2023 AmCham Yearbook & Membership Directory

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THE VOICE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Membership Directory Yearbook 23

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An Offical Publication of The American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark

Managing Editors: Therese Oliver and Megan Guertner

Layout & Design: Thinkcreative.dk

Printing: Jørn Thomsen Elbo

Contact Information: AmCham Denmark Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 13 2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark

Phone (+45) 33 932 932 mail@amcham.dk www.amcham.dk

Photos: Sky Photography, AmCham Denmark.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. We apologize for any errors or omissions.

6 Yearbook 2023
Participants at the HR Committee event ‘Building a Hybrid Company Culture’ hosted by 360 Law

Message from the U.S. & Danish Embassies

The AmCham Board of Directors

The AmCham Team

The AmCham Loft

Year in Review 2022

Highlights 2022

Leadership Mentoring Program

Policy & Advocacy

AmCham Nordic Cooperation

Knowledge Sharing

AmCham Forums


U.S. & DK Embassy Cooperation

Business Awards

Business Networking

CSR / Community Engagement

Harvard Business Review Partnership

Yearbook 2023 7
AmCham Global Network AmCham Value Proposition & Partners 06 08 10 12 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 34 36 38 42 44 46 50 58 62
AmCham Membership Membership Directory The

Message from the U.S. Ambassador to Denmark

investment in climate and clean energy solutions in U.S. history. Green technology, a sector for which Denmark is a frontrunner, is playing a critical role to enable the United States to reach our climate targets. Innovative U.S. technology can similarly equip Denmark in reaching its CO2 reduction goals.

The United States and the Kingdom of Denmark have maintained a close, unbroken partnership grounded in shared ideals of democracy, human rights, and a rules-based world order since 1801. The strength of that relationship has always been important, but never more so than today. Russia’s brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, the strategic challenge of China, and continued threat of climate change have brought our need to work together into even clearer focus. The business ties between our two countries, and the important work of AmCham Denmark, are a key element of our bilateral relationship and our ability to jointly address these and other global challenges successfully.

The Biden Administration has put combatting climate change at the center of its agenda. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is driving the green transition in the United States and accelerating U.S. – Danish business ties. The IRA represents the most significant climate legislation to date and is the single, largest

There has never been a better outlook for Danish investment in the United States. I encourage Danish companies to take the next step in their U.S. goals and join me at this year’s SelectUSA Investment Summit, May 1-4, at National Harbor, Maryland.

6 Yearbook 2023
“Russia’s brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, the strategic challenge of China, and continued threat of climate change have brought our need to work together into even clearer focus.”

Message from the Danish Ambassador to the U.S.

Whilst the IRA has raised questions throughout Europe on protectionism and industrial policies, it also brings along a vast array of opportunities for our industries. As government, we help translate policies and framework conditions into tangible opportunities, but to succeed we need you, the industry, to drive these ambitious plans and pursue the opportunities it offers.

2022 was a year full of both challenges and triumphs that in many ways have tested our resilience and adaptability, but has also demonstrated our unwavering commitment to work together across the Atlantic.

The world economy continued to grapple with the many implications of the pandemic. At the same time, we witnessed a major destabilization in global security through Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine that stands as one of the most devastating conflicts in recent history.

Here in the U.S., 2022 was another record year for US-DK trade relations. Danish export to the U.S. grew by almost 50% from an already record high level. 2022 also saw historical climate legislation from Congress – the Inflation Reduction Act.

In September 2022 we had Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen visit Washington D.C. to strengthen US-DK relations within the green sectors. I was pleased to see historic support from industry participating in the visit – including AmCham and our U.S. sister organization American-Danish Business Council.

As we move forward, I am assured we will continue to further build upon the many economic ties between Denmark and the United States. In that respect, I am thankful for the efforts of AmCham Denmark as a key enabler in facilitating the development of partnerships and the exchange of ideas between our two nations.

Yearbook 2023 7
to the U.S. Photo by Svend Nielsen from Unsplash

Message from the Chair

It has truly been an honor to serve as AmCham’s Chair during this past year. I am consistently in awe of the ability of the organization to be agile and adaptable, especially given the challenging circumstances of the past few years.

Looking ahead, AmCham is ready to engage with the new Danish government on ensuring Denmark continues to create a competitive investment environment in Denmark – one that encourages growth and job creation. Additionally, we will be working closely with U.S. Ambassador Leventhal and Danish Ambassador Lassen on strengthening our transatlantic ties.

Thanks to my fellow board members, whose leadership and proactive engagement are key factors in AmCham’s current and future success. I would also like to acknowledge the valuable relationships we share with our partners and extend a special thanks to the U.S. Embassy and Danish Foreign Ministry for their invaluable contributions.

And, above all, I would like to thank you, our members, for your continued support. It is vital to have a strong collective voice for international business, and with your continued participation, AmCham is poised for an extremely bright future.

8 Yearbook 2023
AmCham’s Board of Directors meets U.S. Ambassador Leventhal at Coca-Cola’s Danish HQ
“With your continued participation, AmCham is poised for an extremely bright future.”

Honorary Presidents

Honorary President

Alan Leventhal U.S. Ambassador to Denmark

Board of Directors


Julie Enevold Brooker Country Director, Janssen

Chairman Nicolai Moresco Senior V.P. & General Manager

Western Europe, Dell Technologies

Vice Chair Treasurer

Rudi Baxter-Warman Country Officer Denmark, Citi Europe

Honorary President Christina Markus Lassen Danish Ambassador to the U.S.

Vice Chair Peter Kürstein Chairman, Radiometer Medical

Exco Tore von Würden Country Director, Amgen

Alexandra S. Besse President, Subsea Production Systems, National Oilwell Varco

Klaus Borello Country Manager Denmark & Finland, Coca-Cola

Birgitte Svejstrup Eriksen Managing Director, DXC Technology

Troels Garibaldi Falkenberg CEO, Alert Systems

Darine Ghanem General Manager Denmark & Iceland, Roche Pharma

Kim Hedegaard CEO, Power-to-X, Topsoe

Camilla Holtse Vice President, Head of Public Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Maersk

Laura Kemp-Pedersen Chief Sustainability Officer Nordics, McDonald’s

Cynthia KoetsierBeerten General Manager, Cisco Denmark

Thomas Kovsted General Manager, IBM Denmark

Tara M. Lause Director Global Pursuits Northern Europe, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics

Henrik Nielsen Executive Vice President DSV Air & Sea

Gitte Schjøtz President UL Retail & Industry, UL

Michael Stanley CEO, Fauna Photonics

Anders Thelborg General Manager, Bristol Myers Squibb

Ex-Officio Liaison Anne Hougaard Jensen Director, Invest in Denmark

Ex-Officio Liaison

Christopher Wilken Senior Commercial Officer, U.S. Embassy

Observer Bjarke Castberg

Frederiksen Head of Commercial Section, U.S. Embassy

Yearbook 2023 9

Mess age from the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Welcome to AmCham’s 2023 Yearbook & Membership Directory.

This past year, AmCham delivered one of its strongest programs of valueadded events in its history and made significant progress in the development of our Voice for International Business. No other non-governmental business organization in Denmark has this niche focus, which makes us unique and relevant for key decision makers.

This publication is rich with examples of the access and accomplishments that took place during 2022. Our efforts took many forms, including policy-driven meetings with key government and political stakeholders; inspiring sessions with international thought leaders; and top-notch promotion and networking opportunities for our members.

In all, the AmCham team delivered more than 50 value added events, which enabled us to engage 85% of our member companies. I am particularly proud of the success of AmCham’s new Leadership Mentoring Program, which is unique in its ability to deliver crossindustry mentoring opportunities for our patron members.

On a personal note, I would like to acknowledge all the valuable relationships we enjoy with our members and partners and thank them for their cooperation and engagement this past year. I also want to thank AmCham’s staff and Board of Directors, whose enthusiasm and drive enable us to make the progress we continue to make each year.

Finally, a very special thanks to our Elite Partners for their support in making this year’s publication a reality.

10 Yearbook 2023
Therese Oliver Head of Events & Member Services Einar Dyrhauge Deputy Director & Head of AccessUSA Lisbeth Metasch Administration & Events Coordinator Megan Guertner Communications & Digital Services Specialist
“AmCham delivered one of its strongest programs of value-added events in its history.”

The AmCham Team

Yearbook 2023 11

The AmCham Loft

The AmCham Loft is our downtown Copenhagen meeting space, where members can meet for knowledge sharing and engaging with key stakeholders in a private, informal setting. The Loft features technology to hold virtual / hybrid conferences with smaller groups; as well as a large balcony overlooking Dag Hammerskjölds Allé.

The venue is available to our members for off-site meetings such as:

• Team building

• Strategy workshops

• Leadership sessions

Theater style (30+ people)

Roundtable (16 people)

Standing (50+ people)

12 Yearbook 2023
In partnership with:

1 Participants discuss insuring cyber risk with experts from RiskPoint

2 Executive roundtable with sustainability thought leader Dan Esty (Yale University) on corporate sustainability leadership and ESG reporting post-COP26

3 Security forum convenes at the AmCham Loft

4 American Wine Tasting for Leadership Mentoring Program participants

Yearbook 2023 13 2
4 3

50+ Member Events

2800+ Participants


AmCham meets with U.S. Ambassador Alan Leventhal at Coca-Cola in Copenhagen
16 Yearbook 2023
1 2
3 5
6 4

1 Fall Member Dinner guests (from left): Lars Gert Lose (CIP); Therese Oliver (AmCham) & Nicolai Moresco (Dell Technologies / AmCham Chair)

2 Marianne Granhøj (Kromann Reumert) and HR Committee event on Leadership in a New Paradigm

3 Annual Meeting and Transatlantic Summit (from left): Anne Marie Abrahamson (Lundgrens) and Asbjørn Andersen (Copenhagen Capacity)

4 Amgen’s Country Director Tore von Würden at the Leadership Mentoring Program event at Rydhave

5 Anne Marie Ravn (IBM) poses a question at the HR Committee Employee Health & Well Being event

6 AmCham’s Holiday Mingle event (from left): Nilab Rona (BMS) and Jacob Ravn (Dansk Ehverv)

Year in Review 2022


• U.S. Chamber’s ‘State of American Business’

• U.S. Economic Update

• U.S. Embassy Visa Update

• White House National Security Council


• AccessUSA: Local Stakeholder Engagement

• Leadership Mentoring Program Launch

• Bain: Winning on Purpose with Fred Reichheld

• U.S. Secret Service Update on Business Email Compromise


• AmChams in Europe: Business Impact of the Ukraine-Russia Crisis

• HBR: “Bias Interrupted” with Joan C. Williams

• Nordic AmChams Best Practice Session in Oslo

• Spring Reception at Rydhave

• AccessUSA: Russian Sanctions

• HR Committee: Employee Health and Well Being


• Annual General Meeting

• Transatlantic Summit & Transatlantic Company of the Year

• ESAC 2022


• Corporate Sustainability Leadership Post-COP26 with Dan Esty

• HBR: “Smart Growth” with Whitney Johnson

• Diversity, Equity & Inclusion roundtable with Lori George Billingsley

• HR Committee: Creating a Hybrid Company Culture


• Nordic AmChams: Navigating Threats of Russian Illicit Acquisition

• Nordic Sustainability Webinar: Transatlantic Impact with Citi & 3M

• HR Committee: Revisions to the Danish Maternity/Paternity Leave Act (2022)

• Folkemøde BBQ

• Mentoring Program: Mid-Session Breakfast at Rydhave


• AmCham Cup Golf Tournament

• Back to Business Happy Hour

• Healthcare Committee: Roundtable with Lars Gaardhøj

• U.S. Embassy Independence Day at Rydhave


• Mentoring Program: American Wine Mingle

• AccessUSA: Navigating Current Supply Chain Challenges

• U.S. Chamber Rountable with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen

• HBR: “Stage (Not Age)” with Susan Wilner Golden


• Risk Advisory & Compliance Summit

• Fall Member Dinner & Foreign Company of the Year

• AmCham Nordics: U.S. Midterm Election Briefing with Jon Decker

• HR Committee: Leadership Development in a New Paradigm

• Morning Brief: U.S. Midterm Election

• AccessUSA: U.S. Sanctions Enforcement and Foreign Investment

• Security Committee: Preparing Employees for an Active Shooter Event


• Healthcare Committee: Roundtable Discussion with Adam Wolf

• Brown Bag Lunch: Post U.S.

Midterm Election Briefing

• AmCham’s Family Thanksgiving Dinner

• HBR: “Superior Management

Effectiveness” with Roger L. Martin

• Mentoring Program Finale


• Holiday Mingle

Yearbook 2023 17


PwC’s Moe Abrams (left) talks with Amanda Rasmussen (Expeditors) at an event on navigating supply chain challenges hosted by Kromann Reumert

AmCham’s Leadership Mentoring Program

The AmCham Leadership Mentoring Program leverages our extensive network of executive leaders providing a platform for professionals and leaders with international experience to learn from each other. The program matches mentors and mentees across different industries based on their interests and goals to encourage inter-industry dialogue and enhance leadership skills for both parties.

20 Yearbook 2023
1 AmCham’s Leadership Mentoring Program 2022 final event hosted at Rydhave by Ambassador Leventhal
1 2
2 Mentee Geziel Barbosa Aguilar (IFF) completes the 2022 Mentoring Program
Yearbook 2023 21
Participating Companies (2023) Dell Technologies Senior Vice President Nicolai Moresco shares his leadership journey


22 Yearbook 2023
A cornerstone of AmCham’s policy and advocacy work is our commitment to building a more competitive business climate in Denmark and strengthening the transatlantic commercial relationship.
1 AmChams in Europe meets with U.S. Representative and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer in Washington D.C. 2 AmCham Nordic Directors at the Capitol 2 AmChams in Europe Directors visit politicians in Washington D.C.
Yearbook 2023 23 3 5 4
3 Former Member of Parliament Bertel Haarder (V) attends AmCham’s BBQ at Folkemøde 4 (from left) Former Embassy Chargé James Boughner meets Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofoed at AmCham’s Folkemøde BBQ at Allinge Hotel (with Stephen Brugger, right) 5 Managing Director of the Danish Regions Adam Wolf meets with AmCham’s Healthcare Committee
6 AmCham’s Healthcare Committee held a roundtable at the loft with Lars Gaardhøj, Chairman of the Regional Council of Denmark’s Capital Region

AmCham Nordic Cooperation

AmCham Denmark regularly partners with its fellow Nordic AmChams, hosting a range of exclusive pan-Nordic webinars with leading U.S. political and business thought leaders.

Thanks to our Nordic colleagues for the great partnership in 2022.

In partnership with:

24 Yearbook 2023
AmCham Nordics Staff Members Meet in Oslo to Share Best Practices.

at the start of the war with Russia

The Nordic AmChams collaborate on a U.S. mid-term election briefing with White House reporter Jon Decker

Virtually Together

Nordics join for a briefing from White House National Security Council’s Peter Harrell

Yearbook 2023 25
The Nordic AmChams host a virtual event on Nordic sustainability with Citi’s Bridget Fawcett and 3M’s Romy Kenyon AmCham AmCham Ukraine Director Andy Hunder shares an update AmCham Nordics


AmCham’s strong program of value-added events provides our members with frequent opportunities to gain insight and inspiration by engaging with leading international thought leaders.

26 Yearbook 2023
In partnership with: DEI Roundtable (from left) Chandre Torpet (Inclusive Matters); Lori George Billingsley (Former Global Chief DEI Officer, The Coca-Cola Company); Nicolai Moresco (Dell Technologies); Therese Oliver (AmCham)

1 Sustainability Roundtable with climate change thought leader Dan Esty (Yale University)

2 Fall Member Dinner featuring a keynote by former Ambassador Lars Gert Lose (CIP)

3 Danske Bank Global Head of Research Heidi Schaumann talks about the global economy at AmCham’s Transatlantic Summit

4 Former Minister and Børsen CEO Bjarne Corydon comments on business challenges and opportunities of the transatlantic alliance

Yearbook 2023 27
2 3 4


AmCham supports several forums providing members with opportunities to share expertise and best practices across sectors.

• AccessUSA

• Analytical Instruments (ESAC)

• Healthcare / Life Science

• Human Resources / DEI

• Leadership Mentoring Program

• Security (OSAC)

• Sustainability

In partnership with:

28 Yearbook 2023
Speakers for AmCham HR Committee’s event on Employee Health and Well Being (from left): Amanda Fielder (Limeade); Cecilie Pedersen (IBM); Robin Burnosky (Ørsted); Cori Petersen (FLSmidth); Therese Oliver (AmCham); Melodie Barzia (Limeade)

1 Participants at the 2022 Executive Seminars in Analytical Chemistry (ESAC) event hosted at the Scandic Copenhagen

2 Employment lawyers Daniel Markussen (DLA Piper) & Anne Marie Abrahamson (Lundgrens) meet the HR Committee to discuss revisions to the Danish Maternity/Paternity Leave Act

3 Panel discussion during HR Committee event

‘Leadership in a New Paradigm’ hosted by Kromann Reumert

4 Novo Nordisk’s Nadia El-Salanti talks about building a strong hybrid company culture at 360 Law

Yearbook 2023 29
3 4
30 Yearbook 2023
AmCham’s Security Forum in partnership with OSAC holds a Nordic webinar focusing on employee training & response in the case of an active shooter event in the workplace 2022 Risk Advisory Summit, featuring former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark James Cain (left) with current U.S. Embassy DCM Jennifer Hall Godfrey

AmCham’s Security Forum in partnership with OSAC holds a Nordic webinar on Business Email Compromise (BEC) – one of the most financially damaging cybercrimes

AmCham Nordics Virtually Together

Yearbook 2023 31
HR Committee ‘Leadership in a New Paradigm’ speakers: (from left): Therese Oliver, AmCham; Linda Vestergaard, Roche; Shiu-Jene Duong-Grunnet, AGC Biologics; Maria Falkenberg, Roche; Charlotte Thorsen, Danske Bank; Marianne Granhøj, Kromann Reumert


Enhancing Commercial Success in the United States

AmCham’s Access USA Committee helps Danish companies realize their U.S. market strategies by facilitating best practice-sharing events and 1:1 member mentoring with companies already established in the U.S.

AmCham’s AccessUSA events program focused on issues related to the global crisis in 2022, from Russian Sanctions to Transatlantic Supply Chain challenges.

Event highlights in 2022:

• U.S. Visa update

• Local U.S. Stakeholder Engagement Roundtable

• U.S./EU Russian Sanctions

• U.S. Midterm Elections

• Navigating Transatlantic Supply Chains

32 Yearbook 2023
AmCham’s AccessUSA committee hosts an event on Navigating Current Supply Chain Challenges with speakers from Foley & Lardner, Kromann Reumert and DSV

1 Foley & Lardner’s Vanessa Miller discusses current supply chain issues

2 AccessUSA holds a virtual event on US / EU sanctions against Russia with Foley & Lardner and Kromann Reumert (from left Einar Dyrhauge, AmCham; Laura Maurusic & Hans Jakob Folker, Kromann Reumert)

3 Virtual briefing on the U.S. Midterm Election with (from left) Jens Nielsen, Dansk Industri; Anders Agner, Kongressen.com; Stephen Brugger, AmCham; & Peter Bay-Kirkegaard, DI

4 AccessUSA hosts a roundtable on local stakeholder engagement for U.S. operations, with executives from Ørsted, Chr. Hansen, Topsoe, Novo Nordisk, Rockwool and Vestas

Yearbook 2023 33
1 2 4 3
In partnership with:


AmCham’s AccessUSA helps members build valuable relationships with key U.S. stakeholders including the Danish & U.S. Embassies / Ambassadors; the Danish Trade Council; the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; and the U.S. Department of Commerce

partnership with:

34 Yearbook 2023
AmCham’s Stephen Brugger meets with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C.

1 Coca-Cola hosts an AmCham Board meeting with U.S. Ambassador Leventhal and Deputy Chief of Mission Jennifer Hall Godfrey (center)

2 AmCham hosts a meeting with Rosemary Gallant, Senior Commercial Officer from the U.S. Embassy in London (responsible for the Nordic Region)

3 AmCham hosts a U.S. Visa Update with Christine Fagan from the U.S. Embassy’s consular section

4 Ambassador Leventhal meets AmCham Board members Julie Enevold Brooker, Jannsen (left) and Darine Ghanem, Roche.

Yearbook 2023 35 1
3 4


AmCham celebrates business excellence by awarding the Transatlantic Company of the Year and the Foreign Company of the Year to companies who have had the greatest impact on their respective side of the Atlantic.

Terma has been recognized as AmCham’s 2022 Transatlantic Company of the Year for their significant investments, impressive growth, and a strong focus on partnerships in the USA.

Terma is a high-tech company developing solutions for defense and security applications, including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures. Due to the nature of the business, they integrate AI and cybersecurity in many of their solutions. Headquartered in Denmark, Terma has shown an impressive engagement in the U.S. for several decades, with over 50% of the company’s current revenue coming out of the U.S. market.

Microsoft was named AmCham Denmark’s 2022 Foreign Company of the Year based on its significant growth and investments in recent years, and ultimately its deep commitment to Danish society through partnerships.

Microsoft works to leverage technology to empower welfare, growth, and the green transition in Denmark. With more than 4.000 local partners, Microsoft’s technology helps accelerate digital transformation across large companies, SMEs, public sector, education, and civil society. Microsoft invests deeply in R&D in Denmark, recently consolidating its quantum research here. Microsoft is establishing a Danish datacenter region, supplied by 100 % renewable energy, to ensure direct, secure, and sustainable access to Microsoft Cloud for Danish customers.

36 Yearbook 2023

In partnership with:

Yearbook 2023 37
1. Terma CEO Jens Munk Hansen (center left) accepts the Transatlantic Company of the Year award from U.S. Embassy Chargé d’affaires Stuart Dwyer (center right)
1 2
2. Microsoft’s Managing Director, Nana Bule (right) and Managing Director for Microsoft Development Center, Charlotte Mark, accepts the Foreign Company of the Year award from U.S. Ambassador Alan Leventhal.


AmCham’s business networking events stimulate member engagement in an informal setting and provide an opportunity for increased brand awareness through event sponsorship and donation of in-kind goods and services.

In partnership with:

38 Yearbook 2023
Participants gather at Rydhave for a Spring Reception to hear remarks from U.S. Embassy Chargé d’affaires Stuart Dwyer

1 The Embassy holds its annual Independence Day event at Rydhave

2 Kids having fun at AmCham’s Family Thanksgiving Dinner at the Marriott

3 Players at the annual AmCham Cup Golf Tournament

4 Marriott chefs present the turkeys for U.S. Ambassador Leventhal and his wife, Sherry

Yearbook 2023 39
2 4

5 Guests enjoy the holiday mingle at Helligåndskirken (from left): Marwa Hassan; Jennifer Strøh & Karin Wanscher (U.S. Embassy staff)

6 Guests networking at the Spring Reception at Rydhave

7 AmCham Cup Golf Tournament’s 2022 participants, with Icelandair’s Sigga Svensdottir (lower middle)

8 U.S. Ambassador Alan Leventhal meets AmCham members for the first time at the Back to Business Happy Hour (hosted by Ambassaden & Konsulatet)

40 Yearbook 2023
Yearbook 2023 41 7 8


By working on relevant CSR initiatives and social outreach, AmCham facilitates a meaningful engagement in the community on behalf of its members.

42 Yearbook 2023
Crown Prince Frederik Harvard Fund Denver MBA Student Visit Expat Advisory Board Ukrainian Youth Choir Fundraiser AmCham supports the Ukrainian Children’s Choir Shchedryk fundraiser along with member companies Gløggkompagniet, Nemlig.com and Coca-Cola

1 Hosting University of Denver MBA students at the AmCham Loft

2 AmCham continues to support Crown Prince Frederik’s Harvard Fund (with Stephen Brugger)

3 Stephen Brugger talks about EU – US Relations with U.S. University students

Yearbook 2023 43 1
In partnership with:
2 3
AmCham Donates to Crown Prince Frederik Harvard Fund


AmCham partnered with Dawn, to provide members access to virtual events featuring Harvard Business Review authors. The sessions feature invaluable insights, cutting-edge tools, theoretical and practical knowledge on how best to adapt and remain competitive in times of uncertainty and rapid change.

44 Yearbook 2023

In partnership with:

2022 Harvard Business Review Events included:

• “Bias Interrupted: Creating Inclusion for Real and for Good” with author, Joan C. Williams

• “Smart Growth: How to Grow Your People to Grow Your Company” with author, Whitney Johnson

• “Stage not Age: How to Understand People over 60 – the Fastest Growing, Most Dynamic Market in the World” with author Susan Wilner

• “A New Way to Think: Your Guide to Superior Management Effectiveness” with author Roger L. Martin

Yearbook 2023 45
11 Elite Partners 91 Patron Members 235 Member Companies
Kromann Reumert hosts the HR Committee event on Leadership in a New Paradigm

AmCham Membership

membership has far exceeded our expectations.’

As the leading business network for U.S., Danish and International companies, AmCham offer its members a strong platform for success in both Denmark and the United States.

As the Voice of International Business, AmCham is committed to building a competitive business environment in Denmark and proactively assist Danish companies entering the U.S. – Denmark’s largest market.


A m C ham’s 260+ Members Are From


Energy, Life Science, IT, Logistics, Production, Consumer, Services

ALL SIZES Startups, SME’s, Large Corporations


40% US / 50% Danish / 10% International

Kadir Ünver from ISS poses a question about hybrid company culture

48 Yearbook 2023
Charlotte Thorsen, Head of HR Analytics & Development at Danske Bank is a panelist at an HR Committee event on Leadership in a New Paradigm U.S. Ambassador Carla Sands
Brochure 201 Nov final.indd 4-5
Angela Naef, V.P. Global Technology & Innovation, DuPont

AmCham offers three levels of membership:


Voting Membership

U.S., Danish and other multinational companies with significant activities in the U.S. and Denmark (+100 employees globally)

Voting Membership

U.S., Danish and other companies with limited U.S., or Danish activities (10-100 employees)


Non-voting Membership

Companies with fewer than 10 employees (Associations, NGO’s, Educational Institutions, etc.)

Elite Partner status is reserved for AmCham’s highest contributors. As a Patron member, your company has an opportunity to become an Elite Partner.

Yearbook 2023 49
HR Committee steering group member Chandre Torpet (Inclusive Matters) AmCham’s 2022 Leadership Mentoring Program participants at the Ambassador’s Residence Rydhave



AmCham is pleased to acknowledge our 2023 Elite Partners. Elite Partner status is reserved for companies seeking maximum visibility and full engagement with AmCham.

Support from this exclusive group of companies is essential to strengthening AmCham’s “Voice of International Business” and enables us to continously deliver high-level events and activities.

Elite Partner benefits include broader access, higher visibility and extended services.

To learn more about our Elite Partners, contact AmCham today.

52 Yearbook 2023
Yearbook 2023 53


54 Yearbook 2023

AmCham Denmark is proud to recognize our Patron members and thank them for their vital and continuing support

Yearbook 2023 55


1st Mile

360 Law Firm



Above & Beyond

ABS Europe Limited

Accountor Group

Accura Law Firm


AG5 Architects

AGC Biologics

Agilent Technologies


Air France - KLM Group - Delta

Alert Systems

Alfa Quality Moving

Ambassaden & Konsulatet

American-Danish Business Council

American Express Global Business Travel

American Friends of SMK




Aperian Global

Arcadia eFuels

Arla Foods

Aspire Mobility

Atlantic Services

AVK Holding

Bain & Company

BASE Life Science


Bavarian Nordic



Bech-Bruun Law Firm

Berlitz Language Services Scandinavia


Boston Consulting Group

Brinch & Partners

Bristol Myers Squibb

British Airways, American Airlines & Iberia

British American Tobacco

Bruker Daltonics Scandinavia

Case Rose / InterSearch

Chr. Hansen

Cisco Systems



Coca-Cola Nordic Service


Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)


Cook Medical

Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Copenhagen Capacity

Copenhagen Group

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP)

Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies

Copenhagen International School

Copenhagen Malmö Port


CP Kelco

Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers


D’Angleterre Hotel


Danish Agriculture & Food Council

Dansk Erhverv (Danish Chamber of Commerce)

Dansk-Tysk Handelskammer

Danske Bank


Dell Technologies

DenFurn International

DIS - Danish Institute for Study Abroad

DLA Piper

DNA Headhunting

DPR Construction


DTU Science Park

DXC Technology

EDU Danmark


EVERSANA Life Sciences Services





FedEx Express

Ferrosan Medical Devices


FMC Corporation

Foley & Lardner

Food Folk McDonalds


Frontier Wealth Strategies

FutureLink Solutions

Geelmuyden Kiese

Global Aviation Data



Gorrissen Federspiel

GRACE Public Affairs

Grant Thornton


GTS Nordic

Harbinger Public Relations

Hard Rock Cafe, Copenhagen

56 Yearbook 2023
Members 235 COMPANIES

HAYS Specialist Recruitment

Hobart Scandinavia

Holland & Knight

Hollingsworth Pack


Hutchinson and Bloodgood


IBSA Nordic




Inclusive Matters

INEOS Energy


Invest in Denmark

IQVIA Solutions

ISH Spirits

ISS World Services

J.P. Morgan


Japan Tobacco International

JRDV Urban International

Jyske Bank

Kem-En-Tec Nordic

Korn Ferry



Kromann Reumert

Kønig Advokater

LEAD Agency



LEO Pharma

Lockheed Martin



Lundgrens Law Firm



Magnusson Law Firm

Marriott Copenhagen


Martensen Wright PC

McKinsey & Company

Medicon Valley Alliance




Micro Matic


Moltkes Palæ

Moranti Services


Motorola Solutions

Moving Talent


Nardello & Co.

Nature Energy

Navigate Public Affairs





NKT Photonics

Nordic Radar Solutions

NOV National Oilwell Varco

Novartis Healthcare

Novo Nordisk





Philip Morris

Power Stow


Pratt & Whitney




Radisson Hotel Group


Renew Energy

Ring Advocacy



Roche Diagnostics

Roche Innovation Center Copenhagen


Rossen & Company

Rud Pedersen

Sanctions Advisory


SAS Institute

Scandic Copenhagen


Sedgwick Leif Hansen

Shark Solutions

Shimadzu Danmark

Shipco Transport Holding

Siemens Healthineers





SvendHjort Agencies



The Bagel Co

The Copenhagen Post

Thermo Fisher Scientific


Thomas Thorup Law


Toms Gruppen


UL Solutions


UXV Technologies

Vectrus Services



VIKAND Solutions



Weibel Scientific

World Jet Trading


Yearbook 2023 57

AmCham Connections Across the Globe

AmCham Denmark is a member of the global AmCham Network - a network of AmChams in more than 115 countries worldwide, all of which are accredited by the U.S. Chamber. Our network is an important asset to us, our members and our stakeholders. Therefore we forge strong relationships, particularly with the AmChams in Europe, the umbrella organization for directors AmChams throughout Europe.

United States Chamber of Commerce

Website: www.uschamber.com

Accredited by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, AmCham Denmark is part of a global network of AmChams present in 117 countries.

The U.S. Chamber is the world’s largest business organization representing companies of all sizes across every sector of the economy. For more than 100 years, the Chamber has advocated for probusiness policies that help businesses create jobs and grow the economy.

As a member, AmCham Denmark benefits from innumerable services and privileges from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

AmChams in Europe

Website: www.amchamsineurope.com

In Europe, AmCham Denmark is an active member of the European Council of American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams in Europe).

Established in 1963, AmChams in Europe serves as the umbrella organization for 45 AmChams throughout Europe and Eurasia. Together, we represent the interests of more than 17,000 American and European companies employing 20 million workers – accounting for more than $ 1.1 trillion in investment on both sides of the Atlantic.

As a bilateral voice of American and European companies, AmChams in Europe works to communicate the importance of the transatlantic economy in both Europe and the United States.

58 Yearbook 2023
US Chamber President & CEO, Suzanne P. Clark

Nordic AmChams

AmCham Denmark works closely with our Nordic colleagues in sharing knowledge & best practices – as well as organizing pan-Nordic webinars on trending topics

The Nordic Region Population: 27,3 million Total Area: 3,501,721 square km / 1,352,022 sq. miles

Government Types: Constitutional monarchy (Denmark, Norway, Sweden); Parliamentary republic (Finland)

Main Languages: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish. English is the first foreign language and widely spoken and understood.

AmCham Finland

Alexandra Pasternak-Jackson, CEO

Tel: +358 45 136 6303

Email: alexandra@amcham.fi

Website: www.amcham.fi

U.S. Commercial Service

Terri Tyminski, Senior Commercial Officer

Tel: +358 9 6162 5217

Email: terri.tyminski@trade.gov

Website: www.trade.gov/finland

AmCham Sweden

Peter Dahlen, Managing Director

Tel: +46 8 506 126 10

Email: info@amcham.se

Website: www.amcham.se

U.S. Commercial Service

Marianne Drain, Commercial Consul

Tel: +46 8 783 5346

Email: office.stockholm@trade.gov

Website: www.export.gov/sweden/

AmCham Norway

Jason Turflinger, Managing Director

Tel: +47 22 41 50 10

Email: amcham@amcham.no

Website: www.amcham.no

U.S. Commercial Service

Vidar Keyn, Head of Commercial Section

Tel: +47 21 30 85 40

E-mail: office.oslo@trade.gov

Website: no.usembassy.gov/business/

AmCham Denmark

Stephen Brugger, Executive Director

Tel: +45 33 932 932

Email: mail@amcham.dk

Website: www.amcham.dk

U.S. Commercial Service

Christopher Wilken, Senior Commercial Officer

Tel: +45 33 41 73 15

Email: Office.Copenhagen@trade.gov

Website: www.export.gov/denmark/

Yearbook 2023 59


AmCham Albania


Neritan Mullaj, Executive Director


AmCham Armenia


Lilit Gevorgyan, Executive Director


AmCham Austria


Susanne Reisinger-Anders, Executive Director


AmCham Azerbaijan


Gulnara Aslanbayli, Executive Director


AmCham Belgium


Stéphanie Rutten, CEO


AmCham EU


Susan Danger, CEO


AmCham Bosnia and Herzegovina


Nedim Hanzic, Secretary General


AmCham Bulgaria


Ivan Mihaylov, CEO


AmCham Croatia


´ ´

Andrea Doko Jelušic, Executive Director


AmCham Cyprus


Georgios A. Georgiou, President


AmCham Denmark


Stephen Brugger, Executive Director


AmCham Estonia


Daria Sivovol, Executive Director

60 Yearbook 2023
Leverage the AmChams in Europe network to develop your business in key European markets.


AmCham Finland


Alexandra Pasternak-Jackson, CEO


AmCham France


Eglé de Richemont, Managing Director


AmCham Georgia


George Welton, Executive Director


AmCham Germany


Daniel Andrich, General Manager


AmCham Gibraltar


James Lasry, President


American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce


Elias J. Spirtounias, Executive Director


AmCham Hungary


Irisz Lippai-Nagy, CEO


AmCham Ireland


Mark Redmond, Chief Executive


Israel-America Chamber of Commerce


Oded Rose, CEO


AmCham Italy


Simone Crolla, Managing Director


AmCham Kosovo


Arian Zeka, Executive Director


AmCham Latvia


Liga Smildzina-Bertulsone, Executive Director


AmCham Lithuania


Živile Sabaliauskaite, Executive Director


AmCham Luxembourg


Paul-Michael Schonenberg, Chairman and CEO


AmCham North Macedonia


Jelena Arsovska, Executive Director


AmCham Malta


Tanya Sciberras Camilleri, President


AmCham Moldova


Mila Malairau, Executive Director


AmCham Montenegro


Marko Mirocevic, Executive Director


AmCham Norway


Jason Turflinger, Managing Director


AmCham Poland


Marzena Drela

Operations Director

Executive Leadership Team


AmCham Romania


Letitia Pupazeanu, Executive Director


AmCham Portugal


Antonio Martins Da Costa, President


AmCham Serbia


Vera Nikolic Dimic, Executive Director


AmCham Slovak Republic


Martina Slabejova, Executive Director


AmCham Slovenia


Ajša Vodnik, CEO


AmCham Spain


Aida Casamitjana Argemi, Executive Director


AmCham Sweden


Peter R. Dahlen, Managing Director


Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce


Martin Naville, Chief Executive Officer


AmCham The Netherlands


Marc ter Haar, Executive Director


AmCham Turkey / ABFT


Asli Özelli, Executive Director


TABA – AmCham


Süleyman Ecevit Sanki, Chairman


AmCham Ukraine


Andy Hunder, President


BritishAmerican Business


Alice Mount, Executive Director

Yearbook 2023 61
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AmCham’s Value Proposition

AmCham Denmark is the Network of Choice for Success in Denmark and the United States. Our Value Proposition

Access & influence to improve framework conditions for international business

Develop your business by increasing brand visibility and company awareness

Educate & inspire your leadership team

Succeed in the USA through AmCham’s AccessUSA program

➔ ➔ ➔ ➔

AmCham Partners

American Danish Business Council www.usadk.org

Confederation of Danish Industry www.di.dk

Copenhagen Capacity www.copcap.com

Dansk Erhverv www.danskerhverv.dk

Invest in Denmark www.investindk.com

Embassy of the United States of America http://denmark.usembassy.gov

U.S. Foreign Commercial Service www.export.gov/denmark/

Yearbook 2023 63
Photo by Daria Volkova from Unsplash
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