Oct 2020

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Issue 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020


2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫العدد‬

Cast your vote

Local council elections 2020 VICTORIA



Stay Safe

Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Art Director: Omar Alhashemi


Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika

Al Wasat Magazine Address:

Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans VIC 3021 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076

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‫يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على‬ ‫االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية‬


Protecting partner visa applicants against family violence

13 How do I vote? 3

Inequality a Major Threat


In [Almost] Any Relationship, Kindness Is King

AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬



Election Guide

‫إنتخابات مجالس البلديات‬ /‫المحلية في تشرين األول‬ 2020 ‫أكتوبر‬



Voting in the upcoming Local Government elections is easy and essential

َ ،‫ منشأها‬.. ‫القهوة‬ ،‫ أنواعها‬،‫طقوسها‬ ‫فوائدها وأضراراها‬


‫السجن ثالث سنوات لرجل‬ ‫هاجم مسلمة حامل في‬ ‫مقهى بسيدني‬


‫أفضل األطعمة والعالجات‬ ‫الطبيعية لعالج اإلمساك‬

Inequality a Major Threat

Bilal Cleland


Inequality in Australia Inequality has become more severe than ever before in Australia. The Australian Council of Social Services and the University of NSW, using ABS data 2017-18 found that the incomes of the top 20% were six times higher than the bottom 20%. In the past 15 years, the wealth of the top 20% has grown by 68% but that of the bottom 20% had grown only 6%. The average wealth of the top 20% was about $3.2 million but the bottom 20% had only $36,000 in assets and savings. As the economy opens up again after the pandemic the bottom 5% are expected to go backwards by about $5000 per year. It also noted that inequality amongst younger Australians has grown faster than the overall rate. ACOSS warns of a “social and economic catastrophe once most COVID-19 government supports are removed.” [2 September 2020 ABC News] The future for the young, given the slipping scores of Australian students, revealed in the latest Programme for International Student Assessment, is not encouraging. “Australian 15-year-olds are now below the OECD average in mathematics and our results in reading and science have fallen badly,” reports Professor Holden of the UNSW. [6 December 2020 The Conversation] In a globalised world of international trade and labour mobility our relative level of skills becomes a major issue affecting “ productivity living standards and income inequality.” The most stark indication of growing inequality is the rise in homelessness.

There is a very serious danger confronting our civilisation. It is income inequality, the destroyer of civilisations, according to Stanford University professor, Walter Scheidel. He claims that only state collapse, disease, war and revolution have really levelled income in the past but he does concede that there are policies which might mitigate what is becoming a very dangerous trend in the USA. Emphasis put upon the education of young people and the retraining of older people could help. The implementation of a wealth tax on the super rich section of the 1% would also help but he does not see a real solution in such policies. [11 February 2019 Maven Roundtable] Although Australia is one of the world’s wealthiest countries, Gerry Georgatos, the national coordinator of the National Suicide Prevention and Trauma Recovery Project, points out that we have the third-highest rate of homelessness in the OECD. According to the ABS 117,000 Australian suffer from some form of homelessness and about 20% are children aged 12 years and less. Georgatos argues that there are some 300,000 who are actually homeless with 15,000 sleeping on the streets. “Several years ago, Bethlehem House the only men’s shelter in Hobart, found the average age of death of the homeless they supported was in the 40s.” [25 September 2020 Independent Australia]

Suicide rates are related to poverty A US study links suicide increases with times of high unemployment, which is what the world is facing post-COVID-19. “The new study examined suicide rates from 1990 through 2015 across all 50 states and Washington, and measured how they changed as the minimum wage increased. …, the researchers estimated that a $1 increase in the minimum wage corresponded with a 3.5 percent decrease in the suicide rate for those with a high school education or less. Without some of the controls, the decrease in the suicide rate was 6 percent. The effect was most pronounced during times of high unemployment.” [14 January 2020 NYT] Another study of suicide rates in Australia has similar conclusions. “Recent widening socioeconomic inequalities in Australian suicide have been primarily associated with declines

in suicide rates in high SES areas. However, an increasing inequality in older male suicide is linked with low SES. Efforts targeting people from poor areas, especially older males, should be considered when developing suicide prevention strategy.” [Too, L.S., Law, P.C.F., Spittal, M.J. et al. Widening socioeconomic inequalities in Australian suicide, despite recent declines in suicide rates. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 53, 969–976 (2018)]. The most disadvantaged community in Australia is that of the First Nations people. Research by journalist Gerry Georgatos found “that the prevalence of spates of suicides among Australian Aboriginal youth are the world’s highest, and that these spates are becoming more prevalent and settling in to higher medians year in year out.” [www.creativespirits.info]

Government policies pander to obscene wealth Despite such data, ABC business reporter Michael Janda reported; “Back in 1984, Australia’s 200 richest people had a combined wealth of $6.4 billion…..this year’s list reveals a combined wealth of $342 billion.” The wealth is flowing to the top 1%. [31 May 2019 ABC News] This is part of an international trend. It has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. “A report by Swiss bank UBS found that billionaires increased their wealth by more than a quarter (27.5%) at the height of the crisis from April to July.” [7 October 2020 Rupert Neate Guardian] This sort of imbalance is of course economically and socially destructive.

There will be a strike back from those being fleeced. In this developing imbalance we would expect government to tackle the problem but here in Australia we have a ruling political party which is catering to its main supporters. The October Frydenberg-Morrison Budget, in the words of the Australia Institute, “will permanently widen inequality in Australia…” “The Australia Institute’s analysis found that in 2020-21, 41% of the government’s tax plan will go to the top 20% of income earners, who earn about $102,000. The bottom 20% of taxpayers receive only 4%. In 2021-22, 88% of the government’s tax plan will go to the top 20% of income earners. The bottom 20% get nothing, the think tank found.” [7 October 2020 Guardian] Tax cuts to the rich will not stimulate spending but will keep the party donors happy. The rights of the needy, of the disadvantaged and the vulnerable are being ignored and this creates peril for social stability and the continuation of civilised society. The Christians in the government, of which there are supposed to be many, would do well to remember the words of the Magnificat: He has scattered the proud in their conceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.

AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬



4 family


In [Almost] Any Relationship, Kindness Is King By Jamilah Samian


“Kindness is not found in anything, but it adds beauty to it, and if it is withdrawn from anything, it defects it.” - Hadith al Jami’ al Sagheer. Let’s talk about marriage. Suppose you feel like your marriage has lost its spark. You no longer feel attracted to your spouse, there’s nothing to look forward to in your marriage and even worse, you might even feel that the marriage itself is a stumbling block to your happiness. What do you do? I’d like to suggest you give your marriage one more chance by considering the kindness cure. The penchant for kindness cuts across generations, creed and colour. You might have noticed it yourself. Family or friend, man or woman of all ages and stages adore kindness. Look at any successful relationship between man and woman where both parties are truly contented, and chances are, kindness has a big part to play. Take away kindness and the relationship is likely to wither eventually. Kindness is the secret to conquering a human heart – man or

woman, family or friend. “Constant kindness can accomplish a lot. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.” So said Albert Schweitzer. How true! Every kind act you choose to do opens the doors of goodwill and trust. If things fail to work between you and her, you can’t change her. But you can change you, yes YOU. The way you talk, how you express your thoughts. Ask yourself: How can I say this in a way to inspire her to see and do things better? A beautiful relationship is about winning hearts, not arguments. It’s about outdoing one another in kindness. It’s more of “What’s in it for us?”, less of “What’s in it for me?” It’s more of “What can I do for you?”, less of “What can you do for me?” Let us together unearth specific and practical ways on how you can choose to be kind to your spouse for the sake of growing a happy and successful marriage - unless you’re caught in an abusive marriage, where the right thing to do is to pack

and leave. Ultimately, kindness is a choice that you make every day. To start with, consider these quick tips to win your spouse over with your kindness: • Be sensitive. It might mean not to watch a YouTube video. Help her clean up after dinner instead. It might mean not to ignore the piling laundry. Throw it into the wash so you and her could have half-an-hour of down time together. • Watch your tongue. It might mean self-restraint, keeping your lips sealed. Resist the urge to dig out a past she would rather forget. It might mean not to blurt out “It’s your fault” when he made an error. Or not to vent out your anger when you are really upset. Wait for an opportune time when both of you can sit and talk to each other. • Share the praise and share the blame. The first part is easy. Who doesn’t want to be recognised for a job well done? The second part is tricky. It goes against your pride and ego. The next time something goes wrong, accept your share of the blame. Your relationship might just take a leap. Try it. You’ll see.

Did you know that kindness is the strongest predictor to the long-term success of a marriage? Too many marriages fail because people have little idea how consistent kindness can make a real difference in the long run. The things that make a married man or woman green with envy are not only the branded items they see others wear, or the exquisite holidays their neighbours can afford. Rather, it’s more of hearing about the little acts of kindness that other married people do for their spouses. You and your spouse are God’s gifts to one another. God gives us what we need, not what we want. You and your spouse share a precious history that no one else is privy to. Regardless of the state of your relationship today, your marriage has brought you together.

Excerpt from “The Kindness Miracle”. Other books by Jamilah Samian: “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, “Leadership In Parenting”, “77 Power Parent Tips”.

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30/4/19 10:33 am

Supporting tourism and agriculture through Visa Application Charge changes Visitors Visitor visa holders who are overseas and whose visas expired or will expire between March 2020 and December 2021 will be eligible for a waiver when they apply for a new visa. This will help support the rebound of Australia’s $45 billion international tourism sector when international travel restrictions ease.

Working holiday makers Backpackers on Working Holiday Maker visas who have been unable to come to Australia or who had to leave Australia early due to COVID-19 will also be eligible for a waiver, when they decide to return to Australia. Those who are unable to return because they have passed the age limit for a Working Holiday Maker visa will be able to claim a refund. Working Holiday Makers are a major contributor to Australia’s tourism industry and also fill critical workforce shortages, particularly in regional and rural Australia. On average, they spend all their money in Australia, contributing more than $3 billion a year to the economy and supporting local jobs. These changes build on a number of measures announced by the Morrison Government to allow

Working Holiday Makers to remain in Australia longer and support the critical sectors of health, aged care, disability care, childcare, agriculture and food processing.

Seasonal Worker Program and Pacific Labour Scheme workers Seasonal Worker Program and Pacific Labour Scheme visa holders will also be eligible for a refund of the VAC if they were granted a visa before 20 March 2020 and have been unable to travel to Australia due to COVID-19 These programs restarted in August to help fill labour shortages in key industries, particularly the farming sector. Visa conditions for these workers have also been temporarily relaxed and options are available for them to extend their stay in Australia for up to 12 months to support the agriculture sector.

Temporary skilled workers Due to travel restrictions there are many Temporary Skill Shortage and Temporary Work (Skilled) visa holders who have not made their initial entry to Australia, or have returned home due to COVID-19 and may wish to apply again. To support local businesses that seek to access

critical skills not available in the local labour workforce, the Government will offer a waiver of the VAC for subsequent applications by affected temporary employer sponsored skilled migrants. Subsequent skilled visa applications will still be subject to the strict labour market testing requirements to ensure Australians have first priority for jobs.

Prospective Marriage visa holders The Prospective Marriage visa provides holders with nine months to travel to Australia to marry an Australian citizen or permanent resident. VAC refunds will be available for Prospective Marriage visa holders who have been unable to enter Australia before their visa expired, due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions. Refunds will ensure these visa holders are able to apply for another visa to travel to Australia and hold their wedding once travel restrictions are lifted. For those visas that have already expired, any new application will be prioritised. Visa extensions will be available for Prospective Marriage visa holders whose visas are still valid. Further details will soon be available on the Department of Home Affairs website.

AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬





Conditions of Halal Meat in Islam Dr Bekim Hasani

Head of Shariah Affairs, ICCV

Food is an essential part of our lives, therefore it has great significance in Islam. As a matter of fact, food and its derivatives is mentioned in the Quran 49 times. A fundamental principle in Islam pertaining to Halal (Permissible) is that everything placed on earth by God is for our benefit, except for that which is specifically stated as Haram (Unlawful) in either the Qur’an, or Sunnah. Among the food that is good and pure, which Allah (swt) has allowed mankind to consume, we find rulings on the range of permissible meats, as well as the meat of animals requiring Allah’s name to be invoked to make it Halal for consumption.

In order for meat to be Halal for consumption, it has to go through certain conditions, such as the following: Animals/ Birds: Animals that survive on grass and leaves, as well as those that do not prey on other animals (nonpredatory animals), are all considered Halal. Animals that fall under this category include: cattle, goats, sheep, deer, buffalo, camel, chicken, duck, etc. It’s important to mention that each of the four Islamic School of Thoughts have their own principles in regards to which animals are Halal and Haram for consumption.

The Slaughterer: The person performing the slaughtering of the animal (zabh) must be of sound mind and a mature (adult) Muslim. The Muslim can be of either gender. The meat

from an animal slaughtered by an idolater, or a nonbeliever, is not acceptable in Islam.

The Method of slaughter (zabh): There are two key conditions to consider when slaughtering an animal: 1. The name of Allah must be mentioned (Tasmiyyah) by saying Bismillah (in the name of Allah), or Bismillah Allahu Akbar (In the name of God, God is great) before making an insertion to the throat of the animal. 2. The slaughter must always be performed in a manner that is least painful to the animal. The knife must be sharpened and must not kill the animal due to its weight. The slaughtering must be done in one stroke without lifting the knife.

AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬

It is important to note that the vast majority of Halal slaughter in Australia comply with standard slaughter practice where all animals are stunned prior to slaughter.

The Cut and Bleeding:

carotid arteries and both jugular veins without the knife touching the bones of the spine (vertebrae). The method of Halal slaughter allows rapid and efficient bleeding of the animal. The blood from the animal must be completely drained before skinning.

The incision should be made in the neck by cutting both

When it comes to meat, just like any other food,

Islamic dietary law also requires that the meat is not only Halal, but that it is also wholesome and fit for human consumption (Tayyib). Therefore, any food failing this prerequisite automatically becomes Haram. The same Islamic dietary law also applies to restaurants that purchase Halal meat from suppliers. Restaurants must ensure that Halal meat is cooked with Halal ingredients, especially when using other animal based ingredients, so that the Halal meat is wholesome and fit for human consumption Finally, it is very important for meats, as well as other food, to also be cooked in hygienic conditions to ensure that no food pathogens are allowed to contaminate the food.



East Preston Islamic College 55 Tyler Street, East Preston, VIC, 3072, Australia. Ph: +61 3 9478 3323 Fx: +61 3 9470 1255

East Preston Islamic College

www.epic.vic.edu.au AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬



The announcement of the 2020/21 Muslim Legal Network

Committee of Management The announcement of the 2020/21 Muslim Legal Network Committee of Management. The Committee of Management (‘CoM’) provides direction, strategy and oversight for the MLN. • President: Ms Zahida Popal • Vice President: Ms Samira Zeno • Treasurer: Mr Mohideen Imran • Secretary: Ms Laura Hakim • Legal Referral Service: Mr Haseeb Mian • Programs: Mr Nirvan Jamshidpey • Marketing: Ms Aya El Kady • Events: Ms Alysha Gondal • Sponsorship: Mr Ali Al Ebrahimi • Student Representative: Ms Sarah Baarini • Publications: TBA • Advisor: Mr Nazim El-Bardouh • Advisor: Mr Tamim Rahman • Advisor: Mr Jazeer Nijamudeen


as easy as replacing the old with the new. Stress and worry cannot just disappear like my old tooth.

Losing teeth is a special part of childhood, but for me it was magical. We never had a tooth fairy back home, instead, we had the sun. As a child, the sun was the greatest thing there is, something beyond reach which shines the world brighter. Children would wait for the sun to rise while holding on to their fallen tooth in the balcony. The tooth is supposedly sent to the sun and the sun is asked to take the old tooth and bring a beautiful tooth. It was magical knowing that something that is not suitable can be replaced just by talking to the sun. Being a child was beautiful until you grow up and realize life is not

As life progressed, so did problems. I worried about my family in the first few years of migration, but they were not the only thing I worried about. I worried about the future, my studies, friends, my career and pretty much everything. It was a coping mechanism, to stress. It helped to get things done, until it became a barrier in my life. It’s important that children develop life skills to help them cope with stress and the everyday pressures of life, skills to mature their resilience. In a migrant home, this is hard because you are busy doing so many things like putting food on the table, trying to translate a letter written by the

AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬

teacher as to why your daughter does not want to hold hands with a boy in dance class, a phone call from the principle asking why your kid in grade one needs to starve at school?. All this needs to be explained in a foreign language and in a way which does not sound barbaric. It felt like you are being pulled from different directions while trying to develop healthy problem-solving skills. Then there is diplomacy, something migrant parents have probably never heard of especially when it comes to raising children in Australia. It was hard for my poor parents to unlearn everything they grew up with and relearn new ways of communicating with their children in a society where children had a voice and were encouraged to have one. Therefore, it was obvious why stress relief strategies

may have been missed along with other things. The truth is, teeth don’t always fall out, some are pulled out with pain and blood. A lot of good can come out of this as well. Pain is part of life and that is healthy especially if you know how to handle it. You are allowed to be sad, scream, be angry, but you also need to learn. For me I learnt the hard way. Life teaches you eventually, but it’s harsh, a little like a soccer coach. You fall and you have to get up quickly so you can fall again. And yes, sometimes, when I reach a dead end, I do feel like putting life in my hand and throwing it at the sun, but I soon realize, I can no longer ignore the laws of gravity.

‫‪9‬‬ ‫صحة‬

‫أفضل األطعمة والعالجات الطبيعية‬

‫د‪ .‬منى البدوي‬ ‫اخ�صائية التغذية‬ ‫وع�ضو الكلية اال�سترالية‬ ‫للتحكم في الوزن‪.‬‬ ‫@‪dr.mona.albadawy‬‬ ‫‪gmail.com‬‬ ‫‪@monyhealthcoach‬‬

‫لعالج اإلمساك‬ ‫يعتبر الإم�ساك «عر�ض» ولي�س «مر�ض» وهو من �أكثر م�شاكل الجهاز اله�ضمي انت�شارا‪ ،‬حيث ي�صيب حوالي ‪ 15‬الى ‪ 20‬في المائة‬ ‫من �سكان العالم‪ .‬وي�صيب الن�ساء بن�سبة �أكبر من الرجال‪ .‬وقد يتعر�ض �أي �إن�سان لهذه الم�شكلة في فترة معينة من حياته‪ .‬وطبيا‬ ‫يعتبر الإم�ساك هو حالة ا�ضطراب وقلة حركة في الأمعاء‪ ،‬مما ي�ؤدي الى تعطيل العملية الطبيعية المت�صا�ص المواد الغذائية‬ ‫وال�سوائل وتكوين البراز ودفعه داخل الأمعاء الغليظة الى خارج الج�سم‪.‬‬ ‫وهنالك �أ�سباب عديدة لحدوث الإم�ساك‪ ،‬منها اتباع نظام غذائي خالي من الألياف والفواكه والخ�ضروات‪ ،‬وعدم �شرب كمية كافية‬ ‫من ال�سوائل يوميا‪� ،‬أو نتيجة تناول بع�ض الأدوية مثال �أدوية الأنيميا (فقر الدم)‪ ،‬والإكتئاب والمهدئات والم�سكنات و�أدوية‬ ‫الحمو�ضة و�ضغط الدم والأدوية الي تحتوي على الكوديين وغيرها مثل �أدوية ال�سعال‪ .‬و�أ�سباب �أخرى منها �أ�سباب نف�سية �أو طبية‬ ‫مثل ال�ضعف في ع�ضالت القولون �أو الخلل في الهرمونات �أو ب�سبب قلة الحركة وخا�صة في ال�شهور الأخيرة من الحمل‪.‬‬

‫م������ا ه������ي ط��������رق ع��ل�اج‬ ‫الإم�ساك؟‬

‫الزيوت في ال�صباح قبل الإفطار �أو �إ�ضافة‬ ‫ملعقة من خل التفاح ال��ى ك��وب من الماء‬ ‫وتناولها عند الإ�ستيقاظ مبا�شرة‪‬.‬‬ ‫تنبيه‪ :‬ال يف�ضل تناول زيت الخروع لل�سيدات‬ ‫الحوامل لأنه ي�ساعد على زيادة �إنقبا�ضات‬ ‫الرحم‪.‬‬

‫‪ -1‬فاكهة البرقوق (القرا�صيا المجففة)‬ ‫‬‪‬‬:‪prunes and plums‬‬ ‫�أكثر فاكهة يتم و�صفها لحاالت الإم�ساك هي‬ ‫فاكهة البرقوق لإحتوائها على ال�سوربيتول‬ ‫وهو ملين طبيعي وي�ساعد في عملية اله�ضم‬ ‫كما يعمل �أي�ضا على التخل�ص من تراكم‬ ‫ال�سموم وبقايا الطعام في القولون‪.‬‬ ‫يمكن ت �ن��اول ث �م��ار ال�ق��را��ص�ي��ا ال�ط��ازج��ة‬ ‫�أو تح�ضيرها ف��ي �شكل ع�صير طبيعي‪،‬‬ ‫كما يمكن �أكلها مجففة ك�سناك (وجبة‬ ‫خفيفة)‪ .‬وبالن�سبة للأطفال فيوجد العديد‬ ‫من المنتجات المح�ضرة خ�صي�صا لهم‪،‬‬ ‫منها طعام الأطفال (�سيريالك) وع�صائر‬ ‫متنوعه و��ش��راب ال��زب��ادي وجميعها بنكهة‬ ‫القرا�صيا‪.‬‬ ‫تنبيه هام‪ :‬يجب تناول البرقوق و القرا�صيا‬ ‫بحذر للأ�شخا�ص الذين يعانون من تكون‬ ‫ح�صوات بالكلى �أو المرارة‪.‬‬

‫‪ -4‬الفواكه المجففة‪:‬‬ ‫الفواكه المجففة مليئة بالألياف الغذائية‬ ‫ورائ �ع��ة لتخفيف الإم �� �س��اك و�سهل �أكلها‬ ‫ومحببة عند الأطفال مثل الزبيب والم�شم�ش‬ ‫والأنانا�س والخوخ والتمر والتين المجفف‪.‬‬

‫دائما نن�صح بالبدئ في اتباع العالجات‬ ‫الطبيعية والأكل ال�صحي قبل تناول �أي �أدوية‬ ‫�أو عقاقير‪ ،‬ومنها‪:‬‬

‫‪� -2‬أع �� �ش��اب ال���س�ن��ام�ك��ي ‬‪:‪ ‪Senna Leaf‬‬ ‫‬‬‬‬‬�أقوى �أع�شاب ملينة لإحتوائها على مركبات‬ ‫الجليكو�سيد‪ ،‬والتي تحفز الأع�صاب في‬ ‫الأم�ع��اء وت�سرع من حركتها هي والقولون‬ ‫للتخل�ص من �أي بقايا طعام‪ .‬والأع�شاب‬ ‫متوفره في �شكل �أقرا�ص و�أكيا�س �شاي‪‬‪‬.‬‬ ‫تنبيه هام‪ :‬ال يف�ضل تناول �أو �شرب �أع�شاب‬ ‫ال�سنامكي لأكثر من �أ�سبوع لأنها من الممكن‬ ‫�أن تت�سبب في حدوث �إ�سهال وتقل�صات في‬ ‫المعدة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -3‬الزيوت الطبيعية وخل التفاح ‪‪Apple‬‬ ‫‬‪‬‬:Cider Vinegar‬‬

‫مثل زي��ت الزيتون (ملين طبيعي)‪ ،‬وزيت‬ ‫الخروع (‪‬ )Castor Oil‬الذي ي�ساعد على‬ ‫انقبا�ض ع�ضالت المعدة‪ ،‬وزيت جوز الهند‪،‬‬ ‫وخ��ل ال�ت�ف��اح‪ ،‬يتم ت �ن��اول ملعقة م��ن هذه‬

‫‪ -5‬الأط� � �ع� � �م � ��ة وال � �م � �ن � �ت � �ج� ��ات ال �غ �ن �ي��ة‬ ‫بالبروبيوتيك‪:‬‬ ‫ال�ب��روب�ي��وت�ي��ك ه��ي البكتيريا «ال�صحية»‬ ‫الموجودة في الأم�ع��اء الدقيقة والخميرة‬ ‫ومهمة جدا في محاربة البكتيريا «ال�ضارة»‬ ‫وال �ح �ف��اظ ع�ل��ى �صحة ال �م �ع��دة والأم��ع��اء‬ ‫وع�م�ل�ي��ات اله�ضم والإم�ت���ص��ا���ص و�أي���ض��ا‬ ‫تحافظ على مناعة ج�ي��دة للج�سم‪ .‬مثال‬ ‫الزبادي والأطعمة المتخمرة مثل الملفوف‬ ‫�أو الكرنب المخلل‪.‬‬ ‫‬‬ ‫‪ -6‬المكمالت الغذائية الغنية بالألياف‪:‬‬ ‫�إن �إ�ضافة �أو زيادة الألياف في الم�شروبات‬ ‫والع�صائر وال�سموثي وال�شوربات (الح�ساء)‬ ‫والمخبوزات ي�ساعد ب�شكل كبير في انتظام‬ ‫حركة المعدة والأمعاء وعملية الإخراج‪ .‬مثال‬ ‫ق�شور ال�سيليوم ونخالة القمح وال�شوفان‪.‬‬ ‫ين�صح ب�شرب كمية كبيره من الماء عند‬ ‫تناول هذ الأع�شاب لأنها تقوم ب�إمت�صا�ص‬ ‫كمية كبيرة م��ن ال �م��اء وت�ك��وي��ن كتلة من‬ ‫الألياف التي ت�ساعد على دفع الطعام في‬ ‫المعده والأمعاء‪.‬‬ ‫تنبيه هام‪ :‬من الممكن ان تقلل هذه الألياف‬ ‫م��ن �إمت�صا�ص بع�ض الأدوي ��ة ‪ ،‬كما تعمل‬ ‫�أي�ضا على انخفا�ض م�ستوى ال�سكر في الدم‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -7‬ال �خ �� �ض��روات وال �ف��واك �ه��ه وال�ب�ق��ول�ي��ات‬ ‫والحبوب والبذور‪:‬‬ ‫الإك� �ث���ار م��ن ت��ن��اول ال �ف��اك �ه��ة ال �ط��ازج��ة‬ ‫والخ�ضروات الغنية بالألياف مثل «البروكلي»‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 114‬صفر ‪ 1442‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020‬‬

‫والقرنبيط وال�سبانخ والخر�شوف والكو�سا‬ ‫وال�خ����س وال�م�ل�ف��وف وال�ك��رف����س والبطاطا‬ ‫الحلوة‪ ،‬والبقوليات مثل العد�س والب�سلة‬ ‫والفا�صوليا‪ .‬والفواكهه مثل التوت والفراولة‬ ‫وال �ت �ف��اح وال �ك �م �ث��رى وال �ت �ي��ن وال �ف��واك �ه��ه‬ ‫الحم�ضية مثل البرتقال‪ .‬والبذور مثل ال�شيا‬ ‫وبذور الكتان‪.‬‬

‫‪ -8‬القهوة‪:‬‬ ‫تعتبر القهوة م�صدر غني بالكافيين الذي‬ ‫يقوم بتن�شيط القولون وع�ضالت الأمعاء‪.‬‬ ‫وف��ي ح��ال��ة ع��دم الإ�ستجابة لأي م��ن هذه‬ ‫ال �ع�ل�اج��ات ال�ط�ب�ي�ع�ي��ة ي�ن���ص��ح ب��ال�ت��وج��ه‬ ‫لإ�ست�شارة الطبيب‪ .‬ودمتم في �أت��م �صحة‬ ‫وعافية‪.‬‬



Protecting partner visa applicants against family violence The Morrison Government is strengthening the Partner visa program to further protect vulnerable migrants from people who commit violent crimes against women and children. Family violence is unacceptable and will not be tolerated under any circumstance. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, whether you are here on a visa or have Australian citizenship – no one should be trapped in a violent relationship. Sadly we know some Partner visa applicants, particularly those with low English proficiency, are particularly at risk. They are often

less likely to have an established support network in Australia, less likely to understand Australian laws and less likely to know how and where to seek assistance. To counter this, the Government will extend the family sponsorship framework to Partner visas, which will require an Australian citizen or permanent resident sponsor of a Partner visa to be assessed against character and sponsorship obligations and approved before a visa application can be made. It will also require sponsors to agree to certain results of their character checks being shared with their partner prior to the visa application being lodged. This may

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include information indicating a potential threat, such as charges and convictions of a violent nature. This ensures their partner can make an informed decision about whether or not to proceed with the visa application, especially in circumstances where children are involved. It also means applicants can feel empowered to walk away from a potentially violent relationship based on the information shared, before they lodge and pay for the visa application. The changes build on existing provisions in Australia’s migration laws to allow provisional Partner visa or Prospective Marriage visa holders

who experience family violence to continue with their permanent visa application even if their relationship breaks down. New requirements, announced last week, for Partner visa applicants and their permanent resident sponsors to make reasonable efforts to learn English will also support migrant women and families. Changes to the Partner visa framework and English language requirement will come into effect in late 2021 and will apply to new applications only. Further details will be developed over the coming months, with final details announced next year.

Election Guide


Al Wasat Elections Guide

Local council elections

2020 Victoria

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Election Guide


Election Guide

ABOUT ELECTIONS How often are State elections held?

Council elections are held every four years, on the fourth Saturday in October. • There are 79 councils in Victoria – 31 in Melbourne and 48 in rural and regional areas. • Each council must have between five and 12 councillors, who are elected by the community to represent them. • In 2020, 76 councils will be going to an election in October. • The South Gippsland Shire Council election has been postponed until October 2021, and the Casey City Council and Whittlesea City Council elections have been postponed until October 2024. • The Minister for Local Government, in consultation with the VEC, determines whether elections are conducted by either postal voting or attendance (in person) voting. All local government elections in 2020 will be postal voting. The 2020 Local Government Elections Service Plan sets out the VEC’s plan to deliver these elections.

Who votes in council elections? Two groups of people are eligible to vote in council elections: • State-enrolled voters in that council area (known as the Electoral Commissioner’s List). This group is automatically enrolled to vote in council elections. • those who are not State enrolled voters in that council area but pay rates to that council (known as the CEO’s List). This group must apply to council to be included on the roll. It includes: • non-resident property owners, such as those with holiday houses and investment properties • directors or company secretaries of corporations that pay rates in that council area but don’t live in the area • shop tenants who are named on the council’s records to receive the rates notice, or have the written consent of the owner to vote in their place • non-Australian citizens who live and pay rates in that council area. These two lists are combined to make the voters’ roll. The Melbourne City Council voters’ roll has additional categories for corporate representatives. See the Melbourne City Council website for more information: https://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/about-council/ governance-transparency/elections/Pages/elections. aspx AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬

Is it compulsory to vote?

Voting is compulsory for those on the Electoral Commissioner’s List. It is not compulsory for those on the CEO’s List – except in Melbourne City Council elections where everyone on the voters’ roll is required to vote. People who do not provide a sufficient excuse for not voting in a council election may be fined. The penalty is half a penalty unit, which is set at $82.61 for the 2020 local government elections.


‫‪Election Guide‬‬

‫‪Election Guide‬‬

‫المجتمع المسلم‬ ‫وانتخابات المجالس المحلیة في ملبورن‬ ‫ال�شيخ عالء الزقم‬ ‫امام م�سجد ال�صديق‬ ‫ع�ضو مجل�س الأئمة الفيدرالي‬ ‫نعی�ش ف��ي �أج ��واء انتخابات‬ ‫المجال�س المحلیة في ملبورن‬ ‫وقد لفت نظرى خالل العملیة‬ ‫الإنتخابیة �أمرین مهمین‪:‬‬ ‫الأول‪ :‬تواجد المر�شحین الم�سلمین على‬ ‫ق��وائ��م الإن �ت �خ��اب��ات م��ن مختلف الأح �ی��اء‬ ‫وهو �أم��ر جدیر بالذكر وما زاد هذا الأمر‬ ‫رونقا هو تواجد المر�شحین ال�شباب من‬ ‫الم�سلمین ال��ذی��ن ی��ری��دون �أن ی�خ��دم��وا‬ ‫المجتمع الأ� �س �ت��رال��ي وی �ك��ون��وا ج ��زءا من‬ ‫الحیاة ال�سیا�سیة‪ .‬لقد �أجریت ح��وارا مع‬ ‫بع�ض ه�ؤالء ال�شباب المر�شحین للإنتخابات‬ ‫ووجدت نف�سي �أمام �شباب متح�ضر واع یرید‬ ‫�أن یكون جزءا من التغییر نحو الأف�ضل‪ ،‬لهم‬

‫ر�ؤی��ة م�ستقبلیة و�أفكار جدیرة بالإحترام‪،‬‬ ‫یحر�صون على �أن یقدموا �أنف�سهم على‬ ‫�أنهم �شباب م�سلم �أ�سترالي یرید �أن یكون‬ ‫م��ن ه� ��ؤالء الم�س�ؤلین ع��ن ت�ق��دی��م الخیر‬ ‫والنفع للنا�س جمیعا‪ ،‬ی�ؤمنون ب�أن طاقاتهم‬ ‫وقدراتهم یمكن �أن ت�ستغل ب�شكل �أف�ضل في‬ ‫جهة عمل مجتمعي مثل المجل�س المحلي‪.‬‬ ‫ح��ق لمجتمعنا ال�م���س�ل��م ب�شكل خا�ص‬ ‫والأ� �س �ت��رال��ي ب�شكل ع��ام �أن یفخر بمثل‬ ‫ه��ؤالء ال�شباب ویجب علینا �أن نقف معهم‬ ‫وندعمهم حتى یح�صلوا على فر�صتهم في‬ ‫تقدیم النفع والخیر لهذا المجتمع ولأن‬ ‫یكونوا جزءا من الحیاة ال�سیا�سیة و�صناعة‬ ‫القرار في �أ�سترالیا‪.‬‬ ‫ال�ث��ان��ي‪ :‬م�شاركة المجتمع الم�سلم في‬ ‫الإن�ت�خ��اب��ات وق��د �أظ�ه��ر المجتمع الم�سلم‬ ‫تمثیال ح���ض��اری��ا ل�ل�م���ش��ارك��ة ف��ي ال�ح�ی��اة‬ ‫ال�سیا�سیة ب��ال��دخ��ول ف��ي بع�ض الحمالت‬ ‫الإع�لان �ی��ة للمر�شحین لدعمهم وك��ذل��ك‬ ‫ت�شجیع الغیر على الم�شاركة في الإنتخابات‬

‫وه��ذا لی�س بغریب على مجتمعنا الم�سلم‬ ‫ال� ��ذي ق��د ن���ض��ج و�أ� �ص �ب��ح واع �ی��ا لأه�م�ی��ة‬ ‫الم�شاركة في الحیاة ال�سیا�سیة والمجتمعیة‬ ‫في �أ�سترالیا‪.‬‬ ‫�إن التغییر للأف�ضل والمطالبة بالحقوق‬ ‫ال یكون �إال عن طریق الم�شاركة في الحیاة‬ ‫ال�سیا�سیة وقد بین ر�سولنا الكریم �صلى اﷲ‬ ‫علیه و�سلم ذلك بفعله وم�شاركته في الحیاة‬ ‫ال�سیا�سیة في مجتمع المدینة المنورة بعد‬ ‫�أن هاجر �إلیها فكان من �أول ما قام به في‬ ‫المدینة المنورة معاهدة فاقت الكثیر من‬ ‫المواثیق الحقوقیة والد�ساتیر الدولیة عرفت‬ ‫با�سم معاهدة المدینة وقد �أ�س�س فیها النبي‬ ‫�صلى ﷲ علیه و�سلم �أ�س�س ومبادئ العی�ش‬ ‫الم�شترك بین الم�سلمین وغیرهم‪ .‬ونحن‬ ‫في بلدنا �أ�سترالیا یجب �أن نحر�ص دائما‬ ‫على ممار�سة ه��ذا الحق ال�سیا�سي ال��ذي‬ ‫�ضمنته لنا الدولة تمثیال للإ�سالم والتعریف‬ ‫به و�إظهار مبد�أ الإ�سالم في تقدیم العون‬ ‫والم�ساعدة للجمیع وكذلك �ضمانة للحقوق‬

‫والحفاظ على ا�ستقرار المجتمع الم�سلم في‬ ‫�أ�سترالیا‪.‬‬ ‫�إنني �أ�شعر بالفخر �أننى �أنتمي للمجتمع‬ ‫الم�سلم الأ� �س �ت��رال��ي ال ��ذي ی��ری��د ویظهر‬ ‫دائما �أن��ه یرید �أن یكون ج��زءا من الحیاة‬ ‫ال�سیا�سیة والإجتماعية في ه��ذا المجتمع‬ ‫و�أدع��و مجتمعنا الم�سلم لأن یجتهدوا في‬ ‫الم�شاركة في مجاالت عدة تظهر �شخ�صیة‬ ‫الم�سلم النافع لغیره كما حث ر�سولنا الكریم‬ ‫�صلى اﷲ علیه و�سلم في قوله في الحدیث‬ ‫ال�شریف «خیر النا�س �أنفعهم للنا�س» وكذلك‬ ‫قوله تعالى }وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى{‪.‬‬ ‫�أتمنى التوفیق لكل المر�شحین الم�سلمین‬ ‫في �أحیاء عدیدة على م�ستوى مدینة ملبورن‬ ‫ون�س�أل ﷲ �سبحانه وتعالى �أن یوفقهم جمیعا‬ ‫لخدمة المجتمع الأ�سترالى و�أن یجزیهم‬ ‫خیرا على جهودهم في هذه الإنتحابات‪.‬‬

‫?‪How do I vote‬‬ ‫‪To vote correctly in a local government election (apart from the Melbourne City Council‬‬ ‫‪councillor election) you must number every box on the ballot paper in the order of your choice.‬‬

‫‪Voting in postal elections involves the following steps:‬‬ ‫‪• the VEC sends each voter on the roll at the close of the roll a ballot pack containing candidate statements and‬‬ ‫‪photos, ballot paper, ballot paper envelope, and reply-paid envelope‬‬ ‫‪• the voter completes the ballot paper, puts it in the ballot paper envelope and signs the flap on the envelope.‬‬ ‫‪This signed declaration is removed before the ballot paper is extracted from the envelope, so the voter’s identity‬‬ ‫‪remains private‬‬ ‫‪• the voter puts the ballot paper envelope into a reply-paid return-addressed envelope and posts it to the election office.‬‬ ‫‪When the election office receives the envelope, it is opened, and the ballot paper envelope removed. The ballot paper envelope is scanned to mark the voter as‬‬ ‫‪having returned their vote. The scanned envelope is placed in a security box until voting has closed.‬‬ ‫‪All ballot paper envelopes must be in the post or hand-delivered to the election office by 6 pm on the Friday before election day. Local mail clearance times‬‬ ‫‪may be earlier than 6 pm and must be considered when votes are being returned by mail. Postal votes may be received by the Election Manager through the post‬‬ ‫‪until 12 noon on the fifth working day after election day.‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 114‬صفر ‪ 1442‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020‬‬

Election Guide


Election Guide

Voting in the upcoming Local Government elections is easy and essential Mohamed Jemai - Melbourne Despite the COVID19 lockdown Victorians are heading for the ballot box in local government elections, which close on October 23. Like most things during the COVID19 pandemic, the Victorian local council elections will be conducted remotely by post. By now most Victorians would have received their voting packs in the mail. Most people, by now, would have seen all the candidates’ placards and posters adorning walls, shop windows and front yards. Kitchen tables will be strewn with local candidate’s information. There are 76 out of 79 state city councils running elections this term. Casey, Whittlesea and South Gippsland Shire Councils are under administration. • Here are some things we need to consider before we send our vote back to the Victorian Election Commission (VEC). Council services are paid for, though taxes, rates and levies by you, the resident. So, your taxes are the most important reason to vote in the council election. • In principle, by partaking in elections, through our vote we delegate responsibility to those candidates who, if they win, will hopefully allocate our taxes to the services that we use. So, It is important to consider who you will vote for carefully. • Our deen, AL-ISLAM has made the noble duty of taking care of our environment and serroundingns a sign of IMAN:

‫ ال اله اال‬:‫ أفضلها قول‬،‫بضع وسبعون شعبة‬،‫اإلميان‬ ‫ رواه مسلم‬.‫الله وادناها اماطة االذى عن الطريق‬

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Said “Iman is over seventy categories. The best of which is the saying of La ELAHA ELA ALLAH, and the least

of which is to remove harm from people’s pathways. We have an opportunity to practice this great humanitarian principle and take care of our families, neighbourhood and environment. Local government supplies direct services we need like in health, early childhood education, kindergartens and childcare, parks, mothers and babies support, vaccinations, aged care, funding for cultural events and a lot more. So, through voting the right candidate in, we get to positively affect our surroundings. • Candidates who win impact on our life and our families directly. The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) write, “It is important to vote to ensure your voice is heard by those who make decisions about things that affect the way you live” (https://www.vec.vic.gov.au/ voting/2020-local-council-election) • It is important to read about the candidates and consider carefully who to vote for. There is more information online on each candidate for those that need to know more.

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• In the voting pack there are candidates’ statements, a ballot paper, an envelope for the ballot and a pre-paid return envelope. It

is important to read and understand the voting instructions. VEC also provides a multilingual flyer. • When voting it is important that all candidates are numbered in order of the voter’s preference. The most preferred candidate will begin with ‘1’ in the box next to their name, then other candidates with 2 then 3 then 4, and so on, until all candidates on the ballot paper have a number next to their names. Ensure not to repeat the same number. • When finished, place the ballot paper in the ballot paper envelope and seal it. Then sign and date the flap in the designated section. Finally, place the ballot paper envelope in the pre-paid envelope and throw it in an Australia Post mailbox, before the close of voting deadline of 6pm, October 23. • In the end, we are rewarded for all of our actions in accordance with our intentions. The future is for those who do not forfeit their rights.

Meet the candidate in your area

• I’m Khaled Ajaj, a dad, husband and business analyst for Services Australia. I’ve lived in Hoppers Crossing and Tarneit for 18 years with my wife Halima, a local teacher. • After moving to Hoppers Crossing in the early 00s I dedicated myself to helping to create a harmonious neighbourhood - for all of our kids. Since then, I’ve taken on leadership roles in over a dozen community groups and helped to build this community. • I’m a local you can trust to listen to you, bring diverse groups of people together, work hard and make decisions in all of our best interest. • I’m running for council because I’ve watched our community be let down by poor planning decisions for nearly two decades. There is no plan to deliver the amenities and services to match the growth - a vote for me is a vote to put an end to that. • I believe we need a new generation of leadership in Wyndham. • We need a council that will both deliver on the basics and help our community achieve its potential. • I want to see council make decisions in the interest of residents rather than those of big developers. • We deserve a council that makes planning decisions in the interests of locals so that we can do simple things like access the services we need and find a park when we want one. • If you live in Tarneit, Werribee or Hoppers Crossing I’m asking for your support because all of our kids deserve to live in communities they can be proud of. AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬

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Election Guide

16 Election Guide

Election Guide

The roles of Muslims in the council elections Nawaz Khan, Year 11

Islamic College of Melbourne (ICOM) The year 2020 has hit us with great adversities. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused pain and suffering to many people, and in times like these Muslims rely on our faith as a guiding light to get us through hard times. Faith unites the community no matter the persons’ background, skin colour, gender or age. The value of faith may be overlooked in these difficult times, however, it is our duty to spread the significance of faith, when one may have lost it. One way we can do this is through the council election coming up on 24 October. We must pay attention to these local elections and vote for who we believe will represent us and our values best. The Muslim community, for a significant amount of time, has lacked the proper representation needed to promote our values and give us the voice that is so needed. The importance of having a voice in public office does not only stretch to the local level but also state and federal. Our goal is to be part of this nation. Adequate representation in government would give us the needed voice for us to do so.

All big things start with small steps. This is the importance of our council elections. Our local council would set the direction of the municipality through plans and policies. The policies and plans set in place by our council impact us, our families, friends and our communities as a whole. We Muslims must elect officials that not only give us a voice but also enact policies that help us and our communities; whether it be funding for a new mosque or

support for community organisers. The importance of having a say in the policies that affect us is unparalleled. A study into Muslim community organisations from 2017 show that even though we participate in our own community activities like religious services such as teaching and counselling for individuals, political advocacy and lobbying is far less prevalent. This shows a reluctance from the Muslim

community to run for public office. This reluctance is the hurdle that stops us from achieving the goal of representation. Our community needs to encourage our people to become more active in the political space, especially the younger generations. They are full of optimism, energy and drive. They have the creative spark and perhaps what they need more than ever is that little push.

Though Victoria’s council candidates do not have the benefit of going door to door, the elections will regardless be hard fought Eshal Ahmed, Year 10

Islamic College of Melbourne (ICOM) A little more than 2,150 Victorians have nominated for local council elections this very month. The Victorian council elections are held every four years and offer individuals a chance to make a positive impact in communities by representing the local council board. A councillor’s essential job is to represent their area and the individuals who live in it. Councillors have a responsibility to offer a diverse range of services that address the concerns of their community such as child care, disability services, building permits, leisure centres, roads, religious buildings, and etc. We need Muslims to step up and nominate each other for these local elections to increase our representation in positions of power and make sure our voices are being heard. It is our responsibility as Muslims to become more active in community issues by electing representatives that we think will make more positive change. There are different factors that we ought to be contemplate when casting our ballot. The two fundamental questions are: 1. How does the candidate operate model of social care change so that people experience better life

outcomes? 2. Does the representative support the Human Rights Acts? If not, which rights does he/she propose we no longer need? On Melbourne’s north western fringe, I interviewed one of the local Muslim candidates, and was able to get a better insight into what it’s like to undergo being an elected candidate of the people. The candidates are required to sit an online course to develop an understanding of how to comply with the directions of the Victorian Chief Health Officer and stay safe while campaigning during covid. This includes advice on permitted campaign activities, safety for campaign teams, basic

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hygiene and physical distancing. There are a few factors that have guided Muslim participation in the electoral process. Those who lived in Australia for a long time or came from a country with a strong democratic culture are more likely to participate in these elections than newcomers or those who escaped an oppressive state. Women with a background that emphasized the traditional gender role similarly found it more difficult to participate than Australian-born converts and women whose cultural traditions encouraged women to participate. Growing up in an environment where politics is regularly discussed I have very strong opinions when it

comes to the politics in Australia. Muslims should especially take part in these local elections as they give the minority Muslim community to channel through which their concerns and ideas can be raised in the forums best placed to bring about change. It also provides formal and semi-formal means of building bridges with other groups who share similar concerns and ideas. It aids the wider community to become aware of, grow and understand, the Muslims community’s concerns and ideas. I believe that the council elections is a stepping stone for Australian Muslims to participate in Australian politics at the state and the federal levels.

Election Guide


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Election Guide

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• Yasemin Yigit, 29, Is following her father’s footsteps into the world of politics. She is a candidate in Aitken ward for the Hume City council elections of 2020. Yasemin Yigit is of Turkish Muslim background, young and female who was born and raised in the Hume area, she went to school Gladstone park secondary college and works in the Hume as well. • Yasemin has many goals she wants to achieve. One of her goals is to have the younger generation become more active in civic life as she believes they are the future. She will be seeking to attract more businesses to area by making it easier for them to set up here. This will create more employment opportunities for residents in Hume. Less travel time to get to work will help out of pocket work expenses and is good for the environment. She wants to see more trees planted in the Hume’s public spaces and having cleaner and better maintained family friendly parks and recreation areas. • Better variety of sporting facilities to accommodate different types of sport for our youth is a priority for Yasemin. Hume needs more local facilities so that young people have more opportunities for sports. AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬

• There is also a greater need, as our community ages for opportunities for the elderly in our community to have take part in suitable activities. She feels that more should be done for the elderly. • Graffiti is also an issue that needs to be addressed. • Yasemin’s job gives her the opportunity of meeting people living in this area and listening to their concerns in the current COVID environment as well as other concerns people have about the area. • As a victim of bullying in high school, Yasemin will focus very sensitively on her school bullying project. Yasemin believes that Students are affected by bullying leading to lowered selfesteem and cause self-harm in some teenagers, the trauma they live during school years can stay with them and affect their future into adulthood. • She wants council to work with schools so they become a safe place where students enjoy learning rather than being worried about getting bullied. • Yasemin follows mental health awareness and

likes to keep herself informed about mental health support programs. Mental health awareness as one of Yasmin’s priorities in her role, this also involves her wanting to help those who have had mental issues as a result of this global pandemic. • Yasemin is also an essential service worker in the Hume area, she is very grateful to be employed during this global pandemic. Seeing the impact of this pandemic on family and friends has allowed Yasemin to become acutely aware of the impact that families have endured during this period. Yasemin is keen for council to continue and increase Council support for families and business who have suffered during this time. • The election is carried out by post. The ballot papers will be posted in the first week of October and will need to be returned by post to reach the Victorian Electoral commission before 24 October. • Yasemin Yigit, can be contacted through her Facebook page @infoYaseminYigit, her email and mobile number is also on her Facebook page.

Meet the candidate in your area

The visions that I hope to become reality are 1. To ensure security and safety on our streets by installing more security cameras. 2. create island parking for narrow streets so that it is easier for both parties (residents and drivers) to get through the street. 3. to create more designated customer parking spots for small shopping centers and businesses so that there is less congestion on main roads. 4. prioritise bike tracks on our local roads to increase the safety of both bike riders and drivers. 5. to fund more clubs, like sports clubs, so that they all have up to date facilities and resources ( e.g. sports equipment and changing rooms). 6. prioritise, and support more elderly services to relieve families of stress.

7. to provide public toilets and barbecue facilities in our small local parks. 8. I want to enforce a work plan for those who have lost their job and for those who find it difficult to find one. 9. I want to apply to the state government to allow for a built on a slight wall on the freeway path in glenroy. 8. Last but not least, aim to fight for the lowest rate on waste services to help residents with their financial situations. These are only a few ideas of the many I have for Moreland, however this is the direction I am aiming for! If you like my ideas for the future Moreland, than support me by voting me as 1 on your list.

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Election Guide

What councillors do? Your councillors make decisions about • parks and sporting grounds • community services • libraries

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• • • • •

roads and footpaths rubbish and recycling public buildings and halls dog and cat registration building and construction.


‫‪Election Guide‬‬

‫‪Election Guide‬‬

‫إنتخابات مجالس‬ ‫البلديات المحلية في‬ ‫تشرين األول‪/‬أكتوبر‬ ‫‪2020‬‬ ‫تجري �إنتخابات مجال�س البلديات المحلية‬ ‫هذا ال�شهر (ت�شرين الأول‪�/‬أكتوبر ‪.)2020‬‬ ‫حيث تتلقى رزمة تحتوي على ورقة اقتراع‬ ‫للإدالء ب�صوتك من المنزل‪.‬‬ ‫• لن تجري االنتخابات لمجال�س بلديات ‪ ,Casey City Council‬و‪South‬‬ ‫‪ Gippsland Shire Council‬و‪ .Whittlesea City Council‬ال يحتاج‬ ‫الناخبون في هذه المجال�س البلدية الثالثة �إلى الت�صويت‪.‬‬ ‫• اكمل ورقة االقتراع و�أعدها في �أقرب وقت ممكن قبل �إنتهاء الت�صويت‪ ،‬عند ال�ساعة ‪6‬‬ ‫م�سا ًء من يوم الجمعة ‪ 23‬ت�شرين الأول‪�/‬أكتوبر‪.‬‬

‫كيف يمكنني اإلدالء بصوتي في‬ ‫انتخابات المجلس البلدي المحلي؟‬ ‫تم �إر�سال رزمة االقتراع لك عبر البريد بين ‪ 6‬و‪ 8‬ت�شرين الأول‪�/‬أكتوبر ‪.2020‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تجد في رزمة االقتراع ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫و�ص َو ٍر للمر�شّ حين لالنتخابات‪.‬‬ ‫بت�صريحات‬ ‫• ورقة اقتراع ُمرفقة‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫• تعليمات حول الت�صويت (مع تعليمات ُمترجمة)‪.‬‬ ‫• ظرف ورقة االقتراع مع ط ّية‪.‬‬ ‫• ظرف ُمع ّد للر ّد مدفوعة تكاليفه‪.‬‬

‫كيفية التصويت‬ ‫• ��ض��ع ال��رق��م ‪ 1‬ف��ي ال�م��رب��ع‬ ‫ال �م �ج��اور لل�شخ�ص ال��ذي‬ ‫ت� ��رغ� ��ب ب� � � ��أن ي��ن��ج��ح ف��ي‬ ‫االنتخابات‪.‬‬ ‫• �ضع الرقم ‪ 2‬في المربع المجاور لخيارك‬ ‫الثاني‪.‬‬ ‫• �إ�ستمر ف��ي و��ض��ع الأرق���ام حتى يكون‬ ‫هنالك �أرقام في جميع المربعات‪.‬‬ ‫• �إ�ستخدم الأرقام فقط‪.‬‬

‫ماذا يحدث بعد إكتمال اإلدالء بصوتي؟‬ ‫‪� -1‬ضع ورق ��ة‪�/‬أوراق االقتراع ال ُمكتملة الخا�صة بك في ظرف ورقة االقتراع‬ ‫(الذي عليه ط ّية) واغلق الظرف ب�إحكام‪.‬‬ ‫‪� -2‬أكمل تفا�صيلك على الط ّية ال ُملت�صقة بظرف ورقة االقتراع‪.‬‬ ‫‪� -3‬ضع ظرف ورقة االقتراع بعد �إغالقه ب�إحكام في الظرف ال ُمع ّد للر ّد المدفوعة تكاليفه‬ ‫قبل �إر�ساله عبر البريد‪.‬‬ ‫ت�أكد من �إر�سال ورقة االقتراع في �أقرب وقت ممكن قبل �إغالق الت�صويت‪ ،‬عند ال�ساعة ‪6‬‬ ‫م�سا ًء من يوم الجمعة ‪ 23‬ت�شرين الأول‪�/‬أكتوبر‪.‬‬ ‫‪Source: www.vec.vic.gov.au‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 114‬صفر ‪ 1442‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020‬‬

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Election Guide


AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020 ‫ هـ ¿ تشرين األول‬1442 ‫ ¿ صفر‬114 ‫الوسط‬


‫وج��دت درا��س��ة علمية‪ ،‬ن�شرت‬ ‫ف��ي مجلة طبية محترمة‪� ،‬أن‬ ‫ال �ت��واب��ل ال �� �ص �ف��راء ق��د تكون‬ ‫م�سكنا فعاال اللتهاب المفا�صل‪.‬‬ ‫وخل�صت تجربة �سريرية ع�شوائية �إل��ى �أن‬ ‫م�ستخل�ص الكركم ك��ان �أك�ث��ر فعالية من‬ ‫العالج الوهمي في تقليل �آالم الركبة‪.‬‬ ‫وي�ستخدم الكركم على نطاق وا�سع كنكهة‬ ‫في الطبخ في جنوب �آ�سيا‪ ،‬وا�ستخدم كدواء‬ ‫�شرقي تقليدي لعدة قرون‪.‬‬ ‫ولكن في ال�سنوات الأخيرة فقط بد�أ العلم‬ ‫الحديث ي��أخ��ذ ال�ت��واب��ل على محمل الجد‬ ‫كدواء‪.‬‬ ‫وج � ّرب الكركم‪ ،‬وهو م�سحوق مطحون من‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫الجذر المجفف لنبات ي�سمى كركم لونغا‪،‬‬ ‫في ال�سنوات الأخيرة كعالج لأمرا�ض الرئة‬ ‫ومر�ض �ألزهايمر و�أمرا�ض القلب واالكتئاب‪.‬‬ ‫ي��ذك��ر �أن ع�م�ل�ي��ة ن�ق�ل��ه ت �خ��ال��ف ات�ف��اق�ي��ة‬ ‫دول�ي��ة وتتطلب تغييرات ف��ي القوانين في‬ ‫كال البلدين‪ ،‬لكن م��ؤي��دي الفكرة طالبوا‬ ‫�أ�ستراليا بتحمل م�س�ؤولية �سجن تارانت‬ ‫وتحمل التكاليف عن النيوزيلنديين‪.‬‬ ‫وت�شير الدالئل المتزايدة �إل��ى �أن له �أي�ضا‬ ‫ت�أثيرا على بع�ض �أنواع ال�سرطان‪ ،‬و ُيعتقد �أن‬ ‫ذلك ب�سبب توقف الخاليا ال�سرطانية عن‬ ‫االنق�سام واالنت�شار‪.‬‬ ‫وي�ع��د الكركمين ‪ -‬العن�صر الن�شط في‬ ‫ال �ك��رك��م ‪ -‬م���ادة ال�ب��ول�ي�ف�ي�ن��ول ال �ت��ي لها‬

‫خ�صائ�ص م �� �ض��ادة ل�ل�أك �� �س��دة وم���ض��ادة‬ ‫لاللتهابات ومطهر‪.‬‬ ‫وف ��ي �أح� ��دث ت �ج��رب��ة‪ ،‬ق ��ام ال �خ �ب��راء في‬ ‫جامعة «ت�سمانيا» ب�أ�ستراليا بتعيين ‪70‬‬ ‫مري�ضا يعانون من التهاب مفا�صل الركبة‬ ‫الم�صحوب ب�أعرا�ض‪ ،‬وتورم داخل مف�صل‬ ‫ال��رك�ب��ة‪ ،‬لتلقي �إم��ا كب�سولتين يوميا من‬ ‫الكركم �أو دواء وهمي لمدة ‪� 12‬أ�سبوعا‪.‬‬ ‫ووج ��دت ال�ن�ت��ائ��ج‪ ،‬ال�ت��ي ُن���ش��رت ف��ي مجلة‬ ‫‪� ،Annals of Internal Medicine‬أن‬ ‫المر�ضى الذين تناولوا مكمالت الكركم‬ ‫�أبلغوا عن �ألم �أقل من �أولئك الذين تناولوا‬ ‫الدواء الوهمي ‪ -‬وبدون �أي �آثار جانبية‪.‬‬ ‫كما لج�أ �أولئك الذين يتناولون الكركم �إلى‬ ‫تناول �أدوي��ة �أخ��رى للألم‪� ،‬أق��ل من �أولئك‬ ‫الذين يتناولون العالج الوهمي‪.‬‬ ‫ولم تك�شف عمليات الم�سح عن �أي اختالفات‬ ‫في ال�سمات الهيكلية لمف�صل الركبة ‪ -‬ما‬ ‫ي�شير �إلى �أن الت�أثير كان على ا�ستقبال الألم‪،‬‬ ‫ولي�س المر�ض الج�سدي‪.‬‬ ‫وق� ��ال ال �ب��اح �ث��ون �إن� ��ه ن �ظ��را ل �ع��دم وج��ود‬ ‫عالجات فعالة له�شا�شة العظام ‪ -‬وبالكاد‬ ‫تعمل م�سكنات الأل��م ‪ -‬ف��إن الأم��ر ي�ستحق‬ ‫�أخذ النتائج على محمل الجد‪.‬‬ ‫ودعوا �إلى �إجراء تجارب �أكبر بكثير لإجراء‬ ‫تقييم نهائي للأهمية ال�سريرية لنتائجهم‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬ديلي ميل‬

‫بي بي �سي عربي‬ ‫�أ�� �ص ��درت محكمة �أ��س�ت��رال�ي��ة‬ ‫حكما بال�سجن ث�لاث �سنوات لرجل �س َّدد‬ ‫لكمات الم ��ر�أة م�سلمة حبلى‪ ،‬ودا���س على‬ ‫ر�أ� �س �ه��ا‪ ،‬ف��ي ه �ج��وم ي��و��ص��ف ب ��أن��ه م��دف��وع‬ ‫بم�شاعر الكراهية للم�سلمين‪.‬‬ ‫وكان �ستايب لوزينا البالغ من العمر ‪ 44‬عاما‬ ‫قد هاجم رنا الأ�سمر‪ 32 ،‬عاما‪ ،‬في �سيدني‬ ‫في نوفمبر‪/‬ت�شرين الثاني الما�ضي‪.‬‬ ‫وك��ان��ت رن ��ا ف��ي ذل ��ك ال��وق��ت ح��ام�لا في‬

‫�أ�سبوعها الثامن والثالثين‪ ،‬وكانت رفقة‬ ‫�أ�صدقاء لها في مقهى عندما دخل لوزينا‬ ‫المكان واقترب من المائدة التي يجل�سون‬ ‫�إليها وطلب نقودا‪.‬‬ ‫ول� ّم��ا رف�ضت رن��ا طلبه‪ ،‬ان��دف��ع لوزينا في‬ ‫ه�ج��وم «��ش��ر���س» ت�ق��ول المحكمة �إن��ه كان‬ ‫مدفوعا بتح ّيز ديني‪.‬‬ ‫وق ��ال المحققون �إن ��ه ك��ان ي���ص��رخ «�أن�ت��م‬ ‫الم�سلمون حطمتم �أمي»‪ ،‬قبل �أن يميل نحو‬ ‫رن��ا الأ�سمر وي�س ّدد �إليها لكمات طرحتها‬ ‫�أر�ضا‪.‬‬

‫وزارة الخارجية األسترالية تكشف بالخطأ عناوين‬ ‫البريد اإللكتروني الخاصة برعايا عالقين بالخارج‬ ‫اع � �ت� ��ذرت وزارة ال� ��� �ش� ��ؤون‬ ‫الخارجية والتجارة الأ�سترالية‬ ‫عن الك�شف عن عناوين البريد‬ ‫الإل�ك�ت��رون��ي ال�شخ�صية لأك�ث��ر م��ن ‪2700‬‬ ‫�أ�سترالي عالقين في ال�خ��ارج ب�سبب وباء‬ ‫فيرو�س كورونا‪.‬‬ ‫وق ��ال ب�ي��ان ب�ه��ذا ال���ش��أن ن�شر على موقع‬ ‫ال�� ��وزارة‪« :‬ن �ع �ت��ذر ع��ن الك�شف غ�ي��ر غير‬

‫المق�صود عن عناوين البريد الإلكتروني‬ ‫لأ�ستراليين تقطعت بهم ال�سبل‪ ،‬في محاولة‬ ‫لم�ساعدتهم على العودة �إلى ديارهم‪ .‬لم يتم‬ ‫الك�شف عن �أي معلومات �شخ�صية �أخرى‪.‬‬ ‫نريد �إعادتكم �إلى الوطن ونعمل بجد للقيام‬ ‫بذلك»‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪ :‬نوفو�ستي‬

‫دراسة‪:‬‬ ‫تناول األسبرين يوميا‬ ‫قد يؤدي إلى زيادة نمو وانتشار السرطانات‬ ‫لدى كبار السن‬ ‫ظهرت درا�سة �أن تناول جرعة‬ ‫منخف�ضة من الأ�سبرين يوميا‬ ‫ق���د ي ��زي ��د م���ن خ��ط��ر ت �ق��دم‬ ‫وانت�شار وكذلك الوفاة المرتبطة بمرحلة‬ ‫متقدمة من ال�سرطان لدى الم�سنين‪.‬‬ ‫ودر����س ج��ون ج‪ .‬م��اك�ن�ي��ل‪ ،‬ال�ح��ا��ص��ل على‬ ‫بكالوريو�س الطب والجراحة‪ ،‬من جامعة‬ ‫مونا�ش في ملبورن ب�أ�ستراليا‪ ،‬وزم�لا�ؤه‪،‬‬ ‫اال�ستخدام اليومي لـ‪ 100‬ملغ من الأ�سبرين‬ ‫لدى ‪� 16703‬أ�ستراليا (تبلغ �أعمارهم ‪70‬‬ ‫عاما وم��ا ف��وق) و‪ 2411‬م�شاركا �أمريكيا‬ ‫(تبلغ �أع�م��اره��م ‪ 65‬عاما وم��ا ف��وق)‪ ،‬في‬ ‫المتو�سط​​‪� 4.7‬سنوات‪ ،‬خ�ضعوا لدواء وهمي‬ ‫خالل التجربة‪.‬‬ ‫وك� ��ان ج �م �ي��ع ال �م �� �ش��ارك �ي��ن خ��ال �ي �ي��ن من‬ ‫الإعاقات الج�سدية �أو الخرف �أو �أمرا�ض‬ ‫القلب والأوعية الدموية‪ .‬ووقع تقييم حاالت‬ ‫ال�سرطان والوفيات‪.‬‬ ‫وحدثت ‪ 981‬حالة �سرطانية في مجموعة‬ ‫الأ� �س �ب��ري��ن‪ ،‬بينما ح��دث��ت ‪ 952‬ح��ال��ة في‬ ‫مجموعة الدواء الوهمي‪.‬‬ ‫والح��ظ الباحثون وج��ود ارتباط بين تناول‬

‫الأ��س�ب��ري��ن يوميا وح ��دوث ورم خبيث �أو‬ ‫التقدم �إلى ت�شخي�ص المرحلة الرابعة في‬ ‫مر�ضى ال�سرطانات ال�ح��ادث��ة (‪cancer‬‬ ‫‪.)incidence‬‬ ‫وب��الإ��ض��اف��ة �إل��ى ذل��ك‪ ،‬وج��د الباحثون �أن‬ ‫ل��دى المر�ضى خطرا متزايدا للوفاة �إذا‬ ‫كانت مرحلة ال�سرطان لديهم عند المرحلة‬ ‫الثالثة‪ .‬ولم يالحظ وجود فروق ذات داللة‬ ‫�إح�صائية ف��ي ح��دوث جميع ال�سرطانات‬ ‫ال �ح��ادث��ة‪ ،‬م�ث��ل � �س��رط��ان ال���دم �أو جميع‬ ‫ال�سرطانات الأخرى‪.‬‬ ‫وكتب الباحثون‪« :‬التف�سيرات المحتملة لهذه‬ ‫النتيجة ت�شمل قمع الأ�سبرين (�أو تثبيطه)‬ ‫الم�ضاد لاللتهابات �أو اال�ستجابات المناعية‬ ‫الحا�سمة لل�سيطرة على النمو واالنت�شار‬ ‫في المرحلة الالحقة»‪ .‬و�أ�ضافوا‪« :‬قد يكون‬ ‫مثل هذا الت�أثير وا�ضحا ب�شكل خا�ص بين‬ ‫ال�سكان الأكبر �سنا الذين قد تكون المناعة‬ ‫الكامنة �ضد الأورام لديهم معر�ضة بالفعل‬ ‫للخطر»‪.‬‬ ‫الم�صدر‪medicalxpress :‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 114‬صفر ‪ 1442‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020‬‬


‫خبراء استراليون يكشفون عن نوع شائع من‬ ‫التوابل يمكنه تخفيف آالم الركبة والمفاصل!‬

‫السجن ثالث سنوات‬ ‫لرجل هاجم مسلمة حامل في مقهى بسيدني‬

‫‪25‬‬ ‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫حملة السالمة من فيروس كورونا المستجد‬ ‫لعمال البناء متعددي الثقافات‬ ‫ان�ضمت نقابة عمال البناء‬ ‫‪ CFMEU‬ومنظمة ما�ستر‬ ‫بيلدرز (‪)Master Builders‬‬ ‫في فيكتوريا �إلى مجموعات �أخرى من النقابات‬ ‫و�أ�صحاب العمل من �أجل حملة تعاونية جديدة‬ ‫تركز على �سالمة مكان العمل في ور�ش البناء‬ ‫والت�شييد من �أجل الحد من �إنت�شار وباء كورونا‬ ‫الم�ستجد‪.‬‬ ‫تركز الحملة على تثقيف عمال البناء في والية‬ ‫ڤيكتوريا و�أ�صحاب الأعمال وعائالتهم حول‬ ‫كيفية العودة الآمنة �إلى العمل والإ�ستمرارية‬ ‫في العمل ب�أمان بعد عودة مواقع البناء والور�ش‬ ‫الكبيرة �إلى ‪ ٪85‬من طاقتها الت�شغيلية في ‪28‬‬ ‫�سبتمبر ‪� /‬أيلول ‪.2020‬‬ ‫الهدف الرئي�سي من الحملة هو �ضمان‬ ‫و�صول العمال من جميع الخلفيات ب�سهولة‬ ‫�إلى المعلومات المهمة المتعلقة بال�سالمة‬ ‫من فيرو�س كورونا وتثقيفهم حول القواعد‬ ‫الأ�سا�سية بما في ذلك‪:‬‬ ‫إخ�ضع للفح�ص ُمبك ًرا وابقَ في المنزل �إذا‬ ‫•� َ‬ ‫كنت ت�شعر بالمر�ض‬ ‫•� ِ‬ ‫إرتد قناع الوجه ‪ /‬الكمامة في العمل‬ ‫وخالل ال�سفر من و�إلى العمل‬ ‫• ال ت�شارك �أدوات العمل �أو الطعام مع �أحد‬ ‫• ا�ستخدم معقم اليدين عند دخول موقع‬ ‫العمل وبعد الوجبات‬ ‫• �إبقَ على بعد ‪ 1.5‬متر من زمالئك في‬ ‫العمل‬ ‫لتحقيق �أق�صى قدر من الت�أثير ول�ضمان و�صول‬ ‫المعلومات �إلى �أكبر عدد من النا�س‪ ،‬تمت‬ ‫ترجمة الر�سائل �إلى ‪ 15‬لغة وتوزيعها على‬ ‫مجموعات المجتمع متعددة الثقافات‪.‬‬ ‫قال المتحدث با�سم نقابة عمال البناء‬ ‫(‪ )CFMEU‬جون �سيتكا‪“ :‬كان عمال‬ ‫البناء من الجاليات متعددة الثقافات جز ًءا‬ ‫هاما من ال�صناعة في �أو�ستراليا منذ و�صول‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الأوروبيين بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية �إلى‬ ‫فترة و�صول العمال من �آ�سيا و�أفريقيا وجزر‬ ‫المحيط الهادئ في الع�صر الحديث‪ ”.‬و�أ�ضاف‬ ‫ال�سيد �سيتكا ‪ ،‬وهو ع�ضو في الجالية الكرواتية‬ ‫الأ�سترالية‪“ :‬لقد قمنا بعمل رائع حتى الآن‬ ‫وقد حان الوقت التباع القواعد‪ .‬هذه الحملة‬ ‫موجهة �إلى جميع الجاليات الإثن ّية لتذكرنا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫جميع ًا ب�أهمية اتّباع القواعد وتدابير ال�سالمة‬ ‫المو�ضوعة ل�ضمان �سالمتنا و�سالمة عائالتنا‬ ‫ومجتمعنا “‬ ‫لقد عملت مجموعة من النقابات والجمعيات و‬ ‫�أ�صحاب الأعمال مع �شركة ‪Cultural Pulse‬‬ ‫الرائدة والمتخ�ص�صة في مجال الت�سويق في‬ ‫المجتمعات ال�صغيرة لن�شر ر�سائل و�إر�شادات‬ ‫�إلى المجتمعات الإثنية وتكثيف الإت�صاالت مع‬ ‫هذه المجتمعات من خالل قنوات مجتمعية‬ ‫وقنوات رقمية متعددة الثقافات وبلغات مختلفة‬ ‫لت�سليط ال�ضوء على �أهمية العمل بطريقة �آمنة‬ ‫للحد من �إنت�شار ڤيرو�س كورونا‪.‬‬ ‫ريبيكا كا�سون ‪ ،‬الرئي�س التنفيذي لـمنظمة‬ ‫ما�ستر بيلدرز في ڤيكتوريا (‪Master‬‬ ‫‪ )Builders Victoria‬فخورة با�ستجابة‬ ‫عمال البناء والت�شييد للقيود المفرو�ضة‬ ‫لإحتواء الوباء‪“ :‬هذه حملة جديدة تهدف �إلى‬ ‫التغلب على �أي �إرهاق في مجتمعنا و�ستكون‬ ‫ف ّعالة وم�ؤثرة في ر�سائلها خالل الأ�شهر القليلة‬

‫المقبلة من �أجل �ضمان بقاء مواقع العمل يقظة‬ ‫و�آمنة ومتاحة لقيادة الإنتعا�ش االقت�صادي في‬ ‫فيكتوريا”‪.‬‬ ‫يمكن تنزيل المل�صقات والر�سائل ٍ‬ ‫بلغات‬ ‫مختلفة من الموقع التالي‪:‬‬


‫يحتوي الموقع على ر�سائل باللغات التالية‪:‬‬ ‫الإنجليزية وال�صينية المب�سطة وال�صينية‬ ‫التقليدية والبنجابية والعربية والهندية‬ ‫والدارية والبا�شتو والفيتنامية والنيبالية‬ ‫‪ARABIC‬‬

‫والكورية والإندوني�سية والكرواتية واليونانية‬ ‫وال�سنهالية والفار�سية‪.‬‬ ‫قائمة المنظمات الم�شاركة في الحملة هي‪:‬‬

‫‪CFMEU Victoria, Master‬‬ ‫‪Builders Victoria, Incolink,‬‬ ‫‪National Electrical and‬‬ ‫‪Communications Association,‬‬ ‫‪Electrical Trades Union, Master‬‬ ‫‪Plumbers, Plumbing and Pipe‬‬

‫‪Trades Employees Union,‬‬ ‫‪Property Council of Australia,‬‬ ‫‪Urban Development Institute‬‬ ‫‪of Australia, AMWU, Civil‬‬ ‫‪Contractors Federation, AWU,‬‬ ‫‪Australian Institute of Building,‬‬ ‫‪AMCA, Australian Constructors‬‬ ‫‪Association, prefabAUS‬‬ ‫‪and National Fire Industry‬‬ ‫‪Association.‬‬

‫اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬

‫إﺗّﺒﻊ ﻗﻮاﻋﺪ اﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ ﻟﻴﺒﻘﻰ ﻣﻮﻗﻊ اﻟﻌﻤﻞ‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺘﻮح وﻳﺘﻤﻜﻦ اﻟﺠﻤﻴﻊ ﻣﻦ ﻣﻮاﺻﻠﺔ اﻟﻌﻤﻞ ‪.‬‬ ‫إﻋﺮف ﻣﺴﺆوﻟﻴﺎﺗﻚ ‪:‬‬ ‫ﻳﺖ ﻓﺤﺺ ﻓريوس ﻛﻮروﻧﺎ ﻳﺠﺐ ﻋﻠﻴﻚ‬ ‫إذا أﺟ َﺮ َ‬ ‫اﻟﺒﻘﺎء ﰲ اﻟﺒﻴﺖ ﺣﺘﻰ ﺗﻈﻬﺮ اﻟﻨﺘﻴﺠﺔ ‪ .‬ﺗﺪﻓﻊ ﻟﻚ‬ ‫اﻟﺤﻜﻮﻣﺔ ﻣﺒﻠﻐﺎً ﻣﻦ اﳌﺎل ﻟﻘﺎء ذﻟﻚ ‪.‬‬

‫إﱃ اﻟﻌﻤﻞ إذا ﻛﻨﺖ ﺗﺸ ُﻌﺮ ﺑﺎﳌﺮض ﺑﻞ إﺧﻀﻊ‬ ‫ﻟﻠﻔﺤﺺ واﺑﻖ ﰲ اﳌﻨﺰل ﺣﺘﻰ ﺗﻈﻬﺮ اﻟﻨﺘﻴﺠﺔ ‪.‬‬


‫ﻻ ﺗﺸﺎرك أﺣﺪ ﰲ إﺳﺘﻌامل ﻋﺪة ‪ /‬أدوات اﻟﻌﻤﻞ ‪.‬‬

‫إﺑﻖ ﰲ اﳌﻨﺰل إذا ﻛﺎن أﺣﺪ أﻓﺮاد أﴎﺗﻚ ﻣﺼﺎﺑﺎً‬ ‫أو ﰲ ‪.‬‬ ‫إﻧﺘﻈﺎر ﻧﺘﻴﺠﺔ ‪ COVID-19‬ﺑﻔريوس ﻛﻮروﻧﺎ‬ ‫اﻟﻔﺤﺺ ‪.‬‬

‫إﺳﺘﺨﺪم ﻣﻌﻘﻢ اﻟﻴﺪﻳﻦ ﻋﻨﺪ دﺧﻮﻟﻚ إﱃ ﻣﻮﻗﻊ‬ ‫اﻟﻌﻤﻞ وﺑﻌﺪ اﻟﻮﺟﺒﺎت ‪.‬‬

‫ﺿﻊ ﻏﻄﺎء اﻟﻮﺟﻪ‪/‬اﻟﻜامﻣﺔ ﺑﺸﻜﻞ ﺻﺤﻴﺢ ﺧﻼل‬ ‫اﻟﻌﻤﻞ وﰲ ﻛﻞ وﻗﺖ أﻧﺖ ﺧﺎرج اﻟﺒﻴﺖ ‪.‬‬

‫ﺗﺤﻘﻖ ﻣﻦ أن زﻣﻼﺋﻚ ﰲ اﻟﻌﻤﻞ ﻳﺤﺎﻓﻈﻮن ﻋﲆ‬ ‫اﻟﻨﻈﺎﻓﺔ وﻳﺮﺗﺪون ﻏﻄﺎء اﻟﻮﺟﻪ ‪ /‬اﻟﻜامﻣﺔ ﺑﺸﻜﻞ‬ ‫ﺻﺤﻴﺢ وﻳﺘﻘﻴﺪون ﺑﴩوط اﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ ‪.‬‬

‫ﻻ ﺗﺮﻛﺐ اﻟﺴﻴﺎرة ﻣﻊ أﺣﺪ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 1.5m‬ﻳﺠﺐ اﻟﺤﻔﺎظ ﻋﲆ ﻣﺴﺎﻓﺔ ‪ 1.5‬ﻣﱰ ﺑني ﺑﻌﻀﻜﻢ اﻟﺒﻌﺾ ‪.‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 114‬صفر ‪ 1442‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020‬‬

‫ﻟﻨﺘﻌﺎون ﺟﻤﻴﻌﺎً ﻟﺪﺣ ِﺮ اﻟﻮﺑﺎء‬

‫ٍ‬ ‫ﳌﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ اﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت ﺗﻔﻀﻞ ﺑﺰﻳﺎرة اﳌﻮﻗﻊ‬


‫ﻻ ﺗﺸﺎرك اﻟﻄﻌﺎم ﻣﻊ أﺣﺪ وﻻ ﺗﺄﻛﻞ إﻻ ﰲ اﻷﻣﺎﻛﻦ‬ ‫اﳌﺨﺼﺼﺔ ‪.‬‬

‫‪26‬‬ ‫الوسط الثقافي‬

‫منشأها‪ ،‬طقوسها‪ ،‬أنواعها‪ ،‬فوائدها وأضراراها‬ ‫تعتبر القهوة من الم�شروبات الأكثر انت�شاراً وتنا ُو ًال حول العالم‪ .‬وللنا�س في �شربها مذاهب‪� .‬سواء من حيث الوقت‪� ،‬أو طريقة‬ ‫التح�ضير‪ ،‬وحتى الغر�ض من �شربها‪ .‬فالبع�ض يف�ضلها �صباحا‪ ،‬و�آخرون يف�ضلونها ظهرا‪ ،‬وفي الم�ساء �أي�ضا للقهوة روادها‪.‬‬ ‫ففي الأ�سر الإفريقية والعربية – على �سبيل المثال ‪ -‬هناك من ي�شربها مثنى وثالث في اليوم الواحد‪ ،‬موزعة قبل �أو بعد‬ ‫الوجبات الرئي�سية‪ .‬القهوة هي �أكثر م�شروب حالل حظي ب�أ�سماء ال��دول �أو ال�شعوب‪ ،‬مثل القهوة الحب�شية �أو ال�سودانية �أو‬ ‫التركية‪ ،‬وكذلك القهوة العربية‪ .‬للقهوة �أ�صناف و�أنواع‪ ،‬منها الباردة‪ ،‬والمقطرة وهي الأكثر �شيوعا في المقاهي والمكاتب‪.‬‬ ‫�أحمد �شريف‪ -‬ملبورن‬ ‫• ل�ل�ق�ه��وة �أ� �ص �ن��اف و�أن�� ��واع‪ ،‬منها ال �ب��اردة‪،‬‬ ‫والمقطرة وهي الأكثر �شيوعا في المقاهي‬ ‫والمكاتب‪.‬‬ ‫• ومن �أ�شهر �أنواع القهوة‪ ،‬القهوة الحب�شية‪ ،‬وهي ت�شمل دول‬ ‫عدة منها‪� :‬إرتريا ال�سودان ال�صومال جيبوتي‪ ،‬حيث ال‬ ‫يختلف �إال في الطقو�س التي ت�صاحب تناول القهوة‪.‬‬ ‫• تم ا�شتقاق لفظ “القهوة” من الإقهاء؛ لأنها تُقهي �أي تك ّره‬ ‫عن الطعام‪� ،‬أو تُقعد عنه‪.‬فقد ورد في (ل�سان العرب) البن‬ ‫منظور”�سميت بذلك؛ لأنها تقهي �شاربها عن الطعام‪� -‬أي‬ ‫تذهب �شهوته‪ .‬وفي “التهذيب” �أي ت�شبعه‪ ،‬وتقهي وتقهم‬ ‫بمعنى واحد‪.‬‬ ‫• اكت�شفت القهوة في بالد الحب�شة‪ ،‬وي�سمونها �إلى اليوم‬ ‫( ُبونَّا)‪ .‬وقد ر�أى �شاربوها �أن غلي قرون ال ُب ّـن يقدم �سائ ًال‬ ‫يخ ّدر قلي ًال‪ .‬وقيل القهوة تُـقْهي عن الطعام �أي تخفف‬ ‫ال�شهية له‪.‬‬ ‫• ويقال �إن (الرازي) ذكر القهوة في �أحد كتبه في القرن‬ ‫التا�سع الميالدي‪.‬‬ ‫• وقول �آخر يرى‪� ،‬أن القهوة ُعرِ فت قديم ًا في اليمن‪ ،‬ثم‬ ‫انتقلت �إلى الحب�شة‪.‬‬ ‫• وكانت تُ�ستخدم كعالج للعديد من الأمرا�ض‪ .‬ثم انتقلت‬ ‫�إلى البالد الأُخ��رى و�أ�صبحت من الم�شروبات ال ُمحببة‪،‬‬ ‫وهو ما �أك�سبها �شُ هر ًة كبيرةً‪.‬‬ ‫• وقديما �أُ ِ‬ ‫مخ�ص�ص ًة لتح�ضير وتقديم القهوة‬ ‫ن�شئت مقا ٍه ّ‬ ‫في الق�سطنط�سنية على �سبيل المثال‪ .‬ث� ّ�م انتقلت �إلى‬

‫فرن�سا و�إنجلترا وبقية دول العالم‪.‬‬ ‫• تنتج القهوة عن تجفيف وتحمي�ص بذور ال ُب ّن‪ ،‬التي تنمو‬ ‫على �شجر ال ُبن دائمة الخُ �ضرة‪ ،‬وع��اد ًة ما تنمو هذه‬ ‫الأ�شجار في المناطق اال�ستوائ ّية‪ ،‬حيث تحتاج لمناخ عالي‬ ‫الحرارة والرطوبة‪.‬‬ ‫• ب��دوره��م ت�ن��اول ال���ش�ع��راء ال�ق�ه��وة ف��ي ق�صائدهم‪ ،‬قال‬ ‫�أحدهم‪:‬‬ ‫خاطب القهو ِة ال�صهبا ِء يمهرها‬ ‫ يا‬ ‫َ‬ ‫بال ِّرطل ي�أخذ منها ِمـلْـ َئـه ذهبا‬ ‫مت �إال على رجلٍ‬ ‫يا قهو ًة ح ِّر ْ‬ ‫�أثرى‪ ،‬ف�أتلف فيها المالَ والنَّـ�شَ ـبا‪.‬‬ ‫• وقال �آخر‪:‬‬ ‫�أدرها وخذها قهوة بابلية‬ ‫لها بين ُب�صرى والعراق كروم‪.‬‬ ‫• وقال �شاعر �آخر‪:‬‬ ‫قوما ا�سقياني قهوة رومية‬ ‫يم�س�س‬ ‫من عهد قي�صر دنُّها لم‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ�صرفًا ت�ضيف �إذا ت�سلط حكمها‬ ‫موت العقول �إلى حياة الأنف�س‪.‬‬ ‫• وو�صف �شاعر طريقة تقديمها وتناولها قائال‪:‬‬ ‫هلل محكم قهوة ت ُْجلى لنا‬ ‫ال�صيني طاب �شرابها‬ ‫أبي�ض‬ ‫�‬ ‫في‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫فك�أنما هي مقلة مكحولة‬ ‫ودخانها من فوقها �أهدابها‪.‬‬ ‫• في كتاب (ذاكرة للن�سيان) لل�شاعر محمود دروي�ش‪ ،‬ورد‬ ‫ما يلي‪« :‬ال قهوة ت�شبه قهوة �أخرى‪ .‬لكل بيت قهوته‪ ،‬ولكل‬ ‫نف�سا �أخ��رى‪ .‬فالقهوة هي‬ ‫يد قهوتها‪ ،‬لأنه ال نف�س ت�شبه ً‬ ‫القراء ُة العلنية لكتاب النف�س المفتوح‪ ،‬وال�ساحرة الكا�شفة‬

‫لما يحمله النهار من �أ�سرار‪ .‬القهوة ال تُ�شرب على عجل‪،‬‬ ‫القهو ٌة �أخ��ت ال��وق��ت ت ُْحتَ�سى على مهل‪ ،‬القهوة �صوت‬ ‫المذاق‪� ،‬صوت الرائحة‪ ،‬القهوة ت�أ ّمل وتغلغل في النف�س‬ ‫وفي الذكريات»‪.‬‬ ‫• للكاتب نجيب محفوظ‪ ،‬رواية عنوانها «القهوة الخالية»‪،‬‬ ‫واحدا تلو الآخر‪.‬‬ ‫وهي تروي حكاية �شيخ فقد �أبناء جيله ً‬ ‫• كما �أ�صدر عبد المنعم �شمي�س كتا ًبا في �سل�سلة «اقر�أ» �سماه‬ ‫(قهاوي الأدب والفن في القاهرة)‪ ،‬وهو كتاب لطيف فيه‬ ‫تقاليد �شرب القهوة‪ ،‬وحكاوي عن الأدب��اء وفكاهاتهم‪،‬‬ ‫و�أخبار هذه القهاوي ومواقعها وميزاتها‪.‬‬ ‫• من فوائدها‪� :‬أنها تعزز اليقظة‪ ،‬تقلل خطر الإ�صابة بمر�ض‬ ‫ال�سكر من النوع الثاني‪ ،‬تقلل خطر الإ�صابة ب�أمرا�ض‬ ‫المرارة‪ ،‬الم�ساعدة على خف�ض م�ستوى الكولي�سترول‪،‬‬ ‫وتح�سن م�ستوى �ضغط الدم لدى كبار ال�سن‪.‬‬ ‫أ�صحاء‬ ‫• من �أ�ضرارها‪ :‬رغم انها تُع ُّد غالب ًا �آمنة للبالغين ال ّ‬ ‫لكن الإكثار منها‪� ،‬أو �شرب‬ ‫عند �شُ ربها بكم ّيات معتدلة‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ما يعادل �أربعة �أو خم�سة �أكواب يوميا‪� ،‬أو ما ي�ساوي ‪400‬‬ ‫مليغرام من الكافيين‪ ،‬قد ي�سبب الأرق‪ ،‬وعدم الراحة‪،‬‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫والع�صبية‪ ،‬وا� �ض �ط��راب ال�م�ع��دة‪ ،‬والإع��ي��اء‪ ،‬والتقي�ؤ‪،‬‬ ‫والغثيان‪ ،‬وزيادة مع ّدل �ضربات القلب ومع ّدل التنف�س‪.‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 114‬صفر ‪ 1442‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020‬‬

‫‪27‬‬ ‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫موريسن يتحدث عن الموازنة الفيدرالية ‪2020‬‬ ‫ق��ال رئ�ي����س وزراء �أ��س�ت��رال�ي��ا‬ ‫�سكوت موري�سن «ان ا�ستراليا‬ ‫هي �أعظم �أمة متعددة الثقافات‬ ‫في العالم‪ .‬لقد كانت الهجرة ركن ًا �أ�سا�سي ًا‬ ‫لنجاحنا االقت�صادي واالجتماعي و�ستظل‬ ‫جزء ًا كبير ًا من م�ستقبلنا‪».‬‬ ‫وا�ضاف «فيما امتحن وباء ‪COVID - 19‬‬ ‫جميع الأ��س�ت��رال�ي�ي��ن‪� ،‬أع�ت�ق��د ب� ��أن حوافز‬ ‫الم�صالح التجارية في ميزانية ‪21-2020‬‬ ‫�ستدعم ب�شكل خ��ا���ص جالياتنا الكادحة‬ ‫المتعددة الثقافات وال�ت��ي �أظ�ه��رت دائم ًا‬ ‫ريادة قوية في الأعمال‪.‬‬ ‫غالب ًا ما تقوم جالياتنا ومواطنونا المتعددو‬ ‫الثقافات ببدء م�صلحة تجارية‪.‬هم غالب ًا‬ ‫ما يمتلكون م�صلحة تجارية‪ .‬وهم غالب ًا ما‬ ‫يوظفون �أ�ستراليين �آخرين‪».‬‬ ‫وقال موري�سن «كل هذه الميزانية تدور حول‬ ‫الوظائف لك ولعائلتك لأنه ال يمكن للتعافي‬ ‫�أن يح�صل من دون ا�سترداد الوظائف‪ .‬من‬ ‫�ش�أن ائتماننا الجديد الخا�ص بالتوظيف‪،‬‬ ‫‪� ،JobMaker‬أن ي�شجع الم�صالح التجارية‬ ‫على توظيف الأ�ستراليين ال�شباب‪.‬‬ ‫�ستكون هذه الحوافز م�ستحقة لمدة ت�صل‬ ‫�إلى ‪� 12‬شهر ًا ومتاحة على الفور لأ�صحاب‬ ‫الأع �م��ال ال��ذي��ن يوظفون المدرجين على‬

‫‪ JobSeeker‬وت �ت��رواح �أع�م��اره��م بين ‪16‬‬ ‫و‪� 35‬سنة‪ .‬ه��ذا يكمل ب��رن��ام��ج‬ ‫‪ Program‬الحالي الخا�ص بم�ساعدة الذين‬ ‫تجاوزوا الـ ‪� 50‬سنة من العمر في العثور على‬ ‫عمل‪».‬‬ ‫تت�ض ّمن الخطة ‪ 1.2‬مليار دوالر لإن�شاء‬ ‫‪ 100000‬وظيفة ج��دي��دة للتدرج المهني‬ ‫والتدريب المهني من خ�لال دع��م الأج��ور‬ ‫بن�سبة ‪ 50‬بالمئة للم�صالح التجارية التي‬ ‫توظفهم‪.‬‬ ‫و�سي�ستفيد �أكثر من ‪ 11‬مليون �شخ�ص من‬ ‫دافعي ال�ضرائب من خف�ض �ضريبي‪ ،‬بمفعول‬ ‫رجعي ابتدا ًء من ‪ 1‬تموز‪/‬يوليو هذه ال�سنة‪،‬‬ ‫ما �سيولّد مليارات ال��دوالرات من الن�شاط‬ ‫االقت�صادي و ‪ 50000‬وظيفة جديدة‪.‬‬ ‫وقال موري�سن «ولإط�لاق العنان لال�ستثمار‬ ‫وتعزيز ال �ق��درة االنتاجية لوطننا‪ ،‬ف�إننا‬ ‫ن�سمح لأكثر من ‪ 99‬بالمئة من الم�صالح‬ ‫التجارية ب��أن ت�شطب ف��ور ًا القيمة الكاملة‬ ‫للأ�صول الم�ؤهلة التي ت�شتريها‪.‬‬ ‫و�ستكون ال�شركات التي ت��واج��ه �صعوبات‬ ‫قادرة �أي�ض ًا على ا�ستعمال خ�سائرها ب�شكل‬ ‫�أبكر‪».‬‬ ‫وتابع «اننا نقوم ببناء م�ستقبل جديد عن‬ ‫طريق ا�ستراتيجية ت�صنيع حديثة قيمتها‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 114‬صفر ‪ 1442‬هـ ¿ تشرين األول ‪AL WASAT 114 ¿ Safar 1442 ¿ October 2020‬‬


‫‪ 1.5‬م�ل�ي��ار دوالر‪ ،‬م��ن ��ش��أن�ه��ا م�ساعدة‬ ‫ال�صناعة المحلية على التو�سع ومناف�سة‬ ‫العالم‪.‬‬ ‫�إن مجموعة م�شاريع بنيتنا التحتية والتي‬ ‫تمتد لـ ‪� 10‬سنوات تدعم حالي ًا ‪100000‬‬ ‫وظيفة في مواقع العمل‪».‬‬ ‫و�سيتم دعم ‪ 40000‬وظيفة �إ�ضافية بقيمة‬ ‫‪ 14‬مليار دوالر م��ن الم�شاريع الجديدة‬ ‫والم�س ّرعة‪.‬‬ ‫ت�شمل الخطةا‪:‬‬ ‫• ‪ 10000‬مكان �إ�ضافي �ضمن م�شروع‬ ‫وديعة �شراء المنزل الأول من �أجل م�ساعدة‬ ‫م�شتري المنزل الأول على دخول ال�سوق‪.‬‬ ‫• دفعتان للمتقاعدين الم�سنين بقيمة ‪250‬‬ ‫دوالر ًا (اب�ت��دا ًء من كانون الأول‪/‬دي�سمبر‬ ‫و�آذار‪/‬مار�س)‪ ،‬ت�ضافان �إلى دفعات �سابقة‬ ‫قيمتها ‪ 1500‬دوالر‪ .‬وه�ن��اك ‪ 1.6‬مليار‬ ‫دوالر �إ�ضافي لدعم ‪ 23000‬حزمة جديدة‬ ‫للرعاية المنزلية‪.‬‬ ‫• البيان الثاني للأمن االقت�صادي للمر�أة‪،‬‬ ‫مع ‪ 240‬مليون دوالر من التدابير والبرامج‬ ‫ل��دع��م ب��رام��ج خ �ل��ق ف��ر���ص ع �م��ل خا�صة‬ ‫بالمر�أة و�سالمتها‪.‬‬ ‫واكد موزي�سن انهم �أجروا م�ؤخر ًا تغييرات‬ ‫ج��وه��ري��ة على ب��رن��ام��ج تعليم الإنكليزية‬

‫للمهاجرين البالغين (‪ )AMEP‬ك ��أداة‬ ‫حيوية لالندماج االجتماعي واالقت�صادي‪.‬‬ ‫� ّأي مقيم دائ��م �أو م��واط��ن لي�س لديه بعد‬ ‫لغة �إنكليزية عملية – �أي المهارات اللغوية‬ ‫الأ�سا�سية للم�شاركة في المجتمع – �سيكون‬ ‫الآن ق��ادر ًا على االلتحاق ب�صفوف درا�سية‬ ‫مجانية حتى يتمكن من ذلك‪.‬‬ ‫ووانهم «ب�صدد �إن�شاء ‪ 30000‬مكان �إ�ضافي‬ ‫لقدوم �أف��راد العائلة في برنامج الهجرة‬ ‫هذه ال�سنة – مع �إعطاء الأولوية لت�أ�شيرات‬ ‫ال�شريك – من �أج��ل جمع �شمل العائالت‬ ‫ومنح المزيد من النا�س الفر�صة لي�صبحوا‬ ‫�أ�ستراليين‪.‬‬ ‫لقد ج��اءت كلفة رد الحكومة االقت�صادي‬ ‫غير الم�سبوق على الوباء كبيرة‪.‬‬ ‫نحتاج �إلى �أن نكون من�ضبطين للتخل�ص من‬ ‫الديون‪.‬‬ ‫لكننا فعلنا ذلك من قبل‪ ،‬ويمكننا �أن نفعله‬ ‫مجدد ًا‪.‬‬ ‫خ�لال ه��ذا ال��وق��ت اال�ستثنائي م��ن الأزم��ة‬ ‫والتعافي‪� ،‬ستحافظ خطتنا على الأ�ستراليين‬ ‫مع ًا من خالل اال�ستمرار في �إدراك تنوعنا‬ ‫المتعدد الثقافات وقوتنا ومرونتنا‪ ،‬و�إبراز‬ ‫هذه المزايا»‪.‬‬

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