Product Profile • Product Descrip.on: A nail polish with an improved brush shape. The brush is the perfect oval shape to fit the contour of the nail bed. The polish also has base coat in it to ensure long las.ng wear of 10-‐14 days with no chipping or peeling. This polish will give you a professional looking manicure without the hassle of going to a salon every .me you want your nails done. • Name: Polished • Benefit: Easy to do clean and professional looking nails. Having a perfected manicure or pedicure without the expense and hassle of going to a salon every week or two. • Support Ra.onale: The oval shaped polish brush provides consumers with an easy–to-‐do manicure/pedicure without having to touch up due to polish on the nail bed or cu.cle. This will allow consumers less .me and money spent in a salon. It will last just as long as if it were professionally done with the base coat formula. • Target Audience: Young women between the ages of 16-‐25 years old, early professional/non-‐professional, with limited amount of dispensable income or .me • Product Category: At home beauty products • Compe..ve Brands: Sally Hansen, OPI, Essie
FSI AD 1 ! !
• Technique: coupon • Opportunity
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• Objec.ve: generate product trial
FSI AD 2 !
get creative with your nails !
• Technique: contest
! !
• Opportunity
Polished Professional Polish at Home Enter the Polished contest with your creative nails to be featured in our next ad in Teen Vogue magazine and to receive our new Springtime Collection. "#$%&'!%(#)*!'+,-!)(#&.!#)!()'!/('!'+,!01.#-1!/#*2!Polished!)(#&!%+&#.23!*21)!*(41!(!%#5*,-1!+6! '+,-!)(#&.!/#*2!*21!Polished!5+&+-.7.8!,.103!%+.*!#*!*+!'+,-!9).*(:-($3!()0!*(:! ;<+&#.210<-+61..#+)(&<+&#.2=!!>1!/#&&!52++.1!+,-!*+%!?!6(@+-#*1!01.#:).!()0!*21)!/1!/#&&! %+.*!*2+.1!?!%#5*,-1.!+)!+,-!.#*1!()0!*21!+)1!/#*2!*21!$+.*!A&#41.B!/#&&!C1!61(*,-10!+)!+,-!)1D*! (0!#)!E11)!F+:,1!$(:(G#)1=!!E21!/#))1-!/#&&!(&.+!-151#@1!+,-!)1/!"%-#):*#$1!5+&&15*#+)!+6! 5+&+-.=! !
• Objec.ve: to get consumers to interact and become familiar with our product
FSI AD 3 !
Buy any Polished nail polish!
• Technique: specialty pack • Opportunity
receive a sample bottle of one of our new Polished Springtime Collection colors "#$%&!'()*!+,(%$!-./!01-2!34()564!+,(%$!07/!01-2!#3!,#(3%8%,#3%96!:3)(;:<!=%*%3!)9;!,;(!,;(:)9! ,;(!3(#9:#83%)9!>%34!,5(84#:;!)'!)9;!)(!*)(;!?)$%:4;&!9#%$!,)$%:4;:!)'!#9@!8)$)(<!!A%$$!B;!#B$;! 3)!84)):;!#!:#*,$;!B)33$;!8)$)(!)'!34;%(!84)%8;!'()*!34;!?)$%:4;&!C,(%963%*;!D)$$;83%)9<!
• Objec.ve: reward customers for buying the product while giving them the chance to try our new product
FSI AD 4 !
Polished Professional Polish at Home
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• Technique: internet posi.on marke.ng • Opportunity
@2$!*--!%;!)/'! Polished 4%-%2+!%&! $%#2!/*&9!3,)/!%#2! 9,(,)*-!Get the Look *)!Polished.com !
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• Objec.ve: give consumers facts about our product and en.ce them to visit our website and buy our product
Trade Promo.on • Objec.ve: obtain a retail consumer price promo.on • Trade Deal: free goods • Specifics: Pay 6 8 10
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