Uk version amazon roosevelt lodge brazil

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AMAZON ROOSEVELT LODGE – AMAZONAS, BRAZIL will be hosting groups at one of our newest destination, fishing in the Rio Roosevelt and the Rio Aripuanã. The Amazon Roosevelt Lodge is locates not far from the confluence of these rivers and is constructed totally from sustainable timber and natural resources. There are eight private rooms that each sleep two or three anglers. The rivers are stunning with many cascades and fast water glides, deep holes and long deep stretches, teeming with big Amazonian predators just waiting for the adventure angler. We have chosen the months of June – October with the dropping levels and clean water providing us with exciting fishing possibilities and many different species to target.

Easy to get to from the city of Manaus, the gateway to the mighty Amazon and its tributaries, this lodge is comfortable, with great meals and service and being on the river itself, close to the action!

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