How to Analyze and Critique Artwork

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How to Analyze and Critique Artwork It doesn't take a fancy art degree or a certain genetic makeup to appreciate, evaluate, and discuss artwork. Whether you're enjoying Donatello's Bronze David during an art tour in your home city or Botticelli's Birth of Venus during an art themed cruise, the steps of analysis and critique remain the same. You simply assemble the facts about the work, interpret it, and evaluate it. Here is your guide to analyzing and critiquing artwork like a seasoned pro. Gather the Facts about the Work Who created the work, when, why, and how are all important facts in understanding a work of art. For example, the purpose and goals behind Monet's Water Lilies is vastly different than the Greek statue of The Discus Thrower. One evokes peace, serenity, and even sadness, while the other was created to honor the strength and skill required for competitive sporting events. During this process, you'll examine the artist and the time period in which they lived, as well as the innate qualities of the work, such as the subject matter, the medium used to depict the subject, and the overall tone of the piece. Evaluate the Techniques of the Work Now it's time to delve deeper into the techniques used to create the work. Why did the artist choose to depict this particular subject? What was the artist saying about the subject? Why would he or she have used clay or oils or photography to make the point? Evaluate the colors (is it dark and sinister or light and breezy?). Examine the shapes and forms used to make up the work (sharp angles or flowing lines?). How do these elements tell the story intended by the artist? Discuss Interpretation of the Work This process is more subjective than the first two. This is where the nuts and bolts (who and how and what) morph into feelings, impressions, and conclusions -- all quite subjective. It's important to note that the enjoyment of art is quite a subjective thing. There are no "right" and "wrong" answers. Each viewer of the piece should draw their own conclusions. During the interpretative process, discuss what the work says to you. Does it make you long for simpler times? Yearn for young love? Cry for the woes of war? Identify symbols within the piece that the artist might have used to evoke these emotions. Analyze and Evaluate the Work Evaluation is the process of assigning value to the piece. Using what you've determined up to this point, how do you feel that the work stands in terms of importance to history? How is it relevant to other pieces, both of its own time and within the vast history of art? Are there areas in which the work falls short of providing true value to the viewer? Be prepared to defend your position, because not everyone will agree with your

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