21 minute read
EVP Data and Analytics Black Knight
San Francisco
Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
In recent years I have become increasingly focused on the concept of sponsorship and have been lucky enough to have great sponsors. I have had two sponsors who have really made a difference, one male, one female, opening doors, and providing opportunities and guidance. At this point, I am focused on how I can sponsor the careers of other women.
Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?

One of the most important qualities is my love for what I do — I find building world-class teams and finding creative solutions to complex problems to be both exciting and rewarding. I stay focused on strategy, and avoid distractions. Taking calculated risks, learning from failure, and being willing to pivot are other qualities that have helped me succeed.
What is the most important or valuable advice that can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
Embrace change, adapt, stay nimble, become an expert in whatever you do with boldness and pride, but remain humble and endlessly curious.
What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the mortgage industry?
I assess my own teams and ensure that women are given not only the same growth opportunities as men but a voice, and the space they need to contribute on their terms. I strive to make space for diversity in work styles and communication, recognizing that different perspectives and voices are key to driving innovation and growth.

What are the main problems that women in the industry are facing today and what have you done to address or resolve them?

I’m doing my best to demonstrate that women can occupy roles traditionally held by men, and to encourage and support other women in pursuing their goals.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?
First, the industry must embrace emerging technologies while also fiercely protecting consumer rights and privacy. Second, advanced data and analytics should be used from origination through servicing and capital markets to bring greater transparency, healthy competition, and liquidity to the market. Consumers are smarter and more informed than ever and deserve transparent, data-rich smart products and an efficient mortgage process. H

Senior Vice President of Sales and Recruiting Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. Rehoboth, Del.

Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
I firmly believe that emulating someone who is already successful will always result in faster results. The real estate/mortgage industry is dominated by so many amazing females, and I have benefited by being able to align myself with many that I have met along the way.
What is the most important or valuable advice that can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
You are going to meet people who are equivalent to a roadblock. You will have to decide if you are going to turn right or left to go around that person. Your success will not be deterred by a roadblock.
What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the mortgage industry?
Trying to be the best role model for those who are starting out or struggling to succeed. Our company gives employees the option to be coached by a peer. We have classes to help a new generation of mortgage bankers to learn about our industry. I have played an active role as a coach and in creating and teaching these classes.
What are the main problems that women in the industry are facing today and what have you done to address or resolve them?
Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?

Leadership isn’t about managing others, it’s about empowering others to do their jobs. Allowing them to make mistakes without fear of being disciplined. Setting clear expectations has alleviated a lot of stress.

Probably the biggest challenge is juggling work life balance. The one thing I tell everyone who is single, make sure you choose your life partner well and make sure they can tolerate and support the hours you will have to put in to make this a success.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?
Licensing would be my No. 1 thing to address. We help families realize the most expensive purchase of their lives, and we don’t require any education other than passing the test to obtain your NMLS unless you work for a bank and then it does not matter. The barrier to entry should be education. H

CARI GURNEY VP, Strategic Alliances and Initiatives
Fort Worth, Texas
Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
I’ve been very fortunate to have several strong women leaders as mentors. Their mentorship has been instrumental in my success and advancement, and I am very grateful for the women who’ve continued to invest in me. Being mentored and being a mentor have raised my confidence, problem solving, and leadership skills, as well as has been key in continued development of my industry knowledge and professional network.
Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?

My passion for building authentic relationships and successful partnerships has contributed most to my success. I strive to always show up, be real, and bring an authentic passion for not just my team’s success, but our partners’ as well. I strive to communicate openly, listen more than I speak, be honest with the facts, and have a dynamic vision and a path for getting there.
What is the most important or valuable advice that can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
Never be afraid to try something new. Always remember that we learn from our failures more than our successes, so don’t be afraid to try and fail. Be open, curious and ask lots of questions.

What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the mortgage industry?
I am proud to participate in several organizations that foster growth, mentorship, and acknowledgement of women in the mortgage industry. I have committed in my career to recognize high-performing women, encourage them, mentor them and even challenge them. It isn’t always easy, but we learn best when we are challenged the most.

What are the main problems that women in the industry are facing today and what have you done to address or resolve them?
Early in my career, the mortgage industry was definitely still viewed as a “boys club” and very difficult to break into any type of leadership. While we have seen improvement, this is still a challenge that we all need to work together to overcome.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?
I would like to see more diversity and inclusion in the mortgage industry as a whole, including in leadership and C-suite roles. H

JULIE JOSEFORSKY President, Financial Services Fay Financial Chicago

Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
Dr. Stacy Feiner is an executive coach and was my HR business partner. I credit much of my professional maturity to her guidance. I have a lifelong mentor, Jerry Klarsfeld, who is an executive coach. He pushes me to be the best version of myself. My mom, Joan Cox, instilled my work ethic and faith. She encourages me to pursue my passions, pay my blessings forward, and reminds me that I can do anything I set my mind to.
What is the most important or valuable advice that can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
Take professional risks moving into jobs or assignments where you know the least and are most uncomfortable.
What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the mortgage industry?
I spend a lot of time mentoring young female and male professionals (and female athletes). My role is to help pave the way for advancement of women in the workplace for my daughter’s generation just as many accomplished women have done for my generation.
What are the main problems that women in the industry are facing today and what have you done to address or resolve them?

Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?

My ability to leverage the collective strengths of my team, create vision and strategy, and influence and motivate those around me to be the best version of themselves. These qualities were mostly derived from playing sports. I coach a national travel softball team and high school softball team, and I often share with my players how synergistic the qualities we build on the field translate into our family lives and professional careers.
Many women today think they have to give something up to have success in their personal and professional lives. I encourage women to stay in their career path. It is more than possible to have a successful career and robust family life.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?
We can be equally effective working remote or hybrid. It does require learning new skills and navigating a continuous virtual environment. I would like to see the more mature industry professionals adapt. H


Customer Success Manager Sagent

Glastonbury, Conn.
Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
I’ve been lucky to be surrounded by a large number of reliable women leaders who make it their mission to strongly support other women’s career paths. Mentorship among women helps organizations become more equitable and inclusive. As we evolve as women leaders, I believe that mentorship can stray away from being a formal activity. We’re interacting every day, which makes advice-giving and leadership support easier to conduct.
Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?

My path to success heavily relies on teamwork. I wouldn’t be the customer success manager, or team member without the amazing team that I have supporting our efforts to build and execute on the future of servicing as we relentlessly execute on all customer needs.
What is the most important or valuable advice that can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
Being siloed into a position is not the key to success. Challenging yourself with opportunities to expand your role into the position you want it to be is advice that I’ve lived by. We should be using a given title as a base to propel us forward in our careers.
What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the mortgage industry?
I’m relentless about asking those tough questions, while standing my ground when I strongly believe in the response that I’m providing. This is impactful for women to see such strong assurance, with the goal to spark confidence in others to use their voice when fighting for what’s right in the workplace and their careers.

What are the main problems that women in the industry are facing today and what have you done to address or resolve them?
Women (and men) need more parental leave. Parental care is important for a work/ life balance. I’m very open about asking these questions and understanding the nuances around maternity/paternity leave.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?
An even heavier focus on DEI. Let’s not lose this momentum. Barriers and glass ceilings may have been broken, but let’s not stop there. Seeing more women, more people of color in leadership roles will further drive these initiatives. H

Xactus Broomall, Pa.
Throughout her successful career of more than 25 years, Shelley Leonard has gained deep executive experience in leading companies to improved performances and increased market shares, successful launches of new products, expansion into adjacent markets, and the management of mergers and acquisition activity.

Leonard is considered a rock star performer in every position she’s held, says Amy Hansen, who is revered by her peers and colleagues. Hansen says. She is a significant contributor who is impacting mortgage banking by leading a transformative industry movement that seeks to advance stagnant processes and develop innovative workflows and technologies to accommodate a more consumer-centric mortgage experience. Her impact is already being felt in how she is redefining the way mortgage verification services are delivered. vice president, public relations at Seroka — be it at Xactus, where as president, she is guiding the company through its culmination of acquisitions and working to redefine the way mortgage verification services are delivered, or when she was at Black Knight and its predecessor businesses, where she held multiple senior and executive-level roles.

Leonard is a respected role model for women

Leonard is particularly focused on the industry’s continued lagging use of technology to solve problems that contribute to slower processes and higher costs. To that end, Leonard and her team are developing Xactus’ product and technology roadmap by improving workflows and investing in the firm’s own data and product capabilities — such as fraud tools, flood solutions, data mining and batch update products for servicing, and its proprietary platform, Xactus360.
Leonard believes lenders should know what technology is available to help them streamline workflows, improve turn times and lower costs, and understand how to actually use that technology. H

MARCY LINDHOUT Vice President, National Underwriting Manager
DHI Mortgage
Austin, Texas
Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
I’ve been fortunate to witness several great female leaders who were all instrumental at the different stages of my journey. I was able to gain tremendous insight into what it takes to be successful. Because these women were so impactful to me, it has always been a mission for me to return the favor to other women.
Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?

My ability to relate to, empathize with and understand people by forming relationships based on trust. I gain a tremendous amount of knowledge simply by taking the time to listen and ask questions. I seek to understand rather than wanting to be understood.
What is the most important or valuable advice that can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
Remain humble and refrain from thinking you have all of the answers.
If you don’t know the answer, admit it. If you give an incorrect response, it could have a significant impact including breaking the trust of the person to whom you provided incorrect information.

Stay true to yourself and your values. If you don’t agree with something, don’t go along with the crowd to fit it.

What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the mortgage industry?
My company has an excellent mentorship program in which I am involved in addition to mentoring Certified Mortgage Bankers candidates. While this is important, the real mentoring occurs every hour of every day where I have the opportunity to interact and show young woman leaders how to approach and handle different situations.

What are the main problems that women in the industry are facing today and what have you done to address or resolve them?
It remains an uphill battle for some women in certain organizations to feel heard, but over the past several years, it’s been uplifting to see more women hold senior management positions and C-suite roles.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?
The mortgage industry has blessed me with an incredible life of long-lasting friendships, financial security and a sense of purpose of being part of an incredible industry. H

ELIZABETH LISK EVP of Operations Champions Funding
Gilbert, Ariz.
Elizabeth Lisk is an unsung hero at Champions Funding, acting behind the scenes with an impressive impact, says Christy Mindell, executive vice president of marketing at the company.

Lisk streamlined the loan process by ensuring the user-friendly technology was programmed with compliance safeguards. She also sped up turn times by opting for an empowered decisionmaker to manage each file rather than waiting for several touches and individuals, Mindell says production, testing, and rolling out of the HERO Broker Portal and forthcoming underwriting portal. She streamlined the loan process by ensuring the user-friendly technology was programmed with compliance safeguards.
“For her team and our broker partners, Liz is making systems stronger, faster, and safer,” MIndell says.
“To see the ripple effect of opportunity, look at Liz,” Mindell says.
Lisk began her journey in the mortgage industry as a receptionist.
“Twenty years ago someone took a chance on a single mom and that has rippled into a vibrant career,” Mindell says. “But the impact continues to have an effect as Liz has committed herself to giving her team the knowledge, voice, and skills to continue to grow professionally.”
“Her drive and her team spirit keeps her constantly enhancing services and procedures, making her a Champion for the broker partners she serves and the team within,” Mindell says.
Lisk empowered mortgage brokers with uncommon resources, such as the ability to self-disclose. She had a hands-on role in the tech

Lisk has served in a variety of departments including compliance, providing insight from the vantage of an array of stakeholders. She sees the big picture, Mindell says, making her role in the development of new technologies and procedures unique for an operations leader.
Lisk provided broker training to ensure Champions’ partners were empowered and given the highest levels of customer support.
“Liz’s success reflects what is possible for all mortgage professionals — a fulfilling career and an opportunity to make an impact,” Mindell says. H


Link Mortgage Group

Kansas City, Mo.
Shelbi Lusk believes that all people deserve an opportunity, whether that be for home ownership, financial improvements or overall personal growth and mindset.
She has a passion for not only mortgages but for helping others. Her drive and determination to make a difference in others’ lives is not only admirable, but truly what she stands for.
Lusk has been involved in mortgage processing, administrations and origination. In 2019, she became an owner of a Mortgage Brokerage.

Being just 31 years old, and already with 12 years in the industry, Lusk has grown a network of like-minded professionals who are determined to create and provide an unmatched client experience. In 2022, she was awarded Top 1% Loan Originator, and the Top 20 Originator in Kansas City..
Lusk has been on a mission to further homeownership education, opportunities and overall personal growth. She has extended that mission into assisting her realtor partner’s business growth through community outreach and social media coaching. She was recently selected as a Captain of Missouri partnered with the Association of Independent Mortgage Experts to further the mission of broker and consumer advocacy. This new, exciting and additional position will further the reach of broker channels, providing additional resources to our community and homeownership opportunities. H
ERIKA MACIAS EVP, Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer HighTechLending, Inc.

Irvine, Calif.
Erika Macias has helped take HighTechLending, a company she co-founded with Don Currie in 2007, to the top 10 reverse mortgage lenders in the U.S.

HighTechLending’s winning strategy consists of a carefully crafted blend of excellent price, niche product offerings, and exceptional customer service, according to Melanie McAllister, vice president of HR and communications at HTL.

“Erika’s mantra was to own and operate as a successful mortgage lender by strategically focusing on low-risk, profitable loans that are managed through our quality assurance procedures,” McAllister says. “It was to motivate all sales and Operations to capture market share by partnering at the point of sale with our enhanced customer service and paperless loan and file flow process.”
Macias believes that giving back to the community should be an important part of any successful business, brokers included, McAllister says.
Macias personally championed partnership with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. And she mentored up-andcoming rookie women in the mortgage industry. Called “Leading Ladies into Leadership,” her goal was to empower the women into leadership roles and prepare them for today’s business.
McAllister said Macias will continue to lead HighTechLending to greater heights after the passing of Currie, her best friend and partner, in March. H
MARIA MOSKVER CEO Cloudvirga Orange County, Calif.

Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
Absolutely, I have had many mentors throughout my career, and I continue to seek their guidance and insights. Mentoring is a highly effective way to ensure continuous growth and improvement. I have served as a mentor for others throughout my career, and I currently do so with my internal teams.
Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?

Leading with a strong work ethic and integrity throughout my career, qualities essential to be an effective leader. I also have a very collaborative style which is not always considered traditional for a leader — but I prefer to get input from the team before I make a decision.
What is the most important or valuable advice that can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
People do not generally know about all the different roles that exist. Expand your horizons and learn about them. There could be a job that could turn out to be a perfect fit just waiting for you.
What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the mortgage industry?
I have been strongly advocating for women in tech roles starting in my early days. I also believe my leadership contributions — speaking at multiple national industry events and writing for various publications — also contribute to women’s future success.

What are the main problems that women in the industry are facing today and what have you done to address or resolve them?
We need to holistically consider what happened during COVID — the enormous number of women who left the workforce. We must look at ways to bring women back into the workforce and into our industry.
We’re in the midst of forming a California
Women in Mortgage group. We are starting to see more and more professional women’s organizations being formed on the state and local level.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?
The mortgage process needs to become much more efficient and yet still deliver a great customer experience. There must be far greater adoption and use of technology industry-wide. The various players need to figure out how to use emerging technologies to better share relevant data and information. H

AMY JO PLUMMER VP, Acquisition Success Maxwell Dallas, Texas

Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
My mom is my greatest mentor, and where I get my strong work ethic and sense of values. When it’s necessary to power through, I reach back to what I’ve learned, and continue to learn, from her. I’ve been lucky to have some incredible professional mentors as well who have shaped my career. It’s absolutely important for women to see representation and have someone that they can connect with.
What is the most important or valuable advice that can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
It seems obvious to say “lean In” but it’s true. The more you can immerse yourself in understanding the needs of the industry, the customer, the borrower, the quicker you can work toward that.
What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the mortgage industry?
Continuing to shine a light on the great women leaders we have today is one way of doing that. Women have been given seats at the table, but there’s more out there for us. We need the next generation that sees the future path of mortgage to step in!

What are the main problems that women in the industry are facing today and what have you done to address or resolve them?
Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?

My work ethic, strategic thinking, and growth mindset are probably the top three. Without these, you’ll struggle to find success. It’s also so important to be able to partner with other great minds.
So many of the leaders in our industry, women or otherwise, have failed to build a model that moves with the market. We need leadership to open their doors to problem-solving so they can provide stability. We can’t continue to draw the best of the best into our industry if they are fearful of joining companies that can’t manage costs and solve problems with people.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?
The industry has not done well merging tech with the loan manufacturing process. The idea isn’t to replace the person — it’s to arm that person with tools that allow them to do more every day. H

SUZANNE ROSS Director of Account Management, Mortgage Ocrolus
New Albany, Ohio
Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
I am fortunate to have a myriad of female mentors both within and outside of the mortgage community. Female friendships and mentorships are paramount and crucial for personal growth and development. Engaging with accomplished women from various industries, who share similar experiences as I do, has helped me navigate the challenges and obstacles in my life.

Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?

Resilience! It’s a quality we all possess, though it can be difficult to summon in moments of defeat. I understand these moments present opportunities for growth, strength, and rebirth. The knowledge that I have overcome challenges is a testament to my resilience and gives me the confidence and determination to forge ahead.
What is the most important or valuable advice you can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
Find your voice. Women often feel compelled to emulate someone else or adopt a different persona to succeed, but true success lies in knowing yourself and evolving into the finest version of yourself.
What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the the mortgage industry?
I have the privilege of consulting daily with women in the mortgage industry. As I have walked in their shoes, this gives me a unique opportunity to connect with them on their specific needs and understand their challenges from a place of empathy in a way that they know our solutions have been created specifically for them because I know them.
What are the main problems women in the industry face today, and what have you done to address or resolve them?
Women often feel that they have to be self-deprecating and apologetic; otherwise, they are seen as harsh and rude. Strong personalities from women are sometimes responded to negatively. To combat this, I have a strategy of creating champions within the workplace. This involves giving credit where it is due, recognizing the efforts of others, and celebrating the successes of my colleagues.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?

More women in technology roles! Either within the lending community or at a tech company. Women are imaginative, logical, analytical and natural problem solvers. H

JULIE VELASCO Senior Loan Originator Network Funding, LP
San Antonio, Texas
Nominating Julie Velasco was rather simple, says Jamie Hoggatt, a Network Funding branch manager.
“She is exactly what the award calls for,” Hoggatt says. “She is a true mortgage star in every sense of the word.”

Her work ethic is second to none, Hoggatt says, and she has gone from originating $15 million per year in 2015 to $65 to $75 million in 2020-2022.
“She is relentless and is always working with her customers’ best interest in mind,” Hoggatt says. “She has developed a very strong team that focuses on getting the job done and closing the transaction on time.”
She is the No. 1 ranked loan originator for Network Funding in the country, Hoggatt says.

Velasco is very involved in the San Antonio community and is always looking for ways to give back and make others’ lives more complete.
“We are truly blessed to have Julie as part of our Network Funding family,” Hoggatt says. H
LoanStream Mortgage
Irvine, Calif.
Have you had any great female mentors? What is the importance of mentoring and is this something that you focus on?
I’ve had a few great female mentors as I was starting out who always provided me with sound advice and were great role models. They taught me to face challenges head-on and look to navigate and overcome obstacles. Mentoring other women is something I strive to do every day by being a role model for what they can achieve.

Which of your leadership qualities do you think contributed most to your success?
Always remember to treat those around you as you would want to be treated. Being a leader and a manager are two different things. A leader is never fearful of hiring someone smarter than them. I’d like to think my fearlessness is something that has most contributed to my success.
What is the most important or valuable advice that can offer to women starting their careers in the mortgage industry?
Create stability in your resume/profile. Everyone knows the mortgage banking business is cyclical. When times go bad, many lose their jobs. I see far too many women jump around when enticed with the next salary/benefit package, rather than speak with their current employer about their needs.
What contributions are you making to the future success of women in the mortgage industry?
The success of women in the mortgage industry has always been a priority for me and for our company. We do that through several ways, including hiring women in various types of positions from sales, to operations, to executive leadership roles.
What are the main problems that women in the industry are facing today and what have you done to address or resolve them?

Women still tend to make up a large portion of the operational/support roles. More and more layoffs are happening in these roles. I am doing everything I can to create jobs and, where we don’t have one that fits, to try and promote women to good recruiters and other companies that may have jobs.
What significant changes would you like to see in the mortgage industry?
I would like to challenge myself and each of my fellow women in management, to be the best leaders we can be. To lead by example, to help foster the goals of other women under us. H

Picture your dream home. Now look down. There’s a bright red line keeping you out. Join host Katie Jensen as we dive into redlining and the legacy of discrimination. You’ll hear first-hand accounts from those who’ve had to fight back to achieve their dreams. And we’ll challenge industry leaders on how to rewrite this legacy.