Living in Hong Kong 2016 - International Schools

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Chapter 13

International Schools International schools in Hong Kong have an excellent reputation for quality education. An international education – from pre-school nursery to primary and secondary levels – is available for children from expatriate families in a city known to have an abundance of private and public institutions all over the territory.


13 One of the main concerns among expatriate families who are planning a relocation to Hong Kong is where to send their children to school. This chapter gives parents and prospective students some ideas with a general overview on the availability of international and local schools in the city.

International Schools International schools in Hong Kong are those defined as institutions offering curricula outside that of the local education system. In Hong Kong there are 15 schools


Living in Hong Kong

operated by the English Schools Foundation (ESF), 33 private international schools, and seven private independent schools (PIS), while more are being established to meet the growing demand. Today, programs from the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Germany, France and Singapore, plus the International Baccalaureate Organization, all make up the portfolio of curricula available in town. Additionally, some secondary

schools provide Advanced Placement (AP) courses and several others have programs of instruction specifically for children with special needs. Admission processes vary from school to school, and the best way for information is to talk directly with the individual school you wish your child to enroll. Popular international schools reflect the cosmopolitan style of Hong Kong, with many different nationalities represented in the

student body, whilst catering to various nationalities, religions or cultures. These schools are not linked to one another, and their entry procedures differ slightly. One thing they do have in common is a selection and wait list policy that many parents find relatively complex. Although English is the medium of instruction, some of the schools cater specifically to students whose first language may not be English, with English as a Second Language (ESL) support courses. This is because a significant share of students in most international schools are in fact brought up in Hong Kong or in another Asian country. Such diversity is also part of a broad educational experience. Based on test results and university admission rates, international schools in Hong Kong are some of the world’s best. Parents who are considering placing their children in an international school must consider the level of tuition, fees and other additional costs for enrollment because they can be quite high. Additional costs may include non-refundable application fees and reservation fees. Some companies may pay for all or part of the total education cost for children of expatriate employees depending on their relocation/compensation package. International schools do not receive direct government subsidies. Funding comes directly from the private sector, and fees are determined on a user-pay basis. One exception has been schools under the English Schools Foundation which has received government funding in the past. However, this will no longer be applicable for children entering schools from 2016 and onwards, and fees are expected to rise considerably to make up for the shortfall. Nonetheless, tuition/fees are considered





13 more moderate compared with some other international schools. Most of the international schools have a corporate debenture or capital levy program. This lump sum must be paid before a child is accepted to the school. In many cases, a parent’s employer guarantees the debenture, a sum that may be refunded or transferred to cover for other children sponsored by the same company. If your firm does not provide this debenture, you may need to pay for a private debenture or an annual nonrefundable levy on top of the school fees. In the past two years, some international schools have introduced extra requirements regarding debentures. Make sure to check for the requirements when considering a school.

Local Hong Kong Schools Hong Kong offers 12 years of free education in public schools for children between the ages of 6 and 18, irrespective of sex, ethnic origin, religious or ethical belief, family status and physical or mental ability. Chief Executive CY Leung has also outlined a plan in his 2016 policy address to extend the current policy to kindergartens, initially starting from the 2017-18 school year. The plan provides eligible children with a subsidy covering three-year half-day schooling at non-profit-making kindergartens. It also applies to whole-day kindergartens. The Hong Kong government’s Education Bureau oversees all of the local public schools. In addition to primary and secondary schools, there are also schools for special needs students and for non-Chinese speaking students. The government also fully subsidizes full-time courses offered by the Vocational Training


Living in Hong Kong

Council for secondary students upon finishing Secondary 3 (Grade 9) to further their studies. Permanent residents of Hong Kong have the right to enroll their children in local public schools which provide medium of instruction in either English or Chinese. Parents who wish to have their children immersed in Chinese language and culture may want to opt for a local public school, but there are points to consider if a child is a non-Chinese speaker. For children at very young age, it is often easier to adjust to the local environment but may become gradually more difficult when enrolling for the very first time at an older age. The curriculum in local schools is academically rigorous, and much of the instruction is focused on tests and

examinations. Many parents put their children through private tutoring to make up for any academic shortfalls and to be more competitive in school. The Chinese language, in written as well as spoken forms, is known to be difficult to learn for all children, and it generally involves a lot of memorization in the process. For non-Chinese speaking students, they are challenged with a relatively heavy load of homework in addition to having to learn in a foreign language in some cases. For non-Chinese speaking parents, it can be a challenge to stay connected with a local school because notices and announcements are issued in Chinese. Some local schools have made changes to accommodate students coming from non-Chinese families. The S.K.H. Wei Lun Primary School in Discovery Bay, for

example, provides an English version of notices as well as Chinese language classes to assist a growing non-Chinese speaking student population.

Shortage of International School Places Despite an increase in international school places and thousands of additional places coming on stream in the next few years, there still remains a shortfall in the number of places needed in response to the growing demand of those seeking school places for their children. A key reason for the shortfall of places is that an increasing number of local families are sending their children to international schools. Local parents are attracted to the opportunities provided in the international curriculum as well as the high standards of English. They often see it as a foundational pathway towards better opportunities for their children in the future. The Hong Kong government has been more proactive in addressing the shortage of international school places in the past few years as concerns were raised by the business and expat communities. New sites have been approved for the construction of new international schools including Nord Anglia Education, International Montessori School, Carmel School and Harrow International School. Malvern College, founded in Britain, is the newest addition in 2016. In total, 4,200 new places are expected to become available in the next two academic years.

Interim Schools For parents whose children are relatively young, an “interim school� until the preferred option becomes available is a viable option. Although kindergarten and primary places




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are in high demand on Hong Kong Island and in Discovery Bay, there are likely places available in schools that are equally good but are often overlooked, such as Island Christian Academy in Sheung Wan, Anfield International Kindergarten in Kowloon Tong and International College Hong Kong in Hong Lok Yuen.

English Schools Foundation The English Schools Foundation (ESF), was set up in 1967 to provide primary and secondary education on par with schools in the UK. They are the largest provider of English-medium international education in Hong Kong and operate 22 schools.

minimum of three years or are former ESF students returning from a period overseas; • are children attending an ESF International Kindergarten; or • are students who can benefit from an English-medium education Application for entry are made through the Online Admission System accessed via the official website of ESF.

Preschools & Kindergartens

What North Americans call a preschool or nursery school is usually called a kindergarten in Hong Kong. This market is highly competitive in Hong Kong, with the pre-primary sector consisting solely of privately run institutions. Parents in Hong ESF offers a British curriculum and accepts Kong send their children to playgroups and both local and expatriate students with nursery schools at quite a young age; some an admission policy allowing all children kindergartens even cater for toddlers below to benefit in an English-speaking learning environment. Programs are also available for the age of two. The demand for kindergarten children with special education needs. About teachers as a result is high, but quality of 70% of students enrolled in ESF schools are educators may vary. As a parent, it would pay well to do a thorough research on considered “non-locals,” defined as holders schools which may be of interest. of a foreign passport.

ESF Admission Policy An interview or assessment for admission to an ESF school is based on the following ranked criteria. Students who are able to benefit from an English-medium education and who: • are nominees with Corporate Nomination Rights; • are the children of full-time staff at ESF or ESF • Educational Services Ltd; • are siblings of students currently attending an ESF primary or secondary school; • are nominees with Individual Nomination Rights; • are the children of former students who have attended an ESF school for a

The Hong Kong government offers a preprimary Voucher System. The scheme provides a direct subsidy for parents of children attending nursery, lower and upper classes in local non-for-profit-making kindergartens. Eligibility and application details are available on the Education Bureau website. School buses are a common mode of transport in Hong Kong. If your child attends a school that is far away, then most likely you will need to sign up and be prepared for this. There is a wide range of independent international kindergartens in Hong Kong, each with its own requirements on age and linguistic level a child must have in order to





13 be accepted. Some take children as young as 18 months in classes where a parent or guardian is also in attendance; others require children to be at least three years old to enroll.

International School, French International School, Yew Chung International School, Discovery Bay International School and several ESF schools, as well as Victoria Educational Organization.

There are also private preschools and playgroups. Some of those run by nonprofit organizations may require parent participation on a regular basis. Large residential complexes and estates may have their own playgroups. Wherever there is one within your housing complex, you can be sure that there will be a preschool, nursery school and kindergarten available nearby.

The Hong Kong Preschool Playgroups Association

In searching for a place for your child, always ask if the school has registered with Hong Kong’s Social Services Department or Education Department. This is to ensure that they comply with regulations for safety, hygiene and qualifications of their childcare workers. Many preschools use English or Cantonese as well as Mandarin as the medium of instruction, and some run bilingual or even trilingual sessions. The basic approach is usually “learn-throughplay,” while some schools provide education for older children in a more structured approach. Nearly all of the preschools offer summer programs.

The Hong Kong Preschool Playgroups Association (HKPPA) is a nonprofit, member-supported organization. Established in 1979, it is a branch of the British Preschool Playgroups Association. Since it is a charity – one of the oldest in its field – it does not pay rent for its premises and is therefore able to keep cost low. This community-oriented association is managed and operated entirely by parent volunteers. The HKPPA currently oversees three educational settings in Hong Kong: City Kids HKPPA Pre-school, Leapfrog Kindergarten & Playgroup, and Heng Fa Chuen Playgroup. The HKPPA promotes a developmentally appropriate play-based curriculum derived from the UK Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

HKPPA Playgroups • City Kids HKPPA Playgroup • Leapfrog Kindergarten & Playgroup

HKPPA Kindergartens • City Kids HKPPA Playgroup • Leapfrog Kindergarten & Playgroup

Most kindergartens are not affiliated with primary schools, but some of the international primary schools do have kindergartens, including Chinese


Living in Hong Kong

Applying to International Schools Due to high demand, wait lists for admission at international schools are usually long, and finding the right school for

your children can be a challenge. Thorough research and careful planning are essential in ensuring successful enrollment. It is advisable to apply to a school long before arriving in Hong Kong, especially for children at the primary level.

academic focus, while others emphasize more on creativity. Prepare questions on issues important to you and your child, and set up a time to visit the school. Try to visit during school hours so you can see how teachers and children interact in school sessions.

Because demand for school places on Hong Kong Island is particularly high, they generally have longer wait lists. It is therefore important to keep your options open – when choosing a school, it is best to also consider those in Kowloon and the New Territories, as well as on Lantau Island. These locations will generally have a higher number of available places.

Things to ask include: Student-teacher ratio, Fire and other safety procedures, Teaching methods and materials, Independent standards assessments, and Bus services. Other specific questions which parents may want to ask include the availability of Advanced Placement courses, International Baccalaureate (IB) Programs as well as

Your employer can be a good source of information on local international schools, and they may be able to help with school applications. Information about prospective schools is provided on the Education Bureau website under “Student and Parents Related.” School Application Checklist • Contact the schools of your choice and interest and request their information enrollment packs • Visit potential schools if possible before submitting your application • Contact your company for their education policies • Plan for a time line regarding the application process because some schools require a long time • Submit an application for each of your top three choices of school

What to Look For and Ask About Every school will offer a different culture and curriculum. Some may have a strong

accommodation for children with special education needs. The following offer a general introduction to each of these areas.

Advanced Placement Examinations Advanced Placement (AP) is an academic program that offers students an opportunity to take college-level courses in high school. AP is well respected among US universities and colleges, and students having passed AP exam(s) can earn college credits and stand out in the college admission process. AP exams are offered by the College Board of the United States. The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority




(HKEAA) is one of the examination centers appointed by the College Board to hold AP Exams in Hong Kong. AP courses in 26 subjects are available to secondary students of international schools in Hong Kong. Students taking AP classes receive high school credits as they fulfill the course requirements outlined by the school. They may be eligible to receive college credits depending on results of their exams and choice of college as each college or university has a different policy regarding scores of AP exams and whether to award credits.

International Baccalaureate Programs The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is an academic curriculum for secondary schools and is very popular among international schools in Hong Kong. The program itself aims to develop inquiry, knowledge and caring to encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners. It was established in 1968 to provide students with a balanced education, to facilitate geographic and cultural mobility and to promote international understanding. Four different IB programs are now available for students aged three to 19. These include the Primary Years Program, Middle Years Program, Diploma Program and Careerrelated Program. There are over 50 schools in Hong Kong with one or more of the three IB programs. The Primary Years Program is available in 27 schools; the Middle Years Program in nine schools; and the Diploma Program in 28 schools. Some of these schools offer IB curriculums all the way from the kindergarten level to

Grade 12, while it might only be available in the secondary or upper secondary years at some other schools. Generally, most schools give students a choice of coursework for either a traditional high school diploma or an IB diploma. Schools offering IB program(s) include: • Australian International School Hong Kong • Beacon Hill School • Bradbury School • Canadian International School of Hong Kong • Carmel School • Causeway Bay Victoria and International Kindergarten • Chinese International School • Clearwater Bay School • Creative Primary School • Creative Secondary School • Diocesan Boys’ School • Discovery College • ELCHK Lutheran Academy • ESF Abacus International Kindergarten • ESF International Kindergarten (Hillside) • ESF International Kindergarten (Tsing Yi) • ESF International Kindergarten (Wu Kai Sha) • French International School • German Swiss International School • Glenealy School • Hong Kong Academy • International College Hong Kong • International College Hong Kong Hong Lok Yuen • Island School • Japanese International School • Kennedy School • Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section • King George V School • Kingston International Kindergarten • Kingston International School • Kowloon Junior School • Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong • Parkview International Pre-School





13 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Peak School Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College Quarry Bay School Renaissance College Sha Tin College Sha Tin Junior School Singapore International School (Hong Kong) South Island School St Paul’s Co-educational College St. Stephen’s College The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Logos Academy The Independent Schools Foundation Academy Think International School VictoriaKindergarten (Harbour Green) Victoria International Kindergarten (South Horizons) Victoria Belcher Kindergarten Victoria Kindergarten Victoria Nursery Victoria Shanghai Academy West Island School Yew Chung International School (Hong Kong)

Government Resources The Hong Kong Education Bureau has additional information on schools for children with special education needs. The Child Assessment Service of the HKSAR Department of Health is also a source of information.

Special Education Needs (SEN)

SEN Placement

The extreme shortage of places in local schools for children with special education needs is a challenge in Hong Kong. It largely remains outside of the mainstream classroom education for those with mild or severe learning disabilities, including autism, Asperger syndrome, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Down Syndrome, among others.

Some of the schools and organizations that offer services to children with special education needs in Hong Kong include the following:

The level of local support to fund SEN education lags far behind of the actual needs of children, even though Hong Kong’s academic community widely accepts the reality of learning disorders. There are very limited choices and resources in Hong Kong


for placing SEN children in schools, making what is already a challenge for families even more difficult. Some expatriate families have left Hong Kong and returned to their home countries because of inadequate access to special education for their children.


Living in Hong Kong

Ao Poi School Formerly Autism Partnership School, the Ao Poi School was founded in 2007 to meet the needs of children with autism spectrum disorders. It is located in Happy Valley on Hong Kong Island.

Bradbury Junior School (ESF) Children in mainstream classes who experience learning difficulties are identified, supported and monitored by the

Mainstream Learning Support Department, while children with a greater degree of special needs are catered to in the Learning Support class.

Canadian International School Canadian International School provides for students with special needs and is a member of the Dyslexia Association of Hong Kong. It retains the service of occupational and language therapists.

accepts students with special needs in regular classes and provides supplemental services for students with mild learning needs. Students with special needs are admitted if their individual needs can be met through the level and type of support currently available. Admission decisions for students with special needs are made by the school’s Admissions Committee.

International Christian School Carmel School The school’s “Learning Connection” offers assistance to children who need extra language support or who have learning difficulties.

For children with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, ICS offers individual and/or small group instruction geared to specific academic needs, integrating students into mainstream classes as much as possible.

Child Development Centre This Centre provides early intervention programs for SEN children from birth to six years of age.

Children’s Institute of Hong Kong (TCI) TCI was founded in 2003 by the parents of special education needs children. The school is located within and closely affiliated with The Harbour School, a general education kindergarten and primary international school. TCI serves special needs children using treatment derived from the science of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Jockey Club Sarah Roe School As part of the English Schools Foundation (ESF), it provides for students of ages from five to 19 with severe learning difficulties. A special curriculum in English is offered by a multi-disciplinary team of teachers, therapist and staff for students who have complex learning needs. Students who may have Autism Spectrum diagnosis are provided opportunities for independence through community learning and educational programs.

Kellett School ESF The English Schools Foundation (ESF) has three broad options: first, within mainstream classes in kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools (Levels 1 & 2); second, within learning support centers in some primary and secondary schools (Levels 3 & 4); and third, within the Jockey Club Sarah Roe School (Levels 5 & 6).

Hong Kong International School Hong Kong International School (HKIS)

Kellett accepts a number of children with special needs in each class.

Rainbow Project Rainbow Project caters for the needs of children with the autism spectrum disorder coming from multinational English speaking backgrounds. They also conduct workshops, training and give talks on autism in mainstream schools to raise awareness.





13 Websites of English Schools Foundation Primary Beacon Hill School Bradbury School Clearwater Bay School Glenealy School Kennedy School Kowloon Junior School Peak School Quarry Bay School Sha Tin Junior School Island School King George V School Sha Tin College South Island School West Island School

Websites of International Schools Preschool Eton House International Pre-School Victoria Educational Organisation

Primary Hong Lok Yuen International School Japanese International School (English) Japanese International School (Japanese) Kingston International School Lantau International School Norwegian International School The Independent Schools Foundation Academy The International Montessori School – An IMEF School Think International School UMAH International Primary School Yew Chung International School

Primary-cum-Secondary American International School Australian International School Hong Kong Canadian International School Carmel School Chinese International School Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School Delia School of Canada Discovery Bay International School Discovery College


Living in Hong Kong

German Swiss International School (English) German Swiss International School (German) Harrow International School Hong Kong Hong Kong Academy Hong Kong International School Hong Kong Japanese School International Christian School International College Hong Kong Kellett School Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School and Kiangsu-Chekiang College Korean International School (English) Korean International School (Korean) Lycee Francais International School (French International School) Nord Anglia International School Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School Renaissance College The Harbour School Victoria Shanghai Academy


13 www.nordangliaeducation. com/our-schools/hong-kong

Special School Jockey Club Sarah Roe School

Secondary Concordia International School Saint Too Sear Rogers International School



13 Small World Christian Kindergarten They accept some children with individual learning needs. These pupils are integrated into mainstream classes.

South Island School (ESF) The school has a unit for students with special learning needs.

The Harbour School (THS) Founded by educational psychologist Jadis Blurton, THS is an international school based on the US curriculum. It offers small class sizes and assistance to both gifted and SEN children.

The Hong Kong Preschool Playgroups Association A specific number of places are reserved for children with special needs.

The Springboard Project The Springboard Project supports classes at the Korean International School to provide for developmentally delayed children and young adults.

you can go to the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists for a list of those registered.

Watchdog Early Learning and Development Centre

Child Psychologist and/or Educational Psychologist

Watchdog provides early intervention and education programs for Hong Kong’s developmentally delayed children from new born to age six. Watchdog provides separate English and Cantonese speaking programs. Programs offer psychological assessment, specialist teaching on an individual basis or small group setting, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Music Therapy.

Your health practitioner or school can give you the names of the few available. The Child Assessment Service of the HKSAR Department of Health is also a source of information and support. In partnership with families and communities, The Child Assessment Service creates and coordinates programs and services to enrich the quality of life of children and families with special needs. The department promotes and protects the welfare and rights of children with special needs through participation in education, advocacy, research and policy making.

Speech Therapy You can get information on a number of speech therapists in Hong Kong through your child’s school or doctor. Alternatively,


Living in Hong Kong

AmCham Charitable Foundation The American Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation, established in 1985 and governed by a Board of Trustees composed of past chairmen of AmCham, is the philanthropic division of the Chamber. It contributes to the local community by raising funds and contributing to educational, training and other projects for the benefits of Hong Kong.

Scholarships & Academic Awards The Lyn Edinger US Studies Scholarship is a one-time scholarship awarded to secondary school graduates in Hong Kong who have been successfully admitted to a US university for a full-time undergraduate program. Awardees are recognized for their exceptional academic records with a good combination of leadership skills and community service work. Each winner receives a HK$ 16,000 scholarship and a Certificate of Merit from the Foundation. The Scholar Award, established in 1977, recognizes full-time MBA students, from Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and University of Hong Kong (HKU), who have achieved outstanding academic results with achievements in other fields such as leadership and community services during their first year of studies. Each winner receives a HK$ 10,000 scholarship and a Certificate of Merit from the Foundation. The Prize Books Award was established in 1986 as an annual education incentive scheme. Each year, a prize book and a book coupon at the value of $ 1,000 are awarded to more than 20 students in Hong Kong’s secondary schools who have achieved a combination of academic excellence and participation in extracurricular activities.






American School Hong Kong

American School Hong Kong 6 Ma Chung Road, Tai Po, New Territories Tel (852) 3919 4111 Fax (852) 3919 4112 Email Web Mission To provide a challenging, American and international education that empowers students to be independent critical thinkers, and responsible global citizens who excel in their future studies and careers. School Profile American School Hong Kong (ASHK) is a non-profit, college preparatory school offering a holistic American education taught by qualified North American teachers who inspire, motivate and challenge students to achieve excellence. ASHK is operated by Esol Education, a premium international education organization with 40 years of expertise in operating international American schools worldwide. Currently, 11,000 students attend Esol’s nine schools across three continents.


Living in Hong Kong

ASHK’s features include: • US Common Core Curriculum with an IB Diploma option in Grades 11 and 12 • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Focus • Daily Chinese Program with Traditional/ Simplified Chinese Writing • Sports and Extra-curricular Activities • Student Leadership and Social Responsibility Programs • Stanford Academic Summer Program • Global Program partnering with ASHK’s sister schools in Esol Education Opening in August 2016, ASHK is now accepting applications for Kindergarten to Grade 8 (ages 5-13).

安菲爾國際幼稚園 Anfield International Kindergarten Anfield International Kindergarten & Nursery Kowloon Tong Campus 5, Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2794 3668 Fax (852) 2549 3878 Email Principal: Ms. Denise Jarrett Whampoa Campus L2, Phase 1, Laguna Verde 8 Laguna Verde Avenue Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2766 3882 Fax (852) 2766 3933 Email Principal: Ms. Denise Jarrett

For over 15 years Anfield has offered a small, friendly, caring environment with the highest quality learning experience based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) of the English National Curriculum. English is used as the medium for teaching and learning. In addition, there is also a strong emphasis on the acquisition of Chinese (Putonghua) as a second language. We aim to nurture all children from toddlers up to age 6, to thrive socially, emotionally and academically. At the end of kindergarten, Anfield School continues to provide a British Primary education. All campuses: • Are well designed and spacious • Promote a caring, family atmosphere • Have well qualified and experienced staff • Offer outstanding adult/child ratios in small class sizes. For more information, please visit: Educating Hearts and Minds




安菲爾學校 Anfield School



安菲爾學校 Anfield School

School Profile At Anfield Anfield is an Independent Catholic, International School, comprising of a Primary school and 2 large Kindergartens, whose curriculum is underpinned by the Early Years Foundation Stage and the English National Curriculum. At Anfield, our robust curriculum for students aged 2-11 years, is fit for the 21 century, embracing the notion of promoting a globally – minded education of the very highest quality. Anfield enjoys an enviable reputation as thriving, dynamic, happy, caring and supportive schools with a strong family atmosphere. The Anfield St. Bosco Centre is a provision for pupils aged 5–11 years who have special learning difficulties. We offer specialist holistic British education within a safe, caring environment that raises the pupils’ self-esteem and confidence. Our aim is to prepare pupils so that they can eventually access a mainstream education with independence.


Living in Hong Kong

Primary School Section No. 1 Lung Pak Street, Tai Wai Shatin, N. T. Hong Kong Tel (852) 2692 8823 Fax (852) 2692 8678 Email Principal: Ms. Vicky Davies Kindergarten Section 5 Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2794 3668 Fax (852) 2549 3878 Email Principal: Ms. Denise Jarrett Kindergarten & Nursery Section L2, Phase 1, Laguna Verde 8 Laguna Verde Avenue Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2766 3882 Fax (852) 2766 3933 Email Principal: Ms. Denise Jarrett For more information, please visit : Educating Hearts and Minds

Hong Kong International School 1 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam, Hong Kong Tel (852) 3149 7001 Fax (852) 2812 0669 Email Web

HKIS provides educational excellence with a difference, emphasizing compassion and community service across all grades. HKIS courses challenge and inspire students to be lifelong learners and global citizens. Our graduates attend the top universities around the world, with close to 85% attending American institutions. HKIS seeks students who will not only benefit from the educational experiences we provide but will also actively contribute to our school community.

Hong Kong International School (HKIS) is a leading private co-educational college preparatory school for students from Reception One (pre-kindergarten) to Grade 12. Since 1966, HKIS has provided an American-style education grounded in the Christian faith. We encourage student achievement in an inspiring environment, and our programs reflect the rich multi-cultural and international character of our student body. We are committed to delivering exceptional teaching, and continually evolve our programs and facilities to enhance our student experience. HKIS offers a warm and inclusive learning environment for over 2600 students of 40 nationalities and diverse religious backgrounds. HKIS is an East Asia Regional Council of Schools member and is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Over 25 Advanced Placement subjects are available to High School students.




Hong Kong International School



Lycée Français International

Lycée Français International The French International School Main Campus: 165 Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley Tel (852) 2577 6217 Email Web Other Campuses: Jardine’s Lookout, Chai Wan Hung Hom. New Campus at Tseung Kwan O opening in September 2018 FIS was established in 1963 as one of the first international schools in Hong Kong. Currently, the school is one of the largest international through schools in Hong Kong and welcomes over 2,600 students from Kindergarten to Year 13/Terminale, representing 40 different nationalities, across four campuses. A new state of the art eco-campus will open its doors in Tseung Kwan O in the New Territories in September 2018. We have two distinct streams offering 3 learning options: • French Stream - French National curriculum and the OIB option (American section) • International Stream – English National curriculum leading to IGCSE examinations in Year 11 followed by International Baccalaureate (IB) in Year 12-13. In 1988, FIS became the


Living in Hong Kong

first school in Hong Kong to be authorised as an IB World School. FIS offers a unique and bilingual environment focusing on language learning. Its small class sizes encourage more interactive and in-depth discussions and students receive great support from teachers, form tutors and university councillors. In addition, FIS is a community conscious school with a great emphasis on sustainable development. The school’s mission is to provide, together with families, a nurturing, culturally diverse community that inspires our young students to realize their true potential as confident, independent learners and responsible global citizens with moral values and integrity.

Stanley Campus Phase III, Ma Hang Estate, Stanley, Hong Kong

Aldrich Bay Campus 155 Shau Kei Wan Road Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong

South Horizons Campus G/F, Blocks 23 to 23A, South Horizons, Phase III Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong

Chinese curriculum based on Montessori’s multisensory and interactive approach, and is considered one of the world’s leading Montessori dual-language programs. Each IMS classroom is led by a team of two, an English speaking, Montessori trained- and a native Putonghua-speaking teacher, and is carefully designed to give children opportunities to engage in meaningful learning activities with the proper balance of autonomy and guidance. The IMS Primary student will leave the school with a sense of self competence and responsibility that will allow him to stream into top international secondary schools in Hong Kong and around the world.

Mid-Levels Campus Mezzanine Entrance, Tung Fai Gardens 17 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel Fax Email Web Contact

(852) 2772 2468 (852) 3006 2950 Sandy Tsang

The International Montessori School (IMS) is a non-profit, dual-language (English and Putonghua Chinese) school. IMS is the only accredited Montessori primary school in Greater China, serving children aged 2 to 12 years from over 40 countries across 4 campuses. The school pioneered a unique, individually tailored




The International Montessori School



Tutor Time International Nursery and Kindergarten Fax Email Web

School Address:

Tutor Time Braemar Hill: G/F & LG/F Braemar Hill Shopping Centre 45 Braemar Hill Road, Hong Kong. Tel (852) 2529 1833

Tutor Time WOW Central: 1/F Garley Building, 45-53 Graham Street Central, Hong Kong. TTel (852) 2812 6889

Tutor Time Mid Levels: G/F Botanical Court, 5 Caine Road, Mid-Levels Hong Kong. Tel (852) 2529 2288

Tutor Time Red Hill – Tai Tam: 101, 1/F Red Hill Plaza, 3 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam Hong Kong. Tel (852) 2813 2688

Tutor Time Kowloon Tong: No. 1 Dorset Crescent, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Tel (852) 2573 9188

Tutor Time Kowloon Tong WOW: No. 9 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Tel (852) 2529 1188


Living in Hong Kong

(852) 2507 5445

Tutor Time is the first school from the USA to implement successfully a full immersion, bilingual English/Mandarin program for children aged 6 months to 6 years. Whole language courses in English or Mandarin are also offered. The top choice for expatriate and local families looking for a quality preschool, Tutor Time offers an unparalleled standard of care. Tuition by native speakers, customized curriculums from the US, and spacious facilities combine to provide a whole child education experience. Inquiry-based learning foster math and literacy skills as well as encouraging critical thinking and character development. A range of enrichment classes is available, including interview practice, KPCC (Mandarin), Dance Sport, gymnastics, Lego Education and kung fu. Tutor Time has six campuses flourishing in Hong Kong, including Tutor Time Central, an educational center designed especially for babies and toddlers. Campus sizes range from 8,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. and feature classrooms with well-equipped learning centers, interactive learning walls, spacious indoor/outdoor playgrounds, gyms and ateliers. Our interactive message board, weekly and monthly newsletters and kideowatch classroom camera keep parents updated on their child’s progress at school.

Stamford American International School 1 Woodleigh Lane (off Upper Serangoon Road) Singapore 357684 Tel (65) 6653 7907 Fax (65) 6280 3250 Web Company profile: Stamford American International School is the first and only school in Singapore to offer American and International Baccalaureate curriculums from 2 to 18 years, graduating students to 1st tier universities in the U.S and worldwide. Students from over 65 nationalities enjoy world-class facilities including 3 swimming pools, 2 indoor sports arenas, tennis courts, dance studios, rock climbing walls, outdoor sports field, Golf Academy, Innovation Center and 500-seat professional theater. Stamford American inspires students to achieve more than they believe they can through world leading partnerships with Bloomberg, EducationUSA and Microsoft.

Program from age 2 progresses to the Perceptual Motor Program from age 3, developing body and brain skills for classroom success. A family-style lunch, over 25% organic ingredients and no MSG, is served in partnership with Celebrity Chef Emmanuel Stroobant to encourage healthy eating and table etiquette. World Language Program Stamford American enhances linguistic ability from age 2, with a choice of daily or bilingual programs in Mandarin or Spanish, 8 Mother Tongue languages and an Accelerated English Program for non-native speakers.

Specialist Early Years Education Children from age 2 have the choice of daily or bilingual Mandarin or Spanish and weekly lessons under the world-renowned Suzuki Violin Program from age 3. Specialist PE under the SMART Steps




Stamford American International School



Yew Chung International School

Yew Chung International School 3 To Fuk Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2338 7106 Fax (852) 2304 6713 Email Web Founded in 1932, Yew Chung has been providing quality bilingual education to the learners of Hong Kong for over 80 years. Originally specialising in Early Childhood Education, Yew Chung International School (YCIS) now provides education from early childhood through primary and secondary culminating in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. Global Education in YCIS YCIS offers the unique richness and diversity of both Eastern and Western cultures that equip children to be bilingual, global-minded, competitive, appreciative and caring global citizens. Students are nurtured in a multicultural environment with a fully rounded and balanced education which transforms them into global thinking individuals.

Co-Principals and Co-Teaching Models Two Co-Principals, one Western and one Chinese, serve as partners in the operations and administration of the school. In addition, two fully-qualified teachers, one Western and one Chinese, together plan lessons and conduct classes in the Early Childhood Education and Primary School, and providing excellent role models who respect and value one another’s culture. YCIS Education Programme YCIS’s international curriculum is based on the framework of schemes of work from the National Curriculum for England (NCE). The research based curriculum allows high standards and ease of transition for international students. Age of Students Early Childhood Education Primary School (Year 1–6) Secondary School (Year 7–9) IGCSE (Year 10–11) IB Diploma (Year 12–13)

6 months – 5 years 5 – 11 years 11 – 14 years 14 – 16 years 16 – 19 years

International Recognition YCIS - Secondary is authorised by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) as an IB World School and is an approved authorised Cambridge International Examination (CIE) Centre. YCIS has received accreditations from Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).

Highlight of YCIS Global Education Integrating East and West • A Bilingual focus within a multicultural environment YCIS combines the best of Eastern and Western will give your child the global mindset and cultures by promoting fluency in two major world intercultural competence they need for the 21st languages, creating a truly bilingual learning Century. environment, providing courses of study in Eastern • Unique Co-Teaching and Co-Principals models and Western philosophy. help students to learn two cultures and give equal emphasis to both English and Chinese. • YCIS integrates Character Formation programmes into our curriculum, focusing on developing positive qualities. • Strong music programme enhances children’s reasoning skills, develops memory span, concentration and coordination. • YCIS maintains 100% university placement with students admitted to top universities in Hong Kong and overseas.


Living in Hong Kong


American International School 125 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2336 3812 Fax (852) 2336 5276 Email Web


Suppliers for International Schools

Canadian International School of Hong Kong 36 Nam Long Shan Road, Aberdeen Tel (852) 2525 7088 Email Web

Founded in 1986, AIS is a not-for-profit, independent, international school in Hong Kong serving local and international families from over 40 nationalities. AIS nurtures confident, caring and well-rounded students from early childhood through elementary, middle, and high school. Fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the academic program is college preparatory in design and fully aligned with US standards-based curriculum including Common Core State Standards and AP Capstone Program. Each year, AIS graduates earn admission to the most prestigious universities and colleges in the United States and worldwide. The AIS faculty is highly qualified, internationally diverse and extremely talented. The Expected Schoolwide Learning Results demonstrate a commitment to nurturing well-rounded students, empowered thinkers, effective communicators, and global citizens.

For 25 years, Canadian International School of Hong Kong has inspired excellence, cultivated character, and empowered engagement locally and globally. Students representing more than 40 nationalities are part of the 1,840 student body from Pre Reception (3-years old) through to Grade 12.

School Hours: Early Childhood 1: 8:00 – 11:00am (AM class) 12:00 – 3:00pm (PM class) Early Childhood 2 to Grade 12: 8:00am – 3:00pm

All students have regular access to iPads and MacBooks, with students in Grades 4 and above managing their own laptops, and students in Grades 1-2 managing their own iPads. An extra-curricular programme includes more than 70 activities.

Annual Tuition Fees in 2016-17: $75,200 - $138,400

In addition to following the IB Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programmes, CDNIS also grants credits for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, allowing students to graduate with the OSSD and IB Diplomas. The Chinese Studies programme includes courses from beginner to native levels in both oral and written Mandarin. Students also develop an appreciation of the Chinese culture through an abundance of cultural exchange opportunities. All students study French in Grades 7 and 8 and have the option to continue to Grade 12.

Annual Fees: $98,600 - $178,200




Suppliers for International Schools

Carmel School Association Elsa High School 460 Shau Kei Wan Road Hong Kong Carmel Elementary 10 Borrett Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Holly Rofé Early Childhood Learning Centre L3-4 One Robinson Place, 70 Robinson Road Hong Kong Tel (852) 3665 5388 Fax (852) 3665 5399 Email Web Principal Mrs. Rachel Friedmann We are a through-train international school committed to providing the highest standards of international education. Carmel was founded in 1991 as East Asia’s first Jewish Day School and grew to become a successful 3 campus international school, catering for students from 1 to 18 years old. As an IB World School, we offer the Diploma and Middle Years Program and are now a candidate school for the Primary Years Program. Carmel School is fully accredited by the WASC and a member of the EARCOS. Elsa High School was established in 2009 and already boasts top university admissions, primarily in the US and the UK. Focusing on developing the whole child to achieve his or her full potential and through a generous teacher/student ratio and curriculum delivery that caters for a range of learning styles, the School offers a supportive environment that develops students’ confidence, imagination and skills, in both academic and social spheres.


Living in Hong Kong

Chinese International School 1 Hau Yuen Path, Braemar Hill, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2510 7288 Email Web CIS is a dynamic dual-language learning community where every student is challenged and supported to reach his or her fullest potential. Established in 1983, we offer an international curriculum in English and Mandarin for students aged 4-18. The CIS Community: Our student body of 1,500 is extremely stable with about 5% turnover per year. The main opportunities for entry are the first years of Primary or Secondary – i.e., Reception (Pre-K) with 88 students admitted, or Year 7 (Grade 6) with over 50 new students admitted. The student-teacher ratio is 9:1. Both parents and alumni are active in the life of the school. Graduates go on to leading universities worldwide, with over 50% choosing the US. Mandarin & IB Programs: CIS students develop a strong command of English and Mandarin, pursuing both in all years. Through Year 6 (Grade 5), time spent in each language is equal, with more English progressively introduced. In Secondary, students follow the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years and Diploma Programs. Year 10 (Grade 9) spends a boarding year at Hangzhou CIS.


Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School

Discovery Bay International School Early Years Foundation Stage

Grades 7-12: 2 Fu Ning Street Kowloon City Prep-Grade 3: Lai Yiu Estate, Wah Yiu Road Lai King Tel (852) 2713 3733 Fax (852) 2760 4324 Email Web

Discovery Bay, Lantau Island, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2914 2142 Email Web Contact Head of School: Paul Tough

CAIS has cultivated learners who grow in love for God and service to humanity for over two decades. The School offers a Canadian curriculum and is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International. Students thrive through a holistic program enriched with Advanced Placement courses. Graduates advance to universities in North America and around the world.


Suppliers for International Schools

Discovery Bay International School is situated in the unique and picturesque community of Discovery Bay. The school was established in 1983 and now comprises of 40 nationalities, 1010 students and 170 staff located on two very well resourced campuses. We currently have five Nursery classes and five Reception classes. Each class has one teacher and one full time educational assistant. We deliver high quality practices and services that make a difference on a daily basis in meeting the needs of our students, in order to help them make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow and develop. For further information, entry requirements and registration please visit:




Suppliers for International Schools

Discovery Bay International School Primary and Secondary School Discovery Bay, Lantau Island, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2987 7331 Email Web Contact Head of School: Paul Tough Discovery Bay International School is situated in the unique and picturesque community of Discovery Bay. The school was established in 1983 and now comprises of 40 nationalities, 1010 students and 170 staff located on two very well resourced campuses. Our school’s distinction lies in the small class sizes and a personalised approach to learning. We offer a broad international curriculum based on the English National Curriculum. A distinctive learning journey begins in the Early Years and culminates in years 10 and 11 when students complete examinations in a range of subjects leading to the award of (I)GCSE. For further information, entry requirements and registration please visit:


Living in Hong Kong

Faust International Youth Theatre 5/F Nan Dao Commercial Building 359 – 361 Queen’s Road Central Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2547 9114 Fax (852) 2547 9799 Email Web Contact Tess Polo Faust introduces its members (aged 3-18) to the wonderful world of theatre through after school and Saturday drama workshops. Members perform in the annual Faust Festival and additional performing opportunities are available. Specialised Drama Workshops, Play in a Day, Creative Writing Classes, and Holiday Programmes are also available at Christmas, Chinese New Year, Easter and in the summer.


German Swiss International School 11 Guildford Road, The Peak, Hong Kong Tel (852)2849 6216 Email Web Contact Mrs Annette Brandt-Dammann, Principal Company profile: The German Swiss International School (GSIS) offers education in two parallel streams from Kindergarten to Secondary school. More than 1,280 students from over 30 countries are taught by a committed team of highly qualified teachers across two campuses. Founded in 1969, GSIS provides a rigorous academic programme within a vibrant, creative and caring community. We foster an open-minded and engaged world-view in our students, and guide them towards becoming responsible, criticalthinking and self-assured young citizens. The German stream curriculum is based on the core curriculum of German schools in Southeast and East Asia, which in turn is based on the curricula of the state of Thuringia, offering the bilingual German International Abitur Examination (DIAP). The English stream follows the British education system, completing I/GCSE examinations at the end of Year 11 before commencing the IB Diploma Programme for senior years. The school is certified as an “Excellent German School Abroad” and an accredited IB World School.


Suppliers for International Schools

Hong Kong Academy 33 Wai Man Road Sai Kung, New Territories Tel (852) 2655 1111 Email Web HKA is an inclusive, international, community, non-profit day school for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 offering the International Baccalaureate PYP, MYP and DP programmes. The school’s globally-sourced, inquiry-based curriculum draws on best practices from around the world and is independent of any national curriculum. Small class sizes and engaged teachers facilitate social/emotional development as well as academic learning. HKA stresses pathways to individual excellence, and Secondary School students may select from a number of options for graduation, including but not limited to the full IB Diploma. HKA highly values parent involvement and the diverse talents and strengths each individual brings to the community. HKA’s faculty are recruited from around the world and are selected for their professionalism, exceptional qualifications, creativity, and international teaching experience. HKA’s five core values provide a framework for the school: rigorous international education, captivating learning environment, pathways to individual excellence, dynamic community of learners and educational leadership.




Suppliers for International Schools

International Christian School Kindergrarten

International Christian School Elementary and Secondary

G/F, Kam Ho House (Block H), Kam Fung Court Ma On Shan, N.T. Tel (852) 3920 0010 / 0001 Fax (852) 2336 6114 Email Web Contact Ms Esther Lou Mrs Vicky McAllister

1 On Muk Lane, Shek Mun, Shatin New Territories, Hong Kong Tel (852) 3920 0001 / 0010 Fax (852) 2336 6114 Email Web Contact Ms Esther Lou Mrs Vicky McAllister

The developmentally appropriate learning environment focuses on acquiring social and emotional, language, cognitive, thinking, and physical skills.

International Christian School uses a North American liberal arts curriculum. ICS is academically rigorous, and is also recognized as a leader in the fine and performing arts, as well as community service. Students at ICS pursue excellence and actively engage in both the local and international community. At the high school level, there are 15 Advanced Placement (AP) courses and a strong Honors Program for those that qualify. ICS works to differentiate learning for students and serves a limited number of students with developmental delays through its Bridges Program. ICS seeks to integrate Biblical principles and 21st Century instructional practices via a curriculum that promotes student achievement of its stated ends, known as the Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs).

Facilities The Kindergarten campus features 4 main classrooms, an art room, library, and indoor multi-purpose room that provides comfortable year-round space for Physical Education. Hours 8:20 AM - 11:20 AM 12:20 PM - 3:20 PM


Living in Hong Kong


Suppliers for International Schools

The Woodland Group of Schools Limited Suite 2405 Universal Trade Centre 3-5A Arbuthnot Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2559 4855 Fax (852) 2559 7162 Email Web General Manager: Abi Tyrrell For over 38 years Woodland has set the standard in Hong Kong for quality pre-school education. With 9 campuses in prime locations, Woodland offers classes for children aged from six months to six years. 7 of our schools use ‘Traditional’ teaching methods in line with the UK National Curriculum’s Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Our schools are fully accredited by the Pre-School Learning Alliance, London. 2 of our schools offering ‘Montessori’ teaching methods are fully approved and accredited by the Montessori Evaluation and Accreditation Board. List of Woodland Pre-Schools: Repulse Bay Montessori Tel: 2803 1885 Montessori Academy (Mid-Levels) Tel: 2549 1211 Junior Academy Tel: 2546 2198 Peak Pre-School Tel: 2849 6192 Beachside (Repulse Bay) Tel: 2812 0274 Kennedy Town Pre-School Tel: 2817 2011 Pokfulam Pre-School Tel: 2551 7177 Harbourside (Aberdeen) Tel: 2559 1377 Happy Valley Pre-School Tel: 2575 0042 Sai Kung Pre-School Tel: 2813 0290


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Members Directory

Over 500 pages in three major sections, including a complete guide to chamber services, corporate sponsors and AmCham Charitable Foundation. This directory lists about 1,400 members from about 700 companies and organizations. ISBN 978-962-7422-33-4

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