Wa l e s k a Sterkel de Ortiz Executive Director Dear readers, On behalf of AmCham Guatemala’s team, I want to wish you all a happy and prosperous 2019. We plan another great year of various services prepared for our members and participants, on behalf of our member companies and investing community. Year after year, we have sought to provide our partners with the best tools for business growth and internationalization. We believe that economic development is essential for progress and well-being. The key for success is the individual effort, involvement and initiative of each member of the society. The rule of law, respect for property and individual liberties; must be guaranteed by all authorities and are fundamental to achieve a better and more sustainable standard of living in our country. As an effort on providing you, the reader, the know-how and essential information on how to do Business and Invest in Guatemala, we requested several experts to asses you about different topics that will provide a complete overview on the business growth in our country. It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 16th edition of our annual editorial, and we hope this magazine gives you a general perspective about Guatemala’s economy and productive sectors. We look forward to approaching the resulting opportunities of the bilateral relationship between Guatemala and it’s first trading partner; and for you to let us be your best ally regarding your business.
Contact us: American Chamber of Commerce in Guatemala 5ª. Avenida 5-55, Zona 14, Edif. Europlaza World Business Center Torre 1, Niv. 5 PBX: (502) 2417-0800 wsterkel@amchamguatemala.com www.amchamguate.com 8