Jan 2011 Supplement

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AMCHAM Means Business

Members Directory


w w w. a m c h a m . o r g . h k


Over 500 pages in three major sections, including a complete guide to chamber services, corporate sponsors and AmCham Charitable Foundation. This directory lists nearly 1,900 members from over 700 companies and organizations. ISBN 978-962-7422-03-7

LC 98-645651

The Online Technology By Kenny Lau


he Internet has drastically changed the way people communicate and interact with others, and is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace. It is not only a watershed in technology but also an evolution that enables more people to connect to the world on an increasing number of platforms. According to International Telecommunication Union (ITU), at least half the world’s population should have access to some form of Internet broadband connection by 2015. By most people’s accounts, the world is currently at the stage of Web 2.0. It is the second phase of the online movement, which empowers users of the Internet and other mobile digital platforms to move towards personalization and greater interaction among users. Users now have more control over online assets and are able to contribute content they produce on their own. “As technology of information processing and tools enabling people to contribute content matured, the online space became more accessible,” says Donald Anderson, an 18-year veteran in media who has focused on digital platforms and online advertising communications in the past decade and is currently Sales and Marketing Director of CNNGo. “It has become more cost-effective for people and businesses to access and uptake the technology.”

Social media The capability allowing users instant two-way virtual communication on devices to share content flexibly is a key to the rise of social media and platforms like Facebook (which has an estimated number of users in excess of 600 million worldwide). “Social media is a case of connecting the online community using multiple platforms,” Anderson describes. “These platforms, both mobile and online, provided the impetus for sharing, and have since risen phenomenally.” The concept of social media is not new, in terms of empowering or giving

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people a voice, he says. “In the old days, it was the letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines. You publish something I share with you.” But what social media creates is a greater network effect, he adds. “Once you have a conversation going on with a certain group of individuals, you see the rapid movement of that conversation spreading across multiple networks.” The movement of online communication is also becoming much more scientific in terms of analysis,” he points out. “Depth and breadth in opportunities for leveraging multiple platforms are extending. Our communication goes farther than it ever did before as we have so much more to work from today than we had even just a year ago.” The key for business professionals here is “you always have to come back to who your audience is and what their behaviors are,” Anderson says. “If you have a product targeting a certain segment of people, your targeted platforms will be different. And you have to segment it out based on your audience, but it does not mean that you should not take risks or experiment. “You need to think about how you can achieve word of mouth or leverage the online communities in a dialogue to lead to conversion and bring them into your products,” he adds. “To do that, businesses have to consider how they insert themselves into the dialogue and conversation, and highlight the relevance that fits the audience. It is direct marketing combined with CRM.”

The devices Donald Anderson

A key development that leads to the exponential growth of online activities is the rising popularity of smartphones and mobile devices capable of connecting


to the Internet on an expanding 3G network. Users are now able to stay connected to the world through the Internet at any time from any place where a 3G network is available. According to ITU, 3G subscriptions globally grew almost tenfold in the four years from the start of 2006. 3G subscriptions were only 3 percent of the total mobile cellular subscriptions at the start of 2006 but jumped to 14 percent of at the start of 2010. By the beginning of 2010, 3G subscriptions worldwide (667 million) outnumbered the total cellular subscriptions globally at the start of the decade (491 million). In the US, 28 percent of all mobile subscribers have smartphones as of the third quarter of 2010, according to market research company Nielsen. And 41 percent of those who acquired a new mobile phone chose a smartphone over a standard feature phone in the six months between May and October. “Current changes in 2011 are in the devices,” Anderson points out. “Most tech sites will tell you that it is the year of tablet. You can’t go anywhere on any tech blogs and not see anything written about tablet computing since Apple unveiled the iPad, which seized over 95 percent of market share when it was introduced last year.” The idea of “tablet” computing has been around for years but the devices did not resonate as strongly, he says. The tablet, which falls into a category of devices between a smartphone and a laptop computer, resembles the function of a laptop in a smaller but lighter package. It is now a platform for which thousands of applications or programs are available as “add-ons.” “You are getting a window to over 320,000 apps in the case of Apple’s iPad, and they extend the life and value of your device,” he says. “You are getting so much more in terms of value add while the tablet becomes an all-thing device.” Besides Apple, other device makers will catch up on their offerings this year, Anderson believes. “When you start factoring in the combination of multiple makers, from Google to Dell, RIM, HP, Nokia and all the way to Microsoft, you are going to see a whole transition of what you can do with these devices and how content is distributed.” To improve the operability of mobile devices, makers are turning to “cloud computing.” The idea is about enabling users to access content anywhere, anytime with devices that act simply as a receivers and transmitters of data without a hard drive. “Instead of storing data on the hard drive of a device, everything resides in the cloud. It is where you pull down data and then display it on your screen,” Anderson describes. “The objective is that you access your email or spreadsheets and text documents all through the cloud and do it at one spot. That way, you don’t necessarily have to be carrying a larger machine.”

Operating systems The constraint with devices at the moment is that there is no single operating system that is dominating, Anderson believes. “It is a very fragmented environment. In PC computing space, it has typically been Windows and Apple, and some open source platforms,” he points out. “In mobile, you are looking at everyone from Google’s Android, Apple’s iPhone OS, RIM’s Blackberry, Nokia’s Symbian and upcoming Meego, HP’s webOS, to Microsoft’s Windows 7. “If you are a company, you have to start wondering which one will suit you best, whether there is opportunity for scale potentially, or if you have one type of application that spreads across all,” he adds. “As an organization, it becomes very difficult to decide where to put the chips.” According to November data from Nielsen, leaders in US market share of smartphone operating system include Android OS (25.8 percent), Apple iOS (28.6 percent), and RIM Blackberry


(26.1percent) However, Android OS was the system of choice at 40 percent of market share among all smartphone purchases in the second and third quarters of 2010. “Given the invested interest of the various providers, it is hard to see one single system dominating,” Anderson believes. “The question that remains out there is whether it will come down to one or two. This will continue to be a year of consumers making those choices. “The choice also varies by market. Each market has a tendency to uptake different products,” he adds. “It is based on what people can afford and on what their friends are using.”

Traditional media Although markets have witnessed the massive uptake of the Internet as a platform for communication and entertainment, traditional media are still very much sought after. A CNN news article earlier reported that 22 million in the US watched video on a mobile device in the second quarter of 2010 while 286,648 million Americans watched TV at home during the same period. Nonetheless, traditional media organizations are increasingly finding the need to open their scope as to what is happening in the online space. “Whenever you talk about consumer products or services, you need to be where the consumers and audiences are,” Anderson says. “And you need to know what the new platforms are, what people are engaging across, where communities are migrating.” Different forms of communication – whether broadcast, print or digital will become more integrated and further leverage on the digital platform, Anderson believes, noting print media such as newspaper have started to embrace digital platforms as a means to generate revenue and maintain foothold with consumer groups. Despite the current rapid changes in the information age, one thing remains unchanged. “It always goes back to one thing and that is great content,” Anderson stresses. The content itself may take on different forms, but great content is what creates a discussion, excites and engages the audience, and ultimately what people seek. "And that is what we are doing our best to provide through - content that resonates." The difference on the digital platform and what content providers have to keep in mind, he adds, is that users have tools to decide what is to be communicated and what is directly in their hands. The consumers are continuingly and increasingly getting more say in what the final product should be like because “everybody has more chances to participate.”

By the numbers (in Asia Pacific): • 97 percent of Internet users in Korea have shopped online • 11 hours are spent online each month per user in India, or least amount of time in Asia • 63 percent of users in Singapore also watch TV online • 75 percent of social network users in Japan access sites only via their mobiles • 2 billion text messages are sent every day in the Philippines • More than 50 percent of Asia’s online population is in China • 27 percent of all Australians blog • Users in Hong Kong spend double the time on instant messaging than the average in Asia Source: Asia Digital Marketing Association

who’s who • 2011

Content is King in the New World of



oday, the lines between public relations, investor relations and marketing are becoming increasingly blurred. The rise of social media has in many ways revolutionized the communications business. Ninan Chacko, Chief Executive Officer of PR Newswire, shares his thoughts on the rapidly changing media landscape, social media applications, and the challenges PR professionals face How would you define the roles of PR in today’s new environment? Chacko: There is an enormous growth opportunity for communications professionals in all disciplines – public relations, investor relations and marketing alike. In many regards, we feel the opportunity centers on content. Content is, and will increasingly be, currency that drives convergence across all communications disciplines. Content engages audiences around essential brand themes and value propositions. Provided in the right context, through the right channels, it motivates immediate action and drives measurable demand. The creation of content resides with multiple communications disciplines and is not the sole responsibility of any one discipline: PR generates content in a multitude of form – multimedia news releases, social media content, physical and virtual events, white papers, case studies, video testimonials, and b-roll; IR creates CEO videos, annual reports and analyst reports; marketing is charged with creating interactive experiences, websites, social media applications, video content, advertising, webinars, and more. In PR today, I think real pressure exists to wear multiple hats. Certainly research has always been a major component of public relations work. However, the scope of research has grown significantly over the past decade. While media audits have always been a basic aspect of PR work, they now include far more outlets than ever before. To measure share of voice in a given sector, PR professionals must sift through blogs, forums, Twitter feeds, Facebook fan pages, in addition to traditional broadcast and print coverage. But PR pros are also connectors. Whether it’s connecting their

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clients to reporters or connecting disparate online audiences to one another, PR pros are heavily engaged in interactive communications. Using platforms like PR Newswire’s ProfNet Connect, communications professionals are able to directly contact journalists or industry experts to help fill out a story. Of course, PR pros are still, first and foremost, communicators. The press release continues to be a major component of nearly every company and organization’s communications strategy. However, while the press release continues to be a valuable tool to communicate company news, earnings, product launches, and all manner of announcements, in and of itself, the press release should be a component of a broader communications strategy. PR pros must adopt new communications platforms and apply new technology in order to engage opportunity everywhere. What should PR pros do/change/ adapt to stay ahead in the rapidly changing media landscape? What attributes, skill sets and qualifications are required from PR pros today? Chacko: PR professionals must immerse themselves in the mix of new media platforms and technologies in order to understand their power, relevance, impact, and potential value for their clients. Becoming a frequent user of new media is really the only way to fully understand how to use it effectively. Only after a new media platform is introduced is it actually invented. By that I mean, new media platforms are shaped, modified and reinvented by users, not software developers. Facebook is a social network, but it is users who have applied its capabilities and technology to redefine (continually) how it is used. It’s through user experience and

application that new media platforms are collectively shaped in real time. Today, PR pros have to acquire and sharpen skills in a number of areas including writing, researching, speaking, and listening. While the profession still relies heavily on writing skills, it takes more than that to succeed in today’s public relations industry. Listening has become a crucial skill for all PR pros – success in social media especially depends on one’s ability to listen. When PR Newswire launched PR Newswire Media Monitoring, it was with the understanding that, although social media is a powerful medium, it is exceptionally challenging to gauge how effective one’s interactions have been, and equally difficult to glean intelligence from various forums and blogs without spending all day online. The rise of social media also puts much stress on the PR industry financially. When Mat Wilcox closed her Wilcox Group, she mentioned that the “financial model” to support the industry’s shift isn’t there. Do you agree with that observation? Or you think it is more a matter of how firms adapt and progress if they want to stay relevant? Chacko: I think there is tremendous opportunity for public relations companies today. With so many online media outlets and platforms, as well as a far more engaged audience both in terms of size and activity, the need for far-reaching and effective communications plans are in demand more than ever. However, with the continued blurring of the lines among PR, marketing and advertising, PR agencies must evolve to meet the growing needs of their clients and demonstrate their ability to engage and communicate across disciplines in order to retain existing clients and win new business. It’s absolutely about adapting to and


progressing with the rapidly changing media landscape. At PR Newswire, we have met this challenge head on with a number of new and improved products and services. In particular, our ARC engagement platform provides our clients with a one-stop-shop of media services and capabilities to communicate across PR, marketing and advertising disciplines. The ARC is a dynamic tool for engaging and interacting with customers via any online location that also offers the ability to combine and distribute an entire catalog of assets – video, multimedia, photos, coupons and promotional content – through a single platform. Products and services such as the ARC have renewed opportunities for PR agencies, even as other traditional opportunities have become less lucrative or dependable. In the world of new marketing and PR, how can PR companies prove their value to their clients when the traditional measurement like AVE (Advertising Value Equivalency) can no longer apply? How can engagement be measured in the context of social media? Can this be benchmarked against other companies? Chacko: Looking at it from a pure business perspective, one would have to say that the ultimate measure of successful engagement in social media is increased revenue. However, it can be a challenge to quantify the value of social media activities in specific units of currency. But I do think there are some reliable ways to measure success in social media. PR Newswire’s Media Monitoring provides clients with the most frequentlydiscussed blog topics, chatter about their brand and industry competitors, and tone of posts related to a brand, as well as a breakdown of demographics of the people by gender, age and regional influence. One could call this the currency of perception. Even though it doesn’t appear directly on a company’s bottom line, it can have an impact throughout one’s business. PR Newswire’s Media Monitoring and other similar tools, such as Klout, were designed to help companies measure online influence and benchmark their social media endeavors against that of other companies. But to focus on the impact of social media activities solely through the lens of available metrics misses the point. Fundamentally, the best measure of a blog or website’s


impact and efficacy is the degree to which it has become a trusted and well-known resource within a given market sector. The lines between PR, marketing and advertising have become increasingly blurred. How does this impact on the creation of content for use in these different fields? As communicators, how can PR professionals effectively manage consistency of the content’s message across different platforms? Chacko: As I alluded to earlier, the lines certainly have blurred among PR, marketing and advertising. Not only do clients expect their agencies of record to be more nimble and adept at wading into all three areas, but clients also expect significant synchronization across these disciplines. Consistency of message is imperative to crafting campaigns that incorporate aspects of PR, marketing and advertising. At PR Newswire, we recently launched a rebranding campaign that puts content at the center of communications. Essentially, our view is that if content is created for a public relations campaign, it also must be easily modified or repurposed to seamlessly fit into an advertising campaign or marketing literature. To ensure pliability of content, PR pros, marketers and advertisers must develop content with flexibility in mind. That is not to say that content should be generalized or overly broad. In fact, customization and pinpoint targeting are more important than ever in today’s fractured media landscape. Content can be customized and repurposed to suit each discipline as long as the theme and messaging remain consistent. Social media has also grown rapidly in Mainland China and microbloging is highly popular now. For foreign companies doing business in China, monitoring and managing the online space is quite a challenge in China. What are your advices for companies especially those in retail and consumer goods sector which are new to the market in planning and designing the PR and marketing strategy? Chacko: My advice for any company interested in entering the world of social media would be to start slowly and quietly. The first step to any effective social media initiative is to listen. By listen I mean become familiar with the lay of the land, identify the influencers in the space (leading

Ninan Chacko

bloggers and forums) and pay attention to the conversation. Take note of the tone of the discussion, take time to understand who the frequent posters are or whether there are any highly-charged negative comments being posted. Don’t feel too eager to join the conversation. Another piece of advice I would offer is that despite its appearance social media should not be taken casually. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. For business professionals, these services should be taken as seriously as an earnings release or an annual report. Have a strategy and controls in place before you post anything. Otherwise, there’s a real risk that your efforts will do more harm than good. Additionally, respect all comments, especially those that are critical, even if the source appears to be “not credible.” There are numerous stories of very large companies that have been “taken down” by social media hubris. You have a background in tourism and online delivery. What do you see in common between the online hospitality market and PR profession? Chacko: Both are about providing excellent customer service through an engaged and responsive team of dedicated and knowledgeable professionals. Success in either industry depends greatly on communication skills. But I think both PR and online hospitality marketing rely heavily on producing the right product (vacation package or reporter pitch) for the appropriate audience at the most opportune time.

who’s who • 2011

Anna Fang Public Relations

APCO Worldwide

Suite F, 11/F, Block 5, Nam Fung Sun Chuen, 40 Grieg Road, Quarry Bay

1903, 19/F Cambridge House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, HK, China

Tel: (852) 2535 9198 Fax: (852) 2904 0788 Email: Website:

Tel: (852) 2866 2313 Fax: (852) 2866 1917 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Mark Michelson, Senior Counselor Sukyi Yau, Senior Vice President Kitty Potter, Director

Key Contacts: Anna J H Fang, Director Year Established: 2002 Staff Size: Sole Proprietor Major Business: Public Relations Consultant, Media Relations, CEO Branding, Corporate Communications and Editing of Marketing Materials / Websites Major Awards / Projects: Grand Award and Award of Excellence (APEXTM) Winner since1995; Andrew Matthews, Center for Creative Leadership, Hong Kong Association of Business and Professional Women, Sedan Chair Race Charities Fund Company Activities: CEO Branding. Obtaining interviews for CEOs and Managing Directors of US and foreign multinationals and HK companies in local, regional and international media. Raising the profile of the CEO and company in the business community and press.

Year Established: 1997 Staff Size: 30 Major Business: Public Affairs, Strategic Communication, Media Relations, Government Relations, Corporate Responsibility, Financial Communication Major Awards / Projects: Public Affairs Agency of the Decade by Paul Holmes and The Holmes Report; Asia-Pacific SABRE Award for Public Affairs/Issues Management Campaign of the Year in recognition of our work for the Hong Kong Wine & Spirits Industry Coalition (HKWSIC). Company Activities: APCO is an award-winning, independently owned global communication consultancy with offices in major cities throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., we serve client needs in corporate reputation, government relations, public affairs and issues management, corporate responsibility, media relations, and social and online media.

Asia Pacific Vision Ltd 1253A Telecom Hse, 3 Gloucester Rd, Wanchai, HK, China Tel: (852) 2827 2122 Email: Fax: (852) 2802 2687 Website: Key Contacts: Lucy Fennell - Director, Client Services Mark Erder - CEO Christopher Slaughter - MD Year Established: 1991 Staff Size: 21 Notable Clients: National Geographic; HSBC; Citigroup; Standard Chartered Bank; UBS; Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts; Raffles Hotels & Resorts; Crowne Plaza; InterContinental Hotels & Resorts; Swire Pacific; Cathay Pacific; Dragonair; Modern Terminals; Rolls Royce; AIA; Prudential; US Dept of Commerce; Hong Kong Tourism Board; Chengdu City Government; CNN; Channel 7 Australia; Nine Network Australia; Bloomberg Television Major Business Media Production Major Awards / Projects: Documentary production for the National Geographic/RTHK “Hong Kong to the World” Documentary, VNR & Video Production for Hysan Developments Documentary Production on the “Grand Lisboa. Macau” for SJM Holdings Company Activities: Asia Pacific Vision (APV) is a fully integrated video production company offering a complete range of media services to corporate clients, broadcasters, and agencies. Established in 1991, APV’s services include corporate video production, media consultancy, broadcast management, Video News Releases, outside broadcast production, crew and equipment hire, and all phases of post-production. Headquartered in Hong Kong, APV also has offices in Singapore, and representation in Shanghai, Beijing, and Tokyo, with an extensive network of resources throughout the Asia-Pacific region and the world. We work in many languages producing content both for the region and global audiences. APV’s television programming unit develops original high-quality content with diverse and innovative programming for the international broadcasting market.

who’s who • 2011


Bite Communications

Creative Direct Ltd

26/F, 46 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong

Suite 1801, 18th Floor, 26 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2973 0222 Fax: (852) 2973 6900 Email: Website:

Tel: (852) 2376 4979 Email: Website:

Key Contacts: David Ketchum, President, Asia Pacific Paul Mottram, Executive Vice President, Asia Pacific Year Established: 1995 Staff Size: 70 Major Business: PR and Marketing, Digital Marketing Professional Associations: Asia Digital Marketing Association, Council of Public Relations Firms of Hong Kong Company Activities: Bite Communications is a 180-strong communications consultancy with offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, London, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney and Toronto. With a mission to deliver fearless and boundless communications campaigns to our B2B and B2C clients, Bite has built our business by developing creative, results orientated campaigns for marketleading blue chip as well as fast growing emerging start-up brands. Our clients include Citi, HP, HTC, Jumeirah, Qantas, Skype, SWIFT, and Trend Micro.

Year Established: 2005 Major Business: Brand strategy for business growth. Brand Identity, Corporate Brochures, Graphic Design. Commercially minded Creative Ideas and Advertising. Digital strategy and website design. Marketing management consultation, workshop facilitation, brand leadership coaching. Company Activities: An indie creative boutique, we help you set your brand apart and connect with today’s ever-evolving customer. Our name, Creative Direct, is a reflection of how we work. Now you can collaborate directly with experienced Strategists and Conceptual Ideators to develop or expand an idea and access the right expertise suited to your specific needs. We can help with ongoing support or when: - You’re launching a new brand or merging with a former competitor. - The category or market is changing and your brand needs to evolve. - You have big plans but struggle to stand out in the clutter. We’re in the business of creative ideas that build your brand and grow your business.

EBA Communications Ltd


Unit B, 19/F On Hing Building, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central, HK, China

Suite 1501, Cityplaza 4, 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, HK

Tel: (852) 2537 8022 Fax: (852) 2537 3012 Email: Website:

Tel: (852) 2530 0228 Fax: (852) 2845 0363 Email: Website:

Key Contacts: Claudia Choi, MD Year Established: 1987

Key Contacts: Lynne Anne Davis, Regional President & Senior Partner Rachel Catanach, SVP & Senior Partner, General Manager

Staff Size: 60+

Year Established: 1997

Major Business: Integrated marketing communications consultancy services

Staff Size: n/a

Major Awards / Projects: See our website: Professional Associations: The Council of Public Relations Firms of Hong Kong Limited Company Activities: Established in 1987, we provide broad range of marcom services from strategy to implementation and we focus on technology and technology-rich industries and a three city presence in China, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.


Key Contacts: Katharine Schäfli

Major Business: Public Relations, Corporate Reputation Management, Public Affairs, Media Relations, Crisis/Issue Response, Executive Media Coaching, Employee Communications Major Awards / Projects: Asia Pacific PR Awards, Asia Pacific PR Network of the Year in 2004 & 2008

who’s who • 2011

Gartner Hong Kong Ltd Suite 2204 – 06, 22/F DCH Commercial Centre, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3402 0402 Fax: (852) 2824 6138 Website: Key Contacts: Gabriel Young, Country Manager Year Established: 27 Sep 1994 Staff Size: 17 Company Activities: Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company. We deliver the technology-related insight necessary for our clients to make the right decisions, every day. From CIOs and senior IT leaders in corporations and government agencies, to business leaders in high-tech and telecom enterprises and professional services firms, to technology investors, we are the valuable partner to 60,000 clients in 11,000 distinct organizations. Through the resources of Gartner Research, Gartner Executive Programs, Gartner Consulting and Gartner Events, we work with every client to research, analyze and interpret the business of IT within the context of their individual role. Founded in 1979, Gartner is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, U.S.A., and has 4,400 associates, including 1,200 research analysts and consultants, and clients in 85 countries. Gartner Research Process Our research process embodies a way of thinking that turns complex information into insight you can use for business advantage. Research Methodologies Gartner methodologies consist of research practices, procedures and rules that distill large volumes of data into clear, precise, actionable insight so our clients can formulate plans or make difficult business decisions.

AMR Supply Chain Leaders The supply chain can make or break an organization's competitiveness, but with unstable raw materials costs, volatile demand patterns and rampant supply risks, using it to drive profitable growth and product innovation is no small feat. What's more, corporations must create demand-driven supply chains that embrace sustainability, or risk falling behind more innovative competitors. AMR Supply Chain Leaders delivers objective, actionable insight and best practices to help supply chain professionals build, manage and transform their global supply chains—maximizing productivity, minimizing risks and driving revenue and competitive advantage.

Gartner for IT Leaders Gartner for IT Leaders is an indispensable strategic resource, delivering timely, reliable insight to guide your key decisions and get the most from your highest-priority initiatives. A service that more than pays for itself, it includes contract reviews that identify real savings, connections to peers who have walked in your shoes, and tools that save you time and money.

Burton IT1 IT practitioners face many pressing challenges in technical planning and architecture design, not the least of which are constantly shifting technological landscapes and complex IT architectures. Burton IT1 puts a wealth of detailed IT expertise at their fingertips 24/7, so you can be confident they'll have the insight to make informed, fact-based decisions, and the guidance to deliver superior results on your key initiatives and critical IT purchases.

GolinHarris 6/F Oxford Hse, Taikoo Place, 979 Kings Rd, Quarry Bay, HK, China Tel: (852) 2522 6475 Email: Fax: (852) 2810 4780 Website: Key Contacts: John Morgan, Regional Managing Director, Greater China Year Established: 1993 Notable Clients: Airport Authority Hong Kong, West Kowloon Cultural District, China Everbright, Plan International, China Light & Power, Cisco Systems, Dow Chemical, Hongkong Electric, Hongkong Land, Hung Hing Printing, Jardine Matheson, Jardine Schindler, Li & Fung, Mandarin Oriental, Marriott, Shell, Standard Chartered Bank Marathon, The Dairy Farm Group, TransUnion, VTech Holdings, Zespri, Towngas Major Awards / Projects: PR Consultancy of the Year (Media), PR Week/ Asia Pacific PR Awards-Large Agency of the Year; Editor’s Choice; PR Professional of the Year; RU—Mid-Sized Network of the Year (Asia); Cisco, Corporate Branding; English Schools Foundation, Issues Management; Man Investments, Financial Communications; “Trust in Asian Business,” Research; “Hong Kong Central Policy Unit Charitable Giving,” CSR; IABC Gold Quill Awards (Bank Mandiri, Research; COTTON USA, Special Events; Levitra, Marketing Communications & Advertising); Holmes Report/ SABREs (Agency of the Year; COTTON USA, Technical Excellence) Professional Associations: Council of Public Relations Firms of Hong Kong, American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong Company Activities: GolinHarris is one of the world’s leading public relations firms. Serving a respected portfolio of clients, including numerous leading Hong Kong companies, the firm in Hong Kong focuses on the wider Asian context with special emphasis on Hong Kong and Greater China.

who’s who • 2011


Green Production (Overseas) Group

2A Sum Lung Ind Bldg, 11 Sun Yip St, Chaiwan, HK, China Tel: (852) 2564 1234 Fax: (852) 2565 7198 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Dicky Choy, Dir Sam Lau, Dir Year Established: 1981 Staff Size: 45 Major Business: Printer Notable Clients: American Chamber of Commerce, Wynn Resort, Toppan Moore, HK Jockey Club Major Awards / Projects: The Golden Quill Awards - Gold, HK Print Awards - Champion Professional Associations: The Hong Kong Graphic Art Association The Hong Kong Printers Association Company Activities: Green Production (Overseas) Group is the 1st FSC-COC certified offset printer (supporting the growth of responsible forest management







Computer-to-Plates system and Environment Friendly Soybean Ink. The official printer of AmCham from 2004. We certified as G7 Master Printer by IDEAlliance USA in 2008. Accredited ISO14001:2000 by BSI in 2009.


who’s who • 2011

Grey Group

Information Express (Asia-pacific) Ltd

1901 Devon House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Rd., Quarry Bay

7/F, 705-07 China Merchants Bldg, 303-307 Des Voeux Rd, Central, HK, China

Tel: (852) 2510 6641 Fax: (852) 2510 7694 Email: Website:

Tel: (852) 2818 9475 / (852) 8108 0805 Fax: (852) 2817 1556 Email: Website:

Key Contacts: Susan Reingold, SVP, Corporate Development/Asia Pacific Year Established: 1917 Staff Size: 2000 Major Business: Branding, Design, Advertising, Direct & Digital Marketing, CRM, Shopper Marketing, Retail Promotion, PR Major Awards / Projects: Global Effies, Cannes, One Show, Clio, D&AD, London International Awards, Asian Marketing Effectiveness Awards, Spikes Asia, AdFest Professional Associations: HK4As Asian Digital Marketing Association The Hong Kong Copyright Licensing Association Limited The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry HK Public Relations Professionals’ Association Ltd. Company Activities: Grey Group, a WPP company, is one of the world’s largest marketing communications firms. We create accelerated brand performance for our clients through inspired brand strategy and creative ideas across all relevant touch points and are famous for the effectiveness of our work.

Key Contacts: Joanna Leung, Customer Service Mgr Eliza Leung, Mktg Mgr Year Established: 1988 Staff Size: 20 Major Business: We provide professional News Monitoring and Clipping Services Professional Associations: IMS, HKCA Company Activities: InformExpress (Est 1988) is a professional News Monitor & Press Clipping Agency, which provides tailor-made research services for Ad & PR firms, research houses and corporate bodies. We specialize in Ad News Monitor, PR Press Clipping and Brand Data Search. Customer Service Hotline (852 8108 0805) set up for special inquiry.

Hill & Knowlton Asia Ltd 36/F PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2894 6321 Email: Fax: (852) 2576 3551 Website: Key Contacts: Denise Maguire, MD, Head of Financial Communications, Asia Pacific Year Established: 1962 Staff Size: 65 Professional Associations: Council of Public Relations Firms of HK Company Activities: Communications consultancy services in the areas of technology, financial and investor relations, corporate communications and public affairs, crisis and issues management, marketing communications, healthcare, and digital. We offer our clients smart thinking, fresh interpretations, creativity, business results and quality services, bringing the right specialists by discipline and industry together to meet client’s specific needs.

who’s who • 2011


The Hoffman Agency (Asia Pacific) 16/F, The Workstation, 43 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong SAR, China Tel: (852) 2581 9380 Email: / Fax: (852) 2581 9389 Website: Key Contacts: Chris Tang, Managing Director, Asia Pacific Jenny Chan, Deputy General Manager, Hong Kong Year Established: 1996 Staff Size: 80 Major Awards / Projects: Gold Award and the Certificate of Excellence for Asia-Pacific PR Awards’ “Technology Campaign of the Year”; Recipient of PRWeek Asia’s Certificate of Excellence for “Research” in the “Specialist and Technique Category”; Asia Pacific SABRE Awards Finalist for Greater China Campaign and Digital and Social Media Campaign; Winner of PRWeek Asia’s “Asian Network of the Year” Award; Winner of PRSA Northern California’s “Compass Awards” for the Overall PR Program of a Asia Pacific Press Launch Major Business: Strategic Brand Development and Management, Technology Communications, Digital Communications, Consumer Marketing, Issues and Crisis Management, Industry Analyst Communications, Media Relations, Media Training, Event Management, Presentation and Crisis Management Training, Asia Market Entry, Market Research, Public Affairs, Sustainability Communications, Business Marketing, Change and Internal Communications, Corporate and CEO Reputation, Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Communications Company Activities: The Hoffman Agency’s global headquarters is in Silicon Valley. In Asia, we have offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Shanghai and Singapore that operate as one integrated team and as a single profit center. We also have affiliates in Asia Pacific countries in Australia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Taiwan. We advise companies on applying communications to build brands, fortify reputations and sell products/services. With a heritage in the technology sector, we currently focus on markets of complexity: telecommunications, energy, water, financial services and technology. We offer everything from strategic counsel, positioning and messaging to executive communications, issue management and media and analyst relations. We know how to help clients converse credibly with stakeholders through a combination of traditional PR and social media approaches. Whether it’s through blogger engagement, interactive news releases or building a portfolio of owned media, our programs strive for ongoing engagement and interactions. Our unique position as a mid-sized independent enables us to provide the ideal combination of nimbleness and reach, making us the PR partner of choice for high-tech multinationals as well as growing small and medium-sized companies.

International Herald Tribune

Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide

1201 K Wah Ctr 191 Java Rd, North Point, HK, China

(Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, OgilvyOne Worldwide, Ogilvy Health, OgilvyAction, RedWorks, The Brand Union, iPR Ogilvy)

Tel: (852) 2922 1188 Fax: (852) 2922 1190 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Randy Weddle, MD A/P Philip McClellan, Deputy Managing Editor Year Established: 1980 Staff Size: 30

Tel: (852) 2568 0161 Fax: (852) 2885 3215 Email: adam.o’ Website: Key Contacts: Adam O’Conor, Chief Executive Officer, Ogilvy & Mather Group, Hong Kong

Major Business: Newspaper Publishers

Year Established: 1972

Major Awards / Projects: IPD Award for Best Int’l Newspaper 1997 & 1998

Major Business: Advertising, public relations, direct marketing, interactive media and brand consultancy

Professional Associations: PANPA, PATA, SOPA Company Activities: The International Herald Tribune ( is the premier international newspaper for opinion leaders and decision makers around the globe. It combines the extensive resources of its own correspondents with those of The New York Times and is printed at 37 sites throughout the world, for sale in more than 180 countries. Based in Paris since 1887, the IHT is part of The New York Times Company.


23/F, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong

Professional Associations: The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong (HK4As)

who’s who • 2011

The Nielsen Company (Hong Kong) Ltd 2/F, Warwick House, West Wing, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2563 9688 Email: Fax: (852) 2516 6856 Website: Key Contacts: Oliver Rust, Managing Director, Hong Kong Year Established: 1923 Major Business: Market Research & Business Consulting Professional Associations: ESOMAR Company Activities: The Nielsen Company is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence, mobile measurement, trade shows and related assets. The privately held company is active in approximately 100 countries, with headquarters in New York, USA. For more information, please visit,

The Port of Long Beach, Greater China Office c/o United Transportation (HK) Ltd Unit 1806, Bonham Trade Centre, 50 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2895 3135 Email: Fax: (852) 2890 1396 Website: Key Contacts: Edward T Yau, Rep Greater China Year Established: 1997 Staff Size: 8 Major Business: The Port of Long Beach is a leading container cargo seaport. Notable Clients: British Petroleum, CMA CGM, COSCO, Hamburg Sud, Hanjin Shipping, Hapag-Lloyd, K Line, Maersk Line, Matson Navigation, Mediterranean Shipping, NYK Line, OOCL, Toyota, Zim Integrated Shipping Major Awards / Projects: 2010 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental justice Achievement Award for Clean Trucks Program; 2009 Sustainable Shipping magazine's Sustainable Shipping Clean Air Award 2010 Asia Freight & Supply Chain Awards for Best Seaport-North America (also 2009,2008,2007,2006,2005). 2009 U.S. EPA Clean Air Excellence Air Excellence for Port's Green Flag program Company Activities: The Port of Long Beach is one of the world’s premier seaports, a pioneer in goods movement and a leading environmental steward. Long Beach is a major gateway to world trade for Southern California and businesses and consumers across the United States. Founded in 1911, the Port now offers shipping facilities for all kinds of cargo. As an environmental leader, Long Beach adopted its trailblazing Green Port Policy to protect the environment. In 2009, the Port approved its $750 million Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project to significantly improve cargo-handling productivity and reduce environmental impacts.

who’s who • 2011


Rikes Hill & Knowlton Ltd

Ruder Finn Asia Ltd

1312 Wing On Ctr, 111 Connaught Road Central, HK, China

Units C&D 10/F Neich Tower, 128 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2520 2201 Fax: (852) 2520 2241 Email: Website:

Tel: (852) 2521 0800 Fax: (852) 2521 7088 Email: Website:

Key Contacts: Raymond Siu, MD Christy Lai, Director

Year Established: 1989

Year Established: 2000

Staff Size: 187

Major Business: Investor Relations; Financial PR; Corporate Communications; Issues Management

Professional Associations: CPRF

Notable Clients: China Southern Airlines, Datang Int’l Power Generation, Guangzhou Investment, Guangshen Railway, Shanghai Petrochemical Company Activities: A member of the international Hill & Knowlton PR group, Rikes Hill & Knowlton specializes in financial communications, investor relations and corporate PR. While leveraging Hill & Knowlton’s global network and diverse capabilities, Rikes Hill & Knowlton also prides itself on its in-depth knowledge of the Greater China market and on providing hands-on, high-value specialist service of its senior executives.

Notable Clients: Michelin, Visa International, Emirates Major Business: Health & Wellness; Connectivity; Corporate Communications & CSR; Issues Management; Consumer Marketing Company Activities: Ruder Finn Asia is a full-service PR consultancy with offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Singapore and a network of affiliates in Asian cities. Ruder Finn Asia is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ruder Finn Inc, one of the largest PR firms in the USA with over 60 years of history. Ruder Finn Asia combines the advantages of a global agency with the flexibility and speed of smaller strategic agencies. Ruder Finn Asia represents multinationals from many industries including healthcare and life sciences, technology, corporate communications, issues and crisis management, automotive and consumer marketing, arts and corporate social responsibility, travel and tourism

Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers


20 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Suite 382. 3705, Bank of America Tower 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2369 1111 Fax: (852) 2739 8707 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Connie Wong, Director of Sales & Marketing Year Established: 1974 Staff Size: 595 Major Business: Hotel accommodation, meeting facilities, restaurants and lounges Notable Clients: DHL, Li & Fung Trading, Motorola, Gap International Sourcing Major Awards / Projects: World Travel Awards - Hong Kong’s Leading Business Hotel Company Activities: Perfectly situated at the top of Nathan Road offering spectacular view of Victoria Harbor and only a stone’s throw away from the city’s business & entertainment center. The Sheraton offers 782 rooms, meeting & banquet facilities, and 8 restaurants & bars.


Key Contacts: Jean-Michel Dumont, Chairman Elsie Leung, Account Director

Tel: (852) 3589 3095 Fax: (852) 2115 9818 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Katharine Schäfli, Regional Business Director Darren Woolley, Global Managing Director Eaven McDonald, Production Consultant Year Established: 2000 Staff Size: 20+ Major Business: Manage and align marketing suppliers, Improve current processes, Assess operational costs. Our clients receive: Improved relationships & effectiveness; Understanding & insight; 100% independence; Broad, relevant industry experience; Fixed costs upfront. Company Activities: TrinityP3 is a marketing management consultancy that helps advertisers align people, purpose and process to deliver maximum marketing value. We do this by developing strategic alignment, process improvement, and then diagnosing and monitoring the results with operational assessments. The leading marketing management consultancy in the APAC region, we consult on billions of dollars in marketing expenditure across the breadth of the marketing mix including creative agencies, media agencies, digital agencies, and marketing services agencies such as Design, PR, DM, sales promotion, and research.

who’s who • 2011

Strategic Public Relations Group Room 2402, 24/F & Unit A, 29/F, Admiralty Centre I, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2527 0490 Email: Website: www. Fax: (852) 2804 2789 / (852) 2527-1271 / (852) 2114 0880 / (852) 2114 4948 Key Contacts: Richard Tsang, Chairman & Managing Director of Strategic Public Relations Group Year Established: 1995 Staff Size: 270 Major Business: PR consultancy provides IPO, investor relations and corporate marketing communications. Notable Clients: AEON Stores (Hong Kong), ASM Pacific Technology, AXA China Region Insurance, Bank of China, China Mengniu, Dah Chong Hong, Fairwood, Haagen-Dazs, Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board, Hong Kong Institute of Directors, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, KFC, Kohler Asia Pacific, Lenovo Group, Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong, Road Safety Council, Sarasin Rabo Investment Management, SOHO China, Tianjin Port Development, United Company RUSAL., Watson’s Wine Cellar, ZTE. Professional Associations: Public Relations Organisation International, Inc Company Activities: Established in 1995, Strategic Public Relations Group (SPRG) is the largest Asian independent public relations network and the largest public relations consultancy in Hong Kong. With over 270 professionals working from nine offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, SPRG is currently advising over 250 MNC and local clients on a retainer basis in Asia. In 2009 and 2010, SPRG has been accredited with the following recognitions: • “Asia Pacific Network of the Year” by Campaign Asia-Pacific PR Awards 2010 • “Local Hero of the Public Relations Agency of the Year” – Agency of the Year 2010 by Marketing Magazine • “Local Hero of the Media Relations Agency of the Year” – Agency of the Year 2010 by Marketing Magazine • “Hong Kong Consultancy of the Year” – Asian Consultancy Report Card 2009 by the Homles Report • No. 1 PR Advisor to Asia-Pacific Mid-Market M&A: Volume in the Year 2008, Value in the year 2009 in the mergermarket League Tables of PR Advisers

We Marketing Group

Unit 204, Phase Ⅱ, Chai Wan Ind. City, 70 Wing Tai Road, Chai Wan, HK Tel: (852) 3591 8200 Fax: (852) 3591 8300 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Viveca Chan, Chairman & CEO Keith Chan, Managing Director Irene Cheung, General Manager Year Established: 2005 Major Business: 1N Notable Clients: Pacific Place, Estee Lauder, Sharp, Mentholatum, Bank of NY Mellon Major Awards / Projects: “China Independent Agency of the Year 2009”, China Advertising Magazine Top 50 Creative Agency in China, HKMA / Economic Observer 2007 / 2008 Marketing Award, 2007 / 2008 TVB Most Popular TV Commercial Awards - Mr Juicy “8 Cup of Water” - GSK Hi-Calcium Tablet “Eason Tells You This” - Ocean Park “Jelly Fish”

who’s who • 2011


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