TV Commercial for Crunch-A-Licious
Mom at table eating cereal
(Daughter sits down, pours cereal into bowl)
“I just texted Jenn, she’s totally got to try some of this! I’ll be right back.”
(daughter walks in on phone) “Hey Mom, what’ya eatin?”
(Daughter takes bite , crunching SFX, all smiles)
(mom roles eyes, smiles, takes another bite)
(close up on mom’s face) “Crunch-A-Licious, there’s a healthy crunch with every bite.”
“Mom this is amazing!” “I’m glad you like it, now we both have something we can en-
Crunch-A-Licious A healthy crunch with every bite.
Crunch-A-Licious A healthy crunch with every bite.
“Sit down, come eat with me.”
where are you go-