Ambika Tours offers exciting Tour Package to Buddhist Places in India

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Features Features of of Buddhist Buddhist Tour Tour Package Package The Thelength lengthof ofthe thetour tourwill willbe be88days daysand and77nights. nights. Important Importantdestinations destinationsof ofthe thetour tourare areNew NewDelhi, Delhi,BodhGaya, BodhGaya,Nalanda, Nalanda, Sarnath, Sarnath,Kushinagar, Kushinagar,Lumbini, Lumbini,Rajgir, Rajgir,Shravasti Shravastiand andAgra. Agra. Educational Educationalalong alongwith withentertaining entertainingTour. Tour. Facility Facilityof ofTour TourGuide GuideServices, Services,Accomodation, Accomodation,Train TrainJourneys, Journeys,Tour Tour Manager ManagerServices, Services,Meal MealFacilities Facilitiesand andMonument MonumentEntry Entryfees feesincluded includedin inthe the Package. Package. Insurance Insurancescheme schemefacility facilityprovided providedto tothe thetourists touristswhile whileon onthe thetour. tour.

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Ambika AmbikaTour TourAgency AgencyLimited Limited +66-26968770 +66-26968770 8/27 8/27Cathay CathayHouse, House,7th 7thFloor, Floor,North North Sathorn Sathorn Road, Road,Silom, Silom,Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand-10500 Thailand-10500

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