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faces climate change Impresi贸n: subdirecci贸n Imprenta Distrital - D.D.D.I

COP Lima 2014

“Climate change is not an accident of nature. It is caused by humans and by a voracious consumerism that has converted into disposable many everyday items. And in that dynamic, cities are the generators of climate change and at the same time their greatest victims. Bogotá is one of the few Latin American cities that has included in its Development Plan, called “For a Humane Bogotá” concrete actions for development around the water resources and mitigation of climate change. It is a plan where the human being is at the center of all activities, aiming to become a resilient city, aware of its commitment to the future of humanity.“ Gustavo Petro - Alcalde Mayor de Bogotá


INTRODUCTION In light of the challenge imposed by the effects of climate change, governments have come together on common objectives and lines of work focused on facing the global risk presented by new climate dynamics. It is important to highlight that according to the report, “The New Climate Economy: Better Growth, Better Climate”, the cities have made progress in adaption and mitigation. The Bogotá Humana government sets an example with its good environmental practices, which have resulted in multiple acknowledgements from different international authorities on the topic.

Bogotá is a city highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and variability. Due to this, it has joined urban initiatives through the implementation of adaptation measures, where the central theme is land organization regarding water. It is also a city that recognizes the importance of limiting greenhouse gas emissions, and it has consequently implemented mitigation measures aimed at improving the quality of life of the city’s residents.

TheA instruments, plans,instrumentos, policies and projects arise continuación se presentan planes, políticas ythat proyectos quefrom surgenthe de lainitiative iniciativa delof the local government committed to life conservation are presented below. gobierno local comprometido con la conservación de la vida.


PLANNING FOCUSED ON COUNTERACTING CLIMATE CHANGE 1. LAND PLANNING FOR CLIMATE CHANGE The Bogotá Humana administration made a modification to this instrument that defines how the city can use its land. In this way, urban expansion is controlled and progress is made toward an efficient city, promoting densification, mixed use and the generation of social housing in the central areas of the cities, which were previously pushed to the outskirts. It incorporates risk management and climate change topics as coordinating central themes of its formulation, with special emphasis on social inclusion as part of the construction of an environmentally and socially sustainable city. Achievements: »»Increase of protected areas. »»Protection and regulation of land use in the rural area of Bogotá, which represents 75% of our region. »»Prohibition of mining on Bogotá land. »»Prohibition of the construction of housing, businesses and offices in areas with a medium risk of flooding or landslides. »»Definition of instruments and mechanisms for risk management, and adaptation and mitigation of climate change.


2. COMPREHENSIVE REGIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN The Comprehensive Regional El PRICC es una estrategia de Climate Change Plan is a regional integración regional y una plataforintegration strategy and a sucma interinstitucional exitosa entre cessful inter-institutional platform Bogotá y la región,and impulsada por between Bogotá the region las Naciones Unidas para abordar driven by the United Nations to y enfrentarand los face retosthe derivados de la address challenges variabilidad y el cambio climático generated by climate change and variability through land organizamiento territorial. tion and planning. This plan comprises the main source of information for decision-making regarding climate change and variability in Bogotá and in the region. Achievements: »»Analysis of inter-annual climate variability in the Bogotá - Cundinamarca region (El Niño and La Niña phenomena). »»Definition of the temperature and precipitation situation in the Bogotá–Cundinamarca region for the 2014–2100 period. »»Analysis of the main regional dynamics associated with climate change and variability. »»Inventory of emergency and disaster events with a hydrometeorological origin for the 1980-2012 period. »»Analysis of current and future vulnerability to climate change and variability. »»Inventory of the region’s greenhouse gas emissions.


»»Regional climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy aimed at the development of resilient regions. 3. SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE PLANNING REGION

The issue of the Organic Land Organization En Colombia, a partir de la expedición de la Ley Orgánica de Law (2011) in Colombia makes it possible Ordenamiento Territorial (2011), se materializa la posibilifor the departments to join forces for the dad de que los departamentos paraprola coordination of policiesaúnen andesfuerzos agree on coordinación de políticas concertación jects and actions inythe proyectos y acciones en el territorio. In 2014, Bogotá and the departments of Meta, Tolima, Cundinamarca and Boyacá formed the first administrative planning region in the country. One of its lines of action is the inclusion of the regional perspective to face climate change, through strategic actions including restructuring of the agribusiness, comprehensive management of water resources, incorporation of greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies and adoption of initiatives for risk management. Achievements: »»Consolidate the first region in the country that coordinates policies, projects and actions aimed at facing climate change. »»Establish the region as an autonomous figure to exercise regional planning. 4.TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION PLAN (PAT) PAT is a public policy aimed at the replacement of fossil fuels and the introduction of electric energy in Bogotá’s public transportation services, which allows the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption and contribution to the mitigation of climate change.


Achievements: »»Modernization of the vehicle fleet with 200 hybrid SITP (Integrated Public Transportation System) vehicles with hybrid and/or electric technology. »»Positioning of Bogotá as a laboratory city through tests with different sustainable alternatives such as: a 100% electric bus, a Euro VI gas bus and a hybrid bus. »»Start-up of the pilot project of 50 electric taxis with the current operation of 43 vehicles. »»Development of actions for the implementation of the diesel particulate filter program for SITP buses, through the agreement with SDC in the Climate and Clean Air Program in Latin American cities which aims to reduce black carbon emissions. »»Development of the eco-driving program with public entities and the private sector.

5. DEVELOPMENT AIMED AT SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION (DOTS) One of the priorities of Bogotá Humana is to guide and manage the positive transformation of the urban environment toward Development Aimed at Sustainable Transportation (DOTS). DOTS is an urban planning tool that provides alternatives regarding mass transportation systems for citizen mobility, which can reduce the use of motorized vehicles and provide an incentive for alternative means of transportation, achieving benefits in the environment and the residents’ quality of life. Achievements: »»Since the launch of the Integrated Transport System in 2012 there has been a reduction in over 94,000 tonnes of local pollutants (NOx, SOx and PM) and there are savings of about 69 million dollars in disease treatment per year.


Reserva Forestal Productora Thomas Van der Hammen Vista 1:16.000 74°7'0"W











Leyenda Límite RFP Thomas Van der Hammen

Clase Suelo



Perímetro Urbano Localidad













Suba 4°46'30"N


























»»Submission of the final design of the first Metro line, which will be 26.5 kilometers long and have 28 planned intermodal stations, integrating with other means of transportation such as collective buses, mass transportation buses, bicycles and pedestrians. »»Design of 300,000 square meters of continuous public space for pedestrians, representing the first five Safe Pedestrian Environmental Networks. »»393 km of infrastructure related to cycle paths and lanes, and next year, 108 km will be built. »»Ciclovía has been promoted in the city since 1974. Currently, it has 1,400,000 participants every Sunday or public holiday, with a route of 113.6 km, which reduces atmospheric and noise pollution by 13%. 6. “THOMAS VAN DER HAMMEN” REGIONAL FOREST RESERVE OF NORTH BOGOTÁ The reserve constitutes a proposal to contain the unorganized expansion of the urban center to neighboring municipalities. After the issue of the Environmental Management Plan by the Regional Auto-

nomous Corporation, new constructions cannot be developed, the existing constructions will be limited and those that do not represent a threat to the ecosystem will be maintained. The reserve increases the total protected district areas and strengthens the city’s and region’s strategies to face climate change.



This is related to the need to provide the city with a broad institutional framework that transcends from emergency response to comprehensive risk management and preparation for the possible impact of climate change.

»»Protection of 1,395 hectares. This important area is 4 times the size of Central Park in New York and it is a key point that connects the Eastern Mountains and the Bogotá River, creating an invaluable biodiversity corridor. »»Incorporation of the Mercedes Forest into the Thomas Van Der Hammen Reserve, which is comprised of 27.2 hectares.


Achievements: »»Start-up of the District Climate Change and Risk Management System, which coordinates public and private entities, communities and citizens with the common goal to generate synergy in the processes that comprise the climate change and risk management of Bogotá D.C. »»Creation of a District Fund for Climate Change and Risk Management (FONDIGER) as a special account of the Capital District, with its own as-


sets for the development of climate change and risk management processes. »»Creation of the Urban Drain System of the Capital District, which will allow the city to adapt to the effects of climate change and variability. 2. ECO-URBANISM AND SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION POLICY Bogotá launched the Sustainable Construction and Eco-urbanism Public Policy, which aims to reorientate urbanism and construction in Bogotá toward a sustainable development approach, contributing to the transformation of a resilient region, which mitigates and adapts to climate change to improve the residents’ social wellbeing and quality of life.

Bogotá lanzó la Política Pública de Ecourbanismo y Construcción Sostenible que tiene como objetivo reorientar las actuaciones de urbanismo y construcción de Bogotá hacia un enfoque de desarrollo sostenible.

Bogotá launched the Sustainable Construction and Eco-urbanism Public Policy, which aims to reorientate urbanism and construction in Bogotá toward a sustainable development approach, contributing to the transformation of a resilient region, which mitigates and adapts to climate change to improve the residents’ social wellbeing and quality of life. Achievements: »»The incorporation of sustainable practices into architecture, urbanism and construction activities. »»Strengthening of the institutional response capacity to implement sustainable practices in urbanism and construction, as well as providing the incentives that will allow the construction


ensures better orientation of the programs that the different sectors develop. This contributes to disease prevention and the promotion of the population’s personal and collective health, as well as strengthening its interaction with the different public and private actors in the environmental health processes. Achievements: »»An environmental epidemiological oversight system was developed to monitor health effects related to air quality. »»Design and implementation of an epidemiological and environmental oversight system of health effects possibly related to climate change and variability. »»Monitoring of compliance with sanitary conditions of 297,914 commercial, industrial and institutional establishments located in Bogotá and oversight of water quality in the water and sewerage network. sector to gradually incorporate sustainability criteria. »»Promotion of citizen education and culture to incorporate sustainability criteria into the construction sector. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH POLICY The sanitary and social-environmental conditions in Bogotá that determine the quality of life and health of the Capital District’s residents currently have a comprehensive and intersectoral approach that

CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAMS 1. ZERO GARBAGE PROGRAM This is a program that aims for 100 % of solid waste to not be buried or burned, but to be reused and returned to the production cycle. Zero Garbage promotes a culture based on responsible consumption, separation at the source, and reuse, repair and recycling of consumer goods. Additionally, one of its essential components is to include and dignify the recyclers’ work.


Achievements: »»Collection of more than 216 thousand tons of potentially recyclable materials in the city of Bogotá since the start of the program. »»Formation of 46 recyclers’ organizations that have more than 6,000 people involved. »»Operation of 5 public weighing centers. »»Implementation of the Environmental Subpoena, which regulates fines that citizens must pay for infractions. 2. PROGRAM FOR THE RESETTLEMENT OF FAMILIES IN THE CAPITAL DISTRICT Resettlement is proposed as a mechanism for risk management and adaptation to climate change, as the city recognizes the physical dynamics of its land and takes measures to prevent exposing itself to hazards. The transfer of families from high-risk areas is a tool for reorganization, which ensures a society that is more resilient to current and future climate conditions. The program’s objective is to ensure the timely, provisional or definitive transfer of families that are located in high-risk areas and immitigable high-risk areas, complying with life protection and the principle of precaution. Achievements: »»Provisional relocation of more than 1,600 families. In other words, families who had already left the high-risk area and are renting accommodation while their legal situation is established. »»Relocation of more than 260 families. »»Relocation of more than 1,900 families in the last three years of the administration, who thanks to the program are no longer at risk.


PROJECTS TO FACE CLIMATE CHANGE 1. PLAZA DE LA HOJA This is the first Priority Interest Housing construction project in the city, with Eco-urbanism and Sustainable Construction criteria. It is carried out in the sector known as Plaza de la Hoja in the center of the city, which comprises an area of 36,000 square meters, where 256 homes were built allowing the resettlement of 457 families with limited resources vulnerable to climate change. It involves adaptation and mitigation measures such as: the revival of hard surfaces, alternative energy, and environmentally-friendly sports and recreation areas, improving the social and environmental conditions and counteracting the city’s vulnerability. Achievements: »»Construction of 5 apartment towers in 2015. »»Creation of a new public area with criteria for sustainability and adaptation to climate change. 2. BIODIVERSITY NODES With the aim to recover biodiversity in eight ecological and socially strategic areas of Bogotá and to improve the citizens’ quality of life, the Mayor’s Office is working on the Biodiversity Nodes project: research and social appropriation of biodiversity in the capital region. This proposal aims to promote a system of biodiversity shelters as a model for research and


social appropriation of the social-environmental benefits in the city. Logros: »»Restoration of Mercedes Forest, the only flatland forest in Bogotá, located in the Thomas van der Hammen Reserve and connected to the Conejera wetland. Out of 25 native species, 10,147 plants have been reintroduced. »»Design of an inter-institutional strategy for the comprehensive assessment of the prioritized nodes’ ecosystem services. 3. PEDAL AROUND BOGOTÁ This program is born as a government initiative to promote the daily use of bicycles in Bogotá as a recreational and healthy strategy to mitigate climate change, road traffic and sedentary lifestyles, with the intention to construct healthy life habits in the different social sectors benefited by its activities.


Achievements: »»Operation of 2 bicycle corridors (Carrera 7a and Virrey Park) from the start of their operation in 2012. »»100 shared use bicycles in operation. »»200,000 journeys made on Bogotá’s free public bicycles. »»Activation of three loan stations and the 1st ecological station with rainwater treatment and solar power. »»1,650 loans of bicycles a day. »»Registration of 36 thousand citizens for the use of bicycles. 4. COMPREHENSIVE RECOVERY OF LAND SITUATED IN HIGH-RISK AREAS The adaptive measures established for Bogotá through recovery processes include returning land to the city that was urbanized and with populations have now been resettled as they were at high risk.

The recovery is comprised of actions aimed at the transformation of territories affected by hazards and their incorporation into the urban/rural area through land organization, the reestablishment of governance and citizen appropriation. Achievements: »»Plans coordinated between institutions and communities in the areas Altos de Estancia, Caracolí and Cordillera in Ciudad Bolívar and Triangulo, Corinto and Manantial in San Cristóbal, with one last area remaining in Yopal - Usme Locality. »»Recovery and regeneration of 73 hectares in the Altos de la Estancia Sector of the Ciudad Bolívar Locality in Bogotá for their incorporation as a functional area in the urban environment. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OBSERVATORY The Environmental Health Observatory of Bogotá has the aim to integrate, promote and support technical, political and social, district efforts for environmental

conservation as a strategy to improve the health and quality of life of the residents. Achievements: »»Start-up of 20 modules, maps by line of intervention, 62 district indicators and 63 indicators per locality, and 42 indicators of the Green Hospitals Program updated. 6. BOGOTÁ ENVIRONMENT OBSERVATORY This is a place that allows direct interaction with the citizens to allow monitoring of the city’s environmental conditions through the indicators. It is a tool for the democratization of public environmental information, an instrument that promotes the management of environmental knowledge and participation that generates opinion in the community, highlighting critical thinking and qualified participation, and it focusses on environmental research.


The Bogotá Environment Observatory has signed agreements with other cities in Latin America with the aim to expand and modernize the information generated. Achievements: »»Formulation of more than 130 pieces of information, indicators and indices, which are grouped by Natural Resource, Topic and Locality.

El OAB es el espacio que permite una interacción directa con la ciudadanía para hacer seguimiento, a través de indicadores, a las condiciones ambientales de la ciudad 7. EXPANSION OF THE CITY’S VEGETATION COVER Aware of the benefits of trees in the urban environment, Bogotá has strengthened its tree-planting program with the aim to improve the residents’ quality of life, revive the city and contribute to the fight against social segregation and climate change through the expansion of urban vegetation.


Achievements: »»Planting of more than 53 thousand trees in public places. »»Integrated pest and disease management with more than 8 thousand old trees. 8. BOGOTA GREEN HOSPITALS The Green Hospital program focuses on reducing the negative impacts to the environment and risks to health workers, patients and the community in general through the implementation of clean technologies in the health sector and a consolidation of practices of environmental responsibility contributing to the strengthening of integrated environmental management systems and aiming to achieve higher standards for the Quality of Health Care in the 22 State Owned Enterprises - ESE. Achievements: »»A reduction in hospital waste by 10.32% in 10 District Hospitals. »»Implementation of clean technologies: in X-ray areas and dentistry for a reduction in chemical use and waste production. »»Design and implementation of a module of the Green Hospital Program at the Centre for Environmental Health. »»Incorporation of guidelines for green purchases in the procurement statutes of the 22 State Owned Enterprises - ESE. »»Subscribe to the Global Network Green and Healthy Hospitals of Health Care Without Harm for 22 ESE and the District´s Health Department.


»»Inclusion of the environmental category in the PREMI HEALTH - Recognition and Incentive Program for Organizational Improvement 2014, which recognizes the District´s Hospitals as Green Hospitals, Safe Hospitals and Humane Hospitals. »»Development of Sustainable Building Guidelines for Capital District Hospitals.

INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS 1. WATER AND CITIES PARTNERSHIP Coordination of an agreement between Bogotá D.C, Mexico D.F. and Rio de Janeiro, with the objective to join technical, operating and financial efforts to contribute to the protection of the ecosystems found within urban boundaries. This initiative is a response to the effects of urban expansion, climate change and variability on biodiversity and the water cycle.


Achievements: »»A grant was obtained from the World Association of the Major Metropolises to strengthen the three cities’ capacity in water management. 2. ROADMAP OF LATIN AMERICAN CITIES FOR RESILIENCE In the World Urban Forum that was carried out in Medellin, Colombia, in 2014, the IDIGER (Risk Management and Climate Change District Institute), the Environmental Authority, the Botanical Garden and the DDRI (General Secretariat’s District Office for International Relations), together with international partners including ICLEI, UNISDR and RECNET, launched the Roadmap of Latin American Cities interested in the comprehensive construction of risk reduction, adaptation to climate change and resilience. The objective is to identify the main challenges, strengths and opportunities shared by the region’s

capital cities in light of the conditions imposed by Global Change and its consequences on urban development, as well as promoting coordinated dialog between the cities with the global strategic discussion and negotiation scenarios.

recover from climate change and variability and reduce CO2 emissions. The latter is the planning instrument that, in coordination, orientates the set of risk management actions in Bogotá, conceived to be systematically and interactively implemented.


2. Consolidation and Infrastructure for the Sustainable Urban Drainage System

»»Positioning of Bogotá as a representative of the cities affiliated with the Roadmap and the preparatory meetings for Sendai 2015, which has the objective to evaluate the Hyogo declaration on risk management.

Bogotá Humana 1. District Plan of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change and Variability and District Risk Management Plan The former will be a policy instrument that has the objective to increase the city’s capacity to face and

A change is established in the rainwater management system in the District area by transforming a drainage system that removes rainwater through an artificial infrastructure of networks and channels. It is a comprehensive system that includes a constructed and natural component through the implementation of the Sustainable Drainage System and the progressive execution of actions for ecological restoration and recovery of ecological functions and the water cycle, as well as reduction of flood hazards, and adaptation to climate change and social appropriation of it.


3. Community Initiatives for Climate Change and Risk Management With community participation in Risk Management with Social and Community Organizations, 25 initiatives have been promoted that generate a sense of belonging to the land and joint responsibility for the land prioritized by hazards, which are each at a different level of development (formulation, budget execution and design). 4. Climate Change Indicators Project This is a project that has UN Habitat as a partner and its objective is to develop and implement a set of synthetic indices and indicators which permit the measurement of the impact and effectiveness of the measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and involve at least 3 signatory cities of the Bogotá declaration, Humane Cities Facing Climate Change.


5. Paramo Conservation Project As an adaptation measure, the Bogotá Mayor’s Office and Empresa de Acueducto, Alcantarillado y Aseo de Bogotá are executing a project that has the objective to conserve, restore and sustainably use the ecosystem services of the land comprised of the paramos of Sumapaz, Chingaza, Guacheneque, Guerrero and the Eastern Mountains. The project’s area of influence covers 600 thousand hectares and it will benefit approximately 10 million residents of the region.


Fotografías Archivo Distrital de fotografías Juan Camilo Rincón Diseño y diagramación María Claudia Muñoz Fajardo Bogotá D.C. 2014

Bogotรก Climate Summit September 20-25, 2015



Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá D.C. Carrera 8 No. 10 - 65 Tel. +571 3813000 Bogotá D.C. Colombia

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