Apr 2013 Supplement

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Your Best Guidebook for Settling in Hong Kong Living in Hong Kong is a compendium-style all-you-need-to-know guide for newcomers to

school, getting settled when arrived and enjoying life in Hong Kong. This consumeroriented book is designed as a sort of “hotline� with useful phone numbers and contacts to other sources of help. Living in Hong Kong bookshops in Hong Kong. AmCham members often buy the book for their relatives and Americans), the book is one of the best-selling publications for AmCham. Contact: AmCham Publication Department Advertising Manager: Regina Leung Direct Line: 2530 6942 Email:

Community AmCham celebrates over 40 years of promoting business and fostering greater trade ties and community service in Hong Kong. Activities Members can access roughly 400 programs, seminars, and conferences each year featuring top business and government leaders, industry experts and professional facilitators who address timely and relevant business issues. Members Over 1,800 members (40 different nationalities) from over 800 organizations, including multinational firms, small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations. Committees Our members can join and access up to 28 different committees covering industry sectors, professional service sectors, and special segments of the membership.

BENEFITS Business Networking Visiblity and Corporate Exposure Information Advocacy WHY JOIN AMCHAM? "As a non-American, I have joined the AmCham in every country I have been posted because it is consistently the biggest and most active Chamber of Commerce and the strongest, best organized lobbying force in most countries, therefore able to attract a large number of members of very diverse horizons and able to organize a wide variety of events, attracting very often high profile speakers and therefore large attendance." Eric Maurin, Head of Commercial Banking, Asia, Credit Agricole CIB REQUEST MORE INFORMATION Membership Department: / 2530 6900

The Best of Both Worlds The Leysin American School in Switzerland is unique because it gives you the best of both worlds: an international education with an American curriculum in Europe – and in a perfect surrounding. Its emphasis on academic learning, sports and exposures to different cultures is second to none

By Kenny Lau

Photos courtesy of LAS


ocated in a Swiss small town with a population of 4,000 at an alpine winter resort, Leysin American School (LAS) was founded in 1960 by an American couple on a “shared belief that an international approach to education could accomplish much in promoting understanding and acceptance among young people.” The couple, Sigrid and Fred Ott, married in 1939 as they fell in love at the University of North Dakota, had a strong sense of optimism that the future of postwar Europe, while “laying in shambles in the late 1940s and early 1950s,” was “rich in prospects” as well


as an equally strong commitment to promoting cross-cultural understanding through education. The passion of the Ott family for education and their strong sense of internationalism as “citizens of the world” were the basis of their lifetime achievement and contribution to international education including their creation of an American international boarding school in Leysin, for which Sigrid and Fred were named honorary citizens in 2007.

International education The vigorous natural environment

of Leysin continues to be the backdrop of LAS, a coeducational academic institution for students in Grade 8 – 12. “The surroundings of our school allow us to create a unique academic curriculum mixed with sports, activities and travel excursions in and around Switzerland in an international setting,” says Jonathan Hilton, Director of Admissions (Far East) of LAS. LAS takes a balanced approach to high school education through in-class learning, group-based activities and interest-oriented individual projects. During winter seasons, students are taken on ski trips every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon or

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can choose to participate in musical groups or other activities of their interest under an inspiring atmosphere. The school has a student body of about 340 students from over 50 different countries in its International Baccalaureate, US High School Diploma or ESL programs. Despite a diverse international mix in the student body, LAS is “not a melting pot [but] a mosaic” as students are encouraged “to maintain their own unique identities and their own cultures while fitting into the bigger picture of humanity.” “Our students come from very diverse cultural backgrounds, a mix

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which has remained a very important key to the characteristic of our school,” Hilton notes. “One of our goals is to foster international understanding among our students who not only add to the lifestyle on campus but can interact with and learn from one another. “As they travel with their classes, they are exposed to a variety of learning activities such as taking part in a model United Nations assembly in Geneva and volunteering for Habitat for Humanity,” he adds. “These will give them an idea that the world is not simply about them or their country only and will help them appreciate other countries.

Best of both worlds

“You would choose LAS because it is truly an international school as you get the best of both worlds: an international education with an American curriculum in Europe, with a focus of preparing students for university in the US or some other countries.” The school is also a place where students are prepared for university admission, Hilton says, noting a number of graduates are admitted to some of the world’s top colleges each year, including Ivy League schools in the US. “We have three counselors working with our students starting

3 What are the benefits of music to a child’s learning? Sanderson: Music as a subject in school could offer what most other subjects can’t offer. Creativity is one; teamwork is another. While some students are extremely good as individuals playing the piano or violin on their own, it is also essential that they learn to be part of a team because a total sum is often greater than individual parts put together. And, when you get a right kind of mix to whatever you create, it will most likely become something of a much higher standard.

reassured about the safety of their children because our students never travel or do any outdoor activities alone and are looked after by a teaching staff as ‘moms’ and ‘dads’ living in the same dormitory.”

Summer in Switzerland from Grade 10, and acceptance rates to prestigious schools have always been extremely successful.” Parents are encouraged to visit their kids on campus and to participate in the educational process, he adds. “We always find the time to meet and talk to parents of our student, in addition to our Parents’ Week each February when parents interact and discuss with our teachers and staff about students’ performance and learning progress. “In fact, we provide parents with online access to constant information and teachers’ remarks about our students on their academic performance, past activities and health conditions, and parents can be


Some 25 percent of the students prior to enrollment have participated in a “Summer in Switzerland,” a threeweek summer school program combining academic study, outdoor activities, and cultural tours, in which “boys and girls from over 40 nations learn to live, work and have fun together” in Leysin in a healthy and comfortable climate along the Swiss Alps. “In our summer programs, students are grouped by their age, attend classes in the morning and do outdoor activities in the afternoon, plus some traveling,” Hilton notes. “We also have specialty ESL programs for students from non-English speaking countries. Many of our summer students return each year for school in the academic year.” “When our students finish in our summer program or graduate from our

school, there are always a few tears,” he adds. “I know from talking to our alumni that it has really marked their life and made a big difference. Regardless of how long they may have stayed at our school, none of them regretted being in Switzerland or Europe.” As an American school in Switzerland, LAS maintains a reasonable size of American and European students but has students from Asia, most notably Japan, Korea, India, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore as well as China. “Of a student body of 340, 12 are from China,” Hilton points out. “And, we’d like to slightly increase the number of students from China because it is important to the international and cultural mix and because we know Chinese students are of very high quality.” “We are very much aware of the importance of a balanced cultural mix; hence, we are not expanding our school by bringing in a large number of students from any particular country,” he adds. “We only want to be more competitive by improving our international characteristics and overall quality of our school.”

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The Joy of Learning Music at Yew Chung It was a jaw-dropping experience to attend Yew Chung 80th anniversary Seeds of Hope Gala Concert held in March. The music was first-rate, performance outstanding and the concert set a very high standard. This is not surprising because Yew Chung – its main campus is in Kowloon Tong – is one of the highly-regarded international schools in Hong Kong and culture and arts always play a key part in its curriculum. Gary Sanderson is YCIS’s Head of Music and Visual Arts. He talks to about how music is taught at Yew Chung and what he sees as the unique Yew Chung experiences

Photos courtesy of Yew Chung International School

4 • 2013 How is music taught at Yew Chung International School? Sanderson: Generally speaking, there is a difference in music education between the US and European systems. In the US, music education usually means learning a musical instrument or becoming part of a band or an orchestra. In our school, where we follow more of the UK or European model, music education is all based upon general music, for which each child gets one or two general lessons in music a week and as a class they all come together on the same level in a way that we can encourage the development of teamwork. Under our model, a group of five-year-old kids can learn about composing music by getting them to explore simple instruments like drums. They can make their own music and get an idea of shaping sound in a controlled and organized way so that it becomes an interesting whole. To do that, they have to work as part of a team. It is not a particularly easy thing to do, and our teachers have to be creative. How are music lessons integrated into an overall curriculum at Yew Chung? Sanderson: Like any school, we have classes and lessons in different periods during the day. But, we do it in a highly structured learning system that is open to every child and sometimes cross it over with drama and dance classes. The difference in our case is that we teach both general and technical music. Because general music is not too technical and is


Gary Sanderson

Performers from across YCIS campuses in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing and Qingdao in China and Silicon Valley in the US at the 80th anniversary gala concert

really about an appreciation of organized and refined sound, it gives us an ability to open it up to everybody. We are lucky to have a comprehensive program where children from age five to eight get to explore general music and learn to play the violin; from age eight and onward, they can choose to continue playing the violin, but all of our students take part in general music classes once or twice a week up to age 14. What about students who are not as musically gifted? Sanderson: If students find by age 14 that they have no further interest in pursuing music as a subject, they can drop the subject. However, music is mandatory for students at the age of 14


or younger. We understand that not everybody can excel in everything, and it doesn’t mean they are somehow marginalized. Our goal is to make our lessons interesting enough that they can learn something. If we can introduce them to as many types of music as we can, then at least they will have something they can carry forward that will help them enjoy music. How do you manage students’ time commitment? Sanderson: We have to do forward planning and look at things in advance. When students choose to play in an orchestra, we need to make sure there is sufficient time for practice. When it doesn’t work out, we take each case

individually. And, if a child needs to change for some reason, it is not a problem. Academic success is very important, and their studies are not neglected. The school goes to great lengths to manage their schedule very carefully for a balanced education while making sure that they also become musically enriched. It is very possible for every student to graduate from Yew Chung with high academic achievement and a well-rounded education. What is your role as the Head of Music and Visual Arts of YCIS? Sanderson: Many high-profile schools will choose someone who is a well-known professional performer

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philosophy in global perspective, and we encourage our kids to think critically and think big. And, we try to keep a balance in what we do. If you don’t push your students, it will be at the expense of learning. But pushing too hard is not healthy either.

Gary Sanderson in action

and hope that the level of professional skills can help to drag up the students. I’ve also worked as a professional music composer but I’ve also spent 20 years in music education in different places. In my 14 years at Yew Chung, I have taught every possible music class, orchestra, band and choir, including violin lessons for five-year-olds. From my 20 years of experience in music education, I can understand how far kids can go and what they can or cannot do and I know when they can or cannot be pushed. And, I will push them as far as I can without having the kids being unhappy. Usually, we find that brilliant musicians can’t communicate with or understand children well. You may also find some very good music teachers

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who are not able to make it work. My job is to put all those together. We can only have a great orchestra if we have great musicians who are also great teachers and can understand children. What is your advice to parents? Sanderson: Let your children’s ears be open to as many types of music as possible and let them learn what music has to offer. Let them have the opportunities in a balanced curriculum. I always suggest to parents to let their children at a very young age try out different things and to identify what their strengths are; once they reach a certain age, they will be better able to capitalize on those areas. One of our strengths is a very broad What do you find most satisfying about your job? Sanderson: Of everything, it is when bringing kids who are not naturally talented to the point of excellence. Some of our kids already take private lessons at a very young age and are pretty good when they come to our school. And, there are those who know very little about music but really want to succeed. Bringing these kids up and raising them to very high levels is one of the most enjoyable parts of my job. In our lessons, classical music is our basis because it is hard to establish the techniques to go further without it. But, kids may also be introduced to Beatles, The Rolling Stones and other Chinese music, even though they might not be great at it, they still enjoy what they learn.

7 How are the IB programs different from other curriculums? Smith: An IB curriculum teaches students “how to think” and not “what to think.” In the 21st century, the world is ever changing and we need to prepare our students with crucial thinking skills and not simply a body of knowledge that might be outdated within five years. When a student is able to think critically, he or she is a lot more likely to continue learning in a fast-changing environment. IB students are forever curious, fully engaged citizens who embrace their own culture and are open and responsive to other cultures and views. At the heart of an IB program is the “learner profile,” a long-term, holistic vision of education that underpins all three programs and puts the student at the center of everything we do. VSA offers the Primary Years Program in Years 1-5, Middle Years Program in Years 6-10 and Diploma Program in Years 11-12.

Proactive Learning at a Young Age Founded in 1965, Victoria has been providing childhood education for nearly half a century and is now an education organization with nine nurseries and kindergartens and one primary and secondary school across Hong Kong, with a focus on strengthening children’s bi-literacy and tri-lingual abilities. In a conversation with, Director of English Studies of Victoria Education Organisation, Sharon Hadji-Lary, and Principal (Primary) of Victoria Shanghai Academy, Susan Smith, talk about their educational approach to developing students into life-long learners Photos courtesy of Victoria Education Organisation How is “learning” defined? What is the teacher-student ratio at the nursery level? Hadji-Lary: At Victoria, we believe that children learn through “doing.” Learning engagements in our schools are carefully planned to encourage inquiry and exploration. Through these engagements children learn the essential concepts, skills and attitudes that set the stage for them to be life-long learners. The teacher student ratio generally varies between 1:8 and 1:10. Can you tell us more about your Guided Reading Program offered in K2 and K3? Hadji-Lary: We understand the importance of high quality literacy teaching. Guided Reading is just one strategy, within a host of strategies that we use to help children develop the


skills and attitudes necessary to become confident readers. To develop reading skills, children are taught the wide variety of skills needed. By the time children are ready to read text, we then teach them further skills through a variety of methods. Through “Shared Reading”, particular skills such as the use of punctuation are taught in a group setting. We also use “Individual Graded Reading Books,” when a graded reader appropriate to the individual child is worked through. Through Guided Reading in small groups, we support children in their development of language skills and fluency. As part of the program, we send home and provide our children with “real readers” on a regular basis – these are high quality fiction and non-fiction books with which parents and children can share and enjoy together. Is there an emphasis on homework for students at the primary level at Victoria Shanghai Academy? Smith: At VSA, we believe that homework should be meaningful and fun, and should allow students to reinforce and practice skills taught in class. Many activities are made open-ended as a way to encourage students to extend their learning through exploration and research. We also believe in balanced education in which students are encouraged to take part in physical, recreational and intellectual activities. Homework is assigned as what we call a “Homework Grid,” lasting one week. Each grid includes daily reading in both Chinese and English as well activities made up of other subjects. We let students and parents plan when homework is to be finished within the deadlines as a way to allow families

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more flexibility to fit in other activities. Your Academy puts a lot of emphasis on language proficiency of its students. Can you share an example of how teachers in VAS teach Putonghua in class at the primary level? Smith: We teach Putonghua using a variety of modern methods. For example, students not only take individual language lessons but are also given the opportunity to use a combination of both Putonghua and English in mathematics lessons and other topical work. Language lessons are centered on a theme but differentiated in that students work mainly in groups. Students attend “Guided Reading” sessions in Putonghua, where a group reads a book or story together along

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with a teacher and discusses reading strategies, language structure and meaning. Students also learn to write Pin Yin from Year 1 and to use Pin Yin to type in Chinese with the help of a school-developed computer program, with which students have the opportunity to write for both creative and informational purposes. Do you have a waitlist? Smith: We are very proud of our high standards at VSA, and therefore places are in great demand. Each year we are oversubscribed for our Year 1 student intake and have a long waitlist. Many of our primary students come from our Victoria Kindergartens but we also accept a number of external students. When students pull out, we will offer the places to suitable applicants from our waitlist. What is a “through-train IB program” at VAS and who should apply? Smith: The “IB through-train program,” also called the IB Continuum of International Education, is an offering of the IB Primary Years Program, IB Middle Years Program and IB Diploma Program (DP) in succession on the same campus. This affords our students an uninterrupted IB education. The three programs are for students at the ages of 3-12, 11-16, and 16-19, respectively. Do you use a debenture system at VAS? If so, how does it work? Smith: VSA has introduced a debenture system this year, with a small number being issued. It is not a requirement that every student who enrolls subscribe for a debenture. However, a child nominated by a debenture holder is given opportunities for reassessment and priority for admission to Year One. Any admission will be subject to the satisfaction of admission criteria as determined by the school.


Guide to Quality Education & International Schools American International School

Australian International School Hong Kong (AISHK)

125 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

School Profile The American International School is a fully accredited, independent, co-educational school in Hong Kong. Serving families from Hong Kong’s local and international communities since 1986, it delivers a rigorous American standards-based educational program for students from Early Childhood through Grade 12. AIS has an established record of student admissions to some of the most prestigious universities and colleges in the United States and internationally. Our Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) guide students towards becoming well-rounded individuals, empowered thinkers, effective communicators and global citizens. Our academic program is enriched by a broad and diverse extra-curricular program, vibrant visual and performing arts, an extensive sports program at both intra-mural and varsity levels, unique experiential learning opportunities, challenging leadership programs, dedicated community service, and a schoolwide commitment to supporting student success.

3A Norfolk Road, Kowloon Tong


New canteen and multi-purpose hall, outdoor swimming pool, global garden, basketball and volleyball courts, e-library, children’s playground, performance hall, specialist classrooms for art, music, science and ICT. All classrooms installed with interactive whiteboards and projectors

School Profile


Early Childhood 1(half-day) $61,320 Early Childhood 2 – Grade 2 $91,720 Grades 3 – 5 $96,640 Grades 6 – 8 $103,480 Grades 9 - 12 $113,440

Based on an Australian curriculum, the School’s medium of instruction is English. Putonghua is also taught as part of the curriculum, which has been modified to fit an Asian setting. As part of our commitment to offering broad academic choices of study, Students in Years 11 and 12 can choose to study courses offered in either the New South Wales Higher School Certificate or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. A leading international school in Hong Kong with a reputation for outstanding academic performance, over 98% of graduates go on to study at top universities in Australia and throughout the world.



Bus services to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories


Tuition Fees 2013 Reception


Preparatory To Year Six


Year Seven To Year Ten Year Eleven & Year Twelve (Hsc) Year Eleven & Year Twelve (Ib)

$126,500* $132,800* $164,200*

Primary Division

Secondary Division


8:00am - 3:00pm

Aquatic centre, newly-redesigned library, playing field, two indoor gymnasiums, environmental green roof, undercover playground, auditorium, specialist classrooms for art , music, science, food technology, ICT, Design & Technology.


Bus services to Kowloon, Hong Kong Island and New Territories.


Common Core State Standards, Advanced Placement Courses.

Anfield School

Tel: (852) 2336 3812 Fax: (852) 2336 5276 Email:

Tel: (852) 2304 6078 Fax: (852) 2304 6077 Email:

Concordia International School


68 Begonia Road, Yau Yat Chuen, Kowloon, Hong Kong

School Profile At Anfield

Anfield is an Independent Catholic, International School, comprising of a Primary school and 2 large Kindergartens, whose curriculum is underpinned by the Early Years Foundation Stage and the English National Curriculum. At Anfield, our robust curriculum for students aged 2-11 years, is fit for the 21st century, embracing the notion of promoting a globally – minded education of the very highest quality. Anfield enjoys an enviable reputation as thriving, dynamic, happy, caring and supportive schools with a strong family atmosphere.

School Profile

Primary School Section

No. 2 Lung Pak Street, Tai Wai, Shatin., N.T., Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2692 8823 Fax: (852) 2692 8678 Email: Principal: Ms. Vicky Davies

Kindergarten Section

5 Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2794 3668 Fax: (852) 2549 3878 Email: Principal: Ms. Denise Jarrett

Kindergarten & Nursery Section

L2, Phase 1, Laguna Verde, 8 Laguna Verde Avenue, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2766 3882 Fax: (852) 2766 3933 Email: Principal: Ms. Jeni Fieldhouse

Concordia International School is an established small international school managed by the Lutheran Church. The school is non-profit making, co-educational and has direct linkage with the Concordia University System in the United States. All of its students are trained and prepared to write the ETS's TOEFL and the College Board's PSAT, SAT Reasoning and Subject Tests and the AP Courses. Successful students at Concordia are assured of having their work recognized by universities and colleges around the world, including top-class universities in Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and the United States. Concordia's doors are open to students of all races and religions. The school's motto is "transforming lives together", the school prides itself on its small class teaching (up to 15 students per class).

North American Curriculum


8:15 am to 3:00 pm


MTR Kowloon Tong Station Festival Walk Exit C or Shek Kip Mei Station Exit B2


Annual tuition fee for Grade 7-12: HK$88,000 (subject to EDB approval) by 2 instalments, Associated fees: HK$13,500-19,200, fees for after-school ESL class, study tours and personal laptop for study not yet included. No debenture required.


10 Class Rooms, Special Rooms include: Art Room, Computer Room, Reading Room, Science Laboratory and Multi-purpose Hall. Space for Sports: Basketball and Badminton Courts. Small campus, but spacious for 100 students and with good teaching facilities for 6 classes of Grade 7-12. Tel: (852) 2789 9890 Fax: (852) 2392 8820 Email: / Principal: Dr. Darnay S.K.Chan

For more information, please visit 10

Curriculum 4 • 2013

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Guide to Quality Education & International Schools Delia School of Canada

The Harbour School

Tai Fung Avenue, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong

School Profile Delia School of Canada (DSC) is a co-educational school offering Canadian education from Pre-Grade 1 (aged 4 years) to Grade 12. DSC has an annual enrolment of over 1200 students originating from 45 different countries. There are no written examinations for students from Pre-Grade 1 to Grade 8. Students are assessed on a continuous basis using quizzes, tests, projects, presentations, group work, and in-class activities. DSC offers intensive English as a Second Language (ESL) and language programmes in Putonghua, French and Japanese.

The Harbour School, 2nd Floor, Kennedy Town Centre 23 Belcher’s Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

School Profile



No. of classrooms

Chinese programme


78 with electronic whiteboards and LCD projection system

Teacher/student ratio

Ontario, Canada Available

Summer School programme Available, see website



8:40 am – 3:30 pm


DSC ensures a clean, safe and well-maintained educational environment. There are more than 30 clubs, committees, and sports available in which students may participate.


Gymnasium, health room, auditorium, library, computer labs, music rooms, science laboratories, large outdoor recreational area.

Information Technology Elementary Section (Pre-Grade 1 to Grade 6) Tel: (852) 3658 0508 Fax: (852) 2560 6184 Email: Secondary Section (Grade 7-12) Tel: (852) 3658 0338 Fax: (852) 2885 7824 Email: Principal: Mr. Patrick Lee Deputy Principal: Ms Tammie McGee

The school has enhanced mobile technology, new multi-media studio, new primary computer centre, enhanced network infrastructure and a new Grade 7 to 12 Laptop Program.


HK$90,000 – HK$105,000 per annum for Pre-Grade 1 to Grade 12


Interview with non-refundable registration fee of HK$500


Parents are kept informed through progress reports, parentteacher conferences, e-mail correspondence, weekly website school news and newsletters.

What if we created a school that encouraged discussion and thought, rather than rote memorization? What if we added science, history and technology as vital components, encouraging children to actively participate in these subjects rather than just reading about them? What if we valued diversity and recognized children for their strengths rather than defining them by their weaknesses? Or if we encouraged children to proceed at the pace appropriate for them, encouraging them to think, learn and communicate at their optimal level? With its trademark small class sizes and progressive emphasis on differentiated learning, the arts, and global cultural literacy, The Harbour School has carved its own niche in Hong Kong as the little school with a positive, productive, and enthusiastic environment. Children at The Harbour School become authentic producers, not test-takers, in a progressive, creative and childcentered program.


American, K - 8th grade


Buses available from private bus companies to most major areas of Hong Kong Island


8:30 am - 3:30 pm except Wednesdays which are half day (8:30 am - 12:30 pm)


Tuition $128,750 (10 month school year) Capital Levy $ 17,000

Tel: (852) 2816 5222 Fax: (852) 2816 5229 Email:

International College Hong Kong Hong Lok Yuen 20th Street, Hong Lok Yuen, Tai Po, N.T. Hong Kong

School Profile International College Hong Kong, Hong Lok Yuen is an independent non-profit making school, providing high quality international education. This is an English medium school catering for Kindergarten and primary students, in a multicultural environment. It was established 30 years ago to serve expatriates from all over the world, together with local Chinese children from Hong Lok Yuen and other areas in the New Territories of Hong Kong. ICHK Hong Lok Yuen has 70% expatriate students and is a fully authorized IBPYP (International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme) school and is also fully accredited with the Council of International Schools (CIS). The curriculum has a strong focus on Maths, English, Chinese and Inquiry learning. Together with its secondary school International College Hong Kong (ICHK), the school provides a through train education from Nursery to Year 13. ICHK, Hong Lok Yuen provides school buses to various areas across the New Territories.

Curriculum IB/PYP


8:20 am – 3:00 pm (2pm on Wednesdays)


Annual Tuition Fee: HK$102,600 Application charge: HK$2,800 per child

Tel: (852) 2658 6935 Fax: (852) 2651 0836 Email: 12

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Guide to Quality Education & International Schools Hong Kong Academy

International Christian School

12 Ka Wai Man Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

School Profile Hong Kong Academy (HKA) is an independent, nonprofit, co-educational day school for students aged 3-18. HKA features an inquiry-based, concept-driven curriculum that provides a well-rounded, student-centered programme. The school was founded in 2000 to serve the educational needs of Hong Kong's expatriate and local communities by providing a broad, international-style curriculum that incorporates the best teaching practices from around the globe. It was conceived with the guiding principle that all students have the right to a high-quality education that supports both their learning styles and their natural strengths.

1 On Muk Lane, Shek Mun, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong

School Profile

Five Core Values

Learning for Understanding Learning is more than simply gaining knowledge; those with true understanding can see and respond to multiple points of view and possess a self-awareness that allows them to continue to learn, grow, and adapt in a rapidly changing environment.

ICS has been providing quality Christian education since 1992. ICS excellence is demonstrated not only in high academic achievement, but also by the character and values our students develop.


IBO framework: Primary Years Programme (PYP) Middle Years Programme (MYP candidate), IB Diploma Programme (IB DP)


8:20am to 3:20pm


PK1 to PK2 K to G5 G6-G8 G11-G12 annual capital levy family debenture

The campus is moving to Sai Kung in August 2013. HKA’s new campus incorporates the latest thinking in educational building design. The facility will be purpose-built to support the unique teaching culture of HKA and to meet the requirements of the IB programme from Pre-School through Grade 12. In addition, HKA has made careful and conscious choices to use materials that are friendly both to the environment as well as to the people who will learn and work in the building.

$100,800 $139,600 $150,000 $164,800 $18,000 $450,000


Art and music rooms, 350 seat auditorium, 750 seat gymnasium, 2-storey library, science labs, learner support facilities, wheelchair accessible (facilities available at Sai Kung campus)



7:50am – 3:15pm


25-meter swimming pool, two full gymnasiums, a 500-seat performing arts theater, two libraries HKD 52,200 HKD 95,200 HKD 126,100 HKD 129,300 HKD 86,000 + tuition

The International School of Macao Macau University of Science & Technology, Block K, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macao

School Profile Kindergarten-Grade 12 / Boarding school • A vibrant and rapidly growing school with over 940 students from 41 different countries. Offering a well-rounded and developmentally appropriate curriculum for students in Pre Kindergarten to Grade 12, culminating in the Alberta High School Diploma recognized by universities worldwide. • All classrooms have wireless technology, SMART Boards, wireless laptops. Challenging academic program, including sport, music, art and Mandarin. Class size average of 20 students. • Boarding available for Grade 7-12 students in a co-educational facility. Full boarding (7 days) or weekly boarding (5 days) available. • Wide range of extra curricular activities. 4 • 2013

A private bus company operates daily bus service

Tel: (853) 2853 3700 Fax: (853) 2853 3702 Email:


Tel: (852) 3920 0000 Fax: (852) 2336 6114 Email:

For more information visit the TIS website:

Tel: (852) 2655 1111 Fax: (852) 2891 4460 Email:

ICS offers a Christian, Americanbased curriculum

Kindergarten Half-Day Class Elementary (Pre-Grade 1 – Grade 5) Middle School (Grade 6 – Grade 8) High School (Grade 9 – Grade 12) Bridges (Diverse Learners)

Dynamic Educational Environment HKA encourages inquiring learners to build on their own experiences to construct knowledge and create meaning while collaborating with, and learning from, those around them.

Private buses; school is also accessible through various public transportations

Our Mission



Engagement with Community HKA is engaged with community on its campus, in Hong Kong, in Asia and around the world. HKA students see themselves as global citizens and the school’s curriculum and culture reflect this international-mindedness.


Instruction for Life Commitment to Christ Service to the Community Our mission is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and Christian character to serve and transform their communities while preparing them for tertiary education.

Pathways to Excellence HKA students are individuals with a diverse range of strengths and learning styles, and each is encouraged find their own path to achieving excellence. We equip children with the skills to become self-confident learners able to embrace new situations and knowledge with success.

Intentional Diversity HKA’s community is comprised of individuals from more than 40 countries who possess an array of different talents in all areas: intellectual, physical, social, and emotional.

Our Motto

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Modern campus with vast green spaces, open common areas and sprawling athletic fields. Three science labs, two computer labs, visual art and music studios, TV and film studio, two libraries, large multipurpose hall for meals, athletics and performances, fully functional kitchen, administration centre and university hospital on site.


Alberta Curriculum - Accredited with the Ministry of Education in Alberta, Canada.


8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.


Guide to Quality Education & International Schools The International Montessori School

The ISS Education Group

School Profile

ISS International School is:

The International Montessori School (IMS) is a non-profit, dual-language (English and Putonghua Chinese) school, which caters to 600 primary and kindergarten children from over 40 countries. IMS is the only Accredited Montessori Primary school in Greater China.

Chinese - English Dual Language Curriculum

IMS has pioneered a unique, individually tailored Chinese curriculum based on Montessori’s multisensory and interactive approach, and is now considered one of the world’s leading Montessori bilingual programs.

The Montessori Method

Montessori is an internationally recognized education method with a 100 year history of providing an unique and enriching education to children all over the world. Base on the principles of enquiry-based learning and development of the whole child, the Montessori philosophy fulfills the guidelines of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP). The Montessori curriculum gives students structures to categorise knowledge, keys to discover, and questions to encourage life-long learning, along with the life skills needed to adapt to change. IMS graduates stream successfully into top secondary schools in Hong Kong with enhanced academics and social skills, and a very strong foundation in both Chinese and English.

Extending Montessori to the Primary Level in Hong Kong

As the only Montessori Kindergarten through Primary School in Hong Kong, and the only accredited Montessori primary school in Greater China, IMS has focused on delivering an authentic Montessori education with a strong emphasis on dual-language learning. The Chinese program provides a unique immersive experience which is tailored to each child’s background and ability in Chinese, from beginner to native speaker.

Classroom Environment and Facilities

Children remember 30% of what they hear, 20% of what they see, and 70% of what they do. IMS classrooms are designed to allow children to learn through doing, providing a calm, spacious environment populated with attractive and engaging Montessori learning materials. Each IMS campus has a dedicated play area and library, with the Primary Schools providing additional indoor and outdoor facilities such as specialty rooms, basketball courts, school halls, art rooms, computer rooms and music/dance studios.

• Established in 1981 • An established PYP, MYP and DP authorized IB World School, with years of experience offering each program. • A truly international school with a multicultural environment, comprising students from almost 60 countries with no dominant culture. • Proud of the entire class of 2012 for having achieved 95% pass rate for the IB Diploma, this is way beyond the world-wide average, with 16% of the Diploma cohort receiving 40 points and above. • Proud of our students gaining acceptance into top universities including University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, King’s College London, McGill University and University of California, Berkeley. • A school with outstanding student support, including ESL, university advising and counselling. • The first international school in Singapore with an Apple MacBook program.


• ISS is IB-authorized since 2000. The school is also fully accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) in 1993 and Council of International Schools (CIS) in 2011. We are also EduTrust certified and registered with the Council for Private Education (CPE) in Singapore.

High Quality Teaching Staff


With a class size of 25, each classroom has two qualified teachers to meet the individual needs of the each child. At least one teacher is internationally trained in the Montessori curriculum, and has fulfilled the rigorous requirements of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), the world’s leading Montessori training organization. IMS’ primary school also has specialist teachers to provide children with well-rounded exposure to Music, Art, Physical Education and Information Technology.

• Teachers from 18 countries. • Predominantly trained in United States, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Many faculty members are moderators, examiners and workshop leaders for the IB organization and some are team members of ‘Council of International Schools’.

Beijing BISS International School is: • The first international school registered in 1994 in Beijing catering for PreK-12. • A truly international school with a multicultural environment, comprising students from almost 40 countries. • Proud of our students for having attained nearly 100% success in the IB Diploma. • Proud of our students for gaining acceptance at top universities like Harvard University, Columbia University, Stanford University, McGill University etc. • A school with English as a language of instruction, while our Language A1 classes (mother tongue) are in Korean, Japanese and Chinese. Chinese and Spanish are also offered as foreign languages for beginner and intermediate levels. • A school with small class sizes that allow teachers to help students reach their maximum potential including participation in any activity, regardless of their skill level. • Equipped with tools and support to connect, communicate and collaborate across the school and the world, including 1:1 mobile computing implementation; StudyWiz and Wikispaces initiatives.


• Beijing BISS International School is the first school in Beijing authorized for all three IB programs and accredited by Council of International Schools (CIS)- International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO); Western Association of Schools and Colleges(WASC); National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development (NCCT).


• Teachers from 14 countries.

IMS Stanley Campus (up to age 12) – NEW in 2013-2014*** Entrance off Stanley Plaza, Stanley, Hong Kong Tin Hau Campus (ages 3 to 12) 62 Tin Hau Temple Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2156 9033

South Horizons Campus (ages 2 to 6) G/F, Blocks 23 to 23A, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2861 0339

Mid-Levels Campus (ages 2 to 6) M/F, 17 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2857 7007

Fax: (852) 3006 2950

25 Paterson Road, Singapore 238510 , Tel: +65 6235 5844 Fax: +65 6732 5701

High School Campus


21 Preston Road, Singapore 109355, Tel: +65 6475 4188 Fax: +65 6273 7065

Email: 16

Elementary & Middle School Campus

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Beijing BISS International School No. 17, Area 4, An Zhen Xi Li, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, People's Republic of China Tel: (8610) 6443 3151 Fax: (8610) 6443 3156 Email: 17

Guide to Quality Education & International Schools Kellett School

Korean International School

The British International School in Hong Kong

55 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong

School Profile Kellett School, which was founded over 35 years ago, has earned recognition as one of Hong Kong’s leading not-forprofit international schools, where students grow in independence and confidence in a stimulating and caring Englishspeaking environment. High levels of academic attainment are achieved within a broad and challenging curriculum that embraces technology, creativity, the arts and sport. Kellett School is an established stakeholder in the future of Hong Kong. In September 2013 the school will embark upon an exciting stage in its development with the opening of a second campus in Kowloon. Purpose-built and encompassing innovative design, it is to become a permanent home to a second Preparatory School as well as our Senior School. The schools on the new campus and the existing Pok Fu Lam Preparatory School occupy generously resourced premises and are staffed to provide an outstanding British-style education. The Kellett Curriculum is designed to exceed the expectations of the English National Curriculum. The rigorous benchmarking of the English National Curriculum and associated assessment data supports student transfer to leading independent schools and selective schools worldwide. The Senior School prepares students for UK IGCSE, GCSE and A-Level public examinations, all of which are internationally recognised for entry to universities, colleges and the workplace

School Profile

School bus service

The school runs a bus service in Hong Kong.


The National Curriculum for England, including GCSE / IGCSE and A Levels. Mandarin is taught from Reception with option to switch to French in Year 3. Spanish and Latin are also offered in the Senior School.

The Korean International School is a non-profit, non-denominational, co-educational organisation open to all students. The International section was established with the aim of providing quality English-language education to children of all nationalities.


Pok Fu Lam Prep – 8.30am - 3.15pm Kowloon Bay Prep – 8.15am – 3.00pm Kowloon Bay Senior – 7.50am – 3.05pm


The International Section features classes from Reception up to and including Year 13. The Korean International School is registered with the Hong Kong Education Bureau [Re. No.21621] and all teachers are accredited by the Bureau. The school is a Cambridge Centre [Reg. No.HK055]. The programmes of study at all levels are based on syllabi designed and approved by the Cambridge International Examinations Syndicate. In Upper Secondary we offer IGCSE in Year 10 & 11 and AS & A Level in Year 12 & 13. Specialised Programmes include English as a Second Language, Korean, and Mandarin.


Reception Primary Year 7 to 12


Preparatory $116,500 Senior: $151,700


HK$52,800 per annum HK$79,500 per annum HK$89,500

Tel: (852) 2569 5500 Fax: (852) 2886 2545 Email: Principal: International Section: Mrs Lynne Thomson

A wide range of learning spaces including new and fully equipped science labs, art rooms, libraries, music and music practice rooms, design and technology workshops and large gymnasium/auditoriums. Outside spaces include large Astroturf multisport areas and a number of outside seating areas.

Stamford American International School 279 Upper Serangoon Road, (1 Woodleigh Lane), Singapore 347691

School Profile Stamford American International School in Singapore provides a world class school experience for students from Nursery (2 years old) through High School, including:

Best of International and American Learning

Students get the best of international and American education with Stamford’s two rigorous programs of learning; the IB Program integrated with the most rigorous US state standards (AERO).

Daily Foreign Language Program

Stamford’s daily Mandarin and Spanish language program begins from age 2 and increases fluency, fosters international understanding and encourages students to embrace their role as global citizens.

Pok Fu Lam Preparatory Campus – 2 Wah Lok Path, Wah Fu, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong

Stamford American International School’s new, centrally located, $300 million campus features state-of-the-art technology and facilities establishing Stamford as the benchmark for international schools around the world.


Stamford is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School authorized for the PYP, the MYP and a candidate school for the DP. Stamford is a proud member of the Council of International Schools (CIS) and is Edutrust and CPE certified. Stamford is a candidate for accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Integrated Technology

Students build comfort with technology through the Elementary 1-to-1 iPad Program and the 1-to -1 MacBook Program for Secondary School students. There are also interactive Promethean boards in every classroom.

Kowloon Bay Preparatory and Senior Campus – 7 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

Tel: (65) 6602 7247 Email:

Tel: (852) 2551 8234 Fax: (852) 2875 0262 Email: 18

State-of-the-Art Campus

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Guide to Quality Education & International Schools Tutor Time International Nursery and Kindergarten

Sunshine House International Pre-Schools Sunshine House Head Office, 2/F, 54 Village Road, Happy Valley

School Profile Sunshine House in an English speaking International Pre-School with a bilingual Mandarin option, providing a holistic approach to early childhood learning and development. Established in 1990 with the philosophy "for the love of children', Sunshine House International Pre-Schools have been successfully providing quality accredited early childhood education for children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years across Hong Kong ever since. With eight Pre-Schools spread across Hong Kong Island, Lantau Island and the New Territories, Sunshine House offers quality education in the most convenient locations.


Sunshine House offers classes for children aged from twelve months to six years. There are two streams: The International and the Bilingual. Our curriculum is based on the UK Early Years Foundation catered to meet the needs and demands of our communities in Hong Kong and is further supplemented with new virtues taught each month. Another wonderful component of our curriculum is our “for the love of earth” program that teaches our children about environmental awareness and the importance of being a global citizen. Programs such as Mandarin Immersion, Extended Day Class and Extra-Curricular Activities, provide variety and flexibility to our day-to-day program, while our Starseeds program prepare our 5-6 years old classes for the transition to primary school.

School Profile

Office Opening Hours

Tutor Time International Nursery & Kindergarten

8.30am – 4.30pm Monday – Friday.

We are proud that our schools have consistently achieved ‘Center of Excellence’ awards with scores of over 95% in the annual evaluation from Tutor Time® USA. The evaluation includes parent and staff surveys of satisfaction.

School bus service

Available to all schools from all areas in hk.

Sunshine House Schools Hong Kong Island: Sunshine House The Peak Sunshine House Chi Fu Sunshine Tai Tam Sunshine House Pok Fu Lam

Tel: (852) 2813 0713 Tel: (852) 2551 3781 Tel: (852) 2813 0713 Tel: (852) 2813 0713

Lantau Island: Sunshine House Discovery Bay Sunshine House Discovery Bay North Sunshine House Tung Chung

Tel: (852) 2987 8143 Tel: (852) 2987 0813 Tel: (852) 2109 3873

New Territories: Sunshine House Clearwater Bay

Tel: (852) 2356 380

Head Office 2/F, 54 Village Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong

Path to primary schools

Each year, Tutor Time® graduates are accepted into top primary schools in Hong Kong, including CIS, GSIS, ISF, DGS, DBS, FIS and HKIS.

A safe environment

kideowatch® internet classroom camera systems enable parents to monitor their children at all times through streaming video.

Since its establishment in Hong Kong in 2001, Tutor Time has offered a fully bi-lingual (English and Mandarin) program for children 6 months to 6 years old and is the choice of many local as well as expatriate families. An unparalleled standard of care, tuition by native speakers, the innovative StartSmart and LifeSmart curriculums and superb, spacious facilities combine to provide a whole child educational experience, focusing on the four main areas of development: language, cognitive, social/emotions and physical. Exclusive programs foster Math and Literacy skills as well as encouraging critical thinking and character development. Extra-curricular activities include piano lessons, dance, gymnastics and kung-fu.

Our campuses

There are now 2 schools flourishing in Kowloon Tong and 4 on Hong Kong island, the most recently opened being Tutor Time Central, an educational center designed especially for babies and toddlers. Campus sizes range from 8,000 to 20,000 sq. ft and feature beautiful classrooms with well-equipped learning centers, the Tutor Time® Village, a nature center, a state of the art gym, a soft playroom, amazing indoor and outdoor playgrounds and climbing walls.

Our staff

All Tutor Time® schools have qualified native English, Mandarin and Early Childhood Education teachers. There are CPR/First Aid certified staff members on each campus.

Hong Kong side:

Tutor Time Braemar Hill: LG/F Braemar Hill Shopping Centre, 45 Braemar Hill Road, Hong Kong Tutor Time Mid Levels: G/F Botanical Court, 5 Caine Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Tutor Time Red Hill – Tai Tam: 101, 1/F Red Hill Plaza, 3 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam, Hong Kong Tutor Time WOW Central: 1/F Garley Building, 45-53 Graham Street, Central, Hong Kong.

Kowloon side:

Tutor Time Kowloon Tong: No. 1 Dorset Crescent, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Tutor Time WOW: No. 9 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Tel: (852) 2575 2787 Fax: (852) 2295 0458 Email:

Tel: (852) 2529 1833 Tel: (852) 2529 2288 Tel: (852) 2813 2688

Tel: (852) 2812 6889

Tel: (852) 2573 9188 Tel: (852) 2529 1188

Fax: (852) 2507 5445 Email: 20

Our curriculum 4 • 2013

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Guide to Quality Education & International Schools Victoria Educational Organisation

Victoria Shanghai Academy 19 Shum Wan Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong s i n c e

School Profile VEO has been providing high quality childhood education in Hong Kong. “Bilingual Learners Today, World Citizens Tomorrow – Love to Read, Eager to Inquire, Learn to Care” is the school motto. VEO implements a bilingual co-class teaching approach, and through a total immersion programme with trilingual learning environment and activities, children’s bi-literacy and tri-lingual abilities are strengthened. Through inquiry-based learning, children will develop into caring life-long learners with a global vision.


To develop innovative learning and teaching environments that foster teachers' professionalism and help children reach their full potential.

1 9 6 5

School Profile

International Baccalaureate recognition

Causeway Bay Victoria Kindergarten, Causeway Bay Victoria International Kindergarten, Victoria (Belcher) Kindergarten and Victoria (Homantin) International Nursery are authorized IB World Schools. They provide IB education (Primary Years Programme) for students.


Upper Kornhill Middle Kornhill Lower Kornhill Causeway Bay Harbour Heights South Horizons Belcher Homantin Harbour Green

Tel: (852)2513 1208 Tel: (852)2885 1888 Tel: (852)2885 3331 Tel: (852)2578 9998 Tel: (852)2571 3456 Tel: (852)2580 8633 Tel: (852)2542 7001 Tel: (852)2762 9130 Tel: (852)2885 1928

Age of students

Playgroup (8 months - 3 years) Pre-Nursery Class (2 – 3 years) Nursery Class (3 – 4 years) Lower Class (4 – 5 years) Upper Class (5 -6 years)


Trilingual (English/Putonghua/Cantonese) Bilingual (English/Putonghua) Email:

School Vision

A student-centred community of academic and personal excellence, combining international perspectives and Chinese heritage.


VSA has a state-of-the-art campus on a site of 400,000 square feet in area, conveniently located at Shum Wan overlooking Aberdeen Harbour. Facilities on the campus include purpose built, well–furnished classrooms, science laboratories, a humanities room and a language room. We boast a spacious multi–purpose school hall, and an outdoor amphitheater. There are ample sports facilities, such as an indoor swimming pool, ball courts, a running track, a soccer pitch, and a newly built sports center and gymnasium. An art floor houses the auditorium, orchestra and choir practice rooms, art, dance and drama studios, a campus TV room, and a fully-equipped Design and Technology Room. The secondary and primary libraries are situated in an independent block on the campus and provide an ideal learning environment, with excellent technology resources, as well as a large collection of books.



VSA, a private independent school, was the first “through-train” IB world school in Hong Kong to offer the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP). For the past two years a student has scored 45, full score in the IB Diploma Programme. In 2012, the school became a member of the Council of International Schools (CIS).

• Celebration of Chinese Culture through embracing an international perspective • A commitment to develop well-rounded individuals and global citizens, inspire students to be ‘Bilingual Learners Today and World Citizens Tomorrow’ • A primary school bi-lingual programme with a Chinese teacher (Putonghua speaking) and English teacher in each classroom • A number of scholarships that recognize distinction in different areas of school life, including academic excellence, international mindedness, commitment to service, and achievement in the sports and arts arenas

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International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (Y1-Y5) (6-11 years) The IB PYP at VSA is an inquiry-based approach to learning which focuses on the development of the whole child. The bilingual curriculum, with its high expectations particularly in Mathematics, Chinese and English, requires children to think critically and reflectively. Two teachers in each classroom support the students’ learning in English and Putonghua. Students are continually assessed against rigorous standards and encouraged to become balanced and responsible learners. The Learner Profile guides students to develop the attributes which will help them become life-long learners and global citizens. Middle Years Programme (Y6-Y10) (11-15 years) The IB MYP at VSA is a rigorous 5-year curriculum that consists of a comprehensive and thorough study of various disciplines for students aged 10-16. The programme is based upon three fundamental concepts - to develop holistic learning, intercultural awareness and communication. The learning objectives focus on the students’ conceptual understanding, and acquisition of skills, all of which will enhance the application of learning for life. IB Diploma Programme (Y11-Y12) (15-17 years) The IB DP is a 2-year curriculum that provides a balance of academic breadth and depth, and is assessed by rigorous internal coursework and external examination. The basis of the diploma is to promote the holistic development of the student – physically, intellectually, emotionally, and ethically. Thus, in conjunction with a challenging and comprehensive education in the classroom, the IB DP also encourages individual responsibility to the community and self and supports international awareness that will help prepare the student for University studies and beyond.

Fees (2013/14)

Primary Years Programme: Middle Years Programme: Diploma Programme:

HK$87,950 per annum HK$100,300 - HK$102,610 per annum HK$127,080 per annum

Tel: (852) 3402 1000 Fax: (852) 3402 1099 Email:


Guide to Quality Education & International Schools The Woodland Group of Pre-Schools

Yew Chung International School

Head Office – Suite 2405 Universal Trade Centre, 3-5A Arbuthnot Road, Central, Hong Kong, China.

School Profile For over 30 years Woodland has set the standard in Hong Kong for quality pre-school education. With ten schools, Woodland offers classes for children aged from twelve months to six years. Seven of our pre-schools use ‘Traditional’ teaching methods in line with the UK Curriculum’s Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). These schools are fully accredited by the Pre-School Learning Alliance, London. Three of our pre-schools offer ‘Montessori’ teaching methods that are fully approved and accredited by the Montessori Centre International (London).

3 To Fuk Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

School Profile

Established 1978

Office opening hours

8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday

Extra curricular clubs

Woodland offers a wide range of after school clubs - English, French, Mandarin, Maths, Art, Science, Literacy, Computer, Cooking, Music, Drama, Gymnastic, Soccer, Mum’s Mandarin, etc.

List of Woodland Schools Tai Tam Montessori Repulse Bay Montessori Mid Levels Montessori Peak Pre-School Repulse Bay Beachside Happy Valley Pre-School Pokfulam Pre-School Waterfall (Pokfulam) Harbourside (Aberdeen) Sai Kung Pre-School

Tel: 2525 1655 Tel: 2803 1885 Tel: 2549 1211 Tel: 2849 6192 Tel: 2812 0274 Tel: 2575 0042 Tel: 2551 7177 Tel: 2872 6138 Tel: 2559 1377 Tel: 2813 0290

Founded in 1932, Yew Chung has been providing quality bilingual education to the learners of Hong Kong for 80 years. Originally specialising in Early Childhood Education, Yew Chung International School (YCIS) now provides education from early childhood through primary and secondary culminating in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. Today YCIS has expanded beyond Hong Kong, and is now established in Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Qingdao in China and Silicon Valley in the United States, with a total student enrolment of over 6,000.

Global Education in YCIS

YCIS offers the unique richness and diversity of both Eastern and Western cultures that equip children to be bilingual, global-minded, competitive, appreciative and caring global citizens. Students are nurtured in a multicultural environment with a fully rounded and balanced education which transforms them into global thinking individuals.

School bus

Integrating East and West

Available to most areas

YCIS combines the best of Eastern and Western cultures by promoting fluency in two major world languages, creating a truly bilingual learning environment, providing courses of study in Eastern and Western philosophy. The integration of Eastern and Western cultures is also achieved through the Co-Principals and Co-Teaching models. Two Co-Principals, one Western and one Chinese, serve as partners in the operations and administration of the school. In addition, two fully-qualified teachers, one Western and one Chinese, together plan lessons and conduct classes in the ECE and Primary School, and provide excellent role models who respect and value one another’s culture.

Tel: (852) 2559 4855 Fax: (852) 2559 7162 Email: Principal: Abi Tyrrell, General Manager

Tel: (852) 2338 7106 Fax: (852) 2304 6713 Email:

YCIS Education Programme

YCIS’s international curriculum is based on the framework and schemes of work from The National Curriculum for England (NCE). It is a research based curriculum that allows high standards and ease of transition for international students who move from one country to another.

Age of Students

Early Childhood Education Primary School (Year 1 – 6) Secondary School (Year 7 – 9) IGCSE (Year 10 – 11) IB Diploma (Year 12 – 13)

6 months – 5 years 5 – 11 years 11 – 14 years 14 – 16 years 16 – 19 years

International Recognition

YCIS – Secondary is accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) as an IB World School and authorised as an accredited Cambridge International Examination (CIE) Centre.

Highlight of YCIS Global Education • Bilingual programme and multicultural environment will give your child the global mindset and intercultural competence they need for the 21st century. • Unique Co-Teaching and Co-Principals models help students to learn two cultures and give equal emphasis to both English and Chinese. This leads to fluency in two major world languages and readiness to interact with people from all over the world. • YCIS integrates Character Formation programmes into our curriculum, focusing on developing positive qualities and good moral character. • Strong music programme enhances children’s reasoning skills, develops patience, concentration, coordination and self-discipline. • English Intensive Programme (EIP) ensures high level of English for all students, from all linguistic backgrounds. • YCIS maintains 100% university placement with students admitted to top universities in Hong Kong and overseas. 24

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Loving for Today Learning for Tomorrow Living for Eternity

Generations Christian Education provides international Christian education on four campuses across Hong Kong. On Hong Kong Island, we have Small World Christian Kindergarten and our newly opened primary school, Island Christian Academy. In the New Territories, we have the kindergarten and primary school campuses of the Norwegian International School. We are committed to ensuring that our students benefit from an integrated, inquiry-based curriculum; we use the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) to guide their learning. The teaching and modelling of Christian values are central to the development of the whole-child and partnership with our parents is actively encouraged.

Small World Christian Kindergarten

10 Borrett Road Midlevels Hong Kong Tel: +852.2525.0922 Email: Fax: +852.2530.5448

Norwegian International School

Island Christian Academy

Primary Campus Kindergarten Campus 170 Kam Shan Road 175 Kwong Fuk Road Tai Po, NT Tai Po, NT Tel: +852.2658.0341 Tel: +852.2638.0269 Email: email: Fax: +852.2651.0050 Fax: +852.2651.0050

70 Bridges Street Sheung Wan Hong Kong Tel: +852.2357.2552 Email: Fax: +852.2858.7271

Generations Christian Education

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