Feb 2012 Supplement

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2012 Advertising Broadcasting Print Production Public Relations Publishing Allied Fields

Devising and Implementing a Reputation Management Strategy

w w w. a m c h a m . o r g . h k

By Jerry Gelsomino

R Over 500 pages in three major sections, including a complete guide to chamber services, corporate sponsors and AmCham Charitable Foundation. This directory lists nearly 1,900 members from over 700 companies and organizations. ISBN 978-962-7422-03-7

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eputations are under fire everywhere you look. Companies are under scrutiny to deliver on their promises made in advertising and promotions. Sports, entertainment and political celebrities are followed by the professional and general public paparazzi, attempting to document or profit from even the most innocent slip-up of their ethics, business practices, and social behavior. Unfortunately, too many examples exist about executives and personalities who never considered the importance of building or maintaining a positive reputation until a high profile incident occurred. Once their reputation crisis happened, damage control set in, under the scrutiny of a disbelieving media and generally distrustful public. Only with the assistance of the most skillful, and some would say lucky, public relations campaign did the organization or individual rebuild the trust with their stakeholders. But today, companies and celebrities have become more attentive to the practice of Corporate Reputation Management; active measuring, monitoring and managing reputation assets and liabilities. If nothing else, they have learned from others whose business or personal profile has been forever changed by an incident.

An investment for the future One of the core intentions within the practice of Managing Corporate Reputation is the drive to proactively build a ''reservoir of goodwill" with all stakeholders. When those landscape changes occur or a real crisis breaks out, the reservoir will sustain the entity until a formal and appropriate response is strategized. This preventative strategy works for either a business entity or

who’s who • 2012

a personal account. Critics of the focus, however, complain that such practices are “merely window dressing, a way to improve public image while detracting attention from a business’s own role in undermining the public safety net." Defense against this argument is to demonstrate the difference between reality and image or perception. The company or individual has to demonstrate by their actions their commitment to do the right thing by their constituency. And while it is not the intent of this article to lecture anyone about the importance of staying on an ethical higher road, within the wisdom written by scholar and author Jim Collins in his book, How the Mighty Fall, we learn how easily an organization can move away from the principles it was founded on. Collins defines the “Five Stages of Decline,” which originally referred to general business practices, but just as easily will apply to reputation management. In Stage 1: Hubris Born of Success, "momentum can carry an enterprise forward; even if its leaders make poor decision," but with innocent enthusiasm. Stage 2: Undisciplined Pursuit of More, "More scale, pre growth, more acclaim, more of whatever those in power see as success," with compromises made to the original mission statement in the sake of growth. Stage 3: Denial of Risk and Peril, debuts the true test of an organization’s moral fiber and its reputation. Unfortunately Collins challenges that the losers in this game still have strong external results so that their ability to "explain away" disturbing data keeps the heat off them. This would be a perfect time for introspection and course realignment. But unfortunately, the poor souls lost at sea stay on course, moving toward Stage 4: Grasping for Salvation. "How do the leaders respond? By lurching for a quick salvation

or get back to the disciplines that brought about greatness in the first place?" With the desperate searching for answers, false hope spreads that the company's reservoir of goodwill is deep enough to sustain them – a resource that has not been checked or contributed to in a long time. In the final phase, Stage 5: Capitulation to Irrelevance or Death, "accumulated setbacks and expensive false starts erode financial strength and individual spirit." In regards to reputation management, attempts to gain back lost trust has resulted in reversals of the facts or “coming clean” which has only further damaged credibility. The entity has emptied its reservoir and has few options left. Corporate Reputation Management has been provided a powerful argument for its active application through Collins’s work.

Identity versus image At this point let's clarify the difference between Identity and Image, as it relates to gaps between intent and reality or perception. Identity is how an organization or individual intends to express themselves. Image is used to describe the perceptions of that same entity in the minds of its external stakeholders. Furthermore, Image is created by the signals that an organization broadcasts about itself; both through actions and its messages communicated. It is also created by the conduct of its employees, the transmission of information and rumor, and the interpretation of the cues and messages. Therefore, in order to manage your reputation, you must first understand the image perceived by your constituency in order to make adjustments accordingly. Experts suggest first accomplishing a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis to uncover any gaps between intent and reality or perception.


Where are the weak links? What aspect of your reputation and integrity can be attacked because of a real shortage of resources or what may be viewed inaccurately by others as an inadequacy? It is generally accepted by professionals and those who study cause and effect of reputation loss, that effective campaigns are seldom devised in the midst of a crisis. Or at the very least, the recovery is much more prolonged and painful as they attempt to emerge when emotions run high, and every attempt made by the suspect party is closely scrutinized. So getting the planning right works best in the quiet, peaceful times!

Think fast? Unfortunately, on studying the most recent crises which have caused companies or individuals to fall from their position of respect or infallibility by their constituencies, it is most often the poorly thought-out, first responses to the breaking news of a problem that begins the downfall. Therefore, another critical shortcoming in many organizations, besides the lack of a well thought out contingency for crisis plan, is a determination of who exactly is responsible for reputation management in the organization. Is the function spread across different, marketing, communications or legal teams? In case of a reputational crisis, is there an authoritative person who can speak for the company and be believed? And what trusted media outlets will you reach out to tell your story? Once again, celebrities and politicians have those same requirements. Reputation management is a never completed exercise. And it begins the day the company opens for business. Entrepreneurs, whether functioning in the traditional business arena or the not-for-profit genre, are generally the worst at actively building an identifiable and competitive reputation strategy. The activity is deferred to some future time, "After my business gets bigger," or explained away with the excuse, "We don't have a reputation because nobody knows us yet." These are dangerous and self-delusional denials of the facts. By the very act of promoting yourself, customers and other stakeholders begin to define your reputation. For example, the way you answer your phone, how you're funded and who you


owe you allegiance to, the promptness of paying your bills, the kind of staff you hire, and of course how you treat your employees, may seem like little things, but they establish your reputation immediately.

What makes a good reputation? According to Dr Charles J Fombrun, Chief Executive Officer of Reputation Institute, in order to build a favorable reputation, an organization must develop four key attributes; credibility, trustworthiness, reliability and responsibility. Credibility is the extent that corporate statements, promises, claims, and a promoted identity are believable to stakeholders and the public. Trustworthiness, closely allied to credibility, is described as the likelihood that stakeholders expectations will be disappointed or let down by the company or an individual. Reliability is a matter of consistency in product or service quality, sound decision making, and fulfilling expectations. And responsibility reflects an entities commitment towards its wider or secondary stakeholders including society, and the natural environment. Going hand-in-hand with these key attributes is an “expressiveness profile” or production of communications designed to generate favorable perceptions in the mind of the public. The five elements of a successful profile include: • Visibility – Invest in communications • Distinctiveness – Differentiate from competitors • Authenticity – Live the brand; fulfilling promises and commitments • Transparency – Generate a culture of openness • Consistency – Avoid delivering mixed messages

What if a crisis occurs ? Dispatching your reputational crisis team to the scene, they perform a risk analysis of the situation and response. This should include: Recognize the Risk, facing the brutal facts of what has happened and what must be dealt with; Contain the Crisis, make tough decisions fact and decisively; Resolve the Crisis, speed is of the essence, but also promote resolutions and improvements, adding incentives to retain or win back stakeholders; Learning from the Crisis,

learn from mistakes for enhanced risk and crisis management in the future. During the crisis recovery, communication with the news media also plays a significant role. The crisis management team must determine what events are considered newsworthy and how it will be reported; what frame will be put on the story, or how reporters and editor will perceive and 'spin' the story. Other recommendations by reputation experts include: Tell it all, Tell it fast, Tell them what you're doing about it, Tell them when it's over and get back to work.

Conclusion All organizations and individuals with a public image should plan for a possible reputational crisis – things happen! A few final recommendations, fully accomplishable by any size organization which will pay dividends. Conducting a risk analysis can identify potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities, areas to work on. Determine an early warning system; for instance, follow industry press about contemporaries or competitors. Nominate and empower a reputational crisis management term or executive in charge. Besides functioning in the role should you have a crisis arise, they can begin now to develop positive relationships with news outlets and stakeholders which will expedite the truth being delivered. And finally, in a crisis, all communication must come from the crisis team, as they are in the best position to know the facts.

About The Author Jerry Gelsomino, principal of FutureBest, a respected design critic and visionary who makes it his business to track emerging consumer behavior in search of the next big trend. While bringing to his clients extensive brand development experience as well as the ability to interpret successful techniques across product, merchandise and service categories, in all his endeavors, he is focused on creating the very best experience for shoppers, visitors, tenants and guests.

who’s who • 2012

Trends Defining Communication


he media landscape is changing rapidly. Social media, mobile communications, and content generation are all critical issues facing the industry. Rachel Catanach, Senior Vice President, Senior Partner and Managing Director Fleishman-Hillard Hong Kong, shares her insights on top trends and opportunities in 2012 What makes a good story in PR terms? Catanach: I trained as a journalist and was taught that what made a good story were conflicts or things that affected people’s health, their wallets or their hearts. That’s a very simplistic framework, but it can be useful to think about a story in these terms. Companies often don’t want conflict in what they say but a story about how conflicts are resolved can lead to an interesting point of view. It can put a story in a frame that people care about and in a context that people can see why it is relevant. A story is more compelling when people can relate to it and have a better understanding of the importance of the information or of the impact it may have. An example of a smart PR story would be tourism in Queensland. They didn’t use advertising but used PR about three years ago to issue a challenge about the “Best Job in the World.” They told a story in a way that appealed to everyone and the story itself was covered globally. It was not only appealing to individuals but also

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achieved the goal of promoting tourism in a crowded market. It was extremely good storytelling because people were so engaged by the content. It really showed the power of a good idea. In the digital age, attention span for consumers is notoriously short. Good sound bites can help a lot. What tips you may offer in getting good sound bites? Catanach: A sound bite is the essence of the message. It captures the imagination through the language that is used and the way it is expressed. The key is to think about your headline first, then back it up with an analogy or a story and support it with facts. But if you speak entirely in sound bites, you get no context and you also don’t get your message across because it becomes too superficial. If done right, a sound bite lets you summarize things in a way that has impact in terms of language and meets the needs of those with a shorter attention span. It is no good giving a long speech if people don’t get your essential points. Repetition of message is always

Rachel Catanach

good because it reinforces what is important. But you also have to vary the language slightly so it doesn’t sound boring, while keeping the underlying message consistent. How should organizations act in the digital age especially in crisis situations? Catanach: Firstly, it is not a question of control but a question of preparation. It’s really about understanding what mechanisms you need to put in place so that you can be constantly listening to the digital community. Until you know what’s happening and have things in place to actively listen, it is difficult to be able to respond effectively in times of crises. To be prepared, you also need to be aware of what can potentially trigger a “digital” crisis and make plans for it. For many companies, triggers are usually linked to issues with their product and customer service. You also need to make sure you have the resources in place to be able to respond quickly and a clear understanding of the processes you will follow. Because digital crises spread so


fast, people sometimes don’t immediately know what to do or have the things in place to help them respond and they get caught off guard. So, it is often a resource issue. Once you have a plan and the resources, you also need practice – to undertake simulation exercises that test the robustness of your crisis plan. A lot of CEOs are thinking about crises and the impact they can have on their organization’s reputation. Some are better prepared than others. When it comes to digitally-led crises, many don’t have a set of standard procedures in place. In crisis situations, how should companies respond especially when their reputation is at stake? Catanach: It is about being aware of public sentiment. One critical point is that you need to put community expectation and experience over personal pride. Companies are pretty resilient to reputational issues but sometimes CEOs don’t confront the issues soon enough. You have to be in tune with the generally accepted position of the common person. The recovery process is also important where an organization acknowledges the mistake and puts in place things to rectify it. It can sometimes be difficult to tell whether you got it right or not. It often goes to working out what is important to your stakeholders in advance. But if you understand how your customers and stakeholders think, feel and act, then you are better able to prepare communication in a tonality that resonates with them. You’ve got to be prepared by being one step ahead; otherwise, it is easy for crises to spiral out of control. Is social media the way to go in the future? Catanach: Companies are certainly thinking about social media for internal


communications but for many it has been more about putting policies in place rather than using it to increase employee engagement. In the future, there will be strategic use of social media for certain internal campaigns. This will not necessarily supersede more formal, traditional forms of internal communication, but people will start to see they can use social media as an effective way to build engagement with certain employee groups. Ultimately, you have to choose your communication style. The worst thing is that you adopt something like Facebook but don’t know how you want to use it or what you want to say over the long term. Companies should think about what they truly want to do rather than having a Facebook page for the sake of it. Companies should start by thinking about how their employees want to engage and what information is important to them. They can then start by having a dialogue with them, perhaps through some of the informal networks. It is good to have a plan and progressive implementation. In [using] social media, understanding and listening are most important. Until you have done that, it is difficult to implement effectively. How to allocate your media budget optimally? Catanach: It goes back to first principles: what platforms will achieve the best results to meet your objectives. If you have a great idea that goes virtually everywhere through word of mouth, then your need for paid media attention may be less. However, if you need to build awareness of a particular message or call to action, you may also want to use paid media to control your message. People recognize that there are many different platforms, paid, earned, shared or owned. But what’s not happening is that people are thinking

about their communications in a holistic sense. An organization may hire an advertising company for a particular job, and a PR company for another. Structurally, most marketing and communications teams are not set up to look at their programs holistically. It is very fragmented. How should PR professionals handle the balance between sizzle and substance? Catanach: While sizzle often seems to win over substance, it’s important for communicators to see how they package substance more effectively. The use of videos or other vehicles such as info-graphics are ways to make the substance more interactive and engaging. The aim is to tell a story in a way that appeals to consumers not only rationally but emotionally as well. This doesn’t mean that you don’t focus on the facts. It is just more about how we package those facts so that they are more meaningful. Is “gaming” increasingly becoming an important aspect of the consumer experience? Catanach: The use of games as part of the marketing mix will certainly move from product placement to more about the experience that people have. If a brand wants to communicate that it is for the young and adventurous, then a game that lets people be young and adventurous gets across the message much better than a static billboard, for example. Games help to build brand image by taking people on a journey that gives them a direct experience of the brand. The concept of gaming is popular and transcends cultural boundaries but how it is implemented may be different in different countries. The types of games that people undertake may be culturally different in terms of how they play and the possible outcomes.

who’s who • 2012

Anna Fang Public Relations

APCO Worldwide

Suite 2810, 28/F, Block B, Kornhill Gardens 25-27 Hong Shing Street, Quarry Bay

19/F, Cambridge House, TaiKoo Place, 979 King's Road, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2866 2313 Fax: (852) 2115 9818 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Sukyi Yau, managing director Tamora Leonard, vice president Year Established: 1997 Staff Size: 30 Major Business: Strategic Communication, Media Relations, Government Relations, Corporate Responsibility, Financial Communication, Investor Relations Major Awards / Projects: Large PR Firm of the Year by PR News; Public Affairs Agency of the Year and Public Affairs Agency of the Decade by The Holmes Report; Asia-Pacific SABRE Award for Public Affairs/Issues Management Campaign of the Year for the Hong Kong Wine & Spirits Industry Coalition. Company Activities: APCO Worldwide is an award-winning, independently owned global communication consultancy with offices in major cities throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Taking advantage of the unique geographic position in the region, APCO’s Hong Kong office plays a strategic role in advising multinational companies on corporate positioning, issues management and stakeholder engagement activities across Asia-Pacific. The APCO team also assists clients in both the public and private sectors on policy research, civic engagement and issue advocacy in the local Hong Kong market. Our staff in Hong Kong includes specialists experienced in strategic communication, media relations, government relations, corporate affairs and financial communication.

Tel: (852) 2535 9198 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Anna J H Fang, Director Year Established: 2002 Staff Size: Sole Proprietor Major Business: Public Relations Consultant, Media Relations, CEO Branding, Corporate Communications and Editing of Marketing Materials / Websites Major Awards / Projects: Grand Award and Award of Excellence (APEXTM) Winner Since 1995; Andrew Matthews, Center for Creative Leadership, Hong Kong Association of Business and Professional Women, Sedan Chair Race Charities Fund, Hong Kong in Venice – Venice Biennale in Architecture. Over 16 awards in 16 years. Company Activities: CEO Branding. Obtaining interviews for CEOs and Managing Directors of US and foreign multinationals and HK companies in the local, regional and international media. Raising the profile of the CEO and company in the business community and press.

Bite Communications

Deutsche Welle

26/F, 46 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong

Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3 53113 Bonn, Germany Tel: (49) 228 429-2712 Fax: (49) 228 429-2719 Email: Website:

Tel: (852) 2973 0222 Fax: (852) 2973 6900 Email: Website: Key Contacts: David Ketchum, President, Asia Pacific Paul Mottram, Executive Vice President, Asia Pacific Year Established: 1995 Staff Size: 100 in APAC Major Business: PR and Marketing, Digital Marketing Professional Associations: Asia Digital Marketing Association, Council of Public Relations Firms of Hong Kong Company Activities: Bite Communications is a global marketing and corporate communications network positioned to help companies make the most of business opportunities in Asia Pacific. Bite has 200 consultants in 14 international offices worldwide, and is in every major Asian market, including Bangalore, Beijing, Hong Kong, Mumbai, New Delhi, Shanghai, Singapore and Sydney. Bite’s Asia Pacific clients include many of the world’s leading names in technology, manufacturing, financial, and consumer products. Our multicultural team has a ten-year track record of helping local, regional and multinational brands communicate with a range of stakeholders. Current clients include Citi, HTC, Marriott, Parallels, Qantas, Siemens, Sony, SWIFT, and Toys R Us. Bite’s Asia Pacific team includes experts in both online and traditional media and channels, helping clients enhance reputation and drive sales.

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Key Contacts: Ms. Petra Schneider, Head of Distribution Mr. Stefan Bliemsrieder, Deputy Head of Distribution Asia Ms. Mee Fung Lee, Asia Representative Year Established: 1953 Staff Size: 1500 Lines of Business: Radio, Television, Media Consultants/Services, Film, Video/Audiovisual Production Company Activities: Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster. It produces TV, radio and online content in dozens of languages. For the Asian market, Deutsche Welle offers two dedicated TV feeds: DW (in english language), and DW ASIEN, in mostly german language. Both TV channels offer a European and German perspective to its audience with a perfect mix of European lifestyle, culture and the arts, as well as news and in-depth reports from business and politics, promoting a platform for intercultural dialogue.


Fleishman-Hillard Asia Pacific

Grey Group Hong Kong

Suite 1501, Cityplaza 4, No. 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, HK

31/F, 169 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2530 0228 Fax: (852) 3105 1583 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Lynne Anne Davis, Regional President

Tel: (852) 2510 6888 Fax: (852) 2510 7541 Email: Website:

Year Established: 5 (Global: since 1997)

Year Established: 1994

Year Established: 1917

Staff Size: 12 (Global: 600 employees and 3000 freelancers)

Staff Size: 55 Major Business: Public Relations, Corporate Reputation Management, Public Affairs, Media Relations, Crisis/Issues Response, Executive Media Coaching Employee Communications

Major Business: Advertising, Planning, Digital, Healthcare, Public Relations, Below-the-line & Events, Shopper Marketing

CLS Communication HK Limited 1402, 14/F Bank of East Asia Harbour View Center, 56 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2117 1852 Email: Fax: (852) 2117 1855 Website: Key Contacts: Ms. Anita Lai, Regional Financial Controller and General Manager, Hong Kong Mr. Michael Wong, Business Development Manager Mr. Noel Narciso, Business Development Manager

Major Business: Translation, Writing, Editing Major Awards / Projects: Translation, writing and editing projects for around 1,000 renowned, global companies, including major banking institutions and insurance players, as well as international life science and utilities companies. Professional Associations: GALA Globalization and Localization Association, ata American Translators Association, ITI UK (Institute of Translation & Interpreting), EAMT European Association for Machine Translation, TAUS, TDA (Taus Data Association), tekom Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation e.V.) Company Activities: CLS Communication is one of the largest language providers in the world. Offices in Europe, Asia and North America give CLS a strong global presence, providing 24-hour service to its clients. The company's core business is translation, writing and editing in banking and finance, insurance, telecommunications, life sciences and legal sectors. Over 600 in-house and 3,000 external language experts write, edit and translate texts in any language. At CLS, the latest technology ensures the highest levels of security and confidentiality.

EBA Communications Ltd

Major Awards / Projects: In 2011, Fleishman-Hillard Asia Pacific was named 2011 Asia-Pacific Consultancy of the Year by The Holmes Report. In 2004 and again in 2008, Fleishman-Hillard was named “Asia Pacific PR Network of the Year” by MEDIA/PRWEEK Company Activities: Fleishman-Hillard Inc., a part of Omnicom Inc., is one of world’s leading public relations firms. Fleishman-Hillard based on extraordinary growth, strong interoffice cooperation, PR/digital innovation, and high employee and client satisfaction and retention. The firm is widely recognized for excellent client service and a strong company culture founded on teamwork, integrity, and personal commitment. Based in the US, the firm operates throughout North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, South Africa, Middle East, South Africa, and Latin America through its 80 owned office.

Key Contacts: Danny Mok, CEO

Major Awards / Projects: Cannes, One Show, New York Festivals, London International Awards, Spikes Asia, AdFest, LongXi Awards, Effies, MAA Worldwide GLOBES, Promotion Marketing Awards of Asia, Asian Marketing Effectiveness Awards, Digital Media Awards, ROI Festivals. Company Activities: At Grey, we believe in making famously award-winning advertising and creating effective communication that work for our clients. We have been FAMOUSLY EFFECTIVE since 1917, in making our clients remarkable and rich for 95 years.

Edelman Hong Kong

Gartner Hong Kong Ltd Unit B, 19/F On Hing Building, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central, HK, China

701 Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2537 8022 Fax: (852) 2537 3012 Email: Website:

Tel: (852) 2804 1338 Fax: (852) 2804 1303 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Andrew Kirk, Managing Director, Hong Kong & Tawain Andres Vejarano, Senior Director, Consumer Marketing, Technology & Digital Corliss Ruggles, Regional Director, Financial Communications Year Established: 1986 Staff Size: 56 Major Awards / Projects: PR Agency of the Year (Adweek 2011); PR Consultancy of the Year – Bronze (Marketing AOTY 2011); Global PR Agency of the Year (The Holmes 2011); Top five “Best Places to Work” (Glassdoor 2011); Large Agency of the Year (PRWeek 2011, 2009); PR Firm of the Decade (Advertising Age 2010); Agency "A-List" (Advertising Age 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008); Asia Pacific Consultancy Agency of the Year (The Holmes Report 2009); Best Large Agency to Work For (Holmes Report 2009) Professional Associations: member of the cPRf HK Company activities: Edelman is the world’s largest independent public relations firm, with offices in 60 cities and 4,000 employees worldwide, as well as affiliates in more than 30 cities. Edelman owns specialty firms Blue (advertising), StrategyOne (research), Ruth (integrated marketing), DJE Science (medical education/publishing and science communications), and MATTER (sports, sponsorship, and entertainment).

Key Contacts: Claudia Choi, MD Year Established: 1987 Staff Size: 60+ Major Business: Integrated marketing communications consultancy services Major Awards / Projects: See our website: Professional Associations: The Council of Public Relations Firms of Hong Kong Limited Company Activities: Established in 1987, we provide a broad range of marcom services from strategy to implementation. We focus on technology and technology-rich industries. EBA has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.


who’s who • 2012

Suite 2204 – 06, 22/F DCH Commercial Centre, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3402 0402 Fax: (852) 2824 6138 Website: Key Contacts: Gabriel Young, Country Manager Year Established: 27 Sep 1994 Staff Size: 17 Company Activities: Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company. We deliver the technology-related insight necessary for our clients to make the right decisions, every day. From CIOs and senior IT leaders in corporations and government agencies, to business leaders in high-tech and telecom enterprises and professional services firms, to technology investors, we are the valuable partner to 60,000 clients in 11,000 distinct organizations. Through the resources of Gartner Research, Gartner Executive Programs, Gartner Consulting and Gartner Events, we work with every client to research, analyze and interpret the business of IT within the context of their individual role. Founded in 1979, Gartner is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, U.S.A., and has 4,400 associates, including 1,200 research analysts and consultants, and clients in 85 countries. Gartner Research Process Our research process embodies a way of thinking that turns complex information into insight you can use for business advantage. Research Methodologies Gartner methodologies consist of research practices, procedures and rules that distill large volumes of data into clear, precise, actionable insight so our clients can formulate plans or make difficult business decisions.

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Burton IT1 IT practitioners face many pressing challenges in technical planning and architecture design, not the least of which are constantly shifting technological landscapes and complex IT architectures. Burton IT1 puts a wealth of detailed IT expertise at their fingertips 24/7, so you can be confident they'll have the insight to make informed, fact-based decisions, and the guidance to deliver superior results on your key initiatives and critical IT purchases.

who’s who • 2012


Information Express (Asia-pacific) Ltd

International Herald Tribune

7/F, 705-07 China Merchants Bldg, 303-307 Des Voeux Rd, Central, HK, China

1201 K Wah Ctr 191 Java Rd, North Point, HK, China

Tel: (852) 2818 9475 / (852) 8108 0805 Fax: (852) 2817 1556 Email: Website:

Tel: (852) 2922 1188 Fax: (852) 2922 1190 Email: Website:

Key Contacts: Joanna Leung, Customer Service Mgr Eliza Leung, Mktg Mgr

Key Contacts: Randy Weddle, MD A/P Philip McClellan, Deputy Managing Editor

Year Established: 1988

Year Established: 1980

Staff Size: 20

Staff Size: 30

Major Business: We provide professional News Monitoring and Clipping Services

Major Business: Newspaper Publishers

Professional Associations: IMS, HKCA

Major Awards / Projects: IPD Award for Best Int’l Newspaper 1997 & 1998

GolinHarris 6/F Oxford Hse, Taikoo Place, 979 Kings Rd, Quarry Bay, HK, China Tel: (852) 2522 6475 Email: Fax: (852) 2810 4780 Website: Key Contacts: John Morgan, Regional Managing Director, Greater China Jeremy walker, Head, Sports Marketing and Branded Entertainment Year Established: 1993 Notable Clients: Airport Authority Hong Kong, West Kowloon Cultural District, China Everbright, Plan International, China Light & Power, Hongkong Electric, Hongkong Land, Hung Hing Printing, Jardine Matheson, Li & Fung, Mandarin Oriental, Shell, The Dairy Farm Group, TransUnion, VTech Holdings, Zespri, Galaxy Macau, Pernod Richard Hong Kong, San Miguel, Amex. Major Awards / Projects: 2009 PR Consultancy of the Year (Media), 2009 PR Week/ Asia Pacific PR Awards-Large Agency of the Year; Editor’s Choice; PR Professional of the Year; Cisco, Corporate Branding; English Schools Foundation, Issues Management; Man Investments, Financial Communications; “Trust in Asian Business,” Research; “Hong Kong Central Policy Unit Charitable Giving,” CSR; IABC Gold Quill Awards (Bank Mandiri, Research; COTTON USA, Special Events; Levitra, Marketing Communications & Advertising); Holmes Report/ SABREs (Agency of the Year; COTTON USA, Technical Excellence)

Company Activities: GolinHarris is one of the world’s leading public relations firms. Serving a respected portfolio of clients, including numerous leading Hong Kong companies, the firm in Hong Kong focuses on the wider Asian context with special emphasis on Hong Kong and Greater China.

Company Activities: InformExpress (Est 1988) is a professional News Monitor & Press Clipping Agency, which provides tailor-made research services for Ad & PR firms, research houses and corporate bodies. We specialize in Ad News Monitor, PR Press Clipping and Brand Data Search. Customer Service Hotline (852 8108 0805) set up for special inquiry.

Hill+Knowlton Strategies Asia


36/F PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

16th Floor, 633 Kings Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2894 6321 Email: Fax: (852) 2576 3551 Website:

Tel: (852) 3962 4500 Email: Fax: (852) 3962 4567 Website:

Key Contacts: James Heimowitz, President & CEO Asia, and Chairman China Year Established: 1962

Key Contacts: Jean Lin, CEO, Isobar Asia Pacific & Global Chief Strategy Officer, Isobar Global Chris Ryan, CEO, Isobar Hong Kong & International Client Director, Isobar Asia Pacific Howard Smith, Integrated Business Director, Isobar Asia Pacific

Staff Size: 80

Year Established: 2003

Major Business: Corporate communications, marketing communications, financial communications, public affairs, crisis communications, training and digital communications

Staff Size: 2,500+ in 34 markets

Professional Associations: Council of Public Relations Firms of Hong Kong, American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

Professional Associations: PANPA, PATA, SOPA Company Activities: The International Herald Tribune ( is the premier international newspaper for opinion leaders and decision makers around the globe. It combines the extensive resources of its own correspondents with those of The New York Times and is printed at 40 sites throughout the world, for sale in more than 160 countries. Based in Paris since 1887, the IHT is part of The New York Times Company.

Major Business: Full service digital; modern communications

Professional Associations: Council of Public Relations Firms of HK Company Activities: Hill+Knowlton Strategies offers communications consultancy services, bringing extensive technical expertise and strategic wisdom to help strengthen our client’s brands, reputations and bottom lines. Whether it is crisis management, research insights, digital communications, media relations, financial communications, marketing communications or public affairs, H+K Strategies leads this new digital era in strategic communications and business advice, building on a solid foundation of trusted advisors and creative experts with an unequaled passion, standard of excellence and ability to execute. We have been in the wisdom business for more than 80 years, and today we are a global network of 85 offices in 46 countries.

Professional Associations: Internet Advertising Media Association (IAMA) Mobile Marketing Association Malaysia: Association Of Accredited Advertising Agents of Malaysia 4A’s Hong Kong Company Activities: Isobar is a modern communications agency network made up of over 2,500 talented individuals in 34 markets around the world. We've brought together the finest digital pioneers with the smartest traditional marketing talent. This combination is reflected in what we do and how we do it. We work hand-in-hand with our clients, through a culture that can't be faked – open, honest and collaborative. We aim to bring people and brands together, like never before. We reconnect brands with their fans and customers. We create irresistible ideas that combine creative, planning, technology and data. Ideas that demand a response, that invite a next step, take on a life of their own, become self-financing, self-perpetuating, get picked up, passed on. Ideas that make it inevitable people will choose to get involved. Our creativity, innovation and results are the reasons why we have been chosen as partners by some of the world’s leading international brands – Procter & Gamble, Kellogg’s, adidas, Coca-Cola, Nokia, and Toyota, to name a few.


who’s who • 2012

who’s who • 2012


Ketchum Newscan Public Relations Ltd

The Nielsen Company (Hong Kong) Ltd

33/F, Two Chinachem Exchange Square, 338 King's Road, North Point

2/F, Warwick House, West Wing, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2566 1311 Email: Fax: (852) 2510 8199 Website:

Tel: (852) 2563 9688 Email: Fax: (852) 2516 6856 Website:

Key Contacts: Dr Simeon Mellalieu, General Manager

Key Contacts: Oliver Rust, Managing Director, Hong Kong

Year Established: 1980

Year Established: 1923

Staff Size: 70

Major Business: Market Research & Business Consulting

Major Business: Public Relation Company Activities: Ketchum is a leading global communications firm with operations in more than 70 countries across six continents. Ketchum partners with its clients to deliver strategic programming, breakthrough creative and measurable results that build brands and reputations. Areas of expertise include consumer engagement, corporate communications, financial communications, issues and crisis management, media relations, social media campaigns and training. Branches: Bangalore, Beijing, Chennai, Guangzhou, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, Shanghai, Taipei

Professional Associations: ESOMAR Company Activities: Nielsen Holdings N.V. (NYSE: NLSN) is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence, mobile measurement, trade shows and related properties. Nielsen has a presence in approximately 100 countries, with headquarters in New York, USA and Diemen, the Netherlands. For more information, visit

International Offices: North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East Affiliates: Bangkok, Chengdu, Hanoi, Islamabad, Jakarta, Karachi, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo

Madison Communications Limited

PR Newswire Asia Ltd PHD Hong Kong

Rm 05, 10/F, Eastern Harbour Centre, 28 Hoi Chak Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2881 8612 Fax: (852) 2881 8716 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Mr Samuel Mak, Managing Director Mr David Chau, General Manager Ms Catherine Tang, Business Development Manager Year Established: 2004 Staff Size: 12 Major Business: advertising, public relations, public affairs, event marketing and digital marketing Company Activities: Madison Communications is a creative agency offering integrated communications services: advertising, public relations, public affairs, event marketing and digital marketing. We offer innovative and powerful solutions that help client’s objectives: enhance brand values, product launches, gain stakeholders’ support, restore consumer confidence or rectify rumors.


1608, 16/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Unit 907, Core E, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2911 1555 Email: Fax: (852) 2511 7389 Website:

Tel: (852) 2572 8228 Fax: (852) 2572 1808 Email: Website:

Key Contacts: Ray Wong, CEO Clement Chung, General Manager Cedric Lam, General Manager

Key Contacts: Dan Ye, Regional Director (APAC ex-China) & CFO Sarah Tam, Marketing Director (APAC ex-China) Sasha Wang, Customer Services Executive

Year Established: 2006

Year Established: 1997

Major Business: Communications and Channel Planning, Media Planning and Buying, Digital Communications, Research and Insights, Econometric Modelling

Staff Size: 50-100 Major Business: 1. Live webcasting, virtual events and multimedia services 2. Regional and global press release distribution 3. Communications workflow tools 4. Content marketing and audience engagement solutions 5. Investor relations and communications Company Activities: PR Newswire is the premier global provider of multimedia platforms that enable communication professionals to leverage content to engage with all their key audiences. We provide end-to-end solutions to produce, optimize and target content – from rich media to online video to multimedia – and then distribute content and measure results across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. PR Newswire has offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, and is a United Business Media company.

who’s who • 2012

Staff Size: 62

Major Awards / Projects: Cannes, Asian Marketing Effectiveness Awards, Spikes Asia, EFFIE Awards, Digital Media Awards, Internationalist Awards, HK4As Kam Fan Awards Professional Associations: HK4As and HK2As Company Activities: PHD Hong Kong is a fast-growing media and communications agency that has been built on a culture of thought leadership, creativity and innovation. In our hearts is a commitment to lead the industry with thought provoking opinion and pioneering thinking. This is a philosophy that goes back to the founding, entrepreneurial ethos of the agency. The belief that it is always possible to 'Find A Better Way' for our clients. We are part of the PHD Global Network with over 2,500 staff in 70 offices across the globe and supported by the strength and resources of one of the world’s largest media communications group, Omnicom Media Group.

who’s who • 2012


The Port of Long Beach, Greater China Office c/o United Transportation (HK) Ltd

Strategic Public Relations Group

Unit 1806, Bonham Trade Centre, 50 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Room 2402, 24/F & Unit A, 29/F, Admiralty Centre I, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2881 5900 Email: Fax: (852) 2890 1396 Website:

Tel: (852) 2527 0490 Email: Fax: (852) 2804 2789 Website: www.

Key Contacts: Edward T Yau, Rep Greater China

Key Contacts: Richard Tsang, Chairman & Managing Director of SPRG

Year Established: 1997

Year Established: 1995

Staff Size: 8

Staff Size: 280

Major Business: The Port of Long Beach is a leading container cargo seaport.

Major Business: PR consultancy provides IPO, investor relations and corporate marketing communications.

Notable Clients: CKYH Alliance (Cosco, K-Line, Ying Ming, Hanjin) Grand Alliance (OOCL, NYK, Hapag-Lloyd) New World Alliance (APL, MOL, Hyundai) MSC, British Petroleum, CMA CGM, Hamburg Sud, Maersk Line, Matson Navigation, Toyota, Zim Integrated Shipping.

Major Clients: AEON Stores, Air China, Bank of China, BMW, CFA Institute, China Blue Chemical, Fortune REIT, Fuji Xerox, Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board, The Hong Kong Institute of Director, Hong Kong Sicience and Technology Parks Corporation, Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong, Johnson & Johnson, Kohler, Lenovo, London Business School, Procter & Gamble, Sarasin Rabo Investment Management, SOHO China, UC Rusal Professional Association: Partner of Public Relations Organisation International, Inc

Major Awards / Projects: 2010 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental justice Achievement Awards for Clean Trucks Program: 2009 Sustainable Shipping magazine’s Sustainable Shipping Clean Air Award 2010 Asia Freight & Supply Chain Awards for Best Seaport-North America (also 2009,2008,2007,2006,2005) 2009 U.S. EPA Clean Air Excellence Air Excellence for Port’s Green Flag program 2011 Asian Freight and Supply Chain Awards for best Green service Provider Company Activities: The Port of Long Beach is one of the world’s premier seaports, a primary gateway for transpacific trade and a trailblazer in innovative goods movement, safety and environmental stewardship. The Port is served by 140 shipping lines with connections to 217 seaports around the world. Founded in 1911, the Port enters its second century with more than US$4 billion in planned capital improvements over the next decade to support trade growth and strengthen its ability to serve the goods-movement industry, Port clients and the community. The Port of Long Beach is leading the way to a new era of innovative and sustainable international trade.

Ruder Finn Asia Ltd

Thomson Reuters

Y Stage Limited

Units C&D 10/F Neich Tower, 128 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong

10/F Cityplaza Three, Taikoo Shing, Quarry Bay, HK

2/F, Unit A, Hung Cheong Factory Bldg 3 Kwong Cheung Street Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon

Tel: (852) 2521 0800 Fax: (852) 2521 7088 Email: Website: Key Contacts: Jean-Michel Dumont, Chairman Elsie Leung, Deputy General Manager Year Established: 1989 Staff Size: 229 Professional Associations:CPRF Notable Clients: Breitling, Michelin, Emirates, Hong Kong Design Centre, Mead Johnson, The Executive Centre, Canali Major Business: Corporate & Public Trust; Life+Style; Health & Wellness; Global Connectivity Company Activities: Ruder Finn Asia offers strategic and relevant communications campaigns throughout Asia Pacific. We are part of the Ruder Finn Group, one of the largest independent public relations firms in the United States. In more than 60 years of history, our name has been synonymous with excellence in communications. Ruder Finn Asia combines the advantages of a global agency and the focus & depth, flexibility & speed of smaller strategic consultancies. We offer best-of-class services including reputation management, brand building and marketing, issues and crisis management, arts & culture engagement, corporate social responsibility, research, training, event management and ePR.


Company Activities: Established in 1995, Strategic Public Relations Group (SPRG) is one of the largest public relations networks in Asia and Hong Kong’s largest public relations consultancy. With over 280 professionals working from nine offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, SPRG is currently advising over 250 MNC and local clients on a retainer basis in Asia. In the past 3 years, SPRG has been accredited with the following recognitions: • “Financial Consultancy of the Year” by Asia-Pacific SABRE Award 2011, the Holmes Report • “Asia-Pacific Network of the Year” by Campaign Asia-Pacific PR Award 2010 • “Local Hero of the Public Relations Agency of the Year” – Agency of the Year 2010 and 2011 by Marketing Magazine • “Local Hero of the Media Relations Agency of the Year” – Agency of the Year 2010 by Marketing Magazine • “Hong Kong Consultancy of the Year” – Asian Consultancy Report Card 2009 by the Holmes Report • No. 1 PR Advisor to Asia-Pacific Mid-Market M&A: Volume in the Year 2008, Value in the year 2009 in the mergemarket League Table of PR Advisers

Tel: (852) 2520 3688 Fax: (852) 2154 6463 Website:

Staff size: 700

Tel: (852) 2786 9971 Fax: (852) 2786 9970 Email: Website:

Major Business: Financial, information and data provider

Key Contacts: Eric Pong, Creative Director

Major Awards and Projects: -Ranked second in the 2011 list of the Fortune World’s Most Admired Companies and first for social responsibility and global competitiveness -Ranked 39th in the BusinessWeek’s Interbrand listing of top global brands in 2010 -Named as one of 50 major Canadian companies in the Corporate Knights Best Corporate Citizens -Hong Kong office won its eighth Caring Company award in 2011 Company Activities: Thomson Reuters is the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, healthcare and science and media markets, powered by the world's most trusted news organization. With headquarters in New York and major operations in London and Eagan, Minnesota, Thomson Reuters employs more than 55,000 people and operates in over 100 countries. Thomson Reuters shares are listed on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges (symbol: TRI). For more information, go to

Year Established: 2010

Key Contacts: Michael Tsang, Managing Director, North Asia, Thomson Reuters

who’s who • 2012

Staff Size: 4 Major Business: Video Production, Online Media Production, Animation Graphic Design, Photography Company Activities: Y Stage is a video production company specializing in corporate videos and online content. In today’s connected world, your customers are more likely to watch video content regarding your company on youtube and facebook more than they are on public television. As a result, companies need to be able to shift their thinking from traditional big-budget commercials, to less expensive, but more targeted and varied productions. Y Stage can help you reach your online audience. Don’t believe us? Just watch us at

who’s who • 2012


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