2013 Annual Mentoring Conference

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North West Mentoring Scheme 6th Annual Conference

Mentoring to Create Positive Attitudes & Culture in the NHS 6th June 2013 The Mercure Norton Grange Hotel, Rochdale

Conference Agenda - Thursday 6th June 10.00

Refreshments, Registration and Networking


Scheme Update & 2013 Mentoring Awards Ceremony


Workshop 1

Workshop 3

Beyond Maslow – Values at Work

Building Resilience

Cathy Bridge

Jacquelyn Bownes

Workshop 2

Workshop 4

Strategies to Manage Transition

The Art of Guided Discovery to


Facilitate Change

Agnes Bamford

Yvonne Slater & John Storey




Workshops 1 to 4 Repeated


Evaluation and Closing Remarks


Networking and Event Close Ment or ing for innovation, int egration and leader ship

Welcome to the 2013 NHS North West Mentoring Scheme Annual Conference. I am delighted to welcome you to the Norton Grange Hotel for our 6th Annual Conference! The theme for this year is “Mentoring to Create Positive Attitudes and Culture in the NHS�. I am sure you appreciate the volume of continued change that is hitting many of our services at a local and regional level and the challenges (both positive and negative) that many staff are facing. When we put together the programme this was at the forefront of our minds and from speaking to and working with our members, it seems to reflect the mood of NHS staff. This year we are lucky to have a variety of facilitators, all of whom are specialists in their subject areas, and I would like to thank them for taking the time to work with us. Whilst you will have made your choices on the workshops you will attend today,

we will of course make all the materials and presentations available for all four workshops after today’s conference on Mentor Net. I am really pleased to see so many old friends and advocates of the Scheme here today who have been with us from the start. I would also like to extend the warmest of welcomes to our members for whom this is their first conference. I hope you get the opportunity meet new mentors and mentees who are part of our ever-growing membership. As always today brings together months of hard work from all of the team and I would like to thank them for once again putting together a fantastic event. This will be my last event in the Scheme and I really feel that our networking and learning events are second to none. I hope you will have an enriching and fulfilling day! www.nwment or ing.nhs.uk

Rob Booth Manager North West Mentoring Scheme

NHS North West Leadership Academy The past year there has been unprecedented change within the NHS landscape, with new organisations being formed and existing organisations undergoing large scale changes. With these changes come a whole range of new and complex challenges.

to strength. This year we will be focussing on working with existing Mentoring Champions and engaging with the new commissioning stakeholders in our region to ensure we are able to offer mentoring solutions to all NHS organisations in the North West.

The North West Mentoring Scheme, strategically led by the NHS NW Leadership Academy, exists as part of a regional solution to develop leadership capacity at all levels in the North West. This strategy aims to develop staff leadership abilities to lead to innovation and integration of services.

We hope you enjoy today and continue to offer invaluable support to the North West Mentoring Scheme both personally and within your organisations. Dawn Nisbet Business Manager NHS NW Leadership Academy

The Mentoring Scheme continues to go from strength

Ment or ing for innovation, int egration and leader ship

Delivered in partnership with:

NHS Leadership Academy

Conference Goals and Objectives • Deliver a comprehensive programme which offers mentors excellent learning opportunities to inspire and challenge. • Present mentors and mentees with new knowledge and skills to help create positive attitudes and cultures within their organisations and teams. • To bring renewed awareness of and commitment to mentoring. • To increase the capacity of delegates to develop, introduce, implement and advocate for effective mentoring within their organisations. • Encourage delegates to bring a mentoring approach to workplace learning and development which will lead to a higher quality service provided for all.

www.nwment or ing.nhs.uk

Cathy Bridge Cathy Bridge is an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer and has practised NLP for twenty years.

Managing Partner Bridge Associates

Cathy has delivered many NLP Diplomas for the North West Mentoring Scheme. When not running NLP courses, she works in organisations across all sectors as an Organisation Development consultant, helping them with their leadership and management development agendas.

Cathy is a practitioner of ‘Clean Language’ which she uses when facilitating and coaching, and she is also an accredited practitioner of ‘Spiral Dynamics’ – a values-based model which she uses when helping organisations’ senior teams to figure out what’s going on. Always one to challenge, Cathy does this in the most helpful way possible, and people warm to her engaging style of communication.

Cathy has an MBA in Strategic Business Management, and also keeps herself up to date with current leadership thinking.

Ment or ing for innovation, int egration and leader ship

Workshop 1: presented by Cathy Bridge

Beyond Maslow – Values at Work This workshop is focused on the work of Dr. Clare Graves, who proposed a theory of psychological development based on the work of Abraham Maslow. His theory describes how values emerge, how values cluster together in ‘memes’, and the impact that our values have on our daily lives. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: • Describe the Graves model and each level within it • Understand how values cause both clashes and harmony at work • Understand where different values are ‘coming from’ and how best to manage people with different values than their own. It will be very useful for those who are working with values at an organisational level, for example those in HR or OD teams. It will also be useful for mentors who are seeking a different way of understanding their mentees.

www.nwment or ing.nhs.uk

Agnes Bamford Agnes Bamford is a highly experienced and multi-lingual facilitator and business coach at The Results Centre.

Partner The Results Centre

Her specialities lie in coaching senior executives and facilitating groups dealing with transition and change. Her expertise also encompasses corporate training with excellent relationship building, communication and problem solving. Agnes has coached and trained people in multinational companies within the IT, Finance, Energy, Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing and Media sectors and in local government and the not-for profit sector.

She has written two books on coaching and contributed to several articles for professional journals. Agnes is originally from Norway and has lived and worked in the UK since 1995 and worked in the training field since 1999. She holds a MSc in Business from the Norwegian School of Economics, a Postgraduate Certificate in Business and Personal Coaching, a Conversion Diploma in Psychology and is a UK qualified Teacher in Business and Economics.

M e n t or i n g f or i n n ovat i on, i nt e grat i on and l e ade r s hi p

Workshop 2: presented by Agnes Bamford

Dealing with Transition Stress Session aims: Giving mentors tools and strategies to cope with change and staying positive during challenging times. Session objectives: •Learn five key reasons why transition stress occurs •Identify how we personally are likely to respond to transitions •Develop personalised strategies for managing transition stress 1. Five Rs exercise: There are five types of changes we face that we will focus on. These are changes in: routines, reactions, roles, relationships and reflections about yourself. For each, we will focus on the change, examples of how people typically respond, and strategies to help manage this change. Group-work 2. Personalize the how: Exercise on Past Transitions and their implications. Paired work 3. Tips and tools on how to manage transitions. Personal action plan


Jacquelyn Bownes

AC Accredited Coach, Consultant & Facilitator Catalyst Coaching & Development

As an award winning, Accredited Coach and Coach Supervisor, Jacquelyn has over 18 years of senior leadership development and consultancy experience. Jacquelyn’s particular passion is 1:1 coaching and coach development, where she has a wealth of experience of supporting individuals and organisations alike to improve their performance and achieve real results. To assist her, Jacquelyn is able to draw upon a range of psychological frameworks including Transactional Analysis, Emotional Intelligence and Cognitive Behavioural Approaches and is fully accredited to use a range of psychometric and 360

tools including Myers Briggs Step 1 & 2 and EQ i 2.0. Her proudest achievement in her coaching career to date, was in winning the prestigious Institute of Business Consulting ‘Executive Coach of the Year Award’ in 2009. Away from work, Jacquelyn is a school governor and enjoys badminton, theatre and juggling her life as a busy mother to two football and sports mad boys.

M e n t o r i n g f or i n n ovat i on, i nt e grat i on and l e ade r s hi p

Workshop 3: presented by Jacqueline Bownes

Building Resilience This interactive workshop introduces and explores the importance of ‘personal resilience’ and ‘mental toughness’ during times of transition. The workshop outlines the building blocks of resilience and provides an opportunity to explore and practice with a number of pragmatic tools and frameworks which mentors can use to help grow their own self resilience and that of their mentees. By the end of the workshop participants will be able to: • Explain the concept of resilience and its importance in the workplace. • Describe the core building blocks which contribute to personal resilience. • Understand a number of pragmatic tools and frameworks to help build resilience. • Reflect upon their own levels of personal resilience. • Consider how they will utilise and apply their learning back in the workplace.


Yvonne Slater & John Storey

IAPT Programme Lead Salford Cognitive Therapy Training Centre (SCTTC)

Senior CBT Trainer Salford Cognitive Therapy Training Centre (SCTTC)

Yvonne and John are senior members of the training team at the Salford Cognitive Therapy Training centre (SCTTC) John is a senior clinical tutor and supervisor at the SCTTC. He has a background in mental health nursing where he has worked with people with a range of mental health problems in various NHS settings. John teaches on the postgraduate cognitive therapy Diploma and Certificate programmes. Within his clinical role, John works as a cognitive behavioural therapist with children and young people. Yvonne has worked in the NHS

for over 25 years, and has worked clinically as a cognitive behavioural therapist since 1995. With her extensive experience of training students in CBT to postgraduate Diploma and Certificate level, Yvonne leads the adult Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Post Graduate CBT programme at the Centre. Both John and Yvonne are accredited with the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) as therapists, supervisors and trainers.

Ment or ing for innovation, int egration and leader ship

Workshop 4: presented by Yvonne Slater & John Storey

The Art of Guided Discovery to Facilitate Change “I cannot teach you anything, I can only make you think” What has Socrates got to offer the mentoring relationship? The art of guiding discovery to facilitate change This workshop will provide an overview of the principles and practice of Socratic questioning to guide discovery Specific aims: • Provide a conceptual framework for facilitating change. • Provide opportunity for observation and practice with the ‘Socratic method’. • The workshop will involve a mixture of presentation, discussion, modelling and small group practice. • Identifying difficulties using a thought-feelings behaviour framework.

www.nwment or ing.nhs.uk

Mentoring Scheme Annual Awards The North West Mentoring Scheme have established three awards to recognise the value and calibre of mentoring in the North West. The awards are peer nominated and have proven to be a real success in celebrating outstanding leadership and achievements through mentoring.

Mentor Exemplar

A model mentor who represents the embodiment of mentoring ideals; non judgmental, reflective, empathic and facilitative.

it practically to their professional life.

Services to Mentoring

A person or organisation that proactively promotes the NW Mentoring Scheme and mentoring in general. The winners will be announced at today’s awards ceremony. Good luck to all our nominees!

Model Mentee

This person has assimilated the ethos of mentoring and applied Ment or ing for innovation, int egration and leader ship

Contacts Name Email Telephone

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Name Email Telephone

Name Email Telephone

Name Email Telephone

Name Email Telephone

Name Email Telephone

Name Email Telephone

North West Mentoring Scheme Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Trust Harrop House, Bury New Road, Prestwich Manchester, M25 3BL tel: 0161 772 3608 email: nwmentoring@gmw.nhs.uk web: www.nwmentoring.nhs.uk twitter: @nwmentoring

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