March 2015 Amazing Women Magazine

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Amazing women

a publication of Raven International Media








to Say Yes to


Offers Lisa Sasevich

Queen of Sales Conversion

WARNING: Sometimes


American Idol


get a


Raven Blair Glover

Kim Acedo






Foods Tracey Doctor


Rev. Basia Christ, PhD

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Letter from the Publisher Stepping Up and Taking Command Of Your Life...Despite The Odds! WOW! It's Spring already; the year is going fast. If we are not careful, we will find ourselves staying in one spot and not moving forward with our dreams and visions. Good news....there is still time to shake off whatever is holding you back and put things in place which will move you forward faster rather than slower so you can seize every moment and get more life out of living and living out of life. You are the architect and builder of your destiny; you can design it the way you wish but, you have to be ready to step up and command the life you want and OWN it! Do what it takes. One of my favorite quotes is from football legend Jerry Rice: "I Will Do Today What Others Wont So I Can Live My Life Tomorrow Like Others Cant." Is it time for you show up big time in your business or life? If so, we at Amazing Women Magazine applaud you for not letting the speed of how this year is passing stop or take you out the game of life. We applaud you for realizing it time to command what you want and be willing to take the necessary steps to make it happen.

Raven Blair GLOVER Publisher Powered by Raven International Media Producer and Founder of Amazing Women of Power, positive programming radio network Subscribe NOW by clicking on the link below to receive your next issue FREE: magazine Check out my new Facebook Page:

In this month's issue, you'll find more positive, encouraging, uplifting and information-packed articles which will inspire you to make your best move. Be committed to breaking through barriers to make it happen; command it by speaking it into existence. Command is the thing derived from reality and might. Reality without might achieves nothing. Might without reality renders wasted action. The idea of taking command teaches you to purposefully blend knowledge and actions to develop levelheaded results. When you live without command, your default demeanor is to waste time. You might gain knowledge, but you won't apply it well. You have the potential to live a mighty, self-directed life of your choosing, but until you take command, this potential stays an illusion. By taking command, you not accept responsibility for your life story, take charge of it, and have the clarity to distinguish the life you wish to live - and have the might to produce it. It's not too late. Go for it! Rock-Your-Interview-Talk/520206921454059

March 2015 Amazing Women


Amazing women



Warning: Sometimes You Don't Get a Warning.............38

Getting People to Say "Yes" to Irresistible Offers........... 6

by Kim Acedo

by Lisa Sasevich

Walk Your Way to Health...............................................39

What My Zumba Instructor Can Teach You About

by Consuelo Meux, Ph.D.

Your Biz............................................................................10

Are Your Dreams and Goals Slipping Away Due to ADHD?............................................................................... 42

Lisa Sasevich,

Queen of Sales Conversion LIFESTYLE 5 Easy Methods to Enhance Your Lifestyle......................36

MARCH 2015 by Marcia Sutton

by Michele PW

Good-hearted Business Owner and Leadership......13 by Christina Suter Have You Thanked a Customer Today?...........................14

by Lynn Hyde Does Intention Really Translate into Money?...................16

by Jennifer Diepstraten Selling Yourself to Prospects............................................18

by Sheryl Wolowyk Undermining Your Millions................................................22

by Dr. Venus Opal Resse From Sports Marketing Genius to Military Spouse Entrepreneur.....................................................................24

by Kristin Robinson EMPOWERMENT 5 Ways to Stress Less............................................................ 26

by Kim Fuller 5 Steps to Positive Change..............................................28

by Lori Snyder Living with Resilience........................................................30

by Lorena Douglas Getting to Know Yourself.................................................32

by L. J. Jackson Become Aware..................................................................33

by Mary Ellen Ciganovich Friendship: Ageless and Spiritual....................................34

by Mary Smith-Moore

by Bonnie Terry Delicious Power-packed Foods........................................43

by Tracey Doctor Healing Through Loss and Grief......................................44

by Dana Micucci 6 Tips for Staying on the Clean-eating Wagon.............46

by Heidi Symonds Living with Joy........................................................................ 48

by Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D. ENTERTAINMENT American Idol Ashton Jones..............................................52

by Raven Blair Glover The Magic of a Song........................................................60

by Janie Lidey AMAZING MEN Going from "No" to "Yes" in Your Life and Career........64

by Fred Simkovsky Succeeding in Life and Business.......................................67

by Ced Reynolds The Power of Suggestion..................................................69

by Barclay Fisher MAGAZINE STAFF

Published by Raven Blair Glover, Raven International Media Editor-in-Chief, Creative Director Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D. March 2015 Amazing Women





Queen of 6

Amazing Women March 2015

Sales Conversion


etting People to Say "Yes" to Irresistible Offers By Raven Blair Glover tired of being the best kept secret in your field, today is your chance to transform. If you love what you do, but hate the sales part, you are in for a treat. Because here is the undisputed expert on how to make big money doing what you love, the founder of the Invisible Close, Lisa Sasevich, the Queen of Sales Conversion. How are you doing, Lisa? Lisa: Raven, you made me want to meet myself. That was the best introduction I've ever had. Thank you.


isa is known as the Queen of Sales Conversion, who was recently featured in Success magazine and honored as one of America's top women mentoring leaders by WOW magazine. She teaches experts who are making a difference how to get their message out and enjoy massive results without being "salesy." Don't you hate those "salesy" people? After 25 years of winning top sales awards and training senior executive at Pfizer and Hewlett-Packard, she left corporate America and put her skills to the test as an entrepreneur. In three short years, she created a multi-million dollar homebased business. Get this ladies, with two toddlers in tow. So don't say you cannot do it because I know you can and she knows you can. I am proud to introduce her. If you are

Raven: Girl, I was thrilled when I heard we booked this interview because I've been on your teleseminars and people have emailed me many times saying you have to check her out because they know, and I think I told you when we spoke, I come from a telemarketing sales background. They said as good as you are, if you hookup with Lisa, you are going to be really good and go from good to great. Lisa: Awesome. Well, I know you and I have been trying to do this for a long time. I love what you are doing and have been dying to be on your show. Raven: I love that you agreed to do it while you're on the road. I don't have to worry you can concentrate while your're driving and do this right? Lisa: I'm fine. I'm hands-free. I have a fancy car that let's me drive and talk at the same time. Raven: All right, here is a disclaimer, don't try this at home. Lisa: Don't try this at home. Raven: You're the founder of The Invisible Close. Please explain what this is. Lisa: The Invisible Close is a system, a mindset and all of the above, to help those of you who are out there who love what you do, but you hate the sales part. So you March 2015 Amazing Women


BUSINESS We call that 'up sells' and 'cross sells.' That is part of the equation. But, let me tell you one thing most people overlook. If you can grasp this one thing, it could be the difference between breaking that six or seven figure ceiling you have been staring at or standing right where you are. When you introduced me, you said a lot of people refer to me as a "Queen of Sales Conversion." A common question I get is, "What is sales conversion?" This is an important question.

are looking for ways to bring people to an "on the spot" decision without being pushy or "salesy" as you said. The invisible close system includes ways you can bring people to a decision in a way that feels great and authentic for both you and them. I have to tell you we must be talking about something powerful because God is raining down with showers on me. Raven: Oh, no! Lisa: If you have any trouble hearing me let me know. Raven: If you need to pull over, you let us know. Lisa: I'm feeling good. It is really designed for entrepreneurs who are specifically heart-centered entrepreneurs. This is for people who love what they do and hate the sales part. It will work for any service professional from lawyers to healers to shamans to branding experts and to doctors. I find people who feel they've found water in the desert are those people who are looking for a solution which feels good and gets the job done when it comes to attracting new clients.

Sales conversion is the number one, it is a ratio, sometimes referred to as your closing ratio. It is the number of prospects from potential clients you're talking to and how many become paying clients. People spend a lot of money and attention trying to get new leads. You often hear people say, "I have to get in front of more people, new leads." They don't take time to gain expertise in how to convert those leads into paying clients. Getting new leads is the most costly piece of your business, the most time-consuming, and takes the most energy. Here is the bad news. If you are only getting new leads, but not converting them into paying clients, what you’re doing is... please, don't shoot the messenger on this one... you are doing all the heavy lifting, all the hardest work for the next person in your category who comes along and did study sales conversion. They do know how to make an "irresistible offer." They do know how to bring someone to an "on the spot: decision. Let's say you are the Feng shui expert of your town. Do you know what this is?

Raven: That's what it's all about, attracting new clients because you know a lot of times people think, "I have these clients and they've been my clients for years. They keep bombarding the same client and you have to get new client. Lisa: It's a combination because, yes, you want to be taking your clients to higher levels. The invisible close also includes how to make "irresistible offers" to increase the current business you are doing with their current client base. 8

Amazing Women March 2015

Raven: Oh yes, I love it. I have never heard anybody put into that scenario before. I like that, Lisa. Lisa: For those who do not know, Feng Shui is the art of furniture placement in your home or business to improve

Raven: What you said is so true, Lisa. I tell people all the time, and let me know your thoughts on this, if they have never sold, they better learn if they want to stay ahead and during these difficult times. Lisa: People who are using these practices are experiencing their time to shine; their time of opportunity. I don't mean opportunity at the cost of someone else. I mean opportunity for you to get out there with your expertise, your blessing, that which you are uniquely designed to do, package it in a way so you can help people the way you know you're supposed to help. Everything I teach is in support of this. energy flow. There are people who specialize in this. If you have been doing this 30 years, are the expert, give a great presentation, and convince 30 people they need Feng Shui', but do not do the invisible close and make the irresistible offer, they will say, "Thank you very much." as they take your card and file it away later.

Raven, my blessing, what I was put here for is to help experts who are making a difference and get their message out. This is the area in which they tend to get stuck. It is my my privilege to give them tools that have people leap over this hurdle which are generally blocked and make money doing what they love.

Raven: Yes. Lisa: Well, you did a great job and this is what leaves you feeling like, "How come I have so many people who love me who do not buy from me?" Raven: Yes ... Lisa: You have had that experience right. We have all had one. They say, "I love your work and I'm going to call you." When? "One day." Does that day ever come? No. Raven: No. Lisa: Although you have done Feng Shui for 30 years, what happens is the next guy who has been doing it for six months, he makes a presentation. You already did the hard work because you, the 30-year expert, convinced them they need Feng Shui, but did not make an offer. He is there for 10 minutes, makes a mediocre presentation, but guess what? He makes an "irresistible offer." He knows how to use the "invisible close" and gets 60% of the room converted into new clients while you are wondering why the new kid is getting all the business. I feel like the inviisible close is the best kept secret. The bad news is although you have been doing it for five times longer than he has, if you do not pay attention to what we're talking about today, you keep wondering.

Raven: Cha Ching. Okay Lisa, let’s talk about your background. How did you became an expert in this area? After that, I want to hear about your "irresistible offer" because I know you have some things going on soon we want to share with the listeners.

To hear the complete interview with Raven and Lisa, jump on over to play/WfW0NYSH0.

For more information, visit www.freesalestrainingfromlisa. com.

March 2015 Amazing Women




hat my Zumba Instructor Can Teach You About Your Biz

By Michele PW

But, it wasn't always this way. In fact, she almost got fired after her first class. In that class, she started with 18 students. By the time the class was half over, she had 9. By the time class ended, it was down to 6. The next day, her boss asked her to come to her office. Her boss said, I" have been flooded with complaints about you - too much hips - too Latino - too sexy - too loud!" (I'm unclear what they thought Zumba was since that's the definition of Zumba.) Her boss said she couldn't teach anymore unless she toned down. Tiger went home and said to her husband, "They won't let me teach because they think I'm too sexy." Her husband answered, "They're a bunch of old white women. They don't get it." "I have to tone it down if I want to teach," Tiger said.


admit it, I'm addicted to Zumba. But, it didn't happen right away. For a year, I flitted in and out of classes, not really clicking with it, but since I kept hearing from my friends how much they loved it, I kept trying.

Then I ended up in a class with a woman named Tiger. And I was hooked. Tiger was born to teach Zumba. Her passion and love for it are infectious, plus she's an excellent teacher (in fact she's been honored statewide). Her classes are packed, and her teaching methods and style have influenced Zumba instructors at the YMCA.


Amazing Women March 2015

"Don't change a thing," he said. "Teach it the way you want. If they don't like it, we'll find a place that does." Tiger went back to her boss and begged to be given another chance. "Will you change?" her boss asked. "Yes, yes, yes," Tiger said, fingers crossed behind her back. Of course, she didn't change a thing. She taught her next class the way she had taught the first one. But, this time she had younger students who loved it and told her boss. Her boss finally gave her a class to teach. It was the smallest class the Y ever had -- about 6 students. In three months, it was up to 40. And the rest is history.

Register now at

March 2015 Amazing Women


BUSINESS There are many things to learn from this story, but the one I want to tell you about is the idea of ideal clients. As successful as Tiger is as a Zumba instructor, in front of the wrong crowd (i.e. the opposite of her ideal clients), she was a complete failure. Once she found her ideal clients, everything fell into place. That's why knowing your ideal clients is crucial to the success of your business and why trying to market to everyone leads to spinning your wheels. Not everyone is going to become your customer (it doesn't matter how good you are or how much they need what you're selling, they aren't). And all you do is dilute your message when you try to reach everyone instead of just to your ideal clients. Even if you end up getting your non-ideal clients in your business, they are the ones who will be harder to please, who will be more likely complain you're just "too sexy." At the end of the day, ask yourself: "Are those the people I want to be serving in my business?" Chances are you'll probably be happier if you have a

Michele PW (Pariza Wacek), Your Ka-Ching Marketing Strategist, is the best-selling author of “LoveBased Copywriting" and owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a premiere direct response copywriting and marketing company that helps entrepreneurs attract more clients, sell more products and services and boost their business. To grab your FREE Love-Based Biz Kit visit Link to get free copy of Loved Base copy writing book http:// lovebasedcopywritingbook .com/ template


Amazing Women March 2015

Good-hearted Business Owner and Leadership

are taking note. Be willing to be seen. Don’t hide your light. Don’t detract from or hide your power or expertise. Instead, be willing to have your marketing materials show you as the expert you are. Put your knowledge out in a blog as an expert. It’s part of your job and it is your purpose to be found so you can enrich people’s lives. What if the sun refused to shine or withheld its brilliance? We would be deeply affected by this and you should feel the same. Nature doesn’t apologize for itself and in fact, nature hates a void.

By Christina Suter You are here to fulfill your purpose, so step into it and do

so. While doing so, hold your shape; be findable,, be seen, and keep your boundaries. Maintain your integrity and professional limits with employees and customers. Do you work on fulfilling your vision? It is your job to share it and steward over it. One of my favorite quotes is, “Spirit meets you at the point of action and brings the vision forward." So, unapologetically take action, and upgrade the vision if need be. Be mindful visions can, and often do, shift and change, so allow it to bend to adjust to the density of the world. It takes time for your vision to be created, but upgrade, re-enliven, realign your vision, and accept feedback each year. As a leader, accept not everyone is a leader. There are people whose purpose is to follow and it is an act of their leadership. Your secretary may want the freedom to work from 9-5 and others welcome the consistency and security of a weekly check. Not everyone will have the risk tolerance you do and not everyone is an innovator. Besides, your vision isn’t their baby. Be a great leader and hold people accountable as a form of love and encouragement, and work hard while being a good-hearted business owner, not instead of.

There is a way to cleanly run a business and maintain good-hearted principles, a high level of integrity, and to successful. Challenge the belief you can’t be kind, good, and still do the necessary business tasks, such as marketing your products or services or pitching sales. Your purpose is to lead and this means having a willingness to be right and wrong and to know your decisions make a difference. Lead by example and let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no," knowing your employees and clients

Christina L. Suter is the founder and CEO of Ground Level Consulting in Pasadena, CA. She works with small business owners to improve business performance and work/life balance. Focusing on the unique challenges facing small business owners, Christina helps clients increase profits, reduce management hours, and improve business quality and service. For 20 years, Christina has developed a variety of programs based on key fundamental principles for building and managing a small business and meeting personal goals. She uses her intrinsic understanding of essential business practice to help her clients triple business revenue, turnaround failing businesses, create consistent and predictable cash-flow and much more.

March 2015 Amazing Women



Have You Thanked a Customer Today? By Lynn Hidy

Tell Their Boss Tell their boss how much you like working with them. I’ll never forget an email one of my customers sent my boss telling her I was a sales superhero (along with the story of why). Although that was long ago, I still have a copy in a folder called “kudos” I read for inspiration when I’m having a bad day.

One of my top inside sales career tips is: "Tomorrow say 'thank you' twice as often as you did today.”

 Would it make your customer’s day to have their boss

In our sales lives, often we forget to say "thank you" to our customers. For many salespeople, the above tip isn’t a big deal (depending on your day yesterday, perhaps you will thank two people today).

 What would make them look good in their boss’s eyes

receive an email like this?

that happened during the last project you did together?

Take a moment, take a breath, take the time Not the "thanks for your business" generic message they are used to hearing… this is customer satisfaction. In today’s business environment, satisfaction is NOT enough; it is the bottom rung on a ladder. Think about what you enjoy about working with the individual – thank them for that. Following are a calls I’ve made:  Thank you for making me laugh while we’re talking. It

makes my day more fun.

 I appreciate the trust you have in me to fix problems

which come up.

 Thank you for pushing me to think outside of my

typical offerings and create custom solutions that work for you.

 I’m glad our business relationship can include beer

conversations, too.

 Thank you for making me be my best when we work


 I enjoy the puzzles we solve together.

See the difference? Take It to the Next Level If you‘re interested in doing this, write a LinkedIn recommendation for them. People are always looking to build their profile for credibility; having recommendations for the different positions does this. It gives people an outsider’s view of the job someone is doing or what it is like to work with them.  Write three words which describe what you appreciate

about your business relationship, then craft a recommendation.


Amazing Women March 2015

Write a Note Another highly appreciated way to say "thank you" is to write a note on a card and mail it. Don’t worry about your handwriting. Take your time and write it slowly. Make the message personal, not generic.  Choose a card with an image you know they will enjoy  Choose a colorful envelope which will stand out from

their "business" mail

No matter how you choose to say "thank you,"just do it. Expressing gratitude is an important,, yet often overlooked, piece of a relationship. Make thanking your customers a daily habit. Lynn Hidy, founder of UpYourTeleSales LLC, is the specialist at creating profitable telesales people and organizations. She knows you can make six figures over the phone - she does it! Working with Lynn you will learn to create a phone experience where they will forget you aren’t actually having a cup of coffee together. You can hear Sales Coaching over Coffee every Thursday at noon Central time on the Amazing Women of Power Radio Network. March 2015 Amazing Women 15


Does Intention Really Translate into Money?

I’ve learned one thing: Empowering people to make decisions is the highest form of service I can provide. Below is a short excerpt from my book, High Ticket Selling Revolution ( on how you can apply the principles of partnership in your business. *****************************************************************

By Jennifer Diepstraten Do you cave in when you hear people say, “I’ll think about it?”

It’s 9 a.m. on Monday and my usual focus on the beautiful trees and sunlight peeking through the clouds isn’t making me feel better. Today, I’m nervous.

Ever hang up the phone and think, “Man, I should’ve tried harder! Why didn’t I go for it? She was a perfect client for me!”

I’m on my way to my first appointment – and it’s my first real sales opportunity in my new job. Even though my company has given me a break in quota for my first year, I see a big opportunity in front of me. This deal is mine to lose, as the saying goes

Not wanting to pressure people can be a natural response in a sales situation; likewise, feeling like we need to be more assertive happens just as often. The issue of trying to not be too pushy, and yet needing to be pushy, is an age-old dilemma.

The week before, I had put my best proposal in front of the prospective buyer, a scientist whom I had recently met, but she emailed over the weekend saying she had a much better offer from my low-cost competitor.

However, both of these are symptoms of the old model of sales, one in which people think “sales is hard.” Pushiness/ not pushiness implies we have to do something to our prospect to get them to understand the value of our offer and buy from us. If we have to get them to do something, then by default, this implies we are opposing forces or opponents to our prospect, not acting in partnership.

As I pulled into my parking space at the University, I took a few deep breaths. I felt desperate. How could she even consider an inferior product, even at a lower price? And then I remembered my commitment as a sales representative and as a person. My job is to empower people to make a great decision which will serve their needs – not to convince them of anything, or be attached to whether they buy from me. As long as I’ve done a great job of showing why what I have matches their needs, I’m satisfied. Letting go of this desperate attachment, I step into my lifelong intention to partner with my customers and serve them in a way that speaks to my highest and greatest self. This feels great. I see myself in partnership with this scientist and intend to take a look at her needs with both of us sitting on the same side of the table, working proverbially hand-in-hand. I get out of the car, walk into her building and she’s coming towards me on a way to a meeting. She says, “Oh, Jennifer, I just put the order in for your proposal. We’re all set.” That was easy! And I had an extra hour to spare. So does intention really put money in our pockets? Absolutely – when the intention serves the highest good. From my perspective this means a partnership where I’m committed to serving, but not attached to a "yes" from any client. In my decades of experience selling everything from medical and scientific equipment to massage services to esoteric personal development programs, 16

Amazing Women March 2015

The real issue at play is if your conversation falls flat after the prospect says, “I need to think about it” after you've asked for their order is you have a breakdown in your sales system which has happened minutes, hours, or days earlier. The breakdown is if you have not been creating partnership during your conversations or find yourself trying to get past the objection (being an opposing force), then the responses you make will either feel pushy or not assertive enough. However, a well-constructed, well-delivered sales consultation process can position you as being seen in partnership so you can respond to objections from a “let’s see if we can solve this together” attitude. If you haven’t created the kind of partnership earlier in the conversation which gives you the freedom to say, “Really? What is there to think about?” AND sound like a friend and not pushy, it’s too late and the sale is most likely lost. Tips on how to position yourself in partnership: 1. Before your initial consultation, consider how well this prospect is likely to know you. Are they someone who found you on the Internet, saw you speak at a conference, or referred by a friend? Put systems in place to interact with the client at least 2-3 times before

the meeting by providing valuable information. Make sure to stay focused on what they care about and don’t sell yet! 2. Respond quickly to their inquiry and do what you said you would. Make sure they know when and where to meet you. Be on time, every time! 3. Use a short, but thorough, value-added preappointment questionnaire or survey. The survey should not only gather information about the prospect so you can prepare for the meeting, but also ask questions which show the prospect what else they might want to consider they likely hadn’t realized. 4. Prep yourself for the meeting so you can come from a place of service rather than trying to “get the sale.”

Jennifer Diepstraten has 20 years’ experience in sales and communication studies so she understands what it takes for people to take decisive action. As a result of her expertise, she’s sold over $14 million in products in ten years in corporate sales, working for world-leading biotech companies. She’s also taught sales conversion alongside renowned sales trainers in the entrepreneurial training and personal development industries. Her “One-Call” consultation system enabled her to triple her fees in her own heart-centered entrepreneurial endeavor in less than six months. Jennifer holds a Biopsychology degree from Vassar College and a Masters of Science.

Go to for video instructions on how to register.

March 2015 Amazing Women



elling Yourself to Prospects


elling certainly has a stigma attached to it, doesn't it?

We think of greasy used car salesmen, over-thetop infomercial types, or maybe the “too suave” guy at the luxury boutique. And although they are different, everyone can agree they're unsavory, at best. 18

Amazing Women March 2015

By Sheryl Wolowyk

More often than not, it's because these personas seem “put on.” Their actions and motivations feel forced and fake. They're disingenuous. In addition to this, they spend most of their time telling us how great their product is, and not much time listening. We feel like we're getting our ears talked off.

Well, I want to erase the terrible connotation of “sales” out of your mind. True salesmanship, when done right, is all about the customer. It's kind, caring, and puts your prospects at ease. Today, I want to focus on how you can sell yourself, so you not only draw an audience in an organic way, but create a strong demand for your products ...just by being you. You'll learn how to use the art of storytelling to generate authority... Why your content and presentations should focus on education first... And the importance of social proof in establishing credibility...

What you may not have noticed, though, is the facts woven throughout the story offer proof of why they are an expert. Why they are able to stand in front of you today and give a speech on whatever topic they're discussing - and getting you excited to receive their information. While telling a story for a story's sake is fun, how you construct it is very important. I want to note this applies no matter with what modality you're working – stage, webinar, sales copy, or video. It applies universally. First, you must include your “aha!” moment which led you down your career path. Even if it happened at a very young age. If that moment happens to be because you hit rock bottom, all the better. Most people seek transformation only when they desperately must. That's relatable. However, even if that's not the case, dig deep into the reason why you chose your path. There will always be something there that matches the reasons your audience is with you right now. Second, take the time to discuss how you made the change. Did you work with a mentor? Go to college? Start a business and learn through trial and error? It doesn't matter how, what matters is you establish your credentials. Show people how much experience and knowledge you have by sharing your history. You don't have to give your entire resume, though!

Storytelling that Elevates I have talked quite a bit in the past about how useful storytelling can be to your business. It immediately connects you to your audience, perks up your copy, and is a perfect way to get a point across without coming right out and saying it. Even with all of this, there's another benefit to crafting a good story – it can boost your authority. Think about the last time you heard a successful Expertpreneur® speak. Chances are they gave their background story, which involved hitting rock bottom in some way, needing a change, and forging the path that lead them to where they are today. Good standard storytelling.

Finally, discuss how much your life has changed since then. Showcase the benefits you are experiencing. This applies to any industry – health and wellness, relationships, businessbuilding. People will want to know how the knowledge they're about to receive could apply to their lives. By structuring your story in such a way, you will have established your credibility as an Expertpreneur® and Authority without overtly telling people they should believe you. You will gain their respect and, in turn, get more sales. Education-Based Marketing If you've read any of my blog posts or newsletter articles, you've learned about the importance of content in your business. Content serves a few functions – lead generation for Ideal Clients, a sales tool priming your readers with information March 2015 Amazing Women


BUSINESS information; however, they should be actionable. That's a key point here: you want to give away valuable information for free. But, you don't want to give away too much. There's a fine line. Value, in this case, means dialing your expertise down to the core concepts which will make the biggest difference for the people with whom you are working. It means having a caring attitude, and genuinely wanting to see them have a transformation. Believe me, if you give them too much, it will have the opposite effect you desire: they will be confused and overwhelmed, and probably give up. That's the last thing you want to have happen as an Expertpreneur®! Figure out the basics you can share with your ideal prospects. Give them enough to get started. And they will become your biggest fans. they need, and a way to establish Authority. People will come back over and over again if you offer useful and actionable content. What you should take away from this, also, is giving quality information away for free and educating your target market is a surefire way to sell yourself and your business. Your prospects will grow to respect your knowledge and want to know more. For example, if you are doing a live event, you want to give the most useful, informative presentation possible. Talk in full about a pressing subject for your prospects, and give them tools to transform their lives that day. What will happen is they'll love and appreciate what you share, and they'll eventually want to take the knowledge to the next level. And who do you think they'll want as their guide? The same goes for blogs, webinars, teleseminars, etc. Always maximize the value of what you are presenting. Make sure it's on topics which are important to your target market. When you develop “freemiums” – free content pieces which can be used for lead generation or as bonuses with products – they should be as valuable as any real product you sell. They don't have to give away the same depth of 20

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Establishing Credibility Just by sharing well-crafted stories about your journey as an Expertpreneur®, and providing your prospects with quality content, you will establish credibility as a leader in your industry. However, there is another element which can really round out your image: social proof. If you don't already know, social proof is any praise of

your products or service given by someone else. It could be a customer, another leader in your industry, or even a celebrity. As you probably know, when you praise yourself, people become skeptical. Think about the friend from school who bragged about everything she did. Didn't you find yourself rolling your eyes and thinking, “Yeah, right...”? When you supplement your storytelling, sales letters, and presentations with real social proof, you leap right over the skepticism. When people see others just like them benefitting from your product or service, they start to take you seriously.

It Isn't So Bad

Now, there are a few ways you can generate social proof. You can send surveys out to your customers after they've worked with you for a while or had your product for a few months. You could also have one-on-one conversations with them, asking them specific questions about their experience.

Once you break it down, selling yourself isn't all that awful, is it?

If you sell through or another website like it, you can encourage your customers to get online and give a starred review. Those tend to be quite candid and offer great insight into your customer's mindset.

When you just give and don't worry about tactics and “sales tricks," it not only makes things a easier for you, but you end up performing a lot better. People will enjoy listening to you, communicating with you, and buying from you. Earning you more while doing what you love.

You should also consider getting endorsements from other industry leaders, even celebrities. Have them review your product, or use your coaching or consulting service, and give their feedback for your audience. One word of caution, though: Make sure your Ideal Client actually follows the industry leaders and celebrities you get endorsements from. Especially when seeking out a celebrity (and I mean that in the broadest sense – local celebrities count, too!), make sure they are someone your target market respects. No matter your method, it's ideal to get a wide range of people who use your service. That way you can pick and choose which you present to your audience, depending on who they are. And that's a key: when presenting social proof, the people you are quoting must be relevant to the people who you are speaking to. Otherwise, it won't matter much to them. Anyway, by offering social proof, you will improve your business success exponentially. People will want to experience the transformation others have experienced. And you will get a lot more sales.

All you have to do is what you do best – educate and help others. Show how much you care and how much knowledge you have to give.

And as an Expertpreneur®, you can't ask for more. Sheryl Wolowyk is Founder of Expert Elevation a business coaching and entrepreneur training company for “expertpreneurs®" who make a living sharing their knowledge and expertise. Sheryl shows expertpreneurs how to grow a lucrative business and influential brand with her income acceleration system and expertpreneur roadmap. She provides online programs, live events, coaching and VIP days to help clients develop an effective business strategy and utilize simple but powerful marketing and sales techniques to attract a steady stream of ideal clients, so they can live the life of their dreams while making a big difference in the lives of their clients.; sheryl@expertelevation. com. 780-721-1968;

March 2015 Amazing Women



ndermining Your Millions By Dr. Venus Opal Reese money, but so bad at hiring? (Can you relate?) Here’s the truth: I have been hiring people based on their skill and who are just like me, a solo-preneur start-up. Here’s the problem: I am not a start-up. I have a 1.2 million dollar business which is powerfully positioned to be a multimillion dollar business in the next 11 months. So, my self-image is outdated. This is why this doesn’t work. The self-image of someone who sees herself as a start up is going to do what ALL start ups do—look for the best deal for the cheapest rate; do what she can do to cut costs; and do it ALL because NO ONE can do it as well as she can.


have no idea what I am going to say to you. I guess I will start with the truth: I am tired again.

I am growing again—and every time my business up-levels, my team and systems break down. This time someone hacked my email and my server crashed. #blessgod I used to get upset. Now I see it for what it is: rapid growth. I called Nana after a particularly hard week—someone messed up one of my websites, a new service provider sent out an EchoSign to my featured speakers for my Black Women Millionaire+ Virtual Salon (March 5-7, 2015) without including the place where the initial blocks on the agreement, etc.—frustration burning in my chest. We talked about the breakdowns and I realized something that changed the game. My self-image is: I am still a start-up. I have been hiring people—good people I genuinely think the world of—which are in various stages of start up. But the truth is, I am a rapidly expanding business. I have been secretly beating myself up because I kept feeling like I am a bad CEO. How the hell can I be so BEAST at making 22

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Result: burn out. I have been hiring cheap and doing stuff I should have hired experts to do. I know how to do them—but it makes me tired. I have not being willing to let go of time consuming tasks (mainly copy writing which I love) because no one can capture my voice. So, what I realized on the phone talking to Nanna was this truth: If I want to be a multimillion dollar business, I need to hire agencies, experts, and support which have ALREADY created the systems, teams, and processes which grew solo-preneurs into private equity multi-million dollar companies. Now I am hiring agencies and experts who have PROVEN track records in growing multi-million dollar home-based business. Which brings us to my next breakthrough: stop hiring for skill and start hiring for quality. One of the agencies I hired bills at $60 dollars an hour for admin tasks. In my “poor Black girl from the streets mentality,” that’s some bullshit. I know I can find someone who can do the same task—send an email, collect a payment, book a flight—for $15-$25 bucks. Here is what Nanna helped me see: yes, both the $60 virtual assistant and the $15-$35 virtual assistant can do the task,

but how will they do it? Quality counts. How someone does something is as important as getting the thing done. If the work is $15 an hour but it’s sloppy, late, and done with an attitude, did I really save any money? But, if I want peace of mind, a person who will fill in the gaps I don’t know is there and is making sure my best work get’s out in the world, doesn’t this bring in more money as well as retain my clients? Please hear me: I am not saying overpay. I am saying, "Is your survival is sabotaging your success indirectly?" Being cheap, doing it yourself, or perfectionism kills your shot at being a Black Woman Millionaire. You end up undermining your millions when you don’t tend to your survival. But it doesn’t have to. Here are some Defy Impossible “BWM+ Back Office Tips” to make room for your millions: Update your self-image: I didn’t realize I was still seeing myself and relating to myself as a start-up. I don’t think I realized or embraced my success. I am now starting to call myself a Black Woman Millionaire and owning it. Just owning my accomplishments is upleveling me to myself. My actions are changing; I am hiring from an entirely different place. Try this and let me know how it goes. Stop being cheap: My survival of making my own way and doing things myself directly undermine my multi-million dollar destiny. Why? Because I can’t scale. If I am the one implementing and doing, I end up tired and spread too thin. This impacts my clients, my sex life, and health. Hire people who are PROVEN and get your vision. You will pay more—but you will make more. You will be freed up energetically to bring in so much new money, you will not even notice the cost of running your business. #holla

Hire based on quality instead of skill. I wish I had discovered this sooner. I could have saved myself and other people stress, hurt feelings, and self-flogging. Go for quality. Start small and grow into it. When I bought my first pair of $900 shoes, I almost vomited. It felt like a waste of money. But I needed to do something radical to break the generational curse of my poverty mentality of getting clothes from Good Will and making do. And it changed me. For my last Black Women Millionaire Live Experience, I invested in three pair of red bottom heels; I didn’t flinch. I had grown into quality. I understood the social implications and the branding aspects of those shoes for a Black Woman Millionaire. My point is, you have to step completely out of your comfort zone to confront your survival. When you do, you will create a new level within of wealth receptivity you can’t get any other way. From your presentation to your service provides, invest in quality. Which of these tips will you implement this week and why? Inspirational Speaker, Black Women Millionaire Mentor, and founder/CEO of Defy Impossible, Inc., Dr. Venus Opal Reese has consulted for O Magazine and has been featured in Forbes, Ebony’s 12th Annual Wealth Issue, on ABC News, CBS News, PBS, in Glamour magazine, Diversity Inc., the Associated Press, on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, and is a regular contributor to Heart and Soul Magazine/TV. Dr. Venus was a walking statistic. She went from living on the “mean” streets of Baltimore, to Stanford PhD, to seven-figure sister. Her clients have generated over 7 million in revenue using her PROVEN programs, systems and strategies. Dr. Venus knows what it takes to break through inner glass ceilings that limit performance. She teaches purpose-driven, highachieving Black Women professionals, entrepreneurs, experts, and executives how to defy their impossible to break the milliondollar mark—on their terms. http://blackwomenmillionaires. com March 2015 Amazing Women



From Sports Marketing Genius to Military Spouse Entrepreneur By Kristen Robinson I won’t lie; being a military spouse is not easy. There’s constant relocation, nothing ever happens the way you planned, and I won’t even dive into what happens when your service member is deployed and gone for days and weeks on end. One of the hardest things about being a military spouse is putting the dreams you had for yourself on hold. For me, it was the career dream I put on hold. In college, my plan was simple. I wanted to be involved in the sports industry, maybe try being a sports agent. I loved marketing and had fun volunteering for the X Games in Los Angeles, I wanted to keep sports marketing as an option as well. In my dream world, I would work my way to a top of a grand sports marketing agency by being a successful sports agent or Chief Marketing Officer. My office would be at the top of the building overlooking the ocean and my Executive Assistant would “hold my calls." I would be at the top of my game and enjoy the fruits of my hard labor. This was the way I thought it was going to happen; it didn’t go as planned. I met my husband and fell in love during college. While we were dating, I managed to put my plan into action. I did become a sports agent and after two years in the business, I realized it wasn’t for me. I was also playing women’s professional football (yes, with the pads, helmet, and everything! It’s real!) and found my passion for sports marketing. I loved getting sponsors for our team and found I could assist local businesses reach women and their families in a more direct manner and the cost would be less expensive than using the local newspaper’s advertising sections. Needless to say, I was good at it! So, what happened? Well, I got married and moved from Los Angeles where my dream career was a couple of companies away to Jacksonville, N.C. with a pit stop in Beaufort, S.C. Not exactly the most luxurious move or 24

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best move for my career dreams but, I married the one I love. I figured it wouldn’t be hard to start over again and achieve my career goal. Ninety days later in Jacksonville, I was depressed. It was difficult to get a job even for minimum wage! I was either overqualified for every job I applied for or employers knew I was a military spouse and wouldn’t hire me. I cried a lot and found myself in my husband’s arms constantly. I managed to get a part-time job at Sylvan Learning Center tutoring kids, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted a career with the office at the top of the building overlooking the ocean. In order to achieve this, I would have to climb the career ladder and work my way up. How can you do this when you move to a different place every three years? My husband hated to see me so lost and sad. He came up with an idea: “Why don’t you start your own business?” he asked me. “You’ve always wanted to start one and now is the perfect time.” I couldn’t deny it. Starting my own business was my hidden ambition. I was always curious if I could be my own boss. We looked at our finances and became frugal to get the money we would need to start my business. Fast forward five years later, and we’re both very happy! My company, KR Design, allows us both to love what we do from wherever we are. More importantly, I contribute to our household, something we both enjoy. The best part is KR Design has brought the two of us closer. It’s nice to let my husband know how my business is growing, what’s happening next, and the unexpected freedom and flexibility of running an online business. Now, I can be at his unit’s ceremonies and still have time to meet with a client. I didn’t think this kind of life could happen being a military spouse, but I’m glad it’s possible! Kristen Robinson is known as the Military Spouse Business Mentor and helps military spouses build online businesses that create flexibility and freedom within the military lifestyle. As an active duty US Marine Corps military spouse, Kristen created her business to support her husband’s military career while constantly moving from one location to the next. Kristen’s company, KR Design, allows her to do what she loves from anywhere in the world. To learn more about Kristen Robinson and KR Design, visit

March 2015 Amazing Women



Ways to Stress Less


By Kim Fuller

hat if you wrote all your worries each day? How would you feel at the end

already reaped the benefits of my simplicity plan. Here are 5 ways to stress less. Many of them include altering your mindset.

I started writing down my worries including unexpected bills, family illnesses, relationship challenges, etc. I felt awful after three entries. I looked around and found other elements in my life and environment which worried or made me feel stressed, so I just stopped and never went back to the exercise. I just threw the paper away.

1. Reorganize your space. I found I spend or waste so much time looking for things, especially my keys. More recently I paid attention to the clock when I was looking for a document. I burned 16 minutes looking for this one piece of paper. Believe it or not, it was right in front of me the entire time – “hiding” from me. T

of the day?

If I had continued, it would have ended with me feeling dread and discouraged. I saw this in a blog post and the author wrote down her worries and realized she began to find things to worry about unconsciously. I thought I would be different and be able to separate my actions from my emotional experience. Not so, I was falling into a hole which was overshadowing all areas of my life. I share this with you to express how important MINDSET is in creating a life you love. Whatever you believe, you will achieve. I decided 2015 was going to be my year of simplicity. This included my personal, emotional, and business lives. I believe it is possible and have 26

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Therefore, the lesson I learned it to reorganize my work area. I shred or recycle paper often. At times it feels like the paper can be overwhelming, but organizing and getting rid of items which are not essential frees up space physically and emotionally. I started with my daughter’s closet. I next went to my closet; it was refreshing. I recommend you pick one thing and reorganize it today. Here are a few suggestions: wallet, purse, one file folder, small closet, sock drawer, big utensil drawer, car glove compartment. If you have a job which will take more time and energy than you have try paying someone else to do it. 2. Re-script. "You become what

you think about most often!" is a paraphrased quote from Napoleon Hill. However, in order to decrease the amount of time you stress about what you don’t have, try imagining having it. This is another mindset activity. Sit back, close your eyes, and imagine all aspects of what you deserve. I encourage my clients to create vision boards and voice recordings of what they want most so they can keep the positivity and energy flowing in the direction toward the goal. I recommend you alter what you think about to increase your positivity. This re-scripting takes time and discipline. Here are two ways to get you started… www. is an online tool where you create a digital vision board, and/or read a book which has been useful for me, What are you grateful for today? Celebrating the beauty and magnificence that surrounds you!, a guided gratitude journal by Elizabeth Hartigan. 3. Rethink your commitments. As a solopreneur, I thrive on attending networking meetings. They provide me an opportunity to connect with like-mined individuals, give and receive referrals, and learn

about other service and products available to my clients, friends, and family members.

It fits for me because I value quality connections. I commit myself to networking because it offers me socialization and masterminding with like-minded individuals. I initially attended three sometimes four networking meetings each week. It was running me down. So, I decided to rethink my strategy and my commitments.

I reduced my attendance to meetings and decided to attend weekly networking meetings and allowed myself to miss some monthly and bi-monthly meetings from time to time to get some other work-related activities completed. This way I can still get my needs met and not get overwhelmed and stressed trying to do it all. What can you rethink and let go of to decrease stress?

relaxed his forehead. He did not have any idea he was frowning until I manually “unfrowned� him. Take time to relax all parts of your mind and body on daily. 5. Reconnect. You get energy from other positive people. There are many opportunities to connect with friends and family members. Take advantage of social media as an initial way to connect and stay in touch. Also, consider off-line ways to connect with yourself and others. Make a date with yourself, put it into the calendar and follow through. This date can be active, like biking, hiking, running or something quiet, like reading, movie, or drinking coffee. Spending time with yourself is nourishing and necessary. Once you have done you personal reconnection, make time to connect with other and

share yourself. It is recommended that you sit and talk face to face and have heartfelt conversations. These types of interactions have shown to decrease heart rate and blood pressure which both tend to rise during times of stress. These are just 5 of many options to stress less. I encourage you to let share which stress less techniques you chose to follow through on, and what results did you have. Kim Fuller is a Certified Life Coach, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Radio Show host, Author, and Solo Mom. She is founder and CEO of Fuller Life Concepts, Inc., a life coaching company which works with Entrepreneurs to help them stay focused and committed to their goals and reduce feeling overwhelmed. What makes Fuller Life Concepts, Inc unique is the Fuller Lifestyle System which is a step by step process to Stay Accountable to Your Goals™ removes the barriers to make more money and have more fun. www.

4. Relax your mind and body. You deserve a break. A state of relaxation does not align with feeling stressed. They are mutually exclusive groups. When you are in a stressful state for an extended time frame, your body forgets what it feels like to be relaxed and calm. Remind your body and mind often what relaxed feels like and practice keeping it in your daily routine.

It makes me think about my father. He has a permanent frown. When we were young, we would ask him why he was mad. One day I pushed his eyebrows apart and he March 2015 Amazing Women



Steps to Positive Change By Lori Snyder proactive in your daily happenings, as opposed to being reactive, and just letting life happen, sets the stage for life satisfaction. It’s common sense to be aware there will be a BIG positive or negative presence in your life when it comes to choosing whether you will take a leadership role, create and move towards what you want or take on a victim role, where you sit back and watch as things happen to and in your life, because you are reactive instead of proactive.


he saying ”Act or be Acted Upon” holds such truth that the importance of being aware and in tune with your life, should always be at the forefront of your thought process. Life moves on every day, and you are 28

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Proactive people are always doing something to create the moments they wish to experience. They tend to be of positive nature and determined mindsets, along with having a good core of confidence. They take steps daily to be in the present moment. They know that what they do and achieve in this moment will create their next moment. They are aware they, and only they, have control over way of being and attitude. either actively moving along with it, or passively being led by an invisible hand. Funny how you does not realize how habits, whether good or bad, seem to set in and stay for years unless you are consciously aware of them. Being

They also know the power of not rushing when deciding on something important, and instead take a step back to see things as a whole before making decisions. They are comfortable with their power of choice, and know whatever it is they choose will have an immediate good

or bad impact on their life. Reactive people tend to shy away from things which may entail work to get them to a better place. They tend to prefer sitting back and waiting. They say they are going to do something, but never get around to it. They blame and accuse instead of taking responsibility. They just let things happen to and around them instead of taking a proactive role and taking the steps needed to create positive change. They also may have habitually taken on the role of victim. So what steps can be taken to be more proactive instead of reactive? Below are 5 ideas to help you become more aware of the subtle and not so subtle things you can do today to begin creating positive change. 1. Be in the present moment, and understand the value of being so. Use daily simple exercises, such as closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths whenever a moment seems to get stressed or chaotic. Write little affirmations on the importance of always being in the present moment, carry them with you to read throughout your day until this new thinking becomes second nature. 2. Know the importance of having a positive attitude, as it sets the stage for everything. A simple tool to use in becoming more aware of what your attitude is and begin creating change if need be, is to be mindful of what you say to yourself throughout the day. Is your self-talk positive or negative? Is it helpful or hindering? Is it caring or uncaring of yourself and others?

The list can go on and on. The point is to be aware of what works in a positive way in regard to attitude and what works in negative way/ Then begin making shifts towards a delightful attitude with positive, empowering ways. 3. Become knowledgeable on how habits are formed, and how they can work both for and against you. Know many of us tend to have some habits for years which were subconsciously created, and we never pay them any mind. However, they do play a big part in what we do as well as influence how we think and create. Habits start innocently. Each time an action is repeated, it is strengthened and becomes stronger and stronger while quietly creating a powerful hold over you, most times without you realizing it.

Once you have an awareness of the nature of habits, you can take the necessary steps to change a habit which no longer works for you in favor of one that does. The first step is recognizing which habit no longer suits you. The second step is having a strong desire to break the habit; then successfully replace it with one which works better, more in essence with your well-being. When these two things are in place, the stage is set for positive change.

4. Be aware of people, places, and happenings. A simple thing to be mindful of in your daily interactions is to not only listen to answer people when they speak,

but also to listen and really hear what people are expressing with the intent of understanding.

Keep in mind one should agree to disagree, as we will never agree on all. You also want naturally to be able to take in your surroundings as a whole.

5. Build your life around an inner core which emanates honesty, respect ,and care for yourself and others. Take time to make sure you have a nice flow and balance in regard to your daily activities. Know the feeling of gratitude. Be mindful not to judge others, but keep your right to choose whom to let into your inner circle and outer circle. Cultivate the mindset of helper, not helpless. Always remember the importance of your beliefs, your desires, and your goals. And, of course, in the midst of this, always, always remember the value of relaxation, laughter, and fun‌ Lori Snyder is an author and motivational speaker; she has been featured in various magazines and publications both nationally and internationally. As a Speaker, Author and Certified Professional Coach, Lori is an expert in helping others discover their greatness. She is known for being on target in her coaching practice. Lori has a natural love and connection with people and is gifted in being able to tap into their essence after knowing them for a short period of time.

March 2015 Amazing Women




iving with Resilience By Lorena Douglas change, if we want it to. Realizing we have the power to change our lives is the first step of a long life journey, and one which leads to peace of mind. Having a social life, relationships, exercise, and other things are essential to overall happiness. It will also help to understand everyone is different. Try to accept people for who they are. Avoid clashes or constant arguments. Letting go of all kinds of resentments will lead you to a much happier life. If an argument seems unavoidable, make an effort to understand the situation and you might get along with the person. Happiness is an inherited trait, born in every heart. Elevating this happiness will make your life a healthy, happy one.


iving with resilience and being optimistic about life is a trait many people lack. It’s not only good for your health, but also for your well-being. When you are carefree, it protects you from the everyday stresses of life, and most people know stress is linked to the top causes of death, such as 30

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heart disease, cancer and stroke. One of the best things ever said is – “The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change," and in life, we have the power to make changes if necessary. Even if we find ourselves in an unbearable situation, we can always find comfort in the knowledge it can

Being happy is easy, just decide to be a happy person and make strides to keep this happiness. Abraham Lincoln observed most people can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. There are many people who feel it is impossible to be happy when they have difficulties in life. However, keep in mind if you are in a bad situation, it could be much worse. The fact you

can read this (if you have Internet), you are by far one of the few people in the world who have access to the Internet; millions do not. Therefore, here are 10 ways to keep your happiness and living a resilience life: 1. Always be grateful for what you have. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely. Thank the cook for a wonderful dinner. Thank the guy who cleans your windows. Thank the mail carrier for bringing your mail. Thank the police officer for making your place safe. Thank God for waking you up another day. 2. Day-to-day life can be stressful so cut out anything which may cause you stress. The news is a good example of something which can spark stress in its watchers. Many people have a daily routine of starting their morning with the 8 o’clock news and the majority of the stories is depressing. Beginning your day like this may not be the best thing to do for moving forward with life. 3. Having a religious family will help with overcoming sadness. Being a part of a religious group will lift your consciousness and foster an inner peace you need to remain unstressed. 4. Be sure you do not feel overwhelmed by other things, too. Manage your time; don't waste it. Time management involves planning a set of goals you want to achieve for the day, deciding your priorities from your wants.

These aspects of time management should be understood to develop an efficient time management skill. This skill can later evolve into creating a time efficient and less stressful life.

you feel are worthy of your time. 8. Learning something new brings personal satisfaction. Try to do this every day. Learning opens doors to avenues we thought we might never see. Learning could even give you a great opportunity. 9. Of all the things listed, exercise will probably be the most neglected, because it is the most difficult. It may be hard to begin, but once you do, make a habit of it, it will become second nature to you. Run, cycle, go swimming, garden, do anything which requires physical activity. This is for what our amazing bodies were made.

5. The best advice is to laugh every day. If you heard something funny (that is, appropriate), tell your friends or family about it. They say that laughter is the best medicine; it really is when you are trying to be happy. 6. Share your feelings, affections and passions of the people around you. Being open helps people feel like they have a personal connection, even if it is not necessarily a close one. Keeping feelings inside only boils up anger and frustrations. This is bad for your health. Express yourself in a way that you will feel relieved and you won’t hurt anyone around you. 7. Hard work brings great satisfaction. It gives you the feeling of competence and superiority when completing certain tasks. Accomplishments are necessary because it gives us a sense of value. Aim to work towards goals

10. Think of five things you are grateful for and that you awaken from your sleep today to see the sunrise….. Always keep in mind what Abraham Lincoln said: “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. Lorena Douglas, aka Rena D, is Executive Producer and A w a r d i n g Winning 2013 Talk Show Host of The Destiny Driven Radio Show. She is an Author and Motivational Speaker.

March 2015 Amazing Women



Getting to Know Yourself

realize this so they search outside and look to friends and family for answers. This method might work, but depending on their motives, intent, and knowledge (or lack thereof)…they often say things like, “Don’t worry, I’m going through it, too” or “We’re all going through it”, or “It is what it is”.

By L. J. Jackson

As a result, you get no real solutions and are unsure about whether or not to continue to allow that person or situation to fester or linger in your life or business. if you don’t find answers, your heart and mind use emotions to send you an Instant Message (IM) something is not right.

Ever heard the phrase, “When You Know Better, You Do Better”? It’s true. When was the last time you asked yourself, “What’s wrong with me or what’s bothering me?” or “Why do I feel this way?” When you ask questions like these, it’s because you have a built in “SelfAwareness” app which begins to search and help you find answers. This app has been divinely designed within you to help you understand and know yourself, your personality, values, beliefs, patterns, and habits. Why you do what you do. Hence, “When You Know Better, You Do Better” you will be able to recognize and realize what you need to adjust and change to be successful in your life and business, sooner rather than later. However, when you haven’t taken the time to know yourself, your “SelfAwareness” app won’t work as it’s designed to read a balanced, honest view about your personality, values, beliefs, patterns, and habits. Unfortunately, 32



Amazing Women March 2015


When this happens, you feel sad, depressed, angry, upset with these emotions appearing as signs and symptoms something in your life or business is off track or not matching your needs, values, expectations, or desires. If you don’t recognize or understand this, rather than stop, take a break, and use your “Self-Awareness” app. You will allow situations, circumstances, and people which no longer serve you or belong to continue to be there. When this happens, I suggest rather than allowing your emotions to control you or allowing things to fester and linger, allow your “Self-Awareness” app to go to work by tapping into your subconscious/unconscious to help you find answers so you can make the best decisions and take the best actions you can. Journaling or writing this can also be a powerful part of this process to support and empower you to become more self-aware and live and function from that space even more. During this process, many answers to questions you had earlier will reveal themselves. To get started, create two columns in

your Journal or on a sheet of paper. On the left write, “What’s wrong with me or what’s bothering me?” and on the right side write, “Why do I feel this way?” Your inner critic may show up with negative answers and words about you. If this happens and things like “You’re stupid” come up, immediately say "Cancel, I only want answers which will empower me to grow.” Pause, take a deep, relaxing breath and write what your mind comes up with. If you’re stuck and nothing comes, that’s okay. Take another deep breath and say “What’s wrong with me or what’s really bothering me?”…Tap into your subconscious/unconscious mind, close your eyes (when possible) and ask it to make you self-aware in so you can discover, understand, and know yourself more than ever. Ask yourself (then write) what values, beliefs, patterns and habits within you need to change and shift in order for you to learn, “unlearn”, grow ,and do what’s best for yourself and your business. L. J.. is an expert at empowering women to shift their thinking so they can focus, and “change what they are getting”, in order to transform their life! L. J.. is an Inspirational Speaker, Women’s Empowerment Expert, Mentor, and Coach with 20 years experience. She has degrees and credentials in Psychology, Counseling, and Guidance, is a certified Master-Success Coach and NLP Coach, and received life coach training through Tony Robbins’ premiere life coach training program. L. J.. is also the Host of the Wise Up and Rise Up Radio Show which airs Mondays at 12:30 pm PST and 2:30 pm CST.

Become Aware By Mary Ellen Ciganovich

peace you seek. Honor yourself by taking time for YOU every day, whether in a quiet setting of meditation, a walk, reading, exercising, going for a run, getting a massage or manicure, taking a gentle bubble bath, or listening to music. BECOME AWARE of your motives, judgements, assumptions, and fears. Question your motive behind anything you do. Do things for others simply because it is the right thing to do. BECOME AWARE of what you focus on because "what you focus on expands and what you think about happens." See your life as you want it to be as if it already is that way NOW! BECOME AWARE of your life choices as your life is a reflection of the choices you make. Make a decision to BECOME AWARE and make choices that will shape the future you desire.

I know before you can achieve peace and/or happiness, you must BECOME AWARE of yourself. This is never an easy task as it is much easier to recognize the errors of others rather than take responsibility for our errors.

BECOME AWARE of your passion ...the "song in your heart" which brings delight to you. All of us have one. Find yours! Live and leave the world a better place.

good health.

Mary Ellen Ciganovich is a writer, speaker, educator, and author. She heads up an organization in Chattanooga, Tennessee called R.E.A.L. Health. Mary Ellen knows when you are Really Enthusiastic About Life, you generate

Diagnosed with epilepsy at the age six and Multiple Sclerosis in 1986, Mary Ellen has lived all of the Spiritual principles she teaches. Her book, Healing Words, Life Lessons to Inspire, is a short, powerful book composed of 73 vignettes on topics ranging from Awareness to Faith and Forgiveness. Mary Ellen graduated Magna cum Laude in Education from the University of Georgia and taught middle school for 15 years. She left this career after her MS flaired up as she knew to keep it under control, she had to keep her life balanced. Mary Ellen has been featured on radio and television. She was a featured luminary on Inspire Me Today and selected as one of 30 Women from across the U.S. to write a chapter for Women Will Save the World. Connect with Mary Ellen through her web site at or on Facebook at Mary Ellen Ciganovich - Twitter @askmaryellen;; 423-653-6446.

You must BECOME AWARE of what you say and how you say it. The words you choose, your tone of voice, the expression in your face and eyes. You must BECOME AWARE of what you do and how you do it. Always pay attention to details as this will make ALL the difference. Honor your word and promises you make by always keeping them! Be on time as this shows respect to others and lets people know you respect yourself. Learn proper manners and language as these are important parts of a civilized society. Stand up for yourself. Say,"Yes" when you mean "yes" and "no" when you mean "no." Never pay attention to gossip as this talk is far away from the March 2015 Amazing Women



Friendship: Ageless and Spiritual By Mary Smith-Moore "If you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything." The soul of friendship is located in honesty, respect, sharing, and loyalty. The making and keeping of friends over a lifetime is a spiritual practice requiring large reserves of diligence, patience, and nurturing. This lifeenriching relationship, according to Eugene Kennedy, "is a process in which the ore of our humanity is sifted and refined so the strengths and weaknesses may be gradually neutralized." This process is played out beautifully in The King's Speech, one of the Most Spiritually Literate Films of 2010. We see a relationship develop between a very temperamental Prince Albert, in line to be the King of England, and Lionel Logue, an unorthodox Australian speech therapist who takes on the challenge of helping him to stop stuttering. It is sheer delight watching these two very different and strong-willed men create a special friendship. Lionel helps Prince Albert to claim his voice and this is a priceless gift which only a true friend can give. To enhance your experience and appreciation of the theme of friendship in The King's Speech, we have collected three excerpts, a spiritual practice, and a song playlist. In her book Among Friends, Letty Cottin Pogrebin writes: "From the rocking horse to the rocking chair, friendship keeps teaching us about being human." An excerpt from On Being a Friend by Eugene Kennedy, a professor of psychology at Loyola University, presents a rounded overview of this important relationship in our lives. Here is an excerpt on love. "Friendship demands a commitment of our persons in a very demanding way. There are deaths every day in loving others — death to the selfish ego that wants to turn in on itself, death to the impulses whose unthinking gratification has been easily and cheaply rationalized over the last several years. There is nothing easy about becoming a friend. It requires maturity, self-discipline, and a willingness to be understanding even when we are tired of the effort. An Excerpt from Lying With the Heavenly Woman: Understanding and Integrating the Feminine Archetype in 34

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Men's Lives by Robert A. Johnson, in which he explores the importance of interior and exterior feminine elements. Here is an excerpt on the spiritual practice of silence. "Friendship requires leisure. This fine cultural form cannot survive without the time and leisure that are its lifeblood. I love the East Indian custom of standing next to someone in silence, probably just a step in back of him, if you wish to make friends with him. Silence, waiting, time, respect for another's space — these are the elements of friendship. "Chinese culture has a gentle way of talking about friendship: their proverb is that the fifth cup of tea between friends is the best. Tea was made in old China simply by pouring hat water over loose tea leaves in a cup. The explanation of the proverb is that when friends meet, busy and tense from the outside world, the first cup of tea is drunk hastily and without much grace. The second pouring of water requires a longer time to steep the leaves. This is better. The third cup requires still more time. The fifth cup stands for an appreciable length of time before the tea is of the required strength. It is this fifth cup that becomes the symbol of friendship at its best. Even an introverted Chinese person needs the quiet passage of time, measured in cups of tea, to define the deepest friendship. There may be a subtle Chinese hint at another dimension in the symbol of the fifth cup of tea; our word for quintessence, meaning whole or total, derives from 'fifth essence.' Wholeness requires time.'" "But there is nothing like friendship, nothing better for all those around us. The joy of friendship makes its sacrifices far less difficult than they would otherwise be. The sense of ourselves delivered by friendship is unparalleled. It is absolutely the right thing for us struggling human beings. It is with that overriding understanding that we turn, sometimes with anxiety and uncertainty, to every day's work of friendship, the affectionate miracle that plunges us into the midst of mystery and reveals the world to us." When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares. Henri J.M. Nouwen, Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life writes: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who

falls and has no one to help him up!" Four Traits of Great Friendship, what does a strong friendship look like, while almost no relationship is without its bumps, the strongest friendships share these qualities Communication, Frequent Interaction, Shared Activities and Mutual Respect and Caring. We must cherish our old friendships and cultivate new ones.

Mary Smith-Moore IS A Christians Talk Show Host, 2014 Talk Show Host Of The Year Award Winner, 2013 Three Time Award Winner, Mastermind Platinum Alumni, Gold and Silver, Agents of Change Speaking Troop, Key Note Speaker, Author, and CD Producer. http://amazingwomenofpower. com/radio/mary-smith-moore March 2015 Amazing Women



Easy Methods to Enhance Your Lifestyle By Marcia Sutton In late December 2013, our strength was put to the test. The day before I started a new consulting job a 100 miles away from our main residence, we received an offer on our house which been on the market for about 60 days. During escrow, I was away from my husband Monday-Friday, with both of us in mad rush on the weekends to pack up the house and deal with escrow issues. We made it through this stressful time with me starting a new consulting position, being away from each other for six weeks, and moving in February 2014 after 11 years; a four bedroom house with three dogs, two cats (one newly acquired the week before) and oh, my husband was laid off from his job two weeks after we moved.


uring March 2013, I began a new career path after being laid off after 12 years with a Fortune 500 Company.

As I embarked on creating a human resources and consulting business, I was introduced to many wonderful companies throughout the year and had the opportunity to explore different business models and products as well as the good fortune to meet wonderful, inspiring people. After being introduced to essential oils at a class during October 2013, my world was opened up to a variety of uses for thems. 36

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My husband and I never got sick. I handled the stress of starting a new position, learning my way around a new city, as well as handling successfully the emotions of being away from my husband for 6 weeks and letting go of a house we had for 11 years which was full of wonderful memories and relocated to a place 120 miles away. The essential oils were a lifesaver to maintain our physical wellness and emotional balance. If that wasn’t enough, we moved our horses during March 2014. I used oils to keep them calm, (they had been at the same stable for over 12 years). All three horses stepped off the trailer without a hitch and acclimated immediately to their new setting on our mini-ranch in Tehachapi, California. Today, a million families are using Certified Pure Therapeutic GradeŽ oils in their homes. This trend continues to grow as we see resistance to prescription medications and possible side effects as well as over medicating unnecessarily in

the U.S. We are faced with the growing cost of traditional health care; over $6.5 trillion was spent in 2014 globally on the symptom management for people’s health. There is no better time to explore the benefits of essentials oils and the wonderful ways to use them. Here are some issues essential oils can help: promoting restful sleep, stress management, building immunity, preventing stomach upset, heartburn, menstrual or menopause symptoms, allergies, congestion, respiratory problems, muscle soreness and even appetite and hunger control! One of the main reasons essential oils are appealing is they are natural and found in the seeds, bark, flowers, rind, and leaves of plants. Essential oils work with our bodies to address issues at a cellular level without building resistance. If you use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® products, you are guaranteed the products meet a stringent testing, no fillers are added, and no pesticides or other foreign contaminants are in the oils. Essential oils can be used to restore optimal health, not only physically, but also emotionally and mentally.

internally by placing a drop in water, under the tongue, or in a gel capsule. 4. Cooking: Adding a couple of drops of essential oils to your favorite recipe can enhance the flavor and aroma. Some of the most popular oils for cooking are peppermint, lemon, orange, basil, fennel, and black pepper. 5. Cleaning: Essential oils, like lemon and orange, can be blended with soap, vinegar, and water to create an effective germ killing cleaner for kitchens and bathrooms. Adding a couple of drops of lemon to your laundry detergent can kill bacteria and leave your clothes with a fresh scent. For polishing wood furniture try a few drops of white fir on a cloth to remove dirt, add shine, and a pleasant scent. Here are few tips to using essential oils and receiving maximum benefit:  It just takes a few drops for each application to be effective.  Essential oils work best with proper nutrition and when your body is hydrated.  For ongoing or chronic health challenges use oils consistently (example: daily - a.m./p.m.).  If issues are acute use oils frequently to prevent and receive relief. (example: every 15-30 minutes. By using the oils aromatically, topically, and internally, we made it through a very stressful time.

Let’s take a deeper look at Five Easy Methods to Enhance your Lifestyle with Essential Oils: 1. Aromatic: You can breathe in oils, use a diffuser, or mix them with water in a glass sprayer and mist. This method can clean the air in your environmental setting, open nasal airways, and positively affect mood. 2. Topical: Essential Oils can be applied to any area of the body affected to provide specific support. They oils can also be applied to the feet for fast absorption, (feet have the most pores of any part of our body! Oils are safe for dogs and horses, too).

My husband and I are daily users of products and supplements made with essential oils and we use them on our dogs and horses, too. Marcia Sutton is a seasoned business and human resources consultant with over 28 years of experience. Marcia provides business and wellness consulting services small business owners and individuals who in addition to successful careers are seeking natural solutions to enhance and support their overall wellbeing and health. For your complimentary wellness consult, please email Marcia at or call 805-844-6368. To see the doTerra products go to http://

3. Internal: Some oils and supplements can be taken March 2015 Amazing Women



Warning: Sometimes You Don't Get a Warning

My Jeep situation is not much different than how our bodies work. There are times when a warning sign comes on in your car, whether it be to check your engine or battery or when you’re running low on fuel. Similarly, our bodies also give us warning signals. Whenever we’re moody, stressed, tired, hungry, or cranky, for example, it’s our body’s way of telling us we need sleep, water, a meal, or relaxation.

By Kim Acedo Yet, if we wait until the warning signal appears, we may get caught like a "deer in the headlights" when something does go wrong.

The main reason I’ve kept my Jeep running so well and kept her happy throughout her 12 long years is because I have maintained great upkeep on her. I rarely waited until something was wrong before I took her to the “doctor.” I have been proactive in keeping her “healthy” including remaining faithful to her regular check-ups, because I know it's the best way to ensure she upholds her optimal performance.

I’ve had my Jeep Wrangler for over 12 years now. She’s great. She’s been faithful to me all these years, only requiring minor “surgeries” and regular upkeep every now and then. We’ve been through so much in the 150,000 miles we’ve traveled together; I plan on keeping her for a long time. Last week, however, something out of the ordinary happened. Without a warning, I found myself and my Jeep stopped at a red stoplight, something we’ve done countless times before, but this time something was wrong. Something was very wrong. I started to feel her lose power and before I could believe what was happening, she completely stopped running. The traffic light turned green and I kept trying to start my Jeep. Nothing was happening. I sat parked at the green light mystified while the cars behind me starting honking their horns. All I could think was how strange is was for her to completely lose power without giving me any warning whatsoever. 38 Amazing Women March 2015

While we won’t always get a warning signal when our body needs our attention, it’s vital we do the best we can to be proactive to keep it running as smoothly as possible. It’s easy to judge how our health is doing by looking on the outside: how much weight we’ve gained or lost, how tired we look, or how our clothes fit. However, it’s important not to forget that what’s going on “under the hood” is where our attention should lie. There are many things out of our control when it comes to how well our “vehicle” is working; however, remember there are countless things you CAN control. What part of your health needs a tune-up or some maintenance today to ensure that your body continues to serve you and uphold her optimal performance? Kim Acedo believes a healthy life is a life you’ll love! She partners with women in their 50’s who are ready, willing, and able to make a healthy change in their lives and coaches them toward improving their Sleep, Food, Mood, and Exercise habits so they can live a healthier, happier life. Kim has a Master’s degree in Kinesiology, is a Certified Health & Wellness Coach, and is the owner of Transformation Wellness for Women where she works with her clients virtually in the comfort of their own home or office. Learn more:


alk Your Way to Health By Consuelo Meux, PhD.


t’s important for every professional business woman to take responsibility to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you work primarily on the Internet, exercising might not be on the top of your daily list. However, no one can do what’s necessary for your health except you. One of the simplest ways to get a good workout, burn calories, and get your heart rate up is to walk. Walking is easy, cheap, accessible to almost everybody, and makes you feel good. Walking even helps with weight loss and keeps you feeling younger. Of course, check with your medical provider before starting on any exercise program. Why Walking Works Walking helps build muscle, even while you lose weight. You can lose weight simply by eating less calories; without exercise, you also lose muscle tone along with the weight. A University of Pittsburgh study compared the results of 64 overweight and obese participants losing weight, with or without, adding exercise. Both sets of dieters followed a low-fat eating plan cutting 500 to 1000 calories a day. One group did moderate exercise 45 minutes a day, three to four times a week. After four months both groups lost up to 45 pounds on average. But the dieters who didn’t exercise also lost about three times more lean body mass and muscle while the dieters who exercised improved their fat burning ability twice as much and burned nearly 40% more fat than the nonexercises (Amati, et al., 2008). Another study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that arthritis sufferers experienced 25% less pain and 15% less stiffness following six months of lowimpact exercise like walking (Callahan, et. al, 2008). March 2015 Amazing Women


LIFESTYLE Even pre-diabetic, sedentary adults were found to improve their sensitivity to insulin by 59% and their ability to produce insulin by 31% in as little of seven days with a one hour daily walking program (Bloem & Chang, 2008).

There are several different ways you can walk to get out of a routine. Some might surprise you since walking just seems to be so natural.

These studies give examples of the many benefits of walking as an exercise for health. But even everyday results are impressive.

Different Ways to Walk

Walkers are more energized, rest better, and sleep more soundly. The body which is active provides natural antioxidants, lubricants, and nutrients for the joints, muscles, and bones which is important for proper bone density as we age. Speaking of aging, you might not realize walking helps to keep oxygen flowing to the brain, providing it with substances which improve memory, attention, and problem solving abilities. With these great benefits, walking should be high on your list as a daily activity. However, just plain walking at a pace to which you’re accustomed is not going to give the benefits you need. It’s easy to just get out for a stroll. It’s walking which pushes you past your comfort zone into levels which challenges your body that matters. Walking That Matters Start where you’re at and move up from there. If regular exercise has not been a part of your agenda, start slowly. A short 10 minute walk might be all you can handle at first. Remember, something is better than nothing. Take a short walk around the block or up and down the neighborhood. But don’t stay at this level as the body gets accustomed to a certain activity. When you do the same routine day after day, “muscle memory” sets in. This means the muscles start to know exactly what’s going to happen next so they no longer have to work hard to reach the limits you put on them. For instance, if you stroll up and down the same street every day for the same amount of time, your body will soon stop pushing itself to perform. You burn fewer calories and your metabolism slows down. If you never get past what you feel comfortable doing, you won’t see the scale moving in the direction you want it to go. Push yourself a bit each day. 40

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The type of walking you do will depend on your health. You might start with the short, slower walk I mentioned earlier. Once you do this, be ready to increase the intensity, distance and add other supports to make your workout more effective. Interval walking is when you maintain a high intensity speed for a period of time. You walk fast so you can only talk in brief phrases. You can do a burst of high energy walking for a few minutes, slow down, returning to the burst walking. Repeat this type of interval walking for 10 to 30 minutes. Long walks help with endurance and keep your calorie burn going for over seven hours after you finish exercising. These walks will normally be longer and slower. Speed walks are shorter, but more intense throughout the walk. You’ll walk like you’re trying to get somewhere fast, taking long strides and moving at a consistent fast pace which leaves you close to breathless. This is the best type of walk to help burn belly fat. A recovery walk is the type you can do every day. This is more than a stroll, but not very brisk. Do these in-between the days when you use the interval walk or speed walks to keep burning calories without over exerting yourself. Doing a variety of walking speeds while you select a different route over the course of a week will keep you motivated. Now you need to get ready to start walking. Essential Walking Equipment Before starting, get a good pair of walking shoes. Walking shoes are specially designed to support the heel-to-toe motion of walking. These shoes will have a beveled or rounded heel, similar to the shape of your foot to allow you to roll smoothly through each step and cushion your heel. These shoes bend in the forefoot, right behind the ball of the foot and stabilize the

feet for a smoother stride and reduced risk of injury. Another reason to get a good pair of walking shoes is because your feet are unique. You have your own size, foot shape, and way of moving. Go to a sports store or other specialty shoe store where they can analyze your foot to fit you with the correct shoe. The right type of socks is another important tool for safe walking. Socks help keep feet cool, dry, and comfortable. Some have extra padding in the heel and ball to cushion the foot. This also protects against bumps, bruises, and blisters. Try walking shoes on with your socks to ensure a proper fit. Almost 60% of women report some type of breast pain while exercising. A properly-fitting sports bra can often help. These bras are designed to stop the motion of the breast in all directions, not just up and down, giving support and comfort. To find the best sports bra, try on several styles as each has different features. The bra should be form fitting and supportive, without pinching or squeezing. Jog or march in place to see if you have the correct support without pain.

while helping to increase your speed. Bend your arms at a 90 degree angle to swing them at your sides. This also increases speed. Keep your elbows and hands close to your sides. Practice until you can bring the hand all the way back to just past your hip, swinging the hand forward to about chest height. Exert yourself, but don’t overdo. Depending on your health, start with a few steps, building up to a minimum of 30 minutes at least four days of week. At the end of your walking session, cool down by slowing the pace to an easy intensity for about 5 minutes to prevent the blood from pooling in your legs, which can cause dizziness or nausea. It also helps remove lactate build up in the muscles so you won’t feel as fatigued. After the cool down, end with stretching while your muscles and joints are warm and flexible. This helps to maintain a good range of motion in the joints. Find a set of different types of stretches for the whole body. Do each stretch for about 10 seconds, release and repeat, working up to 30 seconds. By using these tips you should be on your way to a regular, healthy walking routine.

These are the essential pieces of equipment needed to make walking safe and healthy. You can add a pedometer to measure your steps, an MP3 or iPod for music or motivational talks while you walk, and/or a heart rate monitor to measure heart rate. You can also use weights of 1 to 5 pounds to help with fat burning. While all of these help, none are essential to get going.


Taking Your First Steps


Bloem, C. J. Chang, A. M. “Short-term exercise improves D-cell function and insulin resistance in older people with impaired glucose tolerance,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 93 (2008): 193-99. F. Amati, et al., “Separate and combined effects of exercise training and weight loss on exercise efficiency and substrate oxidation,” Journal of Applied Physiology 105 (2009): 825-31. L.F. Callahan, et. Al, “A randomized controlled trial of the People with Arthritis Can Exercise Program: symptoms, function, physical, activity, and psychosocial outcomes,” Arthritis and Rheumatism 59, no. 1

Here is the exciting part; taking the first steps. Three things to do to start walking properly are to warm-up, cool-down, and stretch.

Consuelo Meux, PhD. is a Master Clarity Coach/Consultant, Certified Health & Weight Loss Coach, Raw/ Vegan Chef & Trainer, author, writer and entrepreneur. Visit her website for FREE resources to help you gain clarity in your online writing and marketing.

To warm up, start walking slowly for the first up to 5 minutes to gradually raise your heart rate, send blood to the muscles, and ramp up respiration. It also increases body temperature and starts burning calories. As body temperature increases, so does your metabolic rate. You increase circulation, blood flow, and range of motion to protect yourself from injury. Then move into the type of walking routine you planned. While walking, stand tall. This makes you feel better Click here to purchase her book.

March 2015 Amazing Women



Are Your Dreams and Goals Slipping Away Due to ADHD? By Bonnie Terry, M.Ed., BCET Many adults don’t realize they have ADHD (attention deficit disorder). They just know their dreams and goals are slipping out of reach. School age incidence of ADHD has increased to 11% being diagnosed with ADHD although the suspected incidence is higher. Adults aren’t far behind. Symptoms of Adult ADHD 1. Being late for work 2. Difficulty keeping your mind on the task at hand 3. Trouble prioritizing and seeing tasks to completion 4. Easily distracted 5. Trouble concentrating when reading 6. Difficulty with staying focused and following through on tasks 7. Impulsive behaviors 8. Blurting out rude opinions or thoughts 9. Hyper-focused on tasks they find interesting 10. Difficulty with breaking down tasks and following directions

a) For aid in sleep, use lavender oil in a diffuser and/ or cypress oil on the corner of a pillow b) For focus – inTune c) For balancing the body – Balance 4.







Radionics therapy

If you need eyeglasses or hearing aids, get them. Try these solutions first and, if they do not work, use medication. If you do have adult ADHD, there is help available. Working with an ADHD coach/ mentor and honing organizational skills will benefit you. Executive Function and ADHD People with ADHD have challenges with "executive function;" however, everyone with executive function problems does not have ADHD. Executive Function skills allow us to finish our work on time, ask for help or more information when needed, wait to speak until we're called upon. Difficulties with these skills can lead to difficulties with planning, organizing, and managing time and space. An ADHD coach can help you with these skills so you can live a more productive life.

11. Puts off boring tasks

iPhone and Android APPS Which Help ADHD Adults

12. More likely to speed when driving

With these apps, you can set reminders to alert you when something is due, and daily reminders for things such as taking medication. You can put an alert on Google or Outlook calendars to remind you when an event is occurring. Reminders can be set up also to go to your phone. There are several other apps which will benefit you if you use them consistently. These apps keep you organized regarding calls, emails, tasks, and errands.

Many of the above are also symptoms of depression so consult with your health care provider to discern. if you have ADHD versus depression or other health issues work through several ADHD checklists. If three show you have ADHD, ask your physician to review your checklists and get an official diagnosis. Your doctor will take a patient history and may ask questions. If you do have ADHD, physicians often prescribe medicatiion. Alternative Treatment for Adult ADHD There are many alternative treatments besides medication. 1. Making dietary changes to your life can make a difference to the impact ADHD has on it. 2. Getting proper sleep makes a big difference. Think about it, when you haven’t slept well, you don’t usually have a great day. Those with ADHD often have sleep problems, so they are suffering from lack of sleep which often compounds the ADHD behaviors. 3. Using essential oils ( adhdoils): 42

Amazing Women March 2015

Since ADHD does run in families, you can access 25 ADHD Tips to help your child or teen improve their learning skill. Visit adhd. If you wish to take a comprehensive course on ADHD, visit adhd-classroom-and-teaching-strategies Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET is the best-selling author of Family Strategies for ADHD Kids, School Strategies for ADHD Kids, Five Minutes to Better Reading Skills, and the Awaken the Scholar Within Programs. She is internationally recognized as the leading dyslexia and ADHD expert and the founder of www. She is also the host of Learning Made Easy Talk Radio.

Delicious Powerpacked Foods

of their health benefits. 5. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which reduce the risk of heart disease and other conditions. Wild salmon is a fatty fish, but it contains good fats proven to improve health in children and adults. Salmon is rich in protein, excellent for building muscle tissue.

By Tracey Doctor 6 Flax Seed, like salmon, contains omega-3 fatty acids. These seeds also contain omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. They are excellent for helping with high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes. Ground flax seed can be added to fruit smoothies, sprinkled in yogurt, eaten with cereal, or added to corn bread or pancake mix, to mention a few.

The foods we eat are essential to enjoying a long, healthy life. Many foods have no nutritious value. Choosing and eating the right foods may help increase your life expectancy and your quality of life, adding to your health and well being. Here's a list of some fantastic foods which will give you energy, vitality, and all around good health! 1. Fruits and Berries are filled with many antioxidants which fight free radical damage in the body and reduce the risk of cancer. Berries, such as blueberries and grapes, have the highest amount of antioxidants. Choose an array of nutritious fruits in a variety of colors for maximum health. The antioxidants in berries and fruit, such as acai berries, strawberries, pomegranates, and black berries boost the immune system to fight the effects of aging in the body. 2. Beans, Kidney, Navy, Lentils, Chickpeas, Northern, are high in protein. This plant protein contains very little fat, carbs and calories. If fiber is a problem in your diet, eating a healthy portion of beans each day can keep your digestive system healthy. 3. Oatmeal is the cereal whichh can lower your blood cholesterol! Make it with rolled oats or eat the instant kind if you are in a hurry. Oatmeal is a filling grain which also provides much-needed fiber to keep hunger at bay and your blood sugar constant. 4. Allium Foods include garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots. Garlic is known for lowering cholesterol. Many vegetables help guard against the risk of cancer and other ailments. They help lower blood pressure and prevent clots. Eating these power-packed vegetables in their natural state, especially garlic, increases many

7. Peppers are tasty, colorful, and low in calories. They contain antioxidants like beta-carotene and Vitamin C. Peppers range from mild and sweet to very hot. All peppers contain a substance called capsaicin which has the properties of an anti-inflammatory, a pain reliever, and lowers cancer risk and heart disease. They are good in salads, salsa, and other dishes. 8. Nuts are high in fat, but those fats are the good kind! Peanuts, almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts, and pistachios are providers of good fats and protein. Enriching your diet with sesame, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds can help to lower cholesterol and are a great energy source. 9. Yogurt, especially the fat free variety is the best. Yogurt contains calcium, Vitamin B, and protein. If you don't drink milk, yogurt is an alternative to get your calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Live yogurt also contains friendly bacteria to help promote a healthy digestive system. Building a better healthier body begins with what you eat. Incorporating these wonderful foods can empower you and help you to maintain a healthier lifestyle. You can find these and many other health solutions in my upcoming book Amazing Women Healing Secrets. Contact me directly to order. Tracey has years’ of experience in holistic life coaching. Her passion and goal is to educate, support, and empower women from all walks of life. She is committed to helping women fully realize their potential and Godgiven talents and strive for their excellence in whatever they desire to fulfill. By creating emotional balance and exploring various natural ways to reduce and limit stress in everyday life, those who work with Tracey find themselves focused and empowered.

March 2015 Amazing Women




ealing Through Loss and Grief


By Diana Micucci

oss—whether the passing of a cherished loved one, the ending of a relationship, or leaving a job or home behind—is an inevitable part of life.

support, sadly passed away just before Christmas last year at the age of 68, I did not expect the deep, quiet peace I gradually began feeling over time.

Each successive loss we experience carries its own particular intensity and grief. Loss can also bring an unexpected gift of healing.

The grieving process, as we know, comes in waves. We must surrender to it fully to move beyond it. I found my allconsuming grief for my Aunt Paula took me even deeper into my heart and everything else faded away.

When my beloved aunt, Paula, such a great friend and 44

Amazing Women March 2015

Weathering Loss

All that was left was a more expansive Love for everyone and everything around me.

we create spaciousness in our thoughts, we can more easily open our hearts to love.

Tapping into this kind of universal love also brought me to a baseline presence, where all that mattered was my experience in the moment and nothing more.

I notice that once I stop focusing on the past and future, and became more present in the moment, I feel more spaciousness and love.

What followed was deep gratitude for the many blessings in my life and then, eventually, a quiet, abiding peace within.

The characters in my new novel, The Third Muse, endure tremendous losses.

When weathering losses, I have found solace in the words of one of my favorite poets, Rainer Maria Rilke, who wrote in Sonnets to Orpheus: “Be ahead of all parting, as though it already were behind you, like the winter that has just gone by. For among these winters, there is one so endlessly winter that only by wintering through it will your heart survive.” Shedding the Familiar Major life transitions, whether self-induced or not, are naturally unsettling and even a bit frightening, because they involve a shedding of the familiar. However, it is only in the emptying we can make room for the new. And this takes trust, in both oneself and in a higher guiding force which appears to be conspiring on our behalf. We are presented with opportunities each day to transcend our limited sense of self and connect with what really matters—the love in our hearts and the truth of who we are—divine beings with infinite power to create anything we desire. When we truly live from our highest Self, the part connected to all that is, we often find ourselves in a state of joyful expectancy, where seeming miracles abound. We take more risks, become more peaceful and productive, and radiate our inner light more freely. Yet in order to sustain this desirable state of being, we must not only cultivate our connection to and cooperation with Source, we also must let go of attachments, whether to our identities, possessions, emotions, or beliefs, which keep us stuck in repeating patterns which prevent us from realizing our highest potential.

New York journalist Lena Leone says, “I must risk all,” because she knows that not taking risks keeps her from growing. With risk comes uncertainty and often loss. The Florentine noblewoman Giovanna Tornabuoni, the subject of a Renaissance masterpiece who becomes Lena's spiritual guide, suffers greatly, losing so much that is dear to her. Yet she radiates even more love because of it. The Third Muse incorporates the teachings of Mary Magdalene, who also knew the greatest healing force is love. Ultimately, any experience of loss has the capacity to help us find our true self again. Dana Micucci has enjoyed a decadeslong career as a widely-published journalist and author writing about culture, travel, and spirituality. To learn how to reconnect with your spiritual core and tap into higher guidance and support, contact Dana at about her mentorship program for women, Divine Life: A Woman’s Guide to Your Own True Power™. Join Dana each Wednesday at 12 p.m. Central for her show, “Awakening the Mystic Within,” on the Amazing Women of Power Radio Network, powered by Raven International. She has a private healing practice and conducts transformational talks and workshops nationwide. For more information, go to Her last book, Sojourns of the Soul: One Woman’s Journey around the World and into Her Truth, was a gold winner in the 2013 Nautilus Book Awards. She is the author of a new novel, The Third Muse, an international art-world mystery inspired by Renaissance ideals and divine feminine wisdom. Order Dana’s books at

Letting go is not about giving up something we love, but about releasing on what our attention has fixated. When March 2015 Amazing Women



Tips for Staying on the Clean-eating Wagon


t’s March and although Spring is here, we have had a lot of cold and snow here in the Northeast and I’ve been craving lots of cozy comfort foods, and warm broths and soups. My clients are loving my Cauliflower & Parsnip Soup with Leeks. I usually make it with bone broth, for extra nourishment, but you can use any type broth. Cauliflower and Parsnip Soup with Leeks Ingredients 1 small-medium head of cauliflower (cut into pieces) 4-6 parsnips (peeled and sliced) 1/4 cup sliced/chopped leek 1 clove of garlic

By Heidi Symonds

1 quart broth 1-2 cups almond milk 1 bay leaf Pea Sprouts for garnish (optional) 1-2 tablespoons butter or coconut oil for sautéing Salt and Pepper to taste Method In a soup pot, sauté leeks and garlic until soft and translucent. Add cauliflower and parsnips, stirring frequently for 3-4 mins. Add broth and bring to a boil. Cook until veggies are soft. Add 1 cup of almond mil, and stir. Use immersion blender, or pour in batches into regular blender mixing well. Pour back into soup pot, add more almond milk for desired thickness, add salt, pepper and bay leaf. Let all the flavors marry, top with sprouts and enjoy. This recipe, straight from my Nourish Yourself Winter Reset, helps me shine every time! My “Nourish Yourself Spring Fling Reset” is launching soon. Visit for more information. Speaking of nourishing yourself for life, here are: 6 Tips For Staying On The Clean Eating Wagon 1. Take more time for you. In our busy lives, it can be hard to find time to slow down, rest, and relax, but it is so necessary for living a healthy and balanced life. You MUST put your own oxygen mask on first.


Amazing Women March 2015

body, inspiring clean eating, nourishing self-care, and loving choices. 6. Choose your influences. I had the honor of seeing Dr. Northrup speak at an event here in Portland, Maine who said, “We co-create each other’s DNA by the company we keep.”

2. Listen to your body. When you’re hungry, eat. When you’re full, stop. When you are thirsty, drink water of course! When you’re tired, sleep. Tap in to the intuition that’s present in all of us. Tap into the inner-knowing: Your body knows what it needs; you just have to listen. 3. Avoid to what you’re sensitive. Pay attention to the foods which create inflammation and zap your energy. Become aware of any food sensitivities you may have. Determine what foods work best for you and your unique body.  Foods that don’t seem to sit right?  Foods that cause pain, cramping and acid reflux?  Foods that spike your blood sugar and leave you feeling tired, foggy and groggy? 4. Add IN foods that leave you feeling nourished, full and vibrant. Anti-inflammatory foods like leafy greens, avocado’s, and clean protein sources. 5. Look at life holistically. Health is not just about the food on our plate or the number of hours we log exercising. It’s about the health of everything in our lives from our relationships to our careers and finances to our spiritual practices. What other areas of your life need more nourishment? A “dash” of balance in multiple areas of your life creates a ripple effect throughout your entire

This really struck me. We “consume” so much more than what we put in our mouths. We learn habits and patters from those around us. We ingest fumes from cleaning materials, city streets, and foul moods. Every time we interact with others and the outside world, we are “ingesting” more and more. Oprah always says: “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”

Did you know that up to 95% of the neurotransmitters, like serotonin, your brain needs to stay balanced and “happy” is created in your gut? It’s true. Clean, alkalizing and enzyme rich foods along with healthy fats create the perfect environment for these “feel good” chemicals to be manufactured and put into action; allowing you to feel your best. Remember: It’s not just YOUR time… It’s your time to Shine! So choose wisely and stay nourished! Heidi Symonds, Speaker, Radio Show Host and Certified, Holistic Health Coach, Wife, ‘Dog Mom’ of two and founder of NourishYourselfForLife. com, is passionate about coaching women to use food, spirituality and lifestyle choices to nourish and heal themselves—mind, body and soul. Heidi’s simple strategies and intuitive practices help her clients incorporate loving self-care and creative, top notch nutrition into their lives allowing them to feel the best they've ever felt. She coaches people to put themselves first (guilt free) and find the optimal versions of themselves so they can love the life they are living, and continue to care for those they love. Heidi received her training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City where she is a contributor to Workshop Resources with her winning workshop “10 Ways to Nourish Yourself and Feel Better Today,” and the University of Southern Maine. You can work with her 1:1 in person, or over the phone, in her online Seasonal Resets, group coaching programs, or fun, party-like workshops and retreats at your home, place of business or conference.

March 2015 Amazing Women




iving with Joy


iving with joy is something you can do, even in the darkest, most difficult times. In fact, these are the times when it will do the most good.

It’s easy to be joyful when things are going well. The real challenge is to feel joy when you feel alone, or depressed, or sad. Joy is what makes life beautiful. It's what gets us through challenges and allows light in to illuminate the shadows. Joy heals our wounds, inspires us to greatness, and fills our souls with goodness. When was the last time you hugged yourself and said: “I am the luckiest person in the world!" 48

Amazing Women March 2015

By Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

Most of us have had an experience like this; some have these moments often. Joy is that WOW experience of being alive. We experience it during intense moments, like when we fulfill a goal, achieve success, feel connected and a part of something special, and see beauty in our world and in those we love. You deserve to have this kind of feeling and emotion. If you are saying, “What is she writing about?” it is time to listen to spirit and find JOY! When we speak about joy, we often use the term “bliss,” which is being absorbed in what we love doing. We take a break from our worries and trust all is right with the world.

Researcher and author Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania, wrote Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. In this book, he writes about feeling gratification and being engaged as well as absorbed in whatever you are doing. Happy People Are More Likely to Feel Joy Seligman wrote we all have the capacity to experience these feelings and emotions, but happy people are more likely to feel joy more frequently. He believes happiness is a habit we can learn. It is determined by what we do and how we do it.

share your vulnerabilities. 15. Dance. (If you can't dance, hop) 16. Pay someone a compliment. 17. Listen to uplifting music. 18. Volunteer. 19. Exercise. 20. Set a goal, then reach it (run a marathon, ace a test, lose five pounds). 21. Meditate. 22. Write a "thank you" letter or on Facebook post "I appreciate you" to someone.

However, at least half of our happiness comes from how we perceive our world and what we expect to happen. Have you ever heard someone say, “I am going to be happy today." That person is developing a “happiness high� and has a greater chance to have joy. She expects to be happy and probably will get her wish.

23. Walk barefoot in the sand or on grass.

What do people do to find joy?

28. Take a nap.

Put your perceptions in high gear and read these 40 simple ways for accessing joy daily

29. Ask someone for help and express appreciation).

1. Play with kids.

31. Discover a new smell (a candle, flower, or massage oil).

2. Play like a kid.

32. Snuggle.

3. Learn something new (a new sport or game, a new recipe).

33. Get rid of stuff; donate it to a homeless shelter.

4. Stroll in nature. 5. Help someone (like carrying their groceries or paying their toll on the highway). 6. Be grateful for what you have. 7. Play with your pet. 8. Travel (even if it's to the next town). 9. Be romantic (kiss your partner, buy someone a gift for no reason, write a love letter).

24. Slowly eat a healthy meal. 25. Teach someone a new skill. 26. Memorize a poem. 27. Turn errands into an adventure (make a game out of finding items at the store like a treasure hunt).

30. Watch a favorite movie for the hundredth time.

34. Watch a sunrise or sunset. 35. Make a commitment to change a bad habit, then do it. 36. Create something. 37. Eat an ice cream cone. 38. Have dinner by candlelight. 39. Walk in the rain. 40. Surrender (give it up to God).

10. Put on a costume.

Following are three things you can begin practicing today to bring joy immediately to your life.

11. Read a great book.

1. Savor every moment

12. Laugh and smile, no matter how you're feeling.

13. Sing out loud (I do this in the car or the shower only). 14. Connect authentically with friends and family and

I had a friend who had cancer. She is in remission, but says she is glad she did because she now looks at life as a gift and savors every moment she is alive. March 2015 Amazing Women


LIFESTYLE 2. Pursue your goals

Don’t give up your goals or dreams. Set goals for yourself, work toward them, and you will be happy and feel satisfied.

3. Find your calling

Do not take up space in this world and give nothing back. Share your talents and skills. Don’t worry, you’ll find you have many things to share if you pay attention.

We all need a reason to get up each day. Start today and find your “happiness high.” Remember, Spirit is always with you. All you have to do is ask for help, open your heart to God’s word, listen, and act. 50

Amazing Women March 2015

Rev. Basia Christ, M.Div. has a Ph.D. in Transformational Counseling. She has written for Today’s Woman, Beach Cities Style, Radiance, and Empowering Women magazines, and, of course, Amazing Women, and the OC Register. She donated her kidney anonymously on November 3, 2010. Basia advocates for human trafficking victims through presentations and fundraising She is available for presentations on human trafficking, gender equality, being a living kidney donor, and Reaching Your Greatness. For more information, call 949.690.1257 or email basia@ Listen to her show "Speaking from Spirit: Become Who You are Meant to Be: on Sundays at noon PCT on the Amazing Women of Power Network, powered by Raven International.

A great gift for a loved one's birthday, mother's day ...or buy it for yourself! Click here to order a Kindle edition or print copy Read Rev. Basia Christ's inspirational spiritual journal as she went from being suicidal in 2005 to becoming an altruistic kidney donor in 2010. It all began with God’s challenge of “Why not you?” Spirit guided her to interview 26 extraordinary women from around the world so she could learn valuable life lessons. The book also contains a workbook and valuable resources to help readers "rise from the ashes."

The women are:  Jan Turner, Minnesota  Erin Runnion, California  Fauzia Assifi, Afghanistan  Marilyn van Derbur, Colorado  Isabel Losada, England  Trisha Meili, New York  Laurie-Ann Weis, California  Ngawang Sangdrol, Tibet  Mariane Pearl, France  Mukhtar Mai, Pakistan  Erin Brockovich, California  Fauziya Kassindja, Togo  Judge Zakia Hakki, Iraq  Marian Fontana, New York  Sibel Edmonds, Turkey  Denise Brown, California  Dr. Cloud Scout Lee, Hawaii  Fran Drescher, California  Wangari Maathai, Kenya  Tracey Moore, California  Niemat Ahmadia, Darfur  Patricia Wenskunas, California  Azam Kamguian, Iran  Fatima Sadiqi, Morocco  Peggy O’Neill, California  Somaly Mam, Cambodia

Click here to read fabulous reviews

March 2015 Amazing Women



American Idol ...

sht on


Amazing Women March 2015

By Raven Blair Glover

Raven: I'm very excited to have Ashton Jones on today but I'm going to tell you a little bit about her before we bring her on. But just want to remind you that you are tuning at Regina to Raven Celebrity Rave and we would like to honor and highlight a different celebrity that are giving back, that understand the why. Why so important to find something that you are passionate about. Find something that you feel like you want to put your name on. Want something not just put your name on but put your heart in. Put it like that. When I prompt to ask and she was telling me about an organization or foundation she's going to start for mommas. I said, you got to be on my Raven Celebrity Rave Show. I was going to feature her on statement called Young Women in Power. Bring it back on to that. But I thought she was perfect and I heard her passion for a foundation she wants to start. Now Jennifer Lopez said she is a diva. And Rolling Stones added her Malika while she was quoted in saying an article he wrote that she is a cross between BeyoncĂŠ and supreme diva Diana Ross. She said she's got a presence on stage. And you've seen any in idols been ceasing, you know that she does have certainly have a presence. She has a stardom in her for sure. Ashton has always watched the American idol. She said that she always dreamed of a Disney but she has no idea this would be her ceasing. She has worked tirelessly on her singing career, in and around international area for about six years. And she was working a regular job we only heard her tell

her story but her mom gave her a call and say, "Hey, it's your time to shine." [Laughter] And she did. So we are excited to bring her on and listen to how she's had such a passion for what she does. And like I said we are going to be talking about the foundation that's she is going to be starting called Movie Mountain Foundation. And I'm proud to say she even has a new single called Chocolate Factory, written by herself.

managing there and she said, "Ashton, auditions are here, American Idol auditions are here, you need to go, you need to go." And I'm like, "Ma, I got to work and I don't know if I'm going to be able to take off." My exact words and she said, "Ashton, now you know we've been watching this show for years and you've been saying, "It's not my time. It's not my time yet." She said, "Now is the time." Raven: Now is your time to shine.

Raven: And produce by Bar-None. So without further ado hey we are just going to say like Jennifer Lopez and let's bring on the diva Ashton Jones. How are you doing?

Ashton Jones: Yeah.

Ashton: What's up Raven?

Ashton: Yes. She is.

Raven: Hey, hey, hey, girlfriend. I didn't want to mess up your story but you know from what I understand, you working in a show store, or retail store or what?

Raven: Bring her on.

Ashton: I was working in a shoe store at River Gate Mall and my mom called me while I was working. I was

Raven: Okay I like momma. Ashton: [Laughter]. I love my mom. Raven: Is she with us?

Anderson: Hi. Raven: How are you doing? Anderson: I'm blessed and how are doing this evening? Raven: I am so wonderful, you know I really got to know your daughter in the past couple weeks. She is a young March 2015 Amazing Women


ENTERTAINMENT woman of power. Anderson: Yes, she is. And she's been a power when she was in my womb she is a power. [Laughter] Raven: Well, I'm so glad you are able to join us. I was telling her from day one of me speaking to her because I know she has a deep love for you So first let me thank you for coming on for doing this live taping for your daughter. I'm so thrilled to have you on. So real quickly before we get back to her, we are going to keep you on for couple minutes. How did you feel when you realize she was going to try out? She went down there the very first time.

Anderson: You know I was excited because when I heard they were coming in to Nashville to audition. I actually thought of Ashton because I really felt though it was tough for Ashton, for her to [0:07:18] [Inaudible]. So I just feel like this was something that she had passion for to do. But she knew it wasn't her time yet. Raven: Right. Anderson: When I phoned her, she knew, "Okay, it is my time." So the excitement of it all is that to know she made it through that round, through this round, through that round. And she's got you know. [Laughter]. So it was just a blessing to me to even see that happen for Ashton.

Raven: Well, you know. I can imagine. I am a mom myself and my son he is always did sing but more on the opera. But I remember I as a proud mom so I just know you felt really good and she made it to the 13 finalists. That was really good. Anderson: Yes, that was. Raven: And many says, she should have won. She definitely have the voice. Is this something that you put her or she always got it or tried out a different event in school? Anderson: Like I said when I go back to Ashton being in my womb, I knew that there was something significant about that child. I didn't know if it was a girl or a boy. I didn't want to know. But I knew that it was going to be something special about the child and I guess when Ashton was about six months old, Ashton started talking, Ashton's been talking before she was six months old. Ashton would do things that ordinary babies wouldn't do. So I watched her. So after they have been brought up to the church, going to church, Ashton begins to start singing in the choir. So that's when we found out Ashton could really sing. So it is really something that she has always done. Ashton was singing in the bathroom. Raven: Wow. She's always had talent. Anderson: That's so true, Raven. Raven: I believe it. And your mom just said she knew you were going to be something. Can I call you Ms. Jones is that your last name? Anderson: I'm Anderson. Raven: Anderson, okay. Well I really


Amazing Women March 2015


March 2015 Amazing Women


ENTERTAINMENT appreciate you giving us couple minutes and thank you so much. You're welcome to hang on and listen in and you can just hit star six on your end, okay. Thank you so much and I know I will be talking to you in the future because me and Ashton, we are connected now. Anderson: I'll look forward to it. Raven: Okay. Ashton: Bye mom. Anderson: Bye Ashton. Raven: We are glad she was able to join us. Ashton, great. It's nice to see... Ashton Jones: To have my mom right on there, yeah. Raven: You know what? When we were talking I just said this has got to happen because I felt the passion and your love for her. That's awesome. So let's go back down there and let me say you had performance in front of Mandy and Stephen and Jennifer.

was so stressful because the first time, my mom couldn't make it so the first I audition, I was by myself. So I was in this stadium, municipal auditorium and it was thousands of people. 16 thousand actually in Nashville and I was by myself and I went and I auditioned and I sang. The first song I sang, Ada James. And then I sang the Jasmin Sullivan song. And they were listening to me and they were jamming to that Jasmine Sullivan song. It was kind of a powerful song, so she told me, she said, "Please don't sing Ada James no more. You sing that Jasmine Sullivan song again." Raven: Really? I didn't know. How did that went?

Ashton Jones: You know, I'm going to tell you some inside scoop.

Ashton: They said, "Yeah." And they said, "You've got to go take it." And I was, I wanted somebody to hug and I just hugged somebody that I didn't know. But it was so exciting and when I finally got in front of the judges, it was a dream come true. I was so nervous. I was so nervous.

Raven: I love that. You have it first. Okay, go ahead.

Raven: Was there a lot of people there?

Ashton: Of course you know. You have to go and audition. First of all for everyone who doesn't know, I had to quit my job. I had to quit my job because the lady that I was working for, she was like, "You are not guaranteed to get on that show." So said, "It's over." So I went down there got my band of course. And the next day they had you audition in front of produces first. That's what they do. You have to audition in front of at least two producers first before you go in front of the actual judges. So it

Ashton: Diva, and I'm like, "Uh, uh." [Laughter] It was just a question of the judges...


Amazing Women March 2015

Raven: For that particular time. Ashton: Yes. Raven: Girl, I really admire people when they take big steps like that. I think it is important for all of us to take old big step. In order for our dreams to happen. And I know it is kind of funny in a way because you take these big steps and you're excited but then at the same time you are nervous and you got a lot of fear. And you try to

-- You're talking. One part of you, talking like, I can't wait to do this on the other part. Am I ready for this? [Laughter] Ashton: Yeah. Raven: So the constant battle. Ashton: I had to pray. I really did. I had to ask God to walk with me like a child. Like I was a child. "Walk with me please. Just guide my lips because I don't want to crack, I don't want to mess up. This is my chance." I had to give it all I had. Raven: I know. Let me ask you this, why American Idol? What made you decide to say, "I'm going to try out for American Idol." Ashton: [Laughter]. Of course it started with mom but after that I was on my own. I just said, you know what, "That's it." I saw a dream, people have a dream and they were brought to life and it was just amazing seeing that, first season and how Fantasia made it through, how Jennifer make it all the way through. But she's got an Oscar now. She is just – Raven: Admirable. Ashton: She really is and I am pushing for that. I'm pushing for – Raven: There you go. Big dream. I love that. I mean, big thinker, big dreamer. I love that. I absolutely love that. So you sing, you play the piano, the drum. Then you have a special gift. Ashton: I don't play the piano but I do draw. I draw portrait. I do draw. I love to draw and design. I love to design shoe. So Raven: Shoe. Ashton: So you know what's in the

future, yeah. My mom, she wants to of course in the future start a shoe line. Raven: It's great. Ashton: She wants me to be her designer. We're going to do it Raven. Raven: I know you are going to do it. Girl, let me tell you, now we got to talk. She's talking shoe. [Laughter] Designer want to, okay. You got me some Ashton Jones shoe then, sounds great. Hey you told me about your song being released and that is fantastic, the Chocolate Factory. It was written by you and Q. Who is Q? Ashton: Q, he is actually a songwriter in New York. He works out of Cross daddy music. Raven: Okay, Cross Daddy. Ashton: Yeah and so in New York and so we did a lot of recordings there, what is it called? Daddy House, Daddy's Studio. And he came down to Nashville and connected with me and Bar, Bar-None who is the producer. Of course, Bar-None he's been behind me for six years now. He's the brains behind Team Ashton. Raven: [Laughter]. It's nice to have someone who's been behind you even before it. Isn't it great? Ashton: He is still here to and he is amazing but yeah we got together and Q heard the beat that Bar-None did and he was like, "Man, it sounds good." He's like, "We got to write something too." So we sat down for a couple hours and wrote that song. And ever since been, people that heard it, you know, they love it, so we really haven't pushed it yet. We're going to push it on the Top of January. Raven: Okay, so how long has it been March 2015 Amazing Women


ENTERTAINMENT out? It's actually, probably for a year and a half now. Raven: Okay. It sounds really good. It sounds really good we would like to give the listeners a little taste of that later right before we open up the line. I want to go back to when you were trying out for Idol because I know we have a lot of people that are listening and are going to be listening to this replay all over the world Ashton. And they may have children that aspire to be singing too, young adults and they kind of want to know a little bit. If you can talk about it. How is it to be with so many people trying to-- How do you guys able to create a real bond with each other? Is there a lot of... Ashton: You have to. Raven: Conflict. Tell a little bit about the behind the scenes. Ashton: Actually, it's funny because you want to hear some bad scoop. You want to hear somebody didn't get along. When I tell you we had no choice but to bond. Raven: I love that. Ashton: Because we needed each other. We needed each other like we were all like Pia, Hailey, Jacob, we would all just gather around, all of us and pray in a circle and pray. There was a lot of people that didn't even know that we started praying and it was just so amazing to see that. And they were seeing themselves going through rounds, going through rounds and I say, "Man, I told you. Look man." [Laughter] We were linked together. But we needed each other. We had to stay together. Everything that we went through, we would come to each other. 58

Amazing Women March 2015

We stayed in the house together, we get on the computer together, we will sing together. They will pay the piano. It's just all kinds of love. Raven: I think that is encouraging. I think that is encouraging because a lot of people do things.

to be record deal. This is going to me movie deal. All that happening. And we are going to talk about some of the things that's been going on with you but I got to ask you this because I heard that Berry Gordy was in the audience.

Ashton: Don't be scared to go try out.

Ashton: He was. [Laughter]

Raven: It's nice to know people get along and have a mutual respect for each other and we love this kind of stuff because over Amazing Women of Power, which is already as radio network, we are positive programming, so we love to hear that. How was meeting Randy and Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler, that's has to be really kind of –

Raven: Did you get a chance to meet him?

Ashton: Steven Tyler is such a character He was funny and fun, every time we saw him. He was a regular person. When I would see Jennifer, me and her got the closest bond. Every time I saw her she was talking to me like, advice. It was amazing. And Randy. He was amazing. I love them and they love me. I didn't get any bad feedback from them and the experience was amazing. It motivated me because they are celebrities. I'm singing in front of them and they are telling me good stuff and criticism. Raven: Criticism. Ashton: Yeah. Raven: Because they want you. Whether you win Idol or not. You know music and I already know because you and I have been talking that you did get called and things come up. And they know this. So they really set you guys up, give me something. So that, okay, you may not win this but this got

Ashton: I didn't get a chance, it was so much going on after we got off stage, they called us for interviews and I didn't get to even‌

To listen to this enite intervview, click on the link below: Ashton Jones interview (audio) http://r aven.audioacroba t. c o m / d ow n l o a d / 2 5 7 b 3 9 5 9 a2d8-f414-3f2f-1c56529ed725.

Former CNN / CBS radio personality Raven a.k.a. the Talk Show Maven, known by many as the Queen of Internet Radio Conversion is an award winning talk show host, a speaker, an author, celebrity interviewer, and founder of Amazing Women of Power Network, the world's leading positive programing network. Raven has 30+ years of sales expertise and worked for some top fortune 500 corporations, like MCI and Cendant. She teaches entrepreneurs and talk show hosts worldwide how to Rock their business or radio talk all the way to the bank by turning their conversations into cash... right from their kitchen table!


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he Magic of a Song: Using Your Imagination to Ignite the Song in Your Heart By Janie Lidey


Amazing Women March 2015

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” ~ Albert Einstein


used to wonder what Einstein meant when he said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”. I was a pretty bright kid and got good grades in school, but I was also the kid that would stare endlessly out the window of my classroom, my imagination running wild. It wasn’t until I became a teacher and taught for many years that I began to realize what Einstein had meant. And then I wondered why we all had to wait so long to figure it out for ourselves. If only we were taught the power of this simple truth early in life, then amazing things would start happening for us in our youth, rather than later on in years. As a nine-year-old, my imagination began to run wild when I saw the new Coke commercial on TV that featured the song, I’d like To Teach the World to Sing. It was the most beautiful advertisement I’d ever seen, showing people from many cultures sharing a song, a Coke and a message about spreading peace, love and happiness across the land. When I saw the commercial, I felt this amazing feeling inside of me. I’m not sure how I knew, but I just knew that someday, I would write a song like that and be part of a similar message. I wasn’t a musician yet, but I’m convinced that this commercial, along with my 2nd grade guitar playing student teacher, was part of what sparked my desire to start playing the guitar a few years later. When I saw that commercial

for the first time, it was one of those experiences in life where your hair raises up on your skin and you just know that something amazing is going to happen because of the inspiration you are feeling during that magic moment. One song, one message, one moment in time, was enough to stir something in my imagination that would shape my future with more certainty than any knowledge ever could have. And for me, it all began with the magic of a song. Fast forward more than three decades and you can find a commercial on the NBC TV affiliate in Alaska that is reminiscent of that famous Coca Cola commercial from the 70’s. It is a beautiful advertisement showing people from many cultures sharing a song and a message about spreading peace, love and happiness across the land. It’s not a Coke commercial, but wouldn’t it be fun if the Coca Cola Company decided to use it as the new theme for their ad. The song, called Change of Heart, was written by none other than me; Mrs. Lidey, High School Choir and Guitar Teacher! That Coke advertisement and its effect on my imagination through the years sparked more than just a new song and television commercial. After high school, I attended college where I got my degree in Music Education, and I really did teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. What have you been imagining? What kinds of experiences have you had where your hair rises up on your skin? What do you find yourself daydreaming about? Here is something you can try to allow your imagination

to go to work for you. Think of something you would really like to see happen in your life and write down the kind of baby steps you could take toward accomplishing your goal. Begin taking those steps now and then watch as a myriad of things come your way to help you get to where you want to go. Remember to use your imagination, and be grateful as though you’re already there. Dream boards are fun too and can really help you visualize the things you want to bring into your life. Here is what happened to me when I followed this advice. I was blessed with being hired as the choir director and guitar teacher at East High School in Anchorage, Alaska for almost two decades. During those years, I continued to dream about singing, writing music and sharing a message of peace, love and happiness through the magic of a song. I also imagined things like winning Grammy Awards and Emmy Awards. You might wonder what this has to do with anything, but as a writer, singer, musician and lover of all things creative, it felt very ordinary to let my mind take me to places like this in my imagination. And I had learned over the years that my imagination was making my dreams come true. So, imagine I did. In 1999, the Grammy Foundation decided to allow schools to participate in their tradition of recognizing excellence in music with the presentation of their prestigious award. Our East High Fine Arts program was presented with its very own Grammy! After that, the Change of Heart PSA won two Alaskan Goldie Awards, which led to an Emmy March 2015 Amazing Women


ENTERTAINMENT Award nomination in the category of musical composer. You can’t imagine the feeling I had (the one I had imagined over and over through the years) when they said, “And the Emmy goes to… Janie Lidey! I know that who I am has everything to do with my faith in God, my active imagination and my relationships with people. The things I write about would not come from a heart untouched by love. So the Emmy really goes to… all of us. I love what I have learned on my journey here on earth! I love that people all over the world have helped me grow because they were willing to share their inspiration through the magic of a song, a quote, a book, a poem, or a conversation. I have written this article so that I might ignite a spark that leads you to living a more inspired life. I share this personal story and song with you in hopes that they will awaken your passion, stir your imagination, motivate you to lose your fear and take a leap of faith, encourage kindness and compassion, and leave you feeling huge amounts of gratitude for the peace, love and happiness in your life! I believe imagination brings your dreams to life! I believe that when you lose your fear and take a leap of faith toward something you’d really like to do, it brings you closer to your true calling! I believe that if you ‘begin it now’, the doors will swing open wide for you! I believe that when you live your life with compassion, you will start a chain reaction of the same! I believe that when you feel passion in your life, it is God’s way of calling you 62

Amazing Women March 2015

to something greater than yourself! I believe in singing, even on the days when there is no song in your heart! I believe that kindness can carve the most direct path to peace, love and happiness! I believe that the more grateful you are in life, the more things you will have to be grateful for! And I believe that when you have one of those experiences in life where your hair raises up on your skin, something amazing is going to happen because of the inspiration you are feeling during that magic moment!

See the soul inside the skin

May you listen carefully for the magic of the song in your heart.

A very special thank you to the students and staff at East Anchorage High School, Anchorage, AL.

Change of Heart The world is full of all kinds of people Inside our blood flows the same Let’s tear down all the walls that we build And start a brand new game ‘Cause you can have a change of heart Give the world a brand new start Make a difference today See the world a brand new way When you think you can’t make a difference Try and you might prove yourself wrong Say hello to folks on the other side Try to get along ‘Cause you can have a change of heart Give the world a brand new start Make a difference today See the world a brand new way

Find out how each other is doin’ Open up your heart and begin to see Set us free And have a change of heart Give the world a brand new start Make a difference today See the world a brand new way Music & Lyrics by Janie Lidey © 2004 =nCF6QL7op5o&spfreload=10

Janie Lidey has been a singer/ songwriter since the age of 12. She has been recognized for her excellence in music by winning an Emmy for her songwriting; a Grammy for the fine arts program she helped direct at East High School in Anchorage; the Mayor’s Arts Award which recognizes excellence in music education; and, a spot on the George Lucas Edutopia website for her role in helping make the world a better place. As a music teacher in the public schools of Alaska for over two decades, Janie Lidey taught students from over forty different cultures. Not only did she teach them to sing and play the guitar, she taught them to live their lives with passion, kindness, love, hope and gratitude. The most important lesson was to instill the belief in her students they could do anything they dreamed or imagined. Janie is passionate about raising your vibration through the magic of a song.

Amazing Amazin men

a publication of Raven International Media


Turn the page to see what Amazing Men are featured in this month's issue >

March 2015 Amazing Women




oing from "No" to "Yes" in Your Life and Career


efore you can get anyone to do business or work with you, you need to build rapport, trust, and get them to have confidence in you. People only work and do business with people they trust. Your 30-second elevator speech is your ticket to success. Only tell people who you are and maybe what you do but don’t try to sell yourself or anything until you build the rapport. That comes much later. My example: Hi, I’m Dr. Fred (Doc Fred) Simkovsky, the


Amazing Women March 2015

By Fred Simkovsky

Emily Award-winning host of the three time, 5-star talk show Visions of Success on the Amazing Women and Men, Raven International Media Productions Network reaching over 4 million listeners weekly in 140 countries and growing. Glad to meet you. You noticed I asked the other person to buy nothing or do nothing yet because the next step is to find out who they are and what they do. That’s the start of building rapport and trust.

Ater that, if you have time to go into your mode to sell yourself, a product, or service, be prepared people may say "No" to you. Remember, don’t take it personally. They are not rejecting you personally, just what you are asking. Ask why they are saying “No." A- Is it because it is a bad time? Can you ask again at a later time? B. You don’t want to do it for personal reasons? I can understand this and won’t press further, but can I ask again at a later time? C. A lot of times they say “NO” because you have not built enough trust with them. Always start by building rapport before asking for anything. People only deal or help people when they trust them. These are some ways to find out why the “No.” Following are some usual objections and how to handle them: 1. I’m not interested right now. Say: I can understand. May I ask again at a later time? If yes, set up a time, but remember what I said about “No.” 2. I want to think it over. Say: I understand. You are not ready right now. Do you think I can check back soon? When? 3. I want to talk to my spouse. Say: This is a wise decision with something this important or Why don’t the three of us meet and look at the options together? 4. Not ready to do anything. This usually means the person doesn’t fully trust you or you have not uncovered what their true motivations are. You must create an urgency to action. Say: a. When do you think you might be ready? Try to nail down a specific day and date to meet to talk b. If you are still unsure, let me check for alternatives and get back to you. What other information can I get you to help you with your decision? 5. Don’t want to go through all the hassle. This usually means the person still doesn’t see the benefit or is lazy and unorganized. Say: a. Don’t worry, we will be working together. I want to

make this as easy for you as possible. b. When we meet next I’ll have additional information needed? (Set a specific date here) Some other thoughts about overcoming objections: Objections occur when there is lingering doubt or unanswered questions in the person's mind. The person may be favorably inclined, but needs clarification, more concessions, or approval of another party. If you have failed to establish need, rapport, credibility, and/or trust, you are guaranteed of failure. The first question must be. "Have you qualified the person and determined need and interest level?" Let’s look at some things to make sure this happens: 1. You can establish mutual trust and confidence by letting the prospect know you are there to be both an advocate and a consultant when needed and vice-versa for you. If you establish rapport, you build a friendship and relationship that is valuable and essential for success. 2. Listen carefully and objectively to the objection being raised. Is it an objection or a delaying tactic? The person will often repeat the objection if it is real. You need to uncover the truth by asking, “Don’t you really mean…” or “You’re telling me…but I think you mean something else." In other words, clarify what you are hearing or think you are hearing. 3. Qualify it as the only true objection. Ask the person if it is the only reason he/she won’t work with you. 4. Confirm it again by rephrasing your question to ask the same thing twice in a different way to ensure you have all the facts. An example could be, “So if it weren’t for the time, price, or cost, you would work with me?” Make sure you understand completely what is holding them back. 5. Phrase a question in a way which incorporates the solution. Example, "If I were able to do this for you, would this be enough for you to make a decision to assist or work with me?" 6. Answer the objection in a manner which thoroughly resolves the issue. Use the necessary information to allay their fears or trepidation. If there is a time pressure involve, be sure the person understands the March 2015 Amazing Women


AMAZING MEN implications of delay. 7. Be clear to demonstrate the value and prove the benefits they accrue by working with you. You must set yourself apart from others to close the deal. 8. Ask a closing question or communicate in a hypothetical way an answer which confirms the conclusion you want them to agree to. 9. Describe similar situations when you did make agreements with people like them and how the other people benefited without giving particulars or names. 10. Move the person to a final decision and confirm as much as possible in writing.

f. Respond: With the entire story and all the facts, work with the person on a mutually agreed upon solution. In other words, use RSVP:

Restate the objection to make sure you clearly understand what it is.

Suggest possible alternatives to give the person a sense of power. Validate the options as being win-win situations for the person. Propose a method for resolving the issue causing the objection. Resolving objections starts with being prepared:

Handling Objections; It’s a Process 1. If the person has mentioned an objection, don’t panic, be happy they voiced it and there are no hidden agendas. Getting all objections out right away saves time and effort. 2. Always clarify for understanding. Make sure you understand the objection(s) completely before going forward. Repeat back in your own words what you believe you heard and make sure the person agrees with the meaning and understanding you received. 3. Diagnose the objection by making sure you have all the information you need and what part of the process it affects: a. Business Issue: is the objection to a solution a business issue? b. Differentiation: is your solution differentiated from other alternatives? c. Value: have you quantified the value the person is going to receive by working with you? d. Plan: do you have a definite plan to proceed with the person so the person doesn’t believe you are ad-libbing? e. Once you have clarified, diagnosed, and made a plan, you need to close. Example, “If we can address and clarify your objections, is there anything else that may be a concern to you or keeping us from moving forward?” Always ask the question to be sure you have everything. 66

Amazing Women March 2015

1. Make a list of objections your person may give you that you would like to learn to effectively overcome. 2. For each, write what you think of these objections whenever they may be thrown at you. 3. Rehearse your responses to these objections until they become so natural you can deliver them spontaneously whenever it is appropriate to do so with the person. 4. If you are not sure how to answer some objections, check with a trusted person, friend, or relative for assistance before you respond. People appreciate when you tell them, "I am not sure, but let me find out." When you try to ad lib, they know it and you lose their trust. 5. Make sure you know how to empathize. Tell them you understand their concern but this is what you will do to resolve the objection. 6. Finally, after you summarize the course of action, always get agreement to ensure this is what the person wants. Dr. Fred (Doc Fred) Simkovsky has successfully inspired and coached over 1000+ individuals, at all levels, in 6 countries; USA, Canada, Germany, Japan, India, and China in the last 14 years alone. With over 35+ experience & award winning host of Visions of Success Talk Radio, a 3 time - 5 star hit, he wants everyone to make a difference in this world and know they matter. Listen to Doc Fred’s Visions of Success Talk Radio Show at http://


ucceeding in Life and Business


By Ced Reynolds

here are many people who go through life without accomplishing what they desire. They have dreams and aspirations, but somehow they never seem to come true.

Back then, there were hundreds of people who were with us who have vanished from the world of entrepreneurship. They started and stopped and started and stopped time and time again until they just could not do it anymore.

For years my friend, Regina Baker, and I have spent time spinning our wheels trying to make things happen on the Internet and our businesses offline. We have known each other before Facebook even existed. We actually networked online together for a season on a platform called Ryze.

For the last several years, Regina and I have continued to network and support each other with resources and promotion of each others projects. We have talked on the phone from time to time, but mostly connected online. One of our phone conversations came after I listened to Regina on a radio interview where she was the guest. She March 2015 Amazing Women


AMAZING MEN was sharing powerful principles which caught my attention in such a way I immediately called her to share an idea that was sparked in me during her interview.

The planning portion is vital. Even with a picture in your mind or posted on the wall of your office, without a plan, the picture is just a picture.

As we spoke, something magical came together. We coined the 6 P's To Succeeding In Life and Business. We were simply talking about the three principles she was talking about on the radio interview and low and behold three additional principles came.

The real reason we can pursue getting to a profitable place in our businesses is because we initially saw a picture and we made a plan.

We were amazed the things we were duiscussing were the very principles we were living and doing business by, but did not have a name for it. To our astonishment, we were able to trace back and identify our successes and failures and see where the 6 P's were instrumental in the success we had in our lives and businesses. We were just unaware of how it was happening. If you are like us, during your time working online or doing some type of entrepreneurial venture offline, you have wanted to quit at some point. Regina and I have worked separately in our individual businesses up until now and know how you feel. By now, you are probably wondering what the 6 P's are. I will tell you, but will not be able to elaborate on them here. They are six basic principles which flat out make sense; plus, we are living examples of them working in our lives and businesses. Here are the 6 P's To Succeeding In Life and Business 1. Picture It 2. Plan It

Now the appropriate thing to do is proclaim to the world what we see based on a plan we are actively pursuing ourselves. After we have done the preliminary work of picturing it, planning it, pursing it, and proclaiming it, now is the perfect time to posture ourselves to receive the profit. In this brief breakdown of the 6 P's, you can see the importance of the sequence. What Regina and I realized was, when we followed the sequence, we gave ourselves a much better chance of succeeding in our life and business goals. So here is what we did. We put together an audio series detailing the 6 P's To Succeeding In Life And Business. We have an in-depth conversation about how the 6 P's work in real life and real business. We wanted to give our friends and those interested a solid glimpse of the very first audio module, Picture It. It is 37 minutes of content that will challenge your thinking about why you need to picture your life and/or business before you do anything else.

4. Proclaim It

We believe the entire series will be a blessing to serious folks who want a solid blueprint on how to live their best life and have their best success in business.

5. Posture Yourself

Here's to your success!

3. Pursue It

6. Profit What we discovered was every one of these P's in the order they are shown build on each other as we are looking to get to the ultimate goal of making a profit in business. We all want to make a profit, but there are certain things which have to be done in order for every potential profit venture to be profitable. Just imagine not having a picture in your mind of what you want to accomplish. In what direction would you head to get to your ultimate goal of making a profit for your business? 68

Amazing Women March 2015

Ced Reynolds, Entrepreneurial Pastor and award-winning host of The Entrepreneurial Pastor Speaks on the Amazing Men of Power on the Amazing Women of Power Radio Network. Also co-author of The 6 Steps To Succeeding In Life and Business. Text phrase success lessons to 96000 on your mobile phone and receive your free audio of PICTURE IT. http://succeedinginlifeandbusiness. com. See Google Hangout Replay @ http://hangout.


he Power of Suggestion By Barclay Fisher  You are always in a bad mood.  Why should I listen to you?  You’re no good at all.  You just don’t think.  Where were you when the brains were passed out? You have heard and seen hundreds, if not thousands, of these during your life. These statements were all recorded and stored in your sub-conscious mind. What is SUGGESTION? Suggestion is defined as: What you receive from an outside source. It is conveyed to you through your five senses and then stored in your sub-conscious. The job of the subconscious is to store all the information. The sub-conscious doesn’t care if the information is fact or fiction. Its job is to simply record everything.


esearchers say by the time we are 19-yearsold, 77% of all suggestions we have received are negative. Surely that cannot be true, right?

Oh, but it is correct. Following are a few statements we have all heard either from our parents, teachers, and friends or have seen written:  You never listen when I talk to you.  Close the door; were you born in a barn?  You’re just like your father (mother, etc.).  Children should be seen and not heard.  You are lazy.  You are impossible.  You’ll be the death of me.

Let’s use a modern scenario so you can understand how the sub-conscious works. It’s like using your key board to record the information that comes through the five senses and putting it on a CD or DVD so everything can be retrieved. Like it or not you have been programmed. What you think, how you act, and who you are has become a part of you and is stored so that it drives you 24/7. Don’t forget you were born with unlimited potential!! We are all programmed to think and act on the suggestions we have received. In addition, we all have used self-talk to reinforce what we have received in the form of Suggestions. “The Law of Repetition” means the more you hear a fact or fiction, the more you develop it. Some information in your brain is not repeated very much so it constitutes only a pathway in your brain. Information repeated more often March 2015 Amazing Women


AMAZING MEN develops in the brain as a roadway. Other information used still more often becomes a highway. And then some information becomes major highways because they are used so much. Finally some information becomes Interstate Highways and they have a great deal of value in all that we do. These Interstate Highways shape who we are and what we believe. At each level, they are developed by how many times they are repeated. We download this information with self-talk. We all become what we think about most. You can find this truth: in the Bible, As a Man Thinketh by James Allen, the Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale, and in many books by Og Mandino. You could have focused on the positive side, but since most of what you received from outside sources was negative, your belief system was programmed to hold you back. You began to associate with peers, who were mostly like you so they reinforced the negative talk. Therefore, your self-talk placed you on the Super Highway of doubt. Who robbed you of your potential? Was it your mom, your dad, your friends, or could it have been you? Remember, you were born with unlimited potential. As you privately repeated what others said to you, you repeated it to yourself ten times more than what you said out loud to others. Self-Talk has a major role in your programming and in all that you do. Remember, SUGGESTION is what you receive from an outside source.

determine what you need to connect to greatness. You do this first by listening to your self-talk and then replacing the negatives with positive affirmations. You become what you think! An AFFIRMATION is a positive thought or idea that you consciously focus on in order to produce a desired result. The affirmation is a simple, yet powerful technique which can heal and transform your most deeply held beliefs. What you project on the outside is the direct reflection of your predominant thoughts and beliefs. So by changing your thoughts, you change your reality. Your thoughts manifest through the written word, the spoken word and finally your actions. It has been said motivation is like a fire. You have to add wood continually or it will go out. Just as a fire needs more fuel becoming a positive person needs constant motivation from some source whether it’s reading motivational books, attending workshops or talking a Life Coach. You can find great books to motivate you in the local library, book stores, or online. This is the way to always stay motivated, be inspired, and create a positive attitude and outlook. By repeating your positive affirmations, you are adding wood to the fire. By selecting people to surround you who have a similar motivation, you add wood, and through this process, set yourself up for success.

SELF-SUGGESTION IS What you say to yourself. It is Inter Communication. You must decide what self-suggestion you are going to use to replace the negative language that is not serving your desire for success. You get to pick positives to take the place of the negative self–talk that is not working.

The last form of suggestion is AUTO-SUGGESTION. It is the automatic release of Suggestions or Self-Suggestions from the subconscious mind, the storehouse of all suggestions, to the conscious mind. This is the release of thoughts, actions, and ideas from the subconscious. The positive Suggestions and Self Suggestions practiced through repetition have now replaced your old thoughts and habits with positive ones that are more productive for you.

You are selecting the new, improved software you are going to install to upgrade your system to a better and more modern one. You now can jump from a 1.0 all the way to 5.0 with this new software.

The thoughts on which you have decided to focus have now become your new reality. You have used this new, improved program to place you closer to connecting you to your greatness.

Positive self-direction begins with self-talk, the kind, loving inner support you give yourself.

Here are a few of my personal favorite Affirmations:

Wow, so new, so fast, and so much better! By using deliberate positive AFFIRMATIONS you will create new habits for thought and action. You pick, you choose, you

 Day by day in every way, I am getting better and better!


Amazing Women March 2015

 I feel healthy! I feel happy! I feel terrific!!

 Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve!  Success is achieved by those who try and keep trying!  Where there is nothing to lose by trying and a great deal to gain if successful by all means try!  Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things you don’t want!  As long as you are green you are growing---when you get ripe you begin to rot! Pick the affirmations that are most important to you now and repeat those 20 times every morning and 20 times at night before going to bed. What other slogans or platitudes do you wish to use to become more positive? Who you are now is small compared to what you are capable of being. You were born with unlimited potential. Use the power of suggestion to make you a NO limit person. Barclay Fisher is a public speaker and Life Coach with years of experience in the pursuit of excellence. His background in sales and business ownership led him to discover many principles for success. Barclay shares his TIPS on his weekly radio program,” Connecting to Your Greatness” on the Amazing Men of Power Network each Friday at 12 noon. You can follow his programs at http:// The Power of Suggestions by Barclay C. Fisher, “Connecting to Your Greatness” 12 Noon each Friday. March 2015 Amazing Women


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