Oct 2013 Supplement

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Guide to


FEELING GREAT AT WORK Matilda International Hospital offers ways for employers and employees to get the most out of their work productivity by supporting all-around good health


t may seem an oversimplification to say that people have been chasing good health as long as humans have been walking the earth, but it is still a priority here in the 21st century. However, working against our health, besides our genetic predisposition, is a fast-paced lifestyle combined with poor eating habits, little time to exercise, and Hong Kong’s infamous pollution. Add to that the stress of work, no matter the industry, and claiming to be in great health might be considered bending the truth just a tad.

10 • 2013

While it is common practice for companies to provide health insurance of some type to their staff, that’s typically where a corporation’s ‘concern’ over the care of their employees ends. However, this mindset flies in the face of rampant absenteeism and rising health care costs, to name just a couple of reasons why something has to be done in a more proactive way to help workers feel better at work. This is where Matilda International Hospital’s (MIH) Corporate Wellness programs come in. As one of the earliest proponents in Hong Kong of

Photo courtesy: Matilda international Hospital

identifying employee health on an individual basis as being more important than meeting the bottom line, and working with companies’ HR departments, they have devised programs to meet the needs of people who want to not only improve their general health, but also cultivate good health overall. This could include adopting a healthier lifestyle, giving up a bad habit – such as caffeine – eating a diet that is suitable for their body type, etc. And it’s not just a one-off meeting with each employee that they are talking about; it’s taking an active role, more like a partnership, with each company and helping to raise the health of their staff, which increases both morale and efficiency, over the long term. It’s no surprise that MIH has been emphasizing their Corporate Wellness programs to companies of late. As one of the leading private hospitals in Hong


Kong, MIH has a world-wide reputation for quality care set in one of the most beautiful facilities to be found anywhere. Providing answers to our questions about their Corporate Wellness program was Lynne Fung, General Manager, Communications & Business Development of MIH. There is a recent trend in companies trying to help their staff be healthier, which in turn helps in increased productivity. We understand that Matilda Hospital has developed a Corporate Wellness program. Can you tell us about that? Fung: Our Corporate Wellness Program incorporates comprehensive elements that take into consideration a company’s goals, employee mix, employees’ general health awareness, participation level, culture, health and budgetary needs. As a pioneer in corporate wellness in Hong Kong, we tailor-make creative and well-balanced wellness programs, with elements including health seminars, medical check-up programs, health courses, wellness road shows and exhibitions, creating a sense of fun and team spirit that results in a healthy bottom line savings. When a sense of humour comes together with a drive for wellness the messages are more impactful. For example, we transformed a ship management company’s pantry into a beach area with each table becoming “port” of the country whose cuisine was analysed in terms of its nutritional value, adding pirates for stress relief. We understand the key aspect of a successful wellness program is to engage staff. This creative and fun approach definitely helps boost the participation rate of the health activities. In terms of “tailor-made”, is that on an industry by industry basis, a job role by job role basis, or personality by personality basis? We would think that someone who worked in construction would have different needs from someone who worked in insurance. Likewise someone who is a banker would have different requirements


example, a certified trainer in first aid training. Apart from the clinical professionals, the communications team also get involved as it is important to come up with innovative elements to convey the health message and to integrate all the elements and the operational requirements into a seamless program.

from someone who was a travel agent. Fung: Every company has particular health needs because of its uniqueness in mission, vision, objectives, employee mix and corporate culture. Likewise, patients’ medical needs are different because they vary in age, medical history, job, past medications, previous screening, lifestyle, etc. Screening advice is “personalised” as we take a holistic approach to get to know the patient better before the health check (through a lifestyle questionnaire). It allows the doctor to address the patient’s concern, identify the patient’s needs as well as to help the patient choose a suitable health check program. For example, nasopharyngeal tumour is more prevalent in Asians; therefore, such a tumour marker test is usually not recommended for Caucasians. When reviewing the examination and test results, a patient’s personal social aspects and history will be taken into context for thorough understanding and interpretation. Our doctors always discuss with the patient about the health check result, and based on their unique individual aspects, gives personalized recommendations on how to improve or sustain good health. The environment where the health check takes place and attention to details in customer service are also of paramount importance. A calming and soothing environment helps one to relax while obtaining medical tests. Senior executives may prefer a comprehensive program in a private environment while a young executive may prefer a concise program at a location closer to the office.

understand whether the general employee health has been improving, or if any health risk is identified. For example, suppose that the percentage of staff having high blood pressure is on the increase, our corporate development team will work with the corporation closely to suggest some health activities that can address this health risk. For individual clients, we encourage patients to choose a family doctor whom they trust and are comfortable with. At Matilda, doctors and patients “work” as partners, with doctors spending time with patients, getting to know their social aspects better, listening to their concerns and paying attention to their physical as well as emotional needs. It seems that for a corporate wellness program to work, it must be in place on an ongoing basis. People’s health changes over the course of their working lives due to aging, changes in job duties, changes in their personal life, etc. How does Matilda’s program address this? Fung: For corporate clients, we prepare a trend report from time to time for their human resources and executive teams, so that they can What types of medical professionals are part of the Corporate Wellness program? Fung: We have a multi-disciplinary team to support the Corporate Wellness Program, including family doctors, cardiologists, dieticians, physiotherapists, radiologists, nurses, etc. Should the patient need follow-up treatment on certain conditions, he may be referred to a specialist. We also bring in trainers in particular areas, for

Lynne Fung

10 • 2013 What are the benefits for a company if its employees take part in a Corporate Wellness program? Fung: Health is wealth. If employees make an effort to maintain their health, the company can benefit from lower health costs and healthy bottom line savings. A few scholars in the US reviewed academic studies on the benefits of wellness programs from January 2000 through June 2011. Of those studies which included return on investment (ROI) analyzes, it was found that the returns were between $1.65 and $6.00 saved for every dollar invested. Healthy staff, in general, are happier, more motivated and more productive. Those who take part in the programs had higher job satisfaction and lower perceived stress. It also resulted in the reduction of absenteeism. Some of the health activities, such as wellness challenges, can even energize employees, encourage positive healthy habits, foster team work and improve cross team communication. How does Matilda’s Corporate Wellness program compare to other medical programs of a similar nature in Hong Kong? Fung: There are many corporate wellness programs on the market. Some of the wellness programs focus on basic health check programmes which are standardized without addressing the corporation’s particular needs. We are a pioneer in corporate wellness in Hong Kong. Our Corporate Wellness programs stress on the personalized, high touch approach. To sustain good heath requires behavioural change; many times it comes down to the modification of lifestyle

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instead of solely examining the health check results. The holistic approach of the health check helps the medical team to make practical suggestions that can empower patients to make enduring changes.

The creative, fun activities encourage staff participation and adopt positive health habits. A successful program takes time to evolve so that it can be integrated into the company’s goals and culture.

Located at The Peak area, MIH extended its community reach by opening two medical centres in the strategic hubs of Central on Hong Kong Island (2009) and Tsim Sha Tsui in Kowloon (2011). Called Matilda Medical Centre (“MMC”), the two centres complement the healthcare services provided by MIH, which leads many initiatives on workplace wellness, partnering multinational companies with offices in Hong Kong and China. For companies that are interested to learn more about the convenient accessibility of MIH’s wellness programmes, please contact the Corporate Development team, at or call (852) 2849 0330.


When poor sleep becomes an issue






Poor sleep is more than an annoyance; it can signal an underlying health issue or exacerbate one


n addition to the two certainties in life – death and taxes – we can add a third: the need for sleep. However, getting a good night’s sleep isn’t always possible. Most people throughout their life will experience periods of poor sleep. But there is a big difference between sleep loss and the dreaded word – insomnia. Insomnia, the Latin for “no sleep”, is the inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep. We can also add to that the condition of not feeling refreshed when waking up. It is the most common type of sleep disorder (see chart) experienced by people but it isn’t the end of the world. Insomnia can be its own condition or can be a symptom of another condition or illness. It can even start out of another disorder, such as restless leg syndrome (involuntary leg twitching and cramping) or sleep apnea (the breathing problem). But we can have more control over our sleep than we may have previously believed possible.


Hygiene is more than just hand washing According to Dr Chang Chi Lok, a psychiatrist at the Ken Lee Medical Centre, good sleep hygiene goes a long way to helping combat poor sleep. “For the past three to five years, using a computer, an iPad or a mobile phone has become the most common element of poor sleep hygiene in Hong Kong. This is in addition to watching television. “The bright light (from these devices) hits the retina in the eyes and stimulates the brain, which prevents people from falling asleep. Actually, people should dim the lights well before bedtime so that the brain will spontaneously secrete more melatonin, which is a kind of hormone that makes us feel drowsy so we can get to sleep.” Conversely, there are other things people do out of habit that contribute to poor sleep that they are not even aware of. Dr Chang outlines the most

common areas of how we sabotage our sleep, “The more coffee you drink, the more poor sleep you will have. In fact, energy drinks could be even more dangerous than coffee not only because of the caffeine but they also contain taurine (an amino acid that is naturally occurring and which supports neurological development but in excessive amounts could be unhealthy) and they are a tasty drink like a soft drink. “Another issue leading to poor sleep is having a late dinner. Because of the long working hours (in Hong Kong), people arrive home late and then have dinner. If they feel full, they cannot sleep well. “And while exercise is quite good for insomniacs, it is important to not exercise at night, as it is detrimental for sleep. While the body may feel tired, mentally you are more alert. So it is best to exercise in the morning before work.” Other things people can do to help them have a good night’s sleep is making sure the sleep environment is cool and dark, and only allowing sleep or sex to occur in bed. So no television watching or working from the bedroom.

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So while you can have some control over ‘normal’ types of sleep disturbance, it is another matter with actual insomnia. Lack of sleep is detrimental to many facets of our lives. Not getting enough sleep not only makes it difficult to concentrate and make good decisions, sleep loss also adversely affects our skin and may even lead to weight gain. Who wants to go around with lines on the face and dark circles under the eyes? And while weight gain from lack of sleep sounds strange, it is because not enough sleep has been found to be related to an increase in hunger and appetite. And it is well-known that sleepdeprived people of both genders have lower libidos and less interest in sex. In terms of gender, Dr Chang – who has been practicing psychiatry for over 12 years – states that in Hong Kong, more women are willing to seek help for sleep problems than men. He cites that it may be a Chinese cultural thing, since men don’t want to admit to problems. “In fact, over the past 10 years, people with poor quality of sleep have doubled in Hong Kong, based on a study by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. About 20 percent of the working class is reported to have poor sleep. Worldwide, people reporting sleep problems vary from five to 22 percent, so we are at the upper end of that scale.”

Breaking the eight-hour myth Many of us were told that we need to get eight hours of sleep for our health. But Dr Chang says that just isn’t so. “Different people have different needs for sleep. Some people can function on six hours of sleep, while others may need more than 10 hours. “There is no standard (that can be applied to people). To measure, you need to see how you subjectively feel when you wake up. Whether you feel refreshed or not. Whether you can maintain your concentration in the day time.” Another trick to help you get better

10 • 2013

Facts about insomnia: Insomnia comes in three different forms: • Transient insomnia – which lasts for less than a week • Acute insomnia - which lasts for more than a week but less than a month • Chronic insomnia - which lasts for longer than a month

Symptoms of insomnia include: • Difficulty in falling asleep • Difficulty in staying asleep • Feeling unrefreshed when waking up • Daytime sleepiness, irritability or anxiety • Difficulty in concentrating

Sleep disorders such as insomnia can lead to health problems such as: • Hearth disease • High blood pressure • Diabetes

Insomnia can be a secondary condition of: • Depression • Other types of anxiety disorders

Dr Chang Chi Lok

sleep is not taking an afternoon nap. It may sound counterintuitive but it is important as Dr Chang says, “Most of the time, you shouldn’t take an afternoon nap, as it worsens your sleep at night. But if you do, keep it to between 30 – 60 minutes.” When worse comes to worst, people can seek professional help. There are various ways of beating the sleep monster, but don’t expect to get just a prescription of sleeping pills; medication would be prescribed typically in concert with therapy of some type. One method that professionals use to treat poor sleep is through using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It is a multi-step treatment that involves changing the perceptions and behaviors of people. Dr Chang says that people can use an Internet program and go through a cCBT program that lasts several weeks but which can help people overcome sleeping problems. And of course there is face-to-face CBT with a therapist. Another therapeutic technique is Mindfullness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Dr Chang explains, “It’s a kind of psychotherapy to help people deal with stress. Typically, if people are stressed they can’t relax when they go to bed. The therapy focuses on getting people to put their concentration on the present moment, and not on the past (the stressful events/situations).” Ultimately, it is leading a balanced life that helps us to not only get a good night’s sleep but also to have a healthy life overall. Dr Chang’s final word is that “Living a healthy life is the best cure for poor sleep.”


fruits and vegetables, and whole grains, plus healthy fats (from fish, seafood, nuts and seeds) will be conducive to good health. There are a few nutrients that have been investigated for their effects on mood. There is evidence showing that inadequate intake of folic acid may increase the chance of feeling depressed and inadequate intake of B vitamins may lead to higher chance of feeling tired, depressed or irritable. Inadequate iron may lead to us feeling tired, weak and lethargic. Being depressed, tired, weak and lethargic will exacerbate our stress level while adequate nutrient intake will help us to cope better. Recommendations by a few authorities suggest the following to help with our mood: • Eat breakfast • Have three regular meals • Include lots of fruits and vegetables, wholegrain foods and protein in your meals • Eat oily fish at least once a week • Cut down on salt • Drink lots of water

GOOD HEALTH IS IN YOUR HANDS, LITERALLY Since the fountain of youth has been a bust, it is up to each person to take responsibility for his or her own health. And with all of the widely available information on the subject, it has never been easier to do the right thing for your life Photo: Thinkstock


e are often our own worst enemy when it comes to our health. We put up a whole litany of excuses for not taking better care of ourselves. “I don’t have the time to try to eat right.” “I’ll start exercising next week.” “There’s so much information, I don’t know where to start.” Sound familiar? It is true that there is a lot of information available, especially online, so then it becomes: how much is trust-


worthy? It may be time-consuming initially, but if you decided to take control of your health and improve it, in addition to exercising you could also find out what foods/minerals/vitamins are right for you. Are you low in iron? Then you may need to eat more seeds and beans as snacks or try to have spinach more often with dinner. Have trouble concentrating? See if gingko works for you. Of course, this would only be meaningful if you knew you were low in iron or that your inability to

concentrate was more than just being stressed. Everybody is stressed; Hong Kong is a stressful environment to live, work and play in. That’s why adding balance to your life is crucial to ensure good health. There is no one magic pill to better health and good genes only go so far. So make the decision to start getting the information you need, and then implementing it. It takes several weeks for something new to become a habit, so give yourself time. Good health doesn’t happen overnight.

10 • 2013

To help get you started we spoke with Medical Affairs Specialist Macy Chan of Wyeth Nutrition. A multinational nutritional company with over 100 years’ worth of experience, they have a strong presence in Hong Kong and a solid reputation worldwide. Stress is a common problem for working people in Hong Kong and we’ve heard a lot about how nutrition can play a role in helping people to cope with stress. Chan: A healthy balanced diet full of

10 • 2013 In addition to helping with stress, can diet play other roles in working people’s lives, such as increasing their productivity? Chan: Dealing with stress and improving mood go hand in hand and thus nutrients and diet that have positive influence on mood can help with stress. In terms of energy level, some may believe that coffee, or anything that contains a good amount of caffeine, such as coke or strong tea, or energy drinks, will give a boost to their energy level and alertness. However, there is also evidence that shows that caffeine merely works to normalise the feeling of low levels of alertness by those who consume it regularly. And actually, too much caffeine can lead to irritability and headache, especially in those who are not used to it. In order to help with your energy level, choose carbohydrates foods that are rich in fibre for your breakfast, plus some protein as well. For example, include oatmeal, whole grain cereal, or multigrain/whole wheat bread. These

Macy Chan

high fibre foods have been shown to lead to higher alertness than carbohydrates that are low in fibre. Add a protein food, such as a hardboiled egg, or some lower fat cheese. This combination helps the energy in your body to be released in a more sustained way and helps to keep your energy level up than high sugar foods. A recent study has also shown that healthy males who consumed two kiwi fruits a day experienced significantly less fatigue and depression than those who consumed half a kiwi fruit a day, possibly due to the Vitamin C content in kiwis. There are so many vitamins and supplements in the market. Are they really necessary if people eat a balanced diet? Also, are there particular nutrients (Vitamin B and Vitamin D, etc.) that would help people in general? Chan: If you can have a balanced diet, then it is not necessary to further supplement your diet. However, it takes effort to have a balanced diet, and thus, if you believe that your diet might not be adequate or you feel that you do not eat enough fish, or vegetables, for example, then it is okay to supplement


Guide to

Healthy Living 2013 your diet with extra vitamins and minerals or omega 3/DHA. Calcium and Vitamin D are important for bone health, and for general office life or city life, we do not get enough exposure to sunlight, and the use of sunscreen further reduces our skin’s exposure to adequate sunlight for the generation of Vitamin D. The vitamins that receive less focus are folic acid, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6. Folic acid’s importance is well known for preconception and during pregnancy, but folic acid, together with Vitamin B12 and B6 are very important vitamins for the functioning of the brain. Evidence shows an association between the inadequate intake of vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid and the higher risks of dementia in later life as well as higher risks of cardiovascular diseases. Foods rich in all three are dairy, liver, meat, as well as leafy vegetables and beans for B6 and folic acids. There is a lot written about moving away from eating meat and dairy and trying to adopt a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. Is this something that is worthwhile for people to check into? Chan: There are benefits associated with a vegetarian lifestyle and risk factors associated with overconsumption of meat. The typical diet of an urban world is high in saturated fats, which can be found in meat, especially in the high fat varieties, such as duck legs, fattier cuts of steak, pork belly, etc. There is also some evidence associating red meat (including beef, pork, and lamb) with certain types of cancer as well as risk factors of type 2 diabetes. A vegetarian diet, on the other hand, is associated with reduced risks of coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes and some types of cancer. This could be due to the fact that foods of vegetarian sources are typically rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre and other phytochemicals and antioxidants, which are all important nutrients and compounds that have been shown to be beneficial to health.

asia medical specialists

At a glance To have a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, Macy Chan offers the following easy-to-do tips: • Have breakfast every morning and choose foods that provide you with nutrients, including starchy foods (bread, oatmeal, congee, noodles), some protein (eggs, cheese, meat), and if possible, fruits or fresh fruit juice, or a glass of milk, soy milk, or supplemented nutrition drink • Choose to pack a homemade lunch a few times a week, and make sure you include plenty of vegetables in it, as well as carbohydrates (e.g., brown pasta, brown rice or oatmeal rice), and some meat and/or fish • Have healthy snacks on hand, for example, fruits such as bananas and apples, as well as yogurt or plain crackers, and maybe milk or soy milk – these are healthier snacks and having these around reduces your chance of eating less healthy snacks, such as cookies and chips or ordering fried take-away • Make sure you get in plenty of fluid throughout your work day – being hydrated helps keep you going • Get in some exercise every week, preferably three times or more a week, in the form of yoga, taking a brisk walk, swimming, sports, or visiting the gym – this will help to keep your fitness level up, which is important for your health and stamina

8/F China Building, 29 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong 1210, 12/F Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon

Company Activities/ History

Special Features/Amenities

asia medical specialists is a team of doctors who work together to provide sub-specialist medical care including orthopaedics, general, plastic and thoracic surgery, gastro-intestinal & bariatric endoscopy, pain medicine and internal medicine. We are complemented by the additional in-house services of physiotherapy, podiatry, dietetics and sports science. In October 2012, we established our hong kong spine & pain centre with specialist doctors and physiotherapists to treat a wide range of spinal problems and other conditions causing pain. We are located in Central (HK Island) and Tsimshatsui (Kowloon), both with open MRI scanners and X-ray machines. We also consult in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Macau – visit our website for details.

Our 'G-scan' is the first weight bearing MRI in Greater China, introduced in March 2009, designed specifically for the musculosketetal system. With its unique tilting design, it can perform a weight-bearing scan as well as a standard recumbent MRI scan. Weight bearing scans allow the patient to stand upright to show the effect of weight on the spine and joints, potentially offering more accurate diagnoses. We have a minor operating theatre to allow small procedures to be performed under local anaesthetic without the inconvenience and expense of visiting a hospital. Service / Product: Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Orthopaedic surgery, general surgery, internal medicine, pain management Dr Jason Brockwell (Medical Director) Ms Catherine Mak (General Manager) (852) 2521 6830 (Central) (852) 3420 6666 (Tsim Sha Tsui) (852) 2521 6831 However, the key to a healthy balanced diet includes a variety of foods in moderation. Therefore, a vegetarian diet may not be healthy if you only consume potato chips and bread and a diet including meat and dairy can also be very healthy if you consume low fat varieties of meat and dairy with the inclusion of fish, plenty of vegetables and fruits, legumes and pulses, plus whole grain foods. Therefore, the key is a variety of foods of healthier options. Is there a difference between “sweet” and “sugar level”? Is there a direct relationship between a steady supply sugar to our body, our energy level (e.g., feeling tired), mood and concentration? What is Glycemic index of foods and how does it affect our energy, mood and blood sugar levels? Chan: Sweetness is a taste and sugar level refers to the amount of glucose that is present in blood. Glucose is the fuel for the brain and a constant supply of glucose is important to our ability to concentrate and focus. That is why

eating breakfast in the morning is so important, as it provides your blood and your brain a supply of glucose. Glycemic Index, or GI, is the ranking of how quickly the different carbohydrates induce a rise in your blood glucose level after eating them. In general, foods that have more fibre (e.g., brown pasta, beans and pulses) will have a lower GI, which means the blood glucose levels rise steadily over a longer period of time, compared to foods with a high GI, which are normally foods that contain more simple sugars and are less fibrous, such as candies, sugary drinks, or white bread. However, other factors also affect a food’s GI, for example, when a vegetable is harvested or how the food is cooked. Be cautious though as a food that is low in GI isn’t always a healthy food and high GI foods aren’t always bad for you (ice cream has a lower GI and roast potato has a higher GI). You can also eat high GI foods together with low GI foods to bring down the GI of your meal (e.g., jam with multigrain bread).

sportsperformance 8/F China Building, 29 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong 1210, 12/F Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon

Company Activities/ History

Special Features/Amenities

sportsperformance is a one-stop multi-disciplinary allied health centre. Our physiotherapists offer a broad range of treatments for acute and chronic musculoskeletal problems, post-surgical rehabilitation and sports injuries. We provide ‘one-on-one’ 40 minute service with emphasis on active hands-on treatment which allows us to perform thorough assessments and make accurate diagnosis.

Video gait analysis Computer software allows our physiotherapists and podiatrist to analyse runners and golfers, in slow motion and frame by frame, to pick up underlying biomechanical anomalies that may not be evident during a static examination. This enables us to design a personalised plan of care to address each individual’s problems, which may involve a combination of stretching, core stability training, advice on appropriate footwear and running style, or orthotic insoles. This detailed approach allows the athlete to clearly understand their problem and to be an active partner in their rehabilitation programme.

Service / Product:

Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

physiotherapy, sports performance, pre-operative preparation, post-operative rehabilitation, clinical Pilates, pre & post natal physiotherapy, biomechanical assessments, podiatry, nutrition & dietetics. Ms Catherine Mak (General Manager) Mr Aaron Smith (Physiotherapy Manager) (852) 2521 6380 (Central) (852) 3420 6667 (Tsim Sha Tsui) (852) 2521 6381 8

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Guide to

Healthy Living 2013 Ken Lee Medical Centre

GlaxoSmithKline Limited

Rooms 1103-4, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Room 1825-27, Argyle Centre Phase 1, 688 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon

23/F, Tower 6, The Gateway, 9 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Company Activities/ History

Service / Product: About the service / Product: Key Personnel: Tel: Email:

Pharmaceutical / Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, vaccines and consumer healthcare products Tiffany Lam, External Affairs Manager (852) 3189 8642

Company Activities/ History

As a science-led global healthcare company, GSK researches and develops pharmaceuticals, vaccines and consumer healthcare products to improve the quality of human life through enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. Supporting equitable and timely access of innovative treatment options through partnership with different healthcare stakeholders is a core part of the work we do to help meeting local health needs. In Hong Kong we employ over 200 people in our pharmaceuticals and consumer businesses and our work here ranges from conducting clinical trials to managing key accounts. GSK puts significant effort in maintaining quality and safety under robust policies and strong compliance processes.

Established in 2001, Ken Lee Medical Centre was set up in memorial of the late general surgeon Dr Lee Chung Kin Ken. Ken Lee Medical Centre currently has 10 specialist doctors, 1 clinical psychologist and 5 physiotherapists. Together with our warm and courteous staff and our convenient location in Mongkok and Central, Ken Lee Medical Centre aims to provide high quality specialist care to our patients.

Ken Lee Medical Centre provides the following services:

Service / Product: Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Specialist Clinic Denise Lee (852) 2841 8811 (852) 2787 0331

- Obstetrics & Gynaecology (female doctors) - Orthopaedics & Traumatology - General Surgery - Ophthalmology - Psychiatry - Physiotherapy - Clinical Psychology

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital

Matilda International Hospital

40 Stubbs Road, Hong Kong SAR China

Service / Product: Tel: Fax: Email:

Health and Medical Services (852) 3651 8888 (852) 3651 8800

41 Mount Kellett Road, The Peak, Hong Kong

Company Activities/ History

Company Activities/ History

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital is dedicated to providing first-class health care services with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The hospital has received international accreditations from TRENT and the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS), and recently, together with Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital, became the first Hong Kong members of WHO’s Health Promoting Hospitals Network. The hospital provides medical assistance 24 hours a day, and also offers out-patient clinics and specialist units, such as the Hong Kong Heart Center and the Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Center. It is committed to introducing the latest medical technologies such as the robotic da Vinci Surgical System, and is the only hospital in Hong Kong to offer TomoTherapy and CyberKnife treatments. The hospital also offers a variety of health assessment programs to corporate and individual clients.

Matilda International Hospital (MIH) offers comprehensive outpatient and inpatient services. Key centres of excellence are wellness and health assessments, women’s health, general surgery, and spinal care and orthopaedics. It is one of Hong Kong’s first private hospitals to adopt clinical governance, and is ISO and ACHS accredited. To maintain the hospital at the forefront of worldwide surgical advances, MIH has been diligently investing in the latest medical equipment and facilities. The surgical service is supported by an experienced and compassionate clinical team, a well-equipped surgical ward, and a day-case unit, which are designed to provide a peaceful and private healing environment. The hospital’s primary and preventative medical services have been extended to centrally located Matilda Medical Centres (MMC) in Central and Tsim Sha Tsui. Together, MIH and MMC provide an entire suite of results-oriented health and wellness services that address specific medical and budgeting needs of corporate and individual clients. 10

Service / Product:


Healthcare and hospital services for corporate and individual clients offered by Matilda International Hospital and its Matilda Medical Centres (852) 2849 0111 10• 2012

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Guide to

Healthy Living 2013 Wyeth Nutrition Hong Kong

Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited 18/F, Kerry Centre, 683 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, HK

12/F Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Island East, Hong Kong

Science as Foundation

Caring for Your Nutrition Need

Wyeth Nutrition is part of Nestle S.A. Wyeth Nutrition develops premium-quality nutritional products scientificallydesigned to meet the needs of people in different life stages. As pioneers in infant nutritional science, our mission is to provide the best nutritional support for future healthy outcomes. For nearly a century, Wyeth Nutrition has leveraged clinical rigor, scientific research, world class manufacturing and product safety standards to drive scientifically-sound solutions that offer parents confidence, help nourish children and support their healthy futures.

Established in 1985, Wyeth Nutrition Hong Kong is primarily responsible for the sales, distribution and promotion of safe and quality nutrition products, including infant formula, follow-on formula, growing-up formula, prenatal and lactating supplements, and adult supplement, in Hong Kong and Macau. Commitment to innovation is a sustaining hallmark for our business. Aiming to enhance the health of young children, women and adults, we participate in collaborative partnerships with various stakeholders, including health care professionals, non-governmental organizations, as well as our customers. We are committed to maintaining our product leadership, as well as contributing to the well-being of our society by supporting corporate social responsibility programs.

Professionalism as Principle At Wyeth Nutrition, quality and professional integrity are our highest priorities. Our commitment to quality and integrity has always extended beyond formulation to manufacturing. Milk formulas are among the most stringently regulated consumer products in the world. We manufacture our products with reference to food quality and safety standards set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a body run jointly by the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization, and we comply with all regulations in the countries where we operate. We bring to the manufacture of nutrition products the same diligence and attention to detail used in pharmaceutical production, striving for total consumer confidence in our products. State-of-the-art facilities and the strictest standards of quality and safety have earned Wyeth Nutrition the honor of being the first formula manufacturer to have all its plants that manufacture products to the Hong Kong market achieve ISO certification in recognition of their manufacturing excellence.

Key Personnel: Tel: Fax: Email:

Pharmaceutical company Medicines, vaccines and healthcare products Clara Ng (852) 2235 3225 (852) 2579 0599

* Before taking any maternal supplement, please consult your HCP to check which product is appropriate for you.

According to the 2012 Vital Statistic from the Centre of Health Protection, Pneumonia is now the no. 2 killer disease in HK. WHO has stated that immunization is a proven tool to prevent infectious diseases and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine can provide protection against invasive pneumococcal disease caused by a variety of pneumococcal serotypes. As you might know how healthy colleagues can contribute to high retention rate and enhanced productivity. Dual vaccination of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines is important during the coming peak flu season to help prevent disease complications. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccination is now available for adult aged 50 years and above. Protect yourself and your employees, take action now! PR13V13034P/SEP

* Important Notice: The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. As babies grow at different paces, health professionals should advise the mother when her baby should start receiving complementary food. Wyeth Promil GOLD is not a substitute for breast-feeding.

Nutrition Product Wyeth Nutrition Hong Kong offers a full line of safe, quality and scientificallydesigned nutrition products, including infant formula, follow-on formula, growing-up formula, prenatal and lactating supplements, and adult supplement. Mr Clarence Chung, General Manager (852) 2599 8888 (852) 2599 8999 12

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Working together for a healthier world Pfizer is a leading biopharmaceutical company, committed to applying science and our global resources to improve health and well-being at every stage of life. Since our establishment in HK since 1956, we have strived to achieve healthy lives with “prosperity” and “longevity”, as captured by Pfizer’s name in Chinese (輝瑞). Corporate Wellness – Healthier Workforce Our day-to-day core mission is to add value to our local community. One of our recent focuses is Corporate Wellness Partnership Program. It is a customized initiative for health conscious organizations to enhance employees’ wellness, e.g. Health risk assessment, health talks and preventive care campaign.

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