Nov 2011 Supplement Flipbook

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Part-time MBA and Executive MBA programs offered by overseas universities have enriched their curricula by including more Asiafocused elements and incorporated components such as study tours to help students cultivate a global outlook. Wilson Lau reports.


he business professional education market in Hong Kong is relatively robust with a strong presence of some of the world’s leading business schools. Catering for the needs of Hong Kong’s business elites, many of the overseas institutions fly in their teaching faculty members to conduct classes on weekends. In addition to lectures and tutorials, some overseas business schools have incorporated interactive elements in their programs to encourage experiential learning among the students. Students benefit when a great number of world-class business schools are present in a market, says Professor Richard Petty, Associate Dean (International) at Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM) based in Sydney, Australia. “The critical mass of programs attracts more resources, higher quality faculty, high level of support from government and the business sector, and a greater number of quality applications,” says Petty, who is Professor in Management (Accounting and Finance) at MGSM, which scored seventh place in the 2011 The Economist’s ranking of Full-time MBAs in the Asia Pacific region. Both MBA and EMBA confer the Master of Business Administration qualification to graduates. While MBA programs may admit students who are fresh

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university graduates, EMBA programs generally only accept students with a minimum of five years of managerial-level work experience.

Global outlook Hong Kong is an important market for MGSM, Petty says. “That is why we offer the same programs here taught by the same faculty as in our ‘home’ base,” he says. “We are among the few international universities which faithfully deliver on this promise.” As the same MGSM Richard Petty faculty teaches in both Hong Kong and Sydney, the faculty members are well-positioned to enrich the Hong Kong class with their broadened regional perspective gained by teaching in Sydney and vice versa, Petty points out. MGSM introduced a new module “Managing with a Global Mindset” for its MBA program this year. It was first rolled out in Hong Kong and then applied in Sydney, Petty says. MBA programs also have updated their contents to


adapt to the shift towards more experiential and case-based learning. This type of learning methods is most effective in equipping managers with the essential practical skills to solve problems in real corporate setting. “It is an approach that MGSM embraces,” Petty adds.

Study tours

MGSM’s MBA program also features an International Study Tour that takes students to an entirely different culture, context and business environment and challenges them to bridge the divide between a business operating in one location and with a distinct corporate culture and another. “This tour [which students join to acquire credit unit] injects a new perspective into students interested in globalization of business and the behavior of multi-national companies,” Petty says. The school expects to launch a joint module in which students from both locations will form teams to work together on Asia Pacific strategies, Petty notes. “We are increasing the opportunities for MGSM students in Hong Kong and Sydney to study and work together to further globalize their learning experience.” The MBA program offered by Henley Business School reflects the global mix of its program members, according to Tracey Roseborough Tam, director for Asia Pacific region, Corporate Executive Education and MBA programs. “Students can choose to attend workshops in different locations around the world wherever we deliver our programs,” Tam says. “It is not uncommon for Asian program members to go to South Africa or Denmark, or Finns to come to Hong Kong.” Henley Business School is part of the University of Reading in Berkshire, United Kingdom. In the EMBA program offered by Richard Ivey School of Business, students can opt to participate in an international study trip with visits to enterprises in California and Toronto, according to Dr Janet De Silva, Dean for Ivey Asia at Richard Ivey. “The students first visit Silicon Valley and interact with alumni working at Facebook and Google and some venture capitalists. This offers them an opportunity to experience the hotbed for innovation. The trip will then take them to Toronto for them to explore the trade engagement between Canada and China,” she says. “We involve the Chinese Consul General in the city in this study visit. The students also get the insights from Chinese enterprises in the city about how China explores the growth opportunity in Canada,” De Silva says. “We challenge the students to think about innovation from the Silicon Valley’s perspective and about growth opportunities in mature markets like Canada.” Richard Ivey is part of the University of Western Ontario in Ontario, Canada.


Asian content Global economic development is gravitating towards Asia. The business education sector needs to reflect this change and schools have adapted their curricula to make them more in tune with the current business thinking. Many international schools used to focus on management practices in developed economies and emphasize issues like cost control. As China and Asia Pacific region are now at the center of global economic development, international business schools have modified their approach to take into account the growth-oriented markets in Asia. Executives in Asia are generally bullish about delivering growth and business expansion and they expect business education to help them cultivate a growthoriented mindset, says Dr De Silva of Ivey. “While we continue to teach modern management principles of international markets, we have also injected elements focusing on innovation, growth leadership and entrepreneurship.” The Ivey’s EMBA program features an innovation project in which students can opt to enter a new market or start a new line of business. “For Tracey Roseborough Tam entrepreneurship, it can be a new business venture for which they conduct research, analyze the data and prepare a proposal,” De Silva continues.

Case study Richard Ivey is renowned for its case-teaching method which is practitioner-oriented and interactive. The school has the largest number of Asia-based cases among all universities. “[Under the guidance of professors] 100 percent of class activities focus on preparing cases dealing with subjects being taught,” says De Silva. Around 40 percent of its current EMBA class are executives working outside of Hong Kong and they fly into the city for the weekend classes. They are from nine different nationalities and the size of their corporations

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ranging from one with a global workforce of 300,000 to a Chinese knitwear manufacturers association with just three staff. The diversity of the student body in terms of experiences and cultural backgrounds is an essential part of the learning experience. “All students contribute and they learn from each other,” De Silva stresses. “These Asian-based cases inject Asian leadership principles into the classroom.” Upon graduation, each student will have completed 150 cases. “By reviewing and preparing 150 cases, they will have a good framework for sizing up business problems, identifying the true issues and determining the additional information they need and formulating action plans,” De Silva adds. Henley also increases the amount of Asian content in its MBA program, says Tam. “For instance we have recently completed a joint case study with the China Executive Leadership Academy of Pudong (CELAP) in Shanghai which looks at the impact of the Sichuan earthquake in 2008 on China and its response.” “We have also introduced industry-themed MBAs in recruitment, music industry and financial services. These themed MBA programs take the core components of the Henley MBA and build in modules and learning materials that are industry specific. These programs help build general competence in the industry,” Tam notes. In addition to its emphasis on business cases, Richard Ivey has initiated a multi-jurisdictional research project on the recent financial crisis. In the project, over 300 executives in Europe, North America and Asia were interviewed. “We can learn from them about the leadership of companies that failed or those which survived the crisis and flourished. We aimed to identify the traits of good and poor leaders. A book titled Leadership on Trial was published as a result of the project. This is the core in our leadership program,” De Silva says.

Networking When prospective students search for suitable programs, they often also base their selection on the networking opportunities with fellow students who are from different sectors as well as with successful alumni. MGSM has been in Hong Kong since 1994 and has a large alumni network. Many of its students hold middle to senior positions in their companies. “Many [of them] have up to 12 years of managerial or

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professional work experience,” Petty observes. Networking events are held regularly to allow students from different cohorts to interact. “We introduced the Deans Awards in 2006 to recognize outstanding student’s achievements. The awards are usually conferred to students during networking functions,” Petty says. Ivey organizes the signature event “Annual Global Ivey Day” which features successful alumni as guest speakers. “Our alumni chapters in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore and Tokyo organize the ‘Ivey Debate Series’ involving companies’ CEOs,” De Silva notes.

Custom EMBA A number of key state-owned enterprises in China are collaborating with education institutions to provide custom EMBA programs for their senior executives, according to Dr De Silva. The school has partnered up with the Agricultural Bank of China to organize a one-year EMBA program for its managers. “The first batch of 27 executives has graduated from the program after spending a year at the Ivey campus in Canada,” De Silva says. “They also spent Janet De Silva time on internships at Bank of Montreal to gain Canadian banking experience.” “Agricultural Bank wanted our core program to remain unchanged, although we had modified the mix of case studies used. Because the bank sought an international experience, it only used non-Asian cases in their custom program.” Chinese SOEs are trying to nurture more globalminded executives and introduce more international best practices. “As many are listed companies, they face a different level of issues [from the private companies]. The growing market for custom MBA programs represents a new opportunity for us. We have added more resources for partnerships at our Beijing office,” she says. All the contents for these custom programs are coordinated and developed in Hong Kong. “We are working with potential partners to deliver the custom EMBA programs in Hong Kong. The SOEs’ executives will attend classes outside China and get the international perspective and experience,” Dr De Silva continues. “For other potential partners, we are contemplating adding certain specialty modules, such as mining law and investment, to their tailored offerings to meet the specific requirements of their sectors.”


What do top business schools around the world have in common? While they may not all require it, most of them use GMAT score as a reference in recruiting students. David Wilson, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) which is the owner of the GMAT tests, visits Hong Kong recently. He talks to Gary Tsang about GMAT, evolution of the test and growth in the Asia-Pacific region.


t will not take an ambitious young professional more than a few quick clicks on employment websites to realize that employers from Aberdeen to Zhuhai have been as active as ever looking for high caliber employees. There are more opportunities for individuals to reach their professional goals than previously imagined. On the one hand, there are the more established sectors such as finance, pharmaceutical, construction, and food and beverage in need of qualified professionals to take advantage of new market opportunities. On the other hand, up-and-coming industries such as multimedia and green technology present people who possess the right qualifications and mentality with prospects to bring a change to both the virtual and real worlds. Many young professionals are of the view that business school holds the key which can help them reach their professional and personal goals fast. In some cases, business ventures are indeed incubated in between courses by candidates. Entrepreneurs can sometimes tailor their business school experience around launching idea. Young business-minded people can also benefit from accessing some of the pre-eminent business advisors across the world thanks to their connections.


co-author of dozens of books and articles. In addition to his position at GMAC, Mr Wilson currently serves on the boards of two public companies, Barnes & Noble, Inc and CoreSite Realty Corp, the latter company a developer and operator of strategically located data centers across the US. Wilson has initiated changes to the not-for-profit organization “dedicated to creating access to quality graduate management education” during his tenure with GMAC. Since 1997, GMAT has been in its current computer-adaptive format that is offered nearly every business day of the year at more than 550 centers around the world. Before the introduction of the change, the exam was available just four times a year and “it was possible that an exam taker would not feel entirely comfortable with an arrangement, be it a clash with his or her professional schedule or for personal reasons.”

Multitude of positive changes

Asia-Pacific growth

David A Wilson, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), knows the advantage of a respected graduate management education program better than most. “GMAC believes that business and management education are essential to social, economic and financial well-being around the world,” he says in an interview with during a recent visit to Hong Kong. “Even during the difficult time of a recession, employers are giving out strong signals that they are out looking for high-caliber individuals,” adds Wilson, who completed his MBA at the University of California, Berkeley, and his doctorate at the University of Illinois. “A good graduate management program will give young professionals who are excited about the future a lot of values, as I can tell from my personal experience.” Before joining GMAC in 1995, Wilson had held faculty positions at different universities in the US, including Harvard Business School; served as managing partner and national director for professional development at Ernst & Young; and been an author or

Since 2006, GMAC began its relationship with Pearson VUE and ACT to develop and administer the GMAT exam around the world. According to the organization, the partnership has fostered innovation and accelerated global access to the exam. Since 2009, the number of non-US citizens taking the GMAT has outnumbered US takers. With 68,365 exams taken in the Asia-Pacific region in the testing year ending June 30, 2010, according to GMAC’s Asian Geographic Trend Report, which serves to provide insights into the flow of GMAT scores to and from the Asia-Pacific region, the region is by far the biggest source of demand for the exam outside the US. On the innovation side of the operation, GMAC has made significant efforts to maintain the integrity of the exam, which became the first global standardized exam to use the palm vein recognition for the identification of each exam taker. Employing the PalmSecure sensor developed by Fujitsu, the technology has been in place since 2009 at GMAT exam centers worldwide following a 90-day pilot program in South

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David Wilson

Korea and India. Anyone pondering a way of beating the system with a false acceptance rate of less than 0.00008 percent would find their time better spent with catching up with the daily news. And the best piece of advice on how to get as good a score as one can? “Do no more practice the day before taking the exam, take a good sleep,” Wilson smiles, “and wearing something you feel comfortable could help, too.”

Constant improvement Next year, according to Wilson, GMAC will introduce a new section called Integrated Reasoning to replace one of the two separate 30-minute writing tasks. Under the new format, Integrated Reasoning will sit alongside Quantitative Section and Verbal Section and only one Analytical Writing Assessment will remain. GMAC has carried out surveys every year with business schools, and over the past five years it has gathered information from over 700 faculties and the Integrated Reasoning is a response to the consensus. The new section will be featuring “questions that include information from multiple sources, such as charts, graphs and spreadsheets”. Wilson adds that exam takers will be asked “to analyze information, draw conclusions and discern relationships between data points, just as they must do in business school”. The Asian perspective also has great bearing on the focus of GMAC, which just organized the 2011 GMAC Asia-Pacific Conference at the Chinese


University of Hong Kong in November. It was the third major professional development conference sponsored by the organization in Asia since 2007. During the conference GMAC reinforced its role in the graduate management education landscape, which has much to do with identifying, admitting and preparing students to lead in business, government and society. The conference allowed the organization to strengthen its understanding of the needs of its corporate customers and candidates alike, in addition to coming to grips with the motivations of students, while giving attendees a chance to tap into a network with colleagues based in Asia Pacific and beyond, among many other advantages. GMAC does not rely solely on an international conference for global trends in graduate management education for knowledge of the changing landscape. It conducts five major annual surveys, such as the Corporate Recruiters Survey and Alumni Perspectives Survey, the results of which have been much read and used as important reference tools. Meanwhile, GMAC works with 200 member schools worldwide, of which 23 are in the Asia-Pacific region covering diverse countries including India, China, South Korea and Australia. In Hong Kong, the CUHK and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) are member schools. Wilson remarks that member schools are always committed to quality, with GMAC working closely with member schools to try to develop best practices and to help schools market their programs. In addition to the member schools, there are more than 2,000 schools including 5,200 programs such as MBAs and MPAs around the world using GMAT score for admission.

Shrine a spotlight Wilson observes that there has been a shift of priorities among students in recent years. “It has come to

our understanding that MBA students now care more about Corporate Social Responsibility than ever.” “There are all kinds of cycles that schools go through. In 2000, the big cycle was ethnics,” Wilson adds. “There is a lot of focus today on Corporate Social Responsibility and that’s driven surprisingly – more so this time than ever before – by the students. “I was sitting in a meeting with a group of deans and there was a young lady named Liz Maw who runs a company in San Francisco. I was surprised by the amount of influence she had on the deans in that room. She was saying, ‘don’t just teach me debit and credit and how to make money but talk to me about corporate social responsibility.’” “For example, students have been supporting Team MBA (a project led by GMAC to support MBA students and programs around the world) for the Tour of Hope cycling charity since 2005 raising over US$1 million for cancer research.” In addition, the project also raises money for Habitat for Humanity and the homeless. “If you think about what’s really exciting and going on in schools today – it’s the people believing in the importance of giving back and being a critical part of making this world a better place. That’s what GMAC and TEAM MBA are all about.” In response to the view of being a proven predictor of academic success, GMAT is used in around 5,200 programs such as MBAs and MPAs of more than 2,000 schools worldwide. All in all, it is considered an important step for anyone to enroll in a graduate management program. And, says Wilson, it is perhaps the most exciting time to get an MBA or any specialized graduate management qualification now. “What GMAT does is that aside from opening a door, it shrines a spotlight on someone who may have never known that they could go to business school and with that light, will let the schools find them and bring them in,” Wilson says.

“If you think about what’s really exciting and going on in schools today – it’s the people believing in the importance of giving back and being a critical part of making this world a better place. That’s what GMAC and TEAM MBA are all about.”


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EMBA/MBA & Professional Programs The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Australian School of Business The University of New South Wales

Executive MBA Programme

Master of Business Management

Programme Features Institute History

The CU EMBA Programme was established with the objective of developing in our participants the essential skills and knowledge for modern management, and preparing them for general management responsibilities at the senior executive level. Relevance will be emphasized in the context of Hong Kong strategic location within China and the Asia-Pacific region. The Programme strives to bring together the best of Chinese and Western management theories and practices, underpinned by crucial traditional and modern wisdom.

AGSM MBA Programs has more than 30 years history of leadership in Australia and is recognised internationally for the rigour, relevance and the unique student experience provided for students and course participants. In successive international rankings, AGSM MBA has been ranked the Number 1 program in Australia and the top 40 MBA programs in the world by the Financial Times (UK) Global MBA Rankings for the past 5 years (2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007). Currently, there are more than 11,000 AGSM MBA alumni in leadership positions in Australia and overseas.

One of the highlights of the CU EMBA Programme is its rich range of activities offered, including the monthly “EMBA Forum”, the “Talking to CEOs” and “New Thinking in Management” Radio/TV Series in which highly-regarded leaders of the business community, government and non-governmental organizations are invited to share with our participants their management experiences, insights and personal philosophies. Global Study Trips are organized each year to expose our participants to different national environments and business operations so as to develop a global perspective and interact with senior executives in different parts of the world.

AGSM MBA Hong Kong Program is a part time MBA program, which students are required to complete 16 courses to obtain an MBA degree.

Special Features • Flexibility completion time – 1.5-7 years • Apply and commence during the year with the added benefit of four intakes a year • Learn from world-class fly-in faculty in an interactive, face-to-face classroom setting • Tailor your study to suit your career by choosing from our wide range of electives • Balance work and study commitments with our intensive, modular course delivery • Financial flexibility – pay as you enrol over 16 subjects


: AGSM MBA Hong Kong Program

Duration of Study

: 1.5 – 7 years (Part-time)

Admission Requirements

: 1. Degree holders with at least two years managerial work experience 2. Non-degree holders with at least six years managerial work experience

Application Methods

: Online Application

Contact Details

Application Closing Date

: Feb, May, Aug, Nov 2012

Program Fees

: Fees per course in 2012 is HK$17,520*. This includes tuition and course materials.

Tel Fax Email

*Fees are subject to change.



: Executive MBA Programme

Duration of Study

: 2 Years

Admission Requirements

: Applicants must • have obtained a Bachelor’s degree or professional qualifications equivalent to a degree, • normally, have at least 7 years of post-qualification business or relevant work experience, including 5 years in a managerial position, and • fulfil the University’s English language proficiency requirement.

: (852) 2841 2802 : (852) 2588 1724 :

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Application Methods

: Online Application (Online application is open on December 5, 2011)

Application Closing Date

: March 16, 2012

Program Fees

: HK$465,760 (Subject to University's final approval)

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In the latest global survey of 100 EMBA Programmes worldwide, the London-based Financial Times ranked CUHK’s EMBA Programme No. 14 in 2011. The Programme was also ranked No. 1 Independent Programme in the Asia-Pacific region again this year.

Contact Details Tel Fax Email

: (852) 3943 7642 : (852) 2603 5762 :


EMBA/MBA & Professional Programs The Chinese University of Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong

Full-time & Part-time MBA Programs

Master of Arts in Global Business Management Special Features The first of its kind in Hong Kong, this specialist programme aims to help participants to acquire the unique skills and insights that are needed to successfully conduct business across political, economic and cultural boundaries and become highly competent in integrating the global dimensions of key business functions.


: Full-time MBA Program

Institute History

Duration of Study

: 16 months

Admission Requirements

: • Bachelor’s degree with honours (not lower than second class lower division or B grade) or equivalent professional qualification

The Chinese University of Hong Kong – CUHK Business School is one of Asia-Pacific region’s premier providers of graduate business education. We have established the 1st full-time MBA Programs in 1966, the 1st part-time Program in 1977 and the 1st EMBA Program in 1993. We now have some 6,000 strong alumni who have grauated from our Programs taking up top executive positions.

• Provide a satisfactory GMAT score • Three years of full-time post-qualification work experience are expected Application Methods

: Online Application

Application Closing Date

: Nov 30, 2011; Jan 15, 2012; Mar 15, 2012

Program Fees

: HK459,000


: Part-time MBA Programs

Duration of Study

: 24 months

Admission Requirements

: • Bachelor’s degree with honours (not lower than second class lower division or B grade) or equivalent professional qualification

(Tuition fee for 2012 intake is subject to final approval.)

• At least three years of full-time post-qualification work experience are required Application Methods

: Online Application

Contact Details

Application Closing Date

: Jan 31, 2012; Feb 29, 2012; Mar 31, 2012

Program Fees

: HK297,600

Tel Fax Email

: (852) 3943 7782 : (852) 2603 6289 :


: Master of Arts in Global Business Management

Duration of Study

: 2 Years (Part-time mode) / 1 Year (Full-time mode)

Admission Requirements

: Applicants must: possess a recognized Bachelor’s degree with

Second Class Honours or above, or the equivalent. Those who have at least three years of post-qualification managerial professional experience in international business or China-related activities OR have two years of post-qualification managerial and/or professional experience with a first degree or an equivalent qualification in business or a related discipline, will be given priority for admission.

Application Methods

: Online Application

Application Closing Date

: Jan 31, 2012

Program Fees

: HK$115,800

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Contact Details Contact Person Tel Fax Email

: : : :

Mr. Tony Ho (852) 3442 7892 (852) 3442 0309

City University of Hong Kong Master of Science in Organizational and Change Management

Special Features This program is designed to help managers enhance their ability to achieve their business objectives by providing the knowledge and skills needed to develop, retain, and manage subordinates.

As one of the first Asian business schools accredited by AACSB International in 1999, we offer the most comprehensive graduate business programs in Hong Kong. The strength of CUHK MBA Programs lies in the team of internal faculty member from USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong.

• Provide a satisfactory GMAT score

(Tuition fee for 2012 intake is subject to final approval.)



: Master of Science in Organizational and Change Management

Duration of Study

: 2 Years (Part-time mode) / 1 Year (Full-time mode)

Admission Requirements

: To be eligible to apply, applicants must hold a recognized degree or equivalent. Those who have at least five years of post-qualification managerial professional experience will be given priority for admission.

Application Methods

: Online Application

Application Closing Date

: Jan 31, 2012

Program Fees

: HK$115,800

11 • 2011

Contact Details Contact Person Tel Fax Email

: Mr. Tony Ho : (852) 3442 7892 : (852) 3442 0309 :


EMBA/MBA & Professional Programs The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Graduate School of Business

Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille (France) Shanghai Jiaotong University (China) Dual-Degree EMBA & International MBA Programs


Special Features

Special Features

World-class international program in Shanghai, China Triple accreditations: AACSB, AMBA & EQUIS* No. 61 in the world by Financial Times (2011) Run by two leading business schools 100% teaching in English Your fastest connection to China business network with 600+ alumni


: Dual-degree EMBA & International MBA Programs

Duration of Study

: 24 months, part-time

Admission Requirements

: Bachelor degree, 3 years (MBA) 8 years (EMBA) working experience, recommendation letters

Application Methods

: Personal Competency Analysis (PCA) test and face - to - face interview

Application Closing Date

: Early October of each year

Program Fees

: RMB 228,000 (MBA); RMB 478,000 (EMBA)

The PolyU MBA programme aims at providing a postgraduate educational experience to experienced managers who wish to enhance their general management capability. Graduates should be capable of making an immediate enhanced contribution to their organizations, of assuming additional responsibility over time and of becoming effective general managers.

Program Structure

*There are only 54 business schools worldwide which claim “Triple Crown” Accreditations.

11 core management subjects, 2 elective subjects, 2 Management Workshops, Senior Management Forum and an MBA Investigative Report

Contact Details Contact Person Tel Contact Person Tel Fax Email

: : : : : :

Rocky Chu (86) 21 52301653 Peggy Yang (86) 21 52301598 (86) 21 52303357

Core Management Subjects • • • •

*subject to change in 2012

The Princeton Review Hong Kong

• • • • • • • •


Special Features The Princeton Review is one of America’s largest Test Preparation Companies that was founded in 1981. We prepare students for tests such as the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, SSAT, ACT, SAT, SAT Subject Tests and TOEFL.

Students can choose one-on-one tutoring and/or small group instruction. The monthly intake will increase the flexibility for on-the-job students to match their schedule and exam date. Apart from the in-class training, we also provide online help. Students can access to their online account for getting materials including drills, practice tests, and course content. Resourceful online help provide a complementary aid to students.


: PolyU MBA

Duration of Study

: Part-time - Normal: 2 years Maximum: 4 years

Admission Requirements

: Applicants should • Have a bachelor’s degree, a postgraduate degree or a postgraduate diploma in any area, or an equivalent professional qualification and a minimum of 6 years experience in a managerial or professional capacity, and be proficient in English

You will learn: Program


Duration of Study Application Methods

: 1-2 months

Application Closing Date

: 1 Week before the course commencement date : SAT-HKD$10,888 GMAT - HKD $10,888 GRE - HKD $7,500

Program Fees


: E-mail or Fax

• Good control of time for each question • Unique test-taking strategies to tackle tricky questions • Familiarization of test formats • Ability to write a convincing essay

• In exceptional cases, be aged 35 or over with post-secondary qualifications and at least 8 years experience in a senior managerial or professional capacity, and be proficient in English

Contact Details Contact Person : Mr. Yuehon Tai, Mr. Ivan Chan Tel : (852) 2507 9380 Fax : (852) 2827 4630 Email :

11• 2011

Business Research Methods Financial Accounting for Executives Financial Management for Executives Global Economic Environment for Management Global Leadership in the Asian Context Management Accounting for Executives Management Information Systems Management Policy and Strategy Marketing Management Operations Management Organisational Behavior & Development Leadership Development Programme –Management Orientation Workshop –Management Skills Workshop –Senior Management Forum MBA Investigative Report

Application Methods

: Online application via “Study@PolyU” (

Program Fees

: HK$198,000 (subject to approval)

11 • 2011

Contact Details Tel Fax Email

: (852) 2766 5089 : (852) 2365 7415 : Qualified for the real world


EMBA/MBA & Professional Programs The University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and New York University

Master of Business Administration

Master of Science in Global Finance

Institute History HKU offers full-time and part--time MBA programmes which are highly relevant to the region’s dynamic and evolving business environment with a strong focus on Asia business. Our case-teaching methodology ensures that our students can become effective problem-solvers and decisionmakers in rapidly changing business settings. Relatively small class size allows more extensive interaction and collaboration.

Special Features The Master of Science in Global Finance Program (MSGF), a ground-breaking one-year, modular, executive-format educational joint venture between The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology School of Business and Management (HKUST Business School) and New York University Stern School of Business (NYU Stern), brings together two world-renowned business schools and two most important financial centers.

In the latest World MBA Rankings released by the EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit), HKU MBA Programme is ranked No.1 in Asia. Although the full-time MBA programme at HKU has a relatively young history, the Faculty of Business and Economics has demonstrated impressive results in world rankings. Since entering The Economist Ranking in 2003, the HKU MBA has climbed to become one of the top 50 programmes in the world. In 2011, it ranks 36th among the world's Top 100.

The MSGF is designed to balance the technical and global dimensions of finance in a way that is not generally achieved in a common MBA program. All modules are taught by global, top-ranked faculty who are handpicked for their expertise and thought leadership. While the Program kicks off and ends at HKUST’s picturesque campus in Hong Kong, there are two intensive modules in New York. The module in Beijing provides a superb learning experience in the largest emerging market in the world. The MSGF is designed with busy schedules in mind, with classes held once a month mostly at weekends.

HKU full-time MBA is an intensive 14-month programme offered with the option of three streams. • London Track with London Business School • New York Track with Columbia Business School

HKUST Business School and NYU Stern aim to cultivate high-performance professionals in fields like corporate finance, venture capital asset management, loan syndications, sales and trading, risk management and private banking. Non-financial sectors are also seeking financial expertise in areas such as risk management and corporate finance. Program participants study alongside other international high-flyers and senior executives. The classroom becomes a natural platform for networking and exchanging of ideas.

Contact Details



: Master of Science in Global Finance

Duration of Study

: 12-month

Admission Requirements

: Bachelor degree, 5 years of full-time working experience, two recommendation forms

Application Methods

: Online

Application Closing Date

: September

Program Fees

: USD61,500 (for 2011 intake)

Contact person Tel Fax Contact person Tel Fax Email

: : : : : : :

Tracy Chau (852) 2358 5028 (852) 3104 0329 Anne Kilby +1 212-998-0442 +1 212-995-4222 /

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• China Concentration Track HKU Part-time MBA offers both in weekday and weekend modes. Students may choose the most suitable study mode depending upon their work commitments.


: Master of Business Administration Programme

Duration of Study

: 14 Months (Full-time); 2-4 years(Part-time)

Admission Requirements

: Degree Holder, 3 years Work Experience, (GMAT) Graduate Management Admission Test

Application Methods

: Online Application

Application Closing Date

: Feb 2012

Program Fees

: Full Time - HK$ 381,000 Part Time - HK$ 270,000

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Contact Details Contact Person Tel Fax Email

: : : :

MBA office (852) 3962 1267 (852) 2989 6553


EMBA/MBA & Professional Programs RDI Hong Kong University of Bradford School of Management MBA


: University of Bradford School of Management MBA

Duration of Study

: 21 months

Admission Requirements

: Bachelor degree holder plus minimum of 3 years relevant employment experience OR Non-bachelor degree holder plus minimum of 5 years managerial experience

Application Methods

: Submit completed application form, proof of qualifica-

Application Closing Date

: 16 January 2011

Program Fees

: HK$165,760 / US$21,388

tions, an up-to-date CV and proof of English proficiency.

• Part-time study in Hong Kong or distance learning from anywhere in the world • EQUIS and AMBA accredited • Consistently in the world’s top ranking since 2001 • Bradford MBA is offered in HK since 2002 • With the same syllabus, same standards and the same degree as received by on-campus students in the UK • You will study the newly-updated MBA syllabus ensuring that you study the latest modern management thinking • Modules are taught by academics in Hong Kong who are selected by Bradford and a number of modules are taught in Hong Kong by Bradford module leaders who are world-leading authorities in their fields • Opportunity to study block modules at the Bradford campus and partner institutions in Germany, the Netherlands and Dubai • English is used throughout

Contact Details Contact Person Tel Fax Email

: : : :

Angel Cheng (852) 2992 0133 (852) 2992 0918

University of Southern CaliforniaShanghai Jiao Tong University Global Executive MBA in Shanghai

Special Features Uniquely integrated curriculum, world-class faculty, remarkably diverse and experienced student cohort and offered in the most dynamic cities of the 21st century: Los Angeles and Shanghai. The Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) in Shanghai allows you to maintain your Hong Kong-based career while joining us for five-day sessions (each one taught by a minimum of two faculty, enhancing integration and learning quality), spanning weekends, about every six weeks, over 20 months. Immediately apply this unique learning experience to your daily business leadership responsibilities. Join GEMBA – rocket fuel for your career.

Contact Details



: Global Executive MBA in Shanghai

Duration of Study

: 20 months

Application Methods

: rolling admission

Application Closing Date

: 15 April 2012

Program Fees

: USD 82,800

Contact Person : Christine Wang : (86) 21 6293 2707 Tel : (852) 2501 0108 : (86) 21 6293 2713 Fax : (852) 2501 5763 : Email

11• 2011

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