Sep 2011 Supplement

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EARLY PLANNING ESSENTIAL FOR SUCCESSFUL RELOCATIONS Moving with families is often cited as one of the most stressful things in life. For executives planning to move to Hong Kong, advisers believe early planning and having an open-minded attitude are critical. Daniel Kwan talks to experts from Jones Lang LaSalle about the luxury property rental market here and the challenges parents may face in securing school space for their children.


f you are moving to Hong Kong, here is a common scenario: You and your family arrive and are put in a serviced apartment for a couple of months at the expense of your company. Then you find out there is no vacancy for your kids at international school, and signing on a long-term lease for a decent apartment

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on the Mid-level without breaking the bank almost seems impossible.

Market outlook While Hong Kong consistently ranks among the best place to do business in Asia, it is also one of the


most expensive cities to live in. According to Anne-Marie Sage, head of Residential Leasing and Relocation Services of Jones Lang LaSalle, rental for luxury properties shot up 20 percent overall for 2010 although growth has slowed down this year. “We have taken a basket of properties from The Belchers in Pok Fu Lam to large houses in Deep Water Bay [to calculate] and this year, as of the end of the second quarter, we’ve seen just under five percent increase,” Sage says. “We are going to see increase much closer to 10 percent for 2011 and maybe just underneath that for the [whole] year,” she adds. Although expatriates are still coming to Hong Kong, Sage believes demand for luxury residential properties will decelerate in the near term. “I don’t expect to see an immediate downturn of rents but I do expect rent may level off by the end of this year,” she says. “As we go into next year, we may see some downturns especially at the top end [of the market].”

Benchmarking Since companies are often six months to a year behind in terms of reviewing their rental allowances for executives, Sage says it is important for agents to provide clients with up-to-date market information. “Most large companies do that [bi-yearly review] and we benchmark for our clients their rents every quarter and every half-a-year. We look at what’s the rents they are paying and then we benchmark [with] what we think those rents would be today or at the end of the leases to try to help companies to predict.” “It’s because companies often take a while [to adjust] and they usually have to go back to their head offices in the US or Europe and sometimes it’s quite difficult for people outside of Hong Kong to understand rents here as you can imagine.” “A key advantage for us is that we make sure our clients can get that information as early as possible and they can put together the right data for their head offices in time so that the rentals are in line [with the market],” she says.

Personal leases Sage who has 17 years of experience in the business observes that, despite the roller-coaster rides of the local sales market, volatile property prices have limited impact on the luxury rental market. Although more expatriates now buy local proper-


Anne-Marie Sage

ties in areas like the Mid-level and the Discovery Bay, link between sales and rental is not obvious. “There is a correlation between the two markets but I am not sure it (the sales market) has a massive impact on what’s happening in the rental market,” she says. One new trend is that more companies would opt for personal leases for their employees and housing allowance is included as part of the remuneration package. Sage expects there will be fewer company leases in about five years – except for the very top-level executives. That, she predicts, will ultimately have an impact on rentals because people tend to spend less on rents if housing becomes part of their packages. “In another five years, I don’t think we’ll see many company leases – maybe for the C-Suite or the top four or five people in the company,” she says. “Otherwise, it will be personal packages and I think that will ultimately have an impact on the overall rental market.”

Schooling While rents remain a critical factor, Sage says schooling now plays even a bigger role for Hong Kong in attracting senior executives and investors from abroad. “Housing now is taking second place. For families, the first thing they say is ‘I need to get my

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children in school’. So if you can’t help them in getting their children in school, you are not going to be housing them because they won’t take the properties,” she points out. “We do have couple of families that are not relocating or have postponed their relocation [to Hong Kong],” Sage says. “The situation is not good for the families but it is also not good for Hong Kong. It’s not good if we are starting to delay the opening of businesses because we can’t get children into school.” Gill Keefe, National Director, Relocation of Residential Leasing and Relocation Services of Jones Lang LaSalle, urges families who are moving to Hong Kong to plan early. “Getting contact and the right advice as early as possible like now is most important if they are moving here next summer,” Keefe says. “The schooling situation [in the next 12 months] is extremely serious – to be honest. If you are moving here with child born of an age between four and 10, then you are going to encounter quite some problems in getting your child into school.” “It’s absolutely critical to get the right advice as early as possible and to target appropriate schools and to be open-minded as well. It’s important not to be too focused on one school only but actually consider several.”

Practical advices Keefe advises families to be flexible in identifying the right schools for their children and seek help from professionals. She would not recommend Kowloon or the New Territories to families who are new to Hong Kong. In addition, she does not agree that there will be more primary school spaces available even if the families choose to move across the harbor. “Most expatriates live on the Island and they are targeting those schools because those schools tend to be the ones that are more highly sought after,” Keefe says. “The primary places are not easier to get in the New Territories or in Discovery Bay therefore moving to the other side actually doesn’t make any difference. The primary school [space problem] actually is the bottleneck.” The education advisor says that being flexible doesn’t mean parents give up choices but they should be “open-minded”. For example, parents may have to plan the schooling process in stages. Demand – especially in primary grades – simply outstrips supply currently, Keefe says. “It’s important to apply to more than one school


Gill Keefe

and you might end up with one child in one school and one child in another. If you get sibling priority, the second [child] has a higher priority status so they are more likely to get in as sibling. But it is not unknown nowadays for one child to be offered one school and one child be offered another,” she says. “What we are seeing now is that quite often the education side of things is a two-stage process and you might get into one school for this year but then your ‘ideal’ school might come through subsequently,” Keefe says. “You might put a child into school A for a year and then your long-term school might come through a year or two years later. So it’s a two-stage process for a lot of expatriate families now.”

Real expertise Sage stresses that to be able to have access to the right advice as early as possible is important. Parents – those who are new to Hong Kong in particular – should consult agents and advisers who are on the ground and know the system so that they would not have to rush to make decisions. “If they are working with a company that they don’t have someone like Gill who has the expertise on schooling, they may make [the relocation] even more stressful because they have been given the wrong advice or they are trying to target schools that they have no hope of getting into. Having real estate companies on the ground with such expertise is critical,” Sage adds.

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he global relocation management service provider Cartus recently published a report on the world’s top 10 relocation destinations. Favorites like Singapore and Hong Kong were again ranked high on the top 10 list. Kenneth Kwek, Senior Vice President & General Manager of Cartus Asia Pacific, explains to how the market is changing and the emergence of Mainland China as the world’s top destination. What does the List of Top 10 Global Relocation Destinations tell us about the competition between Singapore and Hong Kong in attracting international talents? Kwek: The research by Cartus shows that Singapore now ranks third after the US and the UK as global relocation destination. Relocation activities into and out of Singapore more than doubled over the five-year period between 2006 and 2010, increasing by 139 percent. This compares favorably with Hong Kong’s 77 percent growth in the same period. However, Hong Kong continues to be a key destination in Asia as demonstrated in the List of Top 10 Destinations. China’s ranking as a global destination has fallen to the fourth position in 2010. Does the research also look at relocations to China’s second and third-tier cities? Kwek: The List of Top Ten Destinations does not specifically look into China’s cities but another survey by Cartus – Destination China – queried respondents extensively about their expansion into second- and third-tier cities. It should also be noted that while China’s ranking fell as reflected in the actual move patterns of Cartus’ client base, survey data provides additional insights into company’s views of China as a destination. Responses to Cartus’ 2010 Policy & Practices survey show that more companies now believe China will be the most popular destination in


the next two years, edging out the United States by 22 to 21 percent. China is always in the forefront of the world economy and will undoubtedly remain an economic superpower. Further, given the explosive growth in the lower tier cities, which are rapidly becoming the foundation of China’s upward mobility, the country seems to be on a fast track to the top. How fast will these second- and third-tier cities grow in terms of attracting foreign talents? How do you define first-, second- and third-tier cities? Kwek: Respondents to our China survey named a total of 21 Tier 2 and 3 cities that they have targeted for expansion. A combination of lower startup and ongoing costs and tax incentives continue to make these locations attractive for business. As reported in our 2010 Destination China survey, “A growing supply of white collar workers is moving to Tier 2 and even Tier 3 cities to escape the Kenneth Kwek pressure, pollution, and high housing prices of Tier 1 cities, and bringing their skills and income with them.” As reflected also in that survey:

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• Tier 1 is associated with regional headquarters and sales opportunities while Tiers 2 and 3 reflect low-cost manufacturing and mergers & acquisitions (with acquisition of local partners). • Tiers 2 and 3 are expected to increase over the next two years, by 54 percent and 30 percent of companies, respectively. Which are the most preferred Chinese cities? Kwek: Growth in Tier 1 cities, particularly Shanghai, continues unabated; 60 percent of China survey respondents expect continued growth there in the next two years; 54 percent expect continued growth to Tier 2 cities (Suzhou named most frequently), and 30 percent expect continued growth to Tier 3 locales (Jiangmen in Guangdong and Nanning being named most frequently). The Cartus’ research indicates strong growth of relocation volume in some non-traditional markets such as Brazil, Panama, and Poland. Given the wide

spread of countries, will this give relocation companies which have real global representation an edge in capturing these new business? Kwek: Undoubtedly it will. Global relocation companies that have the ability to service clients’ employees anywhere in the world will likely have the edge—particularly when an MNC is seeking a provider that can function smoothly and capably in non-traditional markets and that has insight and expertise in the unique culture, and business practices in non-traditional and emerging locales. Given the high unemployment rates in the US and the country’s tax policies, do you expect more or fewer international assignments from the US in the next few years? Kwek: US policies aside, Cartus clients responded to a question about assignment activity in our 2010 Global Policy and Practices survey that they certainly expect increased activity in all assignment types. In fact, companies anticipating growth in activity outnumbered those expecting a decline by 6 to 1.

TOP 10 DESTINATIONS Cartus’ Ranking

2006 *


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

US UK China Switzerland Germany Japan Singapore Canada India France

US UK Singapore China Switzerland India Germany Hong Kong Japan Canada

*Hong Kong ranks 11th in 2006

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Ludovic Valls

By Daniel Kwan

five most stressful thing to do in your life. I’ve moved over 20 times but still it can be stressful to me when I move,” he explains about moving overseas. Using relocation to China as an example, Valls says any professional movers will have to pay attention to details and be able to remind the customers in cases of the unexpected. Familiarity with Customs regulations and local rules is important. A case in point would be if the clients have antiques in their inventory. The moving companies must know Chinese Customs regulations well and be able to advice the clients to submit clear registration information before shipping their items to China. “In a door-to-door service, what you want to provide are ‘no problem’ solutions to your clients,” Valls says. “They give you their personal items and we will make sure all the stuff will go from point A to point B without problems and smooth transition and Customs clearance.”

Ludovic Valls of Unigroup Worldwide UTS has been in the moving business for more than a decade and has a wealth of experience of moving houses. He offers some useful advice for families considering international relocation.

Valls says competition for international talents among different cities is intense but Hong Kong

Sound Advice from Professional Movers


or couples who are planning their moves to a new destination, there is nothing more valuable than sound advice. And Ludovic Valls, General Manager of Unigroup Worldwide UTS, is the perfect source for such information. Valls is not just a veteran in the moving business; he also has abundance of personal experience in moving houses. The Frenchman who used to live in Africa has relocated to Poland, the US, and China in his professional career. Valls however is a newcomer to Hong Kong and he only moved here with his family about two years ago. “I have been working abroad for 15 years and I have done more than 20 moves during my life,” he recalls.

New and established Also “new” to Hong Kong is Unigroup – but only by name. Most Americans are actually very familiar with the Unigroup services, which operates under the banners of “Mayflower” and “United” in the US. Officially, the company opened its Hong Kong office


four years ago. But in fact, the business was born through an acquisition of another company – Interdean Asia and before that Pan Pacific – which was established here decades ago. Unigroup now has staff who have been with the company for more than 30 years. “We know the Hong Kong and Asian market pretty well although we have changed names over the years,” Valls says. “What we do on a day-to-day basis is door-to-door moves and we work for large global accounts.”

Hong Kong and China advantage

Top Origin and Destination Countries 2006 ‐ 2010 2006 Top Ranking Destination Countries

From the U.S. Ranked by Shipment Count (delivered).

Global footprint Unigroup Worldwide is now actively expanding in Asia. One advantage the company enjoyed over its competitors is its global footprint. In addition to its two home offices – one in St Louis, Missouri and another in Amsterdam, it has more than 1,000 offices in North America, Latin America and across Europe. Such scale means a wealth of expertise and support – both are critical as far as the moving of personal effects is concerned. “It’s a very difficult and probably among the top

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remains an attractive destination especially for financial businesses and multinationals who want to explore opportunities in the region. Despite issues such as expensive rents and air pollution, Hong Kong offers a taste of Asia with a lot of modern western conveniences to expatriate families. “Hong Kong will always be a strong and vibrant city and attractive place for the financial industry and other regional hubs, especially multinational companies who are refocusing their strategies on the BRIC countries,” he says referring to emerging markets including Brazil, Russia, India and China. The General Manager who spent three years in Guangzhou before moving to Hong Kong expects more foreign expatriates will move to China in the coming years as the country’s economy grows. In particular, he suggests that a new trend is emerging in south China where cities like Shenzhen and Guangzhou are attracting not just manufacturing businesses but also servicing companies. At the same time, international consumer brands and financial groups are accelerating their expansion into markets like Shanghai while Beijing continues to draw in multinationals to set up headquarters and foreign diplomats.

Top Ranking Origin Countries

To the U.S. Ranked by Shipment Count (delivered).

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U.K. - 879

U.K. - 891

U.K. - 755

U.K. - 694

U.K. - 814






CHINA- 294



CHINA- 368

CHINA- 396



CHINA- 270




CHINA- 221




INDIA- 159

INDIA- 176











INDIA- 187

INDIA- 133

JAPAN- 158



JAPAN- 170


INDIA- 145

JAPAN- 111






JAPAN- 128







JAPAN- 101

















U.K. – 671

U.K. - 694

U.K. - 755

U.K. - 541





U.K.- 397



CHINA- 215

CHINA- 222








CHINA- 240



CHINA- 154

CHINA- 158


INDIA- 165

JAPAN- 131














INDIA- 118












INDIA- 116










JAPAN- 106










“The trend will continue as companies set up manufacturing operations in China as the cost is still cheaper [to manufacture] in China than in the West,” Valls observes. “Not only will they manufacture for the world market but also for the China domestic market which is growing significantly.” “Along with this come the service companies like us looking to penetrate the Chinese market and second and third tier cities are attracting larger shares of foreign investment but Shanghai and Beijing still remain the major markets.” Unlike Hong Kong which is already a mature market, Valls says Mainland China is a growing market with lots of opportunities.

Preparation checklist Regardless of the destinations, the professional mover suggests families to “well research” before making any decisions. Participating in professionally organized “look-see” programs are important and ideally both husbands and wives should take part in such programs. For families with kids, the parents should pay special attention to identifying housing in relation to schools for their children. In case of couples considering moves to Hong Kong, Valls suggests them to participate in orientation programs to facilitate the transition. “The program should start in the country where they are coming from first, and then we can follow up with the program when they are in Hong Kong,” he says. “Ensure that your company has a comprehensive relocation policy.” Pointing out that residential rental on Hong Kong Island can be relatively expensive; Valls suggests families to consider locations such as Sai Kung and Discovery Bay which offer comfortable housing without breaking the bank. “Places in Sai Kung are very good and easy to live and Sai Kung is only half-an-hour from the city. For

good prices, you can have houses instead of apartment,” Valls says. “There is Discovery Bay too although housing there may be a little more pricy than in Sai Kung.” “When you are planning to come to Hong Kong, you need to do some research.” “There is a large expat community in Hong Kong and nowadays it is easy through internet to reach out for friends or colleagues that are already based in Hong Kong and raise any questions or concerns before accepting the new assignment,” he says. “Always keep a positive attitude especially for the kids to adapt to the changes and to embrace a different culture and new environment.”

Future trends Looking ahead, the General Manager sees the potential of more relocations of Chinese to international locations, driven by both Chinese companies’ expansions and multinationals talent development plans. At present, moving with families remains a novel idea to most Chinese managers but an increasing number of senior executives will embrace the idea of international relocation, Valls expects. As more Chinese companies go global, Chinese managers will no longer just move with their suitcases, he predicts. “In 2008 or 2009 when I visited Huawei (a major telecommunications equipment company in Shenzhen), there were 10,000 Chinese expatriates overseas but they would just leave with their suitcases and their families would still stay in China because they don’t have Chinese schools abroad,” Valls says. “I am sure in 10 to 20 years, this will change because Chinese companies are buying overseas companies in the US, France and everywhere in Europe. They are moving their staff there for sure and this is the trend.”

“I am sure in 10 to 20 years, this will change because Chinese companies are buying overseas companies in the US, France and everywhere in Europe. They are moving their staff there for sure and this is the trend.”


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International Education in Hong Kong By Anne Murphy Director of ITS Educational Services Limited, a partner of SIRVA Relocation Hong Kong

Kindergartens in Hong Kong Hong Kong has a booming preschool sector with a wide range of kindergartens, whole-day nurseries, and playgroups offering many different approaches to early learning and care. There are over 950 kindergartens in Hong Kong, 800 of which teach the local curriculum and use Cantonese as the primary medium of instruction.

English Schools Foundation The increasing demand for a separation of fluent speakers from their contemporaries led to Hong Kong Government introducing the English Schools Foundation (ESF) Ordinance in 1967. This ordinance created essentially autonomous government schools teaching a UK-based curriculum, for the children of resident foreigners who required an English language-taught education. This original focus on native or near-native English speakers was later changed to allow entry to any child who could benefit from an English-based system, a decision that has resulted in a large expansion of both school and pupil numbers. In 2009, ESF primary schools switched to the IB Primary Years Program, and the Secondary Schools now also offer IGCSE along with the IB Diploma.


ESF Caters for about 12,000 students and is the largest international education foundation in Asia. There are over 15,000 students enrolled at ESF and include over 50 different nationalities.

Private Independent Schools Nine schools have been approved since the Private Independent School Scheme was launched in the late 1990s. They aim to offer a local alternative to international schools. Catering for children from age three to 18 years old, the schools are free to operate independently allowing them to choose their own curriculum. The only restriction on these schools is that 70 percent of their students must be permanent residents. Nine private independent schools are now in operation. Yew Chung International School, Renaissance College, International Christian School and the Independent Schools Foundation Academy at Cyberport, and Discovery College in Discovery Bay are the latest to open at new purpose-built campuses. All of these schools combine a primary school and a secondary school, called a "through train" school.

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International Schools There are over one million children in the Hong Kong schools system, of which 30,000 are Englishspeaking, in English-language schools. Based on comparative secondary test results and universities attended, leading Hong Kong private schools provide some of the world’s best international education. International schools can be broadly divided into three types: those targeted at students from English speaking countries, those targeted at speakers of third languages, and those targeted at local students wanting to be educated in English. Schools targeted at native English speakers generally follow an American, Australian, British, Canadian, or International curriculum. Most, in recent years, have been enrolling ever increasing numbers of students for whom English is a second language. Many now have predominantly Asian (or local) student bodies. French, Japanese, Korean and German-Swiss International schools also offer English medium streams and internationally oriented curricula. Students at these schools can acquire a third language, such as French, Japanese, Korean or German – even if they enrol in the English stream. For students whose first language is not Chinese, there are a number of co-educational day schools available which accept children into primary school at an earlier age than the American schools.

Choosing a School The cosmopolitan style of Hong Kong is certainly reflected in the multinational student population. Popular international schools will typically have 20-30 nationalities represented within the student population, a factor which contributes to a broader educational experience. Over the past few years the demand from locals who could attend local schools but are now opting for an international education has increased threefold. For Year 1 in 2010-2011, ESF received 11,743 applications for 1,020 places. There was a 19 percent rise in applications from 2009, and in 2011 this increased to 22 percent. Unfortunately, spaces rarely open at Chinese International

School and each year the school receives over 250 applications for 80 places for reception (four years old). At German Swiss International School, spaces are very limited from Grade 1 upwards and at Discovery College; applications are at an average of 100 Anne Murphy from Years 1 to 6. It is clear that there is now even more demand than ever for school places in Hong Kong. Families continue to settle in Hong Kong, and the demand for good quality education is increasing. This means that international schools are becoming more selective, which is ultimately making it more competitive for applicants. Children as young as three years old are being put through an interview process. As part of the primary school application process they are invited to a 30-40 minute interview and tested on name writing, number and letter recognition as well as their ability to follow instructions, take turns and play co-operatively, share, and help when required. Many international schools in Hong Kong will ask for a school report from your child’s pre-school while some will ask teachers to complete a reference form highlighting a child’s strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits. While Hong Kong's schools are regarded as some of the best academically, children will have no chance in the public schools unless they are able to speak Cantonese, or they are very young and are able to pick it up. This means that the only option for those who wish to be taught in English is to go to an international or private independent school. Undoubtedly, you will want your child to attend the best school available but it’s important to choose a school that’s the right fit for your child and for you as a parent, even if an English medium school is your only choice. Finding the right school is a matter of great anxiety for parents who are not familiar with the diverse education system. This is even more difficult for relocating families. Relocation companies aim to eliminate the stress and anxiety parents experience over the need to find schools when they move, by helping parents make the right decisions about their children’s education with confidence.

“It is clear that there is now even more demand than ever for school places in Hong Kong.”

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RELOCATION & MOVING Cartus Relocation Hong Kong Limited

Allied Pickfords

9/F W. Square, 314-324 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Suites 602-608, 6/F. 248 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Company History / Activities Allied Pickfords provides premier household goods moving services in over 800 locations worldwide. With proven experience and a respected name, Allied Pickfords handles more than 50,000 international relocations each year. Together with its sister company SIRVA relocation, they tailor end-to-end solutions for many corporate clients and individuals worldwide, including moving, assignment & expense management, visa & immigration services, home search & orientation, education advice and assistance, cultural training and on-going support. Allied Pickfords is committed to the highest quality service and service delivery as indicated in its FAIMISO and ISO9001 certifications. FAIMISO is a rigorous quality system that sets the highest standards for the moving industry and is independently audited every 2 years and forms the foundation of its commitment to continual assessment and improvement. Give Allied Pickfords a call for all your domestic or international relocation requirements and Relax, we carry the Load!

Moving Services

Storage services

Vehicle Transportation

FAIM ISO qualified for local and International moving. Packing, shipping, unpacking, handyman/ valet/ maidservices. Standard and de-humidified storage (short and long term) in our state of the art Hong Kong facility.

Insurance coverage

Door to door vehicle transportation available Insurance Coverage: All risk, fully comprehensive marine transit insurance available on all shipments

Contact Person / Title Tel Fax Email

Jeff OFFUTT / Olivier JOURDAN (852) 2823 2038 / (852) 2823 2039 (852) 2375 1065

Company History / Activities Cartus provides trusted guidance to organizations of all types and sizes who require global relocation solutions. Serving over 50% of the Fortune 100 and providing service to over 160 countries, we apply our more than half century of experience to help our clients with their mobility, outsourcing, consulting, destination services, language and intercultural training needs. Honored in both New York and London by the Forum for Expatriate Management in 2010 as “Relocation Management Company of the Year” and “Best Vendor Partnership,” Cartus is part of Realogy Corporation—a global provider of real estate and relocation services. To find out how our greater experience, reach, and hands-on guidance can help your company, visit; read our blog at; or click for more information.

Asian Tigers Mobility

Crown Worldwide Group

Asian Tigers Mobility is your relocation solutions partner who is dedicated to your success by ensuring the smooth transfer of your top talent. With over 30 years of experience in Asia, Asian Tigers understand our clients’ unique mobility needs. Whether you are moving intra-Asia or to another continent, or locally in Hong Kong, Asian Tigers Mobility can help. Whatever your needs are, wherever you are heading, Asian Tigers Mobility can help facilitate and streamline your relocation. Give us a call to find out how we can help you.

Moving Services Insurance coverage Relocation service Contact Person / Title

International, local and office moving, long & short term storage Yes Orientation, Home Finding, Settling-in, Training Programs, Departure Service Rob Chipman, Chief Executive Officer YB Ng, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing

Tel Fax Email

(852) 2528 1384 (852) 2529 7443

Storage services Vehicle Transportation Insurance coverage Contact Person / Title

Long-term and short-term storage Land, sea and air Yes Gary Knowles, Director, Destination & Real Estate Services, Hong Kong


Tel: (852) 3470 0001 Mobile: (852) 6053 3862 Fax: (852) 3470 0030 Ronnie Ng, Director, Strategic Development Tel: (65) 6880 5716 Fax:(65) 6557 0071

Company History / Activities The Crown Worldwide Group, headquartered in Hong Kong was established in 1965. It is a privately held company with over 250 locations in 55 countries. Crown Relocations provide global relocation services for corporations, private clients and diplomats. Crown Records Management provides management and storage of business information. Crown Logistics provides other specialized commercial import / export, freight forwarding and distribution services. Crown Fine Arts handles the careful transportation of fine arts material and exhibits as they travel from one museum to another. The Crown Worldwide Group provides services to over 10,000 major multinational corporations around the globe as well as caters to the needs of private customers.

Key Personnel

Billy Wong Managing Director, Greater China

Sherry Liu General Manager, Crown Relocations

Sammy Fong General Manager, Crown Records Management

Analdo Li General Manager, Crown Logistics

Tommy Chan Director, Crown Fine Arts

Tel Fax Email

(852) 2636 8388 (852) 2837 1677 16

Management of all aspects of the shipment of household goods including: Co-ordination of survey dates. • Obtaining competitive quotations. • Review of quotations and provide recommendation. Ensuring completion of paperwork, • including inventory. Co-ordination of packing, loading and • delivery dates. Assistance with resolution of insurance • claims.

Crown Worldwide Bldg, 9-11 Yuen On St, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, New Territories, HK, China

17th Floor, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Company History / Activities

Domestic Moving Service

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Weichert Relocation Resources Asia Pacific Limited

G/F, MiniCo Building, 18 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan

Room 602, Devon House, 979 King’s Road, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Company History / Activities

Domestic Moving Service

MiniCo Self-Storage was founded in 2002 by Hardy Good, a 36-year veteran of the self-storage industry in America. MiniCo offers the premiere self-storage facilities in Hong Kong. Our clean, secure, climate-controlled storage spaces are ideal for home remodelers, business professionals, and anyone who just needs more space. MiniCo’s facilities in Chai Wan, Kwun Tong, and Kwai Fong offer a large variety of unit sizes, air conditioned and dehumidified spaces, and the latest high-tech security features. Storage spaces are customizable with closet rods and shelving. We also offer conveniences to include full-service move-ins, self-service kiosks, free parking, and retail centers offering boxes and packing supplies.

Storage service

Vehicle Transportation Insurance coverage Contact Person / Title Tel Fax Email

Pickup and delivery of customers’ goods to and from the storage facility Monthly and long-term self-storage spaces available in sizes ranging from 6 sq ft to 175 sq ft Moving truck available for pickup and delivery Monthly and long-term contents insurance available Henry Chan General Manager (852) 2342 3041 (852) 2889 0255

Company History / Activities Weichert Relocation Resources Inc (WRRI) is one of the world’s leading full-service global relocation and assignment management firms, delivering turnkey workforce mobility solutions that enhance employee satisfaction and productivity, while supporting stringent risk management and cost control for our corporate clients. WRRI has offices through the Americas, Asia Pacific and EMEA regions, and the company’s core capabilities include world relocation and assignment services, real estate management and resale services, financial services, payroll and tax services, household goods move management services, consulting services and group move management services. The Hong Kong office offers a complete range of global workforce mobility solutions, including but not limited to relocation services, international assignment services, real estate management services, visa and immigration services, financial services, payroll and tax services, household goods move management services, consulting services and group move management services.

Contact Person / Title Tel Fax Email

Helena Du, Managing Director (852) 2545 5885 (852) 2545 2022

Santa Fe Relocation Services 18/F CC Wu Bldg, 302-8 Hennessy Rd, Wanchai, HK, China

Company History / Activities Santa Fe was formed in 1980 in Hong Kong. The company's early success lead to expansion into China in 1984 and continued in key strategic markets throughout Asia and the Middle East. In December 2010, Santa Fe completed the acquisition of Australia's leading relocation and moving company, "Wridgways." In July 2011, Santa Fe completed the acquisition of Interdean, Europe’s leading moving and relocation services company. Collectively, the Santa Fe Group employs 3150 dedicated professionals through 120 offices in 50 countries. Santa Fe offers a complete range of moving services (household goods moving, office moving), relocation services (assignment management, policy consulting, home search, school search, orientation, settling-in, tenancy management, expense management, temporary accommodation, visa and immigration, cultural training, language training etc.) and records management services. Being a service company, quality is very important to Santa Fe. The company is certified in ISO9001 (quality processes and continuous improvement), ISO14001 (environmental), and

ISO27001 (data privacy and protection). Santa Fe is also FAIM certified (FIDI Accredited International Mover). Santa Fe fully supports the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest initiative on corporate responsibility committed to promoting sustainable development using 10 principles of social, environmental and economic responsibility as a framework. We report annually on our progress promoting and supporting sustainable development in our work. Santa Fe's mission is "We make it easy" and this is why we are used by more clients than any other company in the markets we operate in. Our vision is to "Delivery sustainable value through innovation" and our core values are "Quality, efficiency, people and safety."

Contact Person / Title

Lance Allen, Managing Director – Moving & Relocation Services and Records Management Services, Hong Kong

Patrick White, Senior Group Director Tel Fax Email

(852) 2574 6204 (852) 2575 1907 18

9 • 2011

9 • 2011


Accommodation for

RELOCATION & MOVING 127 Repulse Bay Road

HK Gold Coast Residences Sea View Apartments and Beach Houses

Island South, Hong Kong

1 Castle Peak Road, Castle Peak Bay, New Territories

Size Range of Units Monthly Rental Bedroom Units per Floor Parking Facilities Leasing Agent Contact Email

2,990 sq ft – 3,008 sq ft HK$150,000 up 4 bedrooms 2 units Covered Carpark Signature HomesSun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited (852) 2828 5147 Ms. Ronnie Chung or (852) 2828 7728 Open for Enquiry after hours

Size Range of Beach Houses Price Range of Beach Houses

Special Amenities - Situated on Hong Kong Island’s Southern Shore - Embrance a 360˚ sea view and golden beach of the Repulse Bay - Clubhouse facilities include outdoor infinity pool, gym, squash court, tennis court, massage room, sauna, and steam room, playroom, children’s pool, playground and landscaped garden

Size Range of Sea View Apartments Price Range of Sea View Apartments Size Range of Serviced Apartments Price Range of Serviced Apartments Parking Facilities Leasing Agent Contact Tel Fax Email

1,950 sq ft - 3,540 sq ft 1,950 sq ft, HK$43,800 per month up 2,940 sq ft, HK$66,800 per month up 3,355 sq ft - 3,540 sq ft, HK$90,000 per month up 700 sq ft - 1,718 sq ft HK$18,300 per month up 700 sq ft - 1,138 sq ft HK$15,000 per month up Covered car park with visitor parking Sino Real Estate Agency Ltd Mrs Galy Cowen (852) 2457 0789 (852) 2618 7142

Special Features / Amenities

Signature Homes launches her 10th Anniversary With its wide-range luxury residential leasing portfolio in Hong Kong, Signature Homes offers over 1,700 luxury homes from serviced suite hotels in CBDs to unfurnished apartments, penthouses and houses in Mid-Levels and Island South. Sharing the joy of its 10th anniversary, Signature Homes will be hosting a series of events throughout this year, guaranteed its tenants to have a fruitful year. To find out more about our portfolio, 10th anniversary celebration events and attentive personalized services, please visit our website:

• Around 500,000 sq ft of green open space makes this one of Hong Kong’s most unique homes, including an extensive open-grass field for colorful fun in the sun • Breathtaking panoramic views of the Gold Coast Yacht Club marina and Castle Peak Bay • One of the HK’s largest outdoor free-form pools, landscaped gardens, tennis courts and comprehensive clubhouse facilities • Residents can book a private cruise on our 58 foot luxury yacht • Frequent shuttle buses to Central (30 mins), TST (25 mins), Tsuen Wan (15 mins) and the airport (20 mins) • Just 20 mins to Shenzhen and Kowloon Station



9 • 2011

9 • 2011


Accommodation for


Shama Serviced Apartments

Unit 11B, On Hing Building, No.1 On Hing Terrace, Central, Hong Kong

Company History / Activities Easy Home Limited is a Hong Kong based company with an unparalleled network of operations in Hong Kong. The company has provided professional, reliable and one-stop property services, such as Property Sales and Leasing, Tenancy Management and Rental Collection, to cater for different needs of our customers. Acting for property owners, occupier’s and investors in Hong Kong, Easy Home Limited has the scale, structure, systems and vision to satisfy the dynamic and challenging property market in Hong Kong. Particular areas of expertise include transactional and tenancy management services. Our scaleable resources and customized solutions add up to measurable value for our clients, and allow them to profit from economies of scale through an established platform of integrated services. With our unrivalled experience, dedicated resources and tailored advice, we aim to maximize income, minimize expenditure and safeguard the property’s value through its lifecycle.

Service Contact Person / Title Tel Fax Email

8/F, Shama Place, 30 Hollywood Road, Central Residential Leasing Susan Chau (852) 9689 0339 Wilson Chong (852) 9332 1932 (852) 2877 8771 (852) 2868 6968

The Lily

Size and Price Range of Units

No.129 Repulse Bay Road, Hong Kong

Tel Email

Size Range of Units Bedroom Units per Floor Parking Facilities Monthly Rental Leasing Agent Contact Tel Email

Serviced Apartments: 1,816 to 3,924 sq ft Unfurnished Residences: 3,500 to 8,000 sq ft Serviced Apartments: 2-3 plus study Unfurnished Residences: 3-4, with several special apartments having five bedrooms One unit per floor Covered parking spaces Serviced Apartments: from HK$99,000 incl. Unfurnished Residences: from HK$165,000 excl. Jones Lang LaSalle Limited Mandy Wong (E-205248) / Amy Kong (S-215433) (852) 2846 5777

Special Features / Amenities The Lily at 129 Repulse Bay Road is the embodiment of modern elegance, expressly designed for families looking for a superior quality of life in Hong Kong. For each apartment, whether unfurnished or fully serviced, every detail has been considered – right down to a professional concierge service to help keep your life running smoothly. Modern, graceful styling and excellent quality standards are complemented by numerous family-friendly designed features: an all seasons indoor swimming pool, fully equipped children play areas, modern gymnasium and barbecue gazebo.

Shama Causeway Bay

- 380 sq ft - 1,430 sq ft HK$25,800 - HK$78,800 Shama Central - 500 sq ft - 2,000 sq ft HK$32,300 - HK$96,600 Shama Fortress hill - 382 sq ft - 960 sq ft HK$23,300 - HK$58,800 Shama Hollywood - 580 sq ft HK$33,500 - HK$44,000 Shama Midlevels - 470 sq ft HK$21,800 - HK$28,800 Shama Tsim Sha Tsui - 320 sq ft - 1,074 sq ft HK$22,800 - HK$56,000 (852) 3100 8555

About Shama


Founded in Hong Kong, Shama is the leading serviced apartment provider under the ONYX Hospitality Group, and currently operates a varied portfolio of 12 properties in prime commercial and residential districts in Bangkok, Dalian, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Shama is now expanding into Hangzhou, as well as other major gateway Asia cities. Shama’s vision is to drive the evolution of serviced apartments and aspirational lifestyles, without boundaries. Best of all, our ‘no boundaries’ platform which includes insider tips and recommendations, helps our guests make the most of their new city – and live like a local!

• • • •

Shama Slumber bed with extra soft feather-top Complimentary THANN amenities upon check-in Complimentary in-house fitness centre * "no boundaries" privilege and lifestyle card; this programme includes a prestigious fitness club membership, a 6-month membership to KEE club, and an array of dining and retail discounts (complimentary for leases over 3 months) • Shama Rooftop - tropical rooftop garden equipped with BBQ facilities and Wi-Fi internet access * *Available at specific properties only 22

9 • 2011

9 • 2011


Education for

RELOCATION & MOVING Concordia International School

The International Montessori School

68 Begonia Road, Yau Yat Chuen, Kowloon, Hong Kong

School History / Profile Concordia International School is an established small international school managed by the Lutheran Church. The school is non-profit making, co-educational and has direct linkage with the Concordia University System in the United States. All of its students are trained and prepared to write the ETS's TOEFL and the College Board's PSAT, SAT Reasoning and Subject Tests and the AP Courses. Successful students at Concordia are assured of having their work recognized by universities and colleges around the world, including top-class universities in Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and the United States. Concordia's doors are open to students of all races and religions. The school's motto is "transforming lives together", the school prides itself on its small class teaching (up to 15 students per class).



North American Curriculum

8:25 am to 3:00 pm

Transportation: MTR Kowloon Tong Station Festival Walk Exit C or Shek Kip Mei Station Exit B2

Fees: Annual tuition fee for Grade 7-12: HK$82,000 by 2 instalments (subject to EDB approval) , Associated fees: HK$11,500-16,200, fees for after-school ESL class, study tours etc. not yet included. No debenture required.

School History / Profile The International Montessori School (IMS) is a non-profit, dual-language (English and Putonghua Chinese) school catering to over 500 children aged 2 to 12. Established by a group of parents in 2002, the school’s mission is to enable each child to develop his/her individual gifts in a caring, supportive, respectful and bilingual community. The school spans 3 campuses on Hong Kong island, with the Primary School located in a beautiful, spacious facility on Tin Hau Temple Road, providing a broad range of facilities set against lush green surroundings.

The Montessori Method Montessori is an internationally recognized education method with a 100 year history of providing a unique and enriching education to children all over the world. Based on the principles of enquiry-based learning and development of the whole child, the Montessori philosophy shares many tenets with the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP). The Montessori curriculum gives students structures to categorise knowledge, keys to discover, and questions to encourage life-long learning, along with the life skills needed to adapt to change.

Extending Bilingual Montessori to the Primary Level in Hong Kong

Facilities: 10 Class Rooms, Special Rooms include: Art Room, Computer Rooms, Science Laboratory and Multi-purpose Hall. Space for Sports: Basketball and Badminton Courts. Small campus, but spacious for 100 students and with good teaching facilities for 6 classes of Grade 7-12.

As the only Montessori Kindergarten through Primary School in Hong Kong, IMS has focused on delivering an authentic Montessori education with a strong emphasis on dual-language learning. The Chinese program provides a unique immersive experience which is tailored to each child’s background and ability in Chinese, from beginner to native speaker. IMS graduates stream successfully into top secondary schools in Hong Kong with enhanced social and academic skills, and a strong foundation in Chinese and English.

Tel: (852) 2789 9890 Fax: (852) 2392 8820 Email: Head of School: Dr. Darnay S.K.Chan

High Quality Teaching Staff With a class size of 25, each classroom has two qualified teachers to meet the individual needs of the each child. At least one teacher is internationally trained in the Montessori method and philosophy, and has fulfilled the rigorous requirements of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), the world’s leading Montessori training organization. IMS’ primary school also has specialist teachers to provide children with well-rounded exposure to Music, Art, Physical Education and Information Technology.

Classroom Environment and Facilities Children remember 30% of what they hear, 20% of what they see, and 70% of what they do. IMS classrooms are designed to allow children to learn through doing, providing a calm, spacious environment populated with attractive and engaging Montessori learning materials. Each IMS campus has a dedicated play area and library, with the Primary School providing additional indoor and outdoor facilities such as a basketball court, school hall, art room, computer room and music/dance studio.

Tin Hau Campus (up to age 12) 62 Tin Hau Temple Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2156 9033

South Horizons Campus (up to age 6) G/F, Block 23 South Horizons, Apleichau, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2861 0339

Mid-Levels Campus (up to age 6) M/F, 17 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2857 7007 9 • 2011

Fax: (852) 3006 2950 Email:


Education for

RELOCATION & MOVING Tutor Time International Nursery and Kindergarten

Victoria Educational Organisation

School History / Profile

School History / Profile

Upper Kornhill campus

For the past 47 years, Victoria Educational Organisation (VEO) has been providing high quality childhood education in Hong Kong, and with continuous growth and expansion, it is now comprised of nine nurseries and kindergartens.

Middle Kornhill campus

An exceptional choice for children 6 months to 6 years old, Tutor Time offers bi-lingual English and Mandarin classes. Native teachers, a world-class curriculum and superb facilities combined to provide a whole child educational experience focusing on the four main areas of development: language, cognitive, social/emotional and physical. Exclusive programs foster Math and Literacy skills as well as encouraging critical thinking and character development. Tutor Time students graduate to top international primary schools in Hong Kong. Established in 1988 with its first school in Florida, USA, Tutor Time® Hong Kong operates under the policies and standards mandated by Tutor Time® USA.

Learning Care System (LCS) Our online lesson planning, documentation and assessment system (LCS) facilitates the exchange of ideas between different schools in the system across 4 different continents around the world.

Center of Excellence We are extremely proud of the fact that our schools have consistently attained "Centers of Excellence" with scores of 95% or above on the annual evaluations from Tutor Time® USA that also include parent and staff surveys of satisfaction.

Tel: (852) 2513 1208 Tel: (852) 2885 1888

Lower Kornhill campus Tel: (852) 2885 3331

Path to primary schools

“Bilingual Learners Today, World Citizens Tomorrow – Love to Read, Eager to Inquire, Learn to Care” is the

North Point campus

A safe, secure and nurturing environment

school motto of the Victoria Educational Organisation. VEO implements a bilingual co-class teaching approach, and through a total immersion programme with trilingual learning environment and activities, children’s bi-literacy and tri-lingual abilities are strengthened. In addition, teaching is carried out in small groups with an aim to cater for individual abilities as well as to provide inquiry-based learning for children to develop into caring lifelong learners with a global vision.

International Baccalaureate recognition

Tel: (852) 2885 1928

Tutor Time® graduates consistently get accepted into top primary schools in Hong Kong such as CIS, GSIS, ESF, DGS, DBS, ISF, HKIS etc. We equip classrooms with kideowatch® internet classroom internet cameras. As a Tutor Time parent, you can view live pictures or streaming video of your child in class.

Spacious and Age Appropriate Campuses Our campuses’ size ranges from 8,000 sq. ft. to 20,000 sq. ft. of imagination, featuring en suite toilets, Tutor Time®Village, inspiring nature center, state of the art gym center, soft play room, climbing walls etc.

Caring Educator

All Tutor Time® centers have Qualified native English, Mandarin, Early Childhood Education credentialed teachers and CPR / First Aid certified staff members.

Age-specific Full Immersion bi-lingual English and Mandarin programs We are the first preschool from USA to successfully implement Full immersion bilingual (English & Mandarin) program in Hong Kong. Our Age-specific programs, play places and personal spaces, shaped by our LifeSmart® curriculum and dedication to the whole child, focus on meeting each and every child’s developmental needs.

Hong Kong side:

Tutor Time Braemar Hill: LG/F Braemar Hill Shopping Centre, 45 Braemar Hill Road, Hong Kong Tutor Time Mid Levels: G/F Botanical Court, 5 Caine Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Tutor Time Red Hill – Tai Tam: 101, 1/F Red Hill Plaza, 3 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam, Hong Kong

Victoria (Belcher) Kindergarten, Victoria (Homantin) International Nursery and our affiliated primary and secondary school, Victoria Shanghai Academy, are authorized IB World Schools. They became the first internationalized local “through-train” IB World Schools in Hong Kong, which continues to provide IB education (Primary Years Programme to Diploma Programme) for students from 3 to 18 years of age.

Playgroup To help parents enrich their children's learning during the first three crucial years, VEO offers Playgroup that is registered with the Social Welfare Department. The Playgroup provides a happy, caring, stimulating environment and programme, to facilitate optimal development in early childhood by experienced and caring instructors. The toddlers develop their multiintelligences through various enjoyable experiences.

Causeway Bay campus Tel: (852) 2578 9998

Tel: (852) 2571 3456; 2571 7888

South Horizons campus Tel: (852) 2580 8633

The Belcher’s campus Tel: (852) 2542 7001

Homantin campus Tel: (852) 2762 9130

Harbour Green campus

Age of students Playgroup Pre-Nursery Class Nursery Class Lower Class Upper Class

1 – 3 years 2 – 3 years 3 – 4 years 4 – 5 years 5 – 6 years

Streams Trilingual (English/Putonghua/Cantonese) Bilingual (English/Putonghua) Bilingual (English/Cantonese)

Email: Tel: (852) 2529 1833

Tel: (852) 2529 2288 Tel: (852) 2813 2008

Kowloon side:

Tutor Time Kowloon Tong: No. 1 Dorset Crescent, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Tutor Time WOW: No. 9 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon 26

Tel: (852) 2573 9188

Tel: (852) 2529 1188

Fax: (852) 2507 5445 Email: 9 • 2011

9 • 2011


Education for

RELOCATION & MOVING Yew Chung International School School History / Profile Founded in 1932, Yew Chung has been providing quality bilingual education to the learners of Hong Kong for almost 80 years. Originally specialising in Early Childhood Education, Yew Chung International School (YCIS) now provides education from early childhood through primary and secondary culminating in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. YCIS combines the best of Eastern and Western cultures by promoting fluency in two major world languages, creating a truly bilingual learning environment, providing courses of study in Eastern and Western philosophy. The integration of Eastern and Western culture is also achieved through the Co-Principals and Co-Teaching models. Two Co-Principals, one Western and one Chinese, serve as partners in the operations and administration of the school. In addition, two fully-qualified teachers, one Western and one Chinese, together plan lessons and conduct classes in the ECE and Primary School, and provide excellent role models who respect and value one another’s culture. Today YCIS has expanded beyond Hong Kong, and is now established in Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Qingdao in China and Silicon Valley in the United States, with a total student enrolment of over 5,000.

Curriculum International

Transport: School Bus

YCIS Education Programme: YCIS’s international curriculum is based on the framework and schemes of work from The National Curriculum for England (NCE). It is a research based curriculum that allows high standards and ease of transition for international students who move from one country to another.

Global Education in YCIS YCIS offers the unique richness and diversity of both Eastern and Western cultures that equip children to be bilingual, global-minded, competitive, appreciative and caring global citizens. Students are nurtured in a multicultural environment with a fully rounded and balanced education which transforms them into global thinking individuals.

Age of Students: Early Childhood Education Primary School (Year 1 – 6) Secondary School (Year 7 – 9) IGCSE (Year 10 – 11) IB Diploma (Year 12 – 13)

6 months – 5 years 5 – 11 years 11 – 14 years 14 – 16 years 16 – 19 years

International Recognition: YCIS – Secondary is accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) as an IB World School and authorised as an accredited Cambridge International Examination (CIE) Centre.

Highlight of YCIS Global Education: • Bilingual programme and multicultural environment will give your child the global mindset and intercultural competence they need for the 21st century. • Unique Co-Teaching and Co-Principals models help students to learn two cultures and give equal emphasis to both English and Chinese. This leads to fluency in two major world languages and readiness to interact with people from all over the world. • YCIS integrates Character Formation programmes into our curriculum, focusing on developing positive qualities and good moral character. • Strong music programme enhances children’s reasoning skills, develops patience, concentration, coordination and self-discipline. • Intensive English Programme (IEP) ensures high level of English for all students, from all linguistic backgrounds. • YCIS maintains 100% university placement with students admitted to top universities in Hong Kong and overseas. 28

3 To Fuk Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2338 7106 Fax: (852) 2304 6713 Email:

9 • 2011

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