Luxury Properties Magazine 2023

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Amat. Real Estate since 1948 has been specialized in sales and rental intermediation of luxury residences with a professional and personalized service according to customer needs.

Amat. Immobiliaris desde 1948 se ha especializado en la intermediación en venta y alquiler de residencias de alto standing con un servicio muy profesional y personalizado según las necesidades del cliente.

Amat. Immobiliaris des de 1948 s’ha especialitzat en la intermediació en venda i lloguer de residències d’alt standing amb un servei molt professional i personalitzat segons les necessitats del client.


I have more than 20 years of experience in this field, and what I like the most about my job is to be able to advise and realize the illusions of my customers. Knowing different lifestyles and the motivations of costumers give you the opportunity to learn a lot.

I fell in love with the Spanish lifestyle, and developed a profound understanding of the Spanish Mediterranean coast real estate market, since I started my career in 2011. I always work with honesty and professionalism, looking for my client’s interests and needs.

I have always been linked to art and design, and many years in the field of real estate, especially in sales of high-level properties. What I like the most is to empathize with clients. You are involved in a part related to their illusions, which generates personal links.

Passionate about architecture and travelling. I’ve always been focused on sales and public relations, in my professional life, which led me to the Real Estate sector. Imagining all of my clients in their ideal home is what I like most about my job.

Balmes, 345 · 08006 Barcelona · 934 529 960 · ·
KLAR Collection designed by ESTELA GUITART

Barcelona is bordered on the South by the coast, with 10 magnificent beaches and one of the main seaports in Europe, the Port of Barcelona. The north of the city is bordered by Collserola Park, 8,000 hectares of natural space with a great vegetation diversity, perfect for hiking or cycling, and with spectacular city views. Moreover, Barcelona has a unique climate.

The juxtaposition of old and new encapsulates what Barcelona is all about. The history of the city ranges from the Roman city, the Gothic city, the Jewish


A European capital opened to the sea and to the world. It is the largest city in Catalonia, the centre of the metropolitan area with half of the Catalonia population, as well as a welcoming city.

quarter, the Barcelona of the Middle Ages, to the cultural movement of the early 20th century. The 4,000-year-old city has great cultural spaces such as the Palau de la Música, the Gran Teatre Liceu, the National Library or the National Museum of Catalonia. Barcelona is known worldwide for its architecture and design, with iconic buildings such as the Cathedral, Sagrada Família, La Pedrera, Casa Batlló, Santa Maria del Mar, Hospital de Sant Pau, CCCB, HUB and 22@. It is also known as a tourist city thanks to the Rambla, the Gothic Quarter, Montjuïc,

Passeig de Gràcia, as well as a city full of life, with constant movement in its neighbourhoods, squares, museums, cultural centres and restaurants, with a great Mediterranean gastronomy.

All these facets make Barcelona a city that prides itself on its diversity, on promoting inclusion and on its willingness to welcome. Barcelona is a warm, friendly, open and cultured city, awarded as one of the 10 best cities in the world and with a world renowned gastronomic scene, with more than 20 Michelin-starred restaurants.

My Barcelona

Barcelona is for me a wonderful city not only because of its incredible architecture or landscape, but also for its ambience.

El Born neighbourhood or Gràcia are two good examples to understand the combination of classical buildings with history and modernization.

Living in this cosmopolitan city doesn’t mean being absorbed by the chaos or the frenetic rhythm that you are supposed to be involved

in an urban city. In fact, there are so many parks where disconnecting of work stress, as the Parc del Guinardó or Ciutadella.

Living in the city means having all the amenities needed for a comfortable life, as well as being well-communicated with its surroundings and two steps from nature. Fortunately, Barcelona borders by Collserola and the Mediterranean Sea, which allows me to enjoy both of my

favourite sports: hiking and swimming. I am from Brussels, and I recommend living in this big city. When I came the first time, I felt in love and I didn’t doubt I would live here. Here I felt welcomed, facilities to start my business project, enjoy my passion for music and, most importantly, I found a tailored city for a young family eager to live in.

Barcelona · Sant Gervasi-Galvany

Elegant and stately apartment renovated in 2008 and located in a noble building on Balmes with Diagonal street. The house has wide spaces, a very functional distribution and a parking space in the adjoining street.

Elegante y señorial piso reformado en 2008 y situado en una finca regia de calle Balmes con Diagonal. La vivienda dispone de amplios espacios, una distribución muy funcional y plaza de parking en calle contigua.

Elegant i senyorial habitatge reformat el 2008 i situat en una finca règia de carrer Balmes amb Diagonal. Disposa d’amplis espais, una distribució molt funcional i plaça de pàrquing al carrer contigu.

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273 m2 6 5

Elegant and bright apartment in one of the most glamorous and charming neighbourhoods in the city, with 2 balconies overlooking the Enric Sagnier gardens.. Fully equipped kitchen and laundry room with Smeg and Siemens appliances.

Elegante y luminosa vivienda en uno de los barrios con más glamour y encanto de la ciudad, con 2 balcones con vistas a los jardines de Enric Sagnier. Cocina y lavadero completamente equipados con electrodomésticos Smeg y Siemens.

Elegant i lluminós habitatge en un dels barris amb més glamur i encant de la ciutat, amb 2 balcons amb vista als jardines d’Enric Sagnier. Cuina i safareig completament equipats amb electrodomèstics Smeg i Siemens.

9 More information Más información Més informació 30230
Gervasi-Galvany FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA
227 m2 4 3
· Sant

Barcelona · Tibidabo

House, distributed in 3 floors connected by a magnificent staircase, with stunning ceilings, large doors and full of modernist details. Pool, several gardens and terraces at different levels with spectacular sea and mountain views.

Casa, distribuida en 3 platas comunicadas por una magnífica escalera, con impresionantes techos, grandes puertas y llena de detalles modernistas. Piscina, varios jardines y terrazas a diferentes niveles con espectaculares vistas al mar y a la montaña.

Casa, distribuïda en 3 plates comunicades per una magnífica escala, amb sostres impressionants, grans portes i plena de detalls modernistes. Piscina, diversos jardins i terrasses a diferents nivells amb espectaculars vistes al mar i la muntanya.

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FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA 17241 6 8 1.150
m2 1.519 m2

Vivienda con ventanales de suelo a techo, 3 terrazas con vistas panorámicas, ubicada en el piso 12 del edificio de lujo Antares. Estilo moderno, diseño diáfano, con centro de bienestar con piscina cubierta, jardines y espectacular Sky Terrace con piscina.

Habitatge amb finestrals de terra a sostre, 3 terrasses amb vistes panoràmiques, ubicat al pis 12 de l’edifici de luxe Antares. Estil modern, disseny diàfan, amb centre de benestar amb piscina coberta, jardins i espectacular Sky Terrace amb piscina.

11 More information Más información Més informació 30242
Floor-to-ceiling windows apartment with 3 terraces with panoramic views, located on the 12th floor of the Antares luxury building. Modern style, open design, wellness facilities with indoor pool, gardens, and spectacular Sky Terrace with rooftop pool.
227 m2 3 4 Barcelona · Diagonal Mar FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA

Barcelona · Sant Gervasi-Galvany

Unique piece, restored in 2000, located in an early century building with a majestic entrance on Av. Diagonal. The apartment includes 4 m period ceilings, fireplace and a fully equipped kitchen designed by La Cornue.

Pieza única, restaurada en el año 2000, ubicada en un edificio de principios de siglo con una majestuosa entrada en Av. Diagonal. El apartamento incluye con techos de época de 4 m, chimenea y cocina completamente equipada y diseñada por La Cornue.

Peça única, restaurada l’any 2000, ubicada a un edifici de principis de segle amb una majestuosa entrada a l’av. Diagonal. L’apartament inclou sostres de 4 m, llar de foc i cuina completament equipada i dissenyada per La Cornue.

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554 m2 6

Beautiful vintage corner house built in 1920 and distributed over three floors, connected by an internal staircase. It has covered parking for two cars, garden and terrace with views. Located in an unbeatable, elegant and quiet area.

Preciosa casa esquinera de época construida en 1920 y distribuida en tres plantas, comunicadas por una escalera interior. Dispone de parking cubierto para dos coches, jardín y terraza con vistas. Situada en una zona inmejorable, elegante y tranquila.

Preciosa casa cantonera d’època construïda el 1920 i distribuïda en tres plantes, comunicades per una escala interior. Disposa de pàrquing cobert per a dos cotxes, jardí i terrassa amb vistes. Situada en una zona immillorable, elegant i tranquil·la.

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Barcelona · La Bonanova FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA 6 4 310 m2 390

Barcelona · Turó Parc

Spectacular apartment with excellent quality finishes located next to the glamorous area of Turó Parc, in a royal estate restored in 2014. The property has solar panels, two parking spaces and a storage room.

Espectacular piso con acabados de excelente calidad situado junto a la glamurosa zona de Turó Parc, en una finca regia rehabilitada en 2014. La propiedad dispone de placas solares, dos plazas de garaje y trastero.

Espectacular apartament amb acabats de gran qualitat situat al costat de la glamurosa zona de Turó Parc, en una finca règia rehabilitada el 2014. La propietat disposa de plaques solars, dues places de garatge i traster.

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221 m2 2 4

Architectural jewel, with delicate finishes and Modernist elements on walls, floors, Windows, and ceilings. Apartment located in a listed, elegant and exclusive building, on Rambla Catalunya, the most privileged area of Barcelona.

Joya arquitectónica, con delicados acabados y elementos

Modernistas en paredes, suelos, ventanas y techos. Piso situado en un edificio catalogado, elegante y exclusivo en Rambla Catalunya, la zona más privilegiada de Barcelona.

Joia arquitectònica, amb delicats acabats i elements

Modernistes a parets, terres, finestres i sostres. Pis situat en un edifici catalogat, elegant i exclusiu a Rambla Catalunya, la zona més privilegiada de Barcelona.

15 More information Más información Més informació 28253
139 m2 2 2 Barcelona · Rbla. Catalunya FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA

Barcelona · Pedralbes

Exclusive property with panoramic and unobstructed sea and city skyline views, in the most prestigious street in Barcelona. High-quality finishes, garden with swimming pool, jacuzzi, waterfall and a 140 sq. m covered parking area.

Propiedad exclusiva con vistas panorámicas y despejadas al mar y a toda la ciudad, en la calle más prestigiosa de Barcelona. Acabados de alto standing, jardín con piscina, jacuzzi, cascada y aparcamiento cubierto de 140 m².

Exclusiva propietat amb vistes panoràmiques i al mar i a tota la ciutat, al carrer més prestigiós de Barcelona. Acabats d’alt standing, jardí amb piscina, jacuzzi, cascada i aparcament cobert de 140 m².

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9 8 951 m2 1.194 m2

Duplex penthouse with a private terrace, sustainable and efficient thanks to its latest generation aerothermal system. Located next to Rambla Catalunya, in a restored building that preserves the style of a traditional Eixample neighbourhood house.

Ático dúplex con terraza privada, sostenible y eficiente gracias a su tecnología aerotérmica de última generación. Situado junto a Rambla Catalunya, en un edificio restaurado que conserva el estilo de una casa tradicional del Eixample.

Àtic dúplex amb terrassa privada, sostenible i eficient gràcies al sistema d’aerotèrmia d’última generació. Situat a tocar de Rambla Catalunya, en un edifici rehabilitat que conserva l’estil de casa tradicional de l’Eixample.

17 More information Más información Més informació 29605
170 m2 3 4 Barcelona · L’Eixample dreta FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA

Sant Just Desvern and surroundings

A town centre of only 17,000 inhabitants, located in the Barcelona metropolitan area, just 10 minutes from the capital and which it communicates wonderfully by tram, bus, and highways. In addition, the airport can be reached in 15 minutes, the beaches of Castelldefels in 20 minutes, and it is very close to the A-2 highway.

Sant Just is a town close to Barcelona whose differential facts are peacefulness, coexistence, and security. It is a town with over 1,000 years of history that preserves its essence, despite being so close to the big capital and progressively growing up. A town where there are still houses and modernist stately residences, a

legacy of its agricultural past and being a second residence area for the Barcelona bourgeoisie of the 20th century. Sant Just is also a town predominantly green, flanked to the north by Collserola park, a beautiful natural to relax and practice outside activities, such as hiking or cycling, with exceptional beautiful spots extraordinary sunsets.

My Sant Just

“Sant Just means to me peace and comfort. Here I feel the atmosphere of a town but with the services of a city. Actually, it is defined as a town and city by the council. I enjoy cycling in my spare time and Sant Just is perfect to do so because of the closeness to the Collserola mountain range.

My children are growing in the perfect place. They attend one of the best

international schools, only five minutes walking from home and, once they are older, they can study in Barcelona thanks to the great connection by tram and buses.

After school, they go to Blau Carrau, a workshop that has offered art classes of an extraordinary level for more than 30 years; on Saturday they attend a kids club where children are gathered with

All that beauty was captured in a poem by Jacint Verdaguer.

Moreover, Sant Just enjoys both sports, cultural and social facilities and many international schools. Its immediate surroundings have quality and proximity services, as well as good communication with Barcelona and its residential areas surrounded by a natural environment..

their schoolmates and neighbours, and learn to live and enjoy their leisure time.

I feel happy living here. I think I have found the best place to stay, by a natural environment, well-connected and secure for my children.”

Sant Just Desvern · Centre

Elegant ground floor in a unique, fully renovated historic mansion built in 1914. The original architectural elements blend perfectly with the contemporary interior design. Located in the city center, with private garden and common swimming pool.

Elegante planta baja en una mansión histórica única, completamente renovada, construida en 1914. Los elementos arquitectónicos originales se combinan perfectamente con el diseño interior contemporáneo. Situado en el centro de la ciudad, con jardín privado y piscina comunitaria.

Elegant planta baixa en una mansió històrica única, completament renovada, construïda el 1914. Els elements arquitectònics originals es combinen perfectament amb el disseny interior contemporani. Situat al centre de la ciutat, amb jardí privat i piscina comunitària.

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191 m2 4 3

Elegant new construction apartment, with contemporary interior design. It is located in a fully renovated historic mansion, where the original architectural elements have been maintained. Semi-open kitchen with access to a beautiful 19 sq. m terrace.

Elegante piso de obra nueva, con interiorismo contemporáneo. Se encuentra en una mansión histórica completamente renovada, donde se han mantenido los elementos arquitectónicos originales. Cocina semiabierta con acceso a una preciosa terraza de 19 m².

Elegant habitatge d’obra nova, amb interiorisme contemporani. Es troba a una mansió històrica completament renovada, on s’han mantingut els elements arquitectònics originals. Cuina semioberta amb accés a una preciosa terrassa de 19 m².

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Sant Just Desvern · Centre FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA
203 m2 4 3

Sant Just Desvern · Centre

Brand-new duplex penthouse, located in a restored historic mansion that maintains the original architectural elements. The penthouse has an impressive 137 sq. m private terrace and a beautiful common garden area with swimming pool.

Ático-dúplex de obra nueva, ubicado en una histórica mansión rehabilitada que mantiene los elementos arquitectónicos originales. El ático cuenta con una impresionante terraza privada de 137 m² y una preciosa zona comunitaria ajardinada con piscina.

Àtic-dúplex d’obra nova, ubicat en una històrica mansió rehabilitada que manté els elements arquitectònics originals. L’àtic compta amb una impressionant terrassa privada de 137 m² i una preciosa zona comunitària enjardinada amb piscina.

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196 m2 4 3

Spectacular property which stands out for its charm, elegance, impressive terrace views and the beautiful garden that overlooks the Collserola Natural Park. Close to the best international schools and only 10 min. from Barcelona city.

Espectacular casa que destaca por su encanto, elegancia, impresionantes vistas desde la terraza y el precioso jardín que da al Parque Natural de Collserola. Cerca de los mejores colegios internacionales y a tan solo 10 min. de la ciudad de Barcelona.

Espectacular propietat que destaca pel seu encant, elegància, vistes impressionants des de la terrassa i el preciós jardí que dona al Parc Natural de Collserola. A prop dels millors col·legis internacionals i a tan sols 10 min. de la ciutat de Barcelona.

Sant Just Desvern · Can Candeler

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Sant Just Desvern · Can Candeler

Magnificent property where all rooms face the natural light that comes through its large windows, which accompany the large living room that has access to the terrace, pool, and garden. Spectacular open kitchen and parking for about six vehicles

Magnífica propiedad con mucha luz natural, gracias a los grandes ventanales que acompañan el amplio salón comedor y que cuenta con acceso a la terraza, piscina y jardín. Espectacular cocina abierta y parking para unos seis vehículos.

Magnífica propietat amb molta llum natural, gràcies als grans finestrals que acompanyen l’ampli saló menjador i que compta amb accés a la terrassa, piscina i jardí. Espectacular cuina oberta i pàrquing per a uns sis vehicles.

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6 5 590 m2 675 m2

Impressive hose with large hall with double-height ceilings, 3 terraces distributed over the different floors and a garden with a pool and barbecue. A few minutes from the center, well-connected and close to international schools.

Impresionante casa con un gran recibidor con techos a doble altura, 3 terrazas distribuidas en las diferentes plantas y jardín con piscina y barbacoa. A pocos minutos del centro, bien comunicada y cerca de las escuelas internacionales.

Impressionant casa amb gran rebedor amb sostres a doble alçada, 3 terrasses distribuïdes a les diferents plantes i jardí amb piscina i barbacoa. A pocs minuts del centre, ben comunicada i a prop de les escoles internacionals.

25 More information Más información Més informació 29363
Sant Just Desvern · Centre
8 7 560 m2 811 m2

Sant Just Desvern · Ciutat Diagonal

Elegant house with panoramic views of Barcelona City and the entire Baix Llobregat. Located at the feet of Collserola, with a four floor distribution, chill out area and parking space at street level for 4 vehicles.

Elegante casa con vistas panorámicas a la ciudad de Barcelona y a todo el Baix Llobregat. Situada a los pies de Collserola, distribuida en cuatro plantas, con zona chill out y parking a pie de calle para 4 vehículos.

Elegant casa amb vistes panoràmiques a la ciutat de Barcelona i a tot el Baix Llobregat. Situada als peus de Collserola, distribuïda en quatre plantes, amb zona chill-out i pàrquing a peu de carrer per a 4 vehicles.

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7 6 639 m2 663 m2

Renovated farmhouse, distributed on three floors, located on the southwestern edge of the Collserola Natural Park. The rehabilitation has been carried out maintaining the scenic construction, making it a unique construction located in a privileged place.

Masía rehabilitada, estructurada en tres plantas, situada en el límite suroeste del Parque Natural de Collserola. La rehabilitación se ha efectuado manteniendo la escénica de la construcción, convirtiéndola en una construcción única ubicada en un lugar privilegiado.

Masia rehabilitada, estructurada en tres plantes, situada al límit sud-oest del Parc Natural de Collserola. La rehabilitació s’ha efectuat mantenint l’escènica de la construcció, convertint-la en una construcció única situada en un lloc privilegiat.

27 More information Más información Més informació 30100
Sant Just Desvern · Bellsoleig FOR SALE OR RENT · EN VENTA O ALQUILER · EN VENDA O LLOGUER 8.816 m2 780 m2 5 6

El Club Junior —per a tots, “el Junior”— és un dels cors de la ciutat. Cor perquè la seva raó de ser és el benestar, la salut, però també perquè el vincle que els seus socis han creat amb ell i entre ells és, per sobre de tot, emocional. Del Junior no són els atletes (que també). Són les famílies, els companys de treball, els antics amics del col·legi, els néts i les amistats que queden per fer.

El Club Junior - para todos, “el Junior” - es uno de los corazones de la ciudad. Corazón porque su razón de ser es el bienestar, la salud pero también por el vínculo que sus socios han creado con él y entre ellos. Del Junior no son los atletas (que también). Son las familias, los compañeros de trabajo, los antiguos amigos del colegio, los nietos y las amistades que quedan por hacer.

Junior Club – also known as just, “Junior” - is one of the hearts of the city. “Heart” because of its fundamental purpose regarding human wellbeing and health, but most importantly, because of the bond that its members have created with the club and with each other. Junior’s members not only include athletes, but also families, co-workers, school friends and all those other lifelong friendships that are yet to be made.


Sant Cugat is a modern city that has managed to find the balance between the residential city and the entrepreneurial city, where Banc de Sabadell or Hewlett-Packard have their headquarters. A city that preserves its historical “village” characteristics with pedestrian streets, shops and history, where the monastery stands out, which is a Romanesque jewel of the 9th century that had been a renowned Benedictine abbey. As well as a green

Sant Cugat

An important city of over 90,000 inhabitants, located in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and just over 15 minutes from the capital, with which it communicates both by train-metro and the Vallvidrera tunnels or the winding road La Rabassada. It is also next to the B-30 that communicates with all Catalonia.

city, since a large part of the town is within Collserola Natural Park, the lungs of Barcelona, a natural area where you can go walking, hiking or biking, with spots of exceptional beauty.

If we talk about the residential Sant Cugat, we have to talk about its many perks; great cultural activity, where the auditorium that offers all kinds of concerts, theatre, dance and more, stands out; their schools and

universities, many of them international and all very well known; its sporting aspect, since it hosts a golf course with more than 100 years of history, the CAR (High Performance Sports Centre) and numerous clubs.

In Sant Cugat live many young couples with children who enjoy all the benefits of a town and of a big city.

My Sant Cugat

“If you have a family, or you are thinking about it, Sant Cugat is the best place to do so. I decide to settle down here when I was expecting my first child, and I think that is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I find all the services you would in Barcelona only a stone thrown away, I buy in the same stores as in Barcelona,

I can take the kids for a walk in the great parks where we are usually the same families and where we can share our experiences. Furthermore, I’m very close to the school and even my children can go on their own to their after-school activities such as music and sports, since Sant Cugat is a very peaceful and safe city.

A few years ago my parents decided to move from Barcelona to Sant Cugat, and they have not missed their neighbourhood because they have settled down easily and were able to continue to attend the theatre and the cinema, which is what they like.”

Sant Cugat del Vallès · Valldoreix

Magnificent and private property with a wonderful garden of 2500 sq. m. Master bedroom with dressing room and office, parking for 4 cars, and fireplace. Distributed in 3 floors with lift.

Magnífica y privada propiedad con un maravilloso jardín de 2500 m². Habitación principal con vestidor y oficina, parking para 4 vehículos y chimenea. Distribuida en 3 plantas con ascensor.

Magnífica propietat privada amb un meravellós jardí de 2500 m². Dormitori principal amb vestidor i despatx, aparcament per a 4 cotxes i llar de foc. Distribuïda en 3 plantes amb ascensor.

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5 4 1192 m2 2.500 m2


Propietat exclusiva de Joan Lao a prop


31 More information Más información Més informació 22855
Exclusive design property by Joan Lao near Barcelona. Out-facing house with quality finishes and wonderful views distributed in 4 floors. Garden, pool and parking space for 5 cars. exclusiva de Joan Lao cerca de Barcelona. Casa exterior, con acabados de calidad y maravillosas vistas, distribuida en 4 plantas. Jardín, piscina y parking para 5 coches. de Casa exterior, amb acabats de qualitat i meravelloses vistes, distribuïda en 4 plantes. Jardí, piscina i pàrquing per a 5 cotxes.
Sant Cugat del Vallès · Golf
5 6 850 m2 700 m2

Sant Cugat del Vallès · Monmany

Spectacular detached house in a good residential area, Monmany area. Wine celler, garden with pool, a three-car garage, and amazing views to the Collserola’s Natural Park. Modern design and quality finishes.

Espectacular chalet unifamiliar en buena zona residencial, zona Monmany. Bodega, jardín con piscina, garaje para tres coches y espectaculares vistas alParque Natural de Collserola. Diseño moderno y acabados de calidad.

Espectacular xalet unifamiliar a bona zona residencial, zona Monmany. Celler, jardí amb piscina, garatge per a tres cotxes i espectaculars vistes al Parc Natural de Collserola. Disseny modern i acabats de qualitat.

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5 4 658 m2 5.675 m2

Detached house, in front of the golf course, distributed over two floors. Master bedroom includes dressing room and terrace, indoor and outdoor parking for 2 and 3 cars respectively. Kitchen, living room and dining room with direct access to the garden.

Casa unifamiliar, frente al campo de golf, distribuida en dos plantas. La habitación principal incluye vestidor y terraza, parking interior y exterior, para 2 y 3 coches respectivamente. Cocina, salón y comedor con acceso directo al jardín.

Casa unifamiliar, davant del camp de golf, distribuïda en dues plantes. L’habitació principal inclou vestidor i terrassa, pàrquing interior i exterior, per a 2 i 3 cotxes respectivament. Cuina, saló i menjador amb accés directe al jardí.

Sant Cugat del Vallès · Golf

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FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA 5 4 410 m2 902 m2

Sant Cugat del Vallès · Masia Rosàs

Situada en una de las mejores zonas de Valldoreix. Vivienda a tres vientos con gran jardín y magníficas vistas. Distribuida en tres plantas, con un gran salón-comedor con acceso al porche y al jardín, así

Situada a una de les millors zones de Valldoreix. Habitatge a tres vents amb gran jardí i magnífiques vistes. Distribuïda en tres plantes, amb un gran saló-menjador amb accés al porxo i al jardí, així com cuina oberta equipada.

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Located in one of the best areas of Valldoreix. Three-sided house with a large garden and magnificent views. Distributed over three floors, with a large living-dining room with access to the porch and the garden, as well as an open equipped kitchen. como cocina abierta equipada.
459 m2 961 m2

Three-floor house with a functional distribution, located on a very private property with an impressive garden. Large dining room, living room and library with fireplace and direct access to the garden. Parking with capacity for 3 cars.

Casa muy funcional de tres plantas ubicada en finca con mucha privacidad e impresionante jardín. Amplio comedor, sala de estar y biblioteca con chimenea y acceso directo al jardín. Parking con capacidad para 3 coches.

Casa molt funcional de tres plantes ubicada a finca amb molta privacitat i impressionant jardí. Ampli menjador, sala d’estar i biblioteca amb llar de foc amb accés directe al jardí. Pàrquing amb capacitat per a 3 cotxes.

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Sant Cugat del Vallès · Bellaterra

Sant Cugat del Vallès · Monmany

Ideal property for nature lovers with spectacular views of the forest and a large garden with a saline swimming pool. Functional distribution, equipped kitchen with exterior access, and dining room with access to the porch and views of the garden.

Propiedad ideal para amantes de la naturaleza con vistas espectaculares al bosque y un gran jardín con piscina de agua salada. Distribución funcional, cocina equipada con acceso exterior, y salón comedor con acceso al porche y vistas al jardín.

Propietat ideal per a amants de la natura amb espectaculars vistes al bosc i un gran jardí amb piscina d’aigua salada. Distribució funcional, cuina equipada amb accés exterior, i saló menjador amb accés al porxo i vistes al jardí.

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5 3 305 m2 1.963 m2

Casa de diseño con fantásticas vistas, situada en zona tranquila, cerca de la estación de Valldoreix. Distribuida en tres plantas. Piscina interior climatizada con zona de sauna y acceso directo al jardín. Excelentes acabados y suelos de parquet.

Casa de disseny amb fantàstiques vistes, situada en zona tranquil·la, a prop de l’estació de Valldoreix. Distribuïda en tres plantes. Piscina interior climatitzada amb zona de sauna i accés directe al jardí. Excel·lents acabats i terres de parquet.

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Design house with fantastic views, located in a quiet area, close to the Valldoreix station. Distributed in three floors. Heated indoor swimming pool with sauna area and direct access to the garden. Excellent finishes and parquet floors.
Sant Cugat del Vallès ·
397 m2 618 m2

Catalonia has a very varied geography, to the north it borders with France with the Pyrenees, a range of valleys and peaks of great beauty. Outstanding areas include the Vall d’Aran, our Switzerland, Pallars or Cerdanya. In the Pyrenees, there are more than 10 peaks standing at over 3,000-m high. To the east is the Mediterranean Sea with 580 km of coast, a coastline that also has great geographical variety, highlights being the rough Costa Brava with its beaches, the pleasant Costa del Maresme, the large beaches from the south of Barcelona to the Costa Daurada, finishing with the Ebro Delta Natural Park.

Catalonia has its own language, Catalan, except for the Vall d’Aran where Aranese is spoken. However, the population is multilingual: Spanish, English, French,


It is an extraordinary nation. It is small; 32,000 km2 with a population of 7,000,000 inhabitants.

German, etc. Catalan society is an advanced, diverse and integrative society, probably because it has been a welcoming land throughout its history.

Catalonia is a nation with a long history; Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Muslims, etc, all occupied it and left their mark, still visible today in our extraordinary cities, Girona, Tarragona, Lleida, and of course, the capital, Barcelona, each of them with a distinguished personality.

Catalonia is an innovative country, with a strong design focus, which attracts young people as they find a way of life that is very in touch with current times and needs.

A nation with a great cultural heritage: writers, musicians and artists. Its history has been closely linked to the most avant-garde cultural movements.

In sporting terms, it is on par with the most advanced countries. We compete in all kinds of sports, we have one of the best football teams in the world, F.C. Barcelona, and we organized the 1992 Olympic Games which amazed everyone; Barcelona ‘92 marked a before and after for the Olympic Games.

Regarding the economy, Catalonia is a prosperous nation, agriculturally its vineyards are famous, and their fruit is exported everywhere. It also has a great industrial tradition, previously a pioneer in the textile and pharmaceutical sectors, these days its industry is greatly diversified and it has become a major exporter.

Finally, Catalonia has become a reference for tourism; it is one of the most visited places, and most importantly, visitors keep coming back!

Lloret de Mar · Costa Brava

Impressive house located on the Costa Brava with extraordinary views of the Mediterranean Sea. Enjoy the quiet sunset and the sound of the waves, thanks to its unique position. Four suites, wine cellar, barbecue and swimming pool.

Impresionante casa ubicada en la Costa Brava con extraordinarias vistas al mar Mediterráneo. Disfruta de la tranquila puesta de sol y de sonido de las olas, gracias a su posición única. Cuatro suites, bodega, barbacoa y piscina.

Impressionant casa ubicada a la Costa Brava amb extraordinàries vistes al mar Mediterrani. Gaudeix de la tranquil·la posta de sol i del so de les onades, gràcies a la seva posició única. Quatre suites, celler, barbacoa i piscina.

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4 3 412 m2 1.215 m2

La Masia Les Planes se encuentra a la entrada del pueblo de Cantonigròs y es la edificación principal de un conjunto de edificaciones rústicas. Bodega, despensa, garaje, y zona de bienestar, con piscina cubierta, gimnasio y sauna.

La Masia Les Planes es troba a l’entrada del poble de Cantonigròs i és l’edificació principal d’un conjunt d’edificacions rústiques. Celler, rebost, garatge, i zona de benestar, amb piscina coberta, gimnàs i sauna.

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The Masia Les Planes is located at the entrance to the town of Cantonigròs and is the main building of a group of rustic buildings. Cellar, pantry, garage, and wellness area, with indoor pool, gym, and sauna.
Cantonigròs · Osona FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA 18 21 4.700 m2 96.924 m2

Sitges · Costa del Garraf

Ideal for housing, hotel, restaurant or equestrian activities. Eclectic style building, considered Local Cultural Heritage, with views of the Garraf mountains and the sea from Sitges to Vilanova i la Geltrú. Ceilings up to 6 meters high.

Ideal para vivienda, hotel, restaurante o actividades ecuestres. Edificio de estilo ecléctico, considerado Patrimonio Cultural Local y con vistas a la sierra del Garraf y al mar desde Sitges hasta Vilanova i la Geltrú. Techos de hasta 6 metros de altura.

Ideal per a habitatge, hotel, restaurant o activitats eqüestres. Edifici d’estil eclèctic, considerat Patrimoni Cultural Local i amb vista a la serra del Garraf i al mar des de Sitges fins a Vilanova i la Geltrú. Sostres de fins a 6 metres d’alçada.

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In the centre of the town of Pals, Baix Empordà, only 3 km from the beach, which has kept it preserved from urban development speculation, and a few km from the towns of Begur and Palafrugell, which offer the best beaches on the Costa Brava.

En el centro del pueblo de Pals, Baix Empordà, a tan sólo 3 km de la playa, lo que le ha mantenido preservado de las especulaciones urbanísticas y a pocos km de las localidades de Begur y Palafrugell, que ofrecen las mejores playas de la Costa Brava.

Al centre del poble de Pals, Baix Empordà, a tan sols 3 km de la platja, motiu pel qual s’ha mantingut preservat de les especulacions urbanístiques i a pocs km de les localitats de Begur i Palafrugell, que ofereixen les millors platges de la Costa Brava.

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Pals · Costa Brava FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA 6
9 763 m2

Capellades · L’Anoia

Beautiful classic style house built in 1925 that preserves large part of the armorial elements that give it character and style. Distributed in 3 floors, on a plot with a romantic garden with fountains, ponds, and a swimming pool.

Preciosa casa de estilo clásico construida en 1925 que conserva gran parte de los elementos armamentísticos que le dan carácter y estilo. Distribuida en 3 plantas, en parcela con jardín romántico con fuentes, estanques y piscina.

Preciosa casa d’estil clàssic construïda el 1925 que conserva gran part dels elements armamentístics que li donen caràcter i estil. Distribuïda en 3 plantes, en parcel·la amb jardí romànitc amb fonts, estanys i piscina.

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m2 6.600 m2

Propiedad de lujo situada en el resort de Torre Mirona Golf & Spa, ubicada en un entorno privilegiado con impresionantes paisajes. Todas las habitaciones de la planta principal tienen acceso y vistas al jardín y piscina. Jacuzzi y porche cubierto.

Propietat de luxe situada al ressort de Torre Mirona Golf & Spa, ubicada en un entorn privilegiat amb impressionants paisatges. Totes les habitacions de la planta principal tenen accés i vista al jardí i la piscina. Jacuzzi i porxo cobert.

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Luxury property located in the Torre Mirona Golf & Spa resort, located in a privileged environment with impressive landscapes. All rooms on the main floor have access and views of the garden and pool. Jacuzzi and covered porch.
Navata · Alt Empordà FOR SALE · EN VENTA · EN VENDA 4 5 314 m2 1.800 m2

Begur · Baix Empordà

Albacsari Villas is an exclusive urbanization on the Costa Brava, which combines the comfort of an exclusive modern villa with all the advantages of an urbanization. A unique natural landscape surrounds the complex, overlooking a quiet cove.

Albacsari Villas es una urbanización exclusiva en la Costa Brava, que combina la comodidad de una villa moderna exclusiva con todas las ventajas de una urbanización. Un paisaje natural único rodea el complejo, con vistas a una tranquila cala.

Albacsari Villas és una urbanització exclusiva a la Costa Brava, que combina la comoditat d’una vila moderna exclusiva amb tots els avantatges d’una urbanització. Un paisatge natural únic envolta el complex, amb vista a una cala tranquil·la.

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4 4 329 m2 647 m2

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