AP Final 7-9 Review

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More of Chapter 7….. Sliding Filament Mechanism Actins’ Role o Light Thin Myosin’s Role Remember Picture o Dark Thick Sarocomere o Repeating contractile – Smallest contractile unit of a skeletal muscle Z-Line Troponin/Tropomyocin Review Picture / Handout ACH is released from axon terminal…. ACH binds to motor endplate and produces action potential… Action pot. Travels down Sarcoplasmic reticulum (Where Calcium is Stored) Myosin Heads – Muscle Shortens – Know how ATP – Energy in the Myosin Cross Bridge Basically know everything about this!!!!!!!!!!!

Muscle Energetics Anaerobic Glycolysis (Anaerobic = no oxygen) Aerobic Glucose Metabolism (slide 35) Three types of muscle contractions o Partial (Tonus = Partially contracted state) Posture o Isotonic(Muscle produces Movement)  No change in tension (or mucle tone)  Muscle length shortens (We must increase our bust) o Isometric

Chapter 8 The CNS = Brain and Spinal Cord PNS = Cranial Nerves / Spinal Nerves / Ganglia (nerves outside CNS) Functional Divisions of PNS (HANDOUT) PNS o Afferent  Sensory  What carries the messages  Divided into Somatic (voluntary) o Delivers impulses from receptors in skin, muscle and joints Visceral o Viscera = organ o Delivers impulses from internal organs  Efferent (exit) Motor Carry impulses from CNS to effector organs or glands o Effector=Skeletal muscles Divided into o Autonomic (Involuntary)  Effects smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands Subdivided into: o Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight.Flight) o Parasympathetic Nervous System (Rest and Relax) Neurons –Functional unit of nervous system o No mitosis Cell body has nucleus in it Dendrites of a nerve = sensory /afferent receptors o Conduct impulses to the cell body Cell body motor neuron = inside CNS Cell body sensory neuron = Ganglion = outside CNS Sensory = Afferent o

Carry impulses to spinal cord brain

Action Potential o

The status of the plasma membrane in a resting neuron 

Electrically Polarized More negative ions inside the cell that outside Different concentrations of ions o

Higher concentration of sodium ions outside the cell and potassium ions inside.

Depolarization (1st stage) Sodium enters cell (Inside = more positive) Repolarization (2nd) Potassium moves out Sodium and Potassium Pump = returns the Ions to normal Slide 37 o

Point of junction = synapse  has 3 parts 

Synaptic knob

Synaptic cleft (GAP/Junction - that is functional)

Postsynaptic membrane

Neurotransmitters (released into synaptic cleft) Foramen Magnum (Shorter than vertebral Bone) Know where is on spine Spinal Cord surrounded by: o

Meninges 

Pia Mater



Inside Spinal Cord o

Dorsal Horns (Posterior) Somato sensory


Ventral Horns (Anterior) Somato motor

Acending/Descending Tracts


Dorsal columns that have ascending (Sensory) tracts only

Sensory Ganglia o

Outside the nervous system


Study spinal cord pic in book

31 pairs of spinal nerves Dorsal Ganglion o

Posterior/Sensory/Body’s sensory Neurons

Ventral Root o

From the anterior of the spinal cord


Contains only motor fibers

Plexus o

Interweaving of nerves








Innervates legs/pelvis/butt

Includes the sciatic nerve (longest nerve in body)


ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) o

Sympathetic (Figh/Flight) 


Tholacolumbar Division

Parasympathetic (Rest/Relax/Digest) 

Craniosacral Division (Digestion, Defecation,Diuresis)


Work opposite of each other


Activated by: (4 E’s)





Study (PG 161 in Book)

Chapter BRAIN

4 areas of the brain o

Cerebrum 

Lobes 4




Brain Stem and what it houses



Meninges***** o

Connective tissue covering brain and spinal cord 

3 layers Dura = Tough outer durable o

Has 2 sinuses drains venous blood from the brain

Arachnoid = area of mater where CSF flows o

Arachnoid Villi

Pia = covers everything in the brain (delicate) Functions of CSF o

Carries nutrients to cells


Transports waste products from cells

Blood Brain Barrier o

Least permeable capillary in the body


Protects the brain from bad substances that don’t belong there

Know 4 lobes Gyri o


Sulci o


Primary motor cortex = precentral gyrus/sulcus (either or) o

Front of the brain is the primary motor cortex

Postcentral Gyrus (Parietal Lobe) o

Primary Sensory cortex in the brain

What each lobe is responsible for (See Handouts) Thalamus – principal relay station for all sensory impulses (Except for smell) Cerebellum – area of brain that helps coordinate voluntary muscles / balance / equilibrium What composes brain stem 12 pairs of cranial nerves (review all) o

Know numbers/names/sensory/motor/mixed

Cranial Nerver 5 (Trigeminal) = Motor Part= Chewing o

“VestiB” hearing and balance


Vagus = wander / longest

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