Andrew MacKinnon FoDr Portfolio

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Andrew MacKinnon Portfolio Foundations of Design: Representation, Sem 1, 2017 Studio 10 - Anneke Prins 836149

MEASURED DRAWING OF A CROISSANT How to measure a Croissant? The process of drawing a croissant involved taking quality elevation and plan photographs with a photo stage in the FabLab. Scanning the base, and cutting the croissant in half, and then the half into three sections that were then scanned.

Photo of Elevation

The drawing technique of shading with pencil was used for the front and side elevations. Darker lines represented close proximity to the eye and shading helped create depth and shadow. The cross-hatching technique with Fineliner pens was used to draw the plan view. Close hatching represented depth and shadow. By plotting points on a 10mm by 10mm grid and finding intersections with the sections, a new grid drawn at 45 degrees on the plan allowed the projection of an axonometric croissant. I have learnt how to set up a photo stage, manage line weights, use a mounting board and tracing paper effectively and correct the levels of an image in Photoshop. Photo of Side Elevation

Photocopied Plan




Photo of Plan

Andrew MacKinnon 2


Plan Hatching


Side Elevation Shading


Axonometric Projection

NEW MARIO WORLD The making of new Mario world. My new Mario world is a simple world, just like level one in the game. I tried to follow the in-game pictures as closely as possible to create an accurate representation. Instead of building upwards and creating a world that would have contradicted the images provided, I created characters (Mario, Yoshi, star, flower, Cheep Cheep, Bob-ombs, coin, cloud), a river, and waterfalls, and then later added an underground area, large clouds and a flag. The world is made to feel like a fun open level where Mario can roam around. A balanced scene is created for the viewer so that their eye can run from the flag at the top, down the river and off the waterfalls. The use of transparency is used to make the windows, clouds and river water seem more realistic. Gradients are also used to create the bushes, the wooden logs and the lighting effect in the grass.


The final drawing of the axonometric projections merged into one using A3 trace and Fineliner pen. The created space in the middle allowed the addition of a river and characters.

Trace paper and equipment set up. Tracing paper was laid on the images so that projections of lines could be drawn to then create the axonometric projection of the flat Mario world.

First Mario. Complete projection of the first provided Mario world.

Finished Mario in pencil. Both Mario pictures projected into an axonometric world using pencil.


Trace with pen and ruler. Tracing the pencil with 0.1 and 0.2 fineliner to create strong dark lines. 0.5 fineliner was used for cut lines of edge of world objects.

PAPER LANDSCAPE The making of new landscape My paper model of the Tasmanian terrain depicts a Himalayan landscape with mountains, river valleys, trees and flowers. To rivers run down both sides of the central mountains to achieve a flow between 2D and 3D. The tall pyramid shapes represent pyramids, the tall opening shapes represent trees and the shallow opening shapes represent flowers in the lower valleys. By using three shapes and three 2D patterns, all based off the triangle, a good variety of forms can be created to allow differentiation. Using Rhinoceros plug in Paneling Tool’s, the undulating terrain can be made into a panel with a custom 2D variable base and a custom 3D variable surface. The varying forms and the use of a curve attractor that was placed above spine of the mountains allowed for a very complex panel that is made up of quite basic shapes.


Close up of model to highlight the shapesand their shadows.






Angled elevation from the foot of the mountains looking up. Highlighting shadow on the right in the river valley.

























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Terrain with 2D Custom Variable Pattern. After playing around with more complicated shapes, triangles and squares were settled on for simplicity of construction within time constraints.

3D Custom Shapes. Extruding to a point from a square base created the first pyramid shape. The following two shapes required four points and a cross on the base of the square. However, the unrolling of the open one was hard so a reconstruction of the shape using singular triangles was required.

Final Pannelled Terrain. Using custom 3D variable and a curve attractor, a mountain range was created along the spine of the model with valleys of rivers either side.


Nets with Tabs. The whole 3D model was unrolled into nets to be cut out and glued together to make the physical model. 40 nets were needed due to the nature in which my shapes unrolled.

INVISIBLE CITY Cities & Eyes 1: Valdrada

The city of Valdrada lies on the shores of a lake and is reflected in the waters. This reflection creates two cities that are the same but extremely different. Sometimes the rippled, cold, inverted reflections depict a darker scene than the one in the first city, but sometimes if can increase a value of things. It is a beautiful place where nothing is hidden. The scenes I chose try to depict the nature of these reflections through intense scenes, one of intimacy and one of anger. Perspective one explores a loving scene where soft morning light hides the lovers in one city but reveals them in the next. Perspective two has sharp straight angled lighting to break up the scene and hide the vicious murder, even in the cold limpid reflection. Fine details and very deliberate selection of textures and objects creates a very powerful and realistic scene. Three marbles make up the column and its base and capital. A renaissance themed pattern covers the vaults and the curtains. The floor is textured with concrete and water to make a reflective surface.


The morning love scene shows a bedroom where two lovers are embracing each other. The characters are from Marcantonio Riamondi’s book I Modi. The scene represents the two cities through the reflecting floor, stained glass windows, Marco Polo’s reflection in the wardrobe and through the symmetrically of the room. Fine details and precise choices for decoration create a well synthesized scene.


The afternoon murder scene depicts the violent murder of Lucretia at the hand of Tarquin. The painting by Titian became the centre piece for a scene that uses powerful imagery, lighting, textures and a mirroring effect to create a dark powerful mood. The theme of two cities is represented through reflections on the watery floor, the refection of Marco Polo in the mirror as he witnesses the scene, and the repetition of the vaults in the hall.



1) Ideas The projects from Foundations of Design: Representation have taught me the variety of ways to perceive space and objects, and how to reimagine a space in a different way using inspiration from history, geometry, nature and art. It has highlighted the differences between subjective and objective, perspective and orthographic projection, autographic and allographic, developable and non-developable surfaces. It has also reinforced my belief that simplicity and attention to detail can be just as successful as elaborate convoluted works. 2) Skills I am very excited by the range of skills that I have developed over a very brief period of time. Starting with no experience, I can now use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, and 3D modelling software Rhinoceros with the Panelling Tool. The development of each process has also helped me find my own style and I am now confident in taking photos with a photo stage, arranging page layouts, making a Wix website, and designing a portfolio and journals. 3) Improvements. My Module 2 Mario world was my least successful assignment. I followed the instructions too literally and did not create anything that would have contradicted the given images. Once seeing others, I realised I could have explored my imagination much more. World 1 was the most simple and due to this my literal interpretation resulted in a very simplistic world. Following the feedback from my tutor, I have changed the colours of my design to create a lighter feel that also highlights shadows a lot better. A flag, stairs and the large clouds now balance the empty top and create a flow from the top down to the base to the now translucent waterfalls, where you can see a glimpse of an underground network of tunnels. Amendments were also made to my more successful assignments in order to perfect them. The background of the Module 1 drawings are now completely white, the photographs of Module 3 are now black and white and the shadows are enhanced, and the line weight of the roof of Module 4 is thinner and the key is evenly distributed. M3 Landscape in exhibition (middle) in the MSD.

Poster advertising exhibition featuring one of my M4 perspectives.

Huge thankyou to Anneke for your wonderful studios!


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