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CUADERNO del Amador Número 3. Junio 2015 EDITORIAL “Un curso escolar lleno de emociones, de risas…” pág 2 LO QUE HEMOS




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EL AMADOR pág 32



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pág 38 ANIMALS AROUND pág 18





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EDITORIAL By Almudenahh Un curso escolar lleno de emociones, de risas, de llantos, de dificultades y de avances, de prisas y de tiempos que no terminan… De pequeños detalles y de grandes hallazgos… De caras nuevas, de viej@s conocid@s, de equilibrios y de saltos mortales... De retos y de miradas al horizonte. El verdadero placer de educar y de aprender… De soñar con los ojos abiertos con ser biólog@, astronauta, maestr@ o granjer@. Os mostramos tan sólo un pedacito de lo que hacemos cada día y de lo que se “cuece” en nuestro colegio. Porque el

Amador de los Ríos

es un colegio integrador,

pasional, inquieto, despierto y que confía en las capacidades y talentos de profesores/as y alumn@s. Tómate tu tiempo y déjate sorprender por lo que el CUADERNO del


Amador te muestra… ¡asómate por la ventana!

LO QUE HEMOS APRENDIDO By María, Inma & Alumnado de 3AB L@s niñ@s de tres años hemos aprendido un montón de cosas durante este año… ¿Qué pasa en otoño?

Y por si acaso llueve tenemos preparados los paragüas… Llegó la Navidad y los renos aparecieron por las aulas de 3 años…

Con ayuda de las familias hemos decorado las cristaleras, ¡qué bonitas!


Hemos realizado muchos trabajos de educación Artística: las sardinas

Los móviles…

¿Os gusta el cuadro de la trapecista? Mirar como lo hemos interpretado nosotros…


El circo nos gusta mucho, os enseñamos lo que hemos aprendido…

En el día de la Paz todo el ciclo de infantil realizamos esta paloma…

Hemos celebrado el día de libro y cada profe nos contó un cuento chulísimo


¡Nos encantaron!

ENTREACTOS By Noemi & MªJosé & Alumnado de 4AB En la Granja lo pasamos genial todos juntos.

ELABORACIÓN DEL PAN. L@s niñ@s amasan la harina para luego meter la masa en horno. Umm, que bien huele! En la Biblioteca Manuel Alvar nos contaron unos cuentos chulísimos. L@s niñ@s están muy atentos con las historias que les cuentan. Después, manipulan y observan todos los


cuentos que les han leído.

CUENTACUENTOS EN LA BIBLIOTECA DEL COLEGIO. Representamos el cuento de “La vaca que puso un huevo”.

El día del libro los mayores bajaron a contar un cuento

Somos los más castizos de Madrid y


los Papá Noel más guap@s.

ASÍ ESCRIBIMOS, ASÍ NARRAMOS By Patricia & Alumnado de 5A

L@s alumn@s de 5 años escriben unas palabras de agradecimiento a Paula y le hacen un dibujo. Paula es la profesora de Apoyo de Educación Infantil, y cada día colabora con todas las profesoras de Infantil en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de nuestros niños. os niños de 5 años ya son capaces de leer y escribir, porque han trabajado muy duro desde que comenzaron la etapa de Infantil, con tan solo 3 años. Este curso se han esforzado muchísimo y a la vista está con sus impresionantes trabajos. También han madurado como personas, valorando el trabajo y la ayuda de las personas que les rodean. De ahí, este trabajo de agradecimiento a Paula. Disfrutan con la lectura y cada día mejoran.


Felicidades a tod@s l@s niñ@s por su trabajo.



By Cheli & Alumnado de 5B




By Claudia & Alumnado de 1ยบA



UNA DE POEMAS By Pilar & Alumnado de 1ยบB






Escucha nuestros poemas en:



By Eva, Elena & Alumnado de 2ยบAB





By Isabel & Alumnado de 2ยบAB



MICRORELATOS By Carmen & Alumnado de 3ºA EXCURSIÓN





Mis mejores amigas son: Lesly,


Haris, Ruth, Manuela y Virginia.,

El jueves 25

aunque algunas veces nos

de mayo, nos

enfadamos y peleamos pero

fuimos tercero y cuarto de

siempre al final nos reconciliamos

excursión. Me gustó mucho pero

ya que nos queremos mucho.

hacía mucho calor. Además

Me encanta la clase de tercero,

tuvimos que andar mucho y

este año estoy muy contenta, mi

necesitamos mucha agua, menos

tutora es Carmen, es amble,

mal que la profe Almudena la



divertida y

En el autobús nos pusieron una

muy buena

película de Batman y me gustó





quiero mucho


a David, es amoroso y súper bueno. Jose en un

Me gustan mucho los profesores de


mi colegio, Carmen es muy buena y


amable conmigo y también David y

y hemos

Jose. La asignatura que más me gusta es educa porque adoro el fútbol pero también inglés, science y mates. Espero no repetir curso y

aprendido muchas matemáticas con él. Franchesca.

compañeros y profesores. ¡Feliz verano a todos! Ahmed.


poder estar de nuevo con mis



Mi mejor

He llegado nuevo este año al

amigo se

colegio, llegué más tarde que los

llama Víctor.

otros niños pero rápido me hice

Es muy alto,

amigos. Me gusta mucho este


colegio pero lo

rapero y

que más me

juego todos los días con él.

gusta es la

Cuando se le olvida la merienda la

pizarra digital

comparto con él.

de mi clase e ir los jueves por la


tarde a la sala de ordenadores, allí hacemos actividades y si nos sobran

Este año ha sido mucho mejor que el anterior. Me lo he pasado muy bien y por eso

unos minutos jugamos juegos para nuestra edad. Ahora en junio solo podremos ir un día…qué pena. Alex. LAS CLASES DE AJEDREZ. Por las tardes

estaré muy contento si apruebo y

después de clase

paso de curso con mis con mis

voy a clase de


ajedrez aquí en

Me gustaron las jornadas culturales

el colegio.

porque me encantan los comics. Tengo unos profesores que me encantan. Javi.

Me encantan estas clases, he aprendido mucho y el profesor es muy bueno, nos enseña muy bien y además cuando hay tiempo nos deja jugar solos. Me encanta. Fabrizio.


CURSO 2014/2015.




Vine nuevo este año al colegio y me


encanta. He hecho muy buenos

Para mí este

amigos como Ahmed, Víctor,

colegio es el mejor del mundo, se

Sacha, Susi, Javi, Araceli, Virginia

hacen muchas actividades muy

y Héctor.

bonitas como las jornadas

Mis mejores

culturales o el día del libro, he

profesores son, Alicia,

aprendido mucho durante todos

Carmen, Jose, David

los cursos pero este año en tercero

y Almudena. Me

todavía más.

gustan mucho las clases de educa,

Hay un amigo que se llama Gabriel

inglés, mates, science, música y

que es mi mejor amigo, es


divertido, estudioso y además me

Este colegio ha sido mi mejor

ayuda mucho.

colegio de todos los que he estado.

Me gusta mucho jugar en el recreo

También me gusta mucho Claire, la

y en el Patio de comedor y

auxiliar de conversación que me ha

también me gusta mucho

ayudado mucho.

educación física, matemáticas,


inglés y lengua. Ezequiel.

MIS MEJORES AMIGOS. Mi mejor amigo se llama Sacha, es


muy guapo, bueno conmigo,

Me llamo Susi, he llegado hace muy

gracioso y guay, siempre jugamos

poco a este colegio y de momento

juntos. También tengo un amigo

me estoy adaptando aunque me

que se llama Javi, con el que lo,

gusta y espero estar el año que

paso muy bien también, siempre

viene y seguir con los mismos

jugamos juntos y nos reímos

profesores y compañeros.



La verdad es que me llevo bien con muchos años y tenemos muy buena amistad. Espero que sigamos todos juntos en cuarto. Victor


todos, algunos llevamos juntos




EN este colegio tengo muy buenas

Me gusta

amigas, Manuela es una de ellas, es

muchísimo mi

muy buena amiga, una amiga de

clase, además

verdad. Lesly también, se inventa

es preciosa, muy bonita decorada.


Tengo unos compañeros estupendos

juegos y le

aunque a veces sean muy

gusta jugar

habladores. También me encantan

al fútbol.

los profesores de este año, mi


tutora Carmen, David y José

trae siempre unas pelotas muy


chulas para jugar. Aracely es muy

El patio del recreo es muy grande,

juguetona y es muy buena, antes

hay un campo de baloncesto y otro

ella era tímida pero ahora es muy

de fútbol y lo pasamos genial.

simpática y Virginia es también

Me encantó ir al museo

buena amiga. Susi ha venido más

antropológico y también las

tarde pero seguro que el próximo

jornadas culturales que fueron

año jugará también con nosotras.



Dentro de poco iré a cuarto y haré muchas cosas nuevas, pero eso ya


será otra historia que será contada

En este curso he aprendido mucho.

en otra ocasión.





las asignaturas y tengo muchas

Tengo buenos amigos en el colegio,


me divierto mucho con ellos. Javi,

También me gusta mucho leer y

Víctor, Manuela, Virginia,

hacer papiroflexia con el profesor


David los viernes por la tarde.

Os echaré mucho de menos y


también a todos los profesores. Álvaro.





Me gusta el cole aunque no tanto

¡Hola! Soy

los deberes. Ha sido un buen curso,


he aprendido muchas cosas y lo he

llevo ya

pasado muy bien. Mis mejores


amigas son Haris, Lesly, Manuela,

años en

Susi y Virghinia. Espero aprobar y


estar juntas el próximo año.

colegio y la verdad es que me gusta


mucho, tengo muchos amigos y lo

ACTIVIDADES QUE MÁS ME HAN GUSTADO. En este curso hemos hecho muchas actividades divertidas y diferentes, por ejemplo fuimos al museo antropológico y me gustó muchísimo ver todas las cosas de Grecia y Roma. También la semana cultural que íbamos mezclados en grupos con niños de otras clases haciendo talleres de máscaras, cómics etc. Lo pasamos de miedo, hasta hubo cine con palomitas. Bailamos el chotis en san Isidro, salimos a la sierra aunque pasamos muchísimo calor y ahora estoy

paso muy bien. Además hemos aprendido mucho en estos años pero sobre todo este último ya que es un curso más alto. Hemos tenido unos profesores muy buenos, nuestra tutora Carmen, David, Jose, Almudena, una profesora que se fue y era muy maja, María y luego vino Elena que también lo es y Mª Jesús. Me ha gustado mucho el día de la paz, el museo antropológico, los talleres del cómic y la visita al Museo Lunar. ¡El año que viene espero estar de nuevo con todos! Virginia.

deseando ver la exhibición de la policía y los perros en las Ventas. Ha sido un año muy divertido.



REPORTER@S DICHARACHER@S By Manuela, David Grilo & Alumnado de 4ºA Entrevista de l@s alumn@s de 4ºA a l@s profesores/as y compañer@s del centro. JOSE ANTONIO (Profesor de Educación Física y Matemáticas) Cuestionario realizado por: Karina, Valeria, Esthephany, Noa G, Jenny y Saray. 1. ¿Cuántos años llevas trabajando en el cole? J.A: Llevo trabajando en la enseñanza 19 años. 2. ¿Por qué decidiste ser profesor? J.A: Así lo decidí, porque me gusta enseñar. 3. ¿Te cuesta trabajar con niños? J.A: Cuando los alumnos no quieren sí, pero cuando quieren estoy a gusto. 4. Qué prefieres ser, ¿profesor de Educación Física o profesor de Matemáticas? J.A: Prefiero ser Profesor de Educación Física. 5. ¿Cómo empezaste a hacer deporte? J.A: Empecé a hacer deporte jugando con mi hermano y sus amigos en el colegio. 6. ¿Cuántos años tenías cuando empezaste a ser profesor? J.A: Empecé en la enseñanza cuando tenía 27 años. 7. ¿te gustaría ir al extranjero para ser profesor?


J.A: Sí.

DAVID (Director del Centro Escolar y Profesor de Matemáticas) Cuestionario realizado por: Nacho, David, Lorenzao, Chidera, Carlos R. y Fabricio. 1. ¿Te gusta ser director? D: Sí. 2. ¿Qué asignatura se te da mejor? D: Las mates. 3. ¿Qué querías ser de mayor?

8. What is your favorite color?

D: Profesor o camionero.

D: Blue.

4. Why your job is a teacher?

9. Where do you born?

D: Because I like kids and teaching.

D. In Madrid.

5. Why do you wanted to be a lorry

10. ¿Cuál es tu equipo favorito?


D: Atlético de Madrid.

D: Because, I like driving a big lorry.

11. Who is your favorite artist?

6. Do you have a “favorite children”?

D: Van Gogh.

D: No.

12 ¿Querrías vivir en otra ciudad?

7. ¿Qué camión querrías conducir?


D: Uno no muy grande.

D: Sí, en Australia. 13. ¿Cuál es tu grupo de música favorito? D: Metálica



14. ¿Te gusta tu trabajo?

ALUMN@S DE 6º: (Alumn@s que terminan la Educación Primaria en el cole) Cuestionario realizado por: Ángel, Kevin, Carlos E. y Jan. Preguntas a Nando.

Preguntas a Herwig.

1. ¿Te gusta el fútbol?

1. Qué prefieres, ¿comer en el

N: Sí

comedor o en casa y por qué?

2. What is your favourite class?

H: Prefiero comer en casa porque es

N: English.

más sano y como una vez a la semana

3. ¿Cuál fue tu primera profesora?

carne y todos los días verduras.

N: Carmen Guijarro.

2. Do you prefer football to

4. What is your favorite food?


N: Chocolate.

H: I prefer football.

5. ¿Te gusta el cole?

3. ¿Te gusta el patio?

N: Sí, mucho.

H: No me gusta porque hay muchas

Preguntas a Jennifer.

grietas y vallas.

1. ¿Cuál es la profesora que más te ha

4. What is your favorite teacher?


H: Mila

J: María y Consuelo.

5. ¿Te gusta inglés?

2. What is your favorite food?

H. Sí, me gusta mucho.

J: Fish and salad. 3. ¿Cuál fue tu primera profe?

4. ¿Te gusta comer en el comedor? J: Sí , pero mis padres lo hacen mejor


J: Cheli.

CELEBRACIONES EN EL AMADOR SCHOOL CELEBRATIONS By Alex & 5thA Students. The students from 5th grade took part in all the special days we have at the Amador. The most celebrated ones where Christmas and The Comic Workshop we did for the Cultural Week. At Christmas, 5º grade decided not to sing the typical Christmas carol but a very popular song with a pacifist message

“Imagine” by John Lennon. Anderson from 5ºA thinks it was a beautiful song but he sometimes feels a bit shy singing in front of people but after a while he felt relaxed and people took photos so that he will remember the day forever. Alexandra from 5ºA also felt shy at first but then she got over her fear and felt excited. Nico however, comments on the song’s author. He thinks John Lennon was a genius and his song Imagine is about peace and a

However, some people, like Elena, thought it was a nice song but she would have liked to have a little dancing (so next year, Madonna!).


wonderful world and he listens to it when he feels sad at home!

The Comic Workshop was a complete success! Miguel from 5ºA thought it was the most exciting activity he had ever done! It was fun and different to be free to go from one class to another without following teachers´ orders. Some of the guys have chosen the workshop called “Por parejas” as the best one. “Since I took part in this workshop I read more comics,” says Elena from 5ºA. However, Paula and Natalia think that the most enjoyable and surprising was “Anticriptonite” where students had to design a material able to protect Superman from criptonite!

The general feeling is that we should do more workshops next year and that it was great to work together with students from other classes and grades – “I became


would”- says Manuel.


friends with people I´d never thought

DÍA DEL LIBRO Jaime & Alumnado de 5ºB …¿Por qué celebramos

el día del

libro? Cómo todos sabemos el día 23 de abril de 1616 fallecían Cervantes y Shakespeare por este motivo, esta fecha tan simbólica para la literatura universal






Conferencia General de la UNESCO para rendir un homenaje mundial al libro y sus autores, y animar a todos, en particular a los más jóvenes, a descubrir el placer de la lectura. Hoy, este día 23 de Abril se celebra en todo el mundo, como el día del libro internacional. Nuestro colegio Amador de los Ríos celebra todos los años el día del libro, y lo celebra organizando una

Comenzamos la semana con un concurso de carteles cuyo tema


semana de actividades.

elegido fue “Nos gustan los libros”. Los carteles seleccionados como ganadores fueron de l@s alumn@s de 5ºB Guillermo Domínguez y Nicolás Desviat. La dirección del cole elaboró un vídeo en el que algunos alumn@s recomendaban sus libros preferidos. Guillermo Domínguez y Daniel Menéndez de 5ºB fueron los seleccionados para salir en el vídeo. Podrás verlos y seguirlos en la web del centro con la etiqueta #megustaleer Tod@s l@s alumn@s del colegio tuvimos que hacer un marcapáginas que después se intercambiaron por las clases. Una vez más, como el pasado curso hicimos intercambio de libros. No todos pudimos elegir o coger los libros que nos hubiesen gustado. Desearíamos que el próximo curso todos pudiéramos conseguir mejores libros Otra de las actividades que hicimos fue leer un cuento a los niños de infantil. ¡¡¡Fue

Este curso 2014-2015 la celebración del día del libro ha sido muy participativa y completa.¡¡¡ GRACIASSS A TOD@SS!


una experiencia muy divertida!!!

SAN ISIDRO 2015 By Jaime & Alumnado de 5ºB

Madrid, Madrid, Madrid. …Madrid, madrid, madrid pedazo de la España en que nací por algo te hizo Dios la cuna del requiebro y el chotis…

Un curso más nuestro Colegio Amador de los Ríos celebra San Isidro y como todos los años se organizan algunas actividades. Entre ellas destacamos un concurso de baile por parejas y la elección de los mejores trajes regionales madrileños. Para finalizar disfrutamos todos de una limonada y unas típicas rosquillas y barquillos. ¡¡Riquísimos!! Este año los ganadores

del primer

premio al mejor traje regional madrileño fue para la alumna Manuela de 3ºA y el compañero Andrés Carrasco de 5ºB que

un diploma y un libro.


recibieron de manos de la jefa de estudios

También recibieron un premio los mejores bailarines de chotis del cole, que fueron Elisa y Hugo de infantil 3 años. No podemos olvidar a los compañeros de 6º que representaron como solo ellos saben representar una zarzuela de lo más entrañable, divertida y graciosa. Gracias chicos!!!!

Nos despedimos con mucho cariño y hasta el próximo san Isidro con… Pichi es el chulo que castiga del Portillo a la Arganzuela, porque no hay una chicuela que no quiera ser amiga


de un seguro servidor ...

Y LLEGA LA DESPEDIDA By Elena, Mila & Alumnado de 6ªAB L@s alumno/as de 6º ya nos dejan. Después de nueve años en este cole, llega el momento de la despedida. Los pasillos, las aulas, los patios de este cole los han visto reír, discutir, reconciliarse, aprender, correr, gritar, soñar…. Crecer. Les espera una etapa maravillosa en el instituto, pero saben que aquí pueden volver siempre que quieran porque son parte del Amador de los Ríos. Mucha suerte a todos/as. ¡Hasta pronto!

TRES AÑOS INOLVIDABLES By Alexa Caravan. 6ºB En este colegio aprendí

entré por primera vez

Con el tiempo me hice

que uno tiene mejores

por las puertas del

más amigos y empecé a

cosas que hacer que

colegio Amador de los

sentirme como si fuera

escuchar a las personas

Ríos. Tenía mucho miedo: parte de este colegio, o

que quieren machacarle.

no sabía hablar en

sea, empecé a sentirme

Somos todos diferentes y

español muy bien;

aceptada, aceptada por

no tenemos que cambiar

entonces fue muy difícil

todo el mundo que ahora

para los demás. No le

entender a los demás.

está en mi álbum de

puedes caer bien a todo

Sin embargo hice buenos

memorias donde puedo

el mundo pero siempre

amigos y tengo recuerdos recordar a todos mis

va a haber al menos una

divertidos que nunca

amigos y profesores. No

persona que te acepte

podré olvidar. Siempre

me puedo olvidar de las

por quien eres. ¡Gracias,

me pareció que el colegio

clases de Educación

Amador de los Ríos, por

Amador de los Ríos es

Física, donde jugamos, y

estos tres años

muy bonito. Desde el

esa es una de mis cosas


primer año hasta ahora


he tenido profesores estupendos.


Tenía nueve años cuando

MIS RECUERDOS DEL COLE By Nicolás Yglesia, 6ºA Cuando fui a la jornada de puertas abiertas, el cole me encantó; lo primero, porque estaba cerquísima de mi casa y, segundo, porque me causó muy buena sensación y, aunque sabía que solo iba a estar un año y medio, decidí que ese iba a ser mi cole.

El primer día fue el mejor: conocí a mis compañeros, a mis profesores y, en sí, al colegio. Todos me acogieron muy bien, son unos grandes amigos y doy gracias a todos ellos por acogerme tan bien.

He tenido muchos profesores y me alegro mucho de haberlos tenido pues, si no hubiese sido así, no habría aprendido tanto. Todos mis profesores han sido: Paloma, Lauro, Mercedes, Mª Jesús, David, José Antonio, María, Elena y Mila. Y todos ellos están en un hueco de mi corazón, pero más especialmente, los que he tenido en sexto curso.

Lo que yo me llevo del Amador de los Ríos, además de todos mis conocimientos, son los valores que he aprendido sobre la convivencia, los buenos recuerdos de los recreos y unos grandes amigos. Con el Amador he crecido mucho exterior e interiormente gracias a todos y, además de eso, me llevo la gran persona en la que me he y han convertido. Voy a echar de menos todo pero especialmente a las/os

Amador de los Ríos!


profesoras/es y también a todos los amigos que están en cursos anteriores. ¡Gracias,

By Candela del Barrio, 6ºB Yo venía de Segovia; allí solo hice Infantil pero no tenía amigos/as. Luego, a principios de 2009, me trasladé a Madrid. Una vez aquí, estuvimos buscando un cole y este me encantó, así que me quise quedar y hacer Primaria.

El colegio es una de las cosas que más se quedan grabadas en nuestro corazón y mente: CORAZÓN: TENEMOS AMIGOS/AS Y PROFES Y LOS QUEREMOS. MENTE: POR TODO LO QUE HEMOS APRENDIDO Para aprender bien hay que buscar el sitio perfecto y yo bien que acerté; escogí el Amador de los Ríos porque era grande, luminoso, bonito, etc. En Primero no tenía amigas, pero ese tiempo me hizo reflexionar acerca de mis dudas e inquietudes sobre el cole. Me da pena marcharme, ¡ojalá hubiese más cursos! Este colegio me ha enseñado a afrontar las dificultades y a aprender que las cosas llegan cuando menos te lo esperas. I ❤Amador de los Ríos. Agradecimientos: A este cole por existir, a los/as profesores/as y a la enseñanza. Y, cómo no, a Álvaro, Valeria, Jose, Valentina, Nico, Geor, Galo, Nohaila, Salim, Alexa, Qiu,



Massimo, Li Xin, Aarón, Gaby y Paveli por apoyarme en los momentos difíciles. OS

SENSACIONES By Carlo Cabrera, 6º A

Llegué a este colegio con tres años.

Además de los Mis profesores/as

temas de cada

El primer día conocí a

han sido muy

asignatura, en el

mucha gente que me

buenos/as. Mis

colegio he aprendido

cayó genial como, por

profesoras favoritas

los valores de la

ejemplo Nando,

son Mila (Inglés y

convivencia, de la

Herwig, Luis, Moe,

Ciencias) y Consuelo,

amistad, y del respeto

Sabela, Araceli y

de Lengua y

mutuo. He pasado un

Daniel. No recuerdo

Matemáticas. Me

tiempo excelente aquí,

muchas cosas de

gustó mucho su

en las aulas y en los

Infantil, pero me

método de enseñanza.

recreos y lo voy a

acuerdo de cuando

echar muchísimo de

fuimos a la granja y


montamos en burro. Luego, en Primaria, llegaron más compañeros, como Sara, Artur, Jennifer, Daniel, Nico y



INTERVIEWS Since 6thB grade is graduating from Amador de los Ríos this year, the students were asked their opinions about the school´s bilingual program.  How do you feel the bilingual program will help you in the future? Candela and Alexa: “I think it is good to be in a bilingual school because in the

future I will have more opportunities to find a good job. English is the most spoken language and it´s requested for most jobs.” Galo: “I think that English can help me in the future because it is spoken by a

lot of people and if you know a lot of English you will have more opportunities.”  What do you like the most about the program? Massimo: “What I like most about the program is how the teachers help us

learn English, and sometimes we play games to help us remember the grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.” Valentina: “English is my favorite language so I like that science is taught in

English because in my other school it was taught in Spanish.” Alexa: “I joined this program in the 4th grade and I didn´t know how to spell,

but now I do great in school and I also like that we do many subjects in English.”

Salim: “I would recommend the program to future students because it’s a

bilingual school and you learn a lot of different subjects in English such as Science, English and Art.”


 Would you recommend the program to future students?

Álvaro: “I don’t recommend the program to future students because if you like

Science but you don’t like English, you will have to study in English.” Massimo: “I would recommend the program because if you know a lot of

languages it is very good for you and your future. Right now, many people don’t have a job because they don´t know English and this program will help me find a job more easily.” Galo: “I feel very lucky to be in the program, because a few years ago Spain´s

English level was very low and they didn´t understand the language. Now, because of the program, a lot of people can speak English.”  Do you enjoy English? Salim: “I enjoy English because it opens a lot of opportunities in the future. I

like English because most people in the world speak English, and if I want to go to the USA, Canada or England I need to speak English and it will be useful for me.” Qiu: “I enjoy English very much because I learn more grammar and verbs that I didn´t know before.” Nohaila: “I enjoy English a lot because the teachers do presentations to help us

with grammar and we read books with the assistants to improve our pronunciation. The teachers also play games so we learn more vocabulary.” Galo: “I enjoy English because it is an interesting language because the

grammar is very fun and the more you know English, the better you can do in

 What do you think about the teachers in the bilingual program? José “I think the teachers are good because they are very nice to the pupils.”


the future. I also can use it to speak in many countries.”

Aarón: “I think the teachers are good because they help us with our doubts and

they motivate us.” Georgiana: “I think that the teachers really want to help us learn and they

want us to have fun while learning.”  What do you think is the most difficult thing about the program? Candela: “I think the most difficult thing about the program is speaking in

English because I have to pronounce perfectly.” Aarón: “For me, the reading and writing part of the KET was the most

difficult because you have to find the answers and put them on the answer sheet but it is very hard." Álvaro: “The most difficult thing for me is the grammar because we have to

learn the verbs and memorize the verb tenses.”  Do you think in the future the school should offer more languages? Salim: “I think in the future it’s a good idea for the school to offer more

languages such as French and Chinese.” Valeria: “I only know Spanish and English but I don´t know other languages, so

I would like to learn others.” Alexa: “I think that English is quite tricky especially in spelling, so I think it´s

enough and we should only learn this language in Primary School but learn more in Middle School.” Massimo: “I think they should provide more languages because in the future you

job. For example, if a job requires me to know German and I don´t know the language, I wouldn´t be able to do the job.”


don´t know what job you will do and the things that you need to know for the

 Do you think your English has improved during the program? Candela: “Yes I think my English has improved because I have learned a lot of

vocabulary, grammar and other things.” José: “I think my English has improved because I remember that when I was 8

years old my English was worse and now I have a very good level.” Valeria: “I think my English has improved because my teacher has helped me a

lot. When I was little I didn´t speak English well and now I can maintain a conversation.” Galo: “I think that my English has improved because language assistants from

other countries came to help the program and now I can go to some countries and help my family to understand English.”  Are you looking forward to leaving the school? Candela: “I don´t want to leave the school because I have a lot of friends and I

like this school.” Galo: “I am looking forward to leaving the school because I want to go to High

School and be in the advanced English class.” Alexa: “I have mixed feelings about leaving this school because I have many

great memories with my friends and teachers but on the other hand I want to learn more things.”  How did your teachers help you learn English? Candela: “They helped a lot because they wanted to help us and they helped

vocabulary.” Galo: “I think that the teachers helped us speak English by helping us with the

past, present and future tenses.”


me with grammar by doing exercises in the notebook or games with

 Do you think learning Science in English is a good idea? Valentina: “Yes it’s a good idea because it helps with English because we learn

how to write and use more complex words related to science.” Alexa: “It also has its disadvantages because in the CDI we have to do the exam

in Spanish, but luckily our teachers make sure that we understand the material in Spanish too.” Nico: “I think it is important to do Science in English because I think the things

that you learn in Science you will use in real life, and I think most scientists do their job in English.”  If you could change one thing about the bilingual program, what would it be? Qiu: “I would change music because in Spanish it is almost too easy and I would

like to try it in English.” Alexa: “I think there should be more assistants because we could hear different

accents and learn traditions from different places around the world. For example, we have had British, American, New Zealand and Canadian assistants, but we have never had Scottish or Irish.”  How does your family feel about your participation in the bilingual program? Georgiana: “I think that my family is very happy with me because English and

Science are the most important subjects and in High School these classes will be helpful when I learn other subjects.” Nohaila: “My family is very happy with me because they know that I am good


at English and they are proud of me for all of my effort.”

 Having finished the KET/PET exams, what are your feelings? Nohaila: “I feel good because I know that I did it well with my partner and I

think I have given it my all.” Valentina: “I feel very nervous because the examiners were very strict and I am

worried about my mark because I have only been in this program for two years.” Valeria: “I feel very good because I did my speaking part with my two friends

and they helped me by making me feel more comfortable.” Álvaro: “I feel comfortable because I think that I did it very well and we have

been preparing the exam since the beginning of year 5.”  Do you think it is a good idea to have language assistants in Bilingual Schools? Candela: “I think it is good to have assistants because you can learn from them

and improve your pronunciation. Salim: “I think it’s a good idea to have assistants in the schools because you

learn about how they speak in their countries and their different cultures.” The students in 6A worked very hard to perform a play called “The Crazy Story” at Christmas and in various competitions through the year. They were interviewed about the process and their feelings upon performing in the final competition.  Do you like acting and why? Carlo: “No, I don´t like acting because I get very nervous when a lot of people

Nando: “Yes, I like acting, but not a lot because I think I´m not a very good

actor and sometimes I get nervous. However, I think when I try hard I get more confident and I do a good job.”


see me and it is very stressful.”

Moe: “I like acting when I am on the stage all the time because I get more

confident. If I only act for a little bit though, I get more nervous.”  What do you like about theatre? Nico: “The thing that I like about the theatre is that you can enjoy learning

how to perform a play. I like listening and seeing plays because I think it´s very fun.” Artur: “The only thing I like about the theatre is that all of our classmates can

participate in the play and I think it´s very fun because we always laugh and help each other. Jenny: “I like the decorations and the music. I also really enjoyed making

scenery for the stage and performing my character.”  What do you think about introducing theatre as an extracurricular activity in schools? Nando: “I think it’s a good idea but I think it would be best to have a theatre

subject in the school because all the classes could do performances for Christmas or the end of the year because it is a good idea for people who would like to be actors.” Sara: “I think making theatre an extracurricular activity would be very good

because maybe they could have specialized teachers and all the people who want to enter could go, instead of making everyone do it. I think doing theatre in the school could be good if we did it in English and I think it would be better if they did it by levels of difficulty. For example, the first level would be doing a

Sabela: “I think performing plays in school is a good idea because it´s fun.

However, I think it would be better to spend more time practicing the play or maybe for other students to invent their own play.”


very short performance and the last level would be a longer performance.”

Nico: “I have been in an extracurricular theatre class before but it was in

Spanish and I enjoy it more in English. I think it would be a very good idea to do it all year and all students should perform.” Herwig: “I think that it would be a good idea for the school because we would

be speaking a lot and if we could buy decorations the play would be even better.” Moe: “I think that doing a play is a very good idea. If the play is in English, I

think it is better because we are in a bilingual school and it would improve our English. Also, with the decorations I think it would be better making them ourselves because it would be more fun and it lets us use our imagination.”  What was it like to perform in front of the entire school? Nando: “I was very nervous because I felt ridiculous in my costume and I

thought other people would laugh when I entered the stage. However, when Spiderman and Batman entered the stage and the audience laughed at them, I felt better because if they could perform without being nervous, I could too.” Lucas: “Acting in front of the entire school was so difficult because I get so

nervous, but then I relaxed because I was wearing a mask and they couldn´t see my face. When the audience can´t see your face I think you get less nervous and more confident.” Luis: “When I was on the stage, I was very concentrated playing the xylophone

so I felt very good.” Herwig: “When I entered the stage I was very concentrated, but when I saw all

the children laughing and thinking we were so funny I thought that my


costume was very ridiculous.”

 What did you like most about “The Crazy Story?” Daniel O. : “I liked the play because the characters didn´t make sense when

they were speaking. Also, the scenery was very nice, because we put a lot of effort into painting and making the decorations.” Carlo: “The thing I liked most about the play was when Batman and

Spiderman entered because it was very funny and unexpected.”  What do you think you could have improved to make ¨The Crazy Story¨ even better? Lucas: “I think that we could have taken out the music and added more

characters for the musicians. Also, the characters who had less lines could be given more.” Arthur: “I think we could improve the play by improving our pronunciation.

Our costumes were good but we needed to concentrate more on our lines.”  What was it like to prepare the scenery and decorations for the play? Nico: “I think it was very fun because we made our own decorations and could

choose what we wanted to put in the scenery.” Sabela: “It was fun but also a little difficult because we had to spend our break

time to make everything.”  Did you like your character in the Crazy Story and why? Sara: “No, I didn´t like my character because I felt it was very childish and

Little Red Riding Hood only had very short lines and the costume was difficult to find.”

wolf that didn´t hurt anybody. I was happy that my character was peaceful.” Artur: “I liked my character but it was challenging for me to act like a pig

with my friends because I don´t like looking like a pig.”


Emerson: “Yes, I liked my character because I had very short lines and it was a

Moe: “I liked being the narrator because I spoke a lot and I think my lines were

very funny because the characters kept interrupting me.” Daniel O. : “My character was one of the Three Little Pigs. I think it was very

creative because I got to do a lot of things with my friends and it was very fun.”  What was the most difficult part about performing the play? Sabela: “I think the most difficult part was that at first we were a little shy

but then we got more confident.” Nando: “I think that the most difficult part of performing the play was

learning the role. I only had two sentences but I was always confusing the words because I was getting nervous. If for me it was difficult to learn those lines, I think for the narrators it must have been very hard because they had a lot more to learn.”  Was it difficult to memorize all the songs and play the instruments? Carlo: “Yes it was a little bit difficult because none of us had played the

xylophone and we needed to learn.” Daniel C. : “I really enjoyed learning to play the new instruments.” Araceli: “I enjoyed playing the instrument because I liked the music.”  Was the play funny? Herwig: “Yes, the play was funny because I liked the Three Little Pigs and I

Daniel O. : “It was very funny because there were a lot of characters and the

story was silly. My character, the pig, did a lot of funny things.”


enjoyed myself a lot.”

 Did you win any prize in the theatre competition? Carlo: “No, we didn´t win any prizes but we have just participated in another

competition and the judges said we did a great job, so there is hope.” Emerson: “No, we didn´t win any prizes because it was our first time

performing in a competition but we did a great job and are so proud of ourselves for doing the play.” Herwig: “Even though we didn´t win, I think we did so well and I liked

everything about our performance.” Sara: “We didn´t win a prize, but the best prize was in our hearts because

participating was so special.”  Why did you choose this play? Jenny: “We chose the play because it was funny and entertaining.” Ariadna: “We chose this play because we could easily add more characters so

everybody had a chance to participate.”  What inspired you to add more characters to the original script? Sara: “We were inspired by the people who didn’t have a role in the play

because we wanted to be fair. For example, we added Cinderella because she is so different from the rest of the characters and her story is very famous.” Lucas: “We added more characters because the play was so short and when a

play for people our age is too short, it could be boring. We added more characters to make it more interesting.”

Nando: “The first time we performed at Christmas not everyone had a role.

However, later we had more time to add characters and musicians and then everyone had a role.”


 Did everybody have a role in the performance?

Sabela: “Yes, and in different performances we changed our characters so we

could all be happy with our roles. We also added new characters along the way.”  Did you buy all the costumes and decorations? Ariadna: “No, we didn’t buy everything because it wasn’t necessary. Some

people had things to lend to the performance such as the costumes and the props.”  Were your lines difficult to memorize and deliver? Lucas: “My lines were easy to memorize because they were very short but I

think that other characters, like the narrator, spoke a lot and it was more difficult for them.” Artur: “No, I didn´t have any problems but I thought my lines were difficult

because the Three Little Pigs needed to speak at the same time and we needed to learn the characters´ song and dance.”  How do you feel as the director about your students´ performance? Mila: “I am very proud of my students because they have worked really hard as

a group and their level of English and pronunciation is great. We are very grateful to Amy who helped us a lot during practice. I encourage other teachers to do plays with their students.” Almudenahh: “It is a pleasure to share this king of experiences with the


students! Thanks a million for your collaboration and your enthusiasm!”

JUGANDO By Jose Antonio JEROGLÍFICO Un amigo le dice a otro: -Juan, ¿por qué le caes tan bien a la gente? Y Juan contesta: - Porque siempre intento ser muy





En el mar y no me mojo;


en brasas y no me abraso; en el aire y no me caigo, y me tienes en tus brazos.- La a.

Soy un palito muy derechito y encima de la frente tengo un mosquito.- La i.

O El burro la lleva a cuestas, metida está en el baúl, yo no la tuve jamás y siempre la tienes tú.- La u.

sin ser lucero ni estrella, sin ser sol, ni luna bella; ¿a ver si aciertas quién soy?- La e.

I La última soy en el cielo y en Dios el tercer lugar, siempre me ves en navío y nunca estoy en el mar.- La o.




En medio del cielo estoy

Tamaño como de almendra y toda la casa llena.- La luz. Tamaño como un ratón y guarda la casa como un león.- La llave. Tamaño como una nuez sube al monte y no tiene pies.- El caracol. Tamaño como un queso, con media vara de pescuezo.- La sartén. Tamaño como un pepino y va dando voces por el camino.- El cencerro.

Tamaño como una cazuela, tiene alas y no vuela.- El sombrero. JUEGO. NI "SI", NI "NO"; NI "BLANCO", NI "NEGRO"; NI "BIEN", NI "MAL". Por turno hay que contestar a las preguntas que te haga el resto del BLANCO, NEGRO, BIEN Y MAL.


grupo sin decir las palabras: SI, NO,

MEMORIES NOTES FROM THE CORRIDOR FIRST YEAR AUXILIAR REVEALS LIFE OF THE FIRST AND SECOND GRADE CORRIDOR By Nora Salle AMADOR DE LOS RIOS, MADRID –When I first arrived at Amador de los Rios, I couldn’t believe what well-mannered first a find second graders this school had. “They’re sweet,” I told my family in the United States, “but I still don’t know them very well”. Now, nine months, six excursions, and many unsolved pencil disappearances later, I know for a fact that the students of the first and second grade corridor are destined for big things around the school in the coming years. The fist realization of this was during our Halloween festivities in October where I was scared witless by the ghouls and goblins slinking about the hallway. I still am not sure if these were in fact real creatures from the great beyond of the six and seven year olds I’ve gotten to know so well. Another notable holiday experience was of course the Christmas Pageant where

in-hand with the great Harry Styles. Harry and I were so blown away by the likes


I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become Mariah Carrey and work hand-

of all of Amador de los Rios’ students that afternoon. Who knew that such intellect and musical charisma could be so abounding in one school! Apart from the obvious holiday highlights, the day-to-day of The Corridor is an every-advancing environment. As and English Auxiliar, I have noticed such a drastic difference in the way the students greet me. At first I had a lot of ‘Hello, Miss Nora’, and ‘How are you?’, but now, to my absolute delight, I get to talk to my young new friends from this year about their lives. I know about hobbies and friends and favourites of any imaginable category imaginable. I had no idea before how popular Judo was amongst second graders or how much the first grade students like pizza. As summer nears, I’m sure to the dismay of the students, I find myself looking forward to a few important things: 1) For Trinity testing to finally come to a close

exiting things they’re going to do 3) To think about the fun ahead of us next year when everyone is a little taller, a little tanner and obviously ready to return to The Corridor.


2) To hear, in detail, about where everyone is going this summer and what

MY EXPERIENCE AT AMADOR DE LOS RÍOS By Clare At the start of my job working as a Language and Cultural Assistant here at Amador de los Ríos, I was incredibly nervous. I didn’t really know what to expect from the teachers, administrative team or the students. However, everyone was truly understanding of my transition, and I was welcomed with open arms. The students, teachers and I have really become close. I think of Amador de los Rios as another family, and my home away from home. We all have been able to learn from each other. The students and teachers have taught me so much about the Spanish culture and lifestyle, and I’ve been able to teach them about the United States and the English language. I learned so much about myself from this teaching experience that I would not have had at a different school in Madrid. I have grown a real love for Amador de los Ríos and am so excited to be able to have the opportunity to teach here again next



MY YEAR WITH AMADOR DE LOS RIOS By Joe Patch Despite my size and age, in reality I am just a big kid. So when I came to Amador de los Rios I think I caused a bit of surprise when I ran into the playground and started playing football with first grade. Obviously my job was not to play football (although I wish it was) but it was to teach the students English and it is an experience I have enjoyed hugely since I arrived. They are all hard-working and enthusiastic and they have been an extremely positive aspect of my time abroad. I have some moments that will stick with me for a lifetime such as the celebration of San Isidro (and wearing my very own "Chulapo"), my performance as "Harry Styles" in the Christmas performance and the reaction of the school when my twin brother visited. It was a real pleasure to show my brother around the school and I know that he was very impressed by the English of all the students as they asked him questions and displayed their talents for conversation. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the teachers at this school and it is clear to me that the pupils are very lucky to have such a dedicated group of people helping them learn not only the English language, but also the skills and knowledge that they'll need later in life. I know that Amador de los Rios has been involved in the "auxiliares de conversacion" programme for a while now and that they have welcomed English United Kingdom may not be the most exotic of backgrounds, I hope that they will carry on practicing their English long into the future and that I have made as good an impression on everyone I have worked with as they have on me.


speakers from the United States, Canada and even New Zealand and although the

MY MEMORIES FROM AMADOR DE LOS RÍOS By Amy Berg After two wonderful years at Amador de Los Ríos, I can honestly say that I am really going to miss it. The teachers are caring and helpful and the students always manage to put a smile on my face! Amador de los Ríos not only teaches the students through lessons, but also through fun cultural or festive activities that the students are sure to remember for the rest of their lives. The following are my favorite memories from my time at this school. Halloween: One of my favorite things to do with the students at Amador de los Ríos was sharing my culture with them. One example of this cultural exchange was our Halloween celebration this year. All of the Language Assistants took the time during the day to teach the students about the history and traditions of that day, and then the students took part in mask making, pumpkin decorating and the "Creepy Stations." During this activity, students reached into a bag without looking and touched food that was chosen to feel like different body parts (example, grapes for eyes). The students really got silly and excited about the activity and even connected their learning to science and new vocabulary! The Christmas Performances: Last year, I worked closely with the fifth graders on their performance of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas.” In the beginning, as I was looking for the best song to sing, I was told that this would be too difficult for young children to memorize. However, I knew that they could do it and they didn´t let me down! They them practicing throughout the day (even at recess on their own!). Their dedication paid off when they gave their wonderful performance in front of friends and family.


worked very hard to learn not only the words, but their meanings and I could hear

This year, I got to hear the fifth graders practice John Lennon’s beautiful song about peace, “Imagine.” They too worked so hard with Alex’s guidance and gave a great performance! I know one of the things I remember most about my school days when I was a child were the school performances, so am sure the work the teachers are doing with the students will be remembered forever. Field Trips: During these two years I was lucky enough to go on various excursions with the fifth and sixth graders. It is so rewarding to see the students take their learning out of the classroom and apply it in the real world. Last year, I celebrated Spanish Constitution Day with the fifth graders by going to Plaza de Colón and learning about the Constitution. We got to see a fun movie on a huge domed screen and they even gave us free flags and mini versions of the Constitution! This year I have gone on many museum field trips with the fifth graders including the Archaeological, Natural Sciences and Marine museums. I think I had just as much fun as the students learning about the different art, history, and anthropology in the museums and was so fortunate to be able to accompany them. "The Crazy Story" Finally, one of my favorite memories at Amador de los Ríos was working with the sixth graders on their play, "The Crazy Story" this year. We started in December working on character development, pronunciation and decorations. They performed three different times during the year and each time they improved, adding new characters, decorations and costumes. Performing the play not only helped with their English, but with their confidence as well! This is my last year at Amador de los Ríos but I will always remember my future whenever I get the chance. The students here are very lucky to have such a great school and I am sure that after such a fun year, they know it as well!.


wonderful time here and plan to continue visiting the teachers and students in the

Editado en Junio del 2015 Gracias a… profesores/as, alumnado y assistants por su participación en

Educativa parte de lo que hacemos en la ESCUELA PÚBLICA.


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