. The participants spent the day having non-stop fun practicing archery, making their own camp fire, cooking their own bread over hot coals and they then did various treetop

activities where they had fun flying around in the treetops suspended by a rope.

About the Hurricane Stars Club The Hurricane Stars Club aims to provide Muslim ladies and their families in Brisbane the opportunity of not only participating in activities for the benefits of their physical and mental wellbeing but also at the same time, contribute their skills, time and energy voluntarily for the better of the community. The Hurricane Stars Club is run currently by volunteers and welcomes monetary donations to help subsidised costs of activities. For further information on the Hurricane Stars Club and a full lists of its past and current activities, please visit : www.hurricanestarssclub.org, like and follow the “Hurricane Stars Club” Facebook page or contact Farah at 0432026375.

َ ¿ 94 ‫الوسط‬ AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬



‫‪24‬‬ ‫معرض‬

‫‪The Turkish Museum of Australia exhibition at Parliament House‬‬

‫المتحف التركي في استراليا يقيم معرض ًا في برلمان والية فكتوريا‬

‫�أحمد يون�س ‪ /‬ملبورن‬ ‫اقام المتحف التركي في ا�ستراليا‬ ‫معر�ضا في بهو برلمان والية فكتوريا ت�ضمن‬ ‫العديد من من المقتنيات والقطع االثرية‬ ‫القديمة‪،‬والمخطوطات القيمة والنادرة والتي‬ ‫يتجاوز عمر بع�ضها اكثر ‪� 900‬سنة من بينها‬ ‫مخطوطات قر�آنية تاريخية‪� ،‬إ�ضافة الى القطع‬ ‫والأدوات الع�سكرية من ازمنة قديمة وعدد من‬ ‫االدوات االثرية واالزياء التقليدية وع�شرات‬ ‫اللوحات الرائعة والمج�سمات‪.‬‬ ‫وقد تم افتتاح المعر�ض بح�ضور �صاحب ومدير‬ ‫المتحف التركي في ا�ستراليا ال�سيد كمال بنلي‬ ‫�إ�ضافة الى النائب في برلمان الوالية ناتالي‬ ‫�سليمان وعدد من الفعاليات ال�سيا�سية والفنية‬ ‫واالجتماعية‪ ،‬وقد زار المعر�ض عدد من نواب‬ ‫البرلمان ووزراء ونواب ا�ستراليين من ا�صل‬ ‫تركي وهم وزير ال�سياحة جون ارين والنائبين‬ ‫نتالي �سليمان وادم �سوميورك‪� ،‬إ�ضافة الى‬ ‫طالب المدار�س وعدد من �أبناء الجالية‪.‬‬ ‫وقد تحدث �صاحب المتحف التركي في ا�ستراليا‬ ‫ال�سيد كمال بنلي لمجلة الو�سط حيث قال ان‬ ‫الكثير من المقتنيات والمخطوطات والقطع‬ ‫االثرية التي بحوزته قد اقتناها جده وابيه من‬ ‫قبله وهي محفوظة ومعرو�ضة في بيت العائلة‬ ‫الذي تحول الى متحف و�أ�ضاف انه ي�سعى الى‬ ‫اقتناء المزيد‪.‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬

‫‪25‬‬ ‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫«اجعل‬ ‫صوتك مسموع ًا»‬

‫سفراء الديمقراطية يساعدون أفراد‬ ‫المجتمع على اإلدالء بآرائهم‬

‫تكاليف المعيشة‬

‫رئيسة والية نيو ساوث ويلز‪ ،‬السيدة غالديس بيريجيكليان‬ ‫ال يوجد مكان �أف�ضل من والية نيو �ساوث ويلز للوظائف‬ ‫ونوعية الحياة وفر�ص تح�صيل العلم‪.‬‬ ‫لكن بالرغم من متانة االقت�صاد في نيو �ساوث ويلز ف�إن‬ ‫العائالت ترزح تحت �ضغوطات كبيرة تتعلق بتكاليف المعي�شة؛ لذلك‬ ‫و�ضعت الحكومة التي �أر�أ�سها عدد ًا من المبادرات لخف�ض تكاليف‬ ‫المعي�شة عنكم وعن �أفراد عائالتكم‪.‬‬ ‫ت�شمل هذه المبادرات �أمور ًا مثل ت�سجيل ال�سيارات مجانا لل�سائقين‬ ‫الذين ينفقون ما معدله ‪ 25‬دوالر ًا في الأ�سبوع لقاء ر�سوم عبور‬ ‫الطرقات ال�سريعة‪ ،‬مما يعني توفير ما ي�صل �إلى ‪ 729‬دوالر ًا وفقا‬ ‫لنوع ال�سيارة التي يقودها ال�سائق‪.‬‬ ‫وي�سرني �إطالعكم على مبادرة �أخرى تتيح ل�سكان الوالية �أخذ موعد‬ ‫مع ‪ Service NSW‬لمعرفة المرتجعات والتخفي�ضات التي ت�ستحق‬ ‫لعائالتهم من �ضمن الـ ‪ 40‬مرتجعا وتخفي�ضا حكوميا المتوافرة‪.‬‬ ‫على �سبيل المثال يمكن �أن تت�أهل العائلة النموذجية في �سدني‬ ‫التي لديها طفلين �إلى توفير �أكثر من ‪ 1500‬دوالر عبر ح�سومات‬ ‫في تكاليف فواتير الكهرباء وق�سائم برنامج «الأطفال الن�شيطين»‬ ‫ووف��ورات في الت�أمين الإلزامي �ضد الغير من خالل خف�ض �سعر‬

‫الت�أمين ومرتجع وت�سجيل مجاني لل�سيارة من خالل برنامج الإعانة‬ ‫الخا�صة بر�سوم عبور الطرقات ال�سريعة‪.‬‬ ‫ويمكن �أن يت�أهل الأزواج الذين يتلقون معا�ش ال�سن لتوفير حوالي‬ ‫‪ 2000‬دوالر من خ�لال مرتجعات فواتير الكهرباء ووف ��ورات في‬ ‫الت�أمين الإلزامي �ضد الغير وبرنامج ا�ستبدال الأدوات الكهربائية‬ ‫ومرتجعات فواتير المياه للمحالين على المعا�ش ومرتجعات �سكان‬ ‫المنازل ذوي الدخل المنخف�ض وت�سجيل ال�سيارات مجانا للمحالين‬ ‫على المعا�ش‪.‬‬ ‫يمكن الآن حجز موعد مع «خدمة مواعيد تكاليف المعي�شة» على‬ ‫موقع ‪ . Service NSW‬ت�س ّهل هذه الخدمة على العائالت والأفراد‬ ‫في نيو �ساوث ويلز �إمكانية توفير مئات الدوالرات‪.‬‬ ‫ب�إمكان �سكان الوالية زيارة موقع «خدمة مواعيد تكاليف المعي�شة»‬ ‫عبر الموقع التالي‪:‬‬ ‫‪www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/cost-living‬‬

‫�أو االت�صال على الرقم‪137788 :‬‬ ‫�أو �أخذ موعد مع اخت�صا�صي في تكاليف المعي�شة‪.‬‬

‫وفد من حزب االحرار‬ ‫يقوم بزيارة للمركز‬ ‫اإلسالمي في ويربي‬

‫قامت وزي��رة التعددية الثقافية في حكومة الظل(فكتوريا) �إنغا بول�ش يرافقها ال�سيد‬ ‫كليين غودفالو مر�شح حزب االحرار عن منطقة تارنيت بزيارة للم�شروع الجديد للمركز‬ ‫الإ�سالمي في ويربي‪ ،‬حيث كان في ا�ستقبالهم كل من مدير المركز رفاعي عبد الرحيم‬ ‫وال�شيخ نواز �سليم �إ�ضافة الى عدد من �أع�ضاء الإدارة‪.،‬‬ ‫وقد قام ال�ضيوف بجولة داخل المركز الذي لم يكتمل بعد واطلعوا من �إدارته على �أهمية الم�شروع‬ ‫وعلى مراحل تنفيذه وعلى احتياجاته والمرافق الموجودة فيه والخدمات التي �سيقدمها للجالية‪.‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬

‫يقوم �سفراء الديمقراطية ال�سبعة والخم�سون‬ ‫ب�ج��ول��ة ف��ي ف�ك�ت��وري��ا لتثقيف المجتمعات‪/‬‬ ‫الجاليات المهم�شة حول كيفية الإدالء ب�آرائهم‬ ‫في انتخابات والية فكتوريا لعام ‪.2018‬‬ ‫قامت مفو�ضية الإنتخابات بفكتوريا‬ ‫(‪)Victorian Electoral Commission - VEC‬‬ ‫بتو�سيع برنامج �سفراء الديمقراطية التابع لها في عام‬ ‫‪ 2018‬للو�صول �إل��ى المجتمعات‪/‬الجاليات المهم�شة‪،‬‬ ‫وت�شجيع الناخبين على الم�شاركة في الأن�شطة االنتخابية‪.‬‬ ‫يقوم �سفراء الديمقراطية‪ ،‬ال��ذي��ن يمثلون مجتمعات‪/‬‬ ‫جاليات منحدرة من خلفيات متنوعة ثقافي ًا ولغوي ًا‪� ،‬أو‬ ‫ال�سكان الأ�صليين و�سكان جزر م�ضيق توري�س‪� ،‬أو فاقدي‬ ‫الم�أوى‪� ،‬أو المعاقين‪ ،‬بتنظيم جل�سات توعية للناخبين وجه ًا‬ ‫لوجه في جميع �أنحاء فكتوريا‪ .‬وبين ه�ؤالء ال�سفراء ناطقين‬ ‫ب�أكثر من ‪ 30‬لغة‪ ،‬بما في ذلك لغات ال�سكان الأ�صليين‪.‬‬ ‫�سوف يتع ّرف الم�شاركون على كيفية الت�سجيل واالقتراع‪،‬‬ ‫بالإ�ضافة �إلى توفر مترجمين �شفهيين‪ ،‬ومعلومات مترجمة‪،‬‬ ‫وم���وارد باللغة الإن�ج�ل�ي��زي��ة ال�سهلة‪ .‬وتغطي الجل�سات‬ ‫�أ�سا�سيات مثل كيفية عمل الديمقراطية في فكتوريا‪ ،‬وكيفية‬ ‫الت�سجيل‪ ،‬وكيفية تعبئة ورقة االقتراع ب�شكل �صحيح‪.‬‬ ‫تهدف مفو�ضية الإنتخابات بفكتوريا للو�صول �إلى ‪ 7500‬من‬ ‫�أفراد المجتمع من خالل جل�سات التوا�صل هذه‪.‬‬

‫‪26‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫حقوق التسوق‬ ‫ورقة معلومات حول حقوق التسوق بموجب قانون المستهلك األسترالي‬

‫منتج ال يتناسب مع العينة أو الموديل المعروض‬

‫عندما ت�شتري منتج ًا بنا ًء على عينة �أو موديل ر�أيته‪ ،‬يجب �أن لقد طلبت �أريكة بنا ًء على عينة قما�ش ر�أيتها‪ ،‬ولكني عندما‬ ‫يتنا�سب مع هذه العينة‪� .‬إذا كان المنتج مختلف ًا ب�شكل كبير و�صلت كان اللون مختلف ًا عن العينة‪.‬‬ ‫لدرجة �أنك لم تكن لت�شتريه‪ ،‬يحق لك ا�سترداد �أموالك‪.‬‬ ‫ال يتناسب مع الوصف‬

‫يجب �أن يتنا�سب المنتج م��ع و�صفه (على �سبيل المثال‪ ،‬لقد ا�شتريت حافظة نقود ورد في و�صفها في كتالوج المتجر‬ ‫الوارد في مل�صق التعريف �أو في الإعالنات التجارية)‪� .‬إذا �أنها م�صنوعة من “جلد”‪ .‬عندما عدت للمنزل‪ ،‬اكت�شفت‬ ‫كان مختلف ًا اختالف ًا كبير ًا عن الو�صف لدرجة �أنك لم تكن �أنها في واقع الأمر من الفينيل‪.‬‬ ‫لت�شتريه‪ ،‬يحق لك ا�سترداد ما دفعت‪.‬‬ ‫ال يقوم المنتج بما قاله موظف المبيعات‬

‫يمكنك �إرجاع المنتج �إذا كان ال يقوم بما �أخبرك موظف المبيعات �أنه يقوم به‪.‬‬ ‫ا�شتريت �ساعة يد قال موظف المبيعات �أنني يمكنني ا�ستخدامها �أثناء الغط�س‪ ،‬ولكن عندما ارتديتها في البحر امتلأت بالماء‪.‬‬ ‫ال يقوم المنتج بما طلبته‬

‫يمكنك �إرجاع المنتج �إذا لم يقم ب�أداء وظيفة معينة �أو لم يحقق غر�ض ًا معين ًا في الحاالت التالية‪:‬‬ ‫• �إذا �أخبرت موظف المبيعات قبل ال�شراء بما تريد �أن يكون المنتج قادر ًا على �أدائه‪،‬‬ ‫• و�إذا اعتمدت على ن�صيحة المتجر عند اختيار المنتج‪.‬‬ ‫�أخبرت تاجر �سيارات �أنني �أريد �سيارة يمكنها قطر قاربي‪ .‬ثم باعني التاجر واحدة‪ ،‬قائ ًال �إنها �ستفي بالغر�ض‪.‬‬ ‫ثم قر�أت في هذه الليلة دليل الأمان واكت�شفت �أن ال�سيارة الجديدة ال يمكنها قطر �أي قارب ب�أمان‪.‬‬ ‫غيرت رأيي‬

‫ال يجب على �أي متجر ال�سماح لك ب�إرجاع المنتج �إذا غيرت ر�أي��ك بب�ساطة‪ .‬ولكن لدي بع�ض المتاجر‬ ‫�سيا�ستهم الخا�صة التي ت�سمح با�سترداد الأموال �أو التبديل �أو ق�سيمة خ�صم عند “تغيير الر�أي”‪.‬‬

‫الم�صدر‪www.consumer.vic.gov.au :‬‬

‫أشهى وأفخر الحلويات اللبنانية والشرقية‬

‫صقر وأوالده‬

‫‪Al Afrah Pastry‬‬

‫‪Lebanese & Arabic sweets‬‬

‫‪749-751 Punchbowl Rd, Punchbowl NSW 2196‬‬

‫‪Tel: (02) 9708 2774 • www.alafrahsweets.com.au‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬

‫‪27‬‬ ‫الوسط الدعوي‬

‫بعثت ُم َع ِّلم ًا) قال العراقي‪� :‬سنده‬ ‫‪�( -5‬إنما ُ‬ ‫�ضعيف‪ ،‬قال الألباني‪� :‬ضعيف‪« .‬تخريج الإحياء»‬ ‫(‪« .)11/1‬ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)11‬‬

‫أحاديث مشهورة‬ ‫ضعيفة السند‬ ‫�إح�سان العتيبي‬ ‫هذه بع�ض الأحاديث ال�ضعيفة‬ ‫والمو�ضوعة وهي منت�شرة بين‬ ‫الخطباء والوعاظ ‪ ،‬وفي ال�صحيح‬ ‫ما يغني الم�سلم عن الأخذ بال�ضعيف‪ .‬ون�س�أل‬ ‫اهلل �أن ينفع بها‪:‬‬ ‫‪( -1‬من لم تنهه �صالته عن الفح�شاء والمنكر‪،‬‬ ‫لم يزدد من اهلل �إال بعد ًا)‪ .‬وفي لفظ‪( :‬من لم‬ ‫تنهه �صالته عن الفح�شاء والمنكر ‪ ،‬فال �صالة‬ ‫له)‪ .‬قال الذهبي‪ :‬قال ابن الجنيد‪ :‬كذب وزور‪.‬‬ ‫قال الحافظ العراقي‪ :‬حديث �إ�سناده لين‪ ،‬قال‬ ‫الألباني ‪ :‬باطل ال ي�صح من قبل �إ�سناده وال‬ ‫من جهة متنه‪« .‬ميزان االعتدال» (‪)293/3‬‬ ‫‪« .‬تخريج الإحياء» (‪« .)143/1‬ال�سل�سلة‬ ‫ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)985 ،2‬‬

‫‪( -2‬الحديث في الم�سجد ي�أكل الح�سنات كما‬ ‫ت�أكل البهائم الح�شي�ش)‪ .‬وفي لفظ‪( :‬الحديث‬ ‫في الم�سجد ي�أكل الح�سنات كما ت�أكل النار‬ ‫الحطب)‪ .‬قال الحافظ العراقي‪ :‬لم �أقف له‬ ‫على �أ�صل‪ ،‬قال عبد الوهاب ابن تقي الدين‬ ‫ال�سبكي ‪ :‬لم �أجد له �إ�سناد ًا‪ ،‬قال الألباني‪ :‬ال‬ ‫�أ�صل له‪« .‬تخريج الإحياء» (‪« .)136/1‬طبقات‬ ‫ال�شافعية» لل�سبكي (‪« .)145/4‬ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)4‬‬ ‫‪( -3‬اعمل لدنياك ك�أنك تعي�ش �أبد ًا‪ ،‬واعمل‬ ‫لآخرتك ك�أنك تموت غد ًا)‪ .‬قال الألباني‪ :‬ال‬ ‫ي�صح مرفوع ًا �أي‪ :‬لي�س �صحيح عن النبي �صلى‬ ‫اهلل عليه و�سلم‪« .‬ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)8‬‬ ‫‪�( -4‬أنا ج ُّد كل تقي) قال ال�سيوطي‪ :‬ال �أعرفه‪.‬‬ ‫قال الألباني‪ :‬ال �أ�صله له‪« .‬الحاوي» لل�سيوطي‬ ‫(‪« .)89/2‬ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)9‬‬

‫‪�( - 6‬أوحى اهلل �إلى الدنيا �أن اخدمي من‬ ‫خدمني و�أتعبي من خدمك) قال الألباني‪:‬‬ ‫مو�ضوع‪« .‬تنزيه ال�شريعة» للكناني (‪.)303/2‬‬ ‫«الفوائد المجموعة» لل�شوكاني (‪.)712‬‬ ‫«ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)12‬‬ ‫الدمن فقيل‪ :‬ما خ�ضراء‬ ‫‪�( -7‬إياكم وخ�ضرا ُء ِّ‬ ‫الدمن؟ قال المر�أ ُة الح�سناء في المنبت‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫ال�سوء)‪ .‬قال العراقي‪� :‬ضعيف و�ضعفه ابن‬ ‫الملقن‪ .‬قال الألباني‪� :‬ضعيف جد ًا‪« .‬تخريج‬ ‫الإحياء» (‪« .)42/2‬ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)14‬‬

‫بحق مم�شاي هذا ……… �أقبل اهلل عليه‬ ‫ألف ٍ‬ ‫بوجهه وا�ستغفر له � ُ‬ ‫ملك)‪� .‬ضعفه المنذري‪،‬‬ ‫قال البو�صيري‪� :‬سنده م�سل�سل بال�ضعفاء‪ .‬قال‬ ‫الألباني‪� :‬ضعيف‪« .‬الترغيب والترهيب» للمنذري‬ ‫(‪�« .)272/3‬سنن ابن ماجه» (‪.)256/1‬‬ ‫في وفي �أمتي �إلى يوم القيامة)‪.‬‬ ‫‪( -11‬الخير َّ‬ ‫قال ابن حجر‪ :‬ال �أعرفه‪« .‬المقا�صد الح�سنة»‬ ‫لل�سخاوي (�ص ‪ .)208‬وهو في «تذكرة‬ ‫المو�ضوعات» للفتني (‪ .)68‬وفي «الأ�سرار‬ ‫المرفوعة في الأخبار المو�ضوعة» للقاري (�ص‬ ‫‪.)195‬‬ ‫‪( -12‬من نام بعد الع�صر‪ ،‬فاختُل�س عقله‪،‬‬ ‫يلومن �إال نف�سه)‪� .‬أورده ابن الجوزي في‬ ‫فال َّ‬ ‫«المو�ضوعات» (‪ .)69/3‬وال�سيوطي في «اللآلئ‬ ‫الم�صنوعة» (‪ .)279/2‬والذهبي في «ترتيب‬ ‫المو�ضوعات» (‪.)839‬‬

‫‪�( -8‬صنفان من �أمتي �إذا �صلحا‪� ،‬صلح النا�س‪:‬‬ ‫الأمراء والفقهاء)‪ .‬وفي لفظ (�صنفان من �أمتي‬ ‫�إذا �صلحا‪� ،‬صلح النا�س‪ :‬الأمراء والعلماء)‪.‬‬ ‫قال الإمام �أحمد‪ :‬في �أحد رواته كذاب ي�ضع‬ ‫الحديث‪ ،‬قال ابن معين والدارقطني مثله‪ ،‬قال‬ ‫الألباني‪ :‬مو�ضوع‪« .‬تخريج الإحياء» (‪. )6/1‬‬ ‫«ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)16‬‬

‫‪( -13‬من �أحدث ولم يتو�ض�أ فقد جفاني‬ ‫……)‪ .‬قال ال�صغاني‪ :‬مو�ضوع‬ ‫‪« .‬المو�ضوعات» (‪ .)53‬والألباني‪:‬‬ ‫مو�ضوع‪«.‬ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)44‬‬

‫‪( -9‬تو�سلوا بجاهي‪ ،‬ف�إن جاهي عند اهلل‬ ‫عظيم)‪ .‬قال ابن تيمية والألباني‪ :‬ال �أ�صل‬ ‫له‪« .‬اقت�ضاء ال�صراط الم�ستقيم» البن تيمية‬ ‫(‪« .)415/2‬ال�ضعيفة» (‪.)22‬‬

‫‪( -14‬من حج البيت ولم يزرني ‪ .‬فقد جفاني)‪.‬‬ ‫مو�ضوع‪ .‬قاله الذهبي في «ترتيب المو�ضوعات»‬ ‫(‪ .)600‬وال�صغاني في «المو�ضوعات» (‪.)52‬‬ ‫وال�شوكاني في «الفوائد المجموعة» (‪.)326‬‬

‫‪( -10‬من خرج من بيته �إلى ال�صالة فقال‪:‬‬ ‫اللهم �إني �أ�س�ألك بحق ال�سائلين عليك‪ ،‬و�أ�س�ألك‬



‫اس���تمعوا ال���ى إذاع���ة الصوت االس�ل�امي س���يدني‬ ‫برامجها ت�شمل ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫• تالوة القر�آن الكريم ‪ -‬محا�ضرات‬ ‫�إ�سالمية‬ ‫• بث مبا�شر لخطبة الجمعة ‪� -‬أخبار‬ ‫محلية وعالمية‬ ‫• برنامج �صباحيات مع الحاج �إبراهيم‬ ‫الزعبي ِمن الثامنة والن�صف وحتى‬ ‫العا�شرة والن�صف‪.‬‬ ‫• متفرقات في الدين والحياة‬ ‫لالخت رانيا البرجاوي من العا�شرة‬ ‫والن�صف وحتى الثانية ع�شرة‪.‬‬ ‫• ثالث ن�شرات اخبارية مف�صلة‬ ‫يقدمها الدكتور �أحمد العقاد‪.‬‬ ‫• محا�ضرات باللغة االنكليزية ثالث‬ ‫مرات يوميا‪ ,‬االولى عند ال�ساعة‬

‫ال�سابعة والن�صف �صباح ًا والثانية‬ ‫عند الرابعة ع�صر ًا واالخيرة عند‬ ‫م�ساء‪.‬‬ ‫ال�ساعة الثامنة والن�صف‬ ‫ً‬ ‫• برنامج �أ�سبوعي يقدم م�ساء كل‬ ‫يوم �أربعاء عند ال�ساعة الثامنة‬ ‫والن�صف باللغة االنكليزية بعنوان‬ ‫«الن�شاط وال�صحة»‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج �آخر باللغة االنكليزية عن‬ ‫ال�صحة يقدمه الدكتور و�سام �سوبرا‬ ‫كل يوم جمعه عند ال�ساعة الرابعة‬ ‫ع�صراً‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «ماما �صفاء» للأطفال عند‬ ‫ال�ساعة الخام�سة م�ساء كل يوم‬ ‫جمعه‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «فهل من مدكر» لتعليم‬

‫�أحكام التجويد وتالوة القر�أن‬ ‫الكريم للأخ �أنور حمام والأخ ريا�ض‬ ‫قا�سم‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «�إ�شراقات فقهية» �صباح كل‬ ‫يوم �أربعاء عند ال�ساعة التا�سعة‬ ‫والربع مع ف�ضيلة ال�شيخ يحي‬ ‫ال�صافي‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «التف�سير البالغي للقر�آن‬ ‫الكريم» مع ال�شيخ �أحمد عزت‬ ‫م�ساء‬ ‫محمود عند ال�ساعة ال�ساد�سة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫كل يوم ثالثاء‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامجي «امجاد ونزهة الم�شتاق»‬ ‫مع االخ وليد المذيب‪.‬‬

‫من اليمين الحاجة رانية البرجاوي‪ ،‬الحاج ابراهيم الزعبي‪ ،‬الدكتور احمد العقاد‬ ‫�إذاعة ال�صوت الإ�سالمي من �سيدني تبث برامجها على مدار اليوم على الترددات التالية‪:‬‬

‫)‪• 87.6 FM • 173.350 MHz (Narrow Band‬‬ ‫)‪• 173.425MHz (Narrow Band‬‬

‫‪T: +61 (2) 9758 3399 F: +61 (2) 9758 3299‬‬ ‫‪E: info@thevoiceofIslam.com.au‬‬ ‫‪W:thevoiceofIslam.com.au‬‬

‫‪Visit www.hai.org.au‬‬ ‫‪Call 1300 760 155‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬



MIGRANT RESOURCE CENTRE Ahmed Shereef Melbourne What is your role at MRC? My key responsibility is to develop and implement training programs that prepare newly arrived communities to access local and sustainable education and employment opportunities. MRC is a registered training and learn local organisation and also works with other accredited training providers to ensure positive transitions into high quality measured and approved training opportunities. MRC continues to refine and replicate programs and partnerships that deliver family cantered and lifelong learning approaches. In 2018 and beyond MRC offers accredited courses in three areas, aged, disability and home and community care packages. Most of the classes are delivered over 35 weeks with an additional 120 -152 hours of placement and an opportunity to attend EAL classes to improve their overall English if required. MRC recently became an aged care and disability provider which means we can offer some of the student’s employment with the organisation.

What services do you offer at MRC? MRC provides settlement support in both our St Albans and Hume Site. We have case workers who help Arabic and African Communities navigate services in Australia either one on one or in group settings. We provide a variety of programs which build up the confidence and capacity of new arrivals so they can live independently. Road safety, health literacy, migration advice, citizenship applications and youth programs use interpreters and information provided is designed to meet their immediate needs. We continue to consult with our communities to ensure we are meeting their needs and have staff who come from Arabic speaking and African backgrounds to ensure we are culturally appropriate. Focus program development towards healthy lifestyle outcomes, which embrace person-centred approaches. Streamline referral processes and strengthen partnerships that assure all new arrivals have access to the best possible health care, advice

and services. We also develop targeted, evidence-based approach in addressing immediate health concerns facing newly arrived communities.

What’s the MRC’s vision, mission and values? Our Vision: The MRC North West supports an environment where people from diverse cultural backgrounds are able to participate to their full potential in the life of the Australian Community while they are free to maintain their individual culture and heritage. MRC has been operational for over 30 years.

Our Mission: The MRC North West, within its scope and capacity will pursue equality of opportunity for all people in our community and challenge discrimination through direct services, systemic advocacy, information provision and community development projects which further the capacity for migrants and refugees to achieve and maintain a safe and healthy life in Australia. Our Values: The MRCNW values are; • Diversity, • Equality for all, • Trust, Integrity and Professionalism, • Collaboration for the benefit of our client group, • Treating all people with respect.

What else? My Place—Engagement and Contribution to community: Facilitates youth engagement opportunities that encourage positive engagement and civic leadership opportunities. Ensure student placement opportunities are made available to local refugee and young people of migrant background to mentor and provide experience in this area of community development. Support school communities in engaging parents and families in education and local support services. Continue to work with a range of stakeholders to facilitate community connection/induction programs for newly arrived groups. Further expand e-technology opportunities that focus on

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information sharing and program delivery.

Growing and Sharing— Partnerships: Continue to develop the whole of family approach to English Language acquisition, engagement with the Australian Education System and the Training and Employment sector. Foster partnerships that refine cross referral processes ensuring clients have timely access to appropriate services.

Fact, Evidence and Anecdote—Being a Voice: Facilitate opportunities for newly arrived individuals, groups and communities to share culture, language, Experiences and expertise with the broader community. Develop an information strategy that is responsive to the work of the organisation and empowers language based communities to share their culture, experiences and aspirations. Systemically advocate on behalf of individuals and communities where major policy decisions impact on the life outcomes of refugees and migrants.

Sue Tantaro RTO Training and Compliance Manager, Migrant Resource Centre North West Region I started my career later in life when as a young mother with four children my husband decided married life was not for him and left me. At this point, I was not sure where and what my future would look like. When my third youngest started school I found an article in a local newspaper about community work and the type of employment opportunities that may exist if I complete a diploma, so I decided to apply for an Associate Diploma in Community services. I loved what I learnt and then decided to articulate it into the Bachelor of Social Science which I completed in 1995. My education opened up many doors for me in employment and my first position was in a Neighbourhood House. As the years progressed, I moved and worked in a much larger community educational facility that offered many courses to people from CALD backgrounds. These opportunities allowed me to move into employment with two local government departments but my heart was really working in a community education sector with participants from CALD backgrounds. I have since been employed with the Migrant Resource centre for over two years and look forward to many years serving this wonderful community.



Finding You... stepping into your own miracle

By Princess Lakshman (Sister Iqra)

Welcome to my new self-care column, Finding You...stepping into your own miracle. Relationships are formed and maintained with some basic ingredients in life, such as love, trust, respect, compassion and duty. The following communication exercise will help you nourish your relationships to be more meaningful, joyful and engaging.

Testimonials from a current student

How has the course helped you in your career? This course opened pathway for my career life in Australia. The decision I made to study and work in aged care industry was very fruitful and effective as there was an employment opportunity waiting for me as an assistant coordinator of a social support group, a part time maternity leave position. After completing work placements I was graduated and continued to work with MRC. Further, I highly appreciate the opportunity given for me to work with RTO as a student support.

What are your future plans? Currently, I am studying Certificate IV in Disability and about to start my work placement of 120 hours which will provide me with more employment opportunities.

Chapika Ranasingha When I was looking for work, I consulted with a few people who have been living in Australia for a long time. The ageing and disability sector is one of the largest and growing sector in Australia as the ageing population is ever increasing. Coming from a culture of respecting and taking care of our elderly I decided to get Certificate III in Individual Support which prepares me with relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes required working in the industry. I was fortunate enough to be a student of the first cohort of Certificate III in Individual Support offered by the Migrant Resource Centre, North West Region, in St Albans which is closer to my place.

Married couples Spend a few minutes daily with each other alone in conversation regarding the following specific topics and ensure that when one person is talking, the other is listening with full attention without any interruption whatsoever. When you engage in a meaningful conversation such as the one below, your mind opens up to embrace the joys of life. • “What was most joyful about your day today and why?” • “What are you most grateful for today and why?” • “What did you do today that has made you a better person than yesterday?” • “How can I be of help to you to realise your purpose in life?” Children Spend time daily with your child and have the following conversation. If you have more than one child, spend time individually to have this conversation. Remember, every child is different and experiences the world differently. Ask your child the following questions and give full attention to her/his responses. • “What was most joyful about your day today and why?” • “What do you feel most thankful to ALLAH for today?” • “What was uncomfortable for you today and why?” • “What would you really like to tell me but feel scared to share? You can tell me anything. You can trust me.” • “What would you like to do to improve yourself?” • “How can I help you to be better?” Next time, we will explore we will explore strategies to manage anger. Till then, take care of yourselves and spread joy.

Princess Lakshman Writer, Clarity Coach, Founder and Facilitator of Muslimah Mind Matters & Healing Words Therapy Writing for Wellbeing www.muslimahmindmatters.com www. healingwordstherapy.com To contact Princess, Email: info@princesslakshman.com Phone: 0451977786

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‫‪31‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫اإلرتريون والسودانيون في (ملبورن)‬ ‫يجمعون ‪ 600‬مليون جنيها سودانيا‬ ‫للمتضررين في مدينة كسال السودانية‬

‫�إلت�أمت مدينة (ملبورن) اال�سترالية‬ ‫ي ��وم ال���س�ب��ت ال� �ـ ‪ 29‬م��ن �سبتمبر‬ ‫الما�ضي‪ ،‬مع �أوجاع مدينة (ك�سال)‬ ‫ال���س��ودان�ي��ة؛ لمحا�صرة �آث ��ار ال��وب��اء ومعالجة‬ ‫ال�م��ر��ض��ى الم�صابين‪ ،‬وت�ق��دي��م الم�ساعدات‬ ‫المادية والمعنوية لهم‪� .‬أم�سية �إن�سانية تقاطرت‬ ‫�إليها �أنفا�س و�أحا�سي�س الإرتريين وال�سودانيين‬ ‫معا‪ ،‬ف�أفردت م�ساحة من الوفاء لمدينة الإن�سانية‬ ‫وال�ضيافة والكرم والإي��واء‪ .‬تال�شت عند معاني‬ ‫تالقيها طال�سم الحدود‪ ،‬ب�شكل حقيقي‪ ،‬ولي�س‬ ‫عن طريق لي �أعناق ال�سيا�سة‪ .‬تبهرجت لحمة‬ ‫التوا�ؤم والت�آخي والو�شائج‪.‬‬ ‫في ليلة (ك�سال) الوريفة‪ ،‬ت�شابكت دموع و�آمال‪،‬‬ ‫وتداخلت ذكريات الأيام الجميلة‪ ،‬فكانت رائعة‬ ‫بروعة (ك�سال الخ�ضراء) ك��ان العطاء �سخيا‬ ‫من �سكان (ملبورن) الذين ينتمون �إلى مدينة‬ ‫(ك���س�لا)‪ ،‬روح��ا وثقافة وم��زاج��ا‪ ،‬ال يعترفون‬ ‫ب�أحبار الأوراق التي تعني بالأ�سا�س مخلفات‬ ‫الم�ستعمر القديم‪ ،‬كما ي�ستهجنون ال�سيا�سات‬ ‫التي تتوارى خلف �أ�ستارها �أفاعيل (الم�ستعمرين‬

‫ال �ج��دد)‪ .‬ته�شمت على �أن �غ��ام الغناء وال�شعر‬ ‫وال�ك�ل�م��ات الأخ��وي��ة التلقائية م��ن الإرت��ري �ي��ن‬ ‫وال�سودانيين‪ .‬والعبارة التي م�سحت دم��وع كال‬ ‫الآالم والأوج��اع‪ ،‬تلخ�صت في عبارة‪( :‬ك�سال لم‬ ‫تمت)‪ ،‬فكانت ردا �شافيا لمن يريد وئد المدينة‬ ‫ب�أنفا�سها وجمالها‪.‬‬ ‫مرا�صد �إع�لام�ي��ة ع��دي��دة �شاركت ف��ي الحفل‬ ‫الخيري‪ :‬مجلة الو�سط‪ ،‬النه�ضة‪ ،‬عونا‪ ، ،‬فرجت‪،‬‬ ‫�إذاعة �إرينا الدولية‪� ،‬صوت �إرتريا ملبور ‪،3CR‬‬ ‫�إذاعة ‪ ، SBS‬عدولي�س‪ ،‬وا�ستديو بركاوي‪� .‬شارك‬ ‫في العزف كل من‪ :‬مختار �صالح‪ ،‬عبد الحكيم‬ ‫(�أندرا) يو�سيف‪ ،‬حافظ يو�سف‪ ،‬و�آخرون‪ ،‬ومن‬ ‫الفنانين‪ :‬ال�سمو�ؤل ك�سال‪� ،‬سعيد عبد اهلل‪ ،‬ه�شام‬ ‫�سر الختم‪� ،‬أبوبكر قرقو�ش‪� ،‬أخليلو مبرهتو‪،‬‬ ‫�ألك�س كح�ساي‪ ،‬هاجر كبا�شي‪� ،‬أرميا�س‪ ،‬خالد‬ ‫كنوني‪� ،‬أمب�سا‪.‬‬ ‫تقرير‪� :‬أحمد �شريف‬ ‫ت�صوير‪� :‬أحمد عثمان �شهابي‪.‬‬

‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬

‫شرعنة‬ ‫القتل‬

‫�أحمد �شريف‬ ‫خبير �إعالمي‬

‫الموت‪ ،‬الوجه الآخ��ر للحياة‪� ،‬أو بمعنى �أدق زوال الحياة الأول��ى عن كائن ما‪،‬‬ ‫�إن�سانا‪� ،‬أو حيوانا بل حتى جماد‪ .‬ورغم �أن الموت والحياة لي�سا متواقفين‪� ،‬أي �أن‬ ‫حدوث �أحدهما موقوفا على عدم وجود الآخر‪ .‬وطالما هناك حياة‪ ،‬م�ؤكد �سيعقبها‬ ‫موت‪� ،‬أي الموتة الأولى‪ ،‬وما بعدها حياة �أبدية �سرمدية‪� ،‬إما نعيما مقيما‪� ،‬أو جحيما �أبديا‪.‬‬ ‫ولحكمة غاية في التفرد الحق‪ ،‬ف�إن ثنائية (الموت والحياة) هما من بين الخالئق التي خ�ص‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫نف�سه دون غيره‪ ،‬كما في قوله تعالى‪( :‬ال َِّذي خَ َلقَ ا ْل َم ْو َت َوال َْح َيا َة ِل َي ْب ُل َو ُك ْم �أَ ُّي ُك ْم �أَ ْح َ�س ُن‬ ‫اهلل بها َ‬ ‫َع َملاً َو ُه َو ا ْل َعزِ ي ُز ا ْل َغفُو ُر)‪.‬‬ ‫وقعت بين ابن َْي �أبي الب�شرية �سيدنا‪� /‬آدم عليه ال�سالم‪ ،‬وذلك‬ ‫تاريخيا ف�إن �أول ِقتل ٍة في الأر�ض ْ‬ ‫أوقعت الب�شرية �إلى �شر‬ ‫عندما �أقدم (قابي ُل) على قتلِ �أخيه (هابيل)؛ لت�صبح تلك �أول ِفعلة � ْ‬ ‫�أعمالها �أي القتل! ومنذ ذلك التاريخ‪� ،‬أ�صبح القتل فعال يلج�أ �إليه كل من في جيناته �شيئا من‬ ‫جينات �أخينا (قابيل) الذي �أ�صبح من الخا�سرين‪ .‬ورغم �أن ال�شرائع ال�سماوية‪ ،‬تحرم اللجو َء‬ ‫أرواح التي �أُزهقت ب�سبب القتل العمد‪،‬‬ ‫�إلى القتل‪� ،‬إ َّال في حدود معنية و�شروط محددة‪ ،‬ف�إن ال َ‬ ‫تفوق �أعداد الذين فارقوا الحياة جراء الموت الطبيعي‪.‬‬ ‫ف��إذا كان �أ�سباب ال ِقتلة الأول��ى‪ ،‬طمع (قابيل) في ُح�سن تو�أمته(�إقليما)‪ ،‬بمعنى جمالها‬ ‫وح�سنها‪ ،‬كانا العامل الرئي�سي لأ�سباب القتل‪ ،‬ف�إنه ومع �إزدي��اد التعداد الب�شري‪ ،‬برزت‬ ‫�أطما ٌع �أخرى غير ما �أ�شرنا �إليه‪ ،‬وهي ما يمكن التعبير عنها بـ(الم�صالح) مثل‪ :‬الم�صالح‬ ‫القبيلة والع�شائرية واالجتماعية‪...‬الخ‪ .‬وتطورت تلك (الم�صالح) لت�صبح في الأخير �أطماعا‬ ‫(اقت�صادية) ت�سعى �إلى ال�سيطرة الكاملة على موارد الآخرين‪ ،‬حتى لو ا�ستدعى الأمر الق�ضاء‬ ‫عليهم!! وهي التي تُعرف �إ�صطالحا بالم�صالح (ال�سيا�سية الميكافيلية) وقد تكون هذي‬ ‫الأخيرة هي التي ق�صدها ال�شاعر العربي الكبير‪� /‬أبو الطيب المتنبئ‪ ،‬في قوله‪:‬‬ ‫أنبت الزمانُ قنا ًة – ركَّب المر ُء في القنا ِة ِ�سنانَا‬ ‫كما � َ‬ ‫تط ُّور الأطماع بدوره‪� ،‬أد �إلى بروز ما ُعرف في الع�صر الحديث بـ (الحروب) �أو (اال�ستعمار)‬ ‫لأغرا�ض هي الأخرى تدور في رحى الم�صالح والأطماع �آنفة الذكر‪ .‬وخوفا على زوال م�صالح‬ ‫ذوي النفوذ وال�سطوة ال�سيا�سية‪ ،‬و�ضعوا لها �ضوابط ولوائح! مثل قوانين الحرب عند ( اليونان‬ ‫والرومان) على �سبيل المثال‪ .‬وقد بلغت الحياة ذورة تعقيداتها‪ ،‬وت�ضارب م�صالحها بع�ضها‬ ‫ببع�ض‪ ،‬حتى و�صلنا �إلى م�ستوى يمكن ت�سميته بقوانين و�أحكام تجيز وتبيح (القتل العمد)‬ ‫وت�صنعه بل وت�شرعنه �أي�ضا‪ .‬بمعنى �أن كل �شيء مرهون بالم�صالح والأطماع فقط ال غير‪ .‬وكما‬ ‫يمكن �صناعة ال�سياحة وغيرها‪ ،‬بالإمكان �صناعة الموت يعني (القتل) مع الأ�سف ال�شديد!!!‬ ‫لقد دخل (الموت) مرحلة ال�صناعة اليومية من �أو�سع �أبوابها‪ .‬وال �أعني هنا ا�ستخدام الأ�سلحة‬ ‫الفتاكة ب�أنواعها الخفيفة منها والثقيلة‪ ،‬وكذلك �أ�سلحة الدمار ال�شامل التي ت�ستهدف بني‬ ‫الب�شر لإبادتهم‪ ،‬في انتهاك �صارخ لحقهم في الحياة‪ ،‬حيث �إن تلك الو�سائل �أ�صبحت تقليدية‬ ‫وال تندرج في م�صطلح (�صناعة الموت) الحديثة التي �أوجدها الإن�سان‪ ،‬بل �أعني �شرعنة‬ ‫(الموت �أو القتل) للإن�سان المعا�صر‪ ،‬عبر قوانين تبيح ممار�سة القتل‪ ،‬ا�ستناد �إلى اتفاقيات‬ ‫ومعاهدات وقوانين و�إعالنات دولية!!‬ ‫منها على �سبيل المثال ال الح�صر ما ُي�سمى بـ(اتفاقية فينا للعالقات القن�صيلة)! وتحديدا‬ ‫المادة ‪ 31‬الخا�صة بحرمة الدور القن�صلي التي» ال تجيز ل�سلطات الدولة الم�ضيفة دخول‬ ‫الق�سم من الدور القن�صلية المخ�ص�ص كليا للأعمال القن�صلية‪� ،‬إ َّال بموافقة رئي�س البعثة‬ ‫القن�صلية �أو ممثله‪ ،‬بموافقة رئي�س البعثة الدبلوما�سية للدولة الموفدة « �أهـ تحت هذا البند‪،‬‬ ‫ُيقدم من �أراد �إرتكاب غواية (قابيل) �أي �صناعة (القتل) على �إتيان ذلك‪� ،‬أي �شرعنته‪.‬‬ ‫و�أ�صبح اللجوء �إلى مثل هكذا �أ�سلوب متاحا‪ ،‬لكل من يرغب في التخل�ص منهم‪ ،‬تحت حجة‬ ‫تهديد الم�صالح العليا‪� ،‬أو الأمن القومي المزعوم‪� ،‬إلى �آخر التلفيقات الع�صرية!!‬ ‫ف�إذا كنا معنيين وجادين في الق�ضاء على ي�سمى الإره��اب‪� ،‬أي �إره��اب (الدولة المنظم)‪،‬‬ ‫ف�إننا بحاجة ما�سة �إلى �إعادة النظر في كثير من القوانين واللوائح والإعالنات الدولية‪ ،‬التي‬ ‫�أ�صبحت �إحدا �أدوات �صناعة الموت �أو �شرعنة القتل‪.‬‬ ‫حتى ت�أمالت قادمة‪ ،‬تحياتي‪.‬‬


‫وج���دت درا���س��ة ج��دي��دة‬ ‫�أج��راه��ا �أ��س��ات��ذة الطب‬ ‫ال �ت �ط��وري ف��ي �سوي�سرا‬ ‫و�أ�ستراليا‪� ،‬أن ال�ب�ل��دان ذات ثقافة‬ ‫الأ� �س��ر الكبيرة لديها م�ع��دالت �أق��ل‬ ‫للإ�صابة بال�سرطان‪.‬‬ ‫وب��ال��رغ��م م��ن اعتبار �أن العي�ش في‬ ‫مجموعات كبيرة كان مفتاحا لبقاء‬ ‫الجن�س الب�شري لعدة �أ�سباب‪� ،‬إال �أن‬ ‫الكثير منها غير وا�ضح المعالم‪.‬‬ ‫وتقول الدرا�سة التي ت�ستند �إلى ر�سم‬ ‫بيانات لمتو�سط حجم الأ�سرة ومعدل‬ ‫الإ� �ص��اب��ة ب��الأم��را���ض �أج��رت��ه الأم��م‬ ‫المتحدة‪� ،‬إن الأ�شخا�ص الذين لديهم‬

‫الكثير من الأ�شقاء والعمات والأعمام‬ ‫والأط� �ف���ال‪� ،‬أق���ل ع��ر��ض��ة ل�ل�إ��ص��اب��ة‬ ‫بمر�ض قاتل‪.‬‬ ‫و�أو��ض��ح الباحثون �أن هناك العديد‬ ‫م��ن ال �ع��وام��ل ال �ت��ي ت�ل�ع��ب دورا في‬ ‫ذل��ك‪ ،‬ولكنهم يعتقدون �أن العن�صر‬ ‫الرئي�سي قد يكون متمثال في �أن البيئة‬ ‫العاطفية‪ ،‬التي تخلقها العائالت‪ ،‬ذات‬ ‫ت�أثير عميق على مخاطر الأمرا�ض‪.‬‬ ‫وق ��ال ال�ب��روف�ي���س��ور ف��ران��ك روه�ل��ي‪،‬‬ ‫مدير معهد الطب التطوري في جامعة‬ ‫زيوريخ‪“ :‬من منظور تطوري‪ ،‬يعتبر‬ ‫ال�سرطان مر�ضا مثيرا لالهتمام لأنه‬ ‫ي��زداد انت�شارا‪ .‬و�أردن��ا �أن ننظر �إلى‬

‫ما يمكن فعله‪ ،‬وما هي العوامل التي‬ ‫يمكن التحقق منها‪� ،‬سواء كانت هناك‬ ‫�أنماط محددة �أم ال”‪.‬‬ ‫وم��ن خ�لال العمل م��ع الباحثين في‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫‪ ،Adelaide‬قام الباحثون بتجميع‬ ‫بيانات م��ن وك ��االت الأم ��م المتحدة‬ ‫ح��ول م �ع��دالت الإ� �ص��اب��ة بال�سرطان‬ ‫ف��ي ‪ 178‬دول ��ة‪ ،‬و�أن���واع ال�سرطانات‬ ‫وم�ع��دالت الخ�صوبة وحجم الأ��س��ر‪،‬‬ ‫وكذلك متو�سط العمر المتوقع والثروة‬ ‫وم�ؤ�شر الحالة البيولوجية‪.‬‬ ‫وا�ستنتجوا متو�سط حجم الأ� �س��رة‬ ‫من خالل تقييم عدد الأطفال الذين‬

‫ت�ل��ده��م ال��م��ر�أة ف��ي ت�ل��ك المناطق‪.‬‬ ‫و ُو� �ض �ع��ت ه��ذه الأرق � ��ام ف��ي الر�سم‬ ‫البياني م��ع ب�ي��ان��ات م�ع��دل الإ��ص��اب��ة‬ ‫بال�سرطان‪ ،‬و�أن�ت�ج��وا خطا وا�ضحا‬ ‫وم�ستقال ع��ن ال��دخ��ل �أو ال�ع�م��ر �أو‬ ‫ال�ت�ح���ض��ر‪ .‬ك�م��ا انخف�ضت م�ع��دالت‬ ‫الإ�صابة بال�سرطان لدى المجتمعات‬ ‫التي يوجد بها عدد �أكبر من الأطفال‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت الأحجام الأكبر للأ�سر مرتبطة‬ ‫ب���ش�ك��ل خ��ا���ص ب��ان�خ�ف��ا���ض مخاطر‬ ‫الإ��ص��اب��ة ب�سرطانات المخ والمثانة‬ ‫وال��رئ��ة وال�م�ع��دة وال �ث��دي والمبي�ض‬ ‫وال�ق��ول��ون والم�ستقيم وعنق الرحم‬ ‫و�سرطان الجلد‪.‬‬

‫طريقة بسيطة للحصول على نوم أعمق‬ ‫وج � ��د ب ��اح� �ث ��و ج ��ام� �ع ��ة � �س �ي��دن��ي‬ ‫الأ�سترالية �أن تبديل مالب�س النوم‬ ‫(البيجاما) القطنية �أو الم�صنوعة‬ ‫من البولي�ستر ب�أخرى �صوفية‪ ،‬يمكن �أن ي�ساعدنا‬ ‫على النوم ب�سرعة �أكبر ولفترة �أطول‪.‬‬ ‫وق ��ال ال��دك �ت��ور ب��ول � �س��وان‪“ :‬منذ زم��ن لي�س‬ ‫ببعيد‪ ،‬كان النوم تحت غطاء من ال�صوف هو‬ ‫القاعدة‪ ،‬وتعيد العلوم الآن اكت�شاف فوائد النوم‬ ‫ب�ألب�سة �صوفية‪ .‬ربما لي�س من قبيل ال�صدفة‪،‬‬

‫لأن ال�صوف ينظم درجة ح��رارة الج�سم ب�شكل‬ ‫�أف�ضل‪ ،‬ما يجعلك في حالة تعرف با�سم (منطقة‬ ‫الراحة الحرارية)”‪.‬‬ ‫وي�شير ال�ب��اح�ث��ون �إل ��ى �أن الأ��ش�خ��ا���ص الذين‬ ‫ي��رت��دون بيجاما من ال�صوف‪ ،‬وخا�صة عندما‬ ‫تكون الأم�سيات �أكثر برودة‪ ،‬ينامون ب�شكل �أ�سرع‬ ‫ولفترة �أطول‪� ،‬إلى جانب التمتع بنوم �أعمق ذي‬ ‫جودة عالية‪.‬‬ ‫وقام الباحثون بدرا�ستين‪ ،‬ففي البداية‪ ،‬ر�صد‬

‫‪ 17‬طالبا يرتدون بيجاما من القطن �أو �صوف‬ ‫‪� .merino‬أم��ا الثانية‪ ،‬فقد �شملت ‪ 36‬بالغا‬ ‫تتراوح �أعمارهم بين ‪ 50‬و‪ 70‬عاما‪ ،‬حيث قامت‬ ‫بتقييم �ألب�سة القطن والبولي�ستر‪.‬‬ ‫وفي الدرا�ستين‪ ،‬تم قيا�س معدل �ضربات القلب‬ ‫ودرجة حرارة الجلد والرطوبة الن�سبية‪ ،‬وكذلك‬ ‫�أنماط موجة الدماغ‪.‬‬ ‫وفي درا�سة ال�شباب‪ ،‬تمتع �أولئك الذين ارتدوا‬ ‫البيجاما ال�صوفية بنوم �إ�ضافي لمدة ‪ 7‬دقائق‬

‫تغيير حياتك لالفضل‬ ‫بشكل دائم يبدأ اليوم‪.‬‬

‫وبالن�سبة للن�ساء‪ ،‬ال تعد هذه البيانات‬ ‫مفاجئة ب�شكل ك�ب�ي��ر‪ ،‬ف��ي ح�ي��ن �أن‬ ‫ال �ح �م��ل ال �م �ت �ع��دد ي��زي��د م ��ن خطر‬ ‫الإ�صابة ب�سرطان الثدي‪ ،‬ف�إنه عادة‬ ‫ما يقلل من خطر العديد من �أ�شكال‬ ‫ال�سرطان الأخرى‪.‬‬ ‫و�أظهرت الدرا�سات على نحو متزايد‬ ‫�أن التفاعل الب�شري يمكن �أن يكون‬ ‫له ت�أثير ج�سدي وعاطفي عميق على‬ ‫ال���ش�خ����ص‪ .‬وق ��د ت�ب�ي��ن �أن ال�صحة‬ ‫العقلية ال�سيئة ت�ؤدي �إلى ارتفاع �ضغط‬ ‫ال ��دم‪ ،‬م��ا ي��زي��د م��ن خطر الإ��ص��اب��ة‬ ‫ب�أمرا�ض خطيرة‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬ديلي ميل‬

‫�أكثر من الأف��راد المرتدين للبيجاما القطنية‪،‬‬ ‫كما ناموا بعد ‪ 11‬دقيقة فقط مقارنة مع مرور‬ ‫‪ 15‬دقيقة على نوم مرتدي المالب�س القطنية‪.‬‬ ‫وعلى وجه الخ�صو�ص‪ ،‬نام البالغون (�أعمارهم‬ ‫‪ 70-65‬ع��ام��ا) بعد ‪ 12‬دقيقة عندما ارت��دوا‬ ‫ال�صوف‪ ،‬مقارنة مع ن��وم غيرهم ممن ارت��دوا‬ ‫البيجاما القطنية بعد ‪� 22‬إلى ‪ 27‬دقيقة‪.‬‬ ‫وكتب الباحثون‪“ :‬هذه النتائج ت�سلط ال�ضوء على‬ ‫ال�صوف‪ ،‬كعازل فعال قد ي�ؤثر على حرارة الجلد‬ ‫ومن ثم تعزيز بداية النوم ونوعيته”‪.‬‬ ‫ون �� �ش��رت ال �ن �ت��ائ��ج ف��ي م�ج�ل��ة ‪Nature and‬‬ ‫‪.Science of Sleep‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬ديلي ميل‬

‫‪( My health for life‬صحتي على مدى الحياة) هو عبارة‬ ‫عن برنامج مجاني يركز على طريقة العيش‪ ،‬تمولها حكومة والية‬ ‫كوينزالند‪ ،‬هذا البرنامج يساعدك على تجنب األمراض المزمنة‪،‬‬ ‫مثل داء السكري من النوع ‪ ،2‬وأمراض القلب والسكتة الدماغية‪.‬‬ ‫تعرّ ف فيما إذا كان ذلك مناسبًا لك‪ .‬اتصل بمجلس‬ ‫‪Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland‬‬ ‫على ‪ 3255 1540‬أو تحدث إلى الموظف الصحي مباشره على‬ ‫الرقم ‪.0410805197‬‬


‫شركائنا في الصحة‬

‫مبادرة أخرى من‬


‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬


‫هل يقلل األشقاء خطر اإلصابة بالسرطان؟‬

‫‪33‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫أستراليا تعتزم منع‬ ‫المهاجرين الجدد من‬ ‫السكن في المدن الكبرى‬ ‫قال وزير في الحكومة الأ�سترالية �إن‬ ‫بالده تعتزم منع بع�ض المهاجرين‬ ‫الجدد من الإقامة في �أكبر مدنها‪،‬‬ ‫�سيدني وملبورن وبرزبين “لب�ضعة �أع��وام على‬ ‫الأقل” بهدف تخفيف التكد�س ف��ي المناطق‬ ‫الح�ضرية‪ .‬وم��ع توقع �أن تكون الهجرة �إح��دى‬ ‫الق�ضايا ال�ه��ام��ة ف��ي االن�ت�خ��اب��ات المقبلة في‬ ‫�أ��س�ت��رال�ي��ا‪ ،‬ت�سعى الخطة للم�ساعدة ف��ي حل‬ ‫م�شكالت البنية التحتية في المدن التي تعاني من‬ ‫الكثافة ال�سكانية العالية‪.‬‬ ‫وعبر منتقدو الخطة عن قلقهم من �أن ت��ؤدي‬ ‫قواعد الت�أ�شيرات الجديدة المقترحة �إلى نق�ص‬ ‫في العمالة‪.‬‬ ‫و�أظهرت بيانات حكومية �أن نحو ‪ 70‬بالمئة من‬ ‫‪� 186‬أل��ف مهاجر ا�ستقروا في �أ�ستراليا العام‬ ‫الما�ضي‪ ،‬و�صلوا بت�أ�شيرات تمنح للمهاجرين‬ ‫المهرة‪ ،‬وانتقل جميعهم تقريبا �إلى �سيدني �أو‬ ‫ملبورن‪.‬‬ ‫وال يوجد حاليا �أي قيود على المكان الذي يمكن‬ ‫ل�ل�أف��راد �أن ي�ستقروا فيه‪ ،‬بعد الح�صول على‬ ‫ت�أ�شيرة مهاجر يملك مهارة‪.‬‬ ‫وقد ت�ؤثر الخطة الجديدة على نحو ‪ 40‬بالمئة من‬ ‫المهاجرين الذين يملكون المهارات المطلوبة‪،‬‬

‫ويبحثون عن عمل بعد الو�صول‪ ،‬وت�صنف الخطة‬ ‫خم�س مدن هي داروين وبيرث وهوبرت و�أديليد‬ ‫وكانبيرا‪ ،‬كمراكز �إقليمية يمكن للمهاجرين‬ ‫اال�ستقرار بها‪.‬‬ ‫وي�سعى ال�سا�سة ف��ي بع�ض المراكز الإقليمية‬ ‫والمناطق الريفية منذ �سنوات ال�ستقرار المزيد‬ ‫من العمالة المهرة ببلداتهم ل�ضمان بقائها‪.‬‬ ‫وف��ي ه��ذا ال���س�ي��اق ق��ال وزي ��ر البنية التحتية‬ ‫الح�ضرية وال�سكان �آالن تدج‪ ،‬في كلمة �ألقاها في‬ ‫مدينة ملبورن‪“ :‬نهدف لتخفيف �ضغط ال�سكان‬ ‫عن المدن الثالث الكبرى وتحقيق نمو �أ�سرع‬ ‫للواليات والمناطق الأ�صغر”‪.‬‬ ‫ول��م ي��ذك��ر تفا�صيل ب�ش�أن كيفية تطبيق هذه‬ ‫ال�سيا�سة‪ ،‬لكنه �أ�شار �إلى �أنها قد ت�شمل حوافز‪.‬‬ ‫و�أ�� �ض ��اف‪“ :‬يمكن �أي �� �ض��ا و� �ض��ع � �ش��روط على‬ ‫ت�أ�شيرات الإقامة في منطقة معينة ولو لأعوام‬ ‫قليلة”‪.‬‬ ‫من جهته �صرح م�س�ؤول في مكتب الوزير تدج‬ ‫طلب كتمان ا�سمه‪ ،‬ب ��أن منع المهاجرين من‬ ‫الإقامة في المدن الكبرى قد يمتد �إل��ى خم�س‬ ‫�سنوات‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬رويترز‬

‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬



َ ¿ 94 ‫الوسط‬ AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1440 ‫صفر‬

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‫‪35‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫الرسالة التسويقية الجديدة لبنك سدني‬

‫�أع �ل��ن ب�ن��ك ��س��دن��ي ع��ن الإط�ل�اق‬ ‫الر�سمي لر�سالة الم�ؤ�س�سة الجديدة‪:‬‬ ‫«‪»Yours‬‬ ‫وعن الر�سالة الت�سويقية الجديدة قال المدير‬ ‫العام لبنك �سدني ال�سيد ميلتو�س ميكايال�س‬ ‫«نعمل دائ�م��ا ف��ي �ضوء قيمنا الأ�سا�سية وه��ذه‬ ‫الر�سالة الجديدة‪�« ،»Yours ،‬أردناها انعكا�سا‬ ‫وترجمة لقناعتنا ونهجنا ب�أن عالقة كل زبون مع‬ ‫بنك �سدني تبد�أ بما هو �أكبر من مجرد بيع منتج‬ ‫�أو تقديم الخدمات الم�صرفية ‪ -‬نحن ملتزمون‬ ‫ببناء عالقة وطيدة و�شخ�صية مع كل زبائننا»‪.‬‬ ‫«لقد كانت فترة تحول بالن�سبة لبنك �سيدني‪،‬‬ ‫وه��ذه ال��ر��س��ال��ة ال�ج��دي��دة تعك�س ه��ذا التطور‬

‫وال�ن�م��و‪ .‬ت�ت�ك� ّون عائلة بنك �سدني م��ن جميع‬ ‫الفرقاء والموظفين‪ ،‬وفي نهاية المطاف هم من‬ ‫يمثلوننا حقا‪».‬‬ ‫«نريد �أن يكون التعامل مع بنك �سدني مرادفا‬ ‫�دم��ا ‪ -‬ن �ح��و م �ن��زل��ك وم��دخ��رات��ك‬ ‫ل�ل�م���ض��ي ق� ً‬ ‫وم�ستقبلك‪».‬‬ ‫وختم ميكايال�س قائال «نتطلع نحو مزيد من‬ ‫النمو على المديين الق�صير والبعيد‪ .‬في بنك‬ ‫�سيدني ‪ ،‬تمتد عالقتنا بك �إلى ما هو �أبعد من‬ ‫الخدمات الم�صرفية‪ ،‬نحن ملتزمون بمنزلك‬ ‫وعملك وم�ستقبلك‪».‬‬ ‫�إذا كنت موفر �شخ�صي �أو مالك �شركة �صغيرة‬ ‫�أو متو�سطة �أو مقاول �أو تاجر دولي‪ ،‬يقدم بنك‬

‫�سدني عالقة م�صرفية فريدة من نوعها يعززها‬ ‫ال�ت��زام الم�صرف ال��دائ��م باالنفتاح و�إمكانية‬ ‫ال��و��ص��ول لتحقيق �أه��داف��ك‪ .‬يوفر بنك �سدني‬ ‫لجميع عمالئه �إمكانية الو�صول المبا�شر �إلى‬ ‫فريقنا من الخبراء الم�صرفيين‪ .‬وهذه العالقة‬ ‫الم�صرفية ال�شخ�صية مع زبائننا �ساهمت ب�صنع‬ ‫وتطوير المنتجات التي تتلقاها والتي �أتت نتيجة‬ ‫لمعرفتنا وخبرتنا التناف�سية ‪ -‬و�أعطتنا فه ًما‬ ‫�أعمق الحتياجاتك ال�شخ�صية‪.‬‬ ‫عرو�ضنا ت�ستمر بالتطور معك �إذ ن�سعى دائ ًما‬ ‫لتلبية االحتياجات المتنامية لعمالئنا الأوفياء‬ ‫من خالل منتجات م�صرفية جديدة وتناف�سية‪،‬‬ ‫لتبقى راح��ة البال الخا�صة بزبائننا في طليعة‬

‫�أولوياتنا‪ ،‬ال �سيما مع ال�سجل المتميز لجودة‬ ‫االئتمان والر�أ�سمال القوي الذي يمكنّك التمتع‬ ‫ب�ضمان �إ�ضافي‪.‬‬ ‫�إن مجتمعاتكم المحلية ‪ -‬التي ت�شكل ن�سيج‬ ‫المجتمع اال�سترالي ‪ -‬مهمة جدا بالن�سبة لنا‪،‬‬ ‫فنحن نفتخر بالتزامنا بالتنوع وال�شمول والتعليم‪،‬‬ ‫والذي يمكن ر�ؤيته من خالل �سجلنا الرائع لدعم‬ ‫المبادرات المحلية على كافة الأ�صعدة‪.‬‬ ‫في بنك �سيدني ‪ ،‬تمتد عالقتنا بك �إل��ى ما هو‬ ‫�أك�ث��ر م��ن ��ش��ؤون��ك الم�صرفية والمالية‪ .‬نحن‬ ‫ملتزمون بمنزلك وعملك وم�ستقبلك‪.‬‬

‫يتوفر برنامج ‪NDIS‬‬

‫آ‬ ‫الن في جميع أنحاء‬ ‫نيو ساوث ويلز‬ ‫‪ndis.nsw.gov.au‬‬


‫متخصصة تتحدث اللغة العربية‬ ‫لدى ‪Ability Links NSW‬‬

‫الوسط ‪َ ¿ 94‬‬ ‫صفر ‪ 1440‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 94 ¿ Safar 1440 ¿ October 2018‬‬

‫حان الوقت لتعيشوا‬ ‫الحياة كما يحلو لكم‬

‫ين‬ ‫مؤهل� إذا كنتم‪:‬‬ ‫قد تكونون‬ ‫وكب�ة‬ ‫ تعانون من إعاقة دائمة ي‬ ‫ين‬ ‫والست�‬ ‫ دون سن الخامسة‬ ‫ وتستوفون متطلبات الجنسية‬ ‫يوجد مقدمو خدمات مثل ابتسام‪،‬‬ ‫متوفرون لمساعدتكم‪.‬‬

‫لمعرفة المزيد حول ‪NDIS‬‬ ‫زوروا الموقع ‪ ndis.nsw.gov.au‬أو‬ ‫اتصلوا بـالرقم ‪13 77 88‬‬

‫إذا غ ّيرت‬ ‫عنوانك‬

‫أو كنت غير مسجالً‪،‬‬ ‫فسجـِّل اآلن‪.‬‬

‫يتم إغالق سجل الناخبين النتخابات الوالية لعام ‪2018‬‬ ‫في تمام الساعة ‪ 8‬مسا ًء يوم ‪ 6‬نوفمبر‪/‬تشرين الثاني‬ ‫يجب أن تكون مسجالً في عنوان منزلك الحالي للتصويت في انتخابات والية‬ ‫فكتوريا في ‪ 24‬نوفمبر‪/‬تشرين الثاني‪.‬‬ ‫قم بالتسجيل أو تحديث تسجيلك عبر الموقع اإللكتروني ‪،vec.vic.gov.au‬‬ ‫أو احصل على استمارة التسجيل في أي مكتب بريد أسترالي أو مكتب مفوضية‬ ‫االنتخابات األسترالية‪.‬‬


‫‪131 832‬‬


‫لالستفسار بلغات غير اللغة اإلنجليزية‪ ،‬اتصل بخدمة الترجمة الشفهية الخاصة بنا على الرقم‪9209 0112 :‬‬ ‫‪Authorised by W. Gately, AM, Electoral Commissioner, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.‬‬


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