Features Features of of Buddhist Buddhist Tour Tour Package Package The Thelength lengthof ofthe thetour tourwill willbe be88days daysand and77nights. nights. Important Importantdestinations destinationsof ofthe thetour tourare areNew NewDelhi, Delhi,BodhGaya, BodhGaya,Nalanda, Nalanda, Sarnath, Sarnath,Kushinagar, Kushinagar,Lumbini, Lumbini,Rajgir, Rajgir,Shravasti Shravastiand andAgra. Agra. Educational Educationalalong alongwith withentertaining entertainingTour. Tour. Facility Facilityof ofTour TourGuide GuideServices, Services,Accomodation, Accomodation,Train TrainJourneys, Journeys,Tour Tour Manager ManagerServices, Services,Meal MealFacilities Facilitiesand andMonument MonumentEntry Entryfees feesincluded includedin inthe the Package. Package. Insurance Insurancescheme schemefacility facilityprovided providedto tothe thetourists touristswhile whileon onthe thetour. tour.
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Ambika AmbikaTour TourAgency AgencyLimited Limited http://www.ambikatours.com http://www.ambikatours.com ambika@ambikatours.com ambika@ambikatours.com +66-26968770 +66-26968770 8/27 8/27Cathay CathayHouse, House,7th 7thFloor, Floor,North North Sathorn Sathorn Road, Road,Silom, Silom,Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand-10500 Thailand-10500