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Parysyte Art Uncut

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Delicious Designs

XN You are a professional cartoonist correct?


PA Well, I am a professional ink artist. I mostly draw illustrations and comic style pieces.

XN How has the Pandemic affected your profession?

PA It really has not impacted me too badly. I do work another job to help so that I’m not financially bankrupt. I often receive many commissions or requests so I feel I have great opportunities.

XN What types of comic books do you do?

PA The comic art that I normally work on is usually based in science fiction, horror, and a bit comedy. However, I have an entire erotica series that I’ve been working on since the pandemic began. XN Were you an art major in school?

PA I never went to university for art. I’m completely self-taught.

XL Where do you currently reside?

PA I live on the east coast.

XL What does the definition of Parysyte Art mean?

PA Parysyte is a play on my real name and the affect my art has on others. I go by many pseudonyms and this particular ones represents my erotica art and nails.

XL How long have you been into drawing?

PA A little over 30 yrs.

XL Your nails are very different, what made you go in that direction?

PA I have always loved having acrylic nails, but my husband was the inspiration behind the flared style nails.

XL Are those called duck feet nails?

PA They are, but they are also named flared, wide tips as well.

XL What are the pros & cons of maintaining those types of nails.?

PA I found that there is way more pros than anything. I found that the nails make my hands look longer and more feminine since I’m quite short. The only negative would be that I cannot take out my piercings, although I do have help with that if needed.

XL Ironically on the East Coast I see those nails styles worn by the LGBTQ community.

PA I really would not know; I am not part of the LGBTQ community.

XL Is that a popular design where you live?

PA No, it isn’t. I just wear the nails for my own personal preference. I do not care for trends or what others think.

XL How does the maintenance differ from conventional nails?

PA It doesn’t differ much to be honest. It takes about the same time to work on a refill. Sometimes I have to go back to the salon sooner than shorter squared nails and sometimes I can go longer without a fill.

XL Do you have a special technician, or do you do your own nails?

PA Yes. It took a long time to find someone who would actually take on my request and do it correctly.

XL Are X’treme Nailz Popular where you live??

PA I am really not sure.

XL What do people say when they see your unique nails?

PA I often receive very positive feedback. People usually ask where I got them done, what’s the name of the style. Most assume I’m artistic based off of the nails and my general look. However, I do receive some negative criticism, but with those people you just have to shrug it off.

XL What is your personal Philosophy about freedom of expression through your nails?

PA I just want to look the way I feel, and my nails are like an artist’s canvas. They represent me and what I enjoy. XL What makes you so interesting is your artistic expression is both in your career and cosmetically?

PA Honestly my husband would probably be able to better answer what is interesting about me. I just like to incorporate anything artistically to my life whether people see it or not.

XL What other talents do you possess? Singing? Dancing? Musical Instruments?

PA I sing a little for fun, but I have a bit of talent with cosmetics... for example: eyeshadows, lipsticks etc. I-enjoy trying anything new.

XL Where do you see your cartooning going in the next 10 years?

PA My plan is to release the first chapter of my graphic novel between a year to two years from now. In the next ten, I’m hoping to have completed quite a bit of the series.

XL I notice you do a lot of pencil work, and it is quite good I might add.

PA Well most of my work is actually ink.

XL Are you also good with paints, charcoal, and graphic design?

PA Paints and charcoals yes. I am not particularly fond of graphic art so I can’t say I have much talent in it.

XL Do you do any teaching or mentoring of other cartoonists in your field? PA No.

XL What other artistic services do you provide your customers?

PA I mostly just offer commissions of what they want; whether it be tattoo design, comic style portrait, collaborations and so forth.

XL We have lots of readers who are intrigued by those duck feet nails, so thank you for the insight into them.

PA You’re welcome. I’m glad that they were of interest. I am happy others enjoy them.

XL Where can our readers go to check out your work?

PA I have two Instagram pages I can share for right now: www.Instagram.com/Parysyte and www.instagram.com/designatedsally

XL On behalf of X’treme Nailz International I want to thank you for taking the time to chat with us.


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