2021 AmCham Yearbook & Membership Directory

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Membership Directory

AmCham Denmark

Virtually Together


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Weibel Instrumentation Radar at a US test site

An Offical Publication of The American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark Managing Editor: Therese Oliver Layout & Design: Thinkcreative.dk Printing: Jørn Thomsen Elbo

4 Yearbook 2021

Contact Information: AmCham Denmark Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 13 2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark Phone (+45) 33 932 932 mail@amcham.dk www.amcham.dk

Photos: Pamela Juhl, CPH Voice, AmCham Denmark, Filip Misiak The American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. We apologize for any errors or omissions.



Message from the U.S. and Danish Embassies


The AmCham Board of Directors


The AmCham Team


The AmCham Loft


Year in Review 2020


Highlights 2020


U.S. Election Series


AmCham Nordic Cooperation


Policy & Advocacy


Knowledge Sharing


AmCham Forums




U.S. & Danish Embassy Cooperation


Business Awards


Business Networking


Harvard Business Review Partnership


AmCham Membership


Membership Directory


The AmCham Global Network


AmCham Value Proposition & Partners

Yearbook 2021 5

Message from the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires a.i. cooperation we see between the U.S. and Denmark is essential to global health and prosperity. The United States remains one of the most open and competitive economic landscapes, as demonstrated by the fact that the U.S. continues to be Denmark’s top export destination despite the pandemic. I encourage you to consider virtually attending the SelectUSA Summit in June, a flagship event to learn more about investing in the U.S. and to connect with key decision-makers at both the federal and state/local levels.

What a difference a year makes. As the coronavirus pandemic shook up the world in ways that may only become clear years from now, it also reinforced a truth: overcoming the most difficult challenges of our time requires the kind of cooperation, ingenuity, trust, and entrepreneurial spirit we see every day in the U.S. – Danish relationship. For example, combating climate change will require expanding and establishing new economic partnerships between innovative U.S. and Danish firms in the green economy. Whether through electric vehicles, advanced battery technology, artificial intelligence and new discoveries in science and technology, the coming years will be a seminal moment that can demonstrate how the kind of

6 Yearbook 2021

The American Chamber of Commerce is a key partner for the United States Embassy in Denmark. For more than 22 years the Embassy’s Commercial Service team has worked seamlessly with the AmCham team to help strengthen our vital economic relationship. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Commercial team at the Embassy to help support your efforts to establish or grow your trade and investment with the United States. Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. Stuart Dwyer

“Overcoming the most difficult challenges of our time requires the kind of cooperation, ingenuity, trust, and entrepreneurial spirit we see every day in the U.S. – Danish relationship.”

Message from the Danish Ambassador to the U.S. With the onset of Covid-19 vaccinations, and a gradual return to normalcy, we look ahead to greener pastures. We look forward to the coming years and the next challenge at hand; the green transition. The US administration, led by President Biden, is ready to take on this challenge, and we are more eager than ever to work together towards a greener world. At the very heart of this transition are Danish and US companies, who inspire us by their expertise and innovation to succeed.

The year 2020 will be remembered as a year of substantial alteration to the ways we interact and engage with one another. We were met with the full force of a centennial pandemic leading to great implications for our societies while causing disruptions and economic losses.

With this in mind, I appreciate the ongoing partnership between AmCham and the American Danish Business Council and look forward to meeting AmCham’s member companies again in 2021. Ambassador Lone Dencker Wisborg

However, in the midst of the crisis, we also witnessed a renewed strength of compassion and cooperation among people and companies, a so-called ‘samfundssind’. A willingness to meet the pandemic head on and endure. Both Danish and US companies have shown great abilities to withstand, and the transatlantic economic relationships continues to thrive as evident by the growth of Danish exports to the US in 2020.

Yearbook 2021 7

Message from the CHAIRMAN gatherings, AmCham succeeded in providing valuable and engaging activities for its members and showed remarkable agility in times of difficulty. In March, the AmCham Team skillfully transitioned to a 100% virtual events platform, bringing its members critical information on the crisis as well as inspiration, insight and thought leadership throughout the pandemic. Looking forward, with a new U.S. administration, the coming year presents a unique opportunity to strengthen both the transatlantic relationship and showcase Denmark as a leader for sustainable and innovative solutions to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Even during a year of unprecedented disruption, AmCham Denmark continued to advance its mission of representing the interests of U.S. and international companies in Denmark and assisting Danish companies in their efforts to access the complexities of the U.S. market. Looking back on a year marked by months of working from home and restrictions on in-person

“I extend my sincere thanks to our members for your support and flexibility during a roller-coaster 2020.”

8 Yearbook 2021

With business travel limited and more people connecting virtually, the high-level access, trusted partnership, and corporate visibility that AmCham can provide will be increasingly valuable. In closing, on behalf of the Board I would like to extend my sincere thanks to our members for your support and flexibility during a roller-coaster 2020.

Richard Wright Chairman of the Board

Vice Chair Peter Kürstein Chairman, Radiometer Medical

Honarary President Lone Dencker Wisborg Danish Ambassador to the USA

Executive Committee

Chairman Richard Wright General Manager, Roche

Exco Andrei Vorobyov Partner, Bain & Company

Vice Chair Tisha Boatman Managing Director, Denmark & NRB Zone, Siemens Healthineers

Treasurer Rudi Baxter-Warman Country Officer Denmark, Citi Europe

Henrik Bodskov CEO, IBM Denmark

Julie Enevold Brooker Country Director, Janssen-Cilag

Amy Hebert Chief Commercial Officer, Halder Topsøe

Flemming Jørgensen Country Leader Scandinavia, IFF

Yung A. Le Regional Executive Northern Europe, Lockheed Martin

Nicolai Moresco Senior V.P. & General Manager Western Europe, Dell Technologies

Cori-Dawn Petersen Head of Group HR, FLSmidth

Michael Schmahl Vice President, Global Sales EMEA, DSV Air & Sea

Gitte Schjøtz EVP & Chief Technical & Operations Officer, UL

Michael Stanley CEO, FaunaPhotonics

Anders Thelborg General Manager, Bristol Myers Squibb

Ex-Officio Liaison Maria Nilaus Tarp Director, Invest in Denmark

Observer Bjarke Castberg Frederiksen Head of Commercial Section, U.S. Embassy

Board of Directors

Carsten J. Videcrantz Country Manager, Cisco Denmark

Ex-Officio Liaison Christopher Wilken Senior Commercial Officer, U.S. Embassy


Honorary President Stuart Dwyer Chargé d’Affaires, a.i.

“With a new U.S. administration, the coming year presents a unique opportunity to strengthen the transatlantic relationship.”

Yearbook 2021 9

Message from the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Welcome to AmCham’s 2021 Yearbook and Membership Directory. This publication is rich with examples of the accomplishments that took place during this past year – a year filled with unforeseen challenges unleashed by the Covid Pandemic. However, the crisis also brought new opportunities including the ability to engage virtually with our members and stakeholders. This new virtual event space allowed our team to deliver even more stimulating, high-level events than ever before. New initiatives included online events with Harvard Business Review as well as a U.S. Election series with the Nordic AmChams.

“This new virtual event space allowed us to deliver even more stimulating, high-level events than ever before.”

Einar Dyrhauge Deputy Director & Head of AccessUSA

Nanna Dyrbye Benting Communications Consultant

10 Yearbook 2021

Even as we slowly return to more normal operations and in-person events, online events are here to stay and will become a fast feature in our program.

Therese Oliver Head of Events & Member Services

Sofie Amalie Blomsterberg Communications & Policy Associate

I hope you find our 2021 Yearbook & Membership Directory to be an interesting and informative resource for your business – and that you will share it with others within your business network. On a personal note, I would like to acknowledge all the valuable relationships we enjoy with our members and partners and thank them for their cooperation this past year. I also want to thank AmCham’s professional staff and Board of Directors, whose enthusiasm and drive enable us to make the progress we continue to make each year. Finally, a very special thanks to our Elite Partners and Sponsors for making this year’s publication a reality.

Steve Brugger Executive Director

Lisbeth Metasch Administration & Events Coordinator

Isak Erik Hüllert Student Assistant

The AmCham Team

Yearbook 2021 11

The AmCham Loft The AmCham Loft is our multi-purpose meeting space, where members can meet for knowledge sharing and engaging with key stakeholders in a private, informal setting. The Loft features technology to hold virtual / hybrid conferences with smaller groups; as well as a large balcony overlooking Dag Hammerskjölds Allé. The venue is available to our members for off-site meetings such as: • Team building • Strategy workshops • Leadership sessions

Theater style (30+ people)

Roundtable (16 people)

Standing (50+ people)


In partnership with:

12 Yearbook 2021



1 Area9 CEO Ulrik Juul Christiansen on rethinking talent development with lifelong learning 2 AmCham’s Security Forum presents a COVID security briefing with the U.S. Embassy Security Team 3 Headspring’s Chief Learning Officer Nick van Dam discusses COVID-19’s impact on leadership development 4 Participants in the AmCham loft


Yearbook 2021 13



Member Events


“Meet the Leaders” with Minister for Business Simon Kollerup – at AIG 14 Yearbook 2021


Yearbook 2021 15






16 Yearbook 2021


1 B C Hospitality CEO Allan Agerholm explains the COVID-19 lockdown impact on his industry 2 A mCham 2020 New Year’s Reception at Rydhave (from left: Stephen Brugger, AmCham; Ambassador Sands; Sponsor Peder Pedersen, Weibel) 3 DLA Piper’s Thomas Salicath toasts the 2020 New Year at Rydhave 4 HAY’s Specialist Recruitment MD Vibe Puggaard attends HR Committee event 5 E vent Sponsor Copenhagen Capacity’s MD Asbjørn Overgaard (left) & Weibel CEO Peder Pedersen (right) at the Fall Member Dinner

Year in Review 2020

6 2 020 New Year’s Reception (From left: Antoine Bernet, Bayer; Juan-Jose Gonzalez, Ambu; Martin Møller, McKinsey & Company; Emily Fitzgerald Gonzalez, guest)

January • “ State of the Union” Briefing at Danske Bank • New Year’s Reception at Rydhave February • HR Committee: The Case for Retaining Senior Workers March • Meet the Leaders: Minister for Business Simon Kollerup (S) •A rea9: Reshaping Talent Development • Annual General Meeting April •H BR’s “The Context Marketing Revolution” with Matthew Sweezey •H ealthcare Committee meets Sophie Hæstorp Andersen (S) • HBR’s “What’s Your Problem?” with Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg • Transatlantic Logistics & Supply Chain Challenges during COVID-19 • Employee Engagement & Mental Health Awareness during COVID-19 • OSAC: Security & Operations Planning During COVID-19 May •H BR’s “Out-Innovate” with Professor Alex Lazarow • Policy Forum meets Alex Vanopslagh (LA) • Transatlantic Summit with Joe Quinlan • Ørsted wins the 2020 Transatlantic Company of the Year •H BR’s “Can You Hear Me” with Dr. Nick Morgan

• Meet the Leaders: Foreign Affairs Minister Jeppe Kofod (S) • Meet the Leaders: Sofie Carsten Nielsen (RV) • M&A and Capital Markets during COVID-19 • HR Committee: “Future of Work” Theme Kickoff June • 2020 Select USA • HBR “The Experience Economy” with Joseph Pine II • HBR’s “Three Box Solution Playbook” with Manish Tangri • Navigating US-DK Work Culture with Kay Xander Mellish • Fox News’ Jon Decker: U.S. Election Countdown • HBR’s “The Grit Factor” with Shannon Huffman Polson August • Visa Roundtable with Ambassador Sands • AmCham Cup Golf Tournament • Security Forum: OSAC Update • Healthcare Committee meets Ulla Astman (S) • HBR’s “Couples that Work” with Jennifer Petriglieri • “How U.S. Voters Think - 2020 Election” with Bradley Jones, Pew Research September • Building a Cyber Secure Business Culture • Embassy Independence Day • HBR’s “Lead from the Future” with Mark W. Johnson

• 2020 U.S. Election Update with CSPAN’s Steve Scully • International Citizen Day • Bain & Company: Doing Agile Right • Healthcare Committee: Launch Excellence in a Post-Covid World • HR Committee: Role of Tech in Future Leadership • AccessUSA: U.S. Bankcruptcy Process • HBR’s “A Leader’s Guide to Cybersecurity” with Thomas J. Parenty & Jack J. Domet October • Fall Member Dinner • IBM named 2020 Foreign Company of the Year • Bruce Stokes: How Public Opinion Will Shape the Next U.S. Administration • Leadership Development with Nick Van Dam • HBR’s “Competing in the Age of AI” with Marco Iansiti and Karim Lakhani November • U.S. Embassy’s Presidential Election Breakfast • Security Committee: Managing Supply Chain & 3rd Party Risk • Crisis Planning & Management • HBR’s “Humanocracy” with Gary Hamel & Michele Zanini December • HBR’s “The Real Business of Blockchain” with David Furlonger & Christophe Uzureau • HR Committee: Workplace of the Future • Fox News’ Jon Decker: 2020 Election Results & Preview of Biden-Harris Administration

Yearbook 2021 17


AmCham’s Therese Oliver & Einar Dyrhauge register guests at 360 Law 18 Yearbook 2021


Yearbook 2021 19

US Election Events

At the top of AmCham’s event agenda for 2020 was the U.S. Presidential Elections. With campaigns already in full swing at the start of the year, there was plenty of speculation about the outcome early on. Our election coverage included events with both Danish and American experts providing great coverage for our members.


1 AmCham’s 2020 “State of the Union” event at Danske Bank. From left: Bjarne Corydon, Børsen; Jeanette Witasp, Danske Bank; Torsten Jansen, Lead Agency; Mikael Milhøj, Danske Bank; Stephen Brugger, AmCham 2 A mbassador Sands is interviewed about the U.S. Presidential Election at the 2020 Election Breakfast (Marriott) 3 F ormer U.S. President Donald Trump 4 U.S. President Joe Biden

In partnership with:

20 Yearbook 2021




Yearbook 2021 21


AmCham Nordic Cooperation Throughout the 2020 presidential election, AmCham, in partnership with its fellow Nordic AmChams, hosted a series of exclusive pan-Nordic virtual sessions with leading U.S. political commentators, who shared their insights on the state of the race for the White House. Speakers included veteran White House correspondent for Fox News Radio Jon Decker; Pew Research Polling Specialist Bradley Jones; the Political Editor of C-SPAN Steve Scully; as well as the Non-Resident Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Washington D.C., Bruce Stokes. Thanks to our Nordic colleagues for yet another a great partnership.

In partnership with:

22 Yearbook 2021

Nordic Directors talk about the U.S. Election with Fox Radio’s Jon Decker (clockwise from top left: Jason Turflinger, AmCham Norway; Stephen Brugger, AmCham Denmark; Alexandra Pasternak-Jackson, AmCham Finland; Fox’s Jon Decker; Peter Dahlen, AmCham Sweden)

AmCham Denmark

Virtually Together

Pew Research Center’s Brad Jones examines the political landscape ahead of the U.S. Elections (from left: Brad Jones, Pew Research; Alexandra Pasternak-Jackson, AmCham Finland; Tyler Barrott, AmCham Norway) 2


1 B ruce Stokes, Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund, discusses how U.S. public opinion will shape the next U.S. Administration 2 Stephen Brugger hosts a virtual event with AmCham Nordics 3 With 2 months to go, CSPAN’s Political Editor Steve Scully shares his perspective on the U.S. elections

Yearbook 2021 23


A cornerstone of AmCham’s policy and advocacy work is our commitment to building a more competitive business climate in Denmark, one that encourages investment and stimulates growth.


1 AmCham “Meet the Leaders” event with Minister for Business Simon Kollerup (at AIG) 2 AmCham “Meet the Leaders” event with Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeppe Kofod, who shared an update on the government’s handling of the COVID-19 health crisis 3 AmCham’s Healthcare Committee held a virtual roundtable with Sophie Hæstorp Andersen, Chair of the Capital Region 4 AmCham’s Policy Forum met Sofie Carsten Nielsen, MP & Chair of Radikale Venstre, who shared an update on Danish Parliament’s COVID relief packages 5 AmCham’s Policy Forum held a virtual roundtable with Alex Vanopslagh, MP & Political Leader of Liberal Alliance who shared his vision for attracting foreign labor & investments to Denmark 6 AmCham’s Healthcare Committee held a virtual roundtable with Ulla Astman (S), Chair of the Northern Denmark Region, on the region’s vision to work closer with both the life science industry & international scientists.

24 Yearbook 2021






Yearbook 2021 25



“Even during a year of unprecedented disruption, AmCham continued to advance its mission of representing the interests of U.S. and international companies.”

In partnership with:

26 Yearbook 2021


AmCham Denmark

Virtually Together

POLICY & ADVOCACY 1 From left: Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeppe Kofod; Stephen Brugger, AmCham 2 From left: Sophie Hæstorp Andersen, Chair of the Capital Region; MSD’s Andreas Daugaard Jørgensen; Stephen Brugger, AmCham 3 From left: Sofie Carsten Nielsen, MP & Chair of Radikale Venstre; Stephen Brugger, AmCham


Yearbook 2021 27

An event on Mental Health Awareness during COVID19 (clockwise from left: Nicolai Moltke-Leth, Implement Consulting; Dr. Ulrik Christensen, Area9 Lyceum; Stephen Brugger, AmCham; Therese Oliver, AmCham)

AmCham Denmark

Virtually Together

Partner event with Bain & Co, featuring authors of “Doing Agile Right” (clockwise from left: Steve Berez, Bain; Amdi Hansen, Bain; Darrell Rigby, Bain; Stephen Brugger, AmCham)


KNOWLEDGE SHARING AmCham’s strong program of value-added events provides our members with frequent opportunities to gain insight and inspiration by engaging with leading international thought leaders.

In partnership with:

28 Yearbook 2021


1 Joe Quinlan, Managing Director & Chief Market Strategist, Bank of America, shares the 2020 Transatlantic Economy Report


2 Former Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen delivers keynote at AmCham’s Fall Member Dinner 3 Cultural difference expert Kay Xander Mellish examines differences between U.S. and DK business culture

Yearbook 2021 29


1 A mCham’s HR Committee event discussion group with Anne Marie Abrahamson, Lundgrens (left) & Birgitte Petersen, IFF (middle) along with Vibe Puggaard, HAYS (right)

AmCham FORUMS AmCham develops business forums in which members engage with leading experts within or across sectors, in order to share expertise and best practices.

In partnership with:

30 Yearbook 2021

• • • • • • •

AccessUSA Analytical Instruments (ESAC) Finance & Tax Healthcare Human Resources Security Policy


2 HR Committee event discussion group led by Chandre Torpet, Inclusive Matters (right) 3 AmCham’s Security Forum discusses Supply Chain & 3rd Party Risk 4 Salesforce Deputy Country Manager Henning Treichl shares technology trends impacting the future of work 5 AmCham HR Committee “Future of Work” event at 360 Law (from left: Ulrik Fleischer Michaelsen, 360 Law; Richard Dos Santos, tts; Henning Treichl, Salesforce; Brett Bibby, Unity Technologies; Therese Oliver, AmCham)




Yearbook 2021 31



AmCham FORUMS 6 An excellent HR Committee panel discussion was moderated by Anders Bildsøe Lassen, Senior Consultant, Implement Consulting Group 7 AmCham’s Security Forum presents an event on building a cyber secure business culture at Lundrens Law Firm 8 AmCham’s HR Committee gathers at Lundgrens Law Firm to talk about the case for retaining senior workers 9 Security Forum Event at 360 Law (from left: PepsiCo’s Klaus Hedegaard; 360 Law’s Ulrik Fleischer Michaelsen; Maersk’s Thomas Boye Dyregaard & AmCham’s Therese Oliver)


32 Yearbook 2021



Yearbook 2021 33


Enhancing Commercial Success in the United States

AmCham’s AccessUSA program helps Danish companies realize their American Dream by facilitating best practice-sharing discussions and 1:1 member mentoring with companies already established in the U.S. Due to the pandemic, the focus in 2020 has been on the practical issues facing our member companies, from supply chain and logistics challenges, to finding solutions to the visa restrictions imposed on transatlantic business travelers. Virtual meeting opportunities offered AmCham members the possibility to participate in SelectUSA’s Investor Guide Mini-Series featuring events on the following topics: • An Overview of Key U.S. Tax Considerations for Inbound Investment • An Overview of Common Business Structures • Creating Employment Success in the United States • Overall Investment Checklist • U.S. Immigration Pathways: Which Visa is Right for Your Investment Project?



AccessUSA event on “Navigating the U.S. Bankruptcy Process” featuring: 1 J im Peterson, Foley & Lardner LLP 2 Michael Small, Foley & Lardner LLP

In partnership with:

34 Yearbook 2021

AmCham Denmark

Virtually Together

Update on M&A and Capital Markets in Denmark and the U.S. following COVID-19. Clockwise from left: Anne-Mette Andersen, Holland & Knight; Jakob Fogt, Grant Thornton; Stephen Brugger, AmCham & Sam Jalaei, Magnusson Law Firm

Webinar with focus on Transatlantic Logistics & Supply Chain Challenges. Clockwise from left: Einar Dyrhauge, AmCham; Marco Bloemen, Seabury Consulting; Niels Larsen, DSV and Søren Winther, Chr. Hansen

Yearbook 2021 35

In 2020, AmCham facilitated a high-level roundtable with U.S. Ambassador Carla Sands where AmCham members shared their challenges with the travel ban to the USA. The concrete input from this meeting was part of the decision to obtain a national interest exception (NIE) for non-tourist travel to the United States.


U.S. & DANISH EMBASSY COOPERATION AmCham’s AccessUSA helps members build valuable relationships with key U.S. stakeholders including the Danish & U.S. Embassies / Ambassadors; the Danish Trade Council; the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

In partnership with:

36 Yearbook 2021


1 AmCham meets with Dan Mullaney, Assistant United States Trade Representative for Europe and the Middle East 2 Danish Ambassador to the USA, Lone Wisborg, visits the AmCham office in Østerbro 3 The U.S. Embassy’s Commercial Service team visits AmCham (from left: Bjarke Frederiksen, Head of Commmercial Section; Christopher Wilkin, Senior Commercial Officer & Stephen Brugger, AmCham) 4 The U.S. Embassy, in partnership with AmCham Denmark, held a virtual discussion on entrepreneurship and growth in a post-COVID economy



AmCham Denmark

Virtually Together

Yearbook 2021 37

BUSINESS AWARDS AmCham celebrates business excellence by awarding the Transatlantic Company of the Year and the Foreign Company of the Year to companies who have had the greatest impact on their respective side of the Atlantic.

Ørsted was named AmCham Denmark’s 2020 Transatlantic Company of the Year for their strong expertise and innovation in offshore wind development in the U.S. as well as their ability to form successful partnerships in research & innovation. During the past decade, Ørsted has transformed its company from being one of the highest fossil fuel users in Europe, to being recognized as the world’s most sustainable company by Corporate Knights 2020 Global 100 Index. Ørsted plans to invest DKK 200bn (USD $30.2bn) in green energy from 2019-2025 globally, and more than USD $10 bn is planned for green energy projects in the U.S.

38 Yearbook 2021

IBM was recognized as AmCham’s 2020 Foreign Company of the Year for their valuable investments in innovative IT solutions and their decision to place a Client Innovation Centre in Denmark. IBM Denmark has been an important IT vendor in Denmark since the 1950’s. With the establishment of a Client Innovation Centre in Denmark and their participation in numerous public-private partnerships such as the Danish government’s climate partnership, IBM demonstrates a strong commitment to make innovative IT solutions available for Denmark in the future. By investing heavily in Danish R&D and the start-up community, IBM is building a solid foundation to drive their pioneering agenda from here.



1. IBM’s CEO Henrik Bodskov accepts the 2020 Foreign Company of the Year award on behalf of the company

2. U.S. Ambassador Carla Sands reveals Ørsted as the winner of the 2020 Transatlantic Company of the Year

In partnership with:

Yearbook 2021 39


BUSINESS NETWORKING AmCham’s business networking events stimulate member engagement in an informal setting and provide an opportunity for increased brand awareness through event sponsorship and donation of in-kind goods and services. During the year, AmCham was able to hold several safe and socially distanced in-person events in addition to our virtual program.

In partnership with:

40 Yearbook 2021


1 AmCham’s Therese Oliver & Former Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen with a COVID-19 greeting at AmCham’s Fall Member Dinner 2 AmCham’s “Back to Business” happy hour (from left: Keld Johnsen, Americanwine.dk; Mads Ganderup Jensen, Ambassaden & Konsulatet; Stephen Brugger, AmCham) 3 E xecutives mingle with corona masks at AmCham’s Fall Member Dinner 4 Team Copenhagen Capacity at the AmCham Cup Golf Tournament 5 2020 AmCham Cup participants at The Scandinavian golf club




Yearbook 2021 41



BUSINESS NETWORKING 6 AmCham Board Member Andrei Vorobyov from Bain (left) talks with the U.S. Embassy’s Political & Economic Officer Steve Bitner (right) 7 Danske Bank’s Jeanette Witasp talks with 360 Law’s Ulrik Fleischer Michaelsen 8 Team Alert Systems wins the AmCham Cup – along with grand prize gift cards from BC Hospitality 9 Another beautiful day for the AmCham Cup Golf Tournament


42 Yearbook 2021



Yearbook 2021 43

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW In 2020, AmCham partnered with Tatarklubben to provide members access to virtual events featuring prominent Harvard Business Review authors. The sessions featured invaluable insights for handling the challenges of the pandemic, with theoretical and practical knowledge on how best to adapt and remain competitive in times of uncertainty and rapid change.

2020 Harvard Business Review events included: • “The Context Marketing Revolution: How to Motivate Buyers in the Age of Infinite Media” by Mathew Sweezey, Salesforce • “What’s Your Problem? To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve” by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, Executive Advisor

44 Yearbook 2021

• “Out-Innovate: How Global Entrepreneurs Are Rewriting the Rules of Silicon Valley” by Professor Alex Lazarow, Cathay Innovation

• “The End of the Experience Economy: Competing for Customer, Time, Attention, and Money” by Joseph Pine II, Management Advisor

• “Can You Hear Me? How to Connect with People in a Virtual World” by Dr. Nick Morgan, Leadership & Communication Thinker

• “Three Box Solution Playbook: Tools and Tactics for Creating Your Company’s Strategy,” by Manish Tangri, Strategy Thinker

In partnership with:

• “The Grit Factor: Courage, Resilience, & Leadership in the Most Male-Dominated Organization in the World” by former US Army Pilot, Shannon Huffman Polson • “Couples That Work: How DualCareer Couples Can Find Fulfilment in Love and Work” by INSEAD Director Jennifer Petriglieri

• “Lead from the Future: How to Turn Visionary Thinking into Breakthrough Growth” by Mark W. Johnson, Innosight • “A Leader’s Guide to Cybersecurity: Why Boards Need to Lead and How to do It” by Thomas J. Parenty, Former NSA • “Competing in the Age of AI” by Harvard Business School

Professors Marco Iansiti & Karim Lakhani • “Humanocracy – Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them” by Gary Hamel, WSJ Business Thinker & Michele Zanini, MLab • “The Real Business of Blockchain” by David Furlonger & Christophe Uzureau, Gartner VP Analysts

Yearbook 2021 45


Elite Partners


Patron Members


Member Companies

AmCham Membership


membership has far exceeded our expectations.’

Angela As the leading business network for U.S., Danish and International companies, AmCham offerNaef, its members a strong platform for success in both Denmark and the United States.V.P. Global Technology & Innovation, DuPont

As the Voice of International Business, AmCham is committed to building a competitive business environment U.S. Ambassador Carla Sands in Denmark and proactively assist Danish companies entering the U.S. – Denmark’s largest market.


A m C ham’s 260+ Members Are From ALL INDUSTRIES Energy, Life Science, IT, Logistics, Production, Consumer, Services

ALL SIZES Startups, SME’s, Large Corporations

ALL COUNTRIES 40% US / 50% Danish / 10% International

Praesidio’s Susanne Diemer talks with PepsiCo’s Klaus Hedegaard at an AmCham Security Forum event

Brochure 201 Nov final.indd 4-5

Former Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (left) and AmCham Director Stephen Brugger at AmCham’s Fall Member Dinner

48 Yearbook 2021

AmCham offers three levels of membership: PATRON


(DKK 35.000)

(DKK 24.000)


(DKK 9.500)

Voting Membership

Voting Membership

Non-voting Membership

U.S., Danish and other multinational companies with activities in the U.S. and Denmark (more than 100 employees globally)

Danish based companies with limited U.S. activities (10-100 employees).

Companies with fewer than 10 employees, associations, NGOs, etc.

★ ELITE PARTNERS Elite Partner status is reserved for AmCham’s highest contributors. As a Patron member, your company has an opportunity to become an Elite Partner.

Thomas Flensted, HR Director Nordics & Baltics for Siemens Healthineers participates in the “Role of Technology in Leadership” event

Yearbook 2021 49

AmCham Cup Golfers enjoy lunch at The Scandinavian’s “Restaurant The Waters”


Yearbook 2021 51

★ ELITE PARTNERS AmCham is pleased to acknowledge our 2020 Elite Partners. Elite Partner status is reserved for companies seeking maximum visibility and full engagement with AmCham. Support from this exclusive group of companies is essential to strengthening AmCham’s “Voice of International Business” and enables us to continously deliver high-level events and activities. Elite Partner benefits include broader access, higher visibility and extended services. To learn more about our Elite Partners, contact AmCham today.

52 Yearbook 2021

Yearbook 2021 53


54 Yearbook 2021


AmCham Denmark is proud to recognize our Patron members and thank them for their vital and continuing support Yearbook 2021 55


AmCham Members 56 Yearbook 2021

1st Mile 360 Law Firm 3M 3Shape AB Sciex AbbVie Above & Beyond ABS Europe Limited Accenture Accountor Group Accura AG5 Architects AGC Biologics Agilent Technologies AIG Air France - KLM Group - Delta Aircontact Group Albright Partners Alert Systems Alfa Quality Moving Ambassaden & Konsulatet Ambu American Aviation Data American Express Global Business Travel American Friends of SMK American-Danish Business Council AmericanWine.dk Ametek Amgen Amicus Therapeutics AON Aperian Global area9 Lyceum Arla Foods Aspire Mobility Atlantic Services AVK Holding Bach Law Bain & Company Ballerup Kommune BASF Bavarian Nordic Bayer BDO Bech-Bruun Berlitz Language Services Better Collective Biogen BitSight BoFinans BP Consulting Brinch & Partners Bristol Myers Squibb British Airways, American Airlines & Iberia British American Tobacco

Bruker Daltonics Scandinavia Cisco Systems Citibank Europe plc, Denmark Branch Cludo Coca-Cola Comitel Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) ConXus Cook Medical Copenhagen Business School (CBS) Copenhagen Capacity Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies Copenhagen International School Copenhagen Malmö Port Copenhagen Subsea CP Kelco Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers CWT DanCenter/Danland Danfoss Danish Agriculture & Food Council Dansk Erhverv - Danish Chamber of Commerce Dansk-Tysk Handelskammer Danske Bank Dell Technologies DIS - Danish Institute for Study Abroad DLA Piper DSV DXC Technology EDU Emerson Climate Technologies EVAPCO Air Solutions Expeditors EY Facebook Falck FaunaPhotonics FedEx Express Danish Branch Ferrosan Medical Devices FLSmidth FMC Corporation Foley & Lardner Foss GE Healthcare General Reinsurance Gløggkompagniet GN Store Nord Google Denmark Gorrissen Federspiel GRACE Public Affairs Grant Thornton Grundfos GTS Nordic Guldmann

Haldor Topsøe Harbinger Public Relations Hard Rock Cafe HAYS Specialist Recruitment Headspring Executive Development Hess Denmark Hobart Scandinavia Holland & Knight Hollingsworth Pack HORESTA Horten Hotel Maritime Hutchinson and Bloodgood IBM IBSA Nordic ICE Icelandair IFF Implement Consulting Group Inclusive Matters Intertrust Invest in Denmark IQVIA Solutions J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg, Copenhagen Branch Janssen-Cilag Japan Tobacco International Jyske Bank Kelly Services Kementec Korn Ferry KPMG Kristiansen+Partners Kromann Reumert LEAD Agency LEMAN LEO Pharma Lockheed Martin Lockton Lundbeck Lundgrens Maersk Magnusson Marriott Copenhagen Marsh Martensen Wright McDonald’s McKinsey & Company Medicon Valley Alliance Medtronic MEQU Micro Matic Microsoft in Denmark Moltkes Palæ Moranti Services

MotilityCount Motorola Solutions MSD National Oilwell Varco Navigate Public Affairs Nemlig.com Netcompany NextPartners Nilfisk NKT Photonics Nordic Radar Solutions Novartis Healthcare Novasol Novo Nordisk Oracle PensionDanmark Pfizer Philip Morris Philips Power Stow Praesidio Pratt & Whitney PwC Quadric Radiometer Medical Radisson Hotel Group Rambøll Group Renew Energy Ring Advocacy RiskPoint Roche Roche Diagnostics Roche Innovation Center ROCKWOOL International Rossen & Company Rud Pedersen Salesforce Sanofi Genzyme SAS Institute Scandic Copenhagen Scion DTU Sedgwick Leif Hansen Shark Solutions Shipco Transport Holding Siemens SIRVA Siteimprove Solix Group Struers SvendHjort Agencies Tatarklubben Terma The Army Painter The Bagel Co The Boston Consulting Group

The Copenhagen Post The Scandinavian Thermo Fisher Scientific ThinkCreative Thomas Martin Toms Gruppen UL International UPS Varian Medical Systems Vectrus Services Vestas Wind Systems Waters Weibel Scientific Willis Towers Watson World Jet Trading Ørsted

Yearbook 2021 57

AmCham Connections across the Globe AmCham Denmark is a member of the global AmCham Network - a network of AmChams in more than 115 countries worldwide, all of which are accredited by the U.S. Chamber. Our network is an important asset to us, our members and our stakeholders. Therefore we forge strong relationships, particularly with the AmChams in Europe, the umbrella organization for directors AmChams throughout Europe.

US Chamber President & CEO, Suzanne P. Clark

United States Chamber of Commerce

AmChams in Europe

Website: www.uschamber.com

Website: www.amchamsineurope.com

Accredited by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, AmCham Denmark is part of a global network of AmChams present in 117 countries.

In Europe, AmCham Denmark is an active member of the European Council of American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams in Europe)

The U.S. Chamber is the world’s largest business organization representing companies of all sizes across every sector of the economy. For more than 100 years, the Chamber has advocated for probusiness policies that help businesses create jobs and grow the economy.

Established in 1963, AmChams in Europe serves as the umbrella organization for 45 AmChams throughout Europe and Eurasia. Together, we represent the interests of more than 17,000 American and European companies employing 20 million workers – accounting for more than $ 1.1 trillion in investment on both sides of the Atlantic.

As a member, AmCham Denmark benefits from innumerable services and privileges from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

58 Yearbook 2021

As a bilateral voice of American and European companies, AmChams in Europe works to communicate the importance of the transatlantic economy in both Europe and the United States.

Nordic AmChams AmCham Denmark works closely with our Nordic colleagues in sharing knowledge & best practices – as well as organizing pan-Nordic webinars on trending topics

The Nordic Region Population: 27,2 million Total Area: 3,501,721 square km / 1,352,022 sq. miles Government Types: Constitutional monarchy (Denmark, Norway, Sweden); Parliamentary republic (Finland) Main Languages: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish. English is the first foreign language and widely spoken and understood.

AmCham Finland

AmCham Sweden

Alexandra Pasternak-Jackson, CEO Tel: +358 45 136 6303 Email: info@amcham.fi Website: www.amcham.fi

Peter Dahlen, Managing Director Tel: +46 8 506 126 10 Email: info@amcham.se Website: www.amcham.se

U.S. Commercial Service Aaron Held, Senior Commercial Officer Tel: +358-9-6162-5217 Email: Office.Helsinki@trade.gov Website: www.trade.gov/finland

U.S. Commercial Service Terri Lee Tyminski, Sr. Commercial Officer Tel: (+46) 8 783 5346 Email: Office.Stockholm@trade.gov Website: www.export.gov/sweden

AmCham Norway

AmCham Denmark

Jason Turflinger, Managing Director Tel: (+47) 22 41 50 10 Email: amcham@amcham.no Website: www.amcham.no

Stephen Brugger, Executive Director Tel: (+45) 33 932 932 Email: mail@amcham.dk Website: www.amcham.dk

U.S. Commercial Service Vidar Keyn, Head of Commercial Section Tel: (+47) 21 30 88 34 E-mail: Office.Oslo@trade.gov Website: www.export.gov/norway

U.S. Commercial Service Christopher Wilken, Sr. Commercial Officer Tel: (+45) 33 41 73 15 Email: Office.Copenhagen@trade.gov Website: www.export.gov/denmark

Yearbook 2021 59

ALBANIA AmCham Albania www.amcham.com.al Ilir Trimi Executive Director ARMENIA AmCham Armenia www.amcham.am Karine Sarkissian, Executive Director

AUSTRIA AmCham Austria www.amcham.at Susanne Reisinger, Executive Director

Leverage the AmChams in Europe network to develop your business in key European markets

AZERBAIJAN AmCham Azerbaijan www.amchamaz.org Gulnara Aslanbayli, Executive Director BELGIUM AmCham Belgium www.amcham.be Marcel Claes, CEO BELGIUM AmCham EU www.amchameu.eu Susan Danger, CEO BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA AmCham Bosnia and Herzegovina www.amcham.ba ´ Secretary General Nedim Hanzic, BULGARIA AmCham Bulgaria www.amcham.bg Peter Ivanov, Executive Director CROATIA AmCham Croatia www.amcham.hr ´ Executive Director Andrea Doko Jelušic, CYPRUS AmCham Cyprus www.amchamcyprus.com.cy Lia Riris, Executive Secretary DENMARK AmCham Denmark www.amcham.dk Stephen Brugger, Executive Director ESTONIA AmCham Estonia www.AmCham.ee Daria Sivovol, Executive Director

60 Yearbook 2021

FRANCE AmCham France www.amchamfrance.org Egké de Richemont, Managing Director GEORGIA AmCham Georgia www.amcham.ge George Welton, Executive Director GERMANY AmCham Germany www.amcham.de Daniel Andrich, General Manager GIBRALTAR AmCham Gibraltar www.amcham.gi James Lasry, President GREECE American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce www.amcham.gr Elias J. Spirtounias, Executive Director HUNGARY AmCham Hungary www.amcham.hu Irisz Lippai-Nagy, CEO IRELAND AmCham Ireland www.amcham.ie Mark Redmond, Chief Executive ISRAEL Israel-America Chamber of Commerce www.amcham.co.il Oded Rose, CEO ITALY AmCham Italy www.amcham.it Simone Crolla, Managing Director KOSOVO AmCham Kosovo www.amchamksv.org Arian Zeka, Executive Director

LATVIA AmCham Latvia www.amcham.lv Liga Smildzina-Bertulsone, Executive Director LITHUANIA AmCham Lithuania www.acc.lt . Živile Sabaliauskaite, Executive Director LUXEMBOURG AmCham Luxembourg www.amcham.lu Paul-Michael Schonenberg, Chairman and CEO NORTH MACEDONIA AmCham North Macedonia www.amcham.com.mk Jelena Arsovska, Executive Director MALTA AmCham Malta www.amcham-malta.org Tanya Sciberras Camilleri, President MOLDOVA AmCham Moldova www.amcham.md Mila Malairau, Executive Director MONTENEGRO AmCham Montenegro www.amcham.me ´ Executive Director Marko Mirocevic, ^

FINLAND AmCham Finland www.amcham.fi Alexandra Pasternak-Jackson, CEO

NORWAY AmCham Norway www.amcham.no Jason Turflinger, Managing Director POLAND AmCham Poland www.amcham.com.pl Marzena Drela, Deputy Director ROMANIA AmCham Romania www.amcham.ro Anca Harasim, Executive Director RUSSIAN FEDERATION AmCham Russia www.amcham.ru Alexis Rodzianko, President

SERBIA AmCham Serbia www.amcham.rs Vera Nikolic Dimic, Executive Director SLOVAK REPUBLIC AmCham Slovak Republic www.amcham.sk Ronald Blaško, Executive Director SLOVENIA AmCham Slovenia www.amcham.si Ajša Vodnik, CEO SPAIN AmCham Spain www.amchamspain.com/en Aida Casamitjana Argemi, Executive Director SWEDEN AmCham Sweden www.amcham.se Peter R. Dahlen, Managing Director SWITZERLAND Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce www.amcham.ch Martin Naville, Chief Executive Officer THE NETHERLANDS AmCham The Netherlands www.amcham.nl Marc ter Haar, Executive Director TURKEY AmCham Turkey / ABFT www.amchamturkey.com Asli Özelli, Executive Director TURKEY TABA – AmCham www.amcham.org Selin Sevke, Executive Director UKRAINE AmCham Ukraine www.chamber.ua Andy Hunder, President UNITED KINGDOM BritishAmerican Business www.babinc.org Emanuel Adam, Executive Director

Yearbook 2021 61

AmCham’s Value Proposition AmCham Denmark is the Network of Choice for Success in Denmark and the United States Our Value Proposition ➔ Access & influence to improve framework conditions for international business

➔ Develop your business by increasing brand visibility and company awareness

➔ Educate & inspire your leadership team

➔ Succeed in the USA through AmCham’s AccessUSA program 62 Yearbook 2016

HR Steering group members share a laugh at the Employee Lifecycle event (from left: Anne Marie Abrahamson, Lundgrens Law Firm; Anne Marie Ravn, IBM; Natasha Bidsted-Holm, Ambu)

AmCham Partners

American Danish Business Council www.usadk.org

Confederation of Danish Industry www.di.dk

Copenhagen Capacity www.copcap.com

Dansk Erhverv www.danskerhverv.dk

Invest in Denmark www.investindk.com

Embassy of the United States of America http://denmark.usembassy.gov

U.S. Foreign Commercial Service www.export.gov/denmark/

Yearbook 2021 63

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