3 minute read

Isokinetic Sampling Stack Monitoring

Stack sampling and reporting is one of the main requirements for environmental compliance with Atmospheric Emission Licence (AEL) conditions, renewals and new applications.

Thereby, mining and associated operations which fall under National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act 39 of 2004) NEM: AQA Section 21 List of Activities which result in Atmospheric Emissions – Category 4 – Metallurgical Industry are required to conduct stack emission testing at least annually and report as required by their respective AEL.


The most common emissions testing requirement are for Particulate Matter (PM), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Acid Gases.

All Holders of AEL’s in South Africa are required by law to conduct emission testing by accredited emission testing companies ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (Stack Emission) – or equivalent in accordance with the standard sampling and analysis methods listed in the regulations.

Principally, isokinetic sampling was developed for the determination of particulate (dust) emitted from stationary sources. One of the first standards to be developed was BS 893, first published in 1940 for the determination of dust from coalfired power stations and later BS3405, for monitoring of small coal-fired installations.

These standards encompassed the basic principles of sampling, which have been carried through into modern-day standards and methods such as US EPA and ISO.

Over the years, the requirement to monitor and control particulate emissions from industrial processes using Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) has significantly increased.

Current legislation requires calibration against the Standard Reference Method

Isokinetic Stack Emission Testing Industrial plant Emission Testing Vehicle Emission testing Boiler Emission testing Greenhouse Gas Tax - Annual Submission Greenhouse Gas Emission Testing Effluent Analysis Water Analysis Water Treatment Effluent Treatment Coal Analysis

LAB NO. T0767

VREC is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited laboratory for Emission Tes�ng and Analysis VREC is BBBEE Level 1 Compliant

www.vrec.co.za sales@vrec.co.za 011 609 5323|081 7328765

(SRM) using isokinetic sampling and gravimetric analysis in controlled conditions. Isokinetic sampling is therefore used for the determination of particulate and other pollutants that exist in aerosols or droplet phases and can be combined with gas phase components.

Over time, isokinetic stack sampling has been one of the main measures for determining the particulate matter (PM) load in a stack, often for environmental compliance with Atmospheric Emission Licences (AEL), new applications and renewals. Normally, the licensing authority requires more than just the PM load in the stack.

Notably, government legislation requires different gas measurements in a stack for different processes as per Section 21 NEMAQA, scheduled processes: a typical and often common example is for the stack measurement of furnaces, process plant, reactors, milling and crushing plants, boilers etc.

VREC understands that these requirements by licencing authorities are not a top priority by small to medium size companies and can seem overwhelming even though it is a requirement by law. That is why it is working closely with its clients as it strives to make stack testing simpler and less complicated.

As an Emission Testing Company with the unique Accreditation Number of T0767 indicating a SANAS Accredited Emission Testing and Analysis ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (Stack Emission) - Testing Laboratory – it is committed to providing quality environmental services that meet the requirements of industries and businesses alike.

VR Environmental Consultants (VREC) offers isokinetic stack sampling services for stack flue gas emission measurement and reporting on small to medium-scale boilers and other industrial processes requiring stack emission measurement and monitoring.

VREC conducts stack sampling using ISO, EPA and NIOSH methods as prescribed by section 21 NEMAQA, scheduled processes: schedule a, methods for stack sampling and analysis.

VREC works closely with laboratories which have ISO/IEC: 17025:2017 and

ISO 9001 accreditation service providers with independent world-class analytical chemistry testing facilities.

Beyond the complexities of isokinetic stack sampling services, VREC also offers stack sampling for other chemicals such as CO2 CO, SO2, NOx, HCl, HF, NH3, VOC, Heavy Metals, Dioxins and Furans, Lab analysis – Water and Effluent, AEL applications and Renewals and Online Emission Monitor Verification.

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