Living in Hong Kong 2016 - Moving to Hong Kong

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Chapter 8

Moving to Hong Kong Planning your move to Hong Kong in advance will alleviate many of the challenges that people find prior to departure from their home country. This chapter will provide you with a checklist of items essential to making your relocation as smooth as possible.


8 The process of relocating to a different city anywhere can be a daunting task, especially if it is a move to a country overseas. How do you prepare for your move to Hong Kong? As you get ready to leave, what are some of the things to which you will need to pay attention? This chapter gives you multiple checklists for moving in and out of Hong Kong and covers immigration issues as well as other legal matters.

Moving to Hong Kong Create your own List • Things you must have (or want to have with you) • Things you do not want to bring • Things that may require special logistics

Do Not Bring • • • • • • •

Plants Opened bottles of liquor Firearms Pepper spray and stunt guns Drugs (narcotics) Frozen and perishable foods Any appliances not adaptable for use with 220 Voltage/50 Hertz

Bring – But Do NOT Ship Important documents (passports, bankbooks, insurance policies, birth certificates, and marriage certificates). Things you will need before the shipment arrives – which can take as long as several months (e.g., clothing, toiletries, books, small games & toys for children).

What to Bring Shops in Hong Kong provide all the clothing, furniture, appliances, toys and audio-video equipment you should need. But certain brands and sizes of clothing, shoes and underwear may be hard to find here.


Living in Hong Kong

If you will be waiting for your furniture, clothes and other goods to arrive while staying in temporary housing, be sure to bring sufficient clothing suitable for Hong Kong’s climate as well as other essentials including your children’s favorite toys and games.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program Smart Traveler Enrollment Program allows US citizens to get in touch with their nearest Embassy or Consulates abroad.



Upon registration, you will be able to receive important emails regarding safety conditions of the country where you’re staying.

you need to attach a copy of your social security card. During busy periods, you may have to wait as long as an hour, regardless of the kind of inquiry. All services must be done by making an initial appointment.

Requirements of US Passports Services

Passport Expiration

You are required to bring either an original copy or a copy of your social security card to your appointment with the Consulate General of the United States. If you apply by email,

You need to have at least six months of validity for international travel to most countries, with some exceptions depending on the specific country of destination.



8 Passport Services The US Consulate General in Hong Kong accepts applications by mail for passport renewal and adding additional pages of persons aged 18 or above. An applicant must be present in Hong Kong or Macau with a mailing address to submit his/her current passport along with the application forms. The process of issuing a new passport takes around 10 working days; while adding pages requires around five working days. The requirements for a new passport may vary each year depending on the person’s age and circumstances. The Consulate is closed on all US and Hong Kong public holidays. For further inquiries, call 2841 2211 or go to

Applying for a Visa As a foreign national entering Hong Kong for purposes of employment, establishing a business or joining a company, you will need an employment visa from the Hong Kong Immigration Department (HKID) before you arrive. If your family members are to come with you, they should obtain dependent visas prior to arrival as well. To apply for a visa, contact an embassy, consulate or diplomatic office of the People’s Republic of China. The normal processing period is eight to twelve weeks. To apply, you’ll need to list two referees or sponsors in Hong Kong. One referee is usually your local employer. If your Hong Kong employer is the branch subsidiary of an overseas company, the legal framework should have been finalized before you apply for a visa. As you submit your application for a work visa, your sponsor will be asked by HKID to complete some paperwork and provide


Living in Hong Kong

relevant supporting documentation. Your sponsor must respond to this request within two weeks of receipt. Your application will then be assessed and results will be telexed to the embassy where your application was filed. With employment offered by a Hong Kong company, an application for your work visa can be made on your behalf in Hong Kong. Typically, you will need to supply your CV and copies of certificates and qualifications, and your local employer will need to provide a job description of your position. The process, once all the paperwork has been submitted and is confirmed complete, should take a minimum of four to six weeks. During the processing time, you are not allowed to work in Hong Kong. Each application is assessed on its own merits, and applications for employment visa are scrutinized closely to determine whether or not a local resident could fulfill the requirements of the job concerned. Spouses and dependents should apply for and obtain residency visas. The dependent visa will allow them to seek employment opportunities in Hong Kong. Employment visas are generally granted to US passport holders for one year. Dependent visas are normally valid for the same period. If you and your family need to extend your visas, apply for extension one month before expiry date.

Right to Land/Unconditional Stay Foreign passport holders and their families can apply for “Permanent Residence” and the associated “Right to Land” endorsement. To qualify, you must have lived in Hong Kong for a continuous period of no less than seven years. When you apply, you

must provide evidence of having lived in Hong Kong for seven years, including tax returns, old passports and letters from employers.

You or your shipper should make a full list of all shipped items, along with their replacement value. Attach a copy of this list to the insurance certificate provided by your mover.

Those who have lived in Hong Kong unlawfully (e.g., as a refugee), have been deported or contravened a limited period of stay are disqualified from “Permanent Residence” status.

Confirm with your mover how long it will take for the shipment to arrive. Be prepared for delays. Depending on the shipping line, routing and frequency of sailings, ocean transit time will vary.

Shipping Goods to Hong Kong

Keep in mind that it may take you several weeks or months to find an apartment in Hong Kong, so check where your goods can be stored if they arrive before you can accept delivery. Get the name, address, and contact information of your mover’s Hong Kong agent. Also ask about the amount you will need to pay for storage.

Before you arrange your move to Hong Kong, it’s a good idea to also think about moving back home. In your return to the US, for instance, the US Customs and Border Protection can provide information on how to navigate your return. Information on what you can bring back to the US, and the necessary customs declaration form are available on their website.

Hiring a Shipper Most moving companies provide door-todoor service. You should get bids from several companies and select a mover with experience in international packing and forwarding. You may want to insure your belongings that will be shipped, especially those with high replacement costs. Insuring the whole shipment rather than just high-value items usually makes collecting refunds easier.

Customs Clearance Customs clearance in Hong Kong is usually very simple, as very few items have duties imposed on them. Drugs and firearms are strictly prohibited. This includes even antique guns and some replicas as well as other self-defense weaponry like pepper spray, stunt guns and retractable batons. Wines are no longer taxed, but there are duties for cigarettes and tobacco, methyl alcohol, some hydrocarbon oils, and cosmetics. There is no customs tax on the importation of cars to Hong Kong. However there are compliance, registration, levy and licensing process you must consider. You will be charged a first-registration tax based on the taxable value of the car. Three government departments are involved in the importation and registration of motor vehicles to Hong Kong. Guidelines for importing motor vehicles may be found on the Transport Department website.





8 There is also an annual license fee in the range of several thousand to over ten thousand Hong Kong dollars, depending on the type of vehicle and its engine’s cubic capacity. With one of the world’s most efficient public transport systems, you may choose to live here without owning a car.

• Cube Self Storage

Special electronic equipment, scientific instruments and apparatuses are generally considered by the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department to be strategic commodities. This includes special computers, computer peripherals, integrated circuits, printed circuit boards and disk drives. Their import into Hong Kong must be approved and licensed by the Director of Trade and Industry Department.

• My Storage

Self-storage Many people find that they need to place some of their furniture and belongings into storage for a period of time. This option is quite common practice for those who find their new home is not quite as large as they would like.

How to Choose Self Storage There are quite a few self-storage companies in Hong Kong given the generally small size of apartment units in town. Location, access and whether pickup, delivery, packing and insurance of your belongings are offered are important points for consideration. The self-storage market has shifted in recent years from doing business over the phone to app-focused operations. Below are a few companies you can try: • Apple Storage • Boxful


Living in Hong Kong

• Hongkong Storage • Lock + Store • MiniCo Self-Storage

• SC Storage • Spacebox • Store Friendly • Stuffgenie • room+ • Queen Self Storage • Your Space

Bringing a Pet You may bring your domestic pet (cat, dog or bird) to Hong Kong, but you need be aware of certain requirements before you decide to uproot your pet. Contact your relocation company beforehand to find out if it is feasible and to make sure your pet can be given care during the move.

All animals imported to Hong Kong must be implanted with an identification microchip, and the microchip number must be printed on the animal health certificate. Although Hong Kong has been declared rabies-free, this could change at any time. Dogs over five months old must be licensed and inoculated against rabies once every three years.

Import Requirements: Group one Countries Dogs and cats imported directly from the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Hawaii and Japan are normally exempt from quarantine, subject to full compliance with terms specified by the Agriculture, Fisheries And Conservation Department for the “Importation of Dogs and Cats from Group I Countries/ Places.” Dogs and cats, from a Group I country/ place of origin, must be accompanied by the certificates stipulated. The permit terms, list of certificates required and relevant forms for animals from Group I Countries are available on the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department website.

Import Requirements: Group II Countries Dogs and cats imported directly from 38 countries or areas may be exempted from quarantine provided the animals comply fully with the permit terms and have the appropriate certificates. These countries include, among others, the continental USA and Canada. The permit terms, list of certificates required, relevant forms for animals from Group II Countries and the full list of countries included in this group are

available on the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department website. www.

Import Requirements: Group III Countries Dogs and cats imported from countries/ places other than Group I or Group II are subject to a minimum four-month quarantine period at the Animal Management Center of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. All quarantine is at the owner’s expense. The permit terms, list of certificates required and relevant forms for animals from Group III Countries are available on the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department website.

Legal Concerns Paying US Income Tax If your Hong Kong employer is a US-based company, they may withhold US Social Security and income taxes from your regular salary. Confirm this when you begin your work here. If your employer is a Hong Kong company, they typically do not withhold any taxes from your salary, either for US or Hong Kong taxes. If your employer does not withhold US income taxes, you’ll need to pay quarterly estimated income taxes to the US Treasury and Social Security taxes to the Social Security Administration. There are several Certified Public Accountants in Hong Kong who prepare US tax returns and can help you with this. The US Consulate has a list of US tax return preparers locally. The US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act has come into effect and is to ensure that details of US taxpayers who have foreign





8 financial assets and overseas accounts are reported by foreign financial institutions to US tax authorities. Meanwhile, Hong Kong currently does not have a double taxation avoidance treaty with the US. The Bank Secrecy Act, similarly, requires US taxpayers with foreign financial assets to report to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

local bank, applying for a credit card issued by the same bank is fairly straightforward. Proof of income is usually required for the application of a credit card. That proof can be supplied by notices of salary payment or a letter from your employer confirming your employment and your salary.

Whether or not your employer is a local company, you will need to pay Hong Kong income taxes. In April or May each year, your employer will provide you with a statement of your yearly income and you will need to file relevant tax forms with Hong Kong’s Inland Revenue Department. Taxes on personal income are paid yearly, generally in two installments – approximately 75 percent due early in the year and the remainder due in mid-spring. The filing process normally takes less than an hour to complete, and tax filers are encouraged to do so online.

A couple wishing to marry in Hong Kong must complete a “Notice of Marriage” on a prescribed form and submit it to one of the 10 marriage registries in Hong Kong at least 15 days before the ceremony. In special circumstances, the marriage registrar may shorten the 15-day notice period. The notice and all proceedings will become void if a marriage does not take place within 3 months after the notice.

Opening a Bank Account Different banks have different requirements for setting up a bank account. Once you decide on a bank of your choice, check with the staff on the list of documents you are required to produce – which typically include the original copy of your identification documents, such as your passport and/or your Hong Kong Identification Card. Some banks may require a proof of address through a utility bill or a rental agreement of your apartment in Hong Kong.


The ceremony may be performed by a registrar at a marriage registry or in a licensed place of worship by a minister. You may also appoint a civil celebrant of marriage to perform the ceremony at any place in Hong Kong. Two witnesses are required. A person under the age of 21 must secure written consent of his or her father (or mother if the father is deceased) or legal guardian before submitting the “Notice of Marriage.” A divorced person must submit proof of the dissolution of his or her former marriage; a widow or widower must submit proof of the death of their spouse.

Some banks in Hong Kong have branch offices overseas. If you already have a US account with them, opening an account in Hong Kong will be much easier.

There are no residency requirements for marriage in Hong Kong and no restrictions relating to the couple’s nationalities.

Obtaining a Credit Card

The only grounds for divorce in Hong Kong are that the marriage has broken

Once you have set up an account with a


Living in Hong Kong


down irretrievably and that the marriage has lasted over one year. They must be established by proving, for example, the commission of adultery or that the couple has lived apart for more than two years. Ordinarily divorce will not be granted to a couple married for less than three years. Once granted, a divorce decree becomes effective six weeks later. A separation can be obtained more easily than divorce. There are other alternatives for spouses to settle their differences. Options may include: Deed of Separation; Separation Order; Judicial Separation; and Family Mediation. A Hong Kong court can order property settlement, a lump-sum payment or maintenance payments for either party or for the children. A court can also order adjustments in payments in the event of new circumstances, including the custody and education of each minor child.

The Community Legal Information Centre of HKU’s Law and Technology Centre provides advice and resources.

Birth The birth of a child in Hong Kong should be registered within six weeks at a local district birth registry. Upon request and payment of a nominal fee, a birth certificate will be issued following the registration. Birth registration within 42 days following birth is free of charge. The Immigration Department has more information on the process and how to make a booking for registration with their leaflet “Guidance Notes on the Appointment Booking for Birth Registration” on their website. If one or both parents are US citizens, they may wish to obtain a Consular Report of Birth to prove US citizenship of the child. The child’s Hong Kong birth certificate and the parents’ US passports, marriage





8 certificate and any divorce decree (if applicable) must be presented to the US Consulate before a Report of Birth will be issued. The fee is US$ 100 for the Report of Birth and US$ 105 for the child’s passport.

generally doesn’t require major changes in estate planning. Hong Kong recognizes and enforces valid wills from other jurisdictions. Taxes on an estate’s assets located in Hong Kong are usually creditable against any US estate tax payable on those assets.

For issuance of a US passport or a Report of Birth and registration for a Social Security Number, parents must appear at the US Consulate in an appointment with their newborn child in person and present their US passports and their child’s birth registration.

For persons who pass away without a will, Hong Kong law provides first for the decedent’s spouse and children. If there is no spouse or children, it then provides for the decedent’s parents; in the absence of the foregoing, then for grandparents and more distant relatives.

Death In the unfortunate event of death of a friend or family member who is a citizen of another country, there are several important points to remember. The body of the deceased must not be handled without the involvement of a physician, paramedics or the police. Call the emergency services (dial 999) in any case for medical examination and pronouncement of death. If burial or cremation is to take place in Hong Kong, consult with a funeral parlor and your spiritual adviser. If the body is to be shipped overseas, consult with a funeral parlor for proper arrangement. To deal with the deceased person’s financial affairs, contact a Hong Kong solicitor or foreign lawyer. Surrender the deceased person’s Hong Kong Identity Card to one of the registration offices of the Immigration Department and the foreign passport to the consulate of the country of issue.

Estate Planning For US citizens, moving to Hong Kong


Living in Hong Kong

If you have maintained close connections with your home country, your estate will principally be settled there. If you have noteworthy assets in Hong Kong, however (e.g., property), it is advisable to prepare a local will and appoint a local executor.

Jury Duty Most foreign residents of Hong Kong between the ages of 21 and 65 who are conversant in English are qualified for and liable to serving as jurors. Exceptions include consulate officials and their spouses, doctors and civil servants. Persons summoned for jury duty may be excused or given a postponement on written application to the Registrar of the Supreme Court. Special hardship to your employer or family vacation plans can be accepted as reasons for excuse.

Voting Any Hong Kong permanent resident over the age of 18 is eligible to vote in elections for the Legislative Council and District Boards. If you want to vote in these elections, you will need to register. Voting in Hong Kong elections will not put your US citizenship or voting rights at risk.

US citizens over the age of 18 living in Hong Kong are also eligible to vote in federal elections and may also be eligible to vote in some state and local elections depending on laws of specific US states. In light of requirements of the new MOVE Act, overseas voters need to register every single calendar year in which they wish to vote, and all Americans abroad need to reregister after their states hold primaries in order to get their ballots for the November elections. Register via this website: Americans cannot cast their vote at the US Consulate in Hong Kong, but assistance and relevant registration documents are available. Information is also available from the US Customs and Border Protection, US Department of Homeland Security.

Moving From Hong Kong Leaving Hong Kong is somewhat like arriving, only in reverse. The most important thing is to plan ahead and allow as much time as possible because the longer you wait, the less flexibility you will enjoy.

Shipping Goods from Hong Kong Moving your household effects from Hong Kong is quite simple, since there are no export customs or duties. But you’ll need to be concerned with import regulations of the country to which you’re moving. Information on regulations regarding imports of personal belongings is readily available from the consulate of the country in question. US citizens returning to the US can get information from US Customs and

Border Protection.

Hiring a Shipper You’ll also want to select a reliable moving company which will help you prepare an inventory of your contents in carton boxes and other documents required by your destination country. This is an important step as you will be asked to declare for customs clearance at the port of entry. It will also serve as supporting documents in case insurance claims are to be filed. Although it is very rare, some may choose to ship a refrigerator. In such case, make sure it is completely dry and packed with silica gel or other desiccants because fungi can be a problem during shipping and storage, especially in places with sub-tropical weather like Hong Kong. Fungi that cause mildew grow on almost anything: leather, wool, cotton, paper and wood. Mildew can discolor and rot clothing, shoes, gloves etc. You may find it extremely difficult to avoid getting at least a little bit of mildew on your personal articles. The best preventive steps are to pre-clean all garments and carpets with silica gel, activated alumina, or calcium chloride — all moisture-absorbing chemicals. Mothballs placed among shoes, books and athletic equipment will also help to kill fungi. Properly placed in cloth bags, they should remain dry for the duration of your relocation.

Returning to the US Americans are considered “returning residents” upon their return to the US from overseas employment, schooling or travel, and all articles acquired abroad will be subject to duty. There are exemptions which include household effects not intended for another





8 Things to Do Before You Leave Hong Kong Make an inventory of items being shipped.

Make a separate list of any items you plan to keep in storage.

Keep a record of all expenses connected with the move.

Settle Taxes. You will be required to

person or for sale, and if you’ve used them for at least one year (furniture, paintings, carpets, and tableware, etc). Items not considered household effects include jewelry, stereo components, cameras, boats and clothing.

clear any income tax that applies before you leave Hong Kong permanently. You and your employer must notify the Inland Revenue Department at least one month in advance of your departure.

Surrender your Hong Kong +Identify Card when you leave for the last time (unless you have permanent resident status).

Check health regulations of the country Articles of Chinese origin may be brought or shipped into the US, but you should check for articles originating from other countries.

US Customs Clearance Customs clearance for your household goods must be done at the first port of entry. You or your moving company must arrange all the necessary paperwork, including Form 3299, Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles, for presentation to the examining customs officer when your belongings are cleared through customs. Shipments must clear customs within five days after their arrival; otherwise they will be sent to a warehouse for storage at your expense and risk until customs clearance is made. If you are using a moving company, they usually manage the customs clearance for you.


Living in Hong Kong

to which you’re moving for any inoculations.

Sell belongings you do not want (e.g., furniture, electrical appliances that will not work in the new country); advertise in newspapers or on supermarket bulletin boards. Use up or give away your stock of wines and liquor.

Help domestic workers get new jobs; write them letters of reference. Hong Kong labor laws require severance pay and a release letter for foreign contract workers.

Inform the post office of your move and give them the forwarding address or your new business address if you have not found a flat before arrival.

Advise friends and business firms of your change of address.

Arrange to close or change addresses of charge accounts. You may wish to keep accounts open with major department stores if you think you would like to write to them for catalogs or purchases.

Collect and photocopy medical and dental records for each family member.

Collect and photocopy children’s school records and credentials.

Resign, sell, or convert to absentee status any club memberships.

Check personal insurance policies, particularly with regard to coverage in foreign locations. Return library books or any borrowed items, and collect what you have lent out.

Keep utilities and telephones operating through moving day. Collect any deposits from utilities services (as well as from your landlord).

Find new homes for small pets (turtles, tropical fish, birds, etc) that you do not want to take. But check in advance with the mover about shipping your cat or dog. International packing firms normally provide this service.

Check with your attorney to be certain that in the event of your death your estate can be settled where you choose.

Check also with your attorney to determine your address for a driver’s license.

Consulate-General, Consulates and Officially Recognised Bodies There are over one hundred ConsulateGenerals, Consulates and Officially Recognised Bodies providing services in Hong Kong. A full list is available on the GovHK website under the Protocol Division Government Secretariat.

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Asia Pacific Properties Mobility Limited 14/F Wilson House, 19-27 Wyndham Street Central, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2281 7800 Fax (852) 2810 6981 Email Web Contact Katharine Liu, Business Development & Global Partnerships Asia Pacific Properties Mobility Limited (APPM) is a Relocation & Real Estate specialist in Hong Kong and China. With strategic partnerships throughout the region in place, we have been providing mobility management and real estate services for corporate clients operating in and out of Asia since 1985. Our comprehensive mobility solutions include assistance with: • Orientation and Homesearch Programs • Residential Real Estate Services • Schooling Advisory • Immigration Application Assistance • Move Management Coordination • Settling-in Support • Cross-Cultural Training & Business Adjustment • Ongoing Relocation Support • Financial Disbursement & Expense Management • Asset & Tenancy Management • Departure & Repatriation Asia Pacific Properties focuses on commercial and international real estate, while leads in the Hong Kong residential real estate market by providing transparency, accuracy of listings and exceptional service. For 30+ years, the APP Group has been recognized for client-driven world-class service to global institutions and individuals seeking homes and investments. We look forward to assisting you.

Asian Tigers Mobility (Hong Kong) Limited 17th Floor, 3 Lockhart Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2528 1384 Fax (852) 2529 7443 Email Web Contact Mr. YB Ng, Senior VP Sales and Marketing Relocation Management • Visa & Immigration • Orientation • Moving Services • Home Finding • Settling-In • Tenancy Management • Training Programs • Departure Services Established in 1974, with 30 offices in 14 countries and territories; more than 1,500 full time dedicated, professional staff, we are an innovative partner dedicated to your success.







Suppliers for Moving to Hong Kong

Crown Relocations

Lloyden Consultancy Limited

Crown Worldwide Building 9-11 Yuen On Street, Siu Lek Yuen Shatin, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2636 8388 Email Web Contact Billy Wong, Managing Director Greater China

22/F, 88 Lockhart Road Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel (852) 2151 8082 Fax (852) 2151 8084 Email Web

Relocating should be a rewarding experience It’s a chance to see things differently In fifty years CROWN has carefully mastered the art of successful relocations. Backed by an industry-leading quality standard, we are famous for taking extra care in packing and unpacking, shipping and delivery. The respect our teams show for you and your belongings is a hallmark of Crown’s service. We’ll help you to get to know the destination well before you go, show you how to make it easier and more exciting for children, and less stressful for pets. At Crown, we aim to do business in a way that positively impacts the communities in which we live and work. By establishing responsible policies, monitoring our impacts and continuously seeking improvements, we are determined to be an asset in each of our locations. Crown Relocations – Go knowing


Living in Hong Kong

LLOYDEN is managed by a Hong Kong Ex-Immigration Official. We provide all types of Hong Kong in-bound immigration services to different foreign nationals and multinational corporations to assist their relocation to Hong Kong. Our services include applications for: 1. Employment Visa 2. Investment Visa 3. Working Holiday Visa 4. Dependant Visa 5. Mainland Talents and Professionals Scheme 6. Quality Migrant Admission Scheme 7. Training Visa 8. Permanent Residency 9. Appeal and others… Hiring illegal workers is subject to a maximum fine of HK$350,000 and 3 years’ imprisonment. Call us for an initial free consultation, or email to



International Pet Travel Unit 201A, 2nd Floor, Great Wall Factory Building No. 11 Cheung Shun Street Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel (852) 3428 2162 Office Fax (852) 3428 5192 Email Web Contact George Yung, Manager We can provide a range of comprehensive services for your pet: • Provide detailed quotations for exportation and importation door to door. • Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan, will require pet owners for dogs and cats to have a rabies titre test at least 6 months prior to departure. • Agent for Airline Approved (IATA) travel crates.

Rent-A-Mum GPO Box 7301 General Post Office Hong Kong Tel (852) 2523 4868 Fax (852) 2543 1142 Email Web Contact Shirley Robinson, GM Native English speaking child-care service, offering daytime & evening childcare. Ideal for those new to Hong Kong, needing a little extra help during that busy settling-in period. RentA-Mum also provides long-term professional nannies, specialist maternity nurses and temporary live-in care.


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