Oct 2012 Supplement

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2012 Guide to Healthy Living

PREVENTION OF JOINT DEGENERATION Let’s face it – we are young no more. Every day, our body reminds us that we are getting older. You find the laptop this morning “too heavy,” or climbing the staircase two floors up a little too tough on your legs and back? These may be signs that your joints are suffering from “wear and tear” – just like the nuts and bolts of machinery

By Dr Or Yu-Wah

Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology

10 • 2012



ave you experienced back pain lately? How about a feeling of stiffness in joints after a long day of work at the office? And stepping on the treadmill at the gym last week just felt different from before – not so “young” and “energetic” anymore. Is it just stress, or something else? Osteoarthritis or joint degeneration is the most common cause of joint problems. The usual cause is simply chronic wear-and-tear on our joints and it is inevitable that there will be some degenerative change in our joints over our life time. According to information published by the World Health Organisation, up to 85 percent of people over the age of 65 show some evidence of osteoarthritis on X-ray.

able to joint problems than white collar office workers. Excessive exercise of high intensity in competitive athletic sports is often associated with an increased incidence of degenerative arthritis. Moderate exercise, however, has been shown to prevent osteoarthritis of the knees by maintaining muscle strength of the large thigh muscles.

Symptoms However, not everyone will experience symptoms of joint degeneration. Usual symptoms include pain, decreased mobility and decreased functional capacity of certain joints. Conventional medicine labels this problem as arthritis. As a rough measure of how widespread the problem is, the Arthritis Foundation in the US estimates that osteoarthritis affects some 27 million Americans. According to WHO, genetic factors may be involved in 30-60 percent of people with osteoarthritis. There may be a genetic defect that results in the breakdown of cartilage which is the high water content specialized tissue covering the ends of the bone. Cartilage helps minimize the friction that occurs with movement of bone on bone. But as we age, our cartilage also loses the ability to bind water and becomes less slippery, stiffer and more brittle – and hence joint degeneration. It is therefore not surprising that there appears to be a strong correlation between joint utilization and osteoarthritis. Individuals who do manual labor where there is intense repetitive movement are more vulner-


Moderation Prevention of joint degeneration is entirely possible. In order to do that, one needs to have an adequate knowledge, with persistent efforts, and a great deal of patience. Whether you want to lose some weight, get healthier or delay degeneration, the principle is the same. It is about doing things in moderation. And as the saying goes, there is a triad consisting of exercise, diet and rest. First, let’s talk about exercise. Exercise may be helpful or detrimental to your joints. It all depends on how you execute it. For sedentary people without knee pain, start with 30 minutes three times a week. You

can either swim or take a walk in the park. Then gradually step up to 30 minutes a day. This promotes blood circulation, metabolism, and strengthens muscles around the joints which in turn relieve their loading and therefore defer degeneration. A balanced diet, together with moderate amount of exercise, helps to reduce problems of overweight, which is now a common lifestyle problem in Hong Kong. In general, it means the diet should have more fruit and vegetables instead of starchy food (carbohydrate), meats, sugar as well as salt. The following five items are recommended: • Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Together with vitamin C, it slows down the aging process. Fruit and vegetables are rich in both vitamin E and C. • Nuts, besides as an antioxidant, also contain rich omega-3 with anti-inflammatory action. • Salmon is not just a delicacy but also a good source of natural antiinflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce knee joint pain, thus promoting sense of wellbeing. • Glucosamine is found in the cells of joint cartilage. Its production slows down with age. However, it is found abundant in the shells of shrimp, lobster and crab but only trace in their flesh. Although you can grind and blend them into soups, an alternative will be to take glucosamine supplement. • Chondroitin is most abundant glycosaminoglycan in cartilage and is partly responsible for the cartilage’s resiliency. It is another common supplement for use together with glucosamine. Last but not the least, rest is in terms of good quality sleep or relaxation with your hobbies. Remember, taking a nap is no substitute of a good night sleep. Keep these principles in mind. You can start your own health plan and stay healthy.

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as they use more medical care and generate higher claims costs. By investing in CWPs, each company will be, in a small way, responding to World Health Organisation’s call for investment in good healthy practices. The WHO points out that the best defense against aging is to reach an old age under the healthiest conditions possible. The WHO’s suggestions can be found in Good Health Adds Life to Years, which was released in April to mark the World Health Day.

Boosting Employee Wellness with New Ideas Let’s face it – high caliber employees nowadays are hard to find and a challenge to keep. In most cases, they are interested in more than just a pay-check. In job interviews, prospective employees want to know: ‘if I work for you, do you really care about my well being?’ That’s why conventional medical benefits are good but not good enough anymore. Lynne Fung, General Manager of Communications and Business Development of Matilda International Hospital (MIH), has been at the forefront of explaining this concept of talent management to human resources professionals. She shares her thoughts about what Corporate Wellness Programs are all about and what they can do for your business and your staff Why should company bother with employee wellness? What evidences are there to justify such programs? Fung: Corporate wellness programs are an investment in a corporation’s most valuable asset, their workers. Studies have shown that workers are more likely to be on the job and performing well when they are in good physical and psychological health. Employees are also more likely to be attracted to, stay with, and value an employer that appreciates them. CWPs improve company productivity by: • Reducing absenteeism and time lost;


• Enhancing job performance; and • Improving morale, leading to lower turnover. In addition to enhanced productivity, corporate wellness can also slow down rising health care costs. Selecting healthier alternatives may reduce an employee’s chances of suffering from illness. Less illness means corporations can reduce medical plan utilization, thereby reducing medical benefit costs, and in turn increasing earnings. While medical cost savings from CWPs may be less evident than productivity gains, research shows that medically high-risk workers are medically high-cost workers Are there variances of suitability of CWP among companies? What types of businesses are most suitable to adopt CWP? Fung: There is a place for CWP in every company whatever the size or industry. The key is to understand them well and to develop a program that is relevant to their key objectives, operational needs, and budget. Work-life balance is essential for everyone, and programs that embrace creativity and flexibility in scope provide insight for staff on ways to achieve this. What are the keys to successful CWP? Fung: Creating a program that has relevance and connection to the company, something that they feel reflects their particular mission, values and culture. Such a program can lead to increased engagement and trust. Can you give us some successful examples of CWP run by MIH? Fung: Through working with clients in the financial, retail, shipping, hotel and tourism and entertainment industries, we have been able to use our expertise to promote wellness. Our scope is expansive though it usually starts with a health road-show where we do some base-line tests that indicate particular areas within an organization that need to be addressed. Individual results are confidential and only the staff will receive immediate reports and feedback through our uniquely designed system. Meanwhile, an overview of the corporate health status is available to the Human

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Resources within a week or so. These outreaches that MIH does are a valuable opportunity for each member of staff to meet individually with healthcare professionals and ask questions. This information then forms the basis of an educational plan delivered through talks and interactive seminars. If staff are sedentary, we may introduce activity classes such as tai chi, tae kwon do, dance, yoga or fitness. Stress can be also be addressed by adding an indulgence and fun module such as ice-cream days, Bollywood stretch sessions, shoulder and foot massages and “Bob,” our resident kung-fu training manikin which is happy to take punches, helps provide staff with down time and reinforces the message that the company really does care for them. Being a hospital and having in-town medical centres in both Central and Tsim Sha Tsui means that we can provide complete solutions for wellness. Comprehensive health screening which can be tailor-made for individual organizations is evidence-based, and it takes into account staff demographics as a key component. Health screening takes a detailed look at the staff’s health status, creates awareness on health risks, and allows for preventative care and early disease detection – elements essential to a happy, healthy life. Our ability to then follow up, and provide appropriate care, should there be a need, provides a unique ability to really make a difference. What are the key differences between the CWP run by MIH and other conventional medical benefits programs? Fung: Our screening is ‘holistic’ and takes into account the full understanding of the individual patient: social aspects such as work, relationships, travel, lifestyle (smoking, alcohol use, exercise), family history, past medical history, use of medications and supplements, previous screening, risk tolerance and importantly, the patients concerns, willingness to change, and level of understanding. Our screening advice is ‘personalised.’ Often screening outcomes are not so black-and-white, or normal or

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abnormal, but may be subtle and need to be put into context of all the individual aspects of a person as mentioned above. We will add in our discussions an individual follow-up consultation and will pass to patients relevant information so that they can understand the findings better and be well informed to make the right decision. Our screening is ‘peer reviewed.’ As a group of doctors, we review each other’s work and check with experts in different specialties to ensure that we are always providing advice according to the most up-to-date standards. We start by really listening to the needs and objectives of the company and remain sensitive to issues they and their staff maybe facing, and then tailor a program to fit with their culture and sprinkle with interactive activities and fun. Engaging the employees and providing tools for them to enhance their wellness is what makes the programs so successful. There are other components that can be added through the hospital’s work with charities such as the sedan chair race that encourages social responsibility and opportunities for staff to contribute to those in our local community that are in great need – a new dimension where staff learn to appreciate their own good fortune and work towards a unified goal for a greater good. What are the other benefits of CWP to the companies apart from keeping the employees healthy? Fung: A well-executed CWP subtly communicates to the staff that the company cares about them and can help retain employees in an ever competitive market for talent. Savings of both money and resources can then be made in recruiting and training new staff, and holding on to the wealth of knowledge among high-achieving staff. With healthy and happy staff, fewer sick leaves will be taken. There may be opportunities for companies with a comprehensive wellness program to benefit from savings on insurance plans. More than 120 studies documented the positive effects of health promotion on employee health, productivity,

A health screening in progress

bottom line savings and return on investment. According to one research published in 2004, companies can save US$3.48 in health care costs and $5.82 in absenteeism cost for every dollar invested. Another research published this year showed similar results, which reviewed 42 published studies of worksite health promotion programs showing an average 28 percent reduction in sick leave absenteeism, an average 26 percent reduction in health costs, and an average 30 percent reduction in workers' compensation and disability management claims costs, with an average US$5.93-to-$1 savingsto-cost ratio. Editor’s note: The first study cited above refers to the “Health Improvement: A Comprehensive Guide to Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Worksite Programs”. Center for Prevention and Health Services Issue Brief. November 2004 Vol 1, No 1. The second study was done by Larry S. Chapman. It was published under the title Meta-Evaluation of Worksite Health Promotion Economic Return Studies: 2012 Update. American Journal of Health Promotion: March/April 2012, Vol 26, No 4.


Raising Awareness of Prostate Problems

HPV – Real Culprit of Cervical Cancer

As we get older the chances of health problems increase. For men, some of the most feared aged-related problems are those associated with the prostate – such as benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer. Dr Chan Lung-Wai, a specialist in urology, explains the science behind and offers suggestions on diagnosis and treatment that not only bring better results but also shorten the length of stay in hospital

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers among females around the world. According to the Hong Kong Cancer Registry, there were 358 new cases of cervical cancer in Hong Kong in 2008, accounting for 3.1 percent of all new cancer cases in females. Dr Louis Chan Yik-Si (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) is an authority in the field. He shares his professional advices with about the cancer and what preventive steps women can take to protect themselves How common is prostate cancer among men in Hong Kong? Chan: Prostate cancer has become increasingly common in Hong Kong over the past 10 years. In fact, prostate cancer is now one of the top four common cancers among male, affecting three times more men in Hong Kong today as it did 30 years ago. What should men do to find out if they have prostate cancer? Chan: The first thing to do is to visit your urologist. He may examine your prostate clinically and arrange a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test. PSA is a protein produced exclusively by prostate glandular cells. Normally, it can be detected in blood at a very low level. However, damage of normal prostatic architecture by cancer cells, acute inflammation, and increased leakage in benign hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate) can all lead to elevated levels of PSA. This makes measuring PSA levels a good indicator of prostatic diseases, the most common of which are prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostatitis. A score of four or


under on the PSA index warrants observation, while anything higher indicates the need for further tests. Is there concern over PSA screening? Chan: Prostate cancer screening with PSA was first reported in 1991 and quickly became popular in the US. However, there is still much controversy over this type of screening. Many of the prostate cancers detected this way are low grade and slow growing; the tumor progression is often slow and the patient survival without treatment can be as long as 15 years. These factors have led to concerns about over-diagnosis and over-treatment. Nevertheless, a recent review published in the New England Journal of Medicine in March 2012 involving 182,160 men in Europe showed that the death rate from prostate cancer was significantly reduced with 11 years of PSA screening. The review suggested that in men suffering from prostate cancer, serum PSA level served well as a tumor marker. Likewise, a definite elevation of PSA after treatment was considered a good indication of whether the disease would recur, while a continual rise of serum PSA was treated as disease progression. All these showed the role of PSA in prostate cancer to be imperative. In addition, progression in the development of BPH may also be reflected with an increase in the serum PSA level. Can you tell us more about BPH? Chan: BPH is an age-related condition in

which benign prostate tissue grows causing obstruction to prostatic urethra. It is a common disease affecting 40 percent of men aged between 50 and 60, and 90 percent of men aged between 80 and 90. It causes symptoms that affect the quality of life and, if the obstruction becomes significant, it may cause urinary retention and damage to the bladder, affect kidney function, and cause urinary tract infection or urinary incontinence. Diagnosing BPH early and offering appropriate treatment can improve a patient’s quality of life as well as general health. How about acute prostatitis? Chan: In acute prostatitis, the serum PSA can rise to a high level, mimicking changes caused by cancer and as a result cause much anxiety among patients. However, with proper antibiotic treatment, the serum PSA usually returns to baseline level within a short period of time – something that doesn’t happen in the case of cancer. Monitoring PSA level can therefore help reveal the degree of tissue recovery with greater accuracy. On the contrary, because of the absence of acute inflammatory changes in the prostate gland in chronic prostatitis, the serum PSA usually stays at the original level. These factors make screening an invaluable tool in diagnosing prostrate problems. However, it is clear that more work needs to be done to raise awareness of prostate health. This would go some way to promoting men’s health and to reduce the gender gap in health and life expectancy.

10 • 2012 What are the common causes of cervical cancer? Chan: HPV (human papillomavirusis) is transmitted through skin contact or sexual intercourse. Among the hundred or so of HPV strains, 15 are considered high-risk. HPV 16, 18, 31, 33 and 45 are the most common carcinogenic virus strains. Approximately 70 percent of cervical cancer cases are caused by HPV 16 and HPV 18. How does HPV lead to cervical cancer? Chan: Seventy percent of people affected with HPV recover from the infection with the virus cleared from their body within a year. Another 20 percent will take two years. The remaining 10 percent who are not able to remove the virus from the system might develop precancerous lesions, which are abnormalities in the cervical cells caused by HPV virus. The lesions may develop into cancer cells in the cervix which will require cryotherapy or excision in order to destroy or remove the affected cells. What are the preventive steps against cervical cancer? Chan: HPV infection is common in females. No medication can help to clear up HPV infection. Those who had the viruses cleared spontaneously from their body could be re-infected. Re-infection invariably leads to more destructive and resistant viruses. The most proactive way to prevent HPV

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Dr Louis Chan Yik-Si

Average Age-specific Incidence and Mortality Rates od Cervical Cancer 40

Number of new cases and deaths per 100,000 women What are the symptoms of prostate cancer? Chan: Early prostate cancer carries few or no symptoms at all. As the disease progresses, patients may experience difficulty or pain during urination, bladder distension or bone pain. As a result, many men fail to consult doctors and are only diagnosed in the later stages.

Dr Chan Lung Wai

Incidence Rate Mortality Rate







10- 15- 20- 25- 30- 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- 60- 65- 70- 75- 80- 85Age Source: HK Department of Health

infection is vaccination and a regular regime of Pap’s Smears to monitor the conditions of cervical cells. How to choose the vaccines to prevent HPV infection? Chan: There are two cervical cancer vaccinations on the market. One prevents cervical cancer. The other prevents cervical cancer as well as sexually transmitted cervical warts. Clinical studies showed that one is more effective against cervical cancer and HPV infections than the other. It can protect more carcinogenic HPV type infection and also induces higher antibody level. Before you decide on the most appropriate and effective vaccination for yourself, you should seek professional advice.

Worldwide, cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women. In 2008, there were an estimated 529,000 new cases of cervical cancer, of which over 85 percent occurred in developing countries; and around 275,000 women died of this cancer, about 88 percent of whom from developing countries. In Hong Kong, cervical cancer was the ninth most common female cancer death in 2009. There were 128 deaths in females due to this cancer, accounting for 2.5 percent of all cancer deaths in females.


Guide to Healthy Living asia medical specialists

Cigna Global Health Benefits

8/F Aon China Building, 29 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong 1210, 12/F Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon

25/F, Sunning Plaza, 10 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Company Activities/ History

Special Features/Amenities

Special Features/Amenities

asia medical specialists are a team of doctors who work together to provide comprehensive and expert care. Our teams are sub-specialised: each doctor looks after just his or her area of expertise, including orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery, general & gastro-intestinal surgery, breast, head & neck surgery, thoracic surgery, urology, plastic surgery and endocrinology. In May 2012, we established our hong kong stroke centre, providing comprehensive stroke care services including stroke treatment, risk screening, prevention and rehabilitation. Please visit for further details.

Our 'G-scan' is the first weight bearing MRI in Greater China, introduced in March 2009, designed specifically for the musculosketetal system. With its unique tilting design, it can perform a weight-bearing scan as well as a standard recumbent MRI scan. Weight bearing scans allow the patient to stand upright to show the effect of weight on the spine and joints, potentially offering more accurate diagnoses. We have a minor operating theatre to allow small procedures to be performed under local anaesthetic without the inconvenience and expense of visiting a hospital.

With 35 years experience, Cigna Global Health Benefits are experts in helping choose or design internationally compliant solutions that are cost-effective and comprehensive. Cigna Global Health Benefits offers a full line of employee benefit programs including medical, dental, vision, disability, pharmacy management, international employee assistance programs, life, accidental death and dismemberment, and evacuation. As one of the top providers of international health care solutions, Cigna Global Health Benefits cares for approximately

Service / Product: Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Orthopaedic surgery, general surgery, internal medicine Dr Jason Brockwell (Medical Director) Ms Catherine Mak (General Manager) (852) 2521 6830 (Central) (852) 3420 6666 (Tsim Sha Tsui) (852) 2521 6831

Service / Product: Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Health Insurance and Wellness Solutions Anthony Hidell, Sales and Client Management Director (852) 2297 5108 (852) 3421 1929

880,000 customers worldwide, representing the largest customer base of globally mobile employees. And with the advantage of being locally admitted and licensed in 30 countries and jurisdictions, the Cigna Global Health Benefits international network consists of more than one million doctors and hospitals. Cigna Global Health Benefits has recently been recognized for their commitment to customers and clients for the second year in a row. They received the prestigious award of “2012 International Benefits Provider of the Year” from the Forum for Expatriate Management (FEM). FEM is an online community of International Human Resource and Global Mobility professionals. Cigna Global Health Benefits can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Hong Kong Adventist Hospital

8/F Aon China Building, 29 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong 1210, 12/F Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon

40 Stubbs Road, Hong Kong SAR China

Company Activities/ History

Special Features/Amenities

Company Activities/ History

sportsperformance is a one-stop multi-disciplinary allied health centre. Our physiotherapists offer a broad range of treatments for acute and chronic musculoskeletal problems, post-surgical rehabilitation and sports injuries. We provide ‘one-on-one’ 40-minute service with emphasis on active handson treatment, and offer allied health services including nutrition & dietetics, stretch therapy and podiatry services.

Video gait analysis Computer software allows our physiotherapists and podiatrist to analyse runners and golfers, in slow motion and frame by frame, to pick up underlying biomechanical anomalies that may not be evident during a static examination. This enables us to design a personalised plan of care to address each individual’s problems, which may involve a combination of stretching, core stability training, advice on appropriate footwear and running style, or orthotic insoles. This detailed approach allows the athlete to clearly understand their problem and to be an active partner in their rehabilitation programme.

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital is an internationally accredited hospital dedicated to providing health care services in a safe and comfortable environment with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The world-class services it offers have resulted in international accreditations from the TRENT of the United Kingdom since 2000, and from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) in 2010. Staffed by English-speaking professionals, the hospital offers medical assistance 24-hour a day, and a number of Out-Patient Clinics and Specialist Units, such as The Hong Kong Heart Center an Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Center. Its newly opened Oncology Center is the only place in Hong Kong to offer TomoTherapy and CyberKnife treatment, both leading radiation therapy systems. The hospital also offers several Health Assessment Programs to either corporate or individual clients.

Service / Product:

Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Physiotherapy, sports performance, pre-operative preparation, post operative rehabilitation, clinical Pilates, biomechanical assessments, podiatry, nutrition & dietetics Dr Jason Brockwell (Medical Director) Ms Catherine Mak (General Manager) (852) 2521 6380 (Central) (852) 3420 6667 (Tsim Sha Tsui) (852) 2521 6381

Service / Product: Tel: Fax: Email: 8

Health and Medical Services (852) 3651 8888 (852) 3651 8800 10• 2012

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Guide to Healthy Living Innovasians

Kimberly-Clark (HK) Limited

18/F, Wing Hing Commercial Building, 16 Sutherland Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Rm3403-08, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Company Activities/ History Innovasians’ business is a technology driven company applying the new and sustainable technologies in the development and manufacturing of eco lifestyle products including textile products, garments, and tableware or those of its customers along responsible supply chain parameters, while at the same time creating an awareness of ‘renewable’ materials. Innovasians developed “scaleable” options (not just one solution) for clients using the multiple technologies and converting these to FINISHED PRODUCT using these technologies but ensuring the results are both economically and sustainably viable. Innovasians is the licensee of Instep (listed with UNEP) as one of the only third Party accredited organizations able to measure carbon, environmental and water footprint (ALL THREE). Our market actually goes far beyond HK as we export to South Africa, Mexico City, USA, EU and Australia.

Organizational Success starts with Engaged Employees

Looking for a way to always give the best to your baby? Wish to prevent your baby from eating solvent and melamine? Here comes “Eat Me”, the most ecological, toxin free, and solvent free dinnerware for your children. Plastic free, melamine free, biodegradable, and reducing the Carbon emissions; the “Eat Me” exclusive range of Innovasians comes to replace the usual plastic dinnerware. Service / Product: Tel: Fax: Email:

Eco-friendly lifestyle products (852) 3428 3102 / (852) 3428 3103 (852) 3753 3173

Ken Lee Medical Centre Rooms 1103-4, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Room 1825-27, Argyle Centre Phase 1, 688 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon

Under the pressures of commercial reality, there are challenges faced by employers to achieve organizational success. In fact, happier and engaged employees are important to the success. Human Resources teams often struggle to provide sustainable work-life balance for the employees. In addition to the adverse effects of long working hours, employee wellness is linked to a number of key areas, including: physical fitness, emotional fitness, and everyday life hygiene, and HR teams may struggle to source solutions for their employees in these critical areas. Given the tight resources in HR departments and the real challenges in developing robust, cost-effective employee wellness programmes, Kimberly-Clark Professional has developed Healthy Workplace Project, an integrated and efficient approach to creating an experience of everyday life wellness for building a sustainable winning business. The Healthy Workplace Project is a continuous process starting from awareness, where employees learn to understand more about where they are in terms of their wellness, through education, and engagement to receive feedback on continuous improvement. Kimberly-Clark Professional believes that better wellness brings healthier employees, better working

relationship, better team morale, and enhanced motivation and better team work and communications, which in turn, brings enhanced productivity to the workplace. Kimberly-Clark Professional is the first company that offers this kind of solutions in the market.

Service / Product:

Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Healthy Workplace Project An integrated program to create an experience of everyday life wellness to engage employees Ms. Joyce Lau (852) 2355 8654 / (852) 9550 0679 (852) 2364 9882;

Company Activities/ History Established in 2001, Ken Lee Medical Centre was set up in memorial of the late general surgeon Dr Lee Chung Kin Ken. Ken Lee Medical Centre currently has 8 specialist doctors, 1 clinical psychologist and 5 physiotherapists. Together with our warm and courteous staff and our convenient location in Mongkok and Central, Ken Lee Medical Centre aims to provide high quality specialist care to our patients.

Ken Lee Medical Centre provides the following services:

Service / Product: Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Specialist Clinic Denise Lee (852) 2841 8811 (852) 2787 0331

- Obstetrics & Gynaecology (female doctors) - Orthopaedics & Traumatology - General Surgery - Ophthalmology - Physiotherapy - Aromatherapy - Clinical Psychology 10

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Guide to Healthy Living Matilda International Hospital

Quality Chinese Medical Centre

41 Mount Kellett Road, The Peak

Unit A, 5/F, Jade Centre, 98 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong

Company Activities/ History

Company Activities/ History ∙ We are a well established Traditional Chinese Medicine

Matilda International Hospital (MIH) offers comprehensive outpatient services and is a pioneer in surgical advances, particularly in the fields of orthopaedics and spinal care. The surgical service is supported by an experienced and compassionate clinical team, a well-equipped surgical ward, and a day case unit. The hospital is also renowned for its wellness programmes and maternity care. The hospital’s primary and preventative medical services have been extended to centrally located Matilda Medical Centres (MMC) in Central and Tsim Sha Tsui. Together, MIH and MMC provide an entire suite of results-oriented wellness services that address specific medical and budgeting needs. Service / Product:


Hospital and medical services for corporate and individual clients offered by Matilda International Hospital and its Matilda Medical Centres (852) 2849 0111

Service / Product: Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Clinic, originated from Guangxi, China. We are also the first ISO 9001:2000 certified TCM clinic in Hong Kong by SGS. We offer Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal, Cupping, Moxibustion, Scrapping (Gua Sha) and Bone-Setting Therapies. We are for those who want to cure their problems to the root cause, or just wanna discover the secret of 5,000 years TCM from China for maintaining the Yin and Yang balance of their bodies. Our Chinese Medicine Practitioners are fully registered in Hong Kong, and all have more than 20 years experience in Hong Kong and China.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic Sally Tse (Director) (852) 2881 8267

PhysioMotion Ltd Room 401, 4/F., Baskerville House 13 Duddell Street, Central. HK

Company Activities/ History PhysioMotion is a dynamic Physiotherapy clinic and Pilates core stability exercise studio. Our experienced staff, trained in England & Australia successfully assist our patients to obtain optimum health and fitness through movement. Comfortable private rooms and treatment sessions of forty minutes one-on-one allows us to spend maximum time with our clients to achieve better results.

Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Abby Yek Cheung (852) 2525 8168 (852) 2525 6300 12

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