Apr 2012 Supplement

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Member’s Price


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Home Sweet Home for School-Age Children? By Cheung Ming-lai

Your Best Guidebook for Settling in Hong Kong is a compendium-style all-you-need-to-know guide for newcomers to

school, getting settled when arrived and enjoying life in Hong Kong. This consumeroriented book is designed as a sort of “hotline” with useful phone numbers and contacts to other sources of help. bookshops in Hong Kong. AmCham members often buy the book for their relatives and Americans), the book is one of the best-selling publications for AmCham. Contact: AmCham Publication Department Advertising Manager: Regina Leung Direct Line: 2530 6942 Email:

Architectural drawing of the new Hong Kong International School Lower Primary School Building Image courtesy: Hong Kong International School


fter many years of saying ‘no’ to distraught parents, Maya Nelson, Lower Primary School Principal of the Hong Kong International School (HKIS) told last month, “It would make me exuberant to say ‘yes’ to more families,” with a glimpse of hope in her voice. The HKIS expansion plan dated back in 2006 when the government first approached the prestigious school for a solution acknowledging the heightened shortage of international school spaces in Hong Kong. Over the past six years, the struggle has been to locate a suitable premise to decant the student body of about 660 primary school-aged children with 95 percent residing on the Hong Kong Island. “We made a very clear decision that we would not move to a temporary facility unless it is as good as, if not better than, what we have right now in lower primary,” noted Jon Walsh, Communications and Publications Manager of HKIS. Regrettably, vacant schools in Kowloon or New Territories were not an option for logistical reasons: it would be very difficult for young children to travel long distance to school every day. When the Chai

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Wan TWGHs & LKWFSL Mrs Fung Yiu Hung Primary School became available in 2010, it was a major breakthrough as it opened up the possibility of the long-dreamed expansion plan.

Expansion plan According to the plan, the current Lower Primary School in South Bay Close, Repulse Bay will be completely refitted in 2013 with a brand new high-tech infrastructure adding 200 extra primary school spaces in the school year of 2016/17. Not only will the new school have the state-ofthe-art learning facilities and a much smaller carbon footprint, it has been envisioned and designed by educators who are passionate about providing quality education to enthuse and nurture young minds. Indoor and outdoor spaces Maya Nelson with a touch of creativity will


be available for youngsters to navigate themselves, encouraging independent and inquirybased learning, as well as inspiring imagination and promoting a deep sense of thinking. The project has given HKIS its claim to fame as it was chosen by Harvard Jon Walsh University to participate in a joint program hosted by the Graduate School of Design and the Graduate School of Education. A delegation of seven HKIS representatives went to the renowned university and attended the intensive one-week course in early April. They have brought back ideas and concepts that would elevate the already exceptional plan beyond excellence.

City of choice Erik Dierk, Chief Advancement Officer, highlighted the positive side of the shortage challenge: the continuously increasing demand for international school spaces speaks of Hong Kong being “the city of choice.” “It has been a year-on-year 10 percent increase. We have seen parallel numbers in the applications even through the global financial crisis. It is a real sign of Hong Kong’s business competitiveness,” he noted. Also revealing is the proportion of applications for lower primary spaces. Approximately 53 percent, that is more than half of the total applicants, require entry in reception 1 through to grade 2. The school is accustomed to seeing pressure at each grade level and saying ‘no’ to 70 percent to the total number of the waiting applicants every year. Being perceived and with a great international reputation as the gateway to China, it is no surprise that Hong Kong continues to outrun its regional counterparts attracting foreign investments hence bringing in an expanding influx of overseas talents along with their children. Given that global relocation has gradually evolved from a transient nature to a more permanent pattern, will Hong Kong be able to remain as attractive as it has been if it does not address the longstanding lack of international school spaces issue? When asked to comment on its interaction with the Education Bureau, HKIS expressed gratitude to the government for the partnership they share recognizing the pressure and demand that the department is under. HKIS supports the idea that the government establishes a ‘one-stop shop’ where a special advocate or an education ombudsman could gather essential information from international schools in Hong Kong, and streamline the planning and decision process by integrating the 54 or so departments involved.


How long can a child wait? The Census and Statistics Department recently published a survey showing that over 70 percent of primary and secondary applicants to international schools have waited less than six months to be admitted. Overlooking for a moment that the survey made no distinction between primary and secondary students, and that the 30 percent applicants could well have waited for more than a year, from a purely educational point of view, how long can a child wait to enter school? Maya commented, “There isn’t a time period that they can wait. When children are this young, their brains are very elastic. When they miss school, they are behind and missing pieces in Erik Dierk their brains and their windows of opportunity to learn literacy [and other foundational skills].” It is now the school admission season again, Maya said that she already has come across a number of conversations that cause heartache and stress. One father who is running a large American company here asked her the difficult question, “Do I need to move back [to the States]?”

Our future Over the past 46 years, HKIS has taught countless well-educated and well-rounded children of parents from various parts of the world who have decided to make Hong Kong their home. These families have settled here and have contributed to the city’s international standing and prosperity. They are an indispensable part of Hong Kong, and it is essential that the investment is made not only in the financial side but in our children who are the future of Hong Kong. HKIS has been actively engaging in discussion with its Repulse Bay neighbors through town hall meetings. Significant changes have been made to the expansion plans and practical busing measures are planned to ensure that traffic concerns raised by their neighbors will be alleviated. The hope is that the HKIS expansion plan will go ahead and more international school spaces will be available as part of the strategic planning for the competitiveness of Hong Kong. The goal is that school-age children relocating with their parents will find quality English-medium education and they will quickly adjust and make Hong Kong their real home sweet home.

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Students at YCIS Beijing attending regular cultural classes. Photo courtesy: Yew Chung International School

A Pioneering Move

An international education does much more than just opens eyes and broadens horizons. Yew Chung, as a leading provider of international education, recognizes it is essential to foster the integration of cross-discipline knowledge and understanding of different concepts from a global and multicultural perspective in an increasingly interdependent world. And, as such, it has taken an unprecedented, step to realize this vision by pioneering an international education park in Yizhuang, Beijing as Luisa Tam reports


ack in 1932, Madame Tsang Chorhang, who established Yew Chung in Hong Kong, already realized the principle of integrating Eastern and Western cultures. Over the past several decades, her daughter, Dr Betty Chan, Director of Yew Chung International School (YCIS), has continued to build on the foundations that she laid. After her doctoral studies in the United States, Dr Chan introduced new education concepts to YCIS, and these included putting an emphasis not just on bilingualism but dual language learning. Today, YCIS school environments harmonize Eastern and Western cultures and both are treated equally. Student character formation and discipline are integrated, fusing traditional Chinese culture and the Christian value. “Learning can no longer be about memorizing essential information in a particular discipline, but rather about accessing information, integrating

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cross-discipline knowledge and understanding concepts and ideas from a multicultural perspective,” Dr Chan points out.

International Education Park Choosing to establish the first BP International Education Park (IEP) in the city of Beijing has great significance. As the capital of China, Dr Chan believes Beijing leads the country in the pursuit of learning from the rest of the world. Learning is a two-way street, and thus she believes the city is also an ideal location for people from overseas to learn about China’s rich history and the country’s astounding transformation in recent decades. The IEP also marks the beginning of a new era of education development pioneered by YCIS with the support of the Yizhuang and Beijing governments. There is no shortage of good quality international


schools in Beijing. But, according to Dr Chan, most of these schools offer a national curriculum leading to foreign qualifications for entry into a national education system overseas. As a matter of fact, they are really national schools in an international context. “This is not a judgment on the quality of these schools. Many of them are top-class institutions and serve the needs of expatriates, who come to Beijing for a couple of years or so before returning to their home countries,” explains Dr Chan, adding that, “These schools have a role to play in supplementing the provision of education in Beijing but do not provide answers to how we can enhance the international school sector.”

New era Dr Chan sums up the challenges faced by the education sector the world over: “This is the new era of the 21st century, which requires new ways of thinking, new approaches to educating the young, a new concept of world citizenship, and a paradigm shift from narrow thinking to world mindedness.” The challenge for the international education sector in Beijing is not merely about providing sufficient places for students, but putting the focus on further upgrading the entire sector and building on existing advantages to ensure that the city can provide a truly international educational experience. Dr Chan is confident that the BP International Education Park will make an important contribution to realize this vision by building bridges between the East and the West. She believes it will also make an important contribution to the community by developing the public and social spaces of a dynamic learning and living environment. This project also has another very important purpose. As a center for high quality and truly international education, IEP will help to produce students who will be leaders of tomorrow’s global society. “We are living in a world that is changing at breathtaking speed. The age of globalization is upon us and technology has transformed our daily lives. The balance of economic power is moving to the East, especially after the financial tsunami. This confluence of forces represents a paradigm shift that is affecting people in all professions, industries and fields of endeavor the world over, and education, of


course, is no exception. “The IEP project was conceived with this new era in mind. It will be a living example of the best of world cultures reflecting the dominant trend of the 21st century: globalization,” she says.

East meets West Certain sections of the International Education Park are expected to become operational in August 2013. It will have two schools on site: Yew Chung International School and Yew Wah International Education School. YCIS offers foreign students opportunities to have direct learning experiences in an international context. Yew Wah school provides Chinese nationals opportunities to internationalize and develop a global mindset. These schools will be linked by the Scholars International Conference Centre that will offer public and social spaces Betty Chan for educational and cultural interchanges. Domestic and foreign students will come to learn and share through educational and cultural exchanges in the invigorating environment of IEP. Yew Chung has a long and proud history of embracing innovative thinking in education going right back to its origins in Hong Kong, having been founded in 1932 on the theme of “East meets West.” Today, YCIS operates early childhood education, international primary and secondary schools with a total of over 5,500 students in an environment where both Eastern and Western cultures share equal status, nurturing global children who will eventually be the cream of both cultures. YCIS has campuses in Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Chongqing, Hong Kong, and Silicon Valley in the US. Yew Wah provides education for Chinese students from early childhood, primary, secondary to university preparation programs in an international setting. Its campuses can be found in Beijing, Shanghai, Yantai of Shandong Province, Chongqing and Shenzhen.

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Jessica Kuwata, her husband Masahiro Kuwata and their son Kai Photo courtesy: The Kuwata family

Case Study: Why Local Schools Aren’t an Option Why can’t expatriate children go to local schools? There were about 15,000 vacant public primary school spaces in Hong Kong as of May 2011. As American NET teacher Jessica Kuwata and her Japanese husband Masahiro Kuwata learned it the hard way, local schools really weren’t an option. Jessica shares her story with Mabel Yung


n September 2010, native American Jessica Kuwata arrived in Hong Kong with her Japanese husband Masahiro Kuwata and son Kai Kuwata. She was hired by the Education Bureau under the Nativespeaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme. Both trained as teachers, she and her husband were looking forward to the new experience. “We moved to Hong Kong from the US because we wanted to experience a new country and learn a new language. The pay is also better in here than back home,” she said. But the excitement soon turned into anxiety when she started to look for a school for her four-year-old son. She has hoped to enroll Kai in a local school so that he will get to know about the culture and make new friends with local children, and not live like a foreigner in his own world. “We wanted Kai to make local friends and pick up the language. We feel Chinese is going to be an

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important language in the future. We wanted Kai to be able to read and write and speak in Chinese, and become multilingual,” she said.

Pipe dream? However, after visiting six local kindergartens in the Tin Shui Wai area where they live, she realized her good intention might be just a pipe dream. “All the schools told us that they could not take a child whose parents do not speak either Cantonese or Mandarin. They explained that it will make communications between the school and us very difficult,” she said. “We didn’t even have a chance to look at the application form and were just ushered out of the school,” she added. Disappointed but not giving up, she went on to try the schools that promote themselves as ‘English schools’ and use English as the medium of instruction.


Guide to Quality Education & International School However, they all had a long waiting list and could not take Kai for the current or following school year. Feeling that their son should start schooling, they had no choice but to do it at home. “My husband started to home school Kai, which made him give up on finding a job and that has affected our family income,” she said.

Wild goose chase Time passed. Soon spring came along and Jessica began to look at primary school opportunities, hoping to place Kai in for September last year. This time, she contacted the Education Bureau who offered not much help but only directed her to look up on their website. She looked for hours but the list of school names did not get her any further. Then, she got some help from Native English Speaking Teachers' Association (NESTA), an independent association supporting native English speaking teachers working and living in Hong Kong. She was given contacts of 30-odd schools that are ‘known’ to accept children from international families working in Hong Kong. But again, it was not promising. “Some told us they’re full; some refused to accept Kai because we didn’t go through the ‘Central Allocation System’ which I haven’t heard of; some said they couldn’t help because we weren’t living in the ‘catchment’ area. Then, others simply said they couldn’t take children from international families.” With only Jessica having a job at the time, they could not afford the school fees of English Schools Foundation (ESF) that is also keeping a lot of parents waiting on their list. “My friends have been rejected by ESF schools; there’re no places for their children in those schools either,” she said. With no schools available for Kai, it meant another year of home schooling for her husband. “To be honest, my husband was feeling a bit depressed about not being able to work and contribute to the family income,” she said.

Learning from mistakes In January this year, Jessica made sure she enrolled Kai in the ‘Central Allocation System’ having learned from the ‘mistake’ of not knowing there was one.

However, at the EDB office, she was told the same thing: None of the schools in Tin Shui Wai could accept Kai because they do not speak Cantonese. This time, she was given a list of eight ‘unpublished’ schools that could accept children of international families. Out of the eight schools, only two one in Tuen Mun and the other in Sham Shui Po would accept children living in Tin Shui Wai. But still, she had to wait until June to find out if Kai would be placed in either one. Such arrangement, however, has not offered her any security. The uncertain situation in the past two years has taught her that nothing was guaranteed. She needed to look for something else. When she found out that the Japanese International School in Tai Po was recruiting new school kids, she knew she had to put Kai in. “Kai needed to take a Japanese language exam in March (2012) but we were fairly confident he could pass. And the school fee, as compared to ESF and other international schools, was much more affordable, so we decided to go for it.”

Anfield School Primary School Section

No. 2 Lung Pak Street, Tai Wai, Shatin., N.T., Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2794 3668 Fax: (852) 2549 3878 Email: Principal: Mr. Tony Blacklock

Kindergarten Section

5 Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2794 3668 Fax: (852) 2549 3878 Email: Principal: Ms. Denise Jarrett

Profile: At Anfield “Our goal is to ensure each child who passes through our gates is given a solid foundation of learning, has a sense of self-confidence and self-belief, is self-motivated, flexible and cooperative.” We offer a small, friendly, caring environment with the highest quality learning experience, based on the EYFS and Key Stage 1 / Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum of England. We aim to nurture all children, from Playgroup through to Primary, to thrive socially, emotionally and academically.

Kindergarten & Nursery Section

L2, Phase 1, Laguna Verde, 8 Laguna Verde Avenue, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2766 3882 Fax: (852) 2766 3933 Email: Principal: Ms. Jeni Fieldhouse

Please visit to get more information.

Tough choices However, this meant some serious changes for the family. To avoid her son to spend three hours to travel back and forth from Tin Shui Wai to Tai Po, she will have to move to Tai Po. If she moves, she will have to resign from her teaching position in the current school to avoid a three-hour commute herself. But she has no choice. “Every aspect of our life – job, home, neighborhood, and friends – would have to be disrupted,” she said. She was very disappointed by the lack of support from the government – her employer. “Before we arrived, the EDB told me that I would have no problem getting my son in a local school; they told me they encouraged integration. But in fact, they create a system that forces international families to separate and segregate.” “It has been an extremely long, frustrating process finding a school for my son. It is ironic that I’ve come to Hong Kong to teach the local kids, but I couldn’t find a school which will teach my son.” “Two years ago, had I know about all this, I would’ve never accepted the offer to come and work in Hong Kong,” she said.

Australian International School Hong Kong (AISHK) Transportation:


Bus services to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories

Based on an Australian curriculum, the School’s medium of instruction is English. Putonghua is also taught as part of the curriculum, which has been modified to fit an Asian setting. As part of our commitment to offering broad academic choices of study, Students in Years 11 and 12 can choose to study courses offered in either the New South Wales Higher School Certificate or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. A leading international school in Hong Kong with a reputation for outstanding academic performance, over 98% of graduates go on to study at top universities in Australia and throughout the world.


Tuition Fees 2012 Reception


Preparatory To Year Six


Year Seven To Year Ten Year Eleven & Year Twelve (Hsc) Year Eleven & Year Twelve (Ib)

$119,300* $125,300* $154,900*

Primary Division Secondary Division

Facilities: Aquatic centre, newly-redesigned library, playing field, two indoor gymnasiums, environmental green roof, undercover playground, auditorium, specialist classrooms for art , music, science, food technology, ICT, Design & Technology. 3A Norfolk Road, Kowloon Tong 23 Belcher’s Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2304 6078 Fax: (852) 2304 6077 Email: 6

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Guide to Quality Education & International School Cebu International School

The Harbour School

Our Curriculum:

Our Mission:

Cebu International School is an IB World School, and has been since 2000. It is a PYP candidate school (June 2011) and has been authorised to deliver the IB Diploma in Grades 11-12 since 2000. The IB philosophy and practices inform both Curriculum and Assessment throughout the school from Pre-School 3 (3 year old), through the Middle School High School, and directly leading to the IB Diploma in Grades 11-12. The foreign languages we offer from Grades 1-12 are Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. We have a strong ESOL programme to support students who do not have English as their first language. Our learning needs programme provides both support and extension, depending on the individual child.

The mission of CIS is to recognize and nurture potential, and empower all members of its community to have a positive impact on our changing world.

Tuition Fees:

Curriculum: North American



Buses available from private bus companies to most major areas of Hong Kong Island



Cebu International School is the only school in the Philippines with accreditation awarded from three different accrediting organizations: Council of International Schools (CIS), Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and Philippines Accrediting Agency for Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)

8:30 am - 3:30 pm except Wednesdays, which are half day (8:30 am - 12:30 pm)

Fees: Tuition $128,750 (10 month school year), Capital Levy $17,000

actively participate in these subjects rather than just reading about them? What if we valued diversity and recognized children for their strengths rather than defining them by their weaknesses? Or if we encouraged children to proceed at the pace appropriate for them, encouraging them to think, learn and communicate at their optimal level? With its trademark small class sizes and progressive emphasis on differentiated learning, the arts, and global cultural literacy, The Harbour School has carved its own niche in Hong Kong as the little school with a positive, productive, and enthusiastic environment. Children at The Harbour School become authentic producers, not test-takers, in a progressive, creative and child-centered program.

Profile: What if we created a school that encouraged discussion and thought, rather than rote memorization? What if we added science, history and technology as vital components, encouraging children to

Please note that our Tuition Fee Schedule for SY12-13 is on the website: and payable in Philippine pesos, with an additional $US fee.

The Harbour School, 2nd Floor, Kennedy Town Centre 23 Belcher’s Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2816 5222 Fax: (852) 2816 5229 Email:

Pit-os, Cebu City 6000 Philippines Tel: (63-32) 401-1900 to 03 Fax: (63-32) 401-1904 Email:

Concordia International School

Hong Lok Yuen International School






North American Curriculum

8:25 am to 3:00 pm

Concordia International School is an established small international school managed by the Lutheran Church. The school is non-profit making, co-educational and has direct linkage with the Concordia University System in the United States. All of its students are trained and prepared to write the ETS's TOEFL and the College Board's PSAT, SAT Reasoning and Subject Tests and the AP Courses. Successful students at Concordia are assured of having their work recognized by universities and colleges around the world, including top-class universities in Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and the United States. Concordia's doors are open to students of all races and religions. The school's motto is "transforming lives together", the school prides itself on its small class teaching (up to 15 students per class).


Sport Field/Hi-tec Library

Transportation: MTR Kowloon Tong Station Festival Walk Exit C or Shek Kip Mei Station Exit B2

Fees: Annual tuition fee for Grade 7-12: HK$82,000 by 2 instalments, Associated fees: HK$13,500-18,200, fees for after-school ESL class, study tours and personal laptop for study not yet included. No debenture required.

Facilities: 10 Class Rooms, Special Rooms include: Art Room, Computer Rooms, Science Laboratory and Multi-purpose Hall. Space for Sports: Basketball and Badminton Courts. Small campus, but spacious for 100 students and with good teaching facilities for 6 classes of Grade 7-12. 68 Begonia Road, Yau Yat Chuen, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2789 9890 Fax: (852) 2392 8820 Email: / Principal: Dr. Darnay S.K.Chan

8:20 am – 3:00 pm

Profile: Hong Lok Yuen International School is an independent non-profit making school, providing high quality international education, through an English medium, to kindergarten and primary students, in a multi-cultural environment It was established 30 years ago to serve expatriates from all over the world, together with local Chinese children from Hong Lok Yuen and other areas in the New Territories of Hong Kong. HLYIS is a fully authorised IBPYP (international Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme) school, with strong emphasis on Maths and English skills. Together with the International College Hong Kong (ICHK), the school provides a through train education from Nursery to Year 13.

20th Street, Hong Lok Yuen, Tai Po, N.T. Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2658 6935 Fax: (852) 2651 0836 Email: 8

Hours: 4• 2012

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Guide to Quality Education & International School Hong Kong Academy Curriculum: IBO framework: Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP candidate), IB Diploma Programme (IB DP)

Transportation: Accessible through various transport like bus, taxi and minibus

Hours: 8:20 am to 3:20 pm

Fees: PK1 - PK2: HK$96,000 K - G5: HK$133,000 G6 - G8: HK$143,000 G9 - G10: HK$150,000 G11 - G12: HK$157,000 Annual capital levy: HK$16,000 Family debenture: HK$425,000 per child

Facilities: Multi-purpose room, art and music rooms, library, science labs, learner support facilities, indoor sports hall and 2 playgrounds

HKA’s Five Core Values:

Hong Kong Adventist Academy Curriculum:

Purpose and Passion: Hong Kong Academy (HKA) is an independent, non-profit, co-educational day school for students aged 3-18. HKA features an inquiry-based, concept-driven curriculum that provides a well-rounded, student-centered program. The school was founded in 2000 to serve the educational needs of Hong Kong's expatriate and local communities by providing a broad, international-style curriculum that incorporates the best teaching practices form around the globe. It was conceived with the guiding principle that all students have the right to a high-quality education that supports both their learning styles and their natural strengths. The school intentionally cultivates diversity through its admissions and hiring practices to create a school that reflect the world at large. The HKA community is known for its warm and welcoming nature and parent involvement is high. In August 2013, the school is moving to a purpose-built campus in Sai Kung. The notable features of the new campus include a 700-plus seat gymnasium, a 350-seat auditorium, a two-story library and a rooftop landscaped Art Courtyard with sea and mountain views.

Transportation: School Bus (need to fill in request form)

Hours: 8:25 am to 3:40 pm

Fees: HKD $68,000 / per year

Hong Kong Adventist Academy (HKAA) is a local school with an international flavor. On its Clear Water Bay campus, the academy offers primary and secondary classes that use a local curriculum enhanced with components from the United States. Our internationally trained teachers provide a holistic approach to learning that integrates creativity, hands-on experiences, and ethics with traditional academics. HKAA’s global focus allows its students to successfully continue their education either in Hong Kong or abroad.

Facilities: Art room, Music room, Weight room, Student Activities Centre, IT Labs, Indoor Gymnasium, Science Lab

1111 Clear Water Bay Road. Sai Kung Tel: (852) 2719 1668 Fax: (852) 2358 1055 Email: Principal: Mr. Cleon White

• Learning for Understanding

Learning is more than simply gaining knowledge; those with true understanding can see and respond to multiple points of view and possess a self-awareness that allows them to continue to learn, grow and adapt in a rapidly changing environment.

• Pathways to Excellence

International Christian School

HKA students are individuals with a diverse range of strengths and learning styles, and each is encouraged to find their own path to achieving excellence. HKA equips children with the skills to become self-confident learners able to embrace new situations and knowledge with success.



American based

• Engagement with Community


HKA is engaged with community on its campus, in Hong Kong, in Asia and around the world. HKA students see themselves as global citizens and the school’s curriculum and culture reflect this international-mindedness.

A private bus company operates daily buses

Hours: 8:15 am to 3:15 pm

• Dynamic Educational Environment

Founded in 1992, our motto is: “Instruction for Life, Commitment to Christ and Service to the Community”. Our mission is to equip students with the knowledge, skills and Christian character to serve and transform their communities while preparing them for tertiary education.


HKA encourages inquiring learners to build on their own experiences to construct knowledge and create meaning while collaborating with, and learning from, those around them.

Kindergarten Half Day Class Elementary (Pre-Grade 1-Grade 5) Middle School (Grade 6-Grade 8) High School (Grade 9-Grade 12)

• Intentional Diversity HKA’s community is comprised of individuals from more than 40 countries who possess an array of different talents in all areas: intellectual, physical, social and emotional.

$49,500 per annum $90,200 per annum $119,500 per annum $122,600 per annum

Facilities: swimming pool, two gyms, a performance theatre, recording studio and two libraries

Hong Kong Academy, 12 Ka Wai Man Rd., Kennedy Town, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2655 1111 Fax: (852) 2891 4461 Email:

1 On Muk Lane, Shek Mun, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3920 0010 Fax: (852) 2336 6114 Email: 10


Local Curriculum (USA Style)

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Guide to Quality Education & International School International College Hong Kong

The International Montessori School



UK GCSEs & IB Diploma Programme

Hours: 8:15 am to 3:30 pm

Fees: Application Fee: Refundable Capital Deposit: Tuition Fees:

HK$2,000 HK$80,000 HK$125,000 to 139,000

Our Campus: ICHK’s campus is set in an area of outstanding natural beauty in the northern New Territories. Our school sits alongside the beautiful Starling Inlet and is a short bike ride from the Plover Cove and Pat Sin Leng Country Parks. Our campus comprises four low-rise buildings, including facilities for the Performing Arts, Music, Science, ICT, Media and Film Studies and Art & Design. 60 Sha Tau Kok Road, Sha Tau Kok, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2655 9018 Fax: (852) 2655 9788 Email:

Profile: ICHK was established with the support of three prestigious Hong Kong primary schools; Hong Lok Yuen International School, the Japanese International School and Kingston International School. Together we offer students the opportunity to study from Kindergarten to Secondary School and, in the process, develop the strong personal relationships with each other and their teachers that will last a lifetime. We offer quality education, small class sizes and a friendly environment. At ICHK we inspire our students to realise their full academic and personal potential. Our approach to learning helps students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world. ICHK is a community school and, as a community, we expect each individual to be principled, to appreciate and critically examine different viewpoints and to act in support of each other’s learning and development.

The International Montessori School (IMS) is a non-profit, dual-language (English and Putonghua Chinese) school catering to over 500 children aged 2 to 12. Established by a group of parents in 2002, the school’s mission is to enable each child to develop his/her individual gifts in a caring, supportive, respectful and bilingual community. The school spans 3 campuses on Hong Kong island, with the Primary School located in a beautiful, spacious facility on Tin Hau Temple Road, providing a broad range of facilities set against lush green surroundings.

Kindergarten-Grade 12. Boarding school A vibrant and rapidly growing school with over 900 students from 44 different countries. Offering a well-rounded and developmentally appropriate curriculum for students in Pre Kindergarten to Grade 12, culminating in the Alberta High School Diploma, recognized by universities worldwide. All classrooms have wireless technology, SmartBoards, wireless laptops. Challenging academic program, including sport, music, art and Mandarin. Class size average of 20 students. Boarding available for Grade 7-12 students in a co-educational. Full boarding (7 days) or weekly boarding (5 days) available. Wide range of extra curricular activities.

As the only Montessori Kindergarten through Primary School in Hong Kong, IMS has focused on delivering an authentic Montessori education with a strong emphasis on dual-language learning. The Chinese program provides a unique immersive experience which is tailored to each child’s background and ability in Chinese, from beginner to native speaker. IMS graduates stream successfully into top secondary schools in Hong Kong with enhanced social and academic skills, and a strong foundation in Chinese and English.

High Quality Teaching Staff

With a class size of 25, each classroom has two qualified teachers to meet the individual needs of the each child. At least one teacher is internationally trained in the Montessori method and philosophy, and has fulfilled the rigorous requirements of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), the world’s leading Montessori training organization. IMS’ primary school also has specialist teachers to provide children with well-rounded exposure to Music, Art, Physical Education and Information Technology.

Classroom Environment and Facilities Children remember 30% of what they hear, 20% of what they see, and 70% of what they do. IMS classrooms are designed to allow children to learn through doing, providing a calm, spacious environment populated with attractive and engaging Montessori learning materials. Each IMS campus has a dedicated play area and library, with the Primary School providing additional indoor and outdoor facilities such as a basketball court, school hall, art room, computer room and music/dance studio.

Curriculum: Alberta Curriculum - Accredited with the Ministry of Education in Alberta, Canada.

Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm

Facilities: Modern campus with vast green areas, open common areas and sprawling athletic fields. 3 science labs, 2 computer labs, visual art and music studios, TV and film studio, 2 libraries, large multipurpose hall for meals, athletics and performances, fully functional kitchen, administration centre and University Hospital on site.

Tin Hau Campus (up to age 12) 62 Tin Hau Temple Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong Tel: 2156 9033

South Horizons Campus (up to age 6) G/F, Blocks 23 South Horizons, Apleichau Tel: 2861 0339

For more information visit the TIS website

Mid-Levels Campus (up to age 6) M/F, 17 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: 2857 7007

Macau University of Science & Technology Block K, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macao Tel: (853) 2853 3700 Fax: (853) 2853 3702 Email:

Fax: (852) 3006 2950 Email: 12

Montessori is an internationally recognized education method with a 100 year history of providing a unique and enriching education to children all over the world. Based on principals of enquirybased learning and development of the whole child, the Montessori philosophy shares many tenets with the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP). The Montessori curriculum gives students structures to categorise knowledge, keys to discover, and questions to encourage life-long learning, along with the life skills needed to adapt to change.

Extending Montessori to the Primary Level in Hong Kong

The International School of Macao Profile:

The Montessori Method 4• 2012

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Guide to Quality Education & International School Kellett School The British International School in Hong Kong

Norwegian International School Transport:



The National Curriculum for England, including GCSE / IGCSE (beginning 2011-2012) and A Levels (beginning 2013-2014). Mandarin is taught from Reception with option to switch to French in Primary 3. Spanish and Latin are also offered in secondary.

Kellett School was founded over thirty years ago as a not-forprofit Association by like-minded parents to provide a high quality British style education for the English speaking community in Hong Kong. The school’s aim is to promote 'a love of learning and confidence for life' for each student, by providing challenge, offering opportunity and giving responsibility. The school is currently extending to provide education for students aged four to eighteen years. Both the Primary and Secondary sections occupy modern purpose built facilities that are generously staffed and resourced. Kellett Secondary Section which is growing year on year is offering places up to Year 10 this year and will introduce Year 11 in the academic year 2012-2013. A purpose built campus in Kowloon Bay will be ready to house the Secondary Section from 2013, in time to begin an expansive A Level programme, and will also accommodate a new Primary Section, which will be additional to the current Pok Fu Lam Primary Section. Kellett was recently recognised by the UK Department for Education as providing an ‘outstanding’ education for children overseas. This follows the school’s 2010 inspection by Penta International which has been accredited by the UK government to offer an OFSTED-approved school inspection service to British schools overseas.

Facilities A wide range of learning spaces including new and fully equipped science labs, art rooms, libraries, music and music practice rooms, design and technology workshops and large gymnasium/auditoriums. Outside spaces include large Astroturf multisport areas and a number of outside seating areas.

Hours: Primary 8:30 am – 2:30pm / 3.15 pm, Secondary 8:00 am – 3:15pm

Fees (2011/12): Primary $110,900 Secondary $144,500

School bus service: The school runs a bus service in Hong Kong.

School bus service provided by a third party

Our Motto Loving for Today * Learning for Tomorrow * Living for Eternity

Our Mission

Founded in 1984, Norwegian International School provides quality education in a family-like environment. The school is committed to nurturing children in the Christian faith.

Our Programme

We offer kindergarten and primary education up to Year 6 with English as the language of instruction. Small class sizes enable individual attention to ensure sufficient guidance to all students. A wide range of after-school activities is an integral part of school life.

Our Curriculum

We use the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), an integrated curriculum where learning is delivered through enquiry based themes. It also addresses personal development and internationalmindedness. Mandarin is taught daily.


The kindergarten has a natural woodland playground featuring swings, play sets, a sand box and a padded play area. The primary school includes an artificial grass soccer field, an auditorium and learning support areas. Well-equipped classrooms are furnished with reading corners, wireless internet access, projectors and audio systems. Laptops are available for students to use during lessons.

School Fees

Tuition Fee (for a 10-month school year) Kindergarten (half-day) Primary (Year 1 to Year 6) (full day)

$4,740/month $7,630/month

Capital Levy Kindergarten (half-day) Primary (Year 1 to Year 6) (full day)

$3,000 $7,000

Norwegian International School is a member of Generations Christian Education (


175 Kwong Fuk Road, Tai Po, N.T. Tel: (852) 2638 0269 Email:

Primary Section

170 Kam Shan Road, Tai Po, N.T. Tel: (852) 2658 0341 Email:

Small World Christian Kindergarten Our Motto

Inclusion Policy

Loving for Today * Learning for Tomorrow * Living for Eternity

Individual needs programme * Limited places

Our Mission

Admission Age

Started in 1986 * Independent not-for-profit Christian kindergarten * Focus is on nurturing the whole child (intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual) * Children experience God’s love in their exciting and growing world.

Our Programme

English is the language of instruction with daily Mandarin exposure*Children move at their own pace in discovery and exploration*Christian values *Enriching learning experiences *Warm & loving environment

Primary Campus –

Our Curriculum

2 Wah Lok Path, Wah Fu, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2551 8234 Fax: (852) 2875 0262

International Primary Curriculum (Early Years), Bible curriculum, Mandarin exposure

Secondary Campus –

Class Schedule

School Fees Tuition Fee: HK$4,510 /month over 10 months Capital Levy: HK$3,500 per annum Application Fee: $300 Small World Christian Kindergarten is a member of Generations Christian Education (

Morning session from 9 am to 12 noon Afternoon session from 1 pm to 4 pm

460 Shau Kei Wan Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3665 5300 Fax: (852) 3665 5355

10 Borrett Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2525 0922 Email:

E-mail: 14

From two years and eight months 4• 2012

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Guide to Quality Education & International School Sunshine House International Pre-schools

Tutor Time International Nursery and Kindergarten

List of Sunshine House Schools:


Tutortime International Nursery & Kindergarten

Our curriculum

Sunshine House International Pre-schools Hong Kong, has been at the forefront of early childhood education in Hong Kong since 1991. Sunshine House was born from a passion to develop and provide the best care for young children, built around the philosophy “for the love of children”. Visit any of the eight Sunshine House campuses spread across Hong Kong, and you will find a vibrant, nurturing and loving learning environment, where the happy voices of children fill the classrooms, and both parents and students alike feel welcome each and every day. At Sunshine House, staff are committed to providing a learning environment that is creative, joyful, experiential and fulfilling, as we recognize the importance and value of professional, well structured and educational pre-school care for children in their formative growing years. Sunshine House offers classes for children aged from twelve months to six years. There are two streams: The International and the Bilingual. Our curriculum is based on UK Early Years Foundation catered to meet the needs and demands of our communities in Hong Kong; and is further supplemented with new virtues taught each month. Another wonderful environmental component “for love of earth” teaches our children environmental awareness and about being good global citizens. Programs such as Mandarin Immersion, Extended day class, and Extra-Curricular activities, provide variety and flexibility to the day-to-day program, while our Starseeds program helps prepare our 5-6 year old age group for the transition into primary school.

We are proud that our schools have consistently achieved ‘Center of Excellence’ awards with scores of over 95% in the annual evaluation from Tutor Time® USA. The evaluation includes parent and staff surveys of satisfaction.

Since its establishment in Hong Kong in 2001, Tutor Time has offered a fully bi-lingual (English and Mandarin) program for children 6 months to 6 years old and is the choice of many local as well as expatriate families. An unparalleled standard of care, tuition by native speakers, the innovative StartSmart and LifeSmart curriculums and superb, spacious facilities combine to provide a whole child educational experience, focusing on the four main areas of development: language, cognitive, social/emotions and physical. Exclusive programs foster Math and Literacy skills as well as encouraging critical thinking and character development. Extra-curricular activities include piano lessons, dance, gymnastics and kung-fu.

Discovery Bay

Tel: (852) 2987 8143

Tai Tam Tel: (852) 2813 0713

The Peak Tel: (852) 2849 7123

Tung Chung Tel: (852) 2109 3873

Pok Fu Lam Tel: (852) 2551 3213

Chi Fu Tel: (852) 2551 3781

Discovery Bay North Tel: (852) 2987 0813

Clearwater Bay Tel: (852) 2358 3803

Path to primary schools Each year, Tutor Time® graduates are accepted into top primary schools in Hong Kong, including CIS, GSIS, ISF, DGS, DBS, FIS and HKIS.

A safe environment kideowatch® internet classroom camera systems enable parents to monitor their children at all times through streaming video.

Our campuses There are now 2 schools flourishing in Kowloon Tong and 3 on Hong Kong island, the most recently opened being Tutor Time Mid-levels, a delightful center designed especially for babies and toddlers. Campus sizes range from 8,000 to 20,000 sq. ft and feature beautiful classrooms with well-equipped learning centers, the Tutor Time® Village, a nature center, a state of the art gym, a soft playroom, amazing indoor and outdoor playgrounds and climbing walls.

Our staff All Tutor Time® schools have qualified native English, Mandarin and Early Childhood Education teachers. There are CPR/First Aid certified staff members on each campus.

Hong Kong side:

Tutor Time Braemar Hill: LG/F Braemar Hill Shopping Centre, 45 Braemar Hill Road, Hong Kong Tutor Time Mid Levels: G/F Botanical Court, 5 Caine Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Tutor Time Red Hill – Tai Tam: 101, 1/F Red Hill Plaza, 3 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam, Hong Kong

Kowloon side:

Tutor Time Kowloon Tong: No. 1 Dorset Crescent, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Tutor Time WOW: No. 9 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

Tel: (852) 2529 1833

Tel: (852) 2529 2288 Tel: (852) 2813 2688

Tel: (852) 2573 9188

Tel: (852) 2529 1188

Head Office 2/F, 54 Village Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2836 3700 Fax: (852) 2836 3710 E-mail:

Fax: (852) 2507 5445 Email: 16 4• 2012

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Guide to Quality Education & International School Victoria Educational Organisation Upper Kornhill campus Tel: (852) 2513 1108

Middle Kornhill campus Tel: (852) 2885 1888

Lower Kornhill campus Tel: (852) 2885 3331

Causeway Bay campus Tel: (852) 2578 9998

North Point campus

Tel: (852) 2571 3456; 2571 7888

South Horizons campus Tel: (852) 2580 8633

The Belcher’s campus Tel: (852) 2542 7001

Homantin campus Tel: (852) 2762 9130

Harbour Green campus Tel: (852) 2885 1928

Age of students Playgroup Pre-Nursery Class Nursery Class Lower Class Upper Class

8 months – 3 years 2 – 3 years 3 – 4 years 4 – 5 years 5 – 6 years

Streams Trilingual (English/Putonghua/Cantonese) Bilingual (English/Putonghua) Bilingual (English/Cantonese) (Pre-Nursery Class only) Email:

Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA) Profile:

School Mission:

Profile: For the past 47 years, Victoria Educational Organisation (VEO) has been providing high quality childhood education in Hong Kong, and with continuous growth and expansion, it is now comprised of nine nurseries and kindergartens.

Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA) promotes international mindedness, guiding students in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and the development of positive values and lifelong learning in a bilingual, caring environment.

“Bilingual Learners Today, World Citizens Tomorrow– Love to Read, Eager to Inquire, Learn to Care” is the

International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (Y1-Y5) (6-11 years)

school motto of the Victoria educational organisation. VEO implements a bilingual co-class teaching approach, and through a total immersion programme with trilingual learning environment and activities, children’s bi-literacy and tri-lingual abilities are strengthened. In addition, teaching is carried out in small groups with an aim to cater for individual abilities as well as to provide inquiry-based learning for children to develop into caring lifelong learners with a global vision.

International Baccalaureate recognition


The IBPYP at VSA is an inquiry-based approach to learning which focuses on the development of the whole child. The bilingual curriculum, with its high expectations particularly in Mathematics, Chinese and English, requires children to think critically and reflectively. Two teachers in each classroom support the students’ learning in English and Putonghua. Students are continually assessed against rigorous standards and encouraged to become balanced and responsible learners. The Learner Profile guides students to develop the attributes which will help them become life-long learners and global citizens.

Victoria (Belcher) Kindergarten, Victoria (Homantin) International Nursery, Causeway Bay Victoria Kindergarten, Causeway Bay International Kindergarten and our affiliated primary and secondary school, Victoria Shanghai Academy, are authorized IB World Schools. They became the first internationalized local “through-train” IB World Schools in Hong Kong, which continue to provide IB education (Primary Years Programme to Diploma Programme) for students from 3 to 18 years of age.

Middle Years Programme (Y6-Y10) (11-15 years)


IB Diploma Programme (Y11-Y12) (15-17 years)

To help parents enrich their children's learning during the first three crucial years, VEO offers our Playgroup which is registered with the Social Welfare Department. The Playgroup provides a happy, caring, stimulating environment and programme, to facilitate optimal development in early childhood by experienced and caring instructors. The toddlers develop their multiintelligences through various enjoyable experiences.

The IBMYP at VSA is a rigorous 5-year curriculum that consists of a comprehensive and thorough study of various disciplines for students aged 10-16. The programme is based upon three fundamental concepts - to develop holistic learning, intercultural awareness and communication. The learning objectives focus on the students’ conceptual understanding, and acquisition of skills, all of which will enhance the application of learning for life. The IBDP is a 2-year curriculum that provides a balance of academic breadth and depth, and is assessed by rigorous internal coursework and external examination. The basis of the diploma is to promote the holistic development of the student – physically, intellectually, emotionally, and ethically. Thus, in conjunction with a challenging and comprehensive education in the classroom, the IBDP also encourages individual responsibility to the community and self and supports international awareness that will help prepare the student for University studies and beyond.

Fees (2011/12):

Primary Years Programme Middle Years Programme Diploma Programme

HK$82,200 HK$93,740 – HK$95,900 HK$118,770

Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA) in Hong Kong is a private independent, non-denominational, coeducational day school established under the auspices of the Shanghai Victoria Education Foundation Limited, a registered charitable body. VSA has grown from the success of the two primary schools of the school sponsoring body, namely, Victoria English Primary School and Shanghai Alumni Primary School. In 1965, the Victoria Kindergarten was founded with the mission of providing high standard education in English and Chinese for Hong Kong children. For over forty years, the School has been well known in Hong Kong for its excellence in academics, character building, and individual nurturing of young people. The School is proud to have been the first IB World School in Hong Kong. The PYP (Primary Years Programme), MYP (Middle Years Programme) and DP (Diploma – the Pre-University Programme) are the curricula frameworks through which we strive to inspire student to be “Bilingual Learners Today and World Citizens Tomorrow”. All faculties at VSA have highly qualified specialists with a passion for their subjects who develop and customize creative lesson plans and projects. Each department and year level is led by expert senior teacher who sets high standards with clear targets.


VSA has a state-of-the-art campus on a site of 400,000 square feet in area, conveniently located at Shum Wan overlooking Aberdeen harbor. Facilities on the campus include purpose built, well-furnished classrooms, science laboratories, a humanities room and a language room. We boast a spacious multi-purpose school hall with a capacity of 2000, and outdoor amphitheaters. There are ample sports facilities, such as an indoor swimming pool, ball courts, a running track, a soccer pitch, and a newly built sports centre and gymnasium. An arts floor houses the auditorium, orchestra and choir practice rooms, art, dance and drama studios, a campus TV room, and a fully-equipped Design and Technology Room. The secondary and primary libraries are situated in an independent block on the campus and provide an ideal learning environment, with computers and a self-learning center, as well as a large collection of books.

19 Shum Wan Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3402 1000 Fax: (852) 3402 1099 E-mail:


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Guide to Quality Education & International School The Woodland Group of Pre-Schools

Yew Chung International School




For over 30 years Woodland has set the standard in Hong Kong for quality pre-school education. With ten schools, Woodland offers classes for children aged from twelve months to six years. Seven of our pre-schools use ‘Traditional’ teaching methods in line with the UK Curriculum’s Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). These schools are fully accredited by the Pre-School Learning Alliance, London. Three of our pre-schools offer ‘Montessori’ teaching methods that are fully approved and accredited by the Montessori Centre International (London).

Office opening hours: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday

Extra curricular clubs: Woodland offers a wide range of after school clubs - English, French, Mandarin, Maths, Art, Science, Literacy, Computer, Cooking, Music, Drama, Gymnastic, Soccer, Mum’s Mandarin, etc.

List of Woodland Schools: Tai Tam Montessori Repulse Bay Montessori Mid Levels Montessori Peak Pre-School Repulse Bay Beachside Happy Valley Pre-School Pokfulam Pre-School Tree House (Pokfulam) Harbourside (Aberdeen) Sai Kung Pre-School

Tel: 2525 1655 Tel: 2803 1885 Tel: 2549 1211 Tel: 2849 6192 Tel: 2812 0274 Tel: 2575 0042 Tel: 2551 7177 Tel: 2872 6138 Tel: 2559 1377 Tel: 2813 0290

Profile: Founded in 1932, Yew Chung has been providing quality bilingual education to the learners of Hong Kong for 80 years. Originally specialising in Early Childhood Education, Yew Chung International School (YCIS) now provides education from early childhood through primary and secondary culminating in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. Today YCIS has expanded beyond Hong Kong, and is now established in Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Qingdao in China and Silicon Valley in the United States, with a total student enrolment of over 5,000.

Global Education in YCIS YCIS offers the unique richness and diversity of both Eastern and Western cultures that equip children to be bilingual, global-minded, competitive, appreciative and caring global citizens. Students are nurtured in a multicultural environment with a fully rounded and balanced education which transforms them into global thinking individuals.

Integrating East and West

School bus:

YCIS combines the best of Eastern and Western cultures by promoting fluency in two major world languages, creating a truly bilingual learning environment, providing courses of study in Eastern and Western philosophy. The integration of Eastern and Western culture is also achieved through the Co-Principals and Co-Teaching models. Two Co-Principals, one Western and one Chinese, serve as partners in the operations and administration of the school. In addition, two fully-qualified teachers, one Western and one Chinese, together plan lessons and conduct classes in the ECE and Primary School, and provide excellent role models who respect and value one another’s culture.

Available to most areas Head Office – Suite 2405 Universal Trade Centre, 3-5A Arbuthnot Road, Central, Hong Kong, China. Tel: (852) 2559 4855 Fax: (852) 2559 7162 Email: General Manager: Abi Tyrrell

YCIS Education Programme YCIS’s international curriculum is based on the framework and schemes of work from The National Curriculum for England (NCE). It is a research based curriculum that allows high standards and ease of transition for international students who move from one country to another.

Age of Students Early Childhood Education Primary School (Year 1 – 6) Secondary School (Year 7 – 9) IGCSE (Year 10 – 11) IB Diploma (Year 12 – 13)

6 months – 5 years 5 – 11 years 11 – 14 years 14 – 16 years 16 – 19 years

International Recognition YCIS – Secondary is accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) as an IB World School and authorised as an accredited Cambridge International Examination (CIE) Centre.

Highlight of YCIS Global Education

3 To Fuk Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2338 7106 Fax: (852) 2304 6713 Email:

• Bilingual programme and multicultural environment will give your child the global mindset and intercultural competence they need for the 21st century. • Unique Co-Teaching and Co-Principals models help students to learn two cultures and give equal emphasis to both English and Chinese. This leads to fluency in two major world languages and readiness to interact with people from all over the world. • YCIS integrates Character Formation programmes into our curriculum, focusing on developing positive qualities and good moral character. • Strong music programme enhances children’s reasoning skills, develops patience, concentration, coordination and selfdiscipline. • English Intensive Programme (EIP) ensures high level of English for all students, from all linguistic backgrounds. • YCIS maintains 100% university placement with students admitted to top universities in Hong Kong and overseas. 20

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